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LIMPLEY STOKE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th September 2018 at 7.00pm VILLAGE HALL, LIMPLEY STOKE Present Councillors: Peter Wyatt, Janice Richards, Ruth Fulton, Francis Firmstone, John Mill, Anthony Gennard, Johnny Kidney Public: 2 Members of the Public Clerk & RFO: Bryony Kohn 083/18 Apologies for Absence Gordon Tucker, Ed Elias 084/18 Declarations of Interest JR- Declared an Interest in the Limpley Mill planning application. RF- Declared that she was on the WHTAG committee. 085/18 Open Forum PC Andrew MacLachlans report. CRIME EXCEPTIONS DATA These figures are based on an evaluation of data, over a two year rolling period. Using this data we can predict what figure is the average that should be reported in a specific month, and what are the higher and lower parameters that we may expect. Figures outside of these parameters are classed as ‘Crime Exceptions’. August showed 24 crimes for this beat area, against the average of 24.2 for this same month of the last two years. The largest three crime groups that accounted for 75% of EA11 crime are as follows: Violence against the person showed 7 reported crimes, compared to an average of 7 offences. Burglary showed 6 reported crimes, compared to an average of 4.3 offences. Theft showed 5 reported crimes, compared to an average of 4.2 offences. COMMUNITY POLICING PRIORITIES WITHIN YOUR AREA WEEKLY TASKING MEETING Inspector Andy FEE chairs a weekly internal “tasking meeting” where emerging community issues and concerns are raised and discussed for the whole West Wiltshire CPT area. From this meeting, priorities and actions are set and a tasking document produced. This involves developing strategies and the targeting of resources (including partner agencies) into tackling the issue or concern. There have been no tasking priorities for the EA11 beat area. Op Albatross has continued during the summer months, which has seen an increase in patrols to tackle antisocial behaviour. 1 COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH (CSW) Every 2 weeks, 4 Community Speedwatch Schemes across West Wiltshire are selected by Leanne Homewood for CPT support (additional targeting, enforcement and patrols) to supplement the CSW team planned sessions. These are included in our weekly tasking document for action and update. All the results from the supplementary speed checks conducted are fed back to the relevant town and parish Councils in their individual Police Reports. The current Speedwatch Schemes being supported are as follows; Westwood was set as a CSW priority for a two week period in August. Two checks were completed by officers which saw words of advice given to four drivers with regards to their speed. LOCAL INFORMATION For a detailed breakdown of the crime in your area visit… Sector Inspector – Inspector James Williams – [email protected] Sector Deputy – Sergeant Jeff Rice – [email protected] Community Coordinator – Pc Charly Chilton – [email protected] Limpley Stoke Parish Council – Wiltshire Councillor’s report, Johnny Kidney September 2018 Local Government Boundary Review – The Boundary Commission has been reviewing local government boundaries in Wiltshire. Following representations by the Council and consideration by the Commission, the intention is to retain the same number of councillors as before in the County (98) but to review the boundaries to ensure that all division are of a broadly similar size in terms of population taking into account current and planned population growth. The Boundary Commission is consulting communities about revisions to Division Boundaries in the county. People wishing to comment on the boundary review can do so via the Boundary Commission’s consultation portal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hop Pole – The listing of the pub as an Asset of Community Value expires in November. It is hoped that the Parish Council will request that it is relisted. Following discussions with residents over the summer, I have spoken with the Wellington Pub Co about concerns in the community about the future of the pub. I have been provided with certain assurances, and it is intended that pub will reopen within a few weeks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next meeting of the Area Board takes place at St Lawrence School, Bradford on Avon on Wednesday 12th September. The theme for the meeting is young people and youth services. Bradford-on-Avon Town Council has launched a youth service tailored to the needs of young people in the area. The service was launched with a grant from the Wiltshire Council Area Board and as a result the service is available to young people in the villages as well as the town. Community Grants will also be considered at the meeting. As ever, if there are any community groups, local projects, sports clubs etc in Limpley Stoke that need funding for a particular project, facility etc, please ask them to get in touch with me and/or Peter Dunford ([email protected]). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Changes to the recycling service came into effect over the summer, with a wider range of materials now being collected. Information has been circulated previously to Parish Councils. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woods Hill – I met with concerned residents over the summer and am exploring potential solutions to the rat-running problem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ongoing concerns about the A36 also came up again in discussions with residents over the summer. The A36 is in the control of Highways England rather than Wiltshire Council, so I have raised it with Michelle Donelan MP. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bath Clean Air proposals – I will be meeting up with the Cabinet Member for Highways in B&NES to find out more about their emerging Clean Air Zone proposals and any potential knock-on effect on Wiltshire roads in our area. I will update once this meeting has taken place. Trisha Waters from WHTAG updated the PC with fundraising progress for the Bridge@175 project. A barn dance is the next fundraiser on November 3rd at Winsley Village Hall. Images of the proposed bridge design are on the website. Charitable status has been applied for. The PC thanked her for the update . A member of the public expressed her concerns regarding the Limpley Mill planning application-18/07368/FUL. The raising of the roof would mean that the building would no longer nestle into the present site. It would be more visible, reduce light levels, increase light pollution and impact on the wildlife biodiversity. Historically the building had been higher than at present before being burnt down in a fire in 1939. FF was concerned about the lack of detail in the plans. JR said that smaller flats in the development would encourage more affordable accommodation and downsizing in the village. FF was concerned that the development could exceed the affordable housing threshold- JK will follow up. 086/18 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 3rd July 2018 The minutes were discussed and accepted as an accurate record and signed by the Chair. Matters arising from previous meetings were actioned or are on the Agenda for the September meeting. 087/18 Financial Items The following invoices were approved- SO74 - Idverde - Playpark litterbin emptying - July £18.37 SO46 18.37 SO75 - B Kohn Clerk salary – July SO76- Idverde-Playpark litterbin emptying- August £18.37 SO77- B Kohn- Clerk salary- August DD82- A Duck -Grasscutting June £620 DD83- A Duck- Grasscutting- July £370 DD84- CPRE-Annual membership £36 DD85- A Duck- Grasscutting and War memorial repairs, Aug £220 CHQ1024 – West of England Falconry APM £100 CHQ 1027– B Osborne, APM food £10 PW and RF signed the approved payment forms. 3 088/18 Planning Applications and Decisions Weekly lists st th 21 July – 27 July Decisions Nil Applications Nil th rd 28 July – 3 August Decisions 18/05399/FUL Twizzleside First Floor extension Case Officer: Katie Yeoman, Approved with conditions Applications 18/06922/FUL Highlands, 53 Midford Lane 2 storey side extension, internal alterations & loft conversion Case Officer: Kate Sullivan JR proposed to support the application. JM seconded the proposal. The council voted unanimously to support the application. Application 18/06966/FUL Chatleigh House, 6 Warminster Road Mr and Mrs Child, External alterations & refurbishment of single storey side room Case Officer: Kate Sullivan JM proposed to support the application. RF seconded the proposal. The council voted unanimously to support the application. 18/07214/LBC Ditto above Listed Building application for the same Property JM proposed to support the application. RF seconded the proposal. The council voted unanimously to support the application th th 4 August – 10 August Decisions 18/05790/FUL 4 Lower Stoke – Conservatory Case Officer Verity Giles-Franklin Approved with conditions Applications 18/07368/FUL Limpley Mill Extension to form 5 No. 2-bed