First (Scots) Presbyterian Church
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+ + + FIRST (SCOTS) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHRISTIAN LOVE AND SYMPATHY are extended to Mary McEachern and Ian McEachern and family 53 Meeting Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401 on the death of her husband and his father, John Daly McEachern, on Thursday, October 18. Organized 1731 + + + SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM will be administered to Cameron Bryce Hood. Cameron will be baptized by Dr. Siegling TH UNDAY AFTER ENTECOST and Elder Joe Thompson will assist. Cameron is the son of Brendon and Danielle Hood. 26 S P OVEMBER + + + N 18, 2018 MUSICIANS PARTICIPATING IN THE 8:45 AM SERVICE Katherine Kuckelman, soprano; Clare Elich, mezzo-soprano; Michael Owens, tenor; Greg Pipkin, bass + + + THE FLOWERS IN THE SANCTUARY THIS MORNING ARE GIVEN TO THE GLORY OF GOD and in memory of Paul R. Benson Jr. from Joan Benson. + + + ALL MEMBERS AND GUESTS are invited to coffee fellowship in Molly Wier Hall following the service. Our Deacon serving as coffee greeter today is George Flynn. + + + FIRST (SCOTS) HISTORY TOURS Please join us for a guided tour and brief history of First (Scots) immediately following the conclusion of worship. Please come up front and meet your Docent directly in front of the pulpit after the service. The tour will last approximately 10-15 minutes. Today’s Docents are: (8:45 a.m.) Graham Heller & (11:15 a.m.) Betty McDaniel. + + + The Reverend Dr. L. Holton Siegling Jr., Senior Pastor The Reverend Dr. James T. Rogers, Associate Pastor The Reverend Arthur S. Gatewood, Parish Associate for Pastoral Care Stephen Ministry HE EV R OLTON IEGLING R HE EV R AMES OGERS Ricard Bordas, Director of Choral Music Meg High, Children’s Choirs T R . D . L. H S J . T R . D . J T. R Lee Kohlenberg, Interim Organist Christina Wilhoit, Handbell Choir SENIOR PASTOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR Deanna Barteet, Church Administrator Suzy S. Edwards, Director of Christian Education Jamie Kuznik, Membership Assistant Megan Boucher, Middle School Youth Director Terri Reno, Pastors’ Administrator Saye Simpson, Youth Ministry Cierra Christian, Publications Martha Harken, Kindergarten Director THE REV. ARTHUR S. GATEWOOD THE REV. DR. J. PHILLIPS NOBLE Shelby Olinger, Church Accountant Nancy Hunsicker, Food Services Director PARISH ASSOCIATE FOR PASTORAL CARE PASTOR EMERITUS Peggy Inabinet, Admin. Assistant Monica Mitchell, Sexton Jermaine Thomas, Sexton HOW TO CONTACT US: Phone: 843-722-8882, Fax: 843-805-6621, Email: [email protected], Web: SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY THE TIME FOR CHILDREN 26TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST THE WORD ENACTED (8:45 a.m.) The Sacrament of Baptism SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2018 8:45 A.M. & 11:15 A.M. SERVICES THE TIME FOR TEENS THE VISION OF GOD THE WORD OF GOD PRELUDE Praeludium in E Nicolaus Bruhns (May the beginning of the prelude serve as a call to silent meditation and prayer.) PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (8:45 a.m.) Anne Smith (11:15 a.m.) Bob George WELCOME AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISCIPLESHIP The Rev. Dr. L. Holton Siegling Jr. (Please sign and pass Friendship Registry) THE WORD READ Old Testament Lesson: Psalm 138 (pew Bible, page 503) New Testament Lesson: Philippians 4:4-7 (pew Bible, page 955) MINUTE FOR MISSION Presbyterian Women Retreat Ann-Marie Charlton Leader: The Word of the Lord. ZPASSING OF THE PEACE People: Thanks be to God. INTROIT “Come, Let Us Praise the Lord” William Byrd/arr. Hopson THE WORD PROCLAIMED “In Everything…with Thanksgiving” The Rev. Dr. L. Holton Siegling Jr. ZCALL TO WORSHIP Leader: O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, THE RESPONSE TO THE WORD People: God’s steadfast love endures forever! Z THE APOSTLES’ CREED (unison) Suzy S. Edwards Leader: O give thanks to the God of gods, I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only Son People: God’s steadfast love endures forever! our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Leader: O give thanks to the Lord of lords, Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from People: God’s steadfast love endures forever! thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. +ZPROCESSIONAL HYMN “We Gather Together” Hymn No. 559 I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of ZPRAYER OF ADORATION sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. THE CONFESSION OF SIN Z HYMN OF REFLECTION “Now Thank We All Our God” Hymn No. 555 ZCALL TO CONFESSION (A pause for silent confession follows.) PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND LORD’S PRAYER ZPRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth Almighty God, in love, you spread good gifts before us. You give us more than we need or as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our deserve. You feed, heal, teach and save us. We confess that we always want more; that we never debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the share as freely as you give. We resent what we lack, and are jealous of our neighbors. We misuse power and the glory, forever. Amen. what you intend for joy. God, forgive our stubborn greed and our destructiveness. In your mercy, help us to take such pleasure in your goodness that we will always be thanking you; through Jesus PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Christ our Lord. Amen. OFFERTORY ANTHEM “Sing to the Lord a New Song” Robert Lau ZASSURANCE OF PARDON ZDOXOLOGY “Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow” Hymn No. 592 ZGLORIA PATRI “Glory be to the Father” Hymn No. 579 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. ZPRAYER OF DEDICATION +ZCHILDREN’S HYMN “For the Beauty of the Earth” (verses 1 & 4) Hymn No. 473 ZHYMN OF COMMITMENT “Let All Things Now Living” Hymn No. 554 Verse 1: For the beauty of the earth, Verse 4: For the joy of human love, ZCHARGE AND BENEDICTION for the glory of the skies, brother, sister, parent, child, for the love which from our birth friends on earth, and friends above, ZBENEDICTION RESPONSE “Alleluia, Amen” W.A. Mozart over and around us lies for all gentle thoughts and mild, ZPOSTLUDE Dorian Toccata Johann S. Bach Lord of all, to Thee we raise Lord of all, to Thee we raise Z GREETING OF FELLOW WORSHIPERS this our hymn of grateful praise. this our hymn of grateful praise. (All children are invited to come forward for a time of worship during the singing of this hymn.) Z Those who are able, please stand. + Those arriving for worship are invited to take their seats at this time. Z Those who are able, please stand. Flower Ministry Volunteers Needed Everyone appreciates the beautiful sanctuary flowers that add such joy to our worship services, “I give thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your but do you know that these flowers have a second WE WELCOME YOU TO WORSHIP TODAY! MEMBERS AND praise; I bow down toward your holy FREQUENT GUESTS are asked to sign the FRIENDSHIP REGISTRY life? After church on Sundays, several Flower temple and give thanks to your name during the welcome and announcements. FIRST-TIME GUESTS or for your steadfast love and your Ministry members divide the arrangements into THOSE INTERESTED IN JOINING are asked to record their faithfulness; for you have exalted your smaller vases and deliver them to church members name and your word above everything. mailing address, email address, and telephone number. who are ill, hospitalized, experiencing a death in the On the day I called, you answered me, NURSERIES ARE AVAILABLE DURING family, or those just in need of a bit of TLC. The you increased my strength of soul.” THE WORSHIP SERVICE Flower Ministry is in need of new Psalm 138:1—3 Infants & Crawlers room #109 Toddlers & Twos room #115 members to help! To become a 3-5 year olds room #112 part of this ministry and help SAFETY IS A PRIORITY OF OUR CHURCH; THEREFORE, WE ASK spread our God’s love through PARENTS TO ACCOMPANY THEIR CHILDREN SHOULD THEY LEAVE flowers, please contact Denée THE SANCTUARY, EXCEPT WHEN THEIR CHILDREN ARE ACCOMPA- S UNDAY , N OVEMBER 18 Warren ([email protected] NIED BY THE NURSERY STAFF. PARENTS MUST BE ON CHURCH 8:25 Called Session Meeting (Chapel) or 843-830-5266) for more GROUNDS IF THEY LEAVE THEIR CHILDREN IN THE CHURCH 8:45 am Worship NURSERY WHICH IS FOR CHILDREN AGED INFANTS - K-5 ONLY. information. Hood Baptism 10:00 am—11:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am—11:00 am Confirmation Class (KH) Publications and Announcements SERVING US 11:15 am Worship For publications, please submit your requests to USHERS (8:45 am) Whit Smith, Anne Smith, Harry Robbins, [email protected] or in-person using a M ONDAY , N OVEMBER 19 Cyndi Robbins, Janie Farr, Michael Branch publication request sheet.