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f a t r l l e f f M & m t x “THE STUDENT VOICE OF THE PIONEER COLLEGE” NUM BER 7 VOLUME VIII ALTON, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1928 HOMECOMING PLANS PROGRESS ‘BILUKENS’ PASSING CURRENT CALENDAR i GROTESQOE FIGORES McKENDREE GAME! CAST AND COMMITTEE FORMBACKGROONDOF TAKES GAME WITH Today—9:50 a. m. Senior Saturday is the big day when PREPARE HOMECOMING Chapel. Shurtleff plays McKendree in football at McKendree. Don't ONE-SIDED SCORE Saturday—2:30 p. m.; Football ALL-SCHOOL PARTY fall to be there! These two PLAY AND STONTS Game, McKendree. Many Prizes Awarded For Orig schools are friendly rivals and Bisons Fight Gamely for Touch Bisons To Battle Southern Teach Monday—7:30 p. m.; Women’s inality and Taste In keen competition will be shown. down in Final Quarter ers In Homecoming Fray ■Glee Olub. Costume. This game will be McKen- Tuesday— 4:00 p. m.; Kappa ONE-ACT PLAY PRESENTED dree’s only home game this MARGIN OF VICTORY 20 0 iSigma Delta. year, so let’s all turn out and PLAY PARTS PREPARED 7:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting. help make it a great occasion Shurtleffs battle scarred Pioneers Amidst gay surroundings, many 8:00 p. m. Men’s Glee Club. figures, beautiful and grotesque, for them, as well as for us. If November 10th, the day of "Home found the passing and luck of the St. coming,’ will be filled with excite Louis University reserve a bit too Wednesday—9:50 a. m.; Y. M. flitted about and merrily celebrated we get behind our team and pep that annual gala day—Hallowe'en, at ment. In the afternoon there is to tough (or them last Friday, and they and Y. W.: 7:30 p. m.; them up, there will be no need the Shurtleff gym on the eve of be a most exciting football game went down to a 20—6 defeat. The to worry about the outcome. Press Club Meeting. October 31st. between the Shurtleff Bisons and the Billlken’s two touchdowns came on Carbondale team, and in the evening breaks, while Nicolet went over for Pirates, clowns, ghosts, chinks and crinolines were in prominence. As the Junior Play, along with two the Bison’s score on straight foot surprise stunts and the crowning of ball, early in.the final quarter. the party commenced, a promenade of all the costumed guests took place “Miss Pioneer”, will take the place The first quarter was all Shurt- ALPHA ZETANS ENTERTAIN DEDATERS WAX ELOQUENT of the usual stunt show. leff’s. The ball was well within the and prizes were awarded as follows: Most Beautiful Costume—Frances The play which has been chosen by St. Louis territory throughout the WITH VARIED PROGRAM GIVING PARTY PLATFORMS the Juniors is "The Four-Blushers" period, the Pioneers twice taking the Davis; Best Dressed Couple— Pro fessor and Mrs. Jones; Ugliest— by Caesar Dunn. It is a clever three ball Inside the twenty yard line, only Not Smith or Hoover, .But Re Wedding Ceremony, Jokes, Play Louise Bartlett; Best Old Man--- act American comedy, and under the to lose it on downs. A forty-five yard let and Orchestra Feature publican or Democratic able direction of Miss Anne Corbitt swing by Medler around right end Edgar Edwards; Best Character Rep Program. resentation—Allen Mather; and Most Control it will without doubt be well exe and two twenty yard passes featured cuted. Following try-outs held last the Bison attack, which appeared cer Original—Norval Wilson. Norval The annual open meeting of the Mr. Boris Alexander and Mr. Ros- week, these characters have been tain to score at least two touchdowns Wilson’s costume was in the form of Alpha Zeta literary society was coe Marks were the two contestants chosen: before the game was over. a huge iron which completely con held last Friday evening at eight in the debate held during chapel Jerry Dean ........... Erma Vogelpohl However, it was the visitors who cealed him. On one end of it was o’clock in the A. Z. hall and culmi period Tuesday morning. A few weeks Evangeline Gay ......... Esther Culp broke the scoring Ice, by means of written—‘Iron the Wrinkles Out of nates the season of entertainment ago Dr. Potter asked for volunteers Horace Riggs . Robert Allen a long pass and a thirty yard run Shirt-leff.” which both the Alpha Zeta and Sig to debate on some issue or side of Andy Whlttacher....... Ronald Bowen after the pass was caught. Even after Following the promenade and the ma Phi Society present at the begin the presidential campaign now going Mrs. Dwight Allen. ...R uth Mitchell the touchdown was made, few in the awarding of prizes the guests un ning of the school. on. This call was answered by Mr. June Allen Sarah Carmody stand thought ShurtlefT had a chance masked and seated themselves about Harry McOlintock, who served as Alexander and he challenged the stu Dr. Giles Faraday...........Edgar Judd to lose. The play was so unexpected, on the floor and benches to observe master of ceremonies, announced the dents for an opposite. His challenge P. J. Hannerton ......... George Duke coming as it did Just after the Billi- a one-act play ‘Ghost Story’ by Booth program, drew the curtains, and be was accepted by Mr. Marks, a fresh Roberts Riggs...-........Stewart Beatty kens had been thrown for losses on Tarkington. It was a clever play tween numbers entertained the man in the school this year. and was well acted. Nelson McBrien Ira Whittacker....... Robert, Johnson (Continued on Page 3) audience with jokes, "old, new, sun The question open for debate was: as George, a love-sick oollege boy, (Continued on Page 2.) ny, true.” Mr. McClintock brought and Harriet Christoe, as Anne Resolved, that the Democratic party into the public eye Bob Allen, Balph be returned to power. The affirm Carr, and George Duke. This all (Continued on Page 3) ative was given by Mr. Alexander. CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS came through some more of his His speech was delivered well and he SCRIBES MAKE MERRY REAR NOTED SPEAKER jokes. brought out many good points. He The program was begun by some SUPPER CLUB ANNUAL opened the main discussion by a AT HALLOWE’EN FEST popular songs which were played by declaration that the power of the Vision, Decision, Knowledge, and the orchestra known as “Jacque's OUTING BIG SUCCESS Democratic party should be brought Journalists Forget Paper For Sacrifice Prerequisites Merrymakers”. These performers back and this depended on the elec Evening of Fun and won instant popularity with their For Leadership tion of Congress as well as of the Frolic songs. The players were: Paul "Eats” As Usual Feature Club’s president. He said that the Protec Kortkamp, Ray Borman, Sam Mun- Social Function "One must have a vision of a goal tive tariff issue was dead as a point The Press Club members were de dell, William Ashlock, C. R. Steen, of controversy and that new ones to be achieved, decide to accomplish lightfully entertained by the presi Edward Stobbs, Aaron Brien, and The Supper Club threw its second had taken Its place. He mentioned that end, use every bit of knowledge dent, Virginia Olive, in her home Jacque Ashlock. annual Informal at Stone Arch last the scandals of the Republican party at his disposal, and then he must last Wednesday evening, Miss Fran- After these musical numbers had Saturday evening. About five o’clock connected with both the administra have a spirit of sacrifice, if he is to cene Bartlett acting as assistant been rendered, a little playlet was a party of ten couples, consisting of tion of public property and the elec be a leader.” So spoke Dr. Dunlop, hostess. Twenty-two members of given. A wedding scene with Ed. all active members and their lady tion of senators. He named the visiting evangelist at the College Ave the club and the faculty advisor Nylen officiating. The bride was lit friends, set out for the aforesaid Teapot Dome affair and the Smith nue Presbyterian Church, in a joint were present to enjoy the festivities tle Georgia Hale; the groom, our big stone arch with hiking outfits com and Vare election revelations. He meeting of the Y. W. and Y. M. of the evening. Bill Roy. After the wedding cere plete. Ed. Nylen as guest of honor emphasized the fact that the Repub groups on Wednesday morning of last The party was in keeping with the mony had been performed, the text and Prof. Allen as chaperone accom lican party had subordinated the gov week. Hallowe’en season, the house being being taken from the book of num panied the party. Wayne Schmidt, ernment into big business and how "Unless one can visualize a goal decorated in colored leaves, pump bers, the telephone director, the Ralph Carr, and George Griggs were the party and Its leaders has never worth achieving all his efforts may kins, Hallowe’en colors, and every married couple began the Inevitable the only members of the club who lived up to the standard of conduct be expended in merely traveling in thing symbolic of the weird season quarreling. After finding out from a were uijable to be present. Floyd which a powerful conservative party a circle. Simply visualizing a task of Hallowe’en. prisoner at Sing Sing, Howard H il Short, the only alumni member should reasonably command of its will not suffice however. There must Fol li/wing a short session of the ton, that one gets two weeks in pri assisted in the entertainment of the leaders in the way of collective de be a definite decision on the part of Pioneer Scribblers, fun and frolic son for the killing of his wife, Bill evening.