Fellowship for Psychical Spiritual Studies
The Churches9 Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies March 1972 The Churches’ Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies Temporary Address: 88 Newman Street, London, W1P 3LD (01-636 3469) Founder—Lt.-Col. Reginald M. Lester, f.j.i. President—The Worshipful Chancellor The Rev. E. Garth Moore, m.a., j.p. Vice-Presidents—The Bishop of Crediton, Lt.-Col. R. M. Lester, f.j.i. Chairman—Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p. Vice-Chairmen—Dr. Martin Israel, m.b., The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, m.a., hon. c.f. General Secretary—Maurice Frost Patrons: Bishop of London Bishop of California, U.S.A. Rev. Dr. Leslie Weatherhead Bishop of Bradwell Bishop of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Rev. Lord Soper Bishop of Bristol Bishop of Ibadan, Nigeria Rev. Dr. Leslie Newman Bishop of Carlisle Dean of St. Pauls E. J. Allsop, j.p. Bishop of Chester Rt. Rev. Dr. G. A. Chase George H. R. Rogers, c.b.e., m.p. Bishop of Chichester The Rt. Rev. Gordon Savage Dr. R. Crookall Bishop of Colchester Very Rev. Dr. W. R. Matthews Countess of Lichfield Bishop of Exeter Ven. E. F. Carpenter Beverley Nichols, Esq. Bishop of Hereford (of Westminster Abbey) Dr. Raynor Johnson Bishop of Portsmouth Very Rev. Lord Macleod Sir Victor Goddard, k.c.b., c.b.e., m.a. Bishop of Southwark Rev. Canon E. T. Davies Sir George Trevelyan, bart., m.a. Bishop of Wakefield Rev. Canon C. F. Harman Lady Kathleen Oldfield Rev. Dr. Maurice Barnett Lady Rowena Traherne And others prominent in the Church, Science and Public Life who have expressed their sympathy with the general purposes of the Fellowship, as set out in the prospectus, without thereby necessarily endorsing all the individual views put forth in this Review or at local meetings of the Fellowship.
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