Health profile overview for ward

This profile presents a high level summary of health Population age structure: 23,012 in total related data sets for the Weetwood ward. Comparison of ward and age structures July 2020. Leeds as outline, ward shaded as follows to indicate ward This ward has a GP registered population of 23,012 resident proportions living in the most deprived 5th of Leeds, mid with the majority of the ward population living in the range, least deprived 5th of Leeds. least deprived fifth of Leeds. In Leeds terms the ward is ranked in the mid range of the city by deprivation. 90-94 Females: 11,340 Males: 11,671


The age profile of this ward is very similar to Leeds, 70-74 but with slightly more very young adults. 60-64






About deprivation in this report 0-4 Deprivation throughout is measured using the Index of 6% 3% 0% 3% 6% Multiple Deprivation (IMD). The IMD provides a score for every part of England and we use this in Leeds to determine which Deprivation in this ward areas of Leeds are most deprived. Proportions of this population within each deprivation fifth of Leeds. July 2020. Leeds is divided into five groups from the most deprived fifth of 48% Leeds the "deprived fifth", to the least. Because this divides Leeds by MSOAs, it is a slightly generalised and removes detail in very small areas. 25% 21%

Ward deprivation scores take IMD scores for small areas, and 5% weights them using population size in 2019. The result is like an 0% average deprivation score for the ward area but giving greater Most Least weight to those areas with more residents. 2nd most mid 2nd least deprived fifth deprived fifth deprivation-209 All wards by deprivation score GP recorded ethnicity, top 5 in ward % Ward % Leeds Wards are scored taking into account the numbers of people and the levels of deprivation where they live, the higher the score the White British 69.7% 69.5% more deprived the ward population. Other White Background 12.6% 9.5% & Richmond Hill 58 Other Ethnic Background 3.3% 2.2% & 56 Killingbeck & 52 Pakistani or British Pakistani 2.8% 3.6% & Riverside 50 46 White Irish 0.4% 0.6% 45 (GP ethnicity data July 2020, does not contain unknowns, blanks etc) Beeston & 42 Bramley & 40 36 Farnley & Wortley 35 33 Main spoken language, top 6 in ward % Ward % Leeds 30 Little London & Woodhouse 28 English 18,134 79% 76% & 28 25 Blank unknown refused could not be 22 communicated 3,034 13% 11% & Hyde Park 20 20 All other 419 languages Weetwood 18 1,192 5% 8% Morley North 18 Ardsley & Robin Hood 17 Arabic & Yeadon 17 285 1% 1% Kippax & Methley 16 16 Urdu 1% 1% Calverley & Farsley 16 121 16 14 Polish 86 0% 1% & 13 & Rawdon 11 (GP ethnicity data July 2020, contains unknowns, blanks etc) 11 10 Adel & Wharfedale 10 8

Weetwood Ward 2020.pdf Child obesity - reception classes and year 6 classes in 2018/19

Rates of children who are overweight or obese as provided by the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). The data shows children by ward of residence as a proportion of all children in the ward. The wards are ranked in descending order of deprivation score and this ward is outlined in red. Because the wards are ranked by deprivation it is possible to see a fall in rates from left to right - the least deprived wards tend to have lower rates of child deprivation - more noticeable in Year 6.

Reception Year 6 50% 50%

40% 40% Overweight 30% 30% Very overweight 20% 20%

This ward 10% 10%

0% 0% Most deprived Least deprived Most deprived Least deprived

Looked after children KS4 % achieving a strong pass in English and Maths

160 60% 140 50% 120 40% 100 80 30% 60 20% 40 10% 20 0 0% Most deprived Least deprived Most deprived Least deprived

Number of looked after children in wards in July 2020, by Percentage of pupils achieving a strong pass (grades 9-5) in location before becoming looked after. Wards are ranked English and maths at Key Stage 4. Wards are ranked from from most to least deprived. most to least deprived, and rates are based on pupil home address, not their school address. Data from 2018/19 The wards are shown ranked by deprivation and despite academic year. variations in population sizes the general picture shows larger counts in more deprived areas.

UC and JSA claimants as % of 16-64 year olds

18 16 Claimants as a proportion of 14 residents aged 16-64 12 10 % 8 6 4 2 0 Most deprived Least deprived Universal Credit and Job Seekers Allowance claimants as a proportion of residents aged 16-64. August 2020

The wards are ranked by levels of deprivation and, there is a clear reduction in proportions of claimants as deprivation falls.

Weetwood Ward 2020.pdf GP recorded conditions, April 2020 (age standardised rates per 100,000 ) These charts show all 33 wards in rank order by directly age standardised rate (DSR). DSR removes the effect that differing age structures have on data, and allow comparison of 'young' and 'old' areas. The small areas (MSOAs) within wards are overlaid as red dots and often differ widely. This data includes all Leeds GP registered patients who live within the ward.

How to read these charts GP data can only reflect those patients who visit their doctor. Certain groups within the population are known to present Red wards are late, or not at all, therefore it is important to remember that significantly White wards Red dots are higher than are not areas making GP data is not the whole of the picture. Leeds significantly up this ward different to (MSOAs) 0 20 40 Leeds 60 80 100


Leeds 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 10,000 Asthma (under 16s) 8,000

6,000 THIS Ward 6,106 ward is 4,000 outlined Green wards are Leeds 6,264 in red 2,000 significantly Deprived fifth 6,054 lower than Leeds 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 35,000 5,000 CHD 30,000 Adult obesity (BMI>30) 4,000 25,000 20,000 3,000 Ward 3,124 Ward 20,082 15,000 2,000 Leeds 3,610 10,000 Leeds 23,998 1,000 5,000 Deprived fifth 4,391 Deprived fifth 28,070 0 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 5,000 6,000 Cancer 5,000 COPD 4,000 4,000 3,000 Ward 4,206 3,000 Ward 1,697 2,000 2,000 Leeds 4,303 Leeds 2,594 1,000 1,000 Deprived fifth 3,849 Deprived fifth 4,519 0 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 12,000 30,000 10,000 Diabetes 25,000 Common mental health issues 8,000 20,000 6,000 Ward 5,433 15,000 Ward 24,528 4,000 Leeds 6,563 10,000 Leeds 23,560 2,000 5,000 Deprived fifth 9,615 Deprived fifth 22,950 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 3,000 40,000 0 20 40 60 80 100 2,500 Severe mental health issues (18+) 35,000 Smoking (16+) 30,000 2,000 25,000 1,500 Ward 1,341 20,000 Ward 13,723 1,000 15,000 Leeds 1,301 10,000 Leeds 17,506 500 Deprived fifth 1,825 5,000 Deprived fifth 26,172 0 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1,000 9,000 900 Learning disabilities (18+) 8,000 Dementia (65+) 800 7,000 700 6,000 600 5,000 500 Ward 479 Ward 4,422 400 4,000 300 Leeds 490 3,000 Leeds 4,592 200 2,000 100 Deprived fifth 622 1,000 Deprived fifth 6,267 0 0

Weetwood Ward 2020.pdf Life expectancy at birth, 2017-10 ranked wards

0 20 40 60 80 100 (years) Males Females 90y 0 20 40 60 80 100 90y Male Female Ward 80.3 83.2 80y 80y Leeds resident 78.4 81.7

70y 70y Deprived Leeds* 73.8 77.0

60y 60y The relationship between deprivation and life expectancy is well established and can be seen Life expectancy at birth, 2017-19. Ranked by deprivation clearly here.

90y 90y Male Female The Least deprived wards are shown first, 80y 80y deprivation rises from left to right and the line indicates a linear trend of decline as deprivation 70y 70y rises. Male life expectancy shows a greater 60y 60y variation with deprivation - the trend line is steeper. Least dep Most dep. Least dep Most dep.

All cause mortality - under 75s, 2015-19 ranked wards

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 (DSR per 100,000) All Males Females 1,000 1,000 800 800 Ward 306 332 282 600 600 Highest MSOA in ward 365 403 330 400 400 Lowest MSOA in ward 216 260 170 200 200 Leeds resident 359 429 289 0 0 All Male Female Deprived fifth 560 660 452 DSR - Directly Standardised Rate removes the effect that age structures have on data, allows comparison of 'young' and 'old' areas

Cancer mortality - under 75s, 2015-19 ranked wards (DSR per 100,000) All Males Females 300 300 250 250 Ward 124 122 127 200 200 Highest MSOA in ward 138 137 139 150 150 100 100 Lowest MSOA in ward 97 86 107 50 50 Leeds resident 141 157 128 0 0 All Male Female Deprived fifth 201 220 183 Circulatory disease mortality - under 75s, 2015-19 ranked wards (DSR per 100,000) All Males Females 250 250 200 200 Ward 65 81 49 150 150 Highest MSOA in ward 63 87 41 100 100 Lowest MSOA in ward 50 58 37 50 50 Leeds resident 79 108 51 0 0 All Male Female Deprived fifth 133 173 89 Respiratory disease mortality - under 75s, 2015-19 ranked wards (DSR per 100,000) All Males Females 150 150 Ward 20 18 22 100 100 Highest MSOA in ward 37 32 41

50 50 Lowest MSOA in ward 5 5 5 Leeds resident 30 32 28 0 0 All Male Female Deprived fifth 60 63 54

Ordnance Survey PSMA Data, Licence Number 100050507, (c) Crown Copyright 2011, All rights reserved. Mortality data copyright (c) 2019, re-used with the permission of the Health and Social Care Information Centre / NHS Digital. All rights reserved. GP data source: Leeds GP data extraction programme, only includes Leeds registered patients who are resident in the city. * 'Deprived Leeds' is an alternative definition of deprivation in Leeds - it is those areas that fall into the most deprived 10% of England, and is used when the 'Deprived fifth' can not be calculated for a dataset.

Weetwood Ward 2020.pdf Data appendix for GP recorded conditions Weetwood ward

GP recorded conditions data is available for relatively small areas called MSOAs, many of the charts in this report also display the MSOAs within this ward as small red dots to illustrate the variation that can occur within an area the size of a ward. The tables below give the April 2020 rates for the MSOAs making up this ward.

All rates here are age standardised per 100,000 meaning age is not a factor in any differences.

Asthma (under 16s) 7,972.7 Leeds: 6,263.9 , 5,763.4 Dep: 6,054.5 West Park and Weetwood 5,583.0 Ward: 6,106.0 - - - -

CHD Tinshill 3,472.9 Leeds: 3,610.1 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 3,392.4 Dep: 4,391.2 West Park and Weetwood 2,668.8 Ward: 3,124.4 - - - -

Adult obesity Tinshill 25,148.8 Leeds: 23,998.3 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 24,101.8 Dep: 28,070.1 West Park and Weetwood 15,200.8 Ward: 20,081.5 - - - -

Cancer West Park and Weetwood 4,615.5 Leeds: 4,303.3 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 3,978.1 Dep: 3,848.9 Tinshill 3,867.9 Ward: 4,206.3 - - - -

COPD Tinshill 1,947.0 Leeds: 2,593.9 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 1,829.7 Dep: 4,519.1 West Park and Weetwood 1,225.5 Ward: 1,696.5 - - - -

Diabetes Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 5,846.5 Leeds: 6,562.6 Tinshill 5,536.4 Dep: 9,615.2 West Park and Weetwood 4,818.4 Ward: 5,433.0 - - - -

Weetwood Ward 2020.pdf Common mental health issues Tinshill 28,301.7 Leeds: 23,559.8 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 25,590.2 Dep: 22,950.5 West Park and Weetwood 21,534.7 Ward: 24,528.5 - - - -

Severe mental health issues (18+) Tinshill 1,602.5 Leeds: 1,300.9 West Park and Weetwood 1,427.8 Dep: 1,825.0 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 1,094.3 Ward: 1,340.7 - - - -

Smoking (16+) Tinshill 16,515.9 Leeds: 17,505.7 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 16,041.5 Dep: 26,171.5 West Park and Weetwood 10,165.6 Ward: 13,723.1 - - - -

Learning disabilities (18+) Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 731.3 Leeds: 490.3 Tinshill 504.6 Dep: 621.9 West Park and Weetwood 164.1 Ward: 478.9 - - - -

Dementia (65+) Tinshill 5,677.6 Leeds: 4,591.9 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood 4,120.7 Dep: 6,267.0 West Park and Weetwood 3,632.9 Ward: 4,422.2 - - - -

MSOA codes and names: E02002348 Ireland Wood, Lawnswood E02002346 Tinshill E02006852 West Park and Weetwood - - - -

Common mental health issues example definitions: Anxiety, OCD, Panic, Phobia, PTSD, Depression Severe mental health issues - example definitions: Affective psychoses, Delusional Disorder, Manic Disorder, Psychotic Disorders, Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Bipolar Affective Disorder

Weetwood Ward 2020.pdf