Fisheries and Ocea 111 l+I Canada - ---- ~ -~------Ynteu.rated Management • Planning , and Labrador ..- lntroduction ------:======::::::;"""I Plants and Animals ------... Ecological Reserves and Special Places ------... Rockwecds and knotted The productive Labrador and the endangered leatherback Atlantic cod, lumpfish and Pl acentia Bay lies on a Ecological reserves and special Pipers Hole River approxi1nately 40 people. Census ~... "'"".'""' Marine Related Birds Present in Placentia Bay .------··-- ··-··- ----...... ,===c---i 2 001 Population ...... wrack dotninate the rocky Current and the GulfStrea1n sea turtle, the largest known \Vinter flounder; nine species of places include privately, north-northeast axis, opening to totals for 1991 and 1996 were 30,562 ·"""""'e.. "" SDecles Vlsitallon Period Wetland 11 Placentia Bay intertidal zones of Placenti a both in flu ence oceanographic reptile in existence today. pelagic fish including Ecological Reserves Stewardship the Atlantic Ocean at the and 28,817 people respectively. By Seabirds provincially and federally <· Bay. Cobble and small conditions \vithin Placentia mackerel, herring and capelin; & Special Places Kilmory Resort Area southwest. It separates the 200 I, population had decreased to . 6.000 G reat Cormorenl Summer feedino protected parks and areas, set a • 3,000 boulder habitats 1nay support Bay and provide rich feeding Placentia Bay is hoinc to seven species of shellfish Double-creslad Ccwmor9n1 Summer feeding aside because of their special e;rd Avalon Peninsula on the east approximately 25,000 people. 0 Provincial Park Sanctuary • 600 Corallina algae and/or sour grounds for marine mammals approximately 26 species of including sno\v crab, lobster fll9ck Guillemot Summer breeding,wimer ecological, biological, and/or Woody Island <· from the Burin Peninsula on the 11 1 O National Historic Site - \veed. The abundance and such as \Vhales, dolphins, seabirds, 13 species of and scallop. There are Re:i:orbill Summer breedinnlfee 'aJack"s \Vest and is large, deep and . Placentia Bay is an area of ·-· historical significance. a Wetland Stewardship Area diversity of plan! life relate to porpoises, and seals, as well \Vaterfowl, 10 species of approximately 14 marine Common Murra Summer feedino Pond ice-free, which allows expanding marine transportation and Thick-billed Murra Winler/sprinn feedinn ·:- Resort ··- the sedilnent type and as nu1nerous finfish and shorebirds and seven mammals and one significant year-round shipping in and out coastal development. With the Allantlc Puffin Summer feedinf! Placentia Bay provides a - Bird Sanctuary exposure, and are also shellfish species. The coastal significant species of raptors. reptile that seasonally or Summer/fall feedino of the bay. growth ofthe oil and gas industry in Northern Gannel significant habitat for seabirds. - Private Park ...... c.... . ·~­ indicators of sediment and \Vaters also offer cliffs and All of these are known to pennanently inhabit Placentia Northam Fulmar Summer/fall feedinn Newfoundland and Labrador, Cape St. Mary's, an fgN Ecological Reserve ....._ . water quality. In sheltered islands suitable for the inhabit the bay either Bay. The marine mammals and GMater Shearwat11r SorinoJsummer feedino internationally recognized Placentia Bay provides habitat Placentia Bay is the largest oil -...- - Snrinnlsummer leedinn --· Soot" Shearwater subtidal areas, fi lamentous nesting of seabirds, waterfowl seasonally or on a pennanent reptile consist of 10 whale for many species of 1narine handling port in Canada.2 Occasional teedino Seabird Ecological Reserve --· brown, green and red algae, basi>, with approxin1 ately 28 species, three seal species, the Mame Shearwaier plants, fi sh, mammals and ...... and raptors. Some ofthese Herrfnn Gull Year round breedinn located on the south\vestern tip fucoids (such as rockweed) marine mammals and animals species being late river otter and the leatherback Grealer Black-backed Gull Year round breedino of the Avalon Peninsula, birds. Historically, valuable 16 and kelps are present. In are full ti tne residents ofthe spring/summer/early fall sea turtle. The tables Rinn-billed Gull Year round breedina provides breeding habitat for JO fisheries in the area supported Population Change in Placentia Bay Lo ..... Co ~ • • fo< '°""'°"'" deeper waters, there is bay, while others migrate visilors and at least 15 species presented list some ofthe Glaucous and lcelend Gulls Winter co1n1nunities on the coastline 35000 s. 1- ~ , • '"" •• ""' species of seabirds and ~------~ ,. ,,.,,,.,e .. , typically a sporadic annually or are occasional breeding there. n1arine birds, fish, mammals Dovekle Winter nnd islands of the bay. Today, 30000 •.. .,.,.. c ... over-wintering habitat fo r the 0 occurrence of kelp and short and reptile species p resent Great and Soulh Poler Skua• Rare summer 25000 visitors. Exceptional visitors Parasitic and Pomarlne Jaeoers Rare summer endangered harlequin duck. Placentia Bay has 26 P/11 ce11/ia B(ly 4 20000 " ...... filamentous brown algae. to the bay include the The area is ho1ne to at least 14 throughout the bay. Summer breedinn, uncommon in winter incorporated and 30 • . Black·le ed Kittiwa ke 15000 "· '"'""'' gro1mdfish species including Summer breedino, small numbers Castle Hi ll 0• Placentia unincorporated con1111uni1ies, ' '"''' """' endangered harlequin duck Leech's Storm-Petrel There are two National Historic 10 000 Common Tern Year round breedinn and another I 0 sinaller """'"" Sites, Castle Hill and the 5000 Arcllc Tern Year round breedino Golden Sands " " Marine Finfish and Shellfish Present in Placentia Bay • • se t1 le1nents that have an Waterfowl Atlantic Cha11er Site, located at Groundfish Pela lcs Shellfish average population of Common Loon Su mmer (freshwater • winter coastell Jerseyside and Ship Harbour, Cunn r Sand Lance Sea Snail Red-nacked Gre be Winter respectively. Castle Hill protects Radiated Shann Smelt Lobster Canada Goose Snrin,,lsummer/fall breedinn O Gooseberry Cove Flounder American Ee l Mussel the remains of fortifications Freshwater Pond... Arctic Shann Brown T rout Scallo Bl9cl< Duel< Summer (freshwaten. winter intenidal built by the French and English G reen-winned Teal Summer/fall Arctic Eel ut Atlan1 ic Sarmon Snow Crab in the 17th and 18th centuries. Coastal Landforms (Geomorphology) ------.... Lum fish Herrin Common Elder Fal!lwin!er/sorind~ kMu 1"1anob) Red-breasted Me..,anser Year round breedi"" approximately 145 km \vide, and the ,,.,..,Jmmt,. s•,,,. . Common Harlequin Duck • Point Lance ~ H.U ,i,... . AJnold'• c.,,.. •. Woody l•laod <*=lodifll s,.-;n Curr<,. ..rn>rin< .ez;oo.) Atlantic Cod Grea\er Scauo Fall warships in 1941. 20 40 ,, .,..,h....,,m Shfwr • Woody hlaod ·D"Arpu Ba~ f""'l••fo'll M=!l=n. Lung >nd Red lslaorinnlsummer breedi"" Stewardship Area provides Placentia Bay has many islands, Pur le Sandolper Winter located near the head of Placentia by boat. There are four day-use Amusement Park, Jack's Pond Park, Late summer/fall breedino lntertid9I important staging habitat for shoals, reefs and banks as we!! as Least Sand >l"""r Bay: Kihnory Resort near Piper's and/or overnight camping parks and Piper's Hole River) and one Wllson"s, Northern and Re