'Not Enough Benches in the Pjazza': Forced Migrants, Integration, And

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'Not Enough Benches in the Pjazza': Forced Migrants, Integration, And UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON University of Chichester ‘Not enough benches in the pjazza’: Forced Migrants, Integration, and Maltese Identity by Amanda Jane Muscat Moulton Thesis for the degree of Master of Philosophy February 2013 ABSTRACT Immigration to the European Union is on the rise and the island of Malta is no exception. During the last decade, Malta has had one of the highest rates per capita in Europe of forced migrants arriving in an irregular manner. These forced migrants, and other sub-Saharan Africans that have migrated to Malta through regular channels, are forming a growing ethnic minority of sub-Saharan Africans in Malta. This dissertation analyses how sub-Saharan African immigrants are integrating at the community level, and how this is challenging the Maltese identity, by exploring the social interactions between the established population and immigrants, especially forced migrants. Including the perspectives of African Maltese and established African immigrants brings a new perspective to the discussion of immigrant integration in Malta since EU immigrant integration polices are particularly targeting them. This qualitative study utilizes semi-structured interviews and participant observation with sub-Saharan African immigrants (both established immigrants and forced migrants), Maltese local councillors, and local experts in the field of migration. The fact that the researcher is both a cultural ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’, gives this dissertation an alternative and unique perspective on the phenomenon of social integration in Malta. This research found that the Maltese are not actively seeking ways to integrate with the newly arrived forced migrants, which is resulting in a lack of social cohesion and fostering separation. It is also fuelling racism with detrimental effects on the integration of all sub-Saharan Africans in Malta. In fact racial discrimination encroaches on all the domains of Ager and Strang’s (2008) Integration Framework, especially in access to services, creating meaningful social connections, and the feeling of safety and stability. In conclusion, migration theory suggests that immigration to Malta will continue to happen because of global relations, migrant networks, and the increasing need for labour, and will therefore inevitably have an effect upon the island diversity. In fact this dissertation demonstrates that Malta is already a multi-ethnic country. The Maltese government should embrace this diversity and adopt an integration policy instead of fostering ‘parallel lives’ by allowing a policy vacuum. An integration policy should focus primarily on combating racial discrimination and emphasising a ‘two-way process of change’. i ii Contents Chapter 1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 1 Forced Migration to Malta ................................................................................................. 1 Malta’s Response to Forced Migration ............................................................................. 2 Gaps in research and addition to new knowledge ........................................................... 4 A Note on Language Use ................................................................................................... 5 Overview of the Dissertation ............................................................................................. 6 Chapter 2 Migration, Forced Migration, and Asylum Policy .......................................... 8 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 8 Migration Theories in Relation to Malta ........................................................................... 8 Forced Migration and Refugees ...................................................................................... 14 The European Union’s and Malta’s Asylum Policy Framework ..................................... 16 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 16 European Union Asylum Policy ........................................................................................ 17 Common European Asylum System............................................................................. 18 EASO .............................................................................................................................. 19 Mandate of EASO .......................................................................................................... 19 Malta’s Asylum Policy Framework ................................................................................... 20 Asylum Process ............................................................................................................. 21 Rights of Beneficiaries of International Protection ..................................................... 22 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 25 Chapter 3 Profile of sub-Saharan African Immigrants in Malta .................................. 26 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 26 Migration to Malta ............................................................................................................ 26 Ethnic Diversity in Malta .................................................................................................. 27 Sub-Saharan Africans in Malta ......................................................................................... 29 Female forced migrants ............................................................................................... 32 Unaccompanied Minors ................................................................................................ 37 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 40 iii Chapter 4 Theories and Policies of Inclusion and Settlement .................................... 41 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 41 Assimilation ...................................................................................................................... 41 Assimilation – The case of the USA ............................................................................. 42 Multiculturalism ............................................................................................................... 44 Multiculturalism – The case of the UK ........................................................................ 45 Social Cohesion ................................................................................................................ 46 Social Cohesion in Practice – The case of the UK ...................................................... 48 Integration ........................................................................................................................ 49 Integration Policy – The case of the European Union ................................................ 50 Integration Policy in Malta ........................................................................................... 52 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 53 Chapter 5 Methodology ................................................................................................. 54 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 54 Research Questions ......................................................................................................... 54 Why Malta? .................................................................................................................... 55 Qualitative Research Framework .................................................................................... 55 Constructionism ........................................................................................................... 56 Definition of Qualitative Research .............................................................................. 56 Theory Generation ........................................................................................................ 57 Evaluation of Qualitative Research .............................................................................. 58 Benefit of Qualitative Research ................................................................................... 58 Research Methods ............................................................................................................ 58 Fieldwork ....................................................................................................................... 59 Sampling ....................................................................................................................... 59 Participants ................................................................................................................... 60 Semi-Structured Interviews .......................................................................................... 62 Interview Procedures ...................................................................................................
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