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Special Libraries, May 1911

Special Libraries Association

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Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, May 1911" (1911). Special Libraries, 1911. 5.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1911 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries ---... - . .... - .-. --.- .. -- - Vol. a. MAY, 1911 No. 5 ------_ ------.. - GO-OPERATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHIES. PUBLISTIED BY THE SPECIAL LIDRARIES ASSOCIATION In Lhis issue IS publishetl a bibllogral~hy on the 11ubllc drinlc~ngcup question pie- Editorinl nnd Publ~cntionOfice. Stntc L~brnry Indianapolis, Ind. pried I).v >IT. H. H. B. Meyer, cliief bibliog- rapher of the Library of Congress, with the Subsc~.ipt~nns,93 Brond strccl, Boston, Mass. co-ol~eral.ionof the slate libraries and leg- ~~~liclltlnnpending for ntlmlssion ns srconrl- clils5 rn'cttcv at tho PostORicc. Inrliana~olls.Ind. islalive refemice del~artments. The April issue contained a b~bliographyon state su- Subscrij~tion...... $2.00 B year (10 numbers) pcrvision rind ndministration of charities and correction in the I[.6, 1)repnred in Lhc Single col~ics...... 25 cents same manner. FuLure issues will contain ------. .-. - - other short spcc~al Ilsts troni [he same Preslclent. .TOIIN COTTONDANA al~thor~tiesand it is liol~edthat the fullest Prec Pul>lic 1211)lnnry,Nemnl'lc, N J. Vicc-l)rcsirlcnt, ROIJIGI~TTf. I\'IXITTITN co-operation will be secnred in nlaking Puljl~cS,err~cc Co~nmlssion, New Yorlc City thFse lists tiniely and thoroual~ Sccictnrv- I rrnhuier - - - OCY E. ~IARTON SnggesLions as lo lmxled bibliogra~~hfes Arthur D. Llttle, Inc.. 93 Bloa(1 St, Boston, Mass Esci'utivc Board . ~V~RIDENT.TTl~~~-P~tl~S1~l<~~~ and plans lor securlng the hest sources oP SncrtnrAnl'-'l'n~~,tsu~t~z~t.MANA~IXO 1l;nrTon Src- l~lformationconcerning material should be CIAI. TJII~AIIIRS GnnRcn l\r. 1,c~. Slmc sen1 to MI. Meycl. or to the Inanilglng edi- & I\'t.bslei, BOStO17 TT~llnrlt~0. BRlcrraar, Stnto Lll)~wrv,Pro! ~~lencc.,I? I tor of Spcrial Lil)ral-ies. 117:1nnginy TCdllor or Specla1 LIRrari~s: JOHNA. LAI~P,Stntc I,llwa~y,Indlnnapolis. Ind. THE MINNESOTA TAX COMMISSION LIBRARY:!. Minnesota Tax Commission...... 41 One of the needs early isecognizcclby the References Public Drinking Cup 42 ...... tns corn~nlasiori mas tl~atof B worlting li- Public Affairs-References 45 ...... 1)rnrg wliich would render available at an Constitutional Decisions of Interest 48 . . inslant's nolicc any inforn~ation which Some References on Civil Service Re- form, by John I3oynton Kaiser...... 51 inig.111 throw light up011 the pro1)lerns of tax- Bibliography of Trade Mark...... 62 ation. Since there is no legislative refer- encc lil)l.a~'yin Mlnncsotn, it was decided to incorl)orale Llie Ic-gislat~rereference IAPB ANNUAL MEETING. in Lhe sclienie of this 1lbrm.g ail3 to make it The Special libraisies assoclatioa will hold a bureau or informatiorl for tho legislature its third anill~nlrneet~ng in New York City as well as for the commission. According- duri~~gtlie weclr bcgmning September 25th. ly, a 11l)rariiun was selectcil who hail re- The NCW York Stale associalion, the col- ceived s~ecifictraining along this line in leg' section of the A. L. A, and tlie Ameri- the W~sconsinlegislative reference depart- cmi lib~aryinstllule will hold Lheir meel- n~mtand glans were made for the eslnb- ings at 1,113 saine Llune and place. llslilneiit of A Ilbmry whlch, though IIIOI'P The tentative program plSovitles for iliree sl)ecinlizctl, shoulcl he patterlled 111 llle or fonr sesslons to be devoted to oftlce 11- lnain alter Ihe one at ;\ladison. 111wicsand slatislical del~arlmentsof finan- Tllc work of galhering material was tlie CI:~~~istitulions,, ofice libraries and illfor- first lo claim atleniio~~.Letters reqllcst- mat on ancl rcsearch bureaus of en:inecrins ing repol'ts, lax la\irs and blanlr rorms were 2nd n~i~nrll'actur~ngfirnis, tcclinical in- scnt lo Ihe tax comn~issions,anditors and tlexc~s,and 1)nblic affairs libraries. like officers connected with the asscssmml The comluittee in charge of the nleetiily and collection of taxes in other stales anil is composetl ol Robei'l H Whltten, chair- co~lntrles. Soon R syslcln ot exr1i:uige was man, Guy E. Narion, John C. Dana ant1 John eslnl~lished and now thcse publ~cWiolls lor111 one ol Ihe most vnlual~leparts of the At the A. 11 A, conference at Pasadena. library for lliey not only prcsenl the 11rob- onc sesel~:~rtmrnts.) ity, periodicals arc not kept on file, but thc In ~nvcstigat~~lgthis cl~~estionI came lo articles on taxatlon are removed and by the conclusion that Massachusetts is lhr being ~'acecl in marl~la covers, are made only state which by a special statute on the into pamphlets and filed on the shelves in subject has ahohshed the use of this mi). boxes provided for that lm-pose. In like Other states that have abolished it haw manne17. :wt~cles of interest are cllpped clone so by the a~~thorityof rulings of t11c from the newspapers, pasted on manila Slate Roalcl of Health, which have the cards, tied together by subject and in this ertect of a special statute. This ~nforma- form flled in the boxes. Before a single lion is helpful as it will save considerable book or paml~hlet is placed upon the searching through the stotntes of stales. shelves it is minutely classified and in- which are known to have ubolislied this dexed, references being made to all im- cup, for specific laws when thc abolition portant chapters or paragraphs. That the was ~~eallyaccomplisl~ed by a rule 11avln.s conditions as regards taxalion in ot;li?r the effect nf law. states and countries may be the more close- Note supplied 11s31~ J. n. T

Monlhly bulletin, $el). 1, 1910, v. 1, pp. sippi, Ohlo and W'lsconsin State boards of 6-9; in New Hampsh~resanitary bul- hcalth al~ol~ehthe conlmon drinlrillg ~1111 letill, Jan. 1910, v. 3, 1111. 161-164; and in l~ublicand private scl~ools. ill Texas school journal, Sept. 1908, v. American school board journal, Jan. 26, 11P. 54, 56, 68. 1~11.T7, v. 2G. 1910, v. 40: 33. L11. -48, V. 40. .- The public drinlring cup evil. Keith, Smeon C. Jr, An Im11roverl bu bbllng. Weslern Christian advocate, May drinlcln:: iountam. 26, 1910, v. 76; 5. American journal or l~~~blichygiene. Deadly poisons in our scl~ools: [comliion Feb. 1910, v. 30: 16::-765. RA421. Al, Orinking cups, tllrty towels, dirty books, v. 20. etc.] Kesser, C. W. Sal'e fri111c11lg water ill Good ho~iselreel~ing,Feb. I 909, v, S: 143- schoolt;. 147. TXI. G7, v S. A~~iericanschool bca1~1jourlinl, .Jan. Dearholt, H. E. The public clrinlcing cup. 1908, v. 36: 7. L11. AS, v. 3G. 4St. Paul meclica] jourlla], 1910, v. 12: Lewis, Arlhur C. Tile 1;lsl Of 111~11lll)lic 45s-432. dr~nlcingcup. de Lisle, F. I. The sacrament and sanita- Good heallh, Sel~t,1909, v. 41: C::5-i2S Oon. 12.477::. CG. v. 44. :.NCWZealand llledical journal, 190.1, v. List of sanitary bubble founlnill srllWlY 3: 38s-392. 11011ses. The drinlcing cup crusade: A synopsis ol' American school board journal, Scl~l. Lhe ~~roblemto Nov. 1910. 1910, v. 41. 29, 33. L11. AS, v. 41. ~~~~i~~~~ school boar(, jollrllal, N~~,Mas~achusetts. General Court. IIouse OP 1910, V. 41: 19, 31-32. L11. AS, v. 4. rcprcuen tatives. Florida. State board of lieallh. An act to rcslrict the use of common The common clrinlring cup. (lrinklng culls m~dto prevent thc (In its Lwenty-first annual rclm't, coinn~unicatingof infectious diseases. 1909 [n. 11.1 1910. 111). 212-213. IIAil. Doston, 1910. 1 lcaf. So. (Mass. House BJ, 1909 doc. no 974, 1910.) =.,tter Cioln hcaltll offi- ---An act to restrict, the usc of cornulloll cer addressed to managing olli- drinlcing cups. cials 01 Florida railroads. noston, 1910. 2 11. So. (Mass. Ilollse doc. J. no. 1476, 1910.) Hunter, The comniuilion cup. I<11I ~>el~ortcdby committee on 1)r11)- *C!nnadian ~ract~t~oner,1904, v. 29: 225- lic health to whom was refrrrerl 229. House no. 974. Illinois. Slate board of health. ---An act to reslrlct the use of corn- Thc railroad car "water cooler." ~nondrlnlcing cups. Its monlhly bulletin, Dec. 1909, v. T3oslon. 1910. (Mass. House doc. no. 5: fiO2 RA54. R3, v 6. 1539, 3910) House no. 1175 as ~assccl Article'li'eprinted from thc I-a- to be engrossed. dies' home jo~~rnal. Massachusetts. Laws. elc. An ncl to re- Indiana. Stale boal'cl of health abolishes stlsrrt l,se of (.o~t-,mon drlnhlng cups. water buckets and connnon drinltill: Al,l,l.o,.ed :?, l!,ln, erect ocl. 1, culls from the public schools. 19 111. Anlerican school board journal, Sept. (111 AIassa?l~usells. l,n~vs,slalutes, eic. 1909. v. 39: 11. L11.A8, v. 39. Acts alitl resolves passed in the ycar Kansas. Stote board of heallh. 1910. I?oslon. 1910. pg. :IG(i-::Gi nacteria fonncl in public drlllklng-cnl~s. --;\ltlesacll1lsetls law relatiye to the co111- Its rlulletia, Mar 1909, v, 6: 76-7s mon drmlring cnp RAGS, nl, 1909. Amerlc,an jou~~nalof ~)ublic liyg~erlc, ---The common drinking cup. Nov. 1910, v. 20: 908 R11121. Al, Its Rullet~n,hlar 1907, v. 2: 77; Julr v 20. 1909, v. 5' 173 RA67. Bl, 1907, 19U!). Text ~nclt~des"R~gulations con- -- Railway sanitary nbominatlons. cerning thc use ol' Lhe com1~1011 Tts Bul'etin. Sept. 1909, v. 6. 237. RAG7. drinlwlg ci111 " Dl, 1909. New Hampshire. Slate board of heallh. --1'11~ state of Ransns and the common Tlic sanitary drinking faunta~~~. drinking rlip. [Resolution adolitetl by 1\'ew Hnml)shire sanitm'y bllllcl h, the Board.] ,J~II,1910, V. 2: 165-1l;G hlassarh~~sctts State board of New Jersey. Slatc 1)oard ol heal~li. lienlth Moniiilv Ii~~llrl~~i,Scpt. Ilso ol' common drinking ~1111s 1909, n, s., v. 4: 202-204. RAM. (111 ils Thirty-thil-(1 nnn~~nlrc]lolUt. 132, u. s. v. 4. 1909. Patcibscln, 1!)10, 1). 76.) ICnnsns, >Tnss:icliusel Is Rlirllignn, Missis- R.\ll 4, Rl, 1W!!. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Includes resolutions adol~tetlby States and cities that have abolished the board. common drinking CUD. Oklahoma. State board of health iWlnc1 and bo(G., Feb. 1911, v. 17: 393- New public drinking cull ordeis. 394. GV201. M6, v. 17. Its monthly bulletm, , If11 17, Stevens. Ncllie C. Individual drlnlt~ngcni)s. u. 2. 2-6. l?lo;-idt~.State board ot health. Florida -Public drinking cup must go. health notes, Sept. 1910, v. 5: 132-I:?$ Its Monthly bulletin, Jan. 1, 1910, Tautz, R. ZLW Hygiene cles gemeinschaft- v I: 3-4. lichen Abendmal~lslrelches: ein histor- -The public drinking cup goes May 1, iscller Beitrag. Inlo. *Medicin~sclielZlinik, 1906, v. 3: 16-50. 11s montlily bulletin, A~II'.I, 1910, Texas. 32d Legislature. Senate (1911). V. 2: 2-3. A bill to I1e entitled An Act prohibit- Other safe drinking cups. ing the promiscuous use of a conl- La Follctte's weelrly magazine, v. 2, moll drinklng cup, glass, or other ves- Dec. 3, 1910: 10. AP2 L28, v. 2 sel, for water drinking purposes, on Instructions for malting l~aper railway trams, in railway stations, in drinking cups. schools, churches, theatres or any Overlock, M. C. The worltiag peo~le,thclr otlier public place. . . .also lrol~ibiling heall11 and horn to protect it. any l)erson, firin [etc.l. . . .e~n~~lo~ccl Worcester, Mass.: The Blnnclla~~l in coi~nectionwith any railway train press, 1910. 293 1111. RA421.05. or station, any school or church or Drinking-cups and their relation to the 1)remises adjacent to . . .either disease, up. 153-162. thereof, or nny other ln111lic 111ace In great part a reprint of Dr. A. where people are nccusto~nedto drr111~ Dnvison's article in the Techni- water, iron1 furnisl~ingor lrnomi~igly cal world magazine, Aug. 1908. permitling lo be furnished any com- Rhode Island. Factory inspectors. inon clrinlring CN~...and forther rc- To tlie manufact~~rersof Rhode Island: qniring that a warning carcl-boarcl be [Circular letter signed by .T. Wllerv ]msLetl in a conspicoous place l~ythe Hudson, chiel factory itlspector tli- dri~~kingfounta~n in the passeiiscr recting attontion to n safe drinlnng cars of all railway trains ill thls slatr device.] and in all ra~lwavstations cautionin: Providence, 191 1. 1 leaf. SM x 11 ins. against the dangers of drlnlc~ngCIIIIY --- General asseurbly. for lndividnal use.. . . AII act relalive to the common drinking [Austin, Tcx.1 1911. 3 DD. Po. cu 11 (8. R. 120: By Senator Warren: re- [Provlrlrnce], 1911. 8". (I-Iouse bill ported favorably: died on (he calenclar.) 156, ,January session. 1911 ) U. S Pnl~lic health and marine-11osl)ilnl Ritchie, John W. Primer ol: sanitation; be- service. ing a simple work on disease germs and Transactions of the fourth annnal con- how to fight them. fclxmce of state and territorial heall11 Yonkers-on-IIudson, N. Y. : Wol-ld book officers with Lhe Un~tedStates Pnblii: company, 1909. 200 pi]. (New-world health and marine-hosp~talservlcc. sclence series). Washington: Govt. prlnt. off., 1906. Unhygienic liablts. Putting objects 75 pp. RA11. B2. Into the mouth. gp. 161-165. Ra~lway cnl- san~tat~on,VV. 20-.i(i. The same author's Primer of sani- This is largely a cliscuselon of tation for the tropics. Yonkers, the use of clr~~~lringc1111s on 1910, contains further caut~onson trains. PP. 64.G5, 156-157 Vermont. State board of health. Row:. S. FI. A school c11'inlrinn fountain. Use of the public drinlring c11p ~n'o- School journal, hug. 15, 191k,v 67: 12G. hibiled. L11. 54. v. G7. Tls Bulletin, Mar. 1, 1911. v. 2, no. 2: 3. Safe dr~nkingcups. Wlsconsin. Stale board of health. 1.a Follette's weekly magazine, v. 2, Public drinlriug. c~ips.[Order 1 Kov. 5, 1910: 11. AP2. 128, v. 2. Its Rullet~n..Tan.-Mm'. 1910, V. 1 : 9-12, San~taryclrlnl~ing fountain. American school board jo~~rnal,Sept. \Vlsconsin abolishes the common tlrinlring c11 1) IDOS, r. 38: 14. Lll. A8, v. 2s. Survcy, Sept 3 1910, v. 24: 7.16-717. Sound~ngthe hell of tlie common drinking 1-TV1. (2.4, V. 24 CIIlI. Nay 16, 1911. Not in IJ C. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

New .Jersey Icaislalure has sil~cepasset1 a11 adranccd 1:1w on the suhjecl. Factory ~nspection. The report ol tile Slas~ac'lluselrs roin~nisslonlo ir~vcstigate the ilispcctlon of faclories, worltsl~ol~s. nwrcantile estA~lishmcnLs m~d other bni!dings, was made 111 Jm. I!)II ?'his rppo1.l gives l~l'c~sc~~lsystem of irid~~slrinl iiis)icction: c~~itidemsand coml~la~nts, conclnsions and r~com~nendations;dr,lfis ol' hills and a fine su~nn~iu'yor [he Inqec- lion 18iurs of Crcat Tiriiain Gcrmany. N. P,h'. J., Penn.. Ohio. Ill. and IYisconsiu Uoston, 1911, 112 pages. Forestry. Tllc rrl~ol'l of lllr slale forestel' of \Y~scousl~iTor 1!:19-1971) is a ~al~~nble document Louchiug the cleve1o~)mrnt di' forestry in the scheme of coliserwtio~~. \\'rsc.on~in has laltcn ad!anced steps ill very rwcwl years along this line Mndi- son, 11110, 1::G pages. Fr21ght Terminals-Handling and dlstribu- tion of freight. The N. Y. public s~l'~ice c~~mlnissionltbrary rccently issued n ~~iiin~wqrnl~l~rdl~il~liogrnl~hy on t11e ~ncth- otls of handling Ircigl~lat docks ;lutl ler- minals. The biI11iogral)hy covers 11olll Xmericm~ ant1 foreign l)ul)licaiions li llages. Hospital for nervous breakdown. A sllecinl c ommil tee recenlly rel)ortecl to the ;\Iassachusct Ls legislalnre on llle advls:i- I:llily 01' the cslal~llsli~~uenlof a state llo:,l~it:~lfor cases of nervous hrealido~l~. 13os!on, 1911 . (i 11age~. The co~nlniss~on disal]l)i,oved ol ihv cstal~lisllrnenta1 this 4:.-.. made. lS pages. l.lll1e. Hours of labor-Women. Stal~sticsot the Conservation of natural resources. Thc ~CILII?~of labor 01 nage earnlng women lil'sl ~'cl~ol~tof llie Iomn state tlvainarc 111 cerlain select?tl industries of Chicago w,itewa\. and COIISCI~Y~~~~I~coniinission are given in I31ll!etin no 91, Sov. 1910 of t'ola 1909-19117 IS n l~ionecrwork nI ronl- the U. S. bureau ol labor; w~tha (11s- ~irchfwsivc sl study and ~~rcsenlafion c.r~ssicll~of Ille same 1111. SK to 915, or conscrvallon 11rol)lerns Tlrs Xlolnrs Wash. 1910. 191 1, 21 1) 1)aees Housing. Rvport on xorlerate cost 11ouscs Convict labor. Thr national committee on by a commitlce 01 the Albany cllamber prison labor, 27 Ti: ?211 St., N. Y.. rernntly of cacllnnlerce. Alban), N. Y., Sel~t.1910, 111111liah@tla comllilntion of Ihe clr'rlara- 12 pages Con fain5 many plates, diagralns lions 01 Ihe state governol's I11 the,^!' .e- and 111~1s. As :I result ol the investiw- cenl messages on llrisoti hhor. X. Y. Ilon a. corpol.alion has I)een organized 111 1911. 24 !]ages. Al!)any lo i111ilr1 modei'atc cost houses for Elections-Corrupt practices. Tllc Wiscon- sale or renl. Sot morc thrill 5 llel cent. s111 Ir~lsl,~t~verefercnc~ dcpartmcnt 11:~s inay ever 1)e pn~don llle ~nves(mellt. 11u1)lisheil a hullctin on corru]~l1)1'aclice? Income tax. ' Thc iml~olicy ol the Pro- l~rcliaretlby S. &ul IIow~-ic 'rhis l~t~ll(,- ~~osecllncolne Lax amentlmenl to rlle Ted- till s~immarie~sthe laws of Pngla~~A,111 crol coiistit~~tionand limi~atlo~lsof the IT S. and the states. A bi!,liogral~lly is ilic,cnuc Ins:' is the title of' :L ~larn]~ll!et given Alirdison. 191 1, 80 pngw 11.y Samc~elRussell 01 Salt 1.alre City in Employers' Liability. The relmrt of lhc opllosition to the amenclment and the SEK.Te~-er rolnm~ssionnp1)ointetl to in- lax. l!lll. ::1 pages vestis:atc eml~loirrs' liab~lity was inndr Industt.ial accidents. The final Se11fll.t of .Tan. I G, 191 1. Trenton. 91 Ilagcs, l'his is lhe Gwal nritaln clel~arlmpnLnl commit- :i good slimmary of conc~li~s~onswith 111'o- Lee 01 the horn(> ofice on acclrlents ill ~wsals ol' h~lls lo1 consltl~ration 'I'hc 111~ccs~~ndcv Ihc lacrory a11tl \Vorlt~ll01) SPECIAL LIBRARIES

acts is a document of real value. It Publication Soclety. 1910. 150 pages, summarizes the testimony before 111e $1.50. comtnittee ancl gives recommendationsl Labor laws declared unconstitutional. The tor action. London, 1911. G4 pages, price U. 8. l~ureauof labor recently l~ubl~shetl 7d. in bulletin number 91 a summary and dis- Industrial Education. A vnIuable short re- cusslons of the labor laws which have porl on ~ntlustrialeducation made by di- been declared unconst~ti~tionalby 'the rection oC the Maine legrslature has been highest courts ot the states a~tdnatlon published. The report sulnmarizes the up. 916 to 9G4. Washington, Nov. 1910. wor81c in many countries tincl proposes the Labor legislation-Review of labor Iegisla- plan for Maine, Augusta 1910, 71 gages tion of 1910 by Irene Osgood Andrews for A bibllog~%il)hy is given. Col)ies nlay be the American association for labor leg- h:~d from the Dep't of public instruction. islation. Issued by the association as Augusta. l~ublicationno. 11. N. Y. 1910, 24 pages. Insurance-Industrial. The U. S bureau of This revlew summarizes the legislatlon labor has publmhed the first volulne oC a on 19 different labor subjects tmcl con- big work on workmen's lnsurance ant1 tains n three page topical index by states. coml~ensation systems in Europe. The The labor legislatlon of 1910 is also re- first volume contains the system in Aus- viewed in bulletin no. 91 of the U. S,. tria, Belgium, Denmark, France and Ger- bureau of labor, Nov. 1910, BD. 1034 to many. Washington, 1911. 24th Annual 1051. The text of the laws enacted is 1.e11ort of the bureau. 1493 pages A bibli- also given. ography is given In connection with each Legislative Reference-Texas. A finding country. list of books in the Texas state library Insurance-L~fe. The llroceedlngs of tho of value in leg~slative reference work fourth annual meeting of the association has been compiled by John B. Kaiser. of life insurance l~residentsconta~ns be- legislative reference librarian, Austin, s~desthe general addresses, discussions 1911. B1 pages. of educational forces in life Insurance; Lighting. The Ill~uninating engineer, pub- mvestments and taxation; women's lished at 15 W. 38th st, N. Y, contnins work in the llfe irlsura~lcefield; and llfe each month a review of the technical extension work. Under the last head are press on subjects relating to illumination. given four ~anerson the work done in Bolh the American and fore~gnfields are plalnotlng public health. A summary of covered. insurance inslruction in colleges is given. Marriage and divorce. A digest of the laws N. Y. 1911. 215 pages. of all the countries of the world on mar- Insurance index. The insurance 11brary of riage and d~vorceis glven by Ringrose in Boslon publishes a bulletin quarterly, his book elltitled "Marriage and divorce glving references to current material on laws of the world." London and N. Y. fire insurance subjects. This is an In- The Musson Draper Co., 1911, 272 pages. valuable gu~de to s11c11 Waterial. The This is a most complete and valuable April number contains 21 pages of good reference work. references. Medicine, Practice of. The requirements Intoxicating liquor. A text book of true for practice of mediclne in the U. S. and temllerance is the title of a revised book its possessions are giveu in the bulletin of 323 pages issued by the U. S. brewers' of the Illinols state hoard of health, Oct. association. It collects a mass of opin- 1910. 34 gages This reporl. gives a ions and material ftlvorable to the lirlnor tabular outline of laws and requirements. forces. Office of tZe Secretary, N. Y. Oregon Plan. Is it a political panacea? An City, 1911. A good descrigtive b~blio- argtu~nenlagwnst the' p'lan: by Chas. M. gralihy of works on liquor is given. Hollingswortl~, Washington, D. C. 1911, Jury System. Almost the entire number 21 pages. Published by the anthor. Price of the Mag Case and Comment is devoted 10 cents. to arlicles on the jury system. Eight Paper-Quality. A pamphlet entitled, "The separate artlcles are given 31 pages. basis of quality in paper;" by Arlhur D. Rochester. N. Y., . 10 cents. Little of Boston, is of special interest and Juvenlle courts. The Russell Sage Foun- value to all librarians Publishe(1 by dation has ~reyared and l~ublisheda Arthus D. Little. Inc., 93 Broad St., Bos- work on the juvenile cozwt laws in the ton, 1910. 10 pages. IT. S. This gives a digest oP the laws by Parcels Post. The hearings before the states and a topical oull~ne The Mon- committee on post office ancl post roads roe county (Rocheste~') N. Y., juvenile of the house of representatives on the court law is given. This law was en- parcels posl was ~~ublishedin n l~amphlet dorsed as the nioclel law. IN. Y. Charities of 3-15 pages, Washington, 1910. The ar- SPECIAL LIBRARIES

gllments pl'esentetl were: lsl, in favor ol titles: Valualion ot ]-ailways: Shall a rural pa~*cels~~osl, ?(I, In favor of a railway profits Iw Illnit ecl?: Hailwcv Reneral i)ilrcels posl, 31, opl~oscdto pal-- rates and sailway eflicielic-y; 'I'iie nrw cels posl long and short hit111 cln~lse.N. Y. 1!111. Pensions-Civil. PnrsrlanL to a resolve of Apl~lyto Ra~lwayAge (:azritc. the legislature in 1910 the Lurei111 of sta- Railway rates. 131111elin no. I; of IhC Rdl- tistlcs has conlpleted a report on thc rosi way i)usiness trsxociatlo~~,cliscusscs lllr or retirernent systems to]. slate nrid recelil decision of the Inlerslntr colll- Count y eniplo) rcs ill %I~ssachusetts. l'llis mewe colu~nission,vefusing an Inc'reasc. rrbl)orl is ol great praetiwl value on ill I're~ghtrales, IIII~P~tile tlllP "T~Ic~'ille Illis livc clucstion Jjoslor~.191 1. 101 Imges rlwision nr~rlrailway cbretlit.' N. Y. klal'c'h (iivcs clrafts of i)llls lor vet ilvrne~~ts) s- 1!111. 41; pages. Copies nlap lw llad oll lems. nl)l)licntion lo tllv oflii'c 01' the st'c*l'ch- Pensions-Old age-lnvalid~ty. The old tarn.\.. 2 Revtor SI , N. Y. C. age and Invai~tiily pr~~sior~1:ln.s of Qcr- Referendum. Kolx~rls trom HIS bl:tjcsl!"s many, F'rauce unrl Anstralla are sunl- rel,resentativcs abroad respecting tlw in- rnarieed ant1 cl~scussetlin the I)~~lletinof aliluilor~1tr:owrl as (he ~eiel-er~du~n.TVe- tho IT. S. burenu of labor, Nov. 1!l10, no. sented to the Housc of Colnmo1l8, lpe?). 91, pp. 9G5 lo 10::::. The text of the laws ?i1911. 1; pages. Contains rplurlN IS also given. from reproseenlntives in I3el~i111n.C!ul)~l, Prize fight pictures-Interstate transporta- U, S . San Ii'rranclsco and Swilzcrliuld. tion. The 11enri11gsbel'olae Ilie ho~lseco111- Contains a tabular digest, of Lhc stnlutc.~ nilttee on Interstate and forergr~ com- of the cliR~rcntstales of tlle 11. S. Pricdc merce, 1910, on a bill lo ~rrohlb~tinter- 25/2rl. state transportalion of prize light pic- Reformatorles. The l'epo1'1 of Ihe stalv 111res. are 11~1l1lisl1etllogelher !nth the 1,oard or prison clireclors of (!aliCornia hcnrings 011 race track gu lnl)llng, reg itla- on the ~~r,ol)osrclrcform:~ tory I'olSaclul t or- tion ol trarlsmisslon ol' rcporls ol' odds, ill fenr1el.s. Con1 ams letters I rom illally n 1)aml)hlct or 2: pages. \Vnshlngto~~. ~.elormnto~')i~~stilutions ancl n special re- 1911. port r~~atleupon invcstl~~liouof the 1'1.- Probation-City court. The report of the forn)atorles at IChnira, N. Y.. Malisflc~ld. city court of Indiana~~ol~sfor 1910. Jndgc 01110, I-Innt~uglon, Pa., Pontiac, lil., ant1 James A. Colli~iscliscusscs the use or Ihe Aahwny, N. .J. Sacramerlto I!)lll, 102 ]?robation system ant1 other innovations pages. 111 the court. 1010, 2.2 pages. Senators, U. S.-Popular election. In a Public health-Hookworm. The Decembcr 1)arnl)hlet of 3-1 pages, Jolnl R. nos Pnasau l)ulletin of the North Carolina board of of Ilie N. Y. bar argues ajiainsl llle p'o- health is devoted entirelv to a study of posed change. N. Y. 191 1. I~ulTIlshccl by Ihe hoolcworru 1)roblcm. It conlalns the an1 hor much infor~natiou and Inany o1)iniorls. State Expenditures-Minnesota. The Rlill- Raleigh, 1910. 63 pages. neholn 'Pax Cornnkission publiuhetl in Public health-Household pests. The bul- rc!l)ort for I9lO n complete stnlisllcal :ul- lct.ln of the city cln11 of C:hic:lgo recently alysis of the cnsl ol governlneni ir~hl111- devoted an issue to Ihe ~)~~blicntionof nesola, by Pvol'. Ralph Iless ol' llw 1r11lv. the tliscussions of club ~neml~~~s011 conl- of Minncsoln. This is a valuable 1)rotlur- 1non l~ousehold pests. May 1, 1911. 12 t~onI)olh for infor~nationa1111 as a ~notlvl. pages. St. Paul, 1!)10, '75 pagea. Rel~rfnLs have Railroads-Statistics. Thc annual sum- been made or the sc11ar:lte nlllcle. mary of l'allwnv statistics for 1910 I1.v State Finance-Wisconsin, A specin1 rr- Slasnn Tl~ompsondirector of the nurenu 11ort of the IViscorlsln inx co~nmisslolllo of Railway Xews and Stittisl~csof Chi- lhe Governor discusses the. Illmrwes ol capo is a valuable co~npilallon of stalis- lhc stnte government Ptlrl 1. Suul~navy tics on mileage, equipmerlt, enil~loyers, and recon~mcndatioi~s,Madison, 19 11. 21 ca1,it nlizatlon, cost of conslrc~ction,owu- ~~ages.The lull repoi: IS ir~prcstl. ershill, ]ml)ilc service, earnings end ex- Taxation. A state conference on tnxnlion penses, taxes, clnmages, loroinotivc fuel. was held at Utica, N. Y., .lari. i:! nntl I:;, ncridcnts. veceive~sllll)s,stntistics of for- at which mans of Ihc leading tnx proh- eign rail\vn\-s and p'owtl~ of rail\vn)'s leins were tllsc~~~sscci.'I'he ~~rocccdings hc1.e anti ~.broatl. Cl~ic:~go, 191 1. 12: will be l)rrblished in book lorw. :\!I nll- ])ages. stlqacl ol the l~ratwdl~lgsnl)lwm'cd ill Ra~lway problems. 111 a pamphlet ol' 8: RIru~iclpnl IFacls. N. Y . 106 Uroadvny, pages, Sninucl 0. lhnu of the liallmay Jan. 19. 1911, Age Gnzel te ~~111~lisiretlfour' disr~rss~onri Taxation-Income. WIG proposed I$'iscor~- of rnrrent railway ~)roble~ns,11nc1er t110 sln 1)111 for a slutc i~wo~uctax will^ nolee SPECIAL LIBRARIES

11v D 0. Kinsman of tlie le.~isktLlverefer- 1910 re1101l clisrusses at IcngLh, munici- ence dell~l'tnl~ntof \\'~sco~~si~i,the author llal water sul~l~lies;river iml)~'ove~nelil: of tlic hill, Is p~~l)l~fiheil111 ~la~nl~l~lrztwalcr storage and conservation 01 wntcr I'ol5tn, Mntl~son.Apr. i!ll I, 29 pages. llower resources; water power for the Taxation-Life Insurance. A resolution of l'arni and country lion~emu1 the rc~l~ort01' 111~\j'isrowi~i lcgisl:~l~~r~ 111 l!)O!J (hrecteil thc' cl~gineer,I~esides Llie general report (IIP lax coni~n~s~ionto 111vc~stlg:11eIhc w~th~~eco~nniendations. All~any, 1:) l 1, 4111 sul~jcctol' lifc IIIS~I-allretaxalion. 'l'hc rc- pages A11~ly to State Waler S11p11ly 11~1'1hits I~ceii publisllcd. hlntl~son.191 1, (!ommission. ::I)11njics. .A ~~roposetl,111 is given 111 the Weights and measures. The rel)ort of the I'eilOI't. fifth annual co~lt'erenceof rc~~resentalives Telegraphs and telephones. The. olin~~alrc- I1-om different states ~u~tl11ie B11rca11 of ~iortof Llie Alnerican 'I'elegral~h & I'ele- sta~rdnrds. Contains bcsitlcs general dis- ~~llonecompany IS a 11am]11ilct or GS cusslon, a report, 01 tli~work done in ]I:I#PS, fiivlng ft~cts of the ol)cratlon ol fourleeii states and a discussion of tlic IIIP r011131:111~ and di~c~~ssionsof many bills llending In Congress on meights and i)rol)lcms of service, ol~ei'alion :111d COW III~~SIII-~S.\\'ashington, 1911, 1-32 11a:cs. lrol. 1kcla1-cs in favolS ol commission The ~~~'oc~~d~ngsof Ilie first Cow ani111:il roill~.ol. N. P. 1911. ~nwtingshave also been i)~~l~lislietln~id Telephone-Cost of service. Rrporl on tlie I:11~11islithe I:est source of inlolmnlion on cost or telephone srrvwe IJ~tlic Cliicaso Ilic suljject. t~le])Iionc.coml~anr 11s r). C'. ,J:ic41tso~ian:l Women's rights. In Hcclrer's "A slinrl I\'. n. Jackson. I.Y~~I~WI~S, an11 Art1111r history ol women's rir?lits" IS givcii a di- Young 8 (!o , arro~r~ltmtsNad~ to Ihe gest or tlie laws of all ll~~slates on ninl- ~llyconncil, LTay 19111 27 I)agps. tcrs pcrtainlng to the rights ol womrn. Telephone-Rates. "Is a riitioiitll Ilasii I)]) 174-235. N. Y. 1910. ?!I2 II~I~Ps.1'111- possibl~for telcl)lionc rates" is tlic title nams $1 ,50 l'lii.: I~oolc conlains a f1l1111 of an eleren pagr discussion by Dujiald nt valuable rlala on \dous aspccla ol' C. .J:wlrson of Doslon in ~)roreedingsor women's legal rights. I11e ualional ni~uiic~pallcay~e for 1911) Workmen's compensation. The reporl or PIOT .Jiwlis011 is a consulting cnslneer and thr conclusions of the hIassac1111sells ~irrpnredI a11i;ll)lc reports ror the XIapsa- comlnission apl)ointe(l in 1910 to inr'cstl- cl~nst?ttscommlssio~i on 111:hwa?.s con- gate worbmen's compeusa(~ouhas bee11 rcrning tcleplioncs and ~~atee. issued in n pamphlet of 5 pagrcs, l3oslon. Tuberculosis-Public care. l'ha Massarliu- 1011. This is a i~omlinr( and ~al~~;~l~le sells com~niss~onal)pointcvl lo invcqligute sllinrnary ol the tr?atincnl ol' the l~rol~leni. ant1 rel~oi'l upon a s)stcm or rnnng for - -The report of the 311n1iesola lcsisln- tr~bercnlnr pat~ents by state and local t~vecommlssio~i apl~oinled to ~nvest~zale n~~tliorit~es.reported Nov. 191 11 Thc cm])lovcl's' campensation for accidents repo~t is confiner1 to AInssaclil~setts con- was 1nac1e Jan. 101 1. This rel~ort i~ tllt~ons Boston. 1910. S9 paces. nmoug the best or nll Ilie rellorls on Ilic Uniform laws. l'hc lroceedings ot' thi~ s~ibject. St. Paul 1911, 2S9 pages and a11 twcntielh alin~lal confc~.e~ice01 comm~s- index sioners on uniform slate laws helrl at --The Survcr, Mar. 18, 1911 11rmtrtl Chattanooga, Aug 181 0, are i111blish~c1in a under the title, "OfRc~al findings as In l~irnl~llletor 222 pages. Omce of (he sec- wmlr nccident~:"a valnable summary of rclal,y, 100 Broadwar, S. P. City. This Ihe 1:est lilrrature of tlie s111)jecl corer- I'e])ort rantsills the reports ol cominlt- ing 1111l)lic reports nnrl solnc :lrtirles and LPPS 011 various sul~jeclson which IIIII- 1,ool.s. form laws arc ~~roposed.Pt~blish~d also Views of' the legal conlln~ttee or the In l~rocce~llng~ol' t11~An~el.lenn l~araa- clepartment on coml)ensalion for indus- social ion. trial acdflents nil0 their ~~rev~nlion,oC Water power-Forestry and drainage. P:L~I tlie National Civic Pederalmn, con- 1 of the majority report of th~spcd;~l cerning tlie N. Y, decision whicli (IF- legklative commitlce of iscon con sir^ toll- clared tlie N. Y. lay unconslitut~ni~alN. tai~!s::!)I Imzes, with tal~lesant1 voln111- P. Mar 1911 11 pzge8. Tho tcxt ol' Ilir Ino~isstatistlrs and tlrafls of bi:ls. 'I'hc law and (he clecisions arc also ~~l~l)l~slietl miuority report has been rrl'errccl to ill I]\* the civic feder:~t:onfor dlsliSil)~~lton. lomcr isslles Madison, 1911 '3I II;I;CS. Serretarv's offic~.1 hlraclison St. K. P. C' Water supply. Tn hew Tork a ~)crmc~ncnt ------stntc rommlssion 1s studying the water CONSTITUTIONAL DECISIONS OF s~l]iplynnd conservation l)robleni Their INTEREST. rel)orts are of great valnc beransc it is Appropriatiotis of p~~blicfunds. Tn fhc rnqo pioncer \rrol'lc which is bc~n: clone l'l~r of lh~llnrlc 5s. 13illhri1ycr. 91 N. li: 76::. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

the mattel, of apl~roprintingpubl~c funds to semi-l~ubl~cjnstiluiions wliich are 1111- tler 1)rlvate management is discnssetl and clcc~cledill favor of such grants. The case arose on the al)l~rol~~*iaLionsiiiatlc to the Indiana historial society, the Academy of sclence nnd several agricultural societies for lmblication purposes. Decided Alrr. G, l!lll. Corporations. The lam of Tenne~.see[ch, ails, L. 1887) lorbidding discharge ol em- llloyees by corl~oralioasfor voting 01%rc- ll~singto vote or for Lrading or relusing lo tracle w~th~)arlic~~lar persons was de- ('lared ~~nconst~t~~liounlin State vs. Nash- villa C. 6t St. L RY.CO, 135 S. TIT. Ti:<. Discriminales In no1 apl)lying. lo joint stock companies and indlvidnals. Corporations-Taxation. TICfederal law 01 1909 l~l'ovidingan iirconie lax oli cor- ])o~alions was uglielil in cve1.y pai.ticrilar in ITint vs. Stone Tracy Co.. S1 S. C, R. 2-12, Not a direcl tax wluch is required to 11c al)l)ortionccl among the states: tax is ail rxcise ul~onright to clo business as a corl)oralion; is not uiieclual taxnlion lor lack of uiiiformity; docs not lake DI'o~,- ertp withoul di~c1)l.ocess nf law. D~scrimination-Chinese. The Iiorisc oi' rc])resentalives of' Blassachufietis nsltcd llw ollinion of the suprelue court as to th~ \ nlidliy of a law ])roliil~itingwomen under 21 from entei'lng a C:lilnese rcstanran t. Tho coilrt declared ngainst the bill on thr groul~clthal thc dlscrimlnat~onwas solrlv 011 tho Rronntl ot natioi~alltyof the 1trcl)rr and not 11:lsed on thr rharaclcr of I11c 111ace. In re op~riionol the justices. !I-( N. rI:. 5:s. Elections-Poll tax. 'I'lle Texas law penal- irmg the lcl~dirigor arlvallains moliep to pay 11011 taxes was 11l)11eldin Walts vs State. 1::; S W.. Xi. Not an 1inrea:on- nbl~infringement of tlie right to con- Il'act: does 1101 deslroy cqnal privileges. Eminent domaln-Electric Railroads. The Tnrliana law of 1903 a;ving electric rail- 1~onc1roinpnnic~ the right to contlenin n crossin:, of steam roads was iil>hcltl bv the S,ul)reme COIII~~in Vandalia R 11 C'n vs. 1,afayette & L Traction C'o. 9 l N. I+:. 43:: Dec~deil Xnr. 28. 191 I. 13oes lint give sl~ecial~~r~vilegcs. Employers liability. The Tllinois art or 19iW reqniriii.$- shafts in I)llildings in the conlmcn of construcliou to bc gual'tlccl. w:is 11n11clJ in C!laffv vs. Chicnro Dock and Canal Po., 94 r\r E, 551. TWidctl Apr. i 1911. The act mils held to a1111ly lo bulldines wliicii were 11c1ngaliclmrtl al~d r~paired. Employers' liability - Railroads - Benefit ass'n. Thc IT. S. culwenle court uplieid the low^ law nliicli cut off thc d~lcusc ol' 1311ro:ltls 111 IICI'SOII~~i11jtir.v cascs I ha1 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

sion having intervened the court held that Talres properly without due process of the bills should h~vcbeen returned to the law spec~alsessio~l. The laws so l~assedover Railroads-Separation of races. The "Jim the veto wcte declared invalid. Crow" law oi' ICcntuclry was 1111held in Miners-Qualificat~ons. 'Fhe Illinois Inw Oomrnonw~altli vs. 111. Cenl. R. R. Co., 11rovidiug for an exa~niningboard and re- 13:: S. W. 1756, Jan. 11, 1911. Thc co~~rl quiring l~cc~~sesfor ~n~ners was consllwed held however, that the cornlra~lywas 1101 atitl upl~eldin tlic Illmois supreme court, liable because the Pullman cars attached Ikc. 21. 1910, in Peoulc rs. IZvrn~s,03 N. E. made no prorision for selxu'tltion. R. :ISS. Upheld cxcellt lor the provision Railroads-Wages-Payment. A Texas law to pay 11101ley collectcd 11ndei- the act out malrmg a ra~lrcarlcompany liable for 20 ol tlic state treasu~~yby walrant of couii- pcr cent. excess oC wages 111 case oC fall- ly judqc wl~lrhwas tleclaretl ~lnconstitn- 11rc to pay within Afteen days after tle- tiorlal. ~n;uidwas declared void by the Texas sll- Municipal government-Street sprinkling. Ilrelnc court, Rli\rch 11, 19ll. In Mo. K. & AII ol'di~~a~~r'erequiring ;I strcet car caoln- I. Iiy. C'o. of l'cxns vs. U~'atldy, 125 S. TV. ])any to spri~~lr!ethe par1 of the slrort oc- 106!1. c1111iedby t11pir lrac:lcs was ul)l~cltlin Slale Smoke prevention. An ordinance ol the vs. Mil\vaulice R1 Ry. & Light Co.. 12!1 city 01 31inneal)olis ~)rohibilingthe ~rscol' N. W. (i8-I. soll coal othcr t11a11 snloliclcss coal Iry Municipalities-Liability for Personal dam- loco~naiives 111 the city was upheld by ages. .\n Intlin~~alam rerlu1rc.s ll~atn 110- Llle Minnesola sr1plncme co11rL in Slale 1,s. licc or i~~trntiouLo sue for tlnmagcs ('lliwgo Al, & St. 1). 11, R., *l:W S. W.5-1;. cx~lsed11.- a defective stl'ect mus~lle gi\'?ll bI:u 10, I8 11 Ibnsc s~nclltr,is dcclarcfl to witllln MI clays. 1'111s law was 1111lleltl111 Ile a nuisance. The ordinance is 1101 vo~ll [:tll~l~rnvs. City 01 Fra~lkli~l.91 N. 1C. 77'7. betallst? it does not npl~lyto slation~u'ycn- .ll)ril 21, 1911, glnes. Officers-Removal of Sheriff. The sl1premc. Special leg~slation. An Illl~ioislam placinr, cou~~lof Ill~nois upllcltl Llle Iaw ol llial I~nbil~lylor tl:~magcion c~ornmissiotle~'~ol' state giving thc governor power lo rc- highways 111 caollntles no1 under 1 ownslri~~ nlovr a sllc~q~l'ffrom whom 21 l~risc~icr orga~llzatio~~s,ill casrs of neglcct, was has Ilcc,~lt:~liell and Ivncl~~rl.Pcnlrlc vs. held spec~alsillce it did 1101 al111l) to ;ill Ktlll~s,94 K, E 11. 1G. coanlies. ICennedy vs. llr(;ovcn~,!11 Y. Plumbers. The ilusinesi of 11l1nnl)ing was 142. R, 9-12, decided Oc1. 28, l!rll) I~o'tlby tlic Jlisso~i~'~s~~prmnc~ c20~~rl to IIP Sunday base-ball, The Indiana law ol 1909 :I ]~rol)ersubjcct nf rcg11ia110111)rransc ol' es1)~cssly exeml)llng bas?-In11 l>l:\yol's ils connection will1 pul~llcI~t~nllll hut Llie Tram the lam ~~rollil~illnglollo\v~ng onv's st:~telaw was cIPcI~I'u~Ivoid as special ~isualavoral~on on Sunday, mds u]~hel(l ul~rler the ronstil~~tion.Es paste Smith, Feb. 9, 1911. I)!. the Ind~ana Sul\remc 122 S, 11'. 60'7. court in State ys. Gal I*,9:: S E. R. 10il. Primary elections. Thc req~~~renicntot Lhe Tuberculin test. ,Ill' oulinance of Mil\vau- S. Ilalrot;~ primary election law that it Itcc reqnirlng inspert ion of mllr and 111~~ apl~lyto l~articscastlnq 30 per cenl. of apl)lirntion or the t~~l~crclllinlest to COWS fhc vote a1 the p~~cvlo~~seleclion wa: (I?- was ul)heltl 111 At1;ims vs. City of' Mil- rslared ~mreaso~~al~leand void in State vs. waulrce, 139 PIT. IT. 51s. Jan. 10, 1011. Not Ilan~~lton.129 N. IFr. 916. Ilec, 24, 1!)10. t~nronrtil~~t~onalI~cca~~sc il apl)lied ol~lyTo The percentage is ])laced too ncwr tl~c milk 111onqht 1'1'oni onlsicle the city. City voting ~>olrulation. ro~lnril has 11ght to accepl which cver Railroads-Full crew. The Arlrnnsas 11111 scai~ntificthcory IS reasonable to tl~cmill It'nin crew law of 19Oi was 1111heldin Ilie cascs ol r1isl)utc. IT 8. sul)reliw ronrt. Veh. 20, 191I, in Waters-Mfneral. 'I'he N. Y Icgislaturo In Chicago 13. T. k P R. Co vs. Arlw~i~as. I908 pnssetl a 1zm lo pr(~tf=ctthe Snrrltogd I S , I 2 Altackt?cl :IS inte~*fcr~ncr sl)~,illesfrom un11atl11:6 ]luml)lng l'ol' corn- with interstate commrwr, as s)x\c.~al in mercial purposes, which mas recenlly 111)- cscnlpting railinoacls less Ihnn 50 mtl(ns held 11y the 11. S sui)reme co~irtIII Linds- mrl as taIi111.g inollerly ivilhout due ])lSn- lei. vs Natural CalBl)onicGas Co 21 S C. cess of law Il 2::: l'hc law had been ul,held by tllc Railroad rates. Thc Minnesola two wtil state tourts In each illstanre fare law and the orders 01 the ra~lvo;.tl Women-Hours of labor. 'Chc li~nil:ll~onol' ant1 nar~l~ol~s~commission lowel-in: ('om- hours of labola of women 111 ?ilic~lllen~~lo notl lily ratcs werr dccla~wl i1iico11~11t11- 1ii11c 11o11rsIIV an ac.1 of 1909 (no 2s:) was t ional IIY {I. S. riwuil rourt in Sllcl)arcl 5 ~l~~l~rltlI)\' 111e M~ell~ga~~siil)lvmc~ co~~l'l, Nnrli~cr~iPnc. Tl. R. Po. IS I Fcd Ilcp X5. I)(V 7, \!I 11, in 1V1t11ey vs. lHO(~171,12s s SPECIAL LIBRARIES

1%'.!)I:). 'I'his case iollows the lamnm Il- ment, ('omln i lloc on (Senate) repo~~t.227~. linois :und Oregon cases on this point. 188%. (U.S 4ill1 ('ong., 1st sess. Sca;~te Workmen's compensation. The New Pork rel)ol.t no. 570 In FIC~I:II 110. ?uu(;.) law 01' 1010, providing Por compcnsal lo11 Un~ted States. I+?sld~nt, ronipilation of I'or inj~~ricsin certairl tlangcro~~selnploy- lllc n~rss:\,qevill111 1wl)erb of the presitlrats, menls w:~scleclarcd uncollstlt1itioua1 by liS!b18!17, by .T. D. R~~liartlson.14!)!1. (See 111c. court of appeals. Nar. 24, 1!)11, in R Inrlrs, v. 10, 1). 298-300.) lol!.e,, ral*elrilly wol~lwcl-oi~ttlieruss~on, lves Platform Demands. vs. Soul11 LhlITalo Ity. Co., 9 I S. E. R. 431. -l3ernocrntic- White slave traffic. The Illinois lam of l!)nS McKee, T. II., comr~. The wltioixtl COIIVPII- ~~rohil~iliny:and l)enallzing pandcrmg was t~o~lsnnfl pl:~llorn~sol nil ~)olitiralpnr- nphelcl Oct. 28 in the Illinois nullreme ties, 3789-19M; conventloll, 1)ol)olnr :111tl ronrt in the case of People vs. Braun. !K! electoral vote. Ed. 6. 1!106. 1). 1G0, 18.1, N. 18. Ti. 917. Title si~ficient,rules of evi- ?OG, 234, 205, 297, 301. dc~iccallowing wife to testify ngalnst Ilus- -Rep~il~lic:~~i- 1);11:tl ~~l~lield. - 1,. 150, 190, 213, 244, 272, 312, 241, -Ap-- 398. SOME REFERENCE ON CIVIL SERVICE Laws, State. REFORM. Colorado: Session laws, 1007 p. X2-2770. (By John Roynton tiaiser.) Illinois: Civil service reform is a live q~~estionin Ilurd's lieviscrl sl~tntcs,19Il9, 1). LO4-511. several states nl the present time, and is Session Inws, l!)O9-l!1lfl, 1) 55-G. tlestinecl Lo be ag~tatetlIn innnv more sooner Massachusetts: or later. California, Illinois, Micliig~nand Rcviserl hxs. 2v. 1!102 r. 1, I) ::'-iff. Tcxns are :tinol~gthose that have consideretl S~~pplcme~il,1903-1905, 11, 249-957. Ilie question this year Sess1011 laws, 1909, 1). 350. The following lie1 notes materinl which Sessio~llilws, 1910, 1). 139, 1.12, 2S9. fiG1. the Tex:is Legislative lickrence Depart- Nsw Jersey: ment ~iiatlec;ervicrable to the author oi' the Scsslon laws, l!)OS. 1). 235-251;. civ~l senlcc: blll In that state. It omits Session laws, 1910, 11. lG2. pcriochcnl relei'ences, with threc exceptions, New York: ant1 clnims only to bc a brief list of readily ~'onsoliclated statutes. 7v. 15119, r. 1, ]I. ~lcreesrblematerial. 811-332. The Texas 11111contained the now Inmoos Sess~onlaws. 1010. 2v. v. 1, 1). 41;s-370; "grnnrlfotl~er clnn~e,"a unique fcatnre for v. 2, p. 1428. si~cha measure, ancl tlu'ee I'eferences on this Wisconsin: topic i~reapge~~ded to th~slist. lievrsecl statt~lessug[)lrrncnt, v. 2, l!)II(i, General. P. 380-394. Beard, I' A. Aniericnn government and Session laws, 1907, i909. (Siv Intles.) politics. 191n. 1). 38-230, 511-515, 590.597. Laws, Federal. Bryce, Jnines. Ainerican co~nmonwenltli. I4M. United States. ('ivll s~~~vicccomlnissioll. 3. 1RD9. v. 2, 11. 139-141. C'ivil service act, rules nnd esecutlvo or. Civ~l service in Ch~cago,n glance at the tlors . . . cclit~oll ol' ?day, 7920. !I?[). work which is n model for other cities. IVnsh.. 191 0. The l'oler, Janliary, 1911, p. 31-37. Commission Reports. Flemlng, W. H. Tar~b,civil service, illcolue Colorndo, Illinois, Massnclu~setts,New .Jer- tax, impcr1;11ism, the race problem and sey, Ncn. Yorli, United Shtes, Wiscolls~n othrr :iddresses. c1908. F. 17-40. B~llsRecently Introduced. Foltz, El 13. 1C Thr federal civil scrvice as California lagislature, 1911. Sen, Bill NO. 17. a r:r13eer. 1909. Illinois legislature, 1911. Senate bills are Goodnow, F. G. The priilci1)les oC thc atl- pending lor Cook county, Chicngo :md the mini6trativc Inw of the TJnitetl SLntcs. state clep:~rlmcnts. 1905. P. 2GG-294. Mlchigan legisle t111-e. 3 911. Sen. Dill 38. Lowell, A. L. The government ol Englnnd. 'I'exus lerislnture. 1811. IIouse Bill 131. 2v. 19UG. v. 1, p. 145-194 and v. 2, 11. 514- (~i~pri~teclwith co~nrnilteeamendmellts 516. in IIoilse Jolu-nal, 1911 [(lailyl, 1). 755-7Cli. Roosevelt, Theodore. .Idininlstrntion: civil February 13, 1911.) servlce. 1902. p. 5-44. Clvll Service Retirement. Taft, ?V. 1-1. Message . . . Decelnber 6, 3910. Brown, 1-1. TI. C3vil servlcc retirc~nelltNew I). 77, 80. Sor~lliJVxles, Australin. 49p. 1910 I U. T~lden,S. J. 1VriLings aud sl)eeches edited S.-Glst C'oi1g.-2d scss. Sen. Doc, 110. hy John Bigelow. 2v. clE(S5. v. 2, 1). 490 ) 271-2. Civil sewicc retirement. .\rnerican R of R . United States. Civil service and i~elrench- 52 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Taft, W. 11. RIessage . . . December 6, 1910, Jour, of the Soc. of Arts. 7:26'1-272. On D. 80-81. trade marks. I)al)or and discussion on asc "Grandfather Clause." ant1 inw of trade marks. Atwater rs. Hnssett. 111 I'nc~fic Reporter, - 17:114-421. On trade mnrlts. (Paper 1). 802. tOltl;~ho~~inSulwcme Court.) (De- and clisc~~ssionon history mld we ol' claring constitutional.) tradc nlarlts.) Outlook: Aug~st20, 1910, V. 95, p. 853-864. Reliquary. 7.86-94. The marking of goods (Discusses Olrlahomn popular elcrtion on put to sale. (1-Ilstory of the t~'ndemark the S~mcll~seamentlment to the state con- from 1300-1600.) stitntlon.) Periodicals. Stephenson, G. T. Race clistinctions in Patent and Trade Mark Review, 309 T3rond- A~nericnnlaw. 1910. p. 305-317. way, New York. Trade Mark, 13~ttsb~u'g,1%. \Villir~nl G. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRADE-MARK; Johnston D Co. ORIGIN AND HISTORY. Trade-mark Record, 40 Escl~mlgc plnce, Browne. Trade Marks. Publisher not New York. known. U.~ S.-~ Trade~~- Mark Ass'n. Bulletin. 32 Nns- snu St., New York Buck, J. H. Old plate . . . its m~lters *Free I'ublic Library, Ncwarl:, N. J.. and m;~rlcs. Gorham Mfg Co. 1888. Burton, ~Villiamand Hobson, R. 12. Hnncl- - - hook ol marks on pottery and porcelain. Ilncmillan. 1909. (Arranged by countries BIBLIOGRAPHIES. with a short liistorical sketch under i~iformntion is cleslrccl concerning bibli- each.) grnl~l~icsor digests on the Pollowing snli- Dlllon, Edwnrd. Explanation of the ~narlts jects: ou the plates and nlnrks on porceli~in. Penal farms. (Tn his Porcelain, pp. 395-404.) Methuen. Recall. 1904. Secondary agricul turd education. Historical sketch of makers' marlcs. Slate su])e~'vlsionot pr~valecharilies. (Tn Traclc-marks of the jewelry and kin- Rei'erenclum or m~un~c~l~al€ranchise. dred trades.) Jewelers' CirculanS Pub, Co. 1003. WANTEL)-The cdltor has frequent rc- Howard, A.1ontagrle. Olcl London Silrw, il s history, ~tsm:~lte~-? and its marks. Scvi b- qucsts tor coliles of the flrst isme ot Iler, 1903. (C'onlains short llistoricnl I,ibraries which is 11om out oC print A~lvoue slretch ant1 extensive list of maker's II:IVIII~extra coples of this Issue will co~llrr t 01% n~n~*lcs,1313. 213-328.) a la~orby notilying hr ctlitor secrctal'y, MacQuold, Percy. I'hronological list . . . Guy E. AIarion. mnlrer's niwlts. (In his I%te collectors' grnde, appendis ) Mnrrny. 1008. - l'rov~ncial assay tow11s and their THE H. R. HUNTING CO. tnarlr~. (Tn his 131n te collecto~-s'guide, chnp 2.) Murray. 1908. Springfield, Mass. Marl:ham, C. A. Pewter nl~lisand old pewter ware. Reeves and Turner. 1909. makes n spec'alty of loolrinp up and report- Roberts, W. Printers' marlrs. Rell. 1892. in^ on special items. Classified culalogs are Wood, I,. I. Touches and other 111rnks to issued nlonthly. Corres~ontlence inviled. 11e found upon Scottish pewter ware. (in Special library binding.. his Scottish Pewter-ware and Pewterers: chap. 15.) illorton. Wyllie, Bertle. Malccrs and marlrs. (In his Shefficld plate; chap. 5.) Scribner. Thc standard of binding established and Magazines Articles. maintain~clby Art, Journal, 1855, p. 221-223. Marks on pot- tery mlcl j~orcelnin. THE AMERICAN LIBRARY BINDERY Chalnber's Jour. 54.491-4. A curious l~icture book. IDescription OF Lhe TI~~P-mnrlc of Philadelphia Jonr., the English ofic~alregister of t.rnrle n1:1rlrs.) has become u~iiversallyrecogmzed