Hold the Front Page
Winter 20101 HOLD THE FRONT PAGE The Headline Makers of 2009 STORM WARNING Tornados on patrol in Afghanistan WELCOME TO NEPAL Kent Wing Cadets in the Land of Yaks and Yetis 2 air cadet / winter 2010 3 this issue: A Message From The Editor ... here’s plenty for all to look T forward to in 2010, not least the celebrations for Cadet150 where 18 the spotlight will be on all the Cadet Forces. HEAT AND DUST The New Year has brought the Tornados On Patrol welcome news of national honours In Afghanistan for Flt Lt Leslie McCammont MBE from Glasgow and West Scotland Wing, recognised for his unstinting support of the ACO, and for Sir Michael Marshall, chairman of 104 (City of Cambridge) Sqn and a long- time supporter of the ACO. We also take the opportunity to look back at the award-winning headline- makers of 2009 and salute our prize-winning photographers who captured the spirit of the ACO. Elsewhere in the magazine, we highlight Kent Wing’s challenging expedition to Nepal and raise the profile of a new shooting discipline, 25 23 Sporter Air Rifle. Have a great year and don’t forget to FRAMED PITCH BATTLE tell us about it. Prize Winning The New Football Photos 2009 Season Kicks Off Carol McCombe Editor, AIR CADET AIR CADET Is Sponsored By: 14 GIVING YOU WINGS Flying With The Breitling Red Bull Air Race Team When you have finished with Managing Editor Denise Parker Housby Editor Carol McCombe Account Director Anthon Linton, Mongoose Media, the magazine, please recycle it ! 2 Lonsdale Road, London, NW6 6RB Tel: 020 7306 0300 Design Steve J Davies, Air Media Centre, HQ Air Command.
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