Minutes Template
CABINET Tuesday, 11 October 2016 at 2.00 pm Council Chamber, Bodlondeb, Conwy Present: Councillor Dilwyn Roberts (Leader) Councillors: Dave Cowans, Philip C. Evans J.P., Chris Hughes, Wyn Ellis Jones, Susan Lloyd-Williams, Mike Priestley, Graham Rees J.P. and Dilwyn Roberts In Attendance: Councillors: Sara Allardice, Frank Bradfield, Cheryl Carlisle, Brian Cossey, Ian Jenkins and Anne McCaffrey Officers: Iwan Atherton (Accountant), Lowri Brown (Interim Head of Education Services – Chief Education Officer), Iwan Davies (Chief Executive), Phillip Davies (Head of Corporate Human Resources), Wendy Dearden (Housing Strategy Manager), Robert Dix (Section Head: Tourism and Enterprise), Geraint Edwards (Head of Service - Environment; Roads and Facilities), David Ellis (Valuer, Estates and Asset Management, Estates and Asset Management), Bleddyn Evans (County Valuer and Asset Manager), Rhian Gwyn Evans (Translator), Simon Griffiths (Management Information Officer), Marianne Jackson (Head of Community Development Service), Delyth E. Jones (Head of Law and Governance), Wyn Jones (Strategic Manager, Property & Site Management), Claire Lister (Head of Integrated Adult and Community Services), Deryl Mahon (Member Support Officer & Personal Assistant to the Leader), Cheryl Ozbilen (Service Manager - Quality Standards), Tim Pritchard (Project Manager), Jane Richardson (Strategic Director - Economy and Place), Rochane Vye (Property Officer), Andrew Wilkinson (Head of Neighbourhood Services) and Jenny Williams (Strategic Director - Social Care and Education) 366. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Goronwy Edwards, Ronnie Hughes and Andrew Kirkham (Strategic Director – Finance and Efficiencies). 367. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: CODE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONDUCT Councillor Cheryl Carlisle declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 14 (i) – Charging Policy for Adult Care and Support Services, as a member of her family was in receipt of services, therefore Councillor Carlisle left the meeting whilst the item was being discussed.
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