CarlaP. Gomes Computing and Information Science Dept. of Computer Science Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University 353 Gates Hall Ithaca,NY 14853 phone: (607) 255 9189 [email protected] www.cs.cornell.edu/gomes Current position Director, Institute for Computational Sustainability, Cornell University Professor,Professor, Dept.Dept. of of Computer Computer Science, Science, Dept. Dept. of of Information Information Science, Science, and and Dyson Dyson School School of Applied of Ap- Economicsplied Economics and Management, and Management, Cornell Cornell University University CornellCornell Research Field Field Membershi Membership:p: Computer Computer Science, Science, Information Information Science, Science, Applied Applied Mathe- matics, Applied Economics and Management, and City and Regional Planning. Mathematics, Applied Economics and Management, and City and Regional Planning. Education Ph.D. (Computer Science), University of Edinburgh (1993). Area: Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Advisors: Professors AustinTate (Artificial Intelligence) andLyn Thomas (Oper. Re- search) M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics),Technical University of Lisbon (1987). Area: Operations Research Advisor: ProfessorTeresa Almeida Research Interests: Computational Sustainability; Sustainability; Scientific Scientific Discovery; Discovery; Combinatorial Combinatorial Decision Decision and Optimization and Optimization Problems; Prob- Connectionslems; Connections with Operations with Operations Research, Research, Machine Machine and Statistical and Statistical Learning, Learning, and Dynamical and Dynamical Systems; Sys- Multi-agenttems; Multi-agent Systems; Systems; Approximations, Approximati randomization,ons, randomization, and sampling and techniques sampling to techniquesidentify structure; to identify structure; Science of Computation (synthesis of formal andexperimental research). Science of Computation (synthesis of formal and experimental research). 1 Professional Recognition Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery(ACM), 2017. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2013. Fellow, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2007. LeadLead PP.I.,.I., NSFNSF Expeditions Expeditions in in Computing Computing AwardAward ($10M). ($10M). CompSustNet: CompSustNet: Expanding Expanding the Horizons the Hori- ofzons Computational of Computational Sustainability, Sustainability 2015-2020., 2015-2020. LeadLead PP.I.,.I., NSFNSF Expeditions Expeditions in in Computing Computing AwardAward ($10M). ($10M). Computational Computational Sustainability: Sustainability: Com- Computationalputational Methods Methods fora for Sustainable a Sustainable Environment, Environment, Economy Economy,, and and Society Society,, 2008-2013. 2008-2013. Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, 2011-2012. Chair-elect, Chair, Retired Chair, the Section on Information, Computing and Communication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2014, 2015, 2016. Member, Executive Council, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2002- 2005, 2012-2015. Top 10 Coolest Army Science andTechnology Advances (Number 4),AI to identify fuel-efficient materials, U.S. Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory, 2019. Research ExcellenceAward, Cornell University College of Engineering, 2019. AAAI ClassicPaperAward , Boosting Combinatorial Search Through Randomization, AAAI, 2016. InnovativeAIAward , Phase-Mapper: AnAI Platform to Accelerate High Throughput Materials Discovery. IAAI 2016. Editor, special issue on Computational Sustainability,AI Magazine, 2013. ProgramProgram Chair, Chair 10th, 10th International International Conference Conference on onIntegration Integration of Artificial of Artificial Intelligence Intelligence and and Op- Operationserations Research ResearchTechniques Techniquesin Constraint in Constraint Progra Programming,mming, IBM IBMT .T.J.W J. atsonWatson Research Research Center Center,, NY, USA (CPAIOR 2013). NY, USA (CPAIOR 2013). Program Chair, special track on Computational Sustainability of theTwenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,(IJCAI-13). Program Chair, special track on Computational Sustainability of theTwenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (AAAI-13). 2 BestPaperAward , Model counting:A new strategy for obtaining good bounds.Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI06), 2006. DistinguishedPaperAward , Statistical Regimes Across Constrainedness Regions, Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2004. ComputationalComputational Sustainability. Sustainability The. The Bridge, Bridg eNational, National Academy Academy of Engineering,of Engineering, VolumeVolume 39, 39,Number Num- 4,ber Winter 4,Winter 2009. 2009. (Invited (In vitedarticle.) article.) Program Co-chair,Twenty-Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chicago, IL, USA (AAAI- 08), 2008. Program Co-chair, Ninth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, Seattle,Washington, USA, (SAT 2006), 2006. ConferenceConfer Chair,ence International Chair Conference, International on the Principles Conference and Practice of Constraint on Programming,the Principles Ithaca, NY, USAand (CP-2002), Practice 2002. of Constraint Pro- gramming, Ithaca,NY, USA (CP-2002), 2002. InvitedTalk, World EconomicForum, China. Computational Sustainability, 2016. Invited PlenaryTalk, National Academy of Engineering, U.S. Frontiers of Engineering, 2009. InvitedInvited Plenary Plenary Talk,Talk ,24th 24th National National Conference Conference of ofthe the American American Association Association for Artificialfor Artificial Intel- Intelligenceligence (AAAI-10), (AAAI-10), 2010. 2010. InvitedInvited Plenary Plenary Talk,Talk ,17th 17th National National Conference Conference of ofthe the American American Association Association for Artificialfor Artificial Intel- Intelligenceligence (AAAI-00), (AAAI-00), 2000. 2000. Invited PlenaryTalk , International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, (CPAIOR-2010), 2010. Invited PlenaryTalk, 15th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP09), 2009. Invited PlenaryTalk , Grace Hopper Celebration ofWomen in Computing, (GraceHopper’10), 2010. Nature, “Can Get Satisfaction,” 2005 (invited perspective). Member, Advisory Committee, International Scientists, for the Research Council President of the European Union, 2000. SpecialSpecial RecognitionRecognition Award,Award ,Information Information Directorate, Directorat Aire, AirForceForce Research Research Laboratory, Laboratory 1999., 1999. Ci- Citation:tation: Dr Dr.. Carla PP.. GomesGomes isis recognized forfor her her ground-breaking ground-breaking research research in in integrating integrating Artificial Arti- ficial Intelligence and Operations Research techniques which led toa “boosted” search method Intelligence and Operations Research techniques which led to a “boosted” search method that that allowed several orders of magnitude speedups for solving hard, real-world problems. 1999. allowed several orders of magnitude speedups for solving hard, real-world problems. 1999. 3 AFRL/IF nominatedROMAN for the General RonaldYatesAward for Excellence inTechnology Transfer.ROMAN isa system incorporatingAI techniques for generating provably correct and safe schedules for planned shutdowns of nuclear power plants. (Carla Gomeswas the principal investigator ofROMAN.) 1996. Ph.D. Scholarship Portuguese ScientificFoundation (3 years). Best StudentPaperAward , (Ph.D. Student: Stefano Ermon.) Computing the density of states of Boolean formulas. Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2010. Publications Journals and Refereed Proceedings 1. CarlaP. Gomes, ThomasG. Dietterich, Christopher Barrett, Jon Conrad, Bistra Dilkina, Ste- fano Ermon, FeiFang, AndrewFarnsworth, Alan Fern, XiaoliZ. Fern, Daniel Fink, DouglasH. Fisher, Alexander Flecker, Daniel Freund, Angela Fuller, JohnM. Gregoire, JohnE. Hopcroft, SteveKelling,J. ZicoKolter,WarrenB. Powell, NicoleD. Sintov, JohnS. Selker, Bart Selman, Daniel Sheldon, DavidB. Shmoys, MilindTambe,Weng-KeenWong, ChristopherWood, Xiao- jianWu,Yexiang Xue, AmulyaYadav, Abdul-AzizYakubu, Mary Lou Zeeman. Computational sustainability: computing fora betterworld anda sustainable future. Commun.ACM 62(9): 56-65, 2019. 2. Johan Bjorck, BrendanH. Rappazzo, Di Chen, Richard Bernstein, PeterH. Wrege, CarlaP. Gomes. Automatic Detection and Compression forPassive Acoustic Monitoring of the African Forest Elephant. AAAI 2019: 476-484. 3. Di Chen, CarlaP. Gomes. Bias Reduction via End-to-End Shift Learning: Application to Citizen Science. AAAI 2019: 493-500. 4. Anmol Kabra,Yexiang Xue, CarlaP. Gomes. CPU-accelerated principal-agentgame for scalable citizen science. COMPASS 2019: 165-173. 5. Junwen Bai, Zihang Lai, RunzheYang,Yexiang Xue, JohnM. Gregoire, CarlaP. Gomes.Imi- tation Refinement for X-ray Diffraction Signal Processing. ICASSP 2019: 3337-3341. 6. RafaelM. Almeida, Qinru Shi, JonathanM. Gomes-Selman, XiaojianWu,Yexiang Xue, Hector Angarita, Nathan Barros, BruceR.Forsberg, Roosevelt Garca-Villacorta, StephenK. Hamilton, JohnM. Melack, Mariana Montoya, Guillaume Perez, SureshA. Sethi, CarlaP. Gomes, Alexan- derS. Flecker. Reducing greenhousegas emissions of Amazonhydropower with strategic dam planning. Nature Communications,
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