Nashauonk MittarkTM © Copyright 2013 December 2013


Chairman’s Column Public Hearings Held December 2 and 3

he Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) T held a public hearing on December 2 in Mashpee and on December 3 in TauntonT to gain feedback on the Draft Envi- ronmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Tribe’s land-in-trust application. The DEIS was approved by the US Department of Inte- rior in October. Tribal Council Chairman Cedric Cromwell saw the hearings as another posi- tive step for the Tribe and an opportunity to hear comments from all sides. Dear Tribal Family, “The hearings are another opportu- nity for people to provide comments about We have much to celebrate during this the tribe’s proposed destination resort casino holiday season! This month, we were a part in Taunton. We are excited at the outpouring of historic BIA hearings that took place in of support from residents throughout South- both Mashpee and Taunton for the Mashpee eastern Massachusetts for Project First Light,” Tribe’s Land Into Trust Draft said Mashpee Wampanoag Chairman Cedric Environmental Impact Study (DEIS). The Cromwell. “Some local officials in neighboring The Draft Environment Review Study DEIS is the most time consuming and communities and officials at the regional plan- is available for review at Tribal Headquarters arduous aspect of the Land Into Trust ning agencies have raised some questions that at 483 Great Neck Road South, at the Mashpee process. we will address. We look forward to doing so Public Library or online at Our Tribe is in a great place with once the public comment period ends and ev- The deadline to submit comments is January Land Into Trust (LIT) process. We have never eryone has been given a chance to be heard.” 17, 2014. been this far along positively in the Land Into Trust process for our people. There have been many long days, very late nights, working around the clock and sacrificing Language Program Marks 20 Years our personal and family lives to keep the progress and forward movement for our The Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Tribal household members from the Assonet people in the spirit of Self Sufficiency, Self (WLRP), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Band, Aquinnah Tribe, Herring Pond Tribe, Determination and Tribal Sovereignty. co-founded by the Aquinnah and Mash- and the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Lan- We are Indian People. We are pee Wampanoag Tribes, held a half-day guage project staffers also work part-time Mashpee Wampanoag People and We are twentieth anniversary celebration Lan- for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Lan- Sovereign! guage Center in Mashpee on Friday, No- guage Department established in 2009 by I give praise to all of the supporters vember 8th. WLRP provides translations, Tribal Council Ordinance. The project has for Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s Land year-round community language classes, served over 500 tribal citizens-including 70 Into Trust successful completion. I am and youth and family language camps for percent from Mashpee-since its inception also praying for the folks internally and in 1993, and elects directors to its board for externally that actively works towards two-year terms to provide budget and plan- defeating Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s ning oversight for the language reclamation Land Into Trust and ultimately set our Tribe efforts that also includes ongoing dictionary, backwards. Let us all pray for them, as we phrasebook, and workbook development. will not let evil prevail. “We had a wonderful turnout among Thank you to all of those who language students, Mashpee Tribal Council attended the hearings. History is in the members, WLRP board members, charter school trustees, Cape media organizations, (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 7)

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DRUM BEAT T RIBE Events Calendar Cheryl Frye-Cromwell Receives New Events National Award heryl Frye-Cromwell, Government January 12 – 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. C Health Liason for the Mashpee General Body Meeting, Wampanoag Tribe, was honored on Mashpee High School NovemberT 18 by the Indian Health Services (IHS), a division of the federal Department February 9 of Health and Human Services, for her Tribal Council Elections “leadership, support and partnership in Mashpee High School support of Direct Service Tribes.” Cheryl received the IHS Director’s March 22 Special Recognition Tribal Leadearship/ Wampanoag Ball, Partnership Award in Washington, DC. The Sea Crest Beach Hotel IHS awards were created to honor those who nationally, Cheryl was elected to the Mashpee partner with IHS and who have demonstrated Wampanoag Tribal Council in 2004 and has Weekly Events extraordinary achievements in public since focused on improving the Tribe’s health health leadership, federal leadership, and services. Since the Mashpee Wampanoag’s Thursdays – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. organizational leadership. Federal Recognition in 2007, she has worked Wamp Support Group, Old Indian “The award reflects my sincere on behalf of the Tribe as the Tribal Liaison Meeting House appreciation to you for your leadership, to the IHS and other federal, state and local support and partnership in support of Direct agencies, with a goal to build the capacity and Monthly – 7:00 p.m. Service Tribes,” Yvette Roubideaux, M.D., resources for health care services for the Tribe. Chiefs Circle, Old Indian Meeting House M.P.H., Acting Director of the federal Indian In 2010, Cheryl was appointed to the Direct It is held the first Tuesday of the month. Health Services. Service Tribe’s Advisory Committee (DSTAC) “I’m very honored to be recognized to represent the Nashville Area Direct Service Monthly – 6:00 p.m. at this level,” said Cheryl. “It shows that I’m Tribes, where she has been elevated to the Public Safety Commission doing what I need to be doing as an elected position of vice-chair and been a strong Madaket Place, A4 Conference Room official for my tribe.” advocate for all initiatives and priorities of the It is held the third Tuesday of the month. A long-time leader both locally and committee. (Continued on page 4) Language Classes

Visit or call Ground Penetrating Radar at OIMH (508) 419-6281 for event details and upcoming language classes. Only days before the annual Native American Day at the Old Indian Meeting House the Tribal Historic Preservation Department was fortunate enough to have ground penetrating radar Announcements (GPR) done on two of the larger clearings in the cemetery. Doria Kutrubes from »» Results of the recent Elders Council the geophysical laboratory in Waltham elections are; Cecelia Tobey Gomes, and Elizabeth Perry from the Aquinnah Hendricks. The goal was to discover President; Wayne Jackson, Vice President; Wampanoag Tribe shared their equipment if any un-marked graves are located Edith Newcomb Rose, Secretary; and in the cleared parts of our cemetery. LaVerne Jackson, Treasurer. Other After two days of scanning the areas Council members include: Steve Helme, east of the building starting at the white Carolyn Turner, Sharon Tobey Kennedy, fence and south near the hand pump, we Cherilyn Peters and Anne Foxx. found perhaps as many as 35 unmarked graves. It’s sad to report that graves were »» Tribal members who would like to be also detected under included on the Tribal “eBlast” messaging the road. The system, please forward your contact actual count of un- information to Councilwoman Trish marked burials and Keliinui at [email protected] or and expertise at no charge to the Tribe for location on a map call her at (774) 316-0305. this service. Doria gave an on-site training will be available »» The Election Committee is looking for of the GPR equipment to members of the to us shortly. More volunteers to assist with the process for Roads and Ground Department Jason scanning of the rest the February 9, 2014 election. Please Steiding, Rick Hendricks, Kevin Hicks, of our cemetery contact the Election Committee by along with Tribal Historic Preservation will be done at January 26th at (774) 238-2129 to sign up. Department Ramona Peters and Marcus another time 2. WAM EE PA P ut Mâ N m8 se H u ep O h e S s e h A A




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DRUM BEAT DRUM BEAT T RIBE New Tribal Administrator Appointed Chairman’s Column (continued) he Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe His most recent T recently hired Dr. James Davis Jr., to work experience is serve as their Tribal Administrator. with Owens Val- making and we are moving forward Dr.T Davis comes to the Mashpee Wampanoag ley Career Devel- together! Tribe with a wealth of education. He is a opment Center of I would also like to point out graduate from the University of Arizona Bishop, California. another significant achievement over at Tucson, where he earned his doctorate In addition, he the past month: Councilwoman Cheryl degree, which specializes in Political Science worked with the Frye-Cromwell received the National and American Indian Studies. In addition, Navajo Nation as a Partnership and Leadership Award from Dr. Davis holds a Master of Arts degree Legislative Advisor Indian Health Services. Cheryl received from Northern Arizona University (NAU) to the Navajo Coun- this award for her leadership and in the areas of Political Science and Public cil and served as a dedication in advancing the Mashpee Administration. His undergraduate degree is political appointee to the Office of the Speaker. Wampanoag Tribe’s Health Care services from NAU, with a major in Political Science His parents are James and Julia Davis of Flag- and delivery. I congratulate Cheryl on and a minor in History. While in school, Dr. staff, Arizona. He is also the grandson of the her hard work and strong leadership to Davis served as a graduate assistant at the late Navajo Nation Council delegate Roger benefit our Tribal nation! University’s Political Science Department, Davis and Grace Davis of Window Rock, Ari- Please enjoy the holiday season was active with Pi Sigma Alpha Honorary, zona. and share and be thankful for all the the National American Indian Honor Society, Dr. Davis has expressed great Creator has blessed us with. Enjoy the and was recipient of the University of Arizona optimism in helping the Mashpee good food, good friends and spend some Channing Scholarship, University of Arizona Wampanoag Tribe continue their path of tribal quality time with family. I will see you all Minority Graduate Fellowship, and nominee development. soon. Happy Holidays! of the University of Arizona Centennial Award. Kutâputunumuw;

Cedric Cromwell, Qaqeemasq Councilwoman Cheryl Frye- (Running Bear) Cromwell, Vice Chairwoman Jessie “little doe” Baird, Secretary Marie Stone, Councilwoman Yvonne Avant, Councilman Charles Foster, Chief Vernon “Silent Drum” Lopez, Chairman Cedric Cromwell, Councilwoman Trish Keliinui and Governor Deval Patrick, seated, at the tribal-state compact signing ceremony at the State House on November 15.

Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship Winner

Please join us in congratulating Tribal Youth one student per year may be honored as a Council member and 2012-13 Mashpee school’s DAR Good Citizen. This student is Wampanoag Powwow Princess Keturah then eligible, if he/she wishes, to enter the Peters, as she has won one of the Daughters DAR Good Citizens scholarship contest. of the American Revolution Scholarships! Program and essay contest materials are Earlier in the school year, Keturah provided to a participating school by a local was chosen by her peers and faculty at DAR chapter. Mashpee High School where she is a senior, DAR Good Citizens who enter to receive the DAR Citizenship award, the scholarship contest are eligible for the which then made her eligible to apply for the awards beyond the chapter level. Each scholarship. state winner receives a monetary award Keturah is the daughter of and a special state DAR Good Citizens pin Kristine Foster and Randy Peters, III and or private secondary schools. United States and certificate. The national winner will be granddaughter of Joanne Frye as well as citizenship is not required. invited to Washington, D.C. to attend DAR Randolph Peters, Jr. The procedure for selecting a Continental Congress and will be awarded The DAR Good Citizens program DAR Good Citizen is for the school faculty a college scholarship. Each of the eight and scholarship contest is intended to and students to select one senior who has national division winners will also receive a encourage and reward the qualities of good demonstrated, to an outstanding degree, the cash award. citizenship. The program is open to all senior qualities of a good citizen: dependability, Nation Building at its Best!! class students enrolled in accredited public service, leadership and patriotism. Only 3. WAM EE PA P ut Mâ N m8 se H u ep O h e S s e h A A




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IN THE NEWS T RIBE National Award (continued) Chairman on MSNBC Cheryl played an instrumental role in implementing health care services for her Tribal Members by opening a Direct Service Tribes Health Clinic in 2011 as well as a Dental Clinic opening in August of 2013. Beginning in 2010, she was appointed to U.S. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’s Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC), the first tribal advisory committee established. In this role she works with other tribal leaders who are charged to advocate and advise the secretary leaders from 10 regions across the country, for of the barriers in healthcare/human services the Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee as indigenous people. Cheryl has recently met (DSTAC) national conference and quarterly with the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Advisory meeting on the topic of Indian Health Services, On Thursday, November 28th Chairman Committee in Washington to initiate a meeting held at the Sea Crest Hotel in Falmouth. Cromwell appeared on the MSNBC among the DSTAC and the TSGAC. In the past five years, network on a nationally televised live Earlier in November, Cheryl and Cheryl has received recognition awards interview to discuss the true meaning the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe hosted IHS from Area Director for Volunteer Service of Thanks Giving to the Mashpee Director Dr. Yvette Roubideaux, and Tribal and the Tribal/Urban Leader Award. Wampanoag. Please visit the link below to view the interview. Vice Chairwoman Comments for BIA watch/national-day-of-mourning-on- thanksgiving-77035587725 Public Hearing

The statement below nut kah Mâseepeeut kah nuwtômâs Mâsee- was an opportunity peeut. Kumôwunutyâmun keehkut8kônât Open Enrollment and quite literally Numeenawutahkeemôwuneâmun. Y8 ah- the last chance before kee n8chee Cape Anne, âhqanee Merrimack he open enrollment period for our initial land into seep8ut un sôwanayuw Graftonut, un T Commonwealth Care members to re- trust taking that our Blackstone Seep8ut, pachee Narragansett apply for coverage has been extended. community will ever p8tapâqut. Wamee y8sh ahkeeash wuchee MembersT who receive coverage prior to re-applying again be in the position napô nees mutunôk katum8ash numusu- will still have to pay their premiums in full and on to directly address nune8ak uwachônumuwôwunash. time. You have until March 31, 2014 to re-apply the BIA regarding the Good Evening Folks, and please and enroll in a plan that starts April 1, 2014. We Land in Trust Process. This process began excuse me for my turned back. My name hope this will give you a better opportunity to during the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. is jessie little doe baird. I am the Vice explore the new plan choices and new ways to The comment period commenced the week of Chairwoman for the Mashpee Wampanoag get help paying for insurance that are available to oral statements and continues for 45 days. This Tribe. I live in both Aquinnah and Mashpee. you through the Health Insurance Marketplace. statement was aimed at dealing with the types My blood and bones come from both of You can learn more about these options by of comments, including written comments, we these places and I am on the Mashpee tribal visiting the Health Insurance Marketplace at received during and after the first Environment roll, as were all of the women that came Impact Statement (EIS) hearings regarding before me. For answers regarding your health land in Mashpee and Taunton in June of 2012. We gather together tonight to insurance coverage please contact Wendy The comments also address our historic tie to discuss lands within the Wampanoag Pocknett or Kimberly Frye in the Tribal Health the land (a requirement) and our treatment of Nation traditional territory. This territory Office at (508) 477-6912. the environment in both Taunton and Mashpee begins at Cape Anne, follows along the (also a requirement). ~ Jessie “little doe” Baird Merrimack River to Grafton, MA then south to Narragansett Bay. All of these lands, for Jessie little doe baird Vice Chairwoman 12,000 years, have my People occupied and Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe cared for. December 1, 2013 Tonight is the second of two days Comments for BIA DEIS hearing in of historic significance for my People. Mashpee, MA and December 2, 2013 in We come to gather comment because the Taunton, MA Bureau of Indian Affairs will place some of Wunee Nuhkan Musunune8ak, our Lands within this territory, in trust. kah nutayushkôyânutam nuqunupeepush- Because the BIA will do this, you qanun Nutus8ees jessie quneeqâees baird. may hear all manner of comments during Neen sôkushq wutâ Mâseepee Wôpanây this gathering. You may hear that we Chupan8ôk. Nutay naneeswee âhqunaha- (Continued on page 5) 4. WAM EE PA P ut Mâ N m8 se H u ep O h e S s e h A A




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IN THE NEWS IN THE NEWS T RIBE Two Open Positions Vice Chairwoman BIA Comments (continued) ought to be treated the same as those who have the larger Pahkanahkut area. Awashonks The Natural Resources Department is no aboriginal claim to this territory, simply in Pocasset and Weetumuw near Sowams. looking to fill two open positions. For because their families arrived to this territory Weetumuw, the wife of King Philip, took her unannounced and have stayed here. You may men into battle while her sister Awashonks, more information, or to express interest, hear from groups of people claiming to be the widow of King Philip’s bother Wamsutta, contact Tribal Administration Executive this Wampanoag tribe and that Wampanoag whose People did not want to go into battle, Assistant, Marita Scott at MScott@ tribe that will only be found referenced in brought her People to neutral territory within, or NRD Director, Quan any modern times since the passage of the the Wampanoag Nation to remain with the Indian Gaming and Regulatory Act. You may Sandwich Indians for the duration of the war. Tobey at [email protected]. hear from the xenophobes, the skinheads, Weetumuw was captured crossing Water Resources Technician to perform the NIMBY’s, the folks who were put off of the Taunton River at Weeshqabut. All of her field and laboratory operation to assist in reservation lands when their leases ended wampum was removed from her body. She and so formed a group to end all Indian rights was stripped naked. She was dragged to implementing the existing surface water and probably every other hate group East of Taunton Green where she was decapitated monitoring programs. This is a full-time the Mississippi with every specious argument by the English and her head was hung there on opportunity for the known to every single tribe that has followed a pike for 20 years. Her husband Metacom’s months of February through December. this process since its inception in 1934. head was placed on a pike in Plymouth. Her You will also hear from the allies of sister Awashonks returned home to Pocasset Office Assistantto provide the Mashpee Wampanoag. You may hear from after this war only to find that her Lands were administrative and clerical support to those who have arrived from Europe occupied given away to Indians from various tribes and ensure the efficient operation of the this land with their families for the past 400 Nations that had fought on the side of the Mashpee Wampanoag Natural Resources years and have done so in a fair and respectful English. way and who wish only justice for my People. Some of her people remained near Department. This is a part time The one thing that I want to make clear, and the Weeshqaput and the rest returned to the opportunity of 20-hours per week. only thing that really matters to us as Mashpee Sandwich Indians. Those Sandwich Indians Wampanoag is this; Through all of the ages, were also known then as the Mashapoag Mashpee has remained and we are still here Indians and the Marshpee Indians, and today. on our Land and that we, the caretakers of this The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. We are a Members Travel to land and will remain so for all time. Assisting People directly tied to both Mashpee and us in placing the Land under our feet there in Taunton, through our blood. The Pocknett Peace Pagoda a protected way, means everything to us. family name bears witness to our People Through the times of peace and being of the larger Pahkunahkut area. We still plenty we were here. Before the time of the remain through all of this. When our children coming of the ships and the English we were were taken away from us and sent to Carlisle here. And when the English came, and all of Indian School in Pennsylvania during the the other Europeans came, we were here and 1930s, we still remained. When the court told we remained here. us in the 1970s that we had become extinct and We remained through the great no longer exist, we still remained and held fast sickness of 1616 that wiped out tens of to our territory. And today when we hunt and thousands in our Wampanoag Nation. When fish and are ticketed and beaten for exercising the came to our territory and its our aboriginal rights, we still remain. passengers occupied our Lands, we remained We, Mashpee, shall remain for all here. When our lands were parceled out ages to come. We will never forsake our among them and between them, we protested territory or our Lands, or our rights. We will that we wanted justice and our Lands and our thrive when all around us fall in our wake because we are created from this ground. We On Sunday, October 6th members of the laws and rights respected and followed. These are this ground. We are the Land and we will Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe traveled petitions fell largely on deaf ears in the 1600s use every tool that we can to grow our Nation. to the Peace Pagoda in Leverett, MA to and yet, we remained. And as long as we keep our responsibility to attend the unveiling of a new monument When our backs were pushed to the Creation to remain on our territory, we shall honoring native people. wall in the face of our lands appropriated and have the protection of Creation as long as Members of the Lady Hawk our children taken into indentured servitude Mashpee Wampanoag breathe. By any means Singers; Tanya Rezendes, Evelyn Fermino, and when we could no longer be left in peace necessary, we will remain on this Land. Joanne Peters and Jodi Newcomb blessed in our homeland here, some of us went to war I now welcome you all here to us with their singing. It was an exciting in 1675 alongside Metacom, our . Wampanoag territory and on behalf of my moment when Dennis Banks, Co-Founder This war is the bloodiest ever to be fought in People, we yield both our ears and our minds of the American Indian Movement, joined North America. Through this war, Mashpee to what others have to say and we look the Lady Hawk Singers. remained while many of our sister tribes fell forward to learning. Others who attended the victim and lost their People and were pushed Unâch ceremony were Marlene Lopez, Anne from their immediate Lands. Foxx, Victoria Oakes, Mother Bear, Jim Two of the Chiefs involved in Peters and Sonia Little. this war were Weetumuw and her sister Awashonks. Both of these Chiefs lived in 5. WAM EE PA P ut Mâ N m8 se H u ep O h e S s e h A A




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DEPARTMENT T RIBE Planning Started for a New Tribal Treatment Center

lanning for the Tribal Treatment Mashpee culture is the guiding principle in P Center has begun. The team has the formation of our treatment mode. We submitted a Tribal Coordinating are seeking Youth ages 18 and older as well CommitteeT Resolution to the Substance Abuse as Elders, community citizens fighting the and Mental Health Service Administration disease of addiction, Medicine Carriers, (SAMHSA). This resolution outlines the and any community member interested tribe’s commitment to the principles and in working earnestly toward the design of process of designing and implementing a this center. Please contact Katie Greene at community treatment center and curriculum. [email protected] express interest to Following the acceptance of the serve. resolution by SAMHSA is our mission statement and supporting vision: Mission: To lift each other up; our Brothers and Sisters and hold each other on high through our journey to sobriety and a clean spirit and mind. This is our mission. Chiefs Circle Supporting Vision: Our mission lives in a sacred vision. The sacred vision lives within and guides each of us, to a place of sacred healing; healing of our trauma and technical assistance and will work with disease through Respect and Love. These the TCC and the Tribal Action Plan Project two…Respect and Love are the energies that Manager. The TAP Manager will guide the made the first Wampanoag man and woman. community through the entire process of These two, Respect and Love make room for opening a healing treatment center from understanding, compassion, forgiveness, treatment modality planning to funding and kindness, and service to self and others. finally facility and staff licensing. Through all of these things, we will provide The Pawôkamuq Treatment Center for each other a traditional, loving place to is seeking participants. We need committed become free of the disease that is unhealthy individuals to assist in the design of our and unclean. center to ensure that we are adhering to The next step will be assignment of the Mashpee principles of Respect and a regional representative that will provide ways of communicating and to ensure that

My Life...My Health

Do you have high blood pressure, heart Dinner will be provided as part disease, depression, arthritis, osteoporosis, of the workshop. For more information or The tribal Chief’s Circle has embraced diabetes, asthma, substance abuse addiction, to reserve a seat, please call the Mashpee Marcus Hendricks (Indian name or any other chronic condition? Wampanoag Health Service Unit at (508) “Nipmuc”) as a new member of Chief Do you have a loved one who has a 477-6967 today. Silent Drum’s circle of advisors. As a chronic condition? member of Chief’s Circle Marcus will Are you interested in learning how assist the Chief in preserving the Mashpee to live a healthier life with less stress, less Wampanoag cultural integrity. He joins pain, and more wellness? members Earl Cash Jr. (Soaring Eagle), If you answered yes to any of these Ramona L. Peters (Nosapocket) Anne questions, you should consider taking My Foxx (Smiling Dove), Mark Lopez (Flying Life...My Health. This is a 6-week workshop Crane), Marlene Lopez (Waantameesqa), developed by Stanford University and put and Patricia Weeden (Cammetah). Each on for tribal members by the Indian Health member of the circle keeps the Chief Service Unit. informed as his eyes and ears among the The workshop will be held on tribal community and lands. The Chief’s Thursday evenings from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 Circle meets on the first Tuesday evening p.m. beginning February 6, 2014 at the 6 PM of each month at the Old Indian Mashpee Wampanoag Health Service Unit Meeting House. Tribal members are located at 483B Great Neck Road, Mashpee, welcome to come to the Circle with their MA. The next workshop starts soon and thoughts, feelings, ideas, or concerns. space is limited!

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DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY T RIBE Language Program Turns 20 (continued)

and folks from throughout New England, said “They are also preparing to be the future Native students anything of significance about Charter Coordinator Jennifer Weston who also teachers in the school so this was a great their Tribal history, culture, and language. We manages the Tribal Language Department staff opportunity for them to talk about their work want the best for our children, and this school of six language apprentices, and language/ and share specific lesson plans for developing is going to put them on a positive track,” she curriculum specialists. student competencies in Wôpanâak and said, reflecting on how far the project has “Our language apprentices work every English literacy and grammar, art, science, come in the twenty years since Aquinnah morning on improving their proficiency math, etc.” Weston said the WLRP board and Wampanoag elder Helen Manning helped her in Wôpanâak, and then spend afternoons charter school trustees have not yet settled on co-found the language reclamation planning researching state and common core curriculum a location for the charter school since they are committee. standards and developing detailed lesson searching for a facility that will accommodate “The Wampanoag communities have made plans for the nine subject areas that will be additional grade levels up to middle school. all this growth possible for our language, taught in the language immersion charter The Tribal Language Center, currently and it’s amazing to see how far we’ve come together. I’m just so grateful,” said Baird. More information about the charter school, language class schedules, and media coverage can be found at WLRP’s website at

Bids Being Accepted for Snow Removal

school we plan to open for Kindergartners and located at 800 Falmouth Rd. in Summerfield first graders in August 2015,” said Weston. Park will be relocating to the new Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Government Center who’s been teaching a weekly class at Boston where more classroom space will be available College where she’s finishing her Ph.D. to for community members early in the New become the charter school’s future principal, The Mashpee Wampanoag Public Year. Currently, the Language Center’s one said she’s excited about offering classes in Works Department, in conjunction with classroom is in use Tuesday through Thursday Mashpee soon, since she’s taken her current Emergency Preparedness, is currently evenings for language classes for elders group of students in Boston through most of soliciting bids for snow removal services and different levels of language abilities. the available language grammar workbooks for the 2013-2014 seasons. The job entails Tracy Kelley, Language Specialist and future over the past several years. “I want to offer plowing and shoveling for approximately immersion schoolteacher has been offering an some advanced classes in Mashpee for those fifty elder Tribal Members in Mashpee, elders-only language class for the first time students who’ve been working their way Falmouth and Sandwich. Responsibilities this fall, and enjoyed talking to community through the beginner, noun possession, include: plowing driveways, de-icing, members about her efforts to write curriculum transitive inanimate, and other intermediate and shoveling steps, walkways and and reach more community members. “This is classes while I’ve been teaching in Boston,” mailboxes. For more information, please the first time we’ve offered a class for a single she said. Hicks also teaches a weekly grammar contact Jason Steiding at jsteiding@ age group since most of our classes have been class to the project’s language apprentices,, or (508) 477-0208 ext 204. aimed at families, but we really wanted to and as Curriculum Specialist is guiding and Applicants must possess a valid driver’s respond to requests from elders for a class reviewing the more than 3,800 lesson plans license, and carry liability and workman’s just for them where they can take their time in-development to ensure they meet all state- compensation insurance. with our grammar workbooks, and learn some mandated curriculum standards. basic conversational terms that apply to their “I feel I’ve got the best team in the world lives. It’s been great to see their enthusiasm here,” said Mashpee Wampanoag Vice- and commitment this fall, and we’ll definitely Chairwoman Jessie Little Doe Baird. “We’re offer more elders language classes soon,” said going to be able to offer Mashpee’s and other Kelley. Wampanoag communities’ children a world Tia Pocknett, Language Apprentice, is class education in their own Native language, looking forward to developing a “Mommy/ and their bilingual abilities will empower our Daddy & Me” bi-weekly language class for youth to be future leaders who are grounded the New Year as well. “I want to give parents from early childhood in their traditional Tribal with young children, maybe 18 months to values. Our Wôpanâak language is the key three years of age, the chance to develop daily to understanding our ancestors’ beliefs and language routine they can use with their little their deep connection to our homeland, and ones-especially since we hope that some of we’ve seen in other Tribal communities that these kids will be our future charter school language schools help inoculate kids against Little Miss Wampanoag at the Youth students,” she said. social problems and the temptation to drop Sobriety Powwow Curriculum Specialist Nitana Hicks out because public schools often don’t teach 7. Nashauonk MittarkTM

483 Great Neck Road South Mashpee, MA 02649

Revised Edition

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COMMUNITY T RIBE The SBA Advantage Date Set for Ball his workshop will help you gain The SBA workshops will be held at Career T a better understanding of the Works, 34 School St., Brockton, MA from various SBA programs and services 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the following th thatT are available to prospective or current Wednesdays: entrepreneurs who need assistance in starting 18 or expanding their businesses. General January 15 July 16 information will be provided on the following February 19 August 20 programs and services: March 19 September 17 Annual April 16 October 15 »» SCORE – Counselors to America’s Small May 21 November 19 Business June 18 December 17 »» MSBDC – Mass. Small Business Development Centers For more information or to reserve a space Ball »» BIC’s - Business Resource Centers at any of the workshops, please call (508) Save the date for the 18th Annual Mashpee »» SBA Guaranty Loan Programs: 7(a), 513-3400. Wampanoag Ball on Saturday, March Micro Loans, Patriot & SBA Express 22. Once again the annual ball will be Loans & 504 – Project Loan Development held at the Sea Crest Beach Hotel at 350 »» Government Contracting Opportunities: Quaker Road, Old Silver Beach in North 8(a) business Development, HUBZones Falmouth. The theme of this year’s ball is (Historically Underutilized Business “Celebrating Our New Beginning.” Zones), Small Disadvantaged Business, and Surety Bonding (when applicable – 2 Additional information about the event, years in business experience required) tickets and reservations will be coming »» Disaster Assistance soon!
