Should Your Company's Health Care Premiu Cover the Cost of Paper Worl

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Should Your Company's Health Care Premiu Cover the Cost of Paper Worl THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Should your company's health care premiu cover the cost of paper worl<? Blue Cross thinks so ... Yes, Blu e Cross t hinks so . And it's no minor co nveni · (Incidentally, last year Minnesota Blue Cross proc· ence . The fact t hat Blue Cross does handle all the paper essed over 200,000 hospital claims.) work of your health care program saves you time and This efficiency of administration does not mean costly personnel . .. this translates into money. you 're getting less for your health care dollar. In fa ct. First, when Blue Cross handles all the paper work, year after year, Blue Cross returns over 90 cents of it saves the expense of office space, files, supplies and every health care dollar to members in the form of expensive man hours. (This cuts your overhead and benefits. frees personnel to handle other important tasks.) Shouldn't you expect your hea lth care premium to Second, when Blue Cross processes claims, you include the cost of paper work? Blue Cross thinks so . have a staff of professionals working for you . They audit every bil l . an efficient check and balance on Why not ca ll the man from Blue Cross? He's an the money you're spending for a health care program . expert in designing health care programs. NOW AVAILABLE A booklet titled "How to Evaluate Group Hospitaliza· tion Today" will be sent to you-no cost or obligation. The booklet wi ll prove helpful to you in ana lyzi ng mii you'r present hospitalization program. Write today MINNESOTA BLUE CROSS -Mii for your copy . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 2610 University Aven ue St. Paul , Minn esota 55114 Self-Starter It took a human self-starter to eliminate the crank. General Motors engineers have been inspired by that example ever since. They have kept to the trail laid down by a genius named Charles F. Kettering. Back in 1910, the experts told Mr. Kettering that a practical electric starter for automobile engines was an impossibility. It took him six months to develop one. His self-starter eventually eliminated the dangerous hand-crank, revolutionizing motoring and putting women in the driver's seat. His record of scientific achievement in the decades that fol­ lowed is without parallel. And like this remarkable man's most famous invention, today's GM engineer is a self­ starter- one who doesn't wait to be asked, who seeks out the tough problems and sets out to solve them. They're a vital group, these men of science who follow the Kettering flame- restless, curious and devoted to the idea that nothing is so good it can't be improved. Their collec­ tive contribution to GM's progress over the years is beyond measure. General Motors Is People ...making better things for you Put yourself in Pedro's place and decide what you would do! Pedro Rodriguez i a resourceful -year-old who voice reassured the boy and she held him on the line lives in New York City. while he enlisted the help of a panish-speaking tudent La t pring, Pedro went to pend his Easter vacation at a nearby college. Patiently, they pieced together with relatives in Boonton, N. J. A few days later, he Pedro s story. grew homesick, so he slipped away on the bicycle he But how do you find a bo in a booth who has no had with him and started for New York. idea where he is? Mrs. Appleton knew only that the call After seven long hours of pedaling through trange must be coming from one of five adjacent communiti . treets and towns, he realized he was hopelessly lost. In quick su cession, she called the police in ea h town It was ten o'clo k at night and he had only 15c in and asked them to check. his pocket. The Fairfield police found Pedro in a booth onI Through the darkness, Pedro saw the friendly light a blo k from their headquarter . His mother came to of a phone booth, dropped his lone dime in the lot get him and the tory had a happy ending-than.k~ and dialed "Operator." Mrs. Anna Appleton, Night to a boy who knew enough to dial and an operator who hief Operator in Bloomfield, N. J., took over the lived up to the Bell y tern' long tradition of servin" handling of his call. and helping, \1 hatever the need. Pedro knew few English ord and Mr . Appleton Have you trained your children how to dial "0 £ couldn t understand his frantic panish. But her calm Operator" in case of emergency? Continuing the Minnesoto Alumni Weekly which wos estob­ ish ed in 1901 , the Minnesoto Alumni Voice ond the Gopher jrod. Published monthly from September through June by the 'Ainnesoto Alumn i Associotio n, 205 Coffmon Un ion, Un iversity :>f Minnesoto, Minneopolis, 55455. Membe r of the Americo n Alumni Council. THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA THE FOUNDED IN THE F AlTH THAT MEN ARE ENNOBLED ' IVER ITY OF .lllNNESOTA. BY UNDERSTA.i'IDINC DEDICATED TO THE AnVAN <:; OF LEARNING AND THE SEAl\CH FOR TRtrrH DEVOTED TO THE INSTRUCTION OF YOtrrH A..'ID THE WELFARE OF THE STATE THE MI NNESOTA ALUMNI ASSOCIATI ON Edwin l. Haislet 'J I BSEd 'JJMA 'J7EdO Executi,e Director ALUMNI Executive Committee Edwin A. Willson 'JOBEE President ,",aida E. Hardell '26BSBus .. ••.. .... First Vice President Albert H. Heimbach '42BBA Sec.ond Vice President Dorothy Green Anderson 'JOBSEd Secretory enneth C. Glaser '42BBA Treasurer NEWS Charles Judd Ringer 'J8-'41 Post President Orang Bjarnaraa 'JOBA Boord Member (Our 66th Year) Rc,bert Gillespie '26BA '2BllS Boord Member Harold l. Holden 'J I BBA Baard Member Cecil C. March 'J I BChemE Boord Member RCH 1966 Robert J. Odegard '4IBSAg Boord Member James A. Watson '42BA Boord Member Terrance l. Webster '27BBA Boord Member Boord of Directors 6 1emo T.. rm Expires 1966, Fred J. Agnich 'J7BA, John H. Aides 'J8MO, what's in a name? Robert J. Bjorklund '47BSEd, Robert B. Gillespie '26BA '28LLB, Albert H. Heimbach '42BBA, Alfred O. C. eir 'JI BEng 'JJMSc' 36PhO. Charles Judd Ringer 'J8-'4I , Betty Sullivan '22BAChem 'J5PhO, Edwin Education for nd r tandin 0" A. Willson 'JOBEE. Term Expires 1967, Dora hy Green Anderson 'JOBSEd, George S Arneson '49BEE, Kenneth C. Glaser '42BBA, Waldo a Ion" look at the general college E. Hardell '26BSBus, Robert J. Odegard '41 BSAg, Melvin C. Seen '29LlB, Terrance L Webster '27BBA. Term Expires I 96B , Oreng Bjor· naraa 'JOBA, Roger E. Copeland '57BA, Henry W. Dahlberg Jr. '40 14 bampagne and Fa hion SChemE, Harold L Holden 'JIBBA, Cecil C. March '31BChemE, lee H. Sia er '23-'27, James A. Watson '42BA. Term Expires 1969; Grant for the ladies Johnson '38BSEd '40MA Richard E. Kyle '27UB, Edwin A. Martini '28 BA. 'JOlLB, James G. Peterson '40BAAero '49MA, 0 a W. Quale 40BA. 16 ni r ity Community De\'elopment RepresentIng the Constituent Alumni Associations. Irene O. reid berg Corporation '30BBA President, Minnesota Alumnae Club; Denis O. Bakke '58SS. Pres dent, College of Agriculture, Fares ry and Home Economics Alumni nt'l< look at an old problem Association; Fran O. Stanton '37BBA, President, School of Business Adminis ration Alumni AssociatIon; William F. Braasch '4300S, Presi· de~t, School of Dentistry Alumni Associalion; David Zentner '59BA, 19 Fa ult 10 e- p PreSIdent, UniversIty of Minnesota, Duluth, Alumni Associa ion; Ruth Egeland '63MA, President, College of Education Alumni Association; storroll' Robert Hugh Monahan '4OBS '42MB '43MO, President, Medicol Alumni Associatiof'; Christian Kamrud '64BA, President, University 01 Minne­ sota, Morris, Alumni Association; J. E. "Bud" Simons '34AMS, President T h ni er ity Mortuary ScIence Alumni Associotion; Florence Elliott Mor '53BSN '56MSA, President, School of Nursing Alumnae Associa ion; Russell Boogren Jr. '57BSPhm, President, College 01 Pharmacy Alumni Associo­ ron; EdWin C. Broman '43BA '51MA, President, College of liberal Arts and Un iversity College Alumni Association; Harry Heltzer '33MetEng, President, Institute of Technology Alumni Assoc,ation; o The umni George oep e '54 DVM, President, Veterinory Medicol Alumni ~ Clation; Arthur J. RadclIffe '58MSW, President School of Social Wor Alumni Association. 34 ith Alumni Representing non<onslituent groups: Julius E Davis '33UB, President, '"W Alumni Associotion; Richard E. Anonsen '54MO, President, "Mu Club. Josep;, H. Davidson '56BA '" Ed'tor Post Presidents ond Alumn i Fund Advisory Committee EdWIn l. Haoslet '31 BSEd '33MA '37EdO Managing Edi or Russell E. Backstrom '25BSME '27MSME, William F. Braasch 'OOBS OlMO, Wendell T. Burns '16BA. Vidor Christgau '24BSAg, George Eorl '06BA '09MO, Franklin O. Gray ' 25BA, Hibbert .Hill'23BSCE,J. 0. Second doss postoge paId at Minneapolis, Minn., under Ad of Hol tzermonn, '21BA, Arthur R. Hustad '16BA, Froncis A. lund '31.'35, Congress of Monch 3, 1879. Annual dues of the Association are V rgil J. P. lundquist '43MO, Joseph Moun, '32BA, '35lLB, Harvey Nelson $5 of which $4 CDns itu es a year's subsaip ion a the Alu ni .<2 BS '25MO, Charles Judd lOnger '38-'41, Glenn E Seidel '36BME, leif ews. Subscription for non-<Jlumni· 5 per yeor. a ional ad er. R Strand '2900S, Wells J. Wright '36BSL '36LlB, Edgar F. Zelle '13BA, lising represen ative: American umni agaz,nes 22 Washing- H no,a ry Life Association Members on Square orth, ew Yor II .y,; phone GRamercy 5-2039. :>r J. l. Morrill, President Emerilus ot Ihe University; William Publisher. Minnesota umn; Associa ion, 205 Coffman Unio, dlebroo , Vice President Emeritus of the University; O. Meredi h University of Minnesota, Minnea polis, Minnesota 5.s.5S.
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