ARRC Seward Electrical & Storage Sheds Invitation to Bid 15-27-203898 June 12, 2015 Alaska Railroad Corporation 327 West Ship Creek Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 ALASKA RAILROAD CORPORATION 327 W. Ship Creek Ave. Anchorage, AK 99501 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone 907-265-2608 Fax 907-265-2439
[email protected] June 12, 2015 INVITATION TO BID 15-27-203898 ARRC SEWARD ELECTRICAL & STORAGE SHEDS Response Required: This page must be completed and returned to ensure receipt of future addenda or additional information. Please fax this form to (907) 265-2439. All addenda will be forwarded to the contact name and number listed below. Firms that have not returned this cover sheet will not be informed of addendums and will only be alerted to addendums by checking with the ARRC procurement officer or by checking ARRC’s internet site:, select Suppliers and then Solicitations. Bidders must acknowledge the receipt of all issued addendums in their proposal/bid submittal. Company ______________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Contact ______________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Fax _______________________ Email ______________________________________________________ 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 ALASKA RAILROAD CORPORATION 327 W. Ship Creek Ave. Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone 907-265-2608 Fax 907-265-2439
[email protected] June 12, 2015 INVITATION TO BID 15-27-203898 ARRC Seward Electrical & Storage Sheds ALASKA RAILROAD CORPORATION PURCHASING & MATERIALS ATTENTION: C. LEE THOMPSON, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR TELEPHONE (907) 265-2608 - FAX NUMBER (907) 265-2439 BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT: The Office of: C. Lee Thompson Purchasing and Contracts Alaska Railroad Corporation 327 West Ship Creek Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Sealed bids will be received until 3:00 p.m.