Carla P. Gomes Computing and Information Science Dept. of Computer Science Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University 353 Gates Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 phone: (607) 255 9189
[email protected] Current position Director, Institute for Computational Sustainability, Cornell University Ronald C. and Antonia V. Nielsen Professor of Computing and Information Science, Cornell University Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Dept. of Information Science, and Dyson School of Ap- plied Economics and Management, Cornell University Cornell Research Field Membership: Computer Science, Information Science, Applied Mathe- matics, Applied Economics and Management, and City and Regional Planning. Education Ph.D. (Computer Science), University of Edinburgh (1993). Area: Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Advisors: Professors Austin Tate (Artificial Intelligence) and Lyn Thomas (Oper. Re- search) M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics), Technical University of Lisbon (1987). Area: Operations Research Advisor: Professor Teresa Almeida Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Computational Sustainability; Scientific Discovery; Combinatorial Reasoning, Decision, and Optimization Problems; Connections with Operations Research, Machine and Statistical Learning, and Dynamical Systems; Multi-agent Systems; Approximations, randomization, and sam- pling techniques to identify structure; Science of Computation (synthesis of formal and experimental research). 1 Professional Recognition Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2017. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2013. Fellow, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2007. Feigenbaum Prize, AAAI, 2021. Lead P.I., NSF Expeditions in Computing Award ($10M). CompSustNet: Expanding the Hori- zons of Computational Sustainability, 2015-2020. Lead P.I., NSF Expeditions in Computing Award ($10M). Computational Sustainability: Com- putational Methods for a Sustainable Environment, Economy, and Society, 2008-2013.