CHURCHES’ for PSYCHICAL and SPIRITUAL STUDIES QUARTERLY REVIEW No. 64 JUNE. 1970 Contents include: page Stepping Stone or Shrine? by The Rev. Bertram Woods 4 Jesus in Relation to Survival by Cyril Harrison . 5 There Is No Death by Rex Thorne................................................. 6 Living Radar by A. W. Rossiter.................................................7 Euthanasia by Dr. Robert Crookall. .... 8 The Rosenheim Case by Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins . 11 My Heaven or Theirs?by Dudley Alexander ... 12 Self-Knowledge by E. Joy Wragg............................................... 13 A Faith for Today by Herbert Taylor .... 23 Members’ Psychic Experiences............................................... 12 Readers’ Forum.............................................................................16 Book Reviews............................................................................ 21 CANADA & U.S.A. 30 cents TWO SHILLINGS SOUTH AFRICA 25 cents The Churches’ Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies Headquarters: 5/6 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.l (01-834 4329) Founder—Lt.-Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I. President—The Worshipful Chancellor The Rev. E. Garth Moore, M.A., J.P. Vice-President—The Bishop of Southwark Chairman—Lt.-Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I. Vice-Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, M.A., Hon. C.F. General Secretary—Percy E. Corbett, Esq. Assistant Secretary: Maurice Frost, Esq. Hon. Religious Adviser—Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Hon. Advertisement Manager—Major Ronald Newton f Patrons: Bishop of London Bishop of Wakefield Rev. Canon C. F. Harman Bishop of Bradwell Bishop of Worcester Rev. Dr. Maurice Barnett Bishop of Bristol Bishop of California, U.S.A. Rev. Dr. Leslie Weatherhead Bishop of Carlisle Bishop of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Rev. Lord Soper Bishop of Chester Bishop of Ibadan, Nigeria Rev. Dr. Leslie Newman Bishop of Chichester Dean of St. Pauls E J At t cnv I P Bishop of Colchester Rt. Rev. Dr. G. A. Chase George H. R. Rogers’, C.B.E., M.P. Bishop of Crediton The Rt. Rev. Gordon Savage Dr. R. Crookall Bishop of Exeter Very Rev. Dr. W. R. Matthews Countess of Lichfield ishop of ereford B H Ven. E. F. Carpenter Beverley Nichols, Esq. ishop of xford B O (of Westminster Abbey) Dr Raynor Johnson ishop of ortsmouth B P Very Rev. Lord Macleod Sir George Trevelyan, Bart., M.A. ishop of hetford B T _____________Rev. Canon E. ____T. Davies Lady Trehearne And others prominent in the Church, Science and Public Life who have expressed their sympathy with the general purposes of the Fellowshio as set out in the prospectus, without thereby necessarily endorsing all the individual views put forth in this Review or at loSSmeelings oftheFriiowship Members of Council— Chairman—Lt. Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I.; Vice-Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce- Higgins, M.A., C.F.; E. J. Allsop, Esq., J.P.; Mr. J. E. Atterbury; The Rev. A. Barham, B D • Miss M. Brice-Smith; The Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.; Mr. P. Corbett; Robert Crookall, D.Sc.,Ph.D.; The Rev.B.H.Davies; Mrs. Helen Greaves; The Rev. Richard Hatt • The Rev.CanonC.F. Harman; The Rev. Chas. Harrington; MissP. Harrold; Major E. G Lang* Mrs R. M. Lester; The Rev. J. Macdonald, M.A., Ph.D., B.D., S.T.M.; The Rev. H. Martin M A ' B.D.; Mr. Malcolm Myers; Mr. P. N. Pearson; The Rev. A. E. Reynolds; The Rev. J s’ Smith M.A.; Mr. G. Stoneman; Mrs. C. Toyne; Mrs. G. Vivian, B.A.; The Rev. G. S. Whitby M.A.’ B.A., B.D.; The Rev. Bertram Woods Committees— Executive: Chairman—-Lt-Col. Reginald M. Lester Healing Central Advisory: Chairman—Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Hon. Secretary—Mrs. R. M. Lester Hon. Assistant Secretary—Miss H. Tutin Study of Mysticism: Chairman—The Rev. Richard Hall Hon. Secretary—Miss V. Staff ! Study of Psychic Phenomena: ! Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, M.A. I Hon. Secretary—The Rev. Allan Barham, B.D. Scientific Research: Chairman—The Rev. G. S. Whitby, M.A., B.D. Hon. Secretary—Mr. H. V. Bearman \ AIMS AND OBJECTS 7%e aims and objects of the Fellowship are summarised below, but can be read in fuller detail in the official prospectus. .J^eFflfwsh!p'f0U^^ 19r4-:fX%s/°f & study of the wide reaches of theparanormal and extra sensoryperception in their relation to the Christian faith. The field of study includes psychical phenomena, mysticism, creative meditation ^Ss^’ pSychKal lUCludeS such Phenomena •» telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition and There are two classes of membership: Members and Associates. Those eligible for membership must be members oj churches affiliated to the World Council of Churches, the British Council of Churches, the Roman Catholic Church or a Church of the orthodox tradition which believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of the world. Members of other Wl‘h'" ** CategOries are eligible for Associa,e Membership as the Council may from time The Fellowship is entirely dependent for its funds on the generosity of its members. The minimum subscription is 201- per annum, which includes the Quarterly Review free. Those who can subscribe more are asked to do so and Covenants are greatly appreciated. ’ The Fellowship is an ecumenical body of Christians from Churches of various doctrines and traditions, who have in common a desire to advance psychical and spiritual studies by the exchange of ideas and experiences. This Review exists to provide a forum for such exchanges, which do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone except the individual contributor THE CHURCHES’ FELLOWSHIP FOR PSYCHICAL AND SPIRITUAL STUDIES QUARTERLY REVIEW JUNE, 1970 ________________________ _________________ Hon. Editor: Reginald M. Lester, Hon. Asst. Editor—Rev. Edna V. Rowlingson, m.a. Headquarters: 5/6 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.l (01-834 4329) CLERICAL CONFERENCE 10s. (members 8s.); reduced charge for students A conference for ordained ministers, lay readers attending the Saturday evening youth sessions, 5s. and theological students will be held in the Chapter Meals can only be reserved for non-residents if House, Southwark Cathedral on Monday, October notified by noon on the previous day. 12, from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. The morning session will be devoted to ‘Healing’ and will be led by the Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING M.R.C.S., l.r.c.p. The afternoon session will be devoted to ‘Communion and Communication’ and The Annual General Meeting will be held on will be led by the Rev. D. Bretherton. The chair­ Saturday, September 12, at 2.30 p.m. at Canterbury man will be Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, Vice­ Hall, Cartwright Gardens, W.C.I. The agenda Provost of Southwark Cathedral. will be announced in the September Review. If application forms have not been received with Notices of motions or nominations for Officers this Review, they can be obtained from Head and Council should reach the General Secretary Office. A supply of the combined programme and not later than August 28. application forms is also being sent to branches and are available for any member to pass to those who may be interested. DEAN AND CHAPTER OF ST. PAUL’S The fee for the conference (excluding lunch) will We have been notified that a short time ago the be 7s. 6d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul’s included our Churches’ Fellowship in their Sunday morning prayers at Holy Communion. We would like to METROPOLITAN CONFERENCE express our appreciation of this kindly action. As already announced, the Metropolitan Con­ ference will be held this year from Friday (tea-time) to Sunday (lunch-time) on September 11,12 and 13. SPIRITUAL FRONTIERS FELLOWSHIP It will be held at Canterbury Hall, Cartwright SEMINAR Gardens, W.C.l, which is situated just behind St. Pancras Town Hall and is only five minutes Arrangements are now complete for the coming from both King’s Cross and Euston stations. visit of some 60 members of our U.S.A. counter­ The speakers will be: part body, the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, to a Sept. 11—Lt.-Col. R. M. Lester, Dr. Martin week’s seminar in London, from Monday to Isirsiel Friday, July 27 to 31, to be held at Kensington Sept. 12—A. N. Other, Rosemary Brown. Close Hotel. The evening will be specially suited for young There are still a few vacancies for C.F.P.S.S. people. Dr. D. M. A. Leggett, m.a., d.sc. (Vice- members, and those who have not already regis­ Chancellor, Surrey University) will give a challenge tered who wish to attend should apply without to youth by his lecture ‘Has Life a Purpose?’ further delay to our General Secretary at Head­ During the next lecture period two young people quarters, stating if they intend to be present for will give a challenge by youth which will be the whole week (charge 30s. Od.) or for individual followed by discussion. sessions (charge 8s. 0d.), and also if they are Sept. 13—Helen Greaves, the Rev. Dr. K. G. wishing to attend the festive dinner which closes Cuming, M.R.C.S., l.r.c.p. the conference on Friday night (charge £2 5s.). The charge for full accommodation at Canter­ Mark envelopes “S.F.F. Seminar”. bury Hall and all lectures will be £6 10s. Od. and No applications are needed for the Healing applications, together with remittances should be Meditation Service being conducted by Col. and forwarded to Head Office by August 14. Mrs. Lester at St. Luke’s Church, Redcliffe Other charges are: Morning or evening sessions, Square at 6 p.m.
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