![Special Libraries, May 1911](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1911 Special Libraries, 1910s 5-1-1911 Special Libraries, May 1911 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1911 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, May 1911" (1911). Special Libraries, 1911. 5. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1911/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1911 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries ---... - . .... - .-. --.- .. -- - Vol. a. MAY, 1911 No. 5 - -- ---- - - _ - -- -- --.. - GO-OPERATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHIES. PUBLISTIED BY THE SPECIAL LIDRARIES ASSOCIATION In Lhis issue IS publishetl a bibllogral~hy on the 11ubllc drinlc~ngcup question pie- Editorinl nnd Publ~cntionOfice. Stntc L~brnry Indianapolis, Ind. pried I).v >IT. H. H. B. Meyer, cliief bibliog- rapher of the Library of Congress, with the Subsc~.ipt~nns,93 Brond strccl, Boston, Mass. co-ol~eral.ionof the slate libraries and leg- ~~~liclltlnnpending for ntlmlssion ns srconrl- clils5 rn'cttcv at tho PostORicc. Inrliana~olls.Ind. islalive refemice del~artments. The April issue contained a b~bliographyon state su- Subscrij~tion...... $2.00 B year (10 numbers) pcrvision rind ndministration of charities and correction in the I[.6, 1)repnred in Lhc Single col~ics.................... .25 cents same manner. FuLure issues will contain -- - - - - - -. .-. - - other short spcc~al Ilsts troni [he same Preslclent. .TOIIN COTTONDANA al~thor~tiesand it is liol~edthat the fullest Prec Pul>lic 1211)lnnry,Nemnl'lc, N J. Vicc-l)rcsirlcnt, ROIJIGI~TTf. I\'IXITTITN co-operation will be secnred in nlaking Puljl~cS,err~cc Co~nmlssion, New Yorlc City thFse lists tiniely and thoroual~ Sccictnrv- I rrnhuier - - - OCY E. ~IARTON SnggesLions as lo lmxled bibliogra~~hfes Arthur D. Llttle, Inc.. 93 Bloa(1 St, Boston, Mass Esci'utivc Board . ~V~RIDENT.TTl~~~-P~tl~S1~l<~~~ and plans lor securlng the hest sources oP SncrtnrAnl'-'l'n~~,tsu~t~z~t.MANA~IXO 1l;nrTon Src- l~lformationconcerning material should be CIAI. TJII~AIIIRS GnnRcn l\r. 1,c~. Slmc sen1 to MI. Meycl. or to the Inanilglng edi- & I\'t.bslei, BOStO17 TT~llnrlt~0. BRlcrraar, Stnto Lll)~wrv,Pro! ~~lencc.,I? I tor of Spcrial Lil)ral-ies. 117:1nnginy TCdllor or Specla1 LIRrari~s: JOHNA. LAI~P,Stntc I,llwa~y,Indlnnapolis. Ind. THE MINNESOTA TAX COMMISSION LIBRARY:!. Minnesota Tax Commission.. .......... 41 One of the needs early isecognizcclby the References Public Drinking Cup 42 ....... tns corn~nlasiori mas tl~atof B worlting li- Public Affairs-References 45 ........... 1)rnrg wliich would render available at an Constitutional Decisions of Interest 48 . inslant's nolicc any inforn~ation which Some References on Civil Service Re- form, by John I3oynton Kaiser. ........ 51 inig.111 throw light up011 the pro1)lerns of tax- Bibliography of Trade Mark.. .........62 ation. Since there is no legislative refer- encc lil)l.a~'y in Mlnncsotn, it was decided to incorl)orale Llie Ic-gislat~rereference IAPB ANNUAL MEETING. in Lhe sclienie of this 1lbrm.g ail3 to make it The Special libraisies assoclatioa will hold a bureau or informatiorl for tho legislature its third anill~nlrneet~ng in New York City as well as for the commission. According- duri~~gtlie weclr bcgmning September 25th. ly, a 11l)rariiun was selectcil who hail re- The NCW York Stale associalion, the col- ceived s~ecifictraining along this line in leg' section of the A. L. A, and tlie Ameri- the W~sconsinlegislative reference depart- cmi lib~aryinstllule will hold Lheir meel- n~mtand glans were made for the eslnb- ings at 1,113 saine Llune and place. llslilneiit of A Ilbmry whlch, though IIIOI'P The tentative program plSovitles for iliree sl)ecinlizctl, shoulcl he patterlled 111 llle or fonr sesslons to be devoted to oftlce 11- lnain alter Ihe one at ;\ladison. 111wicsand slatislical del~arlmentsof finan- Tllc work of galhering material was tlie CI:~~~istitulions,, ofice libraries and illfor- first lo claim atleniio~~.Letters reqllcst- mat on ancl rcsearch bureaus of en:inecrins ing repol'ts, lax la\irs and blanlr rorms were 2nd n~i~nrll'actur~ngfirnis, tcclinical in- scnt lo Ihe tax comn~issions,anditors and tlexc~s,and 1)nblic affairs libraries. like officers connected with the asscssmml The comluittee in charge of the nleetiily and collection of taxes in other stales anil is composetl ol Robei'l H Whltten, chair- co~lntrles. Soon R syslcln ot exr1i:uige was man, Guy E. Narion, John C. Dana ant1 John eslnl~lished and now thcse publ~cWiolls I.al)~. lor111 one ol Ihe most vnlual~leparts of the At the A. 11 A, conference at Pasadena. library for lliey not only prcsenl the 11rob- onc ses<lon wns left oprn for a round table Icms with which 1,eol)le are bei~lg con- clisc~~ssronof s])ccsinl lil,r;iry mattel's, i~nder trontctl elsewhere llllt they glre an msight the direction ol Purd 13 Wiglit ant1 Robert - A Coml)l~cll *Proill the report of fhe cominiss~on,1910. SPECIAL LIBRARIES into tho nlcthotls which are being cmployed to tlie ol~inionson laxation rende~~erlby the to solve these l~roblems. two del~artmentsslnce their organii..alion. I11 addition to the publicatia~is alrt~arly As mentioned above, the I~brary was mentioned, tho library contains the M~IIIIC- created not only for thc nsc of Ihe Lrix com- sota repolts and n conlplele set of all stat- m~ssion 1111t also lor the use of tlie Icg~s- rrtes ancl session laws ~~~tbllsl~edsince the 1ature and ~t was wltll great pleasure tlitlt territol y was organized. noolcs and Ilani- the con~missionnoted the ~romytnesswith ~)Iiletson Ren~raleconomws as well as upon whicl~the various members ava~letlthem- taxation are l~rocllred tls they are 1)1111- selves of this lir~v~legednr~nq the past ses- lishecl. Slxteen periodicals, chiefly eco- sion. College and un~versitystuclenls, like- nomic journals, and eighl ucwslxllrers, six wise, have been qniclr to apl~reciatethe 011- publisl~edwitliin and two l)ul)lishetl withoul portunilies of such n 11l)rary. It is to be the state, come to the library regularly. hoped that this interest. already manilest- Moreover, the se~~vicesol two Imss ~111)- etl, will be extended to include no1 only ing bureaus are eml)loyed: one, a state ba- those persons already referred to but also reau, wh~ch by means of c1il)l)ings from the public in general. Students of taxa- Minnesota papers furnishes information as tion throughout the state are cord~allyin- to the movements and sentiment throngho~t vited to use the llbr~ryfreely. the state; the other, an eastern bureau, which through magaxme art~clesant1 clip- pings rrom 1)apers of other states furnishes Select List of References on the Publ~c information as to conditions throughout the Drinking Cup Question. country. (Compilecl unrle~the Ai~~ecllonof TT FT. l7. hTe\.cr, Chicf Blblioji~.nphc~%.l~ib~a~y nl' There is a great amount of materm1 corn- ~oiijil~ns,with ihr co-oge~~atlonnf llic ing into the library all of the time For Str~tc.LI~IXI.ICU and Stxtr Leg~slt~tlveRrl- econolny of s~aceand for greater nvallabil- crence I>el~:~rtmrnts.) ity, periodicals arc not kept on file, but thc In ~nvcstigat~~lgthis cl~~estionI came lo articles on taxatlon are removed and by the conclusion that Massachusetts is lhr being ~'acecl in marl~la covers, are made only state which by a special statute on the into pamphlets and filed on the shelves in subject has ahohshed the use of this mi). boxes provided for that lm-pose. In like Other states that have abolished it haw manne17. :wt~cles of interest are cllpped clone so by the a~~thorityof rulings of t11c from the newspapers, pasted on manila Slate Roalcl of Health, which have the cards, tied together by subject and in this ertect of a special statute. This ~nforma- form flled in the boxes. Before a single lion is helpful as it will save considerable book or paml~hlet is placed upon the searching through the stotntes of stales. shelves it is minutely classified and in- which are known to have ubolislied this dexed, references being made to all im- cup, for specific laws when thc abolition portant chapters or paragraphs. That the was ~~eallyaccomplisl~ed by a rule 11avln.s conditions as regards taxalion in ot;li?r the effect nf law. states and countries may be the more close- Note supplied 11s31~ J. n. T<n~.sri*.T.cgis- ly watched and compared, a sellasate index lu tlvc s~ffirencc llbl'.r~~~iin.Stnte TAII)I.:LI~~. is made to artlcles on coml~nmtivelegisla- ilust~n.Trs;ls. tion. Barry, W. F, The hygiene of the school- During the lmst session of the state leg- room. Rev. ed. islature a file of bllls relative to taxalion New York, Boston [eLc.l: Silver, Bur- was lcept in the library. These were in- dett & Co., r19091 195 111). dexed by number and by subject atid a ",Snnitary drinkm~fountains": 111). record mas kept of their progress from 115-116. LB3405. R3, 1909. day to day. This will be continued Blair. Thomas S. Pnhlic hygiene. rlnring the present session and w~lldoubt- Boston: R. G. Badger, 11911 1. 2 v.
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