Piili'lISHIisJ SOCIETY" OF NATURAL SCIkiKCE. ORNITHOLOGICAL SECTION. BULLETIN FOR DECEMBER 1979, JANUARY, FEBRUARY 1980. PERSONALITIES. Snow G-oose. A single whidse phase bird was very obvious in a large flock of Pinkfeet feeding near the A93 end of the road on 20 Jan (EDC, MCC, JK). Also in this flock were a Barnacle and two leucistic Pinkfeet,( ? same two as seen near in Nov). On 23 Jan the flowk was again present, with three Barnacles and the two leucis¬ tic s, but no Snow (RLM). Smew,, Two "redheads" were seen on Dr^mmond Pond, , on 19 Dec, and one on 17 Feb (WEB,SS). Yifaxwing. Three at on 8 Jan (KB). A very poor winter for this species.

SELECTED SPECIES RECORDS. Great Crested G-rebes were back on their breeding lochs by mid-Feb, though, in some cases, there was still considerable ice cover. There were twelve Herons at

Drummond Pond on 1 7 Feb, and at least two pairs v^ere nesting, in the area, by 24 Feb (SS,CA,DD). Lute Swans at Drummond Pond fluctuated in number - 48 in Nov, in Dec, 54 in Jan, & 39 in Feb. Nfel other water produces such numbers, but nine adults & two juveniles at on 27 Jan are noteworthy (nRB,SS,IMM). The big Whooper flock at Carsehead, , must have o.ispersed towards the em of the 7 year. Unfortunately, three of the birds we re killed, flying into power lines on a foggy night, possibly having been disturbed by something. The flock increased from 14 on 15 Dec to 29 on 19 Dec, but was down to 14 again by 14 Jan; there were 9 at Dalreoch on 2 Dec; only 7 a"t Carsehead on 15 Feb (MCC, SAL, TMS, JHW). Four White-fronted Geese appeared among Canadas at Kercock on 24 Dec. The latter species reached a max of 126 there on 26 Decj away from this favoured site were two on Methven Moss on 10 Feb & two at Carsehead on 15 Feb (MCC,DD,SAL,IMM,TMS). The largest flocks of Wigeon were 500+ at Kercock on 24 Dec; 165 on the Isla at West Banchory, , on 16 Feb; & 154 in the Kercock area on the same day. rT" ^ leucistic bird of Oct was still present, with 66 Of its ordinary fellows, at

Coupar Angus on 13 Jan. Smaller flocks were- £>0 on 10 Feb, rising to 72 on 24th, at Dalre och, and 50 at Drummond Pond on 19 Dec (WEB, MCC, SAL, IMM) . Drummond Pond also held over 1,000 Mallard on this date (WEB). Pochard never seem to occur in any great number on any one loch, but good counts were c50 on Drummond & 30 on L. Freuchie irn Dec., & 26 on Stormont in Feb (WRB,MCC, SSH). Goldeneye were reported from the usual lochs & the Tay, with 14 at Kercock on 8 Dec & 16 on the North Inch stretch on New Year's Day, 15 were on the flooding river Teith on 11 Dec; more unusual was a female on the Town Lade in Perth on 22 Dec (wEB,hCC,SRH). Goosander reached a max of c50 on Drummond on 19 Dec, with 32 on 17 Feb; the Isla held 9 at ¥. Banchory on 16 Dec, & the Tay 10 at the North Inch on 26 Feb (mEB, SS, SAL, Ilvilvl). There wasa Hen Harrier hunting Methven Moss on 20 Jan- though the -^inkfeet were not disturbed by it (JK). a Sparrowhawk also appeared here, & one in Anderson Drive , Perth, where it seems to be a "regular1.1 A pair of Buzzards were at their lowland breeding site on 25 Feb; singles were seen at on 10 & 1 8 Feb; no less than ten were visible at one time from the hide at Loch of the Lowes on 23 Feb (JHW,DD,JK,SL,SS). a Merlin killed a Blackbird in SL's garden on 10 Dec. Hard weather concentrations of Coot included 130 at and 180 at West

Banchory on 13 Jan (SEH, SAL, IMM). Oyster catchers 'were back in Perth by 12 Feb, & about about 200 wre roosting on the Scone Palace shimglebed on 16th. Only Golden Plover records were 13 at Dalreoch on 2 Dec & 2 36 at Balgowan on 24 Feb. Four Redshank had moved up the Tay as far as Kercock by 16 Feb (EDC,MCC,SAL,IMM,PM,EMM). Great & Lesser Black-backed Gulls continued to frequent the Tay & the Earn, with 20 of the former

roosting on Drummond Pond on 18 Dec (SfEB). At least one Short-eared Owl wintered on Dalreichmoor, Scone/, being seen in each month (EDC,

including one of 25 in Scone Woods on 27 Jan, Tree Sparrow flocks of twenty or more were noted at Inveralmond on 23 Dec &

Balgowan on 27 Dec (mCC,IlViivi).Only small flocks of Bramblings were reported, apart from c150 at Scone on 23 Jan & 30 feeding at an Inchture birdtable m the snow of 2 Feb (RLM,KB).Ten Goldfxnches were'ina raspberry field at Almondbank on 16 Jan, &

smaller parties in other areas (SL). Siskins wre still about in large numbers - c150 on the Woody Islands on 23 Decj at Almondbamc, 50 on 4 Jan built up to over 100 by 8 Jan, fell away, but reached the century again on 11 Feb; 140 were counted in the alders at Kercock on 26 Jan; and over 100 at the Turret/Earn confluence, Crieff, on 27 Jan (MCC,SL,SS). Three Twite were unusually high on the hill in mid-Dec at about 1,500 feet up on Ben Ledi ("WRB). The only Redpoll flock of note was of 30 at Crieff on 22 Dec (IMM). Good flocks of Bullfinches were 20 at Crieff on 27 Jan, with another 16 in two flocks, in the same airt, & 14 at Kercock on 24 Dec (SS,MCC). 24 Snow Buntings wre at the Cairnwell car park on 12 Feb, and 50 Yellowhammers at , , on 26 Dec (JK,MCC).

SUBSCRIPTIONS & BULLETINS It has been the custom in the past to continue to suppljr Bulletins to those Members who are one or two years in arrears with their Subscriptions, with ever increasing costs of paper and postage, the Committee feels that this cannot continue, so, please, you forgetful -Members, pay up to date, i/i'e would also point out that Subscriptions are due in October, and with the A.G.M. traditionally held in March, it would help the Hon. Treasurer if all Subscriptions were paid before March, at the

latest. Thank you.

All Records for March, April & May to E.D.Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, Perth,

as soon as possible after 31 May, please,

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials were;-

Mrs C.Andrews, W.R.Brackenridge, K.Brockie, E.D.Cameron, i'i.C.Chesney, D.Doig, Miss S.R.Hacker, J.Kirk, Mrs S.Laing, Miss S.A.Laing, Mrs I.M.McKinnie, P.McLaughlan, R.L.McMillan, Mrs E.M.Marshall, Mr & Mrs S.Shimeld, T.M.Smith & J.H.Wallace, J PERTHSHIKE SOCIiiTY OF NATOBAL SCLc^CJi. OKJMITHOLOGIGAL SECTION. BULLETIN FOE MARCH, APRIL, iiAY 19SO.

PERS ONALITIES. Red-throated Diver. Three were seen on Loch Rinnardochy on 2k May, two on the next two days, one on 31st, but none later. It seems that anglers on the loch blamed the Divers for spoiling their sport, saying that the fish did not rise while the birds were p present (SAL5IMM,RDM). Slavonian Gkrebe. One pair was back on the usual breeding loch in May. A single bird was seen at the second site on 10 Apr, but not in May. Gadwall. There have been many more reports than usual of this duck, and they were Seen on two of the Section Outings. A pair was at Dalreoch on 10 & 13 Aprj two near Methven , on 13 -Apr & 17 May; two pairs at Kinkell on 21 , and one pair on 23 Apr; a diake at Abercairney on 28 May; and a pair on Methven M®ss on 3 June (toCC,DJ),SAL,Pw). Common Scoter. The usual breeding loch held two males and three females in May, while another loch had one pair. YflNTER VISITORS There to have betn very few \vhooper Swans seen in this peiioa -

seven on L Dochart on 3^0. and eleven on 9 Mai; tv/o on L Ericht on the latter date; and eight at Port Allen on 23 Mar (i^CC,SS). There was considerable northward movemeixt of geese in the last week of Apiil. The latest Pinkfect were 60 over Glenalmond on 4 May. A single tfhitefront was on Methven Moss on 16 Mai, ana eight in a large flocK of Pinkfett at Balgowan on 1 Apr. "^atest Greylag were 26 at Kercock on 26 Apr, then 11 at L Clunie on 11 May. Barnacles in the Tibbermore area were' singles on 16 Mar & 12 Apr, and two on 21 Apr (EDO,MCC,DD,JHW,pw,J Edelsten). 58 Wigeon were on Methven Moss on 2 Mar, and 210 on Stormont L on 16 Mar (SBH,SAL,IMM). Records of Goldeneye in May came from: Stormont, three on Ifth; the Tay at the North Inch, eight on Ifth -staying in a tight bunch, flying upriver and settling together again; L Tummel, four on 25th (EDC,SRH,RDM). There- were a thousand or so Fieldfares in the Trinity College area of

Glenalmond between 14 j 27 Apr, then presumably moving on, though two were seen near Buchanty on 18 May. About a hundred-were by L Clunie on 21 Apr, and about 150 at Scone on

3 May, with a singleton there next day, flying eastward into a stiff breeze. The only Redwings reported were c30 among the Glenalmond Fieldfares on 17 Apr (EDC, JHk'/,Pi;) . In a non- Brambling winter, one at Logiealiaond on 9 Apr and 15 in a minced finch flock at Dunning on 19 Mar make news (DD,SAL). SUMMER VISITORS. As last year, the first arrivals tended to be early, but numbers were ' slow to build up. There has been comment on the scarcity of Swallows and House Martins, with a tendency for the former not to settle down at traditional nest sites; Spotted Flycatchers also seem to be fewer. On Jhe otner'hana. Redstart, whitethroat, Garaen and. Wood Warblers have increased in numbers in the Tuuinel / .kannoch area. First dates:

Os/prey; Female returnea.to Lowes bn 29 liar; two males on 12 Apr.

Common Sandpiper; Stanley, 15 Apr (RC")',- Glenalmond, 20 Apr (Pto). Common Tern; near Dunkeld, 28 Apr (i) Lumsden). Cuckoo; a very early one at Buchanty on 25 Apr (Pft),then Muirend, Scone, 3 May (JMD);

records from several areas for 4 May. ' - Swift/ - 2 -

Swift; & Blairgowrie, 10 May (jxC,SkH), ^xawspreaa thereafter. Sand Martin; Lowes, 7 Ajj^j keicmck, 12 Apr (SAL).

Swallow; Lowes, 7 Apr, Little G-lwnshec, ^ Apr (uJSv^lihesi a steady influx over the next few days. H) spotted his first one at Invergowrie on 17 Api, but, surprisingly, the next not until 2 May.

House Martin: Dalnacardoch, 3 May (_h,DC), Invergowrie, 5 May (L.C). Tree Pipit; three at Dunkeld, 1 May (IMM). Redstart;G-lenlyon. 16 May (EDC), several at Druiomond Castle, 1^ May (SS). Whinchat; Dunkeld, 1 May (IMM), Kinkell, 10 May (iUC), G-lenshet, 11 May (MCC). Wheatear; two in G-len Turret, 3 Apr (IMM), several in Sma' G-len, 4 Api (iiDC) • Ring Ouzel; G-len Turret, 3 Apr{lMM)> two in fester Glenalmond, 4 Apr (^DC). G-rasshopper Warbler; Lowes, 25 iviay (MR Laird). Sedge Warbler; Fingask L, 11 May (SEH), Muirend, 15 May (JMD). White throat; Scone & Blairgowrie, 10 May (EjDC,SRH), Almondbank, 11 May (SL). Garden larbler; , 10 May^ Edelsten), reports from several areas over the next couple of days. Blackcap; two at Scone, 19 Apr (EDC). Wood Warbler: Butterstone, 11 May (J Edelsten), Old Scone, 21 May (MCC). Chiffchaff;MoulinaImond. 10 Apr, Deuchny Wood, Perth, 17 Apr (EDC), Willow Warbler; two sites at Scone, 14 Apr (EDC,MCC), widespread thereafter. Spotted Flycatcher;Dunning. 7 May (DD), Glenalmond, 25 May (PW).

SELECTED SPECIES 5EC0RDS. . BlacK-throated Livers letuined to their usual breeding lochs, and a pair was seen displaying at a non-r&gular site (Jk). Pairs of Little Grebes have been reported from several lochs, but the nujiib&is at one are well down on previous years Great Crested Grebes included four pairs each at Lowes and Diumnona Pond, and three pairs at Clunie. Four Cormorants were resting on a dead tiee at Loin/es on 13 Mar (MCC, SRH,IMM,JHW).

Canada Geese were found breeding on several lochs, and 19 flew in to parade around the mudflats of JInvergowrie Bay on 3 June. The first young Shelducks appeared there on 13 Apr (RC). Mandarin ducks brought off broods in two out of four nest boxes occupied (MCC)« There were seven pairs of Wigeon and eight of Teal at Dalreoch on 10 Apr (DD).More records of Shoveler than usual were from i/Vhite Moss L, Kinkell, Dalreoch, IViethven Moss, Methven L, Kercock, Stormont L and Invergowrie Bay. A female

Pochard was flushed from a nest containing young, and hatching eggs, on 29 fey. Mergansers were seen, for the first time in SM" s experience, on Stormont in Mar and Apr. Eight G-oosanders were on Lowes on 21 Apr. The only report of raptors is of a male-Merlin by Newton Brig' on 11 Mar (Pw) However, there is a suggestion that Buzzard numbers are well down in the Rannoch area. Several parties of, Black Grouse have been noted: one male with ifcKsax nine females dm Glenalmond Golf Course on 6 Mar; groups, ranging from 7-9. in number, at different localities between Butterstone Mill Dam and L Ordie, between 11 Apr & 25 May,nay have all been the same flock; 12 were lekking near Mount Blair on 29 May (SRH, JX, LAL, IlvJw,Fw). A single Red-legged Partridge was sitting on a berry-post at Blairgowrie on 4 Mar (SRH). The shingle bed below Scone Palace neld c1,000 Oystercatchexs on b Mar, and cl30 wre on Methven Moss next day (kCC,DD). Two Ringed Plover appeared at a pool at Kintillo on 16 Apr; a pair was in a field, near Logiealmond on 19 Apr; two were by - 3 -

rloodwater at Bnagt o.u ^ uun; ho»vevei, tneiss to bt f&vvej. m tht moie usual

habitat of the sniiifele at A-cicock (IlIuvi, JHujFw) . Thciry /veic about ^fOG-olctfan Plover in

G-lenalmond on 3 Liar, arid about 250 on ^c-thvcu. i-ioss the next day; one naa leached the

heights of Stobinian by 6 Apr. About 30 Snipe in an -"aed neai Trinity College, U-len-

almond, on 24 liar, soon dispersed (lICC, DD,P(j) . woodcock star tea rodinfe on 7 Apr. Two Black-tailed G-odfjits passed through Invergo.aie Bay on 10 Api, and u single Spotted Red¬

shank on 13th (RC). 250 Curlews rested on the Scone Palace shingle on G tear, ch&rc were 70 at L Balloch on 2 Mar, and over 100 between Crieff and Coorie on 23rd (i;CC,SS). The Short-eared Ogl on Dalreichmoor is still about (iDCjuCC). But "where have all the Kingfishers gone? They seem to have disappeared froLi their usual haunts on the Almond, though one was seen on the Aricht at Blairgowrie on 20 Hay (iMcKinnie). wood¬ pecker reports come from many areas, including Scone wood, rfhere Great Spottcds are breaking into nest boxes.

On the snowy 23 Mar, a thrush party of two Blackbirds, five Song Thrushes, seven Redwings and two Fieldfares, with song accompaniment from a nearby Mis tie thrush, was noted feeding in a small area of a field near ^rieff (iitbP). It is good to have haa several Stonechats on the moors above Dunkeld, as so fe.v were evident last year. One pair of "Whitethroats has become city-dwellers in the waste grounu along¬ side the railway by the ^ire Station in Perth. Garden Warblers seem to be spreaamg, and a nest was found north of Cniffchaffs were heard at Almonaoank, liunkeld, Logierait, Perth and Scone (MCC, JK, UA,T Avanson).

Magpies wore spotted south-west of BiaCo on 17 & ^3 \,Sb).

Ravens bred in G-lenltanocjs, anu. mere seen neadmg west over tht Ay north of iAinKelu (JIIn)

Treu Sparrows secsui to have decreaseu m numbers, onlj one report ol two pairs at fli^h-

landman boa p., Crieff, m Apr & May (SS). &oldi' inches were seen in -various places, with a flock of 21 at ""unning on 15 Mar, associating *rith a cuch larger flock of linnets (jjD).

Siskins, too, were widespread, but not in lar6e flocks. Two Hocks, of <+C & 11, Twite were seen in G-lenlyon on 11 Apr, and two pairs in Glen Turret on 21 i,:ay (SS). About 100 Redpolls at Blairgowrie on 26 Mar was the only large gathering reported (SRH). A pair of Hav.rfinches frequented a Scone garden throughout Apr & Lay, making use of the birdbath as a drinking place; the maximum seen together in Scone was six on 9 Apr ^JC,Dr 1 Suth¬ erland) . Snow Buntings were seen at Drumochter, two on 16 Mar, and Stobinian, five on 6 Apr. A flock of 30 Reed Buntings at Port Allen on 23 jJar was possibly gathering to roost (MCC). Finally, it is good to have a record of tnat vanishing species, the Corn Bunting, two having been seen at Rosemount on 25 Mar (SRH). MICHAEL MARSLAND MEMORIAL HIDE. Tne hide overlooking the Tay at kercock is now open, and Keys are available, for retention at £1 per annum, or for single visits, from the honorary feustodian, iir D Morris, 33, Birch Avenue, Scone, Perth. RBCORDS for June, July and August, as soon as possible after 31 Aug, please, to E D Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, Perth PH2 6 R2.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were;- n Calligah, E D Cameron, M C Chesney, D Doig, J M Duncan, Miss S R Hacker, J KirK, i'.irs S Lamg, Miss S A Laing, Mrs I to McJiinnie, Liss i,i F Piper, kr & juts S Shimeld, J H „aliace,

Mrs P Wright, a. L IviCiViillan, Xl v iwirray. pAfr'IHSHIiia SUCLaTY OF i^ATUIiAL oCT,,Kr,tf-..


BULLETIN FOR JUNii - AUG-UST 1980^ a'ATEBFOWL BBEEDIK& SUkW. Several Members paiticipated in this Survey oiganized by the Wildfowl Trust and B.T.O. as part of a study on the impact of water-based recreation on wildfowl. This entailed monthly visits, March to July or August, to a particular loch to count waterfowl present, categorised as "males", "females", and "females with young,1"- the number of young in each brood also being counted. Thirteen lochs in the eastern part of were surveyed, and eighteen species of waterfowl recorded- ffwaterfowl" here includes grebes, swans, geese, ducks. Moorhen and Coot. Of these, thirteen species actually bred on at least one site:- Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Mute Swan, Greylag and Canada &oose,V(igeon, Teal, Mallard, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Merganser, Moorhen and Coot. Of the four species which were not proved to breed, Gadwall and Goldeneye were each seen at only one site, v, Shoveler and Goosander were commoner, and it seems surprising if the former did not actually nest unseen and therefore unrecorded; Goosander, of course, nest by running water. Not unexpectedly. Mallard was the commonest species, breeding on all the lochs. Tufted were present on all, breeding on nine; while Coot bred on ten and were preseat on two others throught, but absent from thethirteenth after the March count. Greylag,

Canada, Wigeon, Teal, Pochard ana Merganser each bred on onlv one loch.Suiprisingly, Moorhen broods were Se&n on only three lochs, with adults present on another seven. There seemed to be little oiffurence in variety of species, present or breeding, between larger and smaller lochs (minimum area about 4 hectares or & acres) surveyed. Observers were also asked to assess the degree of recreational activity at each site. It appears that, on the whole, the lochs concerned were not much disturbed by sailing, canoeing, water skiing etc, though many were used for fishing. I would like to thank the volunteers who took part in the

survey, and I hope that they enjoyed the experience. (^DC).

PERSONALITIES. Slavonian Grebe.Only one young was raised at the usual site this year, though a third adult was also seen, F.nmmnn Scoter .Bred successfully at the usual site, and also at the new one, where

the female was seen vfith four young on 7 July, Gadwall,Most of the birds seen March - May seem to have disappeared since! However,

at least two pairs bred successfully at one site, and a .single female reappeared in August, where a pair had been seen in May - though it may have be^n present throughout.

SELECTED SPECIES RECORDS. As usual, this has been a quiet period for birds, and observers1., but not without interest. Black-throated Divers seem to have had a poor breeding season, with very few juveniles reported. Both Little and Great Crested Grebes dia better, rfith at least ti^refc successful pairs of the latter on both Clunie and Stormont. There was an adult Great Crested on the Tay by Upper Springland, Perth, on 2$) June (jiDC, JARG,Sidi, SAL,IM/i)« 38 Cormorants flying over Balhepburn early on 24 Aug presumably came from the roost by Bridge of Earn, l/iost of them turned about and flew off downstream (^.DC^kCC). Twelve Herons / Herons were se^n at Stormont on 20 June (J.Cunningham). Canada Geese, in varying, numbers, inhabited the Iveicock area, but 32 at Carsehead,

Madderty, were probably post-moulting birds on their way south; 17 at Stare Dam, b July, were more than usual (EDG,MCC,T Smith). Feral or ''prickwd" G-reylag,FinBfoot and inlhite- front were also reported. A Shelduck was on floodwater at Jiast^Ballindean, Inchture, on 13 June (JHW). Two broods of Mandarin, of five and six ducklings, were on the Tay and the Annaty Burn respectively (EDC) . A Pintail was at Invergov

on_24 Aug (EDC,MCC,SL) . . - A Ptarmigan in full white winter plumage - a sign of hard weathor to come ? - was flushed on Glas i/Iaol on 23 Aug (SAL,IMM). In the Glen Garr area on 9 July, tv/o , adult Red-legged Partridges ran up the road by Nether Obney, a single fledged juvenile'" also did so nearer Upper Obney, finally flying over the fence, and a female with eight small young was making its way along the dyke separating arable from the hill (^DC).On 22 June about 20 Golden Plover rose from .arrol Airfield nnd flen off to the Tay mud,

and there were about 60 on a turnip field at nearby Po<»gavie on 21 July (^DC, SHH,JHw). Two single GreenshanKs «eie at Invergo^rie on 22 June and Balhepburr, on 27 July. The latest Common Sandpiper reported ,ias at -^och Freuchie on 17 Aug (jSDC,ShI^SS) . Between 90 & 100 Lesser Black-bacKed Gulls, only ten or so being juveniles, were resting on the shingle above Perth Bridge on 29 June. The same day, turo Coauiion Terns were beating up and down over the Tay further upstream; on 10 July, thre^ rfeie fishing Loch Clunie. Between 24 July and 16 Aug, parties of Sandwich T^rns, max 11, were seen over the Tay at Balhepburn; the birds seemed to turn and fly back towards the estuary when they reached the area of Elcho Castle (EDC). There ^ere several records of Short-eared Owl, but none of any other. In his travels around the County, JHW has noticed more Swii'ts this year, in torfns and around farms; latest dates were 20 Aug1at Blairgowrie and 26th at Almondbank (SBH,SL,SAL). There was only, one nest of Kingfisher found this year; hopefully others br&d unseen. No House Martins r-emained at Loch Turret by 20 Aug. On 28th a flock of 70-100 was watched circling around, and landing on, a fir tree at Almondbank (SL, SAL,Eiviifi). The breeding population of Redstarts at numbered at least 15 pairs .v (SDavies) .Large Mistle Thrush flocks were of 40 - 50 in lower Glenlyon on 19 July, and over 30 at Scone on 17 Aug (EDC). Grasshopper Warblers were heard "reeling" at two sites near -^rrol on 22 June $13 July. Chiffchaffs were heard in the same area on 22 June & 20 July (EDC,SBH,SAL). Two Garden Warblers passed through SL's Almondbank garden on 25 Aug. The Wood Warbler population at Killiecrankie mas at least 12 paiis (SDavies).

Ravens were seen at Glen Gari, l.Freuchie and J^irkton Glen, -.hire tnere v/as a

(family ?) party of seven, A Huudea x Carrion Crow hybrid ^as spotted on 27 A-Ue> (Sj-Ji, SAL,SS). Aftrer the remarks on the dearth of Tree Sparru.t$. ^rs PBScott informs us that two pairs nested in her Stanley garden this year, as in the past three years, aud up to 20 wre present in the garden in August; Highlnndman Loan also seems to retain its t«o regular ^ regular pairs (SS). G-oldf inches were seen at. Invergowrie and Almondbank, and par-tdoe of Siskins at South Loch Bannoch and G-lenlyona Tv/ite were feeding young in Upper . G-lenalmond on 24- June, and were also found in G-lenlednock on 16 July. (SS) » On 7 four juyenile CrossbTTTs were studied as they preened on a dead tree in the Black

Wood of Eannoch, while others were heard in the surrounding Scots pines; two were also seen at Killiecrankie on 15 -Aug (JLDC, SDavies). Scone Hawfinches were, as usual, elusive during the summer, only one being recorded, on 2if Aug; and, in a new area, * " ' one was seen in a cottage garden at Killiecrankie on 18 June (DMorris, DLambi^Ql*

smmE oumf&s : BASS EOCK. . , , The early morning weather-forecast of Sunday, 2> June, mentioned the imminence of Force 8 gales in the Firth, of Forth, so that when we phoned the boatman at North1 Berwick-at 8 a.m.,* t>e ».eie relieveci. to fina. that, the trap was "on". A party of 21 left Pertii Museum-at > a.m.-, . to arrive at l'.or th Berwick iii plenty of time for the 12 o'clock sailing.i It was, a, bright fxesn uay,. and Freu Marr, the boatman, filleu his boat, iiat onl^- with oar Aieiabers, but a sizeable.party fipm

Darlington. Last on wa-s a man «,ith iiis ife,- faiidl/, Q-qgr anc^'suxtq^-ses - who ^as ne?

lighthouse Keeper, perhaps. ^ The trip acioss was full of iuoveiLent, as tnouyi the Force 8 gale we had heard about had still not fully subsided. Approacning tne Itock, the gannetiy assailed both our eyes and our nostiils, and .e were only momentarily- diverted from the wonder of it all when a case belonging to the relieving lighthouse keeper was allowed to drop into the sea, but was just as quickly retrieved. We stayed on the Rock all afternoon, and were taken off by Fred at 4*30. The weather was superb to match the majesty of the wheeling Gannets, to say nothing of the Puffins, Eazorbills. Guillemots and Kittiwakes. As a kind of icing on the cake, we were taken right round the Rock in the boat, prior to making our way back to North Berwick.' In conversation with Fred we learned thai; the "lighthouse keeper" was Dr. Brian Nelson of Aberdeen University and the world authority on the Gahnet'. We felt we hadr been- in exalted company, but the day

--belonged to the Gannets. • ' . . . ®- .

kONTkOSfl BASIN. . . , A party of ten-left Perth at 10.30 a.m;, with Irene

McMnnie as leader, to be joined at- the other end by a. further foui. we stopped, f or J about 15 minutes at Loch of Balgayies, which-_iSn a Scott-isn Wildlife Trust reseive, where quite satisfactory views can be ft ad from the load, ntae, 'cue iciantif ication . . of Shoveler no$ yet out of eclipse provided the main interes-L. On to Uit; ^ains of

Usan, whexe there is good accest, ana paixiug. Our first pnoiity „vas the inner man, but this was soon intenujrted try the desire to ioentify, and tnet to enjo.y lotSkang, at a Ruff in a field about 100 yardt away. Here, also, was a large iloc±i of -Ldnnets with a G-oldf inch amongst-them. At the beach, we enjoyed seeing terns - ^Coiuic''1 arid Sandwich - Eiders, Cormorants*, Oystercatchers Turnstone's, Dunlin, Purple 'Sandpipers, " Guillemotsj Unfortunately, no skuas nor shearwaters, me" met George 'Crichton of "Brechin known to many of us, who said there was Spotted .Redshank at Montrose Basin. This being our next port of call, we eventually identified this bird to our satisfaction, and in addition, were pleased to see Greenshanks, along with swans and cygnets, Snipr, Redshank, godwits, Merganser, Goos¬ ander, Wigeon and Shelduck. As the Basin started to fill with the incoming tide, we turned / turned and left for home,-arxd> having, enjoy eel oui biids,'-f*6lt- the Basin - in its

usual reliable- way - had not let ud down, - ' "• -

ROVIKS TIT FLOCKS. "" ' The Ybung Ornithologists Club and British Birds are running a joint project to determine the numbers and composition "of roving tit flocks, including any other asaociatea species. It is to run from n«w until 28 Feb 0*81, and is restricted to woodland and farmland, : j - to avoid bias produced by bird-feeders in gardens. Observers are asked to (1) note the species comprising the flock, (2) nZrte the numbers of each species, (3) categorise the hab¬ itat as (a) mainly coniferous woodland" (b) mainly deciduous" woodland (c) hedgerow, (4) record the County (5) record the date of observation". Information'is to be sent, in the form of a list, preferably with each observation on a separate sheet, by 3^ March,- to :-

Y.O.G./ B.B. Project, British Birds, Fountains, Park Lane, Blunham, BEDFORD, 3NJ. It is not necessary to be a subscriber to either body to take part,- and we feel that Members "would find this an- interesting and fairly straightforward exercise. Once a tit flock has "been l*cated, it is normally quite easy to follow it until the birds are forced to cross a gap in woodland or hedge, when individuals can be identified and ^


BRITISH BIRDS. The monthly magazine, British Birds, is again offering a special concesfcionaiy rate t# members of ceitain recognized ornithological clubs, including P.S.lv.S., of £12 per annum, instead of the normal subscription of £1b. Leaflets, including an older form, will be distributed in due course.

WINTER MEETING-S. , . - . . w The first meeting of the Winter Session tfill be on ^ednesoay, 15t;h October, at 7*30 p.m. in the Museum, when Dr. Jj.J-,p.G-rreen'tVood, of Dundee University^ tfill speak on

" The Ecology of Eating". . . *- >- 1. Please encourage anyone you know, who might be- interested, in joining the Section to come along to this, or any subsequent lecture. ^

SUBSCRIPTIONS. Members are reminded that Annual Subscriptions, £1 .50 for Adults and 50p for Juniors, are due in October, and early -payment will help the Section Treasurer. Members paying by post, if they do not collect their receipts at a subsequent indoor meeting, tv'ill receive- same with their next Bulletin.

RtiiCORDS for September, October and November, as so«n as possible after 30th Nov, please, to

E.D.Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, PERTH, PH2 6RZ.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were

E.D.Cameron, M.C.Chesney, Mrs. J.A.R.&rant, Miss S.R. Hacker, - J,..nirk, Mrs. S. Laing, Miss S.A. Laing, Mrs, I.M.McKinnie, Mr. & Mrs. S.Shimeld ar^i J.H.Wallace.. fSfrS.., (>MM feoH- &&pr^crc\~ te\j \<\fo - 2 - PERSONALITIES. "V'i/hite-fronte.d &oose. Tow of the European race were identified on 5 N ov (JK); and four of the Greenland race on 23 & 30 Nov (DD). In each ease, the birds were in a large flock of Pinkfeet on Methven Moss. Snow G-oose.There have been two Snow Geese about this autumn. One white phase was seen on floodwater by the Moss toad,- '^'ibbermore, on 18 Oct only (Jk). A blue phase bird was seen in the same general area on 12 Oct, 22 & 23 Nov (vv, Jiv, bAL,tr a -t^emp). Smew.One "redhead" - female or juvenile- was feeding in the company of eight Goldeneye on the Tay by Upper Sprmglana, peith, on 15 Nov (EDC). Water_Eail. One was shot, by accident, as it was flushed from a small marsny area at Dunning on 8 Nov (per DD). SELECTED SPECIES BECORDS. Two Little Grebes appeared on floodwater at Dalreoch on 23 Nov (SAL,PAKemp).There were no records ofGreat Crested Grebes submitted, so it seems that they left their breeding lochs early this year. A Cormorant on L Moraig on 16 Oct was thought to be a "first" for this loch. A pair of Mute Swans on white Moss Loch,

Dunning, still had six cygnets surviving 'on 26 ^ov. Two Mutes and two Whoopers on the river just above Bridge of Earn on 9 Nov, had paired off in mixed couples, about 500 yd apart. The earliest Whoopera were ten flying over Almondbank on J Oct, followed by three at L Bannoch on 11th, tuo at ^arlee and four at L Vennacher on 12th.Eight adults and four juveniles were on Drumore Loch, Blacklunans, on 23 Nov, but there are noj& nearly as many about as at this time last year (EDC,SRH,DHH,SL,DT). The earliest geese were nine Pinkfeet heading S-W over Almond- bank on 9 Sep, and 35 at Dunning the next day; there were 80 at Blackford on 13th; numbers built up steadily after this, with a particularly large influx on 28th. Large numbers of Greylag also came in around this time, T/ith c9,000 estimated in the Kinclaven area by 25 Sep (MCC,DD,SL e^t al) ,Leucistic Pinkfeet have turned up again; singles m the Methven Moss / ¦'¦ibbermore area on 6 & 1 9 Oct and 12 & 23 ^ov; three, behaving as a family, at on 5 Oct, ana one at Blacxfora on 11 ^ct (^uC,JK,DT).There has ieen the usual sprinkling of Barnacles, mainly in the Tibbermore area, but also at Clevage feoch, ^lackford ana Greenloaning, with a maximum of 24 on Methven Moss on 22 Nov.One Blackford bird »ms sporting a yellow ring. Numbers of Canadas arouna Kercock are still high, e.g. 200+ on 8 Sep, and c100 were sewn in flight at Tullybelton on 3 Oct. One or t»vo have been seen regularly in flocks of PinKfeet ou ^ethven Moss, and once at Blackford; two at Bridge of Earn on 12 Nov were breaking new ground. It is interesting to note that on at least three occasions, a large flock of pinkfeet has al so contained four other species of goose. (Many observers). Mandarin numbers on the Tay have been goou lately - 64 on 12 Oct; 57 on 2 Nov; 48 on 15 ^ov. A stray drake accompaniedMallard on Stormont on 6 Nov (EDCjMCCjSRH). Other high counts were :- 100 Wigeon at Kercock on 16 Nov and 138 at DaIre och on 23 Nov; 30 Teal on floodwater at Gask on 5 Oct and 35 on LClunie on 15 ®ov; 24 Pochard on Stormont on 7 Sep; 59 Tufted on Marlee on 13 Sep and 21 & 35 on the Isla at Coupar Angus and East Banchory respectively on 11 Oct; 18 Shoveler on Stormont on 13 Sep had fallen to 9 on 23 Oct (68 on 7 Oct 79), three on Clunie on 12 ^ct was unusual, and there were several on Monk Myre on 9 Nov. PourPochard on L na Craig, Aberfeldy, on 25 Oct, and two on the Earn at Bridge of Earn on 12 Nov were also unusual; while four on L Voil on 8 Nov may have been, though so few records come / - 3 - come fxom that airt that we don't know what is normal. Goldeneye returned by 12 Oct, and G-oosander reached a maximum of 20 off the North Inch on 2 Nov (again, many obs).

Hen Harriers have been reported from Crieff, Jiirkmichael and iirrol areas

(IMM,SS,JCBallaryne)and Buzzards from several lowland areas. A Merlin was seen hunting Almondbank raspberry fields several times in ^ov; single females were at Blairgowrie on 8 Sep, and Tibbermore on 25 Oct; while one was killed against a window in "West Huntingtower on 9 Oct (SRH,JK,SL, per MTaylor). 35 Ptarmigan on Craig Leacach, Glenshee, may indicate a rise in numbers for this species* Capercaillie includeuu one by the A93 south-west of Blairgowrie on 3 Oct, three at Dupplin on 5 Oct, two at Kinclaven on 26 Oct and six at ^ibbermore on 25 Nov (SBH, JH,SAL, JHW). High concentrations of Coot vtere 150 at Marlee on 13 Sep and 220 on 12 Oct, 260 On 16 Nov on Drummond Pond, Crieff (SBH,SS). A single Oystercatcher was on the Scone Palace shingle on 15 Nov. There were about 200 Golden Plover by Rait on 25 Oct, with 80 there on 7 Nov, and 50 at Balgowan on 12 Nov(MCC, JK, JHW). Woodcock at Logiealmond and Almondbank were the only records of this spwcies. 250 Curlew at Kercock on 8 Sep had decreased to 50 by 1 Nov, with 42 being counted on 9 Nov; 40 flew into Scone Race Coui-se on 13 Oct, and they were heard ^ there at dusk on 15 Nov; 45 were seen at Kinkell Bridge on 23 Nov (EDC,MCC,SAL,DT). Eleven Great Black-backed Gulls flew over Dunning on 11 Sep (DD). A tardy Woodpigeon was found on 1 Nov, tending two young, which fledged on 12 Nov (per SS). The latest owl road casuality was a Long-eared found near Maduerty at the em of Nov (perM Taylor). A Kingfisher on the Gany near , reported in the "Courier" of 22 Oct, is a hopeful sign, but there have been no reportb from the usual haunts. Swallows were seen on & Oct at .Urip kos^s, near Stirling, and at Scone, where seven were hawking over a football pitch; on 9th, a pair and their two young from a late second brood left Almondbank; on 10th, the last left Murrayshall. The last House Martins left Scone on 8 Oct, but one laggard passed through Almondbank on 17 Oct (i^DC, MCC, JMDjSLjDT). Grey Wagtails in November viere two on the Earn ,.t Crieff on 6th, one at Boghall, Dunning, on 13th, and one at Almondbank the same day (DD,SL,SS). JK reckon." that more Pied Wagtails are frequenting the Bridge of Earn Hospital grounds, with over— a hundred counted in autumn.

A Stonechat at Dalreoch on 14 Oct was presumably on passage; this species is still missing from most of its haunts in the County (DD). A late Wheatear was at Greenloaning on 29 Sep. A Ring Ouzel in Glen Lochay on 28 Sep was also late, but one reported from Scone - feeding on yew berries - on 14 & 15 Nov was extraordinarily so (SS,DT, per EDC). Fieldfares and Redwings began to arrive about 8 Oct, when the first were seen at Drimmie, Blairgowrie; a week later both species were widespread (JC,HK.D, DD et al). The (same ?) Fieldfare has returned yet again to winter in a Scone garden (per JHlfiT). A Song Thrush was singing at Scone on 10 Sep: ten Mis tie Thrushes in the Murrayshall area was the only flock reported: large numbers of Blackbirds were noticed in raspberry fields at Almondbank on 20 ^ov (EDC,JMD,SL). Late warblers were two Sedge singing at Balhepburn on 10 Sep; three Whitethroats at lairgowrie on 10 Sep; a Garden rtaibler up till 29 Sep in a Perth \ ^ garden (!); single Blackcaps at Blairgowr-ie on Zh- Sep o-nd 15 uct, ffhich may have been the same bird; a Chiffchaff at Scone on 16 Nov and one at Clunie, Aberfeldy on 29th; selveral "willow Warblers about Aiuj.rayshall until 6 Sep, and two at Balhepburn on 10 Sep (EDC,JfcD,SRH,JH,WMattingley). A Spotted Flycatcher lingered at Blairgowrie until ££ 24 Sep (SRH). - 4 -

25 Long-tailed 'j?its at Clevage, Dunning, was the biggest flock reported,

and there was one of seven at Balquhidder on 8 Nov (DD,JK). (Are you remembering to record Roving Tit Flocks for the BB / YOG survey ?). Two Jays were also seen at

Balquhidder. A single Magpie appeared at Gask on 2 Nov (DD); has no-one seen the Methven / Keillour birds lately ? More Tree Sparrows again - a flock of 35 at Blair¬ gowrie on 18 wov, and several in a big flock of Redpolls at Kercock on 1 Nov: one was seen carrying food at Balhepburn on 20 Sep (ilUC,MCC,SRH). The only Brambling records came from Tibbermore on 26 ^ct and Glenalmond from mid-Oct (SAL,IwjMjPW) . A

Blairgowrie man remarked to SRH on the big numbers of Greenfinches to be seen locally, including a flock of c90 on 11 Sep; has anyone else noticed an increase in the numbers of this species ? Or of G-oldfinches ? A charm of 40 - 50 of these was feeding

on the plentiful seedheads of knapweed a long the riverside path by North Muirton on 13 Oct. A single Siskin visited a kcone bird-bath on 9 0ct ana several days thereafter.

Eight Twite were seen by L Turret on 31 Aug. Fewer Crossbills than usual were notea in the Achray Forest - max 21+ on 12 tict (j!ii)C,SS,DT). A flock of 15 - 20 birds which flew over Almondbank on 1 6 ^ov twere thought to have beten Crossbills. A fair number

o:^ Ye 11 owhammers frequented the Inveialmond Estate, and a flock of 33 was seen in the Blairgovfrie area on 18 Nov (MCCsSRH). RECORDS. Any December Records which Members feel might be significant enough to be passed on for publication in the Scottish Bird Report for 1980, would be appreciated early in the New Year. Also any later summer visitor or earlier winter visitor dates than those printed above. Otherwise, all Records for December 1980, January and February 1981, as soon as possible after 28 Feb, please, to E D Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, Perth, PH2 6RZ.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were

E D Cameron, M C Chesney, J Cunningham, D Doig, H K Dudman, J M Duncan, 'Miss S R Hacker, J Haigh, D H Howie, J Kirk, Mrs S Laing, Miss S A Laing, Mrs I M McMnnie, Mr & Mrs S Shimeld, D Thorogood, J H Wallace, Mrs P Wright.

Happy Birdwatching for 1981.

liie Editor tenders his apologies for page One being missing; the fault is entirely his, Lo'-.ever, refers ru y rest assured tudt there v nothing of i'Hoortonce thereon

r'LRj-j.iuXiii"tL bOoXLli Uj?' L .lUr^iL SUlLLCi .

ORiii.LiriG-uOGIC..jj bjiUj-'IOI .




This has been a winter lacking in long spells of hard weather, providing little excitement for bird-watchers, but a better chance of survival for the birds* With nothing to promote as a "Personality", we go straight into SELECTED SPECIES kaCORJS. Great Crested G-rebes ±eturned to their breeding lochs in mid-

Feb, as usual, with two on Res on 9th, Stormont on 14th and Druramond Pond on 15th (SRH,DBH, SS) . Cormorant sightings included 6 at KercocK: on 2 Jan and 13 on the Tay above Perth on 5 Feb, and 9 on 15th, perched on the island tree by Upper Springland, said tree being noticeably whitened by droppings (jii)C, JK,TCG). 15 Herons were counted at Monk Myre on 4 Feb, and 17 at Stormont the next day - perhaps mainly the same birds; there were also 18 in a field between Comrie and on 9 Feb (SRH, Jiv, SS). A family of teo adult and six juvenile Mute Swans appeared at Kercock oh 17 Jan (SAL,IMM). Although a fair number of Vi/hoopers has been reported, the —^idge of Earn / Madderty flock setms to be absent. The Carse of Lecropt, near Stirling, flock held up to 58 birds in Dec, 12 of them juveniles; the Thornhill flock held 40 at thebeginning of Dec, but decreased later- on 13th, 4 out of 25 were juveniles; there were 30 near on 24 Jan; and the same number near Inchture on 22 Feb, (perhaps the missing Bridge of Earn flock, which used to commute to the Errol area at times); 13 fie?/ over on 1 Jan, and 11 next day; also on 2nd, 15 flew over Trinity College, G-lenalmond; there were still 8 on Drumore L on 1 Feb (RWB,MCC, SRH, DJH, JG-,PWS, DT) . The only White-fronted G-oose reported in this period was one, thought to be of the Green¬ land race, in a flock of ^inkfeet over Blair Drummond ivloss on 13 Dec (DT). There were 15 Barnacle on Methven Moss between 25th and 31 Dec; one flew over Doune on 10 Dec; and

10 in the Scone Palace area were, unusually, associating with Greylags (RmB, Gxui, i'CG). Canada Goose counts at Kercocic totalled 150 on 2 Jan ana 120 on 10th; Wo wie at Loch

^¦"euchie on 5 Feb (kCC, JK,TC&). """" 20 - 30 Shelduck feeding on the Invergowrie mud were spotted

from the comfort (?) of the Dundee train on 20 Feb (CH). Mandarm se^n on the Tay declined, from 48 in Nov, to 30 in Dec, 18 in Jan, and only & in Feb, but the numbers visible are affected by the state of the river and the time of da^ of the count (uDC). The banks of the Isla at Coupar Angms hosted 158 aigeon on 13 Dec, jnd c300 on 17 Jan; while the Kercock area of the Tay held c400 on 10 Jan, 300+ on 17 Jan, but only 165 on 14 Feb; the floodwater at Methven Moss held 100 on 29 Dec and 60 on 2^ Jan; there were 70 - 80 at Dalreoch on 1 Feb; and 1 70 near Crieff on 15 Feb (MCC, G-RE, SAL, IM, SS, TC&). c50 Teal on the Tay by was the only biggish flock noted. A single drake Shoveler was back on Stormont L on 5 Feb (EDC,SRH). Her there were 15 Goldsneye on 4th and 17 on 14 Feb; about the same number could be seen on theTay between Perth Bridge and Almond- mouth in all threw months. However, Goldeneye seem to congregate to roost in the area just downstream of the Scone Palace shingle bank, and a visit here towards dusk can produce a much higher number than can be counted in the area earlier in the day, e.g. 38 on 23 Dec (EDC,SRH, JK,TC&) . Spanowhawks and Buzzards have been around their usual haunts, and a Rough-legged Buzzard is understood to have been in the Sheriffmuir uistnct in the first half of Dec (DMBryant, MWFrazer). Merlins included raspberry fields and reed beds/ beds in theix winter hunting ranges.. There were six Black &rouse at the Sma' Glen on 23 Jan, and eight there

on 6 Feb. Up to seven Capercaillxe have been? seen regularly in Pickston v/ood, Iviethven, Three Red-legged Partridges were seen at Buchanty on 27 Dec, and G-rey Partridges were . paired off by the end of Jan (&IcE,l®,P,T6Gr). A »

small flocks:- 12 in Taymount Wood, Stanley, on 26 Dec; 10 at Craig y Barns 0n 29 Dec; 2 at Ardittie, Methven, on 1 Jan; a pair at ^otmell on 9 Jan; c15 at Tullybaccart on

11 Jan( per Courier); 6, including a singing male, at Murray's Hill , Keillour, on 7 Feb; 20 at Tulchan, Glenalmond, on 8 Feb; and 30+ in -Pickston «»ood in Feb (jiDC,GFui, (PBS,S£,TC&). Bullfinch flocks included 15 fe eding in Scone Public Park on 25 Dec, with 17 there on 4 Jan; 11 a$ Craig y Barns on 29 Dec; and 25, mostly males, in the Sma' Glen on 1 Jan. Only one Hawfinch appeared at Almondbank, on 23 Dec; also singles in Perth, at "Barnhill on 31 Dec and Cleeve on 1*6 Feb; and a maximum of five at Scone, on 14 Jan (EDC,&EE,SL,IMjBMIynch). 15 Snow Buntings were 'parked' at Glen Shee on 1 Jan; 6 on Beinn Dubhcraig on 11 Jan; and 20 - 30 at Dalnaspidal on 21 Feb. The

Inveralmond flock of Yellowhammers built up to over 100 from mid-Jan; there were flocks of 20 near Buchanty, and 25 at Fowlis wester on 1 Jan; and 18 at Highlanclman Loan on 17 Dec. 16 -tteed Buntings at Fingask l on 1 Jan were piesumably gathering to loost (inCC, (GEEjSEH,SS).

B.0VTN& TIT FLOCaS. iwembers are reminded that any records for this Y 0 C/ B B project

should be forwarded to British Birds, Fountains, Park. Lane, Blunham, Bedford, j\iii44 3KJ "by the end of March,

MiOOPSR SWAWS . In 1986, 46 birds vrere martced in Iceland witn blue leg and neck bands with white codes numbered from 1J01 to 1J46. Please send records of any sightings to M A Brazil, Dept of Psychology, Stirling University. CANADA GOUSE. Would anyone sighting Sanadas with coloured leg rings, with or without numbers and/or letters, please inform the iiditor. It would be very much more useful if the number/letter combination could be read and noted too, though this can be very difficult in the field. NIGHTJAR. The B T 0 is organizing a survey of this species this summer. Though unlikely to be seen or heard in Perthshire, please let the Editor know right away if you should come across one.

SUMMER VISITORS. Remember to note the dates on which you first see or hear our Summer Visitors v'flNTER VISITORS also the dates on which you saw your last T/vhooper, Goose, Reawing, lieldfare, Brambling etc.

SUMMER OUTINGS. A list of the Summer Outings arranged for 19&1 is printed on the reverse of this page.

RECORDS for karch, April, i^ay, as soon as posbible after 31 May, please, to E D Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, Perth, PH2 6Rii.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acKnowledged by their initials, were:-dRBraaKenridge,

EDCameron, MCChesney, GREkins, JGearing, kiss Sliriacker, luiss CHaigh, JHaigh, Mr &. iirs DJHenderson, JKirk, Mrs SLaing, Miss SALaing, Mrs IMcKinnie, Miss J-FPiper, PhSandeman, Mrs PBScott, Mr & Mrs SShimeld, Mrs PStrutt, DThorogood. - 4 - pilRTHSHIBJ SOCIji'IY OB1 MTUML SCI-^Cji.



All outings leave from the Museum Car Park at the times stated.

1981 Destination. Depart. Leader.

Wednesday, April 22 Almond/Tay 6.30 p.m. E. Cameron.

Wednesday, May 6. Kinnoull Hill 6.30 p.m. J. Wallace.

Wednesday, May 13. The Hermitage 6.30 p.m. Miss S. Laing.

WedneLsday, May 20. Blairgowrie 6.30 p.m. Miss S. Hacker

Sunday, May 31 . Upper G-lenalmond 10.15 a.m. Mrs Ivi. Shimeld

Wednesday, June 10; Glevage Hills 6.30 p .m. Di Doig,

Wednesday, June 17. Little G-lenshee 6.30 p.m. Mrs I McKinnie

Sunday, August 23 * Morton Lochs & 10i00 a.m.


Note s .

1. Rubber boots or other stout footwear should be worn,

2. Packed lunches should be taken on the all-day outings.

3. At the request of landowners, WO dogs are allowed on outings.

4. A small charge will be made for outings to offset drivers' petrol costs. PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIi-iKCE.



TAYiiNY OWLS. Contributed by M.C.Chesney. • Owls are mysterious birds - nocturnal by habit, occasionally heard, - rarely seen, and not previously considered by myself as comiaon. It was a pleasant surprise to find two Tawny Owl nests in quick succession, quite by chance. This promoted an interest in the birds and I decided to devote more time to the study of

this species. . The first stage v/as to determine the density of the -local population, ihis was done by checking random areas in October and November. At "this time, pairs are est¬ ablishing territories by calling at the perimeter of "the territory with the character¬ istic 'hooting' or 'ki-wick', and in the case when two pairs are disputing boundaries,

caterwauling. The Aost convenient method, however, was to-play a cassette recording of the call, which ustially produced a reaction from one or both of the birds. A bird could then be drawn in any direction until it refused to come any furtner, or a , neighbouring pair responded, thus proving the edge of a territory. Over a peiioa of two years, thirty-two terxitories were determinea in the Scone area, which covered "thirty-tv;o square miles between iiun ay shall Hill and the River Tay. This, however,, does

not mean that each terrxtory covered one square mile; but where suitable habitat exists,

territories cover ^ mile square, compared with ^ mile square in deciduous parkland in favoured areas. Coniferous woodland of the mature and open nature is accepable to Tawny Owls, from the food aspect, but nest sites are confined to old nests of Crows,

Sparrowhawks and Pigeons, and squirrel dreys, and this factor is more likely to limit the population. The difficult# in locating and checking such nests in coniferous woods, which are the commonest type in the study area, is extreme. Natural sites have been found without difficulty in isolated hollow trees, and several in old pigeon nests by luck and extensive searching. These latter nests

provide a precarious start to young owls, and invariably are capable of supporting only one young bird in the 10" x 12" of effective nest area. In an effort to improve the irvival of the young, ten nesting boxes were erected in known territories in a large wood. Six of these were immediately taken by Tawny Owls, the remainder by Mandarin or Mallard ducks and squirrels. Clutches are normal size and survival seems comparable with normal hole nesters, and certainly greater than those in pigeon nests. Future yearsb results should give the statistical proof of this theory. Predators of the young ok?1s are confined to the human kind and, I suspect, the grgy squirrel, which is gaining a strong foothold on the river side of the study area. Gamekeepers dispose of owls where there is a conflict with gamebird rearing, and, obviously, boxes are not erected in these areas. Tree felling inevitably afiects owls as well as other tree-nesting species; local gamekeepers and forestry woiKers are, nowever, remarkably co-operative within the limits of employment, e.g. trees with obvious nest boxes are spared the axe.

The only ringing recovery so far, showed a movement of only 4- km to the

Easl^ which, wfSh consistent numbers, shows a stable population.

One future stage of the study will be to determine, a method- of locating nest sites by a more scientific means, as, for instance, finding out patterns of behaviour or calling sequences during the breeding period.

Many/ - 2 -

Many thanks to Malcolm for this contribution, and we look forward to a follow-up article when he has accumulated more information. - ¦

PERSONALITIES. ' - Smew. A female was found on a loch near Crieff on 15 March (SS). Ruddy Duck, A most surprising discovery made at Stor-mont Loch by 6.iC.H. on 3 > wiien no fewer than six drakes of_ this handsome and unmistajtable species were piesen^.

Seen .by ifi.D.C ana S.R.H. on,.the next day, and by J.K. on 5th, they had vanished by 7th, though a singleton reappeared, consorting with Pocnard, in June. The Ruddy Duck is an American species often Kept in waterfowl collections, but

enquiries failed to reveal any e'scapes from any Scottish ciollection. This species has established a feral population in the Midlands and nnest of England and this is a possible source for these individuals. Quail.Two of these birds have been heard this year; the first -at Bridge of Cally (Ki/Vatson) and the other at Crieff on 21 May (SS). (on 15 March). Water Rail.Another elusive species, heard calling; a pair at L of the Lowes on 2 Apr (M Drummond), and a single bird at another site , also in April.


No large parties of Whooper Swans have been reported, nor any late dates; 8 were at Invergowrie Bay on 7 Apr, an^ 4 at Kihkell Bridge on 16th (RC,JK). These were still c3,000 Pinkfeet feeding around Dunning on 1 May, and northward movement over the Sidlaws and Blairgowrie was noticed on k- May (DP. DHH). Greylag were earlier on the move, e.g. north up G-len Garr on 21 Apr (EDC,RLM)i There were two Barnacle among the Dunning pinkfeet on 1 May. The latest G-oldeneye were a male and three females at Stormont on 3 May (SRH). Many returning flocks of Fieldfares appeared in late April- early May, soon moving on. After 2 May-the only record is of a single bird at Trinity College,

Glenalmond, on 27 May, and again on 8 June (MGH).In contrast to the Fieldfares, tnere was only one record of Redwing, of a small flock singing in the treetops at Bonhard, Scone, on 26 Apr (EDC).Only one recora of Brambling, too, this a single bird in a large finch flock at Crieff on 1 Apr ' (SS). SUMMER VISITORS.

Even though Summer has been slow in coming, the season's bird visitors are with us again. The earliest datee reported are':- Common Sandpiper.14 Apr two at L Rannoch (DHH), 19 Apr on the Tay at Stanley (PBS). Common Tern. 29 Apr two at Invergowrie (RC), Also on R Ericht at Blairgowrie on 20 May. Cuckoo, 3 May in frlenlyon and in Sma' G-len (EDC,SS) ,then 8 May at Dunning (DD) and 10 May at Murrayshall, Scone (DHH). Swift. 'Widespread arrival between 7 and 9 May; beginning with Blairgowrie and T.C.G. on 7th (SRH,MGH). Sand Martin.30 Mar at Lowes (M Drummond), 1 Apr at The North Inch (HGM), 4 Apr at Blairgowrie (SRH), 9 Apr at Stanley (PBS). Swallow. 13 Apr at Duncrub, Dunning (SAL,EMM), 14 Apr at Crieff (SS)and one far north at Calvine (N McKinnie), widespread thereafter. House Martin. 27 Apr Millearnd., Crieff (the day after MFP's first Swallowl), then not until 4 May at Lowes (SAL,SL). Arrivals at Invergowrie on 8 May were "using an artificial nest box by 28th (RC). TreePipit. 9 May in Glenlyon (EDC). ' ' Redstart / Redstart - 3 - Redstart.2 May G-lenlyon (ilDC), 3 May Monzie, Crieff (llCC). Whinchat. 10 May, two pairs at Dunning (DD, IMh) , 12 May, male at T.C.G-. (mG-H) . Wheatear. 29 Mar Blacklunans and Blair Atholl (SIIH,JK). Ring Ouzel, 18 Mar in G-len Quaich (SS) . Sedge Warbler. 10 May Blairgowrie (SRH), mid-May Stanley (PBS), 19 May Dunning (IMM) Whitethroat 29Apr Scone (EDO), then not until 10 May, Blairgowrie and Almondbank (S±tfi,SAL). Blackcap 18 Apr Scone (EDC), 19 Apr, three males at Dunning (DD). Chiffchaff 10 Apr two at Old Scone (MCC), 11 Apr one at New Scone (EDC). Willow Warbler Steady arrival from 11 Apr Scone, 12th , 13th Duncrub (EDC,MCC,SAL,EMM). Spotted Flycatcher 9 May Dunning (DD), several in Scone area by 13 May (EDC).

SELECTED SPECIES LIST. At least four pairs of Black-throated Divers returned to breeding lochs in

April and May, but there has been no report of Red-throats. Little G-rebeS; bred on several waters, and Great Crested appeared as usual, though one on G-lenalmond loch on 7 June was breaking new territory. The "Cormorant tree" on, or ini, the Tay at the North Inch held 26 birds on 15 Mar, and a local dogwalker had counted 36 one day ^during the previous week; the usual small numbers appeared elsewhere. There were nine Herons at Stormont Loch on 5 (SRH). One of the leacistic Pinkfeet .ras spotted near Balbeggie on 13 Mar (jiDC,Ji^).

Seven tfhitefronts, thought to be of the European race, were at Pitcairns, Dunning, on

29 Mar (DD), and another seven, thought to be of the G-reenland race, at Methven Moss on 25 Apr (MGH) ,4-0-50 Canadas passing over Blairgowrie on 30 ivlay (SRH) were probably moult migrants; one was in a flock of Pinkfeet at Dunning on 1 May (DD), and a pair bred on Methven Res (MGH). Five Barnacles were seen at Metliven Moss on 21 Feb and on 28 Mar (JK, SAL,EMM), one Near Tibbermore on 1 Apr (SAL),and the aforementioned two at Dunning on 1 Mayc Also in this last flock was a white goose of "unknown pedigree" (DD). Shelduck returning to Invergowrie Bay numbered 119 on 30 Mar (RC). Mandarin

igain appropriated Tawny Owl nast boxes at Scone (MCC). Stormont produced the only large flocks of Wigeon - 150 on 5th and 218 on 15th Mar (SRH). Again we have a goodly number of Gadwall records; a pair near T.C.G-. from Mar till 3 May, not present on 23 May (MGH), a drake and two ducks near Dunning in May, and two pairs at Trinity Cask on 1 7 May (DD), with one pair there on 22 May (IMM). Teal bred on L Mullion and Pickston L (MGH). Shovelers were noted at Dalreoch, Almondmouth, Trinity Cask and Methven Moss .(DP,MGH,DHH,JK,SAL,IMM,EMM). 77 Tufted Duck on Stormont on 15 Mar was high for here (SRH). Five pairs of Common Scoter were present on the breeding loch

on 9 May. Several Hen Harriers were reported, and Buzzards from four different lowland areas. An Osprey flew eattward over Almondbanic on 25 Apr (SAL). All turee Merlin records were of females - piesumably wintering birds at Dunning on 3 Mar (DD) and Errol on 22 Mar (DHil), and one on likely breeding ground in G-lenlyon on 25 May

(EDC). Peregrines appeal to be having a good breeding season, though at least one pair seems to have been shot out. Ptarmigan still seem to be scarce; but up to 40 Black G-rouse were counted at one lek in Apr (R Nelson). Are Capercaillie in decline again? A single Red-lagged Partridge/ - 4 -

Partridge was seen at Glen Gar'r on 7 Apr, and two in Glen Druid on 6 May (i£DC-, JK).

Inland Ringed Plover were two in a field by L Freuchie on 16 Mar (SS) and one or two pairs at Kercock on 13 Apr (EDC), where later a nest was found (MCC). Golden Plover were back on the Atholl hills by 14 Mar (JK); five were at Kercock on 22 Mar(SAL); there were three by L Mullion on 15 Mar, and two or three pairs seemed to be holding territory there on 16 May (to&H). Only one Knot appeared dt Invergo»vrie, on 25th and 26th Apr. Small passage flocks of imnlin passed through here, including 22 on 18th and 37 on 26th Apr (KG); one beside a lowland loch on 17 May could have been breeding, as it was very reluctant to quit one particular area. A single Ruff spent all April up to 29th at Invergo'ffrie, zand a Spotted Redshank was regular during the second half of the month; Black-tailed Godwits were scarce, with only six on 14 ^ay, but there were quite a lot of Bar-tailed, with a maximum of 68 on 18 Apr (RC). A Gre'enshank in Glen Lyon on 25 May seems to be a "first" for the glen (EDC). A Barn i&wl found injured on the Madderty road ksle on 1 6 Iter was handed over to the R.S.P C.A. (A Philips), and oneL, alive and well, seen near Scone on 23 lviar (MCC) Long-eared Owls with fledged young were se^n in the Ochils in May (DD, IMlvi), and Short-eared with young in frle Cochill (EDC). Though Kingfishers have been missing from the Almond, there were rumours of birds on the Tay at Kercock and at . Skylark movement was noticed in %.r, with d 20 heading NW over Crieff on 4th, and c100 near® Millhaugh on 24th (MGH). After a spell of hard weather, 16 Ring Ouzels were feeding in fields around Connachan Farm, and a further 8 pairs on low ground in Upper Glenalmond, on 26 Apr (SS) Redstart numbers are slightly down in H. Robb's study area, as are Pied Flycatchers, with 30 pairs of each. Some Blue Tits, and Greats too, have had surprisingly small clutches and bfoods this year e.g. 3 young from 4 eggs.laid. A flock of c40 Coal Tits was encountered in Pickston Wood on 12 Mar, and c50 in the area on 24th. A Magpie was seen here on the former date (MGH). An albino Starling appeared at Dunning on 12 Apr(DD Tree Sparrows were at their usual nesting sites at Highlandman and Stanley (SS,FBS). Two Goldfinches unexpectedly arrived in JK's garden on 3 May. A flock of 30 Linnets was seen at Logiealiaond on 16 .May (IviGH). About 150 Twite, fetding around shaep troughs at on 17 Apr, had obviously decided that winter was not yet over (.EDC). About the same number of Redpolls m rickston uiood on 17 $eb was the only big flock reported (MGH). Crossbills made a good showing:- Pickston «ood held 9 on £2 J,1ar, 30-40 on 24th, 12 on 3 fey, and-a flock of c30 on 23 ^ay (l/'GH); two were seen at Dunkeld on 20 Apr and c20 at Craig y Barns on 26th (MCC,SAL); and several were calling in the trees around Logiealmond Lodge on 17 Apr (R Nelson). Maximum number of the Scone Hawfinches was seven on 7 Mar and again on 7 Apr (EDC); 2me was reported from near Bridge of Allan in March (J D Russell).

RECORDS for June, July, August, as soon as possible after 31st Aug, please, to E D Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, Perth, PH2 6RZ.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were:- R Calligan, E D Cameron, M C Chesney, D Doig, Miss S R Hacker, M G Hannay, D H Howie, J Kirk, Mrs S Laing, Miss S A Laing, Mrs I M McKinnie, R L McMillan, Mrs E M Marshall, Mrs H G Millers, Miss M F Piper, Mrs P B Scott, Mr & Mrs S Shimeld. . ? ^ P"RTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.



Jt^v As usual, this has been a quiet period for records, but we off*r what we b x. ^ Is C ^ v ' have. PERSONALITIES.

Ruddy Duck. After the appearance and disappearance of six drakes on Stormont Loch, a single drake reappeared, consorting with Pochard, on 7 June (SRH). This seems to be another species col<>nising Britain rapidly. There was an "incredible total" •f 63O at Blithfield Reservoir, Staffordshire, in January '81 (British Birds, V«1 74, No5), so possibly our birds and those at Kinnordy, and ten in Aberdeenshire and a pair at Stirling in May,have come from this seurce.

Vater Rail. At Seaside, Errol, at least twf} were heard on 2 Aug, several on 7'th, and one on 5 Sep (EDC,MCC,SAL,EMLynch), Water Rails are surely more regular along the Tay than our records would suggest. SELECTED SPECIES LIST.

There has been no report of any breeding by Black-throated Divers, though a pair was seen on a "new" loch in the breeding season; one was on L.Turret on 2 Aug (CRSteven). A pair of Slavonian Grebes bred on the usi^l water. Canada Geese continue to breed successfully, including L.Meallbrpdden, Crieff, where six goslings were seen (CRSteven); 30 visited Invergowrie Bay on IJ Aug, with only one left on J5th (RC).

10 — 20 Shelduck fed on the mud around Seaside Dyke during Aug. There have been breeding reports of the usual ducks. Over 100 Mallard were in raspberry fields at Almondbank on 11 June (SL) - feeding fin the berries ? The only Shoveler was an eclipse drake at Dalreoch n on 7 Jul(SAL,EMM). Numbers of Pochard on L. of the Lowes were high. A pair of Eiders paid an unexpected visit to Invergowrie on 2 June(RC). Only a single Common Scoter duckling was reported from the usual breeding lach. A duck Goosander with seven young on L. Katrine is apparently a first breeding record for this loch (HRobb).

The maximum of passage Ringed Plover at Invergowrie was 18 on 26 Aug. The first good Golden Plover flock there was ©n IJ July, with big flocks in Aug(RC); there were several territorial pairs in ^ittle Glenshee(EDC,MGH).Small flocks of Dunlin fed around Seaside Dyke in Aug, with two Ruff on 7"th; with single Ruff ajt Invergowrie on IJth & 14th. Seaside had Grefnshank on 24 & 27 July, two or thipee on 2 Aug, and five on 7 Aug;Inver— gowrie Bay had singles on 14 & 17 Aug, with others heard occasionally; singles upriver were at Balhepbum on 26 July and the Scone Palace shingle on 7 Aug(RC,EDC, SAL,PAKemp, EMLynch). Four Woodcock seen together at Blairgowrie on 15 "July were presumably a family

party(SRH). Six Common Sandpipers at Invergowrie on 14 July was the max, while there were two at Seaside Dyke on 7 Aug(RC,EDC,SAL,BMlynch).

Sandwich Terns were seen regularly at Balhepburn, but an unprecedented 70 moved upriver with the tide on 4 Aug; 36 of them flew back downstream, but the remainder, after some circling around over the river by Elcho, moved off steadily upstream and wer^e not seen to return within the next three hours; a party of nine, possibly some of the 36, flew upstream later. It seems that these birds may have been migrating overland on their A. way to the West frican coast. Smaller numbers were seen fishing off Seaside Dyke in Aug (EDC,SAL et al»), A nestling/ Cuckoo was found in a Meadow Pipit's nest in Little Glenshee on 8 June; a juvenile was watched feeding between rows of kale on 26 July(EDC). Barn Owls were spotted near on 12 Aug and 3 Sep> and at Drimmie, BlaiugowxiG, on 18 June. A juvenile/ - 2 -

A juvenile Long-eared Owl was seen at Comrie on 4 June(SS). Short-eareds seem to "be maintaining their numbers. The last Swifts were on 6 Aug at Almondbank and II Aug at Blair¬ gowrie (SAL,SEH)Only one sighting of a Kingfisher on the Almond on 6 July (SL). Some 'areas seem to have had fewer House Martins this year, but others, such as Pitlochry, report new nesting colonies; L. Turret had 21 occupied nests(SS). Meadow Pipits were already flocking by 19 July in ""ittle Glenshee (SAL,NS). Redstarts were seen in Almondbank raspberry fields on 6 & IJ July(SL). A pair of Stonechats feeding two young^on the south side of L. Rannpch on 29 July is the first breeding record for a while (EDC) Two, possibly more, Fieldfares m ¦'Jittle Glenshee on 19 July indicate possibilities of breeding(SAL,NS)• A flock of 15 Mistle Thrushes over Almondbank on 7 July was the first of the "autumn" (SL). A vagrant Reed Warbler was mist-netted at Seaside %"ke on 2 Aug(EDC,KCC,BMLynchO.

Sedge Warblers seem to have been scarcer, possibly also Garden Warblers and Blackcaps, but not Willow Warblers, seen passing through suburban gardens in July and August(JHW). No

Chiffchaffs were recorded m this three-month period. Magpies reported at Gleneagles on 26 June and at iullibardine on 28 June could have been the same bird (CRSteven,EMM). Raven records came from Rannoch and Little Glenshee. Tree Sparrows were watched feeding young near Crieff on 9 July(SS). -Small flocks of Goldfinches fed on thistle and knapweed

seeds at Invergowrie, with a maximum of about 24 on 25 Aug(RC). A pair of Twite was seen in Little Glenshee on 8 June, and a family party at L. Lednock on 29 July, with a flock of 32 here on 28 Aug(EDO,SS). A pair of Hawfinches was feeding fledged young in Scone on 18 & 19 June; ones and twos were seen in various parts of Scone during the period(EDC).

THREE INCIDENTS IN A WEEK. Contributed by I.McLachlan.

Monday, IIth May, 1981. My attention was drawn to a corner of the grounds at Cleeve Gardens by the agitated clamour of around twelve Starlings, investigation showed that a Rook had

trapped a half-grown rabbit against banking and was fiercely attacking it with its beak. The rabbit was rescued and was found to be alert and healthy. It was released into dense

undergrowth, while the Rook called angrily from a nearby tree. I have never noticed Rooks

attacking live animals, but I have no doubt, without intervention, the young rabbit would have been killed. Also, the Starlings were mobbing the Rook, a species which would not

normally be looked on as a predator. Wednesday, IJth ^ay. In Paradise Place car-park, Perth, in the late afternoon, ten Starlings, fifteen House Sfnarrows and thirty odd ^eral igeons were feeding on gram put Tl out for their benefit by a nearby householder, when they were attacked by a Sparrowhawk. The Starlings counter-attacked, the Sparrows set up an agitated chatter, while the-pigeons

left hurriedly. The Sparrowhawk sought shelter in a nearby tree, but the Starlings kept up their attack and it disappeared, hedge-hopping in the direction of the South Inch, hotly

pursued by the Starlings. Friday, I5th ^ay. A Rook was noted in the Cherrybank area of Perth behaving m a somewhat strange manner on top of a chimney-pot. It was a still evening, the fire had obviously just been banked and so the thick smoke .was ascending perpendicularly. The Rook was

perched on the chimney-pot, leaning across the opening with its wings outspread. It kept changing its position, but retained the outspread wing pose. Thirty minutes later, it was still on the chimney. Presumably it was delousing itself, or relieving1 some other skin irritation, as .other species do when "anting". (There are many instances cited in the

literature of Rooks using smoke m this way. Rooks have also been seen to "ant". Ed). Outing/ - 3 -

OUTING TO WESTER GLEMLMOND. On the 31st May there was a good turnout for such a bad day. We followed the course of the Almond from Newton Brig to a cattle grid, where the party split up into two groups. M(Hst of us made our way hack to the cars by way of the riverbank, whilst the others continued on to a forest before turning back, as they were carrying out a survey

of water birds. The number of species seen was 36. The attractions were:* two Peregrines, a Kestrel, two Redstarts, four Grey Wagtails, and a close-up view of a Cuckoo among the nine seen. The commonest birds were 22 Chaffinches and 21 Common

Sandpipers. Gontributed by Julian Haigh. OUTING TO MORTON LOCHS & TENTSMUIR. When this outing was suggested, it was thought it might be quite rewarding

for migrants on return passage, but, apart from a handful of Greenshank, it turned out

to be a complete non-event m this respect, Nevertheless, we were still able to derive enjoyment from seeing Herons fishing. One of the lochs has been completely drained and the other very largely drained, so that these conditions were the principal limiting

factors. Furthermore, when we moved over to the Tentsmuir Reserve, the tide was out and even though we were able to identify a distant skua, the shimmer prevented any satisfactory sea watching. However, the situation was totally redeemed for the twelve

members of the party by the time and expertise given to us by the warden, Pete Kinnear, He stayed with us from II a.m. to 4«30 p»ni. and gave us a most comprehensive commentary on the natural history of the area, which included identification of

conifers, butterflies, frogs and toads, the rapid growth of the dunes singe the war, and the flora of the dunes, including a wonderful carpet of grass of 1arnassus. We heard, with no little surprise, that they really could do with a few more rabbits to kerp the

vegetation nicely in balance. Whilst, as members of an ornithological society, we might have liked to have

seen more birds, no one expressed any regrets about this and it was quite clear that we were all enthralled with the information that Pete gave us m such a friendly and

expert way. Contributed by Stan Shimeld. Many thanks to Julian and Stan for their reports. Ed.

WINTER PROGRAMME. The first talk of the winter programme, on 14th October, in the Museum

at 7.30 p.m., will be given by R. Broad on " Pair Isle and its birds". SUBSCRIPTIONS. Members are reminded that annual Subscriptions of £2 are now due, and

should be paid at the monthly meeting, or to the Section Treasurer, Mrs. I McKinnie,

23, Anderson Drive, Perth. Due to the continuing high cost of postage etc., it is regretted that Bulletins cannot be sent to Members whose subscriptions become overdue. BRITISH BIRDS. Enclosed with your Bulletin is a leaflet offering a very substantial

reduction from the regular subscription to the excellent monthly magazine, British

Birds". This offer is extended only to members of certain recognised ornithological clubs, so this is a fine opportunity to save money through your P.S.N.S. membership. WINTER ATLAS./ / WINTER ATLAS.

The British Trust for Ornithology is undertaking a survey, over the next three winters, of the birds wintering in Britain; "winter" lasting from mid-November to the end of February. The fieldwork and recording are very simple - at its most basic, a list of the numbers of the different species of birds you see on a bird- watching trip, to wheresoever it may'be. The more dedicated may wish to survey one particular 10 km. Square more intensively. Perthshire is a large area to cover, and all offers of help will be much appreciated. Further details, instructions and recording forms from the Editor.

RECORDS for September, October and November, as soon as possible after 50th November, please, to E.D.Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, Perth PH2 6RZ.

CONTRIBUTERSto this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were :-R.Calligan,

E.D.Cameron, M.C.Chesney, Miss S.R.Hacker, M.G.Hannay, Mrs S.Lamg, Miss S.A.Laing, Mrs. I.M.McKinnie, Mrs. E.M.Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. S.Shimeld,Miss N. Strutt and





The latest report-of Common Sandpiper came from L* Faskally, where there were two on 15 Sep (REY). 75 Sand Martins were mist-netted at a reedbed roost at Errol on 5 Sep, "but surely there were some about after that? The last Swallows left Blairgowrie on 4 0c"t (SRH). A late Whinchat was seen near Forteviot on ' Oct (DD), and a Wheatear at Stanley on 29 Sep (PBS). There were two Sedge Warblers at Balhepburn on 13 Sep (EDO). Single Willow Warblers were at Blairgowrie and Scone on I 2 Sep, and Balhepburn on 13th. A female Blackcap at

Blairgowrie on I5 Oct is of doubtful status. There was a Spotted Flycatcher in the same strip of wood as the Willow Warbler at Scone on 12 Sep (EDC,]yiCC,SRH


The first Whopper Swans "of the winter were nine recorded on

Methven Moss, and a singleton at Dalreoch, on 4 Oct; numbers at Carsehead,

Madderty, built up to a maximum of 55 in late Oct, then almost all moved awgcy. (Unfortunately, two were killed by flying into wires, causing a power failure in the area).(DD,JK,TSmith per IMM).A Bean Goose is this season's personality of its tribe - seen in a large flock of Pinkfeet at on 7 Nov, This flock also included a Greenland Whitefront , seven of which were se^n near

Tibbermore on 30 Oct (JK)> The first ^inkfeet were nine over Dunning on 6 Sep, but the first big skeins didn't appear till about a fortnight later; by

25 bep, c6,000 were roosting - including one leucistic type. Afound Rait, an area usually favoured by Pinkfeet after the New ^ear, numbers built up throujg Nov to about 1,000. The first Greylags were, as usual, slightly later than the Pinkfeet; at L. Faskally, 63 appeared on 7 Sep, increasing to 90 on Ilth and 157 on I8th, but it is not clear how many of these were feral, and how s® many, if any, truly wild immigrants (DD,SRH,JK,REY)fThe Canada Goose maximum at Kercock.of c300 on 23 bep could well have included moult migrants return¬ ing to orkshire and the English Midlands. The first Barnacle^ was noted on g TT J- 25 Sep; various small groups were seen in inkfoot flocks in the Tibbermore T*- area, with a maximum of 30 on 7 Nov (EDC,DD,JK,SAL,NS). The two Goldeneye at Kercock on 17 Oct were the first noted; there were 17 in the roosting flock by the Scone Palace shingle on 15 ^ov„4 (EDC, JK). Some Waxwmgs have arrived - two at the Hermitage, -^unkeld in

early Nov, two at Blairgowrie on Ilth, and 15 there, in the Wellmeadow, on 30th (NMcKinnie, SRH,APhillips). Hundreds of Fieldfares were moving westward into Glenlyon and along L. Tayside on 3 & 4 Oct; smaller numbers of Redwing among them. Both species were recorded from Stanley on 6th and Aanning on 7th (EDC,DD,PBS). Only seven Brambling though - three at -^unnmg on 3 Nov and four m Glen Quaich on 19 Nov; in both cases, in mixed flocks of Chaffinches and Greenfinches (LD,SS). SELECTED / - 2 -


Seven Little Grebes were gathered at Old-Enfflanri fcoch on ±2 Sep. There was one Great Crested &re"bg on Lowes on 12 Ki>v, and still one

on L. Freuchie a week later (MCC,SEH,SS). As usual, Cormorants were spotted on the Tay and on various lochs, including one on|Glenfarg Res, where there were also five Herons, on 24 Oct (JGO). Seven Mute ^rans accompanied the Whooper at Methven ?{oss on 4 Oct, and there were six adults and five young at Dalreoch the same day; the pair on King's Myre still had nine young with them m Sov, and it may well "be this family party that appeared on the Kercock stretch of the Tay in the hard weather of Dec (DD,JHW).

No large flocks of Vigepn were seen in this period, maxima "being 40 on Faskally in Sep and 60 at Kercock on 22 Nov (JK,REY). There were also up to 35 Teal on Faskally, and cIOO at Methven Moss on 27 Sep (DD,REy^. Four pairs of Gadwall and four of Shpveler accompanied the swans at Dalreoch o on © Oct; numbers of Shoveler at Stormont were low - nine on Ilth, six on 18 Oct, Sleven on 5 Nov (DD,SRH). On 18 Oct, Stprmpnt held J)6 Pochard and 33 Tufted, more than usual for this month. The onl# notable gatherihg of GSosander was 13 on the Tay by the Race Course on 25 Oct (SRE,MCC). Hen Harriers were reported from several moorland areas, (DD,JK,JG0,SS), and the Burghmuir Sparrowhawk is still around (JBW). Autumn parties of Buzzards included 3 in Glen Garr onk29 Sep, 4 in Glen Quaich on 15 Oct, and 10 there on 19 Nov; one has been seen regularly from the M.M.M.Hide at Kercock, and nearby, on 15 Nov, one was disturbed feeding on a rabbit carcase in the middle of the B947 just south of Chapel of Lethendy (EDC,JK,SS). Merlins ^were seen at Kmdrogan on 4 Oct and Cairnie Pier on 7 Nov (EDC,JK). Water Rails were heard in reed beds near Errol in Sep and Nov. Coot numbers reached I65 on Drummond Pond on 15 Nov (SS). On 29 Sep there were "JO Golden Plover by Scone Aerodrome,- on I Oct there were about 1,000 mixed G P and Lapwing, and between three and four hundred GP by 3 Oct. On this last date there were 70 G P at Inveralm®nd, and s± the number at Stanley Farm increased from 50 on 20 Oct to 100 on 31st (MCC,PBS). Several Curlew were heard in the mist over Kercock on 8 Nov, about 20 came in to roost on the Sc»ne Palace shingle on 15 Nov, and one was at Bennybeg, Crieff, the same day (EDC,SS).

Two passage Greenshank were seen at Kercock on 5 Sep (JK). A Barn Owl has been sighted regularly in the Rait district, but we have our unfortunate road casualties again - one near Bridge of Cally and another near Sc^ne (SRH,JK); twfc Tawny Owls suffered the same fate, both on the A9 south of Pitlochry (REY). The remains of a Long-eared Owl were found m a wood near Scone, and, more happily, a live one seen there in Oct. Short-eafed were noted here, by Amulree, and in the Rait area, where five were seen together (MCC,JK,RE!f). One Oct midday, a Short-eared was watched near

Glenfarg Res, catching voles and hiding them in clumps of rushes (JHl). Kingfishers were twice seen on the Tay; one on 18 Oct above the North Inch, the other flying upstream under Perth Bridge in 20 Oct. One / - 3 -

One was also seen on the Almond (HGkjARP).Woodpeakers, surely underrecorded, were Green at Dalreoch on 26 Oct, and Great Spotted at and Glenfarg Res (JGO,JEW).

Movements of Skylarks were noticeable over Scone Aerodrome on I2th Sep, when many Meadow Pipits were also involved, and Kercock on IJ Oct, when there was a flock of cIOO. Again by the Aerodrome, on 12 Sep, tventy-^dd Migtle Thrushes were feeding on rowan berries, whilst a loose flock of 42 was noticed passing over Pitlochry the next day (EDC,MCC,REY). No big flocks of Long-tailed Tits have been repoivted yet, only one of 15 at Balhepburn on 15 Sep, and another of 12 at Rosemount on 7 Nov. On 29 Nov, along about half a mile of the Tay below Errol, there were estimated to be at least 60 Blue Tits feeding in the reeds (EEC,BBS PBS). A flock of cl,000 mixed Rooks and Jackdaws was feeding by Kinkell Bridge on 19 Nov. Two Ravens were by Newton Brig on 14 Sep, and six m the air over Glen Quaich on 19 Nov, (along with +en Buzzards !) (teCC,SS). The many mixed Chaffinch / Greenfinch flocks to be found in turnip fields and around sheep troughs are worth searching through for minority species such as Tree Sparrow, Brambling, Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting. Smgll numbers of J Tre Sparrows were seen at Crieff, Inveralmond and Kercock. On 29 Nov a flock composed solely of Greenfinches, about a hundred in all, was feeding on the road and verges south of Arnbathie; the same day a flock of twenty was seen at Seaside,

Errol, which is unusual for there. Odd Goldfinches cropped up here and there, with 28 in Glen Q,uaich on 15 Oct and ten at the same spot on 19 Nov, ( in both cases with Chaffinches - see above !), and a smaller party of eight at Seaside cm 29 Nov. After 50 Siskins in Upper Glenalmond on 27 Sep, there have been only small groups seen, but two have been feeding from net bags of peanuts in Muirend Gardens, Perth (JH,S3). Only small flocks of Redpolls about too. Linnets again frequented the riverside path at North Muirton, with 16 m total on 17 Oct. Among the biggest finch flocks was one of an estimated 200 Twite m Glenlyon, with another 50-odd m a mixed flock nearby, on,II Nov. In contrast - a solitary

Snow Bunting on Murrayshall Hill, Scone, on 5 Nov (EDC,SAL,SS).

STJRW OF BREEDING WADERS OF SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL LAND. This survey will take place in the Spring of 1982 and will have four objectives; 1. To establish a baseline for continuing monitoring against which the effects

of agricultural shange may be assessed. 2. To provide estimates of abundance and distribution of inland breeding waders.

J. To investigate the habitat requirements of our breeding waders.

4. To pinpoint areas worthy of conservation. The pilot study carried out m I98I has shown that the optimum time for carrying out the fieldwork is in May, but visits in April and June are also valuable. The organiser of this very important survey is Hector Galbraith, from Paislg- who has agreed to come to talk to us about it, (And hopefully, inspire some of us to take part), after our A.G.M. on March 10th 1982. We hope Members will come along m/ - 4 -

in good numbers to hear what he has to say - certainly those of us who heard him speak on the matter at the recent S.O.C. Annual Conference can heartily recommend it - and we suggest you earmark this date as one of those A.G.Ms, you should not miss. S. Shimeld, GEORGE WATERSON MEMORIAL FOND. Dundee Branch S. 0. C. is hosting a film show in aid of the above. This will be held m the large lecture theatre in the Tower Extension at Dundee University at fagty: 7»30 p.m. on Thursday, 28th January, 1982. Chris Mylne will introduce a varied family programme, including films on Fair Islr, the Isle of

May, Handa, Owls and a cartoon. Tickets, price £1 for adults and 50p for juniors, aie available from Dundee Museum, Albert Square; at the door on the night; or from Sylvia Laing, 33 Bridgeton Brae, Almondbank or at the Section Meeting on IJth Jan. COLLARED 1 /HOOPER. One of five Whooper Swans on stubble at Bridge of Earn in Dec was sseen to be sporting a dark-coloured (blue) collar *n its neck (JHW). This would appear to be one of the 46 Whoopers marked in Iceland in 1980. If .-so, it should ^ also have a blue leg ring - difficult to spot if the.bird is feeding in stubble; and both ring and cellar should have white numbers and letters thereon - a tele¬ scope is useful, if not necessary* in reading these (Ed). CLEVER ROBIN. Julian Haigh writest- We have a Rabin whto has learned to feed on the I peanut feeder. He gave us much enjoyment as we watched him "learn" this frdm the tits. It took him two weeks to get the hang of it, and now he regularly perches on the feeder. Apart from tits, Great Spotted Woodpeckers, House Sparrows, Siskins and Greenfinches regularly cling on to hanging bags, spirals etc to feed. Birds of other species, such as this Robin, occasionally learn to do so. Have any Members seen other examples of this ? (Ed). TANGLED BLACUE. Some Oakbank Schffol pupils were upset to find a Blackbird hanging upside down in a hedge, attached by black cotton wound round feet and branches.

Headmaster McKinnie managed to free it by judicious use of scissors - only to be pecked by the ungrateful bird ! (per IMM). So it isn't only anglers line that gets birds tangled up ! (Ed). RECORDS for Dec 1981., Jan & Feb 1982, as soon as possible after 28 Feb, please, to E. D. Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, Perth, PH2 6RZ. Contnbuters to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials were:-

E.D.Cameron, M.C.Chesney, D.Doig, Miss S.R.Hacker, J.Haigh, J.Kirk, Miss S.A.Laing, Mrs. I.M. McKinnie, J.G.Ogilvy, Mr. & Mrs. S.Shimeld, J.H.Wallace, R.E.Youngman.

HAPPY BIRDWATCHING IN 1982. Resolution No- I - Send in records ! PERTh&.lIKE SUCIEll OF KaToivAL SCIji.^C^.


BULlETD; FOR DECE'-BSE. 1 9b1 , JAl'vUrtLY, .

SELECTED SPECIES EECURDS. Great Crested Grebes wer6 back on tfee breeding lochs by L.id-Feb; one was on the Tay by Perth on 18 Dec. The Cormorant trey-roost by Upper Spiingland continues to support 20+ "birds regularly, and 20 weie on heish Is, L. ^axn on 25 Feb; four died, entangled in pike nets in Fingask Loch, Blairgowrie. The Bridge 6f Earn wood which contained the heronry has now been clear—felled; this operation having been postponed from the 1981 breeding season after representations had been made to the owner and to the timber contractor concerned. Some of the birds had moved out in previous years, due to Motorway works, ¦'nd presumably the rest have now joined the new colony (^DC,SfJi, S£). The "big freeze" brought numbers of Mute Swans to the Tay at Perth/rfith a maximum of 44 between Perth Bridge and Woody Is on 31 Dec; there were only nine by 16 Jan; 13 at Kercock on 13 Dec included 9 juveniles, which may Aell have been the King's iWyre brood (see last Bulletin). There nave b&tn no large Concentrations of

iviaiy geese remaxned auidn^ uhe cola spell, thoaya mary L-Oifc E.c--mea io have moved out. lumbers are seldoc fcithcoiriii^g fiom yh© upp^i vallej, so -550 C-reylag at Bolfracigs. Aberfelay, on 3 Feb, rising to 4tb on 6th, diw v\ortn noting. Fewer Barnacles have been seen, "chxed on 30 Jan ana. bix next uay, in the Tibbermore area; interestingly, one of these wore a white leg-nrg, indicating it belonged to the Svalbard (Spitsbergen) population, which winters on the Solway, but an unfortunate individual shot near Madderty wore a red ring, indicative of the Greenland population, which winters on Islay and other Hebrideaii islands, and islands off the west coast of Ireland. Star of The Goose Show «as a Brent seen off Seaside, Errol, on 28 Feb (EDO, SAL, IMM,IJ2Y,F A Kemp). Mandarin numbers have been low, max 24 on 10 Feb. largest flocks of Wigeon were 250 at Stormont on 7 Feb, 200 there on 27th, and 200 by ivfeikleour on 13 Feb. 35 Teal accompanied these last, 20 were seen from the Marsland Hide (in the same area) on 13 Dec, and on 7 Dec, 16 were on L. Dochart, whence we get few records, apart from those of Yihooper Swans. Pochard, Tufted Duck and Goldeneye on L. Faskally all decreased in number over the fortnight from 6th to 21st Jan - from 33 to 15, 30 to 10, and 19 to 6 respectively. This was obviously due to the freezing conditions, which also brought eight pochard and six Tufted to the Tay at Stanley on 29 Dec, .and 90 Tufted to Perth Lowrer riaroour on 17 Jan. The return to milder weather resulted in a high count ox Tufteu, 110, on Stormont on 7 Feb. 034 15 Feb there were 21 (xolaeneye off the i^orth Incn ana 15 at Stormont.The Tay dt Stanley also ueld ten Merganser ana eight Goosdncter

on 19 Dec, vfhile 19 of the latter were at Perth Raroour on 9 Dec (^.jC, bx-ji, Ja ( PBS,LEY). Hen Harrier / - 2 -

H en Harrier, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk were the mast widely reported

raptors. A Buzzard moving west alongside the Madaerty road caused considerable alarm in a large Pinkfoot flock grazing there on 30 Jan. Capercaillie were seen in Gorthy Wood, Methven, and Near Pitlochry. A covey of ten Led-legged Partridge was seen at Upper .Obney, , on 6 Dec, and coveys of 23,,and 24 G-rey at Crieff on 16 Dec and G-uildtown on 13,Jan, respectively. During the worst of the weather, Moorhens were ±b feeding among domestic poultiy, and even entering the henhouses to roost at night, at three sites in Dunning. 34 Coot werts on the 'i'ay at Perth on 31 Dec; the number on Drummond. Ponu i ose from 70 in Dec to 126 in Feb (jiDC, DD,SS, JHrf,iuiY). '

A wader, count on the InvtigoBrib "Co iiionoEgan b"Ci,etch of cne estuary on

28 Dec, when the tide-line was litteiea with ice-floes ond solid ground, was

just that, showed that there were still approxiiuately 30U OysLeicatcneis, . 3,000 Dunlin and 600 Bar-tailea Godvits in the area. Dunlin weie do,«i to a fen

hundred, and Godwit to one hundred by 24 Jan, though 300 Goowits were( counted. on 17 Jan. Oystcircatchers began moving inland at the beginning of Feb, being heard over Scone on 3rd; there were 36 on the Scone Palace sJaingle .on 10th, and the vanguard reached Crieff on 14th and.Pitlochry on 24th. Golden Plover included 100 by North Muirton, Perth on 14 Feb, 110 at Crieff and 25 at Comrie on 21 Feb, and 60 at Blairgowrie on 27 Feb. A huge flodk of Lapwings, estimated

at 2,000, was resting on a ploughed field at North Muirton on 14 Feb, the above- mentioned G Ps being amongst them. Curlew were present throughout the period along the Tay from Perth to Aberfeldy, mainly singles being recorded. Eleven were at Gask on 31 .Jan, and 40 on the Scone palace shingle on 14 Feb (EDC, SiH, ( SAL, SS, REY, P A Kemp, B k Lynch). HEY remarks that he has setn no Black-headed Gulls around Pitlochry over the winter months - is this unusual, or merely never been noticed before ? Herring Gulls there were, and a few Great Black-backed; 20 of the latter were aronnd .the Marsland Hide on 13 Dec (JlQ .Stock Doves haven't been reported foj some time - there -were two feeding with Woodpigeons near Lait on 24 Jan. .Large flocks of rtoodpigeons collactea v«herever food was accessible tnrough the snow

cover, e.g. 400 on one turnip fitlu near jvinrostie on 2 Jan, and a thousand or so on some "greenstufl" at Islabamc, Coupai Angus, on 16 Jan, Skylarks seemed to move out with the first snow, but ^0 flew soutn- eastward over Jnveralmond pn 1 Jan. Gdu Meadow Pipits stayed inland through the ?irorst of the.weather; small parties were noticeu moving soutn, .«ith Chaffinches, along the A9 at Pitlochry on 14 Dec, after heavy snow overnight. All hau. moved on by the next day. A few Yvaxwings stayed around, including one which regularly visited a Perth windowgill to feed* Ten Wrens were reported roosting together in an old nest through Dec and Jan at Muthill (HGM,SS,iUiY).. A few Fieldfares found sustenance feeding on turnips among Greylag. Song Thrushes reappeared in Crieff- on 24 Jan, and one was singing in Perth on 31 Jan; a Scone Mistle Thrush struck up the next day. A flock of eleven L6ng-tailed Tits, at Stofmont Loch on 27 Feb and/ 14 Coal Tits in Gorthy Wood on 30 Jan indicate that many of these tiny birds survived ( EDC, SRH, IMM, SS). A party / - 3 -

A party of 1 5 - 20 Tree SparroYfs near Scone on 24 Jan seemed intent on roosting in a hawthorn hedge; four were seen near Carsebreck in Dec. 60 Chaffinches fed together in a Pitl«chry garden in deep snow on 20 Dec. Bramblings feu. at bird tables m Pitlochry, Crieff and Perth; and Siskins on peanuts in Crieff, Blairgowrie and Scone. Ten hardy Goldfinches were seen in Pitlochry on 3 Jan, and a flock of 30 Lnrmets at Tulliemet on 5 Dec was the reporter's only record of the species in the Pitlochry area. No big Redpoll flocks — 33 in G-len Garr on 6 Dec being the largest reported. Also here, eight Bullfinches fed in company with a flock of mixed tits-; seven at Scone v/ere feeding on seeds of nettles. Three Hawfinches weie seen at Scone on 30 Dec. Parties of seven and five Snow Buntings were around L. Broom, Pitlochry, on 5 Dec, and eleven at on 28 Dec. Yellowhammers numbered 23 at Logierait on 24 Jan and 25 at G-ask on 3^ Jan (iiDC,

(SS,IiEY). x - x - x

CARShBRECK PUBLIC FOOTPATH, BLACKFOM). Members will be pleased to know that this footpath, whicn gives excellent opportunities for biru-watching over the Carsebreck ana pLnynu lochs, ^ n now a pedestrian right ol i/vay . I'he Peith and ivinxosb Distiict Council h&ve undertaken to repair th^ footbiidgcs ovei the Allan isatei, elect step stilus acrosfa fences and to position sign posts tp help VkalKers to follow the isnisa agie^ci route. At the time of writing, tnis has not ^et been done, but we understand that the Council expect to have the work completed by the end of kaich. We have been asked by the Council to draw the attention of our iuembeis to the fact that this area is important to its owners for their farming, fishing and shooting interests, and that users must keep to the routt and nob attempt to wander at will •ver private property. In addition to this aspect, the Shelforkie Moss aeea can be extremely dangerous, particularly in wet weather^ when large areas become a shifting peat bog, and walkers can be in serious danger themselves, or can frighten cattle into the same situation. Entry points to the walk are from the layby on th« A9 near N^therton, " from the back Braco road near Millhill.

SUMMER VISITORS. The next Bulletin should carry a complete list of arrival dates

of our summer migrants, so please remember to take note of same. Also, the last dates in ?rtiich our various fe'IIMTJiR VISITORS were seen, should be noted. Sightings of such as G-oldeneye, Fieldfare, Redwing and Brambling in late May would be particularly interesting, a s these species might well breed in the County.

SUMMER OUTING-S are detailed on the reverse of this sheet.

RECORDS for March, April, May, as soon .js possible, please, after 31 May, to

E. D. Cameron, 14 Union ii-oad. Scone, pertn, PH2 6Rij.

Contributers to tnis Bulletin, a cknovvledgeu by their initials, were;-

D Cameron, D Doig, Misn S. K. Hacjcer. J. Kinc, kiss S.A.Laing, ivirs. I. M.McKinnie,

Mrs, H. G-. Millers, Mr. & Mrs. S. Shimeld, Mrs. P. B. Scott, J. H. Wallace and

R. E. Youngman, - 4 ^


1 ' - r J". PiuOGiUil^Lbj 0!b S Ui.'iiVu-i^L; 0 d 'JD-; Orb ÿ ; ^ ^ o2.,

All Outings leave from the Musemu Car paik at the txuiys statya.

1982 Destination Depart Leaaei Wednesday, April 21 Haughs of kercock 6.30 p.L. iiisS. Laing. Sunday, May 9 Loch Freuchie, 10.15 a* in Jj. Caineion. Glen Quaich* We dne s day, May 19 Dunning area 6.3t) p.m. D. Doig. Wednesday, June 2 Dunkeld area 6.30 p.m. iliss V. Thorn. Wednesday, June 16 Loch Meallbrodden, 6.30 p.m. fwrs. L. Shimeld.

Fowl'.s Wester.

Sunday, June 27 Loch of Kinnordy, 1 .45 p.m.' nr Kirriemuir. (E.S.P.B. Iteserve). Sunday, Sept. 12 Montrose Basin 10,00 a.m. Mrs. I. McKinnie-, (S.W.T. Reserve),

MOTE. 1. Rubber boots or other stout footwear should be worn. 2. Packed lunches should be taken on the all-day outings.

3. At the request of landowners, KO dogs are allowed on outxngs. 4. A small charge will be made for outing to offset ariver's patrol costs. F^TKSHIM EOGL.TY OF r.i.TuML SCIi-i.C^.


BULLi^TIii FQit ..ARCH, iiPPJL, I'AY 1982*

Wli.l'L,!. VISITOES. After the rigours of late December and January, when, presumably, many of our winter visitors moved on southward, few seem to have called in on their way back northward. One of twelve ffhooper Swans on the Tay at Cairnle Pier on 20 Mar wore a blue "Icelandic" collar; there Yrere ten, collarless, on L. urdie on 13 Apr. Fewer geese were about, but these included:- a Greenland mhit^front at Cultmalundie on 20 Mar (JK); six Barnacles at Dunning on 7 iuar, &ix at Tibbermore next clay, at least ten on 20 war - 5 at in dye age, 2 at Balgowan and 3 at Cultiualunaie (JIv, life). The last G-reylags heard over Blaii cowrie


On the whole, arrival dates seem to be similar to last year's. I.M.M. has charted "first dates" for 21 species from 1970 - 81 and this makes most interesting reading,- but is difficult to reproduce "for printing in the Bulletin. It does seem to show that probably, as much depends on the dutiful reporting of the s sightings as on the weather of the preceding few days! 1982 produced the following tes:- Common Sandpiper, 24 Apr, G-lenHyon (iDC). ' Common Tern, 8 May, three up and down the Braan at Amulree (iDC). Cuckoo, 26 Apr, Glenalmond (SS), to May, Arnbathie (JMu). Swift, 6 May, two south L. Runixoch (jiDC), 9 May, BlairgOk.rie Sand Martin, 11 Apr, xuany at L.Lowes (JkJj), 12 Apr, small parties moving steadily upstream along horth Inch (EDC), 13 Apr, Blairgbrfrie (Sill). Swallow, 5 Apr, GlemalmoncL (bS), then not'until 22 Apr, Seine (j^DC) and .24 Apr, 'Blairgovirrie (SMi). House Martin, 7 May, Scone and'8 May, Arhbathie (LjjC; JMD). Tree Pipit, 8 May,;-Glenquaich (EDC). Redstart, 24 Apr, Glenlyon (EFKiddie), 30 Apr, south L.'Earn (S&). Vv'hinchat, 9 May, foxir pairs at Easter Bleaton, Blairgov^ie (i,iCC). t/heatear, 28 Mar, Glenalmond (SS) . ¦ Ring Ouzel, 5 Apr, Glenalmond (SS), 8 Apr, Rotmell L. (IMIa). Sedge/ - 2 - Sedge Warbler, 9 May, Amulree (Section Outing), 12 May, Blairgowiie (Sitii). Vvhitethroaty 12 May, Blairgowrie (SLH). Garden Vvarbler, 20 May, Blairgowri®' (SEK). Blackcap, 25 Apr, Scone (iiDC), t Wood Warbler, 11 May, Butterstone (iiDC). Chiffchaff, 1y Lay, uunkeld (Section Gating). rtillo^ Warbler, 10 Apr, Scone (jiDC), 11 ^pr, Abtrfeldy O'lVattiagley). Spotted Flycatcher, 14 May, Scone (iiDC).

SELECTED SPiiCI^S LIST. The Wildfowl Count of 13 found four G-reat Crested G-rebes on Stoimont. 8 on Marlee and 1+ on Cluniej one at Cairnie Pier on 20 Mar eias still in winter plumage; a pair was on L. Freuchie in Apr; one wonders why 15 ./ere gathered on Stormont on 25 May. On 13 Mar, there were 19 Cormoranta on Marlee - a very high number - and 30 on the North Inch tree (^DC, DHH, Sfdf) i ;a singleton on L. Loch on 25 Mar was adjudged to be of the Continental "white-headed"race, and it flew off towards Deeside (KBrockie). There were nine Herons at Stormont on 13 Mar, and five

Mute Swans: three adults and four juveniles of the latter appeared on Marlee on 17 Mar (SLH). A pair of Shelduck inland on the pond at Trinity Gask was unusual (MCC). Wigeon numbered 113 at Dalreoch on 7 Mar, and 128 at Stormont on 13 Mar (IMM,SEH). Pairs of Gadwall were present at Dalreoch on 14 Apr, and Keltie L. on 19 May. There; seemed to be fewer Shoveler about than usual (JiDCjSEH). Ten Goosander were on the Tay by Scone Palace Shingle on 24 Mar (MCC).

Among the raptors. Kestrel numbers seem $0 be down. Peregrine maintaining their higher levels, with little information to hand concerning other species.

Ptarmigan are still scarce. Black Grouse records come from the usual c'.ie -s, ana an aggressive cock Capercaillit; entertained / dlarmea members ol the Dundee S. 0. C.

Outing to Dunkeld. Heu-legfaea Partridge were seen at Lethenay, two, on 15 May, and Blairgowrie, one, on 30 May (SaH). A pre-breeding flock of 1if0 Oyster catcheis was at Forteviot on 7 Mar, witn 500 on Scone Palace Shingle on 24 Mar (Ikivi,kCC). Inlana Ringed plovois pairs were seen at Kercock and L. Freuchie, where a nest with four eggs has found, both on Section Outings, and at Comrie (SJ), 120 Golden Plover ^t Balgowan on 6 Mar is the only Spring record (JK). Snipe began displaying at the begining of Mar, and woodcock were roding by 13th. Redshank suffered badly from the winter's hard weather, so comments on breeding numbers would be appreciated. About 500 Con.mon Gulls were following various ploughs at work around Balbeggie on 27 Mar, and Lesser Black- backeds were scattered the lenggth of Lower Glenalmond on 12 Apr. After the last Bulletin's comment on lack of Stock Dove records, it is good to hear that at least three pairs nested, although two were unsuccessful - one, in an owl box of MCC's, being ousted by a Mandarin; the other, in a natural hole, by a Tawny Owl. SEH's Collared Doves and a feline foe should be awarded medals for persistence - four nesting attempts were all foiled by th®- cat taking the young or destroying the eg^s, in spite of chicken-wire and dead gorse defences erested by S. Very/ - 3 -

Very few Tawny Owls nested in MCC's study area, with only four young being raised. Two pairs of Long-Beared raised young at Dunning (DD); v dean bird was picked up by the roadside near in Apr (per SiJi). kingfisher - ? ^oth woodpeckers. Grey and Pied fyagtail and Dip-par numbers are all down* A cock Stone chat in Little Glenshee on 19 May is welcone news (lan McKinnie)* Song Thrushes seem to be as common as ever in the Highland glens, less so in iowland areas; 10 on the north side of G-lenquaich oh 19 Mar were deemed to be on passage (SS) .Tit numbers are low, particularly Bide; the Dundee University study afea at Paddockmuir Wood held only U-Ofc - of last year* s breeding numbers (Di JJDGreenwood)» A displaying party of seven Jays spent a noisy morhing in a small woou. at Scohe on 25 Apr* Magpies were recorded away from their usual haunts - four to^utner (Royal birth prediction ? ) at Meadowmore, Little G-lensheej on 12 Apr, and one on Moulin Moor, Pitlochry* on 18 Apr (jJDC, Siui). A Raven abuseu. hill wjIters in Skk

Atholl on 27 Marj and a family party was seen furtfter nortn on J>1 kay . The R.S.P.B. are worried about the effects of pcisecution on tne Lavun, so pleasy

take particular note of any .you se-o. Mixea finch flocks at G-lenquaich on 19 Alar, :.nd Cii«ff on b Apr, both i"eluded Twite. About 100 Chalfincnes movau noith up tnu Tunu.-el valxwy in an bour

orr' 11 Apr, and there was a flock of about 50 at Scontj on 3 ^ny (SS,JiDC)t Siskins visited at least four gardens in Scone, apparently on a rota basis,tinoughout thu day, from late March until the end of May; tne usual Hawfinches appealed there: too.

OUTINGS* ftone of the first three Qutmgs of the seagon produced anything very exciting. A pair of kinged Plover at Kercock demonstrated the aifficulty of spotting this species on shingle, and an Oystercatcher1s nest was found. By 9 May, many summer visitors had reached G-lenquaich, where Cuckoo, Tree Pipit and Sedge Warbler were heard and seen. A hen Chaffinch was watched, at close range, building its nest, and a Ringed Plover's with four eggs was found on shingle at the west end of Loch Freuchie. Crows mobbing two Buzzards provided another highlight. At Dunkeld on 2 June, v heard, but did not see. Green Woodpecker and Chiffchaff. Whinchat and Tree Pipxt were both heard and seen.

MARSLAND MEMORIAL HID£ . Members leasing keys to the Hide are reminded that the annual fet of £1 is now due, payable to D. Morris, 33 Birch Avenue, Scone.

BRISC ju^COltDlNG- GAiuj& .

These cards are now available from Mike Taylor at the Museum, for recording the same 12 species as in 19b1, i.e. Red Squiirel, Bronfn Hare, Greenwoodpeckor, Magpie, Adder, Slow-worm, Ringlet, Dark Gre^n Fritillary, Black Dartei, kidney Vetch and Butterfly Orchid. The pairs of mammals, birds, reptiles and florftrs should be recognisable to most Members, and trying to spot them would mike any outing that little bit more interesting.

RtiiCORDS for June - August to EDCameron, 14 Union Rd, Scone, Pexth, PH2 6RZ, please. Contributers to this Rulletir, flckrorl^dged >>y their iritinls, rcrc:- ".^.C-Tmeron,

M.C.Chesney, D.Doig, J.M.Duncan, Miss S.R.Hacker, D.H.Howit, J. Kirk, Mrs. I. M.McKinnie, Mr. & Mrs. S. Shimeld. FjilLTHSHIkfc. SOCIETY Oi1 KATURAL SCIENCE.



P^IlSONALITIES. Night Heron. A "possible" va.B a bird thought to be a Night Heion, seen in the half-light of dusk, flying over the shingle island at Kercock. Definitely not a Grey Heron, the bird seemed to be too small for a Bittern, a species with which one of the observers is familiar, and Night Heron is vvorth considering (iJ.^.A.lviartin, ia.Nicoll) • Anyone seen a small, unfamiliar, heron in the area ? iViarsh Hanier. Onts paid a brief visit to L. of the Lowes in June. It was spotted as the "ovtrnight" volunteer wardon went on duty, but had gone *| 1*3 Pete*. by next day£(Dr.r; .A.H.Smith, iu.Drummond) . It is interesting to note that at lea.st two birds spent some time in Angus this sunuier, rfith several other, unconfirmed reports from the same county.

Quail. These elusive "heard-but-not-se^n" biras v/eie xeported from near Crieff (per SS), and Aberfeldy, where J.H.'W. was lucky enough to actually

see one.

SELECTED'SPECIES LIST. Black—throated Divers had a better breuding season, with young reared to the flying stage on at least three lochs. lied-throated were seen several times during the summer, but-with no knpwn attempt to nest. The—summer- distribution of Little Grebes is not well known, so one on L. Maellbrodden, Powlis T/Vester, is worth noting; Great Crested nested on the usual lochs, with Stormont having four pairs, each with one young in Augustj Clunie, two pairs with three young, Balloeh, Crieff, two "pairs with nests and a third pair in July; Eae L. a pair- in August; ^reuchie also a pair; a single bird w-us on Loch Moraig for the second year in succession, let's hope it soon finds a mate

(EDC,SEH,DDH,ARP,£S). "Our" Slavonian pair probably bred, though no young have been reported; two visited L0Wes "on 9 July (SS) . ivlutfc Swans in the Ciieff area haa brooas of 7> 6 and 6 young, aha the Stare Dam pair had seven (SSJ. Thcrt v/eze ovtr 200 Canaaa Geese on Tull;y-

belton Loch on 2 June - surely migiants on their way to the Loray Birth to moult; 86 fle-v m to roost on the Tay in front of the fear sis nd Hide on 20 July;

11 geese flying west over Carsehead, Maaderty, were presumably Canadas, possibly from Abercairney; there were 20 at Tummel Bridge on 10 Aug. ^JCjT.Siiiitn, JHn/, j.ujY) . A duck Gaawall with a large brood was seen on a Highland loch on ^2 July (per L^Yj. A Mallard at Kercock had seven tiny-young on 2 2 ^uly. -"n immature male Golden^ye

lingered on L. Faskally until 3 June . Ptarmigan are still scarce on the hills; one regular hill wjlker has seen only one pair- this year, on Ben Lui in July, whilst Glas Maol produced eight on 28 Aug (itbY,IMl). A t.'ater- Rail was heard in ;£he reed bed at Balfrepbum on

12 Aug, and one heard and seen at Seaside Ifyke, Eirol, on 14th (EDC). Three / - 2 -

i'hre^ pairs of Rinfisd. Plovers vvere present all sunnaer at Kercock, at least one pair hatching young late onj twp pairs bred between unkeld and Pitlochryj and a single bird was seen at L.* Laidon (pLJeiY).-A single G-olden Plover was twice seen at Kesroock in late July, and thers was a flockr of 20 near iSrrol on 5 ^ug. Two Grefan Sandpipers rose from the shingle island at Kercock and flew off upstream on 1i -^ug (jiDC, jVj . IT* A j Martin, M.Nicoll). Single G-rfeunshanks were pre sent at i^rcocK on at least six dates in July and August, but it is iapossible to say how many birds weie - involved; a handful frequented the Seaside raud during August. Coguaon Sandpipers on the move included .5 at Keicdck on 22 July, six on 2 Aug, but only one on 11 aug iiDC,KEYjM.W.A.Martin) . Two Arctic Skuas accompanied thu terns off jjri ol on 5 Aug (aiDG); this- species is possibly regular on past-cge at this tiint; of year, following the terns i^aicing their way south, but diificult to see over the tiue—line beyond the lee&s and mud. Estimates of breeding gulls included 125 pairs of Co won by the I'vuajael below Pitlochry, and c500 pairs of Black-headea at L. nan iiun, Stiathtay (—uX) • Ssnanich Terns were seen off Balhepburn agai n, with a Eiaximun of JO on 22 Aug; tvifo or thre caiae as far upstream as Perth Bridge on 2 .aug. Thre^ pairs of Co:.j.ion Terns bred on shingle between Dunkeld and Pitlochry, and probably three pc-irs at KercocKi; two were circling and calling over the Tay and over the North Inch football pitches on 17 June; two were at L. Clunie on 2 July, and two at Loweg on 15"July (jjjDC,PaJY). 60 - 70 Swifts were swirling around over L. Moraig on 5 July, and 50+ over Scone on the evening of 1 Aug, before a night of thunder; the last left Blairgowrie on 29. Aug (jiDCjSivri). Kingfishers were reported from the iarn and the Erichtj one on the latter seen carrying a fish, hopefully to a nest (JEW, per S£H).Both Woodpeckers seen to have declined, but particularly G-reat Spotted. The L. Turret House Martin colony held 34 occupied nests, and this species was noted as very cocaon at Rannoch Station, where one small house supported, twelv nests; it is apparently not common in Blairgowrie nor in Pitlochry . Several Members have commented' on numbers of bo_th Grey and Pied wagtails being lo The Pitlochry Pied roost built up- during August -AO on 9th and 69 on 11th, but few gathered on the Korth Inch, and, the numbers at Balhepburn fluctuated consiaerably, w.ith no birds at ail some evenings.

The usual stray rtflmch-.ts ana ^n^atears app^area m Denyfielas and reea

beds, but no wora of Stonecnats. Two Pt.eea ^arblcrs were ...ist-netted at beasiue -Dytce

in Aug. nilhitetnroats have beco me much commoner; n'ooa warblers, too, tnoagh .their

habitat is more restricted. The only Chiffchaff reported «vas that heara at Cally L. on the Dunkeld Outing. Several pairs of v¦' rblers were noted on the heatner and bracken hillsides of Litcle G-lenshee, well away from any trees CC,B.M.Lynch,iu.,!). A male Pied Flycatcher was singing on the soutn side of L. ijarn on 4 June- (SS). As previously mentioned, k.S.P.B. are worried about persecution of Kavens, so thirteen seen thermalling together over Ben Lui on 5 July should be comforting (luJY). A pair of Tree Sparrows nested in the boat-house at L. Clun-ie. Greenfinch flootcs

feeding on fallen elm seeds were seen around Scone. G-oldfinphes^ seem to have been scarce this summer, and perhaps Linnets too. A party of eight Twite was seen at Logiealnond / - ^ -

Logiealnond slate quany on 23 -^ug. A fIfcdgGling oxopped in, literally 1, on the Primry Schools Cioss Countiy laces at Scone Palace on 13 June, but it was icscueo. before being over-iun; juveniles were also seen at Scone ^L»C,SS,i^i",Dr.I.Sutheilanji) .

THING-S TO LOOK FOR. Winter Visitors. Rarer Geese among the PinKfeut and G-ieylag. G-reat Grey Shrike - noticeable by their absence last winter, 'i/.axwings - we are due an invasion. Branblings - very few about last winter.

Herons 'with coloured, nunbered, wing tags.

Whopper Swans with blue neck, and leg, rings. riaders with colouredyed areas; e.g. the "yellow-winged" Oystercatchers of the Courier.

Lapwings with coloured rings - probably blue and/or yellow. Redshanks with coloured leg "flags". Herring G-ulls with, coloured leg lings.

RECORDS for September, October, Novenber, to oj.jD.Caiueron, Union Road, bcone, Perth, PH2 6RZ, as soon as possible after 30 Nov, pleaes.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acisnowleagea by theii initials, weitc ji.jj.Canic.-xon, ii.C.Chesney, viist b.R.HacKej., D.H.Kowie, ivirs. I.Ji.iicKinnie, A.R.Por ttous,

Mr.$ Mrs. S.Shmeld, J.H.Wallace ana R.JS./oungc^n.

j.IKTiilL PEOGRrtMlS 1982 - &3.

1982. wed. 13th '-'ct. "Birds as Buildeis".

Ian Lyster, Royal Scottish iviuseuxu. •ved. 10th Nov. Shelduck".

/ Dr. Ian Patterson, Culterty Field Station. Fri. 3rd D&c* Joint meeting with the Scottish wildlife Trust.

/ Roy Dennis, Highlands Officer, R. S. P. B. 1883. 'Wed. 12^h Jan. "Man - Friend or Foe to oui" Wildlife",

/ Bill Brackenridge, S. W. T. Central Branch Sec. Yi'e&/ 9th Feb. "Herrihg &ulls in ScotlandL,1

J Dr. Patricia Monaghan, Dept. of Zoology, Glasgow Univ. 'ypd. 9th Mar. Annual General Meeting and Menbers' Night. S'-'CILTY OP KAxDlaiL SCILJ.Cx,. ^



STO1MEK DEPARTUBES. Tvfo laggard Ogpreys were reported, one heading down the Dochart on 29 Sep, and one on the Jay above .Dunkeld in Oot (iEY, T.iTanson) . -A lati Swift was seen at Metnven on ^0 Cot (HRY)« The last Swallows wert 1 b at Blaxigowrxe on 7 Oct (S2H)tMo word of lats Mar ting at a"Ll<, A vihedtdar vms at Findo G-ask on

-13 Sep (JHM\ TTfo Blackcaps in Pxtroddie Den on 10 Oct, and one on 24 Oct may have been passd^e bi^ds ot? Continental orjgin (jlDCjIviCC) . h. willow maxblcr lingered at Balhepburn unfjl 19 Sep; the latest «t Cribff was on b Sep, along with the lata si: bpo^teu. Flycatcher (x,^C,SS). (cf last year's Bulletin for this periou).

./IETER ALUVAl S . - The first V.hoop^i Swans were six spottea flying up the .Earn below "the Bridge" on 14 Oct, but Lost records ^ere for K'ov. The largest gathering was again at Carsehead. Madderfey, where 36 on 13th had inoieased to 55 on 24th, but there were only iTo-vr j^vtsnxles se^n, A fauily - two adults ^nd two young - was on PmEore Plaokli-naap, on 22 The nuT^cir on L« rochart fluctuated from 7 on 3 Nov, ant1 5 adults & 2 young on 17th, dov.n to none at all on 23rd ^06,. (JR, IM, EEY, I'lrg.-A^YoungiLan) c The flock at Carsehwad on 25 Nov included two Bewick's Swans (end poafiibUy fnothj; tv:^) (JK), and it is possible that these are still abound 'HcGt'' ^monr, xne Vhoopsrs,

The first Plnkfoot •- yos, cn^. - flew over Dunning on 6 Sep, general arr^'/al being froj 9th_) Ta.iJJr an estln^-'-ed 20 - 25,COO heading for the

Dupplin roost on 22nd„ The first G-^eylag appeared at Dunnijag on 9 Sep; the Loch Faskally count rose fron 30 on 2 Sep 230 on 12 Nov, th^n down to 144 on 25 Nov.

One of our annual oddities has been seen 1.1 the Tibbermore area - white heaa and neck, palish grey body • any suggestions as to parentage ? Tna count of CanadaG^ese at Ker^ock was 250 on 6 Nov. The usual groups of BarnacltiS nave been spotted., aaong Piricfeet, with a raaxiLiUui of 33 on 24 Oct by. G-ieenhill,

Tibberaore (,-^DC, kCC; L'D, JK, !&., t"Ti.'K,xtEY ).

i'hreb u-oldarnj.yc wcie xeooiuca on IriSKally 01. 25 Oct, tnu nuL^ber rxsing to lb on 9 Nov; thciie wei"e "3!3~tTt-^grcocK^on-^-Wav (kCG,lL£i5f), -This latter,

is one of two known places on the Tay .vhert, thtse uuck seej^ to foiiu a roost flock towards dusk; the other is just below the Scone Palace shingle banK (±.a(jj. ÿ

A Jacic Snipe was mist-netted m the reedbeo. near Errol oji o Oct (SiiH, 3.M.lynch).

Fieldfares and keuv/ings we^e latt.i than last ye-^r, fii st dates being 24 Oct and P Oct respectively. 1'he fust Fielulaies were 500 near , and there were about 1,000 in xhe Methven area next day, yvith good numbers around until the end of Nov at least. Lcowings were heard nightly over .Scone from 8 Oct, with particularly heavy passage on 18th; there were 20 at Connie on/ - 2 -

on 14th (liDC, Jiv, SS,lajr) . Bramblinfis have btien Se.en at L. Tayside, xiannoch, rxtlochxy and Jiindrogan, gfentraliy m small nuiabcis in Cn&flincn flocKS, but with 30 at Acharn

on 23 Arov

Pj-iIi.SOMAJ-iITL^S « Rudely jjuck. iiftfci the appear anew of six_ uaaKes on Stormont -L-och in

May 1981, exght biidt were discovtrea on i'm^ask Loch, Blairgowrie, on 7 f»ov, but

only one reniained on 11 Nov. Thtsfc inUi^iduals viexe m wintd plutriage, this sptcies

being one-of the few ducks to have a aistmct vsinter pluiuage, and weie consiueittd to be seven drakes and a ducKi. 0n6 wonders if thwSc: bight h»d any connection v/i-th

the original six, and if so, where were tho inter-.rfcning eighteen uonths spent ? And - where are they no?; ?Two pairs attempted to bieed at L. of Kinnordy, but without

-success (ilDCj&RH). Lesser Tihitethroat. One of these skulking warblers was.mist-nutoed at

.Balhepburn, (it would never have bec.n spotted otherwise), on 4 Sep. S. da Piato has recorded this species regularly in Lothian, proving breeding there, and believes it-to be-foniuoner Scot.land than generally supposed, being ovyrlooketl aue to. its Tetiting iiabits (iDC).


Th!ere were seven Little G-rebes on DrumoreL. on 21 ^ct. Avdve G-reat

Crested wore on ^ornorr^ on 11 Sep, ana still one Ibn 2b Oct; two stayed on ^^Clunie^

into Dec; one was cn the Tay off Balhepburn on ?2 Sep, and two off the Nortn Inch *.

on 13 Nov - one staying into i'ec Srii). Coxinorants appear to be as nuuibx ous and

widespread as usual, j. ight K'-j ons had gathered neafB a Co^xic fisn fsik: ^ ?) on 19 Nov, and thC-ie vere 12 at F.toriiiont on 17 Get; tas6feu- biras weie spottea ct Loch

EasKaliy and rdxi'drogan (SIJi, SS,luiY). The Druiiirond Pond riuteSwai^ herd built up only slowly, froLi 32 on 17 Oct to 42 on 14 Nov; six wexe jt JJalreoch on 23 Sep (DD, SS). StoxLiont hela 25 wigeon on 9 Sep; Easkally held frou 10 to' 27 over the period; but there were 220 at Druiaiaond Pond on 1 7 Oct" and 1 b5 on 14 Nov. Four G-adwall were on floodwatSr at Dalreoch on 29 Sep, and two on PruuLtond on 14 Nov. Teal on Faatcally peaked at 54 on 2 Nov, 16 v'ere on Lowes on 24 Nov, and c^O on floodwater near Braco on 24 Oct.

L.Rannoch is not a favoured wildfowl haunt, so 23 Maklard at Bridge of Ericht on 16 Nov is noteworthy. Pintail are not conconly seen in the County, but there was a pair on Stormont on 17 Oct, and two pairs on 14 Nov. Shovelers here peaked at 40 on 28 Oct, and there were 4 at Da3_reoch on 23 Sep. On Faskally, Pochaia reached a niaximuni of 48 on 18 Nov; there were 9 Mergansers there on 2 Sep, but none since.

23 — G-oosander were onk Drumniona on 14 No-"', and one on L. lubhair, G-lendochart, iroia which we seldom get records, on 23 Nov (DD, SEH, SS,RjiY), Reports of raptors have cone from the usual areas, including passage, or wintering, Merlins at Dunning on 7 Sep and Lowes on 24 Nov (DDjEjJYJ. p-

again, so please report all sightings. Tvirb big coveys of G-rey partncifefc were 24 on Callum1 s Hill, Crieff, on 25 Oct, and 27 ot Kercock on 14"I"Ov (ujjC,bS). -

A Water hail was seen walking along Sea side JyK^ at high tiue on 2 Oct (B.to.Lynch) . Coot on DruniLiond nunbered 208 on 1 7 Oct and 2^3 on 14 jNov; ' Fin&ask held 120 on 11 Kov, and Mar lee 100 on 14 ^ov A single hinge a plovei »vas

flushed frojii burnt stubble at Balhepbuin on 4 Sep (mDC) . During, Octobei, there vvere about 300 G-oluen Plover at Bruxden, Perth, and about 200 at Aber utnven; also o4 at

Balgowan on 17 Uct (JViCG,Db). i'here were also large flocits of Lappings at these sites, and 750 at iucthven on 25 Oct (PolY) * ^arly winter Curlew were 150 - 150 in the Kiniiell Bridge area in Oct-Kov, 35 at Scone Palace on 13 hov, and 25 -'t Koicocic the next uay (EDC,MCC,DD, SS). 110 Connon Culls had collected on a flooded field by Logierait on 23 Nov. There were seven Lesser Black-bacK.ed G-ulls on a very wet potato field at Little Fardle, Meikleour, on 1 6 Oct, and a late single on F'askally on 9 frov, with

four G-reat Black-backeds, where one or two is n;ore usual (EDCjiiiiY). Two records of

"live-Barn Owls one at KindrjagarL-on^Hth-^—the- jatheje-neaji Bridge of Cally_oiL 24_pct

(SUi). Short-eared were seien hunting the margins of floodwater at Methven Moss on 3rd, _^nd Dalreoch (two birds) on 5 Oct; also one by Station (MCC,jJD). Although no Kingfishers have been reported from the Almond, they have been seen on the Tay belo?? Perth, on the Earn at F'orteviot, and on the Tuuuuel at

Faskally (jiDGjMCC, DDjEEY). Comnent on the decline of both "'oodpeckers has promptea reports of Creen from Pitrodclie on 24 and 31 Oct, and Tayniouth Castle on 25 Oct; _

of G-reat Spotted at P'askally on 25 Nov, and Barnhill, Perth, on 27 i^ov (^jjGjLCCjJ.ldY) . A flock of 190 Skylarks at KinKell Bridge .on 24 Nov was the onl> large one reported (SS) . A Grey Wagtail stayed at Faskally until 1c r ov (ioLY). .Joes anyone know where the perth Pied "tfagtails are roostajng noft ? They ao nut appear to be collecting on the North Inch as m previous years. Song Tnrushes tenu to aoseit

inland Pertnshire for tne winter, but tniee were st Lowes on 24. Nov. The only iViistle' *

Thrush floe*, of note' wss 20 at Ai^ulree on 2 Sep (Jr^Y,SS). The first G-r-eat^' Crey Shritce

of the v/inter turned up near jjunjceld on 13 Nov (D.Morns). Tlie only Magpie was by ~che Gleneagles to Braco road on 4 Sep (iuFF). Six Hooded Crows were seen in Glericuple,

L. Earn, on 15 Oct, and two Ravens ot Kmdrogan on 13 Nov (SS,LuY).

The Tre^ Spar raw population seoiis to be reviving - 4 at Invuralnond on 30 Oct, 14 at Hall fif Abe ruth ven on 24 Nov, ^nci 30 by .auchter-jrder Statmon on 30 Nov (eDC,MCC). There are good flocks of Chaffinches around, Liaxiiiiuia 750 at Killin < on 23 Nov. Maximun G-re^nfinch flock was 100 on a weedy field at Aberfeldy on 23 Nov. Parties of G-oldfinches appeared :it Kmdr ogan on 13 Nov, on 19 nov, toonzie on 26 Nov and Barnhill on 27 Nov (^JC,SS,RibY). Siskins were also widely scattered., but in larger nunbers - 20 at Pitlochry on 19 Sep; 13 at Blair Atholl, 40 at Drunmond, 5 at Marlee, all on 14 Nov; and two flocks, of 40 and 100, at Lowes on 24 Nov; one or two have also visited nut bags in Scone gardens (EDC,SEH,£S,ILjY). Redpolls present a similar picture - 50 at Stormont on 7 Oct, 30-35 at Pitlochry on 31 Oct, a few at Lowes on 24 Nov, and 30-40 at Barnhill on 27 Nov (jjj3C,MCC, S-hii, j^Y) . Three/ - 4- -

Three Crossbills regularly visited a IloseLiOunt gnraen to drink in Sep and oct; there was one at Faskally on 2 Nov and four at Straloch on 13 Nov Parties of Bullfinches , a species which seened to be scarce during Spring and Sun^ex, were 6 at Druuore on 21 Oct, 10 at Crieff and 7 at Monzie on 26 Nov, 7 at Logieal^ona Lodge and 16 near on 28 Nov» The only Snog Bunting^ so far'were 12 by the roadside north of Dalnacaidoch on"14 Nov (Miss A.ifcColville) . Yellowhaweis seeia to be around m fair numbers this iiutuun, though over all, this Sjjttcie& setiL^ to be in decline.

.HiPlRATUM . Last Bulletin, page 3, line 1, insert '' Hawfinch" after "f leagelmg". Twite do NOT breed in Scone Palace grounds, nor were fledgeling Twite se^n at Scone

BE-ITISH BLuDE. ii leaflet offering P.b.N.S. iaeL.uers a vcj.y substantial i^auctlon fron fcnc regular subscription to this excellent i^cnthly 2,1110 nas enclosea v/ith the last Bulletin without coiui..ent. li you haven't already subscribed, »»hy no^; treat your~self to d Christ.ias ^icsent lastiug a wholw yoar ?

'wTNT^Ii G-bLi P.GlL'i'S CENSUS. The British Trust for Ornithology is holdinfa o census of ¥7intering gmlls between 22nd and 31st January, 19&3. Anyone interestoa m helping, please contact the iiuitor.' whether you n'oulu. liito to taic^ part 01 not, any inforEiation on where gulls are to b^ found roosting m Perthshire v>rould be appreciated, before then. .

SECONDS for DeceiLber, 1982, January anu February, 19&3, as soon . s possible, please, after 28th Feb, to li.D! CaLieron, 14, Union Itoaa, Scone, Perth, PH2 oI-lZ.. Any Deceniber records which might be considered for the Scottish Bird I.s'port 1982, should be submitted early m the New Year. Thank.you.

Contnbuters to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were:- iS.D.Cameron, M.C.Chesney, D.-Doig, Miss S.E..Hacker, J.Kirk, Mrs. I.M.iVicKiniLie,

Miss M.F.Piper, Mr. & Mrs. S.Shimeld, Mrs. B.Tennant, J.H.Wallace, l^ri.YoungLan.

A jiiiiiCHh-ISTiviAS


A xiAPPY NLji YiiAE. J' iRVHSi liu^ oOCI.JY bCI^.C ..



SuLnCTED SPJCIJS IcECOPlDS. The mild winter weather meant that many biras which usually move out from

hills and. lochs, lingered on. G-reat Crested Grebes, for example, remained on Clunie and Lowes throughout the three months, and there was one on Fingask on 5 ^an. One on the Tay off the North Inch also stayed right through. Pour Little G-rebes were on Dunalsstair Res on 22 Feb, and, more typically, four on the Tay Ijetween "Waulkmill and Stormontf ield on 27 Feb (RuC, SLH, ItoMjREY) . There were 6 Cormorants at Kercock on 22 Jan, 5 on Ldwes on 23 Jan & 4 on 14 Feb, & 4 on Dunalastair on 22 Feb. Near Comrie, there were 13 Herons together on 5 Dec. (JK, bSjit^YJ. The Druminond Pond Mute" Swan herd reached a maximum of only 66 in Dec,

falling to 14 in Feb. 16 weie on Carsebreck on y Jan;19 on Dalreoch flood»vater - on12 Jan, & 16 Nearby on the pool by Kinkell Bridge on 24 Feb. At Lowes, 5 on 24 Jan increased to-13 ^7 of them iikmatures) on 2 Feb, & 12 on 13 Feb, plus two

on Butterstone (iviCC, vi), S.aL,i.ik, SS,Wf.). -a single Bev

evidently moving olsewhere, then returniiig, but reached e maximuiL of 55, with no more than 9 imnatures. Three found aead at master i-Jiyna, tnougnt to have hit

power wires, were pxesun.ably three that never returxied. L. Dochart numbers went from 17 on 3 Jan to 25 on 28 Feb. Drumore L, hau 1 7 on 16 Jan; Dunalastair 13 on 22 "Jan; Kercock 9 on 29 Jan (MCC.SEH, JK, Jffi,,ILuY) D.H.H. remarks that "geese are few and far between" in the irrol area this ?/inter, but there seem to be the usual numbers elsewhere, ^-anaoajjjtee^ around Kercock total about 200; 9 accompanied Pinkfeet at Clunie on 27 Feb. 14 Barnacle

near Tibbermore on 5 Mar included one with an orange rump - please keep an eye open for this dyed bird, perhaps we could trace its wanderings before at heads off northward; we shall find out &emk whence it came in due course (JK).

Largest flocks of Wigeon were 180 by Meikleour on 15 Jan, 162 on S'tormont next day, & 392 on Drummond Pond on 13 Feb (jiDC,SlJi,SS). Two G-adwall made a very early appearance on the Kinkell Br. pool on 26 Feb (ivICC). Teal reached 35 on Stormont on 12 Dec, 1 6 on Faskally on 18 Feb, 18 on Dunalastair on 22 Feb, and 20 at ftinkell Br, on 28 Feb (SEH, SSjkdJY) . Two Long-tailed Duck reported on Lowes in Nov were partly confirmed - one being seen on 5 Dec and on 24 & 26 Jan (itfCCavanagh, (EIiDennis,RfiY) . On 22 Jan there were 32 G-oldeneye .in front of the hides at kercock, but by late afternoon, 53 had collected on the big, -pool on the bund downstieam oi the hide, Stormont had 22 on 9 Jan, Lowes 13..on 23 Jan, Fasicaliy 23 on fa Feb,L. Tummel 11 on 22 Feb, & Dunalastair 10 the same oay SKEi, . Three ftsuale

Sraew were seen on Gazsebrecic on b Jan (DD, .ihicv. pairs of .G-oosander hau reached L. na Craig, Aberfeldy by 9 Feb, b were on karlee on 13 Feb, 17 on Butter stone the same day, 11 on L. lubhaif on 14 Feb, & 24 on L. Turnmel on 22 Feb (s;rh,jhw,eey). . Hen Harriers/ - 2 -

Hen Harriers weie reported froiii Logiealmomi on 2b hen/, Jleicocic on2k Jan,

Forest of Alytn on 30 Jan, above St. iillans on b Feb, d Inveruay on J'eb - all fecale ox iuuature. b Buzzards Wbie socJiing together ovei mebD Itocic on 17 Feb. A

Merlin nvas seen sxtting on a fenct; post at Over Dmdie, tait, on 21 Feb, and another seen at Blairgowrie on 27 Jan (UD, SkH, -DrlH, £L, JH'

G-las on 5 Jan, seens a veiy pooi total when so uany of our ^eLibeis are also xiill-

Yfalkers. Black G-roase put up a bettei snow, witii one; on Craigrost.ie on 1 Dec, 6 by L. Ordie on 15 Jan & ? the saiae six by the jVdlx Dai:, on 23 Jan, 2 at Crianlarich on 1 19 & 30 Jan, & one at Luib on 30 Jan.Near Dunkeld, theie were 4 Capeicaillie on 24 Jan & 3 on 1 2 Feb. 14- Partridge displayed, oblivious to biidwatchei s, near Buchanty on 12 Feb, & there were 30 at Kercock on 22 Jan. 20 Red-legged were seen at Dupplin on 11 Dec (L'DC,MCC, DD, JK, SS,kaY, Dundee SOC) .A Water Rail surprised along the Errol sewer pipe actually took flight, on 4 Jan. The only large gathering of Coot was 280 on Drunnond Pond on 13 Feb (Ji'DC,SS), Waders moved back inland in early Feb. The first Oystercatchers reached

Faskally on 23 Feb, & Lapwings Dunalastair the day before. 6 Snipe were seen at Monk Kftrre on 18 Jan, There were 50 Curlew near Kinkell Br. on 18 Jan, & 39 m Iront of Scone Palace on 13 Feb (j£DC,MCC,l:iiiY). About 650 CoDEon Culls roostea on Lowes on 24 Jan; and here, next day. Wo G-laucous Gulls were identified, Demg seen following the plough; one of theia was seen again on 29 Jan (iui5f,jiDC). Aoout 15 Great Black-backed roosted regularly here; 23 were at Kercock on 22 Jan - dead salmon are obviously a big attraction to these scavengers.

Woodpigeons are enjoying the mila weather - "txemenaous flocits have been a terrible nuisance" - a heartfelt cry froii: farmer D.H.H.; 600 .

Jan at Faskally 7 Stornontfield (HGIVI.Bj-iY) .Green moodpeckei records come from Aber- _ cairney, Ardeonaig, Conrie, , Moncreiffe Hill & Pitroadie Glen. Great Spotted from Atholl, Errol, The Hermitage & Glen Lochay (jwCC, DD, DHH, SSji^Y).

Skylark flocks included 40 at Dunning on 31 Ja.n, 12 at Crieff on 21 Feb, & 9 at Ardtalnaig on 22 Feb, & 80 at Kindallachan on 23 Febw By 16 Feb, Larks were singing at Pitlochry & high on Craigrossie, Some Meadow1 Pipits wintered well inland, 2 at Blairgowrie on 1 8 Jan, i at Kercock on 22nd, 1 s± well up Glen Lochay on 17 Feb, 4 at Killin on 14th, 2 high on Craigrosaie on 18th; also a flock of 35 at on 27 Feb. Two Grey wagtails wintered around the North Inch/ Annaty Bum area, & one was at Gleneagles S. F. on 13 Dec. No Pied Wagtails were seen at Pitlochry during this period, but 11 -roosted in the flooded willows in front of the hide at Kercock on 22 Jan, & 14 were seen together in Blairgowrie on 24th (.CjDC,i'.iCC, l)D, SiiH, (SSjRJiY). 24 Blackbirds were feeding together in a pyracantha in Crieff mn Dec. Fieldfares have stayed all winter; flocks of over 100 fed on apples in orchaids at Barnhill & Errol, & flocks of similar size were seen at Lowes, Abercanney, and Dowally; ones & twos also visited gardens. «,inter Song Thrushes were one in Crieff on/ - 3 -

throughout the period and two in Scone on 25 Jan; the first of Spring returned to

Pitloqhry on 31 Jan. Redwings were very few coiapared to Fieldfares,- the only flock of any size being one of 110 near En ol on 25 Jan; othfciwise there -weie 16 at Drumapnd Pond on 12 Dec, 10 at Barnhill on 15th, 12 at Lercootc on 29 Jan, 10 at Lowes on 13 Feb & 1 at Pitlochry on 1^th ^DC,iiiCO,DHH, LSjIluY) . "

Blackcaps wtsie aliuost coupon 1 -Four different biras i/keie ringea' at Barnhill

orchard between 4 Dec & 20 Feb, two fed at an Invergowrie bird table all winter, and two at different tables in Dunkeld; two were seen in Scbne, and single biras

fed in gardens at Craigie, Perth; Kinnoull; ^orth fcurit, irxol; Enol; Blairgovviis; 4 Alaondbank (jiDC,MCC,AMP,H&Ivi, &AL,SIiH,ES,itJY, Dundee SOC) . A Long-tailed Tit visited a Scone bird table on 12 Feb, eating coconut; a flock of 15 was at Inveruay on 28 Feb No less than 27 Blue Tits were feeding together on EEY*s lawn on 26 Feb, whereas he has seen no more than three at any one tii^e feeding on the nuts providedi The only Great Grey Shrike was at Trinaf our on 28 Jan (luSY). Magpies turned up in Little Glenshee in Dec & at Lanberkin, Perth in Jan. (MCC,MT). MCC bravely counted Jackdaws & Rooks going to roost:- 500 & 18,700 respectively at Colquhalzie, \ichterarder on 19 Jan,; 2,000 & 9,500 at Battleby on 22 Jan.There were 16 Hooded Crows in upper Glen Lochay on 1 7 Feb. 18 Carrion were at Killin on 8 Dec; 17 in" a field at Lowes on 29 Jan, & 69 nearby in the late afternoon of 14 Feb. Two pairs of Ravens performed acrobatics over Little Glenshee on 23 Jan (EDC,JKjSS). Three Tree Sparrows virere seen at Fowlis tester on 13 Jan, tm^e near Monk Myre on 25th, & a flock of 54 at on 14 Feb. Several Chaffinch flocks of over 100 birds were recorded, many of then including a few Branblings, though a huge-flock at Kennore on 30 Jan held about 500 of each" species." Other BraiubTings

were 40 at Faskal y on 14 Jan, 20 at Inver on 22nd, 20 at Granatully on 23ru, & 25 at Blairgowrie on 10 Feb, as well as smaller numbers in various areas, including soiue

feeding m gardens jJD,A;viF,Sidi,JtiKjiuii!). Up to 1b Greenfinches fed in a Ciaigie garden, & a flock of 30 - 4O was seen at "Jvilspindie on 20 Feb. Goldfinches were .^Iso

around, at jTrinafour, Pitlochry, Dowally,, Ardtalnaig, Crieff, St. Fillans, Monzie & _ jrgandenny, where there was the ^axiiiuL: of 12. FIuoks of 20 - 50 Siskins n/ere wicus-

spread^ but alders along the Earn by FortdViot held 2oG on 30 Dec. In contrast, there were f^w Redpolls to be seen; killin, Forgandenny, Scone, Enol & Anderson Dr., Perth having flocks of 10 - 40 Birds. 35 Twite at Trinafour on 2b Jan is unusual for this date .Crossbills were secrn regularly in the Dunkeld area, &. at Pitlochry, Boxenich, L. Tay, & near Crieff. Bullfinch flocks included 17 on the Knock at Crieff on "29 Nov, 10+ at N. Murie on 9 Feb, & 10 at Tii/aulknili on 27th. Snow Buntings stayed high on the hills - 7 on Ben Glas on 5 Jan, 3 on Stuc a Chroin cn 30 Jan, & 26 above Ardtaljiaig on 22 Feb. Ye 11 owhan..er flocks were 13 at Dunkeld on 24 Jan, 26 at lihite Moss Lpch on 12 Feb, 8 near Errol on 14th, & c20 at Alyth on 17^, 53 at Dunning on 20 Jan, 25 at Forteviot on 9 th, 23 near on 9th, && 56 by the Moss Rd*, Methven on 30 Jan - a g od showing for this species. Reed Buntings were rather scarce, with 12 feeding on stubble at Crieff in Dec & 20 at Marlee on 12 Dec ^records from just about all contributersl). STORM/ - 4 -

two alleged Little Auks, about which there is sonie doubt, on the Ericht at Blair¬ gowrie on 2 Feb; a Stora Petrel se^n by several anglers on the Tay below the Isla junction; and a Kittiwake picked up dead on the Essendy road at Blairgowrie (DJYoung, per KBelijSMi) . MUTji StfAN. A B.T.O. Census of breeding Mute Swans, & of non-breeding flocks, is about to begin. Anyone, everyone, can recognize a Mute Swan, so please take note of PLACE (as exactly as possible), ElATE and any other details of nest, young etc. Infornation gleaned between 1 Apr & 31 May will be nost helpful, but obseivations fron March & June will also be appreciatea. Several studies of Mute Swans in Britain are using coloureu plastic lings to facilitate identification of individual birds, so pleaes lock closely at all swans legs, if visible, to see if you can record letters/nuubeis.

RniCOpLDS for iviaich, iipiil, i.irfy, as soon as possible, please, after 31 Alay, to

-hi,!).Cameron, 14- Union Loau, Scone, Pextn, PH2 oRk>.

Contnbuters to this Bulletin, acKnowleageu. by then initials, were:- , ji.D.Caneron, Al.C.Chetney, D.Boig, Mist. A.Ll.Fairweather, Mis- S.E.Hacker, D.H.Howie,

J.Kirk, Miss S.A.Laing, Mrs.I.M.i'ycKinnie, Ivirs.M.Marshall, urs.H.G-.fillers, Mr. &

Mrs. S.Shineld, Misses Trevor-ivilliaus, J.H.uallace, E.E.Youngj.an, Mrs. tB.§yinon.

PItOGiRAMMS OF SUIV&IEIc OUTINGS. ived. Apr 27 Carsebreck Depart 6.30 p.u.

Sun. May 8 Glenlednock lued. May 18 G-orthy wood,

Fowlis Viiester " 6.30 p,n. tl wed. June 1 Dalreoch " 6.30 p.n. 1! iivec}.. June 15 Dunkeld area " 6.30 p.n.

Sun. Sep 4 Eden Estuary & Fife Ness tt

All' outings leave froci the Museum Car Park at the stated tines. Notes, 1 . Poibber hoots or other stout footwear snould be worn. 2. Packed lunches should be taKen un the all-aay outings. 3. At the requtst of lanuov/ners, NO doss are all owe a on outings. A small charge will be maue for outin&s to offset uriver's petrol costs "A , ^ /' *K V > \V.'> ^.i-ix'iio u^iGrj d.-Ciiti. /^f RL'-.. ElV'L '>¦ SJ 'i 8 JUL i9S5 'iliLL lII i OL i-jiiv-wll, PltlL, j'lAY 15631

WINTER VIblTOHS. Although the Winter was much milder than thai able cold, v/indy Spring did nothing to hasten our winter Visitors on their way - nor, of course, to encourage our Summer Visitors. The Bridge of iilarn 'whooper Swans gradually diminished in number, the last four being reported on 1 2 Apr; on 26 Apr, there was a single Whooper here with seven Mutes.Geese moved out at the end of April; movement was seen over Pitlochry on 28th, and there was heavy passage on 30th, with 1,300 counted; 1st May, 600 - 700, and if May, when 2,000 we re counted through in 43 minutes.(As late as 19 May, and in the •unusual area of Dallick, at the entrance to the Sma1 frlen, 250 - 300, probably Pinkfeet, were milling around as if disturbed from grazing (JK,!®1?, JKW,BEY). A Bar-headed G-oose, presumably an escape, was se^n with Greylags by Isla Bridge, Meikleour, between 19 and 27 Mar (liJC, Jiv). Several Barnacle Geese were in the Tibbermore area on 18 Apr, and two, unusually with G-reylag near the Isla by Meikleour, on 20 Apr. Thht ? Snow G-oose was seen at Merriness on 8 Apr, and a leucistic Pinkfoot on 18 Apr (jK, IM). The larger concentrations of Goldeneye were 1b on the Tay at maulkmill on 1 Mar, 35 at iviarlee on 12 Mar, 22 at kercocK on b iviar, 21 on Stormont on 12 Mar, with 25 there on 21 Apr; latest reported were four on Tui^nel on 3 May and one, possibly more on Lowes on 9 J^ay (iiJC, SlJl, IMM,Lx.Y) . There weie 200+ Fieldfares at Dunning on 8 Mar, c2Q0 by Buchanty on 19t 25 in Little G-lenshee on 20th, a single at Monk Myre on 8 Apr, and the last two in G-lenalmond on 29 Apr (DD, SIIH,MGH, IK,:, So). The only lecord of Redwiags was six in J Ter Glenalmond on 19 itar (MGH). Small nUiabers of Bramblings were seen in Crieff, Gienalmond and Scone in Mar, Aberfeldy and Blairgowrie in Apr; one sang in R.&.Y.'s Pitlochry garden on 1st May, but ks± did not stay, (ftotei first proven successful breeding of Brambling, in Inverness-shire, in 1982. Scottish Birds, Vol 12, Wo. 6 ).

SUMHiSE VISITORS. Perhaps it was due to the effects of the rotten Spring weather on our Members, but not as many records as usual were received for "first dates" Some species were earlier than last year, some later, -^er are the dates we have:- ^ommon Sandpiper 15 Apr, R. Almond (SS), 18 Apr, L. Faskally (EEY). Common Tern 8 May. Blackford (DD). Cuckoo 4 May, Dunning (DD). Swift 5 May, Dunning (uD). Sand Martin 13 Apr, Blairgowrie (SRH), 16 Apr, Dunning (jffiv). Swallow 14 Apr, (Rj£Y), 16 Apr, Invermay (DD), widespread from 21st House Martin 22 Apr, Dunalastair (RiiY), 23 Apr, Perth (i-DC), "chen not until ;+ May, Aberfeldy. Tree Pipit / - 2 -

Tree Pipit 8 May, G-lenlednock (Outing). Redstart 29 Apr, Newton Brig (SS), 2 May, tannoch (ji.DC), Yi/hinchat 8 May, Glenlednock (Outing), 14 May, Scone (iiDC). "i/rtieatear 7 Apr, Ben Vrackie (KEY), 8 Apr, Glen Tuttet (7 birds^ (IKL). Iving Ouzel 2 Apr, G-lenalmond (SS), 7 Apr, Ben Vrackie (i^Y). Sedge Warbler 5 May, Monk Myre (SEH), 9 May, Lowes (luiY). "li'hitethroat 9 May, Scone (EEC), 14 May, Blairgowrie (Si£[).

Garden V/arbler.. 21 May, Blairgoerie (SRH), Blackcap 12 May, Fsskally (EiiY). Wood "farbler 8 May, Glenlednock (Outing) . Chiffchaff 12 Apr, L. , Crieff (SS), 12 May, Faskally (SliY). Willow Warbler 21 Apr, Perth and Blairgowrie (MCC,SItH),widespread by 25th. Spotted Flycatcher 7 May, Dunning (DD), 8 May, Glenlednock (Outing), a n week later arriving at Kinnoull (G.Aitchison). -

SELECTED SPECIES KbCORDS. Three Little Grebes were on Hare Myre on 7 Apr, 3 at Glendams, Blairgowrie on 11 Apr, and 3 on L. Moraig on 13 Apr (SlvHjIiik). Great Crested Grebes letuxned as usual to their breeding locns; big nunibfers were > on Marlee and 10 on Storniont on 12 Jinar, with 16 on the latter on 22 Iway. J.H.v,. found a pair on Luncaity L,ocn on 25 May - does anyone else ever visit there ? Slavonian Grebes appeared at Lowes on

8 & 9 fey, and one was on the breuding loch on 21 iiay (i-uiY). The Kinclaven Coiiiioiant tree held 11 on 6 Mar and 9 on 20 Mar (SUI,ILF). A Bittern was disturbed at a loch near Crieff on 11 Mar, by Mr, & Mrs. Green, during their researches on otters. The Mute Swan census has brought to light many breeding pairs; flocks were 11 - 17 on Lowes / Craiglush in Mar & Apr, 10 at Carsebreck on 17 Apr, and 11 near KinJcell Bridge in May (MCC,SRH, JK,IMM,RSY). Canada Geese continue to thrive, with c20 on Butterstone / Craiglush in Mar; Valerie Thorn" will be pleased to hear of any breeding sites of these aliens. The only big Wigeon flock was c350 on Stormont on 12 Mar (SBH). Gadwall appeared at Kinkell on 27 Mar and 4 Apr, when there were two pairs, and Whitemoss Li on 5 May (MCC,DD,SS). Small parties of Teal were seen at Kercock. Stare Dam, L. Moraig and Kinks'111 Shaveler returned to Stormont on 12 Mar, with 8 there on 24th, whitemoss on 5 May, and a small pool near St. Martins on 18 May (MCC,SBH). There were 24 Pochard and 62 Tilifted on whitemoss on 2 Mar. and - - —= - L.t, 70+ Tufted on Moraig on 13 Apr (MCC,IMM). The usual breeding loch held one pair of Common Scoter on 12 Apr, and two pairs on 29 May. Off the North Inch, there were 4 pairs plus 4 drake -Mergansers on 23 Apr, and 11 were upstreamat Stormonti'ield on 30 Apr (ji'DCjMCC). High spot for wilafowl was a pair of Ruddy Duck on Hare My re on 21 & 23 Apr (S5H). A male Merlin around Almondbank at the end of Feb and in miu.- Mar was the only raptor record of note (pei i^Y) .Buzzd-ru-s seem to be as plentiful as ever. Peregrine clutches art; still being pinched. Four Ptarmigan on Bein a Ghlo on 7 May, and four on Schiehallion on 30 Md-y ore welcome records. Blacjc Grouse are much commoner, being reported froui Glen Garr, Glen Quaich, i/unkeld and Moulin Moor. Capercaillie /

r - 3 -

Capercaillie are still scarce, and records are of sine'ba except for a female with, five young seen near the Queen's View, L. Tummel. Red-legged Partridge

appeared at Waulkmill and Braco. Whitemoss L. held 22 Coot on 22 Mar, and 37 next day (MCC, IMM, SS,iffiY). The first Oystercatcher reached Aberfeldy on 1 Mar, and there were 215 hy 7th; 5 - 700 were roosting on the Scone Palace shingle on 6 Mar; 683 were by Logierait on 22 Mar; 212 at Kinkell on 27 Mar (MCC,DD,IMM,BEY, D.McNee). There were eight Mnged Plover at iCercock on 6 Mar, and at least three pairs attempted to breed there. At least one G-olden Plover had arrived on its Atholl breeding ground on 1 Mar; two were at Glen G-arr on 3 Apr; and two pairs "displaying at Logiealmona on 7 Apr. Flocks of 100 on 20 Mar and 80 on 4 Apr, both near Crieff, weie po&sibly Northern birds on passage ^fiiCCjiViG-H, Jk,SSJ. Jiit,ht Snipe wexe ai ounci. the Linkell pond

on 7 Mar;six, or more, were drumming in Little Glenshee on 14 Apr (i,;CC,IMM). Kinkell had 116 Curlew on 1 Mar, Scone Palace shingle 250 on 6 Mar, and Logierait 148 on 22 Mar (MCC,iiEY). Bedshank flocks were 11 near St. Mai tins on 19 Mar, 6 at ^/lunie on 10 Apr and 20 at L. Moraig on 13 Apr (MCC, SEH, IM). The first Black-headed Gulls returned to Aberfeldy on 6 Mar, with 140 counted past in 15 minutes (D.McNeeC)). (incidentally, 50 or so Coujnon Gulls over¬ winter in the area. Ed). Lesser Black-backed Gulls appeared at Scone and T. C. Glen- almond on 19 Mar (EDC,MGH). There were six Stock Doves in a field near on 10 Mar (BEY), and thre^ pairs bred around Scone. Kingfishers have been seen on the Tay by Stormontfield and Perth Bridge (HGM, jJr.J.Gillingham). Green Tr7oodpecker records come from Butterstone, on12 Mar, T. C. Glenalmond, where there were possibly three in mid-Mar, and Stare -Dam on 27 Mar: Great Spotted from Faskalxy on 3 Majc and Kelty, Dunning, on 12 May (DD,IiEY). Meadow Pipits were still flocking in Apr; 20 at Blairgowrie on 2nd, 70 at Dunkeld on 3rd and 30 at Glen Garr on 1 6th (EDC.MCC, Slji). Pied Wagtails returned ~n 8 Mar to Pitlocmy, where a lAihite Wagtail was noted on 25 & 26 Apr, and another "at G-lenalmond on 20 Mar (MGH, EEY). A pair of Stonechats seen in Little Glenshee on 20 Mar couldA't be found on 26 May (iffivl).

A Great Grey Shrike apparently spent some days at Kinloch, Blairgowrie, in March (per SBH).Twenty Tree Sparrows were seen neai Balbeggie on 20 Mar, six at Caputh on 5 Apr and eleven at L, Clunie on 10 Apr ^nCC,S.tiH,liuiu). Giiaffinch flootcs included 100 at iviriciiiichael and 300+ at ionab, Pitlochry, on 3 Apr ^.tuiiY) . A pair 0^ G-reta"finches was feeaing two fleuged young at Scone on £1 Lay (jjjJC). A iIock of 10 Goldfinches at Blairgowrie on o May seems to have b~en late m splitting up. There was a flock of 15 Linnets there on 8 Apr (S-hH). This nas been a Sislcin

Spring, from the end of Feb to the beginning of May, anyway, vvith at least 200 feeding at various bird tables in Scone, and goodness knows how many elsewhere; 500 - 600 were estimated in the forest at Dunkeld on 3 Apr; up to 3o were feeding on flood debris from the Tay, by Meikleour, on 20 Mar, with 20 still at it on

5 Apr (IMM, & many others). There was a flock of 20 Twite at itiiS&K Horomore, Glen Lyon, on 7 May, and pairs in Wester Glenalmond on 20 May and Glen Lochay on 29 May (EDC, SSjEEY). 30+ Crossbills were seen in Picston 'Wood, Glenalmond, on 20 Mar, and a similar /

r - 4 - similar namber at Craig y Barns on 10 Apr; one flevf, calling, over Paskally on 12 May . Scone produced 7 Hawfinches for Dundee Bianch S. 0. C. on 6 Mar; others weie se^n at L. Clunie Alyth, and at Isla Road, Perth, Finally, 28 Ye 11 owhanuners were in a flock at Caputh on 5 Apr (IMM).

N. B. OUTING-. N. B. OUTING-. N. B. OUTING-. N. B. OUTING-. N. B. 0UTIN&, The Outing to the Eden Estuary and Fife Ness, scheduled for Sunday 4 Sept, has been postponed until Sunday, 1_8 September.

N. B. Mike Marsland Memorial Hide. Members leasing keys to the Hide are reminded that the annual fee of £1 is now due, payable to D. Morris, 33 Birch Avenue, Scone. Anyone holding a key ana no longer intending to use it, is asked to return it %xi the above aaciress.

B. R. I. S. C. 12 Speciefc Survey. lie cording cards should now be available from Mike Taylor at the Museum. Some of the tirelve species being recorded aie uifferent from those of 1bb1 & '52.

This year's are:- Mountain Haie, Bats (unspecifieu), Barn 0«<1, Aestrel, Adxter, Slowworm, Chimney sweeper Moth, Emperor Moth, G-re^n Tiger Beetle, Red .Damsel Fly, Kidney Veteh, and Butterfly Orchias (kreatei & Lester).

RECORDS for June, July, August, to j,'.D.Cameron, "11+, Union Rd, Scone, Perth, PH2 6PlZ as soon as possible after 31 August, please.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials we re:- ji.D.Cameron,

M.C.Chesney, D.Doig, Miss S.R.Hacker, Mrs. H.G-.Millers, J.Kirk, M.G-.Hannay, Mrs. I.M.McKinney, Miss M.F.Piper, Mr. & Mrs. S.Shimeld, J.H.Wallace, R.E.Youngman. EhRTHSHIiji SOCl^iTf uE NATUhAL SCI^Cii.



The fine weather of this perioa obviously encouraged Members to seek the sun, rather than birds, so records are rather sparse, but here goes'. S-aLECTED SP^CIjLS RECORDS. Red-throated Divers possibly bred in Hannoch, wxth two other pairs seen elsewhere in June. Black-throated seem to have been less successful

this year, only one young, small for the date, 9 -Aug, being reported; another pair

was on teiritory on 9 July, but no young seen; and a pair was displaying on Loch Rannoch on 6 June. The elusive Little Grebe bred on Ifthite Moss L. ( two pairs). &reat Crested seemed to have a poor year, with few young being raised. Slavonian apparently did not breed on their usual loch, though there was a promising zumour ¦of a breeding pair elsewhere (DD,SS,RbY). Mute Swan survey results aie uisappointing with many past breeding haunts being unoccupied. Up to 11 whoppers lemamta at Straloch until 21+ Apr; one, accompanying two Mutes, was Seen at Pin6ask L. on 9 June, and again in Sept - whither in between? (SLH,Cie^). Geose heaia ovez Lerth on 10 Aug weie presumably Canada, though c30 gj-oy secse Woie leporteci flying ovez Kilconquhar L. on 3 Sep ^ (per Ilju, pei Jlvj. A Baina cle with Greylat, on L. Fasically

on 10 Jui^e .vas thoa&ht to De dh escape^ (^Y). Only one Coiiiaon Scotei duciclmg,

and one female, v/eie seen on the usual Diecdi^g, locu, altiiougii three paiis uf

aaults had been piesent eailier. A aiaice Ruti^ jju.cs. j.cappeaieu on Stormo-ut Loch on 21 Aug (SRH) - this species is seuentaxy in habit, has it been heie, unseen, all summer ? There have been few summer lecorus of Hen Hanier, but Buzzard Survey ¦^sults to date have been encouraging. Golden -Mj^les were reported from at least six different areas. Kestrel is one of the B. £.11 S. C. 12 Species, but there seem to be few around. R. S. P. B.'s field worker on Merlins has fund more pairs

than expected, though Members don't see them muchl Ftaimigan are still scarce, but reports of young, and of parties of up to fourteen adults have come from Drumochter, Beinn a' Ghlo and Glas Maol areas (DD,IMM,REY). A Capercaillie with

young was seen near Dunkeld on 9 June (MCC). There was a single Red-legged Partriaae

at Upper Obney (G-lengarr^) on 1 July (^DC). Two Twatei Rails were se n at Seaside, Eirol, on 21 July, and one or more heard and seen later.(LDC,MCC et al). At lea-t three pairs of Ringed Plovers were on the shingle at .iver cock: on 9 June, but records from upstream are only of single birds belov/ Pitiuchiy on j£ 5 June and Dalnaspidal on 15 July (_d,DC,RiiY) .There have been many ^ore zecoids than n usual of Dotterel, with 20+ adults and 20+ young in different arreafc, though some of these may have been just over the County boundary (Wj liuiu,. r;o1 tiuja Plover still seem to be thin on the ground, but there is a suggestion that Dunlin mere

more numerous. T„enty "G-olaics" were at Jxedfielu, Scone, on 14 Aug (jliCC,ii^Y;.

Lleven Snipe feu. together on the Seaside mud on 10 Au6 {^1)0. SrHJ . Si:ifele wooacock were / - 2 -

were Sfccn on kinnoull Hill on 22 June and, unusually, out on the muu of the low- running .darn at Forteviot Bridge on 1b Aug (JiO • A livhiii.bibl called in tne luist

over Perth on 25 July (ViViT). A flocx of 84- Curlew hau. foimtea at lJunning by 24- June (DP) .G-re^nshank were regular passage visitors bp BaIhepburn and Seaside, anu a Comiaon Sandpiper was heard over Scone after daik on 11 Aug. Several estimates of breeding Black-headed and Cocunon G-ull nui^bers have been submitted, the largest colonies being over 150 pairs of Black-headed at kill

Dam, Dunkeld, and 75 pairs of Common on L« nan jjun, Strathtay (lui/Y, CLee) . Sandwich Terns were again regular at Balhepburn from 23 July, with a maximura of 21 on 14 Aug, and at Seaside. Three or more pairs of Cominon Terns bred at Kercock;

one was fishing just below Perth Bridge on 1 July; four were seen reguldrly on the jiricht at Blairgowrie in July (ji-uC, Sxiji) . A Cuckoo was safely reared in a Dunnock's nest at Blairgowrie; a juvenile

y/as seen at Bridge of iJricht, Eannoch, on 2 Aug (.SUijIMM). A Barn Owl was founa dead on the A9 near Dowally on 27 Aug, and there is a report of one seen there a few days before (RjSY). Two visitors from the South, well-acquaint with the species, are sure they heard a Little Owl at Kindrogan on 5 Aug, and on the following few nights. This Bulletin's Short-eared Owl reports all seem to be from the inst of the County - Pitlochry to Stiathardle; and there was a pail of Lung-eaxeor-1 Stialoch.

The last Swift left Scone on 1 fa Aug, Blaircowi ie on 21 st. a. kingfisnei

was seen seveial times, caxxyin& food, on ^ burn neax Blaiigomic; one on tne

Tummel at ivioulinearn on 6 June; one at Ab^rfeluy several times in j^itl-June; and one

atL. Faskally on 27 June (pex Shii, pei id:.!, CLee ). C-ieen t

colonjc held only 28 nests, compared to 3^ last year (SS). Tree Pipits on passage were going to roost in birch /bramble scrub near Balbeggie on several dates in Aug (MCC). A Wren raised a brood of young m an artificial House Martin nest at Scone (JK). Stonechats seem to be making a comeback; tnree young ^ere reared near kotmell L. (the adult pair being seen on the Sectjxsh Outing on 15 June), and three farther north in the same area (j_iDC,PJiY), Contrasting comments on VVheatear were "seems to have had a good breeding season" and "none seen G-len Fender on 18 June". A record of five Fieldfares at Tibbermore on the very early date of 26 Aug was

hesitantly put forward by I.M.M., given courage by J. H.lSis positive record of four feeding on potatoes in a field which he was inspecting near Brechin, about the same date.( Of course there is the possibility that one or botn parties were locally bred families). Warblers were thinner on the ground, particularly Sed^e end nillow, tuougn Tiihitethroats were widespread and as conhnon as usual, despite comment in ohe Courier A Blackoa-p was singing at Scone on 8 July; and a inood warbler at Crai^ y Barns en

5 June. Chif 1 chai'i & were heard at ivmur ogan, Scone and Deuchny hood, Per-cli. The latest bpotceu tlycatcher was one at Blairgowrie on 22 AUe, . parties / *7 -J —

Parties of Ravens were five over Ben Lawers suiainit on 8 July, five around L. Turret and ten in Glen Lednock on 26 July O-uI, IMcKinnie, AEowe). Tree,.

Sparrows and G-oldfinches appeared in snail flocks, and several family parties of Siskins were reported. Twite were seen in Glen Taithneach and by Schiehallion, in suitable breeding habitat in J-une and July (EEY). The odd Hawf inch was seen in Scone during the period, one juvenile coniing to drink in the garden in Aug (ilDG) .

BUZZARD SURVEY. Any Members still holding Buzzard Survey cards are askeu to return them as soon as possible. In spite of the poor soaring weather in Spring, Autumn / Winter soaring records are not now required.


The first ormtiiological Section Liefc.tiii6 will be helu. on

Wednesday, 12th October, mrhen ur. lam Taylor, uf Jidihbuigii University a ill speaK. on ''jicology and Conservation of the Bern Uwl."

Meuibers should havb mcerved then F.S.K.S. uintwr Syllobus by no®, and fmyone viho h^s not should contact the Section Tieasurei.

TiiJllMTEB is coming The first geese have arrived on schedule - r "blue pnase" Snow Goose has already been spotted among the early Pinkfeet. Tnera hat/been a surprising report of 27 Whopper Swans flying upstream off Jirrol in the early morning of 3 Sep - reporters, five in all, are experienced and were soberl Yet the last of Suiamer is still with us, so keep an eye on the departing riirundines and Warblers, as well as the incoming Y/ildfowl and Thrushes

KfiCOEDS for September, October and November, to jS.D.Cameron, 14 Union Road, Scone, Perth, PH2 6RZ, as soon as possible after 30th November, Please.

Contributors to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials were:- D.Cameron,

M.C.Chesney, D.Doig, Miss S.R.Hacker, J.Kirk, Mrs. I.M.iicKinnie, Air. & luis.

S. Shimeld, Miss V.M.Thorn, J.H."Wallace, li.i.Youngman. PjLEIHSHIEE society of natural science.


BULLETIN FOE. SilPTElvlBER, OCTOBuE, mTxAf£>itii 1983.

Yi/e offer our apologies to Members for the late appearance of this

Bulletin, and, in the next breath, " All the best for 1 984•

sumkr depai:tubes. The mild Autumn ?ireather induced Swallows and Martins to linger well into October. The last Sand Martins were fifteen or s» roosting at Seaside,

Errol, on 8 Oct. There were still 1,500 - 2,000 Swallows roosting there on 10 Oct, but only 150 by 1ifth. Inland, the late birds were:- k at Aberfeldy on 13th, 3 at Crieff on 14th, 5 at Balloch, near Crieff, on 15th, 2 at Blairgowrie and 3, over L. Clunie on 1 6th. About 20 House Martins v/tre over Pitlochry on 2 Oct, 2 or 3 a"t Dunning on 14-"th, and three, T^ith the above-mentioned Swallows at Blairgowrie on 16th (EUC,SBH, SS, JHliV,jEtEY, D McNee). A late B-ing Ouzel was seen on the Braes of Fost on 21 Sep^iaY) .

At least two Blackcaps appealed in different parts of Blangowrie; one on 16 Oct and 6 Nov, the otnei on 22 Nov (Siui). A Chiffchaff, piobably a Continental bird on passage, was heaza ana seen m iritlochiy on 1 Oct (

thiintui; al-rivals. The bulk of ounr winter visitors r.as late in arriving, again

probably due to the mild Autumn. Also, persistent Westerly winds discouraged the winter thrushes from srossing the North Sea. The first t1.hoopers were nine on floodwater near Meikleour on 16 Oct, but numbers did not build up until well on in Nov. None has been recorded from tft e Carsehead, Madderty, site this winter, but three other sites have had good numbers;- Drumore l., Blacklunans, held 27 in

mid-Nov, falling to 17 by the end of the month; l. Dochart had its first four on 19 Oct, then 39 on 21 Nov, falling to 23 on 2 Dec, rising again to 27 on 15 ^ec, ( the 23 included 6 juveniles); Bridge of Earn had 12 on 27 Nov, rising to 27 on the 28th. Of course there have been the usual smaller parties elsewhere (EDC,1CC, SIcH, JL, SS, jiEY) . There was a big movement of geese around 21st/22nd Sep, ana some 7,000 Pinkfeet were estimated in the Tibbermore area by 25th. Greylags didn't appear in number until early Oct. About 150 uere seen heading south over the Lawers hills on 24 Sep, but these may have been feral birds, as around this number are based in the ^'askally/Dunalastair area; 120 mere flighting regularly from Faskally to feed on stubble between Moulin and Donavoura, bat 300 on 1 Dec jjresumably included truly "wild" birds. Tne first m the Aberfeldy area »«ere 75 on 9 Dec, and 240 t.erw at Dunalastair on 11 Dec (jiv,rjjY).

A blue phase Sno» G-oose seen near Tibbermore on 25 Sep «as thought by J.K. to have been the same one as he sa;« last winter. A white phase bird was seen/ - 2 - seen at Tibbermore on 9 uct, and again, or another, at Trinity Gask, with gfreylags, on 9 Nov (DD,JK).The usual Barnaole &eese have been seen, with a maximum of 19 at Trinity &ask on 6 Oct(DD). G-oldeneye appeared from 20 Sep, when ther weie tv^fo on L. Paskally, with 22^on 12 iMov; other hi^h counts «»eie.: ^otves 13 on 12 i^ov,

Lirnmmond Pond 33 on 13 Wov, and l. Fieuchie 14 on I4. l^ov (LSjRBjY). The fii st gieloiares v»eie seen m G-len ^uaich on 24 Oct - a pai uy of only twelve; bigger numbers latei weie c400 in G-lenlyon on 31 Oct, 13.0 in G-len Quaich on 14 Nov, and "hundreds" aiound iiirol on 20 Nov, but not a.u impxessive shoeing. A single Redwing v/as seen in Blairgowrie in the secono. half of uet, but no moie until 14 Nov, though,, they weie back At Dunning on 6 Oct. Six weie in G-len Quaich on 24 Oct and 1 70 on 14 Nov, Redwings were noted arriving over the Fife coast on

5th and 7th Nov, and a big southerly movement over the Cairngorm passes on 13 Nov, but numbers were generally low. The only Bramblings so far have been at Pitloctuy, one on 1 Nov and ten on 12 Nov, and one at Bridge of G-aur on 11 Dec (i£CC,DD, Sl-iH, SS,KEY) .

SELECTED SPECIES RECOLDS. Great Crested Grebes appear to have bred on Craiglush L., the first record for several years, with two adults and two young on 18 ^ep; on

the same date, 1. Clunie held seven adults and two young, Butterstone L. seven

Mrds; Marlee L. had six on 19th. Many birds were still on breeding lochs, even L. FreuchieL, in Nov. One has been seen regularly on the North Inch stretch of the Tay since 18 Sep (cf last winter), and one was on the Tay at Kercock on 14 Oct ( (EDCjSRH, JK, SS,1lLY) . A single Slavonian Grebe turned up on Marlee on 13 Nov(SRH,RAS) Cormorants were as widespread as usual, with a maximum of nine at Clunie on 18 Sep. Only 12 Mute Swans were on Drummond Pond on 15 Oct, but Monk Itlyre held 1 b on 6 Nov, falling to 13 a week later (biui, Jl\,SS) . The Canada Geese m tne Hercock/tvinclaven area remain around the 200 mark, and there weic; 1 o at Fosi on 11 Dec (RlU). Tne Juanaarm count at Pwrtn on 12 Nov was only 29. No big flocks of nigeon wtsre seen, but Dr nmrnpna Pona held 55 on 13 Nov, L. Dochart oO on

21 Nov, L. Faskally 22 on 1 Dec, and the Tay above Perth 44 on 1 b Dec. EMA Teal _ were almost as numerous - 21 on Faskally on 1b Sep, 32 at KercocK on 14 Oct, 45 at Stormont and 40 at Lowbank, Kinkell, on 33 oct. Hignest jvlall^rd numbers were on the lochs on 18 Sep - Lowes 131, Faskally 223, and Clunie 400. Shovelers on Stormont were low at 14 on 2 Oct. L. Faskally had 14 Merganser on 18 Sep, but only 4 on 22nd, with none since; Kercock had 15 on 19 Sep. Goosander numbers reached 40 on Drummond Podd on 13 Nov, 14 on Lowes on 18 Sep and 12 Nov, and 16 on the Tay

above Perth on 1 2 Nov (EDC,SiiH, JK, SS,REY) . _ Single Hen Harriers were reported from four areas. Two Sparrowhawks were after Fieldfares at Pitroddie on 22 Nov, but an ambitious individual was hunting Red Grouse on Ben Vrackie on 2 Oct $MCC,REY). A Merlin was seen near Path of Condie on 26 Sep (DD).

Ptarmigan seem to be recovering, parties of 7> 8, 21, 23 and 25, as well as 2s and 3s being reported. Black Grouse are still thin on the ground - one on Ben Vrackie on 20 Oct, 16 on Moulin Mooron 29th, and 9 at Amulree on 14 Nov Kercock/ Kercock again had a "big covey of Partridge, 20, on 13 Nov, and there v»ere coveys of 28 and 16 in a total of 62 counted on a circuit of L. Freuchie on 14 Nov (SS). rtater Hails were heard and seen along the Tay at Kingoodie, Fowgavie and Seaside^ (bitH, IMM) , Sandyknowes Pond held 12 Moorhen on 17 Oct, and Kercocic 7 on 14 Nov (Jk) . Eighteen Pinged Plovers were counted at Kingoodie on 20 ]Nov (SBK) . 82 G-olden Plover were feeding with Lapwings and G-ulls au Tibbeimoxe on 23 Oct, with 100 there on 6 Nov; 13 were seen with Lapwings at Ardler on 2^ Oct (jiii)C, .L)D,L-eiY), Two flocks, of 300 and of ^00, Lapwing w^re around Tibbeiiuore m late Oct; one of 350 at Kercock on i4 Nov; 40 at Lowes on 12 i^ov v«yxe unusual there foi that date . A single Little Stint was at Invergo'wrie Bay on 11 Sep. fntiie was a Curler Sandpiper there on 13 Sep, and three on 11xh (itC). Twelve Snipe nreie seen togethei at L. i'asK- ally on 12 Nov, and ten on 1 Dec; also seven in a field by Inveralmond roundabout on1 2 Dec (RiiY). A Winter Atlas f ieldworker's dog, flushed thie^ Woodcock from a plantation west of Rannoch Station on 29 Nov; the only othei xepoited iras on Muiiays- hall Hill on 13Nov (EDC,EEY). Five Ear-tailed G-odwits flew downstream off Seaside Dyke on 10 Sep. A Redshank at L. Faskally on 12 Nov was very unusual for the time of year. G-reeiashanks were seen at Balhepburn on 4th and Seaside on 10 Sep (EDO,BEY). Agitation among resting gulls off Seaside on 10 Sep alerted observers to four Arctic Skuas passing overhead, but within minutes a tight flock of at least 30 Skuas headed up-river; there was a single bird off the Dyke on 10 Oct (EDO, SM,B.M.Lynch) . Two late Lesser Black-backed G-ulls were seen at Kercock on 14 Oct, with ten Greaters present too (JK). The last Sandwich Tern of the Autumn wag at Balhepburn on 4 Sep. A Little Auk , picked up alive at the roadside in Almondbank m Dec, unfortunately died the next day (per SL). Another unfortunate, dead when found, was a Barn Owl, not on a road, for once, but m a field near Craiger^d ^Hh.D) . A Kingfisher was reported from L. Monzievaird, Crieff, on 19 Nov (per SS). Both G-reen and G-reat Spotted Woodpeckers have been seen in several areas. There "was a flock of 150 Skylarks at Dunning on 29 Nov (DD) . winter Grey Wagtails sme two on the North Inch on 12 Nov, one at Blairgowrie on 24 Nov, and one at iaskally on i Dec (EDO,SEHjLEY). Most weicome news is a sighting of tnree Stonechats near Dunnin6 on 29 Nov (DD) . A Song Thrush k/as singing at uawn on 12 Nov at ^rxol; there was ont- in upper G-len Lochay on 29 l\ov,ancL one in Cxieff on b DwC. A flocic of 2d Mistle Thxusne was in G-len Quaich on 24 Oct (^jGjSL). A G-reat G-rey Shrike was glimpsed by the roadside neaa. Gieueaglcs Hotel on 30 Nov (AT). Two Members have commented on the high numbers of Jays around, some loo king very dark. These could well be birds from the Continent, where one of this species's periodic eruptions took place this Autumn. Very large numbers have been

reported from eastern and southern England, but here we cuold only raise flocks of

10 at Killichonan, Rannoch, on 11 Dec, and 14 at Pitlochry on 31 Dec (JHIV,IcEY). Ten Tree Sparrows were seen at Powgavie, Inchture, on 20 Nov and a few regularly at two places outside Blairgowrie (SEH,IMM)* Chaffinch flocks seem to bfe smaller this finter. G-reenfinch flocks were 150 at Carsie, Blairgowrie, on 20 Oct, 100 at Scone on,22 Oct, and 80 + 30 at Pitlochry on 3 Dec (EDC,SRH,REY,Mrs.A.R.Young man). G-oldfinch parties were of 5 at G-range, Errol, on 10 Sep, 15 at Kercock on 19th and/ - 4 - and 7 at Blairgcwrie on 20 Oct (SEH,JK). There are not as many Siskins about as last year, and this is obviously not a "Redpoll winter'' either. Crossbills were

seen nea® L. Dochart, at Faskally, Rannoch Stn., Blair Atholl and Pitlochry, with the largest flock, of 30-40 at the last (EEY). Two flocks of Twitg were reported as mobbing Kestrels; one of ten on Ben Vrackie on 20 Oct, the other of 15 at Tyndrum on 23 Oct; also 4 were seen at Braes of Foss on 21 Sep and one near Dalnaspidal on 24 Oct, 11 YelloTifframmfi-rs at Kenknock, G-len Lochay, on 29 Nov were noteworthy, as were 17 Reed Buntings in a flock north of L. Laidon the same day. Finally, a late, but most welcome , record of a Corn Bunting, in song on wires by the A9 at Aberuthven on 22 July (EEY, SS).

WINTER PROGRAMME. Members arriving at the Museum on Yved, 7th Dec, were surprised to find R.S.P.B. Investigations Officer, Peter Ellis, present to speak to them. Mr. Ellis had kindly stepped into the breach when Dr. Chris Spray had had to call off

at the last minute. Devotees of Mute Swans will be able to hear Dr. Spiay on Y»ed, 8th February, ( Mr. illis's onginal date).

A. G-. Ml., 7th March, I9b4. It will be 21 years in the Spring of 1 bo4 since the Section came into

being. Yi/hilst an orgy of self-congratulation would not be quite seemly, we thiruc an atmosphere of mild celebration would be wholly appropriate, urith the emphasis, perhaps, on a few backward glances to those early days. If anyone has slides and photographs, particularly of Outings, with a bias possibly towards people rather than birds, then these should help to make a pleasant evening. If you feel you can make a contribution, kindly contact the Secretary.

MONTROSE BASIN.Chris Eatough, harden of the Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserve at Montrose Basin, advises us that keys for the Wigeon (Tower) Hide are available from him, together with an information sheet, at £2 deposit. His address is North Tillysole Cottage, Kinnaird Park, Brechin, Angus, DD9 6TX. Tel; Brechin- 3480.

SCOTTISH BIRD REPORT.Any records for December 1983 which might be worth submitting ^

to the 1983 Scottish Bird Report should be forwarded as soon as possible, please.

Otherwise, RECORDS for December '83, January and February '84 to

E.D.Cameron, 14, Unaon Road, Scone, Perth. PH2 6RZ. Thank ^ou.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknoY/ledged by their initials, were: R.Calligan, E.D.Cameron, M.C.Chesney, D.Doig, H.K.Dudman, Miss S.R.Hacker, J.Kirk, Mrs. S.Lain&,

Mrs. I.M.McKinnie, Dr. E.A_Smith, Mr. & Mrs. S.Shimeld, A.Tod, J.H.ftallacts and


HAPPY BIRD-WATCHING IK 1984 - and keep the records flowing inl , y J5 -] n1". ^ y —j ' *• PEETHSHIEE SOCIiCTY" OF MTUEAL SCmTCL.f-/ - •s —i 4 si. I «c-- OENITHOL'O&ICAL SECTION. C-y -

RTIT.IETIN FOR DiiC. 1983. JAN fr¥£B.:— '

The fairly short spell of severe weather in January seemigffXof ss effect 9n hard life than might have been expected. There was little 'increase noted in the number, of* ^Visitors to bird tables,- and Fieldfares ane Hedsings were about

all throughithe" winter. The usual non-Spring weather of.April has obviously held

up our Summer visrtors againt " - - SELECTED SPECIEB RECORDS, " Little Grebes' have been noted on'the rivers, and a Great Crested has again

wintered on the Tdy off -the North Inch. Cormorant numbers here have increased enormously - irt^was quite common to see f ifty or* more perched on trees on the Scone bank; the ferees,and rhododendrons below, standing out starkly white as a result. The roost tree; above Kin clave n Bridgp has also held about thirty at times, and the shingle banks a,t Kercock twenty or so (^DC, JX, JH«). . ' The Drwrimond Pond Mute Sv/an herd peaked at 88 in Dec, but nuuibdrs weie vlow

Either side ofl this. The Bridge of i^arn vfeoo-per numbers varied, with the maximum around 50,. but it may bd that they flip across the river to Jirrol at-times, as the counts there ranged from 13 to 50+, with c100 being estimated once. -There-/»ere none on L.- Dbchart on 3"' Jan, when it was completely frozen, but 16 baclc by 1 o Feb, "and 24 by. the end of the menth.There-were also 1 2 on the Isla on 19 Feb (liDG, SBH, JK, jHft,REY) Two #hite-frented Geese, one Barnacle and 250 Canada were seen at Kercock on 6 Jan, and 34 Canada on L. Monzievaird on 5 Jan. Some Shelduck wintered on the Taywith six off Errol on 1 Jan. Biggest Wigeon flocks were J8 on Druiomond Pond on 1 8 Dec, 50 - 60 on the Isla on 12 Feb and 40 at the west end of L. Tay on 6 Jan. 'Six Seal on Fingask L. on 15 Dec were unusual there!.;.L. Faskally held 14 on 12th & 27 Feb^ 200 Mallard ^n L. Monzievaird on 29 Jan was & high count for this water, as was 48 Pochard for Faskally on 12 Feb. Highest G-oldeneye numbers were 30 on Stormont" ^on 26 Dec, 25 at Keroock on 6 Jan, and 26 on Faskally on 12 Feb (EDC,SBH,JK,SS,JHW,EEY)

The first Osprey of the year was spotted on the Dalguise beat of the Tay, on 30 Mar, and another passed Upper Spring-land on 2 Apr ("Courier",MWiAMartin). Raptor reports were on the usual lines. There were 14 Black Grouse near Logiealffiond" on 26/" /•" ' .X Feb, and 36 Partridge in one covey at .Kercock on i| Jan. A 7faterl"" Rail Was -* heard in the reeds by. Errol on 1 Jan. Eight Moorhens we're on the small pond in Scone Public Park on 1 Jan, and 136 Coot on the very much larger Dyummond Porld' on 18 Dec. 200 Golden Plover were counted at .Invergowrie Bay on 25 De^cj. and 30, with 360 Lapwing, outside Crieff on 26 Feb; on whiph date 250 Lapsing '{ere around Stormont Loch. There were 50 Curlew at Kinkell Bridge- on 30 Dec' (SS,RET). 500 Black-headed Gulls had returned to the Crieff area by 28 Feb; a single Lesser Black-back -was at Faskally on 8th & 10 Feb; and 16 Great Blacjc-backs at Kercock on 2 Jan (EDC, SS,REY). The only Kingfisher record came from Blairgowrie on 12 Jan (SRH). There »;as a flock of 95 Skylarks at Crianlarich on 27 Feb (SS). Single Grey wagtails were at Scone on 15 Jan and Blairgowrie on 19th (EDC,SRH). 94 Blackbirds/ - 2 -

94 Blackbirds v/ere aounted going to roost ina small plantation at bcone on 1 Jan. On the same day there were Hundreds of Fieldfares in fields around Errol, and an 3 Jan, 300, with 120 E-edwing, at Crieff. Smaller numbers of ivedwings Here evident hare and jtherfe throughtut the period. Sonft Thrushes were inland at Crieff on t> Dec and Blairgowrie on 5 Jan; several were in full song at Scone on 13 Feb. A flock of eight Mistle Thrushes was seen 'at Logiealmond on 26 Feb; one visiting a Perth garden enjoyed commercial bird-food as well as cotoneaster berries (i£DC,iblvH,CflIH,SS). A Blackcgp "joined Siskins at the nuts in another garden on 29 Jan (JHK). In Blairgowrie on 23 Feb, a flock of eight Long-tailed Tits was watched feeding on the ground on scraps of bread. 25 Coal Tits were counted in the Craig y Barns area on 2 Jan,, and 82 Blue Tits in the reed bed between Tay Lodge, Errol, and Seaside Dyke, on 1 Jan '(&DQ, SltH, IMM). "Largest Chaffinch flocks were 270 at Ardeonaig and 120 at Crieff on 11 Dec. Odd Bramblings were about, with" 10 - 12 in

Blairgowrie on 4 Dec, and ones and twos feeding in gardens in Perth, Almohdbank, Pitlochryi Siskins were also garden visitors, but not in the same numbers as last winter; biggest flocks were 14© at Drummond Park on 18 Dec, and 80 at Kercock on 11 Jan. A flock of 250 Twite was at Crieff on 11 Dec. Reports of Crossbills 'came from Dunkeld, whc.ere up to 60 were seen, Pilluchry, G-len Bruar and Rannoch. Hawfinches were seen at Scone as usual, and two at Almondbank on 21 Jan;. Flocks of YelloT/hammers vrere 17 at Blairgowrie on 12 Feb and 16 near Coupar Angus on'19'Feb (SRH,JH,SS,JHlftjREY). ¦

MIKE MAB.SLAND MEMORIAL HIDE. . Members holding keys to the hide are reminded that the annual charge, still held at £1, is now due to th£s Hon. "warden, D. Morris, 33 Birch Avenue,.'Scone, Perth.

Anyone in possession qf a key and no longer intending to use it, is .asiced to'retufn i j ' /-> ^ " it. , ~ . ------SIMMER OUTINGS. I When itjaecame obvious that this Bulletin was going to-be very late in being printed,, a separate list of Summer Outings was sent to Members. Any Member not now in possession of this list should contact the Editor.

RECORDS. for March, April, May, 1984, to E.D.Cameron, 14 Union Rd.y Scone, Perth, PH2 6R2, as soon as possible after 31 May, please.

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowle-ctged by their initials, were:-"E.D.Cameron,

Miss S.R.Hackar, Mrs. C.M.Haggart, J.Haigh, J.Kirk, MrsfI.M.McKinnie,^ Mr. & Mrs. S.Shimeld, J.H.Wallace, R.E.Youngman. Pj&TH&iiliJjl SOCIETY Oi>' LATUriiL SCI^aC^. ^ _



"nSUMMER "' "**' VISITORS April began1 984» with cold north-easterly winds, holding up many

of the earlier migrants. Adverse weather oonditions in the Mediterranean adued to the delay Some species were definitely down in number, e.g. Sand Martin, SwalDow, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Spotted Flycatcher; while comments on others varied, e.gi, on-Swift, "set-m to be a lot about", and "definitely fewer this year".

First dat6s recorded:- 1 , Common Sandpiper1:' 25 Mar, Ihvergowrie (JSJM), 18 Apr, Glenalmond (SS), 2b Apr, Kannoch. Common Tern: 2 May, Kinclaven (EJM). Cu«koo: 25 Apr, Sma' G-len (SS), 26 Apr, Rannoch (JHH), several areas by 29 Apr. Swift: 27 Apr, one over Perth, (Im), but next not until 4 May (MCC), 12 May, Blairgowrie (SRH). Sand Martin: 15 Apr, Blairgowrie, (bltH), 16 Apr, Forgandenny (Jriw). Swallov/: 14>Apr, Kingoodie (iJi;), 1'5 Apr, Crieff (Sc), 18 Apr, Perth (GrLA). House Martin: 27 Apr, (BJl), 28 Apr, Trossachs (IMf/i). Tree Pipit: 29 Apr, Cask & G-lenlednock (EJM,MCC), 3 May, Trossachs (IfiM). Redstart: 29 Apr, Gask (EJl), 6 May, Struan (MCC), 7 May, Ranroeh (DHIi), ¦Vvhinchat: 23 Apr, L. Turret (Sf). Wheatear: 5 Apr, Kiribuck (SL), 13 Apr, Schiehallion (EDC). 1 Ring Ouzel: 18 Apr, Upper G-lenalmond (SS). Sedge Warbler: 4 May, Kingoodie (EJM), 6 May, Blairgowrie (SBIj), 7 May, Errol (MCC) Whitethroat: 3 May, Kinr.oull Hill (EDC), 4 May, L. Achray (iMfc1). Garden Warbler: 7 May, Blairgov/rie (EJM), 12 May, Comrie (SS). : Blackcap: 24 Apr, -Bridge of Earn, a pair (EJM), 2 may Perth (M.W,A.Martin). .{ Chiff chaff: 26 May, Bridge of Earn (EJM), 15 -Apr, Deuchny Wood, Perth (EDC). Willow Warbler: 3 Apr, Kingoodie (EJM), 19 Apr, Blairgowrie (SRH), lots' from 21 Apr Spotted Flycatcher: 5 May,Gask (EJM), 24 May, Blairgowrie (SBH). Pied Flycatcher: 5 Apr, Inchture (EJM), , ¦ ' Now we look forward to "ARRIVALS 1985".

SUMMER HIGHLIGHTS. A pair of Black.-necked Grebes ai^ived Stormont Loch just in

time for the Section Outing on 2 May. A sixxgle drGarganey, jjiesumably on its way elsewhere, was on MonK l^yre on 8 Hay (jiJte^Ito). Up to three pairs ot' Comiuon " Cgrx Scoter were seen on the usual breeding 'loch, but, in July, only one ducK. with three young (JK,EJh., IMM). There were r.till 2ki. 22 Goldene^e on Puna la stair Res, on 5 May, 16 on Stormont on 8 May, while two singletons lingered elsewhere until 8 & 23 May. A hard-pressed "Mum" was a female Merganser reported from the Tay at with a creche of no less -than'38 assorted youngsters. Ruddy puck turned up again on Stormont L, - first a male on 15 Apr, then up to three males & two females, until 8 July. Display »/a s obte/ved on several occasiohs, but no jjositive breeding yet.jj Hen Harxiers seem to have had a better than usual bre^aing season. Pere^rineji., also did well, in spite of continued robbeiies. na bar Itails v>eie attracted to taped calis, three ansvifering at each of two lecidy locii sites i bJl) . A Spotted Craty, was heard early (very!) in the morning of 23 tey. An exceptional 75+ Ringed Plover between Seaside & Port Allen on 28 May were presumably Arctic breeders still on their way Worth. A ?lost Grey Plover turned up at I. Dochart on 10 June. A fthimbrel at L. Clunie on 7 & 8 May was thought to be sick oi injured (SAL,. Also out of place was a Turnstone on the shimgle at Kercock on 7 May, Kour Arctic Terns, one of them cairying d fish, were .identified at Kercock on 29 July (JK). Stonechat records improved on last year,, with one pair seen 1 1 feeding young in the South-west, and four single males elsewhere. A family partj, of five Fieldfares at Pitlochry on 15 July indicates the possibility of breeding nearby. Two Lesser Whitethroats, both singing males, were found, at 'Invexalmond on 18 May and at Doune on 19 May. A Golden Oriole was also heard at Doune, on

15 May. Pour Ma gpies are said to have been seen around ii,nocndnu alj. bummet,


ti'hooper bvians i.ere late in cirliving, none navu dpi.eared Bridge

of iaxn, but 11 at j^rrol on 15 uec mcxeabea "*,0 (incluuing one wrxth a jellow collar) on 9 Jan (Jiv). The first Piriifeat aixived axouud 10 Sep and Crre/la_g on 30 Aug, but the main influx was towards the end of Sep. A B^ean G-oofce was stStsn neax Tibbermore on 20 Oct ^'29 f>ov, ard Kinkela Bridge on 20 Jan (Jk, L l''i,nJiW). Invergowrie Bay had 26 1'hitefronts- on 25 Sep and 40 on L^tii; Tibuermoie max was

7 on 15 Jan (jaC^JK). Barnacles peaked at 22 on 15 Dec at Tibbexmore there w'ere 2 at Invergoexie on 25 & 29 Sep 4 at Knapp from 15-19 Oct, and 2 at Port Allen on 28 Oct (K.Brbckie, KG, JEjL'JM). Two "pale-bellied" Brent ^ere found;, at Ga.sK: on 30 Sep & Port Allen on 9 Dec (J.G.Steele, tiJM) .A Bar-hea.ded Goose consotted with Pinkfeet at Tibbermore from 29 Nov till at least 10 Jan (Jil). First Ggldeneye were 19 at Stormont on 17 Sep, whilst Invexgowrie Bay held 270 on 20 Dec (SUIjEJiVl) . At least two Smevf '/ere on Caxsebreck from 25-28 Feb (iiJftij SS).

Only two records of Waxwing, 3 at Blairgowrie on 22 Nov,& t near Dunblane on 11 Dec. Fieldfares & .Redwings wexe later than usual in arriving.- Jan/Feb -produced a rash of Blackcaps - at least 5 in Perth, 2 in Scone & 2 in Blairgowrie. Brambling, Siskin & Redpoll alJ seem to be scarce this Winter.

The Editor thanks all those ^embers who, continued to sen in records during the fecent non-appearance of Bulletins, Please, everyone, send your March - May observations to ( NEW ADDRESS) E.D.Cameron, 3 Stormont Placej Scone, Perth fH2 6SR

Contributers; G.L, Aitchison, R.Calligan, ji. D. Cameron, k. C. Chesney, Mist. S.ie.ilackex ,

D.H.Howie, J,Kirk, Miss S,A,Ijaing, j^rs. I.M.McKinnie, l.McLachlau, jj.'J.f^a^uixe, Mr.&Mrs.S.Shimeld, J.H.Wallace. PERTHSHIRE BIRD RECORDS

JAN. - FEB., 198S

NO'JJBS * = Invergowrie. x = Kingoodie

Species are arranged in Voous order.

Species List;

Slavonian Grebe ; One on the Tay at North Inch on l/2. Seen sometime in Jan. by others who thought it was a Black-necked....

Mute Swan; Garsebreck; 2+1 (l6,Juvs) on 28/2; (E. & IMcK.).

Whooper Swan; Errol; ? (1 Juv.) on 14/2. " " " "

Barnacle Goose; Tibbermore; lO at Cultmalundie on' 19/2.

Bean Goose; Kinkell Bridge; One at Denfield Farm on 20/l. Bird associated with lO Pinkfeet which were with c. 500 Greylags. ( Ic . 3

Greylag; X; 5OO+ Jan-Feb.

Mallard; * &¦ X; 1,2+70 on 1 mile of foreshore on 27/l, - inland waters frozen.

Pochard; *; Max. of four counts was 260 on 27/1.

Tufted Duck; *; " " " " " 520 " 20/2; (E. & IMcK. )

Goldeneye; Max. at * was 32+5 on 20/2;(E. & IMcK.)

Smew; Carsebreck; redhead on 28/2; (E. & IMcK.)

Peregrine; Perth; one over Friarton on 27/2.

Water Rail; X; at least 6 at Monorgan burnmouth on 27/l.

Coot; X; lO on foreshore during frozen spell 27/l. (2)

Oyster catcher; X; max. i+lO on 26/1.

Ringed Plover; *; " 33 11 27/1. Inland:- 2 at North Kinkell floodwater on 28/2; No doubt induced inland early by the mild spell, but were they not outside their usual range ?

Golden Plover; * & X; max 75 on 26/l.

Knot: ¦ *; 11 on 124-/2; (E. & IMcK.). X; 20 on 20/2; » " "

Dunlin; X; max.= 3, 600 on 20/2; (E & IMcK.).

Jack Snipe; X; the traditional roost site at Monorgan burn - mouth held 12 during the severe cold spell (27/1)

Snipe; X; max. 175 on 27/1.

Black-tailed God wit; X; 12 birds regular Jan-early Feb. but, unprecedented influx during easterly gale on li+/2 when i+4 were counted feeding around inshore pools. 38 there on 18/2; (E. & IMcK.).

Bar-tailed God wit: * & X; max. 630 on 27/l.

Curlew; X; max. i+10+ on 27/l.

Redshank; X; » 2,2+00 on 26/1.

Little Gull; *; 10+ during easterly gale 14/2; (E &- IMcK.).

Kittiwake; *; one " " " " " "

Guillemot; *; 2, dead on beach, 14/2 " "

Wren; Errol Park: 7 roosting in cavity of Wellingtonia on 20/2.

Grey Wagtail: Perth: One on the Tay on l/2. " in the town centre 27/2. *: One seen reg. li(.-20/2.

Blackcao: male last week Jan.



BULLETIN FOS. jaAfrCH - MY 1965.

WINTilR VISITORS. Possibly due to the less severe winter weather, few of otx winter

visitors lingered beyond April. There were very few whoopex Swans about, 8 on

Monk Myre on 3 Mar being the largest party reported; the latest tws one cn flood water at Kinkell Bridge from 15-18 Apr (SEH,^Jfc). There weie estimated xo be 2,500 Pinkfeet at Carsebreok,on 24- Apr (Section Outing), and 36 were counted heading east down the Tay at St, Madoes on 11 May. Greylags reported ueie 110 at Monk Mforre «! 17 Apr, and over 400 at both Errol and Kingoodie on 1 6 Apr. The usual noticeable northward movement of geese towards the end of April seems to ha*e been absent. Single Barnacle Geese were at Tibbermore on 13th and Carsebreck on 2^ Apr. G-oldeneye numbers in Invergowrie Bay dwindled from 170 on 17 Mar to 30 on 29 Apr; there were also 70 off Port Allen on 17 Mar. Inland there were about 50 on Stormont Loch on 9 Mar, with about the same number still present on 11 Apr (ti)C,SLHjEJM) (There was a single female on the Tay at Cairnie Pier on 29 June). Fieldfare and Redwing were present in small numbers right through the winter. The latest Fieldfares were two at Kinkell Bridge on 24 Apr. Latest Redwings were 20 at Stormont on 30 Mar and 15 at , Crieff, on 31 Mar (SRH,EJM). There have been no reports of Brambling.

SUMMER VISITORSi Summer visitors ax rived as usual, though the season itself hasn't, as yet'. As forecast, Sand Martins, in paiticulai, Swaljows and i/nhitethroats are down in numbers. Many "first Dates" were later than normal, though this may

reflect lack of recording rather than difficulties on migzationl First Dates; Common Sandpiper;17 Apr, Glenalmond (JvjlS), 20 Apr, Blairgowrie (SIJl) and Dunkeld (SAl). Cuckoo:26 Apr, L. Rannoch (DjIH), 4 May, Scone (EDC), Swift: 20 Apr, Bankfoot - very early (jiJty'), 15 May, Blaiigomiie (SLH). Sand Martin; 13 Apr, 20+ over Tay at Perth (R.Taylor). Swallow; 15 Apr, Almondbank (SAL), 20 Apr, Stormont L. (SRH) and L. of Craiglush (EJM). House Martin: 20 Apr, Parkhill, Scone (JMD), 27 Apr, Stormont L. (EJM). Tree Pipit: 20 Apr, Bridge of Cally (SRH). Redstart: 8 May, Upper G-lenalmond (MES), Y/heatear: 4 Apr, Upper G-lenalmond (MES), 26 Apr, Rannoch (DHIi). izel: 4 Apr, Upper G-lemalmond (MES). 11 May, Cairnie Pier (EDC). Sedge Warbler: 11 May, Cairnie Pier (EDC), 14 May, Blairgowrie (SRH). Whitethroat: 15 May, North Murie, Errol (DHH). Blackcap: 18 May, Dunkeld (EDC).

Chiffchaff: 10 Apr, Upper G-lenalmond (MES), 14 Apr, Balnaguard (ABarclaj Chiffchaff: 10 Apa?, Uppea (xlenalmona 14 iipi, Balna guard (ABarclay^i Wilow Warbler: 14 -Apr, ilinnaixd. and iiunkeld (KTM), lb Apr, Almond- banK (SL). Spotted Flycatcher: 20 May, Blair ^owrxe (SEH), 30 M&j, Perth (G-La) .

SELECTED SPECIES LIST. Star of tins period was a draiie G-iean-vvinged Steal which «as

discovered on floodwater near Madderty on 12 Apr, staying til the next day. This North American species is very similar to the "common" Teal, and ciedit must go to E.J.M. for spotting the rarity. This is the second record for Perthshire, the first being in Spring 1984 on floodwater near Kinkell Bridge. It could very well be that only one bird has been involved in the two records, not being distinguished,

( impossible in eclipse plumage anyway), in the intervening period. So, can we expect it back in late '85 - Spring '86? Worth examining closely argr Teal that you

( ome across! Unfortunately, five pairs of Black-throated Divers are known to have given up nesting attempts. &reat Crested G-rebes have been very late in settling down. 42 Mute Swans weie counted at Carsebreck on the Outing of 24 Apr; th©re were 26 at Monk Mvre on 17 Mar, 30 on the Kinkell floodwater on 18 Apr, ana 13 at the Tay / Earn confluence on 21 Apr ^EDC, SItH, tiJM). Pairs of Canada Gee,se with young have appeared on many lochs. There were 120 SheIduck on the Tay estuary on 13 Apr, and 42 Gadwa111 were counted m the Dunning / Kinkell area on 25 ^ar ). Snoveler were se^n from 6 Mar, with up to 10 on Stormont anu. 1 2 on the Kinkell floodwatei .

Sea up were seen several timefa, with a njaximum of b in Invergovn ie Bay on 4 Apr; there was also a drake on btormont from 11 - 20 Apr. On 13 Apr a few Scaup at

Invergowrie were accompanied by a drake Velvet _S_Cotei (aJja) . Ptarmigan weie seen on Schiehallion on 13 May, and a cock Capercajllie ^ ^peaceable1.) at Dunkeld on 18 May (DIib,EDC), Both these species are either scarcw or under-recorded - plesse take notel Waders moved inland about mid-Februaiy as usual. By 24th, there wejte C500 Oystercatchers on the Scone Palace shingle. Ringed Plover

Black-headed, G-uIls were 300 pairs at Mill Dam, Dunkeld, 250 e.t Whitemyre, Ha it, and 250 at Hare Myre. Wink were thought to be responsible for one regular breeding site being deserted, and possibly another. About 200 pairs of Common G-ulls nested at Haugh of Keroock. Returning Lesser Black-backed G-ulls totalled 342 at Millearn, Auchterarder, on 31 Mar, and 85 at Carsebreck on 24 Apr (iSDC,£JM). A male Blackcap feeding at a Scone bird table from 13-16 Mar was presumably a wintering bird heading back to Scandinavia, rather than an early Summer migrant. A Magpie at Kingoodie on 23 Apr was surprising (liuMjEJM). Sixteen Carrion Crows were feeding together at low tide on the muddy shingle off Cairnie Pier on 11 May,

Tree Sparrow flocks wer'e found at Stormont Loch, where there ^e^e

20+ on 19 Mar, and at Dunning, with 15 on 27 .npr (xJiuj. A large, late, mixea finch / flock at Blairgowrie on 5 June, containeu. 50 G-ie^nfinches, 20 Linnets ana 40

Yellowhammers (SLH). Crossbills were seen, bj Lk Itfinnoch on 13 Mar (north Siae)

and 4 June (Black viiood). The Scone Hawfinches tfere seen regularIj, ^ith a maximum of 9 in the Den on 21 Mar ( ^dG3 DHH).

Vne hope that Members have been enjoying birdmg in their Summer holidays, in spite of the weather, and that records for June, July ana August will, in due course, flood in to the Editor at 3 Stormont Place,

Scone, Perth PH2 6SR

Thank you. I Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were

G.L.Aitchison, E.D.Cameron^ M.C.Chesney, J.M.Duncan, Miss S*R.Hacker, D.H.Howie,

J.Kirk, Mrs, S.Laing, Miss S.A.Laing. Mrs. I.M.McKinnie, E.J.Maguire, Miss S.Scott, Mrs, M.E.Shimeld. REIcTHSHIRU boCUiTI OF l\iATUML 8CIMCA.


BULU.JIK fUA.JUiNu-. - iiDG-UST 1^63.


Not many Members submitted lecords for this period, but heie goes:- There were six Little Grebes on Cowden Loch, Comrie, on 21 July. L. Clunie held

ten adult Great Crested Grebes, plus two young of different ages, on 21+ Aug, and Marlee 1. ten adults on 26 Aug (EDO, SliH,Ml!iS). A Fulmar was seen around the cliffs at L. Valigan, where it could hardly have been further from the sea, on 2fip- 24th July (RAHS). ¦ The Drnmmond Pond Mute Swan herd increased from 45 on 28 July to 56 on

25 Aug, and a pair on Cowden L. had six cygnets on 21 July. A moulting and sick- looking Whopper was on the Tay off Errol on 5 Aug - perhaps an injured bird near Woody IS., Perth, on 15 Sept, was the same one, having moved upstream (EDC,teES). Early Pink-footed Geese, 35 in number, appeared over Dunning on 1 Aug (Du). There were ^8 toigeon on L. Meallbrodaen on 20 July; 14 Teal on Keltie L, and 8 on vifhite Moss L. on 14 July. Highest counts of Mallard were 230 on the Tay at

Perth on 11 Aug, 200 on Glenalmond L. on 20 July, and 200 on Drumaona Pona on 28 July .A pair of Shoveler was on the pool at G-oadens, itait, on 2 June, a female with a single duckling on Hare jvjyre^ on 19 June, and four on "unite woss^ on 14 July. Tuftea Uuck counted incluaeu 23 on Lowes on 5 June, 22 on i/thite Moss on 14 July, and 42 on Drummond Pond on 25 -^ug. Only one Common Scoter appears to have produced

young, the brood diminishing from ^ to 6 within & we&ic m July; siji other auults were also present on 11 July. A female Goldeneye was off Cairnie Pter on 25 June. 18 ked-breasted Mergansers by the North Inch on 11 Aug included a creche of 14 youngsters (jjDC,DD, SEH,MjS) . Counts of Coot incluaad 62 on Momc Ltyre and 52 on Fingask L. on 26 Aug, 43 on Clunie on 15 July, 32 on nhite moss on 14 July, and 2*+ on Drummond Pond on 25 Aug (KDC, DD, SKH,MffiS). Six Common Sandpipers were flying around as a flock at KercocK: on 8 July, and there were two at the North Inch on 11 Aug. There were five Common Terns, including a juvenile, at Kercock. At least two colonies of Black-headed Gulls were deserted this year, with mink being blamed. There were still four Swifts screaming around Scone on the evening of 18 Aug, and the last was seen in Crieff on 22 Aug. House Martins we re dlswn to 18 nests at L. Turret, and no Swallows at all nested at North Murie, though one pair raised three broods at Almondbank (MES,DHH,SAL). Four -heed Yvarblers were mist-netted in reedbeds between Pswgavie and Errol in Aug-Sep; one wonders if this species actually breeds in the vast expanse of reeds available. A Chiffchaff was singing in Deuchny wood on 25 June. There are lots of Greenfinches about, and Crossbills - high numbers have been reported from the Pitlochry / Strathtay area / - 2 -

area, and flocks of around a dozen birds from Kjnnoull Hill / Deuchny '"ood. Siskins

have been reported as invading Scotland, but there has been no local comment on

these yet. Family parties of Twite were seen at L. Turret and L. Kennard (jSDCjMES) ' • LOCHS AED WILDFOWL. Many of the duck records above came via the Wildfowl Trust's Late Summer Mldfowl Survey, from mid-July to the end of August. The object was to count the wildfowl present on each water, and to indicate if breeding had occurred this year. Below we tabukate some of the Perthshire results. UB" shows "breeding", "/ " indicates the species "present". Little G-reat Mute Canada Mallard Pochard Tufted Coot Moorhen

G-rebe Crested Swan G-oose

G-rebe Monk My re / L / B Stormont Li B/ B B Hare Myre B B B Fingask L. / 3 B Mariee L. B / / L. Clunie B B B / B L. Moraig B / Stare Dam / B B B B L. Freuchie B B B / ; L. MiilAeren / / B / G-lenalmond L. / / / L. Meallbrodden / B / B / L. Monzievaird / B / / Drummond Pond / / / / / / / L. Balloch / B / B Cowden L. B B B / B / White Moss L. B B B B B B Keltie L. B B B B B B

NOTJJj• There are some two hundred lochs/ponds in Perthshire which could hold wildfowl, so only a very small proportion is represented above. However, this could possibly be the incentive to encourage "loch watching and recording" among Members, so go to it, folks! BECORDS for September, October, November, and any over-lookea for previous months, please, to E.D.Cameron, 3 Stormont Place, Scone, Perth PH2 6SE: Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged, by theii initials, were

E.D.Cameron, D.Doig, Miss S.R.Hacker, D.H.Howie, Miss S.A.Jiaing, jvirs. Jh.E.Shimeld? Dr. R.A.H.Smith. PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OP NATURAL SCIENCE.



SUMMER VISITORS. The only records received refer to Swallows and House Martins; the rest of our summer visitors seem to have slipped away unnoticed. There was a mixed flock of Swallows and House Martins gathered on wires in Almondba.hk on


WINTRE VISITORS. Geese and thrushes arrived earlier than usual, but Goldeneye were late. The first V/hooper Swans reported were 15', including six juveniles^ on

Drumore L., Blacklunans,, on 15 Oct. Numbers here built up to 51 7 Novj these included a bird with a yellow "collar", caught, while flightless, in Iceland in

August. Mill Bam, Bunkeld, has held up ts 25?and L. Dochart had 20 on 1st Nov, but none have appeared yet at Bridge of Earn or Errol. The Woody Is. winged bird is still present, but is not the Port Allen individual, which was found dead &n 11 Aug. On Boxing Day, a herd of 140 was feeding on stubble near Thornhill.

Pinkfooted Geese arrived in the first few days of September, soon to be followed by Greylag. Large numbers of both were present for the Nov census.

A single Greenland White—front was seen in the Gask area on 15 Nov, Fifteen

Barnacles flew west near Errol on 7 Sep, and three to four were seen in the Tibbermore -» Windyedge area between 26 Oct and 19 Nov. A Bar-headed Goose was spotted in a, flock of Pinkfeet at Tibbermore on 19 Nov, and one at Dalreoch on 7 & 8 Dec, but with Greylags - one wonders if two Bar-headed were involved, or whether the one bird had transferred its allegiance, Goldeneye were not reported until 26 Oct, .and maximum groups, so far, have been 14 on L. Clunie and 13 on the Tay between Perth Bridge and Almondmouth, on 15 Dec ,(EDC,DD,JK,IMM). The first Fieldfares were a flock on the moors above Dunkeld on

13 Sep, but it was well into October before there were big numbers about. Redwings appeared first at Dunning, with six on 23 Sep. There was heavy passage

after dark from 22 - 25 Oct, but there seem to be fewer than usual. Two V/axwings spent a few days in Crieff in early December? so look out for more J (EDC,DD,IMM5MES),

SELECTED SPECIES RECORDS. L. Clunie held 5 adult and 3 juvenile Great Crested Grebes on 14 Sep,, and 5 were still present on 12 Oct, though only one on 1.5 ^ec. Loch

Freuchie had 3 on 11 Oct and Lowes the same on 3 ^ov. The North .Inch Cormorant

roost numbers rose from '3 on 14 ^ct to 16 on 17 Nov, when the one at Kinclaven Bridgeheld 13 (EDC,SAL,MES). There were 77 Mute Swans on Carsebreck on ?3 Nov. Numbers fell drastically at Drummond "^ond in Sept, when six were foilnd dead, due, it is believed, to toxicity from / -2-

from blue™green algae which had proliferated in the loch over the simmer,How the

swans are returning, with 19 on 17 Nov, Canada Geese are still in short supply, • » ^ wi ch 15 on Lo Ciixnie on 14 ep, and about the same number regular at Lowes, Eri-niore Loch held 200 Vigeon on 26 Oct, 150 on 7 Nov, but only 12 on 24 Nov, when the loch was largely frozen over; Keltie Lc* unusually, had 138 on 17 Nov, Six Gadwall were seen on 26 Oct, and an astonishing. 46 on 17 Nov,, Keltie also held 89 Teal on 17 Mov, and there were 38 on "the Kinkell pool on 19 Nov, Highest counts of Maillard. fyero

about 500 on Drummond Pond_in Oct & Nov;, over 100 on the Kinkell pool on 19 ^ov & 1st Dec; and 700 between Perth Bridge and Almondmouth on 15 Dec,. Two Pintail vera seen on 26 Oct, and a single drake was on the Tay below Woody Is. on 16 Nov. Pcur Tufted Ducks on the Tay at the North Inch on 15 Sep were unexpected; ten were on

L. Dochart, from where we get few records, on 1st Nov. Thirteen Goosander on Drummcnd Pond on 17 Nov was the largest party reported (EDO ,DD, JK^MTTjIMjITES) . A "ring-tail" Hen Harriei* was hunting near Kinclaven Church on 17 Nfev.

Sparrowhawks were reported from Crieff and . Trios of Buzzards were seer^ over Murrayshall Hill, Gask, and L. Ordie, while six were seen in Glen Quaich. Two Capercaillie were seen near L. Ordie on J Nov, and a single cock in the middle

of a ploughed field at Kinclaven on 17 -Nov. Keltie L, held 10 Moorhens on 17 Nov.

Highest count^ of Coot was 200 On 17 Nov on Drummond Pond, where only 38 weire present on 13 Oct. (EDO,DD9JK,S^L,MES). A flock of c350 Lapwing was resting in a field at North Muirton on 16 Nov, and 48 wexe counted there on 15 Dec. Snipe were seen regularly at Kinkell pool, with 4 on 19 Nov. There were 60 Curlew on the parkland below Scone Palace on 16 Nov, and 47 on $ 15 Dec;1 whilst Kinkell had 30 on 19 Nov. (EDC,IMK). On 18 Oct, a flock

of 30 Collared Doves was feeding on stubble at Stormontfield. Kingfishers have been

seen on the Tay at the mouth of the Annatjr Burn and at Stanner's Is«

A Skylark flock of 50 was seen at Forteviot on 25 Dec. Single Song Thrushfy appeared in Scone on 7'th and North Muirton on 15 Dec. Parties of Mistle Thrushes were 10 at Mill Dam, Dunkeld, on 29 Sep and 16 at Scone on 5 Oct. Two Ravens were seen

at L. Turret 'on 6 Oct, and 3 in Glenlednock on 17 Novc Small parties of Tree Sparrows Were found at Stormontfield and Meikleour® A harvested field of oilseed rape at

Crieff provided feeding for c200 Greenfinches in Sep. Single Goldfinches were noted on the North Inch on 14 ^ct & 15 Dec, and* two at Invergeldie, Comrie, on 19 Oct. Kinnoull Hill had parties of 13 & 8 Crossbills on '2 Sep, Turleum, Crieff, 6 on 29 ^ep,

and Dunkeld 18 on 3 Nov. Hawfinches have been seen in Scone, as usual, but one by L. Clunie on 15 Dec was unexpected (EDC,DD,JK,SAL,MES).

RECORDS foD? December '85? January and February '86, in earliest March, please, to E.D.Cameron, 3 Stormont Place, Scone, Perth, PH2 63®. « Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their 'initials, were - E.D.Cameron,

D.Doig, J.Kirk, Miss S.A.Lalmgji Mrs. I.M.McKinnie, I„McLachlan,Mrs„ M,E.Shame]d« HAPPY NEW YEAR AND GOOD BIRD-WATCHING IN 1986, lots of records too, PLEASE. PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OP NATURAL SCIENCE.



SELECTED SPECIES RECORDS; ' Little Grebes wintered on lochs far from thd sea, e.g. L. Faskally with 4 on 16 Eeb aM Dunalastair Res. with 6 on 19 Jan and, 4 cn 19 Mar. Great Crested Grebes were absent from Wildfowl Counts in Feb,,, but had returned by mid-March, with Marlee L» having 5, Craiglush L„ 4 and Drummend Pond 3. Perhaps becatise they were the subject of a survey, Cormorants seem to have been fewer than usual this Winter, and peak attendances at roosts have not coincided with Roost Count Dates! Only L. Tummel, with 7 din 19 Jar_. and 4 on 19 Mar. had more than one; the North Inch roost held 45 on 12 Jan., 33 on 16 Feb, and22 dn 15 Mar; Kinclaven Bridge had 4 on 18 Jan, and only 2 on 16 Kar (SRH(.HMI ,REY). The Drummond Pond Mute Swan population was still low, only 26 on 14 Feb, but Carsebreck held 75 on 15 Mar, There were 15 on the Earn by Dunnung on 2$ Jan and 14 on Monkmyre on 17 Mar (DD,SRHsKL,S&KES),Therp were two Black Swans on Carsebreck in Dec,and one on 15 Jan, The main Whooper Swan concentrations have been at the Rhynd , 45 on 2 Feb, but ntxn® to be seen on 12 Feb, and East of Meigle, where up to 72, on 12 Jan, were sometimes in Perthshire and sometimes in Angus^ There are still plenty of Pinkfeet ana Greylag around,though thei drift northwaids has begun. The only Barnacle Geese reported were 2 at Tibbermore on 16 Dec, and 2 on 5 Pet (EDOjJK). Carsebreck had 150 V/igeon on 15 Jan, Drummond Pond 120 on

16 Feb, and Stormont c500 on 17 Mar. Nine Gadwall were seen at Dunning on 15 Jan. Small parties of Teal appeared on several lochs; larger flocks were 110 at Dunning on 15 Jan and 40 at Bennybeg Pond, Crieff, on 12 Jan. A. drake Pintail was on the floodwater near Kinkell Bridge cn 12 Jan . L. Faskally held 54 Pochard on 15 Jan, but only two by 16 Mar; Carsebreck had 48 on12 Jan. Dunalastair, Faskally, Tummel, Lowes and the North Inch stretch of the Tay, all held over 30 Goldeneye. Mergansers were seen in ones and twos, but Goosanders were more numerous - 14 on Drummond Pond on 12 Jan, 11 on the Earn on 26 Jan, 8 at Perth harbour on 12 Feb, and 1 7 on the Stare Dam lochs on 16 Mar (DD.,SRH,JK,SAL,KL,S&MES,RAHS). Ringed Plover returned inland in mid-March, with 7 at Kercock.ofln 8 Jan six Snipe were seen together at Almondbahk, 13 Jack Snipe were flushed from marshy ground at on 5 Jan, and one at Cairnie Pier on 17 (SL,DHBH). A WoodcoSk at Path of Condie on 5 Jan, and two roding in the Scone area from mid-

March were the only records. Nine Curlews were at Borlick, Aberfeldy, on 8 Dec, and 40 on the fields in fronj? fo Scone Palace on 12 Jan (EDC,DT>,KL). Guillemetg got Press mention in February, with considerable numbers appearing inland. The first Perthshire report was of one picked up'in Dunkeld Rd?, Perth (opposite the Swimming Pool]) and released on the Tay. Crieff Jiad two, one of them dead, and on 22 Feb there were at least 8 swimming arpund below Perth Harbour/ ,-2-

Harboiir; also, five carcaces wex-e found at Canrii-ie PI©'- (MCC, DFTPH, JK, RifES) „ An early Grey Wagtail was on the Earn at Dunning on 26 Jan (DD,KL)* The anticipated Waxwing "invasion" did not materilaise, with one in Blairgowrie on 15 Dec and one in Crieff on 5 & 9 Jan (S&MES). Bedwings and Fieldfares are moving North again. A male Blackcap was seen in .Crieff on 27 Jan, A large flock of 39 Blue Tits, followed "by .another of 12, passed-along the "banks of the Earn by Dunning on 26' Jan; there were also 40 - 50 on Dunning. Golf Course on 2 Feb - perhaps the same flock was involvepL, (-S

At the end.pf Dec, 80+ Carrion Crows gathered at Arnbathie before going to I'oost in Deuphny Wood, Any records of Ravehs? particularP-y - of breeding pairs or 'family parties, e,ill be very welcone, as RoS.P.B* are seeking informatioh on "the' status of this declining species. The only Brambling records are from Inchaffray, '12^on/^'Dec,iixid Crieff, two on 2 Jan and 6 on 10 Feb. Greenfinches are much more numerous, with tip to 1 i 300 in the oilseed rape field at Crieff, and over 100 at Kilspindie on 2 Jan. Gcldfinches, were also seen at Kilspindie; there were 10 in a Dunning garden-©n 7 Jan, and 20 near Comrie en 15 Jan (DP,DHBH,S&MES).S1skins have been coming to gardens with nutbags, but no big flocks teported. About 40 Twite at the end of Pdc increased to c2Q0 on the Crieff rape field on 2 Jan, There seem to be very few

Redpolls about, only three at Path of Condie on 5 Han being reported. Few Bullfinches too, althoughf,Martin Robinson saw'a flock of fever 50 feeding on1 heather seeds above the Killiecrankie Reserve. Hawfinches have beenseen^as regularly as usual in Scone, and one at Xj,. Clunie on 15 Dec. 150 -Snow Buntings were counted along the South side of L. Raimoch on 29 Dec. Yellowhammer flocks''included,!'50 "at Crieff on 2 Jan, and 50 - 60 near Errol on 19 Feb (DD,KL,JK,S&MBS).

AHUUAL GENERAL MEETING; - ' At the A.G.M. 6n 12 March,previous Officd Bearers were re-elected en bloc

The full Committee is '* Chairman J.M.Duncan

Hon. Secretary Mrs. D.Duncan Hen. Treasurer J.Kirk Bulletin Editor E.D„Cameron Committee Members T'.Binny Mrs»H.Tod

Mrs. S.Xaing J.H.Wallace. Miss M.F.Piper Since then, John Kirk1 has resigned from Office, and David Howie has kindly

agreed to take over as Hon. Treasurer RECORDS - Come on, Members, let's have some more of you contributing. I To

EcDoCalneron, 3 Sto'tmont Place, Scone, Perth PH2 6Sff, early in June, please. Contributors to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials weres E.D.Cameron;

M.C.Chesney, D.Doig, Miss S.R.Hacker, D.'H.B.Howie, Miss H.M.Insh, J.Kirk, K.Li&hgov,

Miss S.S.Laing, Mrs. S.Laing, S.&M.E.Shimeld, Dr. R.A.H.Smith, R.E.Youngman 4




All Outings leave from tie Museum Car Park at ihe times indioatedo Date Destinatior Depart Charge Leader

<16 Apr Stormont Lot h 6 ngQp-. -50p- Miss-'g.-B-.-'BaQl j/ 7 May Moulinalmon' 6.30p,ii, ^Op MrScS.Laing 21 May Dunning are i 6.30 p, lo 50p D„Doig June Killiecranl iejRoSoP.Bo Res.10,CO a.) u £1„00 Warden June Little Gler ^hee 6„30 p,r . 50p E.D^Caneron ^ 24 Aug Montrose Bf sin 10.00 a.n. £1.50 J.M.Duncan 3 Sep Crieff aree 6.30 p.u. 50p Mrs. M.E.Shimeld

NOTE. I 1. All evening Outings cn Wednesdays? all-day Out .ngs on Sundays. The timing of the Montrose Basin o\ ting may may be altered t > fit in with iflgh Tide times,

so check with leader nearer the day. 2. Rubber boots or othsr stout footwear should be worn. 3o Packed lunches should be taken on the all-day rm+ings#

4. At the request of landowners, NO dogs are alii tfed on outings. 5o Charge to offset drivef's petrel c®sts; sever?1 Members have asked that some guide should be given as t© hew much this cha] ge should be. The Committee has*

therefore suggested a standard 50p for eveEtinj; outings,more for the all-day

outings, the amount varying according to the nileage involved. PEBTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SfCIEFCE.



V/IUTER VISITORS, Most winter visitors left about the usual timej in spite of the lack of reasonable Spring weather. Few Whooper Swans were recorded after March, though one lingered until 4 May on L. an Daim, Rannoch (EDC,REY). Pink-footed Geese were seen flying North over Glen Quaich on 30 Apr, and 65 North over Errol next day. There were c5»500 Greylags on Drummond Pond on 2 15 Mar, and 245 on Dunalastair Res on 19 Mar; 30-40 flew North over Crieff on 4 May (DHH»MESsREY). Two Barnacle were spotted in a Pinkfoot flock near Methven on 7 Apr, and one -seas on the Kinkell Briclyo pool on 23 May (MESjMFP). Goldeneye were still numerous in March, with 30 011 Lovres;. 25 on Faskally, 15 on Drummond Pond, 10 on Craiglush & 9 on Dunkeld Mill Dam, all on 16 Mar; 05 24 on L. Timmel on19 Mar. 18 on Stormont on 3 Apr was the only biggish gathering in that monthj there was a single~female in Rannoch on 4 May (AMB,EDC,SRH, HMI,MES,REY).

Many more Fieldfares than Redwings were recorded. Of the former, there flocks of 150 at Buchanty on 29 Mar, 100 near Balbeggie on 31 Mar, c1,000 at on 6 Apr, 20 at Rosemount on 21 Apr and 20+ near Errol on 25 Apr, but none reported after this. Redwings could only muster c50 among the Fieldfares at Buchajity & 6 at Harrietfield, with four in the Sma1 Glen on 20 ApE. There has been no report of Brambling in the period.(EDO,DD,SRH,DHH,KL,MES). SUMMER "VISITORS. One wonders what they made of the Scottish Spring/early Summerl Earliest dates reported fors- Common Sandpiper, 20 Apr, Rae L., Blairgowrie (SRH); 24 Apr, Perth & Glenalmond(l)EH!,ME Cuckoo, 8 May, Upper Glenalmond (MES); 12 May, Bridge of Cally (SRH). Swift, 11 May, Blairgowrie (SRH)5 14 May, Scone (EDO). Sand Martin, 21 Apr, Blairgowrie (SRH); 24 Apr, Perth (DHH). Swallow,22 Apr, White Moss L. six (MFP) j 25 Apr, Rumbling Bridge (RAHS). House Martin, 3 May, Scone (EDC); 11 May, Blairgowrie (SRH). Tree Pipit, 3 May, Kinnoull Hill (EDC)s 21 May, Glen Artney (MES). Redstart, 1 May, Upper Gienalmond (MES). Wheatear, 3*1 Mar, Rait, two (EDC); 3 Apr, Errol (DHH). Ring Ouzel, 2 Apr, Glen Quaich (MES). Sedge Warbler, 6 May, blairgowrie (SRH). Whitethroat, 2 May, Rait (DHH); 10 May, Blairgowrie (SRH). Blackcap, 8 May, Blairgowrie (SRH). Wood Warbler, 2 May, Killiecrankie (MES). Chiffchaff, 26 Apr, Scone (EDC)| 29 May, Upper Glenalmond (MES) - the only records. Willosr Warbler, 24 Apr, Blairgowrie & Scone (SRH,EDC); everywhere the next few days. Spotted Flycatcher, 23 May, Perth (GLA);25 May, Rannoch (EDC). SELECTED/ ? 2 ? SELECTED SPECIES BECORDS. Black-throated Divers,as far as is known, haven't attompbed to Ireed this year.A pair frequented L. Kinardodhy from early April up till the present, & a pair of Red-throated was there on 12 & 13 Apr. Little Grebes included 4 on Dunalastair on 19 Mar, 2 on White Moss on l6th & a pair on Cowden L., Coinries on 14 May. Great Crested Grebes v/ere reported from their usual haunts by mid-MarzV , with 3 on Drummond Pond & 5 °n Marlee L. There were 22 Cormorants at the Worth Inch roost on 15 Mar5 only two at Kinclaven Bridge next morning (EDC,SRH9I)HHir]vr-?Sj"REY).

A Flamingo made headlines on Radio Tay in early June , but nn

P.S.N.S. member has reported seeing itJ There were 21 Mute Swans on Drummond -ond. on 16 Mar, & 14 on Monk Myre on 17th. 38 Canada Geese were on L. Tullybelton cn 16 Mar, 7 on L. Tummel on19th, & 2 on L. Preuchie on 2 Apr (SRH,KES,REY)Stormont held c500 Wigeon on 17 Mar, Dunkeld Mill Dam 50 on loth, Goddens Pool 60 on 30ch & L. Tummel c70 on 11 Apr. Good numbers of Teal were 20 on the Mill Dam & 9 on

White Moss on 2 16 Mar. The only Shoveler reported were three on Stormont on 17 There were 12 Pochard on Mill Dam, & 35 Tufted on Drummond Pond, both on 16 Maro Pour pairs of Common Scoters were on the breeding loch in May. Goosanders numbered 17 on the Stare Dam lochs and 8 on Drummond on 16 Mar. Ruddy drakes have been !3 a'ic¬ on Hare Myre, but no ducks, unfurtunately (DD,SRH,DHH,HMI,SAL,HGM,MES,RAHS). The first Osprey was spotted on 1 Apr.Peregrines & Buzzards have had a poor breeding season. Black Grouse reports come from Crieff, Glen Quaich, L. Rannoch, Trochry, Glen Cochill, Glenlyon, Blair Atholl & Little Glenshee, where 10 cocks were lekking in early May. A hen Capercaillie was seen near Methven on I 29 Mar. Two Red-legged Partridges appeared at Blairgowrie on 9 Apr, Drummond Pond held 58 Coot on 16 Mar, Monk Myre 52 & Pingask L. 37 on 17 Mar (EDC,DD,SRH,SiiLsEL, JG0,CDS,MES). Ringed Plover appeared inland at Errol on 3 7 Kinkell Bridge on 2 -^ay^

Golden Plover seem to be fewer than ever on the hills. Lapwings, too, seem scarcer.

A Redshank in Upper Glemalmond on 24 Apr was the first to be seen there for some time.Only one Dunlin has been reported from breeding gfound. (DHE,JG0,MES). Two Long-ea-red Owls were disturbed from rough ground at Rosemount on 3 Mar; Short-eared were reported from Little Glenshee, & the Amulree area. A Kingfisher was on the Earn near Comrie on 27 Apr, but that is the only report(SRH,MES), Magpies turn up in odd places in Perthshire, the latest in Glen Quaich on 2 Apr (MES). Three Ravens were in Little Glenshee on 6 Apr; pairs were seen around Schiehallion & in Glenlyon in April (EDOjD^jKL). A flock of c20 Tree Sparrows was in Rattray on 7 Apr. 16 or 17 Goldfinches were seen together in Blairgowrie on 28 Mar, & one in Upper Glenalmondl on 17 Apr, The Crieff rape field still fed dOO Twite on 6 May, dwindling to 20-30 by23rd.(SRH,MES). RECORDS for June, July, August, please, to E.D.Cameron, 3 Stormont Place, Scone, Perth, PH2 6SR. Contributors!- G.L.Aitchison,A.M.Barclay,E.D.Cameron,D.Doig, Miss S.R.Hacker,D.H.HOwie, Miss H.M.Insh, Miss S.A.Laing, Miss K.Lithgow, Mrs. H.G.Millers, J.G.0gilvy,Miss M.P. Piper, C.D.Scotland, Mrs. M.E.Shimeld, Dr. R.A.H.Smith, R.E.Yo^ngpian, PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. ORNITHOLObIC AL SEC TI ON. BULLETIN FOR JUNE. JULY- AUGUST 1986.

SELECTEE' SPEC IES F.'EC OFcEiS . Blac^ - throated Divers did manage to breed- ui i t h one pair raising iino /oung. Little b r e b e bred at Couid en L .- Comrie- but Great Crested have had a poor season- uuth young reported only from L.Clunie- Hare My re ?/ Stare Dam (AMB- EDC - S?/MES) . A stray Ful mar i.>ias seen at Lomes on 13 Aug (per AMB) . H u t e Snu-ns raised young at Balloch and Hare Myre - an/inhere else " Tmo Wh oope rs appeared on Lomes on 9 June (per AMB)- — inhere did they come from- and inhere did the> go The mmged bird is still on the Tay a + Perth . W i n g e d 131 e ¦/ i s q s h a v' e survived in s e / e r a ] areas. C anada G o o = e nuiTiDers a ¦ Lom&s rose to a msximum of 57 on 5 Aug- and there mere a+ 1- ercoc,L on 27 Aug (AMP-SAl. -CBJ/E'Z) . Up to four pairs of S c o t e r mere seen on their brerding loch- Dut no /ounq. Onl/ one brood of three Me r qanse rs mas seen at ! ercocV - nests mere probably' flooded out. A floci- of 13 female ?> immatuie Goosand er s frequented Lomes in Aug. Ruddy D u c I- bred for thr firs+ time? a female m i t h four small young ti e i n g seeen on 32 July (EDC - IRF' i r i e ) . Onl / one pair of Hen Harr i ers is I nomn to habeen successful . Buz ira r ds raised voung in at least tine sites east of F e r t n; a Gosfign-j- i.ias claimed at Loiiies on 16 Aog: Merl ins -"id quite me] 1 ¦ bm F e r e q r i n e s 5- Go 1 den Eaql es very poorly.- due mainly to adverse mea+her conditions. There mas a Re d —1eoq e d Par t ridqe Dy the roadside near Gu i 1 >31 oi»n on 3 Aug; a pair mh i ch tried to nest in a netted stramDerrv paich- several times having to be released from " cap t i >/ i t v " - e v e t ua 1 1 . deserted tmo eggs (MFP) . Big coveys of G r e > Pa r t r ! d q e mere seen at I ercocl- - 16 on 3rd ?- 22 on 27 Aug (tLiL ¦¦ 'z'AL -D^'E'_ . V • s i tors to Lo^nts sai'' a Uj at t e r Pa i 1 jusl i p"i front ot t h t Hide o n ^ I A u u . A n u n fort ij n a t p road casualty- a o r n c r a j e - mas pi c!• ed up at Foroandennv on 11 Rmc (UH; . Lo^'es also produced a L i t i j. e. S t i n t on 4 June (per AMB 1 . iJnl > i mo pairs of G o 1 d e n, F' 1 o e r mere •found i n b 1 e n E r r o c h t y o n ti J u n e - a n d o n 1 v o n e b ¦" e e n s h a 111* i •' a = recorded i n l a n d - but several on t h e upper e s f u a r . . h i v e or s i * o rr m o n San dp i pers mere at i ercocl or, 5 June (EBC-DHH) . T'no A r c t ¦¦ c Si- ua z '"ert: seen- one- une xpec t edl v- near Al /th on ¦June the other over the la. near Errol on 9 Aug. Yet again C o m.Ti o n i P1 a c i- -headed G u 1 1 s seem to ha-e had a mixed breeding season- m i t h most first attempts at ^rcoc!- be. no flooded out. There has been no mcrd of C ommori T e r n s. Ten or mere "is nd1'11 ch T e r n s mere s^feen to fly inland at Poi.nqa v i e - just before nigh l ! de on 9 Aug- apparentlv 10 roost on fields mith gulls \EBC-DHH-SAL¦ . An aault C u c i o o mas matched feeding on caterpillars on the "r o u t h side o T L . F; a n n o c h o n 1 i Pi ¦ j g „ h h o r t — e a r e d um 1 s^, mere seen in t h o usual Glen Cochill'' Amulree area i r, June £ Jul\ (EDO - C D&ES - SScr.ES; . The latest S>" i f ts >i!e re over Crieff on llth- Lomes on 251: h- S< Blairgomrie on 2l Aug ' S! !":ES - AMB - "E F;h ; . A I i n a f i s h e i "'as seer, at Lomes on 21 Jul-- . Gi eer f-Joodpeci ers at Almond ban!- - r ercocl £¦ !- infauns; b r e a t "E p o j ted D r e 'j in Fa n n c c h . Ho use Ma r t in nests a" L.Turret Dam me re domn from 13 to ll . Homever- modern houses seem t c. attract the species- m i t h many nests built in the apex of the gable. Up to 32 Pied fag t a:1s gathered in a pre-roost flocl at F;a + trav (S? 1" iES - 'E RH 1 . A single R i n ÿ 0 u z e I mas spotted i r. a floe! o 1 95— l OO M i s 11 e T h r u s h e s mov i ng leisurely east'^ard along L.Rannoch on 13 Aug; another larqt' flocl- of .¦0—60 M i s 11 e s mas seer, at Culcrit.fi on 21 Aug (E DC - S^ME 'E ' . Gar 3 e n Wa r b] e r S- U) h i t e t h r o a ¦ t. r e d at Lo nes - b_ut_ o n ] v o n e Blac!- cap seen there. There mas a flocl- c f i5—2C) G c ] d f i n c h e s. in Rattra, on 2 June m i t h small parties regular here anc at PI airqomr ie. A nes1 of that oddlv distributed- seldom recorded bird- the Linn e t- mas found in a raspberry field near hi 5 j b t g g i e i M r = . M .' - h e s n e v 1 . REC C'RD'E- for Sept-Nov to E .. D . C am e r o n - 3 'Etormont Place- Scone- F'tTth- Pi-;2 6 Sh - in e^rl / Eiecei7iber- pleaise. C on t r i D u t e r s: D r „ i'-i . M . Bar c 1 e-iy - E .1). Came r o r, - Miss S.R.Hacl-er- M r s . J .He n d e r s c n L1. H!. H o m i e Miss S . A . L =t i 11 g - Miss M . F . P i p e r - L • L'. £ E . Sc o t 1 an d - S . ! . M . E . Sh i me 1 d . PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OP NATURAL SCIENCE. ORNITHOLOGICAL SECTION. BULLETIN POR SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER 1986. SIIW-ER VISITORS. As usual, Swallows and House Martins lingered into October. The latest

Swallows were a single at Muiredge on "Jth, and five around Templehall on 19th, both localities in the Errol area- The last House Martins were ten at BJairgowrie on 2nd (EUC, SRH, JjHlij S^L) . A Ijfhinnhat v/as seen at Causebreck on 23 Sepi a Blackcap at Lowes on 15 Oct; and a Chiffchaff there on 4 Octe The latest Vil"ow Warb?era wereseen at

Almondbank and at Br±dge of Cally on 9 Sep, and Woody ISa, Perth^ on 14 Sep (i'iMBjEDC, ZfiH,SL). WINTER VISITORS. Whooper Swans and geese were a bit later than last year. The first Whoppers were two on Duaalastair Res. on 25 Oct, and six flying over Scone the same day.The largest gathefings have been on Drumore L., where the maximum was 49 0:p- 19 Nov, and Dalreoch, vi fch a n.ar of 52 on 15 Nov„ 'There ]iave also been ever 100^ with some Bewicka among them^ around L, L£ven(St3l, Jk, b. Iv-'i^SJe vere 02,500

PLak-footed at the main roost on Sep 14, said to have arrived the previous day; on the Nnv9 counto there were 99OOO, Unusually, there were c200 on Lowes on 31 Oct. Grey.1 aas seem to be present in their usual numbers. Barnaclehave been seen in the Tibbermore area from 6 Oct, but no more than two together (JK,SAL)„ The first Goldeneye were three on Drummond Pond on 12 Oct, then not recorded until '11 Nov, when 19 were on Stormont and a single at Kercock (SRH,JK,S&MES)0 Fieldfares and Redwings were reported from the beginning of October; the biggest flocks were at Lowes, over 250 Fieldfares on 4 Oct, and Rannoch on 21 Oct, where Redwings predominated (AMB,D.BH) „ As last Winter, there have been very few Bramblings ; there were two "regulars" in a Chaffinch flock at. Lowes in Oct, and a singleton at Blairgowrei on 17 Ocj^ (AMBjSRH)* SELECTED SPECIES RBCOEBS- There were nine Great Created Grebes on Marlee L„ cn 11 Oct, and five on 17th; singles remained on several lochs into Dec. A single Slavonian \ Grebe, in winter plumage,- was on L. Cluni© on 11 Oct. Six Little Grebes were on Drummond Pond on 14 Sep„(SRH,Si\L,CD&ES,St9JytES). The North Inch Cormorant roost held 11 birds on 15 Nov.25 Mute Swans were on Drummond Pond on 14 Sep, falling to 8 by 16 Nov; 26 were on Carsebreck on 23 Sep; an astonishing 22 on the Tay between Perth Bridge and Woody Is. on 11 Oct; 30 on floodwater at Dalreoch on 20 Nov (with the Whooper herd); 13 on Monk Myre on 30 Nov(EDC,SRH,JK",CD&ES,S&MES). The largest concentration of Canada Geese now seems to be on the Blairgowrie Lochs, where they peaked at 85 on Lowes ©n 12 Oct and 125 on Clunie von 22 Oct; also there were 80 at Drumrnond pond on 14 Sep (AMB,CD&ES,S&MES).The Mandarin max on the Tay was 30 on 1 5 Nov/ 1. - 1


15 Nov, Highest numbers of Vigeon were 58 on Mill Dam, Dimfceld, on 14 Sep; 120 on Drumore L on 11 Oct 1 125 on L» Preuchie on 13 Oct; and 50 at Goddens 1ool, Rait, on 28 Nov (MEsDEH, JK, S&I1ES)« The largest parties of Teal were 20 at Kingoodie on 2 Sc 21 at Meikleour on 16 Bov, and 15 on Fingask L" on 17 Nov (RC,SBH,SAL,CD&EG). A brood of downy Mallards, estimated at about e:'ght days old, was seen on the Tay at

Stanner's Is, on 9 Oct (RC) - have any survived ? There were 15 Shoveler on Stormont on 8 Oct. There were 10 Goosanders at Almondbank on 8 Oct, 18 on the Tay between Pert

Bridge and Woody Tg„ on 15 Nov, 10 on Clunie onl6th and 14 on Storno.nt on 25 Novo A female Ruddy Imoi; was seen on Hare Myre on 19 Sep (TCDw r CJii, BL5G O&iL'Sj o A* male and a female Hen Harrier were seen separately in the Eri'ol axe a on 13 Oct and females in Gxen Quaich on 13 Oct and the Moor of Alyth on 15 ^ov. Two SparrowJlawks liave been seen .in the Bridgend area of Perth, and two were disputing airsp-a-o with a Buzzajrd and a Kestrel over Pitroddie Glen on 17 Nov(DHF,JK,

S&I^TEC). Bu^.Tiards^ have oeen seen regularly m the Almondbank area, with three ovar Cromwellpark on Oct: tbfj <; v^ie also three soaring over Bupplin Wood on 12 Oct? and two over Pitcoddie cr, ) ?Tc1 (DHH,JK,SL). A sjng'ie "Blach Grour.e was reported from the Black ""Tood of Ii:r n Ji -in 25 ^ct, and .seven were feeding in rowan trees near Blacklunans on 11 'VT >"( JRF5 JK), Coot reaohsd 96 on Drummond Pond on 16 Nov.

Inlarid, tLxO.-, O^'-jrer catchers were on the Scone palace shingle banlc on

15 ^ov, along with 15 CnrLev;a ; there were 7 Curlews at Kercock on 11 Nov(EDC,JK),

24 Ringed Plovers were at Kingoodie on 14 Sep, and 10 on 27 Nov. Golden Plover have reappeared- 150 at Kingoodie on 14 Sep^ 230 on Errol Airfield on 21 Sep!,c300 by the A9 north of Inveralmond roundabout on 11 Oct, c200 at Powgavie on 19 Oct, anA at least 50, with a flock of c150 Lapwings at E. Huntingtower on 17 Nov. Other large Lapwing flocks were 400 at Aberuthven on 20 Sep, 380 near Methven on 28 Sep(AM]3„RC, EDO,Si*L). Some Dunlin frequented a ploughed field near Errol towards the end of Sep. Two male Ruff were at Kingoodie on 14 Sep, and two Whimbrel on27 Nov(RC,DHH). A big roost of Black-headed & Common Gulls formed on Lowes in Oct/Nov.

Short-eared Owls were seen at Almondbank on 2 Oct and Moor of Alyth on 15 Nov(SL?JIf)°

Kingfishers were spotted at three sitess- at the Taji/Almond junction, at Almondbank, w at Bridge of Cally - possibly a "first" for here. Green Woodpeckers were reported from several areas. Tree Sparrows were present in a mixed finch flock at Almondbank in Nov, & were seen regularly at Blairgowrie. Two Goldfincheswre seen at Ker cock on 8 Nov, & 7 near Crieff on 24 Nov. There was a flock of c20 Greenfinches at Monk Myreon 17 Nov, ^ one of 20 Yellowhammers at Crieff on 13 Nov (SRH,SL,S&MES). EXTRA. WAXWINGS are hereI Since the beginning of tbe year (1987)» they have appeared at Eorfar, Bridge of Earn a nd Fairies Road, Perth. RECORDS for Dec, Jan, Feb, please, to E.D.Cameron, 3 Stormont PI., Scone, Perth PH2 6SS: Contributerss A.M.Barclay, R.Calligan, E.D.Cameron, Miss S.R.Hacker, J.Kirk, Mrs, S.Laing, Miss S.A.Laing, C.D.&E.Scotland, S&M.E.Shimeld PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.




I'.Eaekally has held good numbers of Little Grobe- 12 on iSxiasy 1 Dec, 9 on 18 Jan & 6 on 14 Feb. The only Great Crested Grebes reported were thre on Narlee L. on Christmas Day (REY,SRH). The Perth Cormorant roost held 5 on 14 Dec, 21 on 18 Jan & 15 on 15 Feb - low compared t® previous years; 11 were on L. Earn at St a Fillans on 17 Jan (EDC,S&MES). Mute Swans at Dalreoch remained in the high twenties until the end of the year; Monk Myre had 29 on 6 Dec, and the Carsebreck maximum was 46 on 4 Jan; there were 12, including 7 juveniles, on the Tay at Perth on 18 Jan; in Jan/Feb the boating at Rattray held up to 14, probably from Monk Myre, where numbers declined; npnbers on Drummond Pond were very low (llVB,EDC5SRH,S&MES,JGS), The Vhooper herd at Dalreoch peaked at 68 on 7 De®, then fell steadily to zero in

Jan; there were 108 in the Cleish area on 10 Dec, and with these were 13 Bewick1s including a collared bird - AU; there was also a single Bewick's at Dalreoch from 5-7 Dec (JKsJGS), Canada Geesewere about in small numbers, the only biggish flook being 34 at Comrie on 25 Jan. Barnacle Geese peaked at 11 on 5 Dec in the Tibbermore area; there were 5 at Dunning en 8 Jan, & a single at Braco on three dates in Feb (MVBjDD,SfMES^JGS)I Biggest concentratiors of Wigeon were 125 at Dalreoch on 5 Dec, ^ Perth on 13 Dec & 130 at Carsebreck on 14 Dec. Four todwall_ were at Dalreoch on 5 Dec o a single drake on White Moss L. on 21 Dec.

There were 30 Teal on the Earn near Somrie on 6 Dec, with about as many on 22 Jan; 40 on Bennybeg Pond, Crieff, on 14 Dec; 170 near Perth ©n 13 Dec; 28 on L. Faskally on 18 Jan, with 37 on 14 Feb; & 112 on the Carsebreck lochs on 1 Feb. A single female Pintail was on the Upper Rhynd L., Carsebreck, on. 4 J311 (MVB). Pofhard inclu.ded 37 on L. Faskally on 18 Jan; 38 on L. Tay, off Kil^in, on 25 Jans & 134 on Carsebreck on 21 Feb. Tufted Suck included 140 at Carsebreck on 4 Jan; 60 on L. Earn at St. Fillans on 17 Jan; 250-300 at Perth Lower Harbour on 18 Jan

8 71 on L. Faskally oil 14 Feb. Goldeneye were 27 on Carsebresk 6n 21 Dec; 23 at Perth on 18 Jan ft 15 ^eb; and 24 ®n L. Faskally on 14 Feb. (MVB,EDC,JK,S&MES,JGS, REYj. A "red-head" Smew was present on L. Faskally from 11 Jam up to at least mid-March (REY). Biggest Goosander number was 25 on the Carsebreck lochs on 4 Jan. A single Ruady Duck appeared en Monk Myre on 3 Dec (SRF). Een Harrier reports came from Blairgowrie, Pitlochry, "Blair ^^Viol"1 , Glen ^uaic^ ^uch^nty ^-np-^-rovhfn.rk fi-om Scotip, St. Marioes, Almond- bank, Blairgowrie & Pitlochry. There were four records of Black Grousein this period / period, though leks of around 20 cocks were seen at Buchanty $ Moulin Moor. The only Capercaillie record was of one in C-len Quaich on 28 Feb, Two Red-legged Partridges were seen near Crieff on 22 Febo A Mojprhen on L» Faskally was the observer's first ever there, though he has seen "more than ever before" around Pitlochry (T'lTOjTcJiBjS&MBSyREY^. Maximum Coct on Carsebreck were 187 on 4 Jan; Drummond lorid ha.d 85 in Dec & O0 in Feb; while Lo Earn at St. Fillans held 39 on

17 Jan. There were four Oystercatchers on the shingle bank at Socne Palace on 14 Dec,but it was into Feb before the general movement inland began £ Carsebreck on 8th, Blairgowrie on 20th & Pitlochry on 23rd. Lapwings were slightly earlier, with one at Pitlochry on 14 Feb being "my earliest ever here". Curlew were inland in Dec - 65 on the Scone Palace shingle on 14 Dec, 3^ at Kihkell Bridge on 21 Dec, 6 at Portmoak on 30 Dec; two, one of which could not fly, stayed in Glen Quaich until at least 13 Dec (MVB,EDCsSEH}KR,HEY). A single Lesser Black-backed Call was pecking at something on a frozen pool on the Ncrth Inch Golf Course ^14 De( and 55 Great B3 a,ck-backeds congregated at Port Allen on 20 Dec (EBC,JGS). Over 1,000 Vfoodpigeonswere counted between Dalreoch & Forteviot Bridge in the hard spell in January. A Kingfisher was seen on the R0 Tummel above ths?

Linn on 1 Jan, and one, possibly the same, at L„ Faskally on 4 Feb (HEY). Skylarks, a flock of 30+? were ip Glen Quaich on2 22 Feb. Winter Grex Wagtails were seen at L. Faskally on,11 Jan & 27 Febj and in a farm steading at on 11 Jan. Waxwings were present in Pe-rth frym 9 Jan "to 15 -t^eb, when at least 21 were counted; there were up to 10 xn Crieff, too (MVBj|SL,EE!Y,HGM,JGS,

\f.Bivppleyard) „ There were few .Redwings about; many more Fieldfa,res, with two flocks, each of 100, at Trinity Gask & at Methven Moss, pn 7 Dec; 100 at Dunning cn 21 Dec; 90 at Crieff on 23 Dec; then smaller flocks of at Pitlochry on 1 Jan, 36 at Pitroddie on 3T Jan & 52 on Gleneagles Golf Course on 22 Feb. A

Song Thrush frequented a Blairgowrie garden throughout Jan & Feb, being joined by tw® others m mid-Feb; pne was back & singing in Scone 3n 11 Feb, & one at on 14 Feb (M^/B,EDC,SRH,SiI^H:S,REl). Wintering Blackcaps were a male attending a bird table at Carsie. Blairgowrie, from Dec to mid-Feb; a male in Crieff on 7 Dec; and a female in Bridgend, Perth, on 10 Dec. Again in an unlikely pla.ce, two Magpies were se^n in Glen Ojuadch on 28 Feb (SRH,S&ME8,T&iVIB) . There have been several reports of big finch flocks. The largest wa,s

near Williamston, on the Perth $ Madderty road, at the beginning of Feb,

containing about 500 Chaffinche§, 200 Bramblings,100 Greenfinches,and 50 each of Tree S-oarrows & Yellowhaomers, Other big Chaffinch flocks were of 350 in Glen Qua/.ch on 13 Dec, 300 at Blairgowrie on 1? Jan & c200 at Atholl on 14 Feb. Small parties of Brambling were seen at Almondbank, Dunning, Killiecrankie and Pitlochry / -

% ^s&c %; -^fii 0(5h % ^^b. ^j^iffii^Kkag ^ ^6 ^'ih ^d^-PSii^sy on 1^n'^ W& a3i(f^&6tfs%^0%fr^Ld,|eQs^^aH'/^%>") #e"i?^^oE#"tam?b^'^L^.day. r%fe5S3 w^®fe :^W,§.i^gjrf3fe ^Q^jiM^ 'tfef •E®:':i^c±D(§' "IcSf ai^ ^(ShDec

on 25 Deco Small nimbers of Twite, were regular in the Carsetreck area, with a laaxinrum of 34 on 8 Feb, and on 22 Feb, a flock of 215 was found about a kilomotreto the

east^ xhere was also a flock of 120 ax Kinbuck on 6 Dec„& a few in. the ilorth Muirton finch flock on 14 Deo. Two Hawfinches were seen in Pitroddie Pen 3n

31 Dec & one at Pitcairngreen on 1 Jaji. A flock of 60 Snow Bantinft'rf was seen cn

3 Jan at Methven Moss, and another flock of JO on Creag nan Eildig, GJenlyon, on 14 Feb (Almost all initials previously mentionedJ).

2®2£R'D§. War? APr5 ^yj please, to E.D.Cameron, 3 Stormont Place, Scones Perth,, Confcributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were sMVBell,

KiKinny, EDCaneron, jjEoig, SKHacker, JKirk, SLaing, HGMillers, CD&S'Scotland, S&MEShimeldj JGGte&le & REYoungmo.n.

FHOGELftMMB OF SUMMER ODTINGS 1987„ All Outings leave irom the Museum Car Park at the times indicated.

Daj.e Destina tion Depart Charge Leader.

8 Apr Invergowrie Bay 6.30 pom. 50p. Miss S.A.Lamg.

26 Apr, Lintrathen Loch 10.00 acEi. £1.00 J.M. Duncan;

6 May Balthayock Den 6.30 p.m. 25p« DoHaB,Howie.

n/^lG June Glen Garr, ffom Rum'bling Br. 6.30 PoBl. 50po J.H,Vallace.

^//^4 Jur.G Moulinalmond 6.30 Pw,a. 25p. MrSo S.Laing,

V 1 2 iiUgn Dowally 1 three lochs. 6.30 p.m. 50p. E.D.Cameron.

23 Augj Insh Marshes. 10^00 a.m. £2 a 00 T.Binny,

N^.__ ^he outing to the Isle of May, arra nged for 24 May is fully booked.


Bubber boots or other stout footwear shoal be worn. Packed lunches should be taken on the all-day outings.

At the request of landowners, NO dogs are allowed on outings. Charges quoted are to offset dnverd' petrol costs, and should be paid

directl'"" to the drivers involved. ^RTfTSHIEE FOCIETV pv NA1TFAL SCIENCE, OHMITPrSLIHICATj SECTIOM. 1

Bulletin lor March, Amil and !fey 1987


The mny winter bird visitors to Tterthshire lefr at about the usual, time for their Northern breedinp1 rrounds. Tcooner r^.g.ns v^ere observed ic several locations durinr the early roonths of the vear and 41, inc 3 iuveniles 1?'/ere on oil seed rape at Easter FJzynd on 12th ^Sarch, The last reports were of 3 adults and 2 juvs on Dunalastair Reservior on 12th ^^ril and 2nd ''a,y, one at L. an Dai»n Foss on 12th April, and one at Loch of Lowes on 13 and 21st Ar>ril (A.B. E.D.C. & Pinl:-footed Heese were present in substantial numbers at Carsebreck and Dunolin areas durin.0- March and April, blocks ^vere noted novin?? ?J6rth on 25th April in ^aick Pass, In ^len Quaich on 2Pth Anril and in r-len ^aur on 4tb 7lay. Murr'bers of Orela^ vere reported to be low on Csrs^breck during 'ferch and A^ri 1 the last 7Cfon 22nd April, 235^ were on DnaiT^oni Tt>nd on the 4th Ar.ril and up to CQC were in a field near Duhkeld durinr ^''arch and up to 12th April; flocks of 30-^60 were in the ?cone area, fron 4/Sth April (F.V.p,, E.'n.C, J.K, C.D. % E.S, > Barnacle Geeese "'ere in the Tibbexrore and Carsebreck areas in "•arch £ Anri mth a max. of 7 on 5th April at Tibbermore, the latest beinr 1 at Carsebreck ?3rd May. Lifrht- bellied Erent Cooqe ims observed near ''laddertr/ - far fron its noraal coastal habitat C-.V.B.) ^ocliard apr>eared in small numbers including 8 on Drurnond 'Pond l-5th I'arch. 34 on --the 21st and several on Mill Dam. foldeneye dsc included 39 on Dnimond Pond ^Ist "arch, 18 on loch Clunie 15th March; r~~on Otormont Loch 26th aprilr 10 on Mth Varch R. Ta^ at ^erth. E.D.C. p.A.L. C.D. !b F.8. "f.E.S.)

Ee^v fieldfares or Pedwinrs v/ere recorded, of the fomer there v/ere 2,0 nr '^uthill and no at ^lenearles on 15th March, 20 at Dalcruie on 24th March, snail nunbBEs in Car ^ark at loch ox Lowes 5/^th A^ril, 11 at N. Mirie and 50 at Mulr of Orchill on llth ^r^ril plus clOO nr. 'iarrietfield 12th Anril. There were 10 "ed^^in^s at Keltie Loch on Sth ,rarch and c50 nr. 1'a.rrietfield on 12th April, a flock of c50 nixed Eieldfare and Tledrvin"', ^ulchai 18th April. Erarnblinrs have been recorded in nixed finch ^locks; a flock of 50 Brarrfclin^s and Cahffinches at ^heriffpruir, on 7th March, up to J on and ^00 in Fifexed flocks at !fciir of Qrchill; 30 nr. Blackford on 5th April a,nd 50 nr. Crieff on 12th Anril. Snow Punting 15/20 in -^len Cochill 7th March CA.B. M.V.t. n.F. P.A.L. E.M.m.o


^nce a^ain the vaparies of the we3.tber nvsnt cause problerril, Sna rlen (S.A.L. E.?1".M. C.D. & E.S.) 21stApril Upper C-len I von (M.V.B.) 22nd April Loch ^amiocb (OJT.H.) 22nd A^ril ALnondbank (S.L.0 Cuckoo 2Dth April Sheriffeuir RtL Hay (V^er Glenalnond (S. ^ M.E.S.) ^vift 10th T%v Blairoovrie (S.R.E.), Tay lodFe (P.A.L.) llth ?fav Wauiriill (dosens ( .P.C. ) Ppjid T-'^rtin 10th April Kinfauns (E.C.) llth April P.. Tay ^erth (C.D. ft E.S.) 18th Anril *?, Almond (S.L.) ¦Swallav llth Srril E. Ta^ ^erth (C.D. % Ar>ril Carsebreck 20th •gi->ril Trjnfaims (R.C.) ElairsovKrie (S.^JT.) 2?nd April Scone (E.D.C.) 24th Aoril Eennore (O.L.A.) Generally seers to be low in mr^bers Ho-ose Martin 23rd April Fiiaij^ovvrie (0-.EJI.) 2nd ^av Carsebreck (".^.P.) Loch Kinardbchv, ^oss (E.D.C.^ Scarce in some areas more plentiful in others, Tree ^irdt /25th April Dalnacardoch, Calvine (F.D.C.) eth May TJnr>er Glenalmond (S. ft T'.E.S.) Redstart 27th Arril Dalnacardoch, Calvine (E.D.C.^ 0th May Ubper Glen Almond ^Tieatear"' lf>th April Dalnaspidal (E.D.C.) 15th Atiril N. '^aire (D.JJ.H.) 17th April ^otmell|och (J.w.) Pinn- HfTzel l.^th April Dalnaspidal (F.D.C.) Pedre T,7arbler 3rd May R. Tay, N. ^lirton (E.D.CL) Sth ^av Loch of lowes (A.B.) T'7hitethroat 20t- April Plaircowrie, (S.'H.P. Alrriondbanic (S.L.) ^-arden ^TarbleBK 2dd *!iay Blairrovrie (S.^.H.) f?th -fey Loch of lowes (A.B.) Blackcap IQth May Powravie (S.A.L.) (i ferrale at Scone ll/25th ^eb. (J.K.) _ TTcxxd ^axbler 22nd April Loch Eannoch (D.H.H.) 2&th ^.r-ril Butterstone, Dunkeld (E. Willow Warbler 18th April Sara Clen (S.A.L. C.D. & E.S.) Loch Rannoch (S.D.C.) Spotted Flycatcher 10th T'!ay Loch of Lowes (A.B.> 20th May Rlairmowrie (S.R.K.)

Selected Fr^cies Records On the P?nd A^ril 2 plack Throated niyers were recorded and at another loch 10th 'Jay, one of a paid ^yas on a nest. A T-attle P-rebe was on Dninmnnd Pbnd on 15th "'arch, a pair on -Loch !%allbrodden on 2P"f"h Anril-and another pair at f .. El Porn^be?- in early ^av. r-reat Crested Grebes xtere on P lochs be rciA narch, : ~ incliidinp- 10 en 'larlee and 6 on Stomont. At fec-ch of Lowes on 10th iipril a pair of Slavonian r-rebes was present dIus a single bird on ilth April and on" 24th April 2 of the uncorron Plack Necked Qrebes nlust 8 on- Stormont IjocIt 14th Wuy (S.A.L. A.R. T'.V.B." D.H.TI. •s.R.H. E.?T.M. C.D. &E.S. S. & M.F.R. J.W.) Hiniml reports were inade of ?\tte %7ans ; however there were -14 on DTiwond, 15th f'^arch and a nair (not nestinp) Pe^nybep- 3"i. Pay." 'wa^iada ^-eese were-in. their visual areas fronmid 'ferch with on on e^s by 26th April, There T.yere 2 pairs with posli- inFs on SBth May. Qnlv 2 '-anarin v/ere cbsprveD i/i fhe H. Tay Perth on 11th /pril but no doubt there must be more! Pad^ll w^re on three seperate sites between ?,Tarch and *fay. A drake rreen-wintted 'I'eal was on North KinJ-~ell on 5th. April - one was recordM in both the Kor£r^;x"~lS"ri4 and 19S5 - a rare species in Pertiishire I Shovelers were ax three cl^ceir. in Arril and "a^T with a irsaxirum of 6 at Carsebreclv on 2Pnd April. Ccytnon Scoter 4th I-'ay; 3 pairs in usual breedinf areas, r^ercanser v;ere on several locations; the pxeatest nunber beinpr 13 on Stoir-ont I_och (3?f, 5F) 26th April. Cloosanders were on Dronraond ?bnd on 8th "arch and 10 on 15th. Ten pairs were recorded m possible river breedinp- area?? durir^ April and ^feiv (A.B. M.V.n. E.D.C. D.H.JT. n.R.H. 8.A.L. SVu.CD. ft E.S. 8. & M.E.S. E.?1."'.)

TTen TJarriers, S^arrowhav/ks, Coden Eagles, Kestrels and Peregrines have all been recorded in "snail nurabers - let us hope tJiat they "had a successful nesting season A pair of Qspreys arrived at Loch" of Lowes on 4th Anril and althoQph sticks were added to the nest -and natinp- freouently occurred at the eyrie - particularly in late April/early 'fey - no err^s were laid, disapi^ointnient for the irany interest visitors to the Lobh - and no doifT: to the" ^^preys! Black Carouse reposts carne frori ten locations,: including ^len Frrccht" v?here 6 irales~vvere leI±Tn^ on 4th Fed lapsed 'nartridr!'e v/ere at f-1 phh.] I'cr-d IBth Ar>ril and reveral other remrts includjed the foilov/inf:- "sore suicidal birds on the ^ilnerton - Sna r-lea Road": (i\B. v.v.3. E.D.C. D.F.F. T.K. C.D. ft E.S.' BIft M.F.R. R.A.L.) That elusive bird the T'Tater Rail appeared on the R. Earn ?7th April. Baased ' plovers were in their usual inland breedinsr sites within the countv, a Flock of g^^olden Plovers ms at Tull iebardine on 22nd f'arch. Lonr^-eared Owls . were nr _ Perth on 12th ?1ay and sore fledged vounf? vere located. Green Woodpeckers were in the Scohe area on the 2nd 19th April and la Alrordbanl?". ^in'g-le- Great Spotted TToodneckers were nr. Loch Pajmoch on l^th ^^rch ^nd 18th April and a pair were displaying in Scone on 19th April (?'.V.B. F.D.C. 8.R.F. vS.A.L. S.L. S.'&5.S.8.> Prey TTari:ails do not appear to be particularly corton this year. A. Blackcap was at Powpuvie on 10th ?tav. A "a^rie was iir. Essendy durinf nay and a hooded Crow was nr. loch Ereuchie on l?th April~A Tlc^> of I? Ravens was recorded at HLen ^aich. ±n1'hiTch; - birds were-in-iheir usual- areas- in the coimty duri?iP: tlie nesting season, "further reports would tie welcorred. (?-\Vor. E.D.C. S.R.IT. S.A.L. C.D. & E. n.) A Tree Sparrow was at Inchaffray on KAh Arpil. 14th March a cbarrn of 6 C-oldfinches fed oh thistle seed a.t Rannoch ai?d on nth April c50 in a corapact flodi i^ere in a thistly field in the Rconp/Balneo-fr:e area. 1 pair freduented an Alnondbank parden in '-'ay. 2 Pairs of ^iskir^ we"- re^^l^r -visitors at a bird table in ^cone, Februarv/'^rch and in /ilmonfoa^1' one fed at a nut basket on the 24th/27th ''•'arch. A pair of Twites was on the Icwer soT>es of Schiehallion on 12th April and on the saipe dav clO v/ere nr. Crieff, another ^aid ^vith the male displayinfr was recorded on l^tih J^ay. elsewhere c4C "Pedp-oll vere at Rattray on 2nd April. Crossbills have been recorded in their usual areas and a far/iily party. with 3 younT were in lien Errochty on the 31st fay. Sin^ Ha?,d:inches were at Rcone on 9 & 22nd Arpil, 9th May, Plus one at' Blairpciwrie on 2f?th - ^pril.

PECORDS for June, July P- August to E.D. Cameron, 3 Rtormont Place, Scone, Perth by EARLY SEPTE?''PER pleae

Thajaks to all the follo^d.nCT who contributed recrods: - G.A. Aitchison, A J*. Barclay, w.V. Bell, R. Callir-an, E.D. Cameron, Miss S.R. Packer, D.Ji. T-?ov/ie, J. "Kirk, Mrs. S. Lainr. S.A. Lain~, Miss ^^F.^Iper, 5% ?^rs. C-.D. Scotland, T,tr. "& firs. 8. Shimeld. J.R. Wallace. Mrs. E.M. Marshall. _ " ! PERTHSHIEE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.



SELECTED SF3CIES RECORDS. Blaok-throated Divers had a very poor breeding season, only two pairs raising young; thaugh a single bird was seen on a "new" loch in June. Star ef the period must be the Great Northern Diver, in full summer plumage, which was first seen on 22 July, then on a different loch, but presumably the same bird, on 5 Aug. Little Grebes were reported' from Lower Rhynd L., Carsebreck and Drumore L., where they bred, arid L. Freuchie. Great Crest ted bred successfully on L. Freuchie, Dunkeld Mill Dam and Storm®nt L. There were tw«, net together, on the Tay at Perth cn"21 June and one •ff Port Allen on' 29 June. Most of1 the Black-necked Grebes disappeared from Stormon-t L., though two were still present on 1 June, and two or three stayed on Lowes through June, being last seen on 1 July (a1W,MVB,EDC,SRH,JK,SL,SAL). Three pairs of Mute Swans raised young on the Carsebreck lochs - better than last year. Pinkfeet lingered on Lower Rhynd L. 5 on 13 June and at least J on 17 Julyj' there were also Greylags, 2 and 6 on the respective dates. Feral Greylags were found in two main, probably moulting, flocks - c40 ori L. 'Rannoch and' 34 on L. Tununelj two broods were seen at L. Moraig (MVB,EDC, RAHS,REY). A Greenland Whitefront in a large flock of Canadas on Lowes on ± 4 Aug must be suspect - probably the one that used to frequent the Kercock area, where there were 70 Canadas on 16 Aug, and 11 on L. Freuchie on 4 Aug (A!13,E"DC, SAL,CD&ES). '' ' Probably 7 - '10 pairs of Wigeon, up to 7 of Teal and one pair of Shoveler attempted to breed at Carsebreck, though only two broods of Wigeon and one of Teal were seen. Vigeon numbers here reached 3^ on 17 -Aug, and 70 were' at'Drumore L. on 30 Aug. Very few Mallard appear to breed ai Carsebreck, though 260 were present on 17 Aug. Tufted Ducks did well again. Common Sorter broods of six and four were noted, with at least six females present. Broods of Mergansers were reported from the Earn and Carsebreck| of Goosander from L. Freuchie, the Bra^n, the Tay and the Ardleij a gathering of 14 was on Stormont L. on 31 Aug, and two male $ one female Ruddy Duck were there on 19 July (MVB,EDC,SRH<; Jl£, 3L,CD&ES,S<5cMES). 1 '' Red Grouse had a mixed breeding season; Black were seen in Gleri Lednock, Glen Quaich, M«ulin Moor and in Glen Garr, where there was & female with four young on 11 July, jptarmigan' were seen •ri Schiehallion. A cevey of ten Partridge / - 2 -

Partridge was at Kercock on 16 Au$. Moorhens bred again on the Errol Pow, as did Mallard, their absence over the past few years.being blamed on Mink. Coot seem to desert the Carsebreck lochs in Spring - only one pair bred* and there were only a few nen-breeders (]y(VBs,DIIH,CD&ES,EEY).

Three pairs of Ringed Plover hatched young on L. Lednock, where the water level was lowthere were also four on a ploughed field at Bridge, of Ericht, Rannoch, on May, one at Carsebreck on 19 June, and several at t . >' ' 1 1 ' i Kercock wi 16 Aug. A Golden Plover incubating four eggs,- eventual fate ¦unknown - was found above Glen Errochty;„ an agitated pair was, found in Little

Glen Shee on 7 July? s^d g, pair on on the same date.Lapwingg had gathered^into flocks by mid-June. Two Dunlin rested on a ploughed field at Errol on 21 Aug. The only Woodcock reported was one escorting yo/ung at Almondbank wi 7 June. Twenty-nine Curlew flew SI*/ over Carsebreck, on 2 July.

Many Common Sandpipers, appeared to have lost eggs or young; there were, five together _(? a family party) at Kercock on 3 July (MVB9EDC,DBI[,JK,SLSAL). About 150 "big" gulls were resting on the shingle above,Perth Bridge on 21 June. Two pairs of Lesser Black-backed attempted^ to nest in a. Common Gull colony, but both failed. Ten to twenty pairs of Common Tern»bred,on Tay shimgle beds; two were fishing off the North Inch on 21 June, and singles visited Carsebreck ,on 13 and 19 June (MVB,EDC),

August Cuckoos were in Upper Glenalmond on 4th and Glen Quaich on 18th. ghort-eared Owls there were aplenty! Probably indie ative of a good supply of Voles, as Kestrels have also been very c®mmon. The Owls include,d two adults and five juveniles together in Glen Shee, on 30 Aug. Th.e latest

Swifts were seen at Lowes on,14th, Almondbank •n,15t^», and Blairgowrie,on 22nd Aug. Kingfishers bred on ithe Earn near Crieff (fi,ve young seen) and at Stormontfield (three young); also recorded fr«m Almohdbahk and^JPitlochry. ^ Green Wpodpeckers bred at Pitroddie, and were seen ajt Crieff, Scone aj^d

, - . , • , StormcfttfL. (MVB EDC, SEH, JK, SL, SAL, EMM, CD&HJS, S&EMS, REY). , „ r , , Some 50+ Sand,Martins were observed at Kercock ^n 16 Aug^ and some were still over .Bennybeg Pond, Crieff, ijjn ,30 Aug. A brood of three young Swallows was still in the nest at R^nnoch wn 29 Aug. Next day. there was-a steady movdment of gwalloyrs and House Martins over Almondbank (SAL,CD&ES, ^MEBj.Two pairs of Grey Wagtails, seen coll-efiting food on the pra^n qn 20 gnd 22 July must, have, been rearing second broodswhilst one .on .passage was fee.;ding in a ditch near Errol on 25 Aug. A Pied Wagtail was feeding young at Almondbank on 3 Aug (DHH,CD&ES). Redstarts / - 3 -

Redstarts were recorded from the Sma' Glen and L. Meallbrodden.

Whinchats and Wheatears had a good breeding season, but no Stonechat reported. Ring Ouaels have been fairly common. A Redwing was heard singing in the West at the end of May. Two large flocks of Mstle Thrushes were noted - 34 in Glen Garr on 11 July and about 60 on bhe South side of L. Rannoch on 29 Aug (MV3,EDGpDHIIp Jji, SMffiS). Sedge Warbler jiuiubexs were perhaps not as high as usual, but Whitethroats were. Garden Warblers again bred close to the Lowes Visitor Centre, and elsewhere, but there were no reports of Blackcaps. Spotted Flycatchers were late in arriving and there were not as many arcand„ The Pied Flycatcher colony at Killiecrarikie thrived, and a singing male was located in Glenalmond on 10 June (AMBjMVB, SL,SAL,S&MESEEY). A flock of mixed tits mov/dng' through Scone gardens on 18 Aug included at least 27 Long-tailedc A Raven roost held 47 birds on 17 June, still 19+ on 7 July, but only one on 18 Aug; another site held 20 on 12 July and 21 on 16 Aug', one wonders where all these originate, and whether some birds have been counted at both sites. The Starling roost at Carsebreck held 1,000 on 26 July, increasing to 2,000 by 17 Aug (MVB). The Tree Sparrow colony at Blairgowrie had a good season, with some pairs rearing three broods, and over sixty young fledging (SRIl).Goldfinches with young were seen in an Almondbank garden on 23 June; also seen in Little Glen Shee. Sisiting, away fr®m peanuts, were in Upper Glenalmond on 4 Aug. A pair of Twite was in Little Glen Shee on 1 June, two male's in Glenalmond on 14 and 28 June, and four in Glen Cochill on 19 July. A family of Crossbills, with four other adults, was seen in the Black Wood of Rannoch on 51 May. Away from Scone, three Hawfinches were watched at Almondbank on 31 Aug as they fed in Ornamental cherry trees (]}WB,SL9SAL,EMM,CD^ES).

WAHTED. Numerate Members to help to count geese for The WiMfowl Trust's annual census, on Sunday, 15th Hove mber. Minimal knowledge of geese required, but ability to rise early essential! Volunteers apply to Editor, please,

TEAMS. The Editor would like to thank Cecil Scotland for undertaking the production of the previous Bulletin Records for September, October, November, in early December, please, to

E.D.Cameron, 3 Stormont Place, Scone, Perth PH2 6Sr. Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were Dr. A.M.Barclay, Dr. M.V.Bell, E.D.Cameron, Miss S.R.Hacker , D.H.Howie, J.Kirk,Mrs. S.Laing, Miss S.A.Laing, Mrs. E.M.Marshall, C.D.&E.Scotland, S.&M.E.Shimeld, Dr. R.A.H.Smith, REE.Youngman. PEHTHSEIEE SOCIETY 0? NATURAL SCIENCE.



Smv^'^R DEPARTURES. With the onset of Autumn, our simmer visitors gradually- made their way southwards - some Swallows however, lingered later than normal. Th$ last Cororaon Sandpiper was noted at L. Ordie on 24 Oct. Swallowa were in various locations during September and October - three juveniles, just flying were with two adults in Aberfeldy on 28 Sep, a single bird was at Blairgowrie on 9 Nov and two at Almondbank on 2 12th. The latest House Martins were two over Rcone on 7 Oct. Three Ring Ouzels were in Glen Quaich on 28 Sep, in a large mixed flock of thrushes. A Blackcap was in a Blairgowrie garden on 19 Sep and a pair in Scone on 12 Nov. Another warbler, a Chiffchaff was in Glen Quaich on 28 Sep. Three juvenile Spo_tted Flycatchers were with an adult in Scone on 12 Sep (MVB,EDO,SRH,JK,EMM,CD&ES). WINTER ARRIVALS. September and October bring great numbers of migrant birds from the far North to Perthshire. These include thousands of Greylag and Pink-footed Geese, the sight and sound of which give a lot of pleasure to those of us who look forward to their arrival.

The first Whopper Swans were seen by E.M.M. on J Oct at Dalreoch (5). Subsequently there were quite a few sightings in various locations, including Carsebreck, L. of the Lowes, the Rhynd,

Drumore L., Stormont L., Strathtay and L. Kinardochy. 31, including 12 cygnets, (families of 5» 4 and 3 )» were on a small loch near Blacklunans on 10 Nov. 27 were at Drumore L. onl 5 Nov. Pinkfeet were first noted on 19 Sep by four observers in separate locations - Almondbank, Blairgowrie, L. of Lowes and Scone. By 23rd, an estimated 12,000 were present in one area, and at Carsebreck about 11,000 were present on October and November counts. A goose with leucistic plumage was reported. A European Whitefront was at L. Clunie on 13 Sep ( probably the same bird as noted there last winter), and one of the Greenland race was elsewhdre, with Pinkfeet, on 4 Oct. 100 Greylags at Loch ' Clunie on 13 Sep were possibly feral and/or winged birds - also 5 a-t Kercoclc on 11 Sep and 9 at Drumrnond Pond on 13th. Numbers built up and by 18 Oct there were 5»000 at Lrummond Pond, 880 at Carsebreck, 900 at Clunie and 860 on Lowes. By 18 Nov, the total for these four sites was approximately 6,000. A Snow Goose / _ 2 -

A Snow Goose was present at Cafsebreck on several visits, and a Greater Snow was at another site on 4 Oct. Barnacle Geese were reported from four areas, in¬ cluding Carsebreck and Dalreoch, 20 being the most present (AtCBj.MVBjELC, SJl£ls JK,SAl,CD&ES,S&MES). The first Goldeneye reported was one at L. Eannoch on

20 Oct, and subsequently at eight other locations^ the maximum being 27 at Carsebreck on 15 Nov. Fieldfares- up to 50 were at Blair Atholl on 8 Oct 5 aboub '500 flew'ifest in Glen Quaich on 24 Oct, during a 2 hr 20 min period$xxxx smali / medium sized flocks elsewhere. Re'dwings were first heard from 1st to 4th Oct, passing nightly over Scone; flocks of varying sizes up to 60 were in several locations. Br amblings were in four areas, and a flock of 30 was in Glen Quaich on 1 Nov. During Vmter, these attractive birds are sometimes in Chaffinch flocks - see if you can spot themj (i\MB,MVB,SDC jDIIH, SBF, JK,CD&ES). SELECTED SHCC'l^S feffCQRDS. Little Grebes were at several Ideationsf and four ( including two juveniles, at -Drumore L. on 11 'Oct, with thre'e at Kercock the same day. A pair of Great Crested with two late young were at L. of Lowes on 1 Sep, and other reports included 14 birds at Marlee L. Cormorants often perch on an island tree at the North Inch? 33 were there on 21 Nov, two of i 1 1 , . 1 ¦ ' which were having a tug-of^war with a stickI 81 Mute Swans at Carsebreck on , > • 1 'J 8 Nov was a high number, which ha? fallen rapidly since; 21 were at Stormont L. on 17 Oct and '17 at Monk Myre on 23rd; over 50 were on Drummond Pond on Oct and Nov counts; four adults were in the Rhynd area on 20 Nov with two 'Whooper i Swan cygnetsJ 209 Canada Geese were at L. Clunie on 13 Sep, and c50 at Kercock and 20 on Drummond Pond on 1 Nov. Only 14 Mandarin were on the Tay at North Inch on 18 Oct and 21 Nov - about half of last year's number. Highest counts of Wigeon ^^ere clOO at Drumore L.' on 11 Sep, 120 on Drummond Pond on 18 Oct,

87 at L. Preuchie on 24 Oct,'150 at Carsebreck on 15 Nov, 30 on Scone Palace Shingle 21 stand 40 at North Kinkell Pool on 23rd, Gadwall were on four sites; 8 being the highest number, on 13 Sep. Teal seemed fairly numefous, with reports from nine locations, including 146 at Carsebreck on 22nd and 50+ at ' AM Goddens Pool on 29 Nov. Shovelers were at several sites, including 10 at orth Kinkell on 20 Sep and 4 Oct, and 9 at Carsebreck on 8 Nov. 277 Pochard at Carsebreck on 15 Nov was the highest number noted. Five immature female Scaup were there on 22 Nov. Nine Mergansers were on the Tay at North Inch on 18 Oct, and five there on 21 Nov, with up to 8 Goosanders (ArtB,MVB,EDC,DEH,SjRE,JK SiiLjCDiSES, S&MES) . A lien Harrier / " ¦*> -

^ -"IS-G. Hca-rr^er was at uarselDreck on 20 Sep, and there Avere several

B^ircings in Glen Quaicli, Buzzards were in various locations and Golden Eagles w.:p nlBO noted A Merlin was at L» of Lowes on ?8 T'ep. A Kestrel was at Errol and another at Drumore L. in October, and twelve other sightings were recorded, A Peregrine was at a Starling roost on Wo occasions in October. Sixteen Black Grouse were in C-len Quaich on 28 Sep„ 27 Partridges were noted there on 1 Nov and 10 were at Kercock on 11 Sept and 20 on 2 Novo A Water Rail t^rnod up at Car^ebreck on 8 Nov, At Kercock, on11 Sep* an adult and a juv, Moorhen were notedaCcots were at six locations9 including 105 at L. Clunie on 13 Sep and 272 at Druromond Pond on 1 Nov; a dead, bird was at Glendoick Stank, plus a live one, on29 Nov. Pour Oystercatchers were at Tullybelton I,,on 13 Sep and six on a ploughed field at North Muirton, Perth, on 21 Nov, At Jrmergask on 20 Svp, there were 120 Goi den Plu ^r, Three 'Mil's.0 weie at Gcddens Pool on 11 Oct and six at Kercock on 2 Nov, A Woodcock was teen at Blair ^tholl on 8 Ocoa A Greenshank appeared at a floodwater pool a'u Glathymore on 20 Sep, were at Kercock on 11 Sep, and 19 were in fields in front of Scone Palace on 21 Nov, A large flock of Black-headed Gulls were following

a plough near Errol on 15 Oct. Two Lesser Black-backed Gulls were at Goddens Pool on 11 Oct, and 19 Herring Gulls flew up the Tay, then the Tummel, at

Ballinluigoii Tawny Owl was abroad at Kercock on 11 Sep, at Up to seven Short-eared Owls were in Glen Quaich on 10 Oct and five on 14 Nov.

On 1 Nov, a dead Kingfisher was found on the roadside Drumrjcnd and Bennybeg Ponds. Green Woodpecker records were Dunkeld Mill Pauj on 2 Sep, Blairgowrie on 3 Oct, Deuchney Wood and Pitroddie on 6 Oct and Blacklunans

on15th» A Great Spotted was at Scone on 8 Nov. 33 Pied Wagtails gathered in Davie Park, Blairgowrie, on 24 Sep, and a White Wagtail was at Stormont Lo on 11 Sep. 20 Mistle Thrushes were in Glen Lednock on 3 Sep, 32 nea,r Carsebreck t on 20 Sep, and c58 in a flock in Glen Quaich on 28 Sep. -1 Goldcregt was in an

Errol garden on 27 Oct, and a flock of 10 Long-tailed Tits, with other tits at Ballinluig on 20 Nov. A Treecre j-perwas near Almondbank on 20 Sep, and

another near L. Clunie on 15 Nov (LV39Wni9¥W ^>15, ST?H, JF,CD&Eo? » Six Carrion Crows were around Goddens Pool on 11 Oct, and 14 Piayens elsewhere, as they flew off to roost, on 14 Nov. Plocks of f^everal hundred Chaffinches were in Braco, near Blackford and in Glen Quaich on several dates in Sep and Nov 250 Greenfinches were south of Crieff on 22 Sep, dOO at

Pardrjll, Blackfor-d, on 7 and c ! SO on stubbl^ near Pi+: ciidit- 22 Kcv, At Blairgowrie on 20 Sep, there was a charri of 15 Goldfinches, end on 6 Oct there were j or b in Pitroddie Ben; on iS Oct, 12 were by the North Inch Golf Course and / and aboLrc JO on T/icody Is, , Perth, At Pa?nnoch or >

cjgerved in Peithshire for September, October and IJo'/ember ^\3QrJa F2M ATLAS 0"F TfoEfciDIFG BIEDSo Spring 1988 sees the start of fie^dwork for the BoT.Co's New Atlas of Breeding Birds, the p^evj-oos Atla? having Vien p'j.bli ched in !976« Tne more helpers in the field, iho better the covc-rage will bo for oar area, so hands up the volunteersl The Organiser for Scotland,, i)r0 James Beid„ is

due to speak the Tayside Branch, SoO„C<. meeting on Thursday, 11 February, in tne KcManus Museum, Albert Square, Dundee, at 7° 30 PoHio, &nci anybody interested should try to get along. The local Organiser will be R.E.Youngpian, Atholl Banlc, East Moulin Road, Pitlochry, PHI6

COjMTRIBUTORS to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their imtials, were;

Br, AoM.Barclay, Dr. M,Y.Bell, EoDoOafaeron, Miss S.RoHacker, D.H.Howie,J.Kirk,

Miss S.A.Lairg, Mrs. S.M.Marshall, C0D0& Mrs. E.Scotla.nd, S.& Mrs. M.E.Shimeld,

TH/v5FKS, once again, to Cecil Scotland for producing b^e Bidletin, E.D.C.

BEOOPiBS for December 1987? January and February, please, to E.D.Cameron, 3 Stormont Place, Scone, Perth, PE2 63r- early in March - bring them

along to the Section A.G.M2 All details are veiy welcome. If possible, please send your list of

species noted in the ordex1 in which you would find them in a modern Field Guide ( "Vooas Order" ), a.nd with the dat^s in chronological order. This maices it a lot easier to prepare for publication - thank yea.

We wish you HAPPY BIRD-WATCHING in 1988 - and don't forget to feed the garden birds during the v/inter monthsi ' I, a ?) \j ^ LcJjf' i dhui^.JUj£ 7 v rEFTHSHXRE SOCIETY OF NATUEAL SCIENCE. v*^1 ^ J I i i QRNITKOLOGICAL SBCTIM. ,


SELECTEI) SEBO'lES RECORDS s A solitary Little Grebe on the River Tay at the North XH&h on 3 Inch on y\ Jan was the only one of this species recorded. On 27 Feb, a pair

of Great Crested Grebes gave a full ritual display with weed presentation etc 1 1 1 on a loch near Perth, and on L. Clunie, on 21 Feb; two single birds' were on

other lochs. The R. Tay Cormorant roost at the North Inch held an average of 24 birds, with a maximura of 27 on 31 Jan. Herons were at four locations, with a max of 7 at Drummond Pond on 27 Feb (MVB,EBC,JK,CD&ES). Swans were frequently noted, but no Bewick's to date. Smallnumbers of adult and juvenile Mute Swans associated closely and amicably with the Whoppers near Rhynd; were at Drummond Pond on 13 Dec, 60 on 17 Jan, and 44 at Carsebreck on 10 Jan. &n adult at Lindores Loch on 14 Feb had a white DARVIC ring, no. 685. It had been ringed as a cygnet in Lothian on 18 Aug 1984« Miss M.F.Piper saw what must have been a splendid, sight when, on 3 Dec, a flock of 30 Whoppers flew up the R. Earn neaaa Einkell. Numbers near Rhynd increased from 10 (8 ad &, 2 juv) on 1 Dec to a max of 61 (47 ad & 14 juv) on 18 Jan. A leg-ringed adult' male (ENA) has remained with this flock during three successive winters and was ringed at Caerlaverock in Feb, 1983* 3^ were near Meigle on 13 Dec and 21 at- Drummond Fond on 20 Dec. On 7 Feb, 12 were at

Carssebreck and 44 at Easter Rhynd. iin uncommon visitor wasa Bean Goose which was with Pinkfeet near Methven on 27 Feb (MVB). On a damp foggy evening (8 Jan), numerous Pinkfeet were flying very low over Almondbank in the dark, constantly calling- a not uncommon uccurence for geese in foggy conditions. Between 2,800 and 49400 were at Carsebreck during Jan / Feb, and 1,500 were near Perth on 27 Feb. About 1,200 were near Waterloo on 17 Jan,and c 1,000 there on 23 Feb. A Greenland Whitefront was with Pinkfeet on 27 Feb. Numbers of

Greylags seemed low in the Strathearn - Drummond - Carsebreck areas, but were reasonably numerous elsewhere. 62 Canada Geese were at L. Clunie on 13 Dec, and 21 were on L. Monzievaird and 19 at L. Balloch on 13 Feb. Barnacle Geese turned up in small numbers again, with up to 7 at Tibbermore in Jan & Feb, and three at Carsebreck (MVBjEDC,JKjI'FPjCD&ESjS&MtflS). Mandarin numbers are very low compared with former years. Only four wer at the North Inch on 1? & 31 whereas in Feb 1982 there were 46, and in the following Dec, 48. Last Oct & Nov, there were 14 - what has happened ? 220 Wigeon / - 2 - ' i ' , ¦ ¦ 220 Wigeon werd on Drummond Pond on 17 Jan and 407 on 27 Feb. A pair of Gadwall was on a loch near Perth on 27 Feb, and another two at Drummond Pond. Teal were about in small numbers, with _73 a-t Carsebreck, on 1,3 Jan. Pochard numbered 77 at Carsebreck on 10 Jan and 40 at Lruminond Pond on 17 Jan, with smaller numbers elsewhere. Tufted were in various locations, including 121

at Carsebreck on 10 Jan and 105 a-t Drummond on 27 Feb. Goldeneye were at the

North Inch on several occasions, with a max 19 on 13 Dec, and 29 at Drummond

Pond on 27 Feb. Five Mergansers were at the North Inch on 13 Dec. Goosanders were on several lochs in significant numbers, includin,? 32 on one site on 27 Feb, aM 19 at the North Inch on 10 Jan (MVB.EDC,JZiCD&ES^asMES). Hen Harriers were in Glen Quaich during January. A Sparrowhawk was very active in Almondbank, and on 2 Jan, three times scattered the birds feeding on bird food outside the writer's house - some feathers flewJ At

Scone, on 29 Dec, a Buzzard was mobbed by crows, and during Feb, two pairs were in other areas,. Kestrels were in several locations, including two near ^ Strathallan Airfield on 10 Feb. On 20 Feb,Black, Grouse were near Buchanty Burn, and three near Tullybelton Loch on 21 Feb.Two Eed-legged Partridges were near Ehk

Burrelton on 20 Feb. Oystercatchers were very evident during Feb, including 200 at Scone Palace shingle, 30 at Stare Dam on 21 Feb, $1 there on 23 Feb. Lapwings were present at Inveralmond and North Muirton throughput the period., and large flocks were in the Kinkell, Glen Quaich, Bankfoot and Buchanty areas. A Woodcock was near Almondbank on 1 Jan. Five 'Whimbrel at Port Allen on 21 Feb, and JO Curlews at Scone Palace shingle on 17 Jan (MVBjTG&MBjEDCjJK, SL,MFP,CD&ES). Short-eared Owls were m the Glen Quaich / L. Freuchie area from ' 1 l Dec - Feb, and one was hunting at Madderty on 5 Dec. A Kingfisher was at

Drummond pond on 10 Jan (further reports would be of interest). On 30 Dec and 7 Jan, a Green Woodpecker was on Kinnoull Kill, and a Gfeat Spotted was ( near Almondbank on 1st & 7th Jan. It seemed that Spring was nigh when a Skylark sang overhead near Tullybelton Loch on 2,1 Feb!

Quite large flocks of Fieldfares were reported to b® in Almondbank,

Bfaco, Gask, Muir of Orchil etc. during Jan and Feb. Redwings , however, were not common, although a flock of dOO at Cambusmore, Callander, was significant. 21 Mistle Thrushes were at Almondbank on 8 Dec. /; Goldcrest was near Logie House on 21 Feb, ( This, the smallest European bird, is often singing in conifers, but can be easily missed! ). Long-tailed Tits - ever on the move - were in small flocks of up to 12 at Almondbank, Logie

House, Kinnoull Hill and Scone.Twenty were at South Loch Rannoch on 14 Feb. Treecreeper was at Logie Hotise on 21 Feb. A pre-roost flock of 95 Carrion Crows headed from outside Scone to Deuchny Wood on 13 Dec, and 40 fed in a field / field at Kilspindie on 10 Jan. Ravens were in Glen Quaich on several occasions, with c30 there on 31 Jan. One optimistic Starling sang by a nesting hole on 14 Feb, at South Loch RannochI 40 Tree Sparrows were at Orchill Muir on 5 Dec, and others were near jilmondbank 111 Jan - Feb. A flock of 30 Bramblings was at Orchill Muir on 5 Dec and another of 50 near Braco on 19 Dec. Large flocks of Greenfinches were near Blackford, Braco and Strathallan during December, and 35 were around Scone gardens on 2 Jan. Forty

Goldfinches were at Sheriffmuir and 14 at Orchill Muir on 5 Dec. Two were in

Little Glen Shee on 17 Jan. 20 Siskins were at Woody Is. on 17 Jan, feeding on alder cones, and others were reported for Jan / Feb. Large flocks of Twite were noted, especially near Braco, where several hundred were seen in Jsn / Feb. Euan Cameron was fortunate to see 25 Crossbills sunning and preening themselves in the treetops of Tummel Forest on 3 Jan. Two pairs of Bullfinches were at Scone in Jan / Feb, and another two pairs in Almondbank in Feb. Two Hawfinches were seen in Scone on 29 Dec, and another on 13 Feb. Two Snow Buntings were at Carsebreck on 12 Dec, and two near Fowlis Wester on 16 Jan. A flock of c50 Yellowhammers was at Orchill Muir on 5 Dec, and ahother 50 at North K.inkell on 12 Dec, two at Stormont Loch on 7'fch, and c25 at Woody Is., Perth, on 21 Feb. A. male Reed Bunting was singing at Carsebreck on 27 Feb (MVB,TM!B,E3X3,JZ,SL,t1FP,KIi,CD&ES,S4iyiES).

Contributers to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials, were: M.V.Bell, T.G.&M.Binny,E.DoCameron, J,Kirk, Mrs. S.Laing, Miss M.F.Piper, K.Ringland, C,D.&E.Scotland, S.& M.E.Shimeld - 151:JK YOU FOR YOUR INVLLUABLE HELP.

TKhJKS. As the recently retired Editor of the Bulletin, I would like to thank most sincerely all those who have helped over the past fourteen or so years. Nanette McLachlan's typing was far more professional than my own more recent efforts; Irene McKinnie, and latterly, John Kirk, have been responsible for getting the Balletin printed; Irene, again, Sandra Hacker, Ian McLachlan, John Wallace, David Doig, David Howie, have all helped with the distribution of the finished article in their home areas. Without records from Members, there would be no Bulletin, so thanks t o all of you too. Now please keep the records and observations flowing in to help your new Editor, Cecil Scotland! and, those of you who haven't contributed regularly in the past, why not start now ? _ .njiictn «D o 0 »

P.S.N.S. / - 4 - P.S.N.S, OHNIEOLOGIC/iL SECTION BULIETIN. Our Section, formed 25 years ago, has always encouraged Members to send in their "bird sightings". , , These records have been gathered into the form of .a bulletin, brought out at intervals, which, in the early days, sometimes became a. little irregular and extended.

Euan Cameron has provided us with a regular and extremely well produced Bulletin now for a great many years. I think it must be at least fifteen years or more, Euan himself cannot remember just how long age? he took over the duties! In addition, Euan took on the job of our local S. 0. C.

Recorder not long after that, and has also been involved in the compiling, ¦4 with others,, of the "Perthshire Bird Reports". The careful sifting of information and setting it out in a clear and interesting manner requires a very great deal of time and thought, and we have so often had useful little "extras" of comment or ques.tionto catch and stimulate our interest, and fan our efforts to be diligent observers, and to remember to write in about our sightings J Euan now takes a very well-earned rest from these labours, and it is timely to record our warm appreciation. Thank you and well done! John Kirk, President, Perthshire Society of Natural Science. RECORDS. Records for March, April and May, please, to CoD.Scotland, J Bridgeton Place, Almondbank, Perxh, PHI 31®. Please submit these as early as practicable after May.

SECTION COiMTTEE FOR 1988 - 198% Chairman ; Nr. C. D. Scotland. Vice Chairman ; Mr. J. H. Wallace. Hon. Secretary ; Miss S. A. Laing.

Hon. Treasurer s Mr. D. H. B. Howie.

Bulletin Editor s Mr. C. D. Scotland.

Committee Members s Miss M. P. Piper, Mrs. E. Symon, S>a\c^


All Outings leave from the Museum Car Park at the time stated. Late Destination Depart Charge Leader

Sun. 1? Apr. Tayport & Morton Lochs. 10,00 a.m. £1.00 Miss S. Laing,

Wed, 4 May Balnaguard Glen. 6.30 p.m. 75p•A.M. Barclay. 'Wed. 18 May Kercock. 6.30 p.m. 50poCoD.Scotland.

Wed, 1 Jun. Culcrieff, Crieff, 6.30 p.m. 75p. Mrs.M.Shimeld

Wed. 15 Jun. Loch Freuchie. 6.30 p.m. 75?® E.D.Cameron,

Sun. 26 Jun. Fowlsheugho 10.00 a.m. £2,00 D.H.Howie.

Sun. 14 Aug, Port Allen. 1.30 p.m. 50p. Mrs. E.Symon. Wed, 24 Aug. Bennybeg & Kinkell. 6i30p.m. '/Sp-'Miss M.Piper,

Notes. Rubber boots or other stout footwear shoul be worn.

Waterproof clothing desirable, and often necessary!

At the request1 of landownersj NO dogs are allowed on Outings.1

Packed lunches etc. should be taken on all-day Outings. Change's quoted are to offset drivers' petrol costs, and should be 'paid directly to the drivers involved.

You will, I am sure, enjoy these outings - hopefully the weather will be kinder to us than last year. Please bring your friends, and perhaps they may be encouraged to join the P. S. N. S. Ornithological Section.

I trust that you have a most enjoyable Spring and Summer, and please remember that your bird reports are valuable to us.

Best Wishes, Cecil Scotland.

Chairman. n«.



WINTER VISITORS : : r-i < ; There were few WHOPPER SWANS' recorded1 'after March' though one' lingered -until at least 23rd April. 39 (including 11 juveniles) were 'near Rhyfrid on 7th 'March and 41' near Meigle on tHe 27th* PINK-FOOTED GEESE were still here in May with 2f 500 at Carsebreck on the 2nd. 1 There was, however, a "major departure" overnight 4/5 May and only 10 Remained on' the 16th. At another location 4f000'were present' at dawn in Mid March and 3>000 in April. A GREENLAND WHITEFRONTEL GOOSE was with Pinkfeet near Sawmills on 19th March and 2 of the European race we're with Pinkfeet near Tibbermore on Sth .Appril. GREYLAG GEESE were present-in reasonable numbers during Mid March, but b$i Mid April their numbers had declined and 60 flying near Inchaffray on 23rd April were the last of the season; Orie or two BARNACLE GEESE were in the Tibbermore and Carsebreck areas on several occasions during March and AprjLl ajid 5 were recorded near ^ibbermore on 13th and 19th March, (Presumably these birds!were with Pinkfeet or Greylag) 4 were with 1,750 Pinkfeet on 8th April near Tibbermore. GOIPENEYES 6 were at Carsebreck on the 6th 41 at Woody Island^ River Tay at dusk'on the 12th and 32 at Lqch;Faskally on 28th March. A Male gfew was at Loch Faskally on 28th March - an irregular visitorJ (MVBjEDCfJK^MFPjCD & ES, S & MES) Many more FIELDFARES than REDWINGS were noted. Of the former there were flocks of 110 Nr Comrie on 5tii March, 200 near Bucihanty on 12th: March, 30 at Dalnacardoch on both the 2nd and 16th April, A flock of 4/500 were near Buchanty on 27th April. Only 20 Redwings at Drummond on 5th March and 20 with the Fieldfares,at¦Dalnacardoch on 2nd April were recorded. "One BRAMBLING at Scone on 4th March (MVB,EDC,D&H,NH) ' ' ¦~V


Spring is an exciting time of the year for birdv^atchers, when all the migrants are returning from their warmer winter haunts in the South. The shrill screeching of Swifts as they fly'over'town and.countryside seems to set the scene for summer. ' ' '

Earliest 1988 dates reported forj-

COMMON SANDPIPER 17th April, Sma1 Glen (MVB) Marlee Loch (SRH) C-U^Kc.fi V ' ' ' 24th April, Shian Hill., Scone (EDC) 25th April, Gollace (DHH) bth'Miay, Blacklunans (SRH)

SWIFT 7th May, Blairgowrie"'j , (SRH)¦ ¦ ' 11th- ¦ May, Scone. i • i 1 (EDC) . > j ¦ ¦ 1 SAND MARTIN T7th April, Carsebreck (MVB)1' 2'0th April Blairgowrie (SRH) •21st April, Glen Quaich ( S & MES) 1 i » ' , J r \ SWALLOW 13th April, Muire'dge (DHH) 17th April, Sma'. Glen, Glen Quaich (MVB)2dth April, Blairgowrie, Almdhdbank and Upper Glen Almond (SRH, CD & ES, S & MES) ¦ • : 2 HOTJSE MARTIH 7"th May, Dalnacardoch (EDO) 8th May, Blairgowrie (SRH)

TBEE PIPIT 23rd April, South Loch Rannoch (EDO)

REPORT 10/13th May, Rannoch area (DHH)

WHINCHAT 24th April, Inchcoonans (DHH^ 5th May Glen QuSCich (MVB)" 14th May, South Loch Rannoch (EDO)

>, 1 i , ; WHEATEAR 2nd ^prili, Dalnacardoch (EDO) 4th Jipril Glen G^frr (MVB) 5th Upper pien •almond (S & MES) -

RING OUZEL 5th April, Upper Glen Almond (§ & MES) ,17th April, Sma' Glen (MVB) ' *

GRASSHOPPER WARBLER ,2nd May Carsebreck (MVB) (This ,war"bler has a most distinctive'and' ifar-carrying song, on one high note which -is like the winding of, an angler'is reel). , - ,

SEDGE WARBLER 8th May, Carsebreck (MVB) Biairgowrie (SRH) , ,

WHITETHROAT ¦ 5th May, Scone '(EEC) 8th May, Blairgowrie, (SRH)

GARDEN WARBLER 8th May, Blairgowrie (SRH) 10th May,; .Butterstone'(EDO)

BLACKCAP 2nd .May, Blairgowrie (SEH) . •

WOOD WARBLER 20th April, Rannoch area (DHH) 10th May, Buttefston'e (EDC) ~ , , ,• ,

CHIFFCHAFE i21st May, > Glen Lyon (EDC),' (Not an especially common bird in Perthshire, but its distinctive repeated song,, makes it one of the easier Warblers to recognise)

WILLOW WARBLER 14th April, Kinnoul Hill (EDC) 17th' April, 'Buchahty are^. (S &. MES^ i19th April, Blairgowrie (SRH)

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 19th May (MPP) 23rd May, Blairgowrie (SRH) 25th May, Errol, (DHH) "


A BLACK THROATED DIVER was in the Rannoch area on 21st ^arch and 2 were there on 21/24th May. . LITTtiE GREBES .were reco-Med/on -fAye ^differ¬ ent Lochs during March/April, and 2 pairs were on Buchanty Porld 17'th April GREAT CRESTED GREBES were on five different lochs including 4 at Carsebreck on 25th May. No less than .22, BLACK NECKED GREBES •tyere on a loch in central Perthshire in mid April. CORMORANTS on tree roosts at the North Inch and Loch Clunie are an amusing spectacle and 34 were at the former on 12th March, and up to "J4 at Clunie on 16th April (MBV, EDC,DHH,JK,CD & ES,S & MES) At Carsebreck on 6th March there were 10 adul-t and 15 juvenile MUTEr SWANS; .5,8 birds on Drummond Pond nn 13th March ,qnd pairs nesting on three other lochs on 17th April. 18 CANADA GEESE were at Kercock on 19th March and a pair with 4 goslings were on Loch Freuchie 5th May. There were reports of 20+ WIGEON on nine diff¬ erent lochs, the maximum number being 200 on Drummond Pond 13th March. 3

GADWALIA were at 5 locations including two pairs, N. Kinkell 10th A^jSll SHOVELER were at' 3 lochs in April including a flock of 20.aflgf GOQSAMDEBS were at a small loch on 10th March (much to the delight of the writerJ) 2 pairs of RUDDY DtfcK were reported at another loch in mid April (The British population originated from free flying birds reared at the Wild¬ fowl Trusb at Slimbridge) (MVBfEDC.fgBH, JK,CD & ES.S & MES) A HEM HARRIER was in Glen Quaich on 12th arch and also a BUZZARD. At least two pairs of Buzzards were loiown to breed .elsewhere and 5 birds were seen in one glen. GOLDEN EAGLE was also in this glen, and. at another location at least'one egg had hatched by mid May. Two pairs of OSPREY were recorded,'at least one of which probably hatched young* MERLINS were sighted at two locations including a pair whiph. nested. PEREGRINES were in three areas including one flying over its usual nesting site on 9th March. BLACK GROUSE reports came from Glen Quaich, Glen Gaylrr, Little Glenshee, Glen -^rrachty etc. CAPERCAILLIES were in two woodland areas including 2 hens at Dalnacardoch on 7th May. 2 RED LEGGED PARTRIDGE were on the road in the Sma1 Glen on 24th another was py the roadside near Stanley on 18th May and a further 2 were at Blairgowrie on 27th May. (it has been suggested by one observer that these birds must have a 'death wish' in Perthshire, as they are invariably on roadsJ) RINGED PLOVER appeared inland at N. Kinkell on 17th April, Carsebreck on 23rd, and Kercock on 24th April. One was at Greenloanihg on 22nd May. GOLDEN PLOVER were near Stanley on 12th March, 6 in Glen Quaich on 14th and 4 at'South Loch ^annoch in suitable breeding area on the 26th. Pour WOODCOCK were "roding" near Bridge of Gaily on 21st March. A flock of 24*Jflj!DSHANK was on floodwater near Inchaffray on 2nd "^pril. On 12thAnarch 2 GREENSHAHK were at the West end of Loch Preuchie ( The latter were recorded by Mr.J. Kirk who besides seeing many other bird species on this cold March day, also saw 60+ white (blue) Mountain Hares on the road through to Kenmore. A GREEN SANDPIPER turned up at Loch Errochty in mid May. (MVB,EDC,DHH,SRH,JK,CD & ES,S & MES)

SHORT BARED OWLS were recorded from several locations including Glen Quaich. A GREEN WOODPECKER was at Pitroddie Den, Rait, on 1 Jth iVlarch and 28th May and another was heard near Buchanty on 17th April. The brightly coloured GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER was at Pitroddie Glen on 10th March. At The Hermitage, Dunkeld, both a GREY WAGTA.IL and DIPPER carried food to their nests on 12th May. Two LONG TAILED TITS were in Almondbank on 7th and 10th March (maieimum of 10 on the 12th Mar oh) 2 TREECREEPERS were "prospecting" at Loch Rannoch on 21st March. A MAGPIE was in Blairgowrie on 11th March and one was found dead on the road at Rattray on the 28th| two were in Glen Quaich on 14th. Sixteen RAVENS were in Glen Quaich on 9th ilpril - it is surprising that there were no more reports. A flock of 10 TREE SPARROWS was at Balcraig, Scone on 24th ^pril and by 19th May there were two birds in a nest box near Crieff. A BRAMBLING was at Scone on 4th warch; 3 GOLDFINCHES at Crieff in a large flock on 23rd ^pri^ 2 SISKINS in Glen Quaich on 4th ¦ilpril and 4 in the Sma' Glen on the 5th. About 150 TWITE were at Crieff and 45 more at Carsebreck on 23rd April. Small numbers were scattered elsewhere on high ground. c30 REDPOLLS were at South Loch Rannoch on 23rd April. One or Two HAWFINCHES were in Scone area during ^arch and on the 6th, Thirty were counted in trees near Scone Palace (D. Clugston per. Miss V.M. Thorn) Quite large flocks of YELLOWRAMMERSand CHAFFINCHES were near Rhynd on 7th March. (MVB,EDC,DHH,SRH,JK,MFP,CD & ES,S & MES)

Contributionss- Dr. M.V. Bell, D. Clugston (per Miss V.M. Thom) E.D. Cameron, D.H. Howie, Mrs N. Henderson, Miss S* Hacker, Mr. J. Kirk Miss M.P. Piper, C.D. & Mrs. E. Scotland, S. & Mrs. M.E. Shimeld. 4'

RECORDS fo^.Junp, July and! August please to Mr.^C.B, Scotland, , " J' Brfdget'on Place, Almond'bank, Perth., PHI 3® ,

p.) i' • ¦ ' ¦ .

- Membeirs will no doubt be interested to. know that it is 25 years sinbe the- Ornithological' Section of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science comirieiaced in 19^. "We look forward to the winter programme of lectures' etc. , The first date to note- -in your d'iary is Friday •iflst' October 1^88 in, the Mps'eum which will be an Open Meeting of the -'Society. "It is planned to have an' illustrated talk by Dr.. Ron Summers -on ^The Other Falkland Var" Geese against Man., which should be a fascinating beginning ^to the 1988/89 session. ' ,

There are,two more outings to come this summer Sunday 14th August to 'Port" Allen "meet museum car park 1.30pm and Wednesday 24th August Bennybeg, meet same1 place 6.30pm. We have had some excellent trips in kind weather so farjrfj

1 i ^ t

mike marsland memorial hide _ - ' ' • ,

^ 'Members who hold keys to the Hide are reminded that Annual ^ Subscriptions, £2.00 are now due, to Hon. Warden, D.F. Horris Esq., 33 Birch Aveniae, Scone. PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE - ORMITHOLOGICAL SECTION BULLETIN FOR JUWE, JULY & AUGUST 19Q8


1988 .appears to.have been a co'nparativaly successful breeding1season for birds in Perthshire, undoubtably helped by good weather in May and June. . , There appear^ to have been some exceptions however, and these are noted in the Bulletin, including some observations from Sylvia Laing who has under¬ taken work on the BTO/SOC Breeding Atlas survey, - , ¦ "It will be interesting,to see how the firbs year's results are shaping up.. , Please come along to thie Section Meeting on the 11th January 1988 when Dr. Jim Reid will give us an insight into the 1988 work. I can recommend the fieldwork side to anybody interested 7- it certainly makes you take note of thingsJ" (Sylvia Laing)

SELECTED SPECIES RECORDS A RED THROATED DIVER ' was found on the roadside near Meikleour AB on 9th August" and released (apparently uninjured) at Loch of Lowes - it had disappeared ty the following day. On 28th August a BLACK THROATED DIVER was on another loch. LITTLE GREBES were recorded on several occasions including an adult with 6 young at Glendams, Blairgowrie on 16th August and an 'adult with 2 young at Bennybeg, Crieff on the 24th. (CDS,Sj?H,S&MESf EDC) GREAT CRESTED GREBES - 5 pairs at Loch of Lowesrec»rded and a pair with 1 young in July. 8 adults Lindores Loch on 28th August. HERONS - bred in usual Areas (AB.EDC,SRH,SAL,JGO,CD&ES,S&MES) ,

MOTE SWANS - 13th August - Carsebreck Lochs pair & 4 cygnets; Upper Rhynd - pair'& 7 cygnets; Lower Rhynd ~ pair & 5 cygnets; 21st August - Stare Dam - pair & 5 cygnets 24th August - Bennybeg - pair & 6 cygnets; 28th August Lindores Loch - pair & 5 cygnets. GREYLAG GEESE - 6 on Loch Rannoch, 26th June, CANADA GEESE - adults with young on the following sites:- 4th June - Kercock (3 pairs) 7th June - Loch Meallbrodden (ipair); 11th June Loch •f Lowes (ipair); 13th June - Loch Freuchie (2pairs). On the 12th July there were 33 (inc. 20 juvs) at Kercock. on 4th August the .fjjst large flock of the summer was on Loch of Lowes - 72 birds. On 21st Augst; 55 flew high over Almondbank in a SSE direction. It is -possible that .these birds may have moulted in the Beauly ^"irth and were on their way back to the North of England (Yorkshire). 50 also flew low over Almondbank on 28th August heading NE. SHELDUCK - female on River Tay at North Inch, 3rd July. WIGEON' - on 7th June an adult with young was noted at Loch Meallbrodden and also at Loch of Lowes, at the latter there were 16 birds in partial eclipse plumage 19th August. , MALLARD - c200 were at Kercock 12th July (possibly released birds?) and c50 on Carsebreck Loch on 13th August, SHOVELER - pair bred (4 ducklings) near Blairgowrie. TUFTED ,DUCK - 28 atLochan a' Mhulihn 9th June; female with 5 ducklings, on Loch Freuchie 22nd June; an injured first year drake GOLDENEYE was at Kercock on 12th July. RED BREASTED kERGANSERS - two drakes on Tay near Dunkeld 26,th, June add on 12th July there were broods of 9» 7 and ,4 ducklings. GOOSANDERS - .duck with 7 ducklings, Loch Freuchie on 22nd June and oil 26th in the River,Tay at Dunk¬ eld; at Loch of Lowes 17th July - 2 broods of 7 and. 2 each accompanied by .a adult female* 7 juveniles on R. Encht - 26th July and 8 birds on R. Almond 31st August. (AB,EDC,SRH,SL,JGO,CD&ES, S&MES) MARSH HARRIER,- one sighting by several observers, and there were sevetal sightings of HEN HBRRIER. SPARROWHAWKS - were reported breeding, the numbers of BUZZARDS seem fairly g*od and GOLDEN EAGLE were notei on several occasions. KESTREL had a successful breeding season - several "broods of 6 known. PEREGRINE in suitable breeding areas in June although subject to the usual persecution. (EDC,SAL,JGO CD&ES&S&MES) PTARMIGAN - at least 16 in Glen Lyo>5n, ,16th July. A PTilT) T/PIGCTT) PARTRIDGE was in Glen Almond 26th J-qne. ( This Bpecies has been introduced and many birds have been -hand reared and released in Scotland) GREY PARTRIDGE - a pair with 1 offspring near Loch Freuchie 22nd June and 45 birds there 26th August, MOORHENS - 25 in field at Kercock 12th July and 36 in same locatjon on 16th July] COOT - adult feeding one' offspring' at Loch of Loves '1th August (EDO,JGO,GD&ES,SWfES) NADERS ''In general seem to have1had a mixed year oh the breeding grounds" OYSTERCATCHERS - one at Greenloahing 28th August; last inland rtecordl Mx Kitck.ii/i iajsujLKia&X&Kixx-iekM LAPWINGS - better year with more chicks' recordiiw* (SRH) DUNLIN - one in Glen Almond 26th June and' at North ' i Kinkell-^Oth July, RINGED PLOVERS - pair bred in Blairgowrie sand quarry - 2 young. 3 adults $ 2,juvsi> Kercock on 17th Juihjr. GOLDEN PLOVERS - two records," SNIPE - Sma Glen, 22hd June. WOODCOCK - 3 at Buchanty Pond 12th June. WHIMBREL - 2 at SW Garsebreck, 6th' August and 2 juvs. . CURLEW , In Glen Turret, 2nd August 2 REDSHANK were at Loch Freuchie on 22nd June _At a marshy lochside area on 3^d July one of an agitated pair of GREENSHANKS buzzed our intrepid memberj COMMON SANDPIPERS were plentiful at Loc& - 1 Freuchie on 22nd June and there have been many other sighting^ (MVB,'EDC,SRB, SAL,JGO,CD&ES,S&MES) BLACK HEADED GULLS - c60 pairs were1 breeding at Corrymuckloch, and c200 birds were breeding at Lochan a' Mhulinn,, 9th June. None attemp'ted' breeding at Kercock where there was - a disa-strous breeding season for (TOMMON GULLS There is the'possibility that Mink may have, been the, culprits - dead birds were found. COMMON TERNS also had a poor breeding season atrKercock, with only 4 adults and 1 fledged yoong noted on 12th July (EDO) "cawfiy owls raised two young in a nest box at Blairgowrie (SRH) antj. LONG EARED OWLS bred at Glendains and Scone. SHORT EARED 6WLS had a good breeding season and in,the Sma Glen at dusk on 22nd June CD&ES watched 3 large owlets ori nearby rocks. SWIFTS - 2 fcand reared young fledged suqcess- fully at Blairgowrie after a diet of mealworms and dog food (SRH)!, c30 over Almondbank on 4th with last sighting on 8th August, the last report was , , from Blairgowrie on 26th August". KI-NGFISHERG possibly bred near Blairgowrie - (minimal reports of these birds nowadays, whereas ten years ago there were, reports of at least 4' pairs breeding in Perthshire plus 8 othei? records) GREEN WOODPECKERS were'noted at Dunkeld, Balcraig (scone), Murthly and Kinnoul 'Hill and GREAT'SPOTTED WOODPECKERS as Almondbank and the. North Inch. , SAND MARTINS - nurtibers appear to be up on previous years, possibly indicating better breeding/wintering'areas(SAL)1 Also"seems to have t?een a good year for SWALLOWS with more nests in the Blairgowrie area. HOUSE MARTINS - c30 hear Bridge of Gaily, 23rd Augilsti 14 nests in Glen Turret (12 in 1987) MEADOW PIPITS seemed as common as ever but SAL reports that GREY WAGTAILS .seemed to. have fared fairly badly in local areas - any observations? 'DIPPERS' - 5 broods reared successfully on 1 Mle stretch of River Ericht (SRH) but appears to have been'a mixed year elsewhere (SAL) REDSTART^' were at Loch of Lowes in June and seemed fairly' common iri' some other areas. WHINCHATS seem tq have had a ,, mixed year in some' areas, but passage birds were near Brac'o 'between 16th July and 31st August (MVB) ' STONECHATS - Trinafour - pair nested with 5 small young plus 1/2 fledged yourtg pofesibly from previous brood r Sth' June* bn the 30th fledged young'were seen (EDO) ''A'RING, 0U#EL was feeding young in Glen TiArtei , 12th June and th'ey have bfeett noted in possible new areas. GRASSHOPPER WARBLER '1 in a moorland bog at Glen Gaur 18th July, SEDGE WARBLER - song was beared'in Glen Quaich'on Sth and also at Inchaffray on '17th June. WHITETHROATS - near BORTHY Wood - 7th June. Numbers appear common in some a areas but scarce ift others. GARDEN WARBLERS appear to,be in good numbers and records include"Gorthy1 Wood, Almondbank and, breeding at Loch of Lowes. WOOD WARBLERS were recorded:'in areas of suitable habitat? but only one CHIFFCHAFF • , was recored in Scone-13th July. GOLDCPESTS - a?few mildish winters appear- to have kept numbers fairly stable, SPOTTED FLYCATCHERS - appear tp be in reasonable numbers^this year. (AB,MVB,EDC,SAL,SL,JGO,S&!yiEs) BLUE TITS - less breeding recorded in Blairgowrie area this year (SRH) - 3 -

JAYS - 2 feeding on breadcrumbs in garden, Scone- 1st August (EI)C) have been in usual locations elsewhere. JACK DAWS/ROOKS - In Glen Lyon a mixed flock fed on rough grassland high up - gie.i 16th July. RAVENS - quite a few sightings in suitable areas. T1 FEE R'PAIffi)V'? - successful year at Blairgowrie - 101 nestlings conparc^ to jasi year (SRH) GOLDFIHCH - at Rannoch area on 11th and 16th June- SISKINS - clOO on thistles, Glen Quaich, 27th Augusto LIMFETS -- 4 at Lloh. Turret 2nd August. TWITES - have been in suitable area3 with young and a flock of c125 at Loch Turret, 28th August, suggests a good season (MVB/SAL) REDPOLLS - Glen Quaich - c60 feeding on weedy fields 26th August (S&MES) CROSSBIJLS - 19 Glen Quaich, 18th July '"WB) and a couple of small flocks coming in from the North East at the begining of August (SAL) HtWINCHES - At Almondbank on 21st June, 2 or J fledged young being fed near Murthly 15th June. REED BUNDING - 1 at Loch Meallbrodden Yth June.

CONTRIBUTORS to this Bulletin, acknowledged by their initials weres- Dr. ADM. Barclay, Dr. M.V. Bell, E.D. Cameron, Miss S.R. Hacker, S.A. Laing, Mrs. S. Laing, J.G. Ogilvy, C.D. & E. Scotland, S. & MoE. Shimeld. RECORDS for September, October and November, please by EARLY December "bo C.D. Scotland, 5 Bridgeton Place, Almondbank, Perth. PTi1 WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP A PERMNENT RECORD OF BIRDS IN PERT;" oHlRE„

At a recent Committee Meeting it wao suggested thai icenrir-rs viould perhaps help in the recording of birds for the Bulletin, by ropoT^.nng on particular species. For the next bulletin therefore, it wo^lu be helpful if members paid particular attention to Fieldfaires and Redwings, i'' addi"f_on of course to any other birds you may see. NB All birds are of interest] (Much to my surprise, two Redwings landed in the front lawn todayI Ed^

SUMMER OUTINGS These were eight summer outings planned and these proved to be well worthwhile, taking members to interesting places for birds and general Natural Historyl We also met up with some vory pleasant companyJ Mrs. Eleanor Symon, who led the last outing r.o Port Allien, has kindly contributed the following notes- Sunday August 14"th started as a wet and. blus^ry day, but in spite of the eather 13 members met at Port Allen and had a successful afternoons bird watching. The tide Was coming in and we watched the big sandbank from the West Haugh bank and saw a variety of birds including Lapwing, Mallard, Teal, Shelduck, Canada Gefese, Tern, Commie Terns, Heron, Cormorant, Curley, Ringed Plover, Curlew Sandpiper, Dunlin, Redshank, various Gulls, Reed Bunting, Knot in summer plumage and heard Sedge Warblers. We then walked through the Orchard and here we were able to watch, Swallows, House Martins, Greenfinch, Yellowhammer^ Meadow Pipit, Willow Warblers, Linnetswere heard and a Buzzard seen flying over head. I think you could say we had a good afternoons bird watching which was enjoyed by all members. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS - As a result of the decision at the AGM of the PSNS to increase the Annual subscription by £1, the Annual Subscription of this Section is now, Adults £4? Juniors Juniors 50p. Please pay this to the Hon. Treasurer. Mr. David Howie.

25th Anniversary The committee have decided that to help mark the 25th year of the Ornitholog¬ ical Section, Wine & Cheese will be available after the slide presentation by David Whitaker on Wednesday 9"th November. Please come and help to celebrate, but also please contribute something in the receptacle provided tow^ards the refreshmentsi ' PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE ORNITHOLGICAL SECTION Bulletin for Sÿember, October & November 1988

Among the many birds noted during this period have been a significant number of WAXWINGS. In response to the request in the last bulletin for information on Fieldfares & Redwings there have been nÿ less than 26 records provided - thanksyeu.

Departure of Summer Visitors, The latest recgrd of a COMMON SANDPIPER was of one at Carsebreck 9thOct. The last SWALLOW recorded was at Blairgowrie 8thOct 15 were there on the 3rd, when the last HOUSE MARTIN Was noted. The last WÿEATEAR was at Gilmerton 2ndOct° 2 BLACKCAPS were at Cluny, Aberfeldy on 5thNov, and a female was feeding there on the berries of EUONYMUS EUROPAEUS (Spindle Tree) 15thNov (WAN) Bÿs occasionally winter in ScOtland, especially if there are high numbers migrating in November. A CHIFFCHAFF was at Blair- gowrie 3rdOct and 3 WILLOW WÿBTÿS at Almbndbank 10thSept. Winter Arrivals, 2 adult BEWICK SWANS were near Cleish with WHOOPER SWANS 28thOct and 9 adults and 1 juvenile were there with Whoopers 20hhNov, a family party of 2 adults & 2juveniles were with the Whoopers at Strthallan 6thNov. The first WHOOPER SWANS noted were 3 atLochan an Daim 16thOctÿ 8 were on DrumourLoch 22ndOct and 44 including 2 juveniles 7thDec, 172 were near Cleish 2ndNev. There were several reports from otherareas. 2 BEAN GEESE were with Pinkfeet at Carsebreck 2ndOct. PINKFEET flew over Almondbank 14thSeÿt; 4,000 were on stubble nr Findo Gask and a further 2,500 ,n a loch on 20thSept. This heralded the arrival of many thousands ef Pinkfeet and on BthOct there were up to 40,000 in one locatioÿ A report from John Kirk for 28thOct ms worth noting "Near Cleish at 3.15 - 3.35pm - amazing sight of Pinkfeet coming into single field of grass ÿ growing up through old stubble - at first 1,200 but steadiKy increasing over 20 minutes watching to total 11,€00, all tightly packed in one area of a large field and with I GREYLAG and Xÿ 15 BAÿTACLESÿ At least 14 BAPÿACLES ÿere with Pinkfeet nr. Tibbermore in early October and 20 at Carse- breck 20thNov. Incidentaaly there is a special study being made of Plnkfeet at present and many have been ringed. They carryWHITE(ringed in Britain or Ireland) or ORANGE (Greenland) plastic rings with a thee letter code. Any information on sightinÿs can be sent to Carl Mitchell, The Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge or to the Editor. "There were low numbers of GRETLAGS in TW Perth- shire again, the max, so far being 2470 at Carsÿbreck" MVB. and 4,160 at Drummond Pond SÿS. A flock of ci00 on Marlee Loch 18thSept were possibly feral birds SRH. A LONG TAILED DUCK at Stormont 2nd Nov Sÿ and an immature at Carsebreck 20thNovMV-B are extremely rare records for Perthshire. Tÿ first GOLDENEYS reported were ÿ on Drummond Pond 16thOct S&lÿSÿ There were few xÿ records - the maximum number reported being 24 at Dunalistair Reservoir 13thNov WAXWINGS were first recorded on 31stOct nr. (6) 12 in Aberfeldy IstNov with the main influx in mid Nov. Flocks were in Aberfeldy, Auchterarder, Blai- rgowrie, Comrie, Crieff and Perth, the largest number being 40 in Crieff on 10thNov S&NES. One hovered, humminÿ bird like, while taking peaks at berries (J. Ogilvy). The first FIELDFARES wereseen in Blairgowrie 9thOct. and there were many records for Octobeÿ elsewhere. Large flock were with REDWINGS in many areas of West Perthshi. e in October JHW There was a large SW mecÿement especially on the 22nd and 10 flocks totalling over 3,200 were seen in Strathearn and I Strÿthallan the largest being 1,000 at Muir of Orchill MVB "1000's" were North of Bridge of Cally 18thNov SAL several thousands were reported nrMeikleour 19thNov per SAL who suggests that Fieldfares moved south during heavy snowfalls between 18th & 19th Nov. The fÿrst REDWING reported was nr Aberfeldy 22ndSept and flocks of up to 150 were there and in other areas during October. There were not too many duÿing November however and it may be that many had migrated further South. SELECTED SPIECES RECORDS; LITTLE GREBES were Jn reasonable numbers with 11 at Loch Faskally 17thSept, 16 Drumour Loch 30thSept, 12 Dÿuaalistair Reservior S6thOct and a few elsewhere. GREAT COESTED GREBES 15 at Clunie Loch 18thSept, approx 12 including 2 immatures Lindores Loch 25thSept. 12 others were recorded elsewhere, a SLAVONIAN GREBE was at Clunie Loch 13thNov. a vagrant species for Perthshire was a storm-blown Leach's PETREL found dead in a field at Wester Kinloch, Blairgowrie per SRH 17 CORMOPÿNTS were on their usual tree at Clunie 16thOct. a HERON was at Drumour Loch 5thOct and 3 on 7thDec. MUTE SWANS 10 adults Stormont Loch:22nd0ct and 18 on 14th. There were 62 on Drummond Pond and 7 on Bennybeg Pond 16thOct. 70 were in the Carsebreck area 26tb!,Tov. A pair with 6 cyguets were at Lindores Loch 25thSept., 27th0ct & 26thNov and a pair with 7 cygnets were at Upper Rhynd, Carsebreck 31st0ct. Several flocks Of 0iÿTADA GEESE were about - 85 birds on Marlee Loch and 76 at Clunie Loch 18ÿSept, 34 on Loch Freuchie 2?th0ct and 56+ on Old England Loch 15thNov An interest- ing report from Euan Cameron:- "The River Tay at Kercock 5th0ct. Three parties flew in from fields on north side, to drink and preen, ÿing out again - total 128. Two "odd" birds (I) partial albino, with white steaks across neck, white patcheÿ on body, a fair amount of white on forewings when it flew (2) ? hybrid wÿth more or less Canada body, grey neck with lighter (not white) cheek patches, and very dark crown, down to bill, broken by narrow distinqt white "horseshoe" as in Whitefront" The only MANDARIN DUCKS nded were 5 on R Tay at North Inch 13thNovo Highest counts of WIGEON were 200 at Drumour 30thSept. and 150 on 5thOct, 171 at Stormont 12thNov. 94 Drummond Pond 15thNov 50 Blacklunnans Loch 5ÿdNov, 50 Loch Freuchie 6thNov and 43 Loch Faskally 17thSept. TEAL - 18 Loch Faskally 17thSept, 24 Loch Freuchie 6thNov, 32 Benny- beg Pond 13tbNov and 22 Stormont Lochÿ 25thNov. A drake PIIÿAIL was at Stormont 18thSept add twiee in November. An amazing 200 SHOVELERS were on one loch 20thSeptÿ ? at Kinkell Pool 9thOct anl 5 st Stormong 15th0ct. TUFTED DUCFJÿS ÿ: 49 Loch Faskally 17thSeptÿ 18 Locÿ Clunie 18thSept, 45 Drtÿmmond Pond 16thOct & 34 Dunalastai, Rÿ:servior 15thNov, GOOSANDERS Highest numbers noted, 16 0ÿ 20thSept, 14 R. Tay North Inch 13thNov. (There were very few records) RUDDY DUCK A female was on Hamemyre 18thSept. 2 pairs on another loch 20thSept and a male in eclipse Loch Clunie 13thNov. HEN HARRIERS There ÿve been indiv- idual siÿhtings in five different areas. SPARROWHAÿ,G[ Almondbank 25th0ct. BUZZARD - several sightings including 6 in Glen Quaich 10th0ct. A pair of OSPREYS successfully reared 2 chicks on a loch site and which were last seen flylng well 5thSept. KESTREL only 5 single records nr. Crieff 2nd0ct, Glen Quaich 29th0ct and Loeh Freichie 6thNov. PEREGRINE reports from three lif£er- ent areas. BLACK GROUSE 18 Blackcocks and 5 Greyhens, Glen Quaich 24thSept also 3 coveys totalling 55 GREY PARTRIDGES (This area is certainly worth a visit, including Lolÿ Freuchie on the way) a RED LEGGED PARTRIDGE was xZ n2 Loch Clunie 13thNov. CO|T 86 at Loch Clunie 18thSept and 205 at Drummond Pond. an OYSTERCATCHER at N. Muirton, Perth 18thSept and another at Kereock 5th0ct were the laet of these inlanÿ visitors. GOLDEN PLOVER c70 at Blairgowrie 5thOct and 28 nr Cleish 20thNov. LAPWINGS Flocks of 100+ at several inland loeal ities. SNIPE one at Lochan a l,ÿuilinn 6thNov. WOODCOCK I over Almondbank 22ndOct CURLEWS 36 at N. Muirton Pe:ÿth. 18thSept, small (usual) winter lock, Aberfeldy area. SEAGULLS c15 Lesser Black-backed, Kinkell Pool with Greaters & Herring gulls 9thOct. a TAWNY OWL was in a private garden spinney on Kinnoul Hi!l, for several weeks, 2 SHORT EARED OÿS hunted over a farm marsh 21st0ct at Gle- eagles. GRENN WOODPECKER Present in Cluny area Aberfeldy on 25rdOct and betw weep Dunkeld & Mill Dam ("also a puree white, bar the mud, fallow deer buck'") J@ and nr Findo Gask 12thNov. GlbEAT SPOTTg;D WOODPECkeR present in Cluny area Aberfeldy anÿ at a member8s bird table in Kinnoul Perth' One also at Braco 26thNÿv. SKYLARK - 30 flew high over a farm nr Crieff 8thNov. GÿEY WAGTAIL - I over Cluny, Aberfeldy 16thNov a late record. DIPPER records from Loch 0rdie, Loch Freuchie, Drumour Lech, R. Almond, Kercock (3brids) ROBIN John Wallace notes that one was back in the garden for the winter 5thSept. RING OUZEL 3 Glen Quaich 9thSept. SONG THRUSH odd single birds around Aberfeldy during November 3 LONG TAILED TIT 15 BlaJrgowrie 3rdOct 25 Cluny Aberfeldy 26thOct and birds moving through Perth garden 29/30thOct. TREECREETER Almondbank 24thOct. JAY reports from several areas. FÿGPIE Several hr. Gleneagles Hotel and I nr Buchanÿy 21st0ct. I above Dunning 3rdNov. ROOK one carrying nesting material to Rookery in Aberfeldy 6thNov! RAVEN 20 Glen Guaich 30thOct. TREE SPARROW 39 Blairgowrie 14thOct. CHAFFINCH - 200 Cluny, Aberfeldy area late November. Flocks in some other areas included BRAÿBLINGS - 2 nr Braco 22rd 11 there 29thOct, 2 in flock of c100 Chaffinches nr. Bridÿe of Cally 16thNov GREÿINCH c50 Kercoÿk 5thOct. GOLDFINCH 40 Cromwell Pk. Almondbank 21stSÿpt & 12thOct, 16 Blargowrie 24thSept, 12 Kercock 5thOct. Also smaller partles Carsebreck, Scone, No Inch, Blairgowrie etc. SISKINS Fÿock of 20+ feed!nÿ on Alders at Woody Island Perth 18thSept & 16thOct. TWITE 40 Camserney 2nd, 120 nr Braco 6th, 60 nr Aberfeldy 27tÿNov. LIÿETS 30/40 Almondbank 21stOct. ÿDPOLL 2 Glen Quaich 29thOct, 20 Cluny, Aberfeldy 15tÿov. CROSSBILL - 20 Turleum Hill nr. Crieff 25thSept. Samll parties of under 10 over Cluny, Aberfekÿ end Oct & Nov. BLUSFINCH Male feeding 2 juveniles off h@neysuckÿ berries, Criÿf 6thSepto HAÿINCH - 2 in Scone Den 10thOct SNOW BUNTING 4 Carsebreck 20thNov REED BUNTING - Pÿir in Carsebreck area 26thNov.

Contributors to this Bulletin were: G.A. Aitchison, Dr. M.V.BelI, Mr & Mrs Binnie, EoD. Cameron, Mrs.J. Gale, Miss SoRoHacker, J° Kirk, S.A° Laing, Mrs.S Laing, Mrs. W. Mattinÿley, J. Ogilvy9 C.Do & Mrs.E. Scotland, S° & Mrs. MoE. Shimeld, J.H. Wallÿze. with increased contributions we can produce a more interesting and comprehen- sive report. Many thanks therefore for theadditiona records. Ed. Records foÿ December 1988, January & February 1989 please to C.D. Scotland, 3 Bridgeton Place, Almondbank, Perth. PH1 3NO or you could bring them to the AGM & Members night on 8th March! (Please also include furtÿr records of Fieldfares & Redwings) Perth & Bird Report 1988

One of our Members, Mrs Wendy ÿattingley has recently undertaken to be Local Recorder of Birds in Perth & Kinross for the Scottish Ornithologists Club, as part of thÿ responsibility she will be producing a Biÿ Report for 1988 such reports have been published for Perthshire in the past including several by Euan Cameron. These are extremely mseful publication in these days, when it is more than ever important to monitor the preservation of wildlife, such a report is vital and your help is requesteÿ. Please therefore send any appxqo- riate records of sighting, populations, breeding succes etc for 1988 to: Mrs. W. Mattingley, Cluny House, by Aberfeldy, Perthshime as soon as possible, information published in P.S°NoSo Bulletines will of course be used, but add- itional information would be helpful.


Peanuts are still for sale @ 35P per ÿbo, from Sylvia Laing, 33 Bridgeton Brae Almondbank, Perth. Tel. 83418.

Owing to the mild weaiher for this time of year any sightings in inland parties of Lapwing, Curlew, 0ystercatchers and Golden Plover would be welcomed by Sylvia Laing at above address. / j.4ÿ


Bulletin for December 1988, January & February 1989

Reports from Members show that a wide variety of species were recorded. Possibly this has been because of the mild winter affecting movement - on the other hand, perhaps observers were able to travel more than normal.

On 10th Dec. Mrs. Sylvia Laing saw a small flock of Long Tailed, Coal, Blue and Great Tits, Siskins and a Treecreeper all on an Alder tree near the R. Almond at Almondbankÿ

ALL species reported have been noted, but not necessarily all records are shown - usually because of other reports or/and insignificant numbers. Six Vagrant species were reported - a BRENT GOOSE near Greenloaning 4th Dec. a 'white phase' SNOW GOOSE in Strathearn 5rd & 4th Dec. and a BEAN GOOSE near Sawmills, Methven on 19th Dec. (MVB) i A LONG TAILED DUCK was at Stormont Loch 15th Dec. (SRH) and a splendid male SMEW was there between 16th Dec and 14th Jan. (EDC,SRH,CD&ES) One was also at Loch Faskally between Dec and 22nd Jan. (WM) A RED KITE sighting was reported to a member but not corroborated.

LITTLE GREBE - R. Tay off North Inch 18th Dec and 2 on 11th Feb. One R. Almond, Almondbank, 25th Dec. GREAT CRESTED GREBE - 4 at Marlee Loch 16th Dec and 12th Feb, 4 at Clunie Loch and 2 at Drummond Pond 12th Feb. SLAVONIAN GREBE - Loch of Lowes 20th Jan. ( a slight diversion from my literary efforts has been a Red Squirrel feeding at the bird nut baskets in our garden!) Ed. CORMORANT - North Inch tree roost - 18th Dec 16., 15th Jan 38., 11th Feb 2., Loch of Clunie tree roost - ]5th Dec 5., 12th Dec 15.

MUTE SWANS were at Drummond Pond with a maximum of 49 on 18th Dec. 9 were at Bennybeg 12th Feb. and 18 (inc 7 imm) at Old England Loch. 2 adults and 5 juvs., Goddens Pool, Rait 15th Jan. WHOOPER SWANS approx 120 on stubble near Cleish 16th Dec; a maximum of 44 Drumore Loch 18th Dec, and 27 at Drumfork 7th Jan; 16 at Loch Dochart 21st Dec; and 16 near Meigle 15th Jan. Harvey Cruickshank was astonished to see a flock of geese flying in an inverted V formation - the leader leading from the back perhaps! PINK FOOTED GEESE 19th Jan - 5/400 on winter wheat at Tibbermore, 400 on grass, White Moss Loch; Gask Ridge - 200 on grass 28th Jan. On 15th Jan lettered colour rings on two Pinkfeet in a flock near Bankfoot were read using a telescope, a letter received from The Wildfowl Trust showed that these birds had been ringed at Martin Mere, Lancashire on 5th Nov 1988. These records were of great interest to the Trust, as they were the first instance of geese going to Lancashire in autumn and then moving back to Scotland in the same winter! (CD&ES) GREYLAGS. Did not appear to be as plentiful as normal - 1500, Crieff/Comrie area on stubble 16th Dec and 1300 nearby on 21st Dec. Various reports of up to 600 in the Crieff/Tibbermore & Auchterarder areas in the period and 760 Loch Clunie 12th Feb. CANADA GEESE - 10 Loch Clunie 18th Dec., 62 - Old England Loch 15th Jan.

SHELDUCK Loch of Lowes 20th Jan. WIGEON several reports include 142 Drummond Pond 12th Feb; 170 Loch Freuchie 27th Dec; 95/100 Kinkell 9th Jan! plus Mill Dam (20), R. Taÿ near Scone Palace (up to 45), Monk tyro, Blairgowrie (55) and Godden's Pool, Rait (50)

TEAL - 190 at Loch Freuchie 27th Dec and 15th Jan; 270 on 15th Jan - substantial number; 28 Bennybeg 15th Jan. MALLARD - large numbers - 893 Perth Brldge/Almondbank 18th Dec. (highest yet recorded EDC) Drummond -2 -


Drummond Pond (158)., Loch Clunie (250)., Old England Loch (150) - 18th Dec. PINTAIL - 6 Vane Farm, Loch Lsven 22nd Feb. POCHARD 15th Jan - 42 Drummond Pond; 11th Feb - 45 Stormont Loch; 12th Feb 25 Loch Clunie. TUFTED DUCK - 15th Jan - 50 Drummond Pond; 22nd Jan 42 Loch Faskally; 12th Feb - 47 Monk Myre, Blairgowrie. GOLDENEYE 15th Jan - 16 Drummond Pond; 11th Feb Perth Bridge/Almondbank 25., 5rd Jan - Stormont Loch - ]0; 15th Jan - Loch Clunle 16.

GOOSANDERS 2 males & 7 females 7th Jan, Drumore Loch; 10 - R. Tay, Perth Bridge/Almondbank 18th Dec. and 24 on Jan 15th. RUDDY DUCK - Pair, Loch of Lowes 20th Jan.

HEN HARRIER - Indlvidual birds near 18th Dec., Amulree 50th Dec., and Sma Glen 4th Jan. SPARROWHAWK 8th Jan., One took a Collared Dove., Male & Female were rogularly seen in Almondbank area. BUZZARD - 17th Jan - 5 at Fowlis Wester. MERLIN - 28th Dec., Nr. Blairgowrie PEREGRINE - 10th Dec., an imm male took a male Wigeon at Kinkell (Peregrine stoop with almost closed wings at an incredible speed - their prey includes large and small birds including Curlews, small waders, Rooks & Pigeons etc). GREY PARTRIDGE - 15th Jan. - 10 at Old England Loch; 28thJan 7 at Inchaffray.

COOT - 12th Feb. Max. at Drummond Pond 172; OYSTERCATCHER - The earliest reports were of 5 at Carsebreck Ist Jan and 15 on North Inch Golf Course 15th Jan. Numbers built up to 2/300 Scone Palace Shingle bank 11th Feb., 580 at Kinkell 26th Feb and c50 nr R. Tay, Aberfeldy 28th Feb. GOLDEN PLOVER ÿ> Kinkell 9 on 29th Jan., 170 26th Feb, Kirkton Hill, Perth, 50 19th Feb. LAPWING Many reports, 700 Inveralmond 8th Jan; 620 Kinkell 14th Jan; 800 29th Jan and 900 12th Feb. 800 Blackford/Braco area and 400 Ballachln, Logierai% 19th Feb. WOODCOCK 15th Jan Almondbank. CURLEW - Scone Palace area 18th Dec 47 - 15th Jan 40 - and 120 by 11th Feb. Flooded areas at Kinkell Ponds 80/100 on 27th Feb. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL - One at Loch Faskally 22nd Jan, and one 15th Jan, R. Tay off North Inch with GREAT BLACK- BACKED and HERRING GULLS.

STOCK DOVE - 2 in full song, Cluny Aberfeldy 9th Jan. COLLARED DOVE 6 at Perth Bridge 15th Jan. Several at Almondbank feeding at bird tray. LONG-EARED OWL One found dead on road Strathearn 7th Jan. One on gatepost Auchterarder 5.15pm 22nd Jan. SHORT-EARED OWL 7th Jan nr. Ballinluig.

SKYLARK First of the year were c50 Blairgowrie 25rd Jan., 7 flew over Amulree and 75 were at Blackford 12th Feb. PIED WAGTAIL 14 at Kercock, 18th Dec. WAXWING - 20 on hawthorn bushes at Glendevon Farm Rd. Perth. 2hd Jan. DUNNOCK 2 pairs dlsplaying, Crieff 25th Feb. FIELDFARE - 6 at Almondbank 4th Dec., 50 at Monzie, Crieff 4th Jan, 200 White Moss Loch, 150 nr. Forteviot 19th Jan., ci00 Port Allen - feeding in stubble (one bird with a white head) A few birds around Scone 5th Feb., 40 at Foss 12th Feb, 100 at Cluny, Aber- feldy on 17th, 600 at Mcneydie on 26th and 60 Balgowan School 27th Feb. SONG THRUSH one in Blairgowrie location stayed throughout period; 11th Jan Almondbank, one - first since autumn. REDWING 4th Dec 50., 15th Dec 50/40, 15th Jan - mixed flock of 27/50 with Fieldfares, 50th Jan - 50; 8th Feb 55 nr. Almondbank. 11th Feb ci00 flew in to trees on Woody Island, Perth, 17th Feb 50 Cluny, Aberfeldy, about 20 in Blalrgowrie area most of January. MISTLE THRUSN 16th Dec - Almondbank, quite a few singing; 12th Jan - two pairs. -3-

BLACKCAP - December, male In Blairgowrie garden one day, 21st Jan - male on garden nut basket, Almondbank. GOLDCREST 18th Dec - I nr Almond- bank. LONG TAILED TIT 5th Jan - 8 in Almondbank garden. BLUE TITS and GREAT TITS - numerous in gardens especiallM where fed. TREECREEPER 29th Dec and 10th Jan one in Perth garden, 15th Jan - I nr Almondbank. GREAT GREY SHRIKE 15th Jan - one reported in Almondbank to a member - not corroborated. MAGPIE - 22nd Jan Castlehill Reservlor. JACKDAW & ROOK - Mixed flock of about 2,000 moved East every morning Jan/Feb, down Strathtay valley. RAVENS 3 Sma' Glen & 8 Glenalmond 4th Jan.

TREESPARROW Seen with "mlxed finch" flocks. CHAFFINCH - 1,000 Logiealmond 31st Dec, 200 nr Aberfeldy & 800 hr. Braco 14th Jan. 700 - Cluny area Aberfeldy 22rid Jan and 350 by 31st. BRAMBLING 100 nr Braco 14th Jan, and c50 Blalrgowrie 26th Feb. GREENFINCH 7 Almondbank 30th Jan fairly regular visitor to nut baskets, Almondbank. GOLDFINCH - 2 nr. Almond- bank 13th Feb. SISKIN 30 nr Almondbank 4th Dec and up to 3 on 10th Feb. Small parÿies around Scone and I/3 blrds Crleff, Perth & Almondbank in gardens. LINN|T 100 - Kercock 18th Dec, c50 Cluny area Aberfeldy 12th Jan and 100 by 10th Feb. 26 in raspberry fields nr Almondbank 2nd Feb, c20 Balgarvie, Scone 5th Feb. REDPOLL - 70 nr , Aberfeldy 18th Dec and 50 Cluny area Aber- feldy 23rd Jan. CROSSBILL - 12 Gleneagles 31st Dec. BULLFINCH - 15 Braes of Fowlis 31st Dec., c7 nr Almondbank 12th Jan, c6 feeding on plum trees in garden Burghmuir, Perth 17th Feb. HAWFINCH - 2 in flock of mixed finches, Annaty Bridge, Scone 5th Jan. Otherwise ones and twos in Scone. SNOW BUNTING I at Kercock 18th Dec. YELLOWHAMMER - 150 at Madderty 31st Dec. 20 nr Almondbank 19th Jan, c80 Blairgowrie 10th Feb. MIXED FINCH FLOCKS: In addition to the above the following were recorded; S. Comrie Rdÿ, Nr. Crieff (no date given) Mixed flock of about 1,000 birds including 40 Brambling, 100 Twite, 8 Tree Sparrow, remainder ÿ Chaffinches and Greenflnches (proportion 40/60). 26th Feb. - ci,000 birds in field near Blairgowrie - Chaffinches, Greenfinches, Linnets, Redpolls, Tree Sparrows, Bramblings, Reed Buntings, Snow Buntings, Meadow Pipits and Larks.

Contributors to this Bulletln, acknowledged by their inltials, were Dr. M.V. Bell, E.D. Cameron, Mr. & Mrs. H. Cruickshank, Miss S.R. Hacker, Mrs. S. Laing, Mrs. W. Mattingley, Miss M.F. Piper, C.D. & E. Scotland, S. & M.E. Shlmeld, Mrs. E. Symon, Mr. J.H. Wallace, THEIR HELP IS MUCH APPRECIATED.

BIRD RECORDS - As mentioned at the Annual General Meeting all records sent in to the Bulletin Editor will be sent in due course to the Scottish Ornithologists' Club Perthshire Recorder - currently Mrs. Wendy Mattingley. (unless requested otherwise by individual members) The records will be keÿt on a permanent basis.

LIST OF PERTHSHIRE BIRDS & RECORD FORMS. At the 1989 AGM a new booklet concerning the status of Perthshire birds was ÿntroduced to Members. Thls has been updated by a panel of members and will help the membership to gain information on birds in the county. It costs 20pence and can be obtalned either at meetlngs, or by sending an A4 size S.A.E. to the Secretary, Miss S. Laing, 37 Bridgeton Brae, Almondbank or Mr. C. Scotland, 3 Bridgeton Place, Almondbank plus 20p (14p + 6p Stamps) In addition, Records Forms have been produced, two of which are enclosed - please use them as all information on birds is valuableÿ - 4 - v Records for:- March, Aprll and May please to C.D. Scot]and Esq., 5 Bridgeton Place Almonÿbank PHI 5ND as soon as possible after the end of May.

Summer Bulletzn:- For the next Bulletin please try to send in additional information on records of:- Blackcaps, Garden Warbler, Whitethroat, Sand Martin, Common Terns, Black Grouse.

Is the Bu]letin produced in the form whlch you would like? Suggestions would be most welcome - Ed.


April 9th. Eden Estuary & St. Andrews area. Leader: Dave Bell. Leave Museum Car Park 10.OOam sharp or meet Guardbridge Lay-by 11.00am. Cost. £1.50

May 6th. Newton Bridge area. Dawn outing lead by Mr. & Mrs. Shimeld Meet Newton Bridge 06.50am. Cost 75P

May 17th. Moncrieff Hill. Leave Museum Car Park. 18.50pm Cost 50p.

June 7th. Loch Freuchle area. Leave Museum Car Park 18.50 Leaders: C. Scotland & E. Cameron. Cost 75P

June 17th. Lindores Loch. Leave Museum Car Park 17.50 Leader: J. Kirk. Cost 75P

August 20th. Kingoodle & Invergowrie. Leave Museum Car Park 14.00 Cost 75P

Pleÿle be equipped with stout footwear, waterproofs, lunch, tea etc as required. Please bring any interested friends on these outlngs - perhaps they may be encouraged to joln our Section in October.

Best wishes, Cecil Scotland, Chairman.

A note received from the Parent Body concerning Insurance for outings;

All persons attending field meetings of the P.S.N.S. or any of the sections do so at their own risk. Neither the Leader of any particular field trip, nor the Society will be responsible for any errors or omissions, accidents or injuries, which may occur. All persons attendlng field meetings, whether as members or guests, agree by such attendance, that in the event of their suffering any loss or damage of any kind, however caused, they shall have no claim against either the Leader or the Society.

Please note some of the times have been changed from normal, and an additional outing has been arranged with F.F.W.A.G. for:- 10thMay. Wester Kinloch, Blairgowrie, by kind permission of Ian Crawford. Leave Museum Car Park. 18.00 prompt. Cost 75P

Any further information can be obtained from the Secretary. (tel 0758 85418) PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE ORNITHOLOGICAL SECTION

Bulletin for March - Ausust (inc) 1989

At the last Committee Meeting it was decided to issue Bulletins every four months, covering the periods Jan-April., May-Aug., and Sept-Dec. This extended Bulletin takes us up to the beginning of the first new periodsÿ apologies for the delay. Ed.

WINTER VISITORS During the winter months WHOOPEE SWANS are often at Dalreoch on the Glasgow Road and 10 were there on 11th March; 33 were at Fingask Loch, Blairgowrie 18th March. A BEAN GOOSE was at Blackford on 5th & 11th March and 4 near Madderty on the 29th. There were numerous sightings of 2-3,000 PINK.FOOTED GEESE during the period in the Tibbermore & Strathearn areas and towards the end of April Nr. Bankfoot. The last sighting of a large flock was one of 490 at Strathallan on 15th May. WHITE-FRONTED GEESE (European) - several sighÿings of one at Blackford & Muthill during March, and 2 nr Bankfoot in a large flock of Pinkfeet15th April. GREYLAG GEESE were perhaps not so numerous locally, but nevertheless there were 500 at Dunalastair 11th March; 1,100 at Drummond Pond and 943 at Loch Clunie on 2nd April. BARNACLE GEESE were with large Pink- feet flocks and up to 6 were present during March and April, mostly in the Strathearn area.

A LONG TAILED DUCK was at Drummond Pond 12th March. GOLDENEYE were in several locations, the largest flock being 23 at Dunalastalr 11th March; 20 North Inch, River Tay 12th March, and 14 at Stormont Loch 12th April.

FIELDFARES 20 at Dalnacardoch 11th March; 80 Strathbraan 12th March; 40 nr Muirhead Farm 2nd April; 45 nr Braco 9th April; 100 Cluny Aberfeldy 13tb April, and 25 with a flock of Starling, Glen Errochty 22nd April. REDWING -c50 Murrayshall, Scone 18th March.

BRAMBLING 50 nr Braco 11th March; 90 on 18th and o350 on 16th April - many of the latter in summer plumage and singing (MVB)

SUMMER VISITORS Migrants were slow to build up, but weatheÿ conditions being remarkably dry, hopefully it will prove to have been a good breeding season for birds. "Increase in SAND MARTTN ÿumbers; SWALLOW breeding success patchy - pairs missing from usual areas; pairs rearing three m 2 --

three/ broods. Decrease in WHINCHATS, BLACKCAPS; GOLDFINCHES doing well" (EDC) "It appeared to be a very good breeding season for ducks, waders & gamebirds with many young seen" (MVB) I

EARLIEST ARRIVALS REPORTED FOR:- OSPREY 30th March - Male bird eating a fish - pair on the same site mid April (JK) Single birds were in other locations (SRH,CD&ES) COMNON SANDPIPER 12th April, Upper Glen Almond (S&MES) 21st April - Blairgowrie (SRH), 25th April Garth, nr Keltneyburn (J. Keddie & WM) CUCKOO 28th April, (DHH), 2nd May nr Aberfeldy (WM) 4th May Sheriffmuir (MVB), & Blairgowrie (SRH). SWIFT 7th May Kinnoul (GLA), Blairgowrie (SRH), 8th May Almondbank (SL), S0th May Aberfeldy (WM) SAND MARTIN 28th March, 4 at Care@breck (wÿre early| remaining migrants late after cold N winds MVB) 31st March, Blairgowrie (SRH) Ist April, Methven Loch (CDS) 2nd April 20+ at Loch of Lowes (JK) 29th April 20+ at Rosemount Golf Club, Blairgowrie (DHH) SWALLOW 2nd April, 20+ at Loch of Lowes (JK) 16th April, Glen Errochty (EDC) 26th April, Blair- gowrie (SRH) HOUSE MARTIN8 7th April ci0 flying around Almondbank (SL) 12th May (DHH), mid May, Blairgowrie (SRH). REDSTART 30th April, Glen Lyon (WE) 13th & 24th May, Bridge of Cally (SRH) "Seem to be in good numbers this year; eg., 6 singing males in Newton Bridge/Upper Glen Almond area Ist June, also good numbers in the Glen Ample area WHINCHAT 30th April, Glen Lyon (WE) WHEATEAR 27th March, 3 at Inver- geldie (SAL) 28th ÿarch Braco (ÿB) and Strÿthtay (WM) 29th March Loch Moraig (JK) 2nd April Errol (DHH). RING OUZEL 8th April, Loch Turret (SAL) 7th May Glen Almond (DHH) and 8th May Stmmthtay (WM) SEDGE WARBLER 5th May Fingask (SRH), Port Allan & Daleally (DHH) WHITETHROAT 5th May Blairgowrie (SRH), 7th May Glen Almond (DHH) GARDEN WARBLER 2rid May Blairgowrie (SRH), 7th May Cluny, Aberfeldy (WM) BLACKCAP 29th April Almondbank (SL) 4th May Almondbank (perhaps scarcer this year) (WM) CHIFFCHAFF 15th April Turleum Wood (S&MES) 30th April Scone (EDC) WILLOW WARBLER 15th April, Pitroddie (EDC) 17th April, Auchterarder Golf Club (CDS). SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 15th May, Cluny, Aberfeldy (WM) 27th May, Blairgowrie (SRH).

GENERAL RECORDS (Includes furtheÿ details of certain species mentioned above.) BLACK THROATED DIVER A pair were in the Aberfeldy aÿea on 28th March, and another pair in the Rannocharea 2nd May. Two pair#each with a juvenile were on seperate lochs in North Perthshire 4th and 11th July and elsewhere an adult with 2 juvs 2nd August. LITTLE GREBE Early reports

from five different lochs of up to 3 pairs. Adult wlth young at Neall- I brodden ?Ist June and 5 admits, 5 Suvs, Drumore Loch 6th Sept. -3-

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Records from at least six different lochs and breed- ing success in at least four, including Loch of Clunie - 7 adults & 5 Juv 25th August. SLAVONIAN GREBE single bird at Blairgowrie Loch all summer. BLACK NECKED GREBE A rare bird in Perthshire and a very colour- ful one with golden chestnut ear-tufts. Several birds were observed at one location on seperate visits.

CORMORANT 12th March - 17 at North Inch roost and 12 at Loch Clunie. Other reports from Loch of Lowes and Loch Tummel. GREY HERON - 19th April - 3 at Drÿmore Loch but no sign of Juveniles later, which is unusual. 7th August - 10 Stormont Loch. MUTE SWAN - 12th March - 6 at Drummond Pond. A pair with 5 cygnets on Fingask| and a pair at Loch of Lindores with 8 well grown cygnets 6th August. 11 Swans - Loch of Lowes 15th August. GREYLAG GEESE (Feral) c80 nr Blairgowrie late august. SHELDUCK 2nd April - 8 at Errol Airfield; 6th April - pair at Inchoonans; 5th May - 10 on barley field nr Errol. WIGEON - 11th March 4 at Loch

Tummel. 60+ at Drummond Pond, Loch Freuchie, Monk Myre and Loch Tummel March/April. Female + 5 young, Foss on 30th July, up to 150 Drumore Loch early Sept. GADWALL - Two pairs were on one loch 5th May and a pair posslbly bred at another site. MALLARD - 4th July - Female on 5 eggs, Kercock - late cluteh outcome unknown. SHOVELER - Drake at Fingask 5th May and later dates. POCHARD - 5th March 10 at Mill Dam# N of Dunkeld. COMMON SCOTER - 7th June - male at usual breeding loch; 11th July - adult females on a loch. GOLDENEYE - 7th June (PSNS outing) Loch Freuchie one drake. RED BREASTED MERGANSER - A pair were regularly in Upper Glen- almond in the spring; 2 pairs Haugh of Kercock 8th April. GOOSANDER - Small flocks of up to 15 iDÿpring at several locations. Female with 4 young at one site and on 7th June female with 5 young Loch Freuchie. RUDDY DUCK 16th June male with 2 juv and 7th August female with 6 juvs., on two seperate lochs, where pairs had been displaying in the spring.

MARSH HARRIER - In May, male present on three visits to an area. HEN HARRIER - 20th June - one on moorland. SPARROWHAWK 18th March - male landed on tree, Almondbank among tits etc., feeding at nut baskets - no victimsl BUZZARD - Numerous sightings of birds in spring. Later a pair with 2 young nr Blairgowrie. GOLDEN EAGLE - twice recorded in April. OSPREY - Reports from five different areas, including a successful breed- ing pair with 2 juvs.

BLACK GROUSE - at ten different locations - largest lek c12 Glen Errochty 3rd June. GREY PARTRIDGE - Family of 2 adults & 12 young nr Aberfeldy -- 4 --

Aberfeldy/ stayed complete - late June until at least end of August. Covey of 15 nr Blairgowrie. QUAIL - One heard nr Blairgowrie bÿ two members, 28th May & 8th June. (In Perthshire terms the Quail is a 'Vagrant' and is irregularly recorded) 1989 appears to have been a good year for Quail in Britain SL.

WATER RAILS - Heard at Fingask Loch 11th June; both heard and observed at Mill Dam, Dunkeld 30th July (This rather rare Perthshire species has most unusual calls, including grunting and groanlng!) COOT - Pair with young Loch Mealbrodden 21st June.

0YSTERCATCHER - fairly common and probably underrecorded, 10tÿ March 40 at Stare Dam, 12th March c250 at Scone Palace shingle beds, and 91 at Loch of Clunie and 112 Glen Quaich. "Left quickly from late June once breeding completed, probably because of the dry ground" (MVB) RINGED PLOVER - 13 at Loch Rannoch 26th MarchI 2 pairs Loch Ericht 6th July; Pair hatched 4 young nr Blairgowrie. GOLDEN PLOVER - 49 at North Kinkell 25th March and 50 at Loch Moraig on 29th. c200 nr Errol and 46 at South Buchanty 2nd April; by 6th April pairs on territory at Dalnacardoch. Pair bred Cochrage Moor. LAPWING - Flocking by mid-June; 570 Blackford 23rd July left shortly afterwards; 100+ Crieff Rd. Perth 24th August. DUNLIN - 5ÿh August 12 off Errol roosting on dyke by R. Tay. RUFF - one near Dunlin as previous. JACK SNIPE - 24 were noted at flood water in a grass field nr Errol (DHH) - an unusually high number for this sprecies in Perthshire. WOODCOCK - 31st March one roding at Almondbank. WHIMBEREL - 5th August - one off Errol. CURLEW - 23rd March, 68 at Ballechin, Strathtay plus three other records elsewhere of approx 40 birds March/April. REDSHANK - 7th April, 10 Borlick, Aberfeldy; 21st June pair at Loch Meallbrodden probably breeding. GREENSHANK -5th August near Errol and 25th August Kercock. WOOD SANDPIPER - 7th May 2 at Upper Glenalmond - a rare species which has bred in Perthshire (DHH) COMMON SANDPIPER - 14 near Greenloaning 9th July; only 3 a fortnight later.

BLACK HEADED GULL - 22nd April Mill Dÿm, Dunkeld, approx 100 nesting at north end. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL - 26th March, 6 Keillour/ Glenalmond Rd! 2 Loch Tummel 11th April. COMMON TERN 3+ pairs attempt- ed to breed Haughs of Kercock - I chick found trampled by cattle.

TURTLE DOVE - I near Braco 3rd June (MVB). A vagrant in Perthshire. TAWNY OWL - 2 nest nr Blairgowrie| 5 young reared. SHORT-EARED OWL "numbers well down compared with 1988" (WN) Pair at Glen Cochill and -- 5 -- and/ at Dalnacardoch area; 2 birds Loch Freuchle 7th June. SWIFT 31st August; 3 over Fingask Loch - latest record for 1989. KINGFISHER - 2nd July two at R. Ericht; 19th August one caught fish R. Almond, Almondbank. GR£ENWOODPECKER -Reports from several areas - slight increase in numbers. Family parties at Rumbling Bridge & Braco 3rd July. GREAT SPOTTED WOOD- PECKER - Pair feeding at bird table in garden Kinnoul Hill.

SKYLARK - 26th March 20 Camghouran, Rannoch. HOUSE MARTIN - 15th July - 12 nests Loch Turret (14 last year) 26th August - 150/200 birds Blair- gowrie and 25/30 Arnbathie, Scone on 27th. TREE PIPIT - 10th August - Blairgowrie. GREY WAGTAIL - 3 pairs Uppe9 Glenalmond; 2 at Blacklunans; 20th June. PIED WAGTAIL - 12th August 50 at Aberfeldy going to roost. DIPPER - 7th May, Two pairs in Upper Glen Almond. REDSTART - 20th June pair at Drumore Locÿ; 10th August juv Blairgowrie. WHINCHAT - 27th June family party Blairgowrie. STONECHAT - 21st April & 6th May - pair Little Glenshee.

MISTLE THRUSH - 16th April, small flock Sma Glen. At the end of July large flocks were moving down various glens (SL). WHITETHRAOT - 10th August, 4 at Blairgowrie. GARDEN WARBLER - 10th August, 6 at Blairgowrie. CHIFFCHAFF 5rd July heard at Scone. WILLOW WARBLER - Blairgowrie 18 on 10th August & 20 on 19th. GOLDCREST - 9th August family party of 5/7 by lade Ruthven- field. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER - 27th May - single birds, Blairgorie and one 16th August Almondbank. LONG TAILED TIT - 16th May small party of c8, Almondbank.

CARRION CROW - 27th August ci00 Bonhard, Scone - pre-roost gathering on stubble| flew off towards Deuchny Wood. HOODED CROW - 9th April, Inchmag- ranachan, Dunkeld "Two genuine Hoodies well south and @ast of normal rangell(EDC) RAVEN, pair bred successfully in a tree nest west of Auch- terarder.

TREE SPARROW - 15th March, 10 atInchaffray; 11th May, 12 at Buchanty, "at least 160 fledged Blairgowrie area - good year" (SRH) - a remarkable recordÿ CHAFFINCH - 11th March, 450 nr Braco 28th June, South Loch Tummel, 15/20 - early flocking. GREENFINCH - 2nd April, 8 at Almondbank GOLDFINCH - 5thMay pair near Errol, August - several small parties record- ed and 30 near Aberfeldy on 24th. SISKIN - Ist April, ci0 feeding in Alder trees Glen Almond. Records from Almondbank, Crieff & St. Madoes March/April. TWITE - Large spring flocks in Strathallan were late break- ing up;ÿ 250 nr Kinbuck on 27th March, 400 nr Braco 15th April, still 210 on Ist May. CROSSBILL - 22nd April, pair in plantation Tummel Bridge area, -6-

BULLFINCH - 21st April - pair in conflrers nr Loch Kennard. HAWFINCH - ones and twos at (New) Scone, March; 2 at Almondbank 29th April. SNOW BUNTING - 8th April, pair at Blue Craigs, Loch Turret. YELLOWHAMMER 31st August, numbers in field hedges, Pitcalrngreen. REED BUNTING -

5thMay, I hr. Errol.

Total number of species recorded during the period by those who contributed was 113 - a very significant flgureÿ J Contributors to this Bulletin acknowledged in some instances by their initials, were:- G.L. Aitchison, Dr. M.V. Bell, Mr. & Mrs. T. Binnle, E.D. Cameron, D.H. Howie, Miss S.R. Hacker, J. Kirk, Mrs S. Lalng, S. Laing, Mrs. W. Mattingley, A. Pattullo, Mr. & Mrs. C. Scotland, & Mr. & Mrs. S. Shlmeld. Their contribution is much appreciated, ÿs outlined at the begin- ing, the 4 month period finishes at the end of December. Details as soon as possible please in January to THE SECRETARY, 53 BRIDGETON BRAE, ALMONDBANK, PERTH. PHI 5LJ.

The first meeting of the winter season takes place in the Art Gallery and Museum, Perth on Wednesday 11thOctober at 7.30PM. This should be a most interesting evening when museum staff members Mike Taylor and Steve Hewitt will give a guided tour of the Natural History Cellectlon in the Museum.

The Annual Subscription:- Adults £4,001 Juniors 0.50P can be paid to our Treasurer| Miss Lily Duncan.

NEW MEMBERS. Should you know of any friends or acquaintances who might be interested in our Society please tell them about it and bring them along. Look forward to seeing you in October.

Best wishes, Cecil Scotland, Editor/Chalrman.

PEANUTS:- Peanuts will be on sale again this winter in aid of The Tay Ringing Group Funds. A large price increame from suppliers has meant that the price has had to go up but still a good saving on shop prices. 56LB bag £20.00 or by the lb at 40p per pound. Mixed Bird Seed 30p per pound. Further details and orders to Miss Sylvia Laing, 33 Bridgeton Brae, Almondbank, Perth. PHI 3LJ. Tel. 83418

PERTH & KINROSS BIRD REPORT 1988:- These are now on sale at £2.30 or £2.50 if posted from either Mrs. W. Mattingley, Cluny House, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. Tel. 0887 20795 or Miss Sylvia Laing above address or at any of the winter meetings, and from PerthMuseum during hours. fr t, / PERTHSHIRE SCCIETY OF rATIOnAL SCIENCE ORNITHOLOGICAL SECTION

Bulletin for Sept., Oct., Nov., & Dec 1989

Included in the Bulletin are records of a wide variety of species in some cases large flocks have been observed. No Bulletin can be produced without records from members and thanks are due to these who have contributed. (In some cases notes covered Jan - these will be considered for the next Bulletin.

DEPARTURE OF SUMMÿJR VISITORS - The latest recards w ere as follows:- COMMON SANDPIPERS, 2 at Narlee Loch 15 Sept. (SRH) COMMON TERNS, 2 at Fÿ Loch of the Lowes 23 Sept (MVB) SAND MARTIN, 2/300 at R Tay, Perth 16 Sept., together with c50 HOUSE MARTINS (EDC) SWALLOW, several were flying with House Martins over Almondbank, 11 Sept (CD&ES) ÿ flying South in direct flight at Blairgowrie 7 Oct, (EDC) SEDGE WARBLER, WHITE- THROAT & WILLOW WARBLER, one of each species was mist-netted and ringed at Blairgowrie 9 Sept, EDC&SRH The last WILLOW WARBLER recorded was at North Inch, Perth 16 Sept (EDC)

WINTER ARRIVALS - WHOOPER SWAN - No large flocks seen so far this winter which is unusual, a bird on the R Tay at North Inch 16 Sept was possibly injured and had spent the summer upstream. 3 at Carsebreck 30 Sept, There were 22 records altogether including the above location, plus D£unnore Loch, Loch Kinardochy Monk Nyre, Dunkeld, Fingask, Madderty, Strsthearn, nr Cleish and Dunalastair. Maximum 18 at Drumore Loch 17 and 19 Nov. PIN, FEET - First recorded - 50 at Inchture 22 Sept, DHH, there- after large influx; 1,700 Strathearn area25 Sept (JK); "Strathtay Valley" - night of 25th and morning of 26th, large movement of Pinkfeet south over the valley (WM) "Main arrival in week followlng 26 Sept (MVB) 10,000 Clathy area 50 Sept (JK) WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (Greenland race) - I nr Clathymore 19 Oct, and 2 nr Hatchbank 27 Nov - both times in large Pinkfeet flocks (JKÿ 2 with Greylags at Strathearn 25 & 26 Nov and 10 Dec (MVB) GRÿYLAG; Numbers low in S.W. Perthshire (MVB), 85 Loch Moraig Blair Atholl, 4 Oct possible local feral population (EDC) 1,800 Drummond Pond (S&MS), 1,277 Kercock (ÿ,ÿ) 19 Nov., 1,200 nr Muirhall Farm 25 Nov (JK) and a Pale bellied BRENT GOOSE, SNOW GOOSE (greater) nr Clevage among a flock of 3,000 Pinkfeet 15 Nov (JK) BARNACLE GOOSE - More than usual nos recorded Upto 55 in Strathearn area early October to early November, including a leucistic (white) bird., 6 nr Clathy 19 Oct including leucistic bird. These are possibly thefirst records of "leucistic" Barnacles in this area (JK) GOLDENEYE Records of a few in several locations, Max 20 Dunalastair 18Nov and 31 on 23 Dec (WM); 33 R Tay, North Inch 17 Dec (EDC) SANDERLING, ÿ00 Tay Estuary, 24 Nov (SSMS) WAXWTNG, One bird in garden, Crieff - only record this winter (S&MS) FIELDFARES Quite a few records, including mixed flock of 2/300 Fieldfares and Redwings 3 Nov, passing continuously through Glen Artney in flocks of approx 60 (S&MS), 500 Glen Lyon 5th and 500 Glen Goulandie 18th Nov (WM) 450 nr Braoo 5 Nov (MVB) REDWING Fairly sparse, 20 at Loch Rannoch DHH, and 60 at Cluny (ÿM) 8 Oct and fewer numbers elsewhere except for mixed flock with Fieldfares.

SELLCTED SPECIES RECORDSÿ BLACK THROATED DIVER; 2 + Juv in early Sept. LITTLE GREBE ; several re ports inc., 10 Drumore Loch 6th and 12 on 30th Sept., 6 Drummond Pond 17 Sept. SLAVONIAN GREBE; 2 Clunie Loch 14 October + I elsewhere Sept. CORMORANT; 12 Clunie Loch 17 Sept., 7 Fingask 12 Oct., 30 R Tay North Inch 17 Dec., plus other records. HERON; 4 Bennybeg 17 Sept 2 Almondbank 20 Dec, plus other records. MUTE SWANS; Encouraging number of records inc., 58 Drummond Pond 17th, 50 adults, 10 juvs, Carsebreck 30 Sept, 17 Monks Myre 10 Nov, 80+ inc., some juvs Carsebreck 5 Dec., 24 adults, 5 juvs R. Tay North Inch 17 Dec. GREYLAG; see Winter arrivals - c150 Marlee Loch 15 Set - probably feral CANADA GEESE; Several records inc 122 Clunie Loch 17 Sept, 60 Haughs of Kercock 5 Oct, and 30/40 0chtertyre Crieff, December. MANDARIN; R Tay North Inch 8 - 15 Oct, 2 - 12 Nov., 2 drakes, I duck 10 Dec and 3 birds 17 Dec. Pity that numbers have declined, even though the area has plenty of nest boxes. WIGEON; 165 Drumore Loch 120ct, 105 Loch Freuchie 230ct, and 144 there 12 Nov., 112 Marlee Loch 10Nov. TEAL; 78 Stormont Loch, 130ct, (good nos there in autumn), 34 Loch Freuchie and 37 Kings Myre 150ct. SHOVELER; 12 Stormont Loch 150ct and 250 on another Loch 190ct. POCHARD; Not many records - 30 Drunÿnond Pond 17Sept, 15 Loch Moraig, 4Oct (inc 15 males) 16 Clunie Loch 11Nov. G00SANDER; Various sightings; max, 20 River Tay 12Nov RUDDY DUCK; Bred in NE of county in new area. - 2 broods, 5 juvs noted 25Sept. HEN HARRIER; 10 records - mostly in N areas. SPARROWHAWK; 8 records - various areas. GOLDEN EAGLE; pair and immature in different areas. MERLIN; 2 records, PEREGRINE; 6 records PTARMIGAN; heard in Ben Lawers and Ben Vrackie areas. BLACK GROUSE; in several areas including IUg Glen Quaich, a flock of 18 flew to roost in Glen Cochill area 3Dec. GREY PARTRIDGE; Flocks of ÿ dozen or so fairly common. 18 East Bonhard, Scomm 140ct., and 2 adults + 5 small fledgings LochNoraig. 40ct. WATER RAIL; This rare Perthshire species was heard nr Blairgowrie 1Oct, and not<.d at Port Allen 20Dec. OYSTERCATCHER: 5 R. Tay on Scone palace shingle 12Nov and 17Dec. A pure white bird was at Kinshaldy 25Nov (S&MS) GOLDEN PL0ÿER; Approx 50 with Lapwings in field nr Broxden romdabout, 24Sept, 50 on high altitude grassland, Beinn a' Chreachain, Glen Lyon 10ct. 300 near Stanley 150ct, 500 at Tayport 25Nov. LAPWINGS; c500 nr Blairgowrie 15Sept, 300/400 on ploughed fields at StanleyiLuncarty area 21Sept, 800/1000 R Tay, Scone palace shingle 12Dec. WOODCOCK; 2 nr Dunkeld 5Dec, 5 in blrchwoods Loch Rannoch 22Dec. REDSHAhÿS; - one noted in Nov & Dec R. Tay Scone palace grounds - unusual at that time of year. GREENSHANK; - Port Allen 140ct. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL; Lindores Loch 10Sept, 5 R Tay, Scone palace single 150ct, 9 Kinkell Pond 11Nov GUILLEMOT; R Tay, nr Balnagaurd 27Sept, onemm on road at Braco killed by car 10Dec. COLÿ DOVE; Blacklunans 19Nov, 17 Blairgowrie 25Nov. SHORT EARED OWL; Single at Kercock 19Nov. KINGFISFhÿR; Single, R Tay nr Balnaguard 27Sept, one Greenloaning 23Dec. GREEN WOODPECKER; Increase in nos of reports eg., Birnam Hill, Mill Dam, Kings Myre, Pitlowie, Scone, Blairgowrie (general inc ease) SRH Rait, Woody Island, Perth etc.,JPitmedden Forest - family party of 5 on 60ct. GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER; "increase in Blairgowrie aTea" SRH, but no other reports. SKY_Lÿ.; 65 Blairgowrie 30Sept., flock of c200 nr Braco December. GREY WAGTAIL; 5 together R Tay, North Inch, 120ct., STONECHAT; I Blairgoÿmie 7Sept. GOLDCREST; "One in small group of Sapen ÿmile from nearest woodland, Pitcastle, another in small gorge Glen Lyon, miles from nearest woodland 10ct (NWT) Pitroddie Glen in every gorse bush and hawthorn tree 11Oct DHH " overseas fall" TREECREEPER; Amulree 220ct. JAY; Logiealmond Lodge 22Oct. MAGPIE; Blacklunnans 18Nov, one in woods, Carsebreck raco 25Nov and another in wood at Dunning 28Nov. HOODED CROW; 5 Glen Lyon 1Oct. RAVEN; Various reports including flock of 11 nr Loch Freuchie STARLING; "1000's" Rae Loch, ÿairgowrie roosting in reeds in autumn. TREE SPARROW; Several feeding in garden Almondbank 25Dec., At Blairgowrie 15 nest boxes had fresh nesting material 25Dec (home for Christmas!) 12 in finch flock, Crieff 26Dec. FINCHES; Several mlxed Finch flocks recorded include, Chaff- -3-

Chaffinches, Greenfinches and Linnets etc. CHAFFINCH; 500 Trochry 25Nov, nr Braco c1000 on 9Dec. GREENFINCH; 200+ Inchconnans Nov/ Dec. 250 Trochry 25Nov, c300 Blackford 3Dec. GOLDFINCH; 1 + Juv Glen Quaich 9Sept, 4 Crieff 15Dec, and at Almondbank 0ct/Nov. SISKIN; 150 Cluny 8Sept, and 100 on 28Nov, 110 Bolfracks 26Nov. LINNET; c40 Monks Myre, Blairgowrie 11ÿct, 150 Trochry 25Nov, 250 - Blÿckford 3Dec. TWITE; 100 Glen Quach I Sept, 40 Beinn a' Chreachain, Glen Lyon 10ct. 80 Blackford 2Dec and c550 nr Braco 31Dec. REDPOLL; c30 Blairgowrie 7Oct, 30 Innerwick Glen Lyon 80ct, 50 Cluny 4Dee, 2ÿ0+ at Loch Rannoch, feeding in Silver Birches 22Dec. SNOW BUNTING; 40 on Glas Tulaichean, Glenshee 8Nov. TELLOWHÿdÿER; 130 Greenloanlng 31Dec.

Contributors to this bulletin, in some cases acknowledged by their initials, were Dr M.V. Beÿ E.D. Cameron, Miss S.R. Hacker, S. Hewitt, D.H. Howie, J. Kirk, S. Laing, Mrs W. Mattlngley, J.G. Ogilvy, C.D. & E. Scotland, S. & M.Shimeld, N.W. Taylor and J. Wallace. Records ÿ for January - April please to C.D. Scotland, Gruinart Cresc, Auchterarder PH3 ILY as soon as possible after end April,


A copy of the above is included with this Bulle±in. The proposed adoption of these will be on the agenda of the A.G.N. due to be held @n Wednesday 14th March. I trust that you will be able to attend this which is combined with the Members evening.

C.D. Scotland, Chairman. SÿR OUTINGS

MARCH 23/25th Week-end outing to Dumfries area to include Caerlaverock. see below.

APRIL 22nd Sunday Port Allen leave Museum Car Park 1.3o APRIL 25th Wed. Dunning area leave Museum Car Park 6.30 MAY 16th Wed. Mill Dam area leave Museum Car Park 6.30 Leader; A. Barclay MAy 23rd Wed. Blairgowrie area leave Museum Car Park 6.30 Leader; Sandra Hacker JUNE 6th Wed. Loch Freuchie leave Museum Car Park 6.30 Leader; Cecil Scotland JUNE 17th Sunday Bass Rock sai! from North Berwick 11.00 Contact; Sylvia Laing (see below) JUNE 24th Sunday Killiekrankie leave Museum Car Park 9.00 or meet reserve 10.00 Leader; Nartin Robinson JULY 14th Saturday Birnam Glen leave Museum Car Park 2.00 Leader; Lily Duncan AUGUST 18th Saturday ontrose Basin and Lunan Bay leave Museum car Park 9.00 Leader; Rick Goater.

OCTOBER Outing to Endrick Mouth, dates to be arranged in due course.

Week-end outirg to Dumfries, 23rd - 25th March, to include such places as Caerlaverock and Solway, please contÿt Sylvia Laing on 0738 83418 b2 the end of February if you wish to go. I will then arrange accommodation. It is hoped to have a good turnout to this weekend, the section has had some excellent weekend outings in the paat.

Bass Rock outing in June names of interested persons must be with me by the end of May.

Any further information about the outings can be obtained from Sylvla on 0738 83418 after 7.30 in the evenings. PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OP NATURAL SCIENCE. ORNITHOLOGICAL SECTION. CONSTITUTION AND RULES.

I • In this Constitution and Rules the followinE words shall have these meanings : - "Society" means the Perthshire Society of Natural Science. "Council" means the Council of the Perthshire Society of Natural Scioneÿ. "Section" means the Ornithological Section of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science. "C ommlt tee" means the Committee of the Ornithological Section of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science.

"Junior member" means a member under the age of eighteen years who is in full time attendance at a recognised educat- ional establishment.

e The Sÿctlon is constitllted in accordance with Rule (14) of the Constit- ution and Rules of the Society dated 17th February, 1967 and shall be subject to the said Constitution and Rules, and shall operate in conform- ity with the policy prescribed by the Society.

• OBJECTS. The objects of the Section shall be as follows:- (a) To provide a programme by means of e.g. lectures, films, discussions and field excursions in order to give members ÿhe opportunity of enjoying and being kept informed on all aspects of wildlife and conservation, especially in relation to ornith- ology. (b) To assist ÿf posslble wÿth local .nd n.ÿJonal renÿnrÿh nnfl surveys, which may alert conservation bodies to spoci es nnÿ habitats under threat.

(c) To produce regular bulletins on observations of birds sad other wild life in Perthshire•

. Mÿ,ÿBERSHIP. Membership shall be open to any member of the Society on payment of the appropriate subscription•

• SUBSCRIPTION. The amount of the subscription shall be fixed by the Section at the Annual General Meeting and shall include the amount of the subscription payable to the Society. Every member shall pay his or her subscription within one month of admission to membership and there- after annually not later than 31st December. The Section may fix a reduced subscription for Junior members.

• OFFICEBEARERS. The officebearers shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice- Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer• All officebesrers shall retire at the Annual General ÿeeting, but shall be eligible for re-election.

e COMMITTEE. The Committee shall consist of the officebesrers and six other members. Two members of the Committee, excluding officebearers, shall retire at the Annual General Meeting, and shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year, unless such member shall be appointed an officebearer. Four members of the Committee shall form a quorum. The Editor of the Bulletin may attend any Committee meeting• • t

. MEETINGS. Meetings shall be of the following classes:- ÿ, (a) Ordinary meetings. These are meetings arranged for the pursuit of the objects of the Section. No business relating to the management of the Section, or the conduct of its officebesrers or Committee, or affecting the Constitution, shall be dealt with at such meeting. (b) ExtraorSinary meetings. An extraordinary meeting may be called by the Committee at any time it is deemed expedient, and shall be called by the Secretary on receipt of a requisition signed by at least five members and stating the purpose for which it is requested. Intimation of an extraordinary meeting shall be given by notice sent by ordinary post or delivered by hand to each member at his or her last known address, stating the business for which it is called. Such meeting shall be held not earlier than ten clear days after the date of posting or delivery (the date of posting and the date of the meeting being excluded). No business except that stated on the notice shall be dealt with at such meeting. Ten members personally present shall form a quorum. (c) Annual General Meetings. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March each year on a date to be notified by publication in the Winter Syllabus issued by the Society. No further intimation shall be required, but a reminder may be given ÿt the ordinary meeting of the Section immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting. At the Annual General Meeting tÿLe Secretary shall submit a report, the Treasurer shall submit a statement of accounts for the preceding year, and the office- benrers and Committee for the ensuing year shall be e]ected. If any member is nominated for office and is not present at the meeting, the proposer of such person shall produce written vidpnce thnt he or she is agrÿeab].e, ÿf elected, to, sccppt office. Ten members personally present shall form s quorum.

. TRUSTEES. All property and funds belonging to the Section shall be held in the names of the Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer for the time being as Trustees for the Section.

10. BANK ACCOUNTS. All bank accounts shall be in name of the Section, and nay be operated on by the Treasurer or such other member or members of the Committee as the Committee may resolve.

11. DISPOSAL OF FUNDS. Any surplus arising shall be retained or applied in furtherance of the objects of the Section, but shÿ1] not be ÿ,seÿ in nny other manner. In the event of the winding-up of the Section, the funds and property of the Section shall be handed over to the Society or to some body having objects similar to those of the Section, or partly to one ÿnd partly to the other as the Section may at an extraordinary meeting determine.

12. ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION. This Constitution may be nltered only nt an extraordinary meeting convened as in Rule 8(b) and by a majority of three fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at such meeting.