Art" Design Is Underway
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VOLUME28 NUMBER 11 SCOTCH PLAINS • FANWOOD, NJ. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1978 20 CENTS Snow, snow go away, Redistricting plans up for decision tonight The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of and live in Districts 20 and 21 (north of the Education will consider administrative plans railroad tracks) will attend School One, for elementary school redistrictini during where LaGrande transferees would add tonight's regular monthly session at Terrill another 115. Junior High School. The redistricting for • Students now bused to LaGrande from the September, 1978 will be a direct result of the northwest section of Scotch Plains, who Board decision to eliminate LaGrande number 17, would be reassigned to Brunner School as an education facility. School. The Board will face more than one alter- • A total of 4S students who live in native. One option under consideration Woodland Avenue to Portland Avenue area, would move only the students attending who now attend School One would be moved LaGrande School, while another would bet- to Brunner. ter balance the total elementary school • Another 28 students from Montague population by switching some children who Avenue and Cook Avenue would similarly now attend other elementary schools in the move from School One, attending Evergreen local district. School. Plan A calls for redistribution of 222 st- • The final facet of Plan A calls for dents who would have attended LaGrande In movement of 52 students now at McGinn, 1978-79 and reassignments of other students, from Ramapo Way, Gakwood Terrace, as follows: Tanglewood, Fieldcrest Drive, Lower Met- • Students who now attend LaGrande and field Road, Hilltop Road and White Oak The calendar says spring sports season is already underway. Just ask the coaches and athletes, Road to Shackamaxon School. however. They're stymied with snowed-in baseball diamonds, tennis courts, tracks, and golf live in Districts 29 and 30 (south of the Plan A provides a relatively equivalent courses. Above, three Scotch Plains-Fanwood High varsity athletes stand at the ready, rarin' to railroad tracks) will attend McGinn School. student enrollment at five elementary go. Left to right, Doug Persak, a junior; Pete Gordon, a senior; and Steve Thlerbach, a For next year, a total of 90 LaGrande tran- schools; 468 at Brunner, 425 at Coles, 451 at sophomore. The one consolation lies in the fact that all the opposition is "snowcd-ln" too! sferees would be so affected. • Students who now attend LaGrande School Continued On Pn«en wants municipal bld< The Fanwood Fire Company has presented clause provides that the municipality must citizenry would never accept a much greater have to go into a decision. the Fanwood Borough Council with a formal return the building in the exact shape it was commitment to building costs, after having One would be restoration of the existing request for provision of 3,600 square feet of in at the time of the lease agreement 20 years defeated the initial proposal, which was near Borough Hall. It is now a "disaster," the space in the new municipal building to be ago. the SI million mark. Mayor noted. Council would have to weigh built on the Slocum property. Building Today, the building has a rotting and Trumpp said that before any decision costs of restoring it under the "sweetheart" design is underway. It had provided for leaking roof, rotten and uneven floors, and could be reached, Council svould have to clause. Then there is consideration of even- movement of police headquarters and ad- falling ceilings. Neither Fire Company nor have estimates from architect Richard Berry tual disposition of the land upon which the ministration to the new facility. Council has yet estimated what such a on provision of the additional space. Later in building is located. The building committee of the Fire Com- restoration clause would represent in the way the week, Trumpp cited factors which would Continued On Page 2 pany noted that it would be more economical of expenditures. to incorporate fire headquarters in the new The Fire Company request would provide complex at this time, citing escalating for space reasonable in size as compared with building costs. The 3,600 square feet they other fire headquarters built in the area since- In preparation for bunny day... request is a 36 percent reduction from the 1970, the letter said. The company wants space which would been allocated for their space in the form of a basement, built into needs in the "Hillier Building," the original the contour of the hill, similar to the design building approach envisioned by Council, A of the existing Slocum house, slated for citizen referendum, initiated by a petition, demolition. The design would feature garage defeated spending for that proposal. Since doors to the rear of the building, facing then, the Borough has gone ahead with Russell Road. It would be cheaper to include modified plans for a less expensive complex, their space now than to build a separate which excluded the Fire Company headquar- facility at another time, they said. ters at'Uiis time. Council has included an appropriation The Fire Company letter reminded Council from surplus of $300,000 toward the new of a clause under which Council has leased building in the 1978 budget. When the issue space in the existing Borough Hall, which is of the fire company request arose, Coun- actually owned by the Fire Company. The cilwoman Carol Whittingion said the Fanwood councilwoman resigns Fanwood's first female council member, with him to discuss the appointment and to Councilwoman Carol Whittington, presented hear recommendations for a replacement for Mayor Ted Trumpp with her resignation Mrs, Whitington, The Mayor agreed to the during the monthly meeting of Council last discussion session. He emphasized, however, week, Whittington said extensive evaluation that the appointment was his to make, "I'll and thought had gone into her decision to review the applicants submitted from the "shift priorities," The mother of five teenage Democratic party, but I want to emphasize daughters said that, when she first ran four that I know the qualifications needed on and a half years ago, her girls had been cam- Council at this time." Barbara Mauser's "jewels" are created from eggshells, her lovely Faberge creations will be on paign helpers and her "cheerleaders." She Whittington called the resignation decision display, Sunday, March 19, at Cannonball House Museum. (Story — page 3) had thought she had the time and stamina to the most difficult of her life. She was meet her commitments for another term, but honored to be the first woman to serve, she has found that she cannot handle both areas said, and has loved every minute in the INDEX of responsibility, "Now it is time for me to be honored and privileged position. "I'm sorry I Fanwood Boro Clerk CLASSIFIED........... 25 the "cheerleader" for my daughters, to help cannot complete a second term," she said. EDITORIAL 4 and inspire them," she said. "No matter how contradictory I may have Campbell on sick list LEQALS, 23 Her resignation will be effective with the been at some times, my efforts have always REAL ESTATE ,,,, 22 April 12 Council session. Mayor Trumpp has been in the interests of the citizens of Fan-, Fanwood Borough Clerk John H. Campbell will be out of RIL SiRVICIS 15 30 days by law to name her sucessor. Law wood," operation for a while, recovering from the effects of a stroke SERVICES .22 provides that he must nnme a registered "Is will be different without you. The he suffered. Campbell had been a patient at Muhlenberg SOCIALTIMES.,,,, 8 Democrat, citizens owe you a vote of thanks. You've Hospital for surgery, when he experienced the stroke. In his SPORTS 18 Aaron Arnold, Acting Democratic striven mightily for your thoughts, and you'll absence, Borough Treasurer Llewyellen Fisher will be Acting YMCA,. IB • Municipal Chairman, asked.Trurnpp to meet be missed," the Republican.Mayor said.. ,, . Borough Clerk.. , ,.,:•,-,-, % 2.. .THE TIMES, MARCH .16.197g_ Fire Co. wants space Reserve red u'ced in Fa n. budget Continued From Page 1 Company offered the building to the Council "It's a good budget, except Right now, the Fire Company owns the for $1 at the time when the Hillier building The municipal portion of the Borough PBA, stating that it building itself and the land upon which it is for one area • the reserve for total tax rate is set at .78. was contemplated. However, no action was uncolleeted taxes," Fanwood was their understanding in located! The Borough owns the rear parking conversations with Mayor area, which would be landlocked with Fire ever taken at that time. Now, the decision to Councilman Patrick Dunne deed over the land, which the Borough could said during a public hearing The saving realized in Trumpp that the Borough Company retaining ownership of the front cnanging the reserve will be would provide the six percent portion. The Borough has a 99-year rental then sell for two building lots, would have to on the Fanwood Municipal be taken up by the fire company trustees. Budget last Wednesday. applied toward changing the raises, not the five-and-a-half lease with an inflationary clause which per- annual raises for the police which appeared in the final mits a very minimal rent hike every ten years Trumpp said the eventual return to be department and some other budget. or so for inflationary factors. realized by the Borough if it could sell this Dunne objected to setting Borough forces, including Many members of If the Borough were to provide nesv land for two building lots would be another the reserve at a 95 percent public works, from a five- the department and their headquarters in the Slocum complex, would consideration in the ultimate decision.