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PARISH OF DEVERILLS AND HORNINGSHAM Churches SS Peter & Paul the Apostles Longbridge Deverill PARISH NEWS St Michael the Archangel Brixton Deverill St Mary the Virgin Kingston Deverill The Deverills & Crockerton St John the Baptist Horningsham Rector Rev Norma Payne, 6 Homefields, Longbridge Deverill 841321 Clergy Rev Diana Britten, 69 Lane End, Corsley 01373 832515 Licensed Lay Ministers Mr John Budgen 218203 Col Robin Chappell 212153 Churchwardens Dr Guy Ratcliffe (Longbridge Deverill) 840405 Mr Tim Young (Longbridge Deverill) 840477 Mrs Mary Stewart Cox (Brixton Deverill) 840877 Mr Bill Knowles (Kingston Deverill) 844476 Mr Robert Shuler (Kingston Deverill) 844291

Mr Tim Moore (Horningsham) 844336

PCC Treasurer Mr David Stratton 844549 PCC Secretary Mr Nigel Poole 840902 Church Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Lynn Bowtell 841138 Parish News Editor Mrs Judy Munro 844385 Organist Mr John Budgen 218203 Crockerton School Bell Tower Captain - Longbridge Mr Richard Munro 844385 by Pat Armstrong Caretaker - Longbridge Church Mrs Sylvia Titt 214825

Contact the Editor and the Website Parish News Editor: Judy Munro 01985 844385 September 2011 Contributions for the Parish News through my letterbox or by post to Whitepits Lodge, Kingston Deverill, Warminster, BA12 7HD or by Email: [email protected] Thank you Please remember the deadline is the 15th of every month Look inside for local information

Website: www.deverills.org.uk Email address: [email protected] Website manager: Kate Wilkinson 01985 844998 - 2 - - 15 -

F O R T H C O M I N G E V E N T S Flea Market (Anything goes!)  Scottish DancingMonday Evenings Aline Fry (841054) Raffle  Wednesday 7th September at Longmead, Brixton Bell Ringing at Longbridge Wednesdays 7.30 pm Richard Munro (844385) From 11.00 am - 2.00 pm  Hearing Loss Lip-reading Wednesdays Margaret Head (213259) £10 a table - to book contact Mary 840877  Thursday Group Thursdays 10.00 - 11.30 am See p14 Entrance £3 includes cup of coffee or glass of wine  Deverill Chamber Choir Fridays Claire Johnson (01963 33592 or 07967 609520) Profits to the Deverill Valley Churches  Thursday Group starts Thursday 1st September See p7

CROCKERTON VILLAGE COMMITTEE  Rounders Evening Friday 2nd September See p6 Cycle Ride  Ivy House Quiet Garden Day Monday 5th September See p9 Friday 9th September at 6.00 pm  Longbridge & Crockerton Parish Council meeting 7.30 pm Monday 5th Sept p11/14 Please join fellow villagers for a fun September evening cycle ride  Prayer Group Tuesday 6th September See p8 Meeting and Finishing at the Bath Arms, all ages/abilities welcome  Flea Market Wednesday 7th September See p2 NB: Due to the success of the street party we are hoping to  Cast on Club Wednesday 7th September See p7 repeat this for the Queen’s Jubilee – Sunday 4th June 2012  Bell Ringers AGM Wednesday 7th September See p5 advance notice to keep this date free! If you would like to join our Committee please ring Marion 213739  Crockerton Cycle Ride Friday 9th September See p2  Ride and Stride Saturday 10th September See p3 Salisbury Theatre Club Trip  Deverills Cricket Club Sunday 11th September See p7 Monday 19th September  WI Meeting ‘Woodland Trust’Monday 12th September See p7 Way Upstream by Alan Ayckbourn  Panto Meeting Tuesday 13th September See p5 Monday 24th October Persuasion by Jane Austen  Wylye Valley Club ‘Sallying Forth’ on Tuesday 13th September See p14

Monday 20th February 2012  Ivy House Quiet House Day on Wednesday 14th September See p9 Design for Living by Noel Coward  Consultation Monday 19th September See p4 Cost: £19.00 (theatre seat £14.00, coach £5.00) Please book early to ensure tickets, payment in advance, the theatre insist on payment 4 weeks in advance  Theatre Club Monday 19th September See p2 of the performance for groups so a booking must be followed closely by a  Cast on Club Wednesday 21st September See p7 cheque to me please, Mary Stewart Cox (tel 840877) at Longmead, Brixton Deverill, Warminster BA12 7EJ  Save the Children Cream Teas Sunday 25th September See p 7 Coach leaves Kingston Church 6.10 pm and collects through the Deverills  Upper Deverills Parish Council meeting 6.30 pm Wednesday 28th Sept See p14 Performances begin at 7.30 pm  MacMillan Coffee Morning Friday 30th September See p6  Simon Martyn talk -Wildlife in Wild Places Friday 30th September See P6

 Longbridge Deverill Hall Harvest Supper Saturday 8th October  Upper Deverills Hall Harvest Supper Saturday 15th October  Amata Musica Sunday 23rd October  Theatre Club Monday 24th October  Upper Deverills Quiz Night Friday 11th November  Remembrance Sunday Curry Lunch Sunday 13th November  The Rob Walker Jazz Band Saturday 19th November  Eddie Mirzoeff evening Friday 2nd December  Village Carol Service Sunday 18th December  Theatre Club Monday 20th February 2012 - 14 - - 3 - The Rector writes:

LOCAL COUNCILS, SOCIETIES, GROUPS etc. The month of August is often referred to as ‘the silly season’, due in part at least Longbridge Deverill and Crockerton Parish Council to the shortage of gripping news and the resulting search for stories however bi- Karen Manfield 215285 (Chair) Peter Whithey 841111 (Vice Chair) zarre. Not this year! August 2011 will be remembered for a long time to come for Helen Few 840119 (Clerk) Thomas Minter 216909 the dreadful and significant events in major cities of our land. Bill Hurd 840023 Elaine Pidgeon 212878 What do we make of what happened during the riots? There has been much talk Julian Algar 840816 Graham Read 840296 of bad behaviour, society having no moral compass, sentencing, engaging with

Brian Marshall 214789 communities and how to ensure this doesn’t happen again. No doubt we will have Upper Deverills Parish Council our own points of view about many of these issues. Louise Stratton 844105(Chair) Ranald Blue 841374 In the face of such events, it is frighteningly easy to think totally negatively about Sarah Jeffries 213436 (Clerk) Robin Greenwood 840743 everything. I overheard such a comment, spoken to anyone who would listen. ‘Our

Wiltshire Councillor Fleur de Rhé Philipe 213193 country is in melt-down!’ were the words that cut the air. If we agree, then perhaps this is the wake-up call. Do something about it! Wiltshire Council 0300 456 0100 However, it’s hard to know what to do. Solutions are not obvious. The challenges Longbridge Deverill Village Hall Committee of rural and urban living have common threads no doubt, but day-to-day life is very Pat Wood 840535 (Chair) Julie Read 840655 (Secretary) Sylvia Titt 214825 (Caretaker) different in city, town and country. Just the beauty of our surroundings can make a

Upper Deverills Village Hall positive difference. Richard Cousens 844970 (Chair) Actually, when we stop to think seriously about the issues we face, there are Mandy Martyn 844320 (Secretary) John Lea 844325 (Hall bookings) many positive things which must not be overlooked. Generosity and neighbourli- ness goes on all the time. People do look out for one another. Support for the elder- Crockerton Millennium Committee ly and infirm, the sick and bereaved happens in our communities. We might have to Marion Thomas 213739 (Chair) watch the pennies rather more now than previously, but we rarely have to go with- Pre-School Children and Parents ‘Thursday Group’ out. People give of their time and their talents in support of the things they hold Sylvia Titt 214825 Pat Wood 840535 dear. For the present, perhaps all we can do is to pray for those who Deverill Valley & Crockerton W I make decisions which affect us all, for the victims of violence and Ruth Sutton (President) Julie Wallder 213142 (Secretary) for the perpetrators. Sir James Thynne Almshouse Norma Payne Mrs Sue Jackson 840322 (Steward) If you know of someone who needs the assistance of the Foodbank you may

Deverills Cricket Club wish to tell them that many agencies in Warminster hold vouchers which they can Ed Read 840655 (Captain) Jamie Fagan 844123 (Secretary) give to clients to exchange for food. The vouchers are held by health and social care workers, housing societies, churches, children’s centres, schools, Citizens’ Advice Wylye Valley Tennis Club Colin Singer 213696 SATURDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER Wylye Valley Flower Club PLEASE SUPPORT Mrs Hazel Yate 215617 (President) Mrs S Scott 216584 (Programme Secretary) THE WILTSHIRE Wiltshire Wildlife Trust HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST Elm Tree Court, Long Street, Devizes SN10 1NJ www.wiltshirewildlife.org TO TAKE PART OR TO SPONSOR Rural Community Beat Manager - Police Community Support Officers PLEASE CONTACT PC Vicky Pegrum - PCSOs Caroline Wright - 0845 408 7000

Hospital Transport Link Scheme 211655 and other support workers and charities. The Foodbank, at Regency Arcade, 16-18 - 4 - Nature Notes - 13 - The Diocese of Salisbury It has been feeling more like September than August; quite autumnal. The Consultation over only thing missing is the mist. We have mellow fruitfulness, the apple tree be- The Dean of Salisbury, the Very Reverend June Osborne, is hind the house has produced much fruit, it is small and fallen and rotting on the chairing an Advisory Group responsible for a wide-ranging con- ground attracting the blackbirds. July seemed to disappear very quickly. Most of sultation across the Diocese of Salisbury: their aim is to pro- the birds have finished breeding and are moulting; the garden is festooned with vide a report to the , the Right Revd Nick Hol- feathers and the water baths are in great demand. I try and change the water tham, which will help him decide whether there should be a new Bishop of regularly, finding lots of discarded feathers floating in the water. During their Ramsbury. There have been bishops of Ramsbury since 1974 who, alongside moult birds are more vulnerable and tend to become very secretive, disappear- the bishops of Sherborne, have assisted the Bishop of Salisbury in his ministry. ing from view. I had not seen a robin for several weeks until the last few days, The last Bishop of Ramsbury, Stephen Conway, left in December 2010 to be- and today I spotted a wren for the first time in a while. The tree sparrows in the come . Under a new nationally agreed Church of England process, Scots pine box finally fledged around about the 22nd of July, the apple tree box when a suffragan or area See becomes vacant a diocesan bishop must first con- fledging at the same time with their third and last brood. Now I am just seeing sult his own Diocese before making a decision to reappoint. But if he does wish the odd tree sparrow in the garden; once they have bred they tend to go off into to proceed he must now make an application to the national Dioceses Com- the countryside. House sparrow numbers in the garden are reduced and instead mission. The process seeks to assess the roles of the Archdeacons in the Dio- we have starlings; several families visiting the feeders and enjoying communal cese as well as the suffragan bishops of Ramsbury and Sherborne. This is espe- baths. You know when they are about by the noise and mess! I recently watched cially appropriate in the light of the recent announcement that the Arch- a nuthatch taking sunflower hearts away and storing them under the bark of the deacon of Wilts is to leave the Diocese in December to become acacia tree for the winter, it too thinks it feels like September! The sparrowhawk Bishop of Bradwell. Consultees will include community and council leaders, pol- has been making regular visits to the garden taking young starlings and black- iticians, businesspeople, the health, education, emergency and armed services, birds. The other day I heard the alarm calls of the swallows and house martins, and representatives from the voluntary sector. you can almost hear them shouting “sparrowhawk! sparrowhawk!” I looked up There will be five consultations for licensed ministers and laity in September to see the hawk fly at right angles to me with its talons outstretched, I ran to the throughout the Diocese, to which all are welcome. The nearest to this parish is bird feeders but all was very quiet, it always is after a hawk visit. We have also on Monday 19th September 4.00 – 5.30pm at the Diocesan Education Centre, had a hobby visiting attracted by the good numbers of house martins and swal- Devizes Road, Salisbury, SP2 9LY. Please telephone 01380 729808 to inform the lows. One day I saw it close by, it changed direction overhead when it saw me Ramsbury Office of attendance to assist with seating and catering. Please ask and I heard the amazing sounding ‘whoosh’ from air turbulence over its wings as about access at the Diocesan Education Centre. Further details about how to it flew past. A squirrel visited the garden recently too, possibly a young one look- find the venues for the consultations can be downloaded from the website at ing for a new territory. The wire of the peanut feeder was nibbled through, coin- www.salisbury.anglican.org cidence or not? Early one morning when I came downstairs to make the tea, I heard a loud tapping sound. I thought it was coming from the workshop at first Questions will include: and then realised it was a young songthrush smashing open a snail on the con- • How do you encounter bishops and archdeacons? crete slabs under the bird feeders. It was very persistent and finally got its re- • In what way does a bishop or archdeacon add to the life of Wiltshire and ward; I found the empty shell later. Dorset, and to national life? We have had several walks in Southleigh Woods and around Shearwater and • What more might you want from them? seen silver-washed fritillary butterflies - gorgeous. On the 2nd August, a lovely • Should a Bishop of Ramsbury be appointed? sunny day, when walking along Cannimore Lane I saw common blues, speckled The Diocesan Secretary, Mrs Lucinda Herklots, will welcome written re- woods, peacocks, commas, red admirals and more silver-washed fritillaries, but sponses by letter to Church House, Crane Street, Salisbury SP1 2QB or email by these good butterfly days have been few this year. I’ve only seen one painted 29th September to [email protected] lady, and when I did the Big Butterfly Count I was very disappointed with Dean Osborne said: “This consultation aims to give both the Diocesan and the number I saw, just 9, and that was standing in amongst several bud- civic communities a full opportunity to express its hopes about the future of the dleia bushes. When walking through Southleigh Woods we just managed ministry of bishops and archdeacons in this diocese. This work is of great im- to glimpse a young fawn standing deep in the wood well camouflaged in the dapple shade. Seconds later we realised that the doe was standing nearby. Where have you been? - 12 - - 5 - The Beckford Arms, Fonthill Gifford My Birthday Visit to Buckingham Palace 01747 870385; www.beckfordarms.com I would like to thank Janet Budgen for arranging my day out to Buck- As some of you may know, The Beckford Arms is open again. It ingham Palace. Pat Woods, Julie Wallder, Janet and myself got the train re-opened on 18th July, a year to the day since the fire which to Waterloo at 9.30 am and we were going past Big Ben as it struck caused so much damage. It has been fully restored to its former glory with subtle 12.00 o'clock, mid-day. We arrived at the Palace just as the soldiers sage and grey Farrow and Ball-esque shades, helping to create a light and were marching off after changing the Guard. We then went on to the peaceful atmosphere. After several days of entertaining, and being entertained Queen's Gallery and the Mews, where we saw all the wonderful carriag- by, family members and clearing up after their departure, we thought we need- es, including the ‘Golden State Coach’. Then the highlight of the trip, ed to give ourselves a treat. However a Sunday evening is not usually the ideal the visit to the actual Palace where we saw the Queen's Faberge Collec- evening to go out for a meal but having no food left and no energy to prepare tion, Kate's Wedding Dress, her shoes, ear-rings, tiara, bouquet and cake. The anything we decided to go out anyway. We are so glad that we did. Although it dress was absolutely beautiful. The rooms, paintings and furniture in the Pal- was a Sunday evening there were quite a few people in the Beckford Arms, in ace are exquisite. We finished the tour with a Cream Tea in the garden. We the bar, the restaurant and the garden. Also in the sitting room, people were then travelled back to Waterloo in a ‘London black cab’ for the train home, gathering for the Sunday evening film. We opted to eat in the bar so that we after an absolutely wonderful day. Thank you all, once again, for my lovely could choose from either the bar or restaurant menu. I had excellent fish and 80th Birthday celebrations which I shall never forget. chips from the bar menu whilst my husband opted for steak from the restaurant Sylvia Titt menu. We both found our meals delicious and we were well served by a young Bell Ringers and attentive staff. The pub became busier and busier with people coming in to The Annual General Meeting will be held in Longbridge Deverill have a drink before a meal or to recharge glasses during the film interval but it Church on Wednesday 7th September at 6.30 pm. Non-ringers all didn’t get too noisy and we liked the feeling of bustle around us when we had very welcome. Afterwards the band will retire to the Tower to show expected a fairly empty pub. We found the choice of wine by the glass and the what we have achieved. We are always after new people – especial- quality of it very good; I enjoyed a citrusy Sauvignon Blanc whilst my husband’s ly novices – so please come and see what we get up to and have a mellow Argentinean Malbec was very pleasing. This is an attractive pub with go yourself. For more details contact Richard Munro 844385. some excellent food and varied age range of clientele. I would certainly recom- mend it. Calling all thespians! If you have somewhere you would like to recommend or comments to pass Let’s put on a pantomime in January: Alice in Deverill-land! We on, please send them with suggestions to me by email at far- need ideas, show-offs and technical people. Plenty of those in the [email protected] or through my letter box at Farthings, Kingston Dever- valley! Interested? Come along to Kingston Village Hall at 7.30 pm ill. on Tuesday 13th September to share ideas over drinks and nib- Trish Shuler bles. If you can’t make that time, do let me know if you would like to take part or lend a hand by contacting me, Richard Munro, on Crème Brulee Sponsored by Maiden Bradley Community Shop 844385 or by email [email protected] (844206) Ingredients If you want to get ahead get a Hat 1pt/600 ml Fresh Double Cream; 4 Egg Yolks; 3oz/75g Caster Sugar In October we are holding a Hatfest! This means we are 1 tspn/5ml Vanilla Essence; Fresh Raspberries or Strawberries going to sell as many nearly new hats, scarves and gloves as Method we can in aid of the Langalanga Scholarship fund. This char- Put the cream into the top of a double boiler or in a heatproof bowl over a ity supports the bright but very needy children in the Rift pan of hot water and bring to just below boiling point. Meanwhile put the egg Valley, Kenya. If you have any that you would like to donate yolks, 2oz/50g of caster sugar and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl and beat to this excellent cause then please contact Maggi Ratcliffe 840403 to arrange thoroughly. Pour in the cream and stir to combine. Pour the mixture into a for collection. shallow baking dish and place in a roasting tin half full of hot water. Bake in a cool oven (150C/300F/Gas mk 2) for 1 hour or until set. When set remove from - 6 - - 11 - Upper Deverills Village Hall Longbridge Deverill and Crockerton Parish Council Rounders Evening - Friday 2nd September Community Emergency Plan The Rounders evening that had to postponed in June due to The Parish Council are in the process of producing a rain is now rescheduled for 2nd September at 6.30pm. There will Community Emergency Plan for the villages of Longbridge be the usual barbecue and barrel of beer. We look forward to see- Deverill, Hill Deverill and Crockerton. Should there be a major ing you for this very popular event. flood or other incident in our area, the plan will be used to as- Forthcoming events sist the main emergency services with any local resources or skills available. We are especially looking for people with medical skills, (doctors /nurses/first aid- Simon Martyn Wild Life in Wild Places 7.30 pm on Friday 30th September ers/) and Firefighters, Policemen, etc. who live in the villages to include in the Snacks provided please bring your own wine. information. We also need to include villagers with resources such as tractors, 4 Harvest Supper 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm on Saturday 15th October wheel drive vehicles, generators, chainsaws etc. If there are any licensed radio Tickets from Richard Cousens 844970 amateurs living locally it would be helpful to know. If you feel that you could Remembrance Sunday Curry Lunch 12.00 noon on Sunday 13th November help and would be willing to have your name and landline number on the Tickets from Richard Cousens 844970 Emergency Plan, please advise the Parish Clerk, Mrs Helen Few, on 840119 or Eddie Mirzoff Evening 7.30 pm on Friday 2nd December [email protected]. Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated. Our next meeting at Longbridge Deverill Village Hall is on Monday 5th MacMillan Cancer Support September at 7.30 and is, as usual, open to the public. World’s Biggest Coffee Morning Bus to Salisbury Is everyone aware that there is a bus service from Longbridge Friday 30th September 10.00 am – 12.30 pm Deverill to Salisbury every Tuesday? It picks up at Londi's Gar- At Uppington House, 29 The Marsh, Longbridge age at 9.45 am and departs Salisbury again at 1.45 pm, giving Please come and support us, you will receive a warm welcome passengers about 4 hours for shopping, sightseeing etc. The bus Tea and Coffee will be served is usually able to park very centrally, in front of Marks & Spencer Bring & Buy Cakes/Produce stalls, Raffle and other attractions - very convenient for shops and market - so that shopping can be put onto the Donations gratefully received bus which means not struggling around with heavy bags! It is great not having to Further information from Dianna Abbott 840763 cope with Salisbury traffic, parking or the problem of carrying purchases around and then having to get them back to Park & Ride. With cuts to services looming, it would be a pity to lose this one just because residents are not aware of what is really a most convenient way to visit our nearest com- AMATA MUSICA prehensive shopping centre. By Popular request Ann Jones Musical Evening with Wine and Cheese Have a Jamie Oliver At Home Party and earn points to Wide variety of music with loads of jokes! buy some great products, just get in touch with Julie Maiden Bradley Village Hall Hurd on 07542 124397 or 840138 or email Sunday 23rd October 7.30 pm [email protected] Tickets £12.50 from: Puppies Martin Gatt, Old Post Office Kingston Deverill (844787) or Beautiful Flat Coated Retrievers for sale. Two liver boys, two liver girls Maiden Bradley Shop (end of September) or on the door and two black girls. KC registered. Both parents hip and eye scored. Will be vaccinated, wormed and micro-chipped. Ready end of September. For any enquiries please telephone Caroline on 845335 (evenings). Snacks provided please bring your own wine. - 10 - - 7 - Wiltshire Council Longbridge Deverill Hall The Committee would like to say, once again, a big ‘Thank you’ to the Long- Working together to recycle better bridge Deverill History Group for their most generous donation of £500 towards Residents in Wiltshire will have recently received the purchase of some new chairs for the village hall, which were sorely needed. information through the door about the new We hope these will be more comfortable! This follows the wonderful cooker waste and recycling collection service, which is being they donated to us last year. Thank you again for your support to the hall and to rolled out across the county from October 2011 people who raised funds by purchasing the fascinating book - Longbridge through to Spring 2012. Here in the west of the county we will receive a new Deverill Parish Memories; copies still available from Jimmy White fortnightly kerbside recycling collection of plastic bottles and cardboard. 840419. Each household will receive a collection calendar and instructional leaflet NB The Harvest Supper will be on Saturday 8th October through the post explaining the service in more detail shortly before the blue lidded bins for plastic bottles and cardboard are delivered. Your blue lidded Thursday Group bin will be delivered between 3rd October and 28th October. For those Mother and Toddlers will restart on Thursday 1st September, from residents who have a bag collection at the moment, you will receive two new re 10.00 - 11.30 am, at Longbridge Deverill Village Hall, after their sum- -useable bags for this service, instead of a bin. Please note plastic bottles and mer break. Some of the older children have left us to go on to their cardboard can be mixed in the bags. Please be aware that there may be chang- new school and we wish them well. The group is for children under 5 es to the day and/or week that your household waste and garden waste are years. Parents, grandparents or anyone looking after children are very collected. You will be notified by post if your day and/or week are changing. If welcome to come along at any time. For more information please contact Syl- you have not received your blue lidded bin or re-usable bags by 31st October via Titt 214825. 2011 please contact us on 0300 456 0102 or email wasteandre- Cast on Club [email protected] The club will meet on Wednesdays 7th and 21st September from Have you registered your septic tank yet? 2.00 - 4.00 pm at Mary Royall’s home, Churchside, 3 Hindon Road, If your home has a septic tank or a package sewage treat- Monkton Deverill. For directions please get in touch with her on ment plant, then under regulations that came in last year you 844038. Come and join us, bring needles, wool and a pattern of something you need to register the system with the Environment Agency (EA) would like to make. We look forward to seeing you. or have an environmental permit by January 2012. If properly managed, most The Deverills Cricket Club of these systems do not cause problems, but if they are poorly designed, in- Home matches take place on the cricket ground next to the Upper stalled or managed, the discharge from them can damage the environment. Deverills Village Hall starting at 2.00/2.30 pm, please come along to Domestic wastewater can contain substances that are potentially harmful to watch and support us at our last home fixture on 11th September. human health and the environment. If you use the internet go to If you would like to join the club and require information please call me.

Jamie Fagan 844123 / 07796 698180 The Friends of H, K & T Churches Deverill Valley & Crockerton Women's Institute An Evening of Traditional Jazz & Supper Our meeting this month will be on Monday 12th September at 7.30 With THE ROB WALKER BAND pm in Longbridge Deverill Village Hall when Richard Slingsby from the Saturday 19th November 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm Woodland Trust will speak and answer questions on the British Wood- Codford Village Hall land. This will be followed by tea, biscuits and a raffle. If you would like to know more about the WI in the Deverill Valley please contact Julie Wallder on Tickets: £18 single or £35 double - from The Friends, 213142. You are welcome to join our meeting. 74 High Street Heytesbury, Warminster BA12 OED 840258 Save the Children Cream Teas & Open Garden The last event this year will be held at Mill Farm, Hill Deverill on Sun- www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/118753.aspx where you will day 25th September from 3.00 - 6.00 pm. There will be cakes and plants and other interesting items for sale. Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the barn or garden.


Sunday Trinity 11 Sunday Trinity 11 4th September Brixton 8.00 am Holy Communion 1662 4th September Corsley 9.30 am Holy Communion Longbridge 10.30 am Morning Worship Sunday Trinity 12 Horningsham 6.00 pm Evensong 11th September Chapmanslade 9.30 am Holy Communion Sunday Trinity 12 Temple 11.00 am Morning Prayer 11th September Kingston 10.30 am Holy Communion Sunday Trinity 13 Horningsham 11.15 am Holy Communion 18th September Chapmanslade 9.00 am Holy Communion Sunday Trinity 13 Sunday Trinity 14 18th September Longbridge 8.00 am Holy Communion 1662 25th September Temple 9.00 am Holy Communion 1662 Brixton 10.30 am Holy Communion Corsley 10.30 am Parish Service Horningsham 2.30 pm Baptism Sunday Trinity 15 Sunday Trinity 14 2nd October Corsley 9.30 am Holy Communion 25th September Longbridge 10.30 am Holy Communion

Horningsham 11.15 am Morning Prayer The Deverills & Horningsham Register Kingston 6.00 pm Evensong Marriage Sunday Trinity 15 Saturday 6th August at Horningsham Paul Young and Lily Donagh 2nd October Kingston 8.00 am Holy Communion 1662 Baptisms Longbridge 10.30 am Harvest Festival Saturday 20th August at Longbridge Joshua Lee & Benjamin Stephen Wodtke Horningsham 5.30 pm Harvest Service & Auction Sunday 28th August at Brixton Isla Grace Huntley

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Longbridge 8.30 am Prayers Funerals Tuesday 2nd August at Longbridge Donald Graham Carlile Wednesday Longbridge 10.15 am Holy Communion Friday 26th August at Salisbury Crematorium Albert Lee Parish Prayer Group Tuesday 6th September7.00 pm to 8.00 pm at Mary Royall’s house, Churchside, 3 Hin- IVY HOUSE - ST DENYS RETREAT CENTRE Church Cleaners for September don Monday 5th September - Garden Quiet Day Kingston - Judy Munro & Sarah Fagan Road, Wednesday 14th September Brixton - Penny Marsh House Quiet Day - Ven John Wraw Longbridge - Monday 5th September 9.30 - 10.30 am - all helpers please For bookings & information please ring 214824

Church Flower Arrangers for September

Kingston Brixton Longbridge Contact the Clergy

4th Sept Mrs Wiltshire Lady Walker Mrs Titt Norma Payne (841321) or Di Britten (01373 832515) if housebound and would 11th Sept Mrs Wiltshire Mrs Mcdonald Mrs Abbott like communion or a visit at home; if someone is ill and needs our prayers; 18th Sept Mrs Stratton Mrs Mcdonald Mrs Abbott to discuss any church matter. Office: 215460/[email protected]

Monkton Deverill, (844038). Please come along an join us.