Preliminary Terrane and Overlap Assemblage Map of Altay-Sayan

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Preliminary Terrane and Overlap Assemblage Map of Altay-Sayan EXPLANATION TECTONIC ENVIRONMENTS ABBREVIATIONS FOR OVERLAP SEDIMENTARY and Early Proterozoic) RA Rudny-Altai (island arc) (Late Devonian and AND VOLCANIC ASSEMBLAGES BK Belaya-Kitoi (cratonal) (Archean? and Early Early Carboniferous) Proterozoic) SG Sugash (island arc) (Cambrian) Basement of craton and cratonal terranes ag Agul molasse basin with Lochkovian-Pragian BL Belokurikha (metamorphic) (SH) Sharizhalgai block (cratonal basement) rift-related volcanic rocks (Devonian and BR Baratal (island arc) (Vendian and Early (Archean) Passive continental margin tarrane Early Carboniferous) Cambrian) SHT Shutkhulai (metamorphic) am Altai-Mongolia volcano-sedimentary belt with BS Borus (accretionary wedge, predominantly SL Salair (island arc) (Cambrian to Early o o 84 90 96o Emsian subduction-related volcanic rocks oceanic rocks) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) Ordovician) Continental margin turbidite terrane (Early and Middle Devonian) BZ Bazibai (metamorphic) SM Sisim (island arc) (Vendian and Early Mzs ba Biya molasse basin (Late Cambrian and CH Charysh (continental margin turbidites) Cambrian) Island-arc terrane Ordovician) (Cambrian to Silurian) SN Saratan (oceanic) (Vendian and Early CzMzs Mzs bs Bokson-Sarkhoi sedimentary basin (Vendian CHU Chagan-Uzun (accretionary wedge, Cambrian) Back-arc terranes undivided to Middle Cambrian) predominantly oceanic rocks) (Vendian and SR Sarkhoi (continental margin arc) (Late mn Krasnoyarsk NSC o KS (SY) 56 is Intrasayan volcano-sedimentary belt with Early Cambrian) Proterozoic) Continental margin arc terrane Lochkovian-Pragian volcanic rocks DB Dibi (accretionary wedge, predominantly SS South Sangilen (passive continental margin) td (Devonian and Early Carboniferous) turbidites) (Late Proterozoic?) (late Proterozoic) TT KS KV Mzs Accretionary wedge terrane, kh Khmelev back-arc basin (Late Devonian and DR Derba (passive continental margin) (Late (SY) South Yenisei block (cratonal basement) KZ Mzs KS predominantly turbidites Early Carboniferous) Proterozoic) (Archean and Early Proterozoic) kt Mzs DR Novosibirsk ag khs Khemchik-Sistigkhem molasse basin (Late DZ Dzhebash (accretionary wedge, SZ Sizim (passive continental margin) (Late kt NSC Accretionary wedge terrane, Mzs KA ma Cambrian to Silurian) predominantly turbidites) (Vendian and Early Proterozoic) ag (TN) KV predominantly oceanic rocks sl kt Kolyvan-Tom back-arc basin (Late Devonian Cambrian) TA Talitsk (continental margin turbidites) mn NSC and Early Carboniferous) ET East Tuva (back-arc terranes collage) (Cambrian and Ordovician) kz SM KN o KM KS Accretionary wedge undivided Mzs 102 kz Kuznetsk molasse basin (Late Devonian to (Vendian to Middle Cambrian) TK Terekta (accretionary wedge, predominantly KM SM KS DR KV NSC Oceanic terrane Permian) GR Gargan (cratonal) (Archean) turbidites) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) kh SL sl KK (BI) tb ma Mana sedimentary basin (Vendian to Middle IL Ilchir (accretionary wedge, predominantly TL Teletsk (accretionary wedge, predominantly SL Mzs Cambrian) oceanic rocks) (Late Proterozoic) turbidites) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) kz mr Metamorphic terrane KS KK mn Minusa molasse basin with Lochkovian- IR Irkut (metamorphic) TM Tomsk(metamorphic) Mzs KS AL KV (UR) Pragian rift-related volcanic rocks (Devonian IZR Izikh (accretionary wedhe terrane, (TN) Tumanshet block (cratonal basement) mn BZ NSC NSC to Early Permian) predominantly oceanic rocks) (Vendian (Proterozoic) CzMzs TM NRS KS NSC OVERLAP ASSEMBLAGES mr Mirichun sedimentary basin (Vendian and and Early Cambrian) TO Tannuola (island arc) (Vendian and Early (OT) Early Cambrian) KA Kuznetsk-Alatau (oceanic) (Vendian Cambrian) CzMzs AL TT KH ET na North Altai volcano-sedimentary belt with and Early Cambrian) TT Tebes-Kitat (island arc) (Early and Middle AN AI ET volcanic rocks (rift-related) KTK khs NSC Czv Early Givetian subduction-related volcanic KBN Kalba-Narym (accretionary wedge, Cambrian) AL tb BK (Neogene and Quaternary) ET Irkutsk rocks (Early and Middle Devonian) predominantly turbidites) (Devonian and TU Tunka (island arc) (Early Paleozoic) kz o KS tv Czv OK 52 sedimentary and volcanic rocks ok Oka molasse basin (Ordovician and Silurian) Early Carboniferous) TT Telbes-Kitat (island arc) (Early and Middle ul KH (SH) NSC Czsv KS is SHT KHO (rift-related)(Tertiary and Quaternary) sa South Altai back-arc basin (Late Devonian KH Khamsara (island arc) (Vendian to Early Cambrian) BL KH tv na ul NRS DZ (SH) na BS WS bs and Early Carboniferous) Cambrian) UC Ulus-Cherga (island arc) (Early and Middle AL IZ ET IR sedimentary rocks (intracontinental MR UO UO Czsv Czs sl Salair volcano-sedimentary belt with Early KHO Khugein-Oka (accretionary wedge, Cambrian) AL DB IL TU Lake Baikal basins) (Cenozoic) UL tv KHO ZS ACH ba SR Givetian subduction-related volcanic rocks predominantly turbidites) (Late Proterozoic) UL Uimen-Lebed (island arc) (Vendian to Middle Mzs sm sedimentary rocks (intracontinental UL GR (Early and Middle Devonian) KK Kizir-Kazir (island arc) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) KRT KT CzMzs basins) (Cenozoic and Mesozoic) ACH sm Shumak sedimentary basin (Vendian and Cambrian) UO Ulugo (island arc) (Vendian to Early am TA na ul KT AO NS UC KT Mzs ON sedimentary rocks (intracontinental Early Carboniferous) KM Kanim (island arc) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) is is is khs KT Mzs AM Hovsgol-Nuur basins) (Jurassic) tb Telbes-Barzas volcano-sedimentary belt Cambrian) (UR) Urik-Iya block (cratonal basement) UL Mzs tv KBN ACH SN tv ET am UC KT tv with Emsian and Early Givetian subduction- KN Kan (cratonal) (Archean and Early (Proterozoic) na TL tv Late Paleozoic (Devonian to Permian) related volcanic rocks (Early and Middle Proterozoic) WS West Sayan (continental margin turbidites) RA ul Czs is WS tv Devonian ) KR Kurai (island arc) (Vendian and Early (Cambrian to Silurian) TK ACH SN khs Czs SZ ET Vendian and Early Paleozoic (Vendian TO td Taidon molasse basin (Late Cambrian and Cambrian) ZS Zasurin (oceanic) (Late Cambrian and Early TK na KT to Silurian) CHU Czs Early Ordovician) KRT Kurtushiba (accretionary wedge, Ordovician) KR NS TO am BR khs Uvs-Nuur tv Tuva molasse basin with Lochkovian- predominantly oceanic rocks) (Vendian and SG MB AG Czs Riphean to Silurian for craton KTN SS Pragian rift-related volcanic rocks (Devonian Early Cambrian) REFERENCES Czs am and Early Carboniferous KS Kuznetsk-East Sayan (back-arc terranes AM am AM am KHO SYMBOLS ul Uimen-Lebed volcano-sedimentary belt with collage) (Vendian to Middle Cambrian) This map is compiled from the following references. Eifelian and Early Givetian subduction- KT Khemchik-Tapsa (accretionary wedge, sa am Depositional contact along margin of overlap related volcanic rocks (Early and Middle predominantly oceanic rocks) (Vendian and Berzin, N.A., Coleman, R.G., Dobretsov, N.L., assemblage.Accretionary fault between terranes Devonian) Early Cambrian) Zonenshain,L.P., Xiao, Xuchang, and Chang, where not reactivated along post-accretionary KTN Kaitanak (accretionary wedge, predominantly E.Z., 1994, Geodynamic map of the western part fault or where not partly covered by overlap ABBREVIATIONS FOR CRATON AND oceanic rocks) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) of the Paleoasian Ocean. Geology and assemblage. TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC TERRANES KV Kuvai (accretionary wedge undivided) (Late Geophysics, v. 35, p. 5-22. (interpreted tectonic environment in Proterozoic) Berzin, N.A., and Dobretsov, N.L., 1994, Geodynamic o Post-accretion major fault; sense of displacement parantheses) KZ Kozhukhov (island arc) (Vendian to Middle evolution of Southern Siberia in late Precambrian- 48 unknown. Dashed where approximately located. Cambrian) early Paleozoic time,in Coleman, R.G., ed., ACH Anui-Chuya (continental margin turbidites) MB Mogen-Buren (oceanic) (Vendian and Early Reconstruction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean: Post-accretion thrust fault, sawteeth on upper (Cambrian to Silurian) Cambrian) Proceedings of the 29th International Geological plate. Dashed where approximately located. AG Agardag (oceanic) (Vendian and Early MR Maralikha (accretionary wedge, Congress, Part B, Utrecht, Netherlands, p. 53-70. SCALE Cambrian) predominantly turbidites)(Devonian?) Berzin, N.A., and Kungurtsev, L.V., 1996, Geodynamic 0 500 KM Digital cartography by Larisa V. Smirnova, Post-accretion strike-slip fault, arrows denote AI Amil (accretionary wedge, predominantly NRS North Sayan (island arc) (Vendian to Middle interpretation of Altai-Sayan Geological Annia O. Avchenko,and Warren J. Nokleberg relative strike-slip displacement. Dashed where turbidites) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) Cambrian) complexes: Geology and Geophysics, v. 37, no. 1, approximately located; dotted where concealed. AL Alambai (accretionary wedge, predominantly NS North Sangilen (passive continental margin) p. 56-73. oceanic rocks) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) (Late Proterozoic) Chang, E.Z., Coleman, R.G., and Ying D.X., 1995, NSC North Asian Craton (Archean and Early Tectonic transect map across Russia-Mongolia- AM Altai-Mongolia (continental margin turbidites) Proterozoic) China (western part): Stanford University and (Cambrian to Silurian) ON Ondum (island arc) (Vendian and Early U.S. Geological Survey, scale 1:2,500,000. AN Angurep (metamorphic) Cambrian) AO Agoi (metamorphic) (OT) Onot block (cratonal basement) (Late (BI) Biryusa block (cratonal basement) (Archean Archean and Early Proterozoic) PRELIMINARY TERRANE AND OVERLAP ASSEMBLAGE MAP OF ALTAY- SAYAN REGION, SOUTHERN SIBERIA, RUSSIA By Nikolay A. Berzin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk.
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