Week of April 15 - 22, 2016 • 7 - 14 Nissan, 5776

Vol. 9 • Issue 16



PAGE 27 45


GOVERNOR KASICH VISITS THE CHILDREN AT SHEMA KOLAINU CAUSE FOR CONCERN IN ISRAEL WHEN THE PALESTINIANS HEAD TO THE UN 46 The key to stop the latest Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas, PA President is an isolated stance and veto a resolution. bid to get Israel denounced at the UN’s expected in December to promote yet On the one hand, there are several rea- Security Council lies with US President another try to get the UN to condemn sons to assume that the Obama adminis- Barack Obama. He will be in the uneasy Israel’s actions in East Jerusalem and the tration could abstain and allow it to pass. position of having to either veto a resolu- West Bank. The US needs Arab allies in its fight tion despite agreeing with its content, A uncovered draft of the planned against the Islamic State group and may or to refrain or support it, thus further resolution voices “grave concern” over not want to provoke them over the Pales- CHAZAQ EVENT FILLS THE ENTIRE HALL isolating America’s reliable ally in the fading hopes of a two-state solution and tinian question. Furthermore, Obama — Middle East and allowing political op- demands Israel to “immediately and who, during his last months in office is IN THIS WEEK’S ponents at home to portray his party as completely cease all settlement activities keen on leaving a tangible legacy in the anti-Israel. in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, region — might still be bitter over Prime ISSUE Not like the last time, Israel con- including East Jerusalem.” Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s blatant Avos / Chapter 1 fronted a hostile resolution at the UN’s China, Russia, Egypt, Malaysia, Sen- effort to thwart the nuclear deal with Iran Breindy Reiss...... 7 Security Council, in December 2014, this egal, Venezuela and France are certain to by addressing the US Congress and try- Mitzraim Today time there is practically no chance that it support the draft. It is difficult to meas- ing to get American Jews to oppose their Roy Neuberger...... 10 will fail to gain the necessary majority. ure whether the US will once again take government. From Rejection to Redemption Rabbi Naphtali Hoff...... 18 My Name is Elizabeth and I am Jewish Despite wane in Palestinian ter- I’m Cancelling Pesach! RABBI AVI BAUMOL Racheli Fried...... 24 rorism, Israel’s Shin Bet warns of I am privileged to teach all types of people in Krakow; concrete threat JNS NEWS...... 36 Jews, non-Jews, old, young, those who knew they were Jew- ish all their lives and those who just found out and are re- SHLOMO CESANA You Can’t Compare — Or Can You? connecting to the Jewish world. One of my students, Eliza Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz...... 40 Is the current wave of Palestinian terrorism waning? The Schwartzman, has a remarkable story which I would like to Israeli Shin Bet security agency’s latest data says yes. But share with you. the agency maintains that the Islamic Movement in Israel is Ever since I was a child I knew I was Jewish; I also still trying to stir violence on the Temple Mount holy site, knew I could never reveal my Jewish identity. and that terrorist groups plan to perpetrate large attacks CONT. ON P4 CONT. ON P38

,urb ,eksv Kerry’s resounding Iranian ‘success’ Use Three Little Words to 7 Nisan ixhb "z BEN COHEN Reduce Your Anxiety Parashat Metzora DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA (Shabbat Hagadol) Here’s the latest episode of outreach to Iran from the When you’re feeling anxious, do you lips of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. After condemn- 7:16 P.M. FIVE TOWNS ever tell yourself to calm down and relax? ing, during a press conference in Bahrain, the “destabilizing 7:18 P.M. STATEN ISLAND It seems as though this would be a useful actions” of Iran in the Middle East, he then followed up with 7:18 P.M. BROOKLYN strategy, but if you’ve tried you probably 7:18 P.M. TEANECK, NJ a plea. “Help us end the war in Yemen,” Kerry implored the know that it’s not that effective. 7:26 P.M. MIAMI BEACH, FLA. Tehran regime. “Help us end the war in Syria, not intensify, 6:28 P.M. JERUSALEM When you’re faced with an anxi- CONT. ON P6 CONT. ON P8 4/15/16

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BAUMOL interesting about themselves (I response. Finally I confronted vartsman and I proudly showed CONT. FROM P1 have a pony, I like ice cream, I am him in his home – where I had my identity card to my father. been countless times – and cried It’s hard to believe that in left-handed…), with a big smile He was shocked – but deep out to him, ’what happened?’ His the 21st century a Jew still has on my face I stood up and said, “I down I believe he was proud. response sends shivers down my to hide their Jewishness, but that AM JEWISH!” I still did not know what Juda- spine to this day. is exactly what I went through My teacher’s face soured, the ism was about. My father said growing up in Dnepopetrovsk, exercise ended immediately and “Never talk to me again Eliza. he would never take me to Ukraine over the last 20 years. we were all told to go to our seats You are disgusting, your people synagogue, never celebrate the Yes, officially, there is Jewish life and open our textbooks. are evil, I wish you were dead.” holidays and never have anything in Ukraine, and yes thousands of Jewish in the house. Except one That night my parents sat I didn’t understand, I don’t Jews live and attend Synagogues day, which I found out was Passo- me down and told me how dis- understand. How was I differ- and Jewish cultural centers in my ver, he gave in and finally brought appointed they were to receive ent? Did he have any idea what a hometown. But tens of thousands me to the synagogue. It was amaz- a phone call from the principal Jew was? I had no idea and I was still fear the repercussions of ing. I was so happy to see my her- complaining of my ‘bad behav- Jewish! How could he? How did revealing to the outside world that itage. I asked a million questions ior.’ I didn’t understand at the he say he loved me yesterday and they are Jewish. My story is one to understand what the service time (I’m not sure I understand he hated me today? I was (am) so of these and only when I moved was about and what the holiday today as a women of 22), but I confused. to Krakow, Poland was I able to meant to the Jewish people. After followed my father’s orders and understand how crazy my situa- I was crushed but not de- that, perhaps because of my grow- never mentioned it to my friends tion was that in this day and age I stroyed. I couldn’t explain it but ing interest in Jewish traditions or again. was forbidden to tell anyone my I would not let that hate defeat other reasons, he never took me to secret. What happened in Kra- Until I was 14 – when I had me. I would not hide my identity; the synagogue again. kow? That is for the happy ending my first love. His name was Dmi- I would embrace it! I decided Fear, hate, terror – these of this sad tale, and I will speak tri* and we were in love together. to change my name! Because words hovered over my father about it later. We spent so much time having my father was so nervous about with a name like Shvartsman and fun, going out, and cherishing anti-Semitism, instead of giving My first memory of Judaism he honestly thought he was doing each other. I was convinced that me his name, Shvartsman, as my was very positive. I felt special, I what was best for me by closing Dmitri was my one true love so I surname, which was customary, was proud. I was 6 years old and off Judaism to me forever. He cautiously revealed to him my se- he had me adopt my mother’s I knew I was part of this spe- decided to send me for schooling cret – I am a Jew. Dmitri thought surname so as to hide my Jewish- cial club and I just wanted to let to where he thought would be the nothing of it until that evening ness. In Ukraine when a child everyone know. So on the first last place a Jew could live openly when he told his parents. turns 16 they have the chance to day of school when the teacher and learn about Judaism – the choose their original name – I asked every child to introduce The next day I called but became Yelyzaveta (Eliza) Sh- CONT.ON P9 themselves and say something no answer. I sent emails but no 4 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

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COHEN lubricate Iran’s economy, which will do everything it can to cir- nounced an investigation into CONT. FROM P1 has weathered several years of cumvent international regulations. whether the Obama administration and help us to be able to change international sanctions. And in misled Congress over the nuclear the dynamics of this region.” any case, Iran has already enjoyed Momentum, thankfully, is deal with Iran, on such criti- a productive relationship with building up in Congress to coun- cal issues as continuing Iranian What do you call this? Na- offshore institutions, as the “Pan- ter Iran’s re-entry into a global missile tests and the character of iveté? Hard-nosed realism? The ama Papers” leaked from shady financial system in which the U.S. the nuclear facilities inspections actualization of President Barack law firm Mossack Fonseca am- is still the most powerful player. regime. Moreover, the anxiety Obama’s deeply held belief that ply demonstrate. One of several In early April, Sens. Marco Rubio over these concessions to Iran is American diplomacy must be Iranian clients was Petropars, an (R-Fla.) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) bipartisan in nature. Prominent humble and post-imperial? Or just oil firm sanctioned in 2010 by the introduced a bill that will prevent Democrats pushing back against the plain old enabling of a rogue U.S. Treasury Department for its Iran from gaining even indirect administration policy include state ruled by clerics who practice involvement in Tehran’s nuclear access to American banks and House Minority Whip Rep. Steny censorship and torture? program. other financial institutions, while Hoyer (D-Md.), who told the also imposing secondary sanctions recent AIPAC policy conference Perhaps the fairest way to In that light, it’s hard to take against any financial institutions that blocking Iran from obtain- adjudicate this would be to judge seriously State Department assur- that assist Iran in offshore dollar ing nuclear weapons—a potential Kerry by his results. There is ances that its guidance to compa- trading. outcome that the nuclear deal has no chance that Iran is going to nies doing business in Iran will no power to prevent—needs to be perform a 180-degree turna- be aimed at keeping them within At the same time, the House CONT.ON P15 round in its foreign policy, and the law. Iran, we can be confident, Intelligence Committee has an- Kerry knows it. In Syria, Iran has worked with Russia to stabilize the bloodstained tyrant Bashar al-Assad, while in Yemen and elsewhere in the Gulf, it is sys- tematically baiting the conserva- tive Sunni monarchies quivering in the face of rising Shi’a power.

Still, one can only say that Kerry has failed if one believes that the Obama administration’s policy is aimed primarily at curb- ing Iranian provocations. Now, when you look at the administra- tion’s policy on Iran, it becomes clear that Kerry’s expressed concern about Iran’s behavior was a sop to his Bahraini hosts. When it is remembered that current administration policy is to dis- engage from the region, thereby empowering Iran, it can be argued that Kerry’s results have actually been a resounding success in the context of that policy.

Part of that policy is to occa- sionally indulge America’s Arab allies by sharing their alarm at what Iran is getting up to. And the Iranians know very well that this will be the limit of American opprobrium. They also know that they can easily wring concessions from Obama and Kerry. When the Iranians complained that they were not feeling the benefits of the surrender on Tehran’s nuclear program negotiated last year, the Americans let it be known that they were looking into how off- shore financial institutions might conduct “legitimate business” with Iran in U.S. dollars—a cur- rency to which up until now they have been denied access.

Such trading would certainly

6 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 following the Torah. Indeed, the because of those that study and FRESH PERSPECTIVE | Breindy Reiss Sages teach that one who wishes keep the Torah. We observe to reach the lofty height termed that the world was destroyed by ‘Chassidus’ which is one level a great Flood because people AVOS/ CHAPTER 1 below the attainment of ‘ruach were morally corrupt. Since the hakodesh’ should study Pirkei entire physical world including Avos. In fact, another name for the inanimate objects as well as Traditionally, we commence Why is the material covered four this mesechta is ‘Mishnas Chas- the plant and animal life as well our study of Pirkei Avos begin- times? Why would a teaching of sidim’! What does the term as the peoples who exist, are ning with the first Shabbos after ethical and moral conduct begin ‘chassidus’ mean? According to sustained by those that keep the Pesach and we end the Shabbos with the historical account of the Chazal, a chossid is one who not Torah and live a moral pure life, that precedes Rosh Hashana. giving of the Torah by Moshe to only follows the exactitudes of the in that sense, those who study and Pirkei Avos is actually five chap- Yehoshua, followed by the elders, mitzvos, but also goes beyond the keep that which is taught in Pirkei ters of the Mishnaic Tractate the Judges and finally the men measure of what is required by Avos, become ‘Avos’, spiritual called Avos. The sixth chapter is of the Great Assembly? Logic the Torah to be a superlative Jew. fathers, to the entire creation! a Braisa which is part of the Oral would dictate that the account of By studying and following Pirkei Torah that was not included by the line of teaching from Moshe Avos a person achieves sublime Our sages recognized the Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi in his com- Rabbeinu and onward be some- spiritual heights. The very next spring and summer months as a pilation of the six orders of the thing mentioned at the very begin- rung on this lofty ladder is ‘ruach time when the evil inclination of Mishna. It works out that Pirkei ning of the six orders of the Oral hakodesh’ which would mean a person gathers momentum in Avos is read four times between Torah called the Mishna. Also, an almost tangible feeling of a his efforts to entice him/her to Pesach and Rosh Hashana. why does the Mishna say that special closeness to Hashem. We sin. During this time period, the Moshe Rabbeinu got the Torah see from this that Pirkei Avos is trees and flowers are blossoming There are several questions ‘miSinai’, from Sinai? It should not a mere grouping of nice ethi- and the outdoors is very enticing. that are commonly asked about have said that Moshe received the cal thoughts, but rather a divine Throughout the winter months, this arrangement. First, why is Torah from Hashem at Sinai! guide, taught by our great Rab- one is inclined more towards this Tractate known as Pirkei bis as to how to lead a life that is indoor activities and the pursuit of Avos namely Chapters of the ‘Avos’ or ‘Fathers’ is a term morally great between a person Torah studies. With the advent of Fathers? The ethical impera- also used to represent spiritual and Hashem as well as his rela- the Spring, when the birds begin tives quoted are not attributed to guides of our lives. Indeed, if tionship to people. chirping, the weather becomes our Fathers; Abraham, Isaac, and we undertake to follow the ethical pleasant, and the wide variety of Jacob. Furthermore, what is the teachings in this tractate, we will Another reason that this colors that catch the eyes, make purpose in learning these chapters become elevated morally. This mesechta is attributed to ‘Avos’ one want to stroll the parks and in the spring and summer months? will aid us in understanding and is that the entire world exists CONT.ON P19



As Pesach approaches, Rabbi Rosenberg is copy of inundated with calls from those who simply will not be able to make Pesach for their family without assistance from Eizer L’Shabbos. With Hashem’s help, this year Eizer L’Shabbos The Jewish will provide 800 needy families with food vouchers which will enable them to buy their Pesach needs in some of the local supermarkets in Tzfat. Connection With your donation, you will be able to say the words “Let all who are hungry come and eat” with delivered to you absolute sincerity. Don’t let this request for tzedaka go unanswered. Sponsor a family for Pesach by Email. at $180-300 or give what you can. Please make your check payable to Eizer L’Shabbos 5014 16th Ave., B’klyn, NY 11204 or donate online at Send your request to www.eizerlshabbos.com To all our rothers and sisters ho ill enjoy this Yom Tov ezras ashem Rememer your rothers in Tzat ho struggle on a daily asis they are thining [email protected] ho in the orld could they put ood on the tale or seven days For more information please call (Israel) 347-487-1413 or (US) 646-284-1231

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ety-inducing scenarios: giving a standardized test.3 Dr. Joseph Mercola public speech, solving a difficult Karaoke math problem and singing kara- Participants said they were Use Three Little Words to oke. The participants were able anxious, calm, angry or sad before to change the outcomes of their singing Journey’s “Don’t Stop Be- Reduce Your Anxiety performance just by altering their lievin’” in front of the group. The CONT. FROM P1 self-talk or mindset. Results were American Psychological Associa- as follows: tion reported: ety-inducing situation, say giving This isn’t just hearsay, either. Public Speech “Participants who said they a public speech, your heart is Brooks conducted a series of Participants prepared a persua- were excited scored an average of likely pounding and levels of the experiments in 2014 to evaluate sive public speech and were told 80 percent on the song based on stress-hormone cortisol rise. In reappraising anxiety as excitement. it would be recorded and judged their pitch, rhythm and volume as short, you’re in a hyped-up state of She wrote in the Journal of Experi- by a committee. Before giving the measured by the video game’s rat- arousal, and simply telling yourself mental Psychology: speech, the participants said either ing system. to relax may be too big of a leap “Compared with those who “I am excited” or “I am calm.” Those who said they were calm, for your body and mind to make. attempt to calm down, individu- Those who said they were angry or sad scored an average of A more effective option, als who reappraise their anxious excited gave longer speeches and 69 percent, compared to 53 percent according to Harvard Business arousal as excitement feel more were more persuasive, competent for those who said they were anx- School Professor Alison Wood excited and perform better. and relaxed. ious. Participants who Brooks, involves the opposite strat- Individuals can reappraise anx- Math Problem said they were excited also egy: telling yourself you’re excited. iety as excitement using minimal Participants read either “try reported feeling more excited and Three Words to Squelch Anxi- strategies such as self-talk (e.g., to get excited” or “try to remain confident in their singing ability.” ety: ‘I Am Excited’ saying “I am excited” out loud) calm” then were given math prob- Brooks noted that when you’re Excitement isn’t too far off or simple messages (e.g., “get ex- lems to solve. Those in the excited anxious it causes you to ruminate from anxiety. The difference is cited”), which lead them to feel group scored 8 percent higher on and focus on negativity, including excitement is generally a positive more excited, adopt an opportunity average than the calm group or potential threats. emotion while anxiety is negative. mind-set (as opposed to a threat a control group that read neither By refocusing your mind on a But in terms of the physical chang- mind-set), and improve their sub- statement. positive outcome by saying you’re es in your body, excitement and sequent performance.” Similarly, in 2010 a study excited, it leads to real benefits. anxiety are difficult to distinguish. Reappraising Your Emotions found that reappraising feelings of “Even if they don’t believe it at And so, when you’re anxious, Leads to Better Performance Out- anxiety into a positive (the partic- first, saying ‘I’m excited’ out loud it’s not a stretch for your body to comes ipants were told it would improve increases authentic feelings of ex- channel those negative feelings into Brooks experiments challenged performance) improved their scores citement,” she said. positive ones of excitement instead. people to engage in three anxi- on the math section of the GRE CONT.ON P11

Moshe’s By Yochai Ben THE CROSSWORD Yitzchak Dov JEWISH


42) Performance group 21) Tear Across 46) Assistant 22) Army insect 1) Tortoise’s opponent 49) Interrogate 23) Fathered 5) Vietnam’s neighbor 50) Mine products 24) Dress for Caesar 9) Right you ____! Rachael Schindler, 51) High ____ 26) Pulled apart 12) Rind 52) French preposition 29) Tenor ____ Pavarotti 13) Car part 53) Source 30) Formal speech 14) London’s Big ___ 54) Fairy tale starte 31) Writer’s tool 15) Poise Larry Domnitch, Daniel Pipes 32) Tricky curve 16) Calming drug Down 33) Earth vibration 18) Sphere Racheli Fried, Jamie Geller, Rifka Schonfeld 1) Truman’s monogram 34) Compass pt. 20) Internet access device 2) Alias abbr. 35) In front 21) Proportion 3) Cottage cheese’s kin 36) nervous 23) Majestic 4) Logbook items 37) Chores 25) Objective 5) “Viva ____ Vegas” 38) “___ Got A Secret” 27) School gps. 6) Chopping tool 43) Sis’s sibling JACOB STRAUSS Photographer 28) Assoc. 7) Antique 44) Author ____ Tolstoy 29) Run easily 8) Sailor 45) Philadelphia time zone 33) Prizes The Jewish Connection is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. 9) Remain (abbr.) 35) Dressed 10) Make merry 47) Trumpeter ____ Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not necessarily those 39) Reads quickly 11) Foe Severinson 40) Throw 17) wee one 48) Wind direction (abbr.) of the publisher. We are not responsible for the Kashrus or hashgacha 41) Humor 19) ____ Voyage! of any product or establishment advertised in The Jewish Connection. ANSWER TO THIS WEEK’S CROSSWORD ON PAGE 31

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BAUMOL about Judaism and a willingness Jewish life in Krakow?” I thought. ence for me has been like and my CONT. FROM P4 to showcase Jewish culture in fes- Could I really become part of the response is that Judaism for me in tivals, museums, theater, and stud- Jewish community? I went home Ukraine was like seeing a world graveyard of the Jewish people, ies. Ten years ago, the Institute and looked for my documents, my in black and white; in Krakow I the ghost of European Jewry’s for Jewish Studies department of Jewish identity, my card with my see everything in majestic, beauti- past – Krakow, Poland. the major Jagiellonian University Jewish name and the next day I ful color. I am so grateful to God And he was right. For the first opened and today there are 150 went to the JCC at 9 in the morn- for giving me the opportunity to three years of my schooling there students! And that Jewish festival ing to wait for the rabbi and ask to return to the Jewish world and I I saw no Jews, encountered no now boasts 25,000 visitors every join the Jewish world. am grateful to the JCC for being synagogues and just focused on summer. this amazing place of openness The rabbi was late! He was my studies. Something was gnaw- and exploration. I decided to become a vol- praying at synagogue, I was told, ing at me that there must be some unteer – a macher – and as part so I waited nervously and finally I hesitantly told my father Judaism but I was under strict of our training we were told we we met and he invited me imme- about my choice to be engaged, order to not engage. I obeyed – would have a meeting with a rabbi diately for Shabbat dinner. to become an active member of until ten months ago, a day which in the Jewish Community Center, Jewish community. Despite eve- changed my life forever. Since that day I have not in Krakow. I had never met a rything, he allowed me to make stopped learning. I want to know I knew only one thing about rabbi before so I was excited and my own choice, but told me to everything about what it means Judaism in Krakow – that every nervous. The rabbi seemed nice be careful. It is hard to change to be a Jew. I want to try every year there was a Jewish culture and spoke about what it means to stereotypes; to change what you holiday, every commandment festival. I wasn’t sure there were be Jewish and how we could help believe about others is difficult but and experience all that had been any Jews but every summer at the out people and talk to them about to change what you think about denied to me in Dnepropetrovsk. university my friends would go Jewish culture throughout the yourself is, I believe, even more and volunteer at this festival for festival. Then he finished with one I study Hebrew on Wednes- complicated. I am convinced that ten days in July. They were called more line… days and go to Shabbat dinners on he will ultimately come around Machers – I didn’t know why. Friday nights. I joined the stu- and see how happy I am and how “Krakow is experiencing a dents’ club and met young adults it really is safe to be openly Jew- The festival was started by re-birth of Jewish life and par- my age. Each day is a new won- ish in Poland today. a non-Jew 25 years ago in an at- ticularly here at the JCC where der. I study with the rabbi four tempt to resuscitate Jewish culture Jewish life is thriving. If you have Today I proudly say some- times a week and I am entranced in Krakow, a city in which Jewish a Jewish mother or father, grand- thing I only dreamed about for by the Bible and Jewish law. Last life flourished for close to a mil- mother or grandmother, you could most of my life: week I observed Shabbat for the lennium. It became wildly suc- not only be a volunteer but are first time and it was thrilling! Hi. My name is Elizabeth and cessful and a symbol of what has welcome to join the Jewish com- I am Jewish. been taking place in Krakow in munity. Just meet me after this I was asked what the experi- particular, and Poland in general talk and I can help you come back over the last years since it became to your heritage”. an independent democratic state. “Wow. Did he just say there is There has been a deep curiosity

Larry Domnitch Dayeinu: Enough! Passover Had Obama only disregarded David Cameron only called and underestimated the threat of Israeli construction of Jewish ISIS, even initially referring to neighborhoods in its capital them as the JV team-Dayeinu Jerusalem “genuinely shocking” Had Obama only refused to –Dayeinu acknowledge ‘Islamic Terror’ Had so many Western leaders since he has taken office-Dayeinu unjustly look to Israel as the cause Had the world community only of conflict while disregarding been passive on the slaughter those who perpetrate the violence- of Christians and Yezidis in the Dayeinu Middle East-Dayeinu Had President Obama only Had the United Nations only recently complained that Iran named democratic Israel as the is not keeping with the spirit of world’s top human rights violator the JCPOA agreement with Iran 5th Congressional District -Dayeinu in which he had an integral role 153-01 Jamaica Ave., Suite 204 67-12 Rockaway Beach Blvd Had President Obama only -Dayeinu apportioned aid to Gaza despite Had Iran’s leaders only JAMAICA, NY 11432 Arverne, NY 11692 the continued terror-Dayeinu continued with increased post TEL: (718) 725-6000 TEL: (347) 230-4032 Had UN Secretary General Ban nuclear agreement assets to Washington, DC O ce Ki-moon only issued statements develop advanced missile Paid for by Friends for Gregory Meeks justifying Islamic terror against technology and increase 2234 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Jews-Dayeinu acquisitions of conventional Paid for and Authorized by Friends for Gregory Meeks Had British Prime Minister CONT.ON P12

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 9 4/15/16 Roy Neuberger MITZRAIM TODAY

Can you imagine living in as Mitzraim as a guide to events Mitzraim during the Ten Makkos? surrounding the time of the Geu- Imagine that you are – lehavdil! – lah Shelemah. an Egyptian. Your entire world is collapsing. Mitzraim was the most And look at our world. Are powerful nation, considered invul- not current events indicative of nerable, guarded by potent magic massive forces at work? Look at as well as apparently invincible events in Europe. But not only armed forces. And then, shock- Europe: the world as a whole is ingly, the entire civilization began in ferment. My father used to tell to crumble under the onslaught a story about his beloved sister, of mysterious forces beyond any- Ruth. When her eighteen-year- one’s ability to understand, let old son learned to drive a car, alone control. Can you imagine she would admonish him, “Re- how you would feel? You might member, you have a killer in your literally be on the edge of insan- hands!” This was a responsible ity; your entire world was being young man whose mother was overthrown; you had nowhere to looking over his shoulder, but in turn for stability or a way out of the contemporary world we have the apparently-universal chaos. irrational, unpredictable political raf dj leaders with weapons of mass jnau In that same place and at the destruction readily available who same time, there was a group of are responsible to no one at all! people utterly separated from the chaos. This nation – former Throughout the world, there slaves! – although they lived in is a feeling of growing unease, the midst of the conflagration, was as if something titanic is in the strangely calm, even radiant with offing. An Adam Gadol wrote hope. As the world of the Mitz- that, as the Geulah Shelemah riim collapsed, the other nation approaches, world rulers are ini- io. How do we save ourselves? soon to the Geulah Shelemah if seemed completely assured. There tiating wars, desperate to shore we hold fast to this perspective. was no panic, only a purposeful up their kingdoms, because they We would do well to remem- “Min ha maitzar… from the preparation for some climactic feel the imminence of something ber the analogy to Mitzraim. Just straits did I call upon Hashem. event, under the leadership of two cataclysmic, beyond their control, as our people who stayed close to He answered me with expansive- men named Moshe and Aharon, threatening their power. Moshe and Aharon were removed ness… I shall not die, but I shall whose demeanor was calm and from the chaos and marched in live and relate the deeds of Hash- who actually dared to face the Several years ago at this glory to Har Sinai to greet the Ri- em…This has emanated from mighty Paro without fear. season, Rabbi Moshe Wolfson bono shel Olam, so we are bidden Hashem; it is wondrous in our shlita”h, mashgiach of Torah to do the same, whatever blows eyes…. Give thanks to Hashem, How is it possible for two Vodaath, delivered divrai mus- may fall in the days preceding the for He is good … His kindness such different groups of people to sar in an unusual public forum: Geulah Shelemah. endures forever.” (Tehillim 118) exist in the same place at the same “Why are we quiet? Where is the time, one group on the verge of awakening? Why is everyone Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch © Copyright 2016 collapse and the other group filled so apathetic? Everyone is busy zt”l wrote regarding this same by Roy S. Neuberger with simcha? The answer, my with narishkeiten; we don’t hear Chapter in Tehillim: “We shall friends, is totally clear. But there the alarm? We don’t know that not be afraid even if all things on we have to pierce the heavens is a very strong question: it is one earth around us undergo violent Roy Neuberger’s latest book is thing to recognize this scenario in for rachamim from the Ribono change, and if that which seemed WORKING TOWARD MOSHIACH. the past; it is quite another to rec- Shel Olam?” The Mashgiach as steadfast as the mountains is His book 2020 VISION is available in ognize it in the present! cited Tehillim Kapital 46, which shaken by the flood of historic describes “the upheavals of events… We shall not be afraid, ENGLISH, HEBREW, SPANISH, FRENCH, As we near Pesach, our chal- the Messianic era.” (Artscroll because we see the hand of G-d RUSSIAN & GEORGIAN. lenge is to apply the Mitzraim commentary) Dovid Hamelech even in the midst of the surging Roy is also the author of FROM CENTRAL scenario to our own days. I have describes this period as follows: flood of catastrophes. We know PARK TO SINAI: How I Found My Jewish mentioned frequently the strik- “…. The earth is transformed, that it is He Who guides them, Soul, available in ENGLISH, HEBREW, ing assertion enunciated by the and … mountains collapse in the and the upheaval of all that RUSSIAN & GEORGIAN, Chofetz Chaim and brought down heart of the seas [Is this a tsuna- seemed great and firm on earth is and WORLDSTORM: Finding Meaning & to us through the words of Rabbi mi?] …. Nations are in turmoil; intended only to reveal G-d in His Direction Amidst Today’s World Crisis. Elchonen Wasserman zt”l, that kingdoms totter; [Hashem] has all-powerful majesty.” (On Tehil- ROY AND HIS WIFE LEAH SPEAK raised His voice; the earth dis- “we can learn about the end of our lim 46) PUBLICLY ON TOPICS RELATED TO HIS exile from what happened at the solves….” BOOKS AND ARTICLES. end of our exile in Egypt.” Those As we enter Zman Chairu- Email: [email protected]. Website: words clearly indicate that we are Our current world certainly sainu, we can realistically hope to use the Torah account of Yetzi- seems headed toward this scenar- that these exalted days will lead www.2020vision.co.il. 10 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

MERCOLA the brain that encodes threatening CONT. FROM P8 events into memories.” Chronic Anxiety Tends to Be EFT Is a Powerful Tool for an Internal Process Anxiety Relief While external factors, like The featured experiments show public speaking, can certainly how powerful your mind can be in cause you to feel anxious, chronic relieving anxious feelings. anxiety tends to be more of an in- If you struggle with anxiety, ternal process, and it may actually you may want to look into energy change your brain. psychology techniques such as the If you grow up in an envi- Emotional Freedom Technique ronment with frequent yelling or (EFT), which involves stimulating abuse, for instance, your brain may different energy meridian points become “wired” for anxiety, such in your body by tapping them with that any potentially undesirable your fingertips while simultane- event or emotion becomes cause ously using custom-made verbal for alarm. affirmations. Some people are so used to EFT significantly increases feelings of anxiety that they don’t positive emotions, such as hope realize there’s a problem and sim- and enjoyment, and decreases neg- ply suffer in silence. As anxious ative emotional states, including feelings intensify, it can lead to anxiety. social isolation, physical symptoms It is particularly powerful for and related mental health problems, treating stress and anxiety because like depression. it specifically targets your amygda- Anxiety is very common. Forty la and hippocampus, which are the million Americans, or 18 percent parts of your brain that help you of the population, struggle with decide whether or not something is anxiety disorders, which are, col- a threat.9 EFT has also been shown lectively, the most common mental to lower cortisol levels, which are illness in the U.S. elevated when you’re stressed or Anxiety involves the same anxious. “fight or flight” response that stress In the following video, EFT does, which means it ramps up therapist Julie Schiffman discusses your heart rate, circulation and re- EFT for panic attacks and anxiety flexes so you’re prepared to fight relief. Please keep in mind that off (or escape) a potential threat. while anyone can learn to do EFT Anxiety Is a Normal Stress at home, self-treatment for serious Response That Can Spiral Out of issues like persistent anxiety is not Control recommended. Anxiety is a normal response to For serious or complex issues stress, but in some people the anx- you need someone to guide you iety becomes overwhelming and through the process, as it typically difficult to cope with, to the point takes years of training to devel- that it affects their day-to op the skill to tap on and relieve day living. The brain is also ac- deep-seated issues like anxiety. tively involved. The National Insti- That said, the more you tap, the tute of Mental Health explained: more skilled you’ll become. “Several parts of the brain are Natural Options for Relieving key actors in the production of fear Anxiety and anxiety … scientists have dis- It’s estimated that only one- covered that the amygdala and the third of people with anxiety dis- hippocampus play significant roles orders receive treatment but many in most anxiety disorders. who do resort to drugs. Prescrip- The amygdala is an al- tions for benzodiazepine anxiety mond-shaped structure deep in the drugs including Valium, Ativan brain that is believed to be a com- and Xanax tripled from 1996 to munications hub between the parts 2013. of the brain that process incoming The rate of overdose deaths sensory signals and the parts that increased more than 500 percent interpret these signals. during the same time period. How- It can alert the rest of the brain ever, “treatment” does not have to that a threat is present and trigger equal “drugs.” You have nothing a fear or anxiety response. The to lose, and everything to gain, by emotional memories stored in the applying lifestyle modifications central part of the amygdala may before trying medication. You may play a role in anxiety disorders in- be surprised by how much such volving very distinct fears, such as changes lessen anxiety naturally. If fears of dogs, spiders, or flying. you often feel anxious or have pan- The hippocampus is the part of CONT.ON P12 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 11 4/15/16 DOMNITCH only hurled invectives against CONT. FROM P3 Israel. - Dayeinu Had President Obama only weaponry –Dayeinu considerably downsized the US Had Iran’s leaders only military by reducing its budget- continued to threaten America, Dayeinu Israel and the West, while being Had the United States merely the chief global sponsors of terror significantly decreased its role as -Dayeinu a world leader under the Obama Had the Palestinian Authority Administration - Dayeinu only continued to venerate Had so many American Jewish murderers of Jews and call for organizations remained quiet Israel’s destruction-Dayeinu in the face of denigrations of Had the US administration and Israel by the UN, EU, and the US the European Union only enforced Administration -. Dayeinu labeling products from Judea, Had President Obama pushed Samaria, and Golan Heights the entry of Muslims into America (intended for boycott).-Dayeinu but has made no effort on behalf Had the US Ambassador of Christian and Yezidi victims of to Israel only claimed that genocide. ‘settlements’ violate international Had Obama top aids, John law. Really! Dayeinu Kerry, Valerie Jarrett, and Susan Had Israel critic Senator Bernie Rice, only had close ties to the Sanders, who leveled such Iranian regime - Dayeinu “disproportionate” accusations Had Secretary of State John at Israel, only been one of the Kerry threatened Israel with two Democratic presidential boycotts and a third intifada if contenders –Dayeinu “peace talks” failed - Dayeinu Had only so many leftist Jewish Had Secretary John Kerry only groups supported the nefarious stated that Israel will be further BDS movement in America - isolated in the world if Congress Dayeinu rejects the nuclear deal - Dayeinu Had many American College Had Obama only embraced the campuses become hotbeds of Muslim Brotherhood in America anti-Israel/anti-Semitic activity and around the world - Dayeinu poisoning so many minds - Dayeinu! America! Western Dayeinu MERCOLA duced hormone corticosterone, Civilization! Wake up! The world CONT. FROM P11 Had North Korea only restarted resulting in reduced anxiety- and is becoming increasingly more plutonium reactors and improved ic attacks I strongly recommend the depression-related behavior.13 dangerous. Open your eyes: Israel work on advanced missile following: The probiotic known as Bifido- is part of the solution, not part of technology-Dayeinu Exercise bacterium longum NCC3001 has the problem. Dayeinu Had President Obama and In addition to the creation of also been shown to normalize members of his administration new neurons, including those that anxiety-like behavior in mice with release the calming neurotransmit- infectious colitis. ter GABA, exercise boosts levels So optimizing your gut flora of potent brain chemicals like sero- with beneficial bacteria is a highly “THE SHMUZ” tonin, dopamine, and norepineph- useful strategy. This is done by rine, which may help buffer some eliminating sugars and processed Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of the effects of stress. Many avid foods and eating plenty of non- WARNING: LOSHON exercisers also feel a sense of eu- starchy vegetables, avoiding pro- phoria after a workout, sometimes cessed vegetable oils, and using HORAH KILLS! known as the “runner’s high.” healthy fats. Additionally, eating PARSHAS METZORAH It can be quite addictive, in a plenty of fermented vegetables or taking a high-potency probiot- good way, once you experience just A peddler approached the city me!” — VaYikrah Rabba 16:2 ic would be useful to reestablish how good it feels to get your heart of Tzipori and called out,“Who healthy gut flora. rate up and your body moving. wants to buy the potion of life?” Omega-3 Fats Optimizing Your Gut Flora A crowd gathered around him. What did the peddler reveal to Your diet should include Your gut and brain work in Rebbe Yanni said to the man, “I Rebbe Yanni? tandem, each influencing the other. a high-quality source of ani- would like to purchase some.” The The difficulty with this This is why your intestinal health mal-based omega-3 fats, like peddler responded, “It’s not for Medrash is that it doesn’t seem can have such a profound influence anchovies, sardines, wild-caught you and your type.” Rebbe Yanni that Rebbe Yanni learned anything on your mental health and vice Alaskan salmon or krill oil. The persisted. Finally the peddler took new. He clearly knew the posuk versa. It’s also the reason why your omega-3 fats EPA and DHA play out a Tehillim and opened it to the before the peddler said it. As he diet is so closely linked to your an important role in your emotional posuk, “Who is the man who wants was a Tanna, he had mastered the mental health. well-being, and research has shown life? Guard your tongue from entire Torah and understood the Prior research has shown a dramatic 20 percent reduction in evil.” meaning, depth, and implications that the probiotic Lactobacillus anxiety among medical students Rebbe Yanni exclaimed, “All of those words. What new concept rhamnosus had a marked effect taking omega-3s. of my life I’ve read that posuk, but did Rebbe Yanni learn from the on GABA levels in certain brain Dr. Mercola is the founder of the world’s most visited natural health web site, I never appreciated how simple it regions and lowered the stress-in- CONT.ON P13 Mercola.com was until this peddler revealed it to 12 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 SHMUZ warns us against lashon harah! they know definitely kills, they understanding that every word in CONT. FROM P12 With one conversation, a person aren’t that concerned about. How the Torah is true. While we may peddler? can violate dozens of prohibitions. are we to understand this anomaly? not feel it now, one day we will. The answer to this can be And worse, it can easily become The answer is that when One day, we will understand that best understood with a moshol. a lifelong habit. Lashon harah medical science tells us something, every word of Torah learning is Imagine that a mother and kills… It may be a great yeshiva, we accept it as truth. These are the more precious than fine jewels. father are looking for the right but forget it. We can’t take the facts; this is reality. Unfortunately, One day, we will appreciate that yeshiva for their son. After much chance!” when the Torah tells us something, every callous remark we ever made investigation, they hit upon the Somehow it doesn’t seem that it just isn’t real. “You need a lot will come back to haunt us. And perfect solution. It has the right that would be the reaction. More of emunah to really accept that. I one day, we will recognize that type of environment, the right type likely, their attitude would be, don’t know if I am on that level.” every action, deed, and thought of boys, just the right blend – a “Listen, it’s not something we are And so in the parents’ minds, was being videotaped to be played perfect fit. But then they hear the happy to hear, but it isn’t a reason “Lashon harah. . . well, I mean, a back to us at the end of our days. news. The boys in that yeshiva to disqualify a good yeshiva.” mitzvah it’s not, but it surely isn’t The more that we focus on smoke! Let’s analyze the difference as dangerous as smoking. Smoking the value system of the Torah, the “Oh my goodness!” the mother in their reactions. Assuming really kills!” more real it becomes to us, and exclaims “Now what? It may be a that these are well-educated This seems to be the answer to the more motivated we will be by great yeshiva, and our son might people, they know that the Rebbe Yanni. As great as he was, that which has eternal value and flourish there, but everyone knows Torah specifically, clearly, and and as much as he accepted every preciousness. that smoking kills. It’s a habit definitively tells us that speaking word of the Torah as completely that’s very difficult to break. It’s Rabbi Shafier is the founder of the lashon harah kills, and that true, on some level it wasn’t 100% Shmuz.com – The Shmuz is an engaging, just not worth it.” guarding one’s tongue is the real to him. The peddler revealed motivating shiur that deals with real life issues. So they decide not to send their Torah’s guarantee to long life. to Rabbi Yanni that the Torah son to that yeshiva. They have heard many shmuzin teaches us that “lashon harah kills” Now let’s play out the same discussing the severity of this in its most simple, direct meaning. scenario with just one adjustment: issue, and they don’t question it. It then became real to him. same young man, same yeshiva, On the other hand, while they The greatest distance on earth same perfect fit. However, instead are aware that smoking has a high is between the head and the heart of the parents finding out that the correlation to various diseases, boys smoke, they find out that the only a small percentage of people One of the most important boys in that yeshiva speak lashon actually die from smoking-related aspects of growth is making harah. What would we anticipate complications. the Torah’s values real. Not in the parents’ reaction to be? So smoking, which might kill, theory, not as some remote distant “Oh my goodness! The Torah they fear, yet lashon harah, which idea, but rather “getting it,”

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 13 4/15/16 possessed the ability to minimize Our soul is rigged to revolt temptations and galvanize their against negligence and resolve. They move through life indifference, and the system will with clarity and confidence—a faithfully keep dishing out new How Free Will knowing invincibility. symptoms—both emotional and The rest of us, though, become physical— to remind us that we Works stuck along the way, barely are in this world for a reason. scratching the surface of our lives. Every soul has a distinct mission, This serialization is from health. Encased in a cocoon of negative infused with its own spiritual Dr. Lieberman’s newest book, As the dazzling design and habits and fears, we are alive, but DNA. It longs to rise from the “How Free Will Works,” which is available for just $9.99 at sweeping influence of free will there’s no freshness or vitality. masses and to light up creation Jewish bookstores everywhere, emerges, we move in a world that Our personalities have become by unleashing its unique spark at Amazon.com, and at offers us a different experience, stifled and suffocate under the of the Infinite. The purpose of Feldheim.com. and it will become increasingly weight of our insecurities. this book is to help rekindle our difficult — if not inconceivable — We wade through life, passion for life by tapping into Dear Readers, for us to ignore the one truth that but we are not living it; and this deep, fervent yearning for I am thrilled to offer this will become so patently obvious: thanks to twenty-first-century self-expression. serialization of my new book, we control the quality of our lives. advances, instant shrink-wrapped “How Free Will Works.” With that, let us begin… entertainment offers escape into Once we recognize the power “How Free Will Works” sheds Introduction other worlds, a vast labyrinth and process of free will, we will fascinating light on the cosmic Personal transformation not of toys, tools, and distractions understand unquestionably what is network of interlacing forces that only is the cornerstone of our faith from which to concoct elaborate to be gained and what is to be lost; operate in creation — such as but lies at the core of our purpose. avoidances. and then we would not—could Divine providence, mazal, and Beginning with our forefather But there is no escape. Our not—behave irresponsibly, much prayer — and reveals the power Abraham, who at seventy-five fruitless attempts to hide from less contradictory to our long-term and parameters assigned to each. set out to remake himself and life only bring us greater pain interests and objectives. More valuable still, this the world, the Torah is filled and despair. Depression is aptly book explains how free will with accounts of those who rose described in Torah sources as This enhanced mindset moves intersects with, and impacts on, above their nature to succeed in a taste of death. When we die, the decision-making process to these forces — which give us transforming their character and our soul—the real us—separates the point where we are no longer the practical and near-magical fulfilling their Divine service. from the body. A person who is eager to deny the truth—the pain ability to maximize opportunities, Whether slicing through not growing and moving forward of abandoning our destiny is too sidestep unnecessary hardship obstacles or trudging through in life will force a rift between great, and the genuine pleasure and heartache, and transform our discomfort and difficulties, great the body and soul—the very missed, too palpable. We are emotional, spiritual, and physical people throughout history have experience of death itself. CONT.ON P15

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14 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 LIEBERMAN immediate and clear consequences We begin by exploring the the desire to invest in ourselves CONT. FROM P14 and affect us in ways we might drives that come together in the and provides the energy for self- never have imagined––ranging decision-making process and then discipline, pushing us toward then propelled forward with a from the imperceptible to the connect the dots to discover how responsible behavior. Moreover, revitalized desire to actualize unmistakable, and extending from and why our choices—even small each and every time we rise above our free will and to extract our this world into the next. and seemingly inconsequential our nature, we bolster this key greatest potential from our G-d- As our knowledge of free ones—ripple predictably into ingredient to psychological and given talents and opportunities. will crystallizes, we move in a the entirety of our emotional, spiritual health. world that offers us a different spiritual, and physical lives. To the extent that we do not The Structure of Free Will experience, and it will become love ourselves, though, our increasingly difficult—if not Chapter 1 willingness to endure short- Free will operates within a inconceivable—for us to ignore The Clash and the term pain for a long-term gain framework of clearly defined rules the one truth that will become Consequences wanes. Who wants to put in and parameters: laws. As with all so patently obvious: we control An endless stream of decisions effort—enduring heartache and laws, there are cause and effect. the quality of our lives—and our flows through our lives from the hardship—for someone whom In this section we discover that afterlife. beginning until the end, but not they do not even like? our decisions do not always carry all choices are created equal. The mindset is understandable Whether we wiggle our right but quite problematic. When we COHEN tion of the technical know-how to finger or left finger or pick a red too often shirk our obligations CONT. FROM P6 produce Octogen explosive ma- blanket over a blue one is a matter and shun new opportunities, we our “number one” focus. terials and Octogen-based weap- of preference. It is a choice, yes, lose more than we might expect. ons,” the statement said. but without moral significance. Findings show that the tendency Meanwhile, Iran is doing eve- Regardless of the outcome, we to avoid the pain inherent in rything it can to remind the world What should worry us here in will neither beam with pride nor taking responsibility for our lives that its stance will only become America is that our current ad- experience pangs of shame. is the primary basis of all mental more belligerent. After one of ministration is quite satisfied with Of course, life is filled with illness and is central to nearly the regime’s missile tests in early this current threat level. When it hard choices that have real every emotional issue, including March, Brigadier General Amir comes to the presidential race, fear consequences, and as we know, anxiety, depression, and addiction. Ali Hajizadeh issued a brazen of further strategic giveaways to making the right choice is not Next week, we’ll see exactly threat to Israel, stating that the the Iranians will remain locked in always easy or comfortable. how this happens. “reason we designed our missiles place for as long as Donald Trump Self-esteem helps. It stimulates To be continued… with a range of 2,000 kilometers and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.), is to be able to hit our enemy the with their isolationist platforms, Zionist regime from a safe dis- maintain their bids for their re- tance.” spective parties’ nominations.

That has now been followed The present activity in Con- up with another demonstration of gress is our best hope of pushing intent. On April 7, Iranian De- back against Iran, but it will not fense Minister Brigadier General undo the nuclear deal. Nor will Baron Hirsch Cemetery Association, Inc. Hossein Dehqan inaugurated a it prevent further Iranian missile 1126 Richmond Avenue • Staten Island, 10314 new Octogen power plant. Octo- tests, or Iran’s backing for such gen is an explosive used in pen- monsters as Assad and the Islamist (718) 698-0162 etrating missile warheads. It can terrorist organization Hezbollah. also be deployed as a detonator Given that, why would Iran con- [email protected] for an atomic weapon. duct itself any differently?

A statement from the Iranian Ben Cohen, senior editor 10% DISCOUNT of TheTower.org & The Tower Magazine, Defense Ministry didn’t need to writes a weekly column for JNS.org WITH THIS AD pretend that the Octogen manufac- on Jewish affairs and Middle Eastern politics. His writings have been pub- ture was for defensive purposes. lished in Commentary, the New York “The Defense Ministry has also Post, Haaretz, The Journal, Individual plots and family plots available and many other publications. He is the paid attention to boosting the de- author of “Some of My Best Friends: A $2500-­‐$5500, Credit Cards Accepted structive and penetration power of Journey Through Twenty-First Century Antisemitism” (Edition Critic, 2014). Please call for more information different weapons’ warheads and JNS.org has put on its agenda the acquisi-

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To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 15 4/15/16 B there is greater control exerted FAMILY MATTERS | Dr. Ari Korenblit when pronting. The use of only upper-case is a further indication of an inflated personality. The HANDWRITING MATTERS middle-zone is very dominant This is the handwriting of a indicating a preoccupation with This article explores the science of Graphology, interpreting Prima Donna, who will react his ego and daily life matters. handwriting to reveal the personality of the writer. Essentially, whenever he feels anything The absence of an upper zone it is the brain that is actually doing the writing. If one switches untoward is thrown at him. He shows a lack of reasoning hands, puts a twig between their toes at the beach, places a pencil in can explode when he feels in any ability and a conscience that their mouth, or use any means to write, the primary aspects of the way psychologically threatened can intervene. The large space writing remain the very same. The slant of the lines and the letters, or thwarted. His parents who between words show a one who the relative size of the script, the formation of the letters, the space acceded to his chidish temper prefers little social contact due between the letters and the words, and hundreds of others indices tantrums, begot this monster. to a desire for privacy, insularity will not change! To the untrained eye it might seem to be different, Those same temper tantrums and insensitivity to others. The but -- like a fingerprint -- it is still uniquely attributable to the which served his than, serve him large punctuation – “!” shows a same writer. So too. many will say their handwriting or signature now. He can be quite charming sense of drama that abounds. The is different. However, the many variables that constitute our and even constructive in an persona pronouin “I” shoews a handwriting, varies very little. admiring surrounding. However, sense of independence, and the it an atmosphere of criticsm, he wild right-slant shows a further can wax intolerant. he an never dramatic lack of stability. The Which is the handwriting of an absolute bully who loves to throw work successfully in a group or downward-slant on the t-bars around his bad temper, and which is handwriting of a Prima Dona part of a team. indicate a desire to dominate. The who has an explosive anger? The heavy pressure and very jerky rhythm in the writing, A muddy pastosity indicate strong further show an uncontrolled emotions and feelings. The nature and extreme impatience. angular strokes show a harshness, without and soft edges. The Dr. Ari Korenblit is a Graphologist/ Handwriting Analyst and Supreme Court baseline is rather uneven, and Certified Document Examiner. He is also a licensed Psychotherapist and Marriage the stems of some letters jerk to Counselor. He is available for lectures, the right and to the left, showing teaches graphology and analyzes handwriting for personnel selection, a lack of inner control. Since personality assessment, shidduchim, forgeries, etc. Dr. Korenblit also teaches this is a print writing with only the fundamentals of interpreting upper-case letters, this deduction children’s and adolescent’s handwriting to Parents Associations and school staff. This is the handwriting of an outright bully. He tends to cause a sullen is even more pronounced, since [email protected] 212-721-4608 atmosphere full of tension and fear. He treats others with hostile arrogance and contempt. If someone stands up to him, he will quickly back down. MAZE The large size indicate a large ego. The angles attest to strong drive and little flexibility and softness. The heavy pressure and pastosity (the great shading of the lines), show the great amount of feelings that go into every aspect of his life. The strong right slant show the intensity of his movement. The club-like formations are like clubs in his hand. The i-dots and the t-crossings are like daggers and knives. Some oval letters are stems are retraced, meaning a constriction, no outlet, and an inevitable outburst when the feelings can sufficiently built-up. The t-bars that fly off the stem and letters h and l in the word whole seem to burst aside, and are indications of a maniacal personality, who cannot contol his moods or outbursts.

The Challah by Devorah Rosenberg Learn the art of baking and braiding. Discover the mitzvah and meaning Women & Girls behind Challah making. Schools, Camps, Bas Mitzvahs & For more information or to Other Parties schedule a class in your area contact Private Sessions Also Available H- 718-524-7333 ANSWERS ON PAGE 41

16 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 individual. The fallacy that can by Rabbi Roll should be read a lead many a good person astray is number of times. Maybe with REVIEWS | Daniel Keren to compare oneself to somebody family members or over the phone else who we might think is truly with a good friend. I would even New Mussar Book Offers fantastic in their spiritual service recommend reading a brief one- Tips on Better Self-Esteem and despairingly just give up on page portion at the Shabbos table our own Avodah. and invite others to offer their & How to Connect to G-d In his introduction, writes opinions on the suggestions of the that under the guidance of daas author in overcoming doubts about Torah, “Each of us must be your value in this world and your Rabbi Yisroel Roll’s new Talmud in the sefer’s title refers proactive in finding purpose in life. mussar sefer “Self-Esteem in the to selections from the Gemara that and using a Ladder I hadn’t realized Talmud: The Pathway to Self- relate to the subject of how to gain of Growth in order just how wide-spread Confidence and Resilience,” 295 self-esteem by figuring out what to build a unique, the problem of self- pages hardcopy, 2016, Feldheim your main spiritual strengths are inner sense of self esteem is in the world Distribution, really caught me off- and just how to utilize them more and actualize that in general and our guard. When I was emailed a list effectively in serving Hashem by self in service of community in particular. of books to consider reviewing for focusing your life around those Hashem. Use one Before reading “Self- the Jewish Connection, I checked qualities of your neshama that G-d of the approaches Esteem in the Talmud,” off “Self-Esteem in the Talmud” has specifically given you. of the approaches I was of the opinion because I mistakenly imagined it We live in a world of of the Rishonim or that yes maybe 10%- to be a guide to better studying bechirah, free will and perhaps the develop one on your 20% of the individuals the Gemara with learning tips that main challenge in overcoming our own, but choose one comes into contact would help one gain self-esteem yetzer hora, evil inclination and not one. Then you will suffer from a lack of and confidence to tackle the pursuing our G-d given mission realize the purpose for which you confidence in their purpose in life important but daunting challenge in life is the trick of the Satan to came into this world.” and perhaps that might explain the of learning the Talmud. make us feel that our efforts are not “Self Esteem in the seemingly recent phenomenon of In reality, this is a much important and our feeble attempts Talmud: The Pathway to Self- kids and even adults at risk. more important book that is not don’t impress Hashem. This of Confidence and Resilience” is Rabbi Roll quotes from just for the student of Shas, but course is farthest from the truth. not a sefer to just read once. Like different tractates in the Gemara for anyone who wants to forge By reading Rabbi more classical mussar seforim and uses those pasukim to further a stronger and more meaningful Roll’s well-written and easy-to- such as Chovos Halevavos, explore how one can take the kesher, connection with Hashem understand sefer, one will learn Mesillas Yesharim or the Chassidic lessons of Chazal, our Sages of and in the process live a more of the Sulam Aliyah (Ladder of masterpiece Tanya, this new book CONT.ON P35 significant life. The reference to Growth) that is unique to each


305 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11218 U.S.A. 718.490.9864 email [email protected]

Presidium Av Beth Din Rabbi Hanania Elbaz Rabbi Herschel Kurzrock Director Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht Rosh Beth Din Rabbi Gershon TannenbaumZt’l Rabbi Yaakov Klass Rabbi Dov Aaron Brisman Interim Director Rabbi Yaakov Spivak Honorary President Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik Rabbi Shmaryahu Shulman

16th Adar I, 5776 February 25th, 2016

In years past, Beth Shifra maintained a Free Soup Kitchen all year round, open seven days a week, serving free meals three times a day, without charge. During the week of Pesach, Beth Shifra sponsored free Kosher for Pesach Sedorim and daily meals around the city. We are personally familiar with their significant work and urge you to help Beth Shifra with any support that you can, including publicizing their inspiring work in your Shul or organization.

This year, Beth Shifra is sponsoring free Kosher for Pesach Seders and meals daily from Friday April 22nd, through Shabbat, April 30th, at The White Shul, 2102 Avenue T & East 21st in Brooklyn. Free Kosher for Passover food packages will be offered on Friday, April 22nd, at the White Shul, 2102 Avenue T & East 21st in Brooklyn from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

We proudly invite you to join us in making this year a memory of a lifetime for those in need. Take the time now to have the merit and joy of helping a hungry family celebrate Passover. Please help Beth Shifra with any assistance that you can, including publicizing their good work in your Shul or organization.

May all those that participate in this holy effort be blessed from Heaven.

Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik Interim Director

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 17 4/15/16 limiting belief, comes from the we feel unwanted, unloved Rabbi Naphtali Hoff feeling of rejection. The Hebrew and perhaps inadequate. These slave nation experienced a sudden emotions and thoughts cut at our FROM REJECTION transformation from a state of very essence, leaving us with perceived rejection (Is God ever questions about our true worth TO REDEMPTION going to take us out of here? Did and capabilities. We fear moving He leave us here to rot in turpitude forward (who is to say that we won’t be treated similarly in Pesach commemorates In addition, even if we were to slaves forever?) to one of the future?) and tend to hunker the redemption of a band of clearly define the exact obligation, miraculous redemption, complete down in some form of anger- Hebrew slaves from extended, is the expectation realistic? Can with supernatural miracles and driven self-pity, blaming others, torturous Egyptian bondage. We we really view ourselves, living newfound glory. If we are to take circumstances, and the like for sit around a regal table as kings as we do in a free country, with a stab at replicating that ancient our misfortune. and , as we recall our great liberty and freedom, far experience we may wish to spend Pesach teaches us that the best ancestors’ transition from servants removed from the abject suffering some time considering our own way forward is to not get pulled to freedmen and celebrate their of slavery, as if we are leaving transitions from rejection to down by past troubles. If there glorious fate on that special date Egypt? How then do we go redemption. is something to learn from the some 3,300 years ago. about achieving a meaningful We have all tasted the bitter experience (and there always is) However, the holiday is not connection? pill of rejection. There was the then by all means do so. But we intended to simply be a historic I would like to answer time that we were not selected cannot achieve, let alone thrive, commemoration of a bygone these questions homiletically, for the school performance or if we are to spend all of our time era. Instead, we are admonished by suggesting an alternative failed to make the basketball and energies thinking about what to view the experience as if we, explanation for the words of team. We know what it’s like to could have been or who did us the present edition of our ancient Chazal. Instead of understanding be kept out of select social cliques wrong. We must be able to be nation, are personally leaving our obligation at the seder as or told “no” by the person with forward thinkers, using every new a land of oppression for a new being simply one of reliving whom we sought a relationship. experience and opportunity as life. “A person is obligated to yetzias Mitzrayim, let us substitute Not every school that we applied path to move forward and grow. see himself as if he were leaving the word “meitzarim”, meaning to accepted us; nor did every I would be the last to suggest Egypt.” (Pesachim 116b) straits or confinement. In our new would-be employer. Perhaps we that such a mental transformation A number of questions arise version, the mitzvah reads: “In even had the misfortune of being is simple. The Torah underscores from this mitzvah as well. First, each and every generation a man rejected by an employer, or worse, this by sharing that the Hebrew what exactly is the nature of this is obligated to see himself as if a spouse or family member. nation repeatedly demonstrated obligation? In which specific he has left behind his personal Rejection is one of the their “slave mentality” after they respects are we to attempt to confinements.” worst feelings that a person can experience. When we are rejected “relive” yetzias Mitzrayim? One such confinement, or CONT.ON P19

Grand Opening K GLATT CONEY K 1558 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE • BROOKLYN, NY 718-676-7781 www.glattconeynyc.com

K Glatt Kosher K

E AEG A A Chinese Delicious Kosher Chinese Restaurant Eat In Or Take Out 4305 18th Ave. Brooklyn, Ny 11218 (718) 972-8085 • (718) 972-8086 Fax: (718) 972-8061

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18 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 REISS self with Mitzvos and good deeds, niversaries the Torah was given ers of our Torah at the beginning CONT. FROM P7 so as to merit acquiring the true to the Jewish people; the first set of Tractate Avos. His reasoning gardens and neglect the study of garden of delights; the Garden of of Luchos were given on Shavuos was to clearly demonstrate that Torah. Pirkei Avos, as well as Eden, in the World to Come. and the second set was given on these ethical teachings are not the the study of Mishle (Proverbs) Throughout the period of the Yom Kippur. All six chapters private thoughts of our Sages but arouse one’s heart to ignore the spring and summer, the Jewish of Pirkei Avos are learned as a they are part of the Oral Torah evil inclination and concern one- calendar ‘passes by’ the two an- preparation for our celebration of that Moshe taught Yehoshua, the first time we were given the who taught the elders who taught Torah at Sinai: Shavuos. This the judges etc. These lessons in What can we do in the future to was enacted simply because our perfecting one’s character traits HOFF experience better, more positive CONT. FROM P18 Rabbis teach that ‘derech eretz’, are actually Divine in origin. outcomes? But sometimes the having fine midos, precedes the They were originally transmitted had left their land of bondage. outcome really had nothing to do acceptance of the Torah. Only by Hashem to Moshe at Sinai. Time and again they pined for a with us, or was simply a matter by becoming a ‘mentch’ can one Pirkei Avos is just as much part return to oppressive Egypt rather of timing or need. Some of the fathom the intricacies of the To- of our Oral Torah as the com- than endure the new challenges world’s most accomplished and rah. Subsequent to Shavuos, we plex laws of Shabbos, Kashrus, that they faced in the Sinai desert. capable people were rejected for review all of Pirkei Avos three and writing a kosher Torah etc. Moses had to continually remind the pettiest of reasons, before (and more times by Rosh Hashana (Avos, Bartenura1:1). his nation of God’s love and perhaps even after) the greatness in preparation of accepting the Our final question, why does munificence in order to move was made known. second set of Luchos (the first set it say that Moshe got the Torah them forward. To be free is more than a were broken because of the sin of from Sinai instead of saying he Still, what kind of life do physical state; it is a mindset the Eigel) on Yom Kippur. The received it from Hashem at Sinai we live when we are filled with first and foremost. We cannot total learning of Pirkei Avos is has several answers. As we have bitter resentment and refuse to necessarily choose what others’ four times because this equals the said, acquiring good moral behav- move forward and embrace new reactions and decisions will be amount of times Moshe would ior are the prerequisites for truly opportunities? but we can choose our behaviors teach the Torah to the Jews in the comprehending the Torah. We In order to emerge healthy and our responses. At this time of desert. know that Moshe Rabbeinu was and whole from a challenging freedom, the best choice is the one The Bartenura comments that the most modest person that ever experience, one in which we felt that only you can make, which in addition to our Rabbis, we find existed or will exist (Bamidbar hurt, unappreciated and perhaps is a choice to live your life to the that many other wise people in 12:3)! Our sages teach us that even hated, we need to study fullest, in perpetual growth mode. the non-Jewish world have also the trait of modesty is the key to the causes. Assuming that we Rabbi Naphtali Hoff is an written works about ethics and all proper midos. By definition, really had anything to do with the executive coach and president of Impactful Coaching and Consulting morality. He explains that Rabbi Moshe Rabbeinu was the most rejection in the first place, what (ImpactfulCoaching.com). He can be reached at 212.470.6139 or at Yehuda Hanasi purposely placed perfected human being that ever could we have done differently? [email protected]. the historical account of the teach- CONT.ON P28

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20 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 21 4/15/16


22 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 HEALTH | Dr. Rachael Schindler SPEAKING OF MOTIVATION…..DIET HELP FOR THE DIABETIC DURING THE HOLIDAYS

Did you ever think as you noncha- beta cells from the pancreas which lantly reached for that honey or secrete insulin. Insulin is the key kokosh cake on yom tov morning, hormone that allows glucose in to that, “It’s okay to stray from my the cells of the body. The cause eating plan because: I’m celebrat- for this almost allergic response ing….I really want it…everyone can have a genetic piece to it as else is eating it….it’s only a little well as environmental factors, piece…I’ll just be careful…I’ll such as: an enterovirus, chemical make up for it later….It’s yom toxins, and last but not least, nutri- tov! You don’t gain because you tional factors. Type 1 diabetes is have a neshama yeteirah!” Left also known as insulin dependant, unchecked, these thoughts can do mellitus and juvenile diabetes, and some serious damage. The prob- accounts for approximately 8% of lem lies in the fact that you want all diabetic cases. to eat even more since it is holi- Type II diabetes was previously day time and let’s face it, eating known as non-insulin dependant is festive! You are also exposed diabetes mellitus, or adult onset to various special and freshly diabetes, and accounts for approx- made foods which everyone else imately 92% of all diabetic cases. is eating a lot of, AND your host This type of the disease involves is likely to be pushing you to eat the improper regulation of the even more! Holidays are a chal- glucose metabolism by insulin. In lenging time for people for many other words, the body becomes different reasons and especially resistant to the effects of insulin. with eating. So how is a diabetic Unfortunately, Type II diabetes is individual (let alone anyone else), associated with genetics, aging, going to survive it? sedentary lifestyle and obesity. First, let’s start out with a few Obesity is a major factor with statistics. It is estimated that 23.6 this type of the disease since fat transporter proteins, GLUT 1 and Test (OGTT) which can deter- million individuals, or 7.8% of the cells do not absorb insulin as well GLUT 4. It is then converted mine if an individual has diabetes. US population have a form of dia- as muscle cells, and the fat cells into energy or stored later for Once a diagnosis has been made, betes. While 17.9 million people tend to get distributed in the upper use. However, when insulin is blood sugar control is the main have been diagnosed, a signifi- body. Some scientists conclude low or absent, as in the case of them for management of the dis- cant portion, 5.7 million have not that because the pancreas has to Type I diabetes, glucose is not ease. Blood sugar control may be been. What’s even more disturb- work harder to pump increased taken up by the cells of the body accomplished in several different ing is that an estimated 57 million levels of insulin into the blood and the body uses its fat stores ways, including medication, diet Americans have pre-diabetes, to compensate for resistance, the for fuel. As a result of impaired and exercise. a condition that occurs when a pancreas eventually wears itself glucose metabolism, fatty acids A proper diet is essential for the person’s blood glucose levels are out and can no longer keep up are broken down for energy, and diabetic individual. A proper diet higher than normal but not high with the demands. they release ketone bodies, which plan must be created to suit the in- enough to be diabetes. So what’s so special about the are acidic. If the level of ketone dividuals needs as well as exercise Here are some more stats. In pancreas? The pancreas, a tiny bodies becomes too high the pH guidelines established. For exam- 2007, the estimated cost of organ that sits behind the stom- of the blood drops resulting in ple, blood glucose levels must be diabetes was $174 billion dol- ach, produces digestive enzymes ketoacidosis, which can lead to a verified prior to exercising. If the lars and that is more than 2 to 3 as well as the hormone insulin and diabetic coma or death. blood glucose level is below 100 times higher than for individuals glucagon. Insulin is synthesized On the other hand, when there is mg dL then an additional 20-30 without the disease. Also, diabe- within the beta cells of the Islets insufficient insulin in the body, grams of carbohydrates should be tes tends to affect both men and of Langerhans. The pancreas se- the glucose levels in the blood- consumed. In general, one hour women at an equal rate. (Yup, cretes insulin when blood glucose stream, skyrocket. The body then of exercise requires an additional equal. I know, I was surprised is high and glucagon when blood tries desperately to get rid of the 15 grams of carbohydrates either too.) The issue is, diabetes can be glucose is low. excess blood sugar by extracting prior or post exercising. Guide- defined as a metabolic disease in So how does blood sugar work? water out of the body to dilute it. lines such as these should be which the body does not produce When we ingest food, our bodies This is why excessive thirst and discussed with you doctor as well or properly use insulin. There are break it down into a usable en- urination are common symptoms as your nutritional counselor. four major types of diabetes; Type ergy source, such as glucose. The of diabetes, and why drinking So how can you keep motivated 1, Type 2, gestational, and pre-di- glucose enters the bloodstream enough water is so important. during this holiday time to NOT abetes. (I will discuss gestational where insulin, secreted by the SO what do you do now? Di- gain weight and to even lose and prediabetes in more detail in a pancreas in response to an in- agnosis is simple. There are a weight? The trick is elementary. future article.) crease in blood sugar levels, helps variety of blood tests, including a You need to eat MORE of the In a nutshell, type I diabetes is an to transport the sugar out of the simple blood sugar reading, Fast- right foods and fit it some guided autoimmune disease that involves bloodstream into muscle, fat, and ing Plasma Glucose Test (FPG), exercise too. Veggies, water filled the immunologic destruction of liver cells with the help of glucose or an Oral Glucose Tolerance CONT.ON P25

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 23 4/15/16 use vegetable oil, canola oil or and salt until it forms a ball that Irresistible Almond coconut oil) detaches from the sides of the Preparation: bowl. Refrigerate for one hour or Butter Buckeyes 1. In the bowl of an electric mixer until firm. Roll dough into 1-inch REYNA SIMNEGAR fitted with a paddle attachment balls and align on a sheet of combine the almond butter, sugar parchment paper. These Irresistible Almond Butter Buckeyes are sophisticated chocolate covered nut balls. So easy to make, and so decadent. Mixed Green Salad with Warm Ingredients: Cream Cheese “Croutons” 1 1/2 cups almond butter 3-4 cups powder sugar JAMIE GELLER Pinch salt • 8 cups loosely packed torn salad 2 tablespoons shortening (can In this Mixed Green Salad with Warm Cream Cheese “Croutons,” greens traditional croutons are replaced • 1 Granny Smith apple, cut into Apples and Cinnamon with cubes of cream cheese thin slices Quinoa Breakfast covered in kosher for Passover • 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds panko crumbs. • 1/2 cup balsamic vinaigrette TAMAR GENGER dressing Ingredients: Preparation: Ingredients: • 1/4 cup kosher for Passover 1. Combine first 3 ingredients in 1/2 cup raw quinoa panko bread crumbs shallow dish. Add cream cheese 1 cup water • 2 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme cubes in small batches; toss 1/2 cup milk of any kind • 1 clove garlic, minced until evenly coated with crumb Dash of sea salt • 1 package(8 oz.)Cream Cheese, mixture. Place on waxed paper- 1 apple finely chopped cut into 1/2-inch cubes covered plate. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2. Heat large heavy nonstick skillet sprayed with Preparation: cooking spray on medium 1. Bring quinoa, apple, cinnamon, heat. Add cream cheese cubes, a few at a time; This Apples and Cinnamon salt and water to a boil in a cook 3 min. or until Quinoa Breakfast is a nice small pot. Once boiling reduce evenly browned, turning alternative to oatmeal, with the to simmer and cook for 10-15 frequently. added value of protein found in minutes until water is absorbed. 3. Combine remaining quinoa. The apples provide a 2. Add milk of choice, stir and ingredients in large bowl; natural sweetness so you don’t remove from heat and enjoy for a top with toasted cream have to add any sugar. wonderful breakfast. cheese cubes.

birds are chirping and that means drugstore makeup..even that can that spring weather is finally on add up. That’s why I’m turning to I’m Cancelling Pesach! its way. How lucky are we to Eyes Lips Face or Eyeslipsface. RACHELI FRIED have the opportunity to celebrate com. Elf Cosmetics can also now yet another Pesach? You are still be found at Target and CVS but Now that I got your atten- dies-we can do this with our eyes thinking about the ten potato if you are chained to your stove tion from the title of this article- closed!! If making 18 side dishes kugels you still have to make, and can’t leave the house..take a relax-take a deep breath...I’m and 7 mains is stressing you out aren’t you? Ok, ok, I see I have to break and go check out their web- totally kidding! C’mon people... to the point of no return...then ask work even harder here to distract site. They have tons of makeup let’s not go crazy here, being yourself-is it worth it? Are you you here. for only $1.00. Don’t rub your stressed is not what Pesach is even going to enjoy Pesach that Let’s talk eyes-you may get over cleaner all about. Everywhere I go, I see makeup, shall on them-you read it right...$1.00. people sweating, red faced and we? There ya The quality and pigmentation is talking to themselves. Pesach go...that’s bet- so impressive it will shock you. I has turned the world mad! No ter:) So who have been buying from them for one has learned their lesson from doesn’t love years and their makeup keeps get- last year or the year before that. the idea that ting better. Read my lips (well, at least pre- we MUST go tend that you can)...everything out and buy What better time than now is going to be ok. The house will new makeup to try out new lip colors, blush, get clean-no, you don’t have to for Pesach? bronzers and eyeshadows. Con- scrub inside the ceiling (unless We really sider it your little treat for search- you have been hiding candy up don’t have a ing inside your pipes for chametz- there -no judgments), the food choice here I’m kidding you know!! Put that will be made, everything will be right? It’s wrench down! Have a Chag Ko- just fine. way? If the answer is no then you basically a mitzvah:) After nearly sher V’Sameach and enjoy every It’s four meals! (We can are missing the point. passing out from my Pesach food precious moment...and when all worry about the second set of The sun is shining today and bill I’m thinking I need affordable else fails, there is always new four meals next week) C’mon la- I intend on fully enjoying it. The new makeup and while I do love lipgloss! xoxo

24 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 year-old daughter, Molly to me breathing is compromised; we do TRUE HEALTH | YAEL TUSK to treat her cough. Aside from not look at long term nutrition, giving her acupuncture and herbs, only the immediate effect of the I told Evelyn that Molly should foods consumed. LINGERING abstain from dairy until her lungs COUGHS were completely clear. The poor quality of cow’s milk products available today During the next visit, Molly makes it an unhealthful choice Patients often visit my clinic passed through. In reality, the was still coughing. Upon in- for most people. Luckily, there complaining of a “cold” that they cold itself is gone, it is stubborn quiry, Evelyn revealed that she are better sources of calcium can’t seem to get rid of. By the mucus which remains. This had continued providing dairy. than dairy. I have listed the fol- time they come to see me, how- mucus is commonly found in the “How can I take all dairy out of lowing foods in descending order ever, it is usually weeks after form of a lingering cough. her diet?” she questioned, “She which gram for gram supply they contracted the infection. will not get enough calcium!” I more calcium than dairy. This The one or two symptoms that Evelyn brought her three- responded that when a child’s CONT.ON P30 remain are really the baggage left behind by a virus that has already

SCHINDLER CONT. FROM P23 fruits and fibrous foods usually are best. Let’s face it, if you are not starving and you are losing weight you are more motivated to stick to the eating plan. Addition- ally, if you raise your metabolism by fueling your internal furnace and building lean muscle mass, you can eat more of whatever you want and still lose! The trick is to develop a sound eating routine, that is personalized for your body type and caloric needs (i.e.: How much you exercise, speed of your metabolism, pregnant, etc…), eat often, and STICK to it! The less you are “on again/ off again” dieting, the better. So, consider yourself on a nutritional plan, not just another diet. And don’t forget to exercise! The weather is so beautiful now! Grab a pair of sneakers and literally “run around” doing errands, or have a “ball” playing with the kids at the park. Take nice walks with your spouse at night or on yom tov. Just don’t sit. And eat and eat. Just sit while you eat. And if all that just isn’t enough, here’s some more motivation for you; just some of the benefits of a individualized exercise program include: losing weight, better glucose uptake even without insu- lin, improvements in blood lipid profile, blood pressure, physical work capacity and overall well- being. Now that’s a lot of food for thought! While studies have shown that increased fiber intake assisted in long-term weight loss, here are some tips to help on any holiday, including the High Holy days: Don’t make everything heavy. Make some flavorful interesting

CONT.ON P28 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 25 4/15/16

26 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 27 4/15/16 Thousands of Bochurim to Participate in Dirshu Daf HaYomi B’Halacha L’Bochurim Pesicha Shiurim by Prominent Rabbanim and Poskim in Twelve Locations By Chaim Gold 24 Nissan/May 2. Walk into any random shul or ye- program is growing by leaps and hazemanim. Daf HaYomi B’Halacha shiva this bein hazemanim and one bounds! The Program L’Bochurim offers a daily pro- of the sights you will most likely One inspiring feature of the pro- The Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Bein gram of halacha that accomplishes encounter is bochurim learning gram is its inaugural halacha Hazemanim program, a special pro- two important goals. It provides together in pairs Mishnah Berurah, shiurim in the larger communities gram designed for bochurim, will structure to bein hazemanim while hilchos tefillah and Dirshu’s well given by prominent Rabbanim and begin on 7 Nissan for high school- simultaneously bringing bochurim known Biurim U’Musafim addi- Poskim. The shiurim set the tone for aged bochurim and on 3 Nissan for into the world of practical and tions. the program and provide important bochurim in yeshiva gedolos. The This is the fourth bein hazem- background enabling every bochur program culminates with a test on CONT.ON P35 to better understand the foundations and SCHINDLER eat dessert after lunch, for a snack underlying principles CONT. FROM P25 of hilchos tefillah. AND after dinner. Pick one time dishes that are light, low in sugar, Over this coming and have a small amount (I prefer and high in fiber, for everyone to Pesach bein haze- to savor a real homemade cake, enjoy. Believe me, your guests manim some thirty or a good chocolate torte). Re- (especially their thighs) will thank communities will member there’s always more food you. Use Pam for “frying” and participate in the coming (and coming). Think how to wet salad so you use less oil. program. Whether in wonderful you will feel going to Substitute Splenda brown sugar Toronto, Providence, bed at night knowing you fol- for regular in your baking. Use Boston, Baltimore or lowed your plan when you easily egg- whites only (let’s face it a St. Louis, thousands could have consumed thousands HaRav Yaakov Bender, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei dozen eggs is way cheap and you of extra calories! It’s worth it to Torah will give the Shiur in the 5 Towns area of bochurim will be can save the yolk to brown chal- learning daily Mishnah forgo the momentary pleasure of lah or the tops of some kugels). anim with Dirshu providing its Berurah, getting a real taste for the eating foods you didn’t plan to eat Scrape off dressings, sauces or popular Daf HaYomi B’Halacha learning and an appreciation for so that you can stay in control of breading. Also, start off with a L’Bochurim program. With the how learning daily halacha with a yourself and your sugar, not yo-yo healthful soup to help fill you up, passing of time, however, par- defined, accountable program can diet and mess up your metabo- before you finish a few pieces ticipation and enthusiasm for the transform one’s day and one’s bein lism, be happier with yourself, of challah without even notic- AND finally lose the weight you ing. Bring some of your own always wanted to. healthy food that you can eat to your friend/relative to “help” Rachael E. Schindler, PhD. is a psycholo- gist, founder of ”TheFiveTownsDiet” them with preparations. If you meals home delivery(www.litenlow. absolutely have to try it all, eat com/dietdelivery/), Smart N’ Lite take- out meals at Season’s of Lawrence, smaller portions, but make sure noted lecturer and author, certified everything fits on one plate! Tell pediatric and adult nutrition counselor, certified personal trainer and celebrat- the food pusher you absolutely ed group fitness instructor and Pilates can’t have another bite, you’re master for over 20 years, practicing in Cedarhurst, Lawrence and Manhat- done! Balance the day’s intake. tan. A veritable “one-stop-source”, If you ate a big lunch, lighten Dr. Schindler specializes in fitness, food, stomach problems, hormonal and up the rest of your meals. You behavioral issues for both children and don’t have to get your “money’s adults. She can be reached to order, for an appointment, or for comments at worth” every time you eat. Don’t [email protected], or (917) 690 – 5097.

REISS tions. CONT. FROM P19 The prefix of the Hebrew term existed or will exist. It is the ‘miSinai’ is the letter mem. The reason he was chosen by Hashem numerical value of mem is forty. to receive the Torah and teach This hints to the fact that Moshe it to the Jewish people. Mount ascended the heavens to receive Sinai was the lowest mountain in the Torah and that he stayed in Earth’s geography. It represents there a total of forty days and ‘anivus’, modesty and humble- nights abstaining from eating and ness. When the Mishna says drinking all the while. ‘Moshe kibail Torah miSinai’ it is actually explaining that Moshe It is our sincere wish that our was worthy of receiving the Torah readers will find these comments because he was humble like Sinai! enlightening as we join together Meam Loez says that humility in our study of Pirkei Avos until was an important trait of all those Rosh Hashana. listed in the chain of our meso- Based on Meam Loez on Avos rah, the teaching of the Torah, except when a different commen- throughout all subsequent genera- tary is cited. 28 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 29 4/15/16

TUSK sages. The benefits of calcium medicine for this condition. mula which would be safe to use CONT. FROM P25 are completely outweighed by Dry coughs are more com- during pregnancy. I told her to list is by no means exhaustive the dangerous increase of mucus mon in dry desert climates. San- start taking it as soon as possi- (numbers have been rounded). that dairy produces. For chronic dra came to me for treatment for ble. A few days later her mother coughs, avoid dairy “chroni- a lingering dry cough. She asked called to tell me that Lisa had Kelp: contains 9x more cal- cally”. Children with coughs me if she should abstain from taken the herbs for about a day cium than milk: at 1100mg per should also avoid other phlegm- dairy. I suggested that after the and a half, and then went into 100g (3oz.) serving producing foods such as bananas, treatment, she should try avoid- labor being able to breath easily Sesame seeds: 9x peanut butter, white flour and ing dairy and report back to me. once again. She gave birth to a Sardines: 3.7x white sugar. She called me a few days later healthy baby boy. Almonds: 2x and told me that the cough was Often women experience Amaranth: 2x My Daughter’s Croupy Cough almost gone. However, when she lingering congestion during preg- Parsley: 1.7x A while back, our 15-month- had some dairy, the cough started nancy. When breathing is af- Sunflower seeds: 1.5x old developed a frightening dry to get worse again. Even though fected, it can be very distressing. Chickpeas: 1.25x cough in the middle of one night. dairy is moistening, it produces Doctors are rightfully hesitant Quinoa: 1.2x I took her out of bed, and gave moisture in the form of unhealthy to prescribe drugs, since many Black beans: 1.13x her acupuncture. I usually see phlegm, so it is not good for any pharmaceuticals can be unsafe Pistachios: 1.1x an immediate improvement after kind of cough. during pregnancy. There are Dried figs: 1.06x acupuncture, but this cough was many herbs that are also forbid- Milk: contains about 119 mg stubborn. For the next hour, I Pregnancy Coughs den for pregnancy, but luckily of calcium per serving gave her warm water with honey, I received a call from Lisa, there are plenty which are safe. and acupressure massage. I then who was at the end of her ninth An experienced herbalist can Note: hard cheese contains put her back to bed. By the next month of pregnancy. She had carefully choose herbs which will about 5.7x more calcium than morning, her cough was 90%bet- caught a bad cold that left her keep both mother and baby safe. milk, and is sometimes tolerated ter. with clogged sinuses and lungs by people who cannot digest Yael Tusk, M.S.O.M. is a general (during pregnancy, colds and practitioner of Chinese Medicine in milk. Of course, if all dairy is a Not all coughs are the same. mucus often linger interminably). Jerusalem. She has been treating problem, as you can see, there are both adults and children for over a Some are wet and some are She had taken antibiotics, but decade. She is a medical researcher plenty of non-dairy foods which dry. Honey would have made a they had not helped at all. She who takes pride in debunking pseudo- contain large amounts of calcium. science and empowering people to wet cough worse, but for a dry was very nervous to go into labor take control of their health. Feel free cough, it was beneficial. Pear while her breathing was still to contact her at [email protected] Dairy produces mucus. When to schedule a phone consultation or to juice is also particularly helpful compromised. receive her free newsletter. Look out a child is wheezing, mucus is for lubricating a dry cough; it Based on her symptoms, I for her upcoming myth-busting book clogging their breathing pas- is used medicinally in Chinese wrote a very simple herbal for- on health.


The United Nations is an evil body The reality is that the United Na- dominated by Islamic nations and tions, with its subsidiaries, has mor- tyrannies. phed into an evil body dominated by Just last week, on March 24 in Ge- Islamic nations, tyrannies and rogue neva, the U.N. Human Rights Council states whose policies it legitimizes. (UNHRC) concluded its session by Freedom House, the independent passing five resolutions condemning watchdog organization dedicated to Israel. This followed a series of blood the expansion of freedom and democ- libels accusing the only democratic racy, maintains that 80% of UNHRC country, in a region surrounded by members are “not free” or only “partly barbarism, of engaging in a policy free.” In this degenerate body, Saudi of deliberate murder of Palestinian Arabia was elected last year to chair a children. key human rights panel. Indeed the Human Rights Council The UNHRC has consistently ap- has passed more resolutions condemn- pointed fiercely biased anti-Israel rap- ing Israel over the past decade than all porteurs and commissioned numerous resolutions criticizing other govern- reports to demonize Israel and accuse ments combined. This, despite the the Israel Defense Forces of engaging fact that countries leading the charges in war crimes. against Israel are themselves engaged Last month, it passed a resolution in horrific human rights violations. to boycott produce and compile a list of And despite the fact that in Syria, businesses over the Green Line - clear- Israel’s neighbor, hundreds of thou- ly a first step in the direction of sanc- sands have been killed and millions are tions and an extension of the global trying to flee the country as President anti-Semitic BDS movement. Bashar Assad’s army and ISIS butcher Similar outrageous bias is also entire communities. CONT.ON P42 30 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 DIRSHU raffles throughout the program CONT. FROM P28 period for seforim and CDs and accountable limud halacha. It is finally, the test at the culmination of divided into two separate tracks: the program with monetary stipends one consisting of Shulchan Aruch, based on test scores. Mishnah Berurah and select por- Beginning Bein Hazemanim with a tions of Mussaf Dirshu, with Shiur the advanced track consisting of Towards the beginning of bein Shulchan Aruch, Mishnah Berurah, hazemanim, on either Sunday, 9 Biur Halacha, Sha’ar Hatziyun and Nissan/April 17, or Monday, 10 Mussaf Dirshu. Nissan/April 18, depending on loca- One particularly remarkable aspect tion, important and riveting pesicha of the program is Dirshu’s sig- shiurim and divrei chizuk will be nature attention to detail. Noth- delivered at twelve locales across ing is overlooked. There are, of North America. course, the halachos set forth in the In Flatbush, at the Agudas Yisrael Mishnah Berurah. In addition, how- Bais Binyonim, the inaugural hala- ever, the Biurim U’Musfim with so cha shiur for bochurim will be de- many practical halachos and tips livered by HaGaon HaRav Eliezer provides extensive supplementary Ginsburg, shlita, Rav of Agudas information and piskei halacha. Yisrael Zichron Shmuel and Rosh Dirshu provides all participants in Kollel in the Mir Yeshiva of Flat- the program with numerous aids bush. The shiur in the Five Towns to ensure that every bochur has will be held in the Agudas Yisrael the optimum learning experience. of W. Lawrence and will be ad- Among those aids are: beautiful dressed by HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Dirshu Mishnah Berurah booklets Bender, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of with the daily schedule, specially Yeshiva Darchei Torah. The Toldos designed English and Yiddish sik- Yaakov Yosef Bais Medrash of kum pamphlets summarizing each Skver in Montreal, Canada, will day’s learning, pre-recorded CD of host the event for bochurim with shiurim in both English and Yid- HaGaon HaRav Yochanon Wosner, dish with separate tracks for each shlita, Raavad D’Chassidei Skver day’s learning material, exciting CONT.ON P39



To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 31 4/15/16

32 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 33 4/15/16 can one struggle with the question bad things happen to them, to use Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg of suffering? The Rav elaborates their suffering in a productive further on the idea of evil in Fate manner. The Rav tells us that And Destiny: From Holocaust to according to Halachah, “Afflictions Rav Soloveitchik the State of Israel, in which he come to elevate a person, to states that the distinction between purify and sanctify his spirit ... to on the Holocaust the two is where the answer to refine his soul and to broaden his suffering lies. Rabbi Dr. Walter S. horizons. In a word, the function What is evil, and how does from these writings lessons for the Wurzberger, a prominent disciple of suffering is to mend that one comprehend its place in our Holocaust. In his most extensive of the Rav, writes, “The Rav ... which is flawed in an individual’s lives? In Judaism, the question of work on suffering, Kol Dodi Dofek maintains that it is senseless to personality. The Halachah teaches evil and suffering is expressed in — The Voice of my Beloved raise the metaphysical question us that the sufferer commits a the following statement: “Tzadik Knocks — the Rav says that we of why there is evil in the world. grave sin if he allows his troubles v’ra lo, rasha v’tov lo,” a righteous cannot comprehend the nature of The human mind is simply not to go to waste and remain without person, and bad comes to him, a evil, because we do not have the equipped to tackle this problem. meaning or purpose” (p. 56 Kol wicked person and good comes full understanding of the world. He Dodi Dofek). The Rav therefore to him. Why do righteous people unequivocally affirms that evil does To engage in theodicy is an maintains that it is a uniquely suffer and experience hardship, exist, but any effort to romanticize exercise in futility. Instead of lonely experience to be a man of while the “wicked” seemingly do evil is not intellectually honest. looking for an explanation of religious faith. The individual who not experience pain and suffering? The Rav writes: “Judaism, with our fate — for example, why a suffers and keeps his religious After the Shoah one would its realistic approach to man and particular evil has struck us — we faith has the obligation to respond have expected Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. his place in the world, understood should ask ourselves how we can in a positive fashion to repair the Soloveitchik, the Rav, to analyze that evil could not be blurred or respond to evil in a manner that world. and lecture on this unique tragedy camouflaged, and that any attempt will enable us to emerge from this and period of Jewish suffering. to downplay the extent of the experience as better moral and This is God’s response to Although the Rav refers to the contradiction, and fragmentation spiritual beings” (p. VII). Fate, Job, a righteous individual who Shoah, he does not provide his to be found in reality will neither the Rav says, is an existence of has suffered tremendously. In the students with a comprehensive endow man with tranquility, nor compulsion — “Against your Biblical narrative, Job struggles explanation for this horrific period. enable him to grasp the existential will you will live out your life” to understand why terrible things To explain the Rav’s mystery” (p. 53). (Pirkei Avot 4:29, p. 52, Kol Dodi happen to him. Eventually, God understanding of the evil of the People have an obligation Dofek, Theological and Halakhic comes to Job and informs him how Holocaust one must read his views to recognize that evil exists, but Reflections on the Holocaust). The to productively use his suffering. on evil and suffering throughout understanding its essence is beyond man (or woman) of fate has no free In the Rav’s Days of Jewish history and extrapolate human intellectual capacity. How will, nor ability to choose his own Deliverance: Essays on Purim life’s path. and Hanukkah, he states, “Not too long ago we lost six million Jews, Things happen to this person, one third of our population. But, without his involvement. The fated on the whole, we have emerged existence is passive, and arbitrary. victorious. We still maintain our Destiny, however, is the different. identity; we are still committed The Rav characterizes it as to the same goals to which “Against your will you are born our ancestors were committed and against your will you will millennia ago” (p. 188). die, but you live of your own free He references the Holocaust will” (p. 54, Kol Dodi Dofek). through the six million who An existence of destiny is a life perished. By commenting on the of choice, innovation, strength strength of Jewish identity and the and action; one engages with his fortitude of the Jewish nation, the surroundings. Rav implies that the fate of the The Jewish approach, says the Jewish people and its destiny are Rav, is to transition from a fated linked to the lessons learned during life, to a destined life (p. 54 Kol the Holocaust. By emphasizing the Dodi Dofek). In “fated lives,” evil revitalization of the Jewish people happens to us. We suffer, and we in the aftermath of the Holocaust, have no control. In a life of destiny the Rav focuses on the destiny we do not focus on the tragedy that aspect of life, rather than fate. befalls us. “What must the sufferer The Rav writes, “ During the do, so that he may live through terrible Holocaust when European his suffering?” is the Jewish legal Jewry was being systematically question the man of destiny asks. exterminated in the ovens and “What obligation does suffering crematoria, the American Jewish impose upon man? ... We do not community did not rise to the inquire about the hidden ways of challenge, did not act as Jews the Almighty, but rather about the possessing a properly developed path wherein man shall talk when consciousness of our shared fate suffering strikes,” says the Rav. and shared suffering as well as This reaction to suffering and the obligation of shared action evil is extremely unique. It seems that follows therefrom, ought to that the Rav is suggesting that have acted. We did not sufficiently

people have an obligation, when CONT.ON P35 34 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 DIRSHU Berger, shlita, Rav D’Kehillas Kol message at the pesicha shiur at the Mishnah Berurah he is picking up CONT. FROM P28 Torah, will address the bachurim. previous Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Dvar Hashem!” and Skverer Dayan of Montreal, Profuse Praise from Roshei Yeshiva L’Bochurim program this past “Why does the Gemara call learn- who will deliver a shiur. In Passaic, Rabbi Ahron Gobioff, Dirshu’s Sukkos. He said, “The Gemara ing the laws, “halacha”? Wouldn’t New Jersey, the pesicha shiur will American Director relates, “This tells us that Hashem has nothing in “dinim” be a more accurate term? be delivered by HaRav Asher Dovid will be the fourth bein hazemanim this world except for the 4 amos of The answer,” said Rav Smith, “is May, shlita, Rosh Kollel of Yeshiva when we will merit having the Daf halacha. Hashem’s world - the real that halacha is much more than the Gedolah of Passaic, at Congrega- HaYomi B’Halacha L’Bochurim. world, is the 4 amos of halacha! dry learning of dinim. It is “hi- tion, Bais Torah U’Tefillah. Kehal Until now, the turnout has been The Gemara says, “Dvar Hashem luch”. It is the way one “walks” Birchas Avrohom will be the site increasing by leaps and bounds! zu halacha”. A person who thinks through life. He is traveling The pesicha shiurim re- deeply into this should be over- through life with Hashem’s word ally bring the bochurim whelmed by the magnitude of what being the foremost thing in his into the sugya with the he is doing. When he picks up a mind!” Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva impressing ROSENBERG understanding of what has been upon the bochurim the CONT. FROM P34 written regarding the Rav’s importance of what empathize with the anguish of the statements. I do not maintain that they are doing. Their people and did very little to save these are the exact sentiments of involvement in a struc- our afflicted brethren” (p. 97, Kol the Rav, but I have attempted to tured bein hazemanim Dodi Dofek). explain his position regarding the daily learning program I entered the rabbinate because Holocaust as I understand it. and more importantly of the Holocaust. My father was Hineni, answering God’s call HaRav Asher Dovid May, Rosh Kollel of the Yeshiva Ged- their exposure to the in Auschwitz and my mother by saying “I am here,” is how we olah of Passaic at a previous Dirshu shiur world of practical hala- in Buchenwald. As a child of can make a difference in the world. cha where they really encounter the for HaRav Yitzchok Zalman Gipps, Holocaust survivors, ob”m, and as Never again should we allow fundamentals of learning Mishnah shlita, Rav of Kehal Birchas Avro- a rabbi whose semicha, ordination, the world to stand idly by while Berurah is a remarkable opportu- hom and Rosh Yeshivas Nehardaah, is signed by the Rav, I have innocent human beings suffer nity,” said Rabbi Gobioff. to address the bochurim in Boro always wanted to explore how the torture, starvation and death. Never “I cannot tell you how many Park. Other locations include Khal Rav theologically regarded the again should anyone be an innocent maggidei shiur and Roshei Yeshiva Shearis Adas Yisrael in Lakewood Holocaust. bystander. I fear the world has not have thanked us for creating a pro- where HaRav Zev Smith, shlita, The opinions expressed here learned this lesson. Will we ever? will deliver a shiur; Kollel Institute gram that affords bochurim tremen- are based upon my personal of Greater Detroit in Detroit, Michi- dous sipuk while simultaneously gan where the maggid shiur will helping structure their bein haze- be HaRav Aharon Sorscher, shlita, manim learning and teaching them KEREN loneliness into independence and Rosh Mesivta of Mesivta Yagdil the responsibility of learning and CONT. FROM P17 individuality that will culminate Torah; Agudas Yisrael of Cleve- reviewing in a way that they can be blessed memory and utilize them to as mentioned before in gaining a land, where there will be a shiur by tested,” explained Rabbi Gobioff. better understand our purpose for powerful belief in oneself and the HaRav Boruch Hirschfeld, shlita, We have more than 20 yeshivos that being brought down into this world confidence to fulfill your role in Rav of Kehillas Ahavas Yisrael have officially enrolled and individ- of hester, spiritual concealment this world. and Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ateres ual bochurim from countless other and overcome those seemingly The purpose of our life in Olam Boruch; Bais Medrash Hagadol yeshivos that are participating. delightful distractions in order to Hazeh, this world is not to jump to of Shikun Skver where the mag- “There is no question that find our true selves, purpose and shomayim, the heavens, but rather gid shiur will be the Daf HaYomi Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha connection to Hashem. by our individual and unique B’Halacha maggid shiur, HaRav L’Bochurim has not only trans- “Self-Esteem in the avodah to create a kedushah or Ephraim Greenbaum; Chicago formed bein hazemanim for un- Talmud” is based on the teachings spirit of holiness that brings the Center for Torah and Chesed where told numbers of bochurim, but in of Rav Moshe Shapiro who lives Shechinah, the Divine Presence HaRav Avrohom Lipschutz, shlita, addition it has whet their appetite in Yerushalayim. Rabbi Roll, his down into this world of physicality Mashgiach of the Telshe Yeshiva to devote time to learning Mishnah student has interpreted his rebbi’s and seeming spiritual darkness. of Chicago, will address the bo- Berurah daily in a way that they hashkafah to help the reader churim; in Los Angeles the maggid will retain it for a lifetime!” develop his or own identity as “Self-Esteem in the Talmud: The shiur will be HaRav Nochum Sauer, Halacha: The Way One ‘Walks’ Pathway to Self-Confidence and a foundation for happiness and Resilience” by Rabbi Yisroel Roll can shlita, Rosh Kollel D’Yula and in Through Life success, to bounce back from the be found in Jewish bookstores or by Baltimore the shiur be given at Ke- Rav Zev Smith, who will speak in contacting the distributor by calling inevitable setbacks of life; learn (845) 356-2282 or clicking www. hillas Kol Torah were HaRav Yosef Lakewood, gave over a powerful how to transform feelings of feldheim.com TANI

No need for I love this Yes. Give me more information, job. his name. I’ll call you in ten Hello? minutes. By: Yeshaya Suval Under the direction Yeshaya By: of Emunah Publishing

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Kuwaiti columnist calls on hostile drones, including micro and reported. The cost of the Rotem is said be made to the public.” Israel and Muslim nations to recog- nano drones used by terrorist groups to run tens of thousands of dollars. Turkey have been mired in a long- nize Israel: to gather intelligence and carry out ae- The IAI official said such drones have standing feud that originated with the Kuwaiti media personality Yousuf been sold to foreign militaries, but he 2010 Gaza flotilla incident, in which Abd Al-Karim Al-Zinkawi called on would not specify which ones. The nine Turks were killed in clashes all Muslim countries to recognize weight of the Rotem is light enough after Turkish militants attacked Israeli Israel immediately in an article for the that soldiers can carry up to two on commandos who had boarded the Kuwait-based Al-Seyassah newspa- their backs in special carrying cases. flotilla. Israel takes issue with the per, according to a report released The Rotem carries two fragmentation fact that the Palestinian terror group by the Middle East Media Research grenades that explode when the drone Hamas, which controls Gaza, has its Institute. The article also called on hits its targe. diplomatic and military headquarters Muslim countries to stop referring to in Istanbul. “It is extremely unlikely Israel as the “Zionist entity” or the rial attacks. Drone Dome is designed for the final meeting to not produce “Israeli occupation.” “Israel became a to detect, track, and neutralize drones Turkey: no normalization any results,” an anonymous Turkish member of the U.N. on May 11, 1949, classified as threats. with Israel until Gaza official said, according to Haaretz. namely 67 years ago, before most of According to Rafael, the system blockade is lifted: “Neither side wants this to continue the Arab and Islamic states became is equipped with a state of the art A spokesperson for the government for much longer. If Israel agrees to independent,” Al-Zinkawi wrote. “At RPS-42 radar, MEOS electro-optical of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Turkey sending a power ship to the the time, the U.N. had only 57 mem- observation mechanism, and advanced Erdogan on Monday said Turkey eastern Mediterranean, respective am- ber states, which means that over 62 C-Guard RD wide spectrum signal will not normalize relations with bassadors will start serving in Ankara percent favored Israel’s admittance. jammer. The interceptor offers its Israel until the Jewish state lifts the and Tel Aviv in no time.”On Sunday, Today, when the [U.N.] General handlers 360-degree coverage of an maritime blockade of the Gaza Strip. the Israeli government warned its Assembly has swelled to include 193 area under all weather conditions, 24 The spokesperson was responding to citizens visiting Turkey to leave the states, I believe that the proportion of hours a day. Rafael said Drone Dome earlier claims by the Turkish Foreign country as soon as they can due to states that support Israel is even great- has a very fast response time, and Ministry, on Friday, that Turkish serious terror threats in the wake of er, and is over 83 percent. This, espe- causes minimal environmental inter- and Israeli negotiating teams have March’s terrorist bombing in Istan- cially after some five Arab states and ruptions—a priority for urban areas— been finalizing a rapprochement deal. bul, in which three Israeli tourists quite a few Muslim ones have recog- with “maximum safety to friendly air- “Meetings with Israel have been were killed. Israeli tourists in Turkey nized the State of Israel....It came to craft.” Drone Dome detects a potential taking place for a while and they are should “avoid crowded tourist areas, the point where the Arab League itself threat using its radar, electro-optical, continuing today,” Turkish Prime follow instructions of local authori- proposed in 2002 that the Arab states and infrared components. The data is Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in An- ties, and get out as soon as possible,” normalize their relations with Israel as then processed, and should a threat be kara on Thursday, Reuters reported. the Israeli Counter-Terrorism Bureau part of the Arab peace initiative and identified, the system alerts operators “If our demands are received favor- said, adding that it has raised the risk as part of resolving the Palestinian-Is- of the hostile drone in the monitored ably, then the next steps will be clear of terror attacks against Israelis in raeli conflict.” Al-Zinkawi wrote that, airspace. The system’s signal jammer and the necessary announcements will CONT.ON P37 in practice, Arab and Muslim nations is then put into action, either automat- already recognize Israel because they ically or manually, and finally, the DOVIE’S work “under the same roof as the hostile drone is neutralized either by Israeli delegation” at the U.N. General the interceptor’s satellite navigation or Assembly. Calling the constant efforts radio frequency jamming systems EA to delegitimize Israel despite unoffi- HowSPIC to solve a search and Find PuzzleY The words can be located in the diagram by reading forward, backward, up , cial and indirect ties with the Jewish down and diagonally. All words will be found in a straight line with no letters IDF said to be eyeing pur- being skipped. As you find each word, circle it in the diagram and cross it o state a “political charade,” he wrote the word list. Letters may be used more than once and words will often overlap. that Arab and Muslim leaders should chase of ‘suicide drones’: All the letters in the diagram may not be used.

accept reality and recognize Israel. ALLSPICE The Israel Defense Forces is inter- ANISE Iron Dome, meet Drone Dome: BARBERRY ested in purchasing “suicide drones,” BASIL Israel’s Rafael unveils new defense CARAWAY system: an Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) CAROB CATNIP official said on Sunday. IAI has CHICORY CILANTRO developed a suicide drone called CINNAMON CUBEB Israel’s Rafael Advanced Rotem (“Juniper”) that is capable of CUMIN CURRY Defense Systems this week DILL FENNEL unveiled its newest devel- FINGERROOT GINGER opment, the Drone Dome HYSSOP JUNIPER defense system, design to intercept LOVAGE MACE enemy unmanned aerial vehicles. NUTMEG Rafael is also the developer of the OREGANO PAPRIKA Israeli military’s highly successful PARACRESS PARSLEY Iron Dome missile defense system. PEPPERMINT SAFFLOWER The Drone Dome was unveiled during SAFFRON carrying grenades or cameras, and the 2016 LAAD Public and Corporate SAGE can be remotely manned by infantry SAVORY Security International Exhibition in SORREL soldiers at the tactical level. “This is a THYME Brazil. According to Rafael, Drone WASABI tool that will change the face of battle WINTERGREEN Dome is an innovative end-to-end WORMWOOD at the battalion commander level,” defense system designed to provide the IAI official said, Israel Hayom effective airspace defense against ANSWERS ON PAGE 41

36 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

JNS soldiers in the Israeli Golan Heights. Jay Leno offers to donate wave of terrorism. Leno also asked CONT. FROM P36 Netanyahu’s statements are the latest ambucycle to Israel’s Unit- the audience to donate to United Turkey to the highest level. in a war of words between the Jewish ed Hatzalah: Hatzalah’s cause, saying that anyone state and the Lebanese terror group. Comedian Jay Leno on Sunday who donates $1,000 would receive Red Sea islands deal Over the past few months, Hezbollah offered to donate a $36,000 ful- a free tour of his car and motorcycle between Egypt, Saudi Ara- leader Hassan Nasrallah has threat- ly equipped ambucycle to Israel’s collection. This led to an additional bia may require ened to strike chemical and nuclear United Hatzalah emergency response $50,000 being raised at the event. Israeli approval: sites inside of Israel. But Germany’s group, during a concert fundraiser The event also featured performances A recent deal between Egypt and Bild newspaper reported on Satur- for the group at Lincoln Center in by musical entertainer Lipa Schmelt- Saudi Arabia over the transfer of day that Hezbollah has acquired the . “What you guys are zer, the rock band 8th Day, and the sovereignty of two islands in the Russian-made Buk SA-17 missile doing is so special. I am so proud to Neshama Orchestra. It was hosted Red Sea may require changes to battery that had been previously be here and be part of it. I have 117 by Jewish radio personality Nachum the 1979 Israel-Egypt peace treaty, given to the Syrian government. The motorcycles in my collection, but Segal. “People want a good time reports indicate. According to a report medium-range surface-to-air missile none of my motorcycles save lives. I and people want to do good deeds,” in Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper, system is designed to target aircraft, want to donate an ambucycle with all United Hatzalah’s Beer said in a the islands agreement may require missiles, and unmanned aerial vehi- of the trappings,” the former “Tonight statement. “So for those who cannot changes to the treaty including ones cles that could potentially be used by Show” host told Eli Beer, founder and physically come to Israel, like Leno dealing with maritime borders, which Israel in an attack on the terror group. president of United Hatzalah, on the did, but still want to help, the concert would require Israeli Knesset ap- event’s stage after performing a com- was a golden opportunity to come proval. Additionally, the report said Poll: British Muslims more edy act. The Leno-funded ambucycle out and support the country while Egyptian officials had told their Israeli likely to support anti-Se- will be added to the fleet of more than performing one of the greatest gifts of counterparts that the signed agree- mitic conspiracy theories: 400 such vehicles used by United loving kindness that there is, saving ment would include a commitment by A new poll in the United Kingdom lives. What Jay Leno, Lipa, 8th Day, Saudi Arabia to respect Egypt’s peace has found that British Muslims are and the audience did here tonight is an obligations with Israel. The report much more likely to support a num- act of charity that keeps on giving for said Israel has so far not expressed ber of anti-Semitic conspiracy the- generations and generations to come.” any opposition to the islands coming ories than the wider British public. under Saudi control. Saudi Arabia’s According to a poll conducted by Israel to reduce green- King Salman recently made a five-day ICM for the U.K.’s Channel 4, the house gas emissions to visit to Egypt, where it was an- British Muslim community is “more meet U.N. climate change nounced that Egypt would hand over likely to believe that Jewish people goals: sovereignty of the Red Sea islands have too much power in Britain and Hatzalah’s emergency response The Israeli government has unani- of Tiran and Sanafir to Saudi Arabia. too much power over government, volunteers, thereby cutting emergency mously approved a plan to reduce But some Egyptians are protesting the media, the business world, interna- response time to under three minutes deal. The uninhabited islands that sit tional financial markets, and global while Israel deals with an ongoing CONT.ON P40 on the southern entry to the Gulf of affairs,” London’s Jewish Chronicle Aqaba were originally given to Egypt reported. The poll, conducted among in 1950 by Saudi Arabia, in order to 1,081 British Muslims, found that 35 protect them from Israel. Later, the percent “agreed” with the suggestion islands played an important role in that Jews have too much power in the setting off the 1967 Six-Day War U.K., compared to only 9 percent in when Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran the national average. Additionally, 39 to Israeli ships, thereby preventing Is- percent of Muslims believe that Jews raeli access to the Red Sea and Indian have too much power over the media Ocean. As a result, United Nations and 44 percent said Jews have too peacekeepers maintain a presence on much power over business, compared Tiran as part of the 1979 Israel-Egypt to only 10 and 18 percent respectively peace treaty. nationwide. Forty percent of the Brit- ish Muslims surveyed believe Jews are more loyal to Israel than the U.K., Netanyahu: Israel prevents and 34 percent believe Jews talk “too Hezbollah from acquiring much about what happened to them ‘game-changing’ weapons: in the Holocaust. Roughly 26 percent of British Muslims blamed the Jewish Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin people for being responsible for most Netanyahu said on Monday that of the world’s wars, while 27 percent Israel has prevented the Lebanese hate Jews because of the way they be- terror group Hezbollah from acquir- have. Trevor Philips, the former head ing “game-changing” weaponry as a of the Equality and Human Rights result of numerous attacks by Israel Commission in the U.K., called the in Syria. “We are proud that in the results “extremely worrying.” “On stormy and volatile Middle East, we specific issues—families, sexuality, were able to maintain relative calm gender, attitudes towards Jews, and and relative safety in Israel. We on questions of violence and terror- act when we should act, including ism—the center of gravity of British here, across the border, in dozens of Muslim opinion is some distance attacks, to prevent Hezbollah from away from the center of gravity of getting game-changing weaponry,” everyone else’s opinion,” Philips told Netanyahu said during a visit with BBC’s Radio 4.

To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 37 4/15/16 CESANA there were 20 terrorist attacks in yahu said the Shin Bet’s success in we are witnessing in the number CONT. FROM P1 March and there have been only combating terrorism is evident. of terror incidents is, among other three so far in April, compared to “I say this with great caution things, a result of this policy and against Israeli targets in the coming 78 substantial attacks last October, because this trend could reverse,” the way it is implemented by the weeks. One of the chief concerns, the Shin Bet official said. Netanyahu said. “But we know this IDF, the Shin Bet, and the Israel the Shin Bet says, is that the cur- “Israel’s actions have con- [decrease in terrorism] has been Police.” rent lull in violence is designed to vinced the Palestinian public that achieved as a result of this govern- Meanwhile, Netanyahu in- conceal preparations for the next escalation is futile,” he said, adding ment’s aggressive, responsible and structed Israeli security forces and large wave of terror. that “most of the terrorist attacks systematic policy. And I want to the justice minister to “take action were perpetrated by young people. commend the IDF, Shin Bet, and to expel Sheikh Raed Salah,” the Speaking at Israel’s weekly Some of the attacks were moti- Israel Police for their implementa- head of the Northern Branch of the cabinet meeting on Sunday, the vated by nationalistic sentiments, tion of this policy.” Islamic Movement in Israel. Salah, head of the Shin Bet research divi- but most of them were personally a vocal critic of Israeli policy, has sion told government ministers that motivated by things like finan- Separately, at Israel’s annual been accused of inciting to violence there has been a dramatic decline in cial distress or personal crises…. commemoration ceremony for past against Israel and has been impris- the number of Palestinian terrorist Alongside these attacks, in recent presidents and prime ministers on oned in Israel twice. In Sunday’s attacks in recent weeks. He added, months terrorist organizations, with Sunday, Netanyahu also remarked address, Netanyahu maintained that however, that efforts to perpetrate an emphasis on Hamas, have been on the security situation, saying Salah was actively trying to stir complex attacks such as suicide trying to perpetrate substantial that the current wave of terrorism up violence on the Temple Mount, bombings or abductions of soldiers attacks in Judea and Samaria and has been characterized by lone three months after the Islamic still pose a concrete threat. inside Israel in an effort to acceler- wolf attacks Israel is “not allowing Movement in Israel was outlawed. “The Shin Bet and the Israeli ate the escalation of violence.” terrorists to organize.” “We have identified efforts by security forces have thwarted 290 Netanyahu said that after Is- Salah to sow dissent in the area of substantial attacks, including 25 The official stressed the securi- rael’s Operation Defensive Shield the Temple Mount ahead of Passo- attempted abductions and 15 at- ty agency’s “great effectiveness” in in 2002, in which then-prime ver. This man is a one-man powder tempted suicide bombings,” said preventing Jewish terrorism, citing minister Ariel Sharon tried to crush keg,” Netanyahu said, recalling that the official, who remained anony- the arrests of the Jewish group that terrorist infrastructure in Judea and Salah was supposed to begin serv- mous. “Therefore, the success of firebombed a Palestinian home in Samaria, “the Palestinians realized ing an eight-month prison sentence the security forces is even greater.” Duma last July, killing three mem- that we will not hesitate to go deep last November, but that the sen- Since Sept. 13, 2015, the Pales- bers of the Dawabshe family. in order to restore security for the tence was postponed at his request. tinian terror wave has claimed the “This also contributed to calm- citizens of Israel. We are adhering “This man should be in prison,” lives of 34 people and injured more ing the escalation,” he said. to this principle: We will go any- Netanyahu said. than 400 others. The attacks have At Sunday’s meeting, Israeli where, whenever necessary. We do Israel Hayom/JNS.org mainly consisted of stabbings, Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- it all the time, and the decline that shootings, and car-rammings. Yet

38 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

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Know highlight the frauds: from whom you are ordering; for ex- Between work and home, many ample, it’s ok to buy an online book of us might be spending a healthy from Joe Schmoe Books, but only chunk of our day utilizing the internet IF it’s through Amazon since you for different online activities. Do we know Amazon, and they’ll backup stop and think whether our computer transactions that occur with one of network and internet links are safe their approved vendors. Also, many enough for us to protect our sensitive of these sites, including EBay, solicit private information from being acces- ratings from consumers, so if low, sible to fraudsters? Some examples just say no. are utilizing credit card numbers with Don’t be so quick to act on deals online shopping portals, logging onto that appear “too great to pass up.” Do To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 39 4/15/16 er’s side. I’m not you and you’re to realize I was much better off than Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz not me because that’s how HaShem he. When I compared intelligently, I created the world. saw he was much more limited than “The Observant Jew People often make the mistake I and that tempting steak to me was of looking at other people and think- a monotonous burden to him. You Can’t Compare – or Can You? ing they know what kind of life they When you’re comparing your- One of my favorite jokes goes elephant, or did plastic surgery to lead. I remember speaking to one self to others, choose people who as follows: turn an African elephant into an woman who didn’t have as many have less than you. Less money, less Q: Why are elephants big, gray, Indian one with a cute little ear-tuck children as she would have liked Shalom Bayis, less simcha, what- and rough? job? You still wouldn’t change the due to financial concerns. She was ever it is, but see that there are those A: Because if they were small, elephant into another one because its envious of someone in her family who are not as fortunate as you are white and smooth they’d be aspirin! essence is different than any other who had more children, LOTS more and feel for them. When I saw a I love the way it comes out of creature, even an elephant. money, and yet still complained man with an oxygen tube in his nose left field, and the silliness of it. No- Even identical twins are not the about how difficult life is. I suggest- I immediately thought, “Kol Hane- body in a million years would guess same person and each of them will ed that maybe the woman had other shama tehallel Kah,” Every soul that as the answer unless they knew see things differently. No two hu- problems this one was unaware of. should praise HaShem, and as Chaz- the joke already. Why? Because you mans think alike, and most humans She insisted she knew this was not al say, “Al kol neshima u’neshima,” simply can’t compare elephants and don’t even think like themselves on the case. Praise HaShem for every breath! aspirin. They almost don’t exist in two different days. Therefore, you The truth, though, is that we Would people not give up their the same sphere of reality. simply cannot compare people. never know. Some people could be money for health? Of course they Moreover, just changing the Experts will tell you that one blessed beyond words yet still feel would. So if you can walk, talk, see, size, color, and texture of an el- of the worst things you can do to lacking. It’s a bitter disease but it and hear, you’re rich! How fortunate ephant wouldn’t make him some- your child is compare him or her to exists. Therefore, we can’t compare I am that I don’t need that assistance thing else because there’s so much a sibling. “Why can’t you be neat our lots to anyone else’s. Besides, to breathe! more that goes into the creature. It’s like your sister?” “Your brother ate we each have different missions so When it comes to Torah and the molecular structure, the fact that all his vegetables…” or “Why are it makes sense we have different Yiras Shomayim, though, compare elephants are alive, and something you the only one who doesn’t want circumstances. yourself to those who have more even deeper. to go bowling with the family!?” are In our house we have a say- than you. Tell yourself that they Let’s say you gave the el- unfair statements. ing, “You get what you get and you reached great levels and you have ephant a spa treatment and now it’s I can’t be like my brother be- don’t get upset.” I remind my kids that ability as well. Then push your- smooth. Is it a different elephant cause I’M NOT HIM. I can’t even that HaShem makes sure they have self to be a fitting comparison. or is it the same one? What if you be like my father, my uncle, or my what He wants them to have and If you do that, you’ll find dyed it white to match a different fourteenth cousin on my grandmoth- NOBODY can take that away from yourself happier, more successful them. If we could all live that way and indeed, you will find that you we’d be a lot happier and a lot more truly measure up when you dare to united. compare.

So, it would seem that I’m a Jonathan Gewirtz is an inspirational believer that one should never com- writer and speaker whose work has ap- peared in publications around the world. pare, right? Wrong. You absolutely You can find him at www.facebook.com/ should compare yourself to others, RabbiGewirtz and follow him on Twitter @ RabbiJGewirtz. He also operates Jewish- but do it in a smart way. SpeechWriter.com, where you can order a I recall a friend in Yeshiva who custom-made speech for your next special occasion. Sign up for the Migdal Ohr, his was allergic to wheat, chicken, and a weekly PDF Dvar Torah in English. E-mail bunch more things. I thought he was [email protected] and put lucky because he got to eat steak Subscribe in the subject. every night. Then I grew up enough

JNS requirements for the production of CONT. FROM 37 power from renewable sources and the country’s emission of greenhouse to remove barriers in the clean-tech gases and improve energy efficien- industry.”We hope that the plan we cy, in a plan to help the Jewish state are approving today will first of all meets the goals of the 2015 United lead to a reduction in sickness caused Nations Climate Change Conference. by pollution, and in addition will lead Under the plan, Israel will allocate to greater efficiency and savings in the NIS 500 million ($133 million) for economy. We intend to continue in- government guarantees to loans given vesting the resources required to keep out to energy efficiency programs, reducing air pollution and emissions and another NIS 300 million ($80 of greenhouse gases in Israel,” said Is- million) to grants for energy efficien- raeli Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, cy projects, particularly for small and Globes reported. “The State of Israel medium-sized businesses working is at the start of an unprecedented in the field. The Israeli government revolution. The plan combines reduc- estimates that this will save the Israeli tion of environmental damage and air economy about NIS 30 billion ($8 bil- pollution with stimulation of economic lion), bringing Israel closer to meet- growth, economic savings, and greater ing the goals set at last December’s efficiency in industry and public au- U.N. conference in . In addition, thorities,” said Israeli Environmental Israel is planning to create minimum Protection Minister Avi Gabai.

40 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16 concept of freedom in the context of More,” a heartfelt tribute to Naftali CHAZAQ BIG EVENT the approaching Passover holiday. Fraenkel, Gilad Shaer, and Eyal He drew from his own experience Yifrah, three teenaged Israeli ye- DRAWS BIG NAMES IN helping addicts break free from their shiva students who were abducted addictions to explain what it means and murdered by terrorists in 2014. TORAH, POLITICS, to be “enslaved” in a spiritual sense. After a brief address by Senator It is freedom of the spirit, explains Schumer, the entire group took the ENTERTAINMENT Twerski, rather than political in- stage and offered rousing renditions Thousands gather for dependence which is at the core of of popular Jewish songs, including Pesach. This, in turn, can reconcile their own holiday-themed parodies pre-Passover inspiration the seemingly conflicting notions of of contemporary hits. A fitting con- Pesach as “The Season of our Free- clusion to an evening of inspiration BY DANIEL PEREZ dom,” and a lengthy, complicated that was one hit after another after Queens College’s Colden Audi- newly-appointed head rabbi and observance preceded by weeks of another. torium was filled to capacity for the posek (religious legal authority) of preparation, often including harsh “This year’s big Chazaq event second year running as local Jewish New York’s Sephardic-Bukharian household labor. was, Baruch HaShem, a great suc- outreach organization Chazaq held community. In addition to open- Following the keen insights of cess,” reflected operations manager it’s 4th Annual Big Event. Living ing the proceedings with a read- Rabbi Dr. Twerski, radio show host Yaniv Meirov. “People were in- up to its name, everything about the ing of Tehillim—standard at such Charlie Harary analyzed the concept spired and entertained. It was a big event was “big,” from the size of events—the Rav proceeded to of “Amalek,” whose memory Jews Kiddush HaShem (sanctification the audience (over 2,000 in attend- include the recitation of Shema, the are religiously obligated to erase... of the Divine name). But now we ance), to the high-profile personali- fundamental Jewish declaration of by remembering it on a designated must focus on continuing our work ties involved, to the Torah concepts faith, and of assorted verses declar- Sabbath before Purim each year. with in the community on a smaller invoked by the evening’s speakers. ing the sovereignty of G-d. A sort of Rather than identifying Amalek scale.” This, Meirov explained, The borough’s leadership was messianic fervor filled the room as, with a specific tribe, he describes means “doing more for local Jewish well repre- on the screen this implacable enemy of the Jewish public school students.” sented, with behind Rav way of life as a “virus,” one that “We attract and inspire many New York SEE PHOTOS ON Yisraeli, infects the mind by fostering doubt boys and girls throughout the year, State As- PAGE 38 animations as to G-d’s presence or love for His some of whom we successfully semblymen played people. put in yeshiva, and many that have Michael featuring Amid these divrei chizuq were sincerely changed their way of life Simanowitz and David Weprin, inspirational (or perhaps more ac- moving musical performances by in positive and spiritually uplift- New York State Senator Toby Ann curately, aspirational) imagery of Rabbi Avi Kilimnick and Yeshiva ing ways. But there are so many Stavisky, and City Council Mem- the Temple in Jerusalem. The rabbi University’s a cappella viral video more kids to work with. And to bers Karen Koslowitz and Rory concluded by offering words of sensation The Maccabeats. Prior to do that we need the community’s Lancman all making personal ap- blessing for Chazaq’s founder and their concert (one of the main draws continuous support, as this is truly pearances. Also in attendance were director, Rabbi Ilan Meirov, as well of the Big Event produced by VZ a matter of pikuach nefesh (saving representatives of Congresswoman as his brother (and Chazaq’s head of productions) and between speeches, lives).” For more information about Grace Meng, Queens Borough Pres- operations) Reb Yaniv Meirov—all group member Eytan gave a brief CHAZAQ please visit chazaq.org ident , and New York to thunderous applause. solo performance, including a or email [email protected] City Comptroller . While local legislators and gov- heartfelt rendition of the song “No The presenters also included U.S. ernment executives shed light on the Senator Chuck “Shomer Yisrael” social and cultural significance of Schumer (his second consecutive Chazaq’s diverse program offerings, appearance); even Mayor Bill de and Rav Yitzchak Yisraeli endowed Rabbi Aharon Ziegler Blasio himself stopped by! the event with an overarching sense PARASHAT METZORA, SHABBAT HA-GADOL 2016 - 5776 “Chazaq is such a wonderful of holiness, anchoring the line-up and extraordinary organization,” of esteemed orators were Rabbi Dr. “THE GREAT SIN TO REFLECT declared de Blasio, “and the impact Avraham Twerski and Charlie Ha- ON THE GREAT SHABBAT” you have made... It is so important rary, a prominent investor-turned- In parashat Ki Teitzei (Devarim conclude (Gemara Arachin 15b) that to support Chazaq because you have motivational speaker—well known, 24:8) the Torah writes “Hishameir the plague of Tzara’at comes as a touched so many lives and you’ve in other words, as both a supporter Lecha” guard yourself against the punishment for Lashon Hara. Miriam strengthened the community in so of Chazaq and a giver of chizzuq. plague of Tzara’at….” and imme- spoke “Lashon HaRa” about her many ways.” The Mayor went on Twerski and Harary both captivated diately in the next pasuk the Torah brother Moshe and she was stricken to extol the various social, cultural, the crowd with Passover-themed commands (24:9) “Zachor-remember with Tzara’at for seven days. and religious programs hosted by words of Torah wisdom, given in that which HaShem did to Miriam The Torah further tells us that as Chazaq, and to discuss, with a sense their own inimitable styles. on the road at the time you went out a result, Miriam was sent outside the of gratitude, the contributions of the Rabbi Twerski, a noted psy- of Mitzrayim”. The juxtaposition of camp for the duration of her “tzara’at. Jewish immigrant population to the chologist and author, discussed the the two verses leads our Chazal to CONT.ON P43 greater New York community. Even as de Blasio struggled with He- brew phrases like “chag sameach,” Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. (“happy holiday,” in reference to 8 1 5 9 3 7 2 6 4 the upcoming festival of Passover) ANSWERS 6 7 2 8 4 1 5 9 3 one couldn’t help being charmed by 9 3 4 2 6 5 1 7 8 7 8 9 3 5 4 6 2 1 the earnestness of his effort. TO THIS 2 4 1 6 7 8 9 3 5 After the mayor’s thoughtful 5 6 3 1 9 2 4 8 7 opening address, an invocation WEEK’S 1 5 6 7 2 3 8 4 9 3 9 8 4 1 6 7 5 2 of sorts was offered by HaRav 4 2 7 5 8 9 3 1 6 PUZZLES! Sudoku Puzzle HaGaon Yitzchak Yisraeli, the To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 41 4/15/16

LEIBLER whose president is wanted by the In- would exploit it as a platform to pro- armistice lines as future borders, until CONT. FROM P30 ternational Criminal Court for crimes mote evil, even including the endorse- prevalent in the U.N. General As- now he was inhibited by Congress and against humanity, was elected vice ment of genocide. his own party from endorsing a Secu- sembly and Security Council where president of the Economic and Social Israel became the canary in the demonizing, delegitimizing and at- rity Council resolution to this effect. Council, which regulates human mine. Two decades after having But in recent months there have tributing all the woes of the world to rights; endorsed the creation of the State of the Jewish state is reminiscent of Nazi been numerous signals and outright • North Korea was elected to Israel, the U.N. initiated a concerted threats that unless Israel makes further propaganda or the Middle Ages when chair the Conference on Disarma- effort towards its delegitimization. Jews were held responsible for all the unilateral concessions, it should no ment; We have witnessed a dramatic longer rely on a U.S. veto to prevent misfortunes of mankind. • UNESCO continuously downward spiral at the U.N. over the The initiatives of these efforts to a harsh Security Council resolution condemns Israel and only once con- last 30 years. In the 1990s, the Security which could in turn pave the way for demonize Israel emanate from rogue demned Syria, and yet elected Syria to Council was disgraced by its failure states that dominate the U.N. global sanctions against the Jewish one of its human rights committees. to quash genocide in Rwanda, despite state. A few examples: • In 2015 the World Health the fact that it had peacekeeping forces • Representatives of Moammar Obama is unlikely to act until after Organization had the gall to pass a in the area. Likewise, the shocking the presidential elections. But there Gadhafi’s Libya and Qatar served as resolution, introduced by Syria, by a blunder in Srebrenica, Bosnia, when presidents of the General Assembly; are growing concerns that in the two- majority of 104 with 4 opposed and 6 a U.N. battalion -- in a U.N.-declared month hiatus between the elections and • A representative of Iran served abstentions, absurdly claiming that Is- “free zone” -- handed 8,000 Muslim as a vice president; his retirement, he could well do so. rael was “targeting the health of Syr- civilians to the Serb military, which The U.N. is intensifying its cam- • Iranian President Hassan ians in the Golan … injecting them promptly slaughtered them all. Nor Rouhani, who heads the world’s most paign against Israel. The horrendous with pathogenic viruses.” The WHO was the U.N. able to deal with the ISIS attacks in Europe have in no way virulent terror state, used the General has never carried a single resolution genocide in Sudan or more recently the Assembly to “condemn terror” while impacted on EU policy toward Israel. condemning any other country. carnage in Syria. The months until the presidential interspersing his statements with anti- Further examples abound of the Instead, it intensified its anti-Israel Semitic remarks; elections present the optimal time to hypocritical, corrupt and evil machi- campaigns. What is morally despicable influence future U.S. policy toward the • Iran, which stones women for nations of the U.N. is that the Europeans, who initially adultery, was appointed to the U.N. U.N. and to ensure that Israel is not displayed token resistance to some of abandoned to the wolves. Commission on the Status of Women; After the defeat of nazism, the the more outrageous attacks on Israel, • Assad’s Syria was elected to This year, due to a mandatory founders of the United Nations en- have reverted to the role they played rotation, the U.S. is not a member of a UNESCO commission dealing with dorsed the Universal Declaration of in the 1930s when they stood aside as human rights and nuclear proliferation; the UNHRC. Presidential candidates Human Rights. They never envisaged the forces of darkness enveloped the should be canvassed to express their • As recently as 2010, the that the organization they created Jewish people. UNHRC published a report praising commitment to refuse to participate in would subsequently be hijacked They seem to have entirely forsak- the UNHRC unless it halts its ob- the human rights record of Libya; by dictatorships and tyrannies who en their moral compass and rarely vote • A representative of Sudan, sessional anti-Israel crusades. They against the most extreme anti-Israel should also be urged to commit them- resolutions, preferring to abstain so as selves to refute any effort to impose not to antagonize those powers seeking a solution on Israel or rescind U.N. to delegitimize and destroy the Jewish Resolution 242. state. They also join the obscene calls on Israel to respond “more propor- Donald Trump has already com- tionately” to Palestinians engaged in pletely written off the U.N. But the murdering their civilians. real challenge is to persuade the likely winner – Hillary Clinton – to translate Now they have gone one step the speech she made at the American further. In a world rampant with hu- Israel Public Affairs Committee con- man rights injustices, they preceded ference expressing her love for Israel the UNHRC with an EU demand for into a clear cut commitment that, if “labeling” Israeli products emanating elected, she will ensure that the U.S. from over the Green Line. either enforces a modicum of morality This must be seen as an extension at the U.N. – including confronting the of the ongoing campaign to rescind vile hatred that portrays Israel as evil U.N. Resolution 242, which calls incarnate – or take appropriate action. for negotiations based on defensible The U.N. today incubates evil borders and substituting it with a and provides legitimacy to tyrannies. demand to return to the indefensible If this will not change, the U.S. and 1949 borders unless an agreement on other democratic countries have an swaps with the Palestinians (currently obligation to condemn these pathologi- inconceivable) can be achieved. In this cal actions and, if necessary, establish context, the settlement blocs, the Jew- a global association of democracies ish neighborhoods of east Jerusalem to promote human rights and combat and even the Jewish Quarter of the Old terrorism. City are regarded as occupied territo- Democratic leaders would do well ries. to recall the words of Dietrich Bonho- Until now, the Security Council effer, the German theologian executed was prevented from passing such a by the Nazis, who stated that “silence resolution because the U.S. protected in the face of evil is itself evil: God Israel by employing its veto. While will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak U.S. President Barack Obama has been is to speak. Not to act is to act.” at the vanguard of those demanding Isi Leibler may be contacted at that Israel accept the indefensible 1949 [email protected] 42 To advertise in THE JEWISH CONNECTION call: 718.761.2626 • [email protected] 4/15/16

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ZIEGLER talking about her brother they will CONT. FROM P41 then come to the conclusion- “if that Because of this the entire camp waited is the punishment for Miriam, who for her recovery and did not travel for loved her brother dearly, and who the next seven days. No one moved risked her life to save him from the forward, everyone waited for Miriam, Nile, how much more severe will (Bamidbar 12:1-16). Why did our punishment be if we speak real they wait for her? Why couldn’t they Lashon Hara? For she didn’t really have moved on and force her to catch speak Lashon HaRa about Moshe, all up with them at a later date? The en- she said was “why did you have to tire Jewish nation waited for Miriam separate from your wife where as we, as a “reward” for her having waited who are also Nevi’im (Prophets) did for her brother Moshe, when his not do so?” basket was placed in the Nile River Her question to Moshe was a (Shemot 2:4). So now, the Jewish “mistake”, she didn’t realize that people waited for her (Rashi) . Moshe was not just another Navi, he I truly wonder how happy Mir- was singularly the greatest Navi, and iam was with this “reward”. Perhaps none could compare to him. That was if she had the option she may have her mistake- but it wasn’t Lashon preferred that the Jewish people con- Hara, nevertheless-she was punished. tinue traveling without her, with the So now people began to tremble and intent on catching up with them later. fear how severe this sin could be, and For by waiting for her most likely perhaps refrain from Lashon Hara. people would be asking one another, So Miriam’s seven day seclusion “Why aren’t we moving?” The an- may have been a deterrent for Lashon swer would be “It’s all Miriam’s fault, HaRa among the masses. That was because she spoke Lashon Hara about her “reward”! her brother”. What kind of “reward” We can’t control others from is this for her? speaking Lashon Hara- but we Rambam, in Hilchot Tumat COULD deter them by simply refus- Tzara’at 16:10 addresses this ques- ing to listen to them! That is our mes- tion, and claims that we have to go a sage and our goal step further. After the people realize Shabbat Shalom that the standstill was due to Miriam’s Rabbi Aharon Ziegler

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Fresh matzahs Governor Kasich Visits the in the Meah Shearim neighborhood Children at Shema Kolainu of Yerushalayim


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Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski


Senator Chuck Shumer with Yaniv Meirov

The Maccabeats performing at the Big CHAZAQ Event IV

SEE ARTICLE ON PAGE 41 Honorees at thehe JCCMP Legislative Reception

Mel Zachter - Appointed to Emunah of America OHEL Gears Up for OXC - OHEL EXTREME CHALLENGE as Consultant - Fiscal Operations including an obstacle course at Camp Kayle


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