ILLUSTRATED HISTORY of the American Dermatological Association 1876-2020

David M. Pariser, MD Historian © 2020 by the American Dermatological Association. All rights reserved.

American Dermatological Association, Inc. P.O. Box 551301 • Davie, FL 33355 Phone: 305-804-1150 • Fax: 954-252-2093 Website: • Email: [email protected] Preface

Election to the American Dermatological Association is one of the greatest honors that a dermatologist might achieve in his or her lifetime. Over the past 144 years, only 1127 dermatologists have had the honor of membership. Many of our founders trained in Europe. They gained a foothold in the House of Medicine in the because of their expertise in syphilology. To recognize the specific skill set possessed by dermatologists, members of the ADA established the dermatology section within the American Medical Association in 1887, the American Board of Dermatology in 1932 the 4th member of the newly established American Board of Medical Specialties, the Society of Investigative Dermatology in 1937 and the American Academy of Dermatology in 1938.

Dermatologists are now respected as members of the medical community. ADA members have been and remain at the forefront of immunologic, oncologic, surgical, cosmetic, and pathology research. Medical students covet dermatology residencies and only the most successful, well- rounded are successful in matching into our field. One thing we must always do is treasure the contributions of those who came before us. To that end, David Pariser, MD, ADA Historian (2013-present), has done a phenomenal job studying the materials in the ADA Archives, and has written the history contained in this tome.

As we stand on the shoulders of the Founders and the generations of dermatology leaders that followed them, we continue to feel the pressure to advance our field. Our annual meeting will continue to be a place where we review the latest dermatologic research, renew acquaintances, and discuss new concepts that will enhance the health of our patients and the population in general. We will continue to develop and propagate position statements designed to improve the well-being of the public. In addition, members of the ADA have been at the forefront of caring for patients of all races, ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations, and improving dermatologic outcomes for people of color. Finally, we will stand side-by-side to bear the weight of future generations of dermatologists who will take our specialty to greater heights.

We teach. We perform research. We lead. We are committed to training the future leaders of dermatology, increasing diversity and upholding justice and equality within the House of Medicine and society in general. Notice the twinkle in the eyes of the members in the pages of this book. That will provide you with confidence that the state of dermatology has been and will continue to be STRONG.

With warm regards,

Brian Berman, MD, PhD, President, 2020-21

Jeffrey P. Callen, MD, President 2021-22

Robert T. Brodell, MD, Secretary-Treasurer, 2016-22

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 3 Acknowledgements

From the earliest days of the American Dermatological Association, the recording of its history has been important to the identity of the Association. It currently falls to the Historian to catalog and preserve the records of this, the oldest national dermatological society in the United States.

The Board and Officers, both current and past have encouraged this effort and several merit special recognition. Some have made calls to members to encourage them to provide their biographies or even written the biographies themselves.

Foremost is Dr. Antoinette Hood. Not only is Toni an eagle-eyed proofreader, but she has helped greatly with much of the content of the biographies, particularly making sure that we have as much up-to-date information as possible.

Julie Odessky, the Association’s Executive Manager, has doggedly pursued getting up-to-date biographies from our current members who did not respond to multiple requests. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is for many of our members to provide the simple timely information requested and Julie has spent countless hours emailing, calling and otherwise pestering members.

Our Secretary-Treasurer Bob Brodell helped get the last few biographies and was instrumental in getting us “over the line” by personally writing some of the “delinquent” biographies. Bob has also been very supportive in allocating the financial resources to see this project come to completion.

Several past presidents including Lowell Goldsmith, Al Kopf, Gene (and Gloria) Bauer, Evan Farmer, Rex Amonette, Wilma Bergfeld, Brian Berman, Toni Hood and Darrell Rigel have provided information and content for the History.

Special thanks to David Cohen who championed the ADA’s “pivot” to focus the Association’s efforts on the value of Dermatology within the house of Medicine and the threat of marginalization of the specialty. David provided some of the content for the history chapter of this volume.

On a personal note, spending many hours sifting through the Archives and reading the entire record of minutes from 1876 to the present has given me an almost personal acquaintance with some of the great names in the illustrious past of our Association and specialty. I have also gotten to know many of our contemporaries in a new light. I hope the readers of this volume will derive as much pleasure by perusing it as I have by compiling it.

David M. Pariser, Historian

4 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Contents

Preface ...... 3

Acknowledgements ...... 4

The First One-Hundred Forty-Four Years ...... 7

The Founders ...... 34

The Charter Members ...... 39

Elected Active Members 1876-2020 ...... 43

International Honorary Members ...... 567

Associate Members ...... 574

Meeting Locations and Officers 1877-2020 ...... 575

Index of Members ...... 595

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 5 6 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association The First One-Hundred Forty-Four Years

The year was 1876. The Centennial Celebration of the United States opened on a rainy day in Philadelphia (Figs. 1 and 2). The American Medical Association and the International Medical Congress were also meting in Philadelphia.

Fig. 2. Opening day for the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.

Fig. 1. 1876 was the Centennial Year for the United States.

An express train called the Transcontinental

Express arrived on June 4 in San Francisco via the first Fig. 3. The transcontinental express. transcontinental railroad only 83 hours and 39 minutes after leaving City (Fig. 3).

Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call to Thomas Watson on February 14. Bell and Elisha Gray applied separately for telephone patents. The Supreme Court eventually ruled that Bell was the rightful inventor (Fig. 4).

Johns Hopkins University opened on February 22 followed by Meharry Medical College on November 7.

Fig. 4. Alexander Graham Bell and the first telephone call.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 7 The American Dermatological Association was founded on September 7, 1876

George Henry Fox, Lucious Duncan Bulkley, Louis A. Duhring, Isaac E. Atkinson, Lunsford P. Yandell, and Edward Wigglesworth met at a meeting of the Section of Practical Medicine of the American Medical Association (AMA) on June 7, 1876, and decided to form a national society of physicians with a special interest in Dermatology.

Isaac E. Atkinson (Fig. 5) was a graduate of the University of Maryland in 1865 and the first clinical professor of Dermatology in Baltimore. He was the dean of the medical school from 1886 to 1900 and his published articles were mostly about syphilis. Atkinson was also the author of the “Report of the Lunacy Commission” to the governor of Maryland in 1902. Writing in the Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology in 1926, George Henry Fox described Atkinson as “keen and clearly expressed views on all vexed questions.”

Fig. 5. Isaac E. Atkinson (1846-1906).

Lucius Duncan Bulkley (Fig. 6) (whose father Henry Daggett Bulkley [1803-1872] is credited with being the first American dermatologist) studied at L’Hôpital Saint-Louis in . He was associated with Columbia Physicians and Surgeons from 1869 and also attended at the “ for the Ruptured and Crippled.” The younger Bulkely founded the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital in 1883, where he was a frequent lecturer. Bulkley was president of the New York Dermatological Society (NYDS) in 1880 although he later resigned from the NYDS in 1914. He is credited with the formation of the Section of Dermatology and Syphilology of the AMA in 1888.

Fig 6. Lucius Duncan Bulkley (1845-1928).

Louis Adolphus Duhring (Fig. 7) studied dermatology in with Hebra, (also in , , and Paris and studied leprosy in Constantinople and Norway) and was associated for his entire career with the University of Pennsylvania. He published the third American textbook on cutaneous diseases and, according to George Henry Fox, had the “meticulous manner of a fine gentleman, not easy of approach, but a genial easy companion”.

Fig. 7. Louis Adolphus Duhring (1845-1913).

8 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association George Henry Fox (Fig. 8) graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1869. He served an internship with Duhring and Van Harlingen, trained in dermatology in Berlin under Virchow, in Vienna under Hebra, Neumann and Schroetter; in Paris under Bazin, Hardy and Vidal, and in London under W. Tilbury Fox and Hutchinson. His son, Howard Fox, later a leader of the ADA and first president of the American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology (AAD&S), was born in London in 1873. G. H. Fox was Professor of Diseases of the Skin at Women’s Medical College in Columbus, Ohio, the New York Postgraduate Medical and Hospital and College of Fig 8. George Henry Physicians and Surgeons from 1875 to 1907. In 1952 Bechet wrote that “He Fox (1846-1937). was perhaps the friend of more American dermatologists than any one of his generation.”

Edward Wigglesworth (Fig. 9) was a graduate of Harvard Medical School in 1865. After five years’ postgraduate work in Europe, he established a free clinic in Boston in 1870 and joined the Boston City Hospital in 1877 as a dermatologist. He was also an instructor in Dermatology at Harvard. He is credited as the founder of the Boston Medical Library. G. H. Fox wrote that he “smoked his pipe with grace and dignity.”

Fig. 9. Edward Wigglesworth (1840-1896).

Lunsford P. Yandell (Fig. 10) graduated from the University of Maryland in 1825 and was an ordained minister. He founded the Medical Institute of Louisville, which later became the University of Louisville. His publications were mostly on religion and paleontology, none on Dermatology. Yandell was the oldest ADA founder and died in 1878, shortly after presenting a paper at the first Annual meeting in 1877.

Fig 10. Lunsford P. Yandell (1805-1878).

These six men decided to hold an organizational meeting at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia on Wednesday, September 6, 1876, at 6:00 PM, immediately after the close of the Section of Dermatology and Syphilology meeting of the International Medical Congress then in session. An invitation was mailed to approximately fifty physicians in various parts of the United States whose names were known in connection with Dermatology (Fig. 11).

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 9 The following physicians responded to the invitation and were present at the organizational meeting in Philadelphia. These dermatologists, all men, are considered to be the founders of the Association:

Isaac E. Atkinson, Baltimore Thomas R. Brown, Baltimore Lucius Duncan Bulkley, Samuel C. Busey, Washington Louis A. Duhring, Philadelphia Carl Heitzman, New York City Edward L. Keyes, New York City John A Octerlony, Louisville Henry G. Piffard, New York City Robert W. Taylor, New York City Arthur Van Harlingen, Philadelphia Faneuil D. Weisse, New York City James C. White, Boston Edward Wigglesworth, Boston

Prominently missing from this organizational meeting were George H. Fox and Lunsford P Yandell, who nevertheless are included as Founders.

Fig 11. Letter sent to dermatologists informing them of the establishment of the American Dermatological Association and inviting them to an organizational meeting.

Dr. Wigglesworth was elected Chairman, and Dr. Bulkley was elected Secretary of the organizational meeting. A committee was appointed, consisting of Dr. Bulkley, Dr. Octerlony, and Dr. Van Harlingen, to prepare a Constitution and by-laws and to make nominations of officers for the ensuing year. Just one day later a Constitution and by-laws were presented to the meeting. The documents were discussed section by section, amended and approved on September 7, 1876. They were adopted in toto and the American Dermatological Association was declared organized.

The following officers were elected for 1876-1877: President James C. White of Boston; Vice Presidents Louis A. Duhring of Philadelphia and Robert W. Taylor of New York City; Secretary L. Duncan Bulkley of New York City; Treasurer James N. Hyde of Chicago.

10 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association The organizational meeting then adjourned to hold its first regular annual meeting in Niagara Falls at the Cataract House on September 4-6, 1877 (Fig 12).

The members who attended the first regular annual meeting in 1877 are considered to be charter members. Fig. 12. The Cataract House, Niagara Falls, New York. Site of the first ADA Annual Meeting.

Membership in the Association:

The original constitution and by-laws stated that the membership shall consist of no more than fifty active members, all of whom were residents of the United States, and honorary members (limited to ten at any one time), who could be residents of the United States or any other country. In 1878, at the second annual meeting, the by-laws were amended to read “active members, residents of the United States and Canada.” In 1879, Dr. James E. Graham of Toronto was the first Canadian elected to membership.

While the active membership was originally limited to fifty physicians, this number has been gradually increased over the years. In 1906, the active membership was increased to sixty. In 1911, the number was raised to seventy-five, and in 1915, to one hundred. In 1929, upon motion by Dr. William A. Pusey, the by-laws were amended to increase the active membership to 125 with no limit on the number of honorary and international honorary memberships. In 1936, a proposal to increase the active membership to 150 was defeated in the context of a discussion related to the formation of the American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology. The limit on Active Members was 200 in 1993 when a motion was made, and defeated, to reduce the membership to 150. Since 2001, the number of active members has been limited to 250 and a category of senior membership has been created which is not limited in number. There have been 1,127 dermatologists inducted as active members into the Association between 1876 and 2020.

Since the Association’s organization, membership has been offered on a selective basis to the teachers, investigators, writers, and leaders of North American Dermatology. Honorary international membership has been offered to other dermatologists with global status. Dr. Jay F. Schamberg of Philadelphia, President of the Association in 1920, stated that as qualifications for membership, he would place: first, personal character; second, scientific attainment; and third, dermatological achievement.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 11 Governance and Management:

From inception until 1930, the American Dermatological Association was an unincorporated association governed by a “Council” which consisted of the officers and one or two members elected at large. The Council met irregularly as the need arose during each year, often in conjunction with another meeting or even on occasion in the home of the ADA President. The subject of formal incorporation of the society was discussed multiple times. In 1914 at the annual meeting at the La Salle Hotel in Chicago, Dr. Sigmund Pollitzer, an early influential leader very active in the Association, reported that “after consultation with eminent legal authorities he was advised that incorporation had no advantages whatever for our Association and was attended with a great deal of trouble and some expense.” By 1930, Dr. Pollitzer had changed his mind and the Association was incorporated (Figs. 13 and 14).

Fig 13. Minutes of 1930 meeting. Dr. Pollitzer moves for incorporation of the Association.

From 1930 to the present, the Association has been governed by a Board of Directors consisting of the officers and up to four directors. In recent years there have been two Board members elected at-large in addition to the officers. The Association received 501(c)6 status in 1956 as a tax-exempt organization.

For nearly its entire history, the society has been managed by its members and has accepted no outside financial support. In the early years a member from the host city arranged the meetings; Fig 14. Certificate of Incorporation issued to the however, in recent years the logistical planning of ADA from the State of New York on July 31, 1930. the meeting has been the duty of the Secretary- Treasurer supported by a committee (and often supported by the Secretary-Treasurer’s spouse), while the scientific content of the meeting has

12 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association been planned by a committee appointed by the President. For a brief period between 1997 and 2002, the administrative management of the society was delegated to Dermatology Services, Inc., a subsidiary of the American Academy of Dermatology. Starting in 2001, Michelle Gratz became the first ADA employee working directly for the Secretary-Treasurer. She was followed in 2006 by Julie Odessky and later the addition of Phyllis Segaloff, both of whom currently manage the affairs of the Association under the direction of the Secretary-Treasurer and the Board.

In 1952, the American Dermatological Association Research and Educational Fund, Inc., (ADARE) was formed and incorporated and received 501(c)3 tax exempt designation. ADARE was organized to promote research in the fields of dermatology and syphilology. This entity also receives money or property from which either the principal or income is distributed for scientific and educational purposes; it also partially supports the scientific content of the annual educational meeting as well as providing grants to medical students and residents in Dermatology.

Preservation of History:

Early in the Association’s history it was realized that keeping records was important. The task of maintaining the records was left to the Secretary until the office of Historian was established in 1915. George Thomas Jackson was elected as the first Historian but died that same year. After Dr. Jackson’s death, Dr. Howard Fox served as Historian for 32 years from 1916 until 1948. During his term, it was the task of the historian to prepare obituary notices in honor of deceased members; these notices were published verbatim in the Association’s minutes each year. Fox started the collection of individual member photographs; this practice is still maintained, and photographs of almost every member from 1876 until 2020 are included in this book.

Subsequent Historians of the Association were: Paul Bechet 1949-1954, Herbert Rattner 1955- 1960, Marcus Caro 1961-1962, Frederick Szymanski 1964-1986, J. Graham Smith 1987-1991, Robert Pittelkow 1993-2001, Robert Jackson 2002-2004, John E. Wolf 2005-2012, and David Pariser 2013 to the present. The Archives of the Association were passed from one Historian to the next, and the minutes were passed from one Secretary-Treasurer to the next. A committee chaired by Evan Farmer in 2000 worked with a professional archivist to consolidate, catalog, and preserve the collection and developed policies and procedures for archiving material and the following mission statement for the Archives: “The Archives of the American Dermatological Association is the institutional memory of the Association. Its mission is to serve the membership and staff by preserving, Fig 15. A portion of the Archives of the American organizing and making accessible the historical, Dermatological Association maintained at the offices administrative and legal records of enduring value of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 13 of the Association.” Its goals are to document past and ongoing activities of the Association and its members and to develop pride in membership by exhibiting and offering access to the historical records of the Association. The current Historian, along with a professional archivist, has collected and catalogued photographs, minutes, financial records, biographies of members and artifacts some of which are presented in this volume.

The Archives are physically maintained at the office of the American Academy of Dermatology, which is currently in Rosemont, Illinois (Fig. 15). The Archives are available for viewing by request to the Historian or the Secretary-Treasurer. In addition to the member photographs, the Archives contain meeting programs, verbatim transactions of the scientific sessions, detailed minutes of executive sessions, formal portraits of members, “candid” photographs of meetings, original membership applications, financial records, and artifacts.

Presentation of History:

In 1906, a compilation of the member photographs was published. There were further compilations of photographs and brief biographies of members published in 1952 by Dr. Paul Bechet, in 1976 by Dr. Frederick Symanski, and in 1994 by Dr. Robert Pittelkow. This current volume has relied heavily on the work of these previous Historians for biographies of members inducted prior to 1994.

Minutes of the meetings:

The minutes were written in the beautiful handwriting style of each of the early Secretaries from 1876 until 1910. Verbatim typed transcripts of scientific sessions and executive sessions began in 1911 and continued into the 1960’s. A “Mrs. Snyder” was acknowledged at the 1927 meeting as the Association’s long-time stenographer. Minutes are missing for the years 1959, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, and 1995 but are otherwise intact from 1876 until the present. Verbatim transcriptions of the minutes stopped in the 1960’s; during the 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, and early 1990’s the minutes are very sketchy. During the period of 1997 to 2002, when Dermatology Services, Inc. provided management for the Association, the minutes were improved but then became less “colorful.” In 2019, with permission of the presenters, PowerPoint presentations were stored on USB drives and in printed form in the Archives. It is planned to Fig. 16. First few lines of the minutes of the continue this practice in the hope that it will provide 1890 meeting in Richfield Springs, New York. important information for ADA Historians in the future. Handwriting of George T. Jackson, Secretary- Treasurer. ADA Archives.

14 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Meetings of the Association:

Since the first meeting in 1877 and until 2019, the Association has met 139 times in 95 different locations. On a number of occasions, meetings were held outside the United States: including: Montreal in 1895; Toronto in 1931; Havana in 1932; Quebec City in 1939; Murray Bay, Quebec in 1947; Jasper Park, Alberta in 1948; Bermuda in 1961; Acapulco in 1973; Banff, Alberta in 1981; Whistler, British Columbia in 1995; St. Moritz, Switzerland in 1988, and Vienna in 2000. The most popular meeting sites were: The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia; seven times; The Ocean House in Newport, Rhode Island, and the Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, each four times. Hosting the meeting three times each were the Arlington Hotel in Washington, DC; the New York Academy of Medicine; the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado; The Boca Raton Hotel and Club in Boca Raton, Florida; The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida; and the Silverado Resort and Spa, Napa Valley, California. There were no meetings in 1918, 1942, 1943, and 1945 due to wartime restrictions; the 2020 meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, otherwise meetings have been held every year. Meetings featured formal presentations of papers by members, business meetings called “Executive Sessions” and always very lively discussions whether about the scientific papers presented or the items of business before the Association. This author has read the complete record of the Association in its entirety from 1876 to the present; in addition to confirming much of the historical record previously published, the reader has discovered some interesting and previously unreported information about our Association’s illustrious past. Following are some of the highlights of interesting meeting locations and events. While some could be considered trivial, others are momentous.

The first Annual Meeting was held on September 4-6, 1877, at the Cataract House Hotel, Niagara Falls, New York. James Clarke White, the first President, opened the meeting with the following quote:

“We assemble now for the first time prepared to present to each other our views in relation to the general interests of dermatology, to report and discuss the results of our special studies and to form that more intimate personal acquaintanceship amongst ourselves, dermatologists of a wide country which is so essential to mutual support and understanding. This meeting marks an important era in American Dermatology – that of its fully recognized independent position.”

Twelve members were present to hear the first paper presented, appropriately by George Henry Fox, entitled “On Molluscum Contagiosum.” Other papers presented included: “On the eczema marginatum of Hebra (tinea trichophytina cruris) as observed in America” by L. Duncan Bulkley; “Acute conditions of disease excited by iodide of potassium” by Almon P. Brooks; “The lymphatic theory of syphilitic infection with a new view of the relation between chancre and chancroid and suggestions for the radical cure of syphilis” by William Hardaway. Seventeen papers in all were presented, some in toto and some by title only.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 15

Fig. 17. First record of transactions of the society, 1877. Transactions of each meeting were diligently recorded in the minutes (Fig. 17); in addition, the Association published and disseminated its transactions. Beginning with the first Annual meeting in 1877 and following each meeting until 1909, the ADA published its own transactions. Early transactions were paperback pamphlets (Fig. 18) but were hardback volumes from 1900 Fig. 17. First record of transactions of the society, 1877. until 1910.

Only ten members attended the second annual meeting at the Grand Union Hotel in Saratoga Springs, New York, in 1878. Dues at that time were assessed at $5.00 per member. By 1882 at the Ocean House in Newport, Rhode Island, it was necessary to levy a special assessment of $3.00 per member. Only eight registered for the 1884 meeting at the Highland Villa Hotel in West Point, New York. The members heard the treasurer’s report:

Cash on Hand $68.00 Dues from members to date this year $132.00 Total $200.05

The 1885 meeting hosted 14 members at the Indian Harbor Hotel in Greenwich, Connecticut (Fig. 19).

Tranactions of the Association were first Fig. 18. First volume of Transactions of the published in the Journal of Cutaeneous Diseases, American Dermatological Association published but by 1887 there was discontent with this journal; in 1878. the Association decided to look for alternatives or even publish its own transactions independent of any journal.

16 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Fig. 19. 1885 Annual Meeting, Indian Harbor Hotel, Greenwich, Connecticut. Back row L to R: Wigglesworth, Greenough, Duhring, Hardaway, Taylor, Heitzman, Hyde, White, Tilden, Stelwagon. Front: Robinson, Piffard, Fox, Alexander.

Note the bowler hats and canes of some of the members in the photograph of the 1890 meeting at the New Bath House Hotel in Richfield Springs New York (Fig. 20).

Present in the Archives are some of the actual canes of some of these early members. Apparently the woods of the canes were tipped with silver and used as pointers when Fig. 20. 1890 Annual Meeting, Back row L to R: Hardaway, White, Howe, Shepherd, Allen, Morrow, Graham, Klotz, lantern slide projection came to the Duhring. Bottom row L to R: Jackson, Taylor, Stelwagon, Association Bronson, Corlett. (Fig. 21).

At the 1891 meeting in Washington, DC, Association President Francis B. Greenough announced that the members had Fig. 21. Silver-tipped batons used as pointers made from the been invited to a reception at the wood of the canes of Heitzell, Stelwagon and Schamberg. ADA Archives White House by the President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison.

In 1897, an Association dinner was suggested, but only eleven of twenty-three members favored it, so the idea was abandoned.

At the 1899 meeting in Philadelphia, a new technology for teaching known as the “Magic Lantern” was demonstrated. These lantern slides became a standard in dermatology until the development of 35 mm slides decades later.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 17 At the meeting in 1900, there was growing discontent expressed with the publication of the Association’s transactions, which were then published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Genitourinary Diseases. A committee was formed which concluded that continuation with the Journal of Cutaneous and Genitourinary Diseases was “not feasible” and recommended that the Association have its own Journal.

At the twenty-fifth anniversary meeting in 1901, twenty-four members were present. There was a lively debate as to whether the Association should pay the expenses incurred by its delegates to the recently held International Congress of Dermatology in Paris.

By 1902, due to the uncertainty of irregular publication of the ADA Transactions, the Association was able to assume control of the Journal of Cutaneous and Genitourinary Diseases and renamed it the Journal of Cutaneous Diseases Including Syphilis – The Official Organ of the Fig. 22. The Journal of Cutaneous Diseases Including Syphilis – The official Organ of the American American Dermatological Association (Fig. 22). Dermatological Association from 1902-1920.

In 1904 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Niagara Falls, a request was received from the American Medical Association that the American Dermatological Association [and other specialty societies] “give up their identity and allow themselves to be absorbed into the American Medical Association.” The Association rejected that proposal and voted that “the matter be laid upon the table.” Also recorded in the 1904 minutes was a visit by the members to the power generating facility at Niagara Falls.

In 1905, at the meeting held at the New York Academy of Medicine, William Thomas Corlett heralded the acceptance of Dermatology as a bona fide specialty in his Presidential Address entitled “An Epoch in the Evolution of American Medical Education – The Almost General Recognition of Dermatology in the Curriculum.” That evening the members attended a performance at the New York Hippodrome.

It was at the 1905 meeting that the first reference to women as members appears.

Fig. 23. Minutes of the ADA meeting December 29, 1905. First mention of possible The Association received membership for women.

18 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association a recommendation from the Council that “…women should be eligible for membership in the Association provided that they meet all the requirements of the Committee on Nominations and receive the necessary vote of the Association.” The minutes record that “Dr. Hyde said that the question had been debated upon previously” [although there is no record of such a discussion] “and had revealed such strenuous opposition from some of the most valued members that he arose to prevent any reopening of the question whatsoever.” Dr. Hyde moved that the subject be laid on the table. Dr. Stelwagon seconded the motion and it was carried (Fig. 23).

Previous histories of the American Dermatologic Association have recorded that the first woman member was Beatrice M. Kesten in 1951; however, the minutes of the 1911 meeting clearly say that Daisy Orleman Robinson of New York, the first documented woman dermatologist in the United States, was among those proposed that year for membership (Fig. 24).

It was the practice to wait for two years after proposal before a final Fig. 24. Minutes of 1911 meeting. Daisy Orleman Robinson (and others) are proposed for active membership. vote on induction. The 1913 minutes report a favorable recommendation and action by the Association on her membership along with that of others that year (Fig 25). Even though she was clearly inducted as a member, there is no record that she ever attended a meeting.

Beatrice M. Kesten, traditionally considered to be the first female member, was elected in 1951 and regularly attended meetings. The next woman member to be elected was Fig. 25. Minutes of the 1913 meeting, where Daisy Orleman June C. Shafer in 1954. She was also Robinson’s (and others’) candidacy was approved. Note that the first woman member of the Board her name is listed as D. O. M. Robinson, perhaps so that it of Directors of the American Academy would not be obvious that she was a woman. of Dermatology. June Shafer was followed by Ruth Freinkel in 1972 and Marie-Louise Johnson in 1973. Marie-Louise was the Association’s

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 19 first woman president in 2002. Other early women members included Margaret Storken, elected in 1973, who was the first woman officer of the AAD as vice-president in 1973; Dorothy Windhorst, elected to the Association in 1976; Wilma Fowler Bergfeld, the Association’s President in 2019, who was elected in 1980 and who was also the first woman president of the AAD in 1982; and Nancy Esterly, elected to the Association in 1981.

In 1912, at the thirty-sixth meeting in St. Louis at the Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, the members were driven by automobile (quite a treat for the day) through the parks and city. They visited the Shaw Gardens, where the members witnessed a demonstration by Prof. George T. Moore on the “Production of Disease in Plants and Animals by Parasitic Plants.” The Association also took the following actions: voted to hold future annual meetings during the Christmas holidays, formed a Board of Trustees to manage the Journal, resolved to accept “ethical advertisements’ according to standards set by the AMA, and decided to abandon separate publications of the Transactions.

1914 was a busy year. The following items were discussed and extensively debated: (1) There should be a requirement for an “Entrance Thesis” for ADA membership – not adopted; (2) New members should be required to present a paper in the first 2 years – adopted; (3) A letter will be sent to the President of the United States and to the Congress requesting the establishment of a national home for lepers – adopted; (4) A committee will be formed to join with the Committee on Education of the AMA to standardize dermatologic teaching and to oppose the removal of syphilology from the specialty of dermatology – adopted.

At the Hotel Powhattan in Washington, DC, in 1916, there was a lengthy discussion about the problem of disruption of supply of Salvarsan (arsphenimine) for treatment of syphilis due to the World War. Arsphenimine was the first organic antisyphilitic and was a great improvement over inorganic mercury and bismuth (Fig. 26).

In response to the shortage, Drs. Schamberg, Raiziss, and Kolmer formed a “Research Institute” governed by an Fig 26. An ampoule of French Neosalvarsan which, according to the note from Donald Pillsbury, MD, ”independent board” and “after extensive who donated it to the Archives, was brought to the research” developed arsenobenzol as an US in the submarine Deutschland during the War. alternative to arsphenimine. In 1921, Dr. ADA Archives. Schamberg and his colleagues contributed $511,000 (over $7.3 million in 2020 dollars) to their Research Institute from the sales of arsenobenzol and arsphenimine. At the 1922 meeting, it was reported that the proprietor of German Salvarsan made unflattering remarks about the honesty and sincerity of the Research Institute and undercut the price of Salvarsan by 20 cents per 0.9-gram dose. The ADA discussed this action by the German company and argued that this was “…typical German propaganda and every man should support the Research Institute by using only American Salvarsan.”

20 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association By 1919, it was increasingly clear that the Association’s Journal was losing too much money; by the 1920 meeting at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina, the Association voted to give the Journal to the AMA, whereupon it was renamed the Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology. It was reported that many members lamented that they now needed to refer to the publication of their transactions as the “Archives” instead of the “Journal.”

Also in 1920, the Association voted to send $1,000 to colleagues in foreign universities who were disrupted by the World War, even if their countries were “our late enemies.”

In 1921 at the New Ocean House in Swampscott, Massachusetts, a new gavel was presented to President Oliver Ormsby. The cane that belonged to 1903 President Joseph Zeisler was used to make the handle of the gavel and the cane of Dr. James Clarke White, ADA founder and first President, was used to make the head of the gavel. Another item discussed at the 1921 meeting was the difficulty in obtaining alcohol for compounding prescriptions due to Prohibition. Dr. Ravogli made the point that the alcohol used was often diluted or “contaminated with materials irritating to the skin.” The Association concluded that “this was the fault of the druggists and their disreputable activities, not of the Government.”

The discussions at the 1925 meeting, again at the Hotel Powhattan in Washington, DC, were dominated by the planning for the 50th anniversary of the Association for the following year. George Henry Fox, then 79, the oldest living Founder was elected President for the 50-year Golden Anniversary celebration to come in 1926. Fox declined the election because his son, Howard Fox, was the 1925 Association President. After Andrew P. Biddle was elected to the 1926 Presidency, the Association unanimously elected George Henry Fox as the Honorary President for the Golden Anniversary celebration.

Sixty-two members signed in at the Golden Anniversary meeting in 1926 at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia. In his address to the members as Honorary President, George Henry Fox not only recounted the successes of the previous 50 years but also looked forward to the next 50:

“In 1976 there certainly will be a centennial celebration of the founding of our Association. I do not expect to attend it and most of you will be absent on that occasion. But possibly someone here tonight may be present at that meeting, which will of course be held in Philadelphia, and I would like to suggest that in the event of such a case he be instructed by those of us here tonight to convey to our colleagues of the future a greeting from the past. I am sure you will join with me in extending to these unknown successors of ours hearty congratulations and sincere regards and our very best wishes for the continued prosperity and perpetuity of the American Dermatological Association.”

It was at the 1926 meeting that Howard Fox announced that he had assembled photographs of all current and previous Association members “except those who refused to be photographed.” The Historian was directed “to purchase a proper chest or trunk to keep the photographs and the historical objects of the Association.”

Part of the 1927 meeting was held aboard the S. S. Alabama in the Chesapeake Bay off the Baltimore coast. At that meeting, Dr. T. Caspar Gilchrist moved that there be a special assessment of

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 21 five dollars to cover the extra expenses of cigars, White Rock water, and tips. An initiation fee of $25 was instituted and the annual dues were increased to $20 after an extensive debate.

In 1931 at the Royal Oak Hotel in Toronto, the Association recommended that a Board of Examiners in Dermatology and Syphilology be created (Fig. 27); a committee was formed to collaborate with the section of Dermatology and Syphilology of

Fig. 27. Minutes of the 1931 meeting recommending the AMA. The American Board of establishment of specialty certifying board. Dermatology and Syphilology was established the following year, in 1932.

The 1932 meeting was held in Havana, Cuba, the first meeting to be held outside of either the US or Canada. Adventurous members could take the Sikorsky S-40 seaplane (the “Flying Boat” operated by Pan American Air Ways), which began service from Miami to Havana in 1932, or they could travel by ship from either New York or New Orleans (Fig. 28). Fig. 28. 1932 letter to ADA members from the United Fruit Company offering 4-day “luxury steamer” transportation from It was at this meeting in 1932 New York to Havana on the “Great White Fleet.” A shorter trip that the Association voted to lend the was available from New Orleans. newly established American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology $500 without interest “for the purpose of furnishing funds for beginning its work.” The members attending the meeting in Havana were advised that they were allowed to bring back 50 cigars and 300 cigarettes, but that “plumage of wild birds was liable to confiscation by United States authorities.”

The 1933 meeting at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago was the first to hear a report from the newly established American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology. Detailed reports of the actions of the Board were given at each subsequent year’s meeting.

From 1933 to 1936 any ADA member who was a Professor, Associate Professor, Clinical Professor, Assistant Professor or who could document 15 years of practice in dermatology could have a certificate from the Board without examination. These 122 ADA members who took advantage of this opportunity representing nearly all members were known as “The Founders Group.” Starting in 1934, all new ADA members needed to be Board Certified and starting in 1938 all candidates for the Board Certification were required to have a three-year residency.

22 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association In 1937 at the ADA meeting at the Skytop Lodge in Cresco, Pennsylvania, Dr. John Stokes of the University of Pennsylvania formally suggested the creation of a new dermatologic society and journal to accommodate the “physiologic and pathologic” work related to Dermatology which was being done by non-dermatologists and published in non- dermatologic journals. The Society for Investigative Dermatology was formally Fig 29. Announcement of the formation of the SID. Archives founded at the Hotel Dennis in Atlantic of Dermatology and Syphilology October 1937. City on June 10, 1937 (Fig. 29).

Histories of the formation of the American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology (AAD&S) record that the concept of such a society was first discussed at the first meeting of the SID on June 10, 1937, by Earl Osborne of Buffalo and Harold Cole of Cleveland and introduced on the next day to the AMA section on dermatology then in session. Paul O’Leary of Rochester, the chair of the AMA section, then appointed a committee to “study the advisability of forming an American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology.”

Actually, the earliest record of mention of the AAD&S occurred at the ADA meeting a year earlier in 1936 by Howard Fox at the New Ocean House in Swampscott, Massachusetts, in the context of a motion which was on the floor to expand the membership of the ADA, the only national dermatologic organization. By this time, there were more than 500 dermatologists in the United States who had been certified by the American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology Fig. 30. Earliest written record of mention of the idea of an American and the ADA could not (or would Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology by Howard Fox from the minutes of the ADA meeting June, 1936, page 209. not) accommodate them (Fig 30). The American Medical Association had a section on Dermatology and Syphilology which any physician who expressed an interest in Dermatology could join but there was no national organization for the growing number of board- certified dermatologists.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 23 Social and ‘extracurricular’ activities have always been important to the Association, have been an integral part of the meetings, and have facilitated the personal interactions of the members. At the 1940 meeting at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, the first item on the agenda of the Executive Session was the presentation of the golf trophy (Fig. 31). For many years starting in 1965, the name of the winner of the golf tournament was engraved on a silver plate which is maintained in the ADA Archives (Fig. 32).

Also in 1940, other equally important business was

Fig. 32. Golf Trophy. ADA Archives. Engraved Inscriptions: 1965: A. Fletcher Hall; 1966: H. H. Johnson; 1966: Eugene Traub; 1969: Albert Slepyan; 1970: Stanley Huff; 1971: Lawrence Nelson; 1972: J. Lamar Callaway; 1973: J. Lamar Callaway; 1974 Gerard DeOreo; 1975: John Haserick; 1976 Frederic Becker; 1977: A. Fletcher Hall; 1978: Robert Buchanan; 1980: Richard Dobson; 1981: Stanley Huff; 1982 Harry Hurley; 1983: Albert Slepyan; 1984: Albert Slepyan; 1985: Richard Dobson; 1987: Robert Morgan; 1988: J. Fred Mullins; 1990: Paul Lazar; 1991: Hurley, Fig 31. Presentation of the Golf Trophy 1940. ADA minutes. Izumi,. McNamara; 1992: Buchanan, Hurley, There was a trophy cup those years. Jansen, Szymanski; 1993: Hurley, Jansen, McNamara, Mullins; 1994: Hurley, Jansen McNamara, Mullins; 1995, 1996 and 2001: J. and D. Baker, J, and L. Olerud; 2002: C. discussed. The composition of the American Board of and C. Cockerell, D. and A. Rigel; 2003: Dermatology was changed such that there were three Ceiley, Cockerell, Olsen, Rigel. members from the AAD, three from the ADA, and three from the AMA section on Dermatology and Syphilology. Also at the 1940 meeting, 10 cents per member was appropriated to the International League of Dermatologic Societies.

Golf was not the only competitive sport at ADA meetings. There were trophies for Lawn Tennis, “Ladies Golf,” and Contract Bridge (Figs 33, 34, 35).

Fig 33. “Ladies” Golf Trophy. ADA Archives. Inscriptions: 1981 Mrs. Harry Hurley, 1982 Mrs. Harry Hurley, 1983 Mrs. Susan Strauss, 1984 Mrs. Frederick Szymanski, 1985 Mrs. Stanley Huff, 1987 Mrs. Mutcuko Urabe, 1989 Mrs. Stuart Maddin.

24 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Fig 34. Lawn Tennis Trophy. ADA Archives. Inscriptions: William Dobes: 1955, 1957; Denny Tufanelli: 1970, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978,1978, 1979, 1980, Fig 35. Sterling silver Contract 1981; Maximillian Obermayer: 1956; Samuel Ayres, III: Bridge trophy. First awarded 1956. 1958, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968; Herbert Mescon: 1959, ADA Archives. 1969; Miltyon Orkin 1982, Carroll F. Burgoon 1971

The 1941 meeting at the Hotel Roosevelt in New Orleans was highlighted by a field trip to the “National Leprosarium” in Carville, Louisiana.

There were no meetings in 1942, 1944, and 1945 due to the War but when the Association met in 1946 at the Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia, there was an extended debate covering two single- spaced typewritten pages regarding a request from Dr. Lucien-Marie Pautrier of , France, whose clinic was damaged in the War and was in need of “an apparatus for electric coagulation and a large photographic apparatus on a tripod.” The Association voted to help Dr. Pautrier. There were no more live patient presentations at ADA meetings after World War II.

One hundred twenty-one members, the largest attendance to date, came to the seventy-fifth anniversary meeting in 1951, held again at The Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36. Group photo from the 75th anniversary meeting at The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia 1951

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 25 At the 1952 meeting of the ADA at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, the American Dermatological Association Research and Educational Fund, Inc. (ADARE) was formed and incorporated as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt entity. Its stated purpose was and still is to promote education and research in Dermatology. Funds from ADARE are used to support some of the educational functions of the ADA annual meeting and are used for medical student and resident grants.

Dr. Marion Sulzberger was president at the 1960 meeting at the Boca Raton Hotel and Club in Florida. The verbatim minutes were especially verbose that year. A highlight of the meeting was a bridge tournament with a director of the American Contract Bridge League in attendance. Winners were given books personally autographed by Charles Goren and their names inscribed on the sterling silver bridge trophy.

In 1974 at the meeting in Kona, Hawaii, Secretary Thomas Merrill, Jr. proclaimed that “Every member who is not lame or maimed has voiced his or her intention to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary at Williamsburg, Virginia, from May 8 to 13, 1976.”

Unfortunately, the minutes from the 1976 Centennial Celebration are among the few years that are missing from the Archives of the Association, but the program for the 1976 meeting was preserved. The Association heard an address from Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr. of the Supreme Court of the United States followed by historical presentations from Association President Walter B. Shelley and from Association Historian Frederick Szymanski.

In the 1980’s and 1990’s there were ongoing debates over the formality of the social events in the meeting and whether the formality should continue. Specific criticism was leveled at the long- term practice of having a formal receiving line at the President’s dinner. Gloria (Gogo) Bauer relates of Gene’s induction into the ADA in 1984: “I was instructed by Gene at the time that it was unheard of for some upstart his age to be admitted so I must be on my best behavior and dress appropriately for each occasion. At that time the president’s dinner was extremely formal and preceded by a receiving line of (at least) President, Vice President and spouses. I had gone to a very expensive shop in St. Louis … and found a burgundy gown trimmed in gold on sale. I had long white gloves. I also bought a velvet cocktail dress for one of the other evenings so I felt equipped! When the receiving line reached the president’s wife, she took one look and said in a syrupy southern drawl... ‘Why my dear, you look like you are going to your senior prom!’” Gogo also remembers getting politely admonished for not wearing “whites” while playing croquet.

The issue of the receiving line and the formal dress came to a head in 1999 when some members objected to packing formal wear for the upcoming meeting the following year in Vienna. After extensive debate, it was decided that the receiving line would be continued but a tremendous concession was made allowing the dress for the President’s Dinner to be black tie optional for that meeting only. The receiving line was eventually dropped in the early 2000’s and dress for the meeting became more casual except for the black-tie tradition of the President’s Dinner which continues to the present with only two other exceptions in recent times: the 2003 meeting held at the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel in Hawaii, when Hawaiian flowered shirts embroidered with the ADA logo were distributed

26 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association and the 2009 meeting at the Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City Utah, when President John Voorhees preferred a casual dinner.

In 1990 at The Cloister, Sea Island, Georgia, Association President Harold O. Perry presided over a goals retreat meeting. It was becoming more clear that many political activities were occurring nationwide and much discussion occurred regarding the goals and missions of the American Dermatological Association. A mission statement was developed and formally adopted: “The American Dermatological Association is a society of leaders of our specialty whose purpose is to recognize, discuss and develop solutions for problems in the area of dermatologic health care, research, and education specifically in North America and more generally, in the world.” It was not until two and a half decades later that this mission statement was translated into a pivot in the Association’s programs.

In 1992, the Association was the beneficiary of a large testamentary gift from the estate of Dr. Everett C. Fox of Texas to ADARE. This gift continues to help give the Association continued financial independence. In this same year, the Association contributed $7,500 to the International Foundation for Dermatology to help start the Regional Dermatology Training Centre in Moshi, Tanzania.

At the 1998 meeting at the El Dorado Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, there was the first discussion of the ADA establishing a website.

Relaxation of the dress code for the meetings occurred in 2000 when business casual dress was officially adopted with the exception of the President’s Dinner which was to remain Black Tie.

At the 125th anniversary meeting (quasquicentennial) in 2001 at The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida, the Association received a congratulatory letter from George W. Bush, President Fig. 37. Congratulatory letter from President George W. Bush on the of the United States (Fig. 37). occasion of the Association’s 125th anniversary in 2001.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 27 Over several meetings in the early 2000’s, the Board, led by Secretary-Treasurer Darrell Rigel and Presidents Alan Shalita, Lowell Goldsmith, Charles McDonald, Evan Farmer, and Lee Nesbitt, made some changes in the meeting to better accommodate the needs of the members. The management of the Association and the Annual Meeting was moved from Dermatology Services, Inc., a subsidiary of the AAD, to an internal full-time staff. The meeting schedule was changed to the current Thursday thru Sunday format from the previous format of a week-long meeting with a day off. As the membership was aging, a formal push was made to expand membership with a focus on younger members, including the establishment of the First Five Year group with the intent to make them a more active part of the organization. Before 1990, it was very unusual for more than ten members to be inducted in any given year, so there was a conscious effort to increase membership up to the current limit of 250 active members. During the three decades from 1990 to 2019, there have been 472 new members inducted, in some years as many as 22. This influx of new members has kept up with the number of members reaching senior status or retiring. At the meetings in the early 2000’s, the second formal dinner with receiving line for the new members was replaced with an informal evening event with the sponsor introducing the new member at randomly seated tables to more personalize the introduction to the ADA. To add to the goal of enhancing social interaction, a daily spouse breakfast, spouse book club, barbeque lunch, and new afternoon sports and tour events were incorporated. New members were also recognized with ribbons on their badges so that all attendees could better welcome them to the organization. The meetings were made more interesting adding outside speakers and topics beyond what would be found at a more typical dermatology meeting. The meetings were made warmer, more attendee and spouse/guest friendly and fun while keeping the quality of the academic sessions. All of these things led to a significant increase in attendance at the meetings and a greater demand to join the organization.

In his 2003 presidential address in Hawaii entitled “American Dermatological Association a New Beginning”, President Lowell Goldsmith charged the ADA to “Make the ADA the forum and the format for asking and discussing the most difficult questions facing Dermatology, Medicine and Society; assuring the ADA has the membership, structure and organization to address the most important questions.” A decade and a half later, much of this charge would be realized. During the presidency of Evan Farmer in 2005, formal and informal topics of discussion included the value of maintenance of certification, future Dermatology workforce needs, the role of physician extenders and the changing practice of Dermatology with increased emphasis on cosmetic and non-cosmetic procedures, development and use of biologics for specific diseases, and the potential isolation of Dermatology from the house of medicine.

Discussions about these and other issues continued until 2014 when the Board built on previous actions and took stock of the ADA and its place in the house of medicine. There was a realization that in the decades following the formation of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and the Society for Investigative Dermatology, the ADA remained a vital force in Dermatology, primarily performing the task of peer recognition for outstanding and meritorious contributions to the specialty.

28 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Fig. 38. It wasn’t all work. At the 2010 meeting in New York (the largest attendance of any meeting to date with 227 members and 149 spouses/guests), the ADA was welcomed to Yankee Stadium.

However, with the passage of a half-century and the slow adaptation of progressive membership parameters, the ADA’s mission became more ethereal. The AAD had become a premier leader in Dermatology education, and its associated advocacy efforts and political action committee worked to advance and solve problems in the operational issues that evolved in clinical care with changes in American Medicine. At the same time, subspecialty societies began aggressively advocating for the narrower issues that affected their interests.

The ADA faced an identity crisis. For several decades, leadership made a number of attempts, to study, define, and rationalize an appropriate mission for the ADA. In 2014, the Board of the ADA queried the membership for their perspectives on the challenges that face Dermatology and issues that could present existential threats to a thriving specialty. This initial outreach included a note to members indicating the following; As was noted by Dr. Rex Amonette in his Presidential Address of 2013: “We are a family of dermatology – clinical, medical, surgical, aesthetic, investigative. It behooves all of us to think deeply about the future of our specialty. We face the palpable threat of marginalization in a health care environment that – for its own reasons – may wish to view us as dealing with only cosmetic problems.” Responses to the survey varied, were sometimes contradictory and many were laden with the frustration. Clinical medicine was increasing regulated. Research resources were markedly constrained. Metrics for resident education were continuously changing.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 29 By 2015, the Board of Directors of the ADA had contemplated the amalgamated responses and decided to focus on two major issues: the value of the integral nature of dermatology in Medicine and issues leading to the marginalization of Dermatology within the house of Medicine. With this new clarity, ADA could concentrate its membership bandwidth to begin a magnificent transformation into an institution that could and would comment and opine on Dermatology’s issues within the context of patient well-being and the advancement of the general public health. It issued an ethos statement that articulated the new direction of the organization.

Ethos: The American Dermatological Association maintains a leadership role in the contemplation and implementation of initiatives that advance the field of Dermatology through research, education, and advocacy. This, in turn, advances the care and treatment of patients with skin disease. As an independent, non-profit, self-funded organization, the American Dermatological Association provides objective analyses and recommendations regarding the complex challenges faced by Dermatology. This is accomplished through stewardship and collaboration with other organizations committed to the ongoing process of advancing the field of Dermatology in the house of Medicine.

In 2016, at the annual meeting in Santa Barbara, California. The central themes of Antoinette Hood’s presidential address were the questions of “what is Dermatology, what is a dermatologist and what should be a primary role of the American Dermatological Association.” The conversation continued at the ADA board meeting which further crystallized the issues and approved the following specific initiatives: 1. incorporate the 1990 mission statement into the bylaws and prominently displayed it on the ADA website and membership certificates, 2. restructure the annual program to focus on the purpose of the ADA, 3. develop one or two important topics for the ADA to address for the coming year and each following year, and 4. publish the results of the topic presentations and discussions and/or in a white paper on the ADA website after each meeting.

As President-Elect in 2016, David Cohen spearheaded a mission to issue the first public health statement in ADA’s history and challenged all future presidents to take charge of studying and considering strategic initiatives that encourage, advance, and support policies that improve the public health. The first strategic initiative resulted in a co-sponsorship of a position paper of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, encouraging Herpes zoster (shingles) vaccination. This publication resulted in thousands of press impressions that ultimately removed the stealth cloak that kept the ADA from the routine conversation and collective consciousness of Dermatology. Commensurate with this pivot was the transformation of the decades-long medical student stipends into Dermatology resident and fellow awards for research focused on ADA’s mission. It provided awardees the capacity to attend the annual meetings, to engage with members and gain insight into the ADA’s operations. Since that first public health statement, ADA has deliberated many issues and announcements that have been well received by the medical and patient community. A position statement in support for HPV vaccination was promulgated in 2018.

30 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association In 2019, under the leadership of President Wilma Bergfeld, the outward look of the ADA was changed and amplified by the adoption of a new logo (Fig. 39) and by establishment of both a Communications Committee and an International Committee to involve more international members and to become more prominent in the House of Medicine and to the public. She also made the ADA’s budgeting process more formal and recounted the accomplishments of women in her Presidential Address.

Responding to the inability to convene an in-person Board of Directors meeting in March, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, President Brian Berman chaired the first “real-time, virtual” Board of Directors meeting during which he advanced two position statements in 2020: 1) Optimizing patient access to medications: Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) and patient access to affordable and appropriate medications; and, 2) Transplant patients needing to be examined by a dermatologist: Endorsement of enhanced screening, surveillance, and prevention of skin cancer and skin infection in patients with solid organ transplants.

The annual meeting scheduled for October, 2020 was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was replaced with a virtual on-line meeting. This cancellation was a mere speed-bump in the long and illustrious history of the Association.

In a sense, the ADA has been reborn as an Institute for Dermatology and thrives today as a reinvigorated organization with a resolute mission and keen self-awareness. Its proud members continue to be leaders across the entirety of Dermatology.

Fig. 39. The ADA corporate seal (left) used as the Association’s logo from 1930-2019 and the current logo.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 31 32 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association The ACTIVE MEMBERS of The American Dermatological Association 1876 -2020

Membership in the Association shall be at the invitation of the Association. Active Members shall be citizens or permanent resident aliens of the United States (including its possessions), or Canada, and be graduates in medicine. They shall have been certified by the American Board of Dermatology, or shall have passed the Fellowship Examination in Dermatology given by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, at least five years previous to proposal for membership.

ADA By-Laws Article II, Section 1 and Section 3(a).

The following pages present photographs and brief biographical sketches of nearly all of the 1,127 dermatologists who have been inducted into Active Membership in the American Dermatological Association since its founding in 1876 up to 2020. For the biographical sketches of members inducted prior to 1994 I have relied heavily on previous histories of the Association published in 1976 by Frederick J. Szymanski and in 1994 by Robert B. Pittelkow. Attempts were made to update these older biographies. Many of these two previous volumes have included personal commentary by the authors and for the most part these comments have been retained in this volume. For members inducted since 1994 multiple attempts by email, telephone, internet searches and other means have been made in order to obtain up to date biographical information but I realize that some of the information is constantly changing and may be incomplete or not current.

Members are presented as the Founders, the Charter Members and then every other member by their year of induction into the Association. Within each year of induction members are listed alphabetically. Please refer to the Index for the year of induction and the page number in this volume for each member.

Although an attempt was made to edit the biographical sketches for some degree of uniformity, many of them are limited by the amount of information available or the format in which they were submitted. Members had the opportunity to correct and update their biographies and photographs on two occasions prior to the publication of this volume. I apologize in advance for errors, inaccuracies and if some of the biographies are not current. The entire content of this volume is posted on the Association’s website and as errors are identified and new members are inducted the website version will be corrected and updated periodically. A future historian a generation from now may publish the next volume.

David M. Pariser, ADA Historian, October, 2020

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 33 Isaac E. Atkinson Founder Born: 1846 Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland 1865. Teaching Appointments: University of Maryland, first Clinical Professor of Dermatology in Baltimore, Professor of Pathology and Materia Medica and Dean of the Medical School 1886-1900. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Founder and Treasurer,1877-1882, Vice President, 1882-1883, and President, 1887-1888; President of the Medical Faculty and the Clinical Society of Maryland. Author: Wrote ably on many dermatological subjects, including some 25 important papers. I.E. Atkinson was a pioneer and expert in his chosen field; his work in syphilis was exceptionally noteworthy. Deceased 1906.

Thomas R. Brown Founder Born: 1845. Graduated: M.D. (date and place unknown). Training: Pupil of N.R Smith, famous surgeon at the University of Maryland. Military Service: Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Navy 1866-1870. Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Professor of Clinical and Operative Surgery. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Founder; Medical and Surgical Society of Baltimore, President. Author: Several papers on syphilis Although primarily a surgeon, not a dermatologist, Brown was present at the organization meeting of the association. He did not attend the preliminary or first and second annual meetings. Deceased 1879.

L. Duncan Bulkley Founder Born: 1845. Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1869. Practice: Founder of the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1883. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Founder and first Secretary,1876; one of a small group who formed the Section on Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, American Medical Association, and its first Chairman, 1888. Awards: Alvarenga Prize, College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 1891, for Syphilis in the Innocent. Author: Six or eight textbooks, mostly on dermatotherapy; Syphilis in the Innocent, with complete bibliography. Bulkley originally described herpes gestationis (Amer. Jour. of Obs and Dis. of Women and Children 6:1, February 1874. Deceased 1928.

34 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Samuel C. Busey Founder Born: 1828 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1848 Practice: Washington, DC Professional Societies: Medical Society of the District of Columbia, member for 46 years, and President in1877, 1894, and 1895; American Dermatological Association, Founder. Author: About 150 medical articles, including one on poison ivy dermatitis, 1873; in Personal Reminiscences, 1895, largely a history of the Washington medical society. Busey does not mention the association in his reminiscences. He had a strong personality and was an invincible defender of medical ethics. Deceased 1901.

Louis A. Duhring Founder Born: December 23, 1845, Philadelphia. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1867. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in London, Paris and Vienna; one of Hebra’s favorite pupils. Practice: Dispensary for Skin Diseases in Philadelphia opened in 1871. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Lecturer, 1871, Clinical Professor, 1876, and first Professor, 1890. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Founder and first Vice President, 1876, President, 1878 and 1879. Author: 87 articles; the third American textbook on dermatology, Practical Treatise on Skin Diseases, 1877, published for three editions and translated into French, Italian, and Russian; first American atlas on dermatology, 1876. Duhring was the first to describe dermatitis herpetiformis in a series of about 18 papers between 1884 and 1891. He was also first to describe pruritus hiemalis, Phil. Med. Times 4:3, 1873. Deceased May 8, 1913.

George H. Fox Founder Born: October 8, 1846 Saratoga, New York. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1869. Training: Postgraduate work in Europe for three years under Virchow in Berlin, Hebra, Neumann, Schroetter, and Stoerk in Vienna, Bazin, Hardy, and Vidal in Paris, Tilbury Fox and Hutchinson in London. Teaching Appointments: At different times, between 1875 and 1907, served as Professor of Dermatology at the Women’s Medical College of New York Infirmary, Starling Medical College, Columbus, OH, Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, New York, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Founder, 1876, President, 1892, and Honorary President, 1926; Medical Society of the County of New York, President, 1894; New York Dermatological Society, President four times. Author: Photographic Illustrations of Skin Diseases, 1880; Skin Diseases in Children, 1897; Reminiscences, 1926. George Fox was the first to use photography in the illustration of diseases of the skin (1880) and first to

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 35 describe a chronic, itching, papular eruption of the axillae and pubes (Fox-Fordyce disease), jour. of Cutaneous (and Genito-Urinary Dis). 20:1, 1902. The clinical observations were done by Fox, the histology by Fordyce. Fox described matchbox dermatitis in 1888; probably the earliest report of a contact dermatitis. Deceased 1937.

Arthur Van Harlingen Founder Born: 1845. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1867. Practice: Chief of Clinic in Duhring’s service at the University of Pennsylvania, 1871-1885. Teaching Appointments: Philadelphia Polyclinic, Founder and Instructor to Professor of Dermatology 1871-1885. Professional Societies: Secretary of the Section of Dermatology and Syphilology of the International Medical Congress, Philadelphia, 1876; American Dermatological Association: Founder, 1877, Secretary, 1879-1883, Vice President,1883-1885, and President, 1906. Author: Handbook of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Diseases, 1884, that ran through four editions within a few years. Deceased 1936.

Carl Heitzman Founder Born: October 2, 1836, Vinkovci, Slovenia, Kingdom of Hungary (now Croatia). Graduated: M.D. 1859 Budapest and Vienna. Training: Dermatology, Vienna under Franz Schuh, Hebra, Stricker and Rokitansky. Practice: Moved to New York when he was unable to succeed Rokitansky at chair of pathology in Vienna. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Founder. Author: In Vienna, Heitzman painted many of the plates of Hebra’s Atlas in 1864 and 1865. Upon settling in New York, he became recognized as an able dermatologist He was present at the organization meeting of the American Dermatological Association and attended its annual meetings regularly, often joining in discussion of the papers presented. Deceased December 6, 1896.

Edward L. Keyes Founder Born: 1843. Graduated: M.D., New York University, 1866. Practice: Attending dermatologist for many years, City Hospital and . Teaching Appointments: Woman’s Medical College 1871 and Bellevue Hospital Medical College 1872, taught dermatology and genitourinary diseases; Bellevue Hospital Medical College, first Professor of Dermatology 1881. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, Founder; American Dermatological Association, Founder and Charter Member. Author: The Tonic Treatment of Syphilis, 1877; co-author with W. H. Van Buren of a textbook on genitourinary diseases and syphilis that remained a classic for many years.

36 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Edward Keyes was first to invent the cutaneous punch for biopsies, and first to prove by means of repeated blood counts that mercury in small doses was a tonic (Am. Jour. of Med. Sc., January 1876). Deceased 1924.

John A. Octerlony Founder Born: 1838. Graduated: M.D., New York University, 1860, three years after arriving from Sweden. Practice: Louisville, KY, 1865-1882. Military Service: Surgeon, U.S. Army 1861, assigned to hospital work in Louisville 1862. Teaching Appointments: Louisville Medical College, Founder 1865; University of Louisville, Lecturer of Clinical Medicine, and also Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine 1882-1908. Professional Societies: Kentucky Medical Society, President; American Medical Association, Vice President; American Dermatological Association, Founder. Awards: Decorated by the Swedish government and the Vatican. Although Octerlony was one of the founders of the association, he apparently had little interest in dermatology and never attended the annual meetings. Deceased 1908.

Henry G. Piffard Founder Born: 1842. Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons 1864. Training: Postgraduate work under Dr. Tilbury Fox at University College Hospital, and also in Paris and Vienna. Teaching Appointments: New York University, Professor of Dermatology, 1874, first to give postgraduate instruction in dermatology in America 1875; New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital 1882. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, Founder; American Dermatological Association, Founder. Author: Translated Hardy’s The Dartrous Diathesis or Eczema and Allied Affections, 1868; Elementary Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, 1876, the second American textbook on dermatology; Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics of the Skin, 1881, first American textbook on dermatotherapy. According to Andrew R. Robinson, Henry Piffard described the tuberculides in 1892, four years before Darier. He was also a pioneer in physiotherapy of the skin. Deceased 1910.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 37 Robert W. Taylor Founder Born: 1842. Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons 1868. Teaching Appointments: University of Vermont, first Professor of Dermatology; at different times, Professor of Dermatology at New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, Founder and four-time President; American Dermatological Association, Founder and first Vice President 1877, President 1882 and 1883. Author: Syphilitic Lesions of the Osseous System in Infants and Young Children, 1875; a large folio, A Clinical Atlas of Venereal and Skin Diseases, 1889. Robert Taylor was first to describe idiopathic progressive atrophy (Arch. Derm. 2:114, 1876), and a pioneer in the study of bone syphilis. Deceased 1908.

Faneuil D. Weisse Founder Born: 1842. Graduated: M.D., Medical Department, University of the City of New York, 1864. Teaching Appointments: New York University, first lecturer on diseases of the skin 1865, Clinical Professor 1867-1874. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, Founder; American Dermatological Association, Founder. Faneuil Weisse wrote little on dermatology but was greatly interested in it and was particularly gifted in stimulating the interest of his fellow workers in the subject. Weisse conceived the idea of a dermatological society in America while studying his specialty abroad. This idea crystallized in the founding of the New York Dermatological Society. Deceased 1901.

James Clarke White Founder Born: 1833. Graduated: M.D., Harvard 1855. Training: Postgraduate work under Hebra, Oppolzer, Skoda, Rokitansky 1856-1857. Practice: Founded first dispensary for skin diseases in Boston 1860. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Lecturer on Diseases of the Skin 1863, first Professor of Dermatology in America 1871. Professional Societies: Chairman, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology, International Medical Congress 1876; American Dermatological Association, founder and first President 1877; President of the Sixth International Dermatological Congress 1907. Author: 125 medical papers, 50 reviews, 94 editorials, and eight books. James White was the first to describe dermatitis venenata and contact dermatitis in 1887. He also described keratosis follicularis in the Jour. of Cut. and Genito-Urinary Dis., June 1889, several months before Darier’s report. Deceased 1916.

38 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Edward Wigglesworth Founder Born: 1840. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1865. Training: Five years postgraduate work in Europe, devoted chiefly to dermatology. Practice: Established, at his own expense, a free clinic for charity patients with diseases of the skin; later joined dermatologic staff, City Hospital, Boston 1877. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Instructor in Dermatology. Professional Societies: Boston Medical Library, Founder; Boston Dermatological Club, active member. Author: In his early professional life, contributed much of importance to the dermatologic literature of his time. Wigglesworth had a large library and a fine collection of moulages by Baretta, all of which he donated to the Harvard Medical School. Deceased 1896.

Lunsford P. Yandell Founder Born: 1805. Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland 1825. Practice: Practiced several years in Tennessee; moved to Louisville and founded the Medical Institute, which later became the University of Louisville; was ordained a minister, 1862, but resumed medical practice in 1867. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Founder, at 71 years of age. Author: Over 100 articles on subjects in science, religion, and medicine, but none on dermatology. Yandell’s life interest was in geology and paleontology, in which branches of science he possessed an international reputation. Seven or eight newly discovered fossils bear his name. He was the oldest founder of the Association. Deceased 1878.

William Brodie Charter Member Born: 1823. Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1850. Practice: Surgeon to St. Mary’s and many of the railroad companies centering in . Teaching Appointments: Professor of Clinical Medicine, Michigan College of Medicine 1879-1886, and Detroit College of Medicine 1886-1890. Professional Societies: Detroit Medical Society, Founder 1852, and President 1855; office holder in the Wayne County Medical Society and the Michigan State Medical Society; American Medical Association, Secretary 1857, Vice President 1875, and President 1886. Author: Editor, Peninsular Medical Journal 1855-1857, and Therapeutic Gazette 1880-1885. Brodie excelled as a surgeon and pioneer organizer of medicine, but he was interested in dermatology and wrote several articles on the subject. Deceased 1890.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 39 Almon P. Brooks Charter Member Photo not available. Born: March 22, 1841, Tennessee. Graduated: M.D., University of Virginia 1865. Practice: Licensed in Illinois 1877 and in Michigan 1908; Also practiced in Tennessee, Arkansas and Chicago. Brooks’ specialty was internal medicine, and while he was not greatly interested in dermatology, he was a charter member and read a paper on the internal manifestations of iodine sensitivity at the first meeting of the association. Deceased 1909.

Robert Campbell Charter Member Information and photo not available. Deceased.

Howard F. Damon Charter Member No photo available. Born: 1833. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1861. Practice: Boston City Hospital, First Chief of Clinic 1868. Awards: Boylston prize for an essay on leukocythemia 1863. Author: Neurosis of the Skin, 1860; atlas of photographs of varied dermatoses from his clinic, 1869, (they were not, of course, the equal of the photographs published by George H. Fox in 1879) Although he was a charter member, Howard Damon evinced little interest in the association. Deceased 1884.

William H. Draper Charter Member Born: 1830. Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons 1855. Training: Studied dermatology in Europe. Practice: Despite a thorough knowledge of dermatology, Draper drifted entirely into the practice of general medicine, in which he developed a large practice. Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, taught dermatology around 1869. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, Charter Member, 1869. Deceased 1901.

40 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Daniel W. Hand Charter Member Born: 1834. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1856. Practice: Physician, Minnesota; President, State Board of Health 1873-1889. Professional Societies: Minnesota State Medical Society, Founder; Ramsay County Medical Society, Founder, President 1870 and 1882. From Francis W. Lynch, we learn that Hand was the first physician to introduce microscopic pathology in Minnesota. His interests were chiefly along the line of general medicine and public health, not dermatology. Deceased 1889.

William A. Hardaway Charter Member Born: 1850. Graduated: M.D., Missouri Medical College 1870. Teaching Appointments: Taught dermatology at Missouri Medical College and later at the Medical Department of Washington University for about 35 years. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President 1884-1885. Author: 81 papers, and numerous chapters on dermatology for encyclopedic works on medicine; Essentials of Vaccination, 1882; Manual of Skin Diseases, 1890; Handbook of Cutaneous Therapeutics, in collaboration with Joseph Grindon 1907. Hardaway first introduced use of electrolysis in dermatology in 1877, but he credited Charles E. Michel, St Louis, with its use on “wild hairs” of the lids in 1875. He first described prurigo nodularis under the title “Multiple Tumors of the Skin Accompanied by Intense Pruritus;’ Arch. of Derm. 6:129, 1880. Deceased 1923.

James N. Hyde Charter Member Born: 1840. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1869. Practice: First to practice and teach dermatology in Chicago, Rush Medical College 1873. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Charter Member, first Treasurer, and twice President. Author: Diseases of the Skin, first through eighth editions 1883-1909; wrote extensively on blastomycosis, sporotrichosis, and pellagra. James Hyde was the first to describe synovial lesions of the skin in 1883. He also was first to call attention to the influence of light in the production of skin cancer (Am. Jour. Med. Sc., January 1906), one year before Dubreuil’s article appeared. Hyde gave the name prurigo nodularis to the disease described by Hardaway as “skin tumors accompanied by intense pruritus.” Deceased 1910.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 41 Benjamin Joy Jeffries Charter Member Born: 1833. Graduated: M.D., (date and place unknown) Practice: Dermatology, Boston. Awards: Boylston prize essay on “Recent Advances in the Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of the Skin.” On Sept 24, 1860, a notice appeared informing the medical profession of Boston that a free dispensary for diseases of the skin and eye had been established for the treatment of charity cases. It bore the signatures of James C. White and B.J. Jeffries, and F. B. Sprague, the latter two being ophthalmologists. This simple announcement, according to Charles J. White, marked the birth of the specialty of dermatology in Boston. Deceased 1915.

Francis F. Maury Charter Member Born: 1840. Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College 1862. Practice: Philadelphia Hospital, Attending Obstetrician, 1865, Surgeon, succeeding Samuel D. Gross. Teaching Appointments: Jefferson Medical College, Lecturer on Venereal and Cutaneous Diseases 1866-1879. Author: A few dermatological articles, including “Tattooing as a Means of Communicating Syphilis”; with Duhring, The Photographic Review of Medicine and Surgery, 1870. Maury’s dermatological interest was confined primarily to his lectureship. Although he and Duhring published only 24 numbers of their review, its contributors included S. Weir Mitchell, Pancoast, Gross, Keen, Morton, and Van Harlingen. Deceased 1879.

Andrew R. Robinson Charter Member Born: 1845. Graduated: M.D., University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1868; University of Toronto 1869; LRC.P. and LRC.S., Edinburgh 1870. Teaching Appointments: and Hospital for Women, first Professor of Histology and Pathologic Anatomy; New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, Founder and Professor of Dermatology for many years. Professional Societies: Ninth International Medical Congress, President, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1887; New York Academy of Medicine, first Chairman, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology; American Dermatological Association, President 1896. Author: Manual of Dermatology, 1884. Robinson, a pioneer American histopathologist, was first to describe hydrocystoma (Jour. Cut. Dis. 2:362,1884; 11:293,1893). Husband of Daisy Orleman Robinson, the first American Woman Dermatologist. She was inducted into the ADA in 1913. Deceased 1924.

42 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Charles C. Smith Charter Member Born: 1828. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1851. Training: Postgraduate work, France, England, and Germany 1868. Practice: Chicago, 1853-1868; upon his return from Europe, a member of the Venereal and Dermatologic Department, Cook County Hospital; Consulting Physician, Presbyterian Hospital. Teaching Appointments: Woman’s Medical College, Professor of Children’s Diseases 1870. Professional Societies: Harvard Club, President; Chicago literary Club, President. Data obtained through the kindness of Dr. B. Barker Beeson. Deceased 1894.

Robert F. Weir Charter Member Born: 1838. Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons 1859. Practice: Upon completion of military service, a general practitioner; later a surgeon exclusively at St Luke’s, Roosevelt, Bellevue, and New York . Military Service: Surgeon, U.S. Army. 1861-1865 Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Clinical Professor of Surgery 1883 and Professor 1892-1903. Professional Societies: American Surgical Association, President 1899; Royal College of Surgeons, London 1899 Although a charter member of the association, Weir had little interest in dermatology. Deceased.

Silas H. Durkee 1877 Graduated: M.D., Dartmouth College 1826 Practice: Portsmouth, NH, until 1841; Boston, general practitioner with special interest in dermatology; Boston City Hospital, Consulting Physician, until his death. Professional Societies: Medical Society of the State of New York, honorary member 1859. Awards: Boylston prize for volume on dermatology and syphilology Author: Two octavo volumes, dermatology and syphilology; articles on dermatology, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 43 Frank P. Foster 1877 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1862. Teaching Appointments: Professor of Dermatology for some time at Columbia University. Author: Four-volume medical dictionary, translated into seven languages; two-volume handbook on therapeutics; several encyclopedic articles; editor, New York Medical Journal for 30 years. Foster’s work in dermatology was soon completely eclipsed by his literary work. He did some careful research work in variola and vaccination and presented some new facts concerning vaccinosyphilitic inoculation. He spoke many foreign languages and was an expert Latin scholar. Deceased.

William Henry Geddings 1877 Photo not available. Born: Charleston, South Carolina April 23, 1838 Graduated: Medical College of South Carolina 1861. Training: Vienna, Berlin, Prague and Paris. Practice: Charleston, South Carolina, New York and Aiken South Carolina, specialized in pulmonary diseases. Military Service: Chief medical purveyor of the Army of Northern Virginia of the Confederate States Army. He was present at the surrender at Appomattox in October 1862. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Medical Association of South Carolina, New York Dermatological Society. Geddings never practiced dermatology, but he had a fine Iibrary of dermatologic volumes. Deceased.

Samuel Sherwell 1877 Graduated: M.D., Bellevue Medical College 1868. Training: Postgraduate work under Hebra, Schrotter, Oppolzer, and Skoda in Vienna. Practice: Dermatology, 1871-1927. Military Service: Anglo-American Ambulance Corps with Sir William McCormack and Marion Sims, Franco­ Prussian War 1870. Teaching Appointments: Long Island Medical College, Lecturer and Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President 1894-1895; New York Dermatological Society, President 1881 and 1909. Sherwell was the first to use acid nitrate of mercury after curettage in the treatment of cutaneous epitheliomata, an exceedingly efficient method giving excellent cosmetic results (Jour. of Cut. and Genito-Urinary Dis. 5:9, 1887). He was the first dermatologist to practice in Brooklyn and the first teacher of dermatology at Long Island Medical College. Deceased.

44 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Edward B. Bronson 1878 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1869. Training: Bellevue Hospital, Intern; two years studying dermatology in Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Paris, and London. Practice: City Hospital and Bellevue Hospital, New York, staff member Teaching Appointments: New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, Professor of Dermatology 1882· 1904; later Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President (twice); American Dermatological Association, President 1891-1892. Bronson served for many years on the editorial boards of the Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology and the New York Medical Record. Deceased.

Francis B. Greenough 1878 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1866. Training: Studied dermatology in Vienna for one year. Practice: Boston Dispensary, Department for Skin Diseases, for 24 years. Military Service: Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Army 1864. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Clinical Instructor in Syphilis 1875-1895. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1886-1887 and President 1890-1891. Francis Greenough had an unusual medical education. After receiving his scholastic degree from Harvard College in 1859, he spent a year in the Lawrence Scientific School and two years in Pisa and Florence studying medicine and architecture. He was serving as an assistant surgeon with the army two years before he received his medical degree. Greenough’s life-long interest was syphilis. Deceased.

George H. Rohe 1878 Photo not available Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland School of Medicine 1873. Training: Studied under Wigglesworth, Jr. and became assistant physician, Boston Dispensary for Skin Diseases 1876. Practice: Later in life, Superintendent, Maryland Hospital for the Insane, and other mental institutions. Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Professor of Dermatology 1880-1890; gave up the chair of dermatology, preferring to hold other professorships, including obstetrics and hygiene, materia medica, therapeutics and mental diseases. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Treasurer, 1882-1885; active at early meetings of the association. Author: Textbook, Dermatology, 1885-1888, published in Maryland. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 45 James E. Graham 1879 Graduated: M.D., University of Toronto. Training: One year in the Brooklyn (NY) City Hospital; several years intensive study of dermatology in Europe. Practice: Toronto, until 1887. Teaching Appointments: University of Toronto, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Pathology 1887; Lecturer on Dermatology 1892. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1883-1884, President 1888-1889; a regular attendant at annual meetings of the association. Deceased.

Welcome T. Alexander 1882 Graduated: M.D. (date and place unknown). Practice: Devoted himself to dermatology for a few years, while keeping up his general practice; finally pursued general practice entirely, to the exclusion of dermatology as a specialty. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association Secretary 1883-1885. Deceased.

Prince A. Morrow 1882 Graduated: M.D., New York University and Bellevue Medical Hospital College 1873. Teaching Appointments: New York University, Lecturer in Dermatology 1882-1883, Clinical Professor 1886-1890. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President 1883; American Dermatological Association 1900· 1901; Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Founder and President 1905-1913. Author: Drug Eruptions 1887; An Atlas of Skin and Venereal Diseases 1888-1889; A System of Genito·Urinary Diseases, Syphilography and Dermatology, 3 volumes 1892-1894; Leprosy 1880; Social Diseases and Marriage 1904. Prince Morrow translated and edited Fournier’s Syphilis and Marriage, 1880, the inspiration for his admirable work in venereal prophylaxis. He was co-editor of the Journal of Cutaneous Diseases for nine years, first with Piffard and then with Fordyce. Morrow was first to describe keratosis follicularis (Jour. of Cut. and Genito· Urinary Dis., September 1886). An American pioneer in the prophylaxis of syphilis and the study of leprosy, he founded and edited Social Diseases. Deceased.

46 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Henry W. Stelwagon 1882 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1875. Practice: Duhring’s Chief of Clinic, University (PA) Hospital 1885-1890. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Instructor in Dermatology 1885-1890; Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, Clinical Professor 1888-1890; Jefferson Medical College, Professor 1890-1918. Author: Many valued articles in dermatology; Essentials of Diseases of the Skin, 1890, a quiz-compendium that went through innumerable editions; A Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, 1902, a textbook that maintained its supremacy as the most authoritative in the English language for many years, appearing in nine editions between 1902 and 1919. Deceased October 18, 1919.

F. C. Curtis 1884 Photo not available. Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1870. Training: Postgraduate work, Vienna 1871. Practice: Albany, NY, in partnership with W. H. Baile. Teaching Appointments: Albany Medical College, Professor of Dermatology 1880. Professional Societies: Medical Society of the State of New York: Secretary 1889, President 1907. Deceased.

LeGrand N. Denslow 1884 Photo not available. Born: 1852. Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York 1876. Studied in Vienna, Berlin and London 1877-1878. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in Vienna, Berlin, and London 1877-1878. Practice: New York; Bellevue Hospital and New York Dispensary, Visiting Physician, Outpatient Department 1880; St. Paul: 1890; Los Angeles 1893-1908; Paris Salpetriere Hospital 1909; London 1910. Teaching Appointments: St. Paul Medical College, briefly Professor of Dermatology and Genitourinary Diseases. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society 1880; Ramsey County Medical Society 1884; Minnesota State Medical Socidety 1885; Minnesota Academy of Medicine: charter member 1887, treasurer 1887-1888 Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 47 Robert B. Morrison 1884 Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland School of Medicine 1874. Training: Studied dermatology under the masters in Prague, Vienna, Hamburg, and Berlin. Practice: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Head, Department of Dermatology. Teaching Appointments: University of Maryland, elected Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1887. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1886-1887, President, 1893-1894. Robert Morrison was deeply interested in the Association, attended its meetings regularly, and contributed papers quite frequently. Deceased.

George H. Tilden 1884 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1876. Practice: Massachusetts General Hospital, House Officer; private practice, Boston, specializing in dermatology, syphilology, and genitourinary diseases; served at Boston City Hospital and Boston Dispensary. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Secretary 1885-1889, Treasurer 1887-1889 and Vice President 1889-1890. In 1893, George Tilden went to Japan, eventually adopting the customs and manners of the people. He became interested in swordmaking, becoming so adept at it that he was accepted into the Guild of Japanese Swordmakers. He returned to Boston, but after a few months, he went to Europe and never returned home. Deceased.

William T. Corlett 1888 Graduated: M.D., Medical Department University of Wooster (Cleveland) 1877; L.R.C.P., 1881. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology, done abroad. Teaching Appointments: University of Wooster, Registrar and Professor of Dermatology and Genitourinary Diseases 1883; Western Reserve University, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1893 and Professor Emeritus 1914. Professional Societies: American Medical Association: Founder, Secretary 1893, and Chairman 1899, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology; American Dermatological Association, President 1904. Author: About 50 articles on dermatology; two books, which are delightful reading: Reminiscences and The Medicine Man of the American Indian. William Corlett founded the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology at Lakeside Hospital. He was also founder and president of the Cleveland Medical Library Association and endower of a room there for the study of dermatology. Deceased.

48 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association James S. Howe 1888 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1881. Training: Postgraduate work in Vienna for a year. Practice: Private practice, 1883-1887; Boston City Hospital, member of dermatological staff, from 1887. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1911. Charles J. White said of James Howe: “He was a sound dermatologist, a hater of slipshod methods and of ignorance.” Deceased.

George T. Jackson 1888 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1878. Training: Two years postgraduate dermatologic study in Europe. Practice: At various times, attending or consulting dermatologist to five or six large New York hospitals. Teaching Appointments: Instructor in Dermatology, New York Polytechnic 1884-1889, Post-Graduate Medical School 1887-1888, College of Physicians and Surgeons 1897- 1907; Professor of Dermatology, Woman’s Medical College of New York Infirmary 1890- 1899, University of Vermont 1895-1900, College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University 1908-1913. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President, 1889; American Dermatological Association, President 1901. Author: Many articles and two books on diseases of the hair and scalp: Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, 1887, and A Treatise on Diseases of the Hair, with Charles W. McMurty, 1912. Deceased.

Herman G. Klotz 1888 Graduated: M.D. University of Leipzig 1868. Practice: German Hospital (now the ), Resident-Physician and associate of Schwedler, a founder of the hospital; in charge of the Skin Clinic 1872-1904, and Attending Dermatologist, 1879-1915. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President 1894 and 1911 and honorary member 1913; American Dermatological Association, Member of the Council 1901-1902. Author: About 40 dermatological articles. Klotz was ship-surgeon when the Franco-Prussian War broke out, and his ship was interned in New York. Klotz became a US citizen as promptly as possible and began dermatologic practice. He greatly promoted the use of insoluble mercurial salts in the treatment of syphilis in this country (Trans. of the Am. Derm. Ass’n xiv: 44, 1890). Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 49 Francis J. Shepherd 1888 Graduated: M.D., McGill University, Faculty of Medicine 1873. Training: Two years postgraduate study in London, Paris, and Vienna. Practice: Montreal General Hospital, Attending Surgeon, and Victoria General Hospital, staff member, 1883. Teaching Appointments: McGill University, Demonstrator of Anatomy 1876, and Professor, a position he held for 30 years. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1891, President 1900 and honorary member; International Dermatological Congress, New York, Vice President 1907; British Dermatological Society, Canadian Branch, honorary President 1928; Royal College of Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons, honorary Fellow. Author: 19 papers on dermatology. Francis Shepherd had an international reputation as an anatomist and surgeon, but he was also interested in dermatology. In addition to his medical achievements, Shepherd received the degree of Doctor of Laws from Harvard, 1906, McGill, 1915, and Queen’s University, 1919. Deceased.

Joseph Zeisler 1888 Graduated: M.D., University of Vienna. Training: Worked for several years with Kaposi at Vienna General Hospital. Practice: Chicago 1884. Teaching Appointments: Post-Graduate Medical School, Chicago, Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases 1888-1889; Northwestern University, Professor of Dermatology 1889- 1917. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Chairman, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, 1912; American Dermatological Association, President 1903; Chicago Dermatological Society, President two times. Author: 36 articles on dermatology Deceased.

Charles W. Allen 1889 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1878. Training: Two years postgraduate work in Vienna, Heidelberg, and Paris. Practice: Good Samaritan Dispensary, New York, Diseases of the Skin Department. Teaching Appointments: Post-Graduate Medical School, New York, Professor of Dermatology 1900·1906. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President 1893; American Dermatological Association, Secretary-Treasurer 1893-1896, and delegate from the association to a number of meetings in Europe of the International Dermatological Congress. Deceased.

50 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association John T. Bowen 1889 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1884. Training: Postgraduate work in Berlin, Munich, and Vienna for three years. Practice: Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant Physician, Outpatient Department for Skin Diseases 1889-1895, Physician 1895-1914. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Instructor in Dermatology 1896-1902, Assistant Professor 1902-1907, and Professor 1907-1911. Professional Societies: Boston Dermatological Club (later expanded to the New England Dermatological Society), Founder. John Bowen was the first to describe the precancerous dermatoses (Jour. of Cut. Dis. 30:241, 1912, and 33:787, 1915). He was an expert histopathologist and wrote an article on the subject (“The Epitrichial Layer of the Human Epidermis,” Anat. Anz., Jena 4:412, 1889). Deceased.

Condict W. Cutler 1890 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1882. Practice: New York Dispensary, Physician-in-Chief, 1888-1902; Randall’s Island Hospital, Attending Physician. Teaching Appointments: University of Vermont, Professor of Dermatology 1896-1898; Post-Graduate Medical School, Instructor of Dermatology Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President 1895 Awards: Winner of the first Harsen Prize ($500) for proficiency Author: Essentials of Physics and Chemistry, 1889; Differential Diagnosis of Diseases of the Skin, 1890; Lectures on Dermatology, 1896; other books on general medical subjects. Deceased.

John A. Fordyce 1890 Born: February 16, 1858 Graduated: M.D. Northwestern University Medical College of Chicago,1881; University of Berlin 1888. Practice: City Hospital, New York, Visiting Dermatologist 1893-1925. Teaching Appointments: New York University and Bellevue Medical College, Professor of Dermatology 1893-1912; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1912· 1925. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Congress President 1899; Sixth International Dermatological Congress Secretary-General 1907. Author: A lucid and prolific writer of 100 or more articles, particularly on syphilis and the histopathology of varied dermatoses. Fordyce was the first to describe pseudocolloid of the lips (Fordyce’s disease) in “A Peculiar Affection of the Mucous Membrane of the Lips and Oral Cavity,” Jour. of Cut. Dis. 14:413, 1896). He also did the histopathology in the first cases of Fox· Fordyce disease (George H. Fox, “Chronic, Itching, Papular Eruption of the Axillae and Pubes,” Jour. of Cut. and Genito-Urinary Dis. 20:1.1902). Fordyce probably wrote the earliest exposition of allergy in relation to the skin (“Infectious Eczematoid Dermatitis; Influences of Anaphylaxis Reactions,” Jour. of Cut. Dis. 29:129, 1911). He was also a pioneer in the modern treatment of syphilis. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 51 Joseph Grindon 1890 Graduated: M.D., St. Louis Medical College 1879. Teaching Appointments: St. Louis Medical College, Lecturer on Dermatology 1886-1895, Professor 1895-1900; Washington University School of Medicine, Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Syphilology 1900-1912; St. Louis University, Professor of Dermatology 1912-1944, Professor Emeritus 1944, after 58 years of continuous teaching. Professional Societies: A member of many scientific societies, and at various times President of the St. Louis Medical and St. Louis Dermatological societies and Vice President of the Missouri State Medical Association; American Dermatological Association, President 1928. Awards: St. Louis University, honorary Doctor of Science degree, 1943 Author: 39 medical articles and two books: Syphilis and Diseases of the Skin, 1898, and Handbook of Cutaneous Therapeutics, with W. A. Hardaway, 1907. Deceased.

Milton B. Hartzell 1890 Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College 1877. Practice: Philadelphia, until 1884 when he was appointed Clinical Assistant at University Hospital (PA). Skin Dispensary, in Duhring’s service. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania: Instructor of Dermatology 1891, Professor 1911 and later Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1903-1904; Philadelphia Dermatological Society, Founder Author: Of the many articles he wrote, Hartzell considered his “Cancer in Arsenical Keratoses,” published by the New Sydenham Society, the most important. His magnum opus was a textbook on diseases of the skin. Milton Hartzell was a pioneer in histopathology in Philadelphia and was largely responsible for the establishment of the Laboratory of Dermatological Research at the University of Pennsylvania, 1917. Deceased.

George T. Elliott 1891 Graduated: M.D., University of Louisiana 1881. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Assistant Physician in Bulkley’s service, 1885·1900; St. Luke’s, Columbus, Lying-In, and New York Skin and Cancer hospitals, Consulting Teaching Appointments: Cornell University Medical College, Professor of Dermatology, 1898 to retirement. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society: member, 1887, President 1892. Deceased.

52 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Louis Heitzman 1891 Son of Founder Carl Heitzman. No further information available. Deceased.

Abner Post 1892 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1870. Training: Two years postgraduate study abroad, chiefly in Vienna. Practice: Boston Dispensary, staff member, later assigned to Greenough’s Department of Dermatology and Syphilology 1876; Boston City Hospital 1882-1906 where he was noted for his proficiency in genitourinary surgery. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Instructor in Syphilis 1882, Assistant Professor to Professor and Professor Emeritus 1916. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President 1917-1919; a frequent attendant at meetings of half a dozen medical organizations to which he belonged. In 1894, Abner Post originated clinical staff meetings at Boston City Hospital and personally did social service work with families with congenital syphilis, years before regular social service was inaugurated. Post devoted himself chiefly to syphilology during his 38 years at the Boston Dispensary. He also helped edit the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Deceased.

John A. Cantrell 1893 Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College 1885. Practice: Philadelphia Hospital, Dermatologist 1889-1900; then to Pittsburgh. Deceased.

Sigmund Lustgarten 1894 Graduated: M.D., Royal Vienna University 1881. Training: General Hospital, Vienna, Intern; a year of study under the most famous teachers in Europe. Practice: Kaposi’s Clinic, First Assistant 1883; after coming to New York in 1889, he was Attending Dermatologist at Mt. Sinai Hospital and Consulting Dermatologist at Montefiore Home and the Hebrew Orphan Asylum. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President 1897; an active member of many dermatological societies here and abroad. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 53 Isadore Dyer 1895 Graduated: M.D., Tulane University 1889. Training: After starting practice in Galveston, moved to New York, took courses in dermatology at Post-Graduate Medical School, interned at New York Skin and Cancer Hospital for a year and a half, and studied further in Paris and London. Teaching Appointments: Post-Graduate Medical School, Lecturer; Tulane University, Lecturer in Dermatology 1892, Assistant Professor 1905, Professor and Dean of the Medical School 1908; New Orleans Polyclinic, Professor of Skin Diseases 1893·1907. Professional Societies: Orleans Parish Medical Society, President 1899-1900; Louisiana State Medical Society, President 1902-1903; Southern Medical Association, President 1910-1911; American Association President 1912-1913. Dyer edited the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, 1896-1920. He founded the Louisiana Leper Home in 1894 (which later became the United States Public Health Hospital) and served as president of its Board of Managers. He became consulting leprologist in 1902, holding that position until his death in 1920. He had a worldwide reputation as an expert in leprosy. Deceased.

Douglass W. Montgomery 1895 Graduated: M.D. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1882. Training: Residency in New York; Three years in Europe studying in Italy, Heidelberg, Wurzberg, Vienna, Switzerland, London, and Edinburgh working under masters such a Thoma and Ehrlich. Practice: Visited San Francisco in 1886 to visit his European sweetheart and decided to settle there. Teaching Appointments: Toland Medical College (later the Medical Department of the University of California): Professor of Pathology 1892; University of California, Professor of Dermatology and first Chair 1892-1911; San Francisco Polyclinic Co-founder and Professor of Dermatology 1892· 1900. Professional Societies: San Francisco Academy of Medicine: Founder 1886, President 1982; California Academy of Medicine 1898; American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1900-1901, President 1910-1911. Author: Approximately 170 articles on dermatology, syphilology, philosophy, medical history, and other subjects, collected and published in two volumes by his wife in 1943. Douglass Montgomery was the first to bring arsphenamine to the University of California Medical School with the first box of “606” ampules to be used in the United States. Deceased.

James M. Winfield 1895 Graduated: M.D., Bellevue Medical College 1882. Training: Studied dermatology with Sherwell. Practice: Long Island College Hospital Dispensary, Attending Dermatologist 1887-1906; Long Island College Hospital, Attending Dermatologist 1906· 1923; also Attending Dermatologist at Kings County, St. John’s and St. Mary’s hospitals 1906·1923. Professional Societies: Brooklyn Dermatological Society, President 1898; New York Dermatological Society, President 1901 and 1920; Medical Society of the County of Kings, President 1913; American Dermatological Association: Secretary 1909-1913, President 1913.

54 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Author: About 30 dermatologic articles. Outside Interests: Winfield also served ably as librarian of Kings County Medical Society. Deceased.

T. Caspar Gilchrist 1896 Graduated: M.R.C.S., L.S.A. (England, 1899). Practice: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Chief of Clinic, Department of Dermatology 1890. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1897-1927. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President 1909. Awards: Honorary M.D., University of Maryland 1907. Author: Outlines of Common Skin Diseases including Eruptive Fevers, 1927. An enormous amount of research work was done at Johns Hopkins Hospital under Gilchrist’s direction. Gilchrist first described blastomycosis before the association in June 1894 in Washington under the title, “A Case of Blastomycetic Dermatitis in Man,” (Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep. 1:269,1896). Besides blastomycosis, his most important studies were of acne bacillus (Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep. 9:420, 1905), pemphigus (Trans. Am. Derm. Ass’n, 1800, p. 6), urticaria factitia (Jour. of Cut. Dis. 23:122, 1908). Deceased.

Sigmund Pollitzer 1896 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1884. Teaching Appointments: New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Professor of Dermatology 1895-1915. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1913, President 1914, and one of its most active members for 41 years; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Founder. Author: 71 contributions to dermatologic literature-”Salvarsan and Syphilis,” 1911, and “Serum Therapy and Serum Diagnosis in Syphilis,” 1907, were two pioneer articles dealing with the “modern” concept of syphilis; translated and edited Darier’s textbook on dermatology, 1920. Sigmund Pollitzer was first to describe acanthosis nigricans (International Atlas for Rare Skin Dis., 1891, Plate 10); hydradenitis destruens supperativa (Jour. of Cut. Dis. 10:9, 1892); first case of rhinoscleroma cured with X ray (Jour. of Cut. Dis. 28:338, 1910); parakeratosis variegata, with Unna and Santi (Monatschr. 10:404, 1890). Deceased.

Miller B. Hutchins 1897 Photo not available. Born: 1864. Graduated: M.D., Atlanta Medical College 1886. Training: Studied under Dr. Bernard Wolff, Sr. Practice: First dermatologist in Atlanta. Teaching: Atlanta Medical College, lecturer on anatomy and microscopy 1890-1893, lecturer on diseases of

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 55 skin and syphilis 1890-1907; Emory University School of Medicine: Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1907-1913, Associate in Dermatology 1915-1919, Professor Emeritus in Dermatology 1922-1923. Author: 44 scientific articles. Information about Miller B. Hutchins is scarce, but it is known that he was a good dermatologist and a good teacher. His articles were well written and terse. He died at age 59 of cerebral hemorrhage on July 26, 1923.

James C. Johnston 1897 Photo not available. Graduated: M.D., New York University 1892. Practice: New York Post-Graduate Medical School, Lying ln, Presbyterian, New York Skin and Cancer, and New York hospitals, histopathology and dermatology 1892-1898. Teaching Appointments: Cornell University Medical School: Assistant Instructor in Pathology 1898·1901, Instructor 1901-1909, Instructor in Dermatology 1901-1908, Assistant Professor 1908·1918. Military Service: Served in France as an aide to the American Red Cross in World War I, working so strenuously that he suffered a complete breakdown, resulting in his death shortly thereafter. James Johnston served on the editorial board of the Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1896-1902, at one of the most critical periods of its existence. Deceased.

Frank H. Montgomery 1897 Born: January 8, 1862. Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College 1888. Training: Postgraduate work at Johns Hopkins Medical School and in Europe. Practice: Chicago, dermatology; Presbyterian, St. Elizabeth’s, and St. Anthony de Padua hospitals, Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College, Associate Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Secretary ­Treasurer 1899- 1902, Vice President 1904; Chicago Dermatological Society, President; International Dermatological Congress, New York, Secretary 1907. Montgomery’s famous association with Hyde-almost a father-son relationship dated from 1896 until Montgomery’s death by drowning on July 14, 1908. Even living in the shadow of so famous a man as Hyde, Montgomery was able to hold his own in the dermatologic world. He wrote a considerable number of dermatologic articles, including some on blastomycosis. His son, Hamilton Montgomery was elected to the American Dermatological Association in 1931. Deceased, July 14, 1908.

56 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Randolph B. Carmichael 1899 Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College 1889. Practice: New York Post-Graduate Hospital, House Surgeon for one and a half years; private practice with Fox in dermatology; New York Skin and Hospital, Clinical Assistant, Vanderbilt Clinic 1892-1896; Washington, private practice 1896; Garfield Memorial, Providence, St. Elizabeth, and George Washington University hospitals, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: George Washington University, Clinical Professor and Professor, 1911. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Director, 1909-1910, 1912-1913, 1921-1922,1924-1925. Deceased.

William A. Pusey 1899 Graduated: M.D., New York University, 1888. Practice: Cook County Hospital, Attending Dermatologist, 1895-1915. Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, Professor of Dermatology, 1894, and after its affiliation with the University of Illinois, Chairman of Dermatology, until 1915. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, President 1923; American Dermatological Association, President 1910; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, three times; Chicago Medical Society, President 1918. Author: 115 monographs and nine books on history, science, philosophy of medicine, and cutaneous medicine, including the following landmarks in dermatology: The Principles and Practice of Dermatology, 1907; Roentgen Rays in Therapeutics and Diagnosis, 1903; The History of Dermatology, 1932; The History and Epidemiology of Syphilis, 1933. Pusey served as editor of the Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1920·1936. He was the first to introduce the use of carbon dioxide snow in the treatment of certain skin diseases (Jour. A.M.A. 49:1354, 0ct. 19, 1907). and first to use roentgenotherapy in diseases of the skin (Jour. of Cut. Dis. 18:302, July 1900). Deceased.

Augustus Ravogli 1899 Graduated: M.D., University of Rome 1873 Practice: , 1882; Cincinnati General Hospital, Attending Dermatologist Teaching Appointments: Miami Medical College, Lecturer in Dermatology, 1882-1888; Ohio Medical College, Professor of Dermatology 1889-1894; University of Cincinnati, Professor of Dermatology 1894-1916. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, one of its founders, host at its first meeting in Cincinnati, May 8, 1888, and Chairman 1897; American Dermatological Association, President 1916-1917. Author: More than 110 articles for American and foreign journals; Syphilis in its Medical, Medico-Legal and Sociological Aspects 1907. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 57 Grover W. Wende 1899 Graduated: M.D., University of Buffalo 1889; University of Pennsylvania 1890. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in Europe 1897-1898. Practice: Buffalo, medicine and, later, dermatology; Erie County, Sister’s, German, General, Children’s City, and U.S. Marine hospitals, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Buffalo, Professor of Dermatology 27 years. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1902-1903 and 1909-1910, Director 1903-1904, Secretary-Treasurer 1905-1909, President 1911- 1912; Medical Society of the State of New York, President. Author: Articles dealt largely with rarer dermatoses, accompanied by remarkably fine photographs. Deceased.

Henry H. Whitehouse 1899 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1889. Training: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Intern, a year and a half; Bulkley’s office associate for several years. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Assistant and Attending Physician, 38 years. Teaching Appointments: New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1914-1925. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, member for 41 years, and President, 1900, 1908, 1926. Henry Whitehouse was a brilliant diagnostician and a skilled therapist. Deceased.

O. H. Holder 1900 Information not available.

Charles J. White 1900 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1893. Training: Postgraduate study in Europe for two years. Practice: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Assistant Physician in Diseases of the Skin, 1895·1903, Physician, 1903-1925, Chief of the Dermatological Department, 1925- 1927, Consultant, 1927-1939, Honorary Physician, 1939. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Assistant in Dermatology, 1898-1902, Instructor, 1902-1911, Assistant Professor, 1911-1916, Professor, 1916·1927, and Professor Emeritus 1927.

58 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Secretary ­Treasurer 1902-1905, Director 1910· 1911 and 1916-1917, President 1915·1916; Massachusetts Medical Society, Section of Dermatology, Chairman 1935; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman 1910-1912; Honorary Memberships: American Dermatological Association, London Dermatological Society, Dermatological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine; Corresponding Memberships: British Association of Dermatology and Syphilology and in the French, Danish, and Vienna dermatological societies. Deceased.

Herman Goldenberg 1901 Graduated: M.D., University of Munich. Training: Several years postgraduate work in Europe. Practice: Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, on dermatologic staff when Lustgarten was attending dermatologist; after Lustgarten’s death, Attending Dermatologist, 1911·1928, then Consulting Dermatologist. Goldenberg was an expert diagnostician in both rare and common dermatoses, especially in the manifold clinical appearances of common dermatoses. Deceased.

George F. Harding 1901 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1889. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in Europe, 1890·1892. Practice: Carney Hospital, Boston, Physician, Skin Department, 1892-1902; Boston City Hospital, Physician, 1894-1906. Teaching Appointments: Boston Polyclinic, Instructor in Dermatology, 1894-1906; Tufts College Medical School, Instructor in Dermatology, 1898-1900. Harding belonged to many professional societies and clubs in Boston. Resigned, Deceased.

Frederick J. Leviseur 1901 Graduated: M.D., University of Goettingen, 1884. Practice: New York, 1886; Mt. Sinai Hospital, Associate Attending Dermatologist, 1901; Montefiore Home and the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Consulting Dermatologist; Beth Israel Hospital Dispensary, Chief of Clinic. Leviseur attended medical meetings but took little active part. Deceased 1919.

Lucius C. Pardee 1901 Graduated: M.D., Northwestern University Medical School, 1894 Practice: Evanston and Wesley hospitals, staff member. Teaching Appointments: Northwestern University, Instructor to Associate Professor. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 59 Andrew P. Biddle 1902 Graduated: M.D., Detroit College of Medicine 1886. Practice: Consultant Dermatologist, St. Mary’s, Woman’s, St. Joseph’s, and Children’s hospitals, and the Detroit Board of Health. Teaching Appointments: Detroit College of Medicine, Instructor to Professor Emeritus 1892-1917. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Director, 1905·1906, Vice President 1924-1925, President 1925-1926; Detroit Academy of Medicine: President 1912; Michigan State Medical Society: President 1916-1918; Detroit Dermatological Society: President 1922. Andrew Biddle was devoted to the association and willed it a considerable sum of money. Deceased, Aug. 2, 1944.

William F. Breakey 1902 Graduated: M.D., Univers ity of Michigan, 1859. Military Service: Active service, U.S. Army, Civil War; at Gettysburg, his left femur was severely injured, resulting in necrosis-a life-long source of distress. Teaching Appointments: : Prosecutor of Surgery and Associate Demonstrator of Anatomy 1868·1869, Lecturer on Diseases of the Skin, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, from 1905 to 1912, when poor health necessitated his resignation. Professional Societies: Michigan State Medical Society: President, 1904, member of the Pension Board. William Breakey became so deeply interested in dermatology that his insistence practically forced the University of Michigan to start a clinic for diseases of the skin in the medical department. Deceased.

Martin F. Engman 1902 Graduated: M.D., New York University 1891. Training: Postgraduate study in Heidelberg, Berlin, and Paris; one year as assistant in Unna’s private clinic. Practice: St. Louis Skin and Cancer Hospital, Founder, Attending Physician, and Member of the Board since its founding in 1905. Teaching Appointments: Marion·Sims College of Medicine, Lecturer, 1898-1899; Washington University School of Medicine: Professor of Dermatology and later Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Director 1911-1912, Vice President 1914-1915, President 1919-1920, honorary member 1951. Engman initiated the movement to obtain a national leper home in Carville, LA, replacing the one founded by Dyer in 1894. He also did much original work, including investigations into acne bacillus, epidermolysis bullosa, staphylogenetic eczematoid dermatitis, impetigo bullosa, and amebiasis cutis. Deceased.

60 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Henry G. Anthony 1903 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College 1884. Training: Five years of postgraduate work in the important centers of Europe. Practice: Chicago; Attending dermatologist at many hospitals. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College and Chicago Polyclinic, teacher of dermatology. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: Founder and one-term President. Deceased.

Jay F. Schamberg 1903 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1893. Practice: Dermatologic Research Laboratories, Founder and Director. Teaching Appointments: At various times, Professor of Dermatology, Temple Medical School, Jefferson Medical School, Philadelphia Polyclinic. Professional Societies: Philadelphia County Medical Society: President, 1931; American Dermatological Association. President 1920. Author: A Compend of Diseases of the Skin, 1898; Diseases of the Skin and Eruptive Fevers, 1908; Treatment of Syphilis, with C.S. Wright, 1932; member of the editorial board, Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1927-1934. Schamberg’s outstanding contribution to dermatology was his founding of the research laboratories, for which he planned the scientific investigations. He was first to describe progressive pigmentary dermatosis (Brit. Jour. of Derm. 13:1, 1901) and, with Goldberger, acarodermatitis urticarioides (Govt. Printing Office, 1909; Jour. Of Cut. Dis. 28:67, 1910). Schamberg supplied the Western world with arsphenamine by working out a process for its manufacture in collaboration with Raiziss and Kolmer during World War I. He also introduced aurotherapy in the United States in the treatment of lupus erythematosus, in collaboration with Wright (Arch. Derm. and Syph. 15:119, February 1927). Deceased.

A.D. Mewborn 1904 Information and photo not available.

Howard Morrow 1904 Graduated: M.D., University of California 1896. Training: Five years postgraduate study in dermatology and syphilology in New York, London, and Vienna. Teaching Appointments: University of California, Clinical Professor and Director of the Department of Dermatology, 1911-1939. Professional Societies: American Medical Association: Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1915; American Dermatological Association: President, 1918; California Medical Association: President, 1937; California State Board of Health: President, 1933·1940; American Medical Association: Vice President, 1938; American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology Charter Member. Morrow rarely missed a meeting of the association. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 61 Ernest Wende 1904 Graduated: M.D., University of Buffalo, 1878; University of Pennsylvania 1884. Training: Postgraduate work in Europe for a year and a half, studying histopathology and clinical dermatology. Practice: Buffalo, NY, health officer 1891-1901 and 1906·1910. Teaching Appointments: Buffalo School of Pharmacy, Professor of Botany and Microscopy, life-long, beginning in 1888; University of Buffalo, Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1889. Professional Societies: Medical Society of the County of Erie, President 1898; a member of many medical societies, including the Royal Microscopical Society of London, and an active committee worker. Wende was associate editor of the Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal. Deceased.

Ralph R. Campbell 1905 Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1896. Practice: Chicago, dermatology, 1891; associated with the Chicago Polyclinic and Cook County Hospital; Los Angeles County Hospital, Attending Dermatologist, 1912 Teaching Appointments: College of Medical Evangelists, Los Angeles, Professor of Dermatology, 1912. Professional Societies: American Medical Association Section on Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Secretary 1899·1906, Chairman 1906·1907, Executive Committee 1907·1910; Los Angeles Clinical and Pathological Society: honorary member; American College of Physicians, Fellow. Ill health necessitated Campbell’s moving from Chicago to Los Angeles in 1912. Deceased.

Burnside Foster 1905 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1886. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in Vienna and Dublin. Practice: Minneapolis, dermatology; St. Paul, dermatology, 1905, and on staffs of several hospitals: St. Paul’s, St. Luke’s, St. John’s, St. Paul City. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota Professor of Dermatology and Lecturer in History of Medicine. Professional Societies: Minnesota Dermatological Society President; Ramsey County Medical Society, President. Author: In response to a request for a list of his articles or papers, Foster made the following refreshing comment: “Too numerous and not of sufficient importance to chronicle.” Burnside Foster was a pioneer in the history of medicine, He was editor of the St. Paul Medical Journal and director of the St. Paul Public Library. Deceased.

62 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Alfred Schalek 1905 Graduated: M.D. University of Prague 1890. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology for two years in Vienna Practice: Chicago, dermatology 1892; Omaha, staff member Methodist, Immanuel, and Swedish hospitals Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College, Chicago, Assistant Professor of Dermatology. 1900; University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Chairman of Dermatology and Syphilology to Professor Emeritus 1907· 1935. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society member; St. Louis Dermatological Society President; Omaha Dermatological Society President. Author: About 30 dermatologic articles and two books: Epitome on Diseases of the Skin, 1902, and Fundamentals of Dermatology, 1910. Deceased.

E. Wood Ruggles 1906 Graduated: M.D. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1888. Training: A year of postgraduate work in Europe; later, six years further study in Europe. Practice: New York, Harlem Hospital, Department of Dermatology, two years; Rochester, NY, dermatology and genitourinary diseases. Professional Societies: American Urological Association, member; American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, member; Monroe County Medical Association, President; Rochester Academy of Medicine, Surgical Section, President; Rochester Pathological Society, President. The cream Ruggles originated for the relief of pruritus bears his name. Deceased Nov. 7, 1942.

Harvey P. Towle 1908 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1892. Training: A year’s postgraduate work in Europe studying dermatology. Practice: Boston City and Carney hospitals, assistant in dermatologic clinics; Massachusetts General Hospital, staff member and later co-chief, dermatologic staff, with Charles J. White 1914·1925, Consultant 1925 and after. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Instructor in Dermatology, later Graduate School of Dermatology 1912·1924; Dartmouth Medical School, Professor of Dermatology 1905·1913. Professional Societies: Largely instrumental in creating the New England Dermatological Society and the Atlantic Dermatological Conference; Massachusetts Medical Society, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Founder and Chairman; American Dermatological Association President, 1923. For many years, Harvey Towle was editor of the section “Progress in Dermatology” for the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 63 Howard Fox 1908 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1898. Training: Postgraduate study in Berlin and Vienna; started “service” in his father’s office, the Vanderbilt Clinic, and the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1903. Practice: Consultant Dermatologist to 21 hospitals Teaching Appointments: Dartmouth Medical School Professor of Dermatology, 1913; New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital Professor of Dermatology, 1922; New York University School of Medicine Chair of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1925-1938; Professor Emeritus, 1938. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: President, 1924-1925; American Academy of Dermatology: First President, 1938; New York Dermatological Society: President, 1915 and 1928; Dermatological Society: President, 1917 and 1933; Medical Society of the County of New York: President, 1938; American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology: President, 1932-1945; honorary member of ten foreign and five American dermatological societies. Under Howard Fox’s leadership, the New York University School of Medicine became one of the most important centers of dermatologic training in the country. The Archives of Dermatology and Syphilis published a special number in his honor. He was its editor-in-chief from 1937 to 1947. Deceased.

William S. Gottheil 1908 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1882. Training: City Hospital, Welfare Island, Intern. Practice: City Hospital, Welfare Island, Visiting Dermatologist 1901-1920. Teaching Appointments: New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital: Lecturer 1884- 1888; Post-graduate Medical School and Hospital, Adjunct Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1905-1911; Fordham University, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1913-1920. Professional Societies: With Ludwig Weiss, co-founder of the Manhattan Dermatological Society 1900. Gottheil did much original work and was instrumental in introducing the use of insoluble mercurials, particularly the salicylates, solid carbon dioxide, and autoserum. He and Satenstein made many moulages together. Deceased.

Oliver S. Ormsby 1908 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College 1895. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in London and Paris 1900-1901. Practice: Cook County Hospital 1906-1908, Presbyterian Hospital, 1901, and many other Chicago hospitals, Attending or Assistant Attending dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College, Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases: Associate 1901-1903, Instructor 1903-1906, Assistant Professor 1906-1908, Associate Professor 1908-1910, Professor 1910· 1924, Clinical Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology from 1924 until his retirement as Professor Emeritus; Chicago Clinical School: Professor of Dermatology, Graduate Department 1901-1908. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: President several times; Am. Dermatological Association, Secretary 1914-1920, Vice President 1920-1921, President 1921-1922;

64 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association corresponding or honorary member of dermatological societies of London, Paris, Copenhagen, Vienna, Japan, and Greece. Author: Many valuable articles on dermatology; a textbook, A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, 1915, through multiple revisions. Deceased.

David King-Smith 1910 Graduated: M.D., University of Toronto 1896. Training: Postgraduate work in London and the United States. Practice: Toronto General Hospital: Head, Clinic for Diseases of the Skin, 1912-1928. Professional Societies: Toronto Academy of Medicine: President, 1930; American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1921-1922. David King-Smith was in charge of the military hospital at Halifax at the time of the tragic Halifax disaster on December 6, 1917, the explosion of the cargo ship SS Mont-Blanc laden with explosives which collided with the Norwegian vessel SS Imo. Deceased Nov. 5, 1942.

Frank C. Knowles 1910 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1902. Practice: Presbyterian and Children’s hospitals: Attending Dermatologist; Philadelphia, University, and Pennsylvania hospitals: Assistant Dermatologist; Pennsylvania Hospital: Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania: Instructor 1910; Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania: Clinical Professor; Jefferson Medical College: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1934-1935, President 1939-1940. Author: Some articles on dermatology and a textbook, Diseases of the Skin, 1914. In 1939, Knowles’s staff presented Jefferson Medical College with an oil painting of him, and a eulogy, written by his associate, Henry B. Decker, was read in his honor. As an author, Knowles’s contributions to dermatologic literature, though not numerous, are of high quality. Deceased.

William H. Mook 1910 Graduated: M.D., Beaumont Hospital Medical School, St. Louis 1900. Training: Two years of postgraduate study in Europe. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, House Physician; St. Louis, 1905, where he became associated with Engman, Sr., an association that lasted until Mook’s death and was productive of much splendid work. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: Associate Member; American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1930-1931, President 1931-1932. Mook was instrumental in founding the Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, and most of his and Engman’s published work was conceived in this institution. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 65 William B. Trimble 1910 Graduated: M.D., New York University 1891. Training: Gouverneur Hospital, Intern. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Clinical Assistant to George H. Fox to Attending Physician 1897-1920 Teaching Appointments: New York University: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1912·1925; Bellevue Hospital: Department of Dermatology, Head. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President 1910 and 1922; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman 1913· 1914; Atlantic Dermatological Conference, Chairman of first meeting 1923. Deceased.

Henry R. Varney 1910 Graduated: M.D., University of Vermont, 1893. Practice: Harper Hospital Clinic Detroit: Director, 1894, then Dermatologist, Instructor of Dermatology, and Radiotherapeutist until 1910; Detroit City Physician, 1897-1901. Teaching Appointments: Detroit School of Medicine, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, for 31 years. Professional Societies: American Medical Association: member of the House of Delegates, Secretary, 1909· 1911, Chairman of the Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, 1916. Varney was co-editor of the Michigan State Journal of Medicine and the Harper Bulletin. Much of his literary work was based on his long association with the research and biological laboratories of Parke, Davis and Company, Detroit. Deceased.

Harry E. Alderson 1911 Graduated: M.D., University of California, 1900. Training: Skin and Syphilis Clinic of the Medical School, University of California, Assistant, 1906; served under Fordyce at New York University, Fox and Jackson at Vanderbilt Clinic, Bowen at Harvard Medical School, Gilchrist at Johns Hopkins; a year’s study in Berlin, Paris, and London, 1912. Practice: San Francisco, general practice, 1900-1905; Stanford University, St. Mary’s, Notre Dame, and United States Marine hospitals, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Stanford University Medical School: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1912-1944, Professor Emeritus, 1944. Professional Societies: State Board of Medical Examiners, 1912-1926, President once; San Francisco County Medical Society: Secretary, President, and Director. Author: Numerous articles. Deceased.

Alembert W. Brayton 1911 Graduated: M.D., Medical College of Indiana, 1879. Practice: Indianapolis City and Deaconess hospitals: Attending Physician and Consulting Physician.

66 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Teaching Appointments: Medical College of Indiana and Purdue University, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology for over 20 years. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Section on Cutaneous Diseases and Surgery, Chairman; Indiana State Medical Association, President 1901-1902. Brayton’s interests ranged over the whole field of science. He taught urology, chemistry, toxicology, and physiology. At the request of the U.S. government and scientific societies, he did fieldwork in zoology, ichthyology, and ornithology, for which he received the degree of Master of Science from Indiana University and from Purdue University. Deceased.

Otto H. Foerster 1911 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1898. Training: Howard Hospital, Intern; University of Vienna, one year. Practice: Milwaukee, Columbia, and Children’s hospitals, Attending Dermatologist; State of Wisconsin General Hospital, Dermatologist 1926-1946. Teaching Assignments: Wisconsin College of Physicians and Surgeons: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1910-1912; Post-Graduate Medical Extension of the University of Wisconsin, on lecture staff 1902-1924; University of Wisconsin Medical School, Professor of Dermatology 1925-1946; Professor Emeritus 1946. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1926 President 1928; Chicago Dermatological Society: President 1912 and 1937; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman 1919. Otto Foerster was one of the founders of the Wisconsin Medical Journal and assistant editor for five years. He contributed much valuable material to the literature of dermatology. Deceased, July 18, 1965.

George Miller MacKee 1911 Graduated: M.D., Bellevue Medical College, New York University, 1899. Practice: Attending or Consulting Dermatologist to 12 hospitals, from 1912. Teaching Appointments: Bellevue Hospital Medical College: Instructor in Dermatology, 1904-1910; College of Physician and Surgeons, Columbia University: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1918-1926; New York Post-Graduate Medical School: Professor and Executive Officer, 1933-1947, Professor Emeritus 1947. Professional Societies: Manhattan Dermatological Society: President, 1915 and 1931; New York Dermatological Society: President, 1919 and 1932; Society of Investigative Dermatology: President, 1937; American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology: President, 1941; American Dermatological Association: President, 1926, Treasurer, 1930- 1947; honorary member, Manhattan, Cuban, London, French, German, Argentine, and Japanese dermatological societies. Author: 132 articles and X-ray and Radium in the Treatment of Diseases of the Skin, 1921, with Anthony Cipollaro. The Journal of Cutaneous Diseases owes much to George MacKee’s leadership, as editor from 1909 to 1918 and as member of the editorial board from 1918 to 1950, as does the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 67 Frederick S. Burns 1912 Graduated: M.D., Harvard University, 1898. Training: Postgraduate study in Vienna for a year and a half. Practice: Boston Dispensary: Pathologist, 1900-1905; Massachusetts General Hospital: Assistant Dermatologist, 1900·1912, Attending Dermatologist, 1912-1926. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Instructor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1903-1920, Assistant Professor, 1920-1925. Professional Societies: New England Dermatological Society: Founder, President, 1938. Resigned, Deceased.

Marcus Haase 1912 Graduated: M.D., Memphis Hospital Medical School. Training: Decided to specialize in dermatology and studied in Austria and France, also at Unna’s clinic 1905. Practice: Dermatology, Memphis; Memphis General Hospital, Attending Dermatologist; Memphis Board of Health. Teaching Appointments: University of Tennessee Medical School, faculty member. Haase was interested in public health work. The U.S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service put him in charge of health services during an epidemic of yellow fever in the Mississippi Valley, and later sent him on a similar mission to British Honduras. Deceased.

Ernest L. McEwen 1912 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College 1897. Training: Rush Medical College, Fellow in Chemistry; Cook County Hospital, Intern 1897-1899; studied dermatology in Vienna 1900. Practice: Evanston and Chicago; Attending Dermatologist at Cook County Hospital 1914-1930, also at Presbyterian Hospital, Home for Crippled Children, Chicago, and St. Francis Hospital, Evanston. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College: faculty member 1900-1917, Assistant Professor 1917-1930. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: Secretary, Vice President, and President; American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1916-1917 and 1923-1924. McEwen was a scholar and bibliophile He wrote a number of articles on dermatology. Deceased.

68 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Hans J. Schwartz 1912 Graduated: M.D., McGill University, 1898. Practice: Lying-In, Columbus, New York, and Reconstruction hospitals and the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary: Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Assignments: Cornell University Medical School, Clinical Instructor in Pathology and Dermatology to Clinical Professor and Clinical Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society: member since 1908, President 1914 and 1944 and honorary member. Deceased.

George D. Culver 1913 Graduated: M.D., University of California 1903. Practice: For many years, office associate of Montgomery, San Francisco; St. Luke’s Hospital, San Francisco, Attending Dermatologist 1903· 1904. Teaching Appointments: University of California, Assistant in Dermatology. Author: 17 articles on dermatology between 1903 and 1915. Culver’s curriculum vitae is limited to a few lines, but this is due to his modesty and not a measure of his worth to his profession or community. Deceased.

Frederick G. Harris 1913 Graduated: M.D., Illinois University College of Medicine 1890. Practice: Cook County Hospital, Attending Physician, 1905-1912, Chief of Department of Dermatology 1912 on. Teaching Appointments: Illinois University: Adjunct Professor of Dermatology 1908-1912, Associate Professor 1912-1915, and Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology 1915 on. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society, President 1915. Harris wrote a number of interesting papers; of special interest was a report of two patients with Moeller’s glossitis, which included a good review of the literature (Archives, November 1915). Deceased.

Henry H. Hazen 1913 Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University 1906. Practice: Consulting Dermatologist at Georgetown University, Freedman’s, Columbia, Gallinger, and Suburban hospitals. Teaching Appointments: Georgetown University Medical School: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology; Howard University Medical School: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1911-1944. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary 1915-1918, Chairman 1919; Social Hygiene Society of the District of Columbia: President, 1937-1945; American Social Hygiene Association: honorary member; Swedish Dermatological Society: corresponding member; U.S. Health Service:

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 69 Special Consultant, 1918-1951; District of Columbia Health Department: Special Consultant 1942-1945; a member or chairman of many committees on venereal prophylaxis. Awards: Howard University Medical School: Honorary Master of Science degree 1944. Author: About 150 articles and Diseases of the Skin, 1915; Cancer of the Skin, 1916; Syphilis, 1919; Cutaneous X-Ray and Radium Therapy, 1931; Syphilis in the Negro, 1942. Deceased.

Jerome Kingsbury 1913 Graduated: M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical College 1897. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital: Intern: 1898-1900, Clinical Assistant and Attending Physician until 1920, reappointed Attending Physician 1929-1934, Medical Board President 1934; Presbyterian Hospital: Outpatient Department, Chief of the Department of Dermatology 1900-1917; City Hospital, Visiting Dermatologist 1920-1936; Midtown, City, and Harlem Eye and Ear hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist until his death in 1944. Teaching Appointments: New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1925-1944. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society: President, 1912 and 1930; Manhattan Dermatological Society: President 1914 and 1930; New York Academy of Medicine and Medical Society of the State of New York, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman. Author: Text for Portfolio of Derma­chromes, 1913, using colored plates from the fourth edition of Jacobi’s Atlas. Deceased.

William L. McBride 1913 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College,1901. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College: Instructor in Dermatology, 1901-1905; University of Kansas: Professor of Dermatology, 1905-1919. Deceased.

Daisy Orleman Robinson 1913 Born: Fort Riley, Kansas, November 6, 1868. Graduated: M.D. National Medical College of Columbian University (Later George Washington University) Washington, DC, 1890. Training: Bern and Zurich 1896-1898. Special Diploma in Dermatology from the University of Paris 1903. Practice: New York with husband ADA member Andrew Robinson 1904-1916; New York Polyclinic Medical School: Clinical Assistant in Dermatology 1905-1906. Academic Appointments: New York Polyclinic Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology 1907-1913, Lecturer in Dermatology starting in 1913; Attending Dermatologist, Northwestern Dispensary starting in 1905 and Vice-President starting in 1911. Professional Societies: Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member, American

70 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Public Health Association; Member, Société Française de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie (She was the first woman of any nationality admitted to this society). Frequently presented cases at the New York Dermatological Society, New York Academy of Medicine and was the first woman to present a case at an international dermatologic meeting in 1907. Daisy Orleman Robinson was the first woman to become a dermatologist in the United States and the first woman admitted to the American Dermatological Association although after her induction in 1913 there is no record of her attendance at a meeting. She was the only woman dermatologist in the world listed in a 1916 article entitled “Women entitled to be called well-known in their specialties.” New York Medical Journal 1916; 104:193-198. Deceased.

C. Morton Smith 1913 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1894. Practice: Boston Dispensary: Assistant Physician, Department of Dermatology, in Abner Post’s service 1894-1914; Boston City Hospital: Assistant Physician in Dermatology 1900-1905; Massachusetts General Hospital, Head: Newly created Department of Syphilis 1914-1926. Teaching Appointments: New England Dermatological Society: Founder, later President 1930; American Dermatological Association: President 1930. Smith’s work with syphilis demonstrated how smoothly work in syphilology and dermatology go together. Deceased.

Udo J. Wile 1913 Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University 1907. Training: Postgraduate study in Paris and Berlin. Practice: New York, 1908; Beth Israel Hospital, Chief of Clinic 1908-1912; founded his famous University Hospital Clinic, Ann Arbor, Ml, for the training of specialists in syphilis and skin diseases 1912. Teaching Appointments: New York Post-Graduate Medical School: Instructor, 1910-1912; University of Michigan: Chair of Dermatology and Syphilology 1912-1947; Professor Emeritus 1947. Professional Societies: Ann Arbor Board of Health: President 1925-1935; International Dermatological Conference: Vice President 1916-1917; American Dermatological Association: Secretary-Treasurer 1920· 1925, President 1929-1930; Honorary member of Manhattan Dermatological Society, and of the French, Danish, and Italian dermatological societies; corresponding member, Argentine Association of Dermatology and Syphilology and the British Society of Dermatology Deceased, June 7, 1965.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 71 Ernest D. Chipman 1914 Graduated: M.D., Yale University 1897. Practice: Waterbury, CT, a few years; San Francisco Polyclinic German and Mary’s Help hospitals, Dermatologist; Mount Zion Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist Teaching Appointments: Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, Instructor in Dermatology; Corresponding Member: Société Francaise de Dermatologie et de Syphilographie. Deceased.

Charles N. Davis 1914 No photo available. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1889. Training: Postgraduate study for one year in Vienna and London. Practice: Duhring’s dermatologic clinic, Philadelphia, and later Hartzell’s clinic, University of Pennsylvania; Assistant Dermatologist, Pennsylvania Hospital, Visiting Dermatologist, 1902; St. Agnes, Misericordia, and Germantown hospitals: Attending Dermatologist at various times. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association. Author: “Trichloracetic Acid and Its Uses in Dermatology,” Jour. Cut Dis., October 1915. Davis’s special interest was the alopecias. Deceased.

Alfred E. Diehl 1914 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1892. Practice: Buffalo, NY, 1895; Erie County, Sisters, German, Deaconess, and Mercy hospitals, and the Buffalo Eye and Ear Infirmary, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Buffalo, Clinical Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Erie County Medical Society and Buffalo Academy of Medicine, member; Children’s Aid Society, Trustee. Deceased.

Walter J. Highman 1914 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1905. Training: Mount Sinai Hospital: Intern, two and a half years; decided to specialize in dermatology and spent two years in postgraduate study in Berlin, Freiburg, Paris, Vienna, and Bern, under Jadassohn. Practice: Lenox Hill, Lebanon, and Mount Sinai hospitals dermatologic clinics Teaching Assignments: At various times, held teaching positions at Cornell University Medical College, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Post-Graduate Medical School, and New York University School of Medicine. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society: President, 1923; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Chairman, 1920. Author: 70 articles and a textbook, Dermatology, 1921, all written in his characteristic poetic prose. Deceased.

72 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Ralph A. McDonnell 1914 Graduated: M.D., Yale University 1892. Training: Two years postgraduate work in Berlin and Vienna. Practice: New Haven Free Dispensary from 1896 and New Haven Hospital, from 1914 Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Yale University, Instructor of Dermatology 1897-1902, Clinical Professor 1902-1920, Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: New Haven Medical Association: President 1900; Yale Medical Alumni Association: President 1906; New Haven Medical Society: President 1933; Connecticut State Medical Society 1933 President. Author: A number of articles on dermatology. Deceased.

Henry J. F. Wallhauser 1914 Graduated: M.D., New York University 1888. Practice: Newark, NJ, for 40 years; Consulting or Attending Dermatologist to about 14 hospitals. Professional Societies: Manhattan Dermatological Society, only non­resident ever elected to active membership: 1915 President 1922; Northern New Jersey Dermatological Society: President; Essex County Medical Society: President; Practitioners’ Club: President. Deceased.

Ludwig Weiss 1914 Graduated: M.D., University of Vienna 1877. Practice: German Polyclinic: Charter Member, Chief of the Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases 1883-1930, President for five years, Trustee for 47 years. Professional Societies: Manhattan Dermatological Society: Co-Founder with Gottheil 1900 and President 1902 and 1925. Author: Works on the relation of endocrine glands to dermatoses; also on tuberculin therapy and roentgenotherapy in dermatology; translated several books, German to English and English to German. Both German Polyclinic and the New York Academy of Medicine held memorial services for Ludwig Weiss. Deceased.

David Lieberthal 1915 Information and photo not available. Deceased

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 73 Richard L. Sutton, Sr. 1915 Graduated: M.D., University Medical College, Kansas City, MO, 1901; George Washington University 1904. Training: Postgraduate work at Johns Hopkins, and in London, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna, and Paris. Teaching Appointments: University of Kansas School of Medicine: Professor of Dermatology, to Professor Emeritus 1912·1936. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Chairman 1913-1914; Jackson County Medical Society: President, 1913-1914; British Dermatological Society: corresponding member; Royal Society of Edinburgh: Life Fellow 1925. Author: 64 articles on dermatology and syphilology; Diseases of the Skin, 1916; with his son, several editions of An Introduction to Dermatology and Synopsis of Diseases of the Skin. Richard Sutton was greatly interested in natural history. He made extensive expeditions, from the Antarctic to the Arctic, and wrote several books on the subject. He received an LL.D. degree from the University of Missouri, 1922, and an Sc.D. degree from Washburn College, Topeka, 1925. Deceased.

Fred Wise 1915 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1904. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital: House Physician, 1904-1911, then in the Cancer Department, and later in Fox’s service; Mount Sinai and Beth Israel hospitals: Chief of Clinic 1913; Montefiore Home: Attending Dermatologist 1913; Vanderbilt Clinic: Attending Dermatologist 1912; New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, which he transferred to after death of Fordyce, on whose staff he had been, Skin and Cancer Unit, Chief of Clinic, 1934 on. Teaching Appointments: New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, Skin and Cancer Unit: Associate Professor, 1934 on. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society: President 1921 and 1934; Manhattan Dermatological Society: President 1916, 1932, and1942; American Dermatological Association: 1932-1933; Chairman, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology, American Medical Association, New York Academy of Medicine, and Medical Society of the State of New York; corresponding member, six foreign dermatological societies. Author: 120 dermatological articles. Deceased.

Robert H. Davis 1916 Graduated: M.D., University of Virginia, 1901. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology, two years; New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, one-year. Practice: St. Louis, dermatology, 1905; Washington University, Dermatologic Clinic, Assistant in Hardaway’s service, 1907-1912; Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital: Associate Attending 1912-1932; Bethesda General, St. Louis Children’s Jewish, St. Louis City, St. Anthony’s, and St. Mary’s hospitals, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Washington University Dermatologic Clinic: Instructor in Dermatology 1907-1912; St. Louis University Medical School, Department of Dermatology: 1913, Assistant Professor to Professor Emeritus.

74 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: St. Louis Dermatological Society: Vice President 1923-1925, President 1925. Author: Articles on his specialty, the most important being “A Contribution to the Treatment of Pemphigus” (Archives, November 1923). Deceased.

Henry K. Gaskill 1916 Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1906, University of Vienna, 1910. Practice: Philadelphia General Hospital: Attending Dermatologist; Jefferson Medical Hospital Dermatological Department: Chief Clinical Assistant Teaching. Appointments: Jefferson Medical College: Assistant Professor. Professional Societies: Philadelphia Dermatological Society: President 1917. Resigned, Deceased.

Edward D. Lovejoy 1916 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1904. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in Germany 1906-1907. Practice: Children’s and Los Angeles County hospitals, Visiting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Cornell University Medical School, Assistant in Dermatology, 1907-1912; New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, Instructor in Dermatology, 1907· 1912; University of Southern California Medical School, Associate Professor and Head of Department of Dermatology 1912. Resigned.

Harold N. Cole, Sr. 1917 Graduated: M.D., Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 1909; Sc.D. Bucknell University 1921. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in Switzerland and Paris, 1911-1912. Practice: Cleveland, 1919. Teaching Appointments: Western Reserve University School of Medicine: Demonstrator in Dermatology and Syphilology 1912·1914, Instructor 1914-1916, Associate 1916-1918, Assistant Professor 1918-1921, Associate Professor 1921-1926, Associate Clinical Professor 1926-1936, Clinical Professor 1936. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: President 1923; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Chairman, and Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, Chairman 1923; American Dermatological Association: President 1933·1934; honorary or corresponding member of five foreign dermatological societies. Author: Contributed much of value to the literature of dermatology and syphilology. Deceased, Aug. 18, 1966.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 75 Harry G. Irvine 1917 Born: Portland, Maine, Oct. 16, 1881. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1903. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in Vienna and London. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota: Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology 1906-1910, Instructor 1910-1917, Associate Professor, 1917. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: member, 1913; Minnesota Dermatological Society: member, 1916. Author: Several articles on dermatology. Deceased, Aug. 24, 1964.

John E. Lane 1917 Graduated: M.D., Yale University 1903. Training: Postgraduate study in dermatology in Berlin and Paris 1913· 1915. Practice: General, until 1913; New Haven Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist 1923·1933; Grace Hospital, Attending Dermatologist 1919·1933. Teaching Appointments: Yale University: Assistant Instructor of Dermatology 1920·1923, Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1930·1933. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society President; Beaumont Medical Society President; New Haven Medical Society President; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman; American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1922·1923, Director 1931-1933. Lane was interested in history and did much splendid work in that field. Deceased.

Arthur J. Markley 1917 Graduated: M.D., Miami Medical College, Cincinnati 1903. Practice: Cincinnati Hospital, Assistant Dermatologist, 1907·1909; St. Joseph’s, St. Luke’s, Children’s, City, and County hospitals, Denver 1910. Teaching Appointments: University of Colorado Medical School, Professor of Dermatology 1914-1947 Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1937·1938. Deceased.

Arthur W. Stillians 1917 Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois College of Medicine, 1899. Training: Cook County Hospital, Intern, 1899-1901; postgraduate work in dermatology in Vienna 1910, and in Freiburg and Heidelberg 1914. Practice: Cook County Hospital, Attending Dermatologist 1912; Chicago Lying-In Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist 1914. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois College of Medicine, Adjunct Professor of Clinical Microscopy 1901-1903; Chicago College of Medicine: Instructor in Dermatology 1907-1914 and Associate Professor 1914; Northwestern Medical School, Professor Emeritus.

76 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1915-1917. Deceased.

Edgar Strobel 1917 Information and photo not available Resigned

Charles Mallory Williams 1917 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1898; D.Sc. (Honorary) University of Vermont 1932. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital: Clinical Assistant, Assistant Physician to Physician 1902-1934, President of the Medical Board 1928-1934; served in the dispensaries of Vanderbilt Clinic, North-Western Clinic, and Bellevue Hospital; Memorial and Roosevelt hospitals: Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Vermont Professor of Dermatology 1913-1930; Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1934-1935. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President, 1917-1918; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Chairman for two years, Secretary for four years, honorary member since 1938; American Dermatological Association: President 1934-1935, Director, 1935-1940. Williams did pioneer work on fungus diseases of the skin. Deceased.

John Butler 1919 Graduated: M.D. University of Minnesota 1903. Training: Postgraduate work in Vienna 1910·1912. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Instructor to Associate Professor 1910- 1943. Deceased.

Lloyd W. Ketron 1919 Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University 1911. Training: Special student in skin department 1911·1912; postgraduate study in dermatology in Berlin and Vienna, 1912·1913. Practice: Johns Hopkins Hospital and University: Outpatient Department Assistant Dermatologist 1913, Attending Dermatologist, 1917, Dermatologist, 1924. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins University: Instructor of Dermatology 1913, Associate 1917, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Head of the Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine 1924. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1927·1928. Author: 16 articles, chiefly of an investigative nature. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 77 Philip Kilroy 1919 Information and photo not available. Resigned.

Louis B. Mount 1919 Graduated: M.D., Cornell University Medical College, 1905. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology, University of Strassburg, 1906·1907. Practice: Dispensaries of Lebanon Hospital and Cornell Medical College, Clinical Assistant in Dermatology 1907-1910; began practice of dermatology, Albany, 1910; Troy Hospital, Attending Dermatologist 1910; Memorial Hospital, Attending Dermatologist, 1911; St. Petersburg, Florida 1937. Professional Societies: Manhattan Dermatological Society, President 1918 and 1934 resigned in 1937, when he moved to St. Petersburg. Deceased. The Mount Fund is an endowed fund of the American Dermatological Association Research and Education fund which is used for scholarships and other educational purposes.

John H. Stokes 1919 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1912. Training: University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Resident Physician, Department of Dermatology, 1913-1914. Practice: Mayo Foundation, Founder and Chief of the Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, 1916-1924. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Instructor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1914-1915; Mayo Foundation, University of Minnesota: Assistant Professor 1916-1919, Associate Professor, 1919-1921, Professor, 1921-1924; University of Pennsylvania and its Graduate School: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology to Professor Emeritus 1924-1945. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President 1936-1937; Society of Investigative Dermatology, President, 1939; corresponding member, six foreign dermatological societies. Author: Modern Clinical Syphilology, 1926; Dermatology and Syphilology for Nurses, 1930; Fundamentals of Medical Dermatology, 1942; a number of nontechnical books on the same subjects. John Stokes did much original work in the psychosomatic dermatoses and in syphilis. Deceased, Feb. 23, 1961.

Robert C. Jamieson 1920 No photo available. Graduated: M.D., Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, 1903. Training: Graduate work in dermatology, Vienna, London, and Berlin, for one year. Practice: Detroit, in association with Varney, 1904-1917; Harper Hospital, Attending Physician and Head of Dermatological Service, 1908·1946; City of Detroit Receiving Hospital, Attending Dermatologist 1908·1946; Herman Kiefer Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery (later Wayne University School of Medicine): Clinical Assistant in Dermatology 1908, Instructor 1914, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1918, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1922-1946.

78 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: Wayne County Medical Society, President 1935· 1936; Detroit Dermatological Society President two times; Michigan State Medical Society, Section on Dermatology, Chairman. Jamieson edited the Detroit Medical News 1917-1918. Deceased.

Jere W. Lord 1920 Graduated: M.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1887. Training: Dermatology under Morrison at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Dispensary for Skin Diseases 1889. Practice: Johns Hopkins Hospital and Dispensary: Assisting Visiting Dermatologist, 1889; Visiting Dermatologist, 1898-1930. Teaching Positions: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Lecturer in Dermatology 1890; Baltimore Medical College, Professor of Dermatology 1897; Johns Hopkins Medical School, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1898-1930. Deceased.

James H. Mitchell 1920 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College 1913. Practice: Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, Assistant Dermatologist to Consulting Dermatologist 1916 and after; private practice and clinical and hospital work with Ormsby, 1914-1925. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College, Clinical Assistant Professor 1920; University of Illinois College of Medicine (Rush), Clinical Professor of Dermatology to Professor Emeritus 1942·1949. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: Secretary 1921-1924, President, 1924-1925 and 1934-1935; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary 1923-1926, Chairman 1927; American Dermatological Association, 1937-1938. James Mitchell did brilliant pioneer work in the epidermophytoses. His caricatures of many of the leaders in dermatology, both here and abroad, were famous. Deceased.

Isadore Rosen 1920 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University 1903. Practice: Mt. Sinai Hospital, Associate, Attending, and Consultant Dermatologist and Syphilologist from 1920; Vanderbilt Clinic, Chief of Clinic, Dermatology and Syphilology 1920-1926; New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1917-1926; New York Post-Graduate Medical School Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1926 and Consulting Dermatologist upon his retirement from teaching. Professional Societies: Manhattan Dermatological Society, President, 1920 and 1936 and Co-President at its Golden Jubilee, 1950. Author: Many excellent articles of his own, and some in collaboration with Wise and MacKee. Rosen was especially interested in the clinical aspects of syphilis. Deceased, Sept. 19, 1974.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 79 Charles C. Dennie 1921 Born: Excelsior Springs, MO. October 20, 1883. Graduated: M.D., University of Kansas, 1912. Training: Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1913-1915. Practice: Kansas City, MO 1915-1968. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, A.E.F., 1918-1919. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Instructor, 1914-1915; University of Kansas, Professor of Dermatology, 1938, Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: American Board of Dermatology, President, 1949; American Dermatological Association, President, 1950; American Association History of Medicine; Brazilian Society of Dermatology and Syphilology; French Society of Dermatology and Syphilology; New York Dermatological Association; Kansas City Dermatological Association. Author: More than 50 scientific articles and two textbooks, Congenital Syphilis and A History of Syphilis. Charles C. Dennie was a dynamic, personable man who had a joke for every occasion. He also made worth­ while contributions to his specialty. Deceased, Jan. 13, 1971.

Everard L. Oliver 1921 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1904. Practice: Massachusetts General Hospital, Dermatological House Officer 1907-1908; member of the Board of Consultation; Consulting Dermatologist to 11 hospitals in Boston and environs. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, after many years of teaching was made Clinical Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: New England Dermatological Society: Secretary 1919-1920, President 1920-1921; American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1936-1937. Author: In collaboration with Young and Mook, the dermatological section of Manual of Military Urology, published in France for the American Expeditionary Forces, 1918. Deceased.

Vincente Pardo-Castello 1921 Graduated: M.D., University of Havana, 1914. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology and Assistant, Vanderbilt Clinic, Columbia University, 1915-1916. Practice: Calixto Garcia Hospital, Chief of the Department of Dermatology; Children’s Hospital, Dermatologist; Board for the Prophylaxis of Lepra and Syphilis, Director-General, 1941-1944. Teaching Appointments: University of Havana, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology from 1923. Professional Societies: Cuban Society of Dermatology and Syphilology, President 1929; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1932-1933; honorary member of four South American dermatological societies; corresponding member of six foreign dermatological societies Author: Many articles on dermatology; two books: Diseases of the Nails (2nd edition 1941). and a textbook, Dermatology and Syphilology (3rd edition, 1945); Associate Editor, International Journal of Leprosy.

80 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Pardo-Castello was expelled from Cuba by Fidel Castro. Deceased, Miami, FL, May 21, 1967.

Francis E. Senear 1921 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1914. Practice: University of Michigan Hospital, Resident 1914-1915; Attending Dermatologist, Ravenswood Hospital, Chicago, from 1920, St. Joseph’s Hospital from 1922, Presbyterian Hospital from 1942. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1915-1916; University of Illinois: Instructor, 1916-1918, Associate 1918-1920, Assistant Professor, 1920-1921, Associate Professor 1921-1922, Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology from 1923. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: President 1927; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1930-1932, Chairman, 1933; Pan American Dermatological Congress, Dermatological Section President, 1935; American Dermatological Association President, 1938-1939; American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology, President 1946-1949; honorary member, Manhattan, Australian, and Italian dermatological societies; corresponding member Danish and Swedish societies Author: Many articles in dermatology; co-editor of Year Book of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1922-1930. Deceased.

Samuel E. Sweitzer 1921 Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1901. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology in Vienna, Paris, and Berlin in 1904, 1907, and 1912. Practice: Northwestern and St. Mary’s hospitals, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota Associate Professor and Head of the Division of Dermatology and Syphilology then Professor and Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society, member; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1944-1946. Sweitzer was a delightful toastmaster at the Jubilee Dinner of the American Dermatological Association. Deceased, Feb. 14, 1964.

Joseph A. Elliott 1922 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan 1914. Practice: Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. Louis, Intern 1914; University of Michigan Hospital, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Resident 1915-1916; Crowell Clinic, Charlotte, NC: , 1919-1929, Consulting Dermatologist from 1929; Presbyterian and Mercy hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Acting Assistant Professor, 1917-1918. Professional Societies: North Carolina Medical Society, Vice President; Southeastern Dermatological Society, President; Mecklenburg County Medical Society. Author: More than 40 articles in his field. Deceased, May 6, 1961.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 81 William H. Guy 1922 Graduated: M.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1910. Training: Graduate work in dermatology, Vanderbilt Clinic, under Fordyce 1915-1961; one year as an associate in MacKee ‘s office. Practice: Pittsburgh, from 1919; Attending Dermatologist to nine hospitals. Teaching Appointments: University of Pittsburgh, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1920. Professional Societies: Allegheny County Medical Society President; Central States Dermatological Society, President; Pennsylvania State Medical Society and the American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman; American Dermatological Association: Secretary 1930·1935, President, 1940-1941, Director 1946-1951, Committee on Admissions, Chairman. Author: More than 80 articles on dermatology. Deceased.

Joseph V. Klauder 1922 Born: Philadelphia, October 12, 1888. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1912. Practice: Pennsylvania Hospital Intern, two years in general medicine; Assistant Dermatologist in Davis’s service and then in Hartzell’s; Philadelphia General and Presbyterian hospitals, Outpatient Department of Dermatology, Consultant; Wills Eye Hospital, Director of Ocular Syphilis. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania: Graduate School, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1920, Associate Professor 1922, Professor. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President, 1941. Author: Many articles of value in his field. Deceased.

C. Guy Lane 1922 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1908. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Department of Dermatology from 1923, Head of Department, 1936, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1939, Professor Emeritus, 1947. Professional Societies: New England Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1922-1924, President, 1927-1929; American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1922-1924, President, 1935-1936; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1934-1935; American Dermatological Association: Secretary, 1925-1930, Director, 1929-1931, President, 1935-1936. Author: 40 articles on his specialty; Distinguished Lecture, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, American Medical Association 1949; Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, editorial board, 1932-1948. Deceased.

82 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Charles D. Freeman 1923 Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota 1904. Training: Two years postgraduate study in dermatology in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London. Practice: St. Paul, solo practice in dermatology; Charles T. Miller, St. Joseph’s, and St. Luke’s hospitals, Attending Dermato logist and Syphilologist Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology. Professional Societies: Minnesota Dermatological Society, first President. Freeman originated the treatment of kerion celsi with solid carbon dioxide. Deceased.

Lyle B. Kingery 1923 Born: Buchanan, Michigan, July 18, 1892. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan 1916. Training: University of Michigan Hospital, Resident in Dermatology in Udo Wile’s service 1916·1917; studied dermatology in Europe for one year. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan: Instructor of Dermatology, 1917-1920, Assistant Professor, 1920-1922; University of Oregon, Portland: Instructor in Dermatology to Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology and Chief of Department, 1941. Professional Societies: Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society, President; Portland Academy of Medicine, President; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1950-1951. Author: A number of interesting articles. Deceased July 10, 1972.

Frederick D. Weidman 1923 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1908. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania: Assistant Demonstrator of Pathology and Histology, 1909, Instructor in Gross Morbid Anatomy, 1909·1920, Laboratory of Dermatological Research, Director, 1923-1946, Professor of Dermatology and Vice Dean, Graduate School of Medicine, 1934-1946, Research Professor in Dermatology and Mycology from 1946; Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania: Demonstrator of Pathology 1911·1913, Professor 1914·1917. Professional Societies: Pathological Society of Philadelphia: Secretary· Treasurer 1915·1920, President 1921·1922; American Dermatological Association, Secretary, 1935·1940, President, 1944-1946. Author: More than 70 articles, chiefly on histopathological findings in dermatoses and new growths, to which branch of dermatology he devoted his life. Weidman became assistant pathologist at the Philadelphia Zoo in 1910, with the result that he published much original work on gross and microscopic pathology of animals. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 83 Kendal P. Frost 1924 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College, 1916. Training: Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, Intern under Ormsby. Practice: Following a long service in World War I, private practice in Los Angeles, dermatology; Good Samaritan and St. Vincent’s hospitals, Attending Dermatologist; Santa Fe Coast Lines, Consulting Dermatologist for many years. Professional Societies: Los Angeles Dermatological Society, Founder; American Dermatological Association, Vice-President, 1940-1941. Deceased.

Irvy L. McGlasson 1924 Graduated: M.D., University of Louisville (date unknown). Training: After several years in general practice and as quarantine officer in Galveston, studied sanitation in Europe, developing an interest in dermatology. Practice: San Antonio, dermatology, 1919; Robert B. Green Memorial Hospital, Department of Dermatology, Chief; Santa Rosa Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist. Professional Societies: Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, organizer and first Chairman; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Vice Chairman, 1923. McGlasson remained the student all his too short life; his death at 50 cut short a fine career. Deceased.

Paul A. O’Leary 1924 Graduated: M.D., Long Island Medical College, 1915. Training: Mayo Clinic, dermatology and syphilology, 1916. Practice: Mayo Clinic: Associate Dermatologist, 1917, Director of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1924. Teaching Appointments: Mayo Foundation Graduate School of Medicine, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology, President, 1939; Chicago Dermatological Society, President; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President; Pan American Medical Association, President; American Dermatological Association, President, 1946-1947; honorary member, Manhattan Dermatological Association, the Royal Society of Medicine, and the Pacific, Berlin, Hellenic, Italian, and Dutch dermatological societies. Author: Several hundred articles dealing with his specialty; editor-in­ chief of the Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, and associate editor of eight American and foreign publications. Deceased.

84 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Edward A. Oliver 1924 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College, 1909. Practice: St. Luke’s and Passavant hospitals, Chicago, and the U.S. Veterans Hospital, Hines, Illinois, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College: Instructor in Dermatology, 1915-1919, Assistant Professor 1919-1924, Associate Professor 1924-1940; Northwestern University Medical School: Chair of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1940, Professor Emeritus, 1950. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society President, 1923-1924 and 1939- 1940; American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology, President, 1946-1947. Deceased.

Jesse B. Shelmire 1924 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, Tulane University, 1883. Training: After ten years’ general practice in Louisiana, graduate training in dermatology, New York. Practice: Dallas dermatology, 1895; Parkland Hospital, Visiting Dermatologist 1896; Baylor Hospital, Visiting Dermatologist, 1914. Teaching Positions: Southwestern University Medical Department, Professor of Dermatology 1905-1915; Baylor Medical School, Chair of Dermatology 1915-1927. Professional Societies: Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, and Syphilology, Chairman. Shelmire was the first to suggest the use of ethyl chloride spray in larva migrans. In the practice of his specialty, he was the pioneer dermatologist in the Southwest, a distinction demanding courage, patience, and an immense capacity for work. Deceased.

Henry E. Michelson 1925 Born: Bismarck, North Dakota, September 22, 1888. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1912. Training: None available during early years of his career. Certified:American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology. Practice: “Woods doctor” at lumber camp, Virginia, Minnesota, 1915-1917; Minneapolis, 1915-1972. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Division of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 1918-1920, Associate Professor 1921-1927, Professor and Head 1927-1957, Professor Emeritus 1957. Professional Societies: American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology, President, 1950-1951; American Dermatological Association, Honorary Member, President, 1950-1951; American Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Chairman, 1946; Minnesota Dermatological Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology, President, 1945; Corresponding member of Austrian, French, Danish, Italian, and Swedish dermatological societies. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha, President 1927; University of Minnesota, Outstanding Achievement Award1960; American Academy of Dermatology, first recipient of the Gold Medal for his contribution in dermatology; International Congress of Dermatology, Honorary President, 1962. Author: Numerous scientific articles, including many on syphilis and tuberculosis of the skin.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 85 Michelson was one of the great physicians of his generation. He felt that the knowledge and ability he possessed was a precious gift. He loved to tell stories about the greats in American and European dermatology. Deceased May 10, 1972.

Richard S. Weiss 1925 Graduated: M.D., Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, 1909. Training: General practice 1910-1914; interested in dermatology and associated unofficially with Engman and Mook for several years. Practice: Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital: Associate Dermatologist, 1928-1938, Dermatologist, 1938-1946, Dermatologist-in-Chief, 1947; Attending or Consulting Dermatologist to seven hospitals. Teaching Appointments: Washington University School of Medicine, Clinical Assistant in Dermatology, 1917, Instructor, 1920-1928, Assistant Professor, 1928-1942, Associate Professor and Acting Head, Department of Dermatology, 1942-1946, Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Department Head, 1946. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology, President, 1941; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1949-1950. Author: Contributed much of value to dermatologic literature. Deceased.

Erwin P. Zeisler 1925 Graduated: M.D., Northwestern University Medical School, 1912. Training: In practice with his famous father, Joseph Zeisler from 1914-1919. Practice: Michael Reese Hospital, Attending Dermatologist, 1916; Cook County Hospital, Attending Dermatologist, 1920. Teaching Appointments: Northwestern University Medical School, Assistant in Dermatology, 1916, later Assistant Professor. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society, member since 1919, President, 1926. Due to illness, Erwin Zeisler resigned his position at Northwestern and from private practice in 1942. Resigned.

Earl D. Crutchfield 1926 Graduated: M.D., University of Texas School of Medicine, 1918. Training: New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital and the Vanderbilt Clinic, dermatology 1919. Practice: John Sealy Hospital, Chief, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1919- 1926. Teaching Appointments: University of Texas School of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology, 1919, to Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1924. Crutchfield was so persuasive a teacher that he converted some of his pupils to his specialty. His most important contributions to the literature were on mycetoma. Deceased.

86 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Harry R. Foerster 1926 Born: Milwaukee, September. 1, 1889. His brother, Otto Foerster, was a member. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1914. Training: Columbia University, Vanderbilt Clinic, Dermatology, 1916-1920. Certified:American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1933. Practice: Milwaukee, with brother, 1920-1972 Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, First Lieutenant to Captain, 1917-1919. Teaching Appointments: Marquette University: Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1921-1951, Clinical Professor, 1951; University of Wisconsin: Assistant Professor, 1927. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, President 1940; American Dermatological Association: Secretary, 1940-1948, President, 1949, Director, 1950-1955; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1933-1935, Chairman, 1936; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1929; Medical Society of Milwaukee County: President, 1944-1945, Director, 1945·1950; Milwaukee Academy of Medicine: Trustee, 1931-1933, President, 1933; Milwaukee Roentgen Society, President, 1931. Author: Numerous scientific articles. Harry Foerster was a friendly, articulate man. He was an expert on occupational dermatoses, compensation laws, and roentgen therapy. Deceased, February 20, 1973.

Harther L. Keim 1926 Born: Middletown, Pennsylvania, January 5, 1892. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1917; Sc.M., University of Michigan. Training: Graduate work in dermatology in Udo J. Wile’s office and at the University Hospital 1923-1926. Practice: Receiving Hospital, staff work in dermatology and syphilology. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Instructor in Dermatology, 1920-1924, Assistant Professor, 1924, Associate Professor, 1927; Peiping Union Medical College: Exchange Professor of Dermatology; Wayne University College of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1929-1943, Associate Professor 1943. Keim did much original work in the serological diagnosis of syphilis, especially on the Kahn reaction. Deceased Jan. 3, 1962.

Jeffrey C. Michael 1926 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, Tulane University, 1909. Training: After five years’ general practice in Houston, received dermatologic training at Vanderbilt Clinic, New York, under the guidance of MacKee and as an associate in Highman’s office, 1919-1921. Practice: Houston, Dermatology; Hermann and Jefferson Davis hospitals, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chief. Professional Societies: Harris County Medical Society: Secretary, 1926, Vice President, 1927; American Medical Association: Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman 1934-1935. Author: He published many excellent articles. Michael had a strong scientific bent and was intensely interested in the unsolved problems in dermatology. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 87 Hiram E. Miller 1926 Graduated: M.D., University of California School of Medicine, 1917. Training: Graduate work in dermatology, Vanderbilt Clinic, New York. Practice: University of California and San Francisco hospitals, Attending Dermatologist; Southern Pacific General, St. Luke’s, Children’s, and Mt. Zion hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of California School of Medicine, Instructor to Assistant Professor, 1925, later Clinical Professor and Chief of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology. Professional Societies: California State Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Secretary 1924. Author: He contributed a number of articles to the literature. Deceased.

Earl D. Osborne 1926 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1919; Sc.M. in Dermatology and Syphilology, Mayo Foundation Graduate School, 1924. Practice: Buffalo General, Edward J. Meyer Memorial, Lafayette General, Mercy, and U.S. Marine hospitals, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist, and Chief of the Department of Dermatology. Teaching Appointments: University of Buffalo, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1926. Professional Societies: Medical Society of the State of New York: Secretary of the Section on Dermatology and Syphilology 1926-1928, Chairman, 1930-1931; American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology, first Secretary, 1938, also President; American Dermatological Association, Director, 1939-1940 and 1944-1949. Author: Contributed much of value to dermatologic literature. Osborne’s unremitting labors on behalf of the American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology contributed greatly to its success. Deceased.

Isaac R. Pels 1926 Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1906. Training: Graduate study in dermatology in Europe, 1909·1910. Practice: Dispensary of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Union Memorial and Sinai hospitals Church Home and Infirmary, Attending Dermatologist 1911-1947; Sydenham and the Baltimore Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins University, Instructor to Assistant Professor, 1911- 1947. Isaac Pels’ outstanding contribution to dermatology was the Pels-Macht phytopharmocologic test in the diagnosis of pemphigus. Deceased.

88 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association J. Frank Fraser 1927 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, New York University, 1892. Training: After general practice in Nova Scotia, returned to New York in 1912 to study pathology in the laboratory of his brother, Alexander Fraser; New York University, graduate work in dermatology and histopathology. Practice: Cornell Clinic, New York and Post-Graduate hospitals, on dermatological staffs; New York Skin and Cancer Unit, Chief of Clinic; Memorial Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: New York University School of Medicine, Assistant Instructor and Lecturer, 1912-1924; Cornell University Medical College, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine (Dermatology); New York Post-Graduate Medical School, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1935. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President, 1931; Manhattan Dermatological Society, President, 1940. Author: Fraser’s writings reflect his profound knowledge of histopathology and his skill as a clinician. Deceased.

William H. Goeckerman 1927 Graduated: M.D., Wisconsin College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1906. Practice: Los Angeles, private practice 1932; St. Vincent’s and California hospitals, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Marquette University, Instructor in Dermatology 1915-1917; University of Minnesota·Mayo Foundation, Fellow in Dermatology, 1917-1920, Instructor to Assistant Professor 1920-1932; University of Southern California, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1932. Goeckerman originated the treatment of psoriasis with tar combined with ultraviolet irradiation (Northwest Medicine, xxiv, No.5). Deceased.

Carroll S. Wright 1927 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1919. Practice: University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Assistant Chief-of-Clinic, 1921-1922; Temple University, Philadelphia Municipal, Shriners’, and St. Christopher’s hospitals, Attending or Consulting Dermatologist; Skin and Cancer Hospital, Co-medical Director and Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Instructor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1920-1922; University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1923-1925, Associate Professor, 1925-1945, Professor, 1945-1947; Temple University School of Medicine, Chair of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1931. Author: In collaboration with Schamberg, Treatment of Syphilis, 1932, and a compend, Diseases of the Skin, 1934; Manual of Dermatology, 1939; numerous papers, some with Schamberg, the most valuable of which dealt with the introduction of gold compounds in the treatment of lupus erythematosus. Deceased, December 5, 1967.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 89 Samuel Ayres, Jr. 1928 Born: Kansas City, Missouri, January 3, 1893. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1919 Training: Massachusetts General Hospital Medical, House Pupil, 1919-1920, Graduate Assistant in Dermatology, 1920. Certified:American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1933. Practice: Los Angeles, California, 1920. Military Service: U.S. Army, Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps. Teaching Appointments: Loma Linda University: Assistant Professor, Dermatology 1921, Professor of Dermatology, 1928, Emeritus Professor of Dermatology,1948; University of Southern California, College of Dentistry, Professor of Dermatology, 1934-1938; University of California at Los Angeles, the Center for the Health Sciences, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dermatology, 1954-1961, Emeritus Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dermatology, 1961. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; Australasian College of Dermatologists; California Medical Association; International College of Applied Nutrition; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Los Angeles County Medical Association; Los Angeles Dermatological Society; New York Academy of Sciences; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Royal Society of Medicine, London (affiliate); Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Bronze Award for Scientific Exhibit, International Congress of Dermatology, Budapest 1935. Author: 99 scientific articles. Samuel Ayres, Jr., stressed the importance of the parasite, Demodex folliculorum, as one cause of acne rosacea. He has written mostly on the effectiveness of vitamin E in a number of dermatoses and muscular conditions of obscure etiology. Deceased, 1987.

Clark W. Finnerud 1928 Born: Watertown, South Dakota, April 3, 1895. Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College 1918. Training: University of Wisconsin, Assistant in Histology and Pathology, 1915-1916; Rush Medical College, Assistant in Pathology, 1916-1918; University of Vienna, Austria, Dermatology, 1924. Certified:American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, Charter Member. Practice: Chicago, 1919-1968, in partnership with Dr. Oliver S. Ormsby 1919-1935, and Dr. Fred J. Szymanski 1948·1968. Military Service: South Dakota National Guard 1913; U.S. Army, enlisted, Medical Reserve Corps, 1918. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical School, Assistant, Associate Clinical Instructor, 1919·1942; University of Illinois School of Medicine: Associate Clinical Professor, Clinical Professor Emeritus, 1942·1968. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology: Board of Directors, 1938- 1940, Vice President, 1941-1942; American Dermatological Association: Vice President, 1954-1955, Board of Directors, 1955·1958, President, 1957-1958; American Medical Association, section of Dermatology and Syphilology: Chairman, Scientific Committee, 1935-1938, Chairman of Section, 1942-1944; Chicago Dermatological Society: Vice President, 1925, President, 1926; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Vice President, 1941· 1942. Author: 50 scientific articles and one textbook. Clark Finnerud was a very successful practitioner in Chicago. He was a generous man, having given large sums of money to various dermatology organizations. He became incapacitated by encephalitis. Outside Interests: Hunting and fishing. Deceased. October 10, 1977.

90 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Arthur M. Greenwood 1928 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1902. Training: Vanderbilt Clinic, New York, and Massachusetts General Hospital, graduate training in dermatology. Practice: Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant Dermatologist, 1921, retired 1936 and appointed to Board of Consultation; New England Deaconess, New England Baptist, and Huntington Memorial hospitals, Consultant. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Instructor in Dermatology, 1925-1936. Professional Societies: New England Dermatological Society, Secretary 1927-1929, President, 1929-1931. Greenwood was particularly interested in dermatoses of mycologic origin and the cutaneous manifestations of diabetes. He was also one of the first in Massachusetts to study the cultural characteristics of fungi. Deceased.

Ralph Hopkins 1928 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, Tulane University. 1899. Training: New York Post·Graduate Medical School, graduate work in dermatology and syphilology, an interest developed through association with Dyer and as Visiting Physician, to the Leper’s Home. 1901. Practice: Charity Hospital, Visiting Dermatologist and Head of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology; Louisiana State Leper’s Home, Attending Physician until its transfer to the federal government, and then Consulting Leprologist, about 40 years in all. Teaching Appointments: Tulane University: Physiology 1901, Assistant Professor in Dermatology, 1921, Associate Professor 1924, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology and Department Head, both undergraduate and graduate schools, 1926, Visiting Dermatologist, 25 years. Professional Societies: Louisiana State Medical Society, President, 1928; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1941·1944. Author: Hopkins’s interest in physiology, dermatology and leprology was apparent in his writings. He was editor of the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. Deceased, March 7, 1945.

Edward R. Maloney 1928 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1896. Practice: Private practice 13 years; Medical Corps of the Army 7 years; New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Clinical Assistant in Dermatology, 1919·1922; Dispensary of the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College: Assistant Attending Dermatologist, 1919-1921, Attending Dermatologis,t 1921-1925, Chief of Clinic, 1925; Bellevue Hospital, Head of Dermatology Department and Consulting Dermatologist; St. Vincent’s and New York Foundling hospitals and the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, Attending or Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: College of Medicine New York University: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology until 1938, Professor, 1938, Professor Emeritus, 1940. Professional Societies: New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1932-1933; Medical Society of the State of New York, Chairman, 1932-1933; New York Dermatological Society, President, 1940-1941. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 91 David L. Satenstein 1928 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1902. Training: Graduate study in dermatology and syphilology in Austria and Germany for a year, with particular emphasis on histopathology. Teaching Appointments: Fordham University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology; Vanderbilt Clinic, Instructor in Dermatology, 1915; Post· Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Associate Professor and Chief of the Department of Histopathology of the Skin. Professional Societies: Manhattan Dermatological Society, Secretary 1912-1930, President 1929-1941. Satenstein was a brilliant teacher and, with Gottheil, a pioneer in the therapeutic use of autoserum in dermatology. He devoted more than 25 years to the microscopic interpretation of skin diseases. In his lifetime, he was associated with Gottheil at old City Hospital, Fordyce and MacKee at Vanderbilt Clinicand MacKee at PostGraduate Medical. Deceased.

Paul E. Bechet 1929 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, Tulane University, 1903. Training: After six years’ general practice in New Orleans, moved to New York and was Bulkley’s office associate, 1909-1912. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital and Dispensary: Clinical Assistant, Assistant Physician, and Physician, 1909-1913 and 1918-1934; Roosevelt Outpatient Department, Presbyterian Hospital, and Demilt Dispensary, Attending Dermatologist, 1912-1918; Post-Graduate Hospital and Skin and Cancer Unit, Attending Dermatologist, 1934-1942; City and Goldwater Memorial hospitals, Attending Dermatologist; French Hospital, 1918- 1928, Mount Vernon Hospital, 1922-1942, New York University­ Bellevue Medical Center and Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, and Alexian Brothers and St. Elizabeth’s hospitals, Elizabeth, NJ, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: New York University School of Medicine: Instructor, 1924-1932, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1932-1942; New York Post-Graduate Medical School, Associate Professor, 1934-1942. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society President, 1927 and 1929; Manhattan Dermatological Society, President, 1919,1935 and 1950; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1922-1924; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Vice Chairman; Medical Society of the State of New York, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1932-1933; honorary or corresponding member of six foreign dermatological societies Author: More than 80 articles on the technical and historical aspects of dermatology. Deceased, January 3, 1962.

Frank W. Cregor 1929 Information and photo not available Deceased, December 9, 1942.

92 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association James R. Driver 1929 Born: Basil, Ohio, December 16, 1888 Graduated: M.D., Western Reserve University, 1916. Training: In office of Dr. Harold N. Cole starting 1919. Certified:American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology. Practice: Cleveland, Ohio, associated with Dr. Harold N. Cole, Sr., and Dr. Harold N. Cole, Jr., 1919 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Reserve Corps, First Lieutenant to Captain 1917- 1919, experience in surgical shock team and skin clinic. Teaching Appointments: Western Reserve University: Demonstrator in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1919-1921, Instructor, 1921-1923, Associate, 1923-1925, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1925-1941, Associate Clinical Professor, 1941, Acting Director, 1954. Professional Societies: American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Radium Society; Chicago Dermatological Society; Central States Dermatological Society; Cleveland Dermatological Society; Ohio State Radiological Society. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha, President 1924. Author: 35 scientific articles in the field of dermatology and cutaneous malignancy. Deceased.

Joseph Jordan Eller 1929 Born: New York City, August 3, 1896. Graduated: M.D., Fordham University School of Medicine, 1919. Certified:American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1929. Practice: New York City, general practice 1920-1923; dermatology, 1923. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Instructor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1920·1926; New York Postgraduate Medical School and Hospital, Assistant Professor, 1926-1936; Cornell University Medical School, Instructor, 1926-1927; Vanderbilt Clinic, Columbus University, Chief of Cancer and Surgical units of the Department of Dermatology, 1928-1934. Professional Societies: Argentine Dermatological Society; American Society of Psychoanalytic Physicians; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology, President, 1939; Pan American Medical Association, Trustee, Director General and President of the Section on Dermatology; Pan American Medical Foundation, Trustee and President; honorary member of numerous Latin American Medical Societies. Awards: Life membership, American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; letters of appreciation from Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon for the humanitarian work of the Pan American Medical Association. Author: Over 200 scientific articles and a 700-page textbook: Tumors of the Skin, Benign and Malignant in three editions. Joe Eller had an active professional career and an exciting personal life. In 1933, his suggestion of chartering a steamship for a floating congress was an instant success, creating goodwill with our Latin American neighbors. Outside of his profession, Joe Eller was an excellent polo player. He was once “kidnaped” so that he might play with members of the Spanish royalty. Deceased 1989.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 93 Albert Keidel 1929 Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1903. Practice: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Physician in Charge, Syphilis Division. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins University, Clinical Assistant in Medicine, 1903-1906, Acting Assistant in Medicine, Genitourinary Diseases, 1906-1913, Instructor and Associate in Clinical Medicine, 1913-1922, Associate Professor in Clinical Medicine from 1922. Resigned.

Joseph E. Moore 1929 Photo not available. Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1916. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins University, Associate Professor of Medicine and Adjunct Professor, Public Health Administration. Other Positions: National Research Council, Subcommittee on Venereal Diseases, Chairman; U.S. Public Health Service, Special Consultant; United States Army, Consultant to the Surgeon-General. Resigned.

Loren W. Shaffer 1929 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1917. Training: Mayo Clinic, graduate work in dermatology during his last year of service in the Navy Practice: Mayo Clinic, First Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology; Detroit, private practice 1925; Social Hygiene Division, Detroit Board of Health, Director 1937; Veterans Hospital, Dearborn, Ml, Surgeon General’s Office, and U.S. Public Health Service Consultant. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor under Stokes 1924; Wayne University Medical School: Voluntary lnstructor in Dermatology and Syphilology 1925, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology 1937; University of Michigan, School of Public Health, extramural lecturer 1941. Author: 36 articles and collaborator with Stokes in Modern Clinical Syphilology, 1926. Deceased, June 3, 1983.

Harper Blaisdell 1930 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical College, 1911. Training: Massachusetts General Hospital, dermatologic house officer, 1911. Practice: Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant in Dermatology, 1914-1928; Boston Dispensary, Dermatologic Department, Assistant Physician 1914 and later Physician; Winchester, Gale, and Malden hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical College, Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1917-1927, Instructor in Dermatology, resigning in 1928. Professional Societies: Massachusetts Medical Society, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Founder; New England Dermatological Society, successively, Secretary, Vice President, and President.

94 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Blaisdell’s greatest contribution to medicine was in the field of industrial dermatology. Deceased, October 25, 1944.

James Fred Burgess 1930 Graduated: M.D., University of Toronto, 1913. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology and syphilology in London and Vienna, 1920·1923. Practice: Montreal General Hospital from 1931, and the Shriners’ Hospital, Attending Dermatologist; Children’s Memorial, Alexandra, and Verdun Protestant hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: McGill University, Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, Professional Societies: Osler Reporting Society, President, 1927-1928; Lafleur Reporting Society, President, 1928-1929; British Dermatological Association, Canadian Branch, President; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1939-1940; Royal College of Physicians, Canadian Fellow; Royal Society of Medicine, Section on Dermatology, honorary member; Swedish Dermatological Society. corresponding member. Awards: Burgess was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his services in World War I. Deceased.

Clyde L. Cummer 1930 Graduated: M.D., Western Reserve University School of Medicine 1907. Training: After 16 years in clinical microscopy and pathology, a year’s study at Vanderbilt Clinic, New York, in dermatology. Practice: Lakeside Hospital’s Dispensary, Clinical Microscopist; Cleveland City and St. John’s hospitals, Visiting Physician; St. Alexis Hospital, Director of Laboratories and Visiting Dermatologist; St. Vincent’s Charity Hospital, Head of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology. Teaching Appointments: Western Reserve University School of Medicine: Demonstrator in Clinical Microscopy, 1909, Associate Clinical Professor of Clinical Pathology until 1927, Demonstrator of Dermatology and Syphilology to Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1927 to retirement in 1946. Professional Societies: Cleveland Academy of Medicine, President, 1923; Cleveland Dermatological Society, President, 1929; Ohio State Medical Association, President, 1934, Cleveland Medical Library Association, President, 1940-1941; American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology, President, 1947-1948; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1944-1946. Author: About 40 articles and Manual of Clinical Laboratory Methods (3rd ed., 1931). Deceased.

Howard J. Parkhurst 1930 Born: Cleveland, Ohio, November 16, 1893. Graduated: M.D., Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 1918. Training: Vanderbilt Clinic, Postgraduate work in dermatology and syphilology, 1918-1919. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, Founding Member.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 95 Practice: New York City, assistant to Dr. Fred Wise, 1919-1921; Toledo, Ohio, 1921-1962. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Reserves, World War I. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University, Vanderbilt Clinic, Clinical Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1919-1921; Western Reserve University, member of faculty, 1962-1968. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society; Cleveland Dermatological Society, Vice President, 1928; Detroit Dermatological Society, President 1926; Mississippi Valley Dermatological Society; Toledo Academy of Medicine, Chairman of Medical Section, 1928. Author: More than 20 scientific articles. Deceased.

Bedford Shelmire, Jr. 1930 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1920. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology and syphilology, Vanderbilt Clinic 1922-1924; assistant in Howard Fox’s office 1922; continued graduate work in Paris and Vienna for a year. Practice: Baylor Hospital, Chief of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology; Bradford Memorial, Children’s, and Parkland hospitals, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist. Teaching Appointments: Baylor University School of Medicine: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1925-1928, Professor, 1928-1943; Southwestern Medical Foundation, College of Medicine, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1943. Professional Societies: Texas Dermatological Association, President; Society of Investigative Dermatology, President; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman and Secretary; Swedish Dermatological Society, corresponding member. Author: Contributor of many papers to the literature. Deceased.

Dudley C. Smith 1930 Graduated: M.D., University Virginia Medical School 1916. Training: University of Virginia, Medical Resident for three years, Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology during the last year. Teaching Appointments: University of Virginia Medical School, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, later Professor. Professional Societies: Baltimore­Washington Dermatological Society, President, 1935; American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1935-1936; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Secretary and Chairman; American Medical Association, Vice Chairman, 1944-1946 and Chairman 1950. Within a year of completing his residency, Smith had created the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology at the University of Virginia, and had so improved the facilities for treating patients that he was made department head. The new medical school, upon completion, contained ample space and equipment for work in his specialty. Smith’s summers were usually spent visiting various dermatologic centers throughout the country. Deceased.

96 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Karl Zwick 1930 Information and photo not available. Resigned, Deceased.

Robert E. Barney 1931 Born: Cleveland, February 10, 1897. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1921; M.S., University of Michigan, 1925. Training: University of Michigan Hospital, Intern in Dermatology,1921-1923. Practice: Cleveland, 1926-1948. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps, 1917-1918. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology, 1923-1925, Research Assistant in Dermatology, 1925-1926; Western Reserve MedicaI School: Demonstrator in Dermatology, 1926-1927, Clinical Instructor, 1927-1929; St. Luke’s Hospital Cleveland, Chief of Dermatology, 1928-1948. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society; Cleveland Dermatological Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1928; Medical Arts Club, Cleveland. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: Five scientific articles. Robert E. Barney’s career was cut short because of illness in 1948, at which time he retired to Palo Alto, Calif. Deceased, May 15,1972.

George H. Belote 1931 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1923; M.S. in Dermatology 1927. Training: University of Michigan Hospital, Intern, training in dermatology under Wile, both in Wile’s office and at the university. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1925, Associate Professor 1930 until his death at age 47. Belote was a brilliant teacher. His articles were scholarly and interesting. Deceased.

Michael H. Ebert 1931 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College 1917. Training: Postgraduate work at Rush Medical College 1922-1923; Hyde Fellowship 1923; postgraduate study at University of Zurich 1928-1929. Practice: Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, Attending Dermatologist and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology; Cook County Hospital, Attending Dermatologist; Rush Medical College, Central Free Dispensary, Chief of the Syphilis Clinic under Ormsby’s direction 1924-1930. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College: Clinical Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology 1924-1926, Clinical Associate 1926-1930, to Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society, President 1932 and 1943; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Vice Chairman 1949. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 97 Frank J. Eichenlaub 1931 Born: Erie, Pennsylvania, December 4, 1894. Graduated: M.D., Georgetown University School of Medicine, 1918. Training: Vanderbilt Clinic, Columbia University, graduate work in dermatology, 1919. Practice: Youngstown, Ohio, 1919; Washington, DC, 1920-1970. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Reserve Corps, 1918-1922, no active service; U.S. Public Health Service, Reserve Corps, Assistant Surgeon, 1922-1931. Teaching Appointments: Georgetown University, Instructor in Dermatology, 1920-1923, Associate Professor, 1923-1928, Professor of Clinical Dermatology, 1929-1959. Professional Societies: Southern Medical Society, Section on Dermatology, Chairman, 1929; Baltimore-Washington Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1927-1928, President, 1929. Author: 37 scientific articles Outside Interests: Golf and bridge. Deceased, February 13, 1972.

Frederick M. Jacob 1931 Graduated: M.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1913. Training: Mellon Fellow in Pathology, University of Pittsburgh 1915-1916. Practice: Presbyterian, Eye and Ear, Women’s, Magee, St. Francis, St. Margaret’s, and Pittsburgh hospitals, Staff Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Pittsburgh: Instructor in Immunology, 1916-1917, Assistant Professor to Professor Emeritus of Dermatology, 1962; Dental School of the university, Associate Professor of Clinical Oral Surgery. Professional Societies: Pittsburgh Dermatological Society, Secretary 1926 and President 1928; Allegheny County Medical Society, Secretary, 1929, 1930, and 1931; American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1951-1952. Fred Jacob was a philosopher and his sense of humor was a delight to his friends. Deceased.

Charles Lee McCarthy 1931 Born: Princeton, New Jersey, June 12, 1891. Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1916. Training: Postgraduate study in dermatology and syphilology at the universities of Paris and Berlin, 1920-1924. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital and the Polyclinic Hospital, Associate in Dermatology, 1924-1925; Garfield Memorial, Providence, Children’s, and Gallinger hospitals, Attending Dermatologist; St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Georgetown University School of Medicine, Clinical Professor, 1929, to Professor. Professional Societies: French Society of Dermatology and Syphilology, corresponding member. Author: A number of articles on his specialty; Histopathology of Diseases of the Skin, 1931, and Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Hair, 1934. Resigned.

98 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Hamilton Montgomery 1931 Born: Chicago, May 21, 1898. Father, Frank Hugh Montgomery, was elected to the association in 1897. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School 1922; MS., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1927. Training: Rask Medical College, Hyde Memorial Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1924-1925; Mayo Foundation, Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1925. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1933. Practice: Mayo Clinic, 1929-1959. Military Service: U.S. Naval Reserves, Seaman First Class, World War I, 1917-1919; U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Commander, World War II, 1942, Commander, Division 10 Flotilla I, 1951. Teaching Appointments: Mayo Foundation Graduate School of University of Minnesota: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1929-1932, Assistant Professor, 1932-1935, Associate Professor, 1935-1949, Professor, 1949-1959, Professor Emeritus, 1959. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Committee on Pathology, Chairman, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology, Vice Chairman, 1954; American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1957-1958, honorary member; Chicago Dermatological Society: President, 1938; American Society of Dermatopathology: Founder and first President; Minnesota Dermatological Society: President,1935; Pacific Dermatologic Association: honorary member; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Vice President, 1940; corresponding member of Argentine, Brazilian, British, Danish, French, Hungarian, Swedish, and Venezuelan dermatological societies. Awards and Honors: Sigma Xi; honored by Minnesota Dermatological Society, 1961, for his outstanding achievements in dermatology and dermatopathology. Author: More than 100 scientific articles and co-author with Ormsby of Diseases of the Skin, in its sixth and seventh editions; also author of Syllabus of Dermal Pathology for the U.S. Army Medical Museum. Ham Montgomery was an internationally recognized authority on dermal pathology. His numerous contributions to his specialty have resulted from his dedication to work with the microscope. Deceased.

Earl W. Netherton 1931 Born: Gallatin, MO April 7, 1893. Graduated: M.D., Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis 1917. Training: Internship: Kansas City General Hospital; Residency: Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital, St Louis. Military Service: U S Army Medical Corps, July 1918-February 1919. Certified: American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1933. Practice: Wellington, CO; Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital; Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist and founder and first Chair of the Department of Dermatology, 1923-1957; retired 1958. Teaching Appointments: Frank E. Bunts Educational Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: vice president 1956-57; Cleveland Dermatological Society: Vice President 1931 and later president; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Medical Association; Ohio State Medical Association; Cleveland Academy of Medicine. Author: More than 37 articles including first description of Netherton’s syndrome: Netherton EW (1958) A unique case of trichorrhexis nodosa: bamboo hairs. Arch Dermatol 78: 483-487. Deceased: November 2, 1967.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 99 Elmore B. Tauber 1931 Graduated: M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1902. Training: Under Ravogli’s influence, specialized in dermatology and worked with Ravogli, both in his office and at the hospital; also did graduate work in New York, Vienna, Hamburg, and London. Practice: Cincinnati General Hospital, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Chief, 1917-1941. Teaching Appointments: University of Cincinnati School of Medicine: Instructor, 1904, to Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1918-1941. Professional Societies: Cincinnati Dermatological Society, Charter Member and President; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1931. Deceased.

Lawrence R. Taussig 1931 Graduated: M.D., University of California School of Medicine, 1919. Training: University of California School of Medicine and Hospital, graduate training in dermatology and syphilology. Practice: Associated in private practice with Howard Morrow and Hiram Miller; University of California, Crippled Children’s, St. Luke’s, San Francisco, and Southern Pacific General hospitals, Attending or Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of California, Assistant Professor and Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology. Taussig was greatly interested in radium and was, for many years, in charge of the radium emanation plant at the University of California. Deceased.

Henry J. Templeton 1931 Graduated: M.D., Ohio State University, 1917; Sc.M., University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Graduate School of Medicine 1926. Practice: Oakland, California, dermatology 1925; Cowell Memorial Hospital, University of California, Attending Dermatologist, 1926-1945, then Consulting Dermatologist; Consulting Dermatologist and Syphilologist to 13 other hospitals. Teaching Appointments: Stanford University, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology 1925-1928. Professional Societies: Alameda County Medical Association, President; Pacific Dermatological Association, President; California Academy of Medicine and the Austrian Dermatological Society, honorary member. Deceased, September 25, 1967.

Emerson James Trow 1931 Graduated: M.D., University of Toronto, 1908. Training: Graduate work, New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1912·1913. Practice: Toronto General Hospital, Attending Dermatologist, 1928-1950, Consulting Dermatologist, 1950. Teaching Appointments: University of Toronto: Junior Demonstrator in Medicine, 1918-1922, Senior, 1922

100 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 1929, Assistant Professor of Medicine in charge of Dermatology, 1929· 1948, Associate Professor, 1948-1950. Professional Societies: Royal College of Physicians, Canada, Charter Fellow; British Association of Dermatology and Syphilology, Canadian Branch, President, 1930·1931; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1947-1948; Royal Society of Medicine, England, Section on Dermatology, honorary member. Deceased.

A. Benson Cannon 1932 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, Tulane University 1913. Training: Graduate work in dermatology at the University of Vienna and an associate in Fordyce’s office for several years. Practice: City Hospital, Welfare Island, Attending Dermatologist for many years; French, Nassau, Woman’s, St. Mary ‘s, Sharon, and Vassar hospitals, and the Neurological Institute and Vanderbilt Clinic, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1918, later Professor and Head of the Department, until 1950. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President 1943. Cannon was a pioneer in the therapy of syphilis, establishing effective treatment schedules, first in cerebra· spinal syphilis, and later in penicillin therapy. He was greatly interested in arsenical dermatoses caused by eating foods sprayed with arsenic compounds. Deceased.

John A. Gammel 1932 Born: Veitshochheim, Germany, July 24, 1894. Graduated: M.D., Julius Maximillian’s University, Wurzburg, Germany, 1922. Training: Western Reserve University, Demonstrator in Dermatology, 1924-1925, Fellow, 1925-1926. Practice: Cleveland, 1922 to retirement. Military Service: German Army, 1913-1920, served in World War I as balloon observer; made parachute jump when his balloon was shot and afire, for which he received the Iron Cross. Teaching Appointments: Western Reserve University, Instructor of Dermatology, 1926-1930, Assistant Clinical Instructor, 1930. Professional Societies: Cleveland Academy of Medicine; Cleveland Dermatological Society; Cleveland Medical Library Association; Deutsch Dermatologische Gesellschaft. Author: A number of scientific articles, the most important of which are four dealing with American maduromycosis. Deceased.

J. Gardner Hopkins 1932 Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1907. Practice: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Intern; St. Luke’s Hospital, New York, Resident Pathologist and

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 101 Bacteriologist, for five years; Presbyterian Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist, 1926·1951. Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University: Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, 1913-1918, Assistant in Dermatology, 1921-1923, Instructor in Dermatology, 1923·1926, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1926·1947, Professor Emeritus, 1947. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President, 1947-1948. As an expert microscopist, Hopkins was able to throw new light on some of the previously obscure phases of bacteriology, parasitology, and mycology. He did an enormous amount of research work in these fields and he wrote many articles on these subjects. Hopkins had a keen scientific mind and a marked ability for exploring new fields of thought. Deceased.

C. Ferd Lehmann 1932 Born: Halletsville, Texas, April 15, 1895. Graduated: M.D., University of Texas Medical School, 1918. Training: Scott and White Clinic, Temple, Texas, Dermatology Resident, 1919-1920; Vanderbilt Skin Clinic, 1921-1922. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology Practice: San Antonio, Texas, 1920-1970. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps Reserves: 1926-1952, Active Duty, 1941-1945, discharged as Lieutenant Colonel. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1955- 1956; American Medical Association Dermatology Section: Secretary, 1934-1941, Chairman, 1942, House of Delegates, 1943-1948; American Radiological Society; Southern Medical Society; Southwest Texas Society: President of the International Postgraduate Medical Assembly 1950; Texas Dermatological Society; Texas Radiological Society. Author: 50 or more scientific articles. Ferd Lehmann was an excellent clinician. Many of his articles were on roentgen ray therapy of skin conditions. After 1928, he became associated with Louie Pipkin, forming one of the best “skin offices” in the Southwest. Deceased, December 23, 1970.

John E. Raushkolb 1932 Graduated: M.D., Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 1923. Training: Graduate work in dermatology, Cleveland City Hospital, as Assistant Resident, 1924-1925, and Resident, 1925-1926. Practice: Cleveland City Hospital, Resident Director of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1926-1931, Visiting Dermatologist and Syphilologist, 1931; Cleveland City Hospital Clinic, Physician, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1928-1931, Department Head, 1931; St. Alexis Hospital, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Demonstrator in Dermatology, 1925, Instructor 1926, Senior Clinical Instructor, 1928, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1930. Professional Societies: Cuyahoga County Medical Association, President; Cleveland Academy of Medicine, President, 1942-1943; American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology, Secretary-Treasurer, 1949. Deceased.

102 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Elias W. Abramowitz 1933 Graduated: M.D., University and Bellevue Medical College. 1907. Training: Vanderbilt Clinic, volunteer Assistant in Dermatology, 1914-1915. Practice: Vanderbilt Clinic: Clinical Assistant, 1915-1917, Assistant Attending Dermatologist, 1917-1920, Attending Dermatologist, 1920-1926; New York Skin and Cancer Unit, Attending Dermatologist; New York Post-Graduate Hospital, Associate Attending Dermatologist; Gouverneur and Israel-Zion hospitals, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Director. Teaching Appointments: College of Physicians and Surgeons, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1923, Assistant Professor, 1927; New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, Associate Clinical Professor, a position he held until his death. Professional Societies: Brooklyn Dermatological Society, Founder and first President, 1925-1926; Society of Investigative Dermatology, Vice President 1938; Manhattan Dermatological Society, President, 1945. Abramowitz was associated with MacKee at New York Post-Graduate. He wrote many important articles, including those on his original work with drug eruptions and his introduction of 40 percent sulfur ointments in seborrhea. Deceased.

Albert Rankin McFarland 1933 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1918; Sc.M., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1923. Training: Mayo Clinic, Fellow in Dermatology, 1919-1923. Practice: Rochester, New York, dermatology, 1923; Strong Memorial, Highland, St. Mary’s, Genesee, and Rochester General hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist and Syphilologist. Teaching Appointments: Rochester University School of Medicine, Instructor to Assistant Professor in Dermatology, 1925-1944. Professional Societies: Buffalo-Rochester Dermatological Society, President; Medical Society of the State of New York, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman. Author: More than 15 papers. Deceased, October 23, 1961.

Braulio Saenz 1933 Graduated: M.D., Havana University School of Medicine, 1909. Training: With prize from Havana University for two years of graduate work in foreign countries (1909· 1911), he devoted himself to dermatology at Polyclinic Hospital under Hartzell; he also studied at Hopital St. Louis in Paris, and in Vienna and Berlin. Practice: Dispensorio Tamayo, Attending Dermatologist, 1912·1913; Servicio Medico Municipal, Attending Dermatologist, 1914-1918; Mercedes Hospital, Attending Dermatologist. Professional Societies: Cuban Society of Dermatology and Syphilology, President, 1928- 1929; honorary member of the Spanish, Venezuelan, French, and Mexican dermatological societies; corresponding member of the Argentine society. Deceased, January 30, 1961.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 103 Herman Sharlit 1933 Graduated: M.D., Cornell University Medical School, 1917. Practice: Harriman Research Laboratory, Roosevelt Hospital, Chemical Pathologist, 1917-1930; Beth Israel Hospital, Adjunct Attending Dermatologist; Goldwater Memorial and University hospitals, Associate Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Cornell University and Bellevue Medical College, Instructor in Dermatology, 1929; Post-Graduate Medical School, New York University-Bellevue Medical Center Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology. Professional Societies: Audubon Medical Society, President, 1930-1932; Manhattan Dermatological Society, President, 1949. Author: Sharlit wrote a good deal on the possible relationship between varied dermatoses and pathologic chemical changes, both in the endocrine glands and the internal organs of the body. Deceased.

Eugene F. Traub 1933 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1918. Training: Graduate work in dermatology at Washington Naval Medical School 1918; University of Michigan Hospital, Resident Physician in Wile’s service, 1919-1920. Practice: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Resident, 1920-1921; Central Islip, Meadowbrook, Nassau, Beth David, Wyckoff Heights, Prospect Heights, and Booth Memorial hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist; Flower, Fifth Avenue, Morrisania, Metropolitan, Queen’s General, and Otisville hospitals, Director, Department of Dermatology. Teaching Appointments: Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1934-1947; University of Vermont, Professor, 1928- 1949; New York Medical College, Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President, 1937 and 1946; Long Island Dermatological Society, President; Medical Society of the State of New York, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman; American Dermatological Association, Treasurer from 1947. Deceased.

Martin T. Van Studdiford 1933 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, Tulane University, 1918. Practice: Charity Hospital, Director, X·ray and Radium Therapy, 1924-1931, Visiting Physician, 1919-1933, Senior Visiting Physician, from 1933; Hotel Dieu Hospital, Senior Visiting Physician; Carville Leprosarium and the U.S. Marine Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist Teaching Appointments: Tulane University: Instructor in Dermatology, 1924-1930, Assistant Professor, 1930, to Associate Professor and Professor in both the undergraduate and graduate departments. Professional Societies: Louisiana Dermatological Society. President, 1930; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Vice Chairman, 1932. Deceased.

104 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Lester M. Wieder 1933 Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1922; M.S., Dermatology, University of Michigan, 1926. Training: University of Michigan. Practice: University of Michigan: Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, 1924-1926; University Hospital, Special Research Assistant in Dermatology, 1926·1927; Milwaukee County, Columbia, Evangelical, and Deaconess hospitals, Senior Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Marquette University, Instructor in Dermatology. Deceased.

Stanley Crawford 1934 Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1911. Training: Postgraduate work in dermatology as Resident, New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1912-1914, and in Edinburgh, London, Bordeaux, and Paris. Practice: Pittsburgh, dermatology, 1920; Mercy, Children’s, West Pennsylvania, and Columbia hospitals and the Falk Clinic, Attending Dermatologist from 1931. Teaching Appointments: University of Pittsburgh, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1920-1932, Assistant Professor, from 1932. Professional Societies: Pittsburgh Dermatological Society, President, 1925; Pennsylvania State Medical Society, President, 1932; Pennsylvania State Medical Society, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, President, 1933. Deceased.

Werner W. Duemling 1934 Born: Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 14, 1898. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1924; M.S., Dermatology, University of Michigan, 1929. Training: University of Michigan, Residency in Dermatology, 1926-1929. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology. Practice: Fort Wayne, 1929-1942; San Diego, CA, 1946-1970. Military Service: U.S. Army, C.A.C., 1918; U.S. Naval Reserves, 1942-1946, discharged as Captain, Chief, Dermatology Service, Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA. 1942-1946; Commanding Officer, Naval Reserves Medical Corps, San Diego 1947-1959. Teaching Appointments: Senior Consultant in Dermatology, U.S. Naval Hospital, San Diego, 1947-1965. Professional Societies: American Cancer Society, California Division, San Diego Unit, Past President; California Medical Association; Pacific Dermatological Association; Pan Am. Medical Association, honorary member; San Diego Dermatological Society, Past President; American Academy of Dermatology, life member. Awards: Commendation Ribbon, Secretary of Navy 1945; Order for Meritorious Service, Federal Republic of Germany, 1970. Author: 20 scientific articles. Werner Duemling was very active in the University Club, the Rotary Club, and the Grace Lutheran Church while maintaining a busy practice in San Diego. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 105 Jack W. Jones 1934 Born: Canton, Georgia, July 4, 1894. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1917. Training: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Resident in Dermatology, 1918-1919. Practice: Atlanta, dermatology for thirty years, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist to the following hospitals: Emory University, Grady Memorial, Piedmont, and Scottish Rite for Crippled Children, U.S. Hospital No. 48, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Emory University, Assistant Professor of Dermatology to Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Vice President. Deceased.

Ruben Nomland 1934 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College, 1925. Training: Mayo Clinic, graduate training in dermatology and syphilology, 1926-1928; Hyde Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1928·1936. Practice: Rush Medical College, in charge of dermatologic clinic under Ormsby, 1928-1936. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology; University of Iowa School of Medicine Chair of Dermatology and Syphilology, and Head of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1936. Deceased.

Marion B. Sulzberger 1934 Born: New York City, March 12, 1895. Graduated: M.D., University of Zurich, 1926. Training: University Clinic, Zurich, Switzerland, Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1926-1929. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1933. Practice: New York City from 1929 with Drs. Fred Wise, Victor Witten, Rudolf Baer, Alfred W. Kopf, Naomi Kanof, Frances Pascher, and many others. Military Service: U.S. Navy, World War I, aviation instructor and pilot, Lt. (jg.) 1917-1919; U.S. Naval Reserve Medical Corps, active duty, 1941-1946, Captain 1945, Reserves, Captain, retired, 1945; Legion of Merit, U.S. Navy, 1949; Meritorious Service Medal, U.S. Army, 1970; Technical Director of Research, U.S. Army, 1961-1966. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University, Post-Graduate Medical School, Associate to Professor and Director 1929-1949; New York University, Post-Graduate Medical School, George Miller MacKee Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1949-1960, Professor Emeritus, 1960; University of California San Francisco, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1961-1975, Clinical Professor Emeritus, 1975 to retirement. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: President, 1959, honorary member; 1Oth International Congress of Dermatology: honorary Vice President 1952; International Committee of Dermatology: Chairman, 1957-1962; International League of Dermatological Societies: President, 1957-1962; Society for Investigative Dermatology: President, 1950; Association des Dermatologues et Syphilligraphs de Ia Langue Francais, 1969-1972; Honorary or corresponding member of 44 foreign allergy and dermatological societies.

106 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Awards: American Academy of Dermatology: honorary member; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Stephen Rothman Award for distinctly altering the course and image of dermatology; James Clarke White Award for outstanding achievement in dermatology; Chevalier, Legion d’Honneur, France 1960; Doctor Honoris Causa, Central University of Venezuela 1961. Author: 402 scientific articles, 16 textbooks, mostly on the allergic aspects of skin diseases. In the past 100 years, no member has written more, received more awards and honors, and given as many special lectures. The pivotal paper of Sulzberger and Witten in 1952 on Compound F (later named hydrocortisone) introduced topical glucocorticoids into dermatology. Probably no other dermatologist in the world was so universally acclaimed and admired. In his retirement, Marion, with his wife Roberta, produced audiovisual programs for teaching dermatology to schoolchildren and to the public, as well as to physicians and other health personnel. Deceased, November 23, 1983.

Jacob H. Swartz 1934 Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1920. Training: Graduate courses in dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital 1922-1923, and in mycology and histopathology, Harvard Medical School 1923. Practice: Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Dermatology: Assistant Dermatologist to Attending Dermatologist from 1923; Consultant in Dermatology and Syphilology to ten Boston hospitals and Exeter Hospital, Exeter, New Hampshire. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Assistant Professor in Dermatology and Syphilology. Author: A number of articles and chapters in four books; also Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Diseases, 1935, and Elements of Medical Mycology (2nd ed., 1949). Deceased, August 17,1971.

Nelson Paul Anderson 1935 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College, 1926. Training: New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Resident in Dermatology, 1927-1930. Practice: Los Angeles, dermatology; Los Angeles County General Hospital, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Chief of Staff; Orthopedic Hospital, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Cornell University Medical College, Instructor in Dermatology, 1927-1929; College of Medical Evangelists, Los Angeles: Instructor in Dermatology, 1930·1934, Associate Professor, 1934-1946; University of Southern California, Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1946. Professional Societies: Los Angeles Dermatological Society, President, 1935-1936; California State Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Secretary, 1938 and Chairman, 1940; American Medical Association: Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Secretary, 1942-1946 and Chairman, 1947; Society of Investigative Dermatology: Vice President, 1951; corresponding member, Swedish Dermatological Society. Author: More than 25 articles. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 107 Louis A. Brunsting 1935 Born: Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 7, 1900. Brother is member of the association. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1924; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota 1929. Training: Mayo Clinic, 1926-1929. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1935. Practice: Mayo Clinic, 1929-1965; Tucson, Arizona from 1965. Military Service: Private, S.A.T.C., Grand Rapids Junior College, October 16-December 16, 1918. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Mayo Foundation, Postgraduate, Instructor to Professor, 1929-1965. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Secretary, 1948-1953, President, 1953-1954; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1945; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President, 1948. Awards: Sigma Xi. Author: More than100 scientific articles. Louis Brunsting has written mostly on such serious conditions as sclero­derma, lupus erythematosus, and porphyria. Outside Interests: Louis boasted about his golf game, but it was fortunate that he does not depend on golf to make a living. He did a better job teaching and healing the sick. Deceased.

Martin F. Engman, Jr. 1935 Born: St. Louis, Missouri, November 14, 1898. His father was a dermatologist, and a member of the 1902 class of this association. Graduated: M.D., Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, 1928. Training: Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. Louis, graduate work in dermatology and syphilology with father as preceptor. Practice: St. Louis,1929 until retirement. Teaching Appointments: Washington University, St. Louis, Instructor in Clinical Dermatology. Professional Societies: St. Louis Medical Society; St. Louis Dermatological Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1930-1936; Mississippi Valley Dermatological Association; Southern Medical Association. Author: Unknown number of scientific articles, mostly on amebiasis cutis, syphilis, and contact dermatitis. Deceased, September 22, 1971.

Robert L. Gilman 1935 Born: Dubuque, Iowa November 27, 1896. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1922; M.Sc., Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, 1928. Training: University of Pennsylvania, Dermatology, 1926·1928. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1933. Practice: Ashland, Wisconsin, General Practice, 1923-1926; Philadelphia, Dermatology, 1930·1 941. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Private, 1917-1919, First Lieutenant, 1924·1928; U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Regular, 1941 to retirement.

108 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology: Instructor to Assistant Professor, 1926-1930, Research Assistant, 1930-1933, Assistant Professor, Graduate School 1935-1941. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; Medical Society of State of Pennsylvania: Section on Dermatology, Secretary, 1932-1934, Chairman, 1934-1935; Philadelphia Dermatological Society: Secretary 1932·1934, Chairman 1934·1935; Wisconsin State Medical Society. Awards: Sigma Xi. Author: 30 scientific articles. Robert Gilman ended his medical career as a member of the regular Navy. He resigned from the association. Deceased.

Samuel M. Peck 1935 Born: New York City, October 15, 1900. Graduated: M.D., Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1924. Training: New York City Hospital, House Physician in Dermatology under Dr. Fordyce; Polyclinic Hospital & Medical School, Clinical Assistant in Dermatology, 1926; Israel Zion Hospital, Associate Pathologist, 1926; Friedrichshain Krankenhaus, Berlin, Voluntary Assistant in Pathology, 1926-1927; Dermatological Institute, Assistant in Dermatology Zurich. Switzerland, under Professor Bruno Bloch. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1933. Practice: New York City from 1930. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1945-1968; Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, Professor of Dermatology, 1966-1971, Professor Emeritus, 1971. Professional Societies: American Academy of Allergy; American Academy of Compensation Medicine: Secretary and President; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Secretary, Treasurer, and President; Editor, Journal of Compensation Medicine; Associate Editor of Cutis and of Dermatology Digest. Awards: Citation and Engraved Resolutions from Society for Investigative Dermatology, Reserve Officer Association of the U.S. Public Health Service, and American Academy of Compensation Medicine; Jacoby Medal, 1968; Atlantic Dermatological Conference, Certificate of Appreciation, 1970. Author: 135 scientific articles and four textbooks. Sam Peck made exceptional contributions in the field of contact and industrial diseases, insect-bite reactions, melanin, and mycology. Deceased.

George C. Andrews 1936 Born: Tarrytown, New York, November 26, 1891. Graduated: M.D., Columbia University, 1918. Training: Preceptor to Dr. George M. MacKee, New York City 1920-1925. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, Charter Member. Practice: New York City, 1925-1970. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps Reserves, Private 1916-1918. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons: Instructor in Neuroanatomy, 1919-1922, Dermatology Department, Associate Professor, 1931· 1950, Professor 1950-1970; Roosevelt Hospital, Attending Dermatologist, 1940-1970.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 109 Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President, 1960-1961; American Radium Society; Atlantic States Dermatological Society; International Leprosy Association; Manhattan Dermatological Society, President, 1924 and 1939; New York Dermatological Society, President, 1945; New York Roentgen Society; honorary member of the dermatological societies of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, England, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Sweden, Turkey, and Venezuela. Author: Numerous scientific articles. George Clinton Andrews has been the author and co-author of a popular and successful textbook, Diseases of the Skin, a standard text used in most parts of the world for nearly half a century. There have been editions printed in Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. Deceased.

Lawrence G. Beinhauer 1936 Born: Pittsburgh, March 18, 1895. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1919. Training: New York Skin & Cancer Hospital 1921-1922. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1936. Practice: Pittsburgh, 1923-1965. Military Service: U.S. Army, Private, unassigned, 1917·1919. Teaching Appointments: University of Pittsburgh, Medical School: Demonstrator, 1926- 1930, Instructor, 1930-1933, Assistant Professor, 1933· 1940, Associate Professor, 1940· 1950, Professor, 1950-1964, Professor Emeritus 1964. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1959-1960; Allegheny County Medical Association; Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity; Pittsburgh Academy of Dermatology, Founder; Pittsburgh Dermatological Society, Secretary, 1923, President, 1928. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: 45 scientific articles. Larry Beinhauer was a great organization man. He served and supported the association and the Academy of Dermatology with his time and his work. He was also a diligent worker for many community groups outside of his professional life. Deceased, January 26, 1965.

Andrew M. Davidson 1936 Born: Edinburgh, Scotland, November 16, 1885. Graduated: M.D., University of Manitoba School of Medicine 1912. Training: Clinics in Vienna, London, and Glasgow, 1922 and 1928; Postgraduate work, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1934-1936. Practice: Winnipeg, Manitoba. Military Service: Royal Army Medical Corps 1915-1917; Canadian Army Medical Corps 1917-1919 in charge of skin and venereal diseases, and Major in charge of medical division of Canadian Officers’ Training Corps. Teaching Appointments: University of Manitoba, Lecturer in Dermatology 1923. Professional Societies: British Dermatological Association; Canadian Medical Association; Manitoba Medical Association; Minnesota State Dermatological Society; St. John’s Dermatological Society. Author: 25 scientific articles. Andrew M. Davidson wrote mostly on fungus infections. Deceased, April 18, 1972.

110 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Norman N. Epstein 1936 Born: San Francisco, June 14, 1896. Two sons and one brother are members of the association. Graduated: M.D., University of California at San Francisco, 1923. Training: University of California Resident in Medicine, 1923-1924, Resident in Dermatology and Pathology, 1924-1925; Western Reserve University, Resident in Dermatology, 1925-1926. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1934. Practice: San Francisco, 1926-1973. Military Service: U.S. Army, Private, 1917 Teaching Appointments: University of California at San Francisco: Instructor to Clinical Professor Emeritus in Dermatology, 1926-1973. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Vice President, Chairman of Membership Committee; California Medical Association: Secretary, Chairman of Section on Dermatology; Pacific Dermatological Association, President, honorary member; San Francisco Dermatological Society, Secretary, Chairman, honorary member. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi. Author: 60 scientific articles, the most important concerned with syphilis, scleredema adultorum, artificial fever therapy, and keratoacanthoma. Norman Epstein was a warm, friendly human being who was loved and respected by all of his colleagues. Deceased, October 6, 1975.

Samuel W. Becker 1937 Born: Benton Harbor, Michigan July 11, 1894. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1921; M.S., University of Minnesota, 1928. Training: Mayo Clinic, 1923-1926; Fellow, National Research Council, assigned to Dermatology Clinic in Zürich, Switzerland, 1926-1927. Practice: Chicago, Illinois, 1945 until death. Military Service: U.S. Army, Enlisted Medical Reserve Corps, 1917-1918. Teaching Appointments: University of Chicago: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1927-1930, Associate Professor, 1930-1942 Clinical Professor, 1942-1945. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatologic Society; Society of Mississippi Valley Dermatological Conference; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi. Author: 60 scientific articles and four textbooks, the best known being Modern Dermatology and Syphilology, with Obermayer. Samuel Becker was a strong advocate of the concept of functional dermatoses. He was also an expert on pigmentary dermatoses and tumors. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 111 Hamnett A. Dixon 1937 Graduated: M.D., University of Toronto, 1916. Practice: Toronto General Hospital, Assistant Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist, 1921, Senior Physician, Dermatology; Hospital for Sick Children, Daughters of the Empire Hospital for Convalescent Children, and St. Mary’s Infant Home, Attending Dermatologist Teaching Appointments: University of Toronto: Junior Demonstrator in Dermatology, 1920-1926, Senior Demonstrator, 1926-1950, Associate Professor of Medicine in Dermatology, 1950. Professional Societies: British Association of Dermatology and Syphilology, Canadian Branch: Secretary, 1931, President, 1936. Deceased.

John G. Downing 1937 Born: Boston, Massachusetts, June 22, 1890. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1915. Training: Harvard Medical School, postgraduate course in dermatology, 1922-1924. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1933. Practice: Boston, Genitourinary Diseases, 1922-1925 and Dermatology, 1925 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Lt. (sg.), 1917-1921. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Teaching Fellow, Histology, 1922-1923, Teaching Assistant Dermatology and Syphilology 1930-1932; Boston University: Instructor in Syphilis 1922-1925, Professor of Dermatology; Tufts College Medical School, Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President, 1940-1941, Board of Directors, 1939-1942; American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons; Association of Military Surgeons; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1940; New England Dermatological Society: President, 1941-1943; corresponding member, Italian Society of Dermatology and Syphilology; honorary member, Rhode Island Dermatological Society. Author: 35 scientific articles. John Downing wrote mostly on industrial dermatoses. Deceased.

Clinton W. Lane 1937 Born: St. Mary’s, Kansas, July 5, 1897. Graduated: M.D., St. Louis University 1921. Training: Washington University Dispensary and Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. Louis, Dermatology, 1924-1926. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1934. Practice: St. Louis, 1926 to present Military Service: U.S. Army Air Service, 1918-1919. Teaching Appointments: Washington University School of Medicine: Assistant in Clinical Dermatology, 1929-1934, Instructor, 1934-1944, Assistant Professor, 1944-1953, Associate Professor, 1953-1957, Professor, 1957-1966, Professor Emeritus, 1966. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, President, 1964; American Dermatological Association, President, 1966-1967; American Board of Dermatology, President, 1962·1963;

112 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association American Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Chairman, 1949-1950; St. Louis Dermatological Society, President, 1942-1943; Southern Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Chairman 1943-1944. Author: 25 scientific articles. Shady Lane was one of the leading clinicians in dermatology in the United States. He had a large practice in St. Louis. He was president of many important societies in our specialty, and he was an excellent teacher at the Washington University School of Medicine. Deceased.

George M. Lewis 1937 Graduated: M.D., University of Alberta School of Medicine, 1925. Training: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Resident in Dermatology, 1925-1926. Practice: New York Hospital and Outpatient Department, Assistant Attending to Attending Dermatologist,1932; Memorial, James Ewing, and Vassar Brothers hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Cornell University Medical College: Instructor, 1932-1939, Assistant Professor Clinical Medicine, Dermatology, 1939-1944, Associate Professor, 1944-1949, Professor 1949; New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital: Instructor, 1929-1933, Associate Professor, 1933-1939 at Skin and Cancer Unit, Assistant Attending Dermatologist, 1928·1933, Attending Dermatologist, 1933-1939 and head of mycological laboratory. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society, President; American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology, Secretary; Manhattan Dermatological Society, Secretary, 1948; corresponding member, Swedish Dermatological Society. Author: 75 articles, many on the various aspects of dermatomycoses; a textbook, Introduction to Medical Mycology (3rd ed., 1948). Deceased, February 29, 1966.

Thomas W. Murrell 1937 Graduated: M.D., University College of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia, 1901. Training: Postgraduate training in dermatology in the clinics of the University of London, 1904. Practice: McGuire Clinic, McGuire Veterans Hospital, Stuart Circle Hospital, and Chesapeake and Ohio Hospital Association, Consulting Dermatologist Teaching Appointments: Medical College of Virginia: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1912-1937, Professor, 1937-1947, Professor Emeritus, 1947. Professional Societies: Richmond Academy of Medicine, President, 1917-1918; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1933-1934. Deceased.

Donald M. Pillsbury 1937 Born: Omaha, Nebraska, December. 29, 1902. Graduated: M.D., University of Nebraska 1926. Training: University of Nebraska Hospital, Assistant Resident in Psychiatry, 1928; Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Resident in Dermatology, 1928-1934; University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Department of Biochemistry, 1929-1935.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 113 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1932. Practice: Maloney Clinic, University Hospital, Philadelphia from 1929. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1942-1945, Senior Consultant in Dermatology and Venereology, ETO; received Bronze Star, Bronze Medal of Honor, Medaille D’Honneur, and Medaille de Ia Reconnaissance Francaise. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia: Assistant Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology to Chairman of Department, 1928-1965; Graduate School of Medicine, Professor of Dermatology and Chairman of Department to Professor Emeritus, 1946-1971; Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, President of Medical Board, 1957-1959. Professional Societies: President, American Dermatological Association, 1961-1962, American Academy of Dermatology, 1950-1951: American Board of Dermatology, 1952-1953 ; Society for Investigative Dermatology, 1949-1950 (honorary); XII Congress of Dermatology, 1958-1962; American Academy of Dermatology: Advisory Committee to FDA, 1964-1968, Committee on Education 1964 (honorary); Dermatology Foundation: Chairman, 1966-1970, Chairman of the Board, 1970; honorary member, American Dermatological Association, 1975; SW Dermatologic Society and Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; Archives of Dermatology, editorial board, 1963; honorary and corresponding member of 14 foreign dermatological societies; Consultant in Dermatology, Surgeon General USPHS, 1945; Surgeon Gen., U.S. Air Force, 1952; Surgeon General U.S. Army, 1941; consultant to and member of numerous U.S. government agencies and committees. Awards: Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega AIpha; American Academy of Dermatology: Citation 1962, Gold Medal, 1966; Modern Medicine Award for Distinguished Achievement, 1967; second Stephen Rothman Award, Society for Investigative Dermatology, 1968; Certificate of Merit, U.S. Army Medical Service, 1968. Author: More than 100 scientific articles and five books. In the past 100 years, no man or woman has accomplished more in the teaching and the organizing of dermatology than Donald Pillsbury. Deceased.

Charles C. Tomlinson 1937 Graduated: M.D., University of Nebraska School of Medicine, 1908. Practice: In association with Schalek, Omaha, 1916; Douglas County, Bishop Clarkson Memorial, and Nebraska Methodist Episcopal hospitals, Attending Dermatologist; University of Nebraska Hospital, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman. Teaching Appointments: University of Nebraska School of Medicine: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1916-1926, Assistant Professor, 1926-1930, Associate Professor, 1930-1934, Professor and Chief, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1934. Author: A number of articles on dermatology. Deceased.

Anthony C. Cipollaro 1938 Graduated: M.D., Columbia, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1927. Training: New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, and Preceptor with Dr. George M. MacKee, 1928·1930. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1935.

114 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Practice: New York City 1930·1975. Teaching Appointments: New York Post·Graduate Medical School and Hospital, New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Clinical Assistant to Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1930-1947; New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, Professor and Director, Department of Dermatology, 1949-1960, President of Medical Board, 1953-1954; Cornell University Medical College, Assistant Professor to Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dermatology, 1949-1965, Professor Emeritus, 1965-1975. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1941-1948 and 1956-1959, President, 1958-1959; American Board of Dermatology: Member, 1945-1954, Vice President, 1950-1951, President, 1951-1952; American Dermatological. Association: Board of Directors, 1956-1960, Vice President, 1958-1959, President, 1965- 1966; Association of Italian Physicians in America, Former Secretary and President; Manhattan Dermatology Society: Secretary, 1938-1943, President, 1943-1944; New York Dermatological Society: Secretary 1949· 1951, President, 1951-1952, 1958-1959, and 1972-1973; corresponding member of the Italian, French, and Swedish dermatological society; honorary member of the Rhode Island, Venezuelan, and Australian dermatology societies. Awards: Bronze Medal Award for outstanding contribution to the control of cancer, 1958; Clement Cleveland Award for outstanding contribution to cancer education, awarded by the American Cancer Society, 1962. Author: 58 scientific articles, 27 book chapters, and three textbooks, including X-rays and Radium in the Treatment of Diseases of the Skin, written with MacKee for four editions and with P.A. Crossland for its fifth. Tony Cipollaro was beloved and respected by colleagues, patients, and friends. In his lifetime, he accomplished much toward the advancement of the specialty he loved so much. Deceased, July 5, 1975.

Everett C. Fox 1938 Born: Italy, Texas, Sept. 28, 1902. Graduated: Ph.D., Baylor College of Pharmacy, 1923; M.D., Baylor Medical College, 1928. Training: New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Columbia University, Assistant in Dermatology, 1929-1931; office of Drs. Bedford Shelmire and J. J. Eller. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1935. Practice: Dallas, Texas, 1932-1942 and 1946-1975. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps Reserves, Active Duty, Lieutenant Commander to Commander to Captain, 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: Baylor Medical School, Instructor and Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1932-1943; University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1945-1955, Professor Emeritus, 1970. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President, 1941, Board of Directors, 1941-1946 and 1965-1967; American Medical Association: House of Delegates, Representative, Section on Dermatology, 1949-1952, Chairman Section on Dermatology 1955; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1965; American College of Physicians; Dallas County Medical Society, President,, 1946; Texas Dermatological Society, President, 1935; Dermatology Foundation Board of Directors: 1970-1974, Chairman, 1972-1974. Awards: Clark W. Finnerud Award for meritorious service in the practice and teaching of dermatology 1975. Author: 56 scientific articles on dermatology, syphilology, cutaneous malignancy, medical economics, and prepaid health care. Upon his death, Everett Fox gave a generous bequest to the American Dermatological Association. The fund created with this endowment helps support the Association’s Annual Meeting. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 115 Everett S. Lain 1938 Born: Near Cooper, Texas, April 1876. Graduated: M.D., Vanderbilt University, 1900. Training: In general practice for eight years, then graduate training in dermatology, Rush Medical College, and Vanderbilt Clinic, New York, 1908-1910. Practice: Consulting Dermatologist and Syphilologist at University, Polyclinic, and Wesley hospitals; retired from practice 1954. Teaching Appointments: University of Oklahoma, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology to Professor and Head of the Department, 1911-1945, Professor Emeritus, 1945. Professional Societies: Oklahoma State Dermatological Association, President; Oklahoma State and County Medical Societies; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Vice Chairman (twice). Author: Many articles on various aspects of dermatology, including “Chemical and Electrolytic Lesions of the Mouth, Caused by Artificial Dentures” (Archives, July 1932), in which he was the first to call attention to electrogalvanic lesions of the buccal mucosa produced by metallic dentures; the following year he was honored by the American Medical Association for this contribution. Deceased, Jan. 11, 1970.

Henry D. Niles 1938 Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1925. Training: Associate in MacKee’s office and an assistant at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital and at Cornell Medical School, 1927-1931. Practice: New York Post-Graduate, Teaching Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Chief of a Skin and Cancer Unit, and Attending Dermatologist to the Hospital, 1940; New York Hospital, Attending Dermatologist; West Side Hospital and Dispensary, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Chief. Niles was a hard worker and a good writer. His accidental death at age 40 snuffed out a life full of promise. Deceased.

Edward F. Corson 1939 Born: Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, November 29, 1883. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1906. Training: University Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Physician of Skin Dispensary, 1919-1921. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology Practice: Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, general practice 1909-1917; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1919-1967. Military Service: U.S. Medical Corps Reserves, 1916-1924, active duty in France. Teaching Appointments: Jefferson Medical College, Associate in Dermatology to Professor Emeritus, 1921-1950. Professional Societies: Philadelphia County Medical Society, Member of Committee of Skin and Venereal Diseases 1936-1939; Philadelphia Dermatological Society, Secretary, 1919-1923, President, 1924 and 1951;

116 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Medical Society of State of Pennsylvania, Chairman of Section on Dermatology, 1936-1939. Author: 40 scientific articles. Deceased, December 2, 1967.

Carl W. Laymon 1939 Born: Hot Springs, South Dakota, June 5, 1908. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1931; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1933; Ph.D., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1934. Training: University of Minnesota, postgraduate education in dermatology, 1931-1934. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1936. Practice: Minneapolis, 1934-1970; Los Angeles from1971. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Division of Dermatology: Instructor 1934-1937 Clinical Assistant Professor, 1937-1940, Clinical Associate Professor 1940- 1946, Clinical Professor 1946-1951. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1948-1949; Los Angeles Dermatological Society; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Pan American Medical Association, Dermatology. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi. Author: 50 scientific articles. Early in his career, Carl Laymon made notable advances in such diseases as tuberculosis of the skin and necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum. Later, Carl confined his energies to the private practice of dermatology. Deceased.

Francis W. Lynch 1939 Born: Winona, Minnesota, June 21, 1906. Son, Peter, is a member also. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota 1930; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1933. Training: University of Minnesota, Department of Dermatology, 1930-1933. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1936. Practice: Saint Paul, Minnesota 1933 to present. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Medical School Faculty: 1933 to present, Director, Division of Dermatology 1957-1968, Head, Department of Dermatology 1969- 1971, Professor of Dermatology 1957-1971, Professor Emeritus, from 1971. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Director 1947-1950 and 1959-1962, Vice President 1939, President 1948, honorary member 1974; American Board of Dermatology: member 1951-1960, President, 1959, advisor member from 1960; American Dermatological Association:, Membership Committee 1947-1957, Board of Directors 1958-1963, President 1964; American Medical Association, Section of Dermatology: Chairman 1952, Committee on Cutaneous Health and Cosmetics 1965-1967; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Secretary Author: 133 scientific articles. Francis Lynch has been chairman, director, or president of most of the important dermatological societies in the United States. Furthermore, he has found time to be a teacher in a large university, a lecturer at different medical centers, and a successful practitioner. Very few men have done more. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 117 Winston U. Rutledge 1939 Information and photo not available. Resigned.

Frederick R. Schmidt 1939 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College, 1920. Training: Graduate training in dermatology, Rush Medical College, 1925-1926. Practice: Alexian Brothers and Grant hospitals, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist; U.S. Marine Hospital, Consultant. Teaching Appointments: Northwestern University School of Medicine: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1927 to Assistant Professor. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society, Vice President, 1938-1940. Author: 16 papers. Resigned.

Arthur G. Schoch 1939 Graduated: M.D., University of Texas, 1927; Sc.M., Dermatology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Practice: Dallas Syphilis and Venereal Disease Clinic and Dallas City-County Hospital System, Director; Penicillin Research Center, a branch of the Southwestern Medical Foundation, Director and Trustee, a position in which he did much of his pioneer work in the treatment of syphilis with penicillin. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1928-1931; South· western Medical College, University of Texas: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1931-1936, Assistant Professor 1936, Associate Professor. Author: Numerous articles on various aspects of syphilis and its treatment, many of which are the result of original observation and experimentation; originator of the Schoch Letter/Current News in Dermatology and Syphilology; collaborator with John H. Stokes in the second edition of Modern Clinical Syphilology. Deceased, Dec. 5, 1975.

Louis Chargin 1940 Born: Minsk, Russia, May 1, 1881. Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland School of Medicine, 1902. Training: Postgraduate study in Berlin and London, 1902-1904. Practice: New York City, 1904 until death. Teaching Appointments: New York Polyclinic Medical School, Instructor in Dermatology, 1915; New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Skin and Cancer Unit, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1934; New York Department of Health, Chief, Division of Venereal Diseases, 1915-1940; Mt. Sinai Hospital and Dispensary, Assistant Chief of Clinics, Associate and Consultant. Professional Societies: New York Academy of Medicine, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1932-1933, Chairman, 1937· 1938; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Author: Many scientific articles.

118 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Louis Chargin was a well-known expert on syphilology, both nationally and internationally. Deceased.

W. Howard Hailey 1940 Born: Hartwell, Georgia, May 17, 1898. Graduated: M.D., Emory University School of Medicine, 1920. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology. Practice: Atlanta, Georgia, 1921-1967. Military Service: U.S. National Guard, Sergeant, field hospital, El Paso, Texas, 1916-1917. Teaching Appointments: Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology: Instructor, 1922·1931, Associate Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: Fulton County Medical Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1928·1933, President, 1940; Southern Medical Association, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1940; Emory Medical Alumni Association, President, 1940 Author: 37 scientific articles. Howard and his brother Hugh described and gave their name to Hailey-Hailey disease, chronic familial benign pemphigus. Deceased, March 26, 1967.

John F. Madden 1940 Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1926; Sc.M., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Michigan 1930. Practice: Ancker Hospital, Department of Dermatology, Director; Gillette State, Bethesda, Charles T. Miller, St. John’s, St. Joseph’s, and St. Luke’s hospitals, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1930-1935, Assistant Professor, 1935-1940, Associate Professor, 1940. Professional Societies: Minnesota Dermatological Society President 1937. Deceased.

Wiley M. Sams 1940 Born: Lexington, Kentucky, January. 26, 1904. Son, W. Mitchell Sams, Jr., is also a member of the association. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan School of Medicine, 1929; M.S., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Michigan, 1933. Training: University of Michigan Medical School: Assistant in Anatomy, 1926-1927, Assistant in Histology and Embryology, 1927-1928, Research Assistant in Pharmacology, 1928, Resident in Dermatology, 1930, Research Assistant in Dermatology, 1931-1932. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology. Practice: Miami, Florida, from 1933. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Lt. (jg), 1929-1930; U.S. Naval Reserves Medical Corps, Lt. (jg,1930-1934. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1932-1933; University of Miami Medical School, Clinical Professor of Dermatology from 1956.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 119 Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: President, 1961; American Dermatological Association: President, 1963-1964, Secretary, 1958-1963, honorary member, 1975; American Board of Dermatology: President, 1968; American Medical Association: Section on Dermatology, Chairman, 1953; Southern Medical Association: Section on Dermatology, Chairman; Dade County Medical Association: Secretary, 1942-1943, Vice President, 1940, President, 1944, Director 1945-1950; Dermatology Foundation of Miami: Administrator, 1967-1972; Southeastern Dermatology Association: Chairman, 1971-1972; Florida Society for Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1936-1937, President, 1937-1938; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: More than 30 scientific articles. Wiley Sams was a leading dermatologist in the state of Florida for 40 years. To do justice to the career of Wiley Sams in a few sentences is impossible. Wiley was secretary and president of practically every important dermatological society. Deceased.

Leslie McKnight Smith 1940 Graduated: M.D. Vanderbilt University, 1917. Training: Graduate training in dermatology, Stanford University. the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the New York Skin and Cancer Unit of the Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 1924, 1925,1931 and 1932. Practice: El Paso City and County Hospital, Attending Dermatologist 1926-1940, Attending Dermatologist, 1940; William Beaumont General Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist. Professional Societies: Southwestern Medical Association, President, 1947; El Paso County Medical Society President, 1939-1940; Texas Dermatological Society. President, 1939-1940. Deceased June 19, 1975.

Richard L. Sutton, Jr. 1940 Born: Kansas City, Missouri May 11, 1908. Father, Richard L. Sutton, Sr., was a member of the association. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1929. Training: Licentiate Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1932; Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, postgraduate study in dermatology, and preceptorship with father, 1933-1940. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1937. Practice: Kansas City, 1932-1974; Prairie Village, Kansas, 1974 to present. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain to Major (1943-1946); Instructor in Chemical Warfare (1942); consultant in Dermatoses Investigation Section, USPHS 1942-1949; Chief, Section of Skin and Syphilis, Woodrow Wilson General Hospital, Staunton, Virginia, 1943-1945. Teaching Appointments: University of Kansas: Associate in Dermatology, 1932-1935, Assistant Professor, 1939-1946, Associate Professor, 1946-1949, Professor and Chairman of Department of Dermatology, 1949- 1956, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dermatology, 1956-1959, Clinical Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Dermatology, 1969; University of Kansas Paleontological Institute, Research Associate from 1966; University of Missouri Medical Center, Clinical Professor of Medicine, 1967-1970, Adjunct Professor of Geosciences, 1970.

120 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Vice President, 1969-1970; honorary member, Southern Medical Association, Jackson County Medical Society, and Polish, Austrian, and Venezuelan dermatological societies. Awards: Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: 80 or more scientific articles, and 11 textbooks, including Diseases of the Skin (11th ed.) and The Practitioner’s Dermatology with M. Waisman. Richard Sutton, Jr., was a man of letters, and he had a facility with words that made him appealing to his listeners, whether he was lecturing or conversing. Outside Interests: Billiards, checkers, mathematical puzzles, fossils in the field and letter writing. Deceased.

Marcus Rayner Caro 1941 Born: Lodz, Poland, January 30, 1903. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois, 1927. Training: New York University and preceptor with Dr. Howard Fox, 1928-1929. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1938. Practice: Chicago, 1929-1962. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois, Department of Dermatology: Assistant, 1929- 1930, Instructor, 1930-1932, Associate, 1932-1938, Assistant Professor, 1938-1942, Associate Professor, 1942-1944, Clinical Associate Professor, 1944-1948, Clinical Professor, 1948-1954, Professor and Head of the Department, 1954-1958. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, chairman of numerous postgraduate courses and seminars in skin pathology; Chicago Dermatological Society: Vice President, 1941-1942, Secretary-Treasurer, 1943-1945, President, 1946. Awards: Marcus R. Caro Memorial Lecture, American Academy of Dermatology, 1964-1968. Author: 30 articles. Marc Caro was a dynamic, enthusiastic, ambitious man. Marc lived for dermatology and dermatopathology. He never took vacations, except to attend medical meetings. Unfortunately, Marc died of a brain tumor too early in his life. Deceased, May 17, 1962

Frank Charles Combes 1941 Born: New York City, August 15, 1896. Graduated: M.D., New York University School of Medicine, 1918. Practice: New Rochelle, New York 1919-1925; New York City, 1925-1955 Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Reserve, First Lieutenant, 1917-1922, Captain, 1922- 1939. Teaching Appointments: New York University School of Medicine: Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1932-1934, Associate Clinical Professor, 1934· 1941, Professor and Head of Department, 1941·1955. Professional Societies: Association of Dermatosyphilologists of New York, Executive Committee, 1940; New York Academy of Medicine, Dermatology, Secretary, 1935-1936; Manhattan Dermatological Society, President; New York Academy of Sciences; American Social Hygiene Association, Board of Directors; Leonard Wood Memorial Society, Board of Directors; New Rochelle Medical Society: Secretary, 1927, President, 1928; New York Dermatological Society Secretary, 1938, President, 1940;

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 121 New York State Medical Society: Secretary, 1933, Chairman, 1939; National Research Council (VD control); honorary member of several foreign dermatological societies. Numerous scientific articles, mostly on syphilis and pharmaceuticals in dermatology. Frank Combs was als a member of the National Research Council (VD control). Deceased.

James Wallace Jordan 1941 Born: Rochester, New York, September 25, 1904. Graduated: M.D., University of Buffalo, 1930; Sc.M., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Buffalo, 1936. Training: Fellow, Dermatological Research Laboratories, University of Pennsylvania, 1932-1933. Practice: Buffalo General and Edward J. Meyer Memorial hospitals, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist; Buffalo Children’s Hospital, Assistant Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Buffalo School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1937, Associate Professor. Jordan, in association with Earl Osborne, contributed much of interest in the field of dermatology, especially in the eczematizing properties of certain soaps, soap powders, cosmetics, and nail enamels. Deceased.

Maurice Jerome Reuter 1941 Graduated: M.D., Marquette University, 1924; Sc.M., Dermatology and Syphilology, Mayo Foundation, University of Minnesota, 1930. Practice: Columbia, Milwaukee Children’s, and Milwaukee County hospitals, staff member. Teaching Appointments: Marquette University, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology 1931-1941, Associate Clinical Professor. Author: More than 13 papers. Deceased, April 5, 1965.

Herbert S. Alden 1944 Born: Boston, Massachusetts, May 23, 1901. Graduated: M.D., University of Georgia Medical College, 1924. Training: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, Resident in Dermatology, 1927; Ross Institute of Tropical Diseases, London, 1928. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1937. Practice: Atlanta, Georgia 1928-1973. Military Service: U.S. Naval Reserve, World War II, Pacific Theater. Teaching Appointments: Emory University: Assistant Professor to Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Dermatology. Professional Societies: Atlanta Dermatological Association; Georgia Society of Dermatologists; Medical Association of Atlanta; Medical Association of Georgia; Southeastern Dermatological Association.

122 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Author: 40 scientific articles. Herbert S. Alden was interested in roentgen therapy and clinical dermatology. Outside Interests: Farming, fishing, and woodworking. Deceased.

Jasper Lamar Callaway 1944 Born: Cooper, Alabama, April 5, 1911. Graduated: M.D., Duke University, 1932. Training: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Fellow in Dermatology, 1932-1933; Duke University, Intern and Assistant Resident in Medicine, 1933-1935. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939. Teaching Appointments: University of Alabama School of Medicine, Instructor in Medicine and Physical Diagnosis, 1935; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology, 1935-1937; Duke University School of Medicine: Instructor, Associate, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor to Professor of Dermatology, 1937-1966, Chairman of Division, 1946-1975. Professional Societies: Southeastern Dermatological Association, President 1948-1949; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman 1951; American Board of Dermatology, President 1958-1959; Society for Investigative Dermatology, President 1956; American Dermatological Association: Secretary 1953-1958, President 1958-1959; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman 1962-1963; American Association of Professors of Dermatology, President, 1965; North Carolina State Medical Society, Section on Dermatology, Chairman, 1968; American Academy of Dermatology: Director, 1969-1971, President, 1971; American College of Physicians, Fellow. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa; American Men of Science; James B. Duke Distinguished Professorship 1967; American Academy of Dermatology Gold Medal, 1972. Author: 156 scientific articles, coauthor of two textbooks, and co ­author of two educational movies on fungus diseases. J. Lamar Callaway had a distinguished career writing, teaching, and organizing. He has been president of most of the important national and regional dermatologic societies. In addition, he played golf eight days a week. Deceased.

Francis A. Ellis 1944 Born: Baltimore, Maryland, October 3, 1899. Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland, 1925. Training: University of Pennsylvania, Dermatology, 1927-1928. Certified: America Board of Dermatology & Syphilology. Practice: West Virginia general practice 1927; Baltimore, Dermatology, 1932-1969. Military Service: U.S. Army, S.A.T.C., 1918; Maryland National Guard, Medical Corps, First Lieutenant to Captain, 1932-1939. Teaching Appointments: University of Maryland Medical School, Instructor to Professor and Professor Emeritus of Clinical Dermatology, 1929-1969; Johns Hopkins University, Assistant Dermatologist to Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1932-1969. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology, President; Baltimore-Washington Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1935-1937, Chairman, 1939-1940; Baltimore Dermatological Society, President, 1959.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 123 Author: 60 scientific articles, most of them dealing with skin pathology. Frank Ellis was a quiet man, who was devoted to dermatology. Frank attended meetings regularly. His whole life was filled with studying, teaching, and practicing dermatology. Outside Interests: Golf, bridge, and photography. Deceased, 1969.

Herbert Rattner 1944 Graduated: M.D., Northwestern University Medical College, 1926. Practice: Associated with Pusey, 1927-1937; Michael Reese Hospital, Attending Dermatologist and Chairman of the Department; Cook County Hospital, Attending Dermatologist; South Shore and St. Vincent’s hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois Medical College: Assistant in Dermatology, 1928-1929, lnstructor, 1930·1932, Associate, 1934-1937, Assistant Professor, 1937- 1941; Northwestern University Medical College: Assistant Professor in Dermatology, 1941, Associate Professor, 1944, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1940. Author: More than 43 papers; a number of chapters in medical texts; Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, Associate Editor. Rattner’s interest in the history of medicine was evidenced in the valuable historical index he contributed to Pusey’s History of Dermatology 1933. Deceased.

Maurice Sullivan 1944 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, Tulane University, 1928. Training: Graduate training in dermatology and syphilology as Assistant Resident, Cleveland City Hospital, and Resident, University Hospitals, 1934-1936; also Cole’s office assistant and Demonstrator of Dermatology, Western Reserve Medical School, 1936- 1937. Practice: Baltimore, from 1937; Johns Hopkins Hospital, Assistant Visiting Dermatologist, Dispensary and Diagnostic Clinic, Attending Dermatologist; Episcopal Church Home and Infirmary and Union Memorial Hospital, Visiting Dermatologist; Marine Hospital and Fort Howard Veterans Hospital, Consultant. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins: Assistant in Dermatology, 1937, Instructor, 1939, Associate Professor, 1943, and Assistant Professor. Author: More than 40 papers and much original work. Deceased.

124 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Stuart C. Way 1944 Graduated: M.D., University of Louisville School of Medicine. 1919. Training: Postgraduate study in dermatology for several years in Berlin, Bonn, Paris, Edinburgh, and Vienna. Practice: San Francisco City and County Hospital, Assistant Visiting Dermatologist, 1923- 1925, Visiting Dermatologist, 1927-1933; Franklin Hospital, Associate Dermatologist, 1927-1933; Lane and Stanford Clinic, Associate Dermatologist, 1923-1925 and 1927- 1933; Mary’s Help Hospital, Department of Dermatology, Chief, 1934. Author: Numerous excellent papers. Deceased, November 20, 1967.

Louis A. Winer 1944 Born: Superior, Wisconsin, March 19, 1903. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1925. Training: Minneapolis General Hospital, Resident, 1926-1929; University of Minnesota, Assistant in Dermatology, 1926-1929; Vienna Austria, graduate course in dermatology with Professor Openheim, 1929-1930. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology. Practice: Minneapolis, 1930-1945; Beverly Hills, California from 1945. Military Service: Medical examiner for local draft board, Minneapolis, 1941-1943. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology: Instructor, 1929-1940, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1940-1945; University of California, Los Angeles: Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Dermatology and Histopathology, 1945-1951, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dermatology and Histopathology, from 1951. Professional Societies: Minnesota Dermatological Society: President, 1935-1936, Secretary, 1934-1935. Los Angeles Dermatological Society, Secretary and President, 1955-1956; Pacific Dermatological Association: Secretary, 1957-1958, Treasurer, 1958-1959, President, 1959-1960; California Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman, 1957; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1953-1955 and 1960-1962, Vice President, 1968-1969; Dermatology Research Foundation of California President; American Society of Dermatopathology, President, 1971-1972. Author: 62 scientific articles, most of them on Dermatopathology. Louie Winer’s idea of a good time was to look at puzzling microscope slides. Photomicrography was his other hobby. Deceased.

Arthur R. Woodburne 1944 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, University of Michigan, 1927. Practice: Ann Arbor, Michigan; Blodgett Memorial, Butterworth, and St. Mary’s hospitals, Grand Rapids, staff member; associated with Drs. O. S. and J. A. Philpott, Jr., Denver, 1946; Fitzsimmons Army Hospital, Civilian Consultant in Dermatology; Veterans Hospital, Fort Logan, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Mercy Hospital Clinic, University of Pittsburgh Medical School, Demonstrator of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1928-1931; University of Michigan, Graduate Department, Instructor in Dermatology, 1934-1941; University of Colorado, Medical School, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology. Author: More than 25 articles, many of them on lesions of the buccal mucosae. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 125 Herman Beerman 1946 Born: Johnstown, Pennsylvania, October 13, 1901. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1927; Sc.D., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Pennsylvania, 1935. Training: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Resident in Dermatology, 1929-1933. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1935. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service (Reserve) Surgeon, 1942-1947. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine: Assistant Instructor to Emeritus Professor from 1929; Graduate School of Medicine, Assistant Professor to Professor and Chairman, 1940-1967. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Secretary-Treasurer, 1950-1965, President, 1947; American Society of Dermatopathology: President, 1965-1966, honorary member, 1974; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1963-1968, President, 1967-1968; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1941-1948 and 1962-1967, President,1965-1966, honorary member, 1971; American Dermatological Association: Board of Directors, 1960-1965, President, 1967-1968, honorary member, 1974; Philadelphia Dermatological Society, President, 1940-1941 and 1958-1959; honorary member of British, Argentinian, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Israeli, Iranian, Mexican, Pacific, Polish, Venezuelan, and Swedish dermatology societies. Awards: Annual Herman Beerman Lecture sponsored by Society for Investigative Dermatology, first awarded in 1960; dedication of May 1969 issue Journal of Investigative Dermatology to Herman Beerman; Parran Award, American Venereal Disease Association, 1974. Author: 225 scientific articles. Herman Beerman was one of the few true geniuses in dermatology. He was acclaimed as an international authority in dermatopathology and syphilis. Dr. Beerman was an enthusiastic patron of the arts. He supported the Philadelphia Art Alliance, the Museum of Art and the Philadelphia Orchestra and considered many artists and musicians among his friends. He was a lifelong music lover and a disciple of Sherlock Holmes. Deceased.

Maurice J. Costello 1946 Graduated: M.D., Georgetown University College of Medicine, 1925. Training: Graduate training in dermatology at New York University School of Medicine and Bellevue Hospital and its clinic 1929-1932; also an associate in the office of Howard Fox. Practice: Bellevue Hospital, Third New York University Division, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilolgist, and Outpatient Department, Chief of Clinic; Willard Parker, Lenox Hill, St. Claire’s, and Misericordia hospitals, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist; St. Joseph’s and St. Francis hospitals, Consulting Dermatologist and Syphilologist. Teaching Appointments: New York University School of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology 1938 to Clinical Professor 1948; New York University- Bellevue Medical Center, College of Medicine, Post-Graduate Division, Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Syphilology, 1950. Professional Societies: Medical Society of the State of New York: Secretary, 1942, Chairman, 1947-1948; Manhattan Dermatological Society, President 1947-1948; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1946-1947, Chairman, 1949· 1950. Author: More than 40 papers. Deceased, December 3, 1963.

126 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association John H. Lamb 1946 Graduated: M.D., University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, 1932. Training: Graduate training in dermatology as special Research Fellow in Mycology and Dermatopathology, Johns Hopkins University Hospital, 1932-1933, under Ketron, and at New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital and its New York Skin and Cancer Unit, 1938. Practice: St. Anthony, Wesley, and University hospitals, Attending Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Oklahoma, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1939. Professional Societies: Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Secretary, 1937; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Secretary, 1949. Author: More than 26 papers. Deceased, February 23, 1961.

Frederick G. Novy 1946 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, University of Michigan, 1927; Sc.M., bacteriology 1927. Training: University of Michigan, Resident in Dermatology, 1929-1930; graduate study in dermatology, University of Strassburg. Practice: Samuel Merritt Hospital, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Chief; Colwell, University of California, Children’s, and Peralta hospitals, Attending Dermatologist; Veterans Administration, Branch 12, Department of Dermatology, Chief; Letterman Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan School of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology 1930-1932; University of California: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1933-1940, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1940. Professional Societies: California Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Vice Chairman, 1940, Secretary, 1943. Author: Section on cutaneous diseases for Handbook on Tropical Diseases; a number of practical and interesting articles. Deceased, October 7, 1974.

Charles R. Rein 1946 Graduated: M.D., School of Medicine, University of Michigan, 1928. Training: Mount Sinai Hospital, Cleveland, Resident in Pathology, 1929-1930. Practice: New York Post·Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Clinical Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1930-1933; New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist; Bellevue, Associate Visiting Dermatologist; Consulting Serologist, Army Medical Center, Washington, 1945, Sydenham Hospital, 1946; U.S. Public Health Service and National Institute of Health, Special Consultant; Institute of Health and Tropical Diseases, City of Mexico, honorary consultant, 1949. Teaching Appointments: New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology 1938; Army Medical School, Washington, Division of Serology, Chief, 1942-1945, Instructor in Tropical Medicine; Lecturer in Serology, Georgetown Medical School, 1942, George Washington Medical School, 1943, Howard University Medical School, 1945; New York University, Post-Graduate Division, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1948.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 127 Professional Societies: Honorary member, Florida and Cuban societies of medical technologists; corresponding member, Cuban, French and Swedish dermatological societies. Author: About 70 articles, some in collaboration, dealing chiefly with serological studies; chapters and sections in four books on serology, syphilis, and tumors of the skin. Deceased.

Harry L. Arnold, Jr. 1947 Born: Owosso, Michigan, August 7, 1912. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan cum laude, 1935; M.S., Dermatology, University of Michigan, 1939. Training: University of Michigan Department of Dermatology, 1936-1939. Certified: American Board. of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1941. Practice: Straub Clinic, Honolulu, Hawaii from 1939. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School, Instructor 1937-1939; University of Hawaii, School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dermatology from 1969. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Director 1948-1951, 1962-1965, 1973-1976, President 1975; American Dermatological Association, President 1970-1971; American Medical Association: Delegate from Hawaii, 1956·1961, 1973-1976, Alternate 1965-1973, Section of Dermatology, Secretary 1961- 1963, Chairman 1964; Hawaiian Academy of Science, President 1952; Hawaii Dermatological Association, Secretary 1943-1954, President 1955; Pacific Dermatological Association, President 1968; Straub Medical Research lnstitute of Hawaii, President 1960-1964; corresponding member of Argentine, Cuban, and Venezuelan dermatological societies; honorary member of Mexican and Brazilian dermatology societies; International Leprosy Association; American Board of Dermatology 1966·1975, President 1973. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi; Award of Pacific Dermatologic Association; Frederick G. Novy, Jr., Visiting Scholar in Dermatology, University of California. Author: 162 scientific articles, textbook Modern Concepts of Leprosy, and co-author of the second edition, Leprosy, Diagnosis and Management; editor, Straub Clinic Proceedings from 1940; Hawaii Medical Journal from 1941; The Schoch Letter from 1974; editorial board member, Group Practice, Cutis, Journal of Internal Medicine Research, Archives of Dermatology, International Journal of Leprosy. Harry Arnold accomplished about everything that is possible in dermatology at the time. In addition, he was an amateur parliamentarian, a cook, and an expert on leprosy. Deceased.

Arthur C. Curtis 1947 Born: Binghamton, New York, June 30, 1898. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan School of Medicine, 1925. Training: University of Michigan, Resident Physician in Internal Medicine, 1926-1928; Mayo Clinic, Resident in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1941; New York Postgraduate Medical School Hospital, Skin and Cancer Unit, Division of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1942; University of Buffalo Medical School, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1942. Certified: American Board of Internal Medicine 1937; American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1942. Practice: Ann Arbor, Michigan, Internal Medicine, 1928-1941; Dermatology and Syphilology from 1941. Military Service: U.S. Army (S.A.T.C.), 1918; Lieutenant Colonel, 298th Base Hospital, 1940·1941.

128 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan: Instructor in Internal Medicine to Associate Professor, 1942, Professor, Department of Dermatology, 1942·1946, Chairman of Department of Dermatology, 1946· 1970. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, President, 1955; American College of Physicians; American Medical Association, Chairman of Section of Dermatology, 1961; American Society of Clinical Investigation; American Social Health Association, Board of Directors, 1960. Author: More than 150 scientific articles. Arthur C. Curtis began his career in internal medicine. In 1941, he shifted to dermatology, and his career developed rapidly. On completion of his residency in dermatology, he became full Professor at his alma mater and, four years later, chairman of the department. Arthur Curtis concentrated on the cutaneous manifestations of systemic diseases. Deceased July 7, 1970.

Clarence S. Livingood 1947 Born: Elverson, Pennsylvania, August 7, 1911. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1936. Training: Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, Fellowship in Dermatology, 1938-1941; Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania, 1938-1939. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1941. Practice: Philadelphia from 1946. Military Service: U S. Army Medical Corps Reserves; active duty, Zone of the Interior, 1941-1942, India-Burma Theater, 1942-1945, Office of the Surgeon General, 1946; discharged as Lt Col.; awarded Legion of Merit and Bronze Star. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1946-1948; Graduate Medical School, University of Pennsylvania Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1946-1949; Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania Chief of Dermatology, 1946-1948; Jefferson Medical College of Pennsylvania Professor and Director of Dermatology, 1948-1949; University of Texas School of Medicine Professor of Dermatology, 1949-1953; Henry Ford Hospital Detroit: Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1953-1976, Chairman Emeritus from 1976; University of Michigan Medical School Clinical Professor of Dermatology from 1971. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1955-1957 and 1966-1968, President, 1967; American Board of Dermatology, Member, 1963-1998, Executive Secretary/Director, 1969-1992; American Board of Medical Specialties Exec. Committee; American Dermatological Association: Board. of Directors 1964-1968, President 1969; American Medical Association, Dermatology. Section: Secretary 1955-1958, Chairman, 1959, Dermatology Section Council; American College of Physicians; Dermatology Foundation, Founding Member, Board. of Trustees; Detroit Dermatological Society President 1960; honorary member or corresponding member of many dermatology societies. Awards: Certificate of Meritorious Achievement, Dermatology Foundation 1975; Gold Medal, American Academy of Dermatology 1975; Stephen Rothman Award 1980; Distinguished Service Award, American Medical Association 1990; American Board of Medical Specialties Special Annual Award 1993; Wayne County Medical Society Scientific Achievement Award 1993. Author: 68 scientific articles, one book, Manual of Dermatology, with D.M. Pillsbury and M.D. Sulzberger, and contributions to 14 other books. Although a generation of dermatologists knew him in his capacity of Executive Director of the American Board of Dermatology, Clarence was most interested in cutaneous bacterial infections and superficial fungus infections. His professional life was a long series of meritorious achievements, and he also served as the physician for the Detroit Tigers baseball team. Deceased July 27, 1998.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 129 Charles J. Lunsford 1947 Born: Roanoke, Virginia, August 20, 1888. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1923. Training: Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. Louis, Resident in Dermatology, 1924-1925; University of California, Assistant Dermatologist demonstrating dermatological cases to medical students, 1925-1926. Practice: Oakland, California, dermatology, 1930-1956; E. V. Cowell Memorial Hospital, Attending Dermatologist, 1940-1949; Samuel Merritt, Peralta, Alameda, Herrick Memorial, and Children’s hospitals, staff member. Military Service: U.S. Army, Field Artillery, Second Lieutenant, 1917-1918. Professional Societies: California Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1934, Vice Chairman, 1946; San Francisco Dermatological Society, President 1936-1937. Author: More than 25 articles, some in collaboration with Templeton and Allington, on poison ivy dermatitis and insects in California. Deceased, February 20, 1964.

Donald H. Williams 1947 Graduated: M.D., University of Manitoba School of Medicine, 1931; Sc.M., Dermatology, Mayo Foundation, Graduate School, University of Minnesota, 1938. Teaching Appointments: University of Manitoba, Department of Bacteriology, Lecturer, 1930-1931; Biet Memorial Fellow and Lecturer on Physiology, University College, Lon­ don, 1932-1933; University of British Columbia, Department of Medicine, Dermatology, and Syphilology, Associate 1938 and Special Lecturer 1940. Author: About 25 papers, chiefly on venereal control. Deceased.

Arturo L. Carrion 1948 Born: Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, August 10, 1893. Graduated: M.D., University of Havana, Cuba 1919. Training: New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1919-1920; School of Tropical Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Tropical Pathology, 1926-1927, Tropical Bacteriology and Immunology, 1927-1928, Advanced Bacteriology, 1928-1929; Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1931-1932. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1945; American Board of Microbiology, 1962. Practice: San Juan from 1920. Military Service: Battalion of Cadets, University of Puerto Rico, 1910-1914; Lieutenant Colonel, Governor’s Military Staff, San Juan, 1914-1915. Teaching Appointments: University of Puerto Rico: Instructor in Plague Prevention, 1926-1929, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1938-1949, Professor of Mycology from 1961; Columbia University: Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1938-1949, Lecturer in Dermatology from 1959 Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Society for Microbiology; Mycological Society of America, Committee on Medical Mycology, 1937·1966; Pan American Medical Association, Vice President, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1938; honorary member of Venezuelan, and Mexican dermatological societies.

130 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Author: 48 scientific articles. Arturo L. Carrion made significant contributions in such conditions as plague, chromoblastomycosis, and mycetoma. In fact, hediscovered two new species of fungi, Fonsecaea compacta, 1935, and Cephalosporium falciforme, 1939 which are causative agents, respectively, of the last two diseases mentioned. A third species of fungus, Cladosporium carrionii, was named in his honor. Deceased.

Frank E. Cormia 1948 Born: Milton, Vermont April 25, 1905. Graduated: M.D., University of Vermont School of Medicine, 1930. Training: University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1931- 1934. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939. Practice: Montreal, Canada 1935-1941; New York City, 1946-1968. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: McGill University: Instructor, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1935-1940, Associate Professor, 1940-1941; Cornell University School of Medicine, Instructor in Medicine, Dermatology, 1946-1947, Assistant Professor, 1947. Professional Societies: Atlantic Dermatological Society; American Academy of Dermatology, Chairman of Membership Committee, 1947; Canadian Branch of British Dermatological Association, Secretary 1940-1941; Canadian Dermatological Society; Montreal Dermatological Society; New York Dermatological Society. Author: More than 60 scientific articles. Frank E. Cormia wrote concerning his studies in the therapy of syphilis with arsphenamine and penicillin. Deceased, August 22, 1968.

G. Marshall Crawford 1948 Graduated: M.D., Northwestern University Medical School, 1932. Practice: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New England Deaconess, New England Baptist, and R. B. Brigham hospitals Attending Dermatologist; Mt. Auburn Hospital, Department of Dermatology Chief; Massachusetts Eye an Ear, Boston Lying-In, and Faulkner hospitals, and Brookline Free Hospital for Women, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology 1934-1942, Instructor 1943, Acting Head, Department of Dermatology, 1947-1948. Professional Societies: New England Dermatological Society, 1944-1948. Author: Over 20 papers. Deceased.

A. Fletcher Hall 1948 Born: Indianapolis, December 29, 1901. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1927. Training: Massachusetts General Hospital, Graduate Assistant in Dermatology, 1928-1929; Boston Dispensary, Clinical Assistant in Syphilis, 1928-1929; University of Vienna, 1929; Northwestern University Medical School, Graduate Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1932-1933.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 131 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939. Practice: Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1930-1935; Los Angeles, 1936-1938; Santa Monica, 1938-1963. Teaching Appointments: College of Medical Evangelists, Los Angeles, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1936-1940; University of Southern California, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Instructor to Clinical Professor to Emeritus Professor, 1941-1966. Professional Societies: Los Angeles County Medical Association, Bay District Branch: Secretary 1942-1943, President, 1944; Los Angeles Dermatological Society, President, 1944-1945; Pacific Dermatological Association, President, 1959; California Medical Association, Chairman of Section of Dermatology, 1955; American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1966-1967. Author: 12 scientific articles. Fletcher Hall published articles on syphilis early in his career, and later he became interested in industrial dermatology and the effects of sunlight on the skin, with particular reference to precancer and cancer. Outside Interests: Golf, tennis and photography. Deceased.

Onis G. Hazel 1948 Graduated: M.D., Oklahoma University School of Medicine, 1931. Training: Graduate work in dermatology and syphilology, Vanderbilt Clinic, New York, 1935-1937. Practice: Crippled Children’s, Mercy, University, and Wesley hospitals, Associate Visiting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Oklahoma University School of Medicine, Out­ patient Department, Instructor and Assistant, 1933; Oklahoma University School of Medicine, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology. Professional Societies: Oklahoma Dermatological Association and Oklahoma County Medical Society, President, 1948-1949. Author: 11 papers. Deceased.

Robert R. Kierland 1948 Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1933; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1939. Training: Mayo Foundation, Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1937-1940. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1941. Practice: Mayo Clinic, 1940-1974. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, served in World War II, retired as Colonel. Teaching Appointments: Mayo Clinic: Consulting Physician, Dermatology and Syphilology, 1940-1969, Head of Department, 1962-1969, Senior Consultant, 1969-1973; Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Professor of Dermatology, 1955-1974. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Secretary-Treasurer, 1957-1962, President, 1963, Board of Directors, 1955-1957 and 1963-1965; American Dermatological Association: Secretary, 1963-

132 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 1968, President, 1968-1969; Chicago Dermatological Society; Dermatology Foundation: President, 1965- 1970, Chairman of Board, 1971; International Society of Tropical Dermatology, Vice President, 1968-1 973; Minnesota State Dermatological Society, President, 1949-1950; corresponding and honorary member of many foreign societies; Journal for Investigative Dermatology, Editorial Board, 1955-1961; Dermatologia Tropica, Associate Editor, 1960; Consulting Dermatologist to the Surgeon, Fifth Army, 1961-1969; Editorial Board, Archives of Dermatology, 1966-1974, Chief Editor, 1969-1973. Awards: Howard Fox Lecture, New York University; Sigma Xi, President, Mayo Foundation Chapter 1966-1967. Author: Over 200 papers and chapters of books. Outside Interest: Figure skating. Deceased.

Roy L. Kile 1948 Born: Cincinnati, Ohio, November 15,1908. Graduated: M.D., University of Cincinnati, 1933. Training: Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, St Louis, Resident and Research Fellow, 1932-1935. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1938. Practice: St. Louis, 1935-1939; Cincinnati,1940-1973. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service,1942-1946, Surgeon (R). Teaching Appointments: Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, Assistant in Dermatology, 1935-1939; Washington University, College of Medicine, Assistant in Dermatology, 1935-1939; University of Cincinnati, Department of Dermatology: Assistant, 1940-1946, Instructor, 1946, Associate Clinical Professor, 1960; Retired 1973. Professional Societies: American Association for the Advancement of Science; Central States Dermatological Society; Cincinnati Society of Dermatology; Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society; St. Louis Dermatological Society; Society of Investigative Dermatology, Charter Member; American Academy of Dermatology, Charter Member. Author: 46 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Golf, and history of dermatology. Roy Kile developed an excellent collection of historical books on dermatology. He also accumulated 500 other volumes and many photographs of association members. All of these were given to the Historical Library of the Mayo Foundation in 1972. Deceased.

J. Lowry Miller 1948 Born: Gastonia, North Carolina, October 14, 1902. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1927. Training: Philadelphia General Hospital, Assistant Chief Resident in Medicine, 1929-1930. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939. Practice: New York City from 1930. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dermatology Department: Assistant, 1930-1937, Associate Instructor, 1937-1943, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1943-1950, Associate Clinical Professor, 1950-1962, Clinical Professor, 1962-1968, Special Lecturer in Dermatology from 1968. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Treasurer 1962-1967, Vice President 1973-1974; Dermatology Foundation: Treasurer, 1966-1972; Metropolitan Dermatological Society:

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 133 President, 1944-1945, honorary member from 1963 to present; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology, Secretary and Chairman, 1951-1954; New York Dermatology Society: Secretary, 1955-1957, President, 1957-1958, 1962-1963, and 1974-1975; International Society of Tropical Dermatology, Treasurer, 1960-1964. Author: 29 scientific articles. J. Lowry Miller wrote mostly on the effectiveness and rate of sensitivity of various antibiotic ointments and on the significance of the biologic false positive reaction. Outside Interest: Expert at bridge. Deceased.

Ashton L. Welsh 1948 Graduated: M.D., College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, 1930; Sc.M., Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Foundation, University of Minnesota, 1946. Training: Fellow in Mayo Clinic, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, 1931-1934, First Assistant, 1934-1936. Practice: Cincinnati General and Children’s hospitals, Attending Dermatologist; Christ and Bethesda hospitals, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, and Benet Laboratory of Topical Research, Director; Good Samaritan Hospital, Associate Attending Dermatologist; Jewish Hospital, senior member of the active staff. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1936, Assistant Professor, 1947. Professional Societies: Cincinnati Dermatological Society, President, 1948; Society of Dermatology of Mexico, Associate Member. Author: 13 papers. Deceased, August 25, 1963.

Herman V. Allington 1949 Born: Richmond, Virginia, July 19, 1906. Graduated: M.D., University of California, 1931. Training: New York Post-Graduate Hospital, halftime 1931-1933; office of Dr. George M. MacKee, New York City, half time 1931-1933; University of California Hospital, Dermatology and Syphilis Clinics, half time 1933-1934; office of Drs. Morrow, Miller, and Taussig, San Francisco, halftime 1933-1934. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1938. Practice: Oakland, California 1934 to retirement, associated with Drs. H. J. Templeton and C. Lunsford. Military Service: U.S. Navy Reserves Medical Corps, 1942-1946, discharged as Commander. Teaching Appointments: University of California Medical School, Clinical Assistant, Dermatology and Syphilology, 1933-1934. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1962-1964; American College of Chemosurgery; California Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1946- 1947, Chairman, 1948-1949; Pacific Dermatologic Association: Secretary, 1949, President, 1961; San Francisco Dermatological Association: Secretary, 1938, President, 1941. Author: 46 scientific articles and chapters in two textbooks. Herman Allington advanced the science of cryosurgery and made his knowledge available to the rest of us through his writings. Deceased.

134 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association George W. Binkley 1949 Born: Canton, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1904, Graduated: M.D, Western Reserve University, 1930. Training: University of California Health Service, Graduate Training in Dermatology, 1931-1933; Western Reserve University Hospital, Resident in Dermatology, 1933-1935. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939. Practice: Oakland, California 1933; Cleveland, 1937-1969; Tryon, North Carolina, 1970-1973. Teaching Appointments: Case Western Reserve University: Demonstrator of Dermatology, 1935, Director of Graduate Courses in V.D. Control, 1937, Instructor, 1936, Senior Clinical Instructor,1940, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1944, Associate Clinical Professor, 1967, Clinical Professor Emeritus from 1970. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Central States Dermatological Society; Cleveland Dermatological Society: Reporter, 1943-1946, Secretary-Treasurer, 1943-1947, President, 1947-1948. Author: 35 scientific articles. George W. Binkley was an outstanding dermatopathologist, and he taught dermal pathology at many annual meetings of the Academy. He was the first to use the term “diabetic dermatopathy” in an article in which he described the changes in vasculature of the skin in a diabetic. Deceased, April 2, 1974.

Richard W. Fowlkes 1949 Born: Martinsville, Virginia, September 26, 1893. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1920. Training: Columbia University, Vanderbilt Clinic, and office of Dr. Howard Fox, 1921-1924. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1938. Practice: Richmond, Virginia, 1924 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Private, 1918. Teaching Appointments: Medical College of Virginia: Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1932-1946, Professor of Dermatology 1946-1958. Professional Societies: Southeastern Dermatological Association, President, 1951-1952; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology and Syphilology, Chairman, 1942; Virginia Dermatological Association. Author: 15 scientific articles. Richard Fowlkes made the statement that “making a living” was his major interest in dermatology. Deceased.

Ray O. Noojin 1949 Born: Birmingham, Alabama, November 29, 1912. Graduated: M.D., University of Chicago, 1937. Training: Duke Hospital, Durham, North Carolina: Internal Medicine, Intern and Assistant Resident, 1938-1940, Resident in Dermatology, 1941-1944. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1945.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 135 Practice: Birmingham 1945 to present. Teaching Appointments: Duke University Hospital, Instructor in Dermatology, 1944-1945; University of Alabama, Birmingham, Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman from 1945. Professional Societies: Alabama Dermatological Society: President, 1947 and 1951; American Academy of Dermatology: Membership Committee, Chairman, 1954, Board of Directors, 1957-1959, Educational Committee, 1971-1975; American Board of Dermatology: President, 1970-1971; American Dermatological Association: Board of Directors 1959-1964; National Program for Dermatology: Task Force for Allied Health Professional, Chairman, 1969-1970; Southeastern Dermatological Society: Secretary 1951, President 1955; Southern Medical Association Section of Dermatology: Secretary, 1952-1955, Chairman, 1955. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa, 1934; W. B. Saunders Prize, Pathology and Bacteriology 1935; Williams and Williams Prize, Clinical Pathology, 1936; University of Chicago, Medical Scholarship, 1936-1937. Author: 116 scientific articles, and one book, Dermatology for Students. Deceased.

Harold Orr 1949 Graduated: M.D., University of Toronto 1930; previous degrees at University of Toronto, M.B, 1911, and D.P.H. 1920. Training: Dermatological training in London and Vienna. Practice: University of Alberta Hospital and Royal Alexandra Hospital, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Chief 1925; Alberta Provincial Department of Health, Division of Social Hygiene, Director, 1925. Teaching Appointments: University of Alberta: Lecturer in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1925-1929, Clinical Professor, 1929. Professional Societies: Edmonton Academy of Medicine, President, 1933; Canadian Medical Association, President, 1937; Pacific Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1949; Royal Society of Medicine, Dermatological Section, member; Royal College of Physicians, London, Fellow; St. John’s Hospital, life member. Author: About 25 papers. Deceased.

Francesco Ronchese 1949 Graduated: M.D., University of Padua, Italy 1917. Training: Graduate work in dermatology and syphilology, Venice and Paris, 1921-1924. Practice: Treviso, Italy 1923-1928; Providence, Rhode Island, 1929; Rhode Island Hospital: Attending Dermatologist, 1929, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Head, 1946; Charles V. Chapin Hospital, Providence, Dermatologist 1930; Massachusetts Memorial Hospital, Associate Visiting Dermatologist, 1943; State Hospital for Mental Diseases, State Infirmary, and Bradley H. Wallum Lake Sanitarium, Consulting Dermatologist. Teaching Appointments: Boston University School of Medicine: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1943-1948, Assistant Professor, 1949. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; Italian Society of Dermatology and Syphilology, corresponding member. Author: 57 papers and a book, Occupational Marks and Other Signs: A Guide to Personal Identification, 1928. Deceased.

136 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Stephen Rothman 1949 Graduated: M.D., University of Budapest, 1917. Practice: University of Giessen Hospital and the State Social Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases (Hungarian government); Budapest, dermatology, until 1938; A M. Billings Hospital, University of Chicago: Attending Dermatologist and Syphilologist, 1938-1942, Head of Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1945. Teaching Appointments: University of Giessen, Germany, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Staff Member, 1920 to Associate Professor 1927; University of Chicago, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology: Assistant and Fellow, 1938-1940, Instructor, 1940 to Professor and Chairman of the Department, 1945, Professor Emeritus, 1960. Professional Societies: Ninth International Dermatological Congress, Budapest, Secretary-General, 1935; Chicago Dermatological Society: Vice President, 1947, President, 1951; Society of Investigative Dermatology, President, 1948-1949; Polish, French, and Swedish dermatological societies, corresponding member. Awards: American Academy of Dermatology, Gold Medal for outstanding contributions in the field. Author: 122 articles and a major textbook, Physiology and Biochemistry of the Skin. Deceased, August 31, 1963.

Henry A. Brunsting 1950 Born: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Oct. 19, 1905. Brother was a member of association. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan Medical School 1930; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1938. Training: Mayo Clinic 1935-1938. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1940. Practice: Toledo Clinic 1938-1970; Toledo, private practice from 1970. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Chief of Dermatology, Walter Reed General Hospital, 1941-1946. Teaching Appointments: Medical College of Ohio at Toledo, Clinical Associate in Medicine from 1970. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Medical Association; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Michigan Dermatological Society, President, 1953-1954; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Author: 17 scientific articles. Henry Brunsting’s major interest was sweat gland disturbances, mainly hidradenitis suppurativa. Outside Interests: Golf, bowling, fishing, and gardening. Deceased 1993.

Orlando Canizares 1950 Born: Havana, Cuba, May 27, 1910. Graduated: University of Paris, Medical College, 1935. Training: University of Paris, St. Louis Hospital, 1935-1936; University of Madrid, 6 months during 1936; New York University, Bellevue Hospital, 1937-1938. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1940 Practice: New York, New York from 1948; Yonkers, New York from 1960.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 137 Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, First Lieutenant to Major 1943-1946. Teaching Appointments: New York Bellevue Hospital, Visiting Dermatologist, 1938; New York University, Professor of Clinical Dermatology from 1960; Instituto Dermatologico, Guadalajara, Mexico, Visiting Professor from 1973. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Chairman, Latin American Committee, 1963-1968, Committee on International Affairs, 1968-1973; American College of Physicians; French Dermatological Society, Corresponding Member; International Leprosy Association; International Society of Tropical Dermatology Secretary-General, 1974; Manhattan Dermatological Society, President, 1958-1959; New York Dermatological Society, President, 1965-1966; New York State Medical Society, Chairman, Dermatology Section 1956; honorary member of Spanish, Mexican, Venezuelan, Colombian, Brazilian, Central American, Peruvian, Portuguese, and Ecuadorian dermatologic societies. Author: 92 scientific articles and several chapters of books, and editor of a text on clinical tropical dermatology. His most important writings have been about venereal diseases, tropical dermatology, the treatment of parapsoriasis with vitamin D-2, and atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini. Deceased.

Edward P. Cawley 1950 Born: Jackson, Mississippi, September 1, 1912. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1940. Training: University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology, 1945-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948. Practice: Ann Arbor, Michigan 1948-1951; Charlottesville, Virginia, 1951 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, European Theater, First lieutenant to Major, Bronze Star, 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1948-1951; University of Virginia School of Medicine, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1951 to retirement. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1966-1969, President 1970; American Board of Dermatology, President, 1967; American Dermatological Association: President 1974, Board of Directors 1970.1973; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology: Secretary 1958- 1961, President 1962; American Society of Dermatopathology, President, 1975; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Secretary, 1962-1965, President 1966; Southeastern Dermatological Association, President 1963; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology: Secretary, 1954-1957, President, 1958. Awards: Robley Dunglison Award, 1965 and 1975, by medical students of the University of Virginia School of Medicine for excellence in teaching. Author: 82 scientific articles. Edward P. Cawley was a recognized expert in dermatopathology, but he most enjoyed teaching dermatology to house staff and medical students. Deceased.

George H. Curtis 1950 Born: Durant, Mississippi, February 22, 1903. Graduated: M.D., Washington University School of Medicine, 1933. Training: Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1935-1937.

138 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1942. Practice: Cleveland Clinic Department of Dermatology: 1937-1968, Acting Chair: 1967-68; Euclid Clinic 1969-1973. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: Frank E. Bunts Educational Institute and Cleveland Clinic, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1947-1968. Academic Appointments: Frank E. Bunts Educational Institute and Cleveland Clinic, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1947-1968. Professional Societies: Cleveland Academy of Medicine; Cleveland Dermatological Society: SecretaryTreasurer,­ 1947-1949, Vice President 1949-1950, President, 1951-1952; Central States Dermatological Association; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1962-1965 Author: 25 scientific articles and four chapters in a textbook. George Curtis will be remembered for his studies on beryllium poisoning and contact dermatitis. Deceased May 11, 1989.

Maximilian E. Obermayer 1950 Born: Leoben, Austria, January 6, 1896. Graduated: M.D., State University of Graz, Austria, 1924. Training: University of Graz, Dermatology and Syphilology Clinics, 1925-1929. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1934. Practice: Los Angeles, California, 1941-1970. Military Service: Imperial Austrian Army. World War I. Served on Italian front for two and a half years, where he was wounded; discharged as First Lieutenant and cited for bravery. Teaching Appointments: University of Graz, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, Instructor 1925-1929; University of Chicago, Douglas Smith Foundation for Medical Research: Fellow 1929-1930, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 1930-1941; University of Southern California: Associate Professor of Dermatology 1941, Clinical Professor and Chairman 1945-1961, Professor Emeritus, 1961. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society; Institute of Medicine of Chicago; Los Angeles Dermatological Association, President, 1946-1947; Society for Investigative Dermatology, President, 1957; corresponding member of Austrian and Swedish dermatological societies; honorary member of Mexican and Venezuelan dermatological societies. Awards: Honorary Degree of Civis Academicus from Karl Franzens University in Graz awarded 1961; Mexican Dermatologic Association, Guest of Honor at the 25th anniversary meeting, 1961; University of Southern California, awarded an original bronze sculpture with a plaque expressing the appreciation and love of the faculty. Author: More than 90 scientific articles. Max’s main interest was the psychosomatic aspect of diseases of the skin. He was a fine scientist, teacher. and clinician. As a traveler, he's developed friendships with dermatologists all over the world. Wine, women, music, and tennis have played important roles in his life. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 139 James L. Pipkin 1950 Born: Ovilla, Texas, November. 30, 1900. Graduated: M.D., University of Texas, 1926. Training: New York University and Bellevue Medical Complex, 1927-1928. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1935. Practice: San Antonio, Texas from 1928. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1926·1 939. Teaching Appointments: University of Texas Medical School, San Antonio, Clinical Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, Vice President, 1950; American Dermatological Association: Board of Directors, 1971-1975, Vice President, 1975; Bexar County Medical Society: Board of Directors six years, President, 1951; Dermatology Foundation, Board of Directors; International Medical Assembly, President, 1958; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society; Pacific Dermatological Association; Societas lnternationalis Dermatologiae Tropicae; Southern Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, President, 1968; Texas Dermatological Association, President, 1942-1946. Awards: Dermatologorum Congressus lnternationales, Certificate of Merit, 1935; Kentucky State Dermatology Society, Certificate of Appreciation; American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilology, First prize for exhibit, “Cancer of the Skin and Mucous Membrane-Method of Treatment,” 1947; American Medical Association, Blue Ribbon for exhibit on “Fungous Diseases of the Skin”; Dermatology Foundation, Clark W. Finnerud Award, first recipient, 1971; Department of the Army, Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, 1971. Author: 40 scientific articles. Deceased.

Thomas H. Sternberg 1950 Born: Mount Pleasant, Iowa, July 25, 1908. Graduated: M.D., Northwestern University, 1934. Training: Passavant Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Surgery 1934; University of Pennsylvania Graduate School, Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1934-1937. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1943. Practice: Peoria, Illinois 1937-1942; Los Angeles 1946-1992. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Lieutenant Colonel, 1942-1946; Director, Army Venereal Disease Control Division, Washington, DC, 1943-1946; awarded Legion of Merit, 1945. Teaching Appointments: University of Southern California: Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1946- 1948, Associate Clinical Professor, 1948-1951; University of California at Los Angeles: Professor and Chief of Dermatology Division, 1951-1971, Professor Emeritus, 1971, Assistant Dean of Post­ graduate Medical Education. Professional Societies: American Venereal Disease Association, President, 1951-1952; International Society for Human and Animal Mycology; Los Angeles Dermatologic Society; Medical Research Association of California; Pacific Dermatologic Association; honorary or corresponding member of Austrian, Danish, and Israeli dermatologic societies. Author: 140 scientific articles and publications, which include 3 books. Outside Interests: Golf, fishing, and reading. Deceased, January, 1994.

140 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association James R. Webster 1950 Graduated: M.D., Rush Medical College, University of Illinois, 1932. Training: Graduate work in dermatology and syphilology as assistant to Ormsby, 1932-1933, and a year’s study in Vienna. Practice: Cook County, Wesley Memorial, and Hines Veterans Administration hospitals, Attending Dermatologist, 1946; Children’s Memorial Hospital, Attending Dermatologist and Chief of Department 1939; Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital, Consulting Dermatologist 1946; U.S. Army, Consultant in Dermatology to the Surgeon General, 1947. Teaching Appointments: Rush Medical College: Resident Fellow in Dermatology, 1934-1935, Clinical Assistant, 1935-1937, Instructor, 1937-1940, Associate, 1940-1946; Northwestern University School of Medicine: Associate in Dermatology 1946, Assistant Professor 1947, Professor, 1950. Author: A number of papers with Clark W. Finnerud, a chapter on diseases of the skin in Brenneman’s Practice of Pediatrics. Deceased.

Leslie P. Barker 1951 Born: Elba, Idaho, Dec. 9, 1901 Graduated: M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1927. Training: Office of Dr. A. Benson Cannon, 1930·1935; Vanderbilt Clinic, New York, 1930- 1935; New York City Hospital, 1930-1935. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939. Practice: New York from 1935. Teaching Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1963-1967. Hospital Appointments: Director of Dermatology, St. Luke’s Hospital Center and Woman’s Hospital, New York, 1942·-1967; Director of Dermatology, St. Barnabas Hospital, New York, 1942·1967; Attending Dermatologist, Presbyterian Hospital and Vanderbilt Clinic, New York, 1948-197; Special Instructor, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons. Professional Societies: Dermatology Section of the New York Academy of Medicine, Chairman, 1958-1959; New York Dermatological Society; New York Medical Society; The Metropolitan Dermatological Society, co· founder. Author: 17 scientific articles. Deceased.

Frederic T. Becker 1951 Born: Redwing, Minnesota, January 16, 1908. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota 1933; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1937. Training: Resident at University of Chicago 1934; Teaching Fellow in Dermatology & Syphilology, University of Minnesota, 1935, 1936,1937. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1939. Practice: Duluth Clinic, Duluth, Minnesota 1937 to retirement in 1974. Military Service: United States Army Medical Corps, Major, September, 1942-July, 1946.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 141 Teaching Appointments: Clinical Professor Emeritus, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Professional Societies: Minnesota Dermatological Society, President, 1947 & 1948; Chicago Dermatological Society; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Noah Worcester. Awards: Bronze Award, Academy of Dermatology, 1970; Best Scientific Exhibit, State of Minnesota Medical Society meeting 1940 and 1957. Senior Author: 40 scientific publications. Outside Interests: Golf, travel, and spending summers in Duluth and Vermont, hunting and fishing. Deceased.

John E. Dalton 1951 Born: June 8, 1901, Bedford, Indiana. Graduated: M.D., Indiana University, 1926. Training: Boston General Hospital’s South Medical Division, 1927-1928; Cleveland City Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, 1928-1930; Breslau Clinic, Breslau, Germany, 1930-1931. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1938. Practice: Indianapolis, Indiana, 1932-1960. Teaching Appointments: Marion Co. General Hospital, Chairman of Department of Dermatology, 1948-1960. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Chairman of Section on Dermatology, 1951; Central States Dermatological Association; Chicago Dermatological Society; Cincinnati Dermatological Society. Author: many scientific articles. Deceased.

Franklin H. Grauer 1951 Born: New York, August 11, 1902. Graduated: M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1929; M.S., Dermatology & Syphilology, University of Michigan, 1934. Training: Fellow in Syphilis Division, Johns Hopkins University Hospital 1930·1932; Assistant in Dermatology & Syphilology, University of Michigan, 1932-1934; Office of Dr. George M. MacKee, New York, 1935-1939; Skin Department, New York Post Graduate Hospital (Skin and Cancer Unit), 1935·1938. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1938. Practice: New York, NY, January, 1939-July, 1942; Baltimore, MD, December, 1946-0ctober, 1948. Hospital Appointments: Chief of Dermatology at Letterman General Hospital, Walter Reed Hospital, and Tripler General Hospital; Consultant in Dermatology to the Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army, 1948·1950, 1954-1956; Chief, Dermatology Center, Far East Command and Consultant in Dermatology to the Chief Surgeon, Far East Command, 1950·1953; Napa State Hospital and Hospital of the Veteran’s Home of California, full time 1965-1971. Teaching Appointments: Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, New York Post Graduate Hospital Medical School, Columbia University, 1939-1942; Instructor in Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1946·1948; Associate Professor of Dermatology, Georgetown University School of Medicine from 1948; Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1962-1963.

142 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha 1929; Bronze Star Medal 1953; U.S. Army Commendation Ribbon as Chief of Penicillin-Syphilis Research 1945. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Pacific Dermatologic Association; New York Academy of Medicine; Atlantic Dermatological Association; San Francisco Dermatologic Society. Author: 10 scientific articles. Retired from United States Army 1962; retired from the State of California Service 1971. Deceased.

Joseph M. Hitch 1951 Born: Laurel, Delaware, July 5, 1908. His father and grandfather were physicians. Graduated: M.D., University of Virginia, 1933; M.S., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Virginia, 1938. Military Service: United States Navy, 1940·1946; discharged as Commander (M.C.). Training: University of Virginia Hospital, 1933·1934; Cleveland City Hospital, 1935-1936; University of Virginia, 1936-1938. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1947. Practice: Raleigh, North Carolina, 1938. Retired in 1973. Teaching Appointments: Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1938-1952; University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Medicine in Dermatology, 1952-1975; Consultant in Dermatology, North Carolina Department of Correction from 1954. Professional Societies: Raleigh Academy of Medicine President, 1962; Royster Club, Raleigh, NC, President, 1959-1960; Wake County Medical Society, President, 1961; Southern Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Chairman 1958-1959; American College of Physicians, Fellow 1962; Southeastern Dermatologic Society, President, 1962-1963; North Carolina Medical Society, Section of Dermatology, Chairman, 1968- 1969; American Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Vice Chairman, 1963-1964. Awards: Sigma Xi, 1938; Alpha Omega Alpha, 1955. Author: 15 scientific articles, associate author of 16 scientific articles, and author of chapters in five text ­books. Deceased.

Beatrice M. Kesten 1951 Born: Mendon, Michigan, September 22, 1898. Graduated: M.D., Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, 1924. Training: University of Strasbourg, France, and University of Breslau, Germany, 1928- 1930. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1933. Practice: New York, NY, 1932-1962. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons: Associate to Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology, 1928-1962. Professional Societies: New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology, Secretary, 1959-1960; American Academy of Allergy; Venezuelan Dermatologic Society (honorary); American Board of Dermatology: Secretary, 1954-1960, President, 1960-1961. Author: 46 scientific publications, most of which concerned dermatological allergy, which was her main interest in medicine.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 143 Beatrice Kesten has been traditionally considered to be the first woman member of the American Dermatological Association until the discovery of Daisy Orleman Robinson who was inducted in 1913 but who was not active in the Association. Dr. J. Gardner Hopkins, who nominated Beatrice Kesten for membership, stated in a letter, “she is one of the best dermatologists I know.” She was an active member of the Association for many years. Deceased.

Walter C. Lobitz, Jr. 1951 Born: Cincinnati, Ohio, December 13, 1911. Graduated: M.D., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 1941; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1945. Training: Residency in Internal Medicine, Cincinnati General Hospital, 1941-1942; Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, Mayo Foundation, 1942-1945. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1947. Practice: First Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology, Mayo Clinic, 1945-1947; Mary Hitchcock Memorial Clinic, Hanover, NH, 1947-1959. Teaching Appointments: Dartmouth Medical School, 1947-1959, Professor, 1957-1959; University of Oregon Medical School: Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman, 1959-1980, Emeritus Professor, 1980; University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Lecturer, January to June, 1969 and 1974. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, President, 1972; American Academy of Dermatology, President, 1969; Association of University Professors of Dermatology, President, 1965-1966; Society for Investigative Dermatology, President, 1957-1958; Oregon Dermatological Society, President, 1969- 1970; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society, President, 1971-1972; American Board of Dermatology, 1955-1964, President, 1964; Dermatology Foundation, Trustee, 1966-1971; Honorary and Corresponding Membership: British Association of Dermatology; Danish Society of Dermatology, French Society of Dermatology, Israel Dermatological Association, Italian Dermatological Association, Japanese Dermatologic Association of Sapporo, Japan Medical Society, and Venezuelan Society of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi; Dartmouth College, Master of Arts, 1958; University of Minnesota, Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award, 1964; Emperor of Japan: Order of The Sacred Treasure; Gold Medal; M.B. Sulzberger International Lectureship. Author: 85 scientific articles, mostly dealing with physiology of the skin. Outside Interests: Watercolor painting, jazz keyboard, fly fishing, skiing, gourmet cooking and fine wines. Deceased April, 2006.

Everett R. Seale 1951 Born: Nacogdoches, Texas, August 3, 1902. Graduated: M.D., University of Texas, 1925. Training: Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri, 1926-1927; New York Post Graduate School of Medicine Dermatology, 1927. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1936. Military Service: Lieutenant Colonel M.C., U.S. Air Force, 1942-1945. Practice: Houston, Texas from 1928. Teaching Appointments: Baylor University, College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 1944- 1963, Professor and Chairman, 1949-1963.

144 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: Texas Medical Association; Southern Medical Association, Dermatology Section, President 1956; Texas Dermatological Society, Secretary and President; American Academy of Dermatology President, 1958. Author: 13 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Golf and hunting. Deceased.

Leonard F. Weber 1951 Born: Buckley, Illinois, August 2, 1895. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois, 1921. Training: Office of William Allen Pusey, 1922-1940. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1934. Practice: Chicago from 1922. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, 1922·1962 retired as Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: President, 1943, Secretary and Treasurer, 1946-1949; Institute of Medicine of Chicago; Pacific Dermatological Society (honorary); Noah Worcester Dermatological Society. Author: 7 scientific articles. Deceased.

John R. Haserick 1952 Born: Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 23, 1915. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1941; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota 1947. Training: University of Minnesota, Department of Medicine, 1941-1942; University of Minnesota, Department of Dermatology, 1946-1947. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Cleveland Clinic 1948-1967; Case Western Reserve University, 1967-1970; Pinehurst, North Carolina, 1970-1985; Clinical Professor of Medicine, Duke University 1970-1985. Military Service: United States Army Medical Corps, 1942-1946; 26th General Hospital, Internal Medicine. Teaching Appointments: Cleveland Clinic 1948-1967, Head of Department, 1962-1967; Case Western Reserve University, Professor and Head of Department, 1967-1970; Duke University, Clinical Professor, 1970-1985. Professional Societies: Fellow, American College of Physicians; The Pasteur Club, Cleveland, OH; American Academy of Dermatology, President, 1973-1974; American Society of Dermatopathology, President, 1973; Minnesota, Chicago, Cleveland, Southern Medical Association; American Board of Dermatology, President; 1973; Society for Investigational Dermatology, Vice-president 1952. Awards: Hektoen Award (AMA), “Discovery of Blood Factor in Lupus Erythematosus,” 1965 Author: 67 scientific articles and two textbooks. Outside Interests: Computers, bridge, golf, tennis, freelance writing. Deceased May, 2006.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 145 James K. Howles 1952 Born: Memphis, TN, Jan. 6, 1898 Graduated: M.D., University of Cincinnati 1929; M.S., Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, 1932. Practice: New Orleans, Louisiana 1933-1953. Military Service: Private in the United States Army in France during World War I. Teaching Appointments: Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Chief, Department of Dermatology & Syphilology 1932-1953. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians, Fellow; American Academy of Dermatology. Author: Considerable number of scientific articles. His textbook on syphilis is one of his outstanding accomplishments. Dr. Howles was elected to membership in the American Dermatological Association in 1952. However, on April 2, 1953, he died suddenly, two months before his first meeting. Deceased.

Harold M. Johnson 1952 Born: Tacoma, Washington, March 12, 1906. Graduated: M.D., Baylor University, 1937; PhD (Pharmacy) at Oregon State University 1929. Training: University of Pennsylvania Hospital, 1938-1940. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1943. Practice: Honolulu, Hawaii from 1940. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania: Assistant Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1938-1939, Instructor, 1939-1940; Tripler General Hospital, Lecturer, 1950-1965. Professional Societies: Hawaii i Dermatological Society, Past President and Charter Member; American Medical Society of Vienna; Pan American Medical Society; American College of Physicians, Life Member; American Dermatological Association: Board of Directors 1972-1974, Membership Committee 1974-1975. Author: 34 scientific articles. Deceased.

Sture A. M. Johnson 1952 Born: Morgan, Oregon, April 24, 1907. Graduated: M.D., University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, OR, 1938. Training: Fellow in Dermatology, University of Oregon Hospital and Clinic, 1939-1941; New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1941-1942; Research Associate in Dermatology, University of Michigan, 1942-1944. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1944. Military Service: Lieutenant Colonel, Army Medical Corps (Reserve), 1949-1962. Practice: Geographical full time, University Hospitals, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1944-1946. Teaching Appointments: Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, 1941-1946; Professor and Head of Department, University of Wisconsin, 1961-1973.

146 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors (two times); American Federation for Clinical Research; Society of lnvestigative Dermatology, Board of Directors and Vice President; Chicago Dermatological Society, Vice President; Pacific Dermatology Society (honorary); Wisconsin Dermatology Society, President; Minnesota Dermatological Society. Awards: First award given by Academy of Dermatology & Syphilology 1948. Author: 100 scientific publications; Special Editor of Postgraduate Medicine; Guest Editor of Cutis Magazine and Geriatrics Magazine. Outside Interests: Curling, golf and bridge. Deceased.

Hermann K. B. Pinkus 1952 Born: Berlin, Germany, November 18, 1905. Father was famous dermatologist, Felix Pinkus. Graduated: M.D., University of Berlin, Germany, 1930. Certified: American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1940; Subcertification in Dermatopathology, 1974. Training: University of Breslau, Germany, Department of Dermatology, Assistant 1930-1933; University of Michigan, Research Fellow in Experimental Surgery, 1934-1936; Wm. J. Seymour Hospital, Eloise, Ml, Research Fellow in Dermatopathology, 1936-1938. Practice: Detroit, Michigan 1938-1939; Monroe, Michigan, 1940-1960. Hospital Appointments: Detroit General Hospital, Senior Attending in Dermatology; Veterans Admin. Hosp., Allen Park, MI, Past Chief of Dermatology Section; Harper Hosp., Detroit, Consultant Dermatologist; Sinai Hosp., Detroit, Consultant Dermatopathologist. Teaching Appointments: Wayne State University School of Medicine, Dept. of Dermatology: 1944-1976, Professor and Chm. 1960-1973, Dept. of Pathology, Associate 1960-1976; Prof.essor Emeritus 1976. Professional Societies: Detroit Dermatology SocIety, President; Michigan Allergy Society Charter and Honorary Member; Am. Academy of Dermatology, Vice President, 1969-1970; SocIety for Investigative Dermatology, President; Am. Soc. of Dermatopathology, President; honorary or corresponding member: Pacific, British, Japanese, Yugoslavian, Polish, German, Israeli, French, Italian, and Swedish dermatological societies, and Australasian College of Dermatologists. Awards: AOA (Faculty Member); Distinguished Service Award, Wayne State University, 1975; Herxheimer Medal of the German Dermatological Society 1965; Ormsby, Howard Fox, Von Zumbusch Memorial Lecturer; Stephen Rothman Award 1974. Author:145 original articles, 14 reviews, 11 chapters in books, and A Guide to Dermato-histopathology. He has reported four original skin tumors (eccrine poroma, premalignant fibroepithelial tumor, epidermotropic eccrine cancer, and trichodiscoma) and another condition, alopecia mucinosa, never described previously. Deceased, 1985.

Adolph Rostenberg, Jr. 1952 Born: New York, NY, September. 27, 1905. Father was well-known dermatologist in New York City. Graduated: M.D.C.M., McGill University School of Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 1931. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1939. Training: Syndenham Hospital, New York, NY, rotating internship, 1931· 1933; New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1933-1938. Practice: New York, NY, 1933-1939; Food and Drug Administration, full time as Dermatology Medical Officer 1939-1945.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 147 Hospital Appointments: Hines Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Hines, IL 1950-1974; University of Illinois Hospital, Chicago from 1945. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University Post·Graduate Hospital, New York, NY, Instructor, 1936-1939; George Washington University, Washington, DC, Instructor, 1940- 1945; University of Illinois, Department of Dermatology, Chicago IL: 1945-1974, Professor and Head of Department, 1959-1974; retired as Professor Emeritus on Sept. 1, 1974. Professional Societies: American Academy of Allergy; American Academy of Dermatology, Vice President, 1973; American Association of University Professors, Chairman, 1963; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1971; American Medical Association; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1972; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Vice President, 1975; Society of Cosmetic Chemists; Honorary Membership: Pacific Dermatologic Association, Polish and Iowa dermatological associations. Awards: Sigma Xi; Von Pirquet Gold Medal 1971. Author: 90 or more scientific articles, co-author of one textbook; has served on the editorial panel of four medical journals Outside Interests: Classical music, bridge, mathematics, and botany. Deceased.

Walter B. Shelley 1952 Born: St. Paul, Minnesota, February 6, 1917. Graduated: Ph.D. (Physiology), University of Minnesota, 1941; M.D., University of Minnesota, 1943; Honorary MA, University of Pennsylvania, 1971. Training: Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, rotating internship, 1943-1944; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, 1946-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1950. Practice at Retirement: Medical College of Ohio, Professor. Military Service: Captain, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Chief of Hot Room Section, Armored Medical Research Lab., Fort Knox, KY, 1944-1946. National Appointments: American Board of Dermatology: 1960-1969, President, 1968- 1969; National Consultant in Dermatology. to the Surgeon General, U.S. Air Force, 1958-1961; Member, National Research Council; 1961-1964; International Rehabilitation Research Fellowship, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare, 1964. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology 1946 to retirement, Professor, 1957, Chairman, 1965-1980; University of Illinois Peoria School of Medicine, Professor, 1980-1983; Medical College of Ohio, Professor, 1983 to retirement. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, President, 1972; American Dermatological Association: Board of Directors, 1969-1975, President, 1975-1976; Association of Professors of Dermatology, President, 1972; Association of American Physicians, 1964; Society for Investigative Dermatology, President, 1961-1962; Chicago Dermatological Society; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society; Honorary Member and corresponding member of many dermatology societies. Awards: Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Special Award for 1955 from the Society of Cosmetic Chemists; Silver Medal, Sven Hellerstrom Lecturer, Stockholm, Sweden 1971; American Board of Dermatology Distinguished Service Award; Stephen Rothman Gold Medal, 1987; Gourgerot Prize for Medical Writing, 1989; Rose Hirschler Award, 1990; Gold Medal Award, 1992. Author: 300 or more scientific articles and textbooks. Deceased January, 2009.

148 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association J. Walter Wilson 1952 Born: Rushville, Indiana, August 22, 1903. Graduated: M.D., University of California, 1932. Training: University of California Hospital, San Francisco, 1943-1944; Los Angeles County General Hospital, Chief Resident, 1945. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1947. Practice: Los Angeles, General Medicine 1933-1942; Los Angeles, Dermatology 1945-1965. Teaching Appointments: Los Angeles County General Hospital, Attending Physician and Vice Chairman, 1945· 1950; Long Beach Veteran’s Hospital, Chief of Dermatology Section, 1952-1959; Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, Chief of Dermatology Section, 1952-1959; United States Naval Hospital, San Diego, Consultant in Mycology and Dermatology, 1956 to retirement; University of Southern California 1946-1961, Clinical Professor, 1955-1961. Professional Societies: Los Angeles Dermatological Society, President, 1948; American Academy of Dermatology, President, 1962; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Vice President, 1954, American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman, 1955; California Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman, 1955; University of Southern California Medical Society Faculty Club, President, 1956; lnternational Society for Tropical Dermatology, Vice President, 1964; Honorary Member: Venezuelan, Brazilian, Cuban, Mexican, Buenos Aires, Argentine, Colombian, and lbero·Latino American Dermatological Societies. Awards: Numerous awards from the American Academy of Dermatology, Society of Investigative Dermatology, and many South American countries. Author: 140 scientific publications, three textbooks, two motion pictures (principally on fungus diseases). Deceased.

Thomas Butterworth 1953 Born: Chester, Pennsylvania, February 11, 1904. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1928; Med. Sc M., University of Pennsylvania, 1932. Training: Philadelphia General Hospital, rotating internship, 1928-1930; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, 1930.1932. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939. Practice: Reading, Pennsylvania 1932·1977; Retired 1977. Military Service: Medical ORC, Captain 1928-1937. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Medicine, Associate Professor of Dermatology; Pennhurst State School, Chief, Department of Dermatology; The Reading Hospital, Emeritus Chief, Department of Dermatology; Berks County Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Consultant in Dermatology; Pottstown Medical Center, Consultant in Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Director, 1948-1951 and 1958-1961, Vice President, 1960-1961; Pennsylvania State Medical Society, Section on Dermatology: Secretary, 1937·1939, Chairman, 1939-1940; Philadelphia Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1936·1938, President, 1938·1939; Canadian Dermatological Association; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; American Dermatological Association, President, 1980. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, 1924; Alpha Omega Alpha, 1927. Author: 90 scientific papers and six books. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 149 Harold N. Cole, Jr. 1953 Born: Cleveland, Ohio, January 31, 1918. Father, Harold N. Cole, Sr., was also a member of the American Dermatological Association. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1942 Training: Bellevue Hospital, New York University, New York, NY, 1946-1947; Office of Drs. Harold N. Cole, Sr. and James R Driver, 1947-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948. Practice: Cleveland, Ohio in the office of Drs. Harold N. Cole, Sr. and James R. Driver 1947-1953; Shaker Heights, Ohio, 1953-1985; Retired 1985. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps 1943-1946. Battalion Surgeon with 182nd Infantry Regiment stationed in Solomon Islands, Philippine Islands, and Japan. Teaching Appointments: Case Western Reserve University, Department of Dermatology, Cleveland, Ohio, Assistant Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: Cleveland Dermatological Society, President, 1957; Central States Dermatological Society, President, 1957; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1969-1971, Vice President, 1971; Pacific Dermatological Society (honorary). Awards: Two Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals for medical support of combat operations in the Philippine and Solomon Islands. Author: 10 scientific articles. Deceased.

Ervin H. Epstein, Sr. 1953 Born: Vallejo, California, May 17, 1909. Brother, Norman, two nephews, John and William, and son, Ervin, Jr., were members of the association. Graduated: M.D., University of California Medical School, San Francisco, 1935. Training: Los Angeles County Hospital, Resident in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1935-1937; Office of Dr. Norman Epstein, San Francisco, 1937. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1940. Practice: Oakland, California from 1937. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, first lieutenant to Captain 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: Stanford University Medical School, Assistant to Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine in Dermatology, 1951-1959; University of California Medical School, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology from 1962. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological, Association, Vice President, 1971-1972; California Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, President, 1956-1959; Pacific Dermatological Association: Secretary, President, 1957-1958; Society for Investigative Dermatology Historian; San Francisco Dermatological Society: President, 1945-1946; Radiologic Dermatology Society, Past President. Awards: Special Recognition Award, Pacific Dermatological Association 1966. Author: More than 250 scientific articles and three textbooks, of which Skin Surgery is the best known. Deceased January 22, 2002.

150 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Lemuel P. Ereaux 1953 Born: Montreal, Canada, February 7, 1898. Graduated: M.D.C.M., McGill University, Montreal, 1923. Training: Preceptorship in office of Dr. Philip Burnett, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, 1927-1929; American Medical Association, Vienna, summer of 1929; Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal 1929-1930. Certified: Dermatology & Syphilology, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 1942; American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1947. Practice: Montreal, Canada, 1929-1967. Military Service: Tank Corps, C.E.F., Private, 1918-1919; Medical Corps, R.C.A.M.C. (A) Captain, 1940-1943 Teaching Appointments: McGill University, Department of Medicine, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology: Demonstrator, Lecturer, Clinical Professor, 1934-1967. Professional Societies: Montreal Dermatological Society, President, 1938-1940; British Association of Dermatology and Syphilology, Canadian Branch, President, 1932-1934; American Academy of Dermatology & Syphilology, Board of Directors, 1949-1950. Author: 15 scientific papers. Deceased August 9, 1967.

William B. Guy 1953 Born: August 27, 1917, San Antonio, TX. Father, William H. Guy, was also a member. Graduated: M.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 1941. Training: New York Post-Graduate Medical School, Skin and Cancer Unit 1946; University of Pittsburgh Skin Clinic, 1947-1948; Office of Drs. W. H. Guy and F. M. Jacob, Preceptorship. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948. Practice: Private practice with Drs. W. H. Guy and F. M. Jacob, 1948. Military Service: Captain, U.S. Army Medical Corps 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1950. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Pittsburgh Dermatological Society, President, 1953-1954; Central States Dermatological Society. Awards: Bronze Star for meritorious service during military service. Author: 26 scientific articles. Deceased.

James B. Howell 1953 Born: Sep 19, 1914, Winnsboro, Texas. Graduated: M.D., Baylor University College of Medicine, 1939. Training: Preceptorship, Office of Dr. Bedford Shelmire, Dallas, Texas, 1940-1945; Parkland Hospital, Dermatology and Syphilology Outpatient Clinic, Dallas, 1940-1945; New York Post Graduate Skin and Cancer Unit, New York, NY, 1945-1946. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1946.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 151 Practice: Dallas, Texas from 1946. Teaching Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas. Professional Societies: America Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1962- 1964 and 1974-1976; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Vice Chairman, 1974-1975; Texas Dermatological Society: Vice President, 1970, President, 1978-1979; Chicago Dermatological Society, Vice President, 1969; British Association of Dermatologists (honorary) 1970; American Dermatological Association: Vice President 1978-1979, President, 1979. Awards: Bronze Award for Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Dermatology, Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma, 1963; Award of Excellence for film, International Congress of Dermatology for Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma 1967; Practitioner of the Year, Dermatology Foundation, 1987. Author: 25 scientific articles, one textbook, and a number of chapters in books on allergy and dermatology. Outside Interests: Museum and art exhibits, travel and music. Deceased November, 2003.

Walter F. Lever 1953 Born: Erfurt, Germany, December 13, 1909. His father was Alexander Lever, Chief Dermatologist, Municipal Hospital, Erfurt. His late twin brother was also a dermatologist in Erfurt. Graduated: M.D., University of Leipzig, 1934. Training: Massachusetts General Hospital, Resident, 1936-1938, Research Fellow, 1938-1940. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1941; Subcertification in Dermatopathology, 1974. Hospital Appointments: Boston City Hospital, Director of Dermatology Service, 1961- 1974; New England Medical Center, Physician-in-Chief in Dermatology from 1959; Massachusetts General Hospital, Research Fellow to Member of the Board of Consultation from 1938; Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Assistant to Consultant, 1940-1959; Robert Breck Brigham Hospital, Consultant from 1949. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Assistant to Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1944-1959, Lecturer on Dermatology from 1959; Tufts University School of Medicine, Professor of Dermatology, 1959 to present, Chairman of Department of Dermatology from 1961. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1959-1962; American Society of Dermatopathology, President, 1969; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1953-1958, Vice President, 1968, President, 1969; Honorary Membership: Austrian, British, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Pacific, Polish, Uruguayan, Venezuelan and Yugoslavic Dermatological Societies. Author: 179 scientific articles and three textbooks. Histopathology of the Skin was first published in 1949, with four additional editions in 1954, 1961, 1967, and 1975. Translations into French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish made it a worldwide publication. Outside Interest: Mountain climbing. Deceased.

152 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Harry M. Robinson, Jr. 1953 Born: Violetville, Maryland, December 13, 1909. Father and brother were dermatologists. The latter was a member of the association. Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland School of Medicine, 1935. Training: University Hospital, Baltimore, MD, Assistant Resident, 1936-1937; University of Maryland, Division of Dermatology, 1937·1942; Johns Hopkins University, Department of Medicine, Fellow on Venereology, 1939·1941; Preceptee of Dr. Harry M. Robinson, Sr., 1937-1942. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1946. Practice: Baltimore, Maryland from 1942. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps 1942-1945; discharged as Lieutenant Colonel. Teaching Appointments: University of Maryland, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Head of Department from 1954. Professional Societies: Baltimore·Washington Dermatological Society, President, 1945-1950 and 1961-1962; Dermatology Section of Baltimore City Medical Society, Chairman, 1951; Baltimore Dermatologic Society, President, 1957-1958; University of Maryland Medical Alumni Association, President, 1959·1960; Baltimore City Medical Society President, 1959; Southeastern Dermatologic Conference, President, 1960; University Hospital Medical Staff, President, 1960· 1961; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1957- 1960; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1975-1976. Author: More than 105 scientific articles and three textbooks. Deceased.

Norman M. Wrong 1953 Born: Aylmer, Ontario, Canada, November 1, 1901. Graduated: M.D., University of Toronto, 1927. Training: University of Toronto: Junior Internship, 1927-1928, Internal Medicine, 1928- 1929, Dermatology, 1929-1931; Guy’s Hospital-St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, and University Hospital, Departments of Dermatology, London, England 1931-1932; Toronto General Hospital and Hospital for Sick Children, Dermatology and Histopathology, Toronto, 1932-1933. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939. Practice: Toronto, Canada from 1933. Military Service: Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, Reserve, 1940-1942, Active 1942-1945 in Canada, England and Northwest Europe. Teaching Appointments: University of Toronto, Associate Professor of Medicine in Dermatology, 1954-1962. Professional Societies: Canadian Dermatological Association President, 1956; Toronto Academy of Medicine, Section of Dermatology, Chairman, 1954; British Association of Dermatology; Australasian College of Dermatologists; New York Dermatological Society; American Academy of Dermatology, Vice President, 1954. Author: 35 scientific articles in American, British and Canadian journals. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 153 Samuel M. Bluefarb 1954 Born: St. Louis Missouri, October 15, 1912. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois, 1937. Training: Cook County Hospital, 1937-1938; Bellevue Hospital, 1939-1941. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1943. Practice: Chicago, Illinois 1941-1985: Retired 1985. Teaching Appointments: Cook County Hospital, Associate Attending and Attending Dermatologist 1947-1962; Northwestern University Medical School, Department of Dermatology, Chairman, 1962-1975; University of South Florida, Department of Dermatology, Professor, 1985-1988. Hospital Appointments: Passavant Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, Senior Attending; Wesley Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Senior Attending. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1959; American College of Physicians, Fellow, 1954; Institute of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; American Dermatological Association. Awards: First Waller J. Hamlin Professor of Dermatology, 1966. Author: More than 143 scientific articles and six textbooks. Outside Interests: Golf, bridge and philately. Deceased.

Robert G. Carney 1954 Born: Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 25, 1914. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1939. Training: University of Iowa, Resident in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1940-1943. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948. Practice: Iowa City at University Hospital with Dr. Ruben Nomland from 1946. Military Service: United States Navy Medical Corps, 1943-1946. Teaching Appointments: University of Iowa: Associate in Dermatology, 1946-1947, Assistant Professor, 1947-1951, Associate Professor, 1951-1954, Professor, 1954-1961, Professor and Head from 1961. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Chairman, Committee of Vehicles 1952-1957; Chicago Dermatological Society; Iowa Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1954-1960, President, 1961; American Medical Association, Committee on Cutaneous Health and Cosmetics 1961-1971. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa 1935. Author: 25 scientific articles and one textbook. Deceased.

William L. Dobes 1954 Born: Shiner, Texas, April 21, 1912. Graduated: M.D., Emory University, Georgia,1933. Training: New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital Skin and Cancer Unit, 1938-1940; Assistant to Dr. Eugene Traub, New York, NY, 1940-1946. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1946. Practice: Atlanta, Georgia 1941 until death.

154 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Military Service: United States Army Reserve Corps (no active duty). Teaching Appointments: Emory University: Assistant and Associate Professor, 1942-1952, Professor, 1971 until death. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Co-chairman, Section of Dermatology 1968; Pan American Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Co- chairman 1966; South Eastern Dermatological Association, President 1957-1958; Southern Medical Association, Section of Dermatology: Vice President 1950, Chairman, 1954. Author: 30 scientific articles. Deceased.

Stephan Epstein 1954 Born: Nurnberg, Germany, March 14, 1900. His father, Ernst Epstein, was Chief of Dermatology at City Hospital, Nurnberg. His son, Ernst, is also a dermatologist. Graduated: M.D., University of Erlangen, Germany, 1923. Training: University Skin Clinic, Breslau, Germany, 1926·1938. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1938. Practice: Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin, 1936-1965 Military Service: Private in German Army in World War I from June 1918 to November 1918. Teaching Appointments: University Skin Clinic, Breslau, Germany, 1936; University of Minnesota Medical School, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1946·1968; University of Wisconsin, 1965-1973. Professional Societies: American College of Allergists, Board of Regents; AmericanAcademy of Allergists; Chicago Dermatological Society; International Association of Allergists; Minnesota Dermatological Society: Vice President, 1943, President, 1951; French Allergy Society (honorary); Society for Investigative Dermatology, Vice President, 1960. Author: More than 130 scientific articles; also rewrote and translated Burckhardt’s Atlas and Manual of Dermatology. Deceased.

Herbert H. Johnson, Jr. 1954 Born: Tacoma, Washington, January 14, 1913. Graduated: M.D., Stanford University School of Medicine, California, 1938. Training: Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio: Demonstrator in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1938-1940, Demonstrator in Internal Medicine, 1941- 1942; Preceptorship at the office of Drs. J. M. Cole and J. R. Driver, 1940-1941. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1945. Practice: Cleveland, Ohio, with Dr. George W. Binkley, 1945-1957; Solo Practice: Cleveland, 1957-1971, Burlingame, California from 1971. Military Service: United States Army Medical Corps, 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: Western Reserve University: 1940-1971, Demonstrator to Associate Clinical Professor and Acting Director, Department of Dermatology; Stanford University, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology from 1971. Professional Societies: Cleveland Dermatological Society President, 1956; Central States Dermatologic Society; Academy of Medicine of Cleveland.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 155 Awards: Phi Beta Kappa 1934; Alpha Omega Alpha 1937. Author: More than 30 scientific articles. Deceased October 13, 1979.

Carl T. Nelson 1954 Born: Providence, Rhode Island, June 27, 1908. Graduated: M.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1941. Training: Columbia University, Department of Dermatology, 1946-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948. Practice: Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY from 1949. Military Service: First Lieutenant to Major, U.S. Army 1942-1946, as Bacteriologist and Epidemiologist. Teaching Appointments: Harvard University 1932-1941,1nstructor in Bacteriology and Immunology; Columbia University: Instructor in Dermatology, 1946-1949, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1949-1951, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1951-1973, and Emeritus Professor of Dermatology from 1973. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, President, 1965; American Dermatological Association: Treasurer, 1957-1962, President, 1971-1972; Canadian Dermatological Association (honorary); British Association of Dermatology (honorary foreign member); New York Dermatological Society, President, 1967-1968. Awards: Wershaw Lecturer, Israel 1969. Author: 82 scientific articles, most of them involving bacteriology, immunology, and epidemiology. Outside Interest: Bridge. Deceased.

Lawrence M. Nelson 1954 Born: Providence, Rhode Island, June 27, 1908. Graduated: M.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1941. Training: Columbia University, Department of Dermatology, 1946-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948. Practice: Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY from 1949. Military Service: First Lieutenant to Major, U.S. Army 1942-1946, as Bacteriologist and Epidemiologist. Teaching Appointments: Harvard University 1932-1941,1nstructor in Bacteriology and Immunology; Columbia University: Instructor in Dermatology, 1946-1949, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1949-1951, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1951-1973, and Emeritus Professor of Dermatology from 1973. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, President, 1965; American Dermatological Association: Treasurer, 1957-1962, President, 1971-1972; Canadian Dermatological Association (honorary); British Association of Dermatology (honorary foreign member); New York Dermatological Society, President, 1967-1968. Awards: Wershaw Lecturer, Israel 1969. Author: 82 scientific articles, most of them involving bacteriology, immunology, and epidemiology. Outside Interest: Bridge. Deceased.

156 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association William N. Piper, Jr. 1954 Born: Paris, Illinois, June 9, 1913. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois, 1939. Training: University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Medicine, 1947-1948; University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Resident in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1948-1950; Certificate of Dermatology and Syphilology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Resident in Dermatopathology,1950-1951. Certified: America Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1950. Military Service: U.S. Regular Army First Lieutenant 1939; Chief of Dermatology and Syphilology Section, Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, DC, 1951; Consultant in Dermatology to the Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1951. Professional Societies: Baltimore­Washington Dermatological Society, Atlanta Dermatological Society; Association of Military Dermatologists, President, 1952-1953. Author: 10 scientific articles. Resigned.

Rees B. Rees 1954 Born: Bakersfield, California, February2, 1915. Father was a physician. Graduated: M.D., University of California, 1940. Training: University of California Medical School, 1940-1943; Association with Hiram E. Miller, M.D., 1943-1947. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1945. Practice: Santa Rosa, California until retirement. Teaching Appointments: University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, Division of Dermatology, Chairman, 1954-1966. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Vice President, 1965-1966, President, 1978; American Dermatological Association, President, 1974-1975; American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman, 1968-1969; California Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Chairman, 1951-1952; American Board of Dermatology, 1964-1972, President, 1972; Pacific Dermatologic Association, President, 1964; San Francisco Dermatological Society, President, 1950-1951; National Program for Dermatology, past Director and Chairman, Division and Sub­ Council for Medical Services; Honorary Member, Bulgarian Dermatological Association. Awards: Co-recipient, Taub Memorial International Research Prize for Psoriasis, 1968; Pacific Dermatologic Association, Special Award for Distinguished Service, 1970; Finnerud Award of the Dermatology Foundation, 1973; Dome Lectureship, American Academy of Dermatology, 1974. Author: More than 168 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Swimming, music, reading, travel, history and biography. Deceased December 2002.

June Carol Shafer 1954 Born: Chicago, Illinois., June 28, 1913. Graduated: M.D., University of Wisconsin, 1937; B.S., Medicine, University of Virginia, 1945. Training: University of Virginia, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1942-1947. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1947.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 157 Practice: Associated with George C. Andrews, M.D., New York, NY, 1945-1947; Solo practice, Arlington, VA, 1947 to retirement. Teaching Appointments: Vanderbilt Clinic, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY, 1945-1947; Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, Instructor and Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1956 to retirement; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1971 to retirement. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Medical Women’s Association; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1956-1959; Washington, D.C. Dermatological Society, President, 1960-1961; Virginia Dermatological Society, President, 1969-1970. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi; Medical Woman of the Year, D.C. Chapter, American Women’s Medical Association,1960 Author: 14 scientific articles. Although traditionally considered to be the second woman to be elected to the American Dermatological Association, June Shafer was actually the third. She was, however, the second woman to be an actively participating member. She was also the first woman to serve on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Dermatology. Deceased.

Bertram Shaffer 1954 Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania May 9, 1906. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1931; D.Sc., Graduate School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1939. Training: University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Department of Dermatology, 1935-1938; Graduate School of Medicine, 1939. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1940. Practice: Philadelphia, PA, 1935-1971; Wyncote, PA, 1971-1974. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania: School of Medicine, Associate Professor, 1953-1974, Graduate School of Medicine, Associate Professor, 1958·1974; Skin & Cancer Hospital, Philadelphia, Medical Director, 1953-1954; Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, Chief Attending Dermatologist, 1947-1969. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians, Fellow; Philadelphia Dermatologic Society, President,1953-1954 Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: 50 scientific articles. Deceased.

Harvey Blank 1955 Born: Chicago, Illinois, June 21,1918. Graduated: M.D., University of Chicago, 1942. Training: University of Pennsylvania, Fellow in Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1946-1947; National Research Council, Fellow, Medical Sciences (Virus Research) 1947-1948; Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1948; Professional Assistant, Virus Diseases of the Skin, U.S. Public Health Service, 1948-1950.

158 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948. Practice: Philadelphia, PA,1948-1951; Squibb lnstitute for Medical Research, Associate Medical Director, 1951-1955; Miami, Florida, 1955 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1943-1946; Chief, Dermatology Section, Camp Livingston, LA (1943); Chief, Dermatology Section, 69th General Hospital (1944- 1945) in China, Burma, and India; Chief, Dermatology Section, 23rd and 9th General Hospital (1946) in Okinawa; Commanding Officer, 156th Station Hospital (1946) in Okinawa Teaching Appointments: Consultant in Dermatology and Syphilology to the Surgeon General, U.S. Army; University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Instructor to Assistant Professor, 1947-1955; Research Associate, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1951-1955; University of Miami, Professor and founding Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1955 to retirement in 1988. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; Association of American Physicians; NY Academy of Medicine; Philadelphia College of Physicians; Society for Investigative Dermatology President 1960-1961; Honorary Member Mexican, Argentine, Brazilian, British, Pacific, Venezuelan, and French Dermatological Societies. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Prosser White Oration, St. John’s Dermatological Society, London, England, 1966; Third Stephen Rothman Memorial Award of the Society for Investigative Dermatology 1969; Distinguished Civilian Award of the armed forces; Symposium in Honor of Harvey Blank, London; honorary membership and the Gold Award and the Masters in Dermatology award from the American Academy of Dermatology; and Practitioner of the Year Award, Florida Society of Dermatology. Modern Medicine Award 1970. Author: More than 75 scientific articles, Virus Diseases of the Skin; Chief Editor, Archives of Dermatology where he instituted the modern system of peer-review. Harvey resigned from the association after 20 years as an active member. Deceased October 5, 2001.

Leon Goldman 1955 Born: Cincinnati, Ohio, December 7, 1905. Graduated: M.D., University of Cincinnati, 1929. Training: Cincinnati General Hospital, Assistant Resident in Internal Medicine, 1930- 1931; Cincinnati General Hospital, Dermatology Department, 1931-1932; University of Zurich, Switzerland, Dermatology Department, 1932-1933; Cincinnati General Hospital, Dermatology Department, 1933-1936. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1937. Practice: Cincinnati, Ohio 1932-1990. Retired to San Diego and worked with the U.S. Navy. Military Service: First lieutenant, U.S. Army Medical Corps Reserves, 1940. Teaching Appointments: University of Cincinnati, Department of Dermatology, Professor Emeritus; Director, Laser Laboratories, Medical Center, University of Cincinnati. Professional Societies: Cincinnati Dermatological Society, President 1975-1976 and two previous times; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1960; Mexican Society for Control of Leprosy; Fellow, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene; Swedish Dermatological Society; Society of Photo­ optical Instrumentation Engineers. Awards: Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: More than 500 scientific articles and seven textbooks. Deceased 1997.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 159 C. Barrett Kennedy 1955 Born: Aberdeen, Scotland, Sept. 18, 1907. Graduated: M.D., Tulane University of Louisiana, 1932. Training: Preceptorship with Dr. A. B. Cannon, New York, NY, 1934-1937; Columbia University, Department of Dermatology, 1934-1937. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1941. Practice: New Orleans, LA, associated with J. K. Howles, 1937-1940, and V. Medd Henington, 1947-1954. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Reserve 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: Louisiana State University Department of Dermatology 1937- 1971, Professor and Chief of Department 1953-1971. Professional Societies: Louisiana Dermatological Society, President 1946-1949; Southeastern Dermatological Association, Secretary. Awards: Bronze Star for achievement in connection with military operations in the Mediterranean. Author: 50 scientific articles. Deceased unexpectedly on August 1, 1971.

Clayton E. Wheeler, Jr. 1955 Born: June 30,1917, Viroqua, Wisconsin. Graduated: M.D., University of Wisconsin, 1941 Training: University of Michigan: Resident and Instructor in Internal Medicine, 1942-1944, Research Fellow in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 1947-1948, Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1948-1951. Certified: American Board of Internal Medicine, 1951; American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1951. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1944-1947, First lieutenant to Major. Teaching Appointments: University of Virginia: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, 1951-1962; University of North Carolina: Professor and Chief of Division of Dermatology, 1962-1972, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology, 1972-1987, Professor Emeritus from 1987. Professional Societies: Society for lnvestigative Dermatology: President,1974-1975, Board of Directors, 1970.1973; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 1970-1979 President, 1982-1983; Association of Professors of Dermatology: President-Elect, 1974-1975, President, 1975-1976, Secretary-Treasurer, 1971- 1974; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1971-1974, President, 1984-1985; Society for Investigative Dermatology, President, 1974-1975; National Program for Dermatology: Council, 1971, Chairman, Task Force on Educational Programs for Faculty, 1969-1974; National Board of Medical Examiners, Pictorial Test Committee, 1970-1975; Dermatology Training Grants Committee, National institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, 1963-1967; Cutaneous Commission of the Armed Forces Epidemiology Board, 1961-1972; North Carolina Medical Society, Chairman of Section of Dermatology, 1971-1972. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi. Author: More than 130 scientific papers. Deceased, February 2007.

160 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Rudolf L. Baer 1956 Born: July 22, 1910, Strasbourg, Alsace­ Lorraine, France. Graduated: M.D., University of Basel, Switzerland, 1934. Training: Skin and Cancer Unit, New York University Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Volunteer Assistant, 1935; Montefiore Hospital, New York, NY, Resident physician in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1936-1937; Skin and Cancer Unit, New York University Post-Graduate Medical School, 1937-1939. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1940. Military Service: Deferred from military service to do full-time research dealing with vesicant agents in chemical warfare, thermal burns, insect repellents, etc. Co-author of over 50 secret and confidential reports to the National Research Council. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University Medical School: Teaching in Dermatologic Allergy, 1939-1946, Instructor, Dermatology and Syphilology, 1946-1948; New York University School of Medicine from 1949, Chairman,1961-1981. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology, President, 1963-1964; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 1963-1972, President, 1969-1970; American College of Allergists, Vice President, 1954; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1964-1966 and 1972-1975, President, 1974-1975; American Dermatological Association; New York Dermatologic Society, President 1982; Pacific Dermatologic Society; American Medical Association, Registry on Adverse Reactions 1963- 1967; N.Y. Academy of Medicine, Section of Dermatology, Chairman, 1963-1964; Bronx Dermatological Society President, 1952; honorary member of 17 foreign dermatological societies; Journal of Investigative Dermatology: Member Editorial Board: 1946-1962, Associate Editor, 1961-1962; Annals of Allergy, Member Editorial Board 1949-1965; Year Book of Dermatology: Assistant Editor, 1943-1946, Co-editor, 1947-1955, Editor, 1955-1965. Awards: Dohi Lecturer and recipient of Dohi Memorial Medal, Japanese Dermatologic Society, 1965; Hellerstrom Lecturer and recipient of Hellerstrom Medal, Stockholm, 1970; Recipient of Stephen Rothman Medal,1973; Alfred Marchionini Gold Medal,1977; Gold Medal from American Academy of Dermatology,1978; Ferdinand von Hebra Medal, Austrian Society of Dermatology and Venereology, 1988; Order of the Rising Sun, Empire of Japan, 1991; Honorary President, 18th World Congress of Dermatology, 1992. Author: More than 250 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Music. Deceased.

Vernon M. Henington 1956 Born: Lake Charles, Louisiana, November 17, 1913. Graduated: M.D., Louisiana State University, 1940. Training: Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans, 1940-1942; Presbyterian Hospital, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1942-1943. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1946. Practice: New Orleans, Louisiana 1943-1974, partnership with Dr. C. Barrett Kennedy. Teaching Appointments: Louisiana State University, School of Medicine, 1943-1950; Lecturer in Dermatological Therapy to residents at Tulane University, Louisiana State University, and to the Independent Service, 1950-1974. Professional Societies: Orleans Parish Medical Society; Louisiana State Medical Society; Louisiana Dermatological Society: Charter Member, 1943, Secretary, 1947-1949, President, 1949-1951. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 161 E. Richard Harrell 1956 Born: Checotch, Oklahoma, April 5, 1922. Graduated: M.D., Duke University, 1946 Training: University of Michigan Hospital, 1949-1951. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953. Practice: Associated with Dr. Arthur C. Curtis in Ann Arbor, MI, 1952-1967; partnership with Dr. Howard V. Dubin 1967 to retirement. Military Service: Lieutenant (jg.), US. Navy, attached to U.S. Marine Corps, Fleet Marine Force, Tsingtao, China, 1947-1949. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Dermatology: Junior Instructor to Professor and Chairman, 1951-1975, resigned Chairmanship in 1975, Clinical Professor of Dermatology from 1975. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Assistant Secretary, Secretary, Chairman, and Committee on Cutaneous Health 1951-1978; American Academy of Dermatology: Director of Mycology Symposium, 1961-1966, Director of Scientific Exhibits, 1965-1970, Board of Directors, 1964-1967, Education Committee, 1969-1974; American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology: Member of Examining Board, 1968-1978, President 1975; Michigan Medicine (Journal of M.S.M.S.), Associate Senior Editor, 1969. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi. Author: 55 scientific articles. Deceased.

Walter R. Nickel 1956 Born: Freemont, Ohio, August 21, 1907. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1938; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1943. Training: Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN, 1938-1943. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1944. Practice: San Diego, California from 1946. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, First Lieutenant to Major, 1941-1946. Teaching Appointments: Consultant, U.S. Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA, from; Consultant, Veteran’s Administration, San Diego, CA, from 1946; University of California, San Diego: Chairman of Division of Dermatology from 1969; Clinical Profess of Medicine and Pathology from 1969. Professional Societies: San Diego County Medical Society, President 1964; American Society of Dermatopathology; Secretary, 1962-1968, President, 1969; Pacific Dermatologic Association: Secretary 1950, President 1962. Awards: First Award, Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Dermatology, 1954; Certificate of Commendation, American Academy of Dermatology, 1956; Bronze Award, Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Dermatology 1961. Author: More than 25 scientific articles. Deceased, April, 1989.

162 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Samuel Ayres, III 1957 Born: Kansas City, Missouri, May 1, 1919. Father, Samuel Ayres, Jr. was also a member, elected in 1928. Graduated: M.D. Stanford University, 1944; internship, Los Angeles County General Hospital. Training: City Hospital, Cleveland, OH, 1944-1945; Ashford and Brooke U.S. Army General Hospitals, 1946-1947; Preceptorship with Samuel Ayres, Jr. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Practice: Los Angeles, CA, associated with Samuel Ayres, Jr., 1947-1962; Solo practice, Beverly Hills, CA, 1962 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, First lieutenant to Captain, 1945-1947. Teaching Appointments: University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Division of Dermatology from 1947, Instructor to Associate Clinical Professor; Los Angeles County General Hospital (now Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center), Senior Attending Staff, Dermatology Service from1948, Chairman, 1962-1963; Director and Founder, Dermabrasion Clinic, Dermatology Service, Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center 1954 and Hair Transplantation Clinic 1966; American Academy of Dermatology: member of faculty, Surgical Planning-Cutaneous Surgery, 1955, Director of Special Course in Cutaneous Surgery, 1961-1965. Professional Societies: California Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Chairman 1967-1968; Los Angeles Dermatological Society, President 1965; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Medical Symposium Society of Los Angeles, President 1965; Los Angeles Academy of Medicine; American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American Association of Cosmetic Surgeons. Author: 40 scientific articles, several text­ book chapters. Outside Interests: Tennis, skiing, skin diving, antiques, and archaeology. Deceased, December 2009.

Joseph A. Elliott, Jr. 1957 Born: Charlotte, North Carolina, December 5, 1919. Father was a dermatologist and a member elected in 1922. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1944; M.S., Dermatology University of Minnesota, 1950. Training: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 1947-1950. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1951. Practice: Charlotte, NC, partnership with father 1950-1959; Solo practice from 1959. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1945-1947. Professional Societies: Mecklenburg County Medical Society: Secretary 1953, Treasurer 1958; North Carolina Dermatological Society; American Dermatological Association: Secretary, 1981-1986, President, 1986-1987; Southeastern Dermatological Association; South Central Dermatological Congress; Carolinas Dermatological Association. Author: 14 scientific articles Outside Interests: Computers and metal and woodworking, sports car rallies, and photography. Deceased, March 2010.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 163 Eugene M. Farber 1957 Born: July 24, 1917, Buffalo, New York. Graduated: M.D., University of Buffalo, 1943; M.S., University of Minnesota, 1946. Training: Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, 1944-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Teaching Appointments: Mayo Clinic, First Assistant, Dermatology and Syphilology, 1947- 1948; Stanford University, Department of Dermatology: Professor and Executive Head, 1949-1986, Professor Emeritus from 1986. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Chairman, Section of Peripheral Vascular Diseases, 1953-1956, Board of Directors 1951-1954; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1957-1962, Fund for International Education in Dermatology, President, 1973-1975; Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine; American Association of University Professors, President, 1968; Honorary Membership in Austrian, British, Czechoslovakian, Danish, French, Indian, Israeli, Norwegian, Swedish, Venezuelan, Italian, Brazilian, Mexican, and Yugoslavian Dermatological Societies. Awards: Sigma Xi; Taub Award for Psoriasis; Andrew Bello Award (Venezuela). Author: More than 200 scientific articles. Deceased, November 2000.

Thomas B. Fitzpatrick 1957 Born: December 19, 1919, Madison, Wisconsin. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1945; Ph.D., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Minnesota, 1951. Training: Mayo Clinic, Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1948-1951. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1952. Military Service: Captain, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Army Chemical Center, Maryland, 1946-1948. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1951- 1952; University of Oregon Medical School, Professor and Head, Division of Dermatology, 1952-1958; Harvard University Medical School, Edward Wigglesworth Professor of Dermatology and Head, 1959-1990, Professor Emeritus from 1990. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1954-1957; Society for Investigative Dermatology: President, 1959-1960; British Association of Dermatology: Honorary Foreign Member, 1963; American Academy of Arts and Sciences: 1965; Danish Dermatological Society: Honorary Foreign Member; Dermatology Foundation: President, 1971; International Pigment Cell Society; Association of Professors of Dermatology. Awards: Order of Rising Gold Rays (Japan); Distinguished Service award from Dermatology Foundation 1989; Stephen Rothman Gold Medal,1970; Alpha Omega Alpha45; numerous prize essays, many lectureships, and many prize exhibits. Author: More than 200 scientific articles and six textbooks. In 1971 he published the first multiauthor dermatology textbook in the United States and served as organizer and senior editor for 4 subsequent editions of this seminal book. During his 40 years at Harvard, Fitzpatrick trained many of today’s top dermatologists in academia, industry, and practice and is considered by many to be a father of modern academic dermatology. Deceased August 16, 2003.

164 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Aaron B. Lerner 1957 Born: September 21, 1920, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Graduated: B.A. University of Minnesota, 1941; Ph.D. in Physiological and Physical Chemistries and M.D., University of Minnesota, 1945. Training: Intern, U.S. Marine Hospital, , NY, 1946; Western Reserve University, American Cancer Society Fellow, 1948-1949. Military Service: Captain, U.S. Army Medical Corps, together with Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, Army Chemical Center, Maryland, 1946-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1949-1952; University of Oregon, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1952-1955; Yale University, Associate Professor of Medicine and Chief of Dermatology, 1955. Professor and Chairman of Dermatology, 1958 – 1985. Professor of Dermatology, 1985 – 1991, Professor Emeritus, 1991. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology. American Society of Biological Chemists; National Academy of Sciences; Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine); Resigned from the ADA as the society refused to elect women until late in the 1960’s. Awards and Honors: Stephen Rothman Gold Medal, Order of the Rising Sun with Gold Rays (Japan), President, Society for Investigative Dermatology. Deceased February 3, 2007.

Thomas W. Murrell, Jr. 1957 Born: Richmond, Virginia, in 1916. Father was Thomas W. Murrell, Sr., elected to the American Dermatological Association in 1937. Graduated: M.D., University of Virginia, 1940. Training: New York Post Graduate Hospital 1940-1941; New York Skin and Cancer Unit, 1941-1942. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Practice: Richmond, Virginia, in the same office started by his father. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps (awarded the Bronze Star), 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: Medical College of Virginia, Clinical Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Richmond Academy of Medicine, President, 1959; Medical Society of Virginia, President, 1967; Southern Medical Association, Section Chairman 1975; American Dermatological Association, Secretary; Virginia Dermatological Society; South Eastern Dermatological Society. Author: 25 articles on clinical dermatology. Deceased, November, 1993.

Frederick J. Szymanski 1957 Born: May 16, 1915, Rochester, New York. Graduated: M.D., University of Buffalo Medical School, New York, 1939. Training: University of Illinois: Postgraduate Course in Dermatology and Syphilology February to November 1946, Fellowship in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1946-1948; Preceptorship with Dr. Clark W. Finnerud 1948-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949; Dermatopathology, 1974.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 165 Practice: Rochester, NY, general practice 1940-1942; Chicago, IL, partnership with Clark W. Finnerud, 1948-1969; Chicago, solo practice, 1970 until retirement. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps Reserves, Lieutenant (j.g.) to Lieutenant Commander, 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Clinical Instructor, 1949-1954, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1954-1964, Clinical Professor, Chief of Dermatopathology; Rush· Presbyterian-St Luke’s School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Dermatology; State of Illinois, Registry of Anatomic Pathology, Consultant in Dermatopathology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1961- 1964, Vice President, 1964, Chairman of Committee on Pathology, 1963-1971; American Dermatological Association, Historian; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1961; American Society of Dermatopathology (founding member); Pacific Dermatological Society (honorary member). Author: 20 scientific articles, most of them on skin pathology. Fred gave many years of dedicated service as Historian of the Association and was the author of the Centennial History of the American Dermatologic Association published in 1976 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the association. Deceased, April 2009.

Anthony N. Domonkos 1958 Born: South Bend, Indiana, May 29, 1912. Graduated: M.D., Budapest Kiralyi Magyar Pazmany Peter Tudomanye­ gyetem 1939. Training: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Department of Dermatology, 1946-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Practice: New York, NY, 1947 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Air Force, Flight Surgeon 1942-1946; Bronze Star, Commendation Ribbon for Meritorious Service, European Theatre Ribbon with one battle star. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Clinical Professor of Dermatology from 1967. Professional Societies: Fellow, American College of Physicians, 1957; American-Hungarian Medical Association, Vice President, 1967; New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Dermatology, Secretary- Treasurer, 1966, Chairman, 1967-1968; American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President, 1966, Board of Directors 1965-1968; American Dermatological Association, Treasurer, 1967, 1972-1974; International Society of Tropical Dermatology, 1960; Iranian Society of Dermatology and Venereology, 1965; Australian Dermatologic Society; British Association of Dermatologists 1973; Sociedad Venezolana de Dermatologia, 1962. Awards: Medal of the Order of Cristobal Columbus, Dominican Republic 1967. Author: 40 scientific papers; coauthor of Diseases of the Skin with George C. Andrews in fifth edition and sixth edition (1971) by Tony Domonkos alone. Deceased, February 1979.

166 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association John B. Haeberlin, Jr. 1958 Born: Chicago, Illinois, September 25, 1909. Graduated: M.D., C.M., McGill University, 1935. Training: Postgraduate course in Dermatology and Syphilology given jointly by the University of Illinois, University of Chicago and Northwestern University, 1946; University of Illinois College of Medicine, Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1947-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Practice: Chicago 1948-1969. Retired to New Mexico. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1942-1946; served in Venereal Disease Control and in Skin Diseases. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois Medical School, Department of Dermatology, Assistant to Associate Professor, 1948-1969; Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Hospital, Head of Dermatology, 1953- 1969; University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Adjunct Associate Professor of Dermatology Section, 1972-1976. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1965-1967, President, 1968; New Mexico Dermatological Society. Author: 9 scientific papers. Deceased, January, 1988.

Otis F. Jillson 1958 Born: Otisfield, Maine, December 6, 1917. Graduated: M.D., cum laude, Tufts College Medical School, 1943. Training: Boston City Hospital, Dermatology Residency, 1946-1947; Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, Dermatology Assistant, 1947-1948; Massachusetts Memorial Hospital, Boston, Resident in Dermatology, 1948-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1950. Practice: Portland, Maine 1949-1950; Hitchcock Clinic, Hanover, NH, 1950-1967; Bangor, Maine from 1967. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps 1944-1946, with one year in the Philippine Islands. Teaching Appointments: Boston University Medical School: Teaching Fellow, 1948-1949, Instructor in Dermatology, 1949-1950, Visiting Instructor in Dermatology from 1969; Dartmouth University Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology, 1949-1950, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine in Dermatology, 1957-1962, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine in Dermatology, 1962-1967; Hitchcock Clinic, Hanover, NH, Chief of Dermatology, 1959-1967; Eastern Maine Medical Center, Bangor, Vice President, 1973. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1965-1968, Vice President, 1967-1968; National Program for Dermatology, Council, 1969-1973; New England Dermatological Society: Vice President 1969-1971, President, 1971-1972; North Country Dermatology Society (founding member)., Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha, 1943; Certificate of Recognition from American Academy of Dermatology, 1973; American Dermatological Association, Visiting Professor, 1975 Author: 64 articles and chapters in books. Deceased, August 2, 1986.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 167 Herbert Mescon 1958 Born: Toronto, Canada, April 3, 1919. Graduated: M.D., Boston University School of Medicine, 1942. Training: Boston City Hospital, Resident in Pathology, Mallory Institute, 1942-1943; Lebanon Hospital, Bronx, NY, Rotating Intern, 1946·1947; Boston City Hospital, Tufts Medical Service, Straight Medical Intern, 1947-1948; University of Pennsylvania, Dermatology Resident, 1948-1951; University of Pennsylvania, Damon Runyon Clinical Cancer Research Fellow, 1949·1951. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1952; Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: Skin and Cancer Hospital, Philadelphia 1951-1952; Veterans Administration Hospital, Wilmington, Deleware, Attending and then Consultant, 1950·1952; University Hospital, Boston, Chief, Dermatology and Genito-lnfectious Diseases from 1952; Boston Veterans Administration Hospital: Consultant in Pathology from 1960, Consultant and Chief of Dermatology from 1971; Boston City Hospital, Chief of Dermatology. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps. Served in pathology, bacteriology and as chief of laboratories 1943-1946; U.S. Medical Corps Reserve, 15 years. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Instructor in Dermatology to Instructor 1948- 1952; Boston University School of Medicine, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology from 1952. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Director, 1972·1976, Vice President, 1975; American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists; Boston Dermatological Society: Secretary, Vice President, and President; Histochemical Society; New England Dermatological Society, Vice President and President; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Vice President, 1961, President, 1962. Author: 51 scientific articles and 19 chapters in medical textbooks. Deceased, November 16, 1985.

J. Frederic Mullins 1958 Born: June 4, 1920, Lampasas, Texas. Graduated: M.D., University of Texas School of Medicine, 1946. Training: University of Texas Medical Branch, Department of Dermatology, 1949-1950. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953. Practice: Phoenix, AZ, 1952-1953; Kerrville, TX, from 1953. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, 1947-1949; Chief of Dermatology, 7th Naval District. Teaching Appointments: University of Texas Medical Branch, Instructor, 1950-1952, Professor and Chairman from 1953. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, Section of Dermatology and Syphilology: Secretary, 1965-1967, Chairman, 1968; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1961-1964; Texas Dermatological Association, Vice Chairman, 1961; Southern Medical Association, Section of Dermatology: Secretary, 1958-1960, Chairman, 1961; American Board of Dermatology, 1969-1978; American Dermatological Association, Board of Directors; Florida Medical Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Sigma Xi; Outstanding Clinical Teacher, selected by medical students, 1958. Author: 122 scientific publications Outside Interest: Golf. Deceased.

168 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Sidney Olansky 1958 Born: Jan. 11, 1914, Boston, Massachusetts. Graduated: M.D., Glasgow University, Scotland, 1940 Training: Duke University Hospital, 1946-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Practice: Washington, DC, 1948-1950; Duke University, 1955-1959, Emory University, 1959-1981. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, 1942-1946 (all assignments in Venereal Disease Division); Medical Officer in charge of Rapid Treatment Center 1943-1946. Teaching Appointments: Gallinger Memorial Hospital, part-time research for U.S. Public Health Service, 1948-1950; Research Laboratory, Chamblee, GA, Director of Venereal Disease, 1950-1955; Duke University Medical Center, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1955-1959; Emory University School of Medicine, Professor and Chief, Section of Dermatology, 1959-1981. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1960-1963; American Venereal Disease Association, President 1971-1972; American College of Physicians, Fellow; American Federation for Clinical Research; National Serology Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of Public Health Service; Southern Medical Association, President of Dermatology Section, 1967; Dermatology Foundation, Medical Scientific Committee; Atlanta Dermatology Association, President, 1971-1972; Southeastern Dermatological Association, President, 1972-1973. Author: Over 100 scientific papers relating to venereal diseases and dermatology. Other Interests: Sports and reading. Deceased, December 28, 2007

Morris Waisman 1958 Born: Sept 2, 1911, St Louis Missouri. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois 1935; M.S. (Dermatology), University of Minnesota, 1940. Training: Mayo Clinic, Fellow, 1937-1940. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology; Dermatopathology. Practice: Chicago, Illinois, 1940-1942; Tampa, FL thereafter. Military Service: U.S. Air Force Medical Corps, 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois, Instructor in Dermatology, 1940-1942; University of Miami School of Medicine, Adjunct Professor of Dermatology from 1958; University of South Florida College of Medicine: Clinical Professor of Pharmacology, 1973-1991, Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), 1973-1991. Professional Societies: Florida Society of Dermatology: Secretary, 1950-1952, President, 1953; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology: Secretary, 1961-1964, Chairman, 1964; Southeastern Dermatological Association, President, 1970-1971; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Academy of Dermatology: Director, 1965-1967, 1974-1976, Vice-President, 1976-1977; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; American Dermatological Association, Vice-President, 1981; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Archives of Dermatology, Editorial Board. Author: 87 scientific papers and two books. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Florida Society of Dermatology Outstanding Dermatologist, 1974, 1988; Dermatology Foundation Practitioner of the Year, 1977. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 169 Victor H. Witten 1958 Born: August 8, 1916, Jacksonville, Florida. Graduated: M.D., Tulane University School of Medicine, 1941 Training: Preceptee in office of Drs. Marion B. Sulzberger and Rudolf L. Baer, New York, NY, 1946-1947; Skin and Cancer Unit of the University Hospital, New York Post-Graduate Medical School, 1947-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Practice: Associated with Dr. Marion B. Sulzberger, New York,1949-1961; private practice, New York, 1961-1962; limited private practice, University of Miami School of Medicine, 1962-1968; private practice, Miami, 1968-1993; Coral Gables, Florida, 1993 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Naval Medical Corps Reserves, 1941-1954; active duty, 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital: Research Assistant in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1946-1947, Assistant, 1951-1952, Instructor, 1953-1955, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1955-1957, Associate Clinical Professor, 1957-1962; University of Miami School of Medicine, Professor of Dermatology, 1962-1968, Clinical Professor in Dermatology, 1968 to retirement. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Vice President, 1969; Miami Dermatological Society, President, 1972; Danish Dermatology Society; Israeli Dermatologic Association; Venezuelan Society of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology; American Dermatological Association. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: 124 scientific articles and one textbook Dermatology: Diagnosis and Treatment, 1961; also, co-editor of the Year Book of Dermatology and Syphilology, from 1955-1959. Outside Interests: Orchids, wine, ham radio. Personally taped interviews with leading dermatologists of the world. These recordings are in the possession of the American Academy of Dermatology. Deceased, January 2007.

Samuel W. Becker, Jr. 1959 Born: Rochester, Minnesota, September, 1924. Father was a dermatologist and member of the American Dermatological Association. Sister, Dr. Betsy Brennan, is also a dermatologist. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois, 1947; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1951. Training: Mayo Clinic, Fellow in Dermatology, 1948-1951. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953. Practice: Chicago, IL 1953-1958; The Whiting Clinic, Whiting, IN, part time, 1954-1958 and full time, 1958 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Senior Assistant Surgeon, 1951-1953 Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1953- 1956, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1956-1961, Clinical Associate Professor, 1961-1973, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1973 to retirement. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatologic Society, President, 1966. Author: 35 scientific articles. Deceased, October 2007.

170 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Donald J. Birmingham 1959 Born: August 28, 1911, Youngstown, Ohio. Graduated: M.D., St. Louis University School of Medicine, 1940. Training: New York Post-Graduate Medical School, Fellow, Skin and Cancer Unit, 1945- 1946; New York University Bellevue Medical Center, Skin and Cancer Unit, 1949-1951 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1952. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Assistant Surgeon, Reserve Corps, 1941- 1943; appointed to Regular Corps, Division of Industrial Hygiene at National Institute of Health, 1943-1949; transferred to Occupational Health Field Headquarters, Cincinnati, 1951-1959; appointed Senior Surgeon, USPHS, 1952; participated in field and laboratory investigation work in occupational and related dermatoses; retired from USPHS, 1964. Teaching Appointments: University of Cincinnati, Instructor to Assistant Professor to Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Industrial Medicine, 1951-1959; Kettering Laboratory, Cincinnati, Assistant Professor of Industrial Health, 1955; Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Lecturer, Industrial Dermatology, 1956; Skin and Cancer Unit, N.Y. University Bellevue Medical Center, Lecturer on Dermatology and Syphilology, 1956; Wayne State University, School of Medicine: Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology and Professor of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1964, Associate in Department of Medicine, 1968, Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1973-1982, Acting Chairman, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1970-1973. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology Board of Directors; American College of Physicians, Fellow; American Dermatologic Association; North American Clinical Dermatologic Society; Dermatology Foundation; Michigan Dermatological Association; American Industrial Hygiene Association; Central States Dermatologic Society, President, 1958; Cincinnati Dermatologic Society, President, 1958; Danish Dermatologic Society; Detroit Dermatologic Society, President, 1970-1971 Honorary: Louisiana Dermatologic Society; Pacific Dermatologic Association. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi; Medal, USPHS, 1964; Kehoe Award of Merit from American Academy of Occupational Medicine, 1986; Presidential Citation, AAD 1989; Wayne State University Lawrence Weiner Award, 1990. Author: 96 scientific publications. Outside Interests: Golf and travel. Deceased.

Robert N. Buchanan, Jr. 1959 Born: March 13, 1911, Hendersonville, Tennessee. Graduated: M.D., Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 1934. Training: Massachusetts General Hospital, 1939-1941. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1947 Practice: General practice, Lebanon, TN, 1936-1939; Nashville, TN, 1939 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain to Lieutenant Colonel, 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1969-1972; Nashville Academy of Medicine, President, 1955; Tennessee State Medical Association, Speaker of the House of Delegates, 1955-1958; Southern Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Chairman, 1960; Southeastern Dermatological Association, Chairman, 1960-1961; Association of Professors of Dermatology, President, 1970; American Dermatological Association, President, 1980.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 171 Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Bronze Star, 1945. Author: 28 scientific articles. Deceased, July 2004

Robert W. Goltz 1959 Born: September 21, 1923, St. Paul, Minnesota. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1945. Training: University of Minnesota Hospital and Graduate School, 1945-1946; Minneapolis General Hospital, 1948-1949; University of Minnesota Hospital, 1949-1950. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1951; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Minneapolis, MN, part time, 1951-1965. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1946-1948. Assigned to Tripler General Hospital, Honolulu, HI, Chief of lnternal Medicine and Dermatology. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Department of Medicine: Instructor to Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Associate Professor, 1951-1965; Histopathologist, Division of Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1948-1965; University of Colorado, Professor and Head, Division of Dermatology, 1965-1971; University of Minnesota, Professor and Head, Department of Dermatology, 1971-1985. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1965-1967, President, 1979; American Dermatological Association; American Society of Dermatopathologists, Board of Directors, 1968- 1971; Minnesota Academy of Occupational Medicine and Surgery, President, 1961; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President, 1962; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1966-1971, President, 1972-1973; Dermatology Foundation: Scientific Committee, 1966-1967, Trustee from 1974; Rocky Mountain Dermatological Society, President, 1969-1970; Pacific Dermatological Association, Board of Directors, 1969-1972; American Board of Dermatology: President, 1975-1976, examiner for certification of special competence in Dermatopathology. Awards: Rothman Award; Gold Medal Award, AAD; Kaiser Teaching Award 1990-1992. Author: More than 80 scientific articles, most of them on skin pathology and histochemistry. Deceased February 23, 2014.

Victor D. Newcomer 1959 Born: April 5, 1916, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan 1943. Training: University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1944-1945, Fellow and Assistant Instructor in Dermatology 1947-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1953. Practice: Los Angeles, CA, 1973 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain 1945-1947. Teaching Appointments: Veterans Administration Center, Wadsworth Hospital, Los Angeles, Chief, Dermatology Section 1949-1955; University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine: Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine in Dermatology 1951-1954, Associate Professor 1955-1961, Professor 1961-1972, Clinical Professor, 1973 to retirement. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, Chairman of Self-Assessment Committee for Continuing Education, 1973, Vice-President, 1983; Medical Research Association of California, Board of Directors 1971; National Program for Dermatology, Head, Task Force of Continuing Education

172 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 1970.1972; American Medical Association, Residency Review Committee 1969 to retirement; Los Angeles Dermatologic Society, President 1961-1962; California Medical Association Scientific Board, advisory panel for dermatology, 1975-1978;American Medical Association, House of Delegates; American Dermatologic Association, Vice-President 1982; Pacific Dermatologic Association, President 1982. Awards: Finnerud Award 1987. Author: More than 149 scientific articles and six textbooks, most of them on fungus diseases and dermatologic therapy. Deceased, March 15, 2002.

Harold O. Perry 1959 Born: November 18, 1921, Rochester, Minnesota. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1946; M.S., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Minnesota, 1953. Training: Mayo Foundation, Fellow in Dermatology, 1949-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953. Practice: Mayo Clinic 1952-1986. Military Service: U.S. Navy, V-12 Program, 1943-1945; Naval lnternship, 1946-1947; active duty, U.S. Naval Medical Corps, 1947-1949. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Graduate School, Mayo Foundation: Instructor in Dermatology, 1956-1960, Assistant Professor, 1960-1964, Associate Professor, 1964-1970, Professor, 1970-1989, Professor Emeritus, 1989 to retirement. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1973-1976, Vice President, 1977, President, 1981 Advisory Committee to Federal Drug Administration from 1968, Committee Peer Review 1971-1975, Long Range Planning, 1983-1988; American Dermatological Association: Member, Herzog Educational Committee, Membership Committee, 1977-1980, Chairman 1981, Board of Directors, 1985-1989, President, 1990; American Board of Dermatology, President, 1990; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President, 1965; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: President, 1967-1968, Board of Trustees, 1964-1967; National Program for Dermatology, Head, Task Force on Medical Centers from 1970. Awards: American Academy of Dermatology Gold Medal; Mayo Foundation Teacher of the Year, 1973, 1980, 1985, Teacher of Year Hall of Fame, 1986. Author: More than 235 scientific articles and book chapters Outside Interests: Gardening, wildlife, boating, fishing, hunting, and photography. Deceased, 2013.

Eugene J. Van Scott 1959 Born: May 27, 1922, Macedon, New York. Graduated: M.D., University of Chicago, 1948. Training: University of Chicago, Dermatology, 1949-1952; University of Pennsylvania, Associate in Dermatology, 1952-1953. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1954. Practice: Private, Military Service: U.S. Navy, active duty, 1943-1945; U.S. Public Health Service, 1950-1968. Teaching Appointments: National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD: Head of Dermatology Service, 1953-1961, Chief of Dermatology

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 173 Branch, 1961-1967, Director, Intramural Research, 1965; Temple University, The Skin and Cancer Hospital of Philadelphia, PA, Professor of Dermatology, 1968-1989; Hahnemann University, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor, 1990-1992. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1961-1963, and 1974- 1977; American Society of Dermatopathology; Society for Investigative Dermatology: President, 1965- 1966; American Association for Cancer Research; American Society for Clinical Investigation; Honorary Memberships: Pacific Dermatological Association; Canadian Dermatological Association; Swedish Dermatological Association; Danish Dermatological Society. Awards: Taub International Memorial Award for Psoriasis Research, 1964; James Clarke White Award for Achievement in Dermatologic Medicine, 1965; Meritorious Service Medal, U.S. Public Health Service, 1966; Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Research in Chemotherapy, 1972; Stephen Rothman Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Achievements in Dermatologic Research and Teaching, Society for Investigative Dermatology, 1975; Lila Gruber Cancer Research Award, AAD 1980; F.I.R.S.T. Award for Ichthyosis, 1992; Dermatology Foundation Distinguished Service Medallion, 2004. Author: 168 scientific articles.

Richard B. Stoughton 1959 Born: Duluth, Minnesota, July 4, 1923. Graduated: M.D., University of Chicago, 1947. Training: University of Chicago, 1948·1951 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953; Dermatopathology, 1974. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1952-1954; stationed at Army Chemical Center, Maryland, with temporary duty for nine months in Korea and Japan. Teaching Appointments: University of Chicago, Instructor to Assistant Professor, 1951- 1956; Western Reserve University, 1956·1957, Director of Dermatology Section; Cleveland Veterans Hospital, Division of Dermatology, Chief of Service, 1957-1967; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, Head, Division of Dermatology from 1967; University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, Chairman, Division of Dermatology from 1974. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1967-1970; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors 1960-1965, President, 1974; Dermatological Society of San Diego, President 1969; Dermatological Society of Cleveland, President 1961; Chairman, Dermatology Training Grants Committee, National Institutes of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases 1962-1964; Member, Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, Commission on Cutaneous Diseases 1962-1973; Member, National Research Council, Committee on Cutaneous Medicine, 1960-1965; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 1973-1982, Examiner, Combined Boards of Dermatology & Pathology, 1974. Awards: Sigma Xi. Author: 90 scientific articles, many of them on percutaneous absorption; Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Editor in Chief from 1967.

Gerard A. De Oreo 1960 Born: Cleveland, Ohio, June 1, 1912. Graduated: M.D., Western Reserve University, 1937. Training: Metropolitan General Hospital, Cleveland, Assistant Resident in Dermatology, 1938-1939, Resident, 1939-1940; Preceptorship with Dr. Howard Fox, NY, 1940-1941. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1941. Practice: Cleveland 1946-1972; Eisenhower Medical Center, Palm Desert, CA, 1972 to retirement.

174 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Major, 1941-1946. Consultant dermatologist, Central Pacific Area, 1942-1945. Teaching Appointments: Western Reserve University: Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1953-1971, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1971-1972. Professional Societies: Cleveland Dermatological Society, President, 1952-1953; Hawaii Dermatology Society; Innominatum Medical Society, President, 1955-1956; Chicago Dermatological Society. Author: 20 scientific papers. Outside Interests: Piano, golf and figure skating. Deceased December 2016.

Vincent J. Derbes 1960 Born: New Orleans, Louisiana, May 8, 1912. Graduated: M.D., Tulane University 1934. Training: Tulane University, Instructor in Anatomy 1935-1937; Vaughan­ Graham Clinic, Richmond, VA, Fellow in Internal Medicine and Allergy 1940-1941; University of Illinois, Fellow in Dermatology 1954-1957. Certified: American Board of Internal Medicine, Subspecialty, Board of Allergy 1945; American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1958. Practice: Stancola Employees Medical and Surgical Clinic, Baton Rouge, LA, 1937-1940. Teaching Appointments: Tulane University: Instructor in Medicine and Medical Officer of Hutchinson Memorial Clinic 1941-1948, Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of Division of Allergy 1948-1954, Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) and Chief, Section of Allergy and Dermatology from; Acting Chairman, Department of Medicine June 30, 1974 to July 1, 1975. Professional Societies: Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine; American Mathematical Association; Renaissance Society; Mediaeval Academy of America; British Association of Dermatology and Mexican Society of Dermatology (honorary); Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematicians; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; American College of Allergists; American College of Physicians. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi. Author: More than 180 scientific articles, ten chapters in books, and four textbooks. Outside Interest: Fire ants. Deceased, 1991.

George W Hambrick, Jr. 1960 Born: December 4, 1922, Charlottesville, Virginia. Graduated: M.D., University of Virginia, 1946. Training: University of Virginia Hospital, Assistant Resident in Dermatology, 1947-1948; Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital, Resident in Dermatology, 1950-1951; Duke University, Fellow in Dermatology, 1951-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953; Dermatopathology, 1975. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain, served as dermatologist in Georgia, Japan, and Okinawa, 1948-1950. Teaching Appointments: Duke University, Associate, 1952-1953; Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Instructor in Dermatology 1953-1955; University of Pennsylvania, Dermatology Department: Associate, 1955-1957, Assistant Professor, 1957-1962, Associate

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 175 Professor, 1962-1966; Johns Hopkins University: Associate Professor, 1966-1969, Director, Subdepartment of Dermatology, 1967-1976, Professor, 1969-1976; University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Director, 1967-1981; Cornell University Medical College, Division of Dermatology: Professor and Co-Head, 1981-1993, Department of Dermatology, Professor Emeritus and Acting Chairman, 1993. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians, Fellow; American Federation of Clinical Research; American Academy of Dermatology: Director of Scientific Exhibits, Board of Directors, 1979-1982, Council on Long Range Planning, Chairman, 1981-1982; American Medical Association: Section Council Member, 1973, Secretary, 1976, Board of Directors, Residency Review Committee for Dermatology 1986-1991; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Philadelphia Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1965, President, 1966; Raven Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board, of Directors 1963-1965, Assistant Secretary 1964- 1965, Secretary-Treasurer 1965-1969, Vice President 1970-1971, President, 1971-1972; Dermatology Foundation: Trustee, 1970, President, 1975. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha, Gold Award for Exhibit from AAD, 1955; Bronze Award for Exhibit from AAD 1964; Gold Award 1966. Author: 75 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Learning and emotionally disabled children. Deceased December 10, 2013.

Allan Levente Lorincz 1960 Born: October 31, 1924. Graduated: University of Chicago, 1947. Training: University of Chicago, 1947-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1953; Subspecialty Certification in Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: University of Chicago Medical Center. Teaching Appointments: University of Chicago, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1952-1957, Associate Professor, 1957-1967, Section of Dermatology, Head 1967-1991, Professor from 1967. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1958-1963, Vice President, 1972-1973; Chicago Dermatological Society: Vice President, 1960, President, 1963; Chicago Mycological Society: Vice President, 1964, President, 1965; Illinois State Dermatological Society, President 1982; Honorary memberships: Dermatological Society of Venezuela, Polish Association of Dermatology, Pacific Dermatologic Association; Japanese Dermatological Association, Korean Dermatological Association. Awards: University of Chicago Medical School McClintock Award, 1972; Gold Medal from The Chicago Dermatological Society. Author: Over 150 publications in medical and scientific journals and books. Deceased, September, 1, 2010

Thomas S. Saunders 1960 Born: Solomons, Maryland, June 19, 1907. Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland, 1932; M.S., Dermatology University of Minnesota, 1937. Training: Mayo Clinic, Fellow in Dermatology and Syphilology, 1934-1937. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1939; Subcertification in Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Portland, Oregon 1937 to retirement.

176 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Teaching Appointments: University of Oregon: Clinical Instructor, 1937, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1959. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology; Pacific Northwest Dermatologic Society; Pacific Dermatological Association; Oregon Dermatologic Society, President, 1946-1960. Author: 35 scientific articles. Deceased.

Richard K. Winkelmann 1960 Born: July 12, 1924, Akron, Ohio. Graduated: M.D., University of Marquette, 1948; Ph.D. in Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1956. Training: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Atomic Energy Commission, 1949-1951; Washington University, St Louis, MO: Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, 1949, Research Associate Department of Anatomy, 1950; Mayo Foundation, 1951-1952 and 1954-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1955; Dermatopathology, 1974. Military Service: U.S. Army, 1943-1946; U.S. Public Health Service, 1952-1954. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota Graduate School, Mayo Foundation Faculty, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1956-1959, Assistant Professor, 1959-1962, Associate Professor, 1962-1965, Professor, from 1965, Associate Professor of Anatomy, from 1964, Professor of Dermatology, Professor of Anatomy, Mayo Foundation, Chairman, Department of Dermatology from 1970. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1967-1969; American College of Physicians; American Association of Derm. Pathologists, Program Committee; American Association of Anatomists; American Society of Dermatopathology: Program Committee, 1976, President, 1977; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Association of Physical Anthropologists; Society for Investigative Dermatology: President, 1970-1971, Board of Directors; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1973-1974; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President, 1969; Minnesota Society of Clinical Pathology; Minnesota State Medical Association: Cancer Committee, 1969- 1972, Medical Education Committee, Delegate, 1965-1972; Honorary Memberships: Austrian, Australian, Brazilian, British, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Swedish, Danish, French, Israeli, and Mexican societies. Awards: Gold Medal from AAD, 1957, 1962, 1984; Silver Medal from AAD, 1979. Author: More than 700 scientific publications and five books. Past editor of the Dermatology Digest and associate editor of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, the Mayo Clinic Staff Proceedings, and Minnesota Medicine. Deceased, August 16, 2012.

Carroll F. Burgoon, Jr. 1961 Born: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, February 21, 1916. Graduated: M.D., Temple University, Philadelphia, 1943. Training: U.S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Internal Medicine, 1945-1946; University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Fellow in Dermatology, 1946-1949; Skin and Cancer Hospital, Philadelphia, 1947-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, 1944-1946. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1946-1952; Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, Philadelphia, 1950-1958, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1955-1958; Temple University Medical Center, Philadelphia, Professor of Dermatology from 1958, Chairman, 1961-1966.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 177 Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Philadelphia Dermatological Society, President, 1969-1970. Author: 50 scientific articles. Deceased, September 28, 2007.

Paul M. Crossland 1961 Born: 1904 Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1931. Training: New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, 1949-1951; Stanford University School of Medicine, San Francisco, 1951-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1952. Practice: Santa Rosa, CA, 1952-1968. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, 1930-1948. Paul had an interesting career in regular Navy, ending up as Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Hospital, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Teaching Appointments: Stanford University School of Medicine: Division of Dermatology, Lecturer 1951 to full Clinical Professor 1965. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, Director of Course in Radiation Therapy of Skin Diseases for seven years, Director of Symposium on Practical Application of Physical Therapy; Pacific Dermatological Society; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; American Cancer Society, Sonoma County Branch, Board of Directors, 1956-1968. Author: 10 scientific articles, coauthor with Dr. Anthony C. Cipollaro of the textbook, X-rays and Radium in the Treatment of Diseases of the Skin. Deceased, September 30, 1968, of a massive brain hemorrhage.

John L. Fromer 1961 Born: New York, NY, July 1, 1907. Graduated: M.D., University and Bellevue Hospital Medical School, 1932. Training: St John’s Hospital for Skin Diseases, London (6 months) 1936; New York Post Graduate Hospital, Laboratory and Clinical Allergy, 1937-1938; Harvard Graduate School, 1946-1948; Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Dermatology, 1947-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Practice: Lahey Clinic, Boston, MA: Director of Allergy and Dermatology, 1938-1970, Senior Consultant, 1970.1973; Dedham Medical Associates, Westwood, MA from 1973; Peabody Medical Arts, Peabody, MA from 1973; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Medical Department from 1969. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Lieutenant Colonel, 1941-1946. Teaching Appointments: Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant Dermatologist, 1948 to retirement. Professional Societies: Atlantic Dermatologic Conference, Permanent Honorary Secretary from 1970; American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President, 1972, Board of Directors, 1964-1965 and 1969-1972; New England Allergy Society, President, 1971-1972; New England Dermatological Society, President, 1968-1970; Boston Dermatologic Society, President, 1964. Author: 40 scientific articles. Deceased, December 26, 2003.

178 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association David W. Kersting 1961 Born: Dayton, Ohio, December 12, 1915. Graduated: M.D., Marquette University, 1947; M.Sc., Internal Medicine, Marquette University, 1951. Training: Marquette University Graduate School, Internal Medicine and Dermatology, 1948-1952; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Fellow in Dermal Pathology 1952-1953. Certified: American Board of Internal Medicine, 1952; American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1954; Subcertification in Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Milwaukee, WI, Dermatology and Dermatopathology, 1956-1958 and from 1962. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Naval Aviator, 1941-1943. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, 1953-1955; Marquette University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman, 1958-1971; Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine, Section of Dermatology, Professor of Dermatology, from 1971; Veterans Administration Hospital, Wood, WI, Chief of Dermatology, 1955-1971; Medical College of Wisconsin, Associate in Dermatopathology, Department of Pathology from 1971. Professional Societies: American Association for Advancement of Science; American Society of Dermatopathology; Chicago Dermatological Society; New York Academy of Sciences; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Wisconsin Dermatological Society. Awards: Sigma Xi; Alpha Sigma Nu; Kappa Alpha; National First Prize Essay of the American Dermatological Association, 1955. Author: 15 scientific articles and five chapters in textbooks. Deceased, January 21, 1998.

John M. Knox 1961 Born: Dallas, Texas, April 11, 1925. Graduated: M.D., Baylor University College of Medicine, 1949. Training: University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Ml, 1950; University of Oklahoma, 1953-1954; University Hospital, Ann Arbor, 1954-1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1956; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Houston, TX from 1955 to death. Military Service: U.S. Navy (V-12) 1944-1945; U.S. Air Force Medical Corps, Chief, Dermatology Section, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, 1951-1952. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Junior Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, 1954-1955; Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, from 1955, Professor and Chairman from 1963; City of Houston, Director, Venereal Disease Control, 1957-1968; Baylor College of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Pathology (Dermatopathology), 1957-1960, Associate Professor, 1960-1972, Professor of Pathology (Dermatopathology) from 1973. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1966-1969; American Social Health Association, Board of Directors, 1962-1975; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Venereal Disease Association, President, 1968-1969; Houston Dermatological Society, President, 1956-1966; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1960-1965; National Program for Dermatology, Director and Chairman of the Council, 1969-1972; Southern Medical Association, Chairman, Section on Dermatology, 1965-1966; Pacific Dermatologic Association (honorary); International Union against Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses, Counselor, 1973.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 179 Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Distinguished Alumnus, Texas A. & M. University, 1971. Author: 273 scientific articles. Deceased, February 28, 1987.

James W. Burks, Jr. 1962 Born: Toledo, Ohio, December 25, 1911. Graduated: M.D., Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1937; M.S., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Minnesota, 1945. Training: Mayo Clinic Foundation, 1939-1941. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1944. Practice: New Orleans, LA, 1944 to retirement; Gulfport, MS, 1947-1955, second office. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1941-1944. Teaching Appointments: Tulane University School of Medicine: 1944 to retirement, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, 1950 to present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1956-1959; American College of Physicians, Fellow; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Founder and Director, 1970; Louisiana Dermatological Society, President, 1955; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Southern Medical Association, Dermatology Section, Chairman, 1962-1963; Pacific Dermatological Association (honorary). Author: 125 scientific articles and one textbook, Wire Brush Surgery. Outside Interest: Big game fishing. Deceased.

Stanley E. Huff 1962 Born: June 5, 1918, Bremen, Indiana. Graduated: M.D., Northwestern University Medical School, 1943; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1949. Training: University of Minnesota, Department of Dermatology, 1947-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1950. Practice: Evanston, IL. 1950 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps 1944-1947; assigned to Dermatology Service of 312th and 4th General Hospitals, Philippines. Teaching Appointments: Northwestern University Medical School: from 1950, Assistant Professor, 1957-1970, Associate Professor, 1970-1977, Professor from 1977. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Director of Scientific Exhibits, 1954-1957, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, 1958-1962, Secretary-Treasurer, 1963-1967, President, 1968, Board of Directors, 1968-1970; American Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Chairman Scientific Exhibits, 1953-1958; Chicago Dermatological Association, President, 1975-1976; North Suburban Branch of Chicago Medical Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1970, President, 1972; American Dermatological Association, Vice- President, 1979. Author: Numerous scientific articles. Outside Interests: Golf, duplicate bridge, travel and music. Deceased, October 29, 2005.

180 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Frederick D. Malkinson 1962 Born: February 26, 1924, Hartford, Connecticut. Graduated: D.M.D., Harvard School of Dental Medicine, 1947; M.D., Harvard School of Medicine, 1949. Training: Harvard University, 1949-1950; University of Chicago, Dermatology and Syphilology, 1950 and 1953-1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1956. Practice: University of Chicago Clinics, 1954-1968; Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, 1968-1992. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, 1950-1952; stationed in Tokyo and Oakland, CA. Teaching Appointments: University of Chicago, Department of Medicine (Dermatology), Instructor to Associate Professor, 1954-1968; University of Illinois, Department of Medicine and Department of Dermatology, Professor, 1968-1971; Rush-Presbyterian­St Luke’s Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Chairman and Professor, 1971-1992. Professional Societies: American. Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1964-1967, Chairman, Committee on Audiovisual Medical Education, Chairman, Section on Scientific Exhibits, 1958-1964, Vice- President, 1987-1989; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1964-1965; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1963-1968, Vice-President, 1978-1979; National Program for Dermatology: Chairman, Sub-council for Education and Communication, 1969-1972, Chairman, Task Force on Learning Resources, 1969-1975; Radiation Research Society; American Federation for Clinical Research; Dermatology Foundation, President, 1983-1985; Association of Professors of Dermatology. Awards: Gold Medal Award, Chicago Dermatological Society 1992. Author: Over 145 papers, chapters and abstracts. Outside Interests: Hiking, swimming, traveling, and reading. Deceased, September 7, 2015.

Eugene P. Schoch, Jr. 1962 Born: September 24, 1923, Austin, Texas. Graduated: M.D., University of Texas School of Medicine 1946; M.S. (Dermatology and Syphilology), University of Minnesota School of Medicine 1951. Training: Minneapolis General Hospital, Residency in Dermatology, 1947-1948; University of Minnesota Hospital, 1950-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1952. Practice: Austin, TX, 1952 to retirement Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1948-1950. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Teaching Fellow, 1947-1948; Southwestern Medical School, Clinical Instructor to Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Texas Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1971-1973, President, 1973; Texas Medical Association, Member, Cancer Coordination Committee; Fellow, American College of Physicians, 1975; American Dermatological Association, Vice-President, 1990. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; A.M.A. Special Award for exhibit, “Pruritus,” 1958; Medical Society of New Jersey, Certificate of Merit for exhibit, “Fluocinolone” 1969.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 181 Author: 30 scientific articles. Deceased January 20, 2015.

J. Graham Smith, Jr. 1962 Born: Nov.22, 1926, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Graduated: M.D., Duke University Medical School, 1951. Training: Veterans Administration Hospital, Intern, Chamblee, GA, 1951-1952; Duke Hospital, Assistant Resident and Resident, 1954-1956; Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Resident, 1956-1957. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1958. Teaching Appointments: University of Miami School of Medicine, Instructor to Assistant Professor, 1957-1960; Duke University, Associate Professor to Professor of Dermatology, 1960-1967; Medical College of Georgia: Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1967- 1991, Acting Chairman, Department of Pathology, 1973-1975; University of South Alabama, Division of Dermatology, Professor and Director from 1991. Professional Societies: American Federation for Clinical Research; American Association for Advancement of Science; American Society for Experimental Pathology; Biochemical Society; New York Academy of Sciences; Southeastern Dermatological Association: Secretary-Treasurer, 1970-1971, President, 1975-1976; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1964-1969, President, 1979-1980; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1971-1974, President, 1990-1991; Southern Medical Association, Chairman, Section of Dermatology, 1973-1974; American Board of Dermatology: Member and Director, 1974-1983, President, 1980-1981; Association of Professors of Dermatology, President, 1984-1986; Editorial Boards: Archives of Dermatology, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, and the JAMA. Awards: American Dermatological Association, annual essay contest, First Award Winner, 1959; Howard Fox Memorial Lecturer, twice; Harry Robinson Lecturer, 1971. Author: More than 80 scientific articles. Deceased May 18, 2010.

Israel Zeligman 1962 Born: Baltimore, Maryland, July 24, 1913. Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland 1937; Med.Sc.D., Columbia University 1942. Training: Skin and Cancer Unit of New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital 1938-1941. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1941. Practice: Baltimore, MD, 1946 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins University, Assistant to Associate Professor of Dermatology from 1946; University of Maryland, Instructor to Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1946-1956. Professional Societies: Baltimore-Washington Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1949-1951, Vice President 1952-1953, President 1953-1954; Baltimore City Medical Society, Secretary 1950-1952, Chairman 1952-1953, Vice Chairman 1959-1960; Baltimore Dermatological Society, Vice President, 1959-1960. Author: 51 scientific articles. Deceased, May 1990.

182 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Calvin J. Dillaha 1963 Born: Little Rock, Arkansas, June 20, 1924. Graduated: M.D., University of Arkansas School of Medicine 1948. Training: Scott & White Hospital, Temple, TX, Internship 1948-1949; University of Chicago, Department of Dermatology 1949-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1954. Practice: Little Rock, AR. Associated with G. Thomas Jansen and W. Mage Honeycutt 1952-1969; Robert W. Hood 1967-1968. Teaching Appointments: University of Arkansas School of Medicine 1952-1969, Instructor in Clinical Medicine (Dermatology) to Assistant Clinical Professor to Associate Clinical Professor to Clinical Professor and Head 1958-1969; Little Rock Consolidated V.A. Hospital Professional Societies: Pulaski County Medical Society; American Academy of Dermatology; Southern Medical Association; Chicago Dermatological Society; Arkansas Dermatologic Society, Secretary 1960, President 1961; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Author: 36 scientific articles. Deceased, January 9, 1969.

William L. Epstein 1963 Graduated: M.D., University of California School of Medicine 1952. Training: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 1953-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1956. Practice: University of California, San Francisco Medical Center 1957-1964. Military Service: U.S. Army, Corporal 1944-1946. Academic Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology 1956 1957; University of California, San Francisco Medical Center: Director, Dermatologic Research, Assistant Professor 1957-1963, Assoc. Professor 1963-1969, Chairman, Division of Dermatology, 1967-1970, Professor, Chairman, Department of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, President; National Program of Dermatology: Director, Division for Research 1969-1972, Task Force Leader for Eczema Control 1969, Sub­ Council for Research, 1970; San Francisco Dermatological Society, President 1971-1972; American Association for the Advancement of Science; New York Academy of Science; American Federation for Clinical Research; Dermatology Foundation, President. Awards: Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa. Author: over 528 scientific papers. Deceased May 27, 2016.

R. Roy Forsey 1963 Born: December 9, 1915, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Graduated: M.D., University of Toronto 1941. Training: Royal Victoria Hospital 1945; Montreal General Hospital 1946; University of Michigan 1947. Certified: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Certified in Dermatology 1947, Fellowship 1948. Practice: Montreal 1948 to retirement. Military Service: Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserves, Surgeon Lieutenant 1942-1946.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 183 Teaching Appointments: Montreal General Hospital, McGill University: Junior Clinical Dermatologist 1947-1949, Junior Assistant Dermatologist 1949-1950, Dermatologist- in­ Chief and Chairman of the Department 1950-1981; McGill University: Demonstrator, Department of Medicine 1948-1951, Assistant Professor 1951-1956, Associate Professor 1956-1976, Professor 1976-1981. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; Lafleur Reporting Society, President 1959; Montreal Dermatological Society, President: 1958; Canadian Dermatological Association: Historian, 1954-1961, President 1959; McGill Reporting Society; Association of Dermatologists of the Province of Quebec, Founding Member and Director; Canadian Foundation of Dermatology: Founding Member, Director, Vice President 1970-1976, President 1976- 1981. Awards: The Queen’s Canadian Silver Jubilee Medal 1978; Award of Merit of the Canadian Dermatological Association 1983. Author: 28 scientific articles and two books. Outside Interests: Travel, history of dermatology in Canada, antique furniture restoration. Deceased.

Harry J. Hurley 1963 Born: October 10, 1926, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia 1949; D.Sc. (Med.), University of Pennsylvania 1958. Training: Hospital of University of Pennsylvania 1951-1953 and 1955-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1957. Practice: Upper Darby, PA, 1957 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps Reserves. Physiologist-Dermatologist, Army Medical Research Laboratory, Fort Knox, KY, 1953-1955. Teaching Appointments: Boston University School of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology 1954-1955; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Instructor to Associate in Clinical Dermatology 1956-1959; Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Professor and Chief of Section of Dermatology 1959-1962; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Associate Professor and Professor of Clinical Dermatology; University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology to Visiting Lecturer. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1972-1975, Audit Committee, Chairman 1987, Ethics Committee, Chairman 1989; American Board of Dermatology: President 1983-1984, Assistant Executive Director 1984-1988, Associate Executive Director 1989-1992, Executive Director 1993- 2000; National Program for Dermatology, Chairman, Advisory Board 1973-1974; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, President 1969-1970; Philadelphia Dermatological Society: President 1970-1971, Executive Committee 1971-1973; Dermatology Foundation, Executive Committee 1974-1975, President 1975-1976, Trustee 1988-1990; American Dermatological Association, Nominating Committee 1985-1987, Chairman, 1987. Awards: Distinguished Service Commendation, Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology 1973; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Clarence E. Shaffrey Medal and Award 1980; Distinguished Service Award from American Board of Dermatology 1984; Clark W. Finnerud Award from Dermatology Foundation 1992. Author: 108 scientific publications and four books. Outside Interests: Golf and family. Deceased July 27, 2009.

184 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Alfred W. Kopf 1963 Born: June 21, 1926, Buffalo, New York. Graduated: M.D., Cornell University Medical College 1951; M.S., Dermatology and Syphilology, New York University School of Medicine 1955. Training: New York University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology 1952- 1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1957. Practice: New York City, geographic, full time practice. Military Service: U.S. Naval Aviation Training Program and Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, 1944-1946. Teaching Appointments: New York University School of Medicine: Assistant to Instructor, Assistant Clinical Professor, Associate Clinical Professor, Professor of Dermatology 1954-1983, Clinical Professor 1983 to retirement; Organized Oncology Section, Skin and Cancer Unit of N.Y.U. 1954, and N.Y.U. Melanoma Clinical Cooperative Group 1974. Professional Societies: International Foundation for Dermatology, Board of Directors, Chairman 1987; American Association for Advancement of Science; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1966, President 1980; American Association for Cancer Research; New York Cancer Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors 1966; Corresponding Foreign Member: Argentine, Brazilian, French, German, Israeli, Italian, Mexican, Spanish and Venezuelan Societies of Dermatology; National Program for Dermatology, Director, Division of Education and Communication 1969; National Institute of Health, Dermatology and Training Grants Committee 1966; Dermatology Foundation, Trustee; Institute for Dermatologic Communication and Education, Trustee; American Dermatological Association. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; American Dermatological Association Essay Contest, First Prize, 1956; American Academy of Dermatology, Wershaw Lecturer in Israel, 1971; Award of the “Vaincre le Melanome “ Author: 100 scientific articles. AI Kopf was the co-editor and then senior editor of the Year Book of Dermatology. Al Kopf was one of the principle champions for the creation of the Regional Dermatology Training Center in Tanzania, a project of the International Foundation for Dermatology and the International League of Dermatologic Societies.

Otto C. Stegmaier 1963 Born: December 31, 1918, Jefferson City, Missouri. Graduated: M.D., St, Louis University School of Medicine 1943; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota 1953. Training: University of Illinois and Northwestern combined course, Dermatology 1946-1947; Mayo Foundation 1947-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1950. Practice: Chicago until retirement. Military Service: U.S. Naval Reserve 1944-.1946 Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois, Department of Dermatology, Assistant Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Chicago Dermatological Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Author: 10 scientific papers. Outside Interests: Golf gardening, and winters in Rancho Bernardo, California. Deceased December 31, 2011.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 185 William B. Taylor 1963 Born: Bethany, West Virginia, August 25, 1910. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan 1935. Training: University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology 19S0.1953. Certified:American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1955. Practice: Jackson, Ohio, general practice of medicine 1936-1950; Ann Arbor, MI, 1953 to retirement. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Dermatology Department: Instructor 1953-1955, Assistant Professor 1955-1962, Associate Professor 1963-1970, Clinical Professor 1971-1973, Professor of Dermatology, 1975. Professional Societies: American College of Chemosurgery, Charter Member; Michigan Dermatological Society, President 1961-1962. Author: 21 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Golf, gardening, bird watching, and wood carving. Deceased.

John F. Wilson 1963 Born: July 10, 1911, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University 1937; M.S., University of Minnesota 1940. Training: University of Minnesota 1938-1940; Columbia University 1940-1941. Certified: American Board of Dermatology &Syphilology 1947. Practice: Philadelphia 1941-1987. Military Service: U.S. Army, First lieutenant (retired) 1937-1943. Teaching Appointments: Jefferson Medical College, Department of Dermatology: Instructor 1943-1948, Assistant Professor 1948-1956, Associate Professor 1956-1987, Honorary Associate Professor 1987; University of Pennsylvania Graduate School, Visiting Lecturer 1954-1967. Professional Societies: Philadelphia Dermatological Society President 1962-1963; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, President 1971-1972; Philadelphia College of Physicians; Pennsylvania State Medical Society, Chairman, Dermatology Advisory Committee 1972-1975; National Program for Dermatology, Secretary of Advisory Board; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; International Dermatological Society. Awards: Cummer Silver Award, Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Dermatology 1957; Honorable Mention, Scientific Exhibit, American Medical Association 1957. Author: 14 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Golf, music, dancing, and travel. Deceased.

James Richard Allison, Jr. 1964 Born: November 8, 1924, Columbia, South Carolina. Graduated: M.D., Medical University of South Carolina 1951. Training: University of Michigan Hospitals 1952-1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1957.

186 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Practice: Columbia, SC, 1955-1992 (practiced with his father, Dr. J. R. Allison, Sr., until his death in 1965); Columbia Skin Clinic 1965-1992. Military Service: U.S. Naval Medical Corps Reserves 1943-1946. Teaching Appointments: U.S. Air Force Base Hospital, Columbia, SC, Consultant 1956- 1992; U.S. Veterans Hospital, Columbia 1955-1992; Medical University of Georgia, Associate Clinical Professor 1973-1992; Medical University of South Carolina, Associate Clinical Professor 1974-1992. Professional Societies: American Venereal Disease Association, Vice President 1969; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Board of Directors 1978-1981; Cutaneous Therapy Association, Vice President 1971-1974; Southeastern Dermatology Association, Vice President 1965; South Carolina Dermatology Association, Organizational President 1971; Southern Medical Association, Dermatology Section, President 1971; Columbia Medical society, Vice President 1973; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Dermatological Association, Vice President 1991; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors 1982-1985. Author: 32 scientific articles and contributions to seven books. Dick Allison was most interested in dermatologic surgery, psychosomatic problems, and venereal diseases. Outside Interests: Fishing and boating. Deceased, March 19, 1999.

John H. Epstein 1964 Born: Dec. 29, 1926, San Francisco, California. Father, brother, cousin and uncle are members of this Association. Graduated: M.D., University of California School of Medicine 1952; M.S. (Dermatology), University of Minnesota Graduate School 1956. Training: Mayo Clinic 1953-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1958 Practice: San Francisco, 1956 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1st Class Seaman 1944-1946. Teaching Appointments: University of California School of Medicine, Dermatology Department Clinical Instructor 1956-1959, Assistant Clinical Professor 1959-1965, Associate Clinical Professor 1965-1972, Clinical Professor 1972. Professional Societies: Association for Advancement of Science; American College of Physicians, Fellow; American Board of Dermatology 1974; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Association for Cancer Research; American Academy of Dermatology: President 1982, Board of Directors 1968-1971, Committee on Scientific Exhibits 1968-1971, Finance Committee, 1971; Pacific Dermatologic Association, Board of Directors 1974;San Francisco Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1960-1963, President 1963-1964; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Membership Committee 1969-1972, Chairman of Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee 1970.1971; National Program for Dermatology, Research Task Force on Photobiology 1970, Deputy Director of Public Relations 1972-1974, Task Force Leader of Science Writers. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Silver Award for exhibit of high teaching value, meeting of American Academy of Dermatology 1962; Gold Award for exhibit of investigational merit, American Academy of Dermatology 1969 Author: 250 scientific papers. Chief Editor of the Archives of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Skiing, hiking, rowing, tennis and gardening. Deceased, January 28, 2018

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 187 Mark Allen Everett 1964 Born: May 5, 1928, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Graduated: M.D., University of Oklahoma 1951. Training: University of Michigan, Pediatrics 1951-1952; Tulane University, Public Health 1952; University of Michigan, Dermatology 1954-1957. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1958; Dermatopathology 1974. Practice: Oklahoma City, 1957 to present. Military Service: U.S. Air Force 1951-1954. Chief, Preventive Medicine, 12thAir Force Wiesbaden, Germany. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Instructor 1956-1957; University of Oklahoma: Assistant Professor 1957-1961, Associate Professor 1961-1963, Professor 1964, Chairman and Head 1974; University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, Chairman of Faculty Board 1974. Professional Societies: American Association for Cancer Research; American Society of Dermatopathology, President 1980; South Central Dermatology Congress, President 1971-1973; Oklahoma State Medical Society; Pacific Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Association of Professors of Dermatology, President 1976-1978; Mark Allen Everett Foundation, President; American Academy of Dermatology; American Board of Dermatology. Awards and Honors: Oklahoma Medical Association Award 1969; Oklahoma Zoological Society Award 1973; University of Oklahoma Drama Award 1968; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha; University of Oklahoma Academic Physician of the Year 1988; Governor of State of Oklahoma Award for the Arts 1989. Author: 65 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Chamber music, painting, swimming, walking and architecture. Deceased, January 1, 2006.

John S. Strauss 1964 Born: July 15, 1926, New Haven, Connecticut. Graduated: M.D., Yale University School of Medicine 1950. Training in Dermatology: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Resident and Fellow 1951-1952 and 1954-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1957. Practice: Boston, MA, 1957-1958; University of Iowa, 1978 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Navy, V-12 program 1944-1945; U.S. Naval Reserve, assigned to Medical Service at U.S. Naval Hospital, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 1952-1954. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Instructor in Dermatology 1950.1957; Boston University: 1961-1966, Professor 1966-1970; University of Iowa College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Head, 1978 to 1998 Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: President 1992; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1977-1980, President, 1983; American Federation for Clinical Investigation; Boston Dermatological Club: Secretary-Treasurer 1961-1963, Vice President 1972-1973, President 1973-1975; Dermatology Foundation: Trustee 1969-1974, President 1972-1974; Massachusetts Medical Society, Dermatology Section: Secretary 1967-1968, Chairman 1968-1969; New England Dermatological Society, Member of Council 1965-1968; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Director 1963-1968, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 1968-1969, Secretary-Treasurer, 1969-1974, President-elect 1974-1975, President 1975-1976; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 1982-1992, Associate Executive Director, 1993-2000; 18th World Congress of Dermatology President, 1992; Honorary memberships: German, Hong Kong, Spanish, Societe Fracaise, Canadian, Venezolana, European, New York.

188 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Awards and Honors: Gold Medal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1995; Inaugural Clarence S. Livingood, MD, Memorial Lecture, American Academy of Dermatology 1993; James Hudson Brown Junior Fellowship, Yale University School of Medicine 19471948; U.S. Public Health Service, Post­ doctorate Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 1955-1957; Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Mendel Prize in Physiological Chemistry 1946; Stephen Rothman Award 1988; Presidential Citation from AAD 1990; Meritorious Achievement Award in the Field of Cutaneous Toxicity from AAD 1991; Master Dermatologist Award from the American Academy of Dermatology in 1997. Author: More than 125 scientific articles, including 40 book chapters and 39 abstracts. Outside Interests: Skiing and sailing. Deceased, July 28, 2014.

Robert E. Burns 1965 Born: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 4, 1914. Graduated: M.D., University of Alberta, Edmonton 1939. Training: University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology 1945-1947. Certified: Certificant, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 1947; American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948; Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 1972. Practice: Victoria, BC, 1947-1954; Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit 1954-1975; Victoria, BC, 1975 to retirement. Military Service: Royal Canadian Navy, 1942 1945. Teaching Appointments: Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Dermatology 1954. Professional Societies: Canadian Dermatologic Association; Canadian Medical Association; Michigan Dermatology Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1966-1968, President 1969-1970. Author: 22 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Curling and wood carving, but not his golf game. Deceased.

Charles P. DeFeo, Jr. 1965 Born: Hamden, Connecticut, April 16, 1925. Education: Undergraduate: Amherst College 1948; Medical School: Hahnemann Medical College M.D., 1952. Training: Kings County Hospital, Dermatology Resident 1953-1954; New York University Skin and Cancer Hospital, Basic Science Course 1954-1955; Preceptee to Maurice]. Costello, M.D. (1/2 time) 1954-1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1958. Practice: New York City 1957 to retirement. Academic Appointments: New York University: Assistant in Dermatology 1957-1959, Associate Clinical Professor 1971-1995. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Ensign, Deck Officer 1943-1946; V-12 Program, 1943-1944. Teaching Appointments: New York University Medical Center, Assistant in Dermatology, 1957-1959, Associate Clinical Professor 1971-1975. Professional Societies: Manhattan Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1967-1970, President 1966; New York Dermatological Society: Secretary 1972-1974, President 1975; New York State Society of Medicine, Section

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 189 of Dermatology: Secretary, 1969, President 1970; New York State Society of Dermatology, Founding President 1972-1974; New York Academy of Medicine, Section of Dermatology:. Secretary, 1970, President 1971 Author: 18 scientific articles, most of them on bullous diseases. Deceased, December 12, 2017.

Jerome K. Fisher 1965 Born: Derry, Pennsylvania, November 11, 1901. Graduated: M.D., Stanford University Medical School 1938. Training: Los Angeles County General Hospital, Residency in Dermatology 1939- 1940; Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Teaching Fellow in Dermatology 1940-1943. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1943. Practice: New York City, associated with Dr. George C. Andrews 1945-1947; Pasadena, CA. 1947 to retirement. Military Service: National Research Council, under sponsorship of Columbia University at Fort Benning, GA, 1944, Teaching Appointments: Columbia University, Instructor in Dermatology 1944-1948; University of Southern California: Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), 1947-1967, Emeritus Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), 1967. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; Los Angeles Dermatological Society: Assistant Secretary 1958-1959, Secretary-Treasurer 1959-1960, President 1960-1961; American Academy of Dermatology. Author: Seven scientific articles and parts of five books. Deceased.

Lamar S. Osment 1965 Born: Pascagoula, Mississippi April 9, 1924. Graduated: M.D., University of Alabama Medical College 1951. Training: University of Alabama Medical Center, Dermatology Resident 1952-1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1957. Practice: Birmingham, AL, 1955 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Lt Gg.), Line officer 1944-1946. Teaching Appointments: University of Alabama Medical Center: Instructor in Dermatology, 1955-1957. Professional Societies: Alabama Dermatologic Society: President, 1958, 1969, Secretary-Treasurer 1957; Southeastern Dermatological Association, Vice President 1960. Awards: Omicron Delta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: 36 scientific articles, most of them on antibiotics. Deceased January 28, 2013.

James A. Philpott, Jr. 1965 Born: Denver, Colorado, November 15, 1919. Graduated: M.D., University of Colorado 1945. Training: Brooke General Hospital 1946-1948; University of Colorado Medical Center 1948-1949; University of

190 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Michigan 1949-1950. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1952. Practice: Denver, CO, 1950 to present. Military Service: U .S. Army Medical Corps, Captain 1946-1948. Teaching Appointments: University of Colorado, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1950-1975. Professional Societies: Colorado Medical Society, Speaker, House of Delegates 1970- 1972; Denver Medical Society, President 1969-1970; Pacific Dermatological Association; Rocky Mountain Dermatological Association. Author: 11 scientific articles.

Robert A. Pommerening 1965 Born: 1916. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan 1942. Training: University of Michigan, Dermatology Resident 1945-1948. Practice: Seattle, WA with Dr. Joseph Shaw, 1948-1954; Mason Clinic, Seattle 1954-1968. Military Service: U.S. Army, ROTC, 1934-1938. Teaching Appointments: University of Washington, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology); Children’s Orthopedic Hospital, Seattle, Head of Section of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Secretary-Treasurer; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society. Author: 7 scientific articles. Deceased December 17, 1968.

Albert H. Slepyan 1965 Born: July 12, 1910, Wittenberg, Wisconsin. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois 1934. Cook County Hospital, Service of Dr. Michael Ebert 1937; Preceptorship with Dr. Max Wien 1938-194, and Dr. Envin P. Zeisler 1941-1942. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1941. Practice: Chicago, IL, 1937-1941; Highland Park, IL. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps Reserves, Dermatologist at Great Lakes Training Center 1943-1944 and Saipan, M.I., 1944-1945. Teaching Appointments: Cook County Hospital, Associate Attending Dermatologist 1937-1946; Rush Medical College, Clinical Assistant 1937-1947; University of Illinois, Department of Dermatology, Instructor to Clinical Professor, Emeritus Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: Vice President 1956, President 1965; Institute of Medicine of Chicago; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology, Membership Committee, Chairman 1970.1975; Cutaneous Therapy Society. Awards: University of Illinois Practitioner of the Year 1978. Author: 24 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Begonias, roses, poisonous plants. Deceased April 30, 2012.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 191 Arthur R. Birt 1966 Born: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, May 19, 1906. Graduated: M.D., University of Manitoba, 1930. Training: Winnipeg Children’s Hospital, Residency in Dermatology 1930.1931; Preceptorship, Dr. Andrew M. Davidson 1932-1936. Certified: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 1943; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Fellowship ad eundem 1966. Practice: Winnipeg 1932 to retirement. Teaching Appointments: University of Manitoba, Department of Medicine (Dermatology): Clinical Assistant Lecturer and Assistant Professor 1932-1956, Associate Professor from 1956, Head, Section of Dermatology 1964-1972. Professional Societies: Canadian Medical Protective Association, Provincial Representative, 1938 to present; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, President 1958; Manitoba Medical Association, Chairman, Committee on Ethics 1958-1967; Winnipeg Medical Society, President 1955; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Chairman, Committee on Dermatology, 1966-1974; Canadian Dermatological Association: Secretary 1952-1957, President 1961, Chairman, Education Committee 1966-1972, Historian 1972-1977; Canadian Dermatology Foundation; American Academy of Dermatology, Chairman, Membership Committee 1968; Minnesota Dermatological Society, Vice-President 1963. Awards: Canadian Centennial Medal 1967; Winnipeg Medical Society, Honorary Life Membership 1972. Author: 30 scientific articles and parts of two books. Deceased.

Farrington Daniels, Jr. 1966 Born: Worcester, Massachusetts, September 29, 1918. Graduated: M.D., Harvard University, 1943. Training: Cornell Medical Center New York Hospital, Assistant Resident in Medicine and Research Fellow in Medicine 1947-1949; Harvard School of Public Health, Research Fellow in Nutrition 1949-1950; U.S. Army Quartermaster Climatic Research Laboratory, Head, Stress Physiology Branch 1950-1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1959. Practice: Portland, OR. 1956-1961; New York City, 1962 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps 1944-1947 in Philippines for six months, Teaching Appointments: University of Oregon, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1955-1961; University of Illinois, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1961-1962; Cornell University, Medical College: Associate Professor and Head, Dermatology, Division 1962-1969, Professor of Medicine and Head, Dermatology Division, 1969, Professor of Public Health, 1972. Professional Societies: International Society of Tropical Dermatology; New York Academy of Medicine, Dermatology Section: Secretary 1972-1973, Chairman 1973-1974; New York Dermatological Society, Secretary 1975-1976; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 1965-1970, Vice President 1974-1975. Author: 89 scientific articles. Resigned.

192 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Richard L. Dobson 1966 Born: Boston, Massachusetts, April 12, 1928. Education: Undergraduate: University of New Hampshire 1949; Medical School: University of Chicago School of Medicine, M.D. 1953. Training: Dartmouth Medical School, Fellow in Dermatology 1954-1956; National Institutes of Health, Research Fellow, Public Health Service 1956; Hitchcock Clinic, Hanover, NH, Assistant in Dermatology 1957. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1959. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Pharmacist’s Mate 3rd Class 1946-1947. Teaching Appointments: University of North Carolina School of Medicine: Instructor in Medicine (Dermatology) 1957-1958, organized division of dermatology and was Assistant Professor and Head, Division of Dermatology 1958-1961; University of Oregon Medical School: Associate Professor of Dermatology 1961-1964, Professor 1964-1972; State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1972 to 1979; Medical University of South Carolina, Founder and chairman 1979 until retirement in 1999; Interim Dean, College of Medicine of the Medical University of South Carolina 1985-1986. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1970-1973, President 1984; American Association for Cancer Research; American College of Physicians; American Federation for Clinical Research; Oregon Dermatology Society, President 1971-1972; Pacific Dermatology Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 1964-1969, President, 1976; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1976-1979; Dermatology Foundation 1978-1982; American Board of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1978-1988, President 1988-1989. Awards and Honors: Master Dermatologist Award, American Academy of Dermatology 1992; Honorary memberships: American Dermatological Association, American Academy of Dermatology, American Clinical Dermatology Society and the Polish, British, German, Finnish, Dutch, French and Spanish Dermatologic Societies Author: 115 scientific articles. Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1988-1998. Deceased, February 16, 2019.

Leonard C. Harber 1966 Born: New York City, June 22, 1927. Education: Undergraduate: Johns Hopkins University AB 1949. Medical School: New York University School of Medicine M.D 1953. Training: New York University Post-Graduate Medical School, Skin and Cancer Unit, Postgraduate Student 1954-1956; University of Copenhagen, Fulbright Research Scholar in Dermatology and Syphilology 1956-1957; , Metabolic Unit, New York, Guest Investigator 1969-1970. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1959. Military Service: U.S. Navy. Teaching Appointments: New York University Post-Graduate Medical School: Fellow in Dermatology 1957, Instructor 1958, Assistant Professor 1960-1964, Associate Professor 1964-1968, Professor 1968-1973; Rockefeller University, Visiting Professor 1969; Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology 1973 to retirement. Professional Societies: American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Medical Writers Association; Atlantic Dermatologic Society; Bronx Dermatological Society; Manhattan Dermatologic Society; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; New York Academy of Medicine. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Harvey Society; Fulbright Research Fellowship.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 193 Author: 27 scientific articles and parts of two textbooks. Outside Interests: Fisherman, oenophile, raconteur, Deceased, October 12, 2014.

G. Thomas Jansen 1966 Born: July 16, 1926, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Graduated: University of Wisconsin 1950. Training: University of Wisconsin, Dermatology Department 1953-1954; University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology 1954-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1957. Practice: Little Rock, AR, 1956 to retirement, associated with Dr. Calvin Dillaha and Dr. W. Mage Honeycutt, Deceased members. Military Service: U.S. Naval Reserve 1951-1954. Teaching Appointments: University of Arkansas School of Medicine: Instructor in Medicine (Dermatology) 1956-1958, Assistant Clinical Professor 1958-1962, Associate Clinical Professor 1962-1968, Clinical Professor 1969-1970, Head and Professor 1970-1975, Professor and Chairman, 1975-1982; Little Rock Consolidation VA Hospital, Chief of Division of Dermatology 1969-1982. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Director 1969-1973, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 1980-1982, Secretary ­Treasurer 1983-1985, Finance Committee 1969-1974, Editor of Bulletin of Academy 1975-1988, 1983-1985, President of Dermatology Services 1983-1985, President Elect 1987, President 1988; American College of Chemosurgery, Vice President 1975, Director 1969-1972; Arkansas Dermatological Society: Secretary 1962-1982, President 1964-1965; Central Arkansas Health Planning Council, Chairman 1970-1972; National Program for Dermatology, Director of Sub council of Finance 1969-1972, Chairman of Sub council of Finance; Pulaski County Medical Society, President 1971-1972; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Director, 1969-1973; Southern Medical Association, Dermatology Section: Secretary 1966- 1969, President 1970 and 1976-1979, Executive Committee 1970-1972, First Vice President 1975; American Dermatological Association, Pres­ ident 1993. Awards: Distinguished Service Award from University of Arkansas Medical School, 1988; Distinguish ed Service Award from American Board of Dermatology 1989. Author: 56 scientific articles. Deceased, September 14, 2010.

Sigfrid A. Muller 1966 Born: February 20, 1930, Panama City, Panama. Current Position: Emeritus Chair and Professor of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. Ad honorem Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Nevada (Reno), Emeritus. Education: Undergraduate: George Pepperdine College, Los Angeles, Bachelor of Science, 1949; Medical School: St. Louis University School of Medicine, 1953. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, 1955-1958 Other Training: Internal Medicine Residency, Indianapolis General Hospital 1954-1955. Academic Appointments: Consultant, Dept. of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, 1961-1995. Professor of Dermatology, 1970. Chair/Dermatology, 1983-1993. Society Memberships: Secretary General, 1979-1989, then President of the International Society of Dermatology (ISD); Chairman, Committee on Climate Change ISD, 2009-11; Secretary/Treasurer, Foundation for International Dermatological Education (FIDE) 1985-1994 then President FIDE 1994-2012; President,

194 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Minnesota Dermatological Society 1971; President, Noah Worcester Dermatological Society 1971; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association. Author: More than 350 articles, a few editorials and book chapters; also published in Spanish language publications. Awards and Honors: Alpha Omega Alpha; Certificate of Merit: International League of Dermatological Societies; Pepperdine University: University President’s Award 1972. Condecoracion, Orden de Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Republic of Panama 1994; Amigo de Venezuela Distincion: Awarded by Fundacion Venezuela; 20th O’Leary Lecturer, Mayo Clinic 1995; Castellani-Reiss Medal, International Society of Dermatology 2009; Honorary member of the British, French, Polish, Argentine Brazilian, Korean and a number of other Dermatological Societies. Outside Interests: Avid Sports fan. Jane and I live in Charter House, a retirement community in Rochester, Minnesota. We count snowflakes.

Gordon C. Sauer 1966 Born: Aug. 14, 1921, Rutland, Illinois. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois Medical School, 1945. Training: Skin and Cancer Unit, New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, 194S.1951. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1952. Practice: Kansas City, MO,1951 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Rapid Treatment Center, Charleston, WV, 1946-1948. Discharged as SA Surgeon (Captain). Teaching Appointments: University of Kansas School of Medicine, Assistant to Clinical Professor 1951 to present, Head of the Section of Dermatology, 1958-1970; University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine, Acting Head of Dermatology 195S.1963; University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Medicine: Chairman of Dermatology Curriculum Task Force 1970.1971, Lecturer in Medicine 1971-1974, Clinical Professor 1974 to present. Professional Societies: Association of Professors of Dermatology; Chicago Dermatological Society; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Kansas City Dermatological Society: President 1957-1959 and 1971-1972; Missouri Dermatological Society: Board of Directors 1971-1974, President 1974-1975; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1975-1979, Vice-President 1980; Dermatology Foundation, board of Trustees 1958-1963. Awards: Dermatology Foundation Practitioner of the Year 1992, Author: 30 scientific articles, three textbooks, sections of four textbooks, one film, and one exhibit. His textbook, Manual of Skin Diseases, went through multiple editions. Deceased, September 1, 2003.

James Herbert Graham 1967 Born: April 25, 1921, Calexico, California. Graduated: M.D., Medical College of Alabama 1949. Training: Veterans Administration Center and the University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center 1953-1956; Osborne Fellow in Dermal Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 1956-1957; Research Fellow in Dermal Pathology, A.F.I.P. 1957-1958. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1957; Dermatopathology 1974. Practice: Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, California, 1988. Military Service: U.S. Navy, enlisted rank 1942-1946; U.S. Navy, Medical Corps 1949-1953.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 195 Teaching Appointments: University of California Medical Center, Assistant Instructor in Medicine (Derm.) 1955- 1956; Skin and Cancer Hospital of Philadelphia, Director of Laboratory 1958-1969; Temple University School of Medicine 1958-1969, Professor of Derm. and Pathology, 1967-1969; University of California at Irvine, Professor of Medicine (Derm.) and Chm., Div. of Derm., Professor of Pathology, Director, Section of Dermal Pathology; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, Department of Pathology, Division of Dermatopathology, Head; Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences: Professor of Dermatology and Clinical Professor of Pathology 1978-1988, Professor Emeritus. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology: founding member 1962, Chm., Membership Committee 1968-1969, Executive Committee Secretary-Treasurer, 1969-1974, Pres.-Elect 1974-1975, President 1975-1976, Founders Award, 1990; Pennsylvania Academy of Derm.: Founding member 1969, Secretary 1968; Philadelphia Derm. Society, Pres. 1967-1968; Pacific Derm. Association, Executive Committee 1972-1975; Orange County Medical Ass’n; LA Derm. Soc.; Metropolitan Derm. Soc. of LA; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1974-1977 and 1980-1982, Vice President 1980- 1981; American Dermatological Association Vice President 1986-1987; American Board of Derm., Director 1977-1987, President 1986-1987. Awards: Zola Cooper Memorial Clinicopathologic Seminar on Dermatology 1968; Philadelphia Derm. Society 1969; Board of Trustees, Skin and Cancer Hospital of Philadelphia, Recognition of Outstanding Service to the Institution, 1958-1959; Alpha Omega Alpha, American Medical Association Certificate of Merit 1960; American Society of Clinical Pathologists Bronze Award,1961; American Board of Derm. Distinguished Service Medal, 1987. Author: 250 scientific articles and a textbook, Dermatopathology, with Johnson and Helwig Outside Interests: Fishing, traveling and family including 9 grandchildren. Deceased, May 16, 2012.

Robert J. Morgan 1967 Born: Jan.14,1919, Altus, Oklahoma. Graduated: M.D., University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, 1944. Training: University Hospital, Oklahoma City, Residency in Internal Medicine, 1945-1946; Preceptorship in Dermatology, office of John H. Lamb, 194S.1950; University Hospital, Oklahoma City, Residency in Dermatology, 1948-1950; Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, postgraduate study in dermatology, 1950-1951. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1952. Practice: Oklahoma City 1951. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1941-1948, Army-Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs National Park, AR, and Ladd Field, Fairbanks, AK. Teaching Appointments: University of Oklahoma Medical School, Dermatology Department: Vice Chairman, Clinical Professor 1968 to present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; International Society of Dermatology; Dermatologic Radium Society President 1962-1964; Sir James Saunders Society; Doctor’s Dinner Club, President 1966; Oklahoma City Clinical Society, Treasurer-Secretary 1962-1963, Director of Clinics 1965, Vice President 1964, President 1966; Oklahoma City Dermatological Society, President 1960; Oklahoma State Dermatological Society, President. 1954 and 1961; Oklahoma County Medical Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1960 and 1962, Board of Direclors,1960-1963, 1964-1967 and 1968-1971. Awards: Finnerud Award from Dermatology Foundation. Author: 8 scientific articles Outside Interests: Golf, fishing, Biblical plants. Deceased, August 9, 2016.

196 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Silas E. O’Quinn 1967 Born: Brunswick, Georgia, February 24, 1924. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1949. Training: Tulane University School of Medicine, Fellow, Division of Dermatology 1959; Charity Hospital of Louisiana, New Orleans Resident in Dermatology, 1960-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Military Service: U.S. Army 1942-1945; U.S. Air Force, 951-1953. Teaching Appointments: Louisiana State University, School of Medicine: Associate Professor of Dermatology 1965-1968, Head of Department of Dermatology, 1966-1974, Professor of Dermatology, 1968-1974, Dean, School of Medicine, 1973. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Director of Scientific Exhibits 1970-1974, Board of Directors 1970-1973; International Congress of Dermatology; Louisiana Dermatological Society: Secretary­ Treasurer, 1963-1964, President, 1964-1965. Author: 28 scientific articles. Deceased February 8, 2009.

Raymond C. V. Robinson 1967 Born: Baltimore, Maryland, Apr. 20, 1914 Graduated: M.D., University of Maryland School of Medicine, 1940; M.Sc. (Dermatology): University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine 1950; B.S., University of Maryland School of Pharmacy 1936. Training: Mercy Hospital, Baltimore, Assistant Resident Physician, 1941-1942; Johns Hopkins Hospital, Fellow in Medicine, Syphilis Division 1946; University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Medicine, 1946-1947 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1947. Practice: Baltimore, 1947 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, First lieutenant to lieutenant Colonel 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: University of Maryland Medical School, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1946- 1972; Johns Hopkins Uni­versity School of Medicine: Instructor of Medicine, Dermatology and Public Health Administration, 1946-1955, Assistant Professor of Dermatology from 1972. Professional Societies: Baltimore Dermatologic Society, President, 1960; Baltimore­ Washington Dermatology Society, Secretary Treasurer, 1955; Southern Medical Association, Vice Chairman, 1965, Councilor, 1961- 1966; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American College of Physicians. Author: 95 scientific articles and parts of 12 books; co-author of Clinical Dermatology for Students and Practitioners. Deceased.

Raymond R. Suskind 1967 Born: November 29, 1913, New York, NY, Graduated: M.D., State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, 1943. Training: Cincinnati General Hospital, Residency in Dermatology 1944-1946 and 1948-1949; University of Cincinnati Research Fellow in Preventive Medicine and Industrial Health, 1948-1951. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1949. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Chief of Dermatology, Venereal Diseases and Allergy Sections, Halloran General Hospital and Tilton General Hospital 1946-1948.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 197 Teaching Appointments: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine: Instructor, Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, 1948-1962, Research Fellow to Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Industrial Health, 1949-1962; University of Oregon Medical School, Professor and Head, Division of Environmental Medicine, 1962-1969, Professor of Dermatology, 1962-1969; University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Jacob G. Schmidlapp Professor of Environmental Health, Director of Department of Environmental Health, and Director of Kettering laboratory, 1969-1985, Professor of Medicine, 1969-1985, Professor Emeritus, 1985. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Chairman of Education Committee 1974, Education Committee 1969-1974; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American College of Physicians; Cincinnati Dermatological Society, past president; American Occupational Medical Association, Board of Directors 1969-1975; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors 1967-1972; American Industrial Hygiene Association; American Academy of Occupational Medicine; New York Academy of Sciences. Author: 40 scientific articles and chapters in five books Outside Interests: Classical music and gardening. Deceased.

Peyton E. Weary 1967 Born: Jan. 10, 1930, Evanston, Illinois Graduated: M.D., University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1955. Training: University of Virginia: Assistant Resident in Dermatology, 1958-1960, Resident in Dermatology, 1960-1961. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps 1956-1958, Acting Post Dermatologist at Fort Sill. Teaching Appointments: University of Virginia, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, Assistant Professor, Association Professor, Professor, Chairman 1961. Professional Societies: American Cancer Society, Virginia Division Board of Directors 1970-1975; Medical Society of Virginia; Virginia Dermatological Society, Secretary­ Treasurer, 1965-1971; National Program for Dermatology, Council Chairman, 1972-1975; American Academy of Dermatology, President 1994; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Medical Association. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Raven Society, University of Virginia; Sigma Xi; Gold Medal from AAD; Distinguished Professor of Dermatology from University of Virginia. Author: 80 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Governmental liaisons. Deceased, June 26, 2009.

David G. Welton 1967 Born: Aug. 11, 1910, Madison, Wisconsin. Graduated: M.D., University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, 1935; M.S. in Dermatology, University of Michigan, 1939 Training: University Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI, Residency in Dermatology, 1935-1939 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1942. Practice: Charlotte, NC, until retirement.

198 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Military Service: U.S. Navy Shell Loading Plant, Medical Director, 1942-1944. Teaching Appointments: Duke University Medical Center, Clinical Associate 1960 to 1975. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Mecklenburg County Medical Society, President, 1953; North Carolina Medical Society, President 1968-1969; Southeastern Dermatological Association, President 1957; Southern Medical Association; American Medical Association, North Carolina Delegate 1969; Certification Board, American Association of Medical Assistants, 1970-1973. Author: 30 scientific articles including a national survey of Dermatology office practice. Outside Interests: Piano. Deceased, January 13, 1995.

Alvin S. Zelickson 1967 Born: May 13, 1930, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota College of Medical Sciences, 1955; M.S., University of Minnesota, Graduate School 1960. Training: Minneapolis General Hospital, Fellow, Division of Dermatology 1956-1957; University of Minnesota, Fellow, Division of Dermatology, 1959-1961 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961. Practice: Minneapolis (50%), 1961 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Instructor to Clinical Professor, 1961. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1969-1972; Electron Microscope Society of America; Minneapolis Academy of Medicine, Treasurer; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President, 1973; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors 1968-1973, Chairman, Committee on Regional Meetings, 1968-1973 Awards: American Dermatological Association, Annual Essay Contest, First Place, 1963; Four awards from Academy of Dermatology for scientific exhibits, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1968, Author: 80 scientific articles and three textbooks. Outside Interests: Tennis.

Richard M. Caplan 1968 Born: July 16, 1929, Des Moines, Iowa. Graduated: M.D., State University of Iowa, 1955. Training: University of Michigan Medical Center, Resident, Department in Dermatology, 1958-1961. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1962. Military Service: U.S. Air Force Medical Corps, Flight Surgeon, Truax Field, Madison, Wisconsin, 1956-1958; Commander, 327th Infirmary, and Surgeon, 37th Air Division, Truax Field, 1957-1958. Teaching Appointments: University of Iowa College of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1961-1965, Associate Professor 1965-1969, Professor from 1969; Director, Office of Medical Education, 1969-1970, Associate Dean for Continuing Medical Education, 1970-1991, Program in Medical Humanities, Director from 1981.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 199 Professional Societies: Association of American Medical Colleges; Chicago Dermatologic Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Iowa Dermatologic Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1963-1968, President, 1968-1969; Israel Dermatological Society; Society of Medical College Directors of Medical Education: Secretary-Treasurer, 1978-1980, President, 1981-1982; American Dermatological Association, Vice President, 1992. Awards: Omicron Delta Kappa (men’s leadership honorary); Alpha Omega Alpha; IAFP Teacher of the Year; Interstate Postgraduate Teaching Award; University of Iowa Hanchez­ Finkbene Medallion. Author: 105 scientific articles, including two books, many reviews and book chapters. Outside Interests: Music (especially piano), gardening and Sherlock Holmes. Deceased, August 20, 2019.

Herbert B. Christianson 1968 Born: January 5, 1915, Sheldon, Wisconsin. Graduated: M.D., Marquette University Medical School, 1939; M.S., Dermatology and Syphilology, University of Minnesota, 1956. Training: Mayo Clinic, Fellowship in Dermatology, 1953-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1956. Practice: Superior, WI (general practice) 1939-1940 and 1945-1953; Denver, CO 1956-1957; New Orleans, LA, Ochsner Medical Center, 1957 to retirement in 1991. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1941, South Pacific theatre for two and one half years. Purple Heart, Burma Campaign, 1943. Teaching Appointments: University of Colorado School of Medicine, Clinical Instructor, 1956-1957; Tulane University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor, Clinical Dermatology, 1957-1965, Associate Professor 1964-1969, Clinical Professor from 1969; Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) from 1974. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Society of Dematopathology; Douglas County Medical Society, Superior, WI, Secretary and President; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Louisiana Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1959, President, 1961; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; North American Clinical Dermatological Society. Awards: Kappa Alpha (honorary society), Marquette University Medical School, three years. Author: 30 scientific articles. Deceased, August 1996.

Robert G. Crounse 1968 Born: Albany, New York, March 23, 1931. Graduated: M.D., Yale School of Medicine, 1955. Training: Yale University School of Medicine, Fellow in Dermatology, 1956; National Cancer Institute: Clinical Associate, Dermatology, 1957-1958, Medical Research Fellow, Biochemistry, 1959; University of Miami School of Medicine, Special Research Fellow, 1960. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Practice: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dermatology, OPD Medical Clinic from 1964. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Clinical Associate, Dermatology Branch, N.C.I., N.I.H. 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: University of Miami, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology: 1961, Assistant Professor 1962-1963, Associate Professor 1964; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,

200 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Head and Associate Professor, Division of Dermatology, 1964-1967; Medical College of Georgia: Professor of Dermatology, Director of Research 1968, Professor of Biochemistry 1968, Associate Dean, Office for Instructional Systems 1971, Professor of Medical Education 1971, Professional Societies: American Chemical Society; American Federation for Clinical Research; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Committee on Scientific Programs, 1964-1967; Southern Society for Clinical Investigation; Dermatology Foundation, Grants Review Subcommittee 1970; National Program for Dermatology, Subcommittee on Hair Research, 1970. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Research Career Development Award, National Institutes of Health. Author: 35 scientific articles. Resigned, 1975.

D. Joseph Demis 1968 Born: April 19, 1929, New York, NY. Graduated: Ph.D., University of Rochester (Pharmacology) 1953; M.D., Yale University, 1957. Training: Walter Reed General Hospital, Dermatology Residency 1958-1961. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Practice: Albany, NY, 1969 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps 1957-1963. Teaching Appointments: Walter Reed Hospital, Army Institute of Research, Chairman, 1961-1963; Washington University of Medicine, Professor and Chairman of Dermatology, 1963-1966; Barnes Hospital, Dermatologist in Chief, 1963-1966; Albany Medical Hospital: Chairman and Professor of Dermatology, 1966-1969, Clinical Professor, 1969 to retirement; Dermatology Research Associates, Director, 1970. Professional Societies: American Association for Advancement of Science; American College of Physicians; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society for Clinical Investigation; Central Society for Clinical Research; American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutic; Microcirculatory Conference; Mycology Association of the Americas; Rio de Janeiro Dermatology Society (honorary); Stephen Rothman Club for Dermatology Research. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; U.S.P.H.S. Research Career Development Award; Microcirculatory Travel Grant to Israel and Award 1964; Honors Achievement Award, Angiology Research Foundation 1968; Outstanding Service Award, National Psoriasis Foundation 1973. Author: 75 scientific articles. In collaboration with Crounse, Dobson, and McGuire, he edited A System of Clinical Dermatology, which includes five volumes, 3588 pages, and 2662 illustrations. Outside Interests: Historic Preservation of the Van Rensselaer Mansion, Chairman of Restoration Committee, military history, collecting American antiques, swimming, racquetball, skiing. Deceased, March 8, 2008.

Frederick A. J. Kingery 1968 Born: August 29, 1927, Portland, Oregon. His father, Lyle B. Kingery, was a member of the association. Graduated: M.D., New York University College of Medicine, 1953. Training: University Hospital, University of Michigan: Assistant Resident, 1956, Resident in Dermatology, 1957- 1958. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 201 Practice: Portland, OR, 1959 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Air Force Medical Corps, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, MS, 1954-1956. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Hospital, junior Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, 1958-1959; University of Oregon Medical School: Instructor of Dermatology, 1959-1960, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1960-1967, Associate Clinical Professor, 1967- 1968, Clinical Professor, 1968; City of Portland, Consultant (Syphilology); U.S. Public Health Service, Consultant, on Syphilology with Department of H.E.W. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Assistant Secretary, 1967- 1968, Sec’y.-Treas.1968-1973, President, 1973-1974, Board of Directors, 1973-1976; American College of Physicians; American Board of Dermatology: Member from 1974, Director, 1974-1983, Vice President, 1981, President, 1982-1983; Northwest Society for Clinical Research, President, 1964; Institute for Dermatologic Education and Communication, Trustee; Dermatology Foundation, Board of Trustees, 1971-1978; Oregon Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1960-1964, President, 1965-1966; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society; Pacific Dermatologic Association: Assistant Secretary, 1964, Executive Committee, Past President; Honorary membership: British, Irish; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Author: 45 scientific articles and parts of four books. Deceased, February 13, 2016.

Joseph S. McGuire, Jr. 1968 Born: Logan, West Virginia, April 19, 1931. Graduated: M.D., Yale University, 1955. Training: Grace-New Haven Community Hospital Intern, Medical Service 1955-1956, Fellow in Dermatology 1959-1961. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health: Clinical Associate, 1956-1958, lnvestigator, 1958-1959. Teaching Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine: Research Fellow, Section of Dermatology, 1959-1961, Assistant Professor, 1961-1964, Associate Professor, 1964- 1972, Professor of Dermatology, 1972; American Federation for Clinical Research, Councilor of the Eastern Section, 1968-1971; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1970 1973; National Program for Dermatology, Subcouncil for Research, 1969-1973, Man­ power Task Force, 1971; Dermatology Foundation, Medical and Scientific Committee, 1968-1971; National Psoriasis Foundation, Medical Advisory, 1971; National Institutes of Health: Dermatology Training Grants Committee, 1969-1973, General Medicine Study Section, 1975. Author: 56 scientific articles, co-editor of a five-volume system, Clinical Dermatology, and portions of three other books, associate editor of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1972. Outside Interests: Skiing, gardening, sailing and traveling with his childrens’ ice hockey teams. Deceased, October 4, 2019.

George F. Odland 1968 Born: August 27, 1922, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1946. Training: Harvard University: Research Fellow, Anatomy, 1941-1951, Research Fellow, Dermatology, 1951-1952; Massachusetts General Hospital: Clinical and Research Fellow in Dermatology, 1952-1953, Assistant Resident, 1953-1954, Chief Resident, 1954.

202 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1964. Practice: University of Washington, retired. Teaching Appointments: University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle: Clinical Instructor in Anatomy, 1955-1960, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Dermatology) Clinical Assistant Professor, 1960-1962, Assistant Professor, 1962-1964, Associate Professor, 1964-1969, Professor of Biological Structures, Division of Dermatology, 1969, Head, Division of Dermatology, 1962-1988. Professional Societies: King County Medical Society: Membership Committee 1960-1965 and 1966-1970, University Committee, 1964-1967; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society; Seattle Academy of Internal Medicine; Western Society for Clinical Research; Dermatology Foundation: 1968-1971, Trustee, 1971-1988; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Director, 1966-1970, President, 1978-1979; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Director, 1976-1978, President, 1980-1982. Awards: Sigma Xi. Author: numerous scientific articles. Deceased, November 21, 1997.

Milton Orkin 1968 Born: July 2, 1929, Danbury, Connecticut. Graduated: M.D., Tulane University Medical School, 1954. Training: University of Minnesota Hospitals, Medical Fellow in Dermatology, 1955-1958; Trainee at National Cancer Institute, 1957-1958. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1960; Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: Minneapolis, MN, 1960 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Dermatologist at U.S. Naval Hospital, Oakland, CA. 1958-1960. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Clinical Instructor to Clinical Professor from 1960, Histopathologist from 1960. Professional Societies: Pacific Dermatologic Association (honorary corresponding member); Minnesota Dermatological Society, President, 1970-1971; National Program for Dermatology, Head, Task Force on Manpower Needs for Educational Programs in Dermatology; American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology (honorary). Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Two awards for scientific exhibits, American Academy of Dermatology. Author: 50 scientific articles and twelve books or parts thereof. Outside Interests: Theater and tennis. Deceased.

Donald C. Abele 1969 Born: February 10, 1932, Sedalia, Missouri. Graduated: M.D., Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1957 Training: North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Assistant Resident in Medicine, 1958-1959; Resident in Dermatology, 1959-1961. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Reserves, Senior Assistant Surgeon, 1962-1964.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 203 Teaching Appointments: University of North Carolina School of Medicine: Instructor in Medicine and Fellow in Dermatology, 1961-1962, Assistant Professor of Dermatologic Medicine, 1964-1968; Medical College of Georgia: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Medicine, 1968-1971, Professor and Interim Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Medicine from 1971. Professional Societies: American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Academy of Dermatology: Director of Special Course, “Fundamentals of Cutaneous Allergies”, 1967-1971; Georgia Society of Dermatologists; National Program for Dermatology: Director, Task Force for Rural Dermatologic Health Care 1970, Member, Clinical Practice Task Force, 1971, Committee on Indigent Care, 1972. Awards: Sigma Epsilon Pi, Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi, Research Career Development Award, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 1967-1968; Excellence in Teaching Award, Medical College of Georgia, 1970, 1971 and 1977; Outstanding Faculty Award, School of Medicine, 1981, and 1993. Author: 47 scientific articles. Deceased while in office as Secretary of the American Dermatological Association, January, 1996.

Irwin M. Braverman 1969 Born: Boston, April 17, 1929. Graduated: M.D., Yale University School of Medicine, 1955. Training: Yale-New Haven Medical Center, Intern in Medicine1955-1956, Assistant Resident in Medicine 1958-1959, Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellow, Section of Dermatology 1959-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1963. Teaching Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dermatology 1962-1966, Associate Professor 1966-1973, Professor of Dermatology from 1973, Professor Emeritus 2010; University of Washington, Seattle, Visiting Scientist, Department of Biologic Structure 1969-1970. Professional Societies: Dermatology Foundation, Medical and Scientific Committee 1972-1974, Chairman, 1974; American Federation for Clinical Research; National Program for Dermatology, Chairman, Task Force on Educational Programs for Residents, 1969-1974; Society for Investigative Dermatology; New England Dermatological Society, Chm., Clinical-Pathological Conference 1968;Stephen Rothman Skin Research Club, Chairman 1968; Connecticut State Dermatological Society; Pacific Dermatology Association. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Career Research Development Award, U.S. Public Health Service 1962-1972. Author: 35 scientific articles and one text ­book, Skin Signs of Systemic Disease.

Marvin E. Chernosky 1969 Born: Austin, Texas, March 29, 1926. Graduated: M.D., Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans,1952 Training: Charity Hospital of Louisiana, New Orleans, Internship 1952-1953, Residency in General Surgery, 1953-1954, Residency in Dermatology, 1954-1957. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1959. Practice: Houston, TX, 1957 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Administrative Corps, First lieutenant 1944-1947. Teaching Appointments: University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Clinical Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1972; Baylor College of Medicine, Clinical

204 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1969. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1977-1980, Vice-President 1988, member, Scientific Exhibit Committee 1969-1973; American College of Physicians; American Society for Dermatological Surgery, President-Elect, 1975; The Doctor’s Club of Houston, President, 1968; Houston Dermatological Society, President, 1968; Southern Medical Association, Chairman, Section of Dermatology 1974-1975. Awards: American Academy of Dermatology, Gold Award for Scientific Exhibit 1967. Author: 51 scientific papers. Deceased, August 15, 2010.

Robert G. Freeman 1969 Born: February 3, 1927, Kerrville, Texas. Graduated: M.D., Baylor University College of Medicine, 1949. Training: Baylor Affiliated Residency Program, Resident in Pathology, 1957-1959, Training in Dermatology, 1959-1964. Certified: American Board of Pathology, 1960; American Board of Dermatology, 1965. Practice: University of Texas Southeastern Medical Center, 1970-1993. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Instructor in Anatomy, Medical Field Service School, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX, 1952-1954. Teaching Appointments: Baylor University College of Medicine, Instructor in Anatomy, 1950-1952; University of Tennessee, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, 1954-1955; Baylor University College of Medicine, Assistant Professor to Professor, Departments of Dermatology and Pathology, 1960-1970; University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX, Professor, Department of Pathology, 1970, Professor, Department of Medicine, Dermatology, 1972. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology, Member, Committee on Pathology, 1972; American Association of Pathology; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Society of Dermatopathology, Secretary- Treasurer; American Society for Experimental Pathology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; South Central Photobiology Group; Texas Society of Electron Microscopists; Texas Dermatological Society, Program Chairman, 1968-1974. Awards: Founders Award, American Society of Dermatopathology, 1991. Author: 161 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Photography, history of dermatology and medicine in Texas. Deceased, October 19, 2007.

Howard I. Maibach 1969 Born: New York City, New York. Graduated: M.D., Tulane University, 1955 Honorary Degrees: Ph.D., L’Université de Paris-Sud, France, 1985; Ph. D; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France, 2008; M.D., University of Southern Denmark, 2010 Training: University of Pennsylvania, Fellowship in Dermatology, 1959 -1961 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961 to present Practice: Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco, 1961 to present Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain, 1955 -1958

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 205 Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine: Assistant Instructor, 1958-1961, Lecturer, Graduate School of Medicine, 1960-1961; University of California, Assistant Professor -Division of Dermatology 1961-1967; Acting Vice-Chair, 1966-1967; Vice Chair, 1967-1975; Professor, 1967 to present Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Federation for Clinical Research; National Program for Dermatology; Task Force on Contact Dermatitis, 1971; Pacific Dermatologic Association, Education Policy Committee, 1964-1967; San Francisco Dermatological Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1966- 1969; President, 1970-1971; American Academy of Dermatology (AAD); (NACDG); American Contact Dermatitis Society (ACDS); International Contact Dermatitis Research Group (ICDRG); Society of Toxicology (SOT); European Environmental and Contact Dermatitis Research Group (EECDRG); Society of Investigative Dermatology (SID); and the International Commission on Occupational Health. Awards: American Dermatological Association, 1961 Essay Competition -First Place. Recent Awards include: The American Academy of Dermatology-2013 Master Dermatologist Award; The 2017 American Academy of Dermatology Presidential Citation Award in recognition and dedication to the Academy; The International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) 2014 Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Dermatology, both nationally and internationally, through his work, research, publications and teaching in the USA and over 60 countries. Author and Editor: 3,080 scientific articles (including over 150 books).

Milton Robin 1969 Born: November 8, 1913, Chicago, Illinois. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois, 1937. Training: University of Illinois, Fellowship in Dermatology, 1946-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1948. Practice: Chicago from 1949 to retirement; Park Ridge, IL from 1951. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1941-1945. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois College of Medicine from 1948; Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1963-1973. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1968; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Chicago Dermatology Society Certificate of Appreciation. Author: 11 scientific papers. Outside Interests: Tennis. Deceased, June 26,2008.

W. Mitchell Sams, Jr. 1969 Born: April 15, 1933, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Graduated: M.D., Emory University, 1959. Training: Duke University Hospital, Assistant Resident and Resident in Dermatology, 1960-1962; Duke University Medical Center, Research Training Program, 1962-1963, Biochemistry Department, 6months; Letterman General Hospital, Dermatology Research Section, 1964-1966. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1964. Practice: The Kirklin Clinic, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Teaching Appointments: Duke University Medical Center, Associate in Dermatology, 1963-1964; University of

206 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association California Medical Center, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 196S-1966; Mayo Graduate School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1966-1970, Associate Professor, 1970; Consultant, Mayo Clinic, 1966-1972; University of Colorado Medical Center, Professor and Chairman, Division of Dermatology, 1972-1976; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Dermatology, Professor, 1976-1980; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman from 1981; Medical Director, The Kirklin Clinic from 1992. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Program Evaluation Committee, 1969-1972, Vice President, 1993; American Federation for Clinical Research; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Finance Committee, 1971-1974, Secretary-Treasurer, 1974-1979, President, 1980-1981. Awards: American Academy of Dermatology, Clyde L. Cumner Gold Award for Scientific Exhibit 1963; Second Award for Exhibit Representing Original Work, American Academy of Dermatology 1965; American Dermatological Association, recipient, Special Award Lecture, 1968. Author: 93 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Woodworking, sea kayaking, mountaineering.

Douglas P. Torre 1969 Born: February 6,1919, New Orleans. Graduated: M.D., Tulane University, 1943. Training: Cornell University Medical School, Training in Dermatology, 1946-1950. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1950. Practice: New York City from 1946. Military Service: U.S. Naval Reserve Medical Corps 1944-1946. Teaching Appointments: Cornell University Medical College: Instructor in Medicine, Dermatology, 1946, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1956-1961, Associate Clinical Professor 1961-1966, Clinical Professor from 1966. Professional Societies: American Society for Dermatological Surgery, President, 1981; Atlantic Dermatological Society, President, 1969; New York Dermatological Society: Secretary­ Treasurer, 1969, President, 1970; Society of Investigative Dermatology; Society for Tropical Dermatology. Awards: Gold Award, American Academy of Dermatology, exhibit on New York Dermatological Society’s 100th anniversary, 1969; Ellender Award, 1976. Author: 35 scientific articles. He was the first to use liquid nitrogen spray technic and has been instrumental in the development of the equipment and technics now most widely used in dermatological cryosurgery. Outside Interests: Inventing, poetry, sculpture. Deceased, September 21, 1996

Denny L. Tuffanelli 1969 Born: June 21,1929, Pasadena, California. Graduated: M.D., Stanford University, 1955; M.S. in Dermatology, University of Minnesota, 1961. Training: Mayo Clinic, 1959-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1962. Practice: San Francisco 1962 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Chief Consultant, Dermatology and Syphilology, Europe, 1957-1959.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 207 Teaching Appointments: University of Southern California, Instructor in Dermatology, 1962-1963; University of California, San Francisco: Clinical Instructor and Postgraduate Research Dermatologist, 1963-1964, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1963-1973, Assistant Research Dermatologist, 1963-1973, Associate Clinical Professor from 1973. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1973-1976, Vice-President, 1984; American Rheumatism Association; Pacific Dermatological Society, Board of Directors, 1969-1972; San Francisco Dermatological Society. Award: Finnerud Lifetime Award from the Dermatology Foundation. Outside Interests: Fly fishing, bicycling, mountain hiking, enology. Deceased, February 2, 2013.

Frederick Urbach 1969 Born: Vienna, Austria, September 6, 1922. Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1946. Training: University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Fellow in Dermatology, 1949-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1953. Military Service: U.S. Army, Pfc., 1943-1946; U.S. Army Medical Corps 1947-1949. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Assistant Instructor in Dermatology to Associate Instructor, 1949-1954; University of Buffalo, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Chief, Cancer Research 1955-1958; Temple University, The Skin and Cancer Hospital of Philadelphia, Medical Director and Chief of Dermatology from 1967, Chief, Tumor Clinic from 1958. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; Association of Dermatology Professors; Danish Dermatologic Society (honorary); Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatologists; Royal Society of Medicine (London). Awards: University of Pennsylvania, major honors, Zoology, 1943; Schaeffer Anatomy Medal, Jefferson Medical College, 1944; Sigma Xi. Author: 106 scientific articles and two books. Resigned.

Philip C. Anderson 1970 Born: December 25, 1930, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Graduated: M. D. University of Michigan, 1955. Training: University of Michigan Medical Center, 1956-1961. Practice: University of Missouri. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1962. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Officer in Charge of Dermatology and Allergy for Navy Department, Washington, D.C., 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: University of Missouri, Department of Dermatology: Director and Assistant Professor, 1963-1967, Associate Professor, 1967-1969, Professor and Chairman from 1970, Distinguished Professorship, 1989; National Institutes of Health, Special Assistant to Director, 1968-1970. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1984, Council on Government Liaison, Committee on Government Fellowship and Recruitment Chairman, Council on Long-Range Planning, AAD Congress on Technology, Chairman, 1988, Committee on Prepaid Health Care Plans, Council on National Program for Dermatology, Committee on History, Committee to Define Minimum Standards for

208 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Dermatologic Teaching in Schools; American Dermatological Association; Association of American Medical Colleges; Association of Professors of Dermatology, Board of Directors, Committee on Veterans Administration Programs, Chairman; Missouri State Medical Association; Missouri Dermatological Society; Boone County Medical Society; American Academy of Allergy; National Institutes of Health, Advisory Group for Dialysis/ Psoriasis, Chairman, U.,S. Council for MEDINFO ‘86, Council Member, 1984-1986, Cluster grant project, 1992; Women’s Dermatologic Society, Board of Directors. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; John and Mary Markle Scholar, 1966; National Institutes of Health, Special Assistant to the Director Service Award, 1967-1968; Academy of Dermatology Alumni Educator Award, 1984; Missouri Faculty-Alumni Award, 1987; UMC Medical Alumni Award, 1989; NIH Public Service Award, 1992. Author: Numerous scientific articles including 10 book chapters. Outside Interests: Politics, American History, book collecting, writing, art, theatre, history, museums, basketball and computers. Deceased, October 31, 2000.

Arthur Z. Eisen 1970 Born: Buffalo, New York August 1, 1929. Education: Undergraduate: University of Buffalo, 1951; Master’s degree Brown University, 1953; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania M.D., 1957. Training: University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Intern and Assistant Resident in Medicine, 1957-1959; National Cancer Institute, Clinical Associate, 1959- 1961; University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Buswell Fellow in Medicine, 1961-1962; Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Clinical and Research Fellow in Dermatology, 1962-1964. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1964. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, SA Surgeon, 1959-1961. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Research Associate, 1964-1965, Associate in Dermatology, 1965-1967, Assistant Professor, 1967; Washington University School of Medicine: Associate Professor and Head, Division of Dermatology and Dermatologist in Chief, Barnes Hospital, 1967-1971, Professor of Medicine from 1971; Chief of Dermatology until 1996 and Residency Program Director until 1996. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1971-1976; American Society for Clinical Investigation; Central Society for Clinical Research; American Federation for Clinical Research; Dermatology Foundation, Trustee, 1972. Awards: Sigma Xi; Martin Carter Mentorship Award 2001. Author: 64 scientific articles. Associate Editor of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1972. Deceased, November 12, 2017.

Irwin M. Freedberg 1970 Born: July 4, 1931, Boston, Massachusetts. Graduated: M.D., Harvard University, 1956. Training: Beth Israel Hospital, Boston: Intern, Assistant Resident, Research Fellow, Department of Medicine, 1956-1959; Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant Resident, Research Fellow, Department of Dermatology, 1959-1961; Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, Post-doctoral Fellow, Graduate Department of Biochemistry, 1961-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology, 1962-1963, Associate, 1963-1966, Tutor in Medical Sciences, 1964-1967, Assistant Professor, 1968-

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 209 1969, Associate Professor 1969-1974, Professor, 1974-1977; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, 1977-1981; New York University Medical Center, Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chair 1981-2005. Professional Societies: American Association for Advancement of Science; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society of Biological Chemists; American Society for Clinical Investigation; Boylston Medical Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Program Committee, 1968-1971, Chairman, 1970.1971, Board of Directors, 1970-1975; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; International Society of Dermatology; Iowa Dermatological Society, American Board of Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors; Association of Professors of Dermatology, American Dermatological Association, President, 1997. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Fellow of the Medical Foundation of Boston, Inc. 1962-1965; American Contract Bridge League; American Cancer Society, Faculty Research Associate; john Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship at the Department of Biophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; elected to the National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine, 1995. Author: 50 scientific articles and portions of four books. Editor of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1972-1977. Deceased, July 17, 2005.

Henry W. Jolly, Jr. 1970 Born: Baton Rouge, Louisiana March 28, 1917. Graduated: M.D., Louisiana State University School of Medicine, 1944. Training: Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Tulane University School of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Resident, 1946-1947, Fellow, 1947-1950. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1950. Practice: Baton Rouge 1950 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, transferred to U.S. Air Force Medical Corps, 1942-1946. Teaching Appointments: Tulane University, Dermatology Department Instructor, 1954-1957, Assistant Professor, 1957-1960, Associate Clinical Professor, 1960-1965, Clinical Professor, 1965-1974, Professor and Head from 1974. Professional Societies: East Baton Rouge Parish Medical Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1951, President,1952; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Louisiana Dermatological Society, President, 1962-1963; Louisiana State Medical Society, First Vice President, 1955; Southeastern Dermatological Society, Vice President, 1955. Author: 25 scientific articles. Deceased, March 10, 2004.

John A. Kenney, Jr. 1970 Born: October 8, 1914, Tuskegee Alabama. Graduated: M.D., Howard University College of Medicine, 1945. Training: University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine, Dermatology and Syphilology, 1949-1950; University of Michigan Hospital, Department of Dermatology, 1950-1953. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1954. Practice: Cleveland, OH, 1953.1961; Washington, DC, 1961 to retirement.

210 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Teaching Appointments: Howard University College of Medicine, Instructor, Department of Biochemistry, 1946- 1948; University of Michigan Medical School:Junior Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, 1952-1953, Research Associate, 1952-1953; Western Reserve University Medical School: Demonstrator in Dermatology, 1953- 1954, Instructor, 1954-1955, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1955-1961; Howard University College of Medicine: Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1961-1964, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology from 1965. Professional Societies: Washington, DC Derm. Society, Sec’y-Treas., 1969-1970, President, 1970-1971; American College of Physicians; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1972-1975, Vice President, 1991-1992; Cleveland Derm. Society, Sec’y-Treas., 1959-1960, Vice President, 1960-1961; National Medical Association: Member, Board of Trustees, 1954-1957 and 1963-1966, President, 1962- 1963; Regional Medical Programs of Metropolitan Washington, Vice Chairman, 1968-1973, Chairman; Social Hygiene Society of Metropolitan Washington: Board of Directors, 1966-1970, President, 1970.1972; American Social Health Association, Board of Directors, 1972-1976; Society for Investigative Dermatology., Board of Directors,1973-1975; Dermatology Foundation, Vice President. Awards: Sigma Xi, President of Howard University Chapter, 1970.1971; Ruben Nomland Memorial Lectureship of the Iowa Derm. Society 1973; Clark Finnerud Award, 1988. Author: Numerous scientific articles. Awards and Honors: Sigma Xi, President of Howard University Chapter, 1970, 1971; Ruben Nomland Memorial Lectureship of the Iowa Derm. Society 1973; Dermatology Foundation Clark W. Finnerud Award, 1988; American Academy of Dermatology Master of Dermatology, 1995; American Academy of Dermatology Gold Medal, 2001. Outside Interests: Attending classical music concerts. Deceased, November 29, 2003.

Paul Lazar 1970 Born: Dec. 31, 1922, Ellenville, New York. Son, Andy Lazar, is a member of this Association, elected in 1997. Graduated: M.D., New York University Medical College, 1947. Training: New York University, Post Graduate School of Medicine, 1948-1951; Preceptee with Dr. Marion B. Sulzberger, 1949-1950. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953. Practice: Chicago and Highland Park, IL, from 1953. Military Service: U.S. Navy, enlisted man, 1943-1947; U.S. Public Health Service 1950; U.S. Army, Osaka Army Hospital, Japan chief of Dermatology, 1951-1953. Teaching Appointments: Northwestern University Medical School: Assistant Professor, 1953-1971, Associate Professor, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Scientific Exhibits Committee, 1965-1968, Audio- visual Exhibits Chairman, 1969-1972, Board of Directors President; American Medical Association:, Member and Chairman, Committee on Cutaneous Health and Cosmetics, 1969-1974, Representative to Scientific Exhibits, 1961-1970, Program Chairman, Conference on Cosmetic Legislation, Washington, DC, 1974; Chicago Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1967-1969, President, 1970; National Program for Dermatology: Chairman, Task Force on Cosmetics, 1971, Member, Task Force on Audio­visual Education, 1973; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, Board of Directors; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation: Board of Directors, Vice President, Secretary, President. Author: 77 scientific articles, sections of two textbooks Outside Interests: Golf, music (classical and Jazz), art and travel. Deceased.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 211 Norman E. Levan 1970 Born: Cleveland, March 17, 1916. Graduated: M.D., University of Southern California Training: Los Angeles General Hospital, Internship, 1939-1941: Residency, Dermatology, 1946-1948. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1948. Practice: Los Angeles 1948-1950; Bakersfield, CA., 1951-1961. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Major, 1940-1945. Teaching Appointments: University of Southern California, Medical Department, Dermatology: Instructor to Assistant Clinical Professor to Associate Clinical Professor, 1950-1959, Professor and Chairman, Section of Dermatology from 1961. Professional Societies: California Medical Association, Section of Dermatology, Chairman, 1965; Los Angeles Dermatological Society, President, 1966. Author: 82 scientific articles and parts of three books. Resigned.

Roger W. Pearson 1970 Born: Seattle, Washington, August 16, 1927. Graduated: M.D., University of Washington, 1954. Training: University of Chicago, Residency in Dermatology 1955-1958. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1960. Practice: University of Chicago, 1958-1969; Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center from 1969. Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1945-1947. Teaching Appointments: University of Chicago, Division of Dermatology: Instructor, 1958-1959, Assistant Professor, 1959-1969, Associate Professor from 1969; University of Illinois, Department of Dermatology, Associate Professor, 1971; Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center, Rush Medical College: Associate Professor, 1971-1974, Professor, 1974. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermal Pathology; Chicago Dermatological Society President, 1971-1972; Electron Microscope Society of America; Midwest Society of Electron Microscopists. Awards: Cancer Research Development Award, U.S. Public Health Service, 1964-1969. Author: 13 scientific articles, and coeditor of the Year Book of Dermatology starting 1971.

John M. Shaw 1970 Born: Nov. 22, 1924, Spokane, Washington. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan 1949. Training: University of Michigan Hospital: Assistant Resident in Dermatology and Syphilology 1950-1951, Resident 1953-1954, Junior Clinical Instructor 1954-1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1956. Practice: Tacoma, WA. from 1955 Military Service: U.S. Naval Reserve 1951-1952. Teaching Appointments: University of Washington, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, 1975; University of Oregon Medical School, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1974.

212 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 1968-1973, Secretary-Treasurer; Pacific Dermatologic Association: Secretary-Treasurer 1968-1972, President 1972; Pacific Northwest Dermatologic Society: Secretary­ Treasurer 1964-1969, President 1970. Author: 8 scientific articles and one book, Ancient Cures of Morbus Gallicus. Outside Interests: Early printing and old medical books. Deceased.

Howard P. Baden 1971 Born: Feb. 23, 1931, Boston, Massachusetts. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, cum laude, 1956. Training: Harvard Medical School, Assistant Resident in Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital 1959-1960, Clinical Fellow in Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1960-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Practice: Massachusetts General Hospital 1962 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Army Reserves, Captain, 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology, 1963-1964, Associate, 1964- 1967, Assistant Professor, 1967-1969, Associate Professor, 1969-1974, Professor of Dermatology from 1974; Faculty of Harvard Center for Human Genetics from 1971. Professional Societies: American Association for Advancement of Science; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society for Experimental Pathology; American Society of Human Genetics; Dermatology Foundation, Editor of Progress in Dermatology, 1971; New England Dermatological Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Auditing Committee, 1970, Assistant Editor, 1972. Awards: Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Research Fellowship on bone sodium, 1955-1956; National Institute of Health, Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Graduate Department of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, 1961-1962; Milton Fellow, 1960-1961; American Cancer Society, Eleanor Roosevelt International Cancer Fellowship at the Galton Laboratory, University College of London, England. Author: 80 scientific articles and chapters in three books.

Thomas K. Burnham 1971 Born: June 6, 1927, Berlin, Germany Graduated: M.B., B.S. (London), M.RS.C., L.R.C.P. (England), Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London University, London, 1952. Training: King George Hospital, Ilford Essex, England, House Surgeon (6 months) and Old Church Hospital, Romford, England, House Physician (6 months) 1952-1953; University of Alberta: Internship, Department of Medicine, 1957-1958, Residency, Department of Medicine, 1958-1959; Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Ml, Resident in Dermatology 1959-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Practice: Henry Ford Hospital, Staff Physician, Department of Dermatology, 1962-1986. Military Service: British Royal Army Medical Corps, service in Egypt, Cyprus, and United Kingdom, 1953-1957. Teaching Appointments: Henry Ford Hospital, Staff Physician, 1962-1986, and Director, Dermatology Research Laboratory, 1968-1968, one-third clinical work and two-thirds research employing immunofluorescence. Professional Societies: Michigan Dermatological Society: Chairman, Membership Committee, 1968-1969, and Chairman, Research Aid Committee, 1972-1973; Wayne County Medical Society; Society for Investigative

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 213 Dermatology; American Federation for Clinical Research. Awards: Gold Award from American Academy of Dermatology, 1966. Author: 68 scientific articles, 5 chapters, one book. Other Interests: Tennis. Deceased, August 15, 2017.

Kenneth M. Halprin 1971 Born: Brooklyn, NY, March 19, 1931. Graduated: M.D., University of Chicago, 1955. Training: University of Chicago Clinics, Department of Medicine, Section of Dermatology, 1956-1959; St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, London, England, National Science Fellow, Institute for Dermatology, 1961-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961. Military Service: U.S. Air Force Medical Hospital, Captain, Chief of Dermatology, Lackland Hospital, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. 1959-1961. Teaching Appointments: University of Chicago, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology. 1963; University of Oregon: Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology. 1964-1967, Associate Professor. 1967-1968; University of Miami: Associate Professor, 1968-1971, Professor, 1971 to retirement; Veterans Administration Hospital, Miami, FL, Chief, Dermatology Service from 1968. Professional Societies: American Association for Advancement of Science; American Federation for Clinical Research; Florida Dermatologic Association; New York Academy of Science; Pacific Dermatologic Association (honorary). Awards: Chicago Dermatological Society Essay, First prize 1960; National Science Foundation Fellow 1961-1962; American Dermatologic Association, Special award lecture, 1970; Co-recipient of the Taub Award (1971) for outstanding research in psoriasis. Author: 70 scientific papers. Resigned, Deceased.

Robert E. Kellum 1971 Born: Apr. 18, 1930, Sedan, Kansas. Graduated: M.D., University of Colorado, 1955. Training: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Special Fellow in Lupus Erythematosus and Fellow in Dermatology, 1959-1962; University of Oregon Medical School, Research Fellow, National Institute of Health, U.S. Public Health Service, 1962-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Practice: King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 1985. Military Service: U.S. Air Force 6208th USAF Hospital, Clark Air Force Base, Philippine Islands, 1956-1958, and Colorado Springs, CO, 1958-1959. Teaching Appointments: University of Oregon Medical School, Instructor, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, 1965-1967, Assistant Professor, 1967-1968, Associate Professor, 1968-1969, Director, Lipid Laboratory, 1965-1970; University of Washington Medical School, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology; Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, Visiting Scientist, Division of Cutaneous Biology, 1966-1969. Professional Societies: American Federation for Clinical Research; Northwest Society for Clinical Research,

214 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Council Representative from Oregon, 1967-1968 and 1968-1969; Pacific Dermatologic Association, Program and Education Committee, 1973-1976, Chairman, 1976; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society; Seattle Dermatologic Society: Secretary, 1972-1973, Treasurer, 1973-1974, President, 1974-1975; Association of Professors of Dermatology, Planning and Program Committee, 1964-1965. Awards: Sigma Xi. Author: 86 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Photography, stamp collecting, world travel, racquetball, hiking, backpacking, music. Deceased.

Peter J. Lynch 1971 Born: October 22, 1936, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota, 1961. Training: University of Michigan, Internship 1961-1962, Residency in Dermatology, 1962-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1966; Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: Part-time practice throughout career in academic medicine. St. Paul, MN, 1965-1966; University of Michigan Medical Center, 1967-1973; University of Arizona, 1973-1986; University of Minnesota, 1986 to 1996; University of California Davis, Chair of Dermatology until 2000, Novy Professor of Dermatology currently. Military Service: U.S. Army Reserve, Medical Corps. Chief, Dermatology Service and Chief Venereal Disease Clinic, Morton Army Hospital, Fort Benning, GA, 1966-1968. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Clinical Instructor, 1965-1966; University of Michigan, Assistant and Associate Professor, 1968-1973; University of Arizona: Associate Professor, Professor and Chief, Division of Dermatology, 1973-1986; Department of Internal Medicine, Vice Chairman, 1977-1986; University of Minnesota: Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman, 1986-1995; University of California, Davis Department of Dermatology, 1995-2000, Training Program Director, 2001-2008. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology (Vice President, 1991-1992); Association of Professors of Dermatology (President, 1993-1995); American Board of Dermatology (Director, 1983-1989); International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (Founding Member 1975, President, 1983-1985; American Dermatological Association. Awards: University of Michigan: Distinguished Service Award for Faculty, 1970; Senior Class Award for Teaching, 1970; Junior Class Award for Teaching, 1972; University of Arizona: Senior Class Award for Teaching, 1975; Elected to Alpha Omega Alpha, 1977; Top 10 Clinical Teachers Award 1981, 1982 and 1985; Distinguished Faculty Award, 1982; University of California, Davis, Frederick G. Novy Jr. Endowed Professorship, 2004-2015; American Academy of Dermatology Pearson Education Award, 2009; University of California, Davis Senior Class Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2010; International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease Lifetime Achievement Award, 2013; American Academy of Dermatology honorary member. Author: 200 publications (33 articles, 57 textbook chapters, and 12 textbooks).

William B. Reed 1971 Born: Washington, DC, July 10, 1924. Graduated: M.D., Columbia University, 1952; M.S., University of Minnesota, 1957. Training: Mayo Clinic, 1953-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1958; Subcertification in Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: Burbank, CA. from 1958.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 215 Military Service: U.S. Army, Infantry and Medical Corps, overseas duty for two years. Teaching Appointments: University of California, Irvine, Clinical Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Dowling Club of England (full member); Los Angeles Dermatologic Society; Los Angeles County Medical Association, Secretary of Dermatology Section, 1960; Society of Human Genetics, Fellow; honorary member of British, Australasian, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, Japanese, and Brazilian dermatology societies. Author: More than 200 scientific articles and parts of two textbooks. Deceased, June 15, 1976.

E. William Rosenberg 1971 Born: March 11,1930, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1956. Training: Massachusetts General Hospital, Dermatology, 1957-1959; University of Miami, Dermatology Research Fellow, 1959-1960 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961. Practice: Memphis, TN, 1962-1967. Teaching Appointments: University of Miami, Division of Dermatology: Instructor, 1960-1961, Assistant Professor, 1961-1962; University of Tennessee, Division of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1962-1967, Professor and Chairman from 1967, Associate Dean for Postgraduate and Public Education from 1973, Acting Dean, 1975. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians, Fellow; Southeastern Dermatological Association, Secretary-Treasurer, 1970. Awards: Faculty Recognition Award, University of Tennessee College of Medicine 1973; Alpha Omega Alpha, Faculty Counselor, Tennessee, 1966-1969. Author: 27 scientific articles. Deceased, July 21, 2018.

William E. Schorr 1971 Born: December19, 1930, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Graduated: M.D., Marquette University, 1957. Training: University of Miami School of Medicine, Residency in Dermatology, 1960-1963. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1964. Practice: Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WI, 1963-1993. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain, 1958-1960. Teaching Appointments: University of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine, Section of Dermatology, Associate Clinical Professor; University of Minnesota Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology; Marshfield Clinic, Director of Dermatologic Residency Training Program. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1973-1976; American Federation for Clinical Research; Colegio lbero Latino Americana de Dermatologia; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President, 1973; Sociedad Venezolana de Dermatologia Venereologia y Leprologia; Wisconsin Dermatological Society: Vice President, 1970, President,1971; American College of Physicians. Awards: S. William Becker Gold Award, first place for scientific exhibit (Paraben Allergy), American Academy of Dermatology, 1968; Silver Award, American Academy of Dermatology. Author: 77 scientific articles and three scientific exhibits. Deceased, February 9, 2013.

216 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association William D. Stewart 1971 Born: Vulcan, Alberta, Canada, June 25, 1925. Graduated: M.D., University of Washington, 1950. Training: Cleveland Clinic, Fellow in Medicine, 1953-1955; New York University, Bellevue Hospital, Dermatology Residency, 1955-1957. Certified: Fellowship in Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada,1955; American Board of Internal Medicine, 1955; American Board of Dermatology, 1957; Certification in Dermatology Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 1957. Practice: Vancouver, B.C., from 1957. Teaching Appointments: University of British Columbia, Clinical Instructor, Medicine, Dermatology, 1957-1969, Associate Professor and Head from 1969. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Canadian Medical Association, British Columbia Section of Dermatology, President 1963 and 1968; British Columbia Society of Internal Medicine; Canadian Dermatological Association, President, 1972-1973; Pacific Dermatologic Association, President, 1973-1974; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society, President, 1969-1970; Society of Dermatovenereology, Yugoslavia; Council Member, National Program for Dermatology, 1975-1979. Awards: Maurice Husik Prize for Dermatologic Research, 1957; Silver Award, American Academy of Dermatology, 1972. Author: 30 scientific articles Outside Interests: Sketching, carving, and carpentry. Deceased, 1994.

John P. Tindall 1971 Born: Kissimmee, Florida, July 13, 1934. Practice: U. S. Air Force 1963-66; Duke University Medical Center, 1966-77; U. S. Air Force, 1977-98; Private Practice, Kinston (NC) Dermatology, PA, 1998-2004. Education: Medical School: Duke University MD 1959. Training in Dermatology: Duke University Medical Center, Residency in Dermatology, 1960-1963. Other Training: Johns Hopkins School of Hygene and Public Health MPH 1981-1982; Resident in Aerospace Medicine, School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, San Antonio, Texas, 1982-1983. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1964; Aerospace Medicine, American Board of Preventive Medicine 1984. Military Service: U. S. Air Force, Medical Corps, 1963-66. Consultant Dermatologist, United Kingdom, for Surgeon General, USAF-Europe. Returned to Active Duty 1977-1998; Chief, Aerospace Medicine, RAF Bentwaters, UK 1977-1981; Resident in Aerospace Medicine, 1981-1983; Chief, Aerospace Medicine, RAF Lakenheath, UK, 1983-4. Chief of Staff, Air Force Academy Hospital, Colorado Springs, CO, 1984-1986; Clinic Commander, Comiso Air Base, Sicily, 1986-8. Chief, Aerospace Medicine, RAF Lakenheath, UK, 1988- 1991. Deployed to Saudi Arabia, August 1990-March 1991 for Desert Shield/Desert Storm; Served as Senior Medical Consultant for Wing Commander; Chief, Medical Services and Dermatologist, RAF Lakenheath, UK 1991-1998. Teaching Appointments: Duke University Medical Center: Associate in Dermatology 1966-1967, Assistant Professor 1967-1970, Associate Professor 1970-1975, Professor 1975-1977. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American College of Physicians; American Geriatric

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 217 Society; Carolinas Dermatology Society: Host Chairman, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1976; Royal Society of Medicine (Fellow); South Central Dermatology Society: Arrangement Committee, 1966 and Program Chairman, 1973- 75; Southern Medical Association: Dermatology Section, Secretary, 1969-72, Chairman, 1972-3; Society of Investigative Dermatology; British Association of Dermatologists; Aerospace Medicine Association; Society of Air Force Flight Surgeons; Lenoir-Greene County Medical Society; American Dermatological Association, Inc. Author: 54 scientific articles including 3 book chapters.

Victor M. Torres 1971 Born: Coamo, Puerto Rico, Febrary 17, 1926. Graduated: M.D., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1951. Training: Columbia· Presbyterian Medical Center, dermatology, 1954-1957; Preceptee to George C. Andrews, 1955-1957; Columbia­Presbyterian Medical Center, dermatopathology, 1964-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1958; subcertification in Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, 1960-1974; Miami, FL, 1974-1976. Returned to Puerto Rico. Military Service: ROTC 1947-1951, Lieutenant, 1947; U.S. Army Medical Corps Reserves, 1947-1957, active duty, Ft. Jackson Army Hospital, Derm., Captain, 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, Section of Derm., Dept. of Medicine, Ass’t Prof. 1959-1963, Assoc. Prof. 1963-1966, Prof. 1966-1974, Chief,1965-1974; University of Miami School of Medicine, Prof. of Derm. and Path., 1974 to 1976. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology; Collegia Ibero Latino-Americano de Dermatologia; International Soc. of Tropical Derm.; Pan American Medical Ass’n; Puerto Rico Medical Ass’n, Section on Derm., Pres. 1972; Sociedad Dermatologica de Argentina; Sociedad Dermatologica de Puerto Rico. Awards: Puerto Rico Medical Ass’n, Section of Derm. 1971; University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine 1974; Arturo Carrion Lecture 1975; Physician of the Year, Ryder Memorial Hospital, Puerto Rico, Dec. 2, 1975 Author: Many scientific articles. Outside Interest: Spanish guitar.

Joseph W. Burnett 1972 Born: March 21, 1933, Oil City, Pennsylvania. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1958. Training: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Intern and Assistant Resident, Medicine, 1958-1961; Massachusetts General Hospital, Clinical and Research Fellow in Dermatology, 1961-1962, Clinical Fellow in Dermatology, 1962-1963; Harvard University, Research Fellow in Tropical Public Health, 1963-1965 Certified: American Board of Internal Medicine, 1965; American Board of Dermatology, 1965. Teaching Appointments: University of Maryland School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Medicine in Dermatology, 1965-1969, Associate Professor from 1969; Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Instructor of Dermatology from 1966. Professional Societies: American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society for Experimental Pathology; Atlantic Estuarine Research Society; Maryland Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1966- 1968, President, 1969 and 1974; National Program for Dermatology, Industrial Environmental­Rehabilitation Task Force, 1969; Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine; South Central Dermatologic Congress,

218 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Organization Committee, 1972; Stephen Rothman Research Club; Society for Investigative Dermatology Awards: Silliman Cup, Yale University, 1954; Harvard Medical Alumni Association Award, 1958; Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi; Boylston Medical Society. Author: 95 scientific articles.

William E. Clendenning 1972 Born: June 23, 1931, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Graduated: M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1956. Training: University Hospitals, Western Reserve University, Dermatology, 1957-1960. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961; subcertification in Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH, 1963-1967; Hitchcock Clinic, Hanover, NH from 1967. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, National Institute of Health, Surgeon, 1961-1963, Senior Investigator, Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute. Teaching Appointments: Western Reserve University, Instructor in Medicine (Dermatology), 1960-1961, Senior Instructor, 1963-1966, Assistant Professor, 1966-1967; Dartmouth Medical School, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), 1967-1972, Clinical Professor from 1972. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Committee on Therapeutics and Cosmetics,1975; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society of Dermatopathology, Chairman, Program and Research Committee, 1973; New England Dermatological Society; North American Contact Dermatitis Group; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Chairman, Finance Committee, 1972, Membership Committee 1968, Associate Editor, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1969-1972; Stephen Rothman Club. Awards: Prosser White Orator, London, 1985. Author: 55 scientific articles, 11 chapters, and 9 abstracts and editorials. Outside Interests: Classical music and American postage stamps.

Ruth K. Freinkel 1972 Born: December 26, 1926, Hamburg, Germany. Graduated: M.D., Duke University, 1952. Training: Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency in Dermatology, 1957-1960. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Instructor to Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, 1960-1966; Northwestern University Medical School, Associate Professor to Professor to Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1966. Professional Societies: American Society for Clinical Investigation; Central Society for Clinical Research; Chicago Dermatological Society; New England Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Editorial Board, Board of Directors, President; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association. Author: 30 scientific articles. Deceased, May 17, 2014.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 219 W. Mage Honeycutt 1972 Born: Nashville, Arkansas, January 15, 1931. Graduated: M D., University of Arkansas, 1956. Training: University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Dermatology, 1959-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Practice: Little Rock, AR 1962, partner with Thomas Jansen, M.D. Military Service: U.S. Naval Medical Corps, Reserves 1955-1965, Active duty, 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: University of Arkansas Medical School, Department of Medicine (Dermatology) Clinical Instructor, 1962-1964, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1964-1967, Associate Clinical Professor, 1967-1965, Clinical Professor from 1975, Clinical Instructor, Department of Pathology from 1962. Professional Societies: Arkansas Dermatological Society, President, 1968; Association of Tumor Clinic Physicians in Arkansas, President, 1972-1974; South-Central Dermatological Congress. Author: 66 scientific articles. Outside Interest: Golf. Deceased, 1979.

Waine C. Johnson 1972 Born: September 30, 1928, Mt. Vernon, Texas. Graduated: M.D., University of Texas, Galveston Branch, 1953. Training: Walter Reed Army Hospital, Residency in Dermatology, 1955-1958; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Fellowship in Dermal Pathology, 1960-1961. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1960; subcertification in Dermatopathology, 1974 Practice: Private, Glenside, PA, from 1975; University of PA School of Medicine from 1978. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1953-1962, Chief of Dermatology in Okinawa and Fort Polk, lA. Teaching Appointments: Temple University School of Medicine, Professor of Dermatology and Associate Professor of Pathology, Director, Dermal Pathology Laboratory; Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical School, Consultant in Dermal Pathology, Department of Dermatology; U.S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Lecturer in Dermal Pathology from 1965; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Visiting Scientist from 1963. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Society of Dermatopathology; Association of Military Dermatologists; Histochemistry Society; International Academy of Pathology; Philadelphia Dermatological Society. Awards: American Society of Clinical Pathologists and College of American Pathologists, Gold Award for Original Research, 1962; American Academy of Dermatology, Bronze Award for Original Research, 1961; American Medical Association, Honorable Mention, 1962. Author: 109 scientific articles and one book, Dermal Pathology, with J. H. Graham and E.B. Helwig.

Sidney N. Klaus 1972 Born: Detroit, Michigan, June 29, 1931. Graduated: M.D., University of Michigan, 1957. Training: Mayo Clinic, Resident in Dermatology, 1958-1959 and 1961-1964. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1964.

220 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Practice: Veterans Administration Hospital West Haven, CT, from 1964. Military Service: U.S. Naval Reserves Medical Corps, 1959-1961, Station Hospital, Sasebo, Japan Teaching Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine: Instructor in Dermatology, 1964-1965, Assistant Professor, 1965-1969, Associate Professor, 1969-1975, Professor from 1975. Professional Societies: American Federation for Clinical Research; Federation for International Dermatology Education; Tissue Culture Association. Author: 40 scientific articles and 12 chapters in books. Resigned.

Charles J. McDonald 1972 Born: December 6, 1931, Tampa, Florida. Current Position: Brown University Professor Emeritus of Medical Science. Education: Undergraduate: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University BS 1951; Howard University, Washington, DC, MD 1960. Other: University of Michigan MS 1952. Training: Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Resident and Research Associate, 1963-1965, Chief Resident and Research Fellow, 1965-1966 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1966. Practice: Yale-New Haven Medical Center, New Haven, 1966-1968; Roger Williams General Hospital, Providence, RI; Brown University, 1968 to retirement. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, Major, 1952-1956. Teaching Appointments: Yale University Medical School: Instructor in Medicine and Pharmacology, 1966-1967, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, 1967-1968; Brown University: Assistant Professor of Medical Science, 1968-1969, Associate Professor of Medical Science and Dermatology Program Director, 1969-1974, Professor of Medical Science and Head, Sub­ section of Dermatology from 1974. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1986-1990 American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society for Clinical Oncology; Association of Professors of Dermatology; National Medical Association, Dermatology Section: Secretary, 1968-1971, Vice Chairman, 1971-1973, Chairman, 1973-1975; New England Dermatological Society; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Chairman, Foundation Committee, 1972-1973, Chairman, Publications Committee, 1974-1975; Rhode Island Dermatological Society; Howard University: Board of Directors 1995-2000, President 2004. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha, President of Alpha Chapter, 1959-1960; Howard University, Alma Givens Wells Award, Jesse Greene Award for Surgery, Department of Medicine Award, Jacobi Prize in Pediatrics, Department of Psychiatry Award, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Award; Hospital Association of Rhode Island, First Distinguished Service Award (1971); Sigma Xi; Distinguished Alumni Award, Howard University, 1983; National Division Award, American Cancer Society, 1992; St. George’s Medal, American Cancer Society, 1992. Author: More than 100 scientific articles. Deceased, January 10, 2021.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 221 Leopoldo E Montes 1972 Born: Buenos Aires, Argentina, November. 22, 1929 Graduated: M.D., University of Buenos Aires, 1955; M.S., Dermatology, University of Michigan, 1959; D.M.S., University of Buenos Aires, 1961. Training: University of Pennsylvania Hospital Resident in Dermatology, 1955-1956; University of Michigan, Resident in Dermatology, 1956-1958. Certified: The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dermatology, 1958; Dermatopathology, 1975. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Instructor in Dermatology, 1958-1960; University of Buenos Aires, Department of Dermatology, Instructor to Associate 1961-1963; Baylor University, Dermatology Department, Assistant Professor, 1963-1966; University of Alabama: Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1966-1970, Associate Professor of Microbiology, 1967-1970, Professor of Dermatology, 1970 to 1978. Professional Societies: Alabama Derm. Soc.; Am. Acad. of Microbiology; Am. Ass’n for the Advancement of Science; Am. Soc. for Cell Research; Ass’n Argentina de Derm.; Histochemical Soc.; International Soc. Of Tropical Derm., Ass’t Sec’y-Gen., 1969-1973; Soc. Argentina de Leprologia; Soc. Brasileira de Derm. Awards: Sigma Xi; Third Prize, annual essay contest of Am. Derm. Ass’n for “The Cytology of the Large Axillary Sweat Glands in Man”; Career Development Award yearly, 1966-1970, U.S. Public Health Service, Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; Bronze Award, Am. Acad. Of Derm., 1971, for exhibit, “A Correlated Clinical, Histologic, and Electron Microscopic Study of Psoriatic Skin during Anthralin Therapy.” Author: 95 scientific papers and co-author of four books. Founder of the Journal of Cutaneous Pathology.

Ronald M. Reisner 1972 Born: Buffalo, New York, May 2, 1929. Education: Undergraduate: University of California Los Angeles BA, 1952; Medical School: University of California at Los Angeles M.D. 1956. Training: University of California at Los Angeles: Dermatology Resident, 1957-1960, Research Trainee in Dermatology January to July, 1960. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Lieutenant Commander, 1960-1962. Teaching Appointments: Harbor General Hospital, Campus of the UCLA School of Medicine, Torrance, CA: Chief, Division of Dermatology, 1962-1972; UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dermatology, 1962-1968, Associate Professor, 1968-1972, Professor from 1973; Chief, Division of Dermatology from 1973. Professional Societies: American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Geriatric Society; Association of American Medical Colleges; Los Angeles Dermatologic Association, Past President, 1970-1971; Pacific Dermatologic Association, Chairman, Program Committee, 1974; Society for Tropical Dermatology; Skin Club, Chairman, 1969-1970. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa. Author: 29 scientific articles, six book chapters, and 40 abstracts. Deceased, January 13, 2017.

222 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Lewis Shapiro 1972 Born: New York City, April 24, 1928. Graduated: M.D., Duke University, 1952. Training: New York University, Postgraduate Medical School, Skin and Cancer Unit, 1953-1954 and 1956-1958. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1959; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Flushing, NY, Dermatopathology and Clinical Dermatology, 1958-1962; New Hyde Park, NY, Dermatopathology and Clinical Dermatology, 1960-1970, Dermatopathology, 1971-1972; Great Neck, NY, Dermatopathology from 1972. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, stationed in Orleans (Loire), France, 1954-1956. Teaching Appointments: New York University Postgraduate Medical School: Assistant in Clinical Dermatology and Syphilology, 1958-1960, Teaching Assistant 1960-1961; Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City, Visiting Clinical Instructor in Medicine and Pediatric Dermatology, 1958-1961; Columbia University, New York City, Instructor to Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1961, Clinical Professor of Pathology, 1972. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Society of Dermatopathology; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Long Island Dermatological Society: President, 1974-1976; Manhattan Dermatologic Society, President, 1970-71. Author and Co-Author: 67 scientific articles and Color Atlas of Pediatric Dermatology. Resigned.

W. Kenneth Blaylock 1973 Born: September 6, 1931, Bristol, Virginia. Graduated: M.D., Medical College of Virginia 1958. Training: Duke University Hospital, Dermatology, 1959-1961, Internal Medicine 1961-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1964. Practice: Medical College of Virginia Clinical Center, Richmond, VA. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD 1962-1964. Teaching Appointments: Medical College of Virginia: Assistant Professor 1964-1966, Associate Professor and Chairman, Division of Dermalology 1966-1967, Professor of Medicine Dermatology 1967-1991; Assistant Dean for Postgraduate Education 1972-1991. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Federation for Clinical Research; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Richmond Dermatological Society; Southern Society of Clinical Investigation; Virginia Dermatological Association. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: 36 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Tennis.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 223 William A. Caro 1973 Born: Chicago, August 16, 1934, Father, Marcus R Caro, was a distinguished member. Graduated: M.D., University of Illinois 1959. Training: Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Rotating Internship 1959-1960; University of Illinois Research and Educational Hospital, Internal Medicine 1960-1961; Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Dermatology 1961-1962 and 1964-1966; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Earl D. Osborne Fellow in Dermal Pathology 1966-1967. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1966; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Chicago 1967. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Chief, Dermatology Section, McDonald Army Hospital, Fort Eustis, VA 1962-1964 Teaching Appointments: Northwestern University Medical School: Assistant Professor 1967-1973, Associate Professor 1973; Chief of Dermatopathology 1967. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology; Chicago Dermatological Society; American Venereal Disease Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Author: 23 scientific articles and contributor to six books.

Peter N. Horvath 1973 Born: Kormocbanya, Hungary, August 14, 1917. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1942 Training: Graduate Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Resident in Dermatology 1946-1948, Chief Resident 1948-1949. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1950. Practice: Washington, DC, from 1949. Military Service: U.S. Air Force Medical Corps 1943-1946. Teaching Appointments: Georgetown University, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Chief, Division of Dermatology 1960; Walter Reed Army General Hospital, Consultant in Dermatology 1950 to present; Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania, Associate in Dermatology, 1951-1969; Howard University School of Medicine, Professorial Lecturer in Dermatology 1972; National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC, Clinical Consultant 1969; U.S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD, Consultant in Dermatology 1970. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology Director, color television pro­gram 1965 and 1967, Chairman of Liaison Subcommittee to the Food and Drug Administration 1971; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Atlantic Dermatologic Association, President 1964; South-Central Dermatologic Association; Washington Dermatologic Association: Secretary 1961-1962, Vice President 1962-1963, President 1964. Author: 12 scientific articles. Deceased.

Robert Jackson 1973 Born: September 17,1926, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Graduated: M.D.C.M., McGill University, Montreal, 1950. Training: Montreal General Hospital: Extern in Pathology and Assistant Resident in Medicine 1951-1952, Assistant Resident in Dermatology 1952-1953, Resident in Dermatology 1954-1955; Minneapolis General Hospital, Resident in Dermatology 1953-1954.

224 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: Dermatolog y and Syphilology, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 1955. Practice: Regina, Sask. 1955-1958; Ottawa, Ont, 1958 to retirement. Teaching Appointments: University of Ottawa, Assistant Professor 1962. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Membership Committee 1967-1974; Academy of Medicine, Ottawa, Division of Dermatology, Chairman 1960- 1969; Canadian Dermatology Association: Secretary­ Treasurer 1967-1972, President 1983, Ad Hoc Committee on Pharmacy, Chairman 1982; Ottawa Bacteriology Club, President 1969-1970; Ottawa Foundation for Medical Research, Director 1968; Montreal Dermatological Association; Canadian Medical Protective Association, Councilor. Awards: Practitioner of the Year from Canadian Dermatological Association 1992; 5th Award of Merit from Canadian Dermatological Association, 1989; Excellence in Clinical Teaching Award from University of Ottawa 1992. Author: 79 scientific articles. Outside Interest: Woodlot operator, needlepoint. Deceased, 2019.

Marie-Louise T. Johnson 1973 Born: July 26, 1927, New York City. Graduated: M.D., Yale University School of Medicine 1956; Ph.D., Yale University Graduate School 1954. Training: Yale-New Haven Medical Center, Intern in Medicine 1956-1957; Resident in Medicine, Dermatology 1957-1960. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1962. Practice: Yale University School of Medicine, full time in Division of Dermatology 1959-1964, 1980 to retirement; Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, Chief of Dermatology 1964-1967; Skin and Cancer, New York University, Physician· in-charge, Psoriasis Clinic 1968-1970, Bellevue Clinic 1967-1970, Chief of Dermatology, Bellevue Service 1974-1980; New York City, associated with Dr. Rudolf L Baer 1968- 1970; Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, Hanover, NH, 1971 to 1974. Teaching Appointments: Yale University, Division of Dermatology, Assistant Professor 1959-1964; Hiroshima University Medical School, Visiting Professor 1964-1967; New York University Medical School, Associate Professor 1967-1970 and 1974-1980; Dartmouth Medical School, Associate Professor 1971 to 1974. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Representative for American Association of Medical Assistants 1970 to present, Secretary for Committee on International Affairs 1968-1970; Atlantic Derm. Soc.; Nat. Program for Derm., Head, Data Collection Unit 1968-1973, Head, Div. of Educ. and Communication 1974-1975; New England Derm. Soc.; Society for Investigative Dermatology. American Dermatological Association, President 2002. Awards: Marion Dasey Award for senior Yale medical student exhibiting high academic achievement and compassion 1956; Alpha Omega Alpha; Rose Hirschler Award from Women’s Dermatologic Society 1993. Author: numerous scientific articles. Marie-Louise Johnson was the first woman to be president of the American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Published author/composer of poetry and liturgical music; Lector Eucharistic Minister; Japanese language and culture. She also composed a “Mass for Organ and Choir.”

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 225 Amir H. Mehregan 1973 Born: June 12, 1931, Teheran, Iran. Graduated: M.D., University of Teheran School of Medicine 1954. Skin and Cancer Hospital, Temple University, 1956-1958; University of Wisconsin Medical Center 1958-1959; Wayne State University School of Medicine Detroit 1959-1961. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1966; Dermatopathology 1974. Practice: Pinkus Dermatopathology Laboratory, Director 1966. Teaching Appointments: University of Pahlavi, Professorial Lecturer 1961-1962; Wayne State University School of Medicine, Clinical Instructor 1963-1965; University of Alberta, Assistant Professor 1965-1966; Wayne State University School of Medicine, Clinical Assistant Professor 1966-1968, Adjunct Associate Professor 1968-1971, Clinical Professor 1973. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology; Michigan Dermatological Society; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology Author: numerous scientific articles and four books Outside Interests: Fishing, travel, archeology of the Middle East, and progress of dematopathology in the Middle East countries. Deceased, 2000.

Henry H. Roenigk, Jr. 1973 Born: July 21, 1934, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Graduated: M.D., Northwestern University Medical School 1960. Training: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Fellowship in Dermatology 1963-1966. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1967. Practice: Cleveland Clinic 1966-1977; Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation, Chicago, IL, from 1977; Arizona Advanced Dermatology, Phoenix 1997-2018. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Internship, U.S. Army Tripier General Hospital, Honolulu, HI, 1960-1961, Dermatology Department, Tripier General Hospital 1961-1963, Outpatient and Dermatology Department, Schofield Barracks Army Dispensary, Honolulu 1962-1963 Teaching Appointments: Cleveland Clinic, Staff, Department of Dermatology 1966, Head, Department of Dermatology 1968-1977; Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dermatology 1966-1977; Northwestern University Medical School, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman 1977-1992. Professional Societies: American Federation of Clinical Research; Central States Derma­ tologic Society; Chicago Dermatologic Soc.; Cleveland Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors 1964-1971; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society, Scientific Program Director 1971-1972. Author: 350 scientific articles. Other Interests: Tennis, boating, hiking, and travel.

Margaret Ann Storkan 1973 Born: August 27, 1919, Butte, Montana. Graduated: M.D., Creighton University School of Medicine 1944. Training: University of Southern California, Postgraduate School, Dermatology 1947-1948; University of Minnesota, Dermatology Division 1948-1950 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology 1952

226 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Practice: Los Angeles, associated with Dr. M.E. Obermayer and Dr. J.W. Wilson 1950-1955, Redondo Beach, CA, 1955 to retirement. Teaching Appointments: University of Southern California, Department of Medicine, Dermatology, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1957. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Vice-President 1973; American Medical Women’s Association; Catholic Physicians Guild of Los Angeles; Los Angeles Dermatological Society; Metropolitan Dermatological Society of Los Angeles; North American Clinical Dermatological Society; Women’s Medical Society of Los Angeles Awards: American Academy of Dermatology, Service Award 1970; Creighton University, Honorary Award for Medicine 1969; Sertoma Club of Torrance, Service to Mankind Award 1967; South Bay Citizen of the Year 1967. Author: Six scientific articles. Margaret Storkan was the first woman officer of the American Academy of Dermatology, Vice-President in 1973. Outside Interest: Volunteer dermatologist on the SS Hope. Deceased December 3, 2000.

Gerald D. Weinstein 1973 Born: October 13, 1936, , New York. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania 1961. Training: National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, Dermatology Branch 1962-1964; University of Miami School of Medicine, Resident, Dermatology 1964-1965; National Institute of Health, Special Post­ doctoral Fellow 1965-1967. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1966. Practice: University of Miami, Department of Dermatology 1966-1979; University of California at Irvine Funding Chair 1979 – 2004. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Lieutenant Commander 1962-1964 Teaching Appointments: University of Miami School of Medicine: Associate Professor of Dermatology 1966- 1975, Professor 1975-1979, Professor of Oncology 1975-1979; University of California at Irvine, Division of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman, 1979 to 2004, College of Medicine, Acting Dean 1985-1987. Professional Societies: American Federation of Clinical Research; American Academy of Dermatology; Florida Society of Dermatology, Scientific Program Chairman 1968-1974; Society of Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Special Guest Lecturer, American Dermatological Association 1971; Taub International Memorial Award for Psoriasis 1971. Author: numerous scientific articles. Outside Interests: Golf, skiing and family. Deceased.

Kenneth A. Arndt 1974 Born: June 3, 1936, San Francisco. Graduated: M.D., Yale University School of Medicine 1961. Training: Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital: Assistant Resident in Dermatology 1962-1964, Chief Resident and Research Fellow in Dermatology 1964-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1966.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 227 Practice: Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Harvard and Yale Medical Schools; Adjunct Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) at Dartmouth Medical School; Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Brown University. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Surgeon Dermatology Section, Occupational Health Research and Training Facility, Cincinnati, OH 1965-1967. Teaching Appointments: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Instructor in Dermatology 1965-1967; Harvard Medical School, Department of Dermatology: Associate Professor, Professor 1973; Beth Israel Hospital, Dermatologist-in-Chief 1977. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Boston Dermatological Club, Secretary-Treasurer 1970-1975; New England Dermatologic Society; Society of Investigative Dermatology. Awards and Honors: Alpha Omega Alpha. The Kenneth A. Arndt Professorship in Dermatology was established at Harvard Medical School in 2000. Author: 22 scientific articles, one book, and co-editor of a textbook, Dermatology in General Medicine.

Robert Alan Briggaman 1974 Born: Connecticut. Education: Underraduate: Trinity College; Medical School New York University School of Medicine MD 1960. Practice at retirement: Universigty of North Carolina. Training: University of Virginia Hospital, Resident in Medicine 1961-1962; University of North Carolina, North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Resident in Dermatology 1964-1965, Fellowship in Dermatology, 1965-1967. Other Training: National Institutes of Health research fellowship 1967-1970 Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1967. Military Service: U.S. Army 1962-1964. Teaching Appointments: University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Associate Professor, 1967-1972, Professor of Medicine and Derm atology 1974, Chair of the Department October 1, 1987-2000. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Carolinas-Virginia Dermatology Society Chairman, 1968 and 1971. Awards and Honors: Research Career Development Award 1975-1980; J.N. Taub International Memorial Award for Psoriasis Research 1983; American Academy of Dermatology’s Marion B. Sulzberger Memorial Award and Lectureship 1985; National Institute of Health’s MERIT award 1990; Inclusion in the Woodward & White’s Best Doctors in America 1992; Clayton E. Wheeler, Jr. Distinguished Professorship 1992-2000; Deputy Editor of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1992-1997; UNC’s Distinguished Faculty Award 1998; Ranked as one of the 25 top-cited authors in dermatological literature 1999; The Society of Investigative Dermatology’s Stephen Rothman Memorial Award for distinguished service to investigative cutaneous medicine 2001. Outside Interest: Golf. Deceased, June 4, 2020.

Robert M. Fine 1974 Born: January 9, 1930, Little Rock, Arkansas. Graduated: M.D., Tulane University School of Medicine 1955. Training: Charity Hospital, Tulane Service, New Orleans 1956-1957 and 1959-1961. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1961.

228 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Practice: Decatur, GA, 1961. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: Emory University School of Medicine: Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dermatology 1961-1971, Clinical Associate Professor 1971-1977, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology 1977-1979, Clinical Professor 1979-1990, Professor, 1990, Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, 1986. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology: Membership Committee 1978-1979, Chairman 1980, Board of Directors 1981; Atlanta Dermatological Association: Secretary 1964-1965, President 1968-1969 and 1976-1977; Georgia Dermatological Association, President 1969-1970; South Central Dermatological Association; Southeastern Dermatological Association; Dermatology Foundation; American Academy of Dermatology: Publications Committee 1976-1978, Board of Directors 1979-1983, Membership Surveys Committee, Chairman 1981- 1982, Advisory Council, 1983, Committee on History,1986-1988; American Dermatological Association: Program Committee, 1982-1985, Education committee 1987-1991; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Scientific Program Committee, 1974, Chairman, 1975, Board of Trustee 1976-1978, President, 1981, Executive Committee of Board of Directors, 1982; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Practitioner of the Year, Dermatology Foundation 1989. Author: 126 scientific articles. Editor for the International Journal of Dermatology.

Phillip Frost 1974 Born: November 11, 1936, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Graduated: M.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1961. Training: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Resident in Dermatology 1963; National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, Clinical Associate 1963-1965; University of Miami School of Medicine, Research Fellow 1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1966. Practice: University of Miami, part-time practice in dermatology 1966-1971; Mount Sinai Medical Center of Greater Miami, part-time practice in dermatology starting 1972. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, stationed at National Cancer Institute, Dermatology Branch 1963-1965. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Assistant Instructor 1962-1963; University of Miami Medical School, Assistant Professor 1966-1971; Mt Sinai Medical Center of Greater Miami, Chairman, Department of Dermatology starting 1972. Professional Societies: American Federation of Clinical Investigation; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Florida Society of Dermatology, Scientific Program Chairman 1969, 1971 and 1975; Society for Tropical Dermatology; Endocrine Society; Miami Dermatological Society. Author: 78 scientific articles and nine parts of textbooks. He has gone on to engage in drug development and has started profitable companies.

Victor C. Hackney 1974 Born: February 25, 1917, Kansas City, Missouri. Graduated: M.D., Yale University School of Medicine 1943. Training: Marion County General Hospital, Indianapolis, IN, Resident in Dermatology 1949-1952; Osborne Fellow, Dermal Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC, 1951-1952.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 229 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953; subcertification in Dermatopathology 1975. Practice: Pasadena, Riverside, and Palo Alto, CA, 1953-1962. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Reserves 1944-1946. Teaching Appointments: University of Southern California, Clinical Assistant Professor 1958-1962; Stanford University, Clinical Assistant Professor 1958-1962; Indiana University Medical Center, Dermatology Department, Professor and Chairman 19 Pathology Department, Professor 1968. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Indiana State Medical Association, Section of Cutaneous Medicine: Secretary Treasurer 1970, President, 1973; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Fellow, American College of Physicians. Author: Ten scientific articles and two portions of textbooks. Deceased September 5, 2005.

John T. McCarthy 1974 Born: December 4, 1929, Syracuse, New York. Graduated: M.D., State University of New York at Syracuse 1954. Training: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dermatology Fellowship, Assistant Resident, and Resident 1955-1958. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1960. Practice: New York City. Military Service: U.S. Army Reserves, 1958-1960. Teaching Appointments: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Assistant Clinical Professor 1966-1972. Professional Societies: Manhattan Dermatologic Society, President 1965; Metropolitan Dermatologic Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1962, President 1963 and 1964; New York Dermatologic Society; New York Academy of Medicine, Section of Dermatology; North American Clinical Dermatologic Society; New York State Dermatologic Society, President-Elect 1976, President 1977. Author: 15 scientific articles and two portions of textbooks. Deceased May 10, 2000.

Samuel L. Moschella 1974 Born: April 22, 1921, East Boston, Massachusetts. Graduated: M.D., cum laude, Tufts University School of Medicine 1946. Training: Boston City Hospital, Internship, Medicine 1946-1947; U.S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Residency in Dermatology 1947-1948; U.S. Naval Hospital, SL Albans, NY, Residency in Dermatology 1951-1952; New York University, Bellevue Hospital, Skin and Cancer Unit, New York Postgraduate School 1952-1953. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1953; Dermatopathology 1976. Practice: Lahey Clinic Foundation, Senior Consultant, Department of Dermatology 1967. Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Regular Navy 1946-1967, stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, St Albans, NY, Boston, MA, Philadelphia; consultant to leprosarium in Guantanamo, Cuba 1950-1956, and Carville, LA from 1965. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Dermatology Department; Clinical Professor 1967-1991, Professor Emeritus 1991; Harvard School Tropical Medicine, Guest Lecturer; Children’s Hospital, Instructor;

230 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Lahey Clinic Foundation: Chairman 1969-1982, Senior Consultant from 1982; Consultant to Dermatology Department, USNH, Philadelphia 1967, and Public Health Hospital, Boston, Leprosy Clinic 1970. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; Society of Investigative Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Boston Dermatologic Society; Massachusetts Medical Society, Dermatology Section, Chairman, 1971; New England Dermatologic Society, President 1976; Association of International Leprosy; Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology, President 1976, American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1978-1981, Executive Committee 1981-1982, Vice-President 1981-1982, President 1986. Awards: Sam Moschella Dermatology Teaching Award from Harvard Medical School 1989; Masters of Dermatology Award from AAD, 1992; Clark W. Finnerud Award from Dermatology Foundation 1992. Author: 50 scientific articles and three sections of books, chief editor and major contributor to textbook on dermatology.

Frank Parker 1974 Born: August 13, 1932, Seattle, Washington. Graduated: M.D., University of Washington School of Medicine 1958. Training: Columbia University, Presbyterian Hospital, Internship in Medicine 1958-1959, Residency in Medicine 1959-1960; University of Washington, Research Fellow, Medicine, Dermatology 1962-1963. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1967. Practice: University of Washington, full time 1962-1977; Oregon Health Sciences University 1978-1993. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Reserves 1954-1962. Teaching Appointments: University of Washington, Department of Medicine, Dermatology: Instructor 1962-1964, Assistant Professor 1964-1968, Associate Professor 1968-1974, Professor of Medicine and Dermatology 1974- 1977; Oregon Health Sciences University, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman 1978-1993. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; National Program for Dermatology, Director, SubCouncil Division for Research 1971-1973; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors. Author: Numerous scientific articles and five portions of textbooks. Outside Interests: Reading and tennis.

D. Martin Carter 1975 Born: June 10, 1936, Doniphan, Missouri. Graduated: M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1961; Ph.D., Biology, Yale Graduate School, 1971. Training: University of Rochester Medical Center, Assistant Resident in Internal Medicine, 1962-1963; University of Pennsylvania, University Hospital, Resident in Dermatology, 1965-1967; Yale-New Haven Hospital, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1967-1970. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1969. Practice: Yale-New Haven Hospital 1970-1981; New York Hospital from 1981; Rockefeller University Hospital from 1981. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Venereal Disease Branch, assigned to Philadelphia General Hospital as teaching fellow in syphilology, with rank of surgeon. Teaching Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine: Associate Professor, Howard Hughes Medical Investigator, Clinical Professor, 1970-1986; Cornell University Medical College, Department of Dermatology: Professor of Medicine, 1981-1993, Professor of Dermatology from 1993; Rockefeller University, Professor, 1981-1993, Carl J. Herzog Professor of Clinical Medicine from 1993.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 231 Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1975, Committee on Goals and Program Committee for Resident Fellow forum, 1972-1975; National Program for Dermatology: Task Force on Genetics, 1970-1975, Task Force on Venereal Disease, 1971-1972; Society for Dermatological Genetics: Board of Directors, 1970, 1971 and 1973, President, 1974; New England Dermatological Society Awards: American Medical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Honorable Mention Award for Exhibit, 1966; Samuel Becker Gold Medal Award, American Academy of Dermatology December, 1966. Author: Numerous scientific papers including journal articles, books, book chapters, abstracts, etc. Outside Interests: Music and opera. Deceased, November 7, 1993.

Isadore Fisher 1975 Born: August 26, 1910, Duluth, Minnesota. Graduated: M.D., University of Minnesota Medical School, 1935; M.S., Dermatology, University of Minnesota Medical School, 1948. Training: University of Minnesota, Resident in Dermatology, 1945-1948 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1950. Practice: Minneapolis from 1948. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, First Lieutenant, 1942. Teaching Appointments: U.S. Veteran’s Hospital, Minneapolis: Chief of Service, 1948- 1973, Senior Consultant from 1973; University of Minnesota: Clinical Instructor, 1948-1957, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1957-1971, Clinical Professor from 1971; University of Minnesota Graduate School and Examining Committee, Clinical Professor, 1960-1970; University of Minnesota Post­ graduate Teaching Continuation Course, Clinical Professor, 1960-1970. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatologic Society; Minneapolis Academy of Medicine: Executive Board, 1959-1964, Secretary ­Treasurer, 1959-1961; Minnesota Dermatologic Society, President, 1959; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Board of Directors, 1967-1970, Scientific Program Chairman, 1971, President-Elect, 1976-1977; President, 1978. Author: 27 scientific articles.

Louis E. Harman, Jr. 1975 Born: May 19, 1924, Russellville, Ohio. Graduated: M.D., Duke University School of Medicine, 1949 Training: Walter Reed General Hospital, Washington, DC, 1951-1954; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1954-1955. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1955. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps 1949-1970, Chief of Dermatology Service, Walter Reed General Hospital, Fort Bragg, NC, and Army Hospital, Munich, Germany. Teaching Appointments: Georgetown University: Clinical Assistant Professor, 1964-1966, Clinical Associate Professor, 1966-1970; Howard University, Clinical Associate Professor, 1968-1970; George Washington University, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1966-1970; University of Virginia, Associate Professor from 1970. Professional Societies: Association of Military Dermatologists: Secretary-Treasurer, 1963-1964, President 1964; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Virginia Dermatological Society; Washington Dermatology Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1965, President, 1967; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Author: Six scientific articles. Deceased January 19, 2000.

232 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Coleman Jacobson 1975 Born: April 18, 1921, New Haven, Connecticut. Graduated: M.D., University of Iowa Medical School, 1949 Training: University of Pennsylvania, 195. 1953; Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies Hospital, 1950 Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1955. Practice: Dallas, TX, from 1954. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, Second Lieutenan 1942-1945, awarded Air Medal and Purple Heart. Teaching Appointments: Southwestern Medical School, University of Texas: Clinical Associate Professor, 1954-1973, Clinical Professor, 1973 to present; Children’s Medical Center, Chief of Dermatology from 1954; Baylor University College of Dentistry, Visiting Professor of Dermatology, 1955-1965. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1972-1975; American Medical Association, Section Council on Dermatology, Chairman, 1976; Foundation for International Dermatologic Education, Treasurer, 1972; International Society of Tropical Dermatology, Vice President, 1973; Dallas Dermatologic Society, President, 1958; International Society of Pediatric Dermatology, Treasurer, 1975; South Central Dermatologic Congress; Texas Dermatologic Society: Program Chairman, 1964-1967, Secretary-Treasurer, 1968-1971, President, 1971; South African Dermatology Society, Honorary Member; Mexican Dermatology Society, Honorary Member; Pacific Dermatological Association. Author: 18 scientific articles. Deceased, April 10, 2012.

Walter G. Larsen 1975 Born: June 16, 1935, New York City. Graduated: B.S., Pharmacy, University of California, 1956; M.D., University of Southern California Medical School, 1960. Training: University of Oregon Medical School, 1961-1962 and 1963-1965, Postdoctoral Trainee in Dermatology, NIH, 1965-1966. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1965. Practice: Portland, OR, halftime, 1966-1968; Veterans Administration Hospital, San Francisco, 1968-1969; University of Nijmegen Medical School, Holland, Senior Scientific Investigator, 1969-1970; Portland from 1970. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain, Department of Dermatology, Walter Reed Institute of Research, 1962-1963. Teaching Appointments: University of Oregon Medical School: Instructor, 1966-1968, Assistant Clinical Professor, 1970-1974, Associate Clinical Professor from 1974; University of California Medical School, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1968-1969. Professional Societies: Oregon Dermatological Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1972-1974, President, 1974-1975; North American Contact Dermatitis Group, Secretary-Treasurer, 1970; Pacific Dermatological Association; Northwest Dermatologic Society, President, 1975-1976; American Academy of Dermatology: Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, 1973-1976, Secretary-Treasurer, 1977-1979. Author: 28 scientific articles. Outside Interest: Sailing.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 233 W. Stuart Maddin 1975 Born: June 1, 1920, Cupar, Saskatchewan, Canada. Graduated: M.D., Dalhousie University Medical School, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1947. Training: Shaugnessy Hospital, Vancouver, BC, 1948-1949; New York University Bellevue Medical Center, Skin and Cancer Division, 1949-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology & Syphilology, 1953; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1952. Practice: Vancouver, BC, from 1952; Director, V.D. Control, Department of Health & Welfare, Province of British Columbia, 1952-1956. Teaching Appointments: University of British Columbia, Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Vancouver. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Director 1971-1974; Canadian Dermatological Association: Secretary­Treasurer, 1962-1967, President, 1967-1968; International Congress of Dermatology, Canadian delegate 1968-1976; Pacific Dermatological Association; International League of Dermatologic Societies: Secretary-General; International Foundation for Dermatology: Secretary. Member of 9 international dermatologic societies. Author: 24 scientific articles, two books, and parts of five books. He was instrumental in strengthening the Regional Dermatology Training Centre in Moshi, Tanzania. Deceased, May 21, 2015.

George R. Mikhail 1975 Born: December 6, 1914, Cairo, Egypt. Graduated: M.B., Ch.B. (M.D. equivalent), Cairo University College of Medicine, Egypt, 1938; M.S., Pathology, Wayne State University College of Medicine, 1963. Training: Cairo University, Postgraduate course in dermatology, 1942-1943; Cairo University Hospitals, Dermatology Resident, 1942-1943; University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Medicine, 1950-1951; The Institute of Dermatology, University of London, St. John’s Hospital, London, England, 1955; Detroit Receiving Hospital, Wayne State University Research Fellow in Dermatology, 1962-1963. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1965; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Private practice in dermatology, Egypt 1944-1961; Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit from 1965; University of Michigan from 1978. Teaching Appointments: Egyptian Government Hospitals, 1944-1961; Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Research Associate in Dermatology, 1963-1965, senior staff physician from 1965; University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology, Associate Clinical Professor from 1978. Professional Societies: Michigan Dermatological Society: Committee on Scientific Investigation, 1968-1971, President, 1981-1982; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; American College of Chemosurgery: Secretary-Treasurer, 1975-1977, President, 1977-1979; National Program for Dermatology, Task Force on International Programs for Education in Dermatology 1970.1974; American Medical Association; American Society of Dermatopathology. Awards: Bronze Award for Exhibit, American Academy of Dermatology 1965 and 1975; Silver Award for Exhibit, American Academy of Dermatology 1970; Honorable Mention Award for Exhibit, International Congress of Dermatology, Venice, 1972, and American Medical Association Annual Convention, New York, 1973; Michigan State Medical Society National Presidential Award, 1979; Distinguished Achievement Award from American College of Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, 1992. Author: 70 scientific publications in Medical Journals; one book; nine chapters, skin cancer studies with Ed Krull. Outside Interests: History, contract bridge, biking, swimming, golf, philately. Deceased, April 5, 2013.

234 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Robert L. Olson 1975 Born: April 24, 1932, Portland, Oregon. Graduated: M.D., University of Oregon Medical School, 1958. Training: University of Oklahoma Medical Center, Resident in Dermatology, 1962-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1966. Practice: Private, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1951. Teaching Appointments: University of Oklahoma, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1964, Assistant Professor, 1966, Associate Professor, 1969-1974, Professor from 1974. Professional Societies: Oklahoma City Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1969-1970, President, 1970.1971; Oklahoma State Dermatological Society, Secretary­ Treasurer, 1970-1971, President, 1971-1972; Southern Medical Society, Dermatology Section; Pacific Dermatological Society; South Central Dermatological Society. Awards: Bronze Medal for Exhibit, American Academy of Dermatology, 1966. Author: 31 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Hiking, tennis and bridge. Deceased, March 16, 2005.

Donald W Owens 1975 Born: July 29, 1936, Trinity, Texas. Graduated: M.D., University of Texas Medical School, 1961. Training: Veterans Administration Hospital, straight medicine internship, Oklahoma City, OK, 1961·1962; Baylor University College of Medicine Affiliated Hospitals, Dermatology Resident, 1962-1965; Graduate Training Program in Dermatology, National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, National Institute of Health, 1963-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1966; Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: Kelsey-Seybold Clinic, Houston from 1966. Teaching Appointments: Baylor College of Medicine, Assistant Professor to Clinical Associate Professor, 1965- 1972; University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Clinical Assistant from 1972. Professional Societies: South Central Dermatological Society, Organizing Committee, 1973; Texas Dermatological Association, Program Chairman, 1971; Southern Medical Association; Houston Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1969-1971, President, 1972; American Academy of Dermatology; Dermatologic Therapy Association. Author: 45 scientific articles. Outside Interests: Family, fly fishing and tennis.

Jerome R. Pomeranz 1975 Born: December 29, 1930, Newark, New Jersey. Graduated: Boston University School of Medicine, 1956. Training: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Pathology, 1957-1958, Dermatology,1960-1963, Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 1963-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1964; Dermatopathology, 1974. Military Service: 6th U.S. Army Medical Laboratory, Fort Baker, CA, Chief, Pathology Section, 1958-1960.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 235 Practice: Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital, Director of Dermatology, 1965; Lutheran Medical Center, Cleveland, Director of Dermatology, 1973. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins Hospital: Assistant in Pathology, 1957-1958, Assistant in Medicine, Allergy, 1963-1965; Case Western Reserve University: Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1965 to present, Assistant Professor of Pathology, 1967. Professional Societies: Central States Dermatology Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Cleveland Dermatological Society: Secretary, 1969-1971, Vice President, 1971-1972, President, 1972-1974; American Society of Dermatopathology. Author: 23 scientific articles. Deceased, August 22, 2010.

Edgar Benton Smith 1975 Born: June 2,1932, Houston, Texas. Graduated: M.D., Baylor University College of Medicine, 1957; D.C.M.T., University of London 1967 Training: Brooke General Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, TX, Dermatology Resident 1960-1963 Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1964. Practice: Miami, FL, 1967-1968; Houston, TX, 1968-1971; Albuquerque, NM, 1971- 1978; University of Texas 1978. Military Service: U.S. Army Senior Medical Student Program, Baylor College of Medicine 1956-1957; Walter Reed General Hospitals, Washington, DC, Intern 1957-1958; Chief, Dermatology Service, Martin Army Hospital, Ft Benning, GA, 1963-1966. Teaching Appointments: University of Miami School of Medicine, Assistant Professor 1967-1968; Baylor College of Medicine, Assistant Professor 1968-1971; University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Associate Professor 1971-1975, Professor 1975-1978; University of Texas Medical Branch, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman from 1978. Professional Societies: Association of Professors of Dermatology; New Mexico Dermatological Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1972; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Rocky Mountain Dermatological Society; South Central Dermatological Association, Secretary-General from 1974; Southwestern Dermatological Society, Secretary-Treasurer 1974; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1978-1982, Committee on History 1982-1985, Committee on Nominations 1983-1986, Committee on International Affairs 1984, Chairman 1986, President 1989, Ad Hoc Committee on Governance, Chairman 1990-1991; American Dermatological Association: Membership committee 1979-1985; Dermatology Foundation, Board of Trustees 1977-1982; Women’s Dermatological Society, Board of Directors 1985. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Fulbright Scholarship, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 1966- 1967; University of New Mexico, Khatali Award for Outstanding Teach 1976. Author: 181scientific articles and one book Outside Interests: Sherlock Holmes, book collecting. Deceased, May 12, 2005.

Albert Bernard Ackerman 1976 Born: November 22, 1936, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Graduated: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1962. Training: Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, 1962-1963; Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, 1963-1964; Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 1966-1967; Harvard ­Massachusetts General Hospital, 1967-1969. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970; Dermatopathology, 1974.

236 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Practice: Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia until death. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, Allergy and Dermatology Clinic, Andrews Air Force Base, 1964-1966. Teaching Appointments: University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1969-1972, Assistant Professor Department of Pathology, 1971-1972, Departments of Dermatology and Pathology, Associate Professor, 1972-1973; New York University School of Medicine, Departments of Dermatology and Pathology, Associate Professor, 1973-1976, Professor of Dermatology, 1976-1993, Director of Dermatopathology, 1973-1993, Adjunct Professor of Pathology, College of Dentistry 1978-1980, Adjunct Professor of Pathobiology and Oral Pathology from 1980; Jefferson Medical College, Department of Dermatology and Pathology, Professor from 1993,, Director, Institute for Dermatopathology, 1993 Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Co-Director, Advanced Dermatopathology Course, 1975-1980; Dermatopathology Club, President, 1979-1980; International Society of Dermatopathology, Founder and President, 1979-1982; Friends of Chinese Dermatology, Co-Founder and President, 1982; New York Academy of Medicine: History Section, Secretary, 1982-1983, Chairman, 1985-1987, Dermatology Section, Secretary, 1983-1984, President, 1984-1985; New York Dermatological Society, Secretary, 1987- 1988, President, 1988-1989. Awards: American Academy of Dermatology, Gold Award, 1972, 1973, Silver Award, 1972, Bronze Award, 1976, Master Dermatologist Award, 2002; Zola Cooper Dermatopathology Seminar, 1975. Author: 700 publications, 60 books, 25 chapters and the seminal text: Histologic Diagnosis of Inflammatory Skin Diseases. He established the Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology in New York City in 1999 to provide training in the diagnosis of skin diseases. Now it is the largest of its kind in the world. Other Interests: Travel, collecting antique microscopes, and heated and occasionally cool discussions with colleagues. Deceased, December 5, 2008.

Marcus A. Conant 1976 Born: May 11, 1936, Jacksonville, Florida. Graduated: Duke University College of Medicine, 1961. Training: Duke University Medical Center, 1961-1962; School of Aerospace Medicine, 1962; University of California Medical Center, 1964-1967. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, Flight Surgeon, 1962-1964; U.S. Air Force Reserve Officer, Flight Surgeon, 1964-1967. Teaching Appointments: University of California Medical Center. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Assn., 1977 to present; American Academy of Dermatology, 1967 to present: Committee on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 1988 to present, Committee on AIDS, Chairman, 1989 to present, Consultant to Committee on Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Pacific Dermatologic Assn., 1967 to present; International AIDS Society, 1988 to present; American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1984 to present. Author: 68 Publications.

Herbert Goldschmidt 1976 Born: March 17, 1923 in Germany. Graduated: University of Mainz, Germany, 1951. Training: Philadelphia General Hospital and University of Pennsylvania, 1953-1956; University of Munich, 1956-1959

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 237 Certified: German Board of Dermatology, 1959; American Board of Dermatology 1965. Practice: Private. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Clinical Professor of Dermatology,1959-1993. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Assn.; Philadelphia Dermatological Society, President, 1974; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, President, 1981; German Dermatological Society. Awards: Ritter von Zumbusch Medal, University of Munich, 1977; German Dermatological Society, Honorary Member, 1981; Society of Dermatologic Radiotherapy, Honorary Member, 1989 Author: Over 100 scientific papers and 5 textbooks. Outside Interests: Photography, traveling. Deceased, 2018.

Ken Hashimoto 1976 Born: June 19, 1931. Graduated: Niigata University School of Medicine 1955. Training: University of Maryland, 1956-1958; Massachusetts General Hospital, 1958- 1959. Certified: American Board of Dermatology. Practice: University Health Center, Detroit; Harper Hospital, Detroit. Teaching Appointments: University of Tennessee; Tufts University; Chair of Dermatology at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, before coming to Detroit in 1980 where his final appointment was as Professor and Chairman in the Department of Dermatology at Wayne State University. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Medical Association; Sigma Xi; AAAS; ASDP. Awards: Fulbright Scholarship, 1956-59; Medical Investigatorship Veterans Administration, 1969-78. Author: 300 articles in reference journals, 5 books, 36 chapters. Outside Interests: Gardening, photography, fishing, farming and planting fruit trees. He also loved raising birds and had pet ducks, pheasants and peafowl. Deceased, November 9, 2017.

Laurence H. Miller 1976 Born: October 7, 1934. Graduated: University of Lausanne Faculty of Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1956- 1961. Training: New York University, Resident in Dermatology, 1963-1966. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1967. Practice: Private from 1973. Military Service: Federal Civil Service, Medical Officer, 1968-1982. Teaching Appointments: George Washington University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology, Vice-President,1982-1983; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology, 1967; Society for Investigative Dermatology, 1967; American Dermatological

238 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Association, 1977; Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association, Chairman of Medical Advisory Board, 1983; Foundation for Ichthyosis and related Skin Types, Medical Advisory Board, 1980; National Psoriasis Foundation, Medical Advisory Board, 1968 to present. Deceased, July 6, 2018.

Robert B. Pittelkow 1976 Born: February 19, 1923, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His son is also a member. Education: Undergraduate: Marquette University, 1943; Medical School: Marquette University Medical School, 1952. Training: Mayo Clinic, 1953-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1958. Practice: Private from 1956. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Engineering Officer, 1943-1946, combat veteran. Teaching Appointments: Medical College of Wisconsin, Dermatology, Assistant Clinical Professor from 1964, Preventive Medicine, Assistant Clinical Professor from 1981. Professional Societies: Wisconsin Dermatological Society, President 1972-1973; Chicago Dermatological Society; Minnesota Dermatological Society; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1962-1968, President 1964-1965, Board of Directors 1966-1968 Chairman of Foundation Committee 1967-1970; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Assn.; Dermatology Foundation, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Executive Committee; Wisconsin State Medical Society: Alternate Delegate 1960-1971, Delegate, 1971-1978; Medical Society of Milwaukee, President 1969-1970, Board of Directors; Blue Shield, President 1969-1970, Board of Directors; Lupus Erythematosus Society of Wisconsin, Chairman Medical Advisory Board from 1975; Medical Directors Society of Milwaukee Industry, Board of Directors 1970-1974; Mayo Clinic, Board of Directors 1977-1982; Alumni Association; Medical Director, Master Lock Company. Author: 16 publications including the History of the American Dermatological Association 1994. Other Interests: Photography, oriental rugs, and porcelains, stamps and coins, greatest joys-visiting with grandchildren and travel. Deceased, March 26, 2016.

John J. Voorhees 1976 Born: Findlay, Ohio, December 5, 1938. Current Position: Duncan and Ella Poth Distinguished Professor at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor. Education: Undergraduate: Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio (B.S. Chemistry), 9/1956-9/1959; Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Doctor of Medicine summa cum laude) 1963. Training in Dermatology: Resident, Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical School 1/1967 -7/1969. Other Training: University of Michigan: Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine, Post-doctoral fellowship as the American Dermatological Association Carl Herzog Fellow in Biochemistry. Academic Appointments: University of Michigan: Instructor 1969-1970, Assistant Professor 1970-1972, Associate Professor 1972-1974, Professor 1974, Chairman of the Department of Dermatology 1975-2018, currently Duncan & Ella Poth Distinguished Professor, 12/1994 -present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: member, 1968, President, 1996-1997; American Federation for Medical Research: member, 1969; European Society for Dermatological Research: member,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 239 1972; American Society for Cell Biology: member, 1972; Central Society for Clinical Research: member, 1974; American Society for Investigative Pathology (FASEB): member, 1974; American Society for Clinical Investigation: member, 1974; American Society for Experimental Pharmacology & Therapeutics (FASEB): member, 1975; American Association for Cancer Research: member, 1977; Endocrine Society (FASEB): member, 1977; American Society for Photobiology: member, 1977; Skin Pharmacology Society: member, 1983; Dermatology Foundation: member, 1983, Chairman of the Board, 1983-1987; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: member, 1991: Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology: member, 1991; American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FASEB): member, 1995; Photomedicine Society: member, 1996; Molecular Medicine Society: member, 1996; Tricontinental Presidents Club: member 1997; Association of American Physicians: member 1993; American Medical Association: member, 1969; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, 1970, Board of Directors, 1981-1984; Michigan Dermatological Society: member 1970, President, 1983-1984; Association of Professors of Dermatology: member, 1975, President, 1991-1992; American Dermatological Association: inducted 1976, President, 2008-2009; American College of Physicians: Fellow, 1977; Pacific Dermatologic Association: Honorary Member, 1983; Medical Dermatology Society: member, 2005; Dermatology Foundation President, 1987-1988; Canadian Dermatological Association, 1982; Finnish Dermatological Society: Corresponding Member, 1986; German Dermatological Society: Honorary Member, 1987; French Society of Dermatology and Syphilology: Corresponding Member, 1988; Danish Society of Dermatology: Honorary Member, 1988; British Association of Dermatologists: Honorary Member, 1988; Hong Kong Dermatological Association: Honorary Member, 1989; Swedish Dermatological Society: Corresponding Member, 1990; Polish Association of Dermatologists: Honorary Member, 1990; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: member, 1991; La Sociedad Chilena de Dermatologia y Venerologia: member, 1992; Japanese Dermatological Association: Honorary Member, 1996; Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology: Honorary Member, 1996; Netherlands Society of Dermatology and Venereology: Honorary Member, 2000; Philippine Dermatological Society: Honorary Member, 2001; Dowling Club: Member, 2007. Awards and Honors: AOA, the Henry Russell Research Award of the University of Michigan, and the Distinguished Achievement Award of the University of Michigan Medical Center Alumni Society. He is the only individual to receive the Taub International Memorial Award for Research in Psoriasis twice (1973 and 1986). He was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation in 1974, the Association of American Physicians in 1993, Fellowship in Royal College of Physicians of London in 2000, fellowship in Royal Society of Medicine in 2002, Honorary Member of European Dermatology Forum in 2011, Honorary Member of Society for Investigative Dermatology, and Honorary Member of the European Society for Dermatologic Research. In 2005, he received the Stephen Rothman Memorial Award of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, the highest award of this society. Dr. Voorhees delivered the Rudi Cormane Memorial Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research. He received the David Martin Carter Mentor Award of the American Skin Association, and was given the American Academy of Dermatology Eugene Van Scott Award for Innovative Therapy of the Skin and provided the Phillip Frost Leadership Plenary Lecture for the American Academy of Dermatology in 2009. Dr. Voorhees was honored with the Master Dermatologist Award of the American Academy of Dermatology at its 68th Annual Meeting in 2010 and was bestowed Honorary Member at its 76th Annual Meeting in 2018. He is listed among Bowling Green State University’s 100 Most Prominent Alumni of 201,977 graduates (Top .05%) between the years of 1910-2019.

Sheldon A. Walker 1976 Born: June 26, 1915, Des Moines, Iowa. Graduated: State University of Iowa, College of Medicine, 1942. Training: Harper Hospital, Michigan,1942-1943; University of Chicago Clinics, 1947-1950. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1954. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Major, 1953-1955. Teaching Appointments: University of Chicago School of Medicine, Instructor, 1950-1951; University of Oregon, Associate Clinical Professor, Clinical Professor, 1955-1973; University of California at San Diego, Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor from 1973.

240 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Pacific Dermatological Assn: Vice President, 1970, President, 1979; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society, President, 1969; Oregon Dermatological Society President, 1967; San Diego Dermatological Society President, 1981; American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Golf, silversmithing, organ playing, computers, gardening. Deceased, May 13, 2007.

Stephan Webster 1976 Born: December 3, 1935 Graduated: Northwestern University Medical School, 1956-60. Training: Walter Reed General Hospital, Dermatology, 1962-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1966. Practice: Henry Ford Hospital, 1969-1971, Gundersen Clinic, LaCrosse, WI from 1971. Military Service: U.S. Army, 1962-1969. Teaching Appointments: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, Associate Clinical Professor; University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Associate Clinical Professor Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Committee on Technical and Scientific Exhibits, 1975-1979, Chairman, Board of Directors, 1980-1984, Secretary­ Treasurer, 1985-1988, President, 1991, Delegate to the AMA for American Academy of Dermatology, 1992; LaCrosse Co. Medical Society; State Medical Society of Wisconsin; American Medical Assn.; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society for Contact Dermatitis; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 1992-2000, Associate Executive Director, 2001-2008, Assistant Executive Director 2009-2010. Author: 36 articles, 4 Chapters. Other Interests: Bagpipe band, gardening, model railroad and fishing.

Dorothy Windhorst 1976 Born: March 25, 1928, Oklahoma. Graduated: University of Chicago, 1954. Training: Presbyterian Hospital; University of Chicago, 1955-1959. Certified: 1960 Teaching Appointments: Washington University, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Assistant Professor; University of Minnesota, Department of Dermatology, Assistant Professor; University of Chicago, Department of Dermatology, Associate Professor; Columbia University, College of Physician and Surgeons, Clinical Professor. Outside Interests: Grandchildren, math and science education. Deceased February 27, 2017.

Carlton L. Carpenter, Jr. 1977 Born: August 11, 1930, Starkville, Mississippi. Graduated: Tulane University School of Medicine, 1955. Training: Philadelphia General Hospital, 1955-1956; Tulane University Charity Hospital, 1958-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1963. Practice: Private from 1962. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, Flight Surgeon, 1956-1958.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 241 Teaching Appointments: Tulane University School of Medicine: Clinical Instructor, 1962-1967, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1967-1971, Clinical Associate Professor, 1971- 1979; Louisiana State University School of Medicine: Clinical Instructor, 1968, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1969-1972, Clinical Associate Professor, 1972-1979, Clinical Professor from 1979. Professional Societies: East Baton Rouge Medical Society: President, 1974-1975, Secretary, 1971-1973; Southern Medical Assn.: Secretary, 1973-1976, Chairman, 1976- 1977; Louisiana State Medical Society: Executive Committee, 1975, Delegate, 1970- 1976; Louisiana Dermatological Society: President, 1975-1976, Secretary-Treasurer, 1965-1966; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1984-1988, Executive Committee, 1986-1988; American College of Physicians; American Medical Association; American Dermatological Association. Author: Numerous scientific publications. Deceased, September 4, 2012.

David L. Cram 1977 Born: November 28, 1934, Hendrick, Iowa. Graduated: University of Wisconsin Medical School, 1959; Mayo Graduate School, 1966. Training: Letterman General Hospital, 1959-1960; Mayo Clinic Dermatology, 1963-1966. Certified: Board Certified in Dermatology, 1967; Board Certified in Laser Medicine & Surgery, 1986. Practice: Retired 1991. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, 1958-1970. Teaching Appointments: University of California School of Medicine: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Chief of Dermatology Clinic, Director Psoriasis Day Care Center, Vice Chair for Department of Dermatology, Associate Clinical Professor, Clinical Professor, Clinical Professor Emeritus, 1971-1991. Author: 70 articles, many on psoriasis. Deceased, January 1, 2009.

Charles L. Heaton 1977 Born: May 8, 1935, Bryan, Texas. Graduated: Baylor University College of Medicine, 1961. Training: Baylor University College of Medicine, 1962-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1969. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, 1965-1967. Teaching Appointments: Temple University School of Medicine, Instructor, 1965-1966; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine: Instructor, 1966-1967, Associate, 1967- 1970, Assistant Professor, 1970-1973, Associate Professor, 1973-1978; University of Cincinnati College of Medicine: Associate Professor, 1978-1985, Professor, 1985, Department of Dermatology, Acting Director, 1981-1983; Sexually Transmitted Disease Training Center, Medical Liaison from 1980. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Curriculum Dev. Committee, 1986-1989, Finance Committee of the Board of Directors, 1980-1982, Council on Administrative Affairs, 1976-1977, By-Laws Committee, Chairman, 1976-1979, Education Evaluation Committee, 1972-1973, Chairman, 1974-1978; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American College of Physicians; American Venereal Disease Assn.; Cincinnati Dermatologic Assn, President, 1991-1992; Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati; College of

242 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Physicians of Philadelphia, Ohio State Medical Assn, Ohio Dermatological Assn, President, 1985-1986; Ohio Dermatology Foundation, President, 1989-1992. Awards: Ohio Dermatologist of the Year 2000; Ohio Dermatological Association, Distinguished Service Award, 2010. Author: Co-Author of 37 articles, 13 chapters. Deceased June 29, 2020.

Albert M. Kligman 1977 Born: March 17, 1916 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Education: Pennsylvania State University BA, 1939; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania M.D., 1947. Other: University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., Botany, 1942, Practice: University of Pennsylvania. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology from 1957, Aging Skin Clinic from 1978. Professional Societies: American Medical Assn.; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1957-1962, Vice-President, 1963, President, 1977-1978; American Society for Cosmetic Chemists; American Dermatological Assn.; Assn. for the Advancement of Science; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Gerontological Society; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; Philadelphia Dermatological Society, President, 1975-1976. Awards: Society for Investigative Dermatology, 1976 Stephen Rothman Memorial Award, 1976. Over the years, he was awarded numerous honorary degrees, notably a doctor honoris causa from the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, and from the Heinrich-Heine-University in Dusseldorf, Germany. Author: Over 500 scientific publications Outside Interests: Airplane pilot and tennis. Deceased, February 9, 2010.

Edward Alexander Krull 1977 Born: October 25, 1929. Graduated: Yale University Medical School 1955. Training: Henry Ford Hospital 1960-1963. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1965; Dermatopathology, 1984. Practice: Henry Ford Hospital. Military Service: Medical Officer, ARMISH­ MMG, Teheran, Iran, 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: Henry Ford Hospital, Staff Physician, 1965-1976, Chairman, from 1976. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1982-1986, Vice President, 1987; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: President, 1982; Assn. of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons, President, 1988; Assn. of Professors of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1988-1990; American Dermatological Assn.: member from 1977, Chairman of Membership Committee, 1992; Michigan Dermatological Society, President, 1976-1977; Residency Review Committee of Dermatology from1987; American Board of Dermatology, 1985-1994. Awards: Leon Goldman Achievement Award of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 1988; Eric Sterling Lectureship Award, National Medical Assn., 1988. Outside Interests: Fly fishing and golf. Deceased, April 22, 2008.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 243 Beno Michel 1977 Born: October 26, 1933. Graduated: University of Geneva Medical School, 1962. Training: Vancouver General Hospital, 1963-1965; Mayo Clinic, 1965-1968. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1968; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Case Western Reserve University, Department of Dermatology Clinical Professor. Teaching Appointments: Case Western Reserve University, Division of Dermatology: Acting Director, 1970-1973, Director, 1973-1977, Assistant Professor, 1968-1974, Associate Professor, 1974-1976, Associate Clinical Professor, 1976-1984, Clinical Professor from 1984; Department of Pathology, Assistant Clinical Professor from 1980; Cutaneous Pathology and Immunofluorescence Laboratory, Director from 1976. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology: President, 1991-1992, President Elect, 1990-1991, Program Committee, 1985-1988, Chairman, 1988-1989; American Academy of Dermatology: Committee of Pathology, 1975-1980, Committee for International Dermatology Education, 1980, Committee for Judicial Panel, 1989-1992; Ohio Dermatological Association: President, 1984-1985, State Legislative Committee, 1988; Cleveland Dermatological Society: President, 1975-1977, Board of Directors, 1973-1975, State Legislative Committee, Chairman, 1987; Cleveland Academy of Medicine: President Elect, 1993-1994, Vice President, 1992-1993, Board of Directors, 1991-1994, State and Federal Legislative Com, Chairman, 1987; Ohio State Medical Association; State Legislative Committee, 1988, Section of Dermatology, Vice­ Chairman, 1983-1984, Scientific Program, Chairman, 1980-1982; Society for Investigative Dermatology, 1968; American Association of Professors of Dermatology: Committee for Graduate Medical Education, 1975-1976, Nominating Committee, 1975-1976; Dermatology Foundation; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Pacific Dermatological Society; Polish Dermatological Society; Royal College of Canada; American Dermatological Association.

Richard Odom 1977 Born: October 4, 1937, Ahoskie North Carolina. Graduated: Wake Forest University, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 1963. Training: University of Florida, 1963-1964. Practice: University of California at San Francisco, Department of Dermatology Military Service: Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Medical Officer, 1966-1969 Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: President, 1987, Chairman Section on Health Policy, Practice and Research. Outside Interests: Golf, sports and art appreciation.

Lawrence M. Solomon 1977 Born: June 1, 1931 Graduated: University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1959. Training: Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, 1959-1960; Queen Mary Veterans Hospital, Montreal, 1960-1961; University of Pennsylvania, 1961-1964. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1965; Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada, 1965; licentiate, Medical Council of Canada, 1960. Practice: University of Illinois, College of Medicine at Chicago, Professor and Chair. Teaching Appointments: University of Illinois: Assistant Professor, 1966-1969, Associate Professor, 1969-1974, Acting Medical Director, 1969, Associate Dean 1972-1974; University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chairman of Dermatology Department, 1974-1995.

244 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association.; Society for Pediatric Dermatology; International Society of Pediatric Dermatology President, 1979-1983, Secretary General, 1975-1979; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Dermatogenetics; Assn. of Professors of Dermatology; Chicago Dermatological Society, President, 1977; Dermatology Foundation; National Program for Dermatology; American Society of Dermatological Genetics, President, 1975-1976; Advisory Committee of Dermatology to Federal Drug Administration, Chairman, 1976-1978. Awards: Gold Award Most Original Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Dermatology, 1964; First Prize for Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Allergy 1965; Golden Apple Award, University of Illinois, 1975; Faculty Member of the Year Award, University of Illinois, 1977, Distinguished Faculty Award, University of Illinois, 1989. Author: Over 90 scientific articles, numerous chapters and 8 books. Outside Interests: Collecting rare detective fiction books. Deceased October 8, 2014.

Dennis A. Weigand 1977 Born: March 17, 1939. Graduated: University of Oklahoma, College of Medicine, 1963. Training: St. Francis Hospital, 1963-1964; University of Oklahoma, 1964-1967 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1968; Dermatopathology, 1974; Dermatologic Immunology/Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985. Practice: University of Oklahoma, Professor of Dermatology. Military Service: U.S. Army, Medical Research Laboratory, 1968-1970. Teaching Appointments: University of Oklahoma, Professor of Dermatology, Adjunct Associate Professor of Pathology; VAMC, Chief of Dermatology Service Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology. Outside Interests: Choral music, art, the study of wildlife.

Kirk D. Wuepper 1977 Born: March 18, 1938, Bay City, Michigan. Graduated: University of Michigan School of Medicine, 1963. Training: Philadelphia General Hospital, 1963-1964; University of California School of Medicine, 1966-1968; Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation, Research Fellow, 1968- 1970 and Associate, 1970-1972. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970; Special Certification in Dermatopathy, 1975; Special Certification in Dermatology Immunology. Practice: Scripps Clinic & Research Fdn, 1970-1972; Oregon Health Sciences University, Dept of Dermatology, 1972-1991; Private Practice from 1991. Teaching Appointments: University of Oregon School of Medicine, Associate Professor,1972-1975: Oregon Health Sciences University, Professor 1975-1991. Professional Societies: Assn. of American Physicians; American Society of Clinical Investigation; American Federation for Clinical Research; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Secretary-Treasurer, President; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatologic Assn.; Oregon Dermatological Society, President, 1991-1992. Awards: Marion B. Sulzberger Award, 1991, American Academy of Dermatology. Author: Over 70 scientific publications. Outside Interests: Fly fishing and fly tying, semi· precious gemstone cutting, golf. Deceased, December 1, 1994.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 245 Samuel Franklin Bean 1978 Born: February 25, 1937, Waco, Texas. Graduated: University of Texas Medical Branch, 1962. Training: Madigan General Hospital, 1962-1963; University of Minnesota, Fellowship, 1965-1968. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1969; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Private Military Service: U.S. Army, Captain, 1963-1965. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota: Clinical instructor, 1968-1969, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1969-1970; Baylor College of Medicine: Clinical Assistant Professor, 1970-1971, Assistant Professor, 1972- 1978; University of Texas Medical School at Houston: Clinical Assistant Professor, 1972-1979, Clinical Associate Professor, 1979-1984, Clinical Professor from 1985; Baylor College of Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor from 1978. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Assn.; American Medical Assn.; American Society of Dermatopathology; Dermatology Foundation; Harris County Medical Assn.; Houston Dermatological Society, President, 1979; Texas Dermatological Society; Texas Medical Assn.; Texas Lupus Erythematosus Society, President, 1976-1979; Polish Dermatological Society; Pacific Dermatologic Assn. Author: 81 scientific publications with special interest in immunofluorescence. Coeditor of Immunopathology of the Skin, Editions 1 and 2. Outside Interests: Tennis, fishing, swimming and music.

Paul H. Jacobs 1978 Born: June 27, 1923, Aurora, Illinois. Graduated: Loyola University, Stritch School of Medicine, 1953. Training: Letterman Army Hospital 1954; Walter Reed Army Hospital, 1955-1958. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1959. Teaching Positions: Georgetown University Medical School, Assistant Professor, 1962- 1964; Stanford University School of Medicine: Associate Professor, 1970-1974, Professor of Clinical Dermatology, 1974-1988, Professor Emeritus, 1988; California College of Podiatric Medicine, Professor of Clinical Dermatology, 1975-1980. Author: 68 publications with special interest in mycology and fungal diseases. Outside Interests: Swimming, gardening, travel, and lecturing. Deceased, July 1, 2000.

Robert E. Jordon 1978 Born: May 7, 1938, Buffalo, New York. Graduated: State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine, 1965. Training: Buffalo General Hospital, 1965-1966; Mayo Clinic, 1966-1969; N.I.AM.D. Grant, 1968-1969. Practice: University of Texas Medical School at Houston. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Great Lakes Naval Hospital, 1969-1971. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Instructor, 1971-1973, Research Fellowship, 1972-1973; Mayo School of Medicine, Assistant Professor, 1971-1976,

246 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Consultant, 1973-1977, Assistant Professor of Immunology, 1974-1977, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1976-1977; Medical College of Wisconsin, Professor of Medicine, 1977-1982; University of Texas Medical School at Houston: Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology1983-2001, Department of lnternal Medicine, Professor 1989-2001. Awards: Dermatology Foundation 2000 Discovery Award. Other Interests: Fishing, hunting and singing.

Martin Charles Mihm 1978 Born: 3/15/1934, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, part-time, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; Director, Melanoma Program, Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA; Associate Director, Melanoma Program, Dana Farber Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, Boston, MA; Director, Mihm Cutaneous Pathology Consultative Service. Education: Undergraduate: Summa cum laude, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, A.B., 1955; University of Pittsburgh, School of Law, Pittsburgh, PA, 1956; Duquesne University, Premedical Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA, 8/1956-5/1957; Medical School: University of Pittsburgh Medical School, Pittsburgh, PA, 9/1957-6/1961. Training in Dermatology: Clinical and Research Fellow in Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 7/1964-6/1967; Research Fellow in Dermatology, Harvard. Other Training: Medical Intern in Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY, 7/1961-6/1962; Assistant Resident in Medicine, Montefiore Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, 7/1962-6/1963, Assistant Resident in Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York 7/1963-6/1964; Clinical Fellow in Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 7/1969-6/1972, Junior Clinical Faculty Fellow in American Cancer Society, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 7/1971-6/1973. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA: Assistant Professor of Pathology, 07/1972- 06/1975, Associate Professor of Pathology, 07/1975-04/1980; Professor of Pathology, 05/1980-11/1993; Visiting Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA, 12/1993-11/1995; Clinical Professor of Pathology 12/1995-09/2004; Clinical Professor of Pathology (Dermatology), 10/2004-06/2012; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 07/2012-06/2014; Professor of Dermatology, part-time, 7/2014 to present; Adjunct Professor of Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN 1989-present; Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 1993- 1996, Clinical Professor of Pathology, 1996-01/2013; Professor of Pathology, Jefferson Medical School, Philadelphia, PA,2000-07/2006; Professor Department of Otalaryngology, Children’s Hospital, School of Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, 2002-2003; Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine, Rio Piedras, PR, 11/2006-11/2011; Honorary Clinical Professor of Pathology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, 01/2013-present.. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer; American Association for Cancer Research; American College of Physicians; American Medical Association; American Society for Clinical Pathology; American Society of Dermatopathology; International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies; International Society of Dermatology; International Society of Dermatopathology; Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology; Massachusetts Medical Society; Massachusetts Society of Pathologists; Melanoma Research Alliance; New England Society of Pathologists; United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology; World Health Organization. Author: Over 500 reports, many chapters, 5 books, 93 abstracts.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 247 Thomas T. Provost 1978 Born: March 21, 1938, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Graduated: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 1962. Training: Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital 1962-1963; Dartmouth Affiliated Hospitals, Hanover, NH, 1963-1964; U.S. Public Health Service 1964-1966; Dartmouth Affiliated Hospital 1966-1967; University of Oregon School of Medicine 1967-1969; State University of New York at Buffalo 1969-1972. Certified: American Board of Dermatoimmunology 1985. Practice: Johns Hopkins University. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Coast Guard Air Station 1964-1966. Teaching Appointments: State University of New York at Buffalo: Research Instructor in Medicine 1969-1970, Research Associate Professor of Dermatology 1970-1975, Associate Professor 1975-1978; Johns Hopkins University, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1978-1982, Professor from 1983. Professional Societies: Society of Investigative Dermatology, Board of Directors 1979-1983; American Board of Dermatology: Special Competency in Dermatological Immunology and Diagnostic and Laboratory, Board Examiner, 1985; Maryland Dermatological Society, President 1987-1988; Association of Professors of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1988; American Association for Clinical Immunology and Allergy; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Association for Immunologists. Author: 127 scientific publications, 87 abstracts, 121 chapters. Deceased, April 18, 2012.

Ralph D. Wilkinson 1978 Born: April 23, 1931, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Graduated: Queen’s University, Kingston, 1956. Training: Montreal General Hospital, 1956-1958; Cleveland Clinic, 1958-1961; Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, 1961-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1962. Practice: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Teaching Appointments: McGill University: Assistant Professor of Medicine, 1965-1968, Associate Professor, 1968-1976, Professor, 1976-1990, Professor of Oncology, 1981-1990, Programme Director, Division of Dermatology, 1982-1990. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Association of Professors of Dermatology; Canadian Dermatology Association, President, 1987; Canadian Association of Professors of Dermatology; Canadian Dermatological Research Society, Chairman, 1972-1974; Montreal Derm. Society, President, 1978-1979; Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society: Vice-President, 1983- 1984, President, 1985; Society of Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Ben Kropp Histology Prize, 1953; Practitioner of the Year, Canadian Dermatology Association, 2009. Author: Over 60 scientific publications.

Isaac Willis 1978 Born: July 13, 1940, Albany, Georgia. Graduated: Howard University College of Medicine, 1965. Training: Philadelphia General Hospital, 1965-1966; Howard University, Division of Dermatology, 1966-1967; University of Pennsylvania, 1967-1969.

248 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970. Military Service: U.S. Army, Letterman Army Institute of Research, 1970.1972; U.S. Army Hospital, Atlanta from 1982. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Associate of Dermatology, 1969-1970; University of California School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Research Associate and Clinical Instructor, 1970-1972; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor, 1972-1973; Emory University School of Medicine:: Assistant Professor of Medicine, 1973-1975, Associate Professor, 1975- 1982; Morehouse School of Medicine, Department of Medicine: Professor from 1982, Division of Dermatology Chief from 1991. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society for Photobiology; American Academy of Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; Philadelphia Dermatological Society; American Medical Association; American Federation for Clinical Research; Southern Medical Association; Atlanta Dermatological Association; Georgia Medical Association; Medical Association of Atlanta; Skin Cancer Foundation. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Carter L Marshall Award in Medicine, Howard University, 1963-1964 and 1964- 1965; Avalon Foundation Award; Dome Award, 1967; Dermatology Foundation Award for Research, 1970; Morehouse College Alumni Achievement Award, 1983; Frontier’s International Medical Award, 1983; Omicron Delta Kappa. Author: 108 publications. Deceased, 2007.

Ervin H. Epstein, Jr. 1979 Born: March 6, 1941. Graduated: University of California-San Francisco, 1966. Training: Washington University, Barnes Hospital, 1966-1967; Harvard University, 1967-1968; National Institutes of Health, Research Fellow, 1968-1971; NYU, Residency, 1971-1972 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1972. Practice: Private. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Svc., Lt. Commander 1968-1970. Teaching Appointments: University of California, San, Francisco, Assistant Associate Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Assn.; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society of Clinical Investigation; Assn. of American Physicians, San Francisco Dermatological Society; Pacific Dermatology Assn.; Treasurer of American Dermatological Association, 1992-1997; Society for Investigative Dermatology: President. Author: Over 130 publications, numerous book chapters and reviews, co-editor: Skin Surgery.

Henry Earl Jones 1979 Born: Detroit, Michigan. Graduated: Tulane University School of Medicine, 1965. Training: Tripler General Hospital, 1965-1966; Letterman General Hospital and University of California, 1966-1969. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970. Practice: Private Practice. Military Service: U.S. Army Corps, Lt. Colonel, 1965-1973.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 249 Teaching Appointments: Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor from 1984; University of South Alabama, Department of Derm., Clinical Professor from 1991. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; International Society for Human and Animal Mycology; Alabama Dermatological Association. Awards: Avalon & Hawthorne Scholarships; Alpha Omega Alpha, 1964; John Herr Musser Memorial Award, 1965; Distinguished Alumnus, Murray State University, 1990. Outside Interests: Sailing, wine collecting and enjoying, antique automobiles and genealogy.

William P. Jordan, Jr. 1979 Born: October 23, 1938, Windsor, North Carolina. Graduated: Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 1964. Training: Walter Reed General Hospital, 1964-1969. Certified: American Board of Dermatology. Practice: Private Military Service: U.S. Army, 1964-1971. Teaching Appointments: Georgetown University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Instructor, 1970-1971; Medical College of Virginia: Department of Dermatology, Assistant Professor, 1971-1974, Associate Professor, 1974-1981. Professor of Medicine, 1983-1989, Professor of Dermatology, 1981-1989. Professional Societies: Medical Society of Virginia; American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology: Committee on Therapeutics and Cosmetics 1976-1978, Committee on Biomedical Communications, 1983-1991, Task Force Leader on Electronic Communications, 1986-1991, Board of Directors, 1985-1989; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Association of Military Dermatologists, 1967·1971; North American Contact Dermatitis Group, Secretary-Treasurer, 1975-1980; Virginia Dermatology Society, President, 1988-1989; Richmond Dermatology Society; Pacific Dermatological Association; Society of Cosmetic Chemists; American Society of Dermatologic Allergy and Immunology, Board of Directors, 1983. Awards: Ray Noojin Memorial Lecture, Alabama Consortium, 1984; Guest Lecturer, Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, 1976. Deceased, January 5, 2012.

Gerald S. Lazarus 1979 Born: February 16, 1939. Education: Undergraduate: Colby College, 1959; Medical School George Washington University, 1963. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1968- 1970. Other Training: University of Michigan Medical Center, Straight Medical Internship, 1963- 1965; Strangeways Laboratgories Cambridge University Fellowship Practice: University of California, Davis Medical Center, Department of Dermatology. Military Service: National Institutes of Neurological Disease and Blindness. Teaching Appointments: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Associate Professor of Medicine, Co-Director of Dermatology Training Program, 1972-1975; Duke University Medical Center, Division of Dermatology:

250 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professor, Chairman, 1975-1982, J. Lamar Callaway Professor, 1977-1982; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Milton B. Hartzell Professor and Chairman, 1982-1993; University of California at Davis, School of Medicine, Departments of Dermatology and Biological Chemistry, Professor and Dean, 1993-1997; Johns Hopkins University: Professor of dermatology and medicine from 2001 Professional Societies: American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Society of Biological Chemists; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Clinical Investigation; Philadelphia Dermatological Society. Awards: Society for Investigative Dermatology Montagna Award 1984; American Academy of Dermatology, Marion B. Sulzberger Memorial Award Lecture, Professor of the Year 1986; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation; American Skin Association David Carter Mentor Award 2014 Distinguished Teaching Award 1990, Outstanding Teacher Award, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1994. Author: 202 publications.

Jack E. McCleary 1979 Born: June 28, 1927. Graduated: Stanford University School of Medicine, 1951. Training: Stanford University Hospitals, 1950 1951; Stanford School of Medicine, 1951- 1952; Mayo Clinic, 1954-1957. Practice: Private. Professional Societies: Los Angeles County Medical Assn.: President, 1986-1987, Board of Trustees, Chair 1992-1993, Board of Trustees from 1979; Congress of California Dermatological Societies, President, 1972-1978; Pacific Dermatological Assn, President, 1977-1978, Secretary-Treasurer, 1974-1977; Los Angeles Dermatological Society, President, 1972-1973; Metropolitan Dermatology Society of Los Angeles, President 1975-1976; American Academy of Dermatology: By-Laws Committee Chair 1979-1984; American Medical Assn., Alternate Delegate, 1972-1979 and 1993; California Medical Assn.: House of Delegates and Speaker, 1990-1994, Executive Committee, 1989-1994; Southern California Physicians Insurance Exchange, Board of Trustees, 1981-1994; California Blue Shield, Board of Trustees, 1993 to 1994; American Dermatological Assn. Deceased September 22, 2018.

Larry E. Millikan 1979 Born: May 12, 1936, Sterling, Illinois. Graduated: University of Missouri School of Medicine, 1962. Training: Great Lakes Naval Hospital, 1962-1963; University Hospital, 1967-1970. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1970; Immuno-Dermatology, 1985 Practice: Tulane University School of Medicine from 1981. Military Service: McGuire AFB, Flight Surgeon and Head Medical Dept. 1966-1967, Senior Flight Surgeon 1964-1967, School of Aviation Medicine 1964. Teaching Appointments: University of Missouri, Assistant Professor, 1970-1976, Associate Professor, 1976-1981; Tulane University, Professor and Chairman from 1981. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1985-1989; American Dermatologic Society of Allergy and Immunology, Board of Directors, 1976; Society for Investigative Dermatology from 1970; Southern Medical Assn.: Vice-Chairman, 1993, Chairman, 1994; South­Central Dermatological Congress: Secretary­ Treasurer, Secretary General, 1983-1987, President, 1987-1990; Missouri

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 251 Dermatological Society: 1970-1981, President, 1979-1980; Missouri Allergy Society, President,, 1978-1979; American College of Physicians, Fellow, 1976; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Louisiana Dermatological Society; Dermatology Foundation, Leaders Society, State Chairman from 1993.

Alan R. Shalita 1979 Born: March 22, 1936, Brooklyn, New York Graduated: Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 1964. Training: Beth Israel Hospital, 1964-1965; NYU Medical Center, 1967-1970; NYU, NIH Training Grant Fellow, 1968-1970; NYU, NTH Special Fellowship, 1970-1973. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1971. Military Service: U.S. Naval Reserve, Active Duty, Medical Corps, 1965-1967. Teaching Appointments: NYU Medical Center, Assistant Professor, 1970-1973; Columbia University, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Assistant Professor, 1973-1975; Downstate Medical Center, 1975-1979; Division of Dermatology, Professor of Medicine, 1979-1981; SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, Professor & Chairman from 1981. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; ASDS; ISDS; Dermatology Foundation; AFCR; Society for Pediatric Dermatology; International Society for Pediatric Dermatology; International Society of Dermatology; NY Dermatology; Greater New York Dermatology; Manhattan-Metropolitan Dermatology; European Academy of Dermatology; British Dermatology; French Dermatology, Spanish Dermatology; Venezuelan Dermatology; Chilean Dermatology. Awards: Honorary Doctor of Science, Long Island University 1990. Outside Interests: Golf, European history, mystery novels. Deceased, February 2, 2014.

Wilma Fowler Bergfeld 1980 Born: May 6, 1938, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Graduated: College of William and Mary, 1960; Temple University, School of Medicine, 1964. Training: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1964-1968; Earle Osborne Dermatopathology Fellow, 1970-1972. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1969. Practice: Cleveland Clinic Foundation Teaching Appointments: Case Western University, Associate Clinical Professor; Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation, Professor. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians, Fellow; Society of Investigative Dermatology; American Federation of Clinical Research; American Society of Clinical Pathology; American Society of Dermatological Surgery; Cleveland Pathology Association; International Society of Dermatological Surgery; International Academy of Pathology; International Society; International Society of Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation, Leaders Society; Cleveland Clinic Foundation: Board of Governors, 1992-1997, Staff, Department of Dermatology from 1969 to current Senior Dermatologist, Emeritus Director of Dermatopathology and Director Dermatopathology fellowship; Cleveland Clinic’s Board of Trustees, 1987-1989 and Government Committee, 1986-1991. Cleveland Clinic’s Staff Society, President, 1990. Awards and Honors: American Academy of Dermatology: Master Dermatologist Award; WDS: The Wilma Bergfeld Visionary and Leadership Award, first awardee and Rose Hirschler Award; IDS: Maria Duran Leadership Award, 2020; ODA: Distinguished Service Award; ASDP Founders Award and Walter Nickel

252 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Teacher Award 2007; CAM; John Budd Distinguished Member Award; and Honorary member: CDS. ODA, WDS, AAD, Italian National Society of Dermatology and Canadian Dermatology Society Other Interests: Family, sailing, skiing and gardening.

Marshall L. Blankenship 1980 Born: December 10, 1933, Ramsey, Illinois. Graduated: University of Illinois Medical School, 1958. Training in Dermatology: Northwestern University School of Medicine. Other Training: Illinois Central Hospital, 1958-1959 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1965; Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: Private, from 1964. Military Service: U.S. Army, 1959-1961. Teaching Appointments: Cook County Graduate School of Medicine: Lecturer and Course Director from 1966; Northwestern University: Prosthetic-Orthotic Center from 1968, Instructor, 1964-1965, Associate, 1965-1973; Rush Medical College: Assistant Professor, 1973-1979, Associate Professor from 1979. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors; Chicago Dermatological Society: President, 1976; Illinois Dermatological Society, President, 1978; International Society of Dermatology: Board of Directors; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, Board of Directors; Dermatology Foundation; Great Lakes Dermatological Society Awards: Practitioner of the year from the American Academy of Dermatology, 1997; Chicago Dermatological Society: Founder’s Award, 1994 and Gold Medal, 2001 Outside Interests: Croquet, yo-yo, stamp collecting and travel. He was a member of Hounds of the Baskervilles, the Chicago scion society of the Baker Street Irregulars, as well as several other Sherlockian societies. Deceased January 18, 2015.

W. Christopher Duncan 1980 Born: April 5, 1935, Webster, South Dakota. Graduated: Baylor University College of Medicine, 1960. Training: Jefferson Davis Hospital, 1960-1961; Baylor University College of Medicine, 1964-1967. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1960. Practice: Private Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1961-1963. Teaching Appointments: Baylor College of Medicine: Assistant Professor, 1967-1971, Associate Professor, 1971-1982, Clinical Associate Professor, 1982-1983, Clinical Professor from 1983; University of South Florida School of Medicine, Clinical Professor from 1989. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; Southern Medical Association; Florida Medical Association; Polk County Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Society for Pediatric Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Venereal Disease Association. Author: 57 publications, 28 text book chapters.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 253 Jean-Mario Giroux 1980 Born: October 22, 1932. Graduated: University of Montreal, M.D., 1958; University of Minnesota, M.D., 1961. Certified: Province of Quebec, Certified Specialist, 1964; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 1964; American Board of Dermatology, 1966. Practice: Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Montreal, Head, Section of Dermatology from 1971; University of Montreal, Professor of Medicine from 1970. Teaching Appointments: University of Montreal, Director, Dermatology training program, 1972-1986, Professor of Medicine from 1970. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association from 1980; American Association of Professors of Dermatology 1970-1982; Quebec Assn. of Dermatologists from 1965: Vice-President 1976-1977; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada from 1964: Board of Examiners, President 1970-1975, Education Committee, 1973-1980; Canadian Dermatology Association: Committee of Education, Head 1972-1975, President 1976-1977, President of 52nd Annual Meeting, June 1977; Canadian Assn. of Professors of Dermatology 1968 to present, Committee on Post-graduate Training, President 1986-1990; Canadian Foundation of Dermatology from 1970, Director 1972-1989; Quebec Corporation of Physicians and Surgeons from 1958, Board of examiners, President 1970-1976; Montreal Dermatological Society: from 1965, Treasurer 1968-1970, Secretary 1970-1974, President 1974-1976, Director 1976-1988; Societe Francaise de Dermatologie from 1978; Assn. des Dermatogistes et Syphiligraphes de langue Francaise: Board of Directors, 1986, Vice-President, 1992, President, 20th International Meeting, 1992. Deceased October 9, 2012.

Lowell A. Goldsmith 1980 Born: March 29, 1938, Brooklyn, New York. Current Position: Emeritus Professor, University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Columbia Univeristy, BA, 1959; Medical School: State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, MD, 1963. Other: University of Rochester School of Medicine, MPH 2002. Training: UCLA Medical Center, 1963-1965; Massachusetts General Hospital, 1967-1969; Brandies University, Fellow, 1969-1970; Oxford University, Macy Foundation Fellow, 1978-1979. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970. Practice: Strong Memorial Hospital, Dermatologist-in-Chief from 1981. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, NIH 1965-1967. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Assistant Professor, 1970-1973; Duke University Medical Center, Associate Professor to Professor, 1973-1981; University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, James H. Sterner Professor and Chair, and later Dean, 1981-2002; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill from 2002. Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha; Association of Professors of Dermatology: President, 1992-1994; Society for Investigative Dermatology: President-elect, 1993, President, 1994-1995; New York State Dermatological Society: President, 1986-1989; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 1993; Polish Dermatology Society Honorary member, 1992; AAC, Director, 1993-1997. Awards: U.S. Public Health Service, Research Career Development Awardee, 1975-1980; American Academy of Dermatology, Presidential Citation, 1992; Oxford University, Macy Foundation Faculty Fellowship, 1978-1979. Outside Interests: Photography, jewelry making and silversmithing.

254 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Robert J. McNamara 1980 Born: March 17, 1929, Chicago, Illinois. Graduated: Marquette University Medical School, 1954. Training: Stanford University Hospital, 1957-1960. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961. Practice: Private. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, 1954-1957. Teaching Appointments: Stanford University, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: San Francisco Dermatology Society; Pacific Dermatologic Assn. Society for Investigative Dermatology; Masters Dermatology, American Dermatological Assn.; Society of Tropical Dermatology; North American Clinical Dermatology Society, President, 1990-1993. Awards: Illinois Benedictine College, Alumni Service Award, 1976; Honorary Lifetime Membership, North American Clinical Dermatologic Society. Deceased May 15, 2010.

William M. Narva 1980 Born: September 10, 1927, New York City. Education: Undergraduate: Hofstra College, 1952; Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine, 1956. Training: Naval Hospital at San Diego, 1957-1959; USC School of Medicine, 1959-1960. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961. Practice: Retired Military Service: U.S. Navy Medical Officer, 1951-1990. Retired as Admiral. Teaching Appointments: U.S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Dermatology Service, Chief of Training Program, 1965-1978; Uniformed Services University School of Health Sciences, Department of Dermatology: Chairman, 1978-1986, Vice-President 1982-1986; Harvard Medical School, Department of Dermatology, Lecturer, 1990-1993. Attending Physician to the Congress of the United States and the Supreme Court. Professional Societies: Association of Military Dermatologists; American Academy of Dermatology; American College of Physicians. Awards: U.S. Military Legion of Merit, Distinguished Service Medal, U. S. Navy Meritorious Service Medal; Fox Lectureship from the American Academy of Dermatology. He took care of every US President from Lyndon B Johnson to George H.W. Bush. Bill and his wife Rose were close to President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy. He asked President Reagan to do a special public service announcement on Skin Cancer for the AAD which had a major impact on skin cancer awareness. He was also instrumental in President Reagan signing proclamations in 1985 and 1987 regarding the importance of skin cancer detection in the general population. Deceased July 28, 2020.

Sheldon R. Pinnell 1980 Born: February 3, 1937, Dayton, Ohio. Retired: 2010. Education: Undergraduate: Duke University Phi Beta Kappa Chemistry; Medical School: Yale University, 1963. Training: University of Minnesota Hospital, 1963-1965.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 255 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1971. Teaching Appointments: Duke University Medical Center: Associate Professor, 1973-1978, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Investigator, 1973-1980, Professor from 1978, Division of Dermatology, Chief from 1982, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry from 1988, J. Lamar Callaway Professor of Dermatology from 1989. Professional Societies: Dermatology Foundation, Medical and Scientific Committee, 1975-1978; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Program Committee and Audit Committee, Committee on Scientific Programs, 1976-1979, Board of Directors, 1986- 1991, Finance Committee, 1987; American Academy of Dermatology, Course Director; National Institutes of Aging Liaison Task Force; American Federation of Clinical Research; American Society of Clinical Investigation; American Dermatological Association.; American Assn. of the Professors of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1987-1989; Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation, Member of the Medical Advisory Board; American Academy of Dermatology, Task Force on Aging, 1992. Awards: Merck Award in Chemistry, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Kappa Delta Award. Deceased, July 4, 2013.

Arnold Schroeter 1980 Born: April 27, 1936, Chicago, Illinois. Education: Undergraduate: Lambuth College and Southwestern University at Memphis, 1954-1958; Medical School: University of Tennessee at Memphis, 1961. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic, 196-1969. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Mary Clinic, 1966. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1969; Dermatopathology, 1975; Dermatological Immunology /Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, 1962-1963, 1969-1971. Teaching Appointments: Mayo Graduate School of Medicine: 1971-1973, Assistant Professor, 1973-1977, Associate Professor, 1977-1982, Professor, 1983-1985, Director of Dermatoimmunopathology Laboratory 1976-1984, Professor and Chairman, 1994-2000; Wright State University School of Medicine: Professor and Chairman, 1986-1993, Professor of Microbiology /Immunology, 1988-1993. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Minnesota Dermatological Society, President 1976; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, President, 1992; Food and Drug Administration: Chairman of Anti-infective Agents Advisory Committee, 1975-1977, Chairman of Dermatology Advisory Committee, 1977-1982, 1989-1991, Cosmetic Ingredient Review Committee, 1982; Ohio Dermatological Society, President, 1991. Author: 2 books. Outside Interests: Photography and furniture making. Deceased, February 14, 2019.

Harry L. Wechsler 1980 Born: February 9, 1923, McKeesport, Pennsylvania. Graduated: Duke University School of Medicine, 1947. Training: Western Pennsylvania Hospital, 1947-1948; New York City Hospital, 1949-1950; Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, 1950-1954. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1954. Practice: Western Pennsylvania Hospital. Military Service: 1950-1952

256 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Teaching Appointments: University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine: Clinical Assistant Professor, 1971-1977, Clinical Associate Professor, 1977-1979, Division of Dermatology, Acting Director, 1977-1979, Department of Dermatology, Acting Chairman, 1979-1980, Clinical Professor, 1979 to retirement. Professional Societies: American Medical Assn.; American Academy of Dermatology: Annual Program Evaluation Committee, 1970-1975, Core Curriculum Committee, 1976-1980, Board of Directors, 1976- 1980, Executive Committee Member, 1979-1980, 1985, Finance Committee Member, 1980-1984, Office Audit Member, 1981, Vice­ President, 1985, Ad Hoc Committee for Favored Relationships Chairman, 1985, Membership committee, Co-Chairman, 1985, Ad Hoc Committee for Direct Advertising, Chairman, 1985, Judicial Panel Member, 1988; Dermatology Foundation: Trustee, 1982-1988, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, 1983-1988, Executive Committee, 1983-1987; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, Board of Trustees, 1972-1979,Vice-President, 1974-1975, President, 1975-1976; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Central States Dermatological Society; Pittsburgh Academy of Medicine; Pennsylvania Medical Society; College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Inter­ national Society of Tropical Dermatology; Philadelphia Society of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Chicago Academy of Dermatology; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society Awards: Gold-Headed Cane, Western Pennsylvania Hospital, 1971-1972; Hugh Crumay Pennsylvania Professor of Dermatology for 1987; Teacher of the Year, Western Pennsylvania Hospital 1988; Clark W. Finnerud, 1989; Medical Staff Leadership, Western Pennsylvania Hospital 1992. Author: 48 papers. Other Interests: Jeffersoniana, Mediciniana.

Nancy Burton Esterly 1981 Born: April 14, 1935. Education: Undergraduate: Smith College. 1956; Johns Hopkins University Medical School. 1960. Training: Johns Hopkins Hospital. 1960-1967, Dermatology and Pediatrics Practice: Medical College of Wisconsin, Division of Dermatology, Department of Pediatrics. Teaching Appointments: Founded the first Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship at Children’s Memorial Hospital. 1983; Medical College of Wisconsin, Division of Dermatology, Department of Pediatrics Medical Director until retirement. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Committee of Dermatologic Subspecialties, Chair. 1980-1983, Board of Directors. 1988-1992; Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Officer Steering Committee. 1976-1977, Vice President. 1977-1979, President. 1979-1980; Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of American from 1980; National Epidermolysis Bullosa Registry, Subcommittee on Diagnostic Criteria and Classification; Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types. 1980-1991; National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia from 1982; National Vascular Malformations Foundation from 1990; International Pediatric Association Advisory Expert panel. 1988-1992. Awards: Women’s Dermatologic Society Rose Hirschler Award. 1989; American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Dermatology, Alvin H. Jacobs Awards. 1993; Medical College of Wisconsin Society of Teaching Scholars. 1993; Polish Association of Dermatologists, Honorary Member 1990. Author: Numerous publications. Outside Interests: Folk art, camping, knitting, music, cooking, canning/preserving, play reading, cats and Cairn terriers. Deceased, October 8, 2017.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 257 Kenneth E. Greer 1981 Born: August 8, 1941, Marion Virginia. Graduated: University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1967. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology at University of Virginia, 1974. Other Training: Internal Medicine, University of Rochester. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1974. Practice: University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology. Military Service: United States Navy 1969-1971, Lieutenant Commander. Academic Appointments: Professor at University of Virginia School of Medicine. Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha, American Academy of Dermatology, Virginia Dermatological Society, Southern Medical association. Author: Over 80 publications including books, chapters, and peer-reviewed articles Outside Interests: Travel, Motorcycle riding, clogging, and hunting.

Jon M. Hanifin 1981 Born: December 16, 1939, Wisconsin Graduated: University of Wisconsin Medical School, 1965. Training: San Francisco General Hospital, 1965-1966; University of California at San Francisco Medical Center, 1966-1969, Cancer Research Institute, 1968-1969. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970. Practice: Oregon Health Sciences University. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Zama Hospital 1969-1971. Academic Appointments: Oregon Health Sciences University: Assistant Professor, 1971-1977, Associate Professor, 1977-1982, Professor from 1982. Professional Societies: : Alpha Omega Alpha; National Psoriasis Foundation: Medical Advisory Board 1974, Board of Trustees 1981: U.S. Pharmacopeia, Medical Advisory Panel, 1975; NIAlD/NIAMDD Symposium on Immune Mechanisms, Participant 1975; American Academy of Dermatology: Atopic Dermatitis Task Force, Chairman 1976, Task force on Infectious Diseases 1978, NIAID Liaison Task force, Chairman 1986, Committee on Research Activity 1986; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Membership Committee 1977, Western Regional Chairman 1982, Board of Directors 1988; Founder National Eczema Association 1988; NIH General Medicine Study Section 1993-1995; AAAI Atopic Dermatitis Committee 1993-1996; NIAID Food Allergy Clinical Guidelines Expert Panel, 2008-2010; NIAID Consortium on Food Allergy Research 2016. Author: Over 300 journal articles.

Stephen I. Katz 1981 Born: January 26, 1941, New York Education: Undergraduate: University of Maryland; Medical School: Tulane University MD with honors, 1966; PhD (immunology) University of London, 1974. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami School of Medicine, 1967-1970 Other Training: Internship: Los Angeles County Hospital, 1966-1967; Postdoctoral fellowship: Royal College of Surgeons of England, Department of Pathology, 1972-1974. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1971; Immunodermatology, 1985. Practice: National Institutes of Health, Director of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases from August 1995 until his passing on December 20, 2018: Senior Investigator, Dermatology

258 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association branch of the National Cancer Institute, 1974-2014 and acting Chief in 2977 and later Adjunct Investigator in the Dermatology Branch of the NIH’s National Cancer Institute. Academic Appointment: Marion B. Sulzberger Professor of Dermatology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences until 1995. Military Service: Walter Reed General Hospital, Assistant in Dermatology, 1970-1972 Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology, President and Board of Directors; Association of Professors of Dermatology Board of Directors; American Board of Dermatology, Director; Dermatology Foundation, Board of Trustees; International Committee for Dermatology, Executive Council; International League of Dermatologic Societies: Secretary-General of the 18th World Congress of Dermatology, New York, 1992. Awards and Honors: U.S. Public Health Services Distinguished Service Award, 1985; NIH Director’s Award 1989; William Montagna Award,1981; Marion B. Sulzberger Award, 1981. Gold Medal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2018; Master Dermatologist Award and the Sulzberger Lecture Award of the American Academy of Dermatology; the National Cancer Institute’s Outstanding Mentor Award; the Harvey J. Bullock, Jr., EEO Award in recognition of his extraordinary leadership in scientific, programmatic, and administrative arenas; the Excellence in Leadership Award from the International Pemphigus Foundation; the “Change It” Champion Award from Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy; the Paul G. Rogers Leadership Award from the National Osteoporosis Foundation; the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Distinguished Leader Award; the Dermatology Foundation Lifetime Career Educator Award; the American Skin Association Leadership in Academic Medicine Award; honorary membership in the American Academy of Dermatology and the Society for Investigative Dermatology, as well as numerous international dermatological societies; and election into the National Academy of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). He also received the Alfred Marchionini Gold Medal; the Gold Medal from the International League of Dermatological Societies for Achievements in Global Dermatology; the Lifetime Achievement Award of the American Skin Association; the Rothman Award for distinguished service to investigative cutaneous medicine and the Kligman/Frost Award, the latter two from the Society for Investigative Dermatology. He received Doctor Honoris Causa Degrees from Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary; Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany; the University of Athens in Greece; and from University College Dublin in Ireland. Dr. Katz was honored by the Japanese government from which he received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon from the Japanese Emperor. He was the recipient of the 7th Alan Rabson Award for NCI Intramural Cancer Research, twice received the Meritorious Rank Award, and also received the Distinguished Executive Presidential Rank Award, the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a civil servant. Outside Interests: Music, playing guitar, travelling and reading. Deceased, December 18, 2018.

Lloyd E. King, Jr. 1981 Born: Mayfield, Kentucky, September 10, 1939. Current Position: Professor of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, Mathematics and Physics B.A. Sept 1957 June 1961; Medical School University of Tennessee Medical Units, Memphis, TN M.D. Aug 1964 Dec 1967. Other: University of Tennessee College of Basic Sciences, Memphis, TN Jan 1968 July 1969 Ph.D. Anatomy, Diploma, Sept. 1970; City of Memphis Hospitals: Internship, Straight Medicine July 1969 June 1970, Resident, Internal Medicine July 1970 June 1971. Academic Appointments: Department of Anatomy, University of Tennessee Medical Units: Postdoctoral Fellow, Jan 1968 July 1969, Instructor, July 1971 July 1976; University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences, Department of Internal Medicine (Dermatology): Instructor, July 1973 July 1976 Assistant Professor, July 1976 July 1977; St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN Assistant Member (Biochemistry), July 1975 July 1977; Vanderbilt University, Department of Internal Medicine (Dermatology): Associate Professor

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 259 of Medicine, Division of Dermatology July 1977 Nov 1982, Professor November 1992 -present; VA Medical Center, Nashville, TN: Chief of Dermatology Service July 1977 - July 1988, Staff Physician, Dermatology Service, July 1988 – Dec 2002; Volunteer Faculty, W.O.C. TN Valley Healthcare System, Nashville Jan. 2003 – present. Professional Societies: Vanderbilt Hospital Medical Board: Member 1978present, Executive Committee, 19821984; Clinical Research Center Advisory Board, Vanderbilt University, 1980-83; Advisory Committee, NIH BRSG (RR05424 18), Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 198184; Member and Chairman Research and Development Committee, Nashville VAMC, 198287; Member, Advisory Committee, Basic Research Support Grant, VU School of Medicine, 198285; Member, American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant Committee, Vanderbilt University, 19841994; Member, Professional Standards Board for Ph.D.’s, Nashville VAMC, 1985 1992; Nashville Academy of Medicine; Tennessee Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology (Fellow); American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Association of Anatomists; American College of Physicians (Fellow); Nashville Dermatological Society (President); Dermatology Foundation (State Chairman, Leader’s Society); Society for Investigative Dermatology (Board of Directors, Vice President); Society for Sigma XI. Awards: National Merit Certificate of Scholarship; Mosby Book Award for Scholarship.

John C. Maize 1981 Born: July 23, 1943, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Graduated: University of Michigan, 1968. Training: University of Michigan, 1968-1972; New York University, 1975-1976. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1978; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Medical University of South Carolina Teaching Appointments: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1972-1980; Medical University of South Carolina: Department of Dermatology and Pathology Proessor from 1980, Chairman of Dermatology 1989-2003, Distinguished University Professor from 2018. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology: Pesident 1995; International Society of Dermatopathology: President 1989-1991; American Board of Dermatology: President 1999; ACGME Board of Trustees 2004-2010; South Carolina Academy of Dermatology: President 2001. Awards: Honorary Member American Academy of Dermatology; Founder’s Award American Society of Dermatopathology; Founders Medal International Society of Dermatopathology. Outside Interests: Fishing, golf, bridge, travelling.

Arthur L. Norins 1981 Born: December 2, 1928, Chicago, Illinois. Graduated: Northwestern University, 1955. Training: University of Michigan, University Hospital, 1955-1956; Northwestern University Medical Center, 1957 1959. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1961; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Indiana University Medical Center. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corp, 1959-1961. Teaching Appointments: Stanford University, Assistant Professor, 1961-1964; Indiana University School of Medicine, Associate Professor, 1964-1969, Professor, 1969-1976, Chairman, 1976-1993, Professor Emeritus from 1993.

260 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Society of Pediatric Dermatology, President; American Society of Dermatopathology, Society of Photobiology; American College of Physicians. Awards: Indiana University Teaching Award.

Lawrence Charles Parish 1981 Born: October 12, 1938, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Graduated: Tufts University, 1963. Training: Philadelphia General Hospital, 1963-1964; University of Pennsylvania Hospital, 1964-1967 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1969. Practice: Private. Military Service: U.S. Army, Major 1967-1969 Honorary Degree: MD Hon, Sofia Faculty of Medicine, 1982. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine: Assistant Instructor, 1964-1967, Associate Instructor, 1969-1972, Assistant Professor, 1972-1975, Associate Clinical Professor, 1975-1980, School of Veterinary Medicine, Associate Professor, 1971-1975, Adjunct Associate Professor, 1975-1987; Yonsei University College of Medicine, Assistant Visiting Professor, 1968, Visiting Professor, 1983; Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Clinical Associate Professor, 1980-1983, Clinical Professor from 1983; Director of the Jefferson Center for International Dermatology, 1986; Visiting Professor of Dermatology, Zagazig University School of Medicine, 1983; Visiting Professor of Dermatology, Tulane University School of Medicine, 1998. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology: Historian, 1971-1980, Committee on the History of Dermatology, Chairman, 1972-1979; Canadian Dermatology Association; College of Physicians of Philadelphia (Fellow) and Section on Dermatology (Founder 1983); History of Dermatology Society, President; American College of Veterinary Dermatology (Honorary Fellow); Foundation for International Dermatologic Education, Board of Directors, 1980 to 1988; Israeli Society of Dermatology; Istanbul Society of Dermatology; Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (Honorary Member); Polish Academy of Dermatology (Honorary Member); Venezuelan Society of Dermatology (Honorary Member); French Society of Dermatology and Syphilography (Corresponding Member); British Association of Dermatologists (Honorary Member); Bulgarian Society of Dermatology (Honorary Member); Malta Society of Dermatology (Honorary Member). Outside Interests: History of dermatology, gardening, travel, and collecting majolica.

Andrew H. Rudolph 1981 Born: January 30, 1943, Detroit, Michigan. Graduated: University of Michigan, 1966. Training: University of Michigan Medical Center, 1966-1970. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1971. Practice: Private from 1972. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Surgeon, Medical Officer, 1970-1972. Teaching Appointments: Baylor College of Medicine: Department of Dermatology, Assistant Professor, 1972-1975, Associate Professor, 1975-1983, Clinical Professor from 1983. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; American Society for Dermatological Surgery; Houston Dermatological

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 261 Society; Texas Dermatological Society; American Venereal Disease Association; Texas Medical Association; Southern Medical Association; American Medical Association. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Kappa Phi. Outside Interests: Boating, sailing, audiophile.

David R. Bickers 1982 Born: September 23, 1941, Richmond, Virginia. Current Position: Carl Truman Nelson Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University Irving Medical Center; Founding Director, Herbert and Florence Irving Comprehensive Skin Cancer Research Center, Columbia University. Education: Undergraduate: Georgetown University, Washington, DC; A.B., Classics, Pre-Medical, 1963; Medical School: University of Virginia, School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA, MD, 1967. Military Service: United States Air Force, 1968-1970. Training: Intern in Medicine University of Iowa Hospitals, Iowa City, Iowa, 1967-1968; NIH Training Fellow and RJ Reynolds Scholar in Clinical Medicine, Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, New York, 1975-1977. Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology, Charles C. Harris Skin and Cancer Unit, New York University Medical Center, New York, New York, 1970-1973. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York,1973-1975; Professor of Medicine and Director, Division of Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio, 1977-1979; Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine,1979-2013; Senior Vice-President for Medical Program Planning, University Hospitals of Cleveland, 1987-1990; Chief-of-Staff and Senior Vice-President for Health Affairs University Hospitals of Cleveland, 1990-1993; Carl Truman Nelson Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York; President, Medical Board New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia Campus, New York, 2008-2010; Member, Board of Trustees, American University of Beirut,1996-2017; Emeritus trustee, 2017-present; Past Vice-chair Committee for Medicine and Health; American Board of Dermatology, Certified 1974; Recertified 1996; Board of Directors,1996-2005; President, 2005; Member and Chair, General Medicine A Study Section National Institutes of Health, 1984-1988; Member Advisory Council, National Institute for Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 1988-1992. Professional societies: (Partial List): American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow,1973-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member, 1976-present; Secretary-Treasurer, 1989-1999; President 2003, American Dermatological Association: Member 1982-present; American Society for Clinical Investigation Member, 1981-present; Association of American Physicians, Member, 1986-present; J Investigative Dermatology, Associate Editor, 1987-1989; Dermatology Foundation Board of Directors; New York Dermatological Society, 1994-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1982-1985; Dermatology Foundation, Secretary-Treasurer, 1984-1987; Chairman of the Board, 1987-1988. Awards and Honors: Career Scientist, Health Research Council of the City of New York, 1974-1977; Honorary member, American Academy of Dermatology 2005; Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2011; German Dermatological Society, 2000; Austrian Dermatological Society, 2002; American Academy of Dermatology, Marion B Sulzberger Memorial Awardee and Lecturer, 1992. Outside Interests: Food and wine, travel and classical music.

262 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Fred F. Castrow, II 1982 Born: October 15, 1935, Houston, Texas. Graduated: University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, 1961. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Medical Branch, 1965-1968. Other Training: Internship: U.S. Naval Hospital in San Diego 1961-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1969; Dermatopathology 1975. Practice: Private. Teaching Appointments: University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston: Clinical Associate Professor; University of Texas Medical School, Clinical Associate Professor; Baylor College of Medicine, Clinical Assistant Professor; University of Texas Health Science Center, Academic Chief of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: President 2002, Secretary-Treasurer 1992-1995, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 1989-1991, Board of Directors 1986-1988; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: President 1985, Vice President 1983, Secretary 1980-1982, Board of Directors 1976-1979; Houston Dermatological Society 1978; Harris County Medical Society President 1997; Houston Academy of Medicine President 1997; Texas Medical Association Council on Legislation Chairman 1991-1994; American Medical Association Delegate 1986-1998 (ASDS) & 1997-98 (TMA) and Alternate Delegate (TMA) 1993-1996; TEXPAC & AMPAC Board of Directors. Awards and Honors: Ashbel Smith Distinguished Alumnus Award of the University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine 2010: McLaughlin Fellowship, Plastic Surgery Department University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston 1959; Board of Managers Harris County Hospital District 1997-1998

Mark V. Dahl 1982 Born: August 24, 1942, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Graduated: University of Minnesota Medical School, 1968. Training: University of Oregon Medical Center, 1968-1969; University of Copenhagen, 1969-1970; Walter Reed General Hospital, 1970-1972, University of San Francisco Medical Center, 1972-1974. Certified: American Board of Dermatology: Dermatology Dermatopathology; Dermatologic Immunology/Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology. Practice: University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic College of Medicine (Arizona). Military Service: U.S. Army, Major, 1970-1972. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota Medical School. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, President, 1993; American Medical Association, American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Vice President, 1995; American Dermatologic Society for Allergy & Immunology; Women’s Dermatological Society; International Society of Dermatology, Minnesota Dermatological Association. Awards and Honors: The Gold Medal (AAD), Gold Triangle (AAD), Clarence Livingood Award (AAD), Henry W. Stelwagon Award (AAD), Master Dermatologist (AAD), Distinguished Alumni (University of Minnesota); Honorary Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology, British Association of Dermatologists, Academia Mexicana de Dermatologica, Canadian Dermatological Association, Sociedad Chilena de Dermatologia y Venereologia South African Dermatologic Association Outside Interests: Lake living, music, astronomy, skiing and reading. Mark started the American Academy of Dermatology’s very successful Camp Discovery program which provides summer camp experience for children with skin diseases.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 263 John T. Headington 1982 Born: June 15, 1930, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Graduated: University of Michigan Medical School, 1957. Training: Virginia Mason Hospital, Seattle, 1957-1958; University of Michigan Medical Center, 1958-1962. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, Dermatology, 1975, Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor from 1971. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain, 1962-1964. Teaching Appointments: University of California at San Francisco, Dermatology and Pathology, Instructor, 1963-1964; University of llanos Chiang Mai Project. Chiang Mai, Thailand, Visiting Professor of Pathology, 1966-1968; University of Michigan at Ann Arbor: Assistant Professor of Pathology, 1964-1968, Associate Professor of Pathology, 1968-1971, Professor of Pathology and Dermatology from 1971. Professional Societies: American Association for Advancement of Science; International Academy of Pathology; American Dermatological Association; American Society of Dermatopathology: Secretary-Treasurer, 1978- 1981, President, 1983; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology; St. John’s Hospital Dermatological Society; Michigan Society of Dermatology; British Association of Dermatologists. Awards: Elizabeth C. Crosby Award for Basic Science Teaching, 1972; William B. Taylor Teaching Award from Univ. of Michigan, 1989. Outside Interests: Architecture, decorative arts, and fly fishing.

Brian V. Jegasothy 1982 Born: March 3, 1943. Graduated: University of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Training: Maimonides Medical Center, 1968-1971; Yale University School of Medicine, 1971-1976. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1974; Dermatologic Immunology/Clinical and laboratory Immunology, 1985. Practice: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Teaching Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine, Instructor, 1973-1976; Duke University Medical Center: Assistant Professor, 1976-1979, Associate Professor, 1979-1982; University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology: Professor, 1982-1987, Professor and Chairman from 1987. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; American Dermatological Association; Skin Cancer Foundation; American College of Occupation Medicine; American Medical Association; Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Association of lmmunology; Pennsylvania Medical Society. Awards: Virginia Nash Award; AMKs Physician Recognition Award; AAD Continuing Education Award; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Best Scientific Presentation at 1976 Annual Meeting; Frederick Moh’s Skin Cancer Research Award. Author: Numerous scientific publications. Deceased, April 20, 2001.

264 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Lawrence A. Norton 1982 Born: June1, 1930. Graduated: New York Medical College, 1956. Training: Boston University School of Medicine Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970. Practice: Private. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, 1957-1959. Teaching Appointments: Boston University School of Medicine, Clinical Professor from 1988. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Vice-President, 1994, Advisory Council Skin Cancer Screening, Council on Dermatologic Practice; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Outside Interests: Hair and nail disease, gardening, tennis, golf, music. Deceased, May 13, 2009.

Roy Steele Rogers, lll 1982 Born: March 3, 1940, Hillsboro, Ohio. Graduated: The Ohio State University College of Medicine, 1966. Training: Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, 1966-1967; Duke University School of Medicine, 1969-1971; Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, 1972-1973. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1974; Dermatopathology, 1984; Dermatologic Immunology/ Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985. Practice: Mayo Clinic Rochester and Arizona, 1973-2010. Military Service: USAF Flight Surgeon, 1967-1969. Teaching Appointments: Mayo Clinic: Consultant in Dermatology, 1973-2010; Mayo Medical School: Instructor, 1973-1974, Assistant Professor, 1974-1978, Associate Professor, 1978-1983, Professor, 1983-2010, Emeritus Professor, from 2010, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, 1982-1984, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, 1984-1988; Mayo School of Health Related Sciences: Dean, 1991-2000. Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Sigma Xi; American Academy of Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation, Annenberg Circle; Minnesota Dermatological Society; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Dermatologic Society for Allergy and Immunology; International Society for Tropical Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Zumbro Valley Medical Society; Minnesota Medical Association; American Medical Association; American Contact Dermatitis Society; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; International Association of Oral Pathology. Awards and Honors: Teacher of the Year, Department of Dermatology; Alumni Achievement Award, Ohio State University; Alumni Achievement Award, Denison University; Thomas G. Pearson Memorial Education Achievement Award; the Everett C. Fox, M.D. Memorial Lectureship; Honorary Membership, American Academy of Dermatology; Distinguished Educator, Mayo Clinic Rochester; Honorary Membership. British Society of Oral Medicine; Honorary Membership, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; Teaching Award, International League of Dermatologic Societies; Master Dermatologist AAD, 2015.

Paul S. Russell 1982 Born: February 10, 1932, Truscott, Texas. Graduated: University of Texas Medical Branch, 1957. Training: Oregon Health Sciences University.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 265 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970; Dermatopathology, 1983. Practice: Private Military Service: U.S. Army, Medical Corps, 1958-1960. Teaching Appointments: Oregon Health Sciences University, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Secretary-Treasurer; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Contact Dermatitis Society, Dermatology Foundation, Society for Investigative Dermatology; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Oregon Dermatology Society; American Medical Association; Oregon Medical Association; Mulnomah County Medical Society. Awards: Meritorious Achievement Award of the Alumni Association of Oregon Health Sciences University, Presidential Citation Award, Mulnomah County Medical Society; Presidential Citation, American Academy of Dermatology.

Darl E. Vander Ploeg 1982 Born: December 21, 1925. Graduated: University of Iowa, 1949. Training: Brooke General Hospital, 1951-1954. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1954. Practice: Retired from University of Texas San Antonio. Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1943-1945; U.S. Army, 1949-1969. Teaching Appointments: University of Texas at San Antonio, Professor and Chairman, 1969-1991. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Noah Worcester, International Society of Dermatologists; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Pacific Dermatological Association; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Texas Dermatological Society; San Antonio Dermatological Society. Outside Interests: Tennis and golf. Deceased, April 27, 2008.

Eugene Bauer 1983 Born: June 17, 1942. Current Position: Lucy Becker Professor, Emeritus, Department of Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL: BS Med, 1964; Medical School: Northwestern University Medical Schools, Chicago, IL: MD, 1967. Training in Dermatology: Research Fellow and Resident in Dermatology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, 1968-72. Other Training: Intern in Medicine, Barnes Hospital-Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, 1967-68. Academic Appointments: Washington University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), 1974-78, Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), 1978-82, Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), 1982-88; Stanford University School of Medicine: Professor & Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1988-1995, Vice President for Medical Affairs & Dean of the School of Medicine, 1995-2001, Professor, Emeritus, Department of Dermatology, 2002-present. Society Membership: AAD: Fellow, 1973-present; SID: member, 1968-present, President, 1995-96; ADA:

266 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association member, 1983-present, President, 2017-18; ASCI member, 1979-present; AAP member, 1987-present; AAAS elected Fellow, 1996; National Academy of Medicine elected, 1997; J Investigative Dermatology, Assoc Editor, 1982-87; J Dermatological Sci, Assoc Editor, 1989-2003. Awards and Honors: SID: Montagna Award; AAD: Sulzberger Memorial Award; SID: Stephen Rothman Award; Northwestern University: Alumni Merit Award; Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine: Distinguished Alumnus Award Outside Interests: Family, travel, entrepreneurial activities in dermatology.

Richard Baughman 1983 Born: January 11, 1934. Graduated: Harvard Medical School, 1960. Training: Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, Hitchcock Clinic. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1965, Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Dartmouth Medical School. Teaching Appointments: Dartmouth Medical School, Department of Dermatology, Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology Other Interests: Volunteer fireman, builds stone walls, raises Christmas trees, skiing.

William Howard Eaglstein 1983 Born: March 27, 1940, Kansas City, Missouri. Current Position: Emeritus Professor and Chairman, Dr. Phillip Frost Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin, Madison; Medical School: University of Missouri School of Medicine M.D., 1965. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami, 1969. Academic Appointments: University of Miami Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, 1969-1980; University of Pittsburgh Department of Dermatology Professor and Chairman, 1980-1986; University of Miami Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery Harvey Blank Professor and Chairman,1986-2004. Society Memberships: Boards of Directors: American Academy of Dermatology, Association of Professors of Dermatology, Skin and Allergy News, Society of Investigative Dermatology, Wound Healing Society, SKINmed; Innovations In Dermatology; Spark Program at Stanford; JAAD editorial board member; Council on Scientific Assembly -American Academy of Dermatology, Chairman and Member. Awards and Honors: Wound Healing Society: Lifetime Achievement Award, 2018; World Union of Wound Healing Societies Lifetime Achievement Award, 2008; John Boswick Lifetime Achievement Award of the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care/Healing, 2006; Citation of Merit (highest honor given), University of Missouri Medical School, 1995. Selected National Service: Member – NIH Clinical Trial Review Committee for NIAMS, 2012-2016; National Advisory Board -NIH (Arthritis, Musculoskeletal & Skin), 1992 – 1994; Chairman and Member – FDA Dermatology Drug Advisory Panel; Outside Interests: Bicycling and contemporary art.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 267 Raul Fleischmajer 1983 Born: December 17, 1924, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1949. Training: New York University 1954-1963. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1962. Practice: Mount Sinai School of Medicine from 1979. Teaching Appointments: The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman from 1979. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Manhattan Dermatological Society; NY Academy of Medicine; New York County Medical Society; Dermatological Society of Greater NY; American Rheumatism Association; Association of Professors of Dermatology; NY Dermatological Society; The Harvey Society of NY. Awards: American Academy of Dermatology Gold Award, 1969, 1972; National Medical Association Gold Award Author: numerous scientific articles Outside Interests: Music and swimming. Deceased, June 9, 2004.

Loren E. Golitz 1983 Born: April 7, 1941, Pleasant Hill, Missouri. Graduated: University of Missouri School of Medicine, 1966. Training: U.S. Public Health Svc Hospital, San Francisco, 1966-1969; U.S. Public Health Svc Hospital, Staten Island, 1969-1971; Columbia University Residency in Dermatology, 1971-1972; Dermatopathology fellowship Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1973. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1973, Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: Denver General Hospital, Chief of Dermatology. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, 1966-1973. Teaching Appointments: University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology and Pathology, Professor from 1974. Professional Societies: American Society for Dermatology and Pathology; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Pediatric Dermatology; American Society for Dermatological Surgery; Pacific Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; Denver Medical Society; Colorado Medical Society; Colorado Dermatology Society; American Dermatological Association; Noah Worcester; Women’s Dermatology Society; Southern Medical Association; Royal Society of Medicine; British Association of Dermatology ; New York Academy of Science; American Association for Advances in Science. Awards and Honors: Distinguished Young Physician Award, University of Missouri, 1984; Scholastic Achievement Award for Senior Faculty, Denver Department of Health & Hospitals, 1992; University of Missouri Medical Alumni Organization, Board of Governors from 1993. Deceased, March 8, 2019.

Charles H. Greenbaum 1983 Born: February 22, 1925, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Graduated: Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, 1954. Training: Philadelphia General Hospital; University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine; Pennsylvania Hospital.

268 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1960. Practice: Private. Military Service: U. S. Marine Corps, 1943-1946. Teaching Appointments: Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; Pennsylvania Medical Society; Philadelphia County Medical Society; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, President, 1976; Philadelphia Dermatology Society, President, 1977; American College of Physicians; College of Physicians of Philadelphia; ASDS; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation. Outside Interests: Holy Redeemer Hospital Board of Directors, 1989-1992; Solomon Solis-Cohen Medical Literature Society; Continuing medical education.

Allan K. Izumi 1983 Born: December 10, 1939. Graduated: University of California at San Francisco Medical School, 1965. Training: University of California at San Francisco Medical Center, 1965-1968; University of Pennsylvania, 1968-1970. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1971; Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: University of Hawaii and Private Practice Teaching Appointments: University of Hawaii, John A Burns School of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Professor of Medicine Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatologic Association; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Hawaii Dermatological Society Awards: Pacific Dermatologic Association, Secretary-Treasurer 1993-1995; Hawaii Dermatologic Society, President 1975. Outside Interests: Golf. Deceased June 21, 2012.

Gerald G. Krueger 1983 Born: March, 1940, North Dakota. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair, University of Utah Education: Undergraduate: Union College BA Chemistry; Medical School: Loma Linda University. Training in Dermatology: University of Colorado Dermatology Residency. Other Training: Fitzsimmons Army Hospital, Denver, Colorado Internship. Awards and Honors: Taub International Award for Psoriasis Research; National Psoriasis Foundation Lifetime Achievement. Author: Many scientific publications. Outside Interests: Skiing, running, cross country bicycling and hiking.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 269 James J. Nordlund 1983 Born: August 11, 1939. Graduated: University of Minnesota, 1965. Training: Duke University 1965-1967; Yale University School of Medicine 1969-1972. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1973. Practice: University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, National Cancer Institute 1967-1969. Teaching Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Assistant, Associate Professor, and Professor 1972-1983; University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Director from 1983. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; Noah Worcester Society; American Academy of Dermatology; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Cincinnati Academy of Medicine; Cincinnati Dermatological Society; International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies; New York Academy of Science; Ohio Dermatologic Association; Ohio State Medical Association; Pan American Society for Pigment Cell Research; Sigma Xi; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Lange Medical Publication Award for Scholastic Achievement, 1965; Dermatology Foundation Fellowship, 1972-1974. Outside Interests: Reading, scuba diving, rollerblading, gardening.

Nicholas A. Soter 1983 Born: October 26, 1939, Niagara Falls, New York. Current Position: Professor, The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York. Education: Undergraduate: Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, Bachelor of Arts 1961; Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas, Doctor of Medicine, 1965. Other: Medical Intern, Boston City Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, 1965-1966. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, Baylor University College of Medicine Affiliated Hospitals, Houston, Texas,1966-1968; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts,1968-1969. Other Training: Research Fellow (Immunology), Robert Breck Brigham Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, 1971-1973. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1973-1975, Assistant Professor, 1975-1979; Associate Professor, 1979-1983; New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York, The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology: Professor 1983-present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: member, 1971-present, Committee on Research Fellowships, 1984-1986, Committee on Nominations, 1992-1995 (Chair 1994-1995), Committee on Long Range Planning and Priorities, 1996-1997, Vice President, 1996-1997, Albert M. Kligman Fellowship Fund Committee, 1996-1999, International Investigative Dermatology Travel Grants Committee, 1997-1998; American Academy of Dermatology: member, 1971-present, Curriculum Development Committee, 1985- 1987, Task Force on Immunopathology, 1987-1990, Committee on NIAID Liaison, 1987-1990, American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Task Force, 1990-1993, World Congress Fund Review Committee, 1994-1999, Named Lectureship Committee, 1999-2003, Disaster Preparedness Task Force, 2006-2009, Bioterrorism and Natural Disasters Task Force, 2007-2010, Intersociety Liaison Committee, 2009-2010, History Committee, 2011 2014; Dermatology Foundation: member, 1974-present, Medical and Scientific Committee, 1984-1987 (Chair 1986-1987); American Association of Immunologists: member,

270 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 1977-present; American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology: member, 1978-present, Dermatologic Diseases Interest Section, 1992-2002 (Secretary 1993-1994, Chair, 1997-1999, Abstract Committee 1994- 2002, Urticaria and Angioedema Committee, 1994-2002 (Chair 1997-1999), Public Education Representative, 2001-2002); American Dermatological Association: member, 1983-present, Education Committee, 1989- 1993, Program Committee, 1990-1991 and 2004-2005, Future Committee 1991-1993, Honorary Membership Committee 1995-1999, Board of Directors 1998-2003,Vice President, 2003-2004, Meeting Site Committee, 2005-2008, President, 2009-2010, Secretary Membership Committee, 2012-2018, Nominating Committee, 2018-present; Dermatological Society of Greater New York: member, 1984-present, Treasurer, 1995-1998, Board Member, 1995-3003, President, 1999-2001, Communications and Education Committee, 1999-2003, Abstract Selection Committee Annual Conrad Stritzler Memorial Resident Competition, 2000-2014, Chair Nominating Committee, 2001-2005; Association of Professors of Dermatology: member, 1985-present; New York Academy of Medicine Section of Dermatology and Syphilology: member 1987-present, Secretary- Treasurer, 1990-1991, Chair, 1991-1992, Continuing Medical Education Committee, 1992-1999; New York Dermatological Society: member, 1988-present, President, 1996-1997, Secretary-Treasurer, 2000-2003, Executive Committee, 1996-2003. Outside Interests: Travel, Dining, Opera, Ballet, Art.

Philip Lawrence Bailin 1984 Born: June 21, 1943, Cleveland, Ohio. Graduated: M.D., Northwestern University Medical School, 1968; M.BA, Case Western Reserve University, 1989. Training: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1968-1974. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1975; American Board of Laser Surgery, 1985. Practice: Ohio State University Medical School, Department of Medicine. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Chief Medical Officer, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, 1969-1971. Teaching Appointments: Ohio State University­ Medical School, Department of Medicine, Professor from 1992; Cleveland Clinic Foundation: Department of Pathology, Section of Dermatopathology, Adjunct Pathologist, Section of Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Head Department of Dermatology, Resident Program Director, Chairman, Office of Practice Management, Director, Division of Medicine, Vice Chairman, Medical Operation, Associate Director. Professional Societies: American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery & Cutaneous Oncology, President, 1988-1990; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, President, 1990-1991.

Jean-Claude Bystryn 1984 Born: May 8,1938, Paris, France. Graduated: New York University School of Medicine, 1962. Training: Montefiore Hospital, 1962-1964; NYU School of Medicine, 1966-1969; U.S. Public Health Service post-doctoral research fellow, University of Southern California, 1968-1969; U.S. Public Health Service postdoctoral research fellow, NYU School of Medicine, 1969-1972. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970; American Board of Immunodermatopathology, 1986. Practice: NYU School of Medicine and NYU Medical Center. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service Heart Disease Control Officer, 1964-1966. Teaching Appointments: NYU School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1970-1971, Assistant Professor, 1971-1976, Director of Immunofluorescence Laboratory from 1972, Co-Director of

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 271 Bullous Disease Clinic from 1974, Associate Professor, 1976-1984, Professor from 1984; NYU Medical Center: Skin and Cancer Unit, Director of Melanoma Immunotherapy Clinic from 1982, Kaplan Cancer Center, Director of Melanoma Program from 1983. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Association of Immunologists; American Association for Cancer Research; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society for Cell Biology; International Society for Tropical Dermatology; American Federation for Clinical Research, New York Dermatological Society; Dermatology Foundation; International Pigment Cell Society; Society Francaise de Dermatologie, Honorary Member; Philippine Society of Dermatology, Honorary Member; PanAmerican Society for Pigment Cell Research. Awards: Husik Prize in Dermatology, NYU School of Medicine, 1968; Irma T. Hirschi Career Scientist Award, 1979; Skin Cancer Foundation Annual Award, 1985; AOA, 1990. Deseased, August 19, 2010.

A. Paul Kelly 1984 Born: November 23, 1938. Graduated: Howard University College of Medicine, 1965. Training: Harper Hospital, 1965-1966; Henry Ford Hospital, 1968-1971. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1973; Dermatopathology, 1978. Practice: King/Drew Medical Center, Chief of Department of Medicine Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Captain 1968, Teaching Appointments: University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center, Associate Professor, Professor; Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science, Department of Dermatology, Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; National Medical Association, Section for Dermatology, Chairman, 1975-1977; American Medical Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; International Pigment Cell Society; Pacific Dermatologic Association; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Los Angeles Metropolitan Dermatologic Society; Association of Professors of Dermatology; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Golden Slate Medical Association; Dermatologic Therapy Association; Dermatological Photographic Society; Los Angeles Academy of Medicine. Awards: National Medical Association Dome Award for the Outstanding Black Resident or Fellow, 1972; NAACP-ACT-SO Award, 1983; Eric Zwerling Memorial Lecturer Award in Dermatology, 1991. Outside Interests: Tennis, photography, international travel, and cultural activities. Deceased, May 13, 2014.

Pearon G. Lang, Jr. 1984 Born: November 9, 1943. Graduated: University of Virginia, 1970. Training: Washington University, 1970-1971 (Internship); University of Michigan, 1971-1974 (Dermatology); George Washington Medical Center; University of Wisconsin, 1980 (Mohs Surgery). Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1975; Dermatopathology, 1979. Teaching Appointments: Professor of Dermatology, Otolaryngology, and Pathology Medical University of South Carolina, 1980-2010. Practice: Private practice, Charleston, South Carolina. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery;

272 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association American Society of Dermatopathology; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; South Carolina Dermatology Association. Awards and Honors: Best Doctors in America; Presidential Citation (AAD); Outstanding Clinician (MUSC). Outside Interests: Fishing, hunting, boating, hiking, travelling, gardening, reading, sailing, skiing.

Lee T. Nesbitt, Jr. 1984 Born: May 2, 1941, Gaffney, South Carolina Education: Undergraduate: Tulane University BS, 1963; Medical School: Tulane University Medical Center MD, 1966 Training: Medical Center of Louisiana Charity Hospital, 1966-1967, 1969-1971 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1973; Dermatopathology, 1975 Practice: Louisiana State University Medical Center and private practice. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, 1967-1969. Teaching Appointments: Tulane University Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Professor from 1972, Acting Head of Dermatology, 1977-1981; Louisiana State University Medical Center, Professor and Head of Dermatology from 1988. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; ACP; APD; American Dermatological Association: Board of Directors 1999-2004, President, 2005; Noah Worcester Dermatology Society; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Medical Association; Southern Medical Association; South Central Dermatology; ADSAI; Dermatological Therapy Association; American College of Cryosurgery; ASDS; International Society for Tropical Dermatology; International Society of Dermatopathology; Louisiana Dermatology Society: President; American Board of Dermatology: President, 2000-2001 Awards: Teacher of the Year Award, Aesculapian Club, LSU, 1974; Peterkin Award for Outstanding Resident Research Project, Louisiana Dermatology Society, 1972; Gralnick Award for Outstanding Senior Thesis, Tulane Medical School, 1966; Lifetime Achievement Award, Medical Dermatology Society. Outside Interests: Tennis, running, travel, history, sports. Deceased, March 22, 2014.

James Earnest Rasmussen 1984 Born: May 14, 1942, San Antonio, Texas Graduated: Tulane University 1967. Training: Tulane University Charity Hospital, 1967-1968; University of Oregon Medical School, 1970-1972. Practice: University of Michigan Medical Center. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Medical Center, Department of Dermatology. Author: Many scientific publications. Outside Interests: Orchids.

Luis A. Diaz 1985 Born: September 16, 1942, Cascas, Peru. Current Position: The CE Wheeler Distinguished Professor of Dermatology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine (2017-present).

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 273 Education: Undergraduate: National University of Trujillo (UNT), Peru (1960-62). Medical School: UNT School of Medicine, Trujillo, Peru (1962-67). Training in Dermatology: SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine (1971-74). Other Training: Cutaneous Immunology Fellow at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (1974-76). Academic Appointments: University of Michigan: Assist & Assoc. Professor of Dermatology (1976-82); Johns Hopkins University: Assoc. & Professor of Dermatology (1982-89): Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW). Professor & Chair, Dermatology Dept. (1990-99): University of North Carolina School of Medicine, CE Wheeler Professor & Chair (2000-2016). Society Memberships: Society of Investigative Dermatology, President, 2001; Association of Professors of Dermatology, President, 2014-2016; American Society of Clinical Investigation; Association of American Physicians; National Academy of Medicine (Institute of Medicine)-National Academy of Science-USA; Life Fellow Member, The Royal Society of Medicine, UK; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; International Society of Dermatology. Awards and Honors: 1991 William Montagna Award and Lecturer, Annual Meeting Society for Investigative Dermatology, Seattle, WA, (May 1991); Marion Sulzberger Award: Teacher of the Year. American Academy of Dermatology. Washington, DC, (February 1994); Recipient American Skin Association Research Achievement Award (May, 2001); Simon Bolivar Medal and Diploma for a distinguished professional career, scientific contributions. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú. April 9, 1999; Stephen Rothman Award, Society of Investigative Dermatology (May 2009); Arthur Rook Oration, 91st Annual Meeting, British Association of Dermatologist, (July 2011); Honorary Membership Society for Investigative Dermatology (May, 2012); Life Achievement Award, Medical Dermatology Society (2014); Honorary Member by the American Academy of Dermatology (2016); Honorary Member by the Société Française de Dermatologie (2016); International Pemphigus & Pemphigoid Foundation (IPPF) Lifetime Achievement Award. Durham, North Carolina (October 2018); 25th David Martin Carter Mentor Award from the American Skin Association (May, 2019). Outside Interests: Travelling, fishing, reading.

William C. Gentry, Jr. 1985 Information and photo not available.

Thomas J. Lawley 1985 Born: January 16, 1947, Buffalo, New York. Current Position: William P. Timmie Professor of Dermatology, Emory School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Canisius College; Medical School: SUNY at Buffalo, 1972. Training in Dermatology: Yale University, 1973-1974; NCI/NIH Bethesda, 1975-1977. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977; Dermatological Immunology, 1985. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, 1975-1978. Teaching Appointments: Emory University, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman from 1988; Dean, 1996 to 2013 Professional Societies: American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Federation for Clinical Research; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Georgia Society of Dermatologists; Atlanta Dermatological Association. Awards: Public Health Service Superior Service Award, 1987; Hoechst Award, 1986; Pfizer Award, 1971; Alpha Omega Alpha, 1971. Outside Interests: Reading, baseball, cooking.

274 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association John A. Parrish 1985 Born: October 19, 1939, Louisville, Kentucky. Graduated: Yale University School of Medicine, 1965. Training: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1965-1967; Harvard Medical School, 1969-1972. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1975. Military Service: U.S. Marine Corps, 1967-1968; U.S. Navy, 1968-1969. Teaching Appointments: Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine: Director 1975, Dermatology Service, Chief, 1987, Senior Appointments Committee, Chairman, 1987; Harvard-MGH Cutaneous Biology Research Center, Director from 1989. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Academy of Dermatology; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Society for Lasers in Surgery and Medicine; American Society for Photobiology; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Boston Dermatological Society; British Association of Dermatologists; European Society for Photobiology; International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Leader’s Society of the Dermatology Foundation; New England Dermatological Association; Society of Investigative Dermatology. Awards: U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Gold, Presidential Unit Citation, Vietnamese Service Medal with FMF Combat Insignia, National Service Defense Medal, 1968; U.S. Navy, Oak Knoll Naval Hospital Outstanding General Medical Officer, 1969; TOYL Award 1975; William Montagna Award 1982; Marion B. Sulzberger Memorial Award 1988; Phi Beta Kappa 1989; Dohi Lecturer, Japanese Society of Dermatology, 1990; National Psoriasis Foundation Research Achievement Award 1993. Outside Interests: Photomedicine, photobiology, phototherapy, laser biology, tennis, skiing, hiking and writing.

Vera H. Price 1985 Born: Czechoslovakia Graduated: University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine. Training: Toronto General Hospital; Shaughnessy Hospital, Vancouver; New York University; Bellevue Hospital. Certified: American Board of Dermatology. Practice: University of California at San Francisco. Teaching Appointments: University of California At San Francisco, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; SFDS; lSD; CDA; PDA; SFMS; CMA. Outside Interests: Music, art, travel and languages.

Colin A. Ramsay 1985 Born: June 11, 1936. Graduated: University of London, 1959. Training: London Hospital; University of Wisconsin; St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, London. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1986. Practice: University of Toronto, Canada. Teaching Appointments: University of Toronto, Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Canadian Dermatology Foundation, President, 1993.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 275 Outside Interests: Music, reading biographies, and collecting 19th century dermatology texts and atlases. Deceased April 24, 2003.

Paul R. Bergstresser 1986 Graduated: Stanford University School of Medicine 1968. Training: University of New Mexico School of Medicine (Internal Medicine) 1968-1969; Stanford University (Dermatology) 1969-1970; University of Miami (Dermatology, Research Fellowship) 1972-1974. Certification: American Board of Dermatology 1976; Dermatological Immunology/ Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology 1989. Current Practice: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. Military Service: Irwin Army Hospital, Chief of Dermatology, Major 1970-1972. Academic Appointments: University of Miami Department of Dermatology 1975. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Dallas, Texas 1976, Professor and Chairman 1984-2007; Professor Emeritus 2007-present. University of Texas Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Immunology Program 1980-2005. Professional Societies: American Board of Dermatology: Director Residency Review Committee for Dermatology; National Institutes of Health: General Medicine 1A Study Section; Advisory Council National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases; American Academy of Dermatology; American Medical Association; American Association of Immunologists; American Association of Tissue Banks; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Dermatologic Society for Allergy and Immunology; American Dermatological Association; Association of American Physicians; American Society for Photobiology (Editor, Photodermatology, Photoimmunology, and Photomedicine); Association of Professors of Dermatology (Board of Directors, President); Dermatology Foundation; International Society for Topical Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, Secretary-Treasurer, Delegate to the American Medical Association, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, President; Dallas Dermatological Society; Texas Dermatological Society; Honorary Memberships: Polish Dermatological Association, Finnish Dermatological Association, Austrian Dermatological Association, Norwegian Dermatological Association, Japanese Dermatological Society, Philippine Dermatological Society, European Society for Dermatological Research, International Fellow Member, Chinese Dermatology Society. Awards and Honors: Stanford University School of Medicine Hopkins Award; 15th Memorial Lecture of Professor Kung-Sun Oh, Korean Dermatological Association 1991; Fogarty Senior International Fellowship Department of Dermatology, University of Vienna (Prof. Georg Stingl) (1993-1994); Dermatitis Research Award, American Skin Association 1994; Austrian Society of Dermatology and Venereology, Second Annual Joseph Plenck Lecture 1994; Marion B. Sulzberger Memorial Award and Lectureship 2000; 107th Annual Dohi Lecture, Japanese Dermatological Society, 2008; Odland Lecture, Department of Medicine (Dermatology), University of Washington 2011; Stephen Rothman Memorial Award, Society for Investigative Dermatology (distinguished service to the specialty of investigative dermatology) 2012.

Jeffrey P. Callen 1986 Born: May 30, 1947. Graduated: University of Michigan, 1972. Training: University of Michigan, Internal Medicine, 1972-1975; University of Michigan, Dermatology, 1975-1977. Certified: American Board of Internal Medicine, 1975; American Board of Dermatology, 1977, 1999, 2009. Practice: Associates in Dermatology, PLLC and University of Louisville, Division of Dermatology.

276 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Teaching Appointments: University of Louisville, Division of Dermatology: Assistant Clinical Professor, 1977- 1981, Associate Clinical Professor, 1981-1983, Associate Professor, 1984-1988, Professor, 1988 to present, Dermatology Residency Program, Director, 1984-2017, Chief, Division of Dermatology 1988-current. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Task Force for the evaluation of therapeutic agents in dermatology, 1978-80 Chairman, 1981-1984, Awards Committee for exhibits, 1978-1980, Chairman 1981, Member Audiovisual Education Committee, 1979-80 Chairman, 1981-84, Member of Council on Education, 1981-1984, Editor-in-Chief, Dermavision 1982 – 1985, Editorial Consultant Dialogues in Dermatology 1981 – 1984, Chairman Subcommittee on Connective Tissue Disease for Curriculum Development Committee, 1984- 1985, National Spokesperson, 1984 – 1985, Editorial Board, National Library of Dermatologic Teaching Slides, 1982-1985; Chairman, Committee on Scientific and Technical Exhibits, 1986 – 1989; Member, Task Force on Guidelines -Adverse Drug Reactions, 1991, Chairman, Task Force on Internal Medicine, 1991-1994, Member, Task Force on Guidelines -Collagen vascular diseases, 1992-5, Member, Council on Scientific Assembly, 1993-8, Chairman, 1998, Member, Executive Committee, Advisory Council, 1992, Member, Board of Directors 1995 – 1999, Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, 1997-9, Chair, Committee on Evaluation of the Annual Meeting 1999-2003, Co-Chair, Program for Dermatology in the 21st century, 1999-2000, President, Dermatology Services Inc., 2002-2004, Member, Planning Committee, Isotretinoin consensus conference 2002, Chair elect, Council on Education, 2002-3, Chair, Council on Education, 2003-2007, Chair, Psoriasis Education Task Force for the planning of a consensus conference – 2002-2008, Vice-President, 2004-2005, Member, Strategy Committee, 2006-2007, Member, Maintenance of Certification Committee 2007 – 2011, Chair, Workgroup on Regional courses – 2006 – 2011; Dermatology Foundation: Chairman, Committee for Corporate Fund Raising, 1983, Chairman, Development Committee, 1984 – 1986; Board of Trustees, 1983 -90, Chairman, Committee for the Selection of the Practitioner of the Year and the Finnerud Award, 1988-90; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on Internal Medicine, 1984, Board of Directors, 1996-99, President, 2016-2018; Kentucky Dermatological Society: Secretary/Treasurer, 1983- 1985, President, 1986-87; American Board of Dermatology: Member Part II Test Committee, 1991-1994, Member Board of Directors, 2003-2011, Vice-President, 2011; National Board of Medical Examiners: Member Ambulatory Care Committee Step III, 1996-1999, Member Step III Interdisciplinary Review Committee, 2000, Member, Step III Item Review Committee, 2002; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Scientific Program Chair, 2002; ACGME Residency Review Committee for Dermatology: Member, appointed by AMA -Jan 1, 2001-December 31, 2002, Member, Appointed by ABD – January 1, 2003-June 30, 2009; Medical Dermatology Society: President, 2006-8. ACCME: Member, Accreditation Review Committee, 2017-current. Awards: Fox Memorial Lecturer – American Academy of Dermatology, Summer meeting, 2004; Thomas G. Pearson, EdD, Memorial Educational Award recipient from the American Academy of Dermatology, 2008; American Skin Association Achievement Award for Public Policy/Medical Education, 2011; Lifetime Master of the American College of Rheumatology, 2016; Master Dermatologist Award by the American Academy of Dermatology, 2017; Dermatology Foundation Lifetime Career Educator Award, 2018; Honorary Corresponding Member, Pacific Dermatologic Association, 1987. Honorary Memberships: Honorary Fellow, North American Clinical Dermatologic Society, 2007; Honorary Member, Medical Dermatology Society, 2011; Honorary Member Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, 2012; Honorary Member American Academy of Dermatology, 2014; Honorary Member American College of Rheumatology, 2016; Editorial responsibilities: Editorial Board Member, Current Opinion in Dermatology, 1993-6; Assistant Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1993-2003; Editorial Board, Journal of Rheumatology 1995-2017; International editorial board member, Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, 1996-2005; Deputy Editor, JAMA Dermatology (formerly Archives of Dermatology), 2004-2016; Editor in Chief, Dermatology Section, UpToDate, 2010 – current; Outside Interests: Chinese cooking, long distance walking, theater, contemporary art collecting, watching movies, and attending film festivals.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 277 Thomas L. Ray 1986 Born: June 2, 1946, Portland, Oregon. Education: Unsdergraduate: Williams College 1968; Medical School: University of Oregon Medical School, 1972. Training: Hennepin County General Hospital, 1972-1973; University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, 1973-1977; University of Connecticut Health Center, 1977-1979. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977; Dermatologic Immunology and Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985. Practice: University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa Teaching Appointments: University of Connecticut Health Center, Department of Dermatology, Instructor, 1977-1979; University of Iowa College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1979-1983, Associate, 1983-1991, Professor 1991-2003, Emeritus currently. Professional Societies: Iowa Dermatological Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1980-1983, President, 1984-1985; American Academy of Dermatology: Council on Education, Chairman, 1987-1990, Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education, Chairman, 1992-1994; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Medical Association; American Society for Microbiology; International Society for Human and Animal Mycology; Medical Mycology Society of the Americas. Awards: Nelson Paul Anderson Award 1975. Outside Interests: Skiing, sailing, bicycling, hiking/climbing, travel, Asian art, and Toikka glass birds

Thomas J. Russell 1986 Born: December 25, 1936, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Graduated: Marquette University School of Medicine, 1962 [now Medical College of Wisconsin]. Training: Minneapolis General Hospital, 1962-1963 [now Hennepin County Hospital]; Mayo Clinic,1963-1966. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, 1966-1968 Practice: Private and Medical College of Wisconsin. Teaching Appointments: Medical College of Wisconsin, Clinical Professor; Interim Chairman of Dermatology, 1974-1977, 1983-1988, 2007. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Dermatological Association, Wisconsin Dermatological Society, Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education-AAD Vice-Chairman, 1989, Milwaukee Academy of Medicine. Awards: Taub International Memorial Award for Psoriasis Research, 1979, Dermatology Foundation Clark W. Finnerud Award, 2003. Outside Interests: Photography and travel.

James S. Taylor 1986 Born: October 10; 1940. Chicago. Education: Undergraduate: U.S. Capitol Page School; Medical School: Indiana University; Indiana University School of Medicine, 1966. Training: Cleveland Clinic Foundation: Internship and Dermatology Residency, 1966-70. Service: U.S. Public Health Service: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Dermatologist, 1970-72.

278 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970; voluntarily re-certified, 2009 and 2019. Practice: Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, 2016-present; Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Dermatology-Plastic Surgery Institute: Quality Improvement Officer, 2011-2016, Consultant Dermatologist, 2009-present, and Head, Section of Industrial Dermatology, 1972- 2009; Instructor, U of Cincinnati, 1970-72. Academic Interests: Contact, occupational and environmental dermatology; porphyria; latex allergy; quality and patient safety; clinical outcomes; medical device allergy; population health; public policy. Medical Journals and Publications: Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine: Editor, 1981-92, Editor Emeritus, 1993-present; Dermatitis (American Journal of Contact Dermatitis), Associate Editor 1989-1998. Author: 360+ scientific articles, book chapters, abstracts and letters. Professional Societies: North American Contact Dermatitis Group:: Member / Director, 1976-present; American Academy of Dermatology (AAD): Vice-president, 2008-09, Board of Director,s 2001-2005, Data Derm Task Force founding member, 2012-present (Co Chair 2012-16), Council on Science and Research, member, 2017-21, Patient Safety and Quality Committee Chair, 2009-12, Task Force on Occupational and Environmental Dermatology Chair, 1979-88; American Dermatological Association: Vice-president, 2007- 2008, Alternate Pathways Committee, 2012-16; American Contact Dermatitis Society: President, 1992-93, founding member, 1989, Board of Directors, 1989-91; Academy of Medicine of Cleveland and Northern Ohio: President, 1997-98, Board of Directors, 1997-2007; Ohio Dermatological Association: President, 1996-97, Secretary, 1992-95, Board of Directors, 1991-93; Cleveland Dermatological Society: President, 1992-94, Board of Directors, 1983-86; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Audit Committee, 1989-2007 (Chair 1992- 99); Noah Worchester Dermatological Society: Board of Trustees, 1983-86, Scientific Chair, 1985 and 2007; Women’s Dermatological Society: Board of Directors, 2004-08; American Medical Association (member since 1972): Committee to Revise Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment of the Skin, Chair, 1980-1983, 1992-1993; Dermatology Foundation Leaders Society; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; European Society of Contact Dermatitis; Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) ; Physicians E H R Consortium (PEHRC): Executive Committee, 2018-present; and Cosmetic Ingredient Review Steering Committee, 2018-present. Also other committee member, chair and speaker at many of these societies. Awards, Honors and Public Panels: Eight eponymous lecture presentations: Everett C. Fox Memorial Award and Lecture (AAD), Samitz Lecture (U Penn), Prosser White Oration (British Association of Dermatologists), Fine Lecture (Emory U), Storrs Lecture (OHSU), O’Classen Lecture (Pacific Dermatological Association), Moores Lecture (Indiana U), and Fisher Lecture (ACDS); Honorary Membership: American Academy of Dermatology, Canadian Dermatology Association, Mexican Academy of Dermatology, and American Contact Dermatitis Society; AAD Teaching Exhibit Awards, Gold 1990, Bronze 1982, Silver 1974. NIOSH: Safety and Occupational Health Study Section, 1980-82 and National Occupational Research Agenda, Allergic and Irritant Dermatitis Panel, 1999-2004; Consumer Product Safety Commission: Strong Sensitizer Panels, 1984-86 / 2004-05; Veterans Administration: Toxic Embedded Fragments Panel, 2012; National Quality Forum Adverse Events, TAP 2010-11; FDA Center for Devices and Radiologic Health, Panels on Gloves, 1994 and Medical Devices, 2019; Multiple Dioxin Advisory Panels: U.S. National Research Council, 1976; European Union Health and Safety Directorate, 1976; National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1984-85; Veterans Administration, 1985-87; US Air Force 1990; and Institute of Medicine (National Academy of Medicine) Committee on Gulf War and Health, 2003-04; Planning and Zoning Commissioner, City of Pepper Pike, OH (1984-present) Outside Interests: Political Science, US Capitol History, family, genealogy, music, clarinet, stamp collecting, cross-country skiing, sailing, and travel.

John Marion Yarborough 1986 Born: August 12, 1934, Jackson, Mississippi. Graduated: Tulane University, 1959. Training: U.S. Naval Hospital, Pensacola, Florida, 1960; Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1966.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 279 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1968. Practice: Private. Teaching Appointments: Tulane University, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: Louisiana Dermatologic Society, President, 1986-1987; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1989-1993; Dermatology Foundation, Trustee, 1990-1993; American Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Founding Member, Board of Directors, 1977-1980, President, 1993-1994; American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Big game fishing, concert pianist. Deceased, June 20, 2014.

Thomas F. Anderson 1987 Born: December 5, 1946, Port Huron, Michigan. Graduated: University of Michigan, 1974. Training: Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, 1975; University of Michigan, 1975-1978. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1978 Practice: University of Michigan Medical Center, Catherine McAuley Medical Center, Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Dermatology from 1978 until retirement in 2017. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Dermatological Association; American Federation of Clinical Research; American Society for Photobiology; Dermatology Foundation; International Pigment Cell Society (charter member); International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Michigan Dermatological Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Brantstrom Freshman Price, 1965; Galens Honorary Medical Society, 1972. Outside Interests: Photomedicine. Deceased, May 31, 2020.

Faye D. Arundell 1987 Born: September 8, 1931. Graduated: University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 1956. Training: Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario, Canada 1956-1957; Victoria and Westminster Hospitals, London, Ontario, Canada, 1957-1958; Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1958-1961; St Thomas’ Hospital, London, England, 1961-1962; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C., 1962-1963. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1964; Dermatopathology, 1975. Practice: Private, Menlo Park, California from 1969. Teaching Appointments: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Staff, 1963-1965; Stanford University, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1966-1969, Clinical Professor from 1985. Professional Societies: San Francisco Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1975-1978, President, 1978-1979; Congress of California Dermatologic Societies; Pacific Dermatological Association: Clinical Pathologic Conference: Chairman, 1977, Vice­ President, 1981-1982, Program Chairman, 1986, President, 1992; American Academy of Dermatology: Task Force on Pathology, 1983-1988, Executive Committee, Advisory Council 1979-1983, Vice Chairman Advisory Council, 1983-1985, Blue Ribbon Committee, 1984-

280 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 1985, Ad Hoc Committee on Skin Cancer Detection Clinics, Chairman, 1984-1986, Board of Directors, 1985- 1989, Committee on Organizational Structure, 1986-1989, National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Campaign, Chairman, 1985-1987, Task Force on Preventative Dermatology, 1985-1988, Task Force on Youth Education, Chairman, 1986-1991, Presidential Commission on Melanoma/Skin Cancer, 1986-1991, Committee on Minority Affairs, 1991-1995, American Academy of Dermatology/CDA Liaison Task Force, 1991-1995, Public Information Committee Chairman, 1992-1995; Women’s Dermatologic Society: President, 1989-1990, Nominating Committee, 1991-1995. Outside Interests: Opera, theater, nature photography, hiking, tennis. Deceased, June 29, 2008.

Richard L. Edelson 1987 Born: December 19, 1944. Graduated: Yale University School of Medicine, 1970. Training: University of Chicago, 1970-1971; Massachusetts General Hospital, 1971-1972; NIH Laboratory of Immunology, 1972-1975; Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital, 1975-1976. Certified: American Board of Dermatology. Practice: Yale University School of Medicine Teaching Appointments: Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1976-1978, Associate Professor, 1979-1980; Columbia- Presbyterian General Clinical Research Center, Associate Director, 1980-1985; Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Director of Research, 1980- 1985; Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman from 1986. Professional Societies: American Society for Clinical Investigation; Association of American Physicians; Association of Professors of Dermatology. Awards: McKee Research Prize; Citation Classic; Dohi Award; National Cancer Society Merit Award; Intrauban Clinical Club. Outside Interests: Tennis, bicycling and computer graphics.

Evan Ragland Farmer 1987 Born: October 4, 1944, Richmond, Virginia. Current Position: Retired. Education: Undergraduate: Virginia Military Institute, Bachelor of Arts-Biology, 1966; Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, 1970. Training in Dermatology: Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 1973-1976. Other Training: Vanderbilt University Hospital, Medicine Intern, 1971; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Fellowship in Dermatopathology, 1977; Johns Hopkins University, Master of Liberal Arts-History of Ideas, 1994. Academic Appointments: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1977-1983, Associate Professor, 1983-1990, Professor, 1990-1993, 2005-2009. Indiana University School of Medicine, Professor and Chair Department of Dermatology, 1993-2001; Eastern Virginia Medical School, Dean, Provost and Professor of Dermatology, 2001-2004; Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Pathology and Dermatology, 2005-2011. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology, member, 1977-present, Vice-President, 2009- 2010; American Society of Dermatopathology, member, 1978-present, President, 1990-91; American Dermatological Association, member, 1987-present, President, 2004-2005; American Board of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1999-2007; Maryland Dermatologic Society, member, 1977-1993, President, 1980‑1981;

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 281 Indiana Dermatologic Society, member, 1993-2001; Society for Investigative Dermatology, member, 1973-1993; International Society of Dermatopathology, member, 1980-1990; American Medical Association, member, 1990-2004, 2007-2009; American Association of Medical Colleges, member, 1995-2004. Awards and Honors: Honorary Member, American Society of Dermatopathology, 2014; Alumni Member of Omicron Delta Kappa, 2008; Presidential Citation, American Academy of Dermatology, 2004; First Jackson- Hope Medal (Valedictorian), Virginia Military Institute, 1966. Outside Interests: Volunteer Election Officer and Electoral Board Gloucester VA, 2016-present; Writing poetry and essays; Enjoying the natural environment of the York River.

Irma Gigli 1987 Born: December 22, 1931, Cordoba, Argentina. Training: Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 1957-1960; New York University, Skin and Cancer Unit, 1960-1961; Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Miami, 1961-1964. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1974. Practice: University of California San Diego. Teaching Appointments: New York University, Professor of Dermatology and Experimental Medicine, 1976-1982; University of California, San Diego, Division of Dermatology, Chief, Professor of Medicine, 1982-1995; University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston: Walter & Mary Mischer Distinguished Professor in Molecular Medicine, director of the Center for Immunology and Autoimmune Diseases and the Hans J Muller-Eberhard Chair in Immunology from 1995; Professor Emeritus and Director Emeritus of the IMM Center for Immunology & Autoimmune Diseases. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Dermatological Association; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society for Clinical Investigation; Association of American Physicians; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Institute of Medicine; International Society of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Western Association of Physicians. Awards: National Institutes of Health Merit Award, 1988; J. S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Award, 1974; 2003 Distinguished Professional Woman of the Year from UT Houston; Elected to the National Academy of Medicine; elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Outside Interests: Music, oriental carpets, Latin American painters.

Douglas R. Lowy 1987 Born: May 25, 1942, New York, New York. Graduated: New York University School of Medicine, 1968. Training: Stanford University Medical Center, 1968-1970; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 1970-1973; Yale-New Haven Medical Center, 1973-1975. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977. Practice: National Cancer Institute. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Medical Director, 1970-1973, 1975. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Association of Physicians; American Dermatological Association; American Society for Clinical Investigation: Membership Committee, 1984-1987, Chairperson, 1986-1987, Committee on Fellowships, 1985-1988, Committee on Residents and Fellows, 1990-1992, Chairperson, 1992, board of directors,1990; American Society for Microbiology; Commissioned Officers Association of the United States Public Health Service; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation.

282 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Awards: Montagna Award of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, 1983; USPHS Commendation Award, 1983, Outstanding Service Medal, 1986, Meritorious Service Medal, 1987; Sulzberger Memorial Award of American Academy of Dermatology, 1987; NYU School of Medicine Solomon A. Berson Medical Alumni Achievement Award in Basic Science, 1992; Bluefarb Award, Chicago Dermatology Society, 1993; Pincus Memorial Award, 1993; Wallace P. Rows Award for Research in Virology, 1993. Outside Interests: Host-parasite relationships, cellular transformation, tumor pathogenesis.

Marianne N. O’Donoghue 1987 Born: June 29,1941, Oak Park, Illinois. Graduated: Georgetown University MD, 1965. Training: Northwestern University (Passavant Hosital) 1965-1966: University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics, 1966-1968; University of Cincinnati, 1968-1969. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1970. Practice: Private from 1970. Teaching Appointments: University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine, Section of Dermatology, Instructor, 1969-1970; Rush University Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1981, Associate Professor, 1981. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Membership Committee, 1981-1985, Chairman, 1984-1985, CME Review Committee, 1983, Cosmetic Symposium, Director, 1986-1989, Ethics Committee, 1990-1996, Board of Directors 1995-1999, Vice-President elect, 1999, Vice-President, 2000; Illinois Academy of Family Physicians; Chicago Dermatological Society: Treasurer, 1980-1981, Secretary, 1981 -1984, President, 1984-1985, Gold Medal, 2018; Noah Worchester Dermatological Society: Board of Directors, 1996-2000, President, 2009;, American Dermatological Association; Dermatology Foundation: Trustee, 1990, President, 2010; Illinois Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1990, President, 1993-1994; Women’s Dermatology Society: Co-Chairman of Clinical Meeting, 1991, Chairman, 1992, Board of Trustees, 1991-1996, President, 2003; Co-Director of AAD/AAAAI Course of Allergy and Dermatology in New York, 1996,1999, and 2003; Editor in Chief Dialogues in Dermatology 1985-1989. Awards and Honors: Dermatology Foundation: Leadership Society, 1990, Practitioner of Year Award, 1999; Alpha Omega Alpha Volunteer Faculty Award, 2001.

Thomas H. Rea 1987 Born: May 12, 1929 Three Rivers Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: Oberlin College; Medical School: University of Michigan, 1955. Training: University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1955-1956, 1958-1961; Manhattan VA Hospital, New York, 1961-1963. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977; Immunodermatology, 1985. Practice: University of Southern California from 1981. Retired 2015. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1956-1958. Teaching Appointments: New York University, Department of Dermatology, Faculty, 1963- 1970; University of Southern California, Division of Dermatology, Faculty from 1970, Chief, 1981-1996; Project Director for the Hansen’s Disease program at the LA County-USC Medical center until 2012 Outside Interests: Reading, classical music, travel and contemporary Japanese prints. Deceased, February 17, 2016.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 283 Richard K. Scher 1987 Born: 1929. Graduated: Howard University, 1955. Training: SUNY, Maimonides Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, 1955-1956; NYU, 1956-1959. Certified: 1961. Practice: Columbia University from 1987. Military Service: U.S. Navy Hospital, St. Albans, Assistant Chief of Dermatology, 1959-1961. Teaching Appointments: NYU, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor, 1971- 1983; Brown University, Department of Dermatology, Professor, 1983-1987; Columbia University, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor from 1987. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: President, 2000, Board of Directors, 1991-1995; ASDS, Board of Directors, 1985-1988; Dermatology Foundation, Board of Trustees from 1992.

Bruce H. Thiers 1987 Born: June 15, 1949, Brooklyn, New York. Current Position: Distinguished University Professor, Department of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina. Education: Undergraduate: Brooklyn College, 1970; Medical School: SUNY/Buffalo School of Medicine, 1974. Training in Dermatology: SUNY/Buffalo Department of Dermatology, 1978. Academic Appointments: Medical University of South Carolina: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1980-1984, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1984-1993, Professor of Dermatology, 1994-present, Distinguished University Professor from 2017, Chair Department of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, 2003-2015. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: Vice-President, 2005-2006, President, 2020- 2021, Board of Directors, 1999-2006, 2019-2022; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; Association of Professors of Dermatology (Board of Directors); Women’s Dermatologic Society; North American Clinical Dermatologic Society; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; International Society of Dermatology; SIDeMaST (Italian Society of Dermatology), honorary member. Awards and Honors: Phi Beta Kappa. 1970; Alpha Omega Alpha. 1973 Outside Interests: Sports, politics, economics.

Ronald J. Barr 1988 Born: January 5, 1945, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Graduated: Johns Hopkins University, 1970 Training: University of California at San Diego, 1970-1975; University of California at Irvine, 1975-1978. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977, Dermatopathology, 1976. Practice: University of California at Irvine. Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1971-1973. Teaching Appointments: University of California at Irvine, Departments of Dermatology and Pathology, Professor; University of California at Irvine Medical Center, Dermatopathology Laboratory, Director.

284 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Noah Worcester, Society for Investigative Dermatology, International Society of Dermatology, American Society of Dermatopathology, International Society of Dermatopathology; International Academy of Pathology.

John M. Burket 1988 Graduated: University of Iowa, 1960. Training: University of Iowa, 1961-1964. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1965; Dermatopathology, 1982. Practice: Private from 1966. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, Chief of Dermatology, 1964-1966. Teaching Appointments: Oregon Health Sciences University, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: Jackson County Medical Society, President, 1978; Oregon Dermatologic Society, President, 1976-1977; Pacific Northwest Dermatologic Society, President, 1988-1989; Pacific Dermatologic Society; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Oregon Medical Society; American Medical Association. Awards: University of lowa Resident Teacher of the Year, 1964, runner-up 1963; Oregon Health Sciences University, William R.V. Marriott Dermatology Clinical Faculty Teacher of the Year, 1987, Clinical Faculty Award of Meritorious Achievement 1988. Outside Interests: Hunting and fishing.

John Thorne Crissey 1988 Born: July 19, 1924, Tonawanda, New York. Graduated: University of Buffalo School of Medicine, 1946. Training: University of Pennsylvania, 1949-1952. Certified: American Board of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1954. Practice: University of Southern California School of Medicine from 1991. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, Captain, 1947-1949. Teaching Appointments: University of Buffalo, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology: Assistant Professor, 1954-1962, Associate Clinical Professor, 1962; University of Southern California School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Associate Clinical Professor 1964-1977, Clinical Professor, 1977-1991, Professor from 1991. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Pacific Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; Sigma Xi. Awards: Societe de Dermatologie Gougerot of Paris, Prix Gougerot, 1985; American Academy of Dermatology Gold Award, 1988. Outside Interests: Music composition, piano, organ, flute, photography, computer, and genealogy. Deceased, January 29, 2009.

Barbara A. Gilchrest 1988 Born: November 11, 1945. Graduated: Harvard Medical School, 1971. Training: Harvard Medical School; Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 285 Practice: Boston University School of Medicine Laser Center. Teaching Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Department of Dermatology, Professor, 1977-1983; Tufts University, Cutaneous Gerontology Laboratory, Chief, 1983-1992; Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman from 1985. Professional Societies: Women’s Dermatological Society, Past-president; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation, past Trustee. Outside Interests: Tennis, skiing, sketching, and painting. Resigned.

James J. Leyden 1988 Born: August 20, 1940. Graduated: University of Pennsylvania, 1966 Training: University of Pennsylvania, 1967-1968, 1970-1972. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1973. Practice: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Military Service: U. S. Army, Chief of Dermatology 1968-1970. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1972-1977, Chief Dermatology Clinic, 1972-1987, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1977-1983, Professor of Dermatology from 1983. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1993; Philadelphia Dermatologic Society; Philadelphia College of Physicians; American Society of Microbiology; Society of Pediatric Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation, Executive Committee, 1987. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Henry W. Stelwagon Award 1971; North American Dermatological Association Award, 1972; Bronze Award for Original Investigation, 1976; Gold Award 1985; Bronze Award 1986; Silver Award for Teaching Value 1986; Gold Award 1991. Outside Interests: Golf.

Nicholas J. Lowe 1988 Born: 1944, England. Graduated: University of Liverpool, England, 1968. Training: University of Southampton; University of Liverpool; Scripps Clinic and University of California at San Diego. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1978. Practice: UCLA School of Medicine and Southern California Dermatology & Psoriasis Center. Military Service: Royal Naval Medical Service. Teaching Appointments: UCLA School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: British Association of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Pacific Dermatologic Association, President; Los Angeles Metropolitan Dermatological Association; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; American Dermatological Association. Awards: UCLA Outstanding Clinical Teacher of the Year; 5 scientific exhibit awards given by American Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Tennis, sailing, skiing, and travel.

286 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Neal S. Penneys 1988 Born: February 22, 1942. Graduated: M.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1967; Ph.D., University of Miami, 1973. Training: University of Cincinnati; University of Miami. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1988. Practice: Saint Louis University. Teaching Appointments: University of Miami; St Louis University. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; S.J.V. Outside Interests: Family, collecting 19th century book binding, mountain hiking, and going to school.

Daniel N. Sauder 1988 Born: April 15, 1949. Training: McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Royal Victoria Hospital, 1975-1976; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 1976-1977; Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1977-1979; National Institutes of Health, Dermatology Branch, 1979-1982 Certified: American Board of Dermatology. Practice: University of Toronto. Teaching Appointments: University of Toronto, Division of Dermatology, Professor and Chief. Professional Societies: Ontario Medical Association; Canadian Medical Association; American College of Physicians; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; Canadian Dermatology Association; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Association of Immunologists; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association. Awards: Henry W. Stelwagon Award; Province of Ontario Career Scientist Award; American Dermatological Association Young Leadership Award. Outside Interests: Skiing, mountain hiking and roller blade.

Neil A. Swanson 1988 Born: October 8, Buffalo, New York. Current Position: Emeritus Chair and Professor, Department of Dermatology Oregon Health & Science University. Mohs Surgeon, Goodskin Dermatology, Portland, Oregon. Education: Undergraduate: Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, BS Biology and Chemistry, 1972; Medical School: University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, MD, 1976. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor MI, 1977-1979. Other Training: Internship – Internal Medicine, Rochester General Hospital, Rochester NY, 1976-77; Fellow, Advanced Dermatologic Surgery, Mohs Surgery – University of California San Francisco, 1980 Current Academic Appointments: Emeritus Chair & Professor, Department of Dermatology Oregon Health & Science University from 2015; Previous Academic Appointments: Professor, University of Michigan, Departments of Dermatology and Otolaryngology, 1980-1989; Professor, OHSU, Departments of Dermatology and Otolaryngology, 1990-2015; Chair, OHSU Department of Dermatology, 1994-2014.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 287 Society Memberships: American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: multiple committees, past Board of Directors member, President; American Academy of Dermatology: multiple committees, Chair Council on Scientific Assembly, Board of Directors member, Vice-President; American College of Mohs Surgeons multiple committees; American Dermatological Association; Oregon Dermatology Society past President; Academic Dermatologic Surgeons founding President; Montana Dermatology Society; International Society for Dermatologic Surgeons. Awards and Honors: Frederick E. Mohs Award for Career Achievement, American College of Mohs Surgery; Samuel J. Stegman, MD, Award for Distinguished Service from the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Outside Interests: Horseback riding / competition, golf, fly fishing, grandchildren.

John E. Wolf, Jr. 1988 Born: January 15, 1940, Houston, Texas. Current Position: Chair, Department of Dermatology, Baylor College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Rice University (BA History), 1961; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch MD w/High Honors, 1965. Other: University of Texas Medical Branch MA Anatomy, 1964. Training in Dermatology: University of California at San Francisco, 1969-1971; Instituto Dermatologico, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1970-1971; St. John’s Hospital, London, England, 1971-1972. Other Training: Cornell University, Bellevue Hospital, 1965-1966 (Medical Internship); U.S. Peace Corps Physician (Micronesian Islands), 1966-1968. Academic Appointments: Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, since 1974 Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology Archivists; American Dermatological Association: Vice President and Historian; PDA, Historian; Society for Investigative Dermatology; APD, Historian; Dermatology Foundation; Sir James Saunders Society; American Association for the History of Medicine; International Society for the History of Medicine; Society for Literature and Science; American Medical Poetry Association; Dermatological Therapy Association (President). Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha, 1965; Eben J. Carey Award, 1961 (UTMB); Presidential Citation AAD (2011, 2015); Distinguished Alumnus (Lamar High School, Rice University, UTMB); Best Doctors Listings (Houston, Texas, USA); Honors Thesis in History (Rice); Honorary Member, Philippine Dermatological Society. Author: 177 publications. Outside Interests: Skiing, tennis, skin diving, underwater photography, collecting art, wine and food, writing poetry and fiction.

Walter H. C. Burgdorf 1989 Born: November 14, 1943, Chemnitz, Germany. Graduated: University of Wisconsin, 1969. Training: U.S. Army Tripier General Hospital, 1969-1970; University of Minnesota, 1974-1978. Military Service: U.S. Army, Hanau, Germany, General Medical Officer, 1970-1973. Teaching Appointments: University of Minnesota, Department of Dermatology, Instructor, 1977-1978; University of Oklahoma, Department of Dermatology, Assistant and Associate Professor, 1978-1984; University of New Mexico, School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Chairman, 1984-1993. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; International Society of Dermatopathology; Gesellschaft fuer Dermatologie; Polish Dermatologic Society; Austrian Dermatologic Society. Deceased, May 28, 2005.

288 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Roger I. Ceilley 1989 Born: May 18, 1945, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Graduated: University of Iowa College of Medicine. Training: University of Colorado, 1971-1972; University of Iowa, 1974-1977. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977; Dermatopathology, 1981. Practice: Private and University of Iowa. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Pawnee Indian Hospital, Medical Officer, 1972-1973, Phoenix Indian Medical Center, 1973-1974. Teaching Appointments: University of Iowa, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1976-1977, Assistant Professor, 1977-1979, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1979, Mohs’ Micrographic Surgery & Cutaneous Oncology, Fellowship Director, 1990. Professional Societies: Iowa Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer, 1979-1980, President, 1980-1981; American Society for Dermatological Surgery: Board of Directors, 1981-1984, Secretary, 1983-1985, Vice President, 1986, President, 1988-1989; Noah Worcester Society, Board of Directors, 1986; International Society for Pediatric Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology: President, 1997, Board of Directors, 1990, Council on Clinical and Laboratory Service, 1984-1989; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Dermatological Association; Pacific Dermatology Association. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha; Biering Cup Award for Medical Library Club of Des Moines, 1986 and 1987-1988.

Charles N. Ellis 1989 Born: October 2, 1952, Hillsdale, Michigan. Graduated: University of Michigan Medical School with Distinction in Research, 1977. Training: University of Michigan Hospital Internship and Dermatology Residency, 1977-1981. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1981. Practice: University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Dermatology, 1981- 2018: Director, Dermatopharmacology Unit, 1981-2001, Director of Residency Training Program,1986-2015, Department Associate Chair, 1990-2016; Veterans Affairs Ann Arbor Healthcare System: Chief of Dermatology Service, 1982-1986, 1992-2019, Staff Dermatologist from 2019; University of Michigan Health System Department of Service Excellence, Founder and Director, 2006-2017. Academic Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1981-1986, Associate Professor, 1986-1990, Professor, 1990-2007, William B. Taylor (op. cit. 1963) Professor, 2008-2018, Professor Emeritus (Active) from 2018. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology (multiple committees and task forces) from 1981; Society for Investigative Dermatology; International Society of Dermatology; Women’s Dermatologic Society; National Association of VA Dermatologists (Co-founder; International Society for Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research; Michigan Dermatological Society. Awards: Honored Member of American Academy of Dermatology, 2016; The Best Doctors in America® from 1994; Inaugural Member, League of Educational Excellence and Academy of Medical Educators, University of Michigan Medical School, 2013; Outstanding Clinician Award, University of Michigan Health System, 2002; The University of Michigan H. R. Johnson Award for Leadership in Diversity, 1997; instrumental in fundraising 3 Professorships in Dermatology; 4 patents in Dermatology; numerous Visiting Professorships. Author: Over 280 scientific articles, 5 in The New England Journal of Medicine; first biologic therapy for psoriasis, initial immune and retinoid therapies for psoriasis, and proof UV damage to skin could be reversed; by citation analysis, 3rd most cited dermatologist first-author for papers in major medical journals. Outside Interests: Travel, a fine meal, Big Band era and classic jazz, University of Michigan football, hockey and musical theater, Board of Directors of Ann Arbor Summer Festival, providing great service, and helping students and residents achieve their best.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 289 Walter Ray Gammon 1989 Born: October 25, 1942, Danville, Virginia. Graduated: University of North Carolina School of Medicine, 1971. Training: Washington University School of Medicine Barnes Hospital, St Louis, Missouri, 1971-1973; North Carolina Memorial Hospital, 1973-1974. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1978; American Board of Internal Medicine, 1976. Practice: Private, and University of North Carolina, Department of Dermatology. Military Service: U.S. Army, Major, 1974-1976. Teaching Appointments: University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1976-1977, Assistant Professor, 1977-1981, Associate Professor, 1981-1986, Professor 1986. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Cutaneous Immunopathology Task Force, 1984, Task Force on Manpower, 1986-1989. Awards: Lange Book Award, 1969; Heusner Pupil Award, 1970; Mosby Book Award, 1971, Alpha Omega Alpha; American Academy of Dermatology Gold Award. Outside Interests: Mountain climbing, camping and gardening.

Alan N. Moshell 1989 Born: March 17, 1947, New York, New York. Graduated: New York University School of Medicine, 1971. Training: New York University Medical Center, 1971-1974. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1975. Practice: Private, National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Arthritis. Military Service: National Naval Medical Center, Dermatology Service, 1975-1977. Teaching Appointments: National Naval Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Consultant 1977; Washington Hospital Center, Department of Dermatology, Consultant 1981; Fairfax Hospital, Division of Dermatology, 1981. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Vice-President, 1989; American Society for Photobiology; Dermatological Society of the District of Columbia: Secretary-Treasurer, 1991-1992, Vice-President, 1992-1993, President, 1993-1994; Medical Society of the District of Columbia. Awards: Husik Prize, New York University Medical Center, 1974; NIH Director’s Award, 1990. . Outside Interests: Racquetball, swimming, baseball.

David Albert Norris 1989 Born: March 2, 1947, Baltimore, Maryland Graduated: Duke University Medical School, 1972. Training: Duke University, 1973; Ohio State University, 1973-1974; University of Colorado, School of Medicine, 1974-1977. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1979. Practice: University of Colorado School of, Medicine. Teaching Appointments: University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1977-1981, Associate Professor, 1981-1990, Professor, 1990. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Committee on Research Activities, 1984-1987;

290 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Dermatological Association; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society for Clinical Investigation; Colorado Dermatologic Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Scientific Program Committee, 1980-1985, Chairman, 1985, Publicity Committee, 1985-1987; Dermatology Foundation, Medical and Scientific Committee, 1985-1987. Awards: Stelwagon Award, 1977; William Reed Traveling Fellowship, 1978; Phi Beta Kappa. Outside Interests: Gardening (vegetable and fruit trees), music, opera, skiing, hiking and biking.

David L. Ramsay 1989 Born: April 25, 1943. Graduated: Indiana University, 1969. Training: George Washington University, 1969-1970; New York University, 1970-1973; University of Illinois, 1972-1973. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1974. Practice: New York University Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1973-1975. Teaching Appointments: Indiana University, Department of English, Associate Faculty Member, 1965-1969; National Naval Medical Center, Director of Dermatology Residency Training, 1973-1975; Georgetown University, Assistant Professor, 1974-1975; New York University, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor,1975-1978, Associate Professor, 1978, Clinical Professor to present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American College of Physicians Outside Interests: Contemporary art, performing art, swimming and baseball.

John R. Stanley 1989 Born: June 20, 1949, New Rochelle, New York. Current Position: Emeritus Professor of Dermatology Perlman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Education: Undergraduate: Cornell University BA Physics, 1979: Medical School: Harvard Medical School, 1974. Training: University of Washington Affiliated Hospitals, 1974-1975; NYU Medical Center, 1975-1977. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1978; Immunodermatology, 1985. Teaching Appointment: NYU Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Assistant Professor, 1978-1981; University of the Health Sciences, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1981-1983, Associate Professor, 1983-1985. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Military Dermatology Task Force, 1982-1984, Committee on Research Activities, 1985-1987, Ethics Committee, 1989-1995; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Committee on Resident/Fellow Forum 1984-1989, Program Committee, Member and Chairman, 1989 1993, Board of Directors, 1993; Dermatology Foundation, Grant Review Committee, 1990; Societe Francaise de Dermatologie et de Venerologie; American Federation for Clinical Research; Washington, D.C. Dermatologic Society. Awards: Outstanding Service Medal from Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 1985; Alfred Marchionini Prize, 1992; U.S. Public Health Service Superior Service Award, 1993; Institute of Medicine elected member, 2010. Outside Interests: Golf.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 291 Jouni J. Uitto 1989 Born: September 15, 1943, Helsinki, Finland. Graduated: University of Helsinki School of Medicine 1970. Training: University of Helsinki Central Hospital, 1969-1970; Washington University Medical Center, 1975-1978. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1978. Practice: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Military Service: Finland 1965-1966. Awards: Dermik Poster Award, Society for Investigative Dermatology, 1976; Silver Award, American Academy of Dermatology 1979; Research Career Development Award, U.S. Public Health Service, 1978-1983; Nelson Paul Anderson Memorial Essay Contest, Pacific Dermatologic Association, 1981; Distinguished Service Award, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association, 1984.

Bruce U. Wintroub 1989 Born: November 8, 1943 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Current Position: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology; Vice Dean, School of Medicine; University of California San Francisco Education: Undergraduate: Amherst College, 1965; Medical School: Washington University, 1969. Training in Dermatology: Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School,1974-1976. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, 1969-1971; Immunology, Harvard Medical School at Robert Brigham & Peter Bent Brigham Hospitals, Boston, MA, 1971-1974. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Instructor-Dermatology, 1976-1978, Assistant Professor – Dermatology, 1978-1982; Peter Bent Brigham Hospital: Junior Associate – Medicine, 1976-1980, Assistant Physician – Dermatology, 1976-1979, Attending Physician-Dermatology, 1976-1981; Massachusetts General Hospital: Consultant-Dermatology, 1976-1982; Beth Israel Hospital: Consultant – Dermatology, 1978-1982; Children’s Hospital Medical Center: Consultant-Dermatology, 1978-1982; Robert B. Brigham Hospital Associate Physician-Dermatology, 1979-1980, Attending Physician – Dermatology, 1980-1981, Associate Physician – Dermatology, 1980-1982; Parker Hill Medical Center: Consultant – Dermatology 1980-1982; Brockton VA Medical Center Chief – Dermatology Service,1980-1982; VA Medical Center, San Francisco – Assistant Chief – Dermatology, 1982-1985; University of California San Francisco Director of Faculty Practice – Dermatology 1982-1985, Vice Chair-Dermatology, 1982-1985, Associate Professor-Dermatology, 1982-1985, Attending Physician – Dermatology, 1982-1982, Chair – Dermatology, 1985-1995, Professor – Dermatology, 1986-1986, Executive Vice Dean, School of Medicine, 1995-1997, Associate Dean, School of Medicine, 1997-2000, Vice Dean to present; Stanford University-Associate Dean, School of Medicine, 1997-1999; UCSF Stanford Health Care-Exec VP & Chief Medical Officer 2004-present. Professional Societies (Partial List): Society for Investigative Dermatology: member 1978-present Board of Directors, 1990-1995, Vice-President, 1999-2000; American Academy of Dermatology: fellow 1981-present, life member 2009-present, Dialogues in Dermatology – Associate Editor Committee on Evaluations, 1985- 1991, Council on Government Liaison, 1984-1987, Lila Gruber Lectureship Award Committee, 1994-1998; American Society of Clinical Investigation: member, 1985-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology: member, 1985-present, Board of Directors, 1988-1991, Secretary/Treasurer, 1994-1995; Pacific Dermatologic Association: member, 1986-present; San Francisco Medical Society: member, 1987-present; Dermatology Foundation: Executive Committee-Trustee, Board of Directors, Executive Committee/President/Chair, 1989-present; American Dermatological Association: member, 1989-present; Association of American Physicians: member, 1990-present; American Medical Association: member, 1997-present; Women’s Dermatological Society: member, 2008-present; American Association of Immunology: member, 1979-1998;

292 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research of America: member, 1980-present, Board of Directors 1981 -1983; Medical Dermatology Society: member, 2005. Awards: Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Stelwagon Prize, American Academy of Dermatology, 1976; NIAMDD Clinical Investigator, 1978 Outside Interests: Travel, Golf, Politics, Cars and Music.

Diane R. Baker 1990 Born: November 17, 1945, Toledo, Ohio. Education: Undergraduate: Ohio State University BS, 1967; Medical School: Ohio State University College of Medicine MD Cum Laude, 1971. Training in Dermatology: University of Wisconsin, 1972-1974; Oregon Health Sciences University, 1974-1975. Other Training: Internship: University of Wisconsin Hospitals, 1971-19742; Research Fellowship Oregon Health Sciences University Department of Dermatology, 1975-1976. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1975. Practice: Private from 1976. Teaching Appointments: Oregon Health Sciences University, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor, 1976 to present Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President, 1990, President, 2007; Oregon Dermatology Society: President, 1993-1994; Pacific Northwest Dermatological Society: President, 1981-1982; American Dermatological Association; Pacific Dermatological Association; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American Contact Dermatitis Society; Women’s Dermatological Society; Dermatology Foundation; American Board of Dermatology: President, 2003. Awards: Dermatology Foundation Practitioner of the Year, 2010; Alpha Omega Alpha, 1971; Presidential Citation from the American Academy of Dermatology, 2004. Outside Interests: Fly fishing, art and literature.

Kevin D. Cooper 1990 Born: June 7, 1952 Baltimore, MD. Current Position: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University; Staff Physician, Cleveland VA Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: University of Florida BS Biomedical Sciences, 1973; Medical School: MD University of Florida College of Medicine, 1977. Training in Dermatology: Residency and Research Fellowship, Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health Sciences University, 1981. Other Training: Immunodermatology Fellowship, Dermatology Branch, NCI, National Institutes of Health, 1985 Academic Appointments: University of Michigan Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1985-1990, Associate Professor, 1990-1995, Professor, 1995; Case Western Reserve University: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, 1995-present. Society Memberships: Society for Investigative Dermatology, President, 2004-2005; American Dermatological Association: Program Committee Chair, 2009; Association of Professors of Dermatology: President, 2010-2012. American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors and Executive Committee, 2014-2018. Awards and Honors: Election into American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1993; British Association of Dermatologists Arthur Rook Oration Lectureship, 2008; American Academy of Dermatology Sulzberger

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 293 Lectureship, 2009; Japanese Dermatologic Association Dohi Lectureship, 2009; Society for Investigative Dermatology Farber Lectureship, 2011; Hungarian Dermatologic Society Nekam Award, 2015; Principal Investigator for NIH NIAMS Psoriasis Center of Research Translation, 2007-2013 and 2017-2022. Outside Interests: Molecular Mixology, Surfing, Snowboarding, Hiking, Golf.

Raymond L. Cornelison 1990 Born: April 5, 1944, Long Beach, California. Graduated: University of Oklahoma Medical School, 1968. Training: Traub Veterans Hospital, Houston, Texas, 1968-1969; Baylor College of Medicine, 1969-1970; University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 1970-1972. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1973, Dermatopathology, 1976. Practice: Midwest City Regional Hospital, Midwest City, Oklahoma. Teaching Appointments: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Clinical Professor in Dermatology, 1982-1987. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: President, 2003; Oklahoma State Dermatological Society: President, 1979-1980; Oklahoma State Medical Association, Secretary-Treasurer, 1983-1987; American Society of Dermatology, Secretary­ Treasurer and President. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha. Outside Interests: Tennis and scuba diving.

Antoinette F. Hood 1990 Born: October 16, 1941 Honolulu, Hawaii. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Department of Dermatology Eastern Virginia School of Medicine; Clinically retired. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University, Bachelor of Arts, (Degree awarded in absentia, 1963); Medical School: Vanderbilt University Medical School, Doctor of Medicine, 1967. Training in Dermatology: Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, 1973-1976. Other Training: Vanderbilt University Hospital, Medical Internship, 1968; Clinical Fellow (Dermatopathology), Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital 1976-1978. Certification: American Board of Dermatology, 1977 (voluntary recertification 2001, 2011); Dermatopathology, 1978. Academic Appointments: George Washington University Department of Dermatology: Assistant Clinical Professor, 1978-1980; Johns Hopkins University Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1980- 1985, Associate Professor, 1986-1992, Professor, 1992-1993; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Assistant Dean of Admissions, 1991-1993; Indiana University School of Medicine Assistant Dean, 1993- 1998; Indiana University Department of Dermatology and Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: Professor, 1993-2002; Eastern Virginia Medical School Department of Dermatology Professor and (Founding) Chair, 2001-2016. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: member, 1980-present, Vice-President, 1997- 1998; American Society of Dermatopathology: member, 1981-present, Secretary-Treasurer, 1989-1993, President, 1994-1995, Board of Directors, 1989-1995; American Dermatological Association: member, 1994-present, Board of Directors, 2012-2016, President, 2016; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 1992-2000, Executive Director, 2001-2012; American Medical Association: member 1989-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 1980-2016; Maryland Dermatologic Society: member, 1980-1993,

294 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Secretary-Treasurer, 1982-1984, President, 1984-1985; Indiana Dermatologic Society: member, 1994-2001; Tidewater Dermatologic Society: member, 2001-2016. Awards and Honors: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine: George J. Stuart Award, Outstanding Clinical Teacher, 1990; 1991. Women’s Dermatologic Society: Rose Hirschler Award, 1998, Wilma Bergfeld, MD Visionary and Leadership Award, 2006; Indiana University: Teaching Excellence Award, 1998; American Academy of Dermatology: Clarence Livingood, MD Lectureship, 2007, Honorary Membership; American Society of Dermatopathology: Walter R. Nickel Award, Excellence in Teaching of Dermatopathology 2001, Founders’ Award 2012. Outside Interests: Enjoying retirement with Evan in Virginia, traveling and visiting family, reading fiction.

Joseph L. Jorizzo 1990 Born: October 6, 1951, Rochester, New York. Current Position: Professor & Founding Chair, Department of Dermatology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine; Professor of Clinical Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medical College New York Presbyterian Hospital. Graduated: Boston University 6 Year AB/MD Program. 1971-1975. Training in Dermatology: University of North Carolina Hospitals Dermatology, 1976-1979, Chief Resident -1979; Overseas Registrar, Saint John’s Dermatology Institute, London, 1979-1980. Other Training: Intern -1975 University of North Carolina Hospitals. Academic Appointments Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical Branch, 1980-1983; Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical Branch, 1983-1986; Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 1986-2003; Former Professor and Founding Chair, Department of Dermatology, 2003-Present; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medical College, 2006 – Present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Former Board of Directors and Vice President; American Dermatological Association; International Dermatological Society; British Association of Dermatology; Saint John’s Dermatological Society; North Carolina Dermatological Society; Medical Dermatological Society; Women’s Dermatologic Society Former Board of Directors. Outside Interests: Travel; Anything Italian; Foodie; Wake Forest University Sports.

Orlando Gilbert Rodman 1990 Born: January 17, 1940, Indianapolis, Indiana. Graduated: Howard College of Medicine, 1965. Training: Freedmens Hospital, Washington, D.C., 1965-1966; Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 1969-1972; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 1972-1973, Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1973: Dermatopathology, 1976. Practice: Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Dermatology, 1987. Military Service: U.S. Army, Battalion Surgeon, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry, Baumholder, West Germany, 1966-1969; Madigan Army Medical Center, Chief, Dermatology Service, 1973-1974; Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Chief, Dermatology Service, 1974-1987. Teaching Appointments: Uniformed Services University School of Medicine and Health Science, Clinical Professor of Dermatology; George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology; Georgetown University School of Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology; Howard University School of Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Association of Military Dermatologists: Secretary-Treasurer, 1975-1977, Vice- President, 1978-1979, President, 1981-1982; American Academy of Dermatology: Board Member of Military

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 295 Dermatology Advisory Committee, 1975-1987, Task Force on Nomenclature, 1975-1979; Washington D.C. Dermatological Society; National Medical Association; Maryland Dermatological Society; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; National Psoriasis Foundation; National Program for Dermatology; Association of Military Surgeons of U.S.; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; Michigan Dermatological Society; Michigan State Medical Society; Wayne Co. Medical Society; American Society of Dermatopathology. Awards: Army Commendation Medal with First Oak Leaf Cluster; Meritorious Service Medal; National Defense Service Medal. Deceased.

Arthur J. Sober 1990 Born: July 16, 1943, Washington, DC. Current Position: Chair of Quality and Safety, Dermatology Service, Massachusetts General Hospital and Professor, Department of Dermatology Harvard Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: George Washington University, Washington, DC, BA, 1965; Medical School, George Washington University, Washington, DC, MD, 1968. Training in Dermatology: Department of Dermatology, Mass. General Hospital, 1972-1974. Other Training: Intern, Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, 1969; Resident, Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, 1970; Clinical Associate, National Institute of Health, 1972; Research Fellow in Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1974 and Research Fellow, Robert B. Brigham Hospital, 1976. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology, 1974-1977, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1977-1980, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1980-1996 and Professor of Dermatology, 1996 Society Memberships and Committees: American Federation for Clinical Research, American Academy of Dermatology, Society for Investigative Dermatology, New England Dermatologic Society, Boston Dermatology Club, Massachusetts American Cancer Society, West End-Back Bay Division, Skin Cancer Foundation, American Dermatological Association, American Joint Committee on Cancer and Association of Professors of Dermatology; Committees: Committee on Home Study (development of CME programs for independent study by dermatologists) Chairman, 1979-1982, American Academy of Dermatology, Committee on Core Curriculum (Odland Task Force), Pigmentation Section, American Academy of Dermatology, 1978, Council on Educational Affairs, American Academy of Dermatology, 1979-1982, AAD Core Curriculum -Pigmentation Section, 1981, Editorial Board -Dermavision, American Academy of Dermatology, 1981-1982, Committee on Education (Core Curriculum) -American Academy of Dermatology, 1982-1984, Nominating Committee, Massachusetts American Cancer Society, 1980-1982, Professional Education Committee, Massachusetts American Cancer Society, 1980-1985. Reviewer, Task Force on Standards of Care, American Academy of Dermatology, 1988-1989, Chairman, President’s Commission for the Development of a National Program for the Prevention and Detection of Melanoma/Skin Cancer, American Academy of Dermatology, 1988-1991. Consultant, Audiovisual Education Committee, American Academy of Dermatology, 1989-1990. Chairman, Massachusetts Division, American Cancer Society, Skin Saver Program -(Skin Cancer), 1989-1990, Skin Cancer Foundation, Melanoma Committee, 1993, Chairperson, American Academy of Dermatology – Task Force on Guidelines of Melanoma Management, 1996-2001, Chairman, Non Melanoma Skin Cancer Task Force, American Joint Commission on Cancer, 2000, Melanoma Task Force, American Joint Commission on Cancer, 2006-2009, American Academy of Dermatology, Patient Safety Performance Workgroup, 2008, Deputy Chair QA/QI Task Force, American Academy of Dermatology, 2009-2010, Chair, QA/QI Task Force, American Academy of Dermatology, 2010-2012, Member, Maintenance of Certification Committee, American Academy of Dermatology, 2011-2012, Member, Council on Education and Maintenance of Certification, American Academy of Dermatology, 2012-2014, Member, Ad hoc task force on the ABCDEs of melanoma, American Academy of Dermatology, 2013-2014, Member, Work Group to direct the update of the “Burden of Skin Diseases” report American Academy of Dermatology, 2014-2017, Chair, Council on Education and

296 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Maintenance of Certification, AAD, 2015-2019. Member, Research Agenda Committee, 2015-2018, AAD, Burden of Skin Diseases, Working Group AAD, 2016-2017. Awards and Honors: Alpha Chi Sigma Award (Chemistry) 1962, Chemical Rubber Company Award (Physics) 1963; Phi Beta Kappa 1964 Alpha Omega Alpha 1967; Sigma Xi 1967; Roche Outstanding Medical Graduate Award 1968; Boerhaave Professor, University of Leiden, The Netherlands 1987; First D.A. Boyes lecturer, University of British Columbia Cancer Center, Vancouver, BC 1988; Dutch Society of Dermatology and Venereology (honorary member) 1989; Master of Arts (Hon), Harvard University 1996; Mexican Society of Dermatology (honorary member) 1997; Honorary member, Hellenic Society for the Study of Melanoma 2006; Keynote speaker, Japan Dermatologic Society, Eastern Section, Hirosaki, Japan 2006 Fitzpatrick Medal for Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, International Pigment Cell Society 2008; Astellas Award for research in public health, American Academy of Dermatology 2010; Wallace H Clark, Jr Lectureship, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 2011; Robert Fine Lecturship, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 2011; Louis A Brunsting Lecturer, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 2011; Howard K Koh Lectureship, Boston University, Boston, MA 2012;Honorary Life Member, American Dermatological Association 2017, 7th Annual Frank N. Miller MD Memorial Lecture, George Washington University Washington, DC 2018; American Academy of Dermatology Recognition Award for Chairing Council on Education 2019. Outside Interests: Reading and Travel.

Richard D. Sontheimer 1990 Born: November 3, 1945, Beaumont, Texas. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology (Clinical), Department of Dermatology, University of Utah School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Tulane University, New Orleans, Bachelor of Science, 1968; Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas Texas, 1972. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas, 1979. Other Training: Internal Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine, 1976; Immunodermatology Research Fellowship, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas, 1977. Academic Appointments: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas: Assistant Professor Departments of Dermatology and Internal Medicine, 1979-1984, Associate Professor Departments of Dermatology and Internal Medicine, 1984-1988, Professor, Departments of Dermatology and Internal Medicine, 1988-1998, Vice-Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1988-1998; University of Iowa School of Medicine: Head of Dermatology, 1998-2003; University of Oklahoma School of Medicine: Professor and Vice-Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 2005-2009; University of Utah School of Medicine: Professor (Clinical) of Dermatology, 2009-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: Chairman, Continuing Medical Education Committee, 1986, Task Force on Internal Medicine 1991; Dermatology Foundation: Medical and Scientific Review Committee, 1990, Leaders Society Advisory,Committee, 2002; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, 2003; American College of Rheumatology (formerly, American Rheumatology Association): Founding Chairman Skin Disease Study Group, 1994, Masters Designation, 2017; Lupus Foundation of America: Board of Director,s 2001, Medical Advisory Council, 2003; The Myositis Association: Research Committee, 2001; Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation: Medical and Scientific Advisory Board, 1991; Medical Dermatology Society: Founding President, 1994; Rheumatologic Dermatology Society: Founding President, 2006; American Skin Association: Martin Carter Award Fund Committee, 1998. Awards and Honors: Election to American Society of Clinical Investigation, 1989; Election to American Dermatological Association, 1991; John S. Strauss Endowed Chair University of Iowa School of Medicine, 1998; Election to Association of American Physicians, 2001; Honorary Member European Society of Cutaneous Immunology, 2005; Richard and Adeline Fleischaker Chair in Dermatology Research University of Oklahoma 2005; Lifetime Achievement Award Medical Dermatology Society, 2013; Lifetime Achievement Award Lupus Foundation of America Utah Chapter, 2016; Masters Designation American College of Rheumatology 2017.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 297 Outside Interests: Outdoor photography, golf, tennis, writing, family (especially grandchildren), and continuing efforts to better understand the immunobiology of human skin and skin diseases.

Clifton R. White, Jr. 1990 Position: Director of Dermatopathology Oregon Health Sciences University and Chief of Dermatology at the Portland Veterans Administration Medical Center. Education: University of California, Los Angeles Training in Dermatology: Oregon Health Sciences University (Dermatology) Other Training: New York University School of Medicine (Dermatopathology) Academic Appointments: Oregon Health Sciences University, Dermatology and Pathology: Assistant Professor, 1979-1984, Associate Professor, 1984-1991, Professor, 1991, Director of Dermatopathology, 1979, Assistant Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1990; Professor, Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health Sciences University current. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Senior Assistant Surgeon, 1972-1974. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: CME Program Review Committee, 1986-1990, Chairman,1992, Task Force on Pathology, 1988-1992, Committee on Postgraduate Courses, 1980-1984; American Society of Dermatopathology, Committee on Program, Research and Education, 1983-1987, Chairman, 1987; Oregon Dermatology Society, President, 1986-1987; Society for lnvestigative Dermatology; International Society of Dermatopathology; American Medical Association; Multnomah County Medical Society; International Society of Dermatology, Executive Board, 1986; Pacific Northwest Dermatologic Association; Oregon Pathologists Association; Pacific Dermatology Association. Awards and Honors: First Prize, Poster Presentation, American Society of Dermatopathology 1982.

Kim B. Yancey 1990 Born: November 25, 1952, Atlanta, Georgia. Current Position: Mary Kay, Inc. Distinguished Chair, Professor & Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. Education: Undergraduate: University of Georgia, Bachelor of Science, 1974; Medical School: Medical College of Georgia, MD, 1978. Training in Dermatology: Department of Dermatology, Medical College of Georgia, 1979-1981; Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, 1981-1982. Other Training: Fellowship in Immunodermatology, Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, 1982-1984. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland: Assistant Professor, (1985-1987); Associate Professor, (1987-1993); Acting Chairman, (1990-1993); Senior Investigator, Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland (1993-2000); Professor & Chair, Department of Dermatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2001-2006); Professor & Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas (2007 to date). Society Memberships: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member, 1979-present, Board of Directors, 2004-2009, President Elect, President, Past President, 2010-2013; American Board of Dermatology: Diplomate, 1982-present, Director, 1997-2005, Vice President, 2005; American Academy of Dermatology: Member, 1982-present; American Medical Association: Member, 1982-present; Dermatology Foundation: Member, 1985-present, Executive Committee, 2008-2019, President, 2017-2019; American Dermatological Association: Member, 1990-present; American Society for Clinical Investigation: Member, 1997-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Member, 2001-present, Board of Directors, 2015-2018.

298 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Honors and Awards: University of Georgia: Graduated Summa Cum Laude with General Honors and as Valedictorian; American Dermatological Association Young Leadership Award, 1985; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences: Distinguished Service Award, 1993; American Board of Dermatology: Distinguished Service Award, 2005; Slovak and Czech Dermatological Society: Honorary Membership, 2006; American Academy of Dermatology: Marion Sulzberger Award, 2007; Deputy Editor, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2007-2010; Department of Dermatology, UT Southwestern: Teaching Award, 2009, Impact Award, 2012; American Skin Association: Research Achievement Award in Autoimmune Skin Disorders, 2016; D Magazine: Best Doctors in Dallas, 2010-2012, 2014-2019. Outside Interests: Hiking, music, reading and running.

Grant James Anhalt 1991 Born: December 14, 1952, Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Graduated: University of Manitoba, 1975. Training: Health Sciences Center, Winnipeg, Canada, 1975-1977; University of Michigan, Dermatology, 1977-1980, Immunodermatology, 1980-1981. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1980; Dermatologic Immunology, Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1987. Practice: Johns Hopkins University, 1993 to present. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology, Instructor, 1981-1982; Johns Hopkins University, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1982-1987, Associate Professor, 1987- 1993 Professor and Vice-Chairman, 1993, Professor to present, Dermatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Laboratory, Director. Professional Societies: American Society for Clinical Investigation; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; Dermatology Foundation; Maryland Dermatological Society; Manitoba Medical College Foundation. Outside Interests: Golf, tennis, numismatics, and woodworking. Resigned.

Lynn A. Drake 1991 Born: Albuquerque, New Mexico. Current Position: Director of Business Development, Wellman Center, Director Policy &. Planning, Dermatologist, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH); Lecturer, Harvard Medical School. Education: Mathematics MA; Math, Chemistry BA; Adams State University, Colorado; Medical School: MD, University of Tennessee School of Medicine, 1971. Training: University of Tennessee Medical Center, 1971-1975, Chief Resident. Other Training: Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow, and Congressional Fellow, National Academy of Medicine, Washington DC 1986-88; Harvard Business School Advance Management 2000; Sabbatical Year – Study of Medicine and Business 2001. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1980; Dermatopathology, 1984. Academic Apointments: Appointments: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center; Deputy Chairman & Assistant Professor Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School (HMS), Director of Clinical Investigation and Director of Policy and Planning Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital/HMS; Assistant Professor, Emory University Department of Dermatology & Chief Dermatology Service at VAMC Atlanta; Instructor, University of Tennessee, Division of Dermatology.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 299 Professional Societies: American Academy (AAD) of Dermatology: President 1998-1999; Board of Directors 1987-1991, Chair, Committee on Guidelines of Care1986-1993, Chair AAD Annual Meeting 1997, Chair & member Council on Scientific Assembly 1991-1997; Chair, Academy ‘94’ meeting; Task Force to Evaluate Health Care Reform Issues; Task Force on OSHA Guidelines; Task Force on CLIA Guidelines; Council on Dermatologic Practice; Chair, Task Force on Professional Guidelines; Council for Government Liaison; Chair Committee on Health Care and Quality Assurance; Council on Community, Corporate,& Philanthropic Relations; American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons (ASDS) Board of Directors; Women’s Dermatologic Society (WDS) President, Board of Directors, Secretary, Chair, Nominating Committee, Chair, ‘Think Tank’ Strategic Planning Consulting Group; American Dermatological Association (ADA) Program Committee; Society for Investigative Dermatology,(SID) Chair, Membership Committee; Dermatology Foundation,(DF) Trustee; American Acne and Rosacea Society, (AARS) Board of Directors; Council for Nail Disorders (CND) Board of Directors; American Hair Research Society; Atlanta Dermatology Society; Georgia Dermatology Society, Chair Nominating Committee; New England Dermatologic Society, Chair Program Committee; Boston Dermatologic Society; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery; U.S. Presidential Appointments as a U.S. Delegate to the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; National Policy Forum Council for Health Care Reform; National Advisory Board for NIAMS at NIH; Chair, Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Consensus Conference, NIH; Chair, FDA Advisory Committee for Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs (DODAC); Chair, VA Central Office Dermatology Field Advisory Group; World Medical Innovation Forum, Planning Committee. Awards and Honors: (selected) Outstanding Alumnus Award, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Outstanding Alumnus Achievement Award and Commencement Speaker, Adams State University, Colorado; 100 Best Doctors in America; Outstanding Young Women of America, Legacy Award, Bergfeld Award for Vision & Leadership, Rose Hirschler Award, President’s Award WDS: Honorary Membership AAD; Mentor of the Year AMA Award; Joint Honor Scholar; Honorary Membership in International Dermatologic Societies; Recipient of Named Lectureships.

Russell P. Hall, III 1991 Born: May 23, 1949, Kansas City, Missouri. Current Position: J. Lamar Callaway Professor of Dermatology, Duke University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Westminster College BA, 1971; Medical School: University of Missouri School of Medicine, 1975. Training in Dermatology: St. Louis University, 1975-1976; University of Missouri Medical Center, 1976-1978; Johns Hopkins University, 1981-1982 Other Training: Saint Louis University Internal Medicine, 1975-1976; Internal Medicine University of Missouri, 1976-1977. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1982; Dermatological Immunology, Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985. Practice: Duke University Medical Center, Department of Dermatology. Academic Appointments: National Institutes of Health, Dermatology Branch, Clinical Associate, 1978-1981; Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Department of Dermatology, Chief Resident, 1981-1982; National Institutes of Health, Dermatology Branch, 1982-1984; Duke University Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1984-1990, Associate Professor Vice-Chief, 1990, Professor of Immunology, 1997, Professor of Dermatology, 1996, Chairman, Department of Dermatology 2009, J. Lamar Callaway Professor of Dermatology, 2010 to present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: President 2017-2018; International Societies for Investigative Dermatology: President 2020-2023; American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Academy of Dermatology; Medical Dermatology Society; American Dermatological Association.

300 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association C. William Hanke 1991 Born: December 17, 1943, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Current Position: Program Director, Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Fellowship Training Program, Ascension St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana. Education: Undergraduate: University of Iowa Bachelor of Arts; Medical School: University of Iowa College of Medicine, MD, 1971; University of Hawaii School of Public Health, MPH (Epidemiology) 1983. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1975-78. Other Training: Fellowships: Dermatology Surgery/Oncology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1978-79. Dermatopathology, Indiana University School of Medicine, 1981-82. Academic Appointments: Indiana University School of Medicine: Professor of Dermatology and Vice-Chair, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 1979- 1998; University of Iowa-Carver College of Medicine, Visiting Professor of Dermatology, 2006-present; University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Visiting Professor of Dermatology 2015-present; Indiana University School of Medicine Clinical Professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 1998-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology, President,2008-2009; American Society for Dermatology Surgery, President, 1995-96; American College of Mohs Surgery, President, 1992-94; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery, President, 1998-2000; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons, President, 1990-91; Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare, President, 2001-2003; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, President, 2004-2005; Indiana Academy of Dermatology, President, 1999-2001; Skin Cancer Foundation, Senior Vice-President, 2007-present; ACGME Residency Review Committee for Dermatology, 2013-2019. Awards and Honors: The Gold Medal, 2012 American Academy of Dermatology; Samuel J. Stegman, M.D. Award, 1999 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Frederic E. Mohs Award, 2010 American College of Mohs Surgery; The President’s Gold Medal, 2008 International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Distinguished Alumnus Award for Achievement, 2018 from University of Iowa College of Medicine; Karl Koller Award, 2009 Austrian Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D. Excellence Award, 1989 Indiana University; W. George Pinnell Award for Outstanding Service, 1993 Indiana University; Sagamore of the Wabash, 1998 From Indiana Gov. Frank O’Bannon; Governor’s Award for Excellence in Service, 2008 from Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels; Otis R. Bowen, M.D. Distinguished Leadership Award, 1996 Indiana University; St. George Medal – 1993 National Award from American Cancer Society; Leo J. McCarthy, M.D. History of Medicine Lectureship Award, 2017 Indiana School of Medicine; Five Presidential Citations from The American Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Keeping up with 4 children and 5 grandchildren. Thinking of ways to give back to the specialty that has given me my life’s work.

William D. James 1991 Born: September 25, 1950, Fort Lee, Virginia. Graduated: Indiana University School of Medicine, 1977 Training: Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 1997-1978; Letterman Army Medical Center, 1978-1981. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1981; Dermatological Immunology, Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985. Practice: Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Dermatology Service, 1987-1995; University of Pennsylvania, 1995-present. Military Service: U.S. Army, 1972-1995; Medical Corps, 1977-1995. Teaching Appointments: Past: NYU, George Washington, Georgetown, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Professor, 1989 -1995. Current: Paul R. Gross Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, 1995-present.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 301 Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, President, 2010-2011; Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Women’s Dermatological Association; Medical Dermatology Society; Dermatology Foundation. Awards: American Academy of Dermatology: Gold Medal, Master Dermatologist; William D. James Mentor of the Year; Medical Dermatology Society: Lifetime Achievement Award; Women’s Dermatological Association: Mentor Award and Walter Shelley Award; Dermatology Foundation: Lifetime Educator Award; Philadelphia Dermatological Society: Founders Award. Over 20 named Lectureships and 120 visiting professorships.

Bernett L. Johnson 1991 Born: October 3, 1932. Graduated: Meharry Medical College, 1957. Training: Hurley Hospital, 1957-1958; Naval Hospital Philadelphia, 1961-1964; A.F. I. P., 1964-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1965; Dermatopathology, 1974. Practice: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Military Service: Naval Hospital Philadelphia, Department of Dermatology, Chairman, 1967-1976; Commanding Officer Naval Hospital, Yokosuka, Japan, 1977-1980. Teaching Appointments: University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology, Professor. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology, Fellow; American Academy of Dermatology: Task Force on Pathology, Committee on Minority Affairs,Chairman, 1983-present, Committee on Art, Chairman, 1983-1985, Committee on Curriculum Development, 1991, Gross and Microscopic Dermatology Committee, 1991; Association for Hospital Medical Education, 1992; Committee on Resident Education of the American Association of Medical Colleges, 1992; Association of Military Dermatologists President, 1976-1976; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, Fellow; American College of Physicians, Fellow; National Medical Association; American Medical Association. Awards: Association of Military Dermatologists Service Award, 1972; Paul S. Green Award, National Medical Association, 1973; James Clark White Award, Association of Military Surgeons for Excellence in Dermatology, 1974; Resident Staff Outstanding Teaching Award, 1976; Legion of Merit, U.S. Navy, 1980. Outside Interests: Artist in oil painting. Deceased, April 7, 2009.

Alfred T. Lane 1991 Born: July 17, 1947, Dayton, Ohio. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Emeritus, Stanford University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: University of Dayton, Dayton Ohio, Bachelor of Science (1969); Medical School: The Ohio State University, Doctor of Medicine, 1973. Training in Dermatology: Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Pediatrics, 1973-1976, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Dermatology, 1979-1982. Other Training: Masters of Arts in Spirituality (2004), Santa Clara University. Academic Appointments: Assistant/Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine, 1982-1990; Associate/Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, 1990-2015, Stanford University School of Medicine, Chair Department of Dermatology, 1995-2010, Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Emeritus, Stanford University School of Medicine 2015—present.

302 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Academy of Pediatrics; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1986-1993, President, 1992; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Vice-President, 2005-2006; American Dermatological Association; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 2001-2004, President, 2004-2006; Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Co-Chair Bioethics Committee, 2010-2016. Awards and Honors: Department of Pediatrics Award, The Ohio State University, 1973; Associates and Affiliates Award, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, 1976; Franklin G. Ebaugh Jr. Award for Advising Medical Students, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2005; The Best Doctors in America; Nu Skin Force for Good Lifetime Achievement Award, 1999; Outstand Lecture/Presentation, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2011; DEBRA Lifetime Achievement Award, 2019. Outside Interests: Family; ethical decisions in research and healthcare.

June K. Robinson 1991 Born: January 26, 1950, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Research Professor, Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Bachelor of Arts 1970; Medical School: University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, Doctor of Medicine, 1974. Training in Dermatology: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Hanover, NH, 1978. Other Training: Mohs Chemosurgery and Dermatologic Surgery, New York University Skin and Cancer Clinic 1979. Academic Appointments: Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, November 1979, Assistant Professor of Surgery June 1980, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Surgery, September 1985, Professor of Dermatology and Surgery, September 1991-May 1998; Director of the Division of Dermatology, Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) and Pathology, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL, May 1998-Sept 2004; Section Chief for the Section of Dermatology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, Sept 2004-November 2005; Research Professor of Dermatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, November 2005-current. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: member, 1980--present, Secretary Treasurer, 1998-2001; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: member, 1980 – present, President, 1994-5; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member, 1982-current, President, 1990-2; American Cancer Society, Illinois Division: President, 1996-1998; US Food and Drug Administration Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisor Committee, 2010-current; Editor, Archives of Dermatology/ JAMA Dermatology (name change to JAMA Dermatology January 2013), 2004-2018. Awards and Honors: Women’s Dermatologic Society, Wilma Bergfeld, MD Visionary and Leadership Award, 2002; The American Cancer Society National Service Award, St. George Medal, 2004; Samuel J. Stegman Award for Distinguished Service, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, November 2006; Frederic E. Mohs Award for Career Achievement, American College of Mohs Surgery, May 2008 Honorary Member American Academy of Dermatology 2013, Gold Medal American Academy of Dermatology 2015; Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Leadership Award of Who’s Who 2018; Honor Award and Gold Key of the Medical Alumni Association of the University of Maryland, 2019. Outside Interests: Hobby: travel with husband.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 303 Robert S. Stern 1991 Born: September 23, 1944, New Haven, Connecticut. Current Position: Carl J Herzog Prof. of Dermatology Harvard Medical School; chair emeritus dermatology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard College AB. 1966; Medical school: Yale University School of Medicine MD, 1970. Training in Dermatology: Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School dermatology, 1973 through 1976. Other Training: internal medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital New York 1970 -71; national Institute of health research fellow 1971-73; fellowship Harvard Center for community health and medical care 1975-76. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1976-1979, Assistant Professor, 1979-1984, Associate Professor, 1984-1999, Carl J Herzog Prof. of Dermatology, 1999-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of dermatology, American Dermatological Association, Photomedicine Society, Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, 1966; Woodrow Wilson Scholar, 1966; Letter of Commendation, The White House, 1972; International Travel Award, French Society of Dermatology, 1980; Milton Fund Fellowship, 1985. Outside Interests: Family, sailing, travel, reading.

John Joseph Zone 1991 Born: September 15, 1945. Education: Undergraduate: University of Notre Dame BS; Medical School: State University of New York at Syracuse, 1971. Training in Dermatology: State University of New York at Syracuse, 1975-1977. Other Training: Internship and Internal Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1971-1975. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1978; Dermatological Immunology/Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985. Practice: University of Utah School of Medicine Teaching Appointments: Salt Lake Veterans Administration Medical Center; University of Utah: Chair, Department of Dermatology, Professor. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology, Western Region, President-elect, 1984-1985, President, 1985-1986; American Academy of Dermatology; Utah Medical Association; Salt Lake County Medical Society; Dermatology Foundation; American Federation for Clinical Research; Western Society for Clinical Investigation; Society for Pediatric Dermatology; Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha. Outside Interests: Skiing, tennis.

Rex A. Amonette 1992 Born: Nashville, Arkansas, June 17, 1939. Education: Undergraduate: Hendrix College BA Biology; Medical School: University of Arkansas School of Medicine, 1966.

304 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Training in Dermatology: University of Tennessee Memphis, 1968-1971. Other Training: Internship: Arkansas Baptist Medical Center, 1966-1967; Fellowship: New York University Skin and Cancer, 1971-1972; Special Training: School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, Texas, 1967-1969. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1974. Practice: Private. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, Flight Surgeon, 1967-1969. Academic Appointments: Division of Dermatology, University of Tennessee, Memphis, Instructor, 1972-1974, Assistant Professor, 1974-1976, Associate Clinical Professor, 1976-1982, Clinical Professor from1982.; Chief of West Tennessee Cancer Clinic, Skin Section, Memphis, Tennessee, 1972-1984; Consultant in Dermatology, Veterans Administration, Memphis, Tennessee, 1972 -1986; Interim Chairman of Department of Dermatology, University of Tennessee, 2013. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1989-1993, President-Elect, 1993-1994, President, 1995-1996, Chair Organizational Structure Committee, Interim President and Director Dermatology Services, Inc., 1996-2006, Founder and Co-Chair, National Coalition for Sun Safety, 1996- 2005, Nominating Committee, Chair of Development Committee, 2001 – 2004, Director Skin Pac 1998- 2005, Served 28 Ad Hoc Task Forces and Work Groups (Chair of 10); American Dermatological Association, President-Elect, 2011, President, 2012; American Medical Association; Tennessee Medical Association; Memphis Medical Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Memphis Dermatological Society; Tennessee Dermatological Society; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology (Fellow); American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (Fellow); International Society for Dermatological Surgery (Fellow); American Board of Dermatology (Fellow); President, Memphis Dermatological Society, 1976-1977; President, American Cancer Society, Memphis Unit, 1978-1979; President, Tennessee Dermatological Society, 1978- 1979; President, American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, 1979-1981; Vice President, Memphis, Tennessee Medical Society, 1985; President-Elect, Memphis, Tennessee Medical Society, 1986; President, Memphis, Tennessee Medical Society, 1987; Board Chairman, Memphis Medical Political Action Committee, 1980-1984; Board of Directors, Tennessee Division, American Cancer Society, 1978-1988; Board of Directors, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 1985-1988; Advisory Board, International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; 1983-1986; Board of Trustees, International Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 1987-1989; Board of Trustees, Hendrix College, 1985-1997; President’s Council, Rhodes College, 1983-1992; Medical Council, Skin Cancer Foundation, 1987; President-Elect, International Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 1991; President, International Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 1992-1993; Board of Directors, Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons, 1989-1993; Board of Directors, American Board of Dermatology, Inc., 1992-2000. Awards and Honors: Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Arkansas School of Medicine; Command Flight Surgeon of the Year, United States Air Force, 1968; First Recipient of the Meritorious Service Award and Medal, United States Air Force, 1969; Rex A. Amonette Research Scholarship, University of Tennessee, Memphis, 1987; Rex A. Amonette Endowed Chair of Excellence for Dermatology, University of Tennessee, Established by Mr. Morrie Moss, 1989; Distinguished Alumnus, Hendrix College, 1994. Distinguished Service Award American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery, 1995; Dermatology Foundation’s Practitioner of the Year, 1997; Public Service Award for Community Service, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 2003; Honorary Membership, American Academy of Dermatology, 2005; Gold Medal Award, American Academy of Dermatology, 2005; Health Care Provider of the Year, Memphis, Tennessee, 2005; Frederic E. Mohs Distinguished Service Award, 2006; Distinguished Alumnus Award, University of Arkansas College of Medicine, 2006. Outside Interests: Family, tennis, travel, and organized medicine.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 305 Vincent A. DeLeo 1992 Born: February 3, 1945, White Castle, Louisiana. Current Position: Clinical Professor, Dermatology, Keck School of Medicine at USC and Professor Emeritus, Dermatology, Ichan School of Medicine of Mt. Sinai. Education: Undergraduate: Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Bachelor of Sciences, 1965; School of Medicine, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, Doctor of Medicine, 1969. Training in Dermatology: Presbyterian Hospital of Columbia University, New York City. Other Training: Fellow, School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York City. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor, Dermatology, Tulane University and Louisiana State University, Schools of Medicine, 1977-82, New Orleans; Professor of Clinical Dermatology, Columbia University, 1982- 2013, New York City; Professor of Dermatology, Ichan School of Medicine of Mt. Sinai, 2013-2014, New York City; Chair, Dermatology, St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center, 2005-2014 and Chair, Dermatology, Beth Israel Medical Center, 2001-2014, New York City. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology, Member of Board of Directors and Honorary Member; American Dermatologic Association; New York Dermatologic Society, Senior Member; American Contact Dermatitis Society, Secretary Treasurer and President; North American Contact Dermatitis Society; Founding Member of the Society for Skin of Color. Outside Interests. Travelling with my husband Bret Hannifin.

Neil Alan Fenske 1992 Born: April 14, 1947, Blue Earth, Minnesota. Graduated: St. Louis University School of Medicine, 1973 Training: University of Wisconsin, Center for Health & Science, Dermatology, 1974-1977, Chief Resident, 1976-1977. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977, Dermatopathology, 1984. Practice: University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine Teaching Appointments: University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine: Director, Division of Dermatology, 1978-2006; Professor and Founding Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, 2006-2019; Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology Professor of Oncologic Sciences; H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute: Senior Member, Cutaneous Oncology Program. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member of several committees, task forces and councils; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society: President, 2010-11; Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery: President, 1994-95; Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons: President, 2009-10; Florida West Coast Society of Dermatology: Program Director, 1980-2019, President, 1992-93; South Central Dermatologic Congress: President, 1995-96; Southeastern Dermatological Association: President, 1988; Southern Medical Association: Chairman, Dermatology Section, 1996. Awards and Honors: Distinguished Alumni Citation in the Field of Medicine, Gustavus Adolphus College 1979; Practitioner of the Year, 1999, Distinguished Service Award 2016 and Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award, 2018, Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; Surgeon of the Year, 2012, Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons; Dermatologist of the Year, 2011, Florida West Coast Society of Dermatology; Excellence in Psoriasis Treatment and Education, 2018, National Psoriasis Foundation.

306 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Gloria Flippin Graham 1992 Born: March 3, 1935, Durham, North Carolina. Current Position: Retired. Graduated: Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 1961. Training: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 1961-1962; University of Virginia, 1962-1965. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1966. Practice: Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wilson Dermatology Clinic, Wilson, NC, from 1966. Teaching Appointments: University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Clinical Professor, 1993; Duke University Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Assistant Consulting Professor, 1978; Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, 1989. Professional Societies: North Carolina Medical Society: Committee on Ethics and Religion, 1979-1983, Nominating Committee, 1979-1982, Chairman, 1981-1982; Wilson County Medical Society: Secretary- Treasurer, 1981-1982, Vice-President, 1981-1982, President, 1983-1984; American Center Society, Board of Directors, 1988-1992; American College of Cryosurgery: Board of Directors, 1977-1992, Secretary-Treasurer, 1977-1980, Vice-President, 1992-1994; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, Board of Directors, 1978-1981; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1991 to 1995; Women’s Dermatological Society: President; American Dermatological Association: Vice-President Outside Interests: Travel and fishing. Advocate for women in medicine and dermatology

Henry Lim 1992 Born: July 19, 1949. Bandung, Indonesia. Current Position: Former Chair, Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI. Education: Undergraduate: McGill University, Montreal, Canada. B.Sc., 1971; Medical School: State University of New York, Downstate Health Sciences University M.D., 1975. Training in Dermatology: New York University Skin and Cancer Unit, Residency, Dermatology, 1976-1979. Other Training: Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Internship, pediatrics, 1975-1976. Academic Appointments: New York University School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 9/80 8/82; University of California, San Diego Assistant Professor of Medicine/Dermatology, 9/82 6/85; New York University School of Medicine Associate Professor of Dermatology, 7/85 8/93; New York University School of Medicine Professor of Dermatology, 9/93 6/97; Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI Chairman, Department of Dermatology Clarence S. Livingood Chair in Dermatology, 7/97-2/17; Henry Ford Health System, Former Chair, Department of Dermatology, 3/17-present. Professional Societies: 1996-1999: president, Photomedicine Society; 2002-2003: president, American Society for Photobiology; 2002-2003: president, Michigan Dermatological Society; 2008-2010: co-president, National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention; 2009-2014: president, International Union of Photobiology; 2012: president, American Board of Dermatology; 2014-2015: president, American Dermatological Association; 2017-2018: president, American Academy of Dermatology; 2019-present: Member, Board of Directors, International League of Dermatological Societies. Outside Interests: Travel.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 307 Donald P. Lookingbill 1992 Born: July 31, 1941, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Current Practice: Mayo Clinic Jacksonville. Florida. Education: Undergraduate: Lehigh University BS Chemistry, 1963; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania MD, 1968. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School, 1972-1975. Other Training: Internship: University of Rochester, 1968-1970 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1975. Military Service: U.S. Army, 1970-1972. Academic Appointments: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Professor, 1987. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Several committees; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors; American Dermatological Association: several committees; International Foundation for Dermatology: Board of Directors; Dermatology Foundation; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards: Outstanding Clinical Medicine Teacher Award, Pennsylvania State University, 1977 and 1982; Everett C. Fox Memorial Lectureship, American Academy of Dermatology, 2002; Outstanding Clinical Medicine Teaching Award College of Medicine Pennsylvania State University, 1977 and 1982. Outside Interests: Family, camping and travel.

George P. Lupton 1992 Born: December 17, 1945, Durham, North Carolina. Practice: Anderson, South Carolina Graduated: Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University, 1976. Training: Letterman Army Medical Center, 1977-1980; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1983-1984 Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1980; Dermatopathology,1984. Practice: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1988. Military Service: U.S. Army from 1967. Teaching Appointments: University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Assistant Professor, 1982-1983; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Department of Dermatology, Associate Professor, 1985; George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Dermatology, Associate Clinical Professor, from 1988; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Department of Dermatopathology, Chairman from 1988. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Association of Military Dermatologists; Washington, D.C. Dermatological Society. Outside Interests: Painting, art, music, travel, hiking and reading.

Edward J. O’Keefe 1992 Born: January 29, 1941. Graduated: Yale University School of Medicine, 1966. Training: Yale University School of Medicine, 1970-1972; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1972-1974.

308 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1973. Practice: University of North Carolina, 1978. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, 1966-1968. Teaching Appointments: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Assistant Professor, 1974-1975; University of North Carolina, Department of Dermatology, Associate Professor, 1978-1984, Professor from 1984. Professional Societies: Society for lnvestigative Dermatology; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Society of Cell Biology; American Academy of Dermatology; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Sigma Xi; Dermatology Foundation. Awards: NIH Research Career Development Award; NIH Merit Award. Outside Interests: Epithelial cell-cell junctions, growing ferns.

Harold Plotnick 1992 Born: August 14, 1925, Detroit, Michigan Graduated: Wayne State University College of Medicine, 1949. Training: Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, 1949-1951, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 1953-1956. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1957. Practice: Private. Military Service: U.S. Air Force, Medical Department, Captain, 1971-1953. Teaching Appointments: Wayne State University, School of Medicine: Instructor of Dermatology, 1957-1963, Assistant Professor, 1963-1970, Clinical Associate Professor, 1971-1982, Clinical Professor from1982. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Advisory Council Representative, 1979-1984, Board of Directors, 1984-1988,Task Force on Environmental and Occupational Dermatology, 1984-1988, Committee on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 1989-1993; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Chicago Dermatological Society; Michigan Dermatological Society, President, 1972-1973; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, President, 1977-1978; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Contact Dermatitis Society; Dermatology Foundation: Board of Trustees 1979-1985, Committee on Nominations, 1988-1991., Awards: National President of the Year, Michigan State Medical Society 1978. Deceased, May 25, 1995.

Darrell S. Rigel 1992 Born: June 20, 1950 Montclair, New Jersey. Current Position/Practice: Director, Affiliated Dermatology PLLC, New York, NY. Education: Undergraduate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology BS Computer Science, 1972; Graduate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology MS (MBA) Sloan School of Management, 1974; Medical School: George Washington University 1978 MD. Training in Dermatology: New York University Medical Center, 1979-82 Dermatology Residency; New York University Medical Center Fellowship in Dermatologic Surgery, 1982-1983. Other Training: Intern, Department of Medicine, The New York Hospital Cornell University Medical Center New York, NY; National Institutes of Health Clinical Research Fellow, 1981. Academic Appointments: 1974 Research Assistant Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; Department of Dermatology New York University School of Medicine New York,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 309 NY: Teaching Assistant, 1981 – 1982; Clinical Instructor, 1983 – 1987, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1988 – 1991, Clinical Associate Professor, 1992 – 1997, Clinical Professor, 1997 – Present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: President, 1999 – 2000, Elected to Honorary Membership 2009, Gold Medal 2016, Secretary/Treasurer, 1995-1998, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, 1991- 1995, Chair: Dermatology National Skin Cancer Intervention Program, Task Force on Meeting Evaluation, Audit Committee, National Dermatology Public Awareness Program, Investments Committee, Member: Ethics Committee, Former President’s Advisory Committee, Executive Committee, Sports Dermatology Committee; American Dermatological Association: President, 2006 – 2007, Secretary/Treasurer, 2001 – 2006, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, 2000 – 2001; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery President, 2007 – 2008, Vice President, 2005 – 2006; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 1995 – 2003, Vice President, 2001; New York Dermatologic Society (Former President); Dermatologic Society of Greater NY (former President and current Board member); Colorado Dermatological Society; Assistant editor of the Archives of Dermatology; Contributing editor of Dermatologic Surgery; editor of the Melanoma Letter published by the Skin Cancer Foundation; Editor of SKIN -The Journal of Cutaneous Medicine; Atlantic Dermatological Conference Program chair; Dermatology Foundation Board of Directors; Skin Cancer Foundation, Medical Advisory Board; New York City Division of the American Cancer Society Board of Directors. Outside Interests: Baseball (New York Yankees Team Dermatologist 2000-Present), Golf, Fly fishing, Skiing, Astrophotography.

Stuart J. Salasche 1992 Born: March 1, 1942, Chicago, Illinois. Graduated: University of Illinois College of Medicine 1967. Training: University of Iowa; Brooke Army Medical Center; University of Tennessee. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977. Practice: University of Illinois College of Medicine. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1969-1989. Teaching Appointments: Brooke Army Medical Center; Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1989-1992; University Arizona Health Science Center from 1992. Professional Societies: American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Board of Directors, 1988-1991, Fellowship Training Committee, Chair; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Board of Directors, 1987- 1990; American Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Hike, bike, jog, backpack, camp, swim, sail, scuba dive.

E. Dorinda Shelley 1992 Born: October 28, 1940, St Louis, Missouri. Graduated: University of Missouri, 1966. Training: St Luke’s Hospital, St Louis, 1966-1967; University of Missouri, 1967-1970; Stanford University School of Medicine, 1970-1971. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1971. Practice: Medical College of Ohio Teaching Appointments: Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Assistant Professor, 1971-1974; University of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1974-1975, Associate Professor, 1975-1978, Professor and Chair, 1978-1983; Medical College of Ohio, Professor of Medicine and Chief of Dermatology Division from 1983.

310 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; Chicago Dermatological Society; Illinois Dermatological Society; American Medical Women’s Association; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Michigan Dermatological Society; American Medical Association; Ohio Academy of Medical History; American Dermatological Association.

Hiram M. Sturm 1992 Born: June 12, 1927. Graduated: University of Tennessee College of Medicine, 1948. Training: New York University Skin and Cancer Hospital, 1954-1957; Bellevue Hospital. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1957. Practice: Private from 1957. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Naval Flight Surgeon, 1951-1954. Teaching Appointments: Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: Atlanta Dermatological Association, Past President; Georgia Dermatological Association, Past President; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, Past President; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Past President; Medical Association of Atlanta; Medical Association of Georgia; Southern Medical Association; American Medical Association; Pan American Dermatological Society; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery Awards: Practitioner of the Year, Dermatology Foundation, 1991. Outside Interests: Photography, golf, tennis, hiking.

Maria L. Chanco Turner 1992 Born: June 13, 1938, Manila, Philippines. Graduated: University of the Philippines. Training: Yale University Medical Center. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1967. Practice: National Institutes of Health, Dermatology Branch. Teaching Appointments: George Washington University, Department of Dermatology: Professor, 1988-1992, Clinical Professor from 1992. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Washington D.C. Dermatological Society; International Society for Study of Vulvar Diseases. Outside Interests: Literature, opera, cooking, travelling. Resigned.

David T. Woodley 1992 Born: August 1, 1946, Saint Louis, Missouri. Current Practice: Professor of Dermatology University of Southern California Graduated: University of Missouri. Training in Dermatology: University of North Carolina. Other Training: University of Paris Rothschild Foundation; National Institutes of Health. Certified: American Board of Dermatology; Certification in Immunodermatology. Teaching Appointments: University of North Carolina, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor; Stanford University: Department of

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 311 Dermatology, Professor, Vice-Chairman; Northwestern University: Department of Dermatology, Professor, Walter J. Hamlin Professor and Chair 1992; University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine: Professor and Chief of Division (later Chairman) of department from 1999. Professional Societies: American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society for Cell Biology. Awards: NIH Study Section, Young Physician Award, University of Missouri Outside Interests: Sports, theater, travel, children and poetry.

Donald Vincent Belsito 1993 Born: 1950 Graduated: Cornell University, 1976. Training: Case-Western Reserve University Hospitals, 1976-1979; New York University Medical Center, 1979-1982. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1983, Dermatological Immunology, 1985 Practice: Private, New York University Medical Center. Teaching Appointments: New York University Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, 1982 to present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology; New York State Society for Dermatology; North American Contact Dermatitis group, Vice-President, 1991 to present; American Contact Dermatitis Society, Vice-President, 1991.

Timothy George Berger 1993 Born: February 28, 1949, Fort Dix, New Jersey. Graduated: University of Texas, Southwestern, 1975. Training in Dermatology: Letterman Army Medical Center residency in Dermatology, 1975-1980. Other Training: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Dermatopathology Fellowship, 1981-1982. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1980; Dermatopathology, 1982. Practice: University of California at San Francisco, Department of Dermatology Military Service: U.S. Army, 1975-1987. Teaching Appointments: University of California at San Francisco, Department of Dermatology, Associate Clinical Professor, Professor. Professional Societies: Association of Military Dermatologists; American Academy of Dermatology, AIDS Committee; American Society of Dermatopathology; San Francisco Dermatological Society; Pacific Dermatologic Association. Awards: Excellence in Teaching Award 1989.

Stewart Wright Caughman 1993 Born: April 28, 1948, Columbia, South Carolina Education: Undergraduate: Davidson College, AB, 1970; Medical School: Medical University of South Carolina, MD, 1979 Training: Internship: Medical University of South Carolina, 1979-80; Dermatology Residency: Harvard Medical School, 1980-83; Research Fellowship: National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Dermatology Branch, 1983-88

312 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1983; Dermatological Immunology and Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985 Military Service: US Army Reserve Officer, 1970-78 Teaching, Research and Academic Appointments: Medical Officer, National Institutes of Health, Dermatology Branch, 1988-90; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Clinical Assistant Professor, 1988-90; Emory University School of Medicine: Associate Professor, 1990-1995, Professor, 1995-present, Chair, Department of Dermatology, 1996-2006, Director, Emory Skin Diseases Research Center, 1994-2004, Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, 2004-10; The Emory Clinic: Executive Director, 2004-2010; Emory University Woodruff Health Sciences Center: Vice President for Clinical and Academic Integration, 2007-10, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs & Chair of Board of Directors, Emory Healthcare, 2010-15; and EVPHA, Emeritus, 2016-present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: SID Board of Directors, 1986-88, 2002-08, 2012- 15; Secretary-Treasurer, 2004-08; and President, 2013-14; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Dermatology Foundation; Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Federation of Clinical Research; National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal & Skin Diseases; Association of American Medical Colleges; Association of Academic Health Centers; Blue Ridge Academic Health Group. Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Distinguished Alumnus Award, Medical University of South Carolina; Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Alumnus Award, Davidson College.

Richard Clark 1993 Born: July 2, 1944, Muncie, Indiana. Current Position: Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Dermatology Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Stony Brook University. Education: Undergraduate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Major -Life Sciences; Minor -Chemistry, 1966; Medical School: University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, 1971. Training in Dermatology: Massachusetts General Hospital, 1976-1979. Other Training: Intern in Medicine: Strong Memorial Hospital (University of Rochester) 1971-1973; Training in Allergy and Immunology, NIH Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, 1973-1976. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1980; American Board of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1977. Academic Appointments: Instructor in Dermatology: Beth Israel Hospital, 1979-1981; Assistant -Associate Professor of Dermatology and Medicine: National Jewish Hospital and University of Colorado, 1981-1990; Stony Brook University: Professor and Chair, Dermatology and Medicine, 1990-2003; Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Dermatology, 2003-2017; Professor and Vice-Chair for Research, Dermatology, and Professor and Executive Committee Chair, Biomedical Engineering 2017-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Eczema Association for Science and Education, Scientific Board, 1989-2012; American Academy of Allergy and Immunology: Chair, AAD liaison Task Force, 1990-1994; NIA Liaison Committee, 1992-1996; Chair NIA Liaison Committee, 2001-2005; Member of the Research Committee, 2001-2009; Chair of Patient Advocate Task Force, 2002-2006; Member, Government Affairs Committee, 2001-2006; Dermatology Foundation: Member, Medical and Scientific Committee, 1993- 1996, Leader’s Society Vice Chair, 1993-2000, Annenberg Circle, 2001-2010, Annenberg Circle Sustaining, 2011-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Chair, Government and Public Relations Committee, 1998-2000, member of Publication Committee, 1998-1999, Patient Advocate Liaison, 2001-2006, Member, Board of Directors, 2003-2007, Journal of Investigative Dermatology: Associate Editor, 2002-2017; Wound Healing Section Editor, 2002-2017; Member, Long Range Planning Committee, 2004-2009; President-elect, 2008-2009; Society for Investigative Dermatology: President, 2010-2011; Member, Nomination Committee, 2010-2013; Chair, Search Committee for Secretary-Treasurer, 2010-2011; Chair, Nominations Committee, 2013; National Institute of Health: NIAMS Special Grants Review Committee, 1995-1999, Member, Long

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 313 Range Planning Committee, 2004, NIAMS Special Emphasis Panel (MOSS) Study Section, 2007-2009, NIAMS Ancillary Studies Panel for P50 Proposals 2010-2012; Wound Healing Society: Board of Directors, 1990-1994, Chair of Ethics Committee, 1990-1996, President-Elect, 1995-1996, Executive Committee, 1995-1999, President, 1996-1997; Vice-President, 1997-1999, Chair, Nominations Committee, 1997-1999, Government Relations Committee, 1997-2000. Awards and Honors: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Store Scholarship; University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Alumni Scholarship, 1966-1971; Clinical Investigator Training Fellowship, 1968- 1969; Alpha Omega Alpha, 1970; Distinction in Research, 1971; Elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1989; Elected to the Association of Professors of Dermatology, 1990; Elected to the American Association of Physicians, 1999; Elected as Fellow to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1999; Selected for membership in American Association of Medical Colleges, 2000; Elected Honorary Member of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2015; Elected President, School of Medicine Faculty Senate, 2015-2017; Elected to the National Academy of Inventors, 2016; First Place Award: Industrial Research and Development, Wound Healing Society, 2017. Outside Interests: Swimming, hiking, and skiing.

Howard V. Dubin 1993 Born: March 28, 1938, New York, New York. Graduated: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1962. Training: University of Michigan Medical Center, 1962-1964, 1968-1970; Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, 1966-1968. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1971. Practice: Private and University of Michigan Medical Center from 1977. Military Service: U.S. Army, Medical Corps, Captain, 1964-1966. Teaching Appointments: University of Michigan Medical Center, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1970-1972, Associate Professor, 1972-1974, Clinical Associate Professor, 1975-1977, Clinical Professor from 1977. Professional Societies: American College of Physicians; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology foundation; Sigma Xi; Michigan Dermatological Society; American Medical Association. Awards: Army Commendation Medal, 1966; Vietnam Service Medal, 1966. Deceased October 16, 2011.

Patricia G. Engasser 1993 Born: August 28, 1938. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University, 1958 Phi Betta Kappa; Medical School: Stanford University MD, 1962. Training: Rotating Internship: Presbyterian Hospital, San Francisco, 1962-1963; Residency in Internal Medicine: State Hospital of New York at Buffalo, 1963-1964; Dermatology Residency and Fellowship: Stanford University Medical Center, 1964-1967. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1967. Practice: California Kaiser Permenente 1967-2020. Teaching Appointments: University of California at San Francisco, Department of Dermatology: Emeritus Clinical Professor of Dermatology; Stanford University, Department of Dermatology, Adjunct Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 1990-1994, Executive Committee, 1993 to 1995; Women’s Dermatologic Society, Board of Directors, 1988-1993; American Contact

314 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Dermatitis Society: Board of Directors, 1993, Secretary-Treasurer, 1997-2001; San Francisco Dermatological Society: Board of Directors, President, 1982-1983, Vice President, 1981-1982; Pacific Dermatologic Society; Society of Cosmetic Chemists; North American Clinical Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors, 2007-2010; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Pacific Dermatologic Association; European Contact Dermatitis Society; International Society of Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; California Medical Association; American Medical Association; Stanford Medical Alumni Association: Board of Governors, 1980-1994; President, 1992-1993. Awards and Honors: Stanford Associates Outstanding Achievement Award, 1985; Stanford University Gold Spike Distinguished Alumnus Award, 1990; Stanford Centennial Medallion, 1991; Stanford National Medical Fund Chairman, 1982-1986; Women’s Dermatologic Society, Rose Hirschler Award for Outstanding Achievement, 2005; San Francisco Dermatology Society, Practitioner of the Year, 2008; American Contact Dermatitis Society, Honorary Member, 2009; Dermatology Foundation, Clark W. Finnerud Award for Teacher/ Clinician, 2011; History of Dermatology Society, The 35th Samuel J. Zakon Lecture, 2014. Outside Interests: Family and friends, travel, music, Stanford continuing education classes in the humanities.

Hubert Thornton Greenway 1993 Born: April 21, 1948, Athens, Georgia. Graduated: Medical College of Georgia, 1974. Training: Medical College of Georgia, 1974-1975, Naval Hospital San Diego, 1979-1982, University of Wisconsin, 1981. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1992; American Board of Mohs Surgery, 1991. Practice: Scripps Clinic, Scripps Heath. Military Service: U.S. Navy, Commander, Okinawa, 1975-1976; NAS Atlanta Flight Surgeon, 1976-1979; Naval Hospital at San Diego, 1979-1984. Teaching Appointments: University of California at San Diego, Voluntary Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine; Scripps Clinic and Scripps Green Hospital, Program Director, Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Fellowship, Head Mohs Surgery, Founder, Superficial Anatomy and Cutaneous Surgery Cadaver Course; Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, Program Director, Cutaneous Oncology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, American College of Mohs Surgery, San Diego Dermatological Society, American Academy of Family Physicians, Association of Surgical Faculty, American Association of Physicians Leadership. Awards: Frederic E. Mohs Award for Career Achievement American College of Mohs Surgery, American Academy of Dermatology Leadership Award, Distinguished Service Award Scripps Clinic Medical Group, Spirit of the Barrio Community Service Award Logan Heights Family Health Center, Award for Excellence in Education American Academy of Dermatology, Honorary Membership Award American Academy of Dermatology, President’s Award American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, Presidents Citation Award American Academy of Dermatology, Outstanding Contribution Award International Mentorship Program American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, San Diego Padres Medical All-Star Award.

Pearl Evelyn Grimes 1993 Born: April 15, 1950, Woodville, Mississippi. Current Practice: Director, The Grimes Center for Medical and Aesthetic Dermatology; Director of the Vitiligo and Pigmentation Institute of Southern California. Education: Medical School: Washington University, 1974. Training in Dermatology: Howard University, 1976-1979. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1979.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 315 Teaching Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, Food and Drug Advisory Committee, 1992-1995, Symposia on Vitiligo; National Medical Association: Chair, 1987-1989, Vice Chair, 1985-1987; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; World Congress of Dermatology; International Pigment Cell Society; Metropolitan Dermatological Society of Los Angeles: Program Chairman, 1992- 1993, President-elect for 1996; American Federation of Clinical Research; Women’s Dermatologic Society President, 2017-2018. Awards and Honors: Alan Shalita Memorial Award, 2019; Lifetime Achievement in Dermatology Award from the American Skin Association, 2017; Everett C. Fox Memorial Award and Lectureship from the American Academy of Dermatology, 2017; Goldman Humanitarian Award from the American Academy of Dermatology, 2017; Women’s Dermatologic Society Legacy Award, 2017; Women’s Dermatologic Society Mentor of the Year Award, 2011; Dermatology Foundation Practitioner of the Year, 2011.

W. Clark Lambert 1993 Born: 1942, Montclair, New Jersey. Practice: Rutgers University School of Medicine, 1976-2011. Education: Undergraduate: Wesleyan University BA, 1964; Medical School: Thomas Jefferson University MD, 1969. Other: Thomas Jefferson University PhD in Experimental Pathology, 1970. Training in Dermatology: Yale University, 1974-1976. Other Training: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center Pathology residency 1970-1974 Academic Appointments: Professor and Associate Head, Dermatology; Director of Dermatopathology and Professor of Pathology. Certified: American Board of Pathology, 1976; American Board of Dermatology, 1978; Dermatopathology, 1978; Dermatological Immunology/Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology, 1985. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Society of Dermatopathology; International Society of Dermatopathology; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; Xeroderma Pigmentosum Society. Military Service: U.S. Public Health Service, Surgeon, 1971-1973.

Lela A. Lee 1993 Born: September 7, 1950, Gorman, Texas. Graduated: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 1976. Training: Temple University Hospital, 1976-1979; University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1980-1985. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1983. Practice: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Teaching Appointments: University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Assistant Professor, 1985-1991; University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma Center of Molecular Medicine, and Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Department of Dermatology, Carl Herzog Professor, from 1991. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, 1985-1987, Ad-hoc Committee on Regional Meetings Chairman, 1991; Western Society for Investigative Dermatology: Secretary-Treasurer, 1989-1991, President, 1991-1992; American Academy of Dermatology, Task Force on

316 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Immunopathology, 1988-1991; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Board of Dermatology: Director, 2001-2009, Associate Executive Director from 2013. Awards: Stelwagon Award, 1983.

James D. Maberry 1993 Born: January 31, 1936, Gilmer, Texas. Graduated: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. Training: Parkland Hospital, 1991-1992; University of Texas Medical Branch, 1963-1966. Practice: Private. Military Service: U.S. Army Medical Corp., Captain, 1961-1963. Teaching Appointments: John Peter Smith Hospital, Ft Worth, Texas. Professional Societies: Texas Dermatology Society, President; Texas Medical Society; Southern Medical Association; South Central Dermatology Society; American Academy of Dermatology; Tarrant County Medical Society; American Medical Association. Awards: Distinguished Service Award, Texas Dermatology Society. Outside Interests: Travel, outdoor activities, sports, history and natural history.

Elizabeth Innes McBurney 1993 Born: December 24, 1944, Lake Charles, Louisiana. Graduated: Louisiana State University School of Medicine, 1969. Training: Pensacola Education Program, 1969-1970; University Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, 1970-1972; Louisiana State University Charity Hospital, 1972-1974. Certified: American Board of Internal Medicine, 1973; American Board of Dermatology, 1975. Practice: Private, Tulane Medical School, and Louisiana State University School of Medicine. Teaching Appointments: Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Clinical Professor from 1990 to present; Tulane University School of Medicine, Adjunct Clinical Professor of Dermatology from 1991 to present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: BOD, 1994-1998; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: President, 1996-1997, Delegate to American Medical Association (AMA), 2007-2012; Women’s Dermatologic Society: President, 2006-2007: American Dermatological Association, President, 2007-2008; Dermatology Foundation, Chair of Board, 2020. Awards and Honors: Distinguished Woman Physician, AMA, 1999; Sam Stegman Award from ASDS, 2000; Professional and Ethics Award AAD, 2020, Presidential citations from AAD, 2010,2015, Thomas G. Pearson Education Award AAD, 2004: Wilma Bergfeld Visionary and Leadership Award from WDS 2016; Rose Hirschler Award WDS, 2007; Mentor of the Year from Blade and Light Society, 2017. Professor from 1991. Outside Interests: Art.

Mark R. Pittelkow 1993 Born: 1952, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Father was the Historian of the Association. Current Position: Robert S. Totz, M.D. Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic Arizona.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 317 Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University BA, 1975; Medical School: Mayo Medical School, MD 1979. Other: Northwestern University MS in Biological Sciences, 1975. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Medicine, 1980-1984; Mayo Graduate School, Experimental Pathology, 1981-1983. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1984. Practice: Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Mayo Medical School, 1984-present. Awards and Honors: Honorary Member Chinese, German and Swiss Dermatology Societies; Teacher of the Year Award Mayo Fellows Association, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education; Harold O. Perry Distinguished Lecturer Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Distinguished Mayo Medical School Service Award Mayo Clinic; University Medal of Distinction-University of Helsinki; Paul O’Leary Award of Clinical Excellence, 1984; Paul O’Leary Distinguished Lectureship, 2015; Mayo Clinic Arizona Distinguished Clinician of the Year, 2019. Academic Appointments: Mayo Medical School, Department of Dermatology: Instructor, 1984-1987; Assistant Professor, 1987-1991, Associate Professor, 1991-95; Professor of Dermatology, 1995. Chair, Department of Dermatology and Consultant Mayo Clinic Arizona from 2013; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Associate Professor, from 1992, Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Committee on Research Activities, 1987-1990, Task Force on Psoriasis, 1987-1991, Committee on Scientific Awards, 1990-1994, NCI Liaison, 1992- 1997, Organizational Structure Committee, 1999-2002; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation, Scientific Advisory Committee, 1991-1993; American Professors of Dermatology; Minnesota Dermatological Society; Phoenix Dermatological Society; Pacific Dermatologic Association; American Association for Advancement of Science; New York Academy of Sciences; Sigma Xi; American Association of Cancer Research; American Society for Cell Biology Outside Interests: History of medicine, biographies, bioethics, artificial intelligence, numismatics, skating, skiing, photography and family.

Howard G. Welgus 1993 Born: December 24, 1951, Brooklyn, New York. Graduated: Washington University School of Medicine, 1977. Training: Washington University, 1977-1981. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1981. Practice/Positions: Washington University School of Medicine at Jewish Hospital until 1999; Vice-President and Head of the Dermatology and Inflammation Therapeutic Areas Pfizer, 1999-2009; Chief Medical Officer and Head of R&D Nycomed, 2010-2013; Chief Medical Officer Verrica Pharmaceuticals, 2013-2016; Chief Medical Officer, Arcutis Biotherapeutics 2016-2020. Teaching Appointments: Washington University, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor, 1981-1987, Associate Professor, 1987-1992, Professor from 1992, Division of Dermatology, Director, 1985 -1999. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology, Membership Committee, 1989-1992; American Academy of Dermatology; Missouri Dermatological Society; St Louis Dermatological Society; Dermatology Foundation, Medical and Scientific Committee, 1986-1989. Outside Interests: Golf, fishing.

318 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Ronald G. Wheeland 1993 Born: October 24, 1947, Tucson, Arizona. Graduated: University of Arizona, 1973. Training: University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, 1973-1978; Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Mohs and Laser Surgery, 1983-1984. Certified: American Board of Dermatology, 1977; Dermatopathology, 1978. Current Position: Head, University of Arizona Section of Dermatology. Teaching Appointments: (previously) University of New Mexico and University of California at Davis, Department of Dermatology, Professor, and Chairman, Residency Training Program Director. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology President, 2001; American College of Physicians; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Skin Cancer Foundation; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; Association of Surgical Faculty; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Sacramento Valley Dermatologic Society; North American Society of Phlebology. Awards: Leon Goldman Medical Excellence Award, 1990; Woodward-White Publishers; Alfred Winer Lectureship Award, 1991; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, President’s Leadership Award, 1993; Radcliffe Memorial Lectureship Award, 1993. Outside Interests: Snow skiing, racquetball and refinishing antique furniture.

William L. Dobes, Jr. 1994 Born: April 16,1943, Atlanta, Georgia. Father was a member of the Association Current Position/Practice:-Dermatology Consultants P.C; Emory University Associate Clinical Professor. Education: Undergraduate: Emory University, B.C., 1965 -Fraternity – Phi Delta Theta, President 1964-65; Medical School -Emory University -M.D., 1969 -Fraternity Phi Chi, President 1968. Training: Grady Memorial Hospital, Internship, Internal Medicine 1969-70; Mayo Clinic Resident 1970-71, University of Miami, Resident & Fellow 1971-73; Chief Resident 1972-73. Academic Appointments: Emory University: Clinical Instructor,1973-74, -Clinical Asst. Professor 1974-84, Asst. Professor (Academic),1976-78, Clinical Assoc. Professor 1984-Present, Director: Immunofluorescence Laboratory, 1978-84, Skin Cancer & Solar Meter Program 1981-88 Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 1994 to present, Ethics Committee; American Academy of Dermatology, Health & Quality Assurance Committee 1978-84, Chair 1980-84, Guidelines of Care Committee 1987-93, Advisory Council 1982-1985, others; Dermatology Foundation, Fellow 1972-2000,Recipient of Research Grant Award 1979-80; Southern Medical Association, Section on Dermatology, Vice Chairman 1983; Atlanta Dermatological Association, Secretary-Treasurer 1975-77, President 1978; Georgia Dermatological Association, President 1986;Emory University Committees: Medical Alumni Campaign Fund Chairman 1975-80, Emory Alumni Trustee 1978-82, Emory Medical Alumni Assoc. President 1980, Emory Assoc. of Alumni, Executive Board 1992-96, others. Medical Association of Atlanta, Board of Directors 1985-93, Secretary 1989-90, President-elect 1990-91 President 1991-92, others. Lupus Foundation of America, Atlanta, Medical Advisory Board 1978-93, Chairman of Medical Board 1988-91. Awards: American Cancer Society, Atlanta Unit-Jenkins’ Outstanding Services Award 1989. Outside Interests: Spending time with grandchildren, traveling, fishing, boating reading kayaking.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 319 Boni E. Elewski 1994 Born: August 7, 1953 Current Position: University of Alabama at Birmingham, James Elder Professor and Chair of Dermatology Education: Undergraduate degree summa cum laude) Miami University Oxford Ohio June 1975 (major in Zoology and Chemistry); Medical School: The Ohio State University College of Medicine, MD 1978. Training: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Residency in Dermatology, 1979-1982 Academic Appointments: James Elder Professor and Chair of Dermatology. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: President 2004-2005, Vice President, 2001- 2002, Board of Directors 1996-2000; American Dermatological Association, 1995 to present; Women’s Dermatological Society, President 1999-2000: Cleveland Dermatology Society: President; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; Alabama Dermatology Society. Other Interests: Traveling, cruising, cooking and baking, reading, and our 2 Rottweilers.

Alvin E. Friedman-Kien 1994 Born: June 14, 1934, New York, New York. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Department of Dermatology and Microbiology New York University Medical Center, Retired. Education: Undergraduate: University of Oslo, Norway and Brown University 1956; Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine 1960. Training in Dermatology: Massachusetts General Hospital 1961-62; Dermatology Division National Cancer Institute 1962-64; NYU Medical School Department of Dermatology. Academic Appointments: NYU Medical School Dermatology: Assistant Professor 1964-68, Associate Professor 1968-81, Professor of Dermatology and Microbiology 1981. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association.

David I. McLean 1994 Born: June 8, 1947, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Current Position: Department of Dermatology and Skin Science, University of British Columbia. Education: Undergraduate: University of Manitoba; Medical School: University of Manitoba MD, 1971 Training in Dermatology: University of British Columbia, McGill University. Other Training: Fellow, Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital. Academic Appointment: Vancouver General Hospital Senior Associate Dean, Research and Planning, Vice President for Research. Society Memberships: Canadian Dermatology Association, President; Canadian Dermatology Foundation, President Canadian Melanoma Foundation, President; International League of Dermatologic Societies, Secretary-General.

320 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Robert L. Modlin 1994 Born: July 18, 1954; Baltimore, Maryland. Current Position/Practice: Klein Professor of Dermatology, Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, Chief, Division of Dermatology, Vice Chair for Cutaneous Medicine and Dermatological Research, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Education: Undergraduate: Johns Hopkins University BA (Quantitative Studies) 1976; Medical School: New York University, MD 1980. Training in Dermatology: Residency, Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Medical Center, Dermatology 1981-1984. Other Training: Internship, New York University Medical Center, Pediatrics 1980-1981. Academic Appointments: University of Southern California School of Medicine, Resident Supervisor, Department of Dermatology 1984-1985, Assistant Professor of Dermatology (Medicine) and Pathology 1984-1988, Associate Professor of Dermatology (Medicine) and Pathology 1988-1990; David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Associate Professor of Dermatology (Medicine) and Microbiology and Immunology 1990-1992, Co-Chief, Division of Dermatology 1992; Professor of Dermatology (Medicine) and Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, 1992-present, Chief, Division of Dermatology 1993-present, Klein Professor of Dermatology 2005-present, Vice Chair for Cutaneous Medicine and Dermatological Research 2006-present, Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics 2010-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology 1984 to present: NIAID Liaison Committee; Society for Investigate Dermatology 1984 to present, Board of Directors 1999-2004, Vice-President 2010, Audit Committee; American Federation for Clinical Research 1974 to present; American Association of Immunologists: 1985 to present Clinical Immunology Committee; American Society for Clinical Investigation 1990 to present; Clinical Immunology Society 1992 to present; Association of Professors of Dermatology 1992 to present; American Dermatological Association 1994 to present; American Association of Professors 1999 to present. Other Interests: Tennis, travel, and spending time with family.

Kenneth Herbert Neldner 1994 Born: February 15, 1927, Lewiston, Minnesota on his family’s farm. Position at Death: Professor Emeritus, Department of Dermatology, Texas Tech University. Education: Undergraduate: University of Minnesota BA 1949; Medical School: University of Minnesota 1955. Other: Colorado University MS (Biology) 1951. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic 1960-1963. Academic Appointments: University of Colorado: Clinical Instructor, Assistant Clinical Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, Professor 1965-1983; Texas Tech University: Professor and Chairman of Department of Dermatology 1983-1994, Professor Emeritus 1994 until death. Professional Societies: Over 60. Military Service: U. S. Army Air Corps, enlisted, World War II. Outside Interests: Family, running and hiking, tennis, photography, developing and printing, study of mushrooms, and ice cream with chocolate sauce. Deceased, July 15, 2017.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 321 Elise A. Olsen 1994 Born: Staten Island, New York City. Current Position/Practice: Professor of Dermatology and Medicine with Tenure, Founder and Director, Cutaneous Lymphoma Research and Treatment Center, Founder and Director, Hair Disorders Research and Treatment Center, Founder and Director, Dermatopharmacology Study Center, Duke University Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas at Austin 1974; Medical School: Baylor Medical School 1978. Training in Dermatology: Duke University 1983. Other Training: University of North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine 1978-80. Academic Appointments: Division of Dermatology Duke University Medical Center, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina: Associate in Medicine 1983-1985, Assistant Professor of Medicine 1985-1991, Associate Professor of Medicine 1991-1999, Professor of Medicine with Tenure 1999-2000. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, member 1994 to present; American Academy of Dermatology, Vice-President 2014-2015, Board of Directors 2008-2012, Assistant Editor Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1998-2009; multiple Councils, Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups; United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium, Founder and President 2009-2013, Executive Board 2013-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society, Vice President 2012-2013, Parliamentarian 2001- 2002, Secretary 1997-2001, Corresponding Secretary 1996-1997, several committees; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas: President, 2005-2007, Secretary-Treasurer 2002-2005; North American Hair Research Society, Founder, President 1999-2002, Board of Directors 2002-2005, 1991-1993;North American Hair Research Society; North Carolina Dermatology Association, President and Founder 1994; Dermatology Section of the North Carolina Medical Society: President Elect 1993, Secretary-Treasurer 1992; Chairman Steering Committee, Southeastern Consortium for Dermatology, Chairman Steering Committee, 1991-2019, President, 2019- -present; Alopecia Areata Research Foundation, Chairman, Medical Advisory Board 1989- 1991, Medical Advisory Board 1986-1992; Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation, Scientific Advisory Board 2014-2019, Board of Directors 2020-present; Dermatology Foundation Board of Directors, Leaders Society 2001-2010; National Alopecia Areata Foundation; Research Information Task Force 2003-present, Scientific Advisory Council 2003-present, Medical Advisory Board 1993-2003; North American Hair Research Society: President, 1999-2002, Board of Directors, 2002-2005 and 1991-1993; Founding member, 1991, Several Committees. Awards and Honors: Certificate of Appreciation for International Leadership awarded by the International League of Dermatologic Societies in 2018; David A. Whiting Leadership and Research Award, American Hair Research Society, 2020; The Best Doctors in America, Woodward/White, Aiken, SC, 1992 to present; Listed in America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly, 2002 to present; Listed in America’s Top Doctors for Cancer 3rd Edition, Castle Connolly, 2008-present Other Interests: Fly-fishing, Gardening, Daffodil Judge, Painting, House renovations.

Stephanie H. Pincus 1994 Born: February 28, 1944 Lakehurst, New Jersey. Current Position/Practice: Retired. Previously Chief Academic Affiliations Officer, Veterans Health Administration. Education: Undergraduate: Reed College BA 1964; Medical School: Harvard Medical School 1968. Other: JL Kellogg Graduate School of Management, MBA 1998. Training in Dermatology: University of Washington 1972-1974; Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston, MA, Research Fellow in Dermatology 1974-75.

322 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Internship Boston City Hospital 1968-1969; University of Washington Fellowship Research Training Unit 1969-1971; Resident Internal Medicine 1971-1972. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 1975-77; Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine 1977- 89; Member, Dept. of Immunology 1977-82, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Dermatology 1979-82, Associate Professor, Dept. of Dermatology 1982-89 Associate Professor, Dept. of Medicine 1989, Vice-Chairman, Dept. of Dermatology 1982-89; State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine, Buffalo, NY, Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology 1989-2000. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1995 to present; American Academy of Dermatology Board of Directors 2001-2005; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors 1992-96, Vice President 1999-2000, President 200-2001, Executive Committee 2001-02. Other Interests: family and friends, travel, photography, bicycling, pilates, angel investing.

Richard L. Spielvogel 1994 Born: June 22, 1945, Southbridge, Massachusetts. Current Practice: Retired. Education: Undergraduate: Tufts University BS 1967; Medical School: University of Rochester MD 1972 Other: University of Minnesota MS 1977. Training in Dermatology: University of Minnesota Hospitals dermatology residency 1974-1977. Other Training: New York University, dermatopathology fellowship 1980-1981 Academic Appointments: Chair Department of Dermatology Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center 1981-1987; Associate Professor UCSD Department of Dermatology 1987-1989; Professor and Chair Department of Dermatology Hahnemann University/Drexel University 1989-2003. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Military Dermatology Society President 1987; Philadelphia Dermatological Society President 2000; Philadelphia College of Physicians Dermatology Section Chair 2002-2005; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Pennsylvania Society of Dermatology; Professors of Dermatology; North American Clinical Dermatologic Society Secretary General and President 2009-2019. Outside Interests: Grandchildren, golf, world travel.

Nia K. Terezakis 1994 Born: March 8, 1945, Montgomery, Alabama Current Position: Retired. Education: Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Alabama (1952-56); Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida (1957-62); Tulane University School of Medicine MD (1962-1966). Training in Dermatology: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana (1967-70) Other Training: Internship Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Charity Hospital of Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana 1966-67. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology, Tulane University School of Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, LSU School of Medicine. Professional Societies: Louisiana Dermatological Society: Secretary 1986-87, President 1988-89; Women’s Dermatologic Society President, 1992-94; American College of Cryosurgery Board of Directors 1993-96; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology; Fellow, American College of Physicians; American Society for Pediatric Dermatology; American Medical Association; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Southern Medical Association; Royal Society of Medicine; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Annenberg Circle Dermatology Foundation; New York Academy of Sciences.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 323 Awards and Honors: Honorary Member, Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Sigma Sigma National Honorary Society, Huntingdon College (1954); Pathology Award for Senior Research Thesis, Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase Enzyme Activity During the Clinical Course of Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia (1966); Commencement Address, Huntingdon College (1988); Alumni Achievement Award, Huntingdon College (1989); Rose Hirschler Award (2002); Women’s Dermatologic Society; Dermatology Foundation Clark W. Finnerud Award 2006.

Robert E. Tigelaar 1994 Born: April 19, 1942 Grand Rapids, Michigan. Current Position: Emeritus Professor, Department of Dermatology, Yale School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Hope College, Holland, Michigan, Bachelor of Arts 1964; Medical School: University of Michigan, Doctor of Medicine 1968. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology, University of Washington, Seattle 1979. Other Training: Pathology Resident, New York University Medical Center 1968-1970. Academic Appointments: NIH, Bethesda (Laboratory of Microbial Immunity, NIAID): Research Associate 1970-1974, Senior Investigator 1974-1976; University of Washington Medical School, Seattle: Acting Instructor of Medicine (Dermatology) 1977-1978, Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 1978-1980; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas: Associate Professor of Dermatology 1980-1989, Professor of Dermatology 1989-1990; Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT: Professor of Dermatology & Immunobiology 1990-2015, Director, Yale Skin Diseases Research Core Center 1992-2010, Co-Director, Yale SPORE in Skin Cancer, 2006-2015, Professor Emeritus of Dermatology 2015-present. Society Memberships: NIH: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculo-skeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) Special Grants Review Committee 1987-1990; National Cancer Institute (NCI) Board of Scientific Counselors for Clinical Sciences & Epidemiology 2008-2013; External Advisory Board, Roger Williams NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Tissue Repair 2007-2012; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 1998-2003, Co-Chair IID 2003 Program Committee (Cologne, Germany), Chair Finance Committee, 2003-2009; Journal of Investigative Dermatology: Section Editor 1997-2002, Associate Editor 2002-2007; American Dermatological Association 1994-present. Awards and Honors: American Skin Association 2017 Research Achievement Award in Autoimmune & Inflammatory Skin Disorders.

David A. Whiting 1994 Born: South Africa, September 30, 1931. Practice at Death: Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern; Co-Director of the Dermatology Clinic at Children’s Medical Center; Consultant Dermatologist at VA Medical Center; Medical Director of the Baylor Hair Research and Treatment Center; private practice. Education: Medical School: University of the Witwatersrand 1953. Training in Dermatology: Verwoerd Hospital from 1966-1968. Other Training: General surgery and internal medicine at Johannesburg General Hospital; pediatrics and pediatric orthopedics at the Coronation Hospital of the University of the Witwatersrand and the Transvaal Memorial Hospital for Children. Academic Appointments: 1968-1973 Consultant Dermatologist at Johannesburg General Hospital and the University of the Witwatersrand, the H.F. Verwoerd Hospital and the University of Pretoria; 1973-1977 Principal Dermatologist and Chairman of the Section of Dermatology at Johannesburg General Hospital and the University of Witwatersrand; 1977-1979 Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Section of Dermatology University of Texas Health Southwestern Medical School and Chief of Dermatology, at the Dallas Veterans’

324 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Administration Medical Center; During the 1980’s he served as a Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at University of Texas Southwestern, the Coordinator of Dermatology Teaching Program at Baylor University Medical Center and as a Consultant Dermatologist at the Congenital Vascular Anomalies Clinic, Children’s Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; Dallas Dermatological Society; Texas Dermatological Society; the Society of Pediatric Dermatology; the International Society of Pediatric Dermatology; the International Society of Tropical Dermatology; the British Association of Dermatologists; the St. John’s Hospital Dermatological Society; the Dowling Club; the South African Dermatological Society; the American Society of Dermatopathology; the Hair Research Society and the Noah Worcester Society. Awards: First recipient and honoree of the David A. Whiting MD Leadership and Research Award from the American Hair and Research Society, awarded posthumously in 2018. Outside Interests: Fishing, especially trout and deep sea fishing, family, friends and dogs. Deceased February 19, 2018.

John Ansel 1995 Born: July 9, 1949 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Position: G. Thomas Jansen, M.D, Chair of Dermatology at the University of Arkansas Medical School in Little Rock. AR. Education: LaSalle High School, LaSalle College, BA 1971 and Villanova University. Hahnemann Medical School M.D. 1977. Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania. Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship Brown University; National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and National Cancer Institute 1981-86. Academic Appointments: Oregon Health Sciences University (clinician-scientist) at Oregon Health Sciences University. He also held positions as Professor of Dermatology at Emory University/ Chief of dermatology at the VA Medical Center in Atlanta. and the University of Colorado and served as Chair of Dermatology at Northwestern University. He was most recently honored as the G. Thomas Jansen, M.D, Chair of Dermatology at the University of Arkansas Medical School in Little Rock. He also held positions as Professor of Dermatology at Emory University and the University of Colorado and served as Chair of Dermatology at Northwestern University. He was most recently honored as the G. Thomas Jansen, M.D, Chair of Dermatology at the University of Arkansas Medical School in Little Rock Society Memberships: Founder of the Irish-American Dermatology Research Exchange foundation, the Brendan Society. American Academy of Dermatology, Southern Medical Association and the Dermatology Foundation Awards and Honors: A key scientist who established that the skin was an active immune system organ and not just an inert barrier to infection. Also, increased under-standing of how the nervous system interaction with skin to regulate inflammatory responses and wound healing. Service on editorial boards for Western Journal of Medicine and American Journal of the Medical Sciences and the advisory board for Experimental Dermatology. AAD’s Gold Medal, for his exemplary service as professor and chairman of the department, and for his many contributions to advancing the knowledge of skin cancer, melanoma and other dermatologic disorders. He was the 25th person to receive this award since 1938. Outside Interests: Always happiest with his friends and family where he demonstrated love, great loyalty and rousing humor. Deceased, August 7, 2009.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 325 Clay J. Cockerell 1995 Born: September 16, 1956, Houston, Texas. Current Practice: President, Cockerell Dermatopathology. Education: Undergraduate: Texas Tech University 1974 – 1977, Majors: Zoology, Microbiology, and Chemistry. No degree -entered Medical School via Early Decision Program. Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine M.D. with honors, June 1981. Other: Master of Business Administration, Jack Welch Management Institute, Herndon, Virginia, 2016; Master’s Degree, Professional Studies in Commercial Real Estate, Georgetown University, Ashburn, Virginia, 2018; In progress-Juris Doctor Degree, Abraham Lincoln University, Glendale, California. Training in Dermatology: New York University Medical Center, New York, New York, Residency, Dermatology 1982-1985, Chief Resident, Dermatology 1984-1985. Other Training: University of Washington Affiliated Hospitals, Seattle Washington: Internship, Internal Medicine 1981-1982: New York University Medical Center, New York: Fellowship, Dermatopathology 1985-1986. Academic Appointments: New York University Medical Center: Associate in Dermatopathology June 1986-September 1988; Assistant Professor, Dermatology, June 1986-September 1988; University of Southwestern Medical Center: Clinical Professor, Dermatology and Pathology June 1997-present; Associate in Dermatopathology September 1988-January 1992; Director, Division of Dermatopathology February 1, 1992- 2016; Clinic Parkland Hospital Director, HIV Related Skin Disease, April 1990-June 2000 (clinic discontinued); Baylor, Scott & White, Dallas, Texas: Instructor, Dermatopathology 2009-present; University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth: Adjunct Clinical Professor, Internal Medicine (Dermatology)-2016- present; Granbury Texas, Dermatology Residency Program formation 2020. Professional Societies: Texas Dermatological Society: President 2004; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Secretary Treasurer 2012-2016; President 2017; Zola Cooper-Lee T. Nesbitt Clinico-Pathologic Seminar: Board of Directors and Seminar Director, 1993-present; Practical Dermatology and Dermatopathology Symposium, Vail, Colorado: Founder and Director, 2014-present; American Academy of Dermatology: President, 2005, Secretary/Treasurer, 2001-2004, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, 1998-2001; Dallas Dermatological Society: Honorary Member, President 1992-1993. Outside Interests: SPF/body wash product, US patent, 2008; Antibacterial body wash, US patent, 2011; Cockerell Family Wine Estates, Calistoga, California: Co-owner; Cockerell Dermatology Educational Foundation, Owner.

Suzanne M. Connolly 1995 Born: March 30,1947, Oakland, California. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology Emerita, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Mayo Graduate School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California Bachelor of Science Biology, 1969; Medical School: University of California, San Francisco: Doctor of Medicine, 1975. Other: University of California Berkeley Master of Science Immunology, 1971. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Graduate School of Medicine Department of Dermatology Rochester Minnesota, 1976-1979. Certification: Dermatology 1979; Immunology 1985. Academic Appointments: Mayo Clinic Rochester Department of Dermatology: Instructor of Dermatology 1979-1980, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1980-1987; Mayo Clinic Arizona Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1987-1992, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1992-2009, Professor of Dermatology 2009-2010, Chair Department of Dermatology Mayo Clinic Arizona 1987-1996.

326 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: member 1979-present, Board of Directors:1999-2003, Vice-President: 2011-2012; American Contact Dermatitis Society: 1989-present, Board of Directors: 2001-2004, President: 2009-2011; American Dermatological Association:1995- present; Dermatology Foundation: to the present; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: 1995-2019, Board of Directors: 2006-2009, President: 2012-2013; North American Clinical Dermatologic Society: member 2006-present; Pacific Dermatological Association: member 1982-present, Executive Committee: 2003-2006,Vice-President: 2004-2005, President: 2005-2006; Phoenix Dermatological Society: member 1987-2019, Vice-President:1994-1996, President-Elect: 1996-1998, President:1998-2000; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 1989-present, Board of Directors: 1994-1998, Secretary: 2004-2007, Vice-President: 2007-2008, President:2008-2009; Sigma Xi-member 1985-present. Awards & Honors: American Academy of Dermatology: Travel Award-1981, Gold Triangle Awards 2006, 2012, 2014, Honorary member-2018; American Contact Dermatitis Society: Honorary member-2011; Women’s Dermatological Society: Presidential Citation-2006, Rose Hirschler Award-2015; Mayo Clinic Department of Dermatology: Paul O’Leary Award of Clinical Excellence-1979, Mayo Clinic Arizona Distinguished Clinician of the Year-2002. Outside Interests: Family, gardening, cooking, photography, needlework, reading.

John J. DiGiovanna 1995 Born: December 12, 1950, New York, New York. Current Position: Senior Research Physician, DNA Repair Section, Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. Education: Undergraduate: SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, BS magna cum laude 1972; Medical School: SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, NY MD 1976. Other: Internship, Internal Medicine, Long Island Jewish Hospital-Hillside Medical Center New Hyde Park, New York 1976-1977, Honorary Degree: Brown University Masters of Arts ad eundum 1998. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami, School of Medicine 1977-1980. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, University of Miami, School of Medicine: Assistant Professor 1980-1982; Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1980-1994; Head, Dermatology Clinical Research Unit, National Institutes of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1994-1997; Brown University, School of Medicine, Providence, RI: Associate Professor (1997-2001), Professor (2001-2010) Department of Dermatology, Director, Division of Dermatopharmacology 1997-2010; National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD: Senior Research Investigator, Genetic Studies Section, Laboratory of Skin Biology 1997-2000; Research Investigator, Basic Research Laboratory, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 2000-2010; Staff Clinician (2010-present)/Senior Research Physician (2016-present), DNA Repair Section, Dermatology Branch (2010-2017), Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics (2017-present), Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1995 -present; American Academy of Dermatology 1977-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 1981-present; American Federation for Clinical Research 1982-2004; Washington D.C. Dermatological Society 1991-present; Dermatology Foundation 1993-present. Awards: Frederick Reiss Memorial Lectureship (1988); Duhring Lectureship (1996); Donald P. Lookingbill, MD Lectureship (2015), Charles J. McDonald, MD Lectureship (2018); Brown Medical School Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award (2001, 2003); over 20 visiting professorships.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 327 Madeleine Duvic 1995 Born: New Orleans, Louisiana, June 28, 1951. Current Position: Professor, Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Deputy Chair and Blanche Bender Professorship in Cancer Research, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC), Houston, TX. Education: Undergraduate: Rice University, BA – Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa – 1973; Duke Medical School 1973-1977. Other Training: Dermatology & Internal Medicine Residencies, Duke Medical School 1977-1982; Post-doctoral fellowships: Geriatrics and Molecular Biology 1982-1985. Academic Appointments: University of Texas Medical School (UTMS): Assistant Professor – Dermatology and Medicine—Houston 1984-1989; MDACC: Chief – Section of Dermatology – Dept of Medical Specialties 1985-2000; Associate Professor of Medicine/Dermatology-MDACC & UTMS with joint appointment in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 1992; Associate Medical Director, Melanoma Skin Center – MDACC 1996-2002; Professor of Medicine and Dermatology UTMS & MDACC-2002-present; Chair (ad interim) Department of Dermatology MDACC 2000-2003; Deputy Chair-Department of Dermatology MDACC 2003-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1995 – present; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2004-2008; Society of Investigative Dermatology: Southern Section VP 1987, Board of Directors 2005-2009, Vice President 2007-2009; American Society of Hematology; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphoma: 2000-present; United States Consortium for Cutaneous Lymphomas: founding member, Board of Directors 2008-present, Secretary/Treasurer 2019-present; National Alopecia Areata Foundation: PI AA Registry Clinical Trials/ Biobank 2001-present. Awards and Honors: Presidential Citation, American Academy of Dermatology, 2015; The Leading Physicians of the World Doctors of Excellence, The International Association of Dermatologists, 2015−2016; Gagel Career Achievement Award, MDACC, 2018; ISCL Lifetime Achievement Award, International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas, 2020; more than 500 peer reviewed published articles. Outside Interests: Reading & science (astronomy, biology, molecular biology, genetics), art/art history, photography, cooking, traveling.

Gary Dyer 1995 Born: December 7th, 1939, St. Joseph, Missouri. Practice: Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology University of Missouri. Education: Undergraduate: Graceland College, Lamoni Iowa; Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg Missouri – Bachelor of Science, Education 1961 Medical School: University of Missouri, Columbia Missouri 1966. Training in Dermatology: University of Missouri, 1970. Other Training: Dermatopathology Academic Appointments: University of Missouri Division of Dermatology 1972-74; Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology 1999-2008 Society Memberships: Missouri State Medical Association: President; University of Missouri Medical Alumni Organization; University of Missouri Medical School Foundation; Missouri Dermatological Society; Kansas City Dermatological Society; Buchanan County Medical Society; American Academy of Dermatology: Chair Council on Member Services, Member Services Committee, Risk Management Task Force; American Medical Association: Alternate Delegate – Missouri; American Society of Dermatopathology; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Sir James Saunders Society. Awards and Honors: Practitioner of the Year – Dermatology Foundation; Leadership Award – Buchanan County Medical Society; Outstanding Missourian Award – Missouri House of Representatives; Faculty Alumni Award –

328 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association University of Missouri; Distinguished Service Award -University of Missouri Medical Alumni Organization; Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society Outside Interests: Farming; Carpentry; Genealogy; Croquet; Sherlock Holmes; Medical History; Organized Medicine; Family. Deceased, June 5, 2008.

Janet A. Fairley 1995 Born: Detroit, Michigan Current Position: Strauss Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Iowa. Education: Institution: Undergraduate: Michigan State University B.S. 1973; Medical School: University of Michigan 1977. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan 1978-1981. Other Training: Fellowship Cell and Molecular Dermatology, University of Michigan 1981-1984. Academic Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI: Instructor in Dermatology 1982-83, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1983-1984; University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1985- 1989; Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI Associate Professor of Dermatology 1989-1996; Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Professor of Dermatology 1996-2006; Department of Dermatology, University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA: John S. Strauss Professor and Head 2007-current. Professional Societies: American Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2007-2010, Nominating Committee 2017-current; American Academy of Dermatology: Council on Scientific Assembly 2007-2013, Council on Science & Research 2012 – 2016; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 2011-2016, President-Elect 2019; Medical Dermatology Society: Board of Directors 2006-2011, President 2013-2015; International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation Medical Advisory Council 2019-Current; Dermatology Foundation: Executive committee 2008-current, President 2019-current; American Board of Dermatology: Director 2009-2018, President 2018; American Dermatologic Association: Board of Directors 2014-2018, Vice-President Elect 2019.

Richard G. Glogau 1995 Born: December 28,1947 New Jersey. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, University of Calfornia San Francisco; Private Practice, San Francisco. Education: Undergraduate: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, AB English, 1969; Medical School: Harvard, MD, 1973. Training in Dermatology: University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 19741977, Chief Resident, 1977-1978 Other Training: Internship-Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, 1973-1974; Mohs Surgery Fellow, University of California San Francisco, 1978 Current Academic Appointment: Volunteer Faculty, Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco. Society Memberships: American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, past Board of Directors, American College of Mohs Surgery, past Board of Directors, American Academy of Dermatology, Founder DermPac (antecedent of SkinPac, lobbying group for Dermatology); American Dermatological Association; California Dermatology Society, past Board of Directors; American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Fellow; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, past Board of Directors; American Society of Liposuction Surgery, Charter Fellow; American

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 329 College of Phlebology, Charter Member, American Society of Dermatopathology; Dermatology Foundation, past Trustee. Outside Interests: opera, cooking, travel, California deserts & beach, family.

Richard D. Granstein 1995 Born: July 24, 1952, Detroit, Michigan. Current Position: George W. Hambrick, Jr. Professor of Dermatology and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University and Dermatologist-in-Chief, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology B.S. 1974. Medical School: UCLA School of Medicine M.D. 1978. Training in Dermatology: Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Dermatology 1979-81 and 1982-83. Other Training: Research Fellow, NCI-Frederick Cancer Research Facility 1981-2. Harvard Medical School, Research Fellow 1982-84. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA: Clinical Fellow in Dermatology 1979-1981, Clinical and Research Fellow 1982-1984, Instructor 1984, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1984, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1990-1996; Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY: George W. Hambrick, Jr. Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology 1995-present. Society Memberships (selected): New England Dermatological Association 1983-1995; American Federation for Medical Research 1982-present; American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1995-present; American Dermatological Association 1995 to present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Director 1995-2000, Skin Disease Research Steering Committee 1998-2000, Audit Committee 2010-2012, Vice-President 2018-2019; New York Academy of Medicine, Dermatology Section: Secretary 1996-1997, Chair 1997-1998; American Academy of Dermatology: Named Lectureship Task Force 2000-2007; Health Care Finance Committee 2015- 2018; Dermatological Society of Greater New York: Vice President 2006-2007, President 2007; Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatologic Society, President 2002-2003; American Austrian Foundation Steering Committee 2008-present; American Skin Association, Director 2014-present; National Rosacea Society, Medical and Scientific Committee Member, 2013-present; Association for Psychoneurocutaneous Medicine of North America, President 2014-2016. Association of Professors of Dermatology, Director 2015-present. Awards and Honors: Alpha Omega Alpha, 1978; Health Care Industry “Good Scout” Award of the Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts of America, 1993; Discovery that Langerhans cells have an anatomic and functional relationship with nerves designated one of the “fifty top science stories” of 1993 by Discover Magazine, 1994; American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1995; Invited Plenary Lecturer, “Dialogues in Dermatology, Reflections on Our Past, Visions of Our Future –Lessons from 100 Years of Research,” Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, San Francisco, CA, 2000; 32nd M.H. Samitz Lectureship in Cutaneous Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 2007; Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra Memorial Lectureship, Austrian Society for Dermatology and Venereology, Vienna, Austria, 2010; American Austrian Foundation’s Humes Visiting Professorship, 2011; Honored by the National Rosacea Society for “participation and guidance over the years, which have been essential in helping the NRS carry-out its mission of improving the lives of the estimated 16 million Americans who suffer from this disorder,” 2013; Richard B. Stoughton Memorial Lecture, University of California, San Diego, 2014; 39th Kung Sun Oh Memorial Lecture, Cutaneous Research Institute, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2016. Outside Interests: Skiing, tennis, baseball.

330 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Rebat M. Halder 1995 Born: July 4, 1953, New Delhi, India. Current Position: Professor Emeritus and Chairman Emeritus, Department of Dermatology, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC. Education: Undergraduate: Union College, Schenectady, NY, And B.S. 1974. Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC, M.D., 1978. Training in Dermatology: Howard University Hospital, Washington, DC 1979-1982. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, 1978- 1979. Academic Appointments: Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC: Professor Emeritus of Dermatology 2017-present, Chairman Emeritus, Department of Dermatology 2017-present, Professor of Dermatology 1992-2017; Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1992-2017; Associate Professor of Dermatology 1987-1992, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1982-1987. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association, Audit Committee; American Academy of Dermatology: Minority Affairs Committee, Committee for the Guidelines of Care for Vitiligo, Photobiology Committee; National Medical Association Vice-Chair, Dermatology Section 2005-2006; Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Skin of Color Society: Professional Development Committee, President 2007-2009; Washington, DC Dermatological Society, President 1998-1999. Awards and Honors: National Medical Association, Meritorious Achievement Award, 2008; American Academy of Dermatology, Honorary Membership, 2017; Howard University College of Medicine, Magnificent Professor Award, 2018. Outside Interests: Classical music, opera, Chinese art, aviation.

Mark G. Lebwohl 1995 Born: April 27, 1952, New York, New York. Current Position: Professor & Chairman, Department of Dermatology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Education: Undergraduate: Columbia University; Medical School: Harvard Medical School MD 1978. Training in Dermatology: 1978-1983, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY. Academic Appointments: Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY: Director, Phototherapy Unit 1982; Clinical Director, Department of Dermatology 1983; Director, Division of Clinical Dermatology 1988; Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology 1989-1995, Acting Chairman, Department of Dermatology 1986-1987, 1986-1987, 1991-1992,1995-1996; 1996-present, Sol and Clara Kest Professor and Chairman, Kimberly and Eric J. Waldman Department of Dermatology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology: President- elect, President and Immediate Past President 2014-2017, Member, Board of Directors 2010-2015, Elected Representative to the Executive Committee 2012-2014; Board of Directors Liaison to SkinPAC, Multiple Councils, Committees and Task Forces including Communication Council, Scientific Assembly Committee Chairman 2003-2004, Priorities Committee, Council on Community, Corporate and Philanthropic Relations, Guidelines/Outcomes Task Force; National Psoriasis Foundation, member, Chairman and Chairman emeritus; New York Academy of Medicine, Chairman, Dermatology Section; New York State Society of Dermatology, President 2000-2001; Manhattan Dermatologic Society, President 1985-1986.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 331 John E. Olerud 1995 Born: November 26, 1943, Fargo, North Dakota. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Division of Dermatology, University of Washington. Education: Undergraduate: Washington State University BS in Zoology 1961-1965; Medical School: University of Washington M.D. 1965-1971. Training in Dermatology: University of Washington 1976-1978. Other Training: Internship Harborview Medical Center 1971-1972; Internal medicine residency, University of Washington 1975-1976. Academic Appointments: University of Washington Seattle, Washington: Acting Instructor in Medicine (Dermatology) 9/77– 7/78, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology)1978– 6/84, JT, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics, and Director of Sports Medicine 9/81–12/83; JT: Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics (Sports Medicine) 9/81–6/84; Associate Professor of Medicine, (Dermatology) JT: Orthopaedics (Sports Medicine) 7/84–6/95, Acting Head, Division of Dermatology 7/88–1/91; George F. Odland Professor of Medicine, Division of Dermatology JT: Orthopaedics (Sports Medicine) 7/95–1/2013; Head, Division of Dermatology 2/91–1/2013; Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Residency Program Director 1991–1994. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Professional Baseball Players Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Skin Association: Carter Member, Member, Medical Advisory Committee 1990–2005, Member, David Martin Carter Society 2005 – 2013; American College of Physicians Member; King County Medical Society; Washington State Dermatology Association; Seattle Dermatological Society; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphoma; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Chairman, Program Committee 1996, Nominations Committee 2001–2003, 2009, President Elect President, Past President; Western Association of Physicians;, Society for Investigative Dermatology: Committee on Long-range Planning and Priorities 2000-2005, Government and Public Relations Committee 1994, Member, Nominating Committee 1995, Chairman, Nominating Committee 1996, Vice President 2003 – 2004. Outside Interests: Baseball, Photography and Golf.

Amy S. Paller 1995 Current Position: Walter J. Hamlin Professor and Chair of Dermatology and Professor of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Attending, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University AB, 1974; Graduate: Brown Univ. MS 1974; Medical School: Stanford Univ. MD 1978. Training in Dermatology: Northwestern University 1981-1983. Other Training: Pediatrics, Northwestern Univ. 1978-81; T32-funded post-doctoral research fellowship, University of North Carolina 1983-1984. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics (Rush), 1984-1988; Northwestern University: Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology and Chief, Division of Dermatology, Dept. of Pediatrics, 1988; Tenured Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology, 1996-2004; Tenured Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Walter J. Hamlin Professor, and Chair of the Department of Dermatology, 2004-present. Director, Northwestern Skin Disease Research Center 2009-present. Professional Societies (selected): American Dermatological Association: Member, 1995-present, Board of Directors 2010-2015; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors 2000-2004; American Academy of Pediatrics: Founding Secretary-Treasurer, Section of Dermatology 1986-1992; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 1999-2004, President 2007-2008; Chicago Dermatologic Society President 2001-2002; NIAMS Board of Scientific Counselors, 2000-2005; Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA): Inaugural Co-President, 2012-2016 and Executive Board, 2012-2017; Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Secretary-Treasurer 1993-2003, President, 2004-2005; Women’s Dermatologic

332 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Society: Board of Directors 1993-1997; President 2013-2014; Dermatology Foundation Board of Trustees 1999-2004; ACGME Resident Review Committee, Dermatology: 2008-2012 and Vice-Chair, RRC 2012-2014; American Board of Dermatology: Director 2006-2015; NIAMS Council, 2015-2019; NIH Advisory Committee on Research on Women’s Health, 2018-present; International Eczema Council, Founder and President, 2015- 2018, Board of Directors, 2015-present; International Society for Pediatric Dermatology, President and Board of Directors, 2017-present. Awards and Honors (selected): Women’s Dermatological Society Mentor of the Year Award, 2006; Esterly Award, Society for Pediatric Dermatology, 2011; Rose Hirschler Award, Women’s Dermatologic Society, 2016; Clarence S. Livingood, MD Memorial Award, American Academy of Dermatology, 2016; Rothman Award, Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2017; Inaugural Paula Stern Award for Outstanding Women in Science and Medicine, Northwestern Medicine, 2017; Kung Sun Oh Memorial Medal, Yonsei University, 2017; Wilma Bergfeld, MD Visioning and Leadership Award, Women’s Dermatological Society, 2018; Elected to Association of American Physicians, 2020; Tanioku Kihei Memorial Award, Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2020. Outside Interests: Being with my family; singing and enjoying opera and musicals; Japanese brush painting; reading and hiking.

Ronald P. Rapini 1995 Born: February 15, 1954, Akron Ohio. Current Position: Chernosky Distinguished Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Texas McGovern Medical School and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Education: Undergraduate: University ofAkron B.S. 1975; Medical School: Ohio State University, MD 1978. Training in Dermatology: University of Iowa, 1979-1982. Other Training: Dermatopathology, Univ Colorado 1982-1983: Transitional intern: Marshfield Clinic 1978-1979. Academic Appointments: 1983-1993: University of Texas at Houston, Assistant and Associate Professor; 1994-2002: Professor and Chair, Dept Dermatology, Texas Tech University Dept Dermatology; 2002-present: Chernosky Distinguished Chair, Dept of Dermatology, Univ of Texas McGovern Medical School and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association,1995-present; American Academy of Dermatology: 1982-present, Board of Directors 2010-2014; American Medical Association 1976-1982 and 1988-present, Alternate Delegate to AMA from Harris County Medical Society Jan 2007-Dec 2008; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: 1982-present, Board of Directors 1995-1998, Applicant Review Committee 1995-1998 (chair, 1997-1998); American Society of Dermatopathology; 1983-present, Board of Directors 1993-2002, Program Committee 2013-2017 (Chair, 2017), Secretary-Treasurer 1993-1997, President-elect 1997-1998, President 1998-1999; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons 1988-1999; American Society for Mohs Surgery: 1995-resent, Secretary-Treasurer 2000-2001, President-elect 2002-2003, President 2003-2004, Nominating committee 2006 (chair 2005), Annual Distinguished Service Award 2009; Association of Professors of Dermatology 1994-present; Dermatology Foundation: 1980-present, Vice-Chairman for Texas,1994, 1999-2002; Chairman for Texas 2003-2008, Leadership Society 1994-2000, Annenberg Circle 2001-present; Dermatologic Therapy Association 1984-1994; Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons 2000-present, honorary life member; Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, 2016-present, honorary member; Harris County Medical Society, 1983-1993, 2002-present; Houston Dermatological Society: 1984-1993, 2002-present, Secretary-Treasurer 2006, Vice-President 2007, President 2008; International Society of Dermatopathology 1992-present; Lubbock-Crosby-Garza County Medical Society 1994-2002; Pacific Dermatologic Association (Honorary Corresponding Member) 1995-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 1983-present; Southern Medical Association 1984-2002; Zola Cooper Clinical and Dermatopathology Seminar: Board of Directors 1996-200, Vice-Chairman Dermatology Section 1997-1998, Chairman 1999-2000, Chairman-Emeritus 2000-2001; Southwestern Dermatological Society: 1997-present,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 333 President 1998-1999; Texas Dermatological Society 1984-present, Trustee, 1998-2003, “Texas Dermatologist” Newsletter Editor, 2002-2005, President 2006-2007, Executive Council 2007-2009, Nominating Committee 2007-2010; Texas Medical Association, 1983-present, Committee on Cancer, 2006-2009. Outside Interests: Entomology, Tennis, Piano, Travel to all 7 continents, Marriage and Family.

Neil H. Shear 1995 Born: December 10, 1950 Toronto, Ontario. Current Position: Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto. Education: Undergraduate: University of Toronto B.A.Sc.(Honors) University of Toronto Faculty of Engineering 1973; Medical School: McMaster University 1976. Training in Dermatology: University of Toronto 1978-1981, Chief Resident 1981-1982. Other Training: McMaster University: Internship in Internal Medicine 1976-1977; Resident in Internal Medicine 1977-1978, Fellowship in Immunology 1978, Chief Resident/Teaching Fellow in Internal Medicine 1979; Research fellow in Clinical Pharmacology at Medical Research Council of Canada and Toronto Hospital for Sick Children 1982-1984. Academic Appointments: University of Toronto: 2002 – 2017 Division Director Dermatology, 1998 – 2011 Department of Pediatrics (cross-appointment) Professor, 1998 – 2014 Faculty of Pharmacy (status appointment) Professor, 1993 – 2013 School of Graduate Studies (Pharmacology) Member, 1991 – 1993 School of Graduate Studies (Pharmacology) Associate member, 1992 – 1998 Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine Associate Professor, 1992 – 1998 Department of Pharmacology (cross-appointment) Associate Professor, 1992 – 1998 Department of Pediatrics (cross-appointment) Associate Professor, 1992 – 1998 Faculty of Pharmacy (status appointment) Associate Professor, 1991 – 1992 Faculty of Pharmacy Assistant Professor, 1984 – 1992 Medicine Assistant Professor, 1988 – 1989 Department Divisional Director (acting) Clinical Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine, 1988 – 1992 Pharmacology (cross-appointment) Assistant Professor, 1988 – 1994 Supervisor Year III Faculty of Medicine Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 1992 – 2014 Faculty of Pharmacy Professor, 1989 – 2002 University Department Division Director Clinical Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine, 1998 – 2011 Department of Pediatrics (cross-appointment) Professor, 1998 – 2014 Faculty of Pharmacy (status appointment) Professor, 1993 -2013 School of Graduate Studies (Pharmacology) Member. Professional Societies (Partial List): Toronto Dermatologic Society 1982 – present; Canadian Dermatology Association 1982 – present, Board of Directors 1988 – 1991 and 2016 – 2020, Vice-President 2016 – 2017, President-elect 2017 – 2018, President 2018 – 2019, Chair of Board of Directors 2018 – 2019, Past-President 2019 – 2020; American Academy of Dermatology (Member) 1982 – 2019 (resigned); Society for Investigative Dermatology 1982 – 1998 and 2000 – 2014; Skin Pharmacology Society 1984 – 1998; Canadian (Association of) Professors of Dermatology 1988 – present, President 1998 – 2013; International Society of Dermatology 1992 – 1998; American Dermatological Association 1995 – 2005 (resigned); Canadian Society of Investigative Dermatology 1995 – 2000, President 1998 – 2000; Canadian Dermatology Foundation Life Member & Benefactor Life Member 1995 & 2007, Board Member 2002 – present, Chair, Medical Advisory Committee 2002 – 2003, Executive Committee 2003 – present, President 2003 – 2017, Past-President 2017 – present; Other general medical societies and Clinical Pharmacology Societies. Awards and Honors (selected): Career Scientist Award Health Research Personnel Development Ontario Ministry of Health 1984 – 1994; Barney Usher Award for Excellence in Dermatological Research Canadian Dermatology Association 1986; Dean A. L. Chute Award “The Silver Shovel Award” Medical Society Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto 1992; Best clinical teacher (yrs II-III) University of Toronto 1992; Clinical Educator of the Year Winter Clinical Dermatology Conference Kauai, Hawaii 2013; Ontario Medical Association Life Achievement Award 2016; Presidential Citation American Academy of Dermatology In recognition of significant contributions and dedication to promoting excellence in clinical dermatology 2016; Practitioner-of- the-Year Canadian Skin Patient Alliance 2017. Resigned 2005.

334 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association W. P. Daniel Su 1995 Current Position: Emeritus Professor in Dermatology, Mayo Graduate School of Medicine & Mayo Medical School. Academic Appointments: Consultant (Staff) in Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, 1975 -2008 Professional Societies: International Society of Dermatopathology: President of 1994- 1997, Secretary-General 1991-1994, Chairman Membership Committee 1990-2000, Honorary Chairman 2001-2009; American Board of Dermatology Director 1997-1998. Awards and Honors: Recipient of Founders’ Medal, the highest Medal Award of Honoring Contributions, by International Society of Dermatopathology; Teacher of the Year Award for 3 times by Mayo Dermatology Residents, Listed in “Hall of Fame” Teacher of the Year Award by Mayo Graduate School of Medicine; Life Time Achievement Award from Skin Education, Research & Development Foundation 2019.

Duane C. Whitaker 1995 Born: May 6 1947, Massena, Iowa. Current Practice: Owner and Medical Director, Bainbridge Skin Surgery and Consultative Dermatology, Bainbridge Island, Washington. Education: Undergraduate: University of Iowa, Bachelor of Arts 1969; Medical School: University of Arizona, Medical Degree 1979. Training in Dermatology: University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Residency in Dermatology, and Fellowship in Mohs Surgery, 1980-1983. Academic Appointments: University of Iowa 1983-2005, University of Arizona 2008-Present. Awards: United States Army 1969-1971 First Lieutenant Infantry, Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star with Oakleaf Cluster for Valor, Service in Republic of South Vietnam. Society Memberships: American Dermatology Association 1993-present; American Academy of Dermatology Past President; American College of Mohs Surgery 2008-2010, Past President; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2003-2004; Past President; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons 1992- 1993; Past President, Iowa Dermatological Society 1985-1986; Past President, Tucson Dermatology Society 2016-2017; Noah Worcester Society-2012-present; American Medical Association 1980-present; Arizona Medical Association 2005-present; California Medical Association 2018-present; Washington State Medical Association; Washington State and Oregon Dermatology Society; Seattle Dermatology Society. Outside Interests: Healthy Youth Bainbridge, Bainbridge Rotary Club, United Way, University of Arizona Foundation, Travel Literature.

Jean L. Bolognia 1996 Born: July 1, 1954, Hammond, Indiana Current Position: Professor of Dermatology Yale Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: Douglass College, Rutgers University, BA Biology summa cum laude 1976; Medical School: Yale School of Medicine, MD cum laude 1980. Training in Dermatology: Yale-New Haven Hospital 1982-1985. Other Training: Internal Medicine Yale-New Haven Hospital 1980-1982; Dermatology Research Fellowship Yale School of Medicine 1985-1987. Academic Appointments: Yale School of Medicine Assistant Professor 1987-1993, Associate Professor 1993-1997, Professor 1997 – present. Professional Societies: New England Dermatological Society Treasurer 1998-2004; Medical Dermatology Society President 2000-2001; Society for Investigative Dermatology Vice-President 2003-2004; American

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 335 Academy of Dermatology Board of Directors 2004-2008; Women’s Dermatologic Society Vice-President 2004- 2005 and President 2005-2006; American Board of Dermatology Director 2005-2013 and Vice-President 2013; American Dermatological Association Vice-President 2009-2010 and President 2013-2014; International Society of Dermatology Executive Vice-President 2013-2017; International League of Dermatologic Societies Secretary-General 2015-2019; American Skin Association Board of Directors 2012-present. Society Memberships: Over 150 committees in multiple societies. Awards and Honors: Gold Medal of the American Academy of Dermatology; Legacy Award and Rose Hirschler Award, Women’s Dermatologic Society; Lifetime Career Educator Award Dermatology Foundation. Outside Interests: Gardening and travel.

Ponciano D. Cruz, Jr. 1996 Born: September 27, 1955; Manila, Philippines. Current Position: Distinguished Professor & Vice Chair, Department of Dermatology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Chief of Dermatology, North Texas Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: University of the Philippines, BS Pre-Medicine 1975; Medical School: University of the Philippines MD 1979. Training in Dermatology: The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 1984-1986. Other Training: Residency in Internal Medicine, Kettering Medical Center Wright State University 1981-1984; Fellowship in Immunodermatology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 1986-1990. Academic Appointments: The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1991-1993; Associate Professor of Dermatology 1993-1997; Professor of Dermatology with tenure 1998-present; Endowed Professor of Dermatology in Honor of J.B. Shelmire 1998-2011; Endowed Chair in Dermatology in Honor of Paul R. Bergstresser 2011-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, American Academy of Dermatology, American Contact Dermatitis Society, Dermatology Foundation, Annenberg Circle; Founder, Dermatology Teachers Exchange Group 1990; President, Photomedicine Society, 1999-2006; Editor-in-Chief Dermatitis 1995-2000; Society for Investigative Dermatology, President-elect 2018, President 2019-2020.

Jo-David Fine 1996 Born: April 9, 1950; Louisville, Kentucky. Education: Undergraduate: Yale College, B.S. (Chemistry) 1972; Medical School: University of Kentucky College of Medicine, M.D. (with honors) 1976. Other: University of North Carolina School of Public Health, M.P.H. Epidemiology 1992. Training in Dermatology: Resident, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School 1978-80; Senior Resident, Lahey Clinic and Harvard Medical School 1980-81. Other Training: Intern in Medicine, Duke Hospital 1976-1977; Junior Assistant Resident in Medicine, Duke Hospital 1977-78; Medical Staff Fellow, Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute (NIH) 1981-83. Academic Appointments: University of Alabama at Birmingham: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Director of Dermatological Research 1983-1985, Associate Professor of Dermatology1985-1990; University of North Carolina School of Medicine: Associate Professor of Dermatology 1990-1992, Professor of Dermatology 1992- 2002, Dermatology Residency Program Director 2000-2002; University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Clinical Professor of Epidemiology 1993-2002; North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine 1994-2002, Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Department of Clinical Sciences; St. John’s Institute of Dermatology at Guy’s, King’s, and St. Thomas’ Medical School, London, England, Department of Cell and Molecular Pathology 2000-2001; Visiting Professor and Visiting Consultant in Dermatology; University of

336 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Kentucky College of Medicine 2002-2004; Voluntary Professor of Medicine (Dermatology); Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 2004-present, Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) and Pediatrics. Professional Societies (major ones only): American Dermatological Association; Alpha Omega Alpha; American Academy of Dermatology, Fellow; Royal College of Physicians, London, Fellow, 2007; Royal Society of Medicine, London, Overseas Fellow 1993; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Secretary-Treasurer, Southern SID 1985-1986, Vice-President, Southern SID 1986-1987, President, Southern SID 1987-1988; Southern Society for Clinical Investigation; Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association, Debra of America: Scientific Advisory Board member 1985-present, Board of Trustees member 1989-2007; Debra-UK and Debra-International: Medical Scientific Advisory Panel 1998-present, Vice-Chair, 2005-08, Chair 2008-11; German Epidermolysis Board Advisory Member, 2009-2012; American Public Health Association; American College of Epidemiology. Outside Interests: Collection of Golden Age mysteries and books by American humorists, antique microscopes, English walking sticks and canes, and movie memorabilia (especially related to James Stewart); sculling; Celtic fiddling; “irreverent” golf; classical music; stroking The Cat; defamation of squirrels.

Michael J. Franzblau 1996 Born: Detroit, Michigan Position: Private practice of dermatology (41 years) in Marin County, CA, Education: University of Michigan Medical School Training in Dermatology: University of California, San Francisco, and St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin in London, England. Other Training: Internship: Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology Awards and Honors: Chair of the Advisory Board and member of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Music, literature, art, history and philosophy. Medical ethics based on his study of the behavior of German and Japanese physicians during World War II, who behaved as killers, not healers, at the behest of their governments.

Lenore S. Kakita 1996 Born: August 27, 1940, Oakland California. Current Position: Retired. Education: Undergraduate: University of California, Berkley 1963; Medical School: University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco 1967. Training in Dermatology: University of California, Los Angeles. Other Training: Internship: Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles 1968-1970. Academic Appointments: University of California Los Angeles: Associate Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, Chair, Advisory Board, Multiple committees; Women’s Dermatologic Society: multiple committees, President 2002, Legacy foundation; Pacific Dermatological Society, Vice-President; California Dermatologic Society, President; American Medical Association; Los Angeles Dermatological Society, President. Outside Interests: Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging), oil painting, book societies,symphony, Broadway shows, mah jong, family.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 337 Thomas Seth Kupper 1996 Born: Los Angeles, California, September 18, 1953. Current Position: Thomas B Fitzpatrick Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School; Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Director, Center for Cutaneous Oncology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Director, Cutaneous Lymphoma Clinic, Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Education: Undergraduate, UCLA; Medical School: Yale. Training in Dermatology: Yale University School of Medicine 1986-1989. Other Training: Yale University School of Medicine and Surgery 1981-84; Postdoc 1984-86. Academic Appointments: 1987-89 Assistant Professor of Dermatology Yale; 1989-92: Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) and Pathology, Washington University St Louis; 1992-95: Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Brigham and Women’s Hospital 1995-present, Fitzpatrick Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Society Memberships: 1996-present American Dermatological Association; 2013-2014 Vice President; 1987-present Society for Investigative Dermatology; 1989-present American Association of Immunologists; 1991-present American Academy of Dermatology; 1992-present American Society for Clinical Investigation; 1999-present Societas Dermatolgica Austriaca (Honorary Membership); 2003-present Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology (Honorary Membership); 2005-present American Society for Microbiology; 2007-present European Society for Investigative Dermatology; 2008-present Association of American Physicians; 2008-present Association of Professors of Dermatology; 2008-present International Society for Cutaneous Lymphoma; 2008-present United States Society for Cutaneous Lymphoma; 2008-present Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Society of Investigative Dermatology: 1999-04 Board of Directors Member, 2012-2013 President, 1994-1999 Long Range Planning Committee, 1995-00 Program Committee; 2015-present Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (Honorary membership); 2018-present Swiss Society for Investigative Dermatology (Honorary membership); 2008-2010 Board of Trustees, Dermatology Foundation Outside Interests: Keyboard playing (Blues piano, organ; Jazz); Blues Harmonica; Weight lifting; Cooking; Football; Reading.

Jack L. Lesher, Jr. 1996 Born: June 11, 1948, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Retired. Education: Undergraduate: Bucknell University, AB Biology 1970; Emory Univ. School of Medicine. Physician Assistant Program, B.Med.Sci. 1974; Medical School, Medical College of Georgia, MD 1981. Training in Dermatology: Medical College of Georgia 1982-1985. Other Training: Medical College of Georgia, Flexible Internship 1981-82. Academic Appointments: Medical College of Georgia: Assistant Professor, Dermatology 1985-1990, Assoc. Professor, Dermatology 1990-1995; Professor and Chief of Dermatology 1995-2010, Professor 2010-2014; Professor Emeritus 2014-present; Staff Dermatologist, Ralph Johnson VAMC, Naval Hospital Beaufort, Beaufort, SC. 2014-2018. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology: 1985-present, Committee. on Public Information 1989-1993, Committee on Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1989-1993; Committee on Self-Assessment 1993-95; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Assoc. Editor 2008-2018; Georgia Society of Dermatologists 1985-present, Sec.-Treas. 1987-1990, President 1991-1992); South Carolina Academy of Derm. and Derm. Surgery 2014-present; Augusta Derm. Society 1987-2014, Pres. 1993-95; Richmond Co. Med. Society, 1985-2010. President 1997.

338 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Outside Interests: My wife Catherine (Katie); also reading, biking, walking, family and friends, and our indoor and outdoor cats.

Neil Prose 1996 Born: New York, New York. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Duke University, 1989-present; American Board of Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology; American Board of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics. Education: Undergraduate: Swarthmore College BA 1971; Medical School: New York University School of Medicine 1975. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, 1980-1983. Other Training: Pediatrics, San Francisco General Hospital (California) 1975-1976; Pediatrics, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center 1983-1984. Academic Appointments: Director, Pediatric Dermatology, SUNY-Downstate, Brooklyn, NY 1983-1989 Director, Pediatric Dermatology, Duke University Medical Center. Society Memberships: President, US Society for Pediatric Dermatology 1995; American Academy of Dermatology; International Dermatology Foundation Board of Directors 2009-2013; International League of Dermatologic Societies Certificate of Recognition 2014; Honorary member of Argentine Dermatologic Society, Cuban Dermatology Society; Faculty, Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Professional Societies: Member, Pediatric Dermatology Task Force American Academy of Dermatology, 1988- 1991; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology 1984-present; Board of Directors-Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education 1993-1996; Medical Advisory Board Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types, 1997-2002; Member, AAD Task Force to Provide Educational Materials to Developing Countries 1996- 2000; International Honorary Member, Argentine Society of Dermatology 2000; Chairman, Committee on Volunteerism American Academy of Dermatology 2004; Member, Board of Directors International Foundation for Dermatology 2004; Co-Director, Duke Health Humanities Lab, 2016-present Awards and Honors: Author of 73 publications; Co-author of Color Atlas of Pediatric Dermatology, and co- editor of two-volume textbook: Pediatric Dermatology. Best teacher award in dermatology, Duke University Medical Center 1994; Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award at Duke University Medical Center 2007; Clarence Livingood Lectureship, American Academy of Dermatology 2011; Arnold P. Gold Humanism Award- American Academy of Dermatology-2013. Outside Interests: Running, laughter yoga, travel. Fluent in Spanish. Key interest: Developing protocols and teaching manuals for the Duke Global Health Initiative for the provision of dermatologic care in developing countries through projects in Latin America and Africa teaching empathetic communication for professionals.

Randall K. Roenigk 1996 Born: Chicago, Illinois. Current Position: Professor Dermatology Mayo Clinic. Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University 1977; Medical School: Northwestern University 1981. Training in Dermatology: University of Minnesota 1981-1986; Dermatologic Surgery Cleveland Clinic 1985-1986. Academic Appointments: Professor and Chair Department of Dermatology Mayo Clinic. Academic Interests: Assistant Executive Director American Board of Dermatology.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 339 Mary K. Spraker 1996 Born: February 15, 1948, Madison, Wisconsin. Current Practice: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine; Chief of Dermatology, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston. Education: Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin (Madison), BS 1970; Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, MD 1974. Training in Dermatology: University of Oregon Health Sciences Center 1978-1981. Other Training: Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio 1974-1977. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1996 to present; -Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Nominating Committee 2007-2009, 1987-1989, President 1994-1995, Board of Directors 1993- 1996 and 1985-1988, Director, Winter Meeting 1990, Co-director, Summer Meeting 1983, Editorial Board - Pediatric Dermatology 1983, Membership Committee 1982-1985, Contributing Editor, SPD Newsletter 1981-1984; American Academy of Dermatology: Member, Camp Discovery Committee 2005-2007, Invited participant, “Partners for Prevention,” conference sponsored by AAD and CDC re: skin cancer prevention, NYC May 2-3, 1996, Candidate for Board of Directors 1989, Chair, Epidemiology Committee 1994-1997, Member Environmental Council 1994-1998, Member, Liaisons/Coalitions Committee (CDC) 1994-1998, Chair, Task Force on Genetics 1993-1996; member 1991-1993, member, Liaison Committee on the American Academy of Pediatrics 1990-1996, Chair, Committee on Dermatology. Academic Appointments: Emory University School of Medicine: 1981 Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, 1987 Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology:Member, Committee on Postgraduate Courses 1985-1989, Member, Task Force on Professional Guidelines 1985-1988; Georgia Society of Dermatologists: President 2002-2003, President-elect 2001-2002; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Long Range Planning Committee 1997-1999, Treasurer 1994-1997, Chair, Mentorship Committee 1992-1995, Nominating Committee 1990-1993, Board of Directors 1990-1994 and 1984-1988; Southeastern Consortium for Dermatology Steering Committee 2004-present; National Registry of Ichthyosis and Related Disorders Advisory Committee 1999-2009; Eczema Association for Science and Education (EASE), Scientific Advisory Board 1989-present; Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types (FIRST) Medical Advisory Board 1986-present; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Editorial Board, 1985-1988;, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association (DEBRA), Scientific Advisory Board 1983-present. Outside Interests: Son and triplet daughters, family, friends in and outside of dermatology, gardening, swimming, exercise.

Michael D. Tharp 1996 Born: July 4, 1949; Columbus, Ohio. Current Practice: Private Practice: Wiley Dermatology, Tampa, Florida. Education: Undergraduate: Ohio Wesleyan University B.S. 1971; Medical School: State University College of Medicine 1974. Training in Dermatology: Duke University 1977-1980. Other Training: Internal Medicine: Parkland Hospital 1974-1977; Dermatology Research Fellowship 1979-80. Academic Appointments: University of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas: Assistant Professor Dermatology and Internal Medicine 1980-1986; Associate Professor 1986-1987; University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA: Associate Professor Dermatology and Internal Medicine and Vice Chairman Department of Dermatology 1987-1990, Professor and Vice-Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1991-95, Chairman and The Clark W. Finnerud, MD, Professor, and Program Director Department of Dermatology, Rush Medical College, Chicago, IL, and Senior Attending Physician, Rush University Medical Center Chicago, IL 1995-2017.

340 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1996 to present: Secretary: Nominations Committee 2008-2012, Events Planning Committee 2009-13, Chair of Meeting Planning Committee 2013; American Academy of Dermatology: Member of Scientific Awards Committee 1989-1992, Member, Minority Medical Student Mentor Program 2000-present, Liaison to The Society of Investigative Dermatology 2004; Board of Directors 2004 to 2008, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee member 2007-2009, Council on Science and Research 2007-2012, 2015-2017, Research Agenda Committee 2012-2017, Deputy Chair 2015-2017, Pruritus Work Group co-Chair 2012-2017, Drugs and Environment Committee 2009-2011, Nominations Committee 2009-12 (Chair, 2012), DOVE Task Force 2009-2011, Constitution and By Laws Committee 2009-2014, Regulatory Policy Committee 2010-2012, Research Day Task Force 2011-2012, Urticaria Combined AAD/AAAAI PIC ME Task force 2013, others; Dermatology Foundation: Leaders Society, Vice Chairman 1990 PA, PA State Chairman 1991-94, Board of Trustees 1982 to present, Leaders Society Committee, Co-chairman 1996 to 1998, Chairman 1998-2004, Leaders Society Campaign Chairman 2000 to 2005, Executive Committee, 1998 to present, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 1998-2002, Secretary-Treasurer 2002-09, Vice President 2009-2012, President 2012-2016; Association of Professors of Dermatology 1995 to present: Board of Directors 2004 to 2007, President 2008-2010; Noah Worcester member, Program Chair 2015; Society for Investigative Dermatology: 1980-present, Chairman, Committee on Government and Public Relations 2000 to 2002, AAD Liaison to the SID Board of Directors 2004-2005, Vice-President 2005-2006; Women’s Dermatological Association: Audit Committee 2010-12, Chair; Audit Committee 2012-13, Finance Committee 2012-2013; Dallas Dermatological Association: Secretary/Treasurer 1984-1985, President 1985- 86; Texas Dermatological Association: Chairman, Spring Meeting, 1986; Many committees at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School; Chicago Dermatological Society: Member, Plans & Policy Committee 1995 to present, President 2002-2003; Rush University Medical Center Many Committees; Editor, Dermatologic Therapy 1996-2017; Texas Medical Association; Texas Dermatological Society; Pittsburgh Academy of Dermatology; Pittsburgh Cancer Institute; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; American College of Physicians; American Federation for Clinical Research; Alpha Omega Alpha Society, Ohio State Medical College; Chicago Dermatological Society, 1995 to present; Illinois Dermatological Society, 1995 to present; Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery 2018-presdent; Florida West Coast Dermatological Society 2018-present.

Marcia G. Tonnesen 1996 Born: January 20, 1947, Suffern, New York. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Medicine (with Tenure) Stony Brook University Renaissance School of Medicine; Chief, Dermatology; Medicine ServiceNorthport VA Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Mount Holyoke College B.A. (Chemistry) 1969. Medical School: University of Utah College of Medicine M.D.1973; Washington University Medical School/Intern in Medicine 1973-1974 Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School Resident in Dermatology 1976-1979 Harvard Medical School Research and Clinical Fellow in Dermatology 1979-1981. Academic Appointments: University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology March 1981-June 1988; National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Denver, CO, Scientist, Department of Pediatrics, January 1983-June 1990; University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Dermatology July 1988- June 1990; Stony Brook University School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY Departments of Medicine and Dermatology Associate Professor (with tenure) July 1990-February 2003, Associate Professor (with tenure), Departments of Dermatology and Medicine March 2003-present. Professional Society Memberships: 1972 Alpha Omega Alpha; 1977 Dermatology Foundation: 1988–1991 Member, Medical and Scientific Committee 1994-1998 Leader’s Society Vice Chair 1999-2002 Board of Trustees, 2005-present, Annenberg Circle 2010, Leader’s Society Vice Chair 1979; Society for Investigative Dermatology: 1989-1990 President-elect, Western Section 1987-1988 Vice President Western Section, 1989-1993, Member Resident Fellow Committee 1992-1993 Chair, Resident-Fellow Committee 1993-1997,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 341 Member Long Range Planning and Priorities Committee, 1995-1997 Chair, Long Range Planning and Priorities Committee; 1981 American Academy of Dermatology: 1995-1998: Member, Membership Committee, 1998- 1999 Chair, Membership Committee, 1994-2002 Founding Member, Joint AAD/SID/WDS Coalition for the Advancement of Dermatologic Health of Women, 1994-1996: Chair, Joint AAD/SID/WDS Coalition for the Advancement of Dermatologic Health of Women, 1999-2003 Member, Organizational Structure Committee; 1981 Women’s Dermatologic Society: 1988–1992:Member, Board of Directors, 1988-1992 Chair Membership Committee, 1992-1994: Chair 1998-2002; Member, Long Range Planning Committee; 1992-1993 Vice President-elect, 1993-1994 Vice President, 1994-1995 President-elect, 1995-1997 President; 1997-1998 Immediate-past President, 1994-2002: Founding Member/1994-1996: Chair Joint AAD/SID/WDS Coalition for the Advancement of Dermatologic Health of Women, 1998-2001Member, 2001-2002 Chair, Nominating Committee, 1998-2001: Chair, Logo Design Task Force, 2005-2006: Member/2006-2010: Chair, Bylaws Committee 2005-present: Member, Past Presidents Advisory Committee, 1990 Suffolk County Dermatology Society, 1998-2000 Treasurer, 2000-2002 Secretary, 2002-2004 President; 1991 Long Island Dermatological Society: 2010-2012 Treasurer, 2012-2014 Secretary, 2014-2016 Vice President, 2016-2018 President, 2018- 2020 Immediate Past President; 1996 American Dermatological Association (elected); 2007 American Contact Dermatitis Society; 2011 European Society for Dermatological Research. Awards and Honors:1966 Mount Holyoke Scholar, Mount Holyoke College; 1967 Sarah Williston Scholar, Mount Holyoke College; 1968 Borden Science Scholarship Prize, Mount Holyoke College; 1968 Election to Phi Beta Kappa (Junior Year), Mount Holyoke College; 1969 Election to Sigma Xi, Mount Holyoke College; 1971Walter S. Loewe Pharmacology Award, University of Utah College of Medicine; 1972 Election to Alpha Omega Alpha (Junior Year), University of Utah College of Medicine; 1973 Paul Wintrobe Memorial Award, University of Utah College of Medicine; 2002 Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Dermatology, Stony Brook University; 1991-2006 Castle Connolly Guides to the Best Doctors in the NY Metro Area/Dermatology, all editions published while member of SB Dermatology Faculty Private Practice; 2011 Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Dermatology, Stony Brook University; 2012 Faculty Service Achievement Award, Department of Dermatology, Stony Brook University. Outside Interests: Travel, Art, Boating.

John A. Zitelli 1996 Born: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania April 20,1950. Current Position/Practice: Private practice affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Independent Fellowship Director for Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology since 1984. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pittsburgh BS 1972; Medical School: University of Pittsburgh MD 1976. Training in Dermatology: University of Pittsburgh 1980. Other Training: Fellowship in Mohs Surgery with Frederic Mohs, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1980. Academic Appointments: Assistant Prof Dermatology Univ of Pittsburgh 1980-86, Assoc Prof Dermatology and Interim Chairman University of Pittsburgh 1986-87, Adjunct Assoc Prof Dermatology and Otolaryngology Univ Pittsburgh 2001-present, Adjunct Assoc Prof Plastic Surgery Univ Pittsburgh 2015-present. Professional Societies: American Medical Association 1980; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology: 1980, President 1991-92 Scientific Program Committee 1984-1989, Executive Committee 1986-95, Economics Committee 1990, Adhoc Committee on HealthCare reform 1993-94; American Academy of Dermatology 1980:, Board of Directors 1999-2002, Dermatologic Practice Council 1997-2001, Reimbursement Committee Chairman 1997-2001, RVS/RUC Task Force, Chairman 1994-2000, Practice Expense Task Force 1997-1998; Unified Oncology Task Force 1997-2001; Joint AAD/ASDS Office Overhead Reduction Task Force 195-1998, Joint AAD/ASDS Liaison Committee 1994-1998 Chairman 1996, AAD/RVS Specialty Committee 1993, ask Force on Dermatologic Surgery 1993, Board of Directors 1999-2002, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee 2004-2008; American College of Mohs Surgery 1980: President 1996-98; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery 1980: Secretary 1991-94; American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1990; American Dermatologic Association 1996.

342 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association William P. Coleman, III 1997 Born: Durham, North Carolina, December 22, 1948. Current Position/Practice: Editor In Chief, Dermatologic Surgery; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, and Adjunct Professor of Surgery (Plastic Surgery) Tulane University Health Sciences Center New Orleans, Louisiana. Education: Undergraduate: LSUNO 1970; Medical School: Tulane 1974. Training in Dermatology: Tulane Dept of Dermatology 1975-1978. Other Training: Tulane Dept Surgery 1974-1975. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Adjunct Professor of Surgery (Plastic Surgery) Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana. Professional Societies (selected): Jefferson Parish Medical Society: 1985-1988 Public Relations Committee Chairman, 1988-1989 Board of Censors Chairman, 1989-1990 Secretary, 1990-1991 President, 1991- 1992 Chairman Nominating Committee; Louisiana State Medical Society: 1986-1995 Delegate, 1988-1994 Insurance Committee Chairman, 1987 Arrangement’s Committee Co-Chairman, 1989-1990 Nomination Committee, 1990 Nomination Committee, Chairman, 1992-1995 Budget and Finance Committee, 1993-1995 Investment Committee; Louisiana Dermatologic Society: 1986-1992 Dermatologic Surgery Committee Chairman, 1986-1987 Nominations Committee, 1988 and 1995 Ethics Committee, 1988 Ethics Committee Chairman, 1989-90, 96-7 Executive Committee, 1993-1994 Continued Delivery of Quality Skin Care Committee; American Academy of Dermatology (selected): 1991 Task Force on Guidelines of Care (Liposuction), 1998 Deputy Chair; Section on Communications and the Environment, 1999-2002 Co-Chair, Section on Communications and the Environment, 2001-2005 Board of Directors, 2003 Ad Hoc Task Force for on the Appropriate Use of Allied Health Professionals by Dermatologists, 2003 Ad Hoc Nominating Committee, 2005 Awards Committee Chair, 2005-2007 Strategy Committee, 2005-2007 Priorities Committee, 2005-2007 Executive Committee, 2006-2007 Vice-President, 2010-2012 Nominating Committee; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: 1991-Present Board of Directors (ex officio 2002-present), 1994-1995 Annual Meeting Committee Chairman, 1993-1994 Chairman, Council on Communications, 1994-1997 Treasurer, 1995-1997 Reimbursement Task Force, 1999-2000 President; 2002-2004 Nominating Committee (Chairman 2004); American Dermatologic Association: 2001-2008 Membership Committee (Chairman 2008); Skin Cancer Foundation: 1991-2005 Medical Council; Dermatology Foundation: 1992-1993 The Leaders Society State Chairman; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; 1992-1995 Board of Directors, 1995-1996 Nominating Committee; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery: 1993-1996 Board of Directors, 1996- 1998 Secretary. Outside Interests: USS Masters Swimming, Greek and Roman History.

Scott M. Dinehart 1997 Born: April 17, 1957 Albuquerque, New Mexico. Current Practice: Director, Arkansas Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Baylor University BA Chemistry (summa cum laude) 1979; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston MD (with highest honors) 1983. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Medical Branch 1984-1987. Other Training: Duke University Fellowship in Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology 1987-1988. Academic Appointments: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences: 1988-1991 Assistant Professor, 1992-2002 Associate Professor (tenured), 2002-2004 Professor. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1997 – present; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2018-2019; Alpha Omega Alpha Secretary Treasurer 1991-1994, Counselor

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 343 1995-1999; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Board of Directors 1993-2000, President 1998; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Board of Directors 1994- 1996; Arkansas Medical Society Vice President 1994-1996; Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education Board of Trustees 1995-1999; Arkansas Dermatological Society President 1996-1997; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Board of Directors 1998-2001; Noah Worcester Society; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: American Society of Contact Dermatitis; Arkansas Dermatology Society, Pulaski County Medical Society. Outside Interests: Practice Management, Travel, Swimming. Resigned.

Craig A. Elmets 1997 Born: Des Moines, Iowa, August 16, 1949. Current Position: Emeritus Professor Department of Dermatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Education: University of Iowa, B.A. in General Science 1971; Medical School: University of Iowa MD 1975. Training in Dermatology: University of Iowa 1978-1980; University of Texas Southwestern Medical School 1980-1982 (Immunodermatology). Other Training: University of Kansas Medical Center, Internal Medicine 1975-1978. Academic Appointments: Case Western Reserve University, Assistant to Full Professor of Dermatology 1982- 1997, Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1997-2016. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 1997-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Committee on Occupational Dermatology, 1990-1995, Committee on Scientific and Poster Exhibits 1991-1998 (Chairman 1995-1998), Task Force on On-Site Meeting for Recertification Education 1994-1996, EPA/NIEHS Liaison Committee 1994-1999, Research Council 1997-2006; EPA/NIEHS Task Force (Chairman 2001-2006), Guidelines Task Force (2003-2007), Scientific Assembly Committee 2004- 2009 (Chairman, 2008-2009), Summer Meeting Task Force (2004-2006), PsoriasisNet Work Group (2006- 2008), Psoriasis Guidelines Taskforce (2007-present), Clinical Guidelines and Research Committee (2010- 2015; Chairman, 2011-2015), Council on Science and Research (2015-2020; Vice Chair, 2015-2016; Chair, 2016-2020), Society for Investigative Dermatology, membership committee 1991-1994 (Chairman 1993 -1994); American College of Physicians; Medical Dermatology Society; American Contact Dermatitis Society; Photomedicine Society Board of Directors 2004-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American Medical Association; Jefferson County (Alabama) Medical Society; Medical Association for the State of Alabama; American Association of Immunologists; American Society of Photobiology Governing Council 1997 – 2000; American Association for the Advancement of Sciences; Alabama Dermatology Society. Editorial Boards: Journal Watch in Dermatology, 2006 – 2016; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2008 – 2010; Cancer Prevention Research 2009-present; Journal of Dermatological Sciences 2010-present; UpToDate Section Editor, Photodermatology, UpToDate 2010-present; JAMA Dermatology 2014-2017; Photodermatology Photoimmunology and Photomedicine 1990-present; Experimental Dermatology, Section Editor 1991-2005; Photochemistry and Photobiology, Associate Editor 1994-1997; The Journal of Immunology, Associate Editor 1995-2001; Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1996-1997.

Francisco Kerdel 1997 Born: April 28, 1954, New York, New York. Current Position: Clinical Professor and Vice-Chairman of Dermatology Chairman Florida International University. Education: St. Thomas Hospital Medical School London University. London, United Kingdom. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

344 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Fellow in Immunodermatology Guy’s Hospital, London, England and New York University School of medicine, New York, NY. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, New York University, 1985- 1986; Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology, University of Miami, 1990-1996; Professor of Clinical Dermatology University of Miami, 1996-2004; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Florida International University, 2012-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society and Miami Society of Dermatology. Awards and Honors: 1976 Plimmer Scholarship in Biochemistry, St. Thomas’ Hospital Medical School, London University, London, England; 1992 Miembro Correspondiente Academia Nacional de Medicina Caracas, Venezuela; Florida Society of Dermatology Practitioner of the Year Award; 2007 Award of Excellence “Intendis Mentoring Award” (Oct 2007) American Osteopathic College of Dermatology; 2008 Reconocimiento al merito. Asociacion Colombiana de Dermatologia; Certificate of appreciation. International League of Dermatology (Feb 2011); 2017 Maria Duran Lecture at the XII International Congress of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Traveling, cooking, skiing and spending time with the family.

Andrew P. Lazar 1997 Born: December 18, 1953 Chicago Illinois. Father was a member of the Association. Current Position: Dermatologist MidAtlantic Permanente Medical Group Washington DC. Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University BA 1976; Medical School: Northwestern University MD 1982. Other: University of Illinois School of Public Health MPH 1977. Training in Dermatology: Northwestern 1984-87. Academic Appointments: Professor of Clinical Dermatology 2004-2010. Professional Societies: AMA delegate to House of Delegates 2000 to present, Chair of Dermatology Section Council 2004-2015; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2004-2008, Vice President 2010- 2011, SkinPAC treasurer 1994-2000; American Dermatological Association 1997 to present. Outside interests: Golf, Food, Travel and Family.

Clifford W. Lober 1997 Born: August 25, 1951, New York. Current Positions: Solo private practice, Kissimmee and Ocoee, Florida. Education: Undergraduate: Columbia University, New York; Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine, Durham. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency: University of Tennessee, Memphis. Other Training: Internal Medicine Residency: Mayo Clinic, Rochester; Law School: Barry University School of Law, Orlando Academic Appointments: Affiliate Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery, University of South Florida, Tampa; Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Central Florida, Orlando. Society Memberships & Positions: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors (1997-2001), Chair Appropriate Use Committee (2017-2019), Chair Audit Committee (2013-2015), Chair Carrier Policy & Medical Liability Task Force (2008-2011), Chair Section on Health Practice, Policy & Research (1994-2000), Chair Council on Health Policy and Practice (2001-2005), Chair Private Sector Advocacy Task Force (1998-2001), Chair Regulatory Guidelines Task Force (1992-1996), Chair Health Care Reform Committee (1991-1995), Chair Regulatory Issues Committee (1990-1993), Chair Nominating Committee (1991-1992), Chair Task Force on

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 345 Therapeutic Agents (1985-1988), served on 42 other committees/task forces, including Executive Committee of Advisory Council; President Florida Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery (twice, 1990-1991, 2013-2014); President Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons (2011-2012); President Central Florida Society of Dermatology (1989); Truste, Dermatology Foundation (1992-1998); Councilor Southern Medical Association (1998-2002). Awards & Honors: American Academy of Dermatology: Honorary Membership, awarded 2019, seven Presidential Citations (1997, 2000, 2006, 2010, 2015, 2016,and 2017); Florida Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery: Practitioner of the Year (2011); Florida Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery: Distinguished Service Award (first ever awarded) (1995); Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons Surgeon of the Year (1992-1993); Barry University School of Law: L aw Review, Associate Editor. Have also received awards from the American Society for Mohs Surgery and the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Swimming, traveling, playing with pet dogs (Nikki, Halee, Carlee, and Luca). Resigned.

Mary E. Maloney 1997 Born: Burlington Vermont. Current Position: Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts. Education: Undergraduate: Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut BA 1972; Medical School: University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont MD 1977. Training in Dermatology: Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire 1979-1982; Mohs Fellowship, University of California San Francisco 1983. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Hartford Hospital 1977-1979. Academic Appointments: Dartmouth Medical School, Clinical Instructor 1978-1979; University of Vermont, Assistant Professor 1983-1988; Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Associate Professor 1988- 1996; Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Professor 1996-1999; University of Massachusetts Medical School, Professor 1999-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: 1997 to present, Board of Directors 2017-present, Program Committee 2014-2017, chair 2017; American Academy of Dermatology: 1982-present, Board of Directors 2001-2004, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 2004-2006, Secretary-Treasurer 2006-2009, Pamphlet Task Force 1991-1994, Chair 1995-1996, RVS Task Force 1984-1989, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Assistant Editor 1998-2004, Many Councils, Committees and Task forces including Scientific Assembly Council 1995-1999, Chair of Summer Meeting 1997, Chair of Annual Meeting 1999, Council on Education Vice Chair 1995-1996 Chair 1996-2001, Executive Committee 2004- 2009, Investment Committee 2004-2009, Development Committee 2004-2009, Audit Committee 2004- 2009, Leadership Steering Committee Chair, State Society Relations Committee Chair 2012-2016, Ethics Committee, Vice Chair 2018-2019, Chair elect, Advisory Board and Advisory Board Executive Committee Ex Officio 2012-2017; American College of Mohs surgery: 1983-present; Board of Directors 1994-1997, Task Force on Curriculum Development, Tromovitch Award Panel, Ethics Committee 1997-2003; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: 1983-present Board of Directors 1990-1993, Secretary 1997-2001, Task Force on Chemotherapeutics 1992-1996, Ethics Committee 1993-1997, Chair 1994-1997, Program Committee; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Treasurer 2012-2016, President Elect 2016-2017, President 2017- 2018; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2006-2009; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons Board of Directors: 1990-1993, President Elect 1993-1994, President 1994-1995; International League of Dermatologic Societies US Representative 2004-2015, Treasurer 2007-2015; Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Water sports; Hiking; Travel; Family.

346 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Marilynne McKay 1997 Born: September 25, 1942. Current Position: Emory University School of Medicine; Professor Emerita of Dermatology. Retired from clinical practice in Atlanta, GA 2005-2009. Education: Undergraduate: University of New Mexico, BS 1964; Medical School: University of New Mexico, MD 1976. Other: Oklahoma State University, MS 1965. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami School of Medicine Department of Dermatology 1977-1980. Academic Appointments: Emory University: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1980-1985, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1985-1994, Associate Professor of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1985-1994, Professor of Dermatology, with tenure and joint appointment Professor of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1994-1998. Professor Emerita of Dermatology 1999-present; Grady Memorial Hospital Chief, Dermatology Service 1980-1995, Acting Chairman, Department of Dermatology 1985-1988; Dermatology Residency Program Director, Emory University School of Medicine 1985-1988; Emory University Hospital Dermatology Service Chief,1985-1988; Lovelace Health System, Albuquerque, NM Chairman of Dermatology 2002-2003. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association, 1997-present; American Academy of Dermatology, Sulzberger Institute, Chair 1985-1990; Society of Investigative Dermatology 1981-1984; Women’s Dermatologic Society 1987-1998; International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease: Secretary-General 1985-1998, President 1999-2000, Executive Committee, 1985-2002, By-Laws Committee, 2000-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Finance Committee 1981-1984, Delegate to AMA 1982-1984. Awards: Emory University Distinguished Faculty Award 2017. Outside Interests: Emory University Emeritus College: Interdisciplinary Seminar since 2015, Executive Committee since 2015; Theater: Judge for Atlanta’s Suzi Bass Awards for musicals and plays 2011-present; Sherlock Holmes: Member of the NYC Baker Street Irregulars 2002-present, Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes, quarterly journal editor since 1997, webmaster; Hermes scarf collector: Leader, “Hermes Scarf of the Day” online forum 2014-present.

Danielle A. Marcoux 1997 Born: April 10, 1948, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Current Position: University of Montreal and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Dermatology Division, Sainte-Justine University Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Montreal Sacred Heart College, University of Montreal BSc 1968; Medical School: University of Montreal MD 1972. Training in Dermatology: University of Montreal FLEX California, 1973; MLCC, 1975; FRCP(C), Dermatology, 1979; FMSQ, Dermatology, 1979; DABD, 1979. Other Training: Internship, Santa Monica Hospital Medical Center, 1972-1973; Clinical Pathology/Internal Medicine 1973-75. Academic Appointments: 1990 to present, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Dermatology Division, Sainte- Justine University Medical Center and University of Montreal. Professional Societies: Montreal Dermatological Society: Member, President, Advisor; Royal College of Physicians of Canada: Examiner; Canadian Dermatology Association: Member, Vice-President 2002-2003, President Elect 2003-2004, President 2004-2005, Past-president 2005-2006, Chair: Sun Protection Education Program; Education Committee; Camp Liberté; Camp Liberté Society (Summer Camp for children with dermatological problems) Founder,2008-2009, and president 2009-2020; Quebec Dermatological Association:

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 347 Member; American Academy of Dermatology: Member; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Member; American Dermatological Association: member. Awards and Honors: 2004-Award for research in Gynecology-Obstetrics of the Université de Montreal «Épidémiologie des verrues anogénitales chez les enfants de moins de 11 ans» (Anogenital warts epidemiology in children under 11 y.o.) (K. Nadeau, D. Marcoux); 2012-President Cup of the Canadian Dermatology Association (from the CDA president to a member who has helped/and brought an important contribution to the CDA); 2015 -L’Oréal International Prize for Social Responsibility in Dermatology «Caring to Inspire Skin Confidence », for the creation of Camp Liberté, vacation camp for children with dermatological problems, 23rd World Congress of Dermatology; 2018-Honorary member of Société française de dermatologie; 2019-Skinpact Expert Award price from Galderma for «Camp Liberté– Where kids are all the same, no matter the skin they’re in» Category «Community Leadership» Outside Interests: Family and friends, gardening and botanical gardens humanities, history and cooking.

Alice P. Pentland 1997 Born: October 10, 1954, Ann Arbor Michigan. Current Position: University Dermatology Associates, University of Rochester, Chair of Dermatology and James H. Sterner Professor of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate and Medical School: B.S., M.D. Inteflex Program (Integrated Flexible Premedical-Medical Program), University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1974-1978. Internship: Medical Internship, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina1978-1979. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Dermatology Resident 1979-1983. Other Training: Summer Course in Physiology, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 1990; Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 1984-1986; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1980-1982. Academic Appointments: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri: Instructor in Medicine (Dermatology) 1984-1896, Instructor of Pharmacology 10/1/86-6/30/90, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 7/1/86-6/30/92, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 7/1/90-9/1/93, Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 7/1/92-8/31/96, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 9/1/93-8/31/96; Chief of Dermatology, V.A. Medical Center, St. Louis, Missouri; Dermatology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York: Visiting Professor of Dermatology and Interim Chair of Dermatology, 9/1/96 -9/30/96; Professor of Cancer Center, Chair of Dermatology and James H. Sterner Professor of Dermatology 9/98-Present. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 1997-present; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Trustees of the Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education 1998-2001; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Educational Program Committee Director 2017-present; Secretary-Treasurer 2010-2017; Program Committee 2014-2017, President 2006-2007, President Elect 2005-2006; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 1998-2003, Chair, Program Committee, Tri-Societies Meeting 2000; Dermatology Resident Retreat, Chair of Executive Committee 2001; Program Committee 1991; Secretary Treasurer International Society for Investigative Dermatology 2012-Present; Member NIAMS Council 2011-2014; Member GMA-1 Study Section NIH, October 1994-1998, 2009-2011; Women’s Dermatologic Society, 1999 to present; Board of Directors; Association of Professors of Dermatology 2002-2005; Co- Organizer, Residency Retreat for Future Physician Scientists 2002-2004; Association of Professors of Dermatology Website Committee 2003; Board of Scientific Counselors, National Cancer Institute, 2000-2005: Board of Trustees, Dermatology Foundation 1999-2002. Outside Interests: Cooking, mushroom hunting & hiking, travel.

348 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Warren W. Piette 1997 Born: July 11, 1950 Pharr, Texas. Current Position: Chair, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine John H Stroger, Jr Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, IL; Professor, Department of Dermatology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois. Education: Undergraduate: Texas A&M University BS 1968-71 (degree 1972 after first year of medical school); Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School; Dallas, TX 1971-1975. Training in Dermatology: Parkland Hospital University of Texas Southwestern Medical School 1980-1982. Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship & Residency 1975-1978, Hematology/Oncology Fellowship 1978-1980. Academic Appointments: University of Iowa College of Medicine, leaving as Professor and Vice Chair, Dept of Dermatology; Iowa City, Iowa 1982-2004; Chair, Division of Dermatology Stroger Hospital, Cook County 2004-present; Department of Dermatology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Professor 2006-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Society 1997-present; American Academy of Dermatology since 1982; Iowa Dermatological Society 1982-2004, sec/treasurer 1983-1986 and president 1987 & 2004; Chicago Dermatological Society since 2004, president 2008-2009; Association of Professors of Dermatology since 1998, member Board of Directors 2015-2018; American Society of Hematology since 1996. Outside Interests: Reading, especially science, history, natural history; bird-watching, gardening, music.

Robert L. Rietschel 1997 Born: October 9, 1946 New Orleans, Louisiana. Current Practice: Retired 2008. Education: Undergraduate: North Texas State University BA with honors 1968; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch MD 1972. Training in Dermatology: Letterman Army Institute of Research, Dermatology Research 1973-4; Brooke Army Medical Center, Dermatology Residency 1974-1977. Other Training: Letterman Army Medical Center, Medical Internship, 1972-3. Academic Appointments: Staff Dermatologist, Brooke Army Medical Center 1977- 1979; Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of Dermatology, Emory University 1979-1985; Staff then Chair Dermatology Ochsner Clinic 1985-2004; LSU and Tulane Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1985-2004; Chief, Dermatology, Southern Arizona VA Hospital 2004-2008; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, U. of Arizona 2004-2008 and Chief of Division 2007-2008. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology 1973-2008 American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, 1973-Present (Life member), Chair, Committee on Contact Dermatitis; North American Contact Dermatitis Group Secretary 1983-1991; American Contact Dermatitis Society: Secretary 1989-1993, President 1994; American Occupational Medical Association.

Jeffrey D. Bernhard 1998 Born: Buffalo, New York, October 31, 1951. Current Position: Professor emeritus, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Editor emeritus, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard College A.B. 1973; Medical School: Harvard Medical School M.D. 1978; Knox Fellow, University of Cambridge (St. John’s College) 1973-1974. Training in Dermatology: Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 349 Other Training: Clinical Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital 1982-1983. Academic Appointments: Professor emeritus, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Visiting professorships: University of Michigan, University of Connecticut, University of Virginia, Mount Sinai, Harvard, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Brown University . Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1998; American Academy of Dermatology; Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, fellow; Quinsigamond Dermatological Society, founder 1987; British Association of Dermatologists, honorary member. Author: Itch, editor; Chapters in Fitzpatrick’s, Harrison’s, Moschella, Many editorials, commentaries, book reviews and other papers. Outside Interests: Books and journals.

Stuart M. Brown 1998 Born: June 7, 1930, Baltimore MD. Last Position: Private Practice and Clinical Professor of Dermatology University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas TX. Education: Undergraduate: University of Maryland, College Park MD; Medical School: U of MD School of Medicine, Baltimore MD 1954. Training in Dermatology: Brooke General Hospital, San Antonio, TX, 1957-1959, University of Texas Health Science Center of Dallas. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor Dermatology, A.T. Still University. Professional Societies: American Dermatologic Association 1998; American Academy of Dermatology; American Medical Association; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: President 1986 to 1987; Chairman, General Arrangements Committee 1971, 1980, 1996, 2009; Masters Dermatologic Association: Board of Directors 1984 to 1996, Vice President 1996 to 1998, President 1998 to 2000; North American Clinical Dermatologic Society; Dermatologic Radiotherapy Society, Inc.; Society of Pediatric Dermatology-Charter Member; The Dermatology Foundation, Inc. Annenberg Circle Sustaining Member; American Society of Dermatopathology; International Society of Tropical Dermatology; Pacific Dermatologic Association, Advisory Board 1986 to 1989; Texas Dermatological Society: Vice President 1980 to 1981, President Elect 1997 to 1998, President 1998 to 1999; Dallas Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer-1967 to 1968, President-1968 to 1969; Louisiana Dermatological Society; Southwestern Dermatological Society President 1993 to 1995; Dallas County Medical Society; North Texas Dermatologic Surgery Society; Southern Medical Association; South Central Dermatologic Congress: Organizing Committee-1990 to 1995, Program Chairman-1992 to 1994 President-1994 to 1995. Outside Interests: Living life to the fullest. Always had a joke to tell. Deceased September 27, 2015.

Vincent Falanga 1998 Current Position: Villages Health, Bradenton, Florida. Education: Undergraduate: College of the Holy Cross BA Chemistry Summa cum Laude 1973; Medical School: Harvard Medical School MD 1977. Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania 1980-1982. Other Training: Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine University of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital 10977-1980; Dermatopathology fellowship Roger Williams Medical Center, Boston University 2005-2006 Academic Appointments (Past): Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Barbara A. Gilchrest Professor of Dermatology, Vice-Chair for Research, Professor of Biochemistry; Roger Williams Medical Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, School of Medicine at the University of Miami.

350 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Thomas D. Horn 1998 Born: March 11, 1957, Washington, DC. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, Harvard Medical School; Medical Director MGPO Dermatology Associates; Executive Director, American Board of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Davidson College, BS 1978; Medical School: University of Virginia, MD 1978. Other: Johns Hopkins University, MBA 1999. Training in Dermatology: University of Maryland 1983-1987. Other Training: Dermatopathology, Johns Hopkins 1987-1989. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Associate Professor of Dermatology, Pathology and Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, Tufts University School of Medicine. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1998; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology, Secretary/Treasurer, President. Outside Interests: Reading, spinning, Cape Cod.

Barry Leshin 1998 Born: February 20, 1954 Corpus Christi, Texas. Current Practice: The Skin Surgery Center (Founder), Winston-Salem and Greensboro, North Carolina Education: Undergraduate: Duke University 1977; Medical School: University of Texas Medical School-Houston 1981. Training in Dermatology: University of Iowa 1982-85. Other Training: Fellowship in dermatololgic surgery University of Iowa 1985-86. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 1998; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American College of Mohs Surgery Secretary Treasurer 2016-17, Vice President 2017-18, President 2018-19. Academic Appointments: Wake Forest University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor 1986-2000; Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery (current).

Thomas George Olsen 1998 Born: July 11, 1946, Washington, DC. Current Position/Practice: Dermatologist and Dermatopathologist, Dermatologists of Central States and Dermatopathology Laboratory of Central States, respectively; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Wright State University School of Medicine; President and CEO, DLCS-Clearpath LLC. Education: Undergraduate: Indiana University BS 1968; Medical School: Indiana University MD 1972. Training in Dermatology: University of Cincinnati 1975-1977. Other Training: Clinical Associate, National Institutes of Health 1977-1978; Osborne Fellow in Dermatopathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC 1978-1980; Internal Medicine Residency Indiana University Affiliate Hospitals (St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, IN) 1972-1975.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 351 Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Yale University School of Medicine 1980-1984; Assistant Professor of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine 1980-1984; Associate Clinical Professor, Wright State University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology 1984-2002; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Wright State University School of Medicine 2002-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1980-present, Board of Directors 1992- 1996, Chair Dermatologic Practice Council 1993-1997, Chair Ad Hoc Committee on Practice Expense 1995-1998, Chair AAD Task Force on Dermatopathology 2008-2012, Member Executive Committee Board of Directors 1995-1997, Member Priorities Committee 1995-1997, Member AMA CPT Advisory Committee 1992-1995, Member AMA Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) 1992-1998; President Dermatology Services Inc. 1998-2002; Chair SkinPAC 2000-2002; Editorial Board Skin & Allergy News 1994-2004; Ohio Dermatologic Association: Member 1984-present, Secretary 1986-1987, President 1988-1989; Chair Midwestern Congress of Dermatologic Societies 1988-1994; American Medical Association; Ohio State Medical Association; American Dermatologic Association; American Society of Dermatopathology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Dermatology Foundation; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society; Masters Dermatologic Association; New England Dermatologic Society; Central Ohio Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Children (6) and grandchildren (8). Involvement with digital pathology platforms and machine learning. Pursuit of spirituality, travel, squash and golf.

Michael W. Piepkorn 1998 Born: November 28, 1948, Fargo, North Dakota. Current Position: Clinical Professor, University of Washington Division of Dermatology; member, Dermatopathology NW, Bellevue, WA. Education: Undergraduate: Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, BA 1970; Medical School: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1973 MD. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 1978-1980. Other Training: Intern, St. Paul Ramsey Hospital, St. Paul, MN, 1973-1974; Pathology Residency, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 1974-1978; Graduate Program in Experimental Pathology, University of Washington, 1976-1980, PhD. Academic Appointments: University of Utah: Assistant Professor, Dermatology and Pathology 1980, Associate Professor, Dermatology and Pathology 1986; University of Washington Associate Professor, Dermatology and Pathology 1991, Professor, Dermatology and Pathology 1997, Clinical Professor, Dermatology, 2000-present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology 1981-present; American Academy of Dermatology 1981-present; American Dermatological Association 1998-present; American Society of Dermatopathology, 1982-present; Intermountain Dermatology Society 1987-1988; Seattle Dermatology Society 1997-1998; Washington State Dermatology Society 2003-2004. Awards and Honors: Herman Pinkus Memorial Lectureship, American Society of Dermatopathology 2004. Outside Interests: Mountaineering; Photography.

Sharon A. Smith Raimer 1998 Born: Tyler, Texas. Current Position: Chair Emeritus Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas B.A. 1967; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch 1972. Other: M.A. Virology University of Texas Medical Branch 1969. Training in Dermatology: Baylor College of Medicine 1973-76.

352 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Internship University of Utah 1972-73. Academic Appointments: University of Texas Medical Branch: Assistant Professor 1976-81, Associate Professor 1981-88, Professor 1988-present, Chair 1999-2016. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 1998, Alternate Pathways Committee; American Academy of Dermatology: Task Force for Pediatric Dermatology, Self-Assessment Committee, Committee on Evaluation, Task Force for the Development of Guidelines for Topical Application of Steroids, Chair, Pediatric Dermatology Liaison Committee, Task Force on Skin Care in Developing Countries, Workforce Taskforce, Education and Volunteers Abroad Committee, Named Lectureship Task Force; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Society for Pediatric Dermatology: President 1999-2000, Board of Directors 1996-1999, 1989- 1991 Finance Committee, Chair Editorial Board Pediatric Dermatology 1988-1994; Texas Dermatological Society: President 2008-2009, Vice President 2003-2004; Houston Dermatological Society: President 1989, Secretary-Treasurer 1986-1988; Dermatology Foundation; International Society for Tropical Dermatology; American Medical Association; Texas Medical Association Finance Committee, Chair; Editorial Board Pediatric Dermatology 1988-1994; Galveston County Medical Society; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology: Editorial Board JAAD 1993-1998, Assistant Editor 1998-2004; United States Food and Drug Administration, Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee 2002-05. Outside Interests: Traveling, Medical Missions, Grandchildren.

Barbara R. Reed 1998 Current Practice: Retired. Education: Medical School: University of Colorado, Denver. Training in Dermatology: University of Colorado, Denver. Other Training: Internship, HealthOne Medical Center 1968. Awards: Philpott Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence from the Department of Dermatology, UCHSC 1990; University of Colorado Hospital Medical Staff Outstanding Clinical Physician Award 2001; Gold Triangle Award from the American Academy of Dermatology in 2002 for Outstanding Dedication to Isotretinoin issues; Presidential Citation Awards in 2003 and 2004 from the American Academy of Dermatology. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association, 1998; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1998-2002; Colorado Dermatologic Society: President 1989; Denver Medical Society: President 1994-1995; Womens’ Dermatologic Society: President 1998. Other Interests: Dance, especially ballet, opera, grandchildren.

M. Joyce Rico 1998 Born: January 30, 1954, Boston, Massachusetts. Current Position/Practice: Principal, Joyce Rico Consulting, LLC. Education: Undergraduate: University of Florida College of Pharmacy (BSP) 1977; Medical School: University of Florida College of Medicine 1981. Other: DePaul University Kellstadt School of Business MBA 2005. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami Department of Dermatology 1981-1985. Other Training: University of Miami Immunology Research Fellowship 1985-1986; Duke University-Dermatology Immunology/Lab Immunology Fellowship 1986-1988. Academic Appointments: Duke University, Division of Dermatology 1986-1994; New York University, Dept of Dermatology 1994-2000; Northwestern University 2002-2012. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 1998, Board of Directors 2012-2017, Vice-President 2017-2017; American Academy of Dermatology, Society for Investigative Dermatology Board

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 353 of Directors 2011-2016; Women’s Dermatology Society Board of Directors 1993-1998, Medical Dermatology Society Board of Directors 1997-1999. Society Committees: TMTC (too many to count). Outside Interests: Opera.

Harold J. Brody 1999 Born: January 11, 1949; Sumter, South Carolina. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA. Education: Undergraduate: Duke University, 1970; Medical School: Medical University of South Carolina, 1974. Other: University of Texas at Houston, 1975. Training in Dermatology: Emory University 1975-78. Academic Appointments: Emory University Department of Dermatology 1978-2014. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors 2003-2007; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, President 2000-2001; Georgia Society of Dermatologists, President, 2002; International Chemical Peeling Society, Vice President; President Elect; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery: Member. Outside Interests: Hal Brody Productions, Inc., Theatrical Production Company; Duke University National Drama Program Advisory Board; Established Brody Theater, Duke University, 2006; Established Harold Brody Annual Lectureship in Musical Theater and Harold Brody Annual Award in Musical Theater for Theater Studies.

Stephen R. Cohen 1999 Born: April 28, 1946, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor and Chief, Division of Dermatology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Pennsylvania State University, Bachelor of Science, 1967; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, M.D. 1971. Training in Dermatology: Yale University School of Medicine, 1974-1977. Other Training: Yale University School of Medicine, Master’s Degree in Public Health, 1978; Preventive Medicine Residency, 1974-1977. Academic Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine, Departments of Dermatology and Epidemiology and Public Health: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, and Epidemiology and Public Health 1977-1984; Weill Cornell School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1984- 1988; Beth Israel Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Professor and Chairman, 1988-1995; Beth Israel Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Professor and Chairman, 1995-2001; Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Vice-Chairman, 2001-2006; Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Professor and Chief, 2006-2019 (current) Society Memberships: Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1978-present; American Dermatological Association, Fellow 2000-present; New York Dermatological Society, Fellow 1999-present, President 2007-08, Society Historian 2001-present, Secretary-Treasurer 2016-19; New York Academy of Medicine, Fellow 1985-present, Dermatology Section President 1999-00; Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatology Society, Fellow 1993–present, President 1998-99; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Fellow 1978-present; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York, Fellow 1986-present; Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Fellow 1992-present; American Contact Dermatitis Society, Fellow 1992-present; Association of

354 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professors of Dermatology, member 2001-present. Awards and Honors: Parker Palmer “Courage to Teach Award,” Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, 2006; Eberly College of Science Alumni Society, Outstanding Science Alumnus Award, Pennsylvania State University 1997; US Gymnastics Hall of Fame, 1991; USA Olympic Team Member, Mexico City, Mexico,1968; Nissen Award of the National Collegiate Athletic Association for top-ranked senior nationally in gymnastics with highest academic standing, 1967; National Collegiate Athletic Association All-Around Champion, 1966 and 1967; USA Gymnastics Team, Maccabiah Games, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1965. Outside Interests: Rock climbing; hiking/trekking; swimming; biking; meditation, art, photography, music, theater, cinema, reading.

Maria K. Hordinsky 1999 Born: Bottineau, North Dakota. Current Position: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Minnesota. Education: Fordham University, New York City BS 1972; Medical School University of North Dakota/Minnesota 1976. Training in Dermatology: University of Minnesota 1977-1980; NIH Post-Doctoral Fellow; Academic Appointments: University of Minnesota Minneapolis Department of Dermatology: Instructor 1984-1986, Assistant Professor of Dermatology tenure track 1986-1991, Associate Professor with tenure 1991-1999, Professor and Interim Chair 2000-2001, Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology 2002-Present. Society Membership and Groups: American Dermatological Association Board of Directors; American Academy of Dermatology Ethics Committee former chair; American Hair Research Society, President 2016-present;, Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation Member, Board of Directors, 2014-Present; Association of Professors of Dermatology Immediate Past President 2014-2016; National Alopecia Areata Foundation Immediate Past Chair, Clinical Research Advisory Council, 2014-2017; Section Editor, UpToDate, Hair Diseases 2012-Present; Women’s Dermatologic Society Member, Annual Awards Committee 2017-2020. Awards: Dermatology Foundation Fellowship Award 1981–1982; NIH National Research Service Award 1982-1984. Outside Interests: Travel, Time with Family, LA Fitness!

Robert Katz 1999 Born: Brooklyn, New York. Education: Undergraduate: University of Illinois; Medical School: George Washington University. Training in Dermatology: Department of Dermatology University of Miami 1964-1967. Other Training: University of Michigan, Internship 1961-62; VA hospital, Washington DC, Internal Medicine 1962-1964. Academic Appointment: Professor of Dermatology Georgetown University. Professional Societies: American Dermatologicsal Society 1999; District of Columbia Dermatological Society, President in the early 1970’s; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors, early 2000’s. Outside Interests: Reading, Opera and other music, and Art. Deceased August 28, 2017.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 355 Bernice R. Krafchik 1999 Born: May 9, 1938. Current Practice: Retired. Education: Medical School: University of Cape Town MB, ChB 1961. Training in Dermatology: FRCPC University of Toronto Ontario Canada Rotating residency. Academic Appointments: University of Toronto: 1970-1986 Assistant Professor Division of Dermatology, 1986-1997 Department of Pediatrics Associate Professor, 1994-1997 Associate Professor Department of Medicine, 1997-2003 Professor Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine, Present -Professor Emeritus Department of Pediatrics and Medicine.

David J. Leffell 1999 Born: Montreal, Quebec. Current Position: Professor and Chief, Dermatologic Surgery, Yale School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Yale College, BS cum laude 1977; Medical School: McGill, MD, CM 1981. Training in Dermatology: Yale 1984-1987; Michigan1987-1988. Other Training: Mohs Surgery Fellowship; Internal Medicine, Cornell Cooperating Hospitals 1981-1984. Academic Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology David Paige Smith Professor of Dermatology & Surgery, Chief, Section of Dermatologic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Chief Executive Officer, Yale Medical Group 2005-2012; Deputy Dean for Clinical Affairs, Yale University School of Medicine 2005-2013; Director, Yale Medical Group 1999-2005, Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Activities and Strategic Planning (Clinical Affairs). Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1999; American Academy of Dermatology; American College of Physician Executives; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Skin Cancer Foundation; Dermatology Foundation; International Transplant-Skin Cancer Collaborative; Connecticut Dermatology Society; New England Dermatologic Society; Connecticut State Medical Society; New England Cancer Society; American Medical Association; New Haven County Medical Association. Outside Interests: Woodworking. Photography.

M. Alan Menter 1999 Born: Doncaster, Yorkshire. Current Position: Chief of Dermatology, Baylor Scott & White, Dallas Texas. Education: University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, MD 1966. Academic Appointments: Consultant Dermatology’s, Pretoria General Hospital December 1973 – July 1975; Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas May 1979 – June 1999; Medical Director, Psoriasis Center, Baylor University medical Center, Dallas, Texas May 1979 – June 1999; Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Periodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas 1985 – Present; Director, Fellowship Program, Baylor Psoriasis Center, Dallas, Texas 1987 – June 1999; Clinical Director, National Psoriasis Tissue Bank, Dallas, Texas May 1992 – 2000; Chief, Division of Dermatology, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas January 1994 – Present; President-Elect, Texas Dermatological Society May 1994 – 1995; Board of Directors, American Academy of Dermatology

356 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association May 1995 – February 1997; President, Texas Dermatological Society May 1995 – 1996; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas March 1996 – Present; Owner/ Investigator, Texas Dermatology Research Institute, Dallas, Texas 2000 – 2006; Chair, Psoriasis Guidelines Committee for the American Academy of Dermatology 2007 – Present; Psoriasis Chair/Investigator, Baylor Research Institute, Dallas, Texas 2007 – 2011; Director, Dermatology Residency Program, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 2010 – Present; Owner/Investigator, Menter Dermatology Research Institute 2011 – Present; Principal Faculty, Texas A&M Health Science Center, College of Medicine, Dallas, Texas 2012 – Present. Training in Dermatology: Johannesburg General Hospital 1967, 1968. Other Training: Residency: Depart of Dermatology, University of Pretoria July 1968-December 1971; Fellowships: Guy’s Hospital London (1972); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 1977-1979. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; British Association of Dermatology; Dallas County Medical Society; Dallas Dermatological Society; Leaders Society, Dermatology Foundation; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Texas Dermatological Society; American Physicians Fellowship for Medicine in Israel. Outside Interests: Rugby; spending time with family (Wife, three children and three grandchildren).

Leonard M. Milstone 1999 Born: 10/19/1944 Newark, New Jersey. Current Position: Professor Emeritus and Research Scientist Yale Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: Yale University BA 1966; Medical School: Yale University MD 1970. Training in Dermatology: University of Oregon 1971-1972; Yale University 1975-1977. Academic Appointments: Yale University Department Dermatology 1977-present.

Ronald L. Moy 1999 Born: Stuttgart, Germany. Current Practice: Private Practice, Clinical Professor, Keck School of Medicine at USC. Education: Undergraduate Rensselaer Poly Technic Institute 1977; Medical School: Albany Medical College 1981. Training in Dermatology: UCLA School of Medicine 1982-1985. Other Training: Mohs Micrographic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Health Care Center 1987. Academic Appointments: University of Pittsburgh Assistant Professor 1986, University of California Los Angeles: Assistant Professor 1988, Associate Professor 1992, Professor and Co-Chief, 1993, Professor, 1994-2014, University of Southern California, Clinical Professor 2014. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1999; American Academy of Dermatology President 2011; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery President 2008; American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery President 2014; American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery; Noah Worchester Dermatologic Society; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Board of Directors; Medical Board of California Division of Medical Quality; Los Angeles County Medical Association Bay District; Pacific Dermatology Association, Past Editor and Chief of Dermatologic Surgery. Awards and Honors: Recpient of NIH RO-1 and VA Merit Grants.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 357 Beverly Barksdale Sanders 1999 Born: October 5, 1935 in Athens, Georgia. Position: Associate Clinical and Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Medical College of Georgia and Clinical Associate Professor at the Mercer University School of Medicine Education: Winship, Lanier and then Mercer University (BS); Medical College of Georgia, MD 1960. Training in Dermatology: Medical College of Virginia (dermatology); Medical College of Georgia (dermatology chief resident) Other Training: United States Army 1960-64. Academic Appointments: Private practice 1969-2006. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; Medical Association of Georgia. Awards and Honors: President of the Georgia Society of Dermatologists in 1982, and President of the Bibb County Medical Society in 1979, as well as working as a delegate and Chairman of the Dermatology Section Council of the AMA. Board of Directors Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, the Workers Compensation Medical Board of Georgia, and the Mercer University Board of Trustees. Outside Interests: Wife and 6 children; The Amyloidosis Foundation. Deceased December 6, 2008.

Lawrence A. Schachner 1999 Born: March 3, 1945 Brooklyn New York. Current Position: University of Miami 2003-2014: Professor and Stiefel Chair Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery University of Miami; Chair Emeritus; Professor of Pediatrics; Director of Pediatric Dermatology; Harvey Blank Chairman Emeritus Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery, Education: Undergraduate: Brooklyn College BS 1965; Medical School: University of Nebraska College of Medicine 1972; Training in Dermatology: Resident and Chief Resident Dermatology Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1976-1978 Other Training: Intern, Resident and Chief Resident Pediatrics, Montefiore Hospital Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1972-1976. Academic Appointments: University of Miami School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics 1978-83, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics 1983-1987, Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics 1987-present; Senior Associate Dean Univ of Miami School of Medicine 2015-2017. Society membership (Partial List): American Dermatological Association 1999-present; American Academy of Dermatology 1978-present; American Academy of Pediatrics: member 1978-present, Chair Section of Pediatric Dermatology (1991-1995); Society for Pediatric Dermatology: member 1978-present, President 1989-1990; International Society for Pediatric Dermatology: member 1978-present, Vice President 1992- 1995; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Numerous National and International committees; Medical Boards of DEBRA (USA and Central America), FIRST, Locks of Love. Awards and Honors: Excellence in Teaching: Awarded by Residents 1979, 1985, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2016; 2004-Practionner of the Year from The Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; British Medical Association Book of the Year award for Schachner and Hansen Pediatric Dermatology, Edition 3, 2004; Clinical Educator of the Year: The Fall Clinical Dermatology Meeting 2009; Lawrence A. Schachner MD Festschrift by The University of Miami Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery 2016. Outside Interests: Family, Friends, Traveling, Sports, Politics.

358 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Stephen P. Stone 1999 Born: 22 Aug 1941, New York City. Current Position: Professor of Clinical Medicine, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Director of Clinical Research, Division of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts B.A. Cum Laude 1963; Medical School: New York University School of Medicine New York, New York M.D. 1967. Training in Dermatology: Residency, (Fellow in Dermatology), Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota October 1971 -September 1974. Other Training: Internship, (Straight Medicine), , Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York. July 1967 -June 1968; Residency, (Internal Medicine), Lincoln Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York. July 1968 -June 1969. Academic Appointments: Professor of Clinical Medicine, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Professional Societies: American Dermatologic Association; American Academy of Dermatology: President March 2006-2007, Board of Directors 1997-2001; American College of Physicians 1978-2007, Fellow 1978; American Contact Dermatitis Society; American Medical Association; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Chicago Dermatological Society: Plans and Policy Committee 1982-1984, 1988-1992, State Legislative Liaison 1987-1992; Illinois Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1978-1980, President 1981, State Legislative Liaison 1987-1992; Illinois State Medical Society, Committee on Drugs and Therapeutics Member 2008-2013, 2014, Consultant 2013-2014; Delegate 2008, 2012; International Society of Dermatology; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; President 2001, Board of Trustees 1987-1990, 2000- 2002; North American Clinical Dermatology Society 2014; Women’s Dermatologic Society 2000; Sangamon County Medical Society Board of Directors 2013; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Representative to the AMA CPT Advisory Committee; Fellowscope, Newspaper of the Association of Fellows of the Mayo Clinic, Associate Editor 1972-1973; Zumbro Valley Medical Society 1971-1974, Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse 1972-1973; Association of Fellows of the Mayo Clinic, Secretary June 1973-June 1974; Executive Council of the Committee of Interns and Residents of New York City, Delegate 1967-1969. Outside Interests: Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) (formerly the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council -NJCRAC): Secretary 1999-2000, 2011-2013, Vice Chair 1994-1996, 2007-2011, Board of Directors 2003-2013; Jewish Community Relations Council (Springfield): 1978-present, Chair (change of title from President) 1998-2000, President 1986 -1991; United Jewish Communities Board of Trustees 2002- 2004; Springfield Jewish Federation: Board of Directors 1976 -1994, 2000-2004, Vice President 1977-1979, President 1980-1983; Chicago Jewish Federation & Allied Federations: Government Affairs Committee, Vice Chairman 1987-2006; Springfield Jewish Federation Foundation: Board of Trustees 1983-1990, Chairman 1983-1985, Vice Chairman 1986-1988; Council of Jewish Federations, Executive Committee 1993-1995; Midwest Small Federations: Representative 1993-1995, Vice President 1988 -1991; Temple B’rith Sholom, Board of Directors 1984-1990, 1997-2003, 2004-2008, President 2004-2006, Vice President 2002-2004; MacArthur Boulevard Business Association 2012-present, MacART Fest committee 2012; Hope School: Board of Directors 1998-2004, Treasurer 1999-2000; Springfield Parks Foundation 1992-1995: Treasurer 1992-1995; Lincoln Library (Springfield IL): Board of Trustees 1991-1999, Vice President 1993-1994, President 1994-1996; HealthFirst Community Clinic, Executive Committee 1993-1994; United Way of Greater Springfield Board of Directors 1985 -1991; Governor’s Prayer Breakfast Committee (Illinois): 1992-2006, Chairman 2001; Mayor’s Arts Awards Selection Committee, Chair 1991; WMAY/WNNS Guest Editorial Board 1991-1992; Delegate, Illinois State Democratic Convention 1990; Springfield Zoological Society Board of Directors 1983 -1986; Planned Parenthood, Springfield Area, Board of Directors 1979-1980; West Central Illinois Health Systems Agency: Board of Directors 1978-1984), Executive Board 1978-1984, Vice President 1982-1984.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 359 Carmen M. Williams 1999 Born: New York, New York. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology & Pathology, George Washington University Medical Center, Dermatopathologist, Bethesda Dermatopathology Lab. Education: Undergraduate: Manhattanville College, B.S., 1969; Medical School: New York University School of Medicine, M.D. 1974. Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology: New York University Skin and Cancer and Bellevue Hospital, 1976-1979. Other Training: Resident in Surgical Pathology, New York University Medical Center and Bellevue Hospital, 1974-1976; Dermatopathology Fellowship with Dr A. Bernard Ackerman at New York University Medical Center, 1975-1976. Academic Appointments: Professor of Dermatology & Pathology, George Washington University Medical Center, 1994-1997. Creator and Director of Division of Dermatopathology, George Washington University Medical Center. Professional Memberships: American Dermatological Association 1999; American Academy of Dermatology: Diversity Task Force, 1994-1997, Director of Gross & Microscopic Sessions 1993-1995; Atlantic Dermatological Society: Board of Directors, Organizer of Clinical Cases and Histopathology of 69th ADS Conf., Wash DC 1993; American Registry of Pathology (AFIP): Representative from ASDP 1995; Washington DC Dermatological Society: President,1992-1996; American Society of Dermatopathology: Nominating Committee 1994-1997, Director of Self-Assessment Course 1992-1994: Society for Investigative Dermatology; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors 1995-1997; Washington Academy of Science: Membership Committee, Auditing Committee 2020; Skin of Color Society: Scientific Committee 2020. Outside Interests: Travel, music concerts (Rock, R&B, Blues, Opera), literature, fitness, art collection, cooking ethnic food.

Gary S. Wood 1999 Born: December 20, 1952 Chicago, Illinois. Current Position: Professor and Dean’s Chair in Cutaneous Research, Department of Dermatology University of Wisconsin-Madison. Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University BA Biology 1975; Medical School: University of Illinois, Chicago, MD 1979. Training in Dermatology: Stanford University 1983-1986. Other Training: Pathology Stanford University 1979-80; NIH Research Fellowship; Stanford University 1980-81, Pathology 1981-83. Academic Appointments: Stanford University, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pathology and Chief of Dermatology: Palo Alto VAMC 1986-1989; Case Western Reserve University, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Oncology and Chief of Dermatology Cleveland VAMC 1898-1995; Tenure awarded 1992; Professor of Dermatology and Chief of Dermatology Cleveland VAMC 1995-1999; Vice Chair of Dermatology and Chief of Dermatology Cleveland VAMC 1999-2001; University of Wisconsin Professor of Dermatology and Chief of Dermatology Division, Geneva F. and Sture Johnson Professor and Founding Chair of Dermatology 2001.-2019; Dean’s Chair in Cutaneous Research 2019-2011. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 1999-present; American Academy of Dermatology: 1986-present, Task Force on Dermatologic Oncology 1991-93, Council on Research 1992- 95, Committee on Interdisciplinary Education 1993-98, Task Force on Government Medicine 1995-99; Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee 2000-04, NIAMSD Liaison Task Force/Research Committee 2001-05, Board of Directors 2015-19; National Association of VA Dermatologists: 1986-present, Board of Directors 1990-95, Secretary/Treasurer 1990-92, President-Elect 1992-93, President 1993-95, Nominating Committee 1995-98; American Society of Dermatopathology: 1988-present, Committee on Continuing Education and

360 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Research 1992-96; The Society for Investigative Dermatology: 1989-present, Auditing Committee 1996-2001; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 1990-present; Cleveland Dermatological Society 1991-01; Ohio Dermatological Association 1992-01; American Federation for Clinical Research 1992-present; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas: 1994-present, Executive Committee 1999-07, Secretary-Treasurer 2007 -2009, President 2009-2011; US Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium: 2009-present, Board of Directors (founding member) 2009-present; Dermatology Foundation: 1992-present, Board of Trustees 1998-2001, Leaders Society 1998-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology: 2000-present, Board of Directors 2004-08 and 2011-2017, Program Committee 2004-08, APD/AADS Merger Work Group 2007-2008, Chair, Membership Committee 2007-2008, Strategic Goals Task Forces 2004-2009, Secretary/Treasurer 2011-2017; Central Society for Clinical Research 2001-03; Wisconsin Dermatological Society 2001-present. Outside Interests: Philosophy, architecture, music, poetry.

James A. Zalla 1999 Born: November 24, 1940, Covington Kentucky. Current Position: President and founding member of Dermatology Associates of Northern Kentucky PSC, a private dermatology group practice in Florence Kentucky 1995 to present. Education: Undergraduate: Thomas More College, Crestview Hills Kentucky, BA Biology/ premed 1960; Medical School: University of Louisville School of Medicine, MD 1964. Other: Rotating Internship, St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Dayton Ohio 1964-1965. Military Service: Capt. United States Air Force 1965-1967. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, fellowship in dermatology, Mayo Clinic 1967-1970. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1971, Dermatopathology 1974. Academic Appointments: University of Cincinnati Department of Dermatology. Volunteer Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1970-present; University of Louisville, Department of medicine, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology 2002-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology/Association: Member Board of Directors 2002-2006; Kentucky Representative to the Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee (CAe) For Kentucky Dermatological Association 1992-present, Chair, Task Force on Classification and Correct Coding Policy Committee 1994-2000, Member, Reimbursement Committee 1994-2000, Chair, Health Care Finance Committee 2001-2005, Chair, Dermatologic Practice Council 2000-2001, Chair, DERMCAC 2000-2006, Member DERMCAC 1995-Present, Representative AADA in Meetings with Private Insurance Carrier National Medical Directors 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, Member, AADA Health Policy and Practice Council 2001- 2004, Consultant, Council on Government Affairs, Health Policy & Practice 200S-2006, Representative AAD to AMA Relative Value Update Committee 2005-2006,Member, AADA Patient Advocacy and Payer Relations Committee 2012-2016, Member AADA Business Operations & Support Task Force 2014-20; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Member Board ofTrustees 1981-1985, President 1991 Chairman, Publications Committee 1979-1981, Chair, General Arrangements, Annual Meeting 1983 Scottsdale, Annual Meeting 1985 Puerto Rico, Annual Meeting 1988, Monaco, Chair, Finance Committee 1992-1994, Member, Finance Committee 2006 -2011, Chair, Site Committee 1995 Annual Meeting, Chair, Educational Benefactor Committee 1997-1998, Chair, Site Committee 1999 Annual Meeting, Chair, Contracts Committee, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 201S, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Annual Meetings; Chair, Legal and Ethics Committee 2001-2002, Member, Nominating Committee, 2017-2018; American Dermatological Association: Vice President 2014 -2015, Member, Meeting Site Committee 2001-200S, 2015; Kentucky Dermatological Association: President 1981-1982; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Life Fellow Member; Cincinnati Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1981-1983, President 1984-1985, Trustee 1991-1993, 2004-2005, Kentucky Medical Association, Member 1970-present; American Medical Association Life Member, Member, Correct Coding Policy Committee 1995 -2002, Member AMA CPT Editorial Panel 1998-2002; Boone County Medical Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1973, President 1974; Kentucky Dermatological Association: Chair, Insurance Committee 1992-present. Outside Interests: Hunting and 16 grandchildren.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 361 C. Ralph Daniel 2000 Born: March 22, 1952, Columbus, Ohio. Current Position: Private practice, Clinical Professor of Dermatology at both University of Mississippi Medical Center and University of Alabama, Birmingham. Education: Undergraduate: Vanderbilt 1973; Medical School: Mississippi 1977. Training in Dermatology: University of Alabama Birmingham 1978-81. Other Training: Internship in Medicine 1977-1978. Academic Appointments: University of Mississippi Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1991; University of Alabama Clinical Professor of Dermatology – 2009; Chief of Dermatology VA Medical Center, Jackson, MS 1982-2001. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2000; American Academy of Dermatology: 1981, Board of Directors 2004-2008; Council for Nail Disorders: Vice President 1995-1996, President 1997- 1999; European Nail Society: American Representative to the Board 2001-2008, Vice President 2008-2014; Mississippi Dermatology Society President 1987-1989; American Medical Athletic Association Board of Directors 2001-2004; Jackson Academy of Medicine President 1988-1989; St. Dominic Health Care Services Foundation: Vice Chair 2013-2014, Chairman 2015-2016; Women’s Dermatological Society: Foundation Board of Directors 2004-2008, Secretary 2006-2009, Board of Directors 2013-2017; Noah Worchester Dermatological Society: Board of Directors 2010-2013; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; Association of Professors of Dermatology; North American Clinical Dermatology Society, Others. Outside Interests: Golf, Tennis, Wine, History, Foreign Languages, Baili of the Chaine and Modiale de Vin Jackson, Mississippi, Member of the Commanderie of Bordeaux.

Lawrence F. Eichenfield 2000 Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics; Chief, Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology; Vice Chair, Department of Dermatology University of California, San Diego and Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego. Education: Undergraduate: Amherst College, BA 1980; Medical School: Mount Sinai School of Medicine, MD 1984. Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania Department of Dermatology 1988-1991. Other Training: Pediatric Residency, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 1984-87, Chief Resident 1987-88. Academic Appointments: University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine: Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Pediatrics, Vice Chair, 2015 – Present, Chief, Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology, 2009 – Present; Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Medicine (Dermatology), 2009 – 2015; Adjunct Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine (Dermatology), 2005 – 2009; Clinical Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine (Dermatology), 2001 – 2005; Associate Clinical Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine (Dermatology), 1997 – 2001; Chief, Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology, Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego, California 1991 – Present; Chief, Division of Dermatology, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Specialists of San Diego 1991 – 2009; Assistant Clinical Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine (Dermatology), University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine 1991 – 1996; Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Primary Care Graduate Program 1990 – 1991; Assistant Instructor in Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1988 – 1991; Instructor in Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1987 – 1988; Assistant Instructor in Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1984 – 1987. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association: member 2000 to present, Board of Directors 2016-2021; American Academy of Dermatology: Multiple Councils, Committees and Task Forces including: Board of Directors 2005 – 2009, Scientific Assembly Committee 2005 – 2011, Chair 2010-2011, Board of Directors’ Liaison to the Society for Pediatric Dermatology 2004 – 2006, Council on Education 2010 – 2011,

362 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Organizational Structure Task Force 2010 – 2014; Chair, 69th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA – February 4-8, 2011, Chair, Named Lectureship Task Force 2015 – 2017, many others; American Board of Dermatology: Certification Exam Committee 2001 – 2005, Committee on Pediatric Dermatology Certification 2001 – 2004, Test Committee for Recertification – Pediatric Dermatology Section 1994 – 2002; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: President 2002 – 2003, Board of Directors, 1997-2005, Membership Committee, 1992 – 1996, Chair 1995-1997, Meetings Committee 2003 – 2006, Long Range Planning Committee 2009 – 2010; World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology: Sponsorship/Exhibits Committee 2014 – 2017; Dermatology Foundation Board of Trustees 2003 – 2006; Medical Board National Psoriasis Foundation; Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA): Co-Chair, 2012 – Present Executive Committee 2013 – Present; American Acne and Rosacea Society: President 2013 – 2015; International Eczema Council, Founding Counselor and Chair, Membership Committee 2015 – Present; American Academy of Pediatrics: Fellow 1986; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 1999; American College of Physician Executives 1999; Society for Investigative Dermatology 2005; many others. Outside Interests: Running, Reading, Skiing.

Patricia Farris 2000 Born: Chicago. Current Practice: Sanova Dermatology of Old Metairie. Education: Undergraduate: Southern Illinois University 1975; Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine 1982. Other: Tulane University MS Physiology 1978. Training in Dermatology: Tulane 1986. Academic Appointments: Tulane School of Medicine Department of Dermatology 1986-present. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2000 to present; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1986-present, Board of Directors 2017-2021, Sulzberger Institute, Board of Directors 1988-1991, Many Councils, Committees and Task Forces including: Youth Education, chair 1991-1995; Council on Communications 1991-1995, Co-Chair 1995-1998, Camp Discovery Planning Committee 1996-1998; American Society for Dermatological Surgery: 1992-present, Stegmen Circle member Membership Committee Chair 2002, Fund Raising Committee 2002-2004, Chair Media and Public Relations Work Group 2008-2010; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors 1984-1986, Newsletter Editor 1987-1990 Nominating Committee 1991-1993, Communications Committee 1997-2008, Chair 2003-2005, Fund Raising Committee 2002-2003, History Committee 2005-2007; Louisiana Dermatologic Society member 1986-present; Jefferson Parish Medical Society member 1986-present; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, member 2000-present; Dermatology Foundation Annenberg Circle; American Cancer Society: Board of Directors 1990-1992, Chairman of Public Education 1991-1993; Dermatology Foundation-Vice Chairman 2000-2001.

Anthony A. Gaspari 2000 Current Position: Professor, Department of Dermatology at Sidney Kimmel College of Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University. Education: Undergraduate: Temple University; Medical School: Jefferson Medical College MD Training in Dermatology: Emory University Residency in Dermatology. Other Training: Geisinger Health System: Internship in Internal Medicine. Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health post-doctoral fellowship in Cutaneous Immunology. Academic Appointments: University of Maryland School of Medicine Former Chairman

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 363 of Dermatology 2003-2015; Department of Dermatology at Sidney Kimmel College of Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Professor. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; American Association of Immunologists; American Contact Dermatitis Society: Past President; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors.

Roy G. Geronemus 2000 Born: March 5, 1953. Current Practice: Director, Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, New York University. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts A.B. cum laude in Biology 1975; Medical School: University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, M.D. 1979. Training in Dermatology: Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center 1980-1983. Other Training: Mohs Surgery Fellow -Mohs Surgery Unit Department of Dermatology New York University Skin and Cancer Unit, New York, New York 1983-1984. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center 1997-Present; Attending Surgeon Department of Plastic Surgery New York Eye and Ear Infirmary 1996-Present; Associate Professor of Dermatology, Chief of the Surgery and Laser Sections of the Skin and Cancer Unit, Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center 1983-1993. Professional Societies: President New York Dermatologic Society 2018-2019, President, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2005-2006; President-Elect, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2004-2005; Vice-President, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2003-2004; President, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2002-2003; President-Elect, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2001-2002; Vice President, Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatologic Society 1998-1999; President, Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons 1991-1992; President, Dermatologic Society of Greater New York 1995-1996; Treasurer, Dermatologic Society of Greater New York 1993-1994; President, Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatologic Society 1999-2000; Board of Directors American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery & Cutaneous Oncology 1996-1999; Secretary, Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatologic Society 1997- 1998; Board of Directors, Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeon, 1988 – 1989; Board of Directors, Society for Investigative Dermatology 1983-1984. Professional Societies: President, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2005-2006; President- Elect, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2004-2005; Vice-President, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2003-2004; President, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2002- 2003; President-Elect, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2001-2002; Vice President, Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatologic Society 1998-1999; President, Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons 1991-1992; President, Dermatologic Society of Greater New York 1995-1996; Treasurer, Dermatologic Society of Greater New York 1993-1994; President, Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatologic Society 1999-2000; Board of Directors American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery & Cutaneous Oncology 1996-1999; Secretary, Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatologic Society 1997-1998; Board of Directors, Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeon, 1988 – 1989; Board of Directors, Society for Investigative Dermatology 1983-1984. Outside Interests: Chairman, New York Stem Cell Foundation.

Robert D. Greenberg 2000 Born: August 13, 1942; New Haven, Connecticut. Current Position: Retired (2012). Education: Undergraduate: Michigan State University 1960-1963;

364 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Medical School: University of Michigan MD 1963-1967. Training in Dermatology: University of Virginia 1968-1971. Academic Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), University of Connecticut Medical School 1975-2012. Society Memberships: Dermatological Association 2001-present; American Academy of Dermatology: 1971-present, Board of Directors 1998-2001; Secretary-Treasurer 2010- 2011; Ethics Committee 2004-2008; Chair, Ethics Committee 2005-2008; Chair, Priorities Committee 2010-2011; Chair, Organizational Structure Committee 2003-2007; Advisory Board 1993-2001; Chair, Advisory Board 1998-2001; Connecticut State Medical Society 1975-2016; Connecticut Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Society 1975-2016.; President 1989-1991; Hartford County Medical Association: 1975-2012; Board of Directors 1996-1998; New England Dermatology Society 1975-2012. Outside Interests: Photography; Pickleball; Adventure Travel.

Adelaide A. Hebert 2000 Born: March 23, 1953 Wheelus Field Air Force Base, Tripoli, Libya, Africa. Current Position: Department of Dermatology, the University of Texas Medical School- Texas, Houston, Texas 1986-present. Education: Undergraduate: Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bachelor of Science 1975; Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine, MD 1980. Other: The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas Internship in Internal Medicine 1980 -1981. Training in Dermatology: The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas: Residency in Dermatology 1981-1984. Other Training: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, Fellowship in Pediatric Dermatology 1984-1986. Academic Appointments: The University of Texas Medical School, Houston, Houston, Texas 1986 – present, Currently Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics and Chief of Pediatric Dermatology 1986-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: member 2000 to present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1986 –present, Board of Directors 2019 present; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Resident member 1981-1984, Member 1986-present, Board of directors 2009-present, Vice President 2014- 2015, President 2016; Houston Dermatologic Society: Resident member 1981-1984, Member 1986-present; Texas Dermatologic Society: Resident member 1981-1984, Member 1986-present; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Member 1984 present, Board of Directors, President 2006-2007; Chairman, Society for Pediatric Dermatology Foundation 2012 2014. Outside Interests: Antique car; Travel; Growing grapefruit.

Seth Orlow 2000 Born: 1958, Brooklyn, New York. Current Position: Chair and Weinberg Professor of Pediatric Dermatology, The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, NYU School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard/AB magna cum laude Biochemical Sciences 1979; Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1986. Other: Albert Einstein College of Medicine PhD Molecular Pharmacology 1986. Training in Dermatology: Resident/Fellow Yale School of Medicine 1987-1990. Academic Appointments: The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology-all at NYU School of Medicine: 1990-94 Assistant Professor of Dermatology of Dermatology, Cell Biology & Pediatrics,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 365 1990-2007 Director of Pediatric Dermatology, 1994-2000 Associate Professor of Dermatology, Cell Biology & Pediatrics, 2000-2002 Professor of Dermatology, Cell Biology & Pediatrics, 2002-present Weinberg Professor of Pediatric Dermatology and Professor of Cell Biology & Pediatrics, 2006 -present Chair. Professional Memberships: New York Dermatologic Society: 2007-Present, President 2012-2013; American Professors of Dermatology 2006-Present; American Dermatological Association 2000-Present; American Academy of Pediatrics (Specialty Fellow): 1992-Present, Section on Dermatology 1992-Present; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York 1990-Present; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1990-Present, Task Force on Pediatric Dermatology 1992-1993, Awards for Young Investigators Review Committee 1997-2001; Society for Pediatric Dermatology 1988-Present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: member 1988-Present, Board of Directors (Resident/Fellow Member) 1988-1990; American Board of Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology Certification2002-2003; Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Committee on Goals & Awards (Chair, 1995-1999), Dermatology Foundation : Executive Committee, Board of Trustees,, 2007-present. Outside Interests: Co-founder, Annual Dermatology Summit & Dermatology Innovation Forum.

Allan Oseroff 2000 Born: June 26, 1943 Jersey City, New Jersey. Last Position: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, University at Buffalo School off Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Education: Undergraduate: Princeton University BA with High Honors 1964; Medical School: Yale University MD 1977. Other Education: Harvard University PhD Applied Physics 1971. Training in Dermatology: Resident, University of Chicago 1979-1980. Other Training: University of Chicago: Intern and Resident Department of Medicine 1977-1980; Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Postdoctoral Fellow, Biology Department 1971-73; Yale University: Research Associate in Biophysics 1973-76; Stanford Medical Center Fellow, Divisions of Immunology Oncology and Dermatology 1980-82. Academic Appointments: 1972-73 Assistant Professor of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology; 1973- 74 Teaching Assistant in Biochemistry, Yale Medical School, New Haven, CT; 1983-86 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 1986-87 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Tufts Medical School, Boston, MA; from 1991 Professor of Dermatology, State University of New York at Buffalo with Joint Appointments RPCI Departments of Biophysics, Pharmacology and Physiology; from 2000 Chair of Dermatology, State University of New York at Buffalo; from 2004 Dermatology Residency Program Director, State University of New York at Buffalo. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Society for Photobiology; American Society of Lasers in Surgery and Medicine; European Society for Photobiology; International Photodynamic Association; British Association of Dermatologists; many hospital, university, clinical and administrative committees; several NIH study sections and editorial boards. Awards and Honors: Phi Beta Kappa 1964; Kusaka Prize for Outstanding Work in Physics, Princeton University 1964; Biochemistry Prize, Yale University Medical School 1974; Outstanding Researcher of the Year RPCI 1998. Deceased October 16, 2008.

R. Steven Padilla 2000 Born: October 13, 1949 Santa Fe, New Mexico. Current Position: Professor & Chairman Emeritus, University of New Mexico School of Medicine Department of Dermatology; Professor of Dermatology & Pathology; Staff, University of New Mexico Cancer Research Treatment Center. Education: Undergraduate: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, August 1967 June 1971,

366 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association BS; Medical School: University of New Mexico, School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 1971-May 1975, MD. Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology, University of New Mexico, School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 1977-July 1980; Chief Resident in Dermatology, June 1979-July 1980. Other Training: Fellowship in Dermatopathology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 1980-July 1981; Fellowship in Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology, the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, July 1981-July 1982. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1970; Dermatopathology 1981. Academic Appointments: University of New Mexico: Chair, Department of Dermatology, November 1, 1996- 2016, Associate Dean for Practice Management, 2000-2007, President and CEO, University Physicians Associates, 2000-2007, Chief, Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology (Cancer Center), 1982-2010, Professor of Dermatology, tenured 1992-2016, Associate Professor of Dermatology, tenured 1986-1992, Professor of Pathology, 1991-2016, Assistant Professor of Pathology, 1991-1992, Assistant Professor of Dermatology/ Medicine, 1982-1986. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Member, 2000-present, First 5-Year Committee, Chair, 2007; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, 1982-present, Committee on Regulatory Affairs 1982-1988, Health Care Finance Committee 2003-2007, Investments Committee 2008-present, Chair, 2015-present; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology: Dermatopathology Committee 1986-present, Fellowship Training Program Committee 1989-1994, Tumor Registry Director 1989- 1994, Board of Directors 1991-1994, Task Force on Laboratory Proficiency -Co-Chair 1991-2000, Program Director ACMMSCO May 1994 Meeting, Scientific Program Committee, 1994; Task Force on Information Systems and Tumor Registry 1993-Present, Task Force on Membership, 1994-1995, others; American Society of Dermatopathology: Membership Committee 1991-1994, Chair, 1994, Board of Directors 1993; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors, 1992-1995, Membership Committee 1992- 1995, Chair 1995, Task Force on Special Certification in Dermatologic Surgery 1989-1992, Ethics Committee 1993-present; Membership Review Committee 1992-1995, Chair of Committee 1995, Residency Training Committee 1997-2000; American Board of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Board Member 1991-1993; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons 1989-2016; Association of Professors of Dermatology: 2000-2016, Board of Directors 2007, Membership Committee 2015-2016; National Hispanic Medical Association, Member of Cultural Competence Assessment Project, Advisory Committee, April 6, 2002, Wash. D.C.; Greater Albuquerque Medical Association (GAMA), Member; New Mexico Medical Society, Member; Society for Investigative Dermatology; International Society of Dermatologic Surgery; New Mexico Dermatological Society: Vice-President, 1987-1988, President, 1988-1989; Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, Member to Panel for Accreditation appeals in Dermatology 2008-Present. Outside Interests: Art, Museum Boards, Fitness, Wine, other non-profit boards.

Leonard J. Swinyer 2000 Born: June 11, 1940, St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Current Practice: Dermatologist, Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology; Principal Investigator, Dermatology Research Center, Inc. Education: Undergraduate: University of Vermont, B.A. 1962; Medical School University of Vermont, M.D. 1966. Training in Dermatology: University of Oregon, Dermatology residency 1970-1973. Other: University of Utah, Medical Internship 1966-1967; University of Utah, Residency in Pathology, 1967-1968; Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Utah, 1992-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2000; American Academy of Dermatology, Fellow 1974-present; Intermountain Dermatology Foundation: Founding Member 1974, Board of Directors

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 367 1974-1980, President 1975-1976; Founding Member, Dermatologic Photographic Society 1980; Dermatology Foundation: Member, 1987-present, Board of Directors 1987-1993, Leader’s Society, Chairman for the State of Utah 1992-2007, Annenberg Circle member 1998-present; Member, Drug Information Association 2000-present; Member, Association of Clinical Research Professionals 2000-present; Utah Dermatology Society: Founding Member 2001, President 2001-2004; American Acne and Rosacea Society Founding Director; 2005; Skin Cancer Foundation, Fellow 2007-present. Awards and Honors: Practitioner of the Year from The Dermatology Foundation 2006. Outside Interests: Private pilot; Magician, Member of International Brotherhood of Magicians since 1994 (known as Dermo the Great); Boating, Member of US Coast Guard Auxiliary 1988-1994; Golfing; Travel.

Mark C. Udey 2000 Born: May 18, 1953, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Present Position: Professor Department of Medicine (Dermatology) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri; Editor, Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin B.S. with Honors in Chemistry 1975; Medical School Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri MD 1982. Other: Ph.D. in Cell Biology (Immunology), Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri 1982. Training: Barnes Hospital/Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri Medical Intern 1982-1983; Resident in Dermatology 1983-1985, Chief Resident in Dermatology 1985-1986. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri 1986-1989; Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland: Special Expert (Investigator) 1989-1996, Senior Investigator 1996-2017, Chief, Dermatology Branch 2001-2017, Director, Dermatology Branch Residency Program 2001-2009, Deputy Director, Center for Cancer Research 2006-2017, 2009-2017, Head, Clinical Investigator Development Program, Center for Cancer Research 2006-2017; Editor-elect, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2018; Editor, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2017; Professor, Department of Medicine (Dermatology) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri 2017-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2000; Association of American Physicians; American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Association of Immunologists; Society of Investigative Dermatology President 2015; Dermatology Foundation Leaders’ Society; American Academy of Dermatology; American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow; European Society for Dermatologic Research. Outside Interests: Food, wine, music, golf.

Victoria P. Werth 2000 Born: September 9, 1954; Chicago, Illinois. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: Catholic University 1972-76 B.A. (Chemistry), 1975-76 M.S. (Physical Chemistry): Medical School: Johns Hopkins University, 1976-80 M.D. Training in Dermatology: New York University: 1983-86 Resident in Dermatology, 1985-86 Chief Resident in Dermatology, 1986-88 Research Fellow in Dermatology. Other Training: Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago 1980-81 Intern in Medicine, Resident in Internal Medicine 1981-83, Dermatology Foundation Fellow1987-89. Academic Appointments: New York University: Clinical Instructor in Dermatology 1986-89, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1988-89; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1989, Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Rheumatology 1993, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Medicine 1998, Professor of Dermatology and Medicine 2004.

368 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies (selected): American Academy of Dermatology; American College of Physicians; American College of Rheumatology; Dermatology Foundation; Medical Dermatology Society (Founding member); National Association of VA Dermatologists: Board of Directors 1995-1999, Secretary-Treasurer 1999-2002, President 2003; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; Philadelphia College of Physicians; Society of Investigative Dermatology: Vice President 2010-2011, Member of Committee on Scientific Programs 2012-2018; Rheumatologic Dermatology Society (Founding member) President 2010-2013; Canadian Dermatology Society Honorary member; Society of Investigative Dermatology: Chairman Committee on Government and Public Relations;, International Inflammatory Myositis Foundation: Medical Advisory Board 2002-2009 and 2020-present; Lupus Foundation of America Member Medical & Scientific Committee, 2004-present; Philadelphia Dermatologic Society: President 2006-2007; International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation Member Medical Advisory Board 2010-present; International Task Force on Remission in SLE 2014-present; Conference on Myositis, Third and Fourth Global Scientific Committee 2019 and 2021. Awards and Honors: Rose Hirschler Award recipient, Women’s Dermatologic Society, 2019; American Skin Association’s Research Achievement Award in Autoimmune & Inflammatory Skin Disorders, 2019; Lifetime Career Educator Award, Dermatology Foundation, 2020; Naomi Kanof Clinical Investigator Award, Society of Investigative Dermatology, 2020. Outside Interests: Classical music/chamber music/viola, Family.

Hillary P. Baldwin 2001 Born: December 3, 1955, New York, New York. Current Position: Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine. Medical Director, The Acne Treatment and Research Center. Education: Undergraduate: Boston University, Bachelor of Science 1978, Masters of Art (microbiology) 1979 and Boston University Medical School MD 1984. Training in Dermatology: New York University 1985-1988. Academic Appointments: State University of New York Downstate Medical Center: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1988-1998, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1998-2013, Vice Chair of Department of Dermatology 1996-2013, Director of Dermatologic Surgery 1988-2015, Director of inpatient Services 1990-2010. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology 1988-present, Dermatology Therapy Task Force, 1986-1990, Therapeutics Task Force 1994-1999, Psychocutaneous Task Force Founder and Chair, 1994-1995, Interdisciplinary Task Force 1997-2002, Self-Assessment Committee 1998-2005; Women’s Dermatologic Society 1992-2005, Chair, Retreat Committee 2000-2005, Chair, Networking Committee 1999- 2002, BOD 1999-2002; American Dermatological Association 2002-Present: Chair, First five years 2002-2006, Chair, Nominating Committee 2009-2011; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York 1989-Present. BOD 1989-2008, President 1994-1996; New York Dermatologic Society 2000-Present, President 2014-2015; American Acne and Rosacea Society 2004-Present. Founding Board Member 2004-2012, President 2006- 2008; Atlantic Dermatology Society 1989-Present, Chair 1998-1999; Brooklyn Dermatologic Society 1989- 2010, President 1998-1999. Awards and Honors: Alpha Omega Alpha, Boston University Chapter 1984; Spirit Award, State University of New York 2000; Outstanding Physician Award, Kings County Hospital, 2001; Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Service, State University of New York, 2005; Presidential Citation, American Academy of Dermatology, 2017 Outside Interests: Kayaking, paddle-boarding.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 369 Daniel K. Chalker 2001 Born: 1944. Deceased: December 31, 2006 Position: Private Practice in Augusta, Georgia Education: Medical College of Georgia (1969) Training in Dermatology: Medical College of Georgia (Resident-1972-1975) Other Training: Internship Medical College of Georgia Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of the Department of Dermatology at Medical College of Georgia (1991-2006). Society Memberships: President-elect of Demosthenian Literary Society (Fall,1965) and Chairman of the American Academy of Dermatology Summer Session in Boston, MA (June, 1986). He was an elected member of Augusta Dermatological Society, member of American Medical Association, Richmond County Medical Society, Georgia Society of Dermatologic Surgeons, Inc., American Society of Dermatology and a founding member of the Space Dermatology Association. Awards and Honors: Captain in the U.S. Air Force Medical Corps during the Vietnam War. Chief investigator in numerous clinical trials and contributed to the education of over 100 dermatology residents. Outside Interests: Wife, son, and Dooley, beloved bulldog. Deceased, December 31, 2006.

Jeffrey S. Dover 2001 Born: February 26, 1957, Brooklyn, New York. Current Position: Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology Yale University School of Medicine; Associate Professor of Dermatology Brown Medical School; CoDirector SkinCare Physicians Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Education: Undergraduate: Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario 1976; Medical School: University of Ottawa 1981. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency University of Toronto (1981-1984). Other Training: Research fellowships at St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin at the University of London in London, England, (1984-1985). Two-year photomedicine fellowship at the Beth Israel Hospital and the Massachusetts General Hospital of Harvard Medical School (1985-1987). Academic Appointments: Associate Professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School 1996-1998, Chief of Dermatology at the New England Deaconess Hospital 1987-1996, Associate Chairman of Dermatology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 1996-2000. Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Yale University School of Medicine (2002-), Adjunct Professor of Surgery Dartmouth Medical School (2010-2017), Associate Professor of Dermatology Brown Medical School (2011-). Society Memberships: American Society of Dermatologic Surgery President 2009-2010; American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery President 2013-2014; New England Dermatological Society President 1994. Awards and Honors: Repeated nominations for the Teacher of The Year Award at Harvard Medical School; The Leon Goldman Award (2000), and the Ellet Drake award of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2008; Several presidential citations from both the American Society of Lasers in Medicine and Surgery and the American Society for Dermatological Surgery. Outside Interests: Gardening, cycling and travel.

370 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association James T. Elder 2001 Born: April 17, 1952, Kansas City Missouri. Current Position: Kirk D Wuepper Professor of Molecular Genetic Dermatology University of Michigan Ann Arbor VA Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University BS ENGG 1974; Medical School: Yale University. Training in Dermatology: University of Washington1 982-86; Senior Research Fellow, University of Michigan 1986-1989. Other Training: Ph.D., Yale University, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry Academic Appointments: Kirk D Wuepper Professor of Molecular Genetic Dermatology University of Michigan. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Science; Golf.

Joseph F. Fowler, Jr. 2001 Born: Louisville, Kentucky, 1954. Current Position: Dermatology Specialists Research, LLC and Division of Dermatology, University of Louisville. Education: Undergraduate: University of Louisville 1975; Medical School: University of Louisville 1979. Training in Dermatology: University of Louisville 1981-84. Academic Appointments: University of Louisville Clinical Professor of Dermatology, 1998 – present; University of Kentucky Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2001-present, American Academy of Dermatology, Fellow 1984-present, American Contact Dermatitis Society 1988-present, President 2004; North American Contact Dermatitis Group 1989-present, President 2009, American Acne and Rosacea Society 2013-present, National Eczema Association 2010-present. Outside Interests: Tennis, Thoroughbred horse racing and breeding, fine wine.

Roy C. Grekin 2001 Born: January 7, 1951 Kalamazoo Michigan. Current Position: Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology University of California, San Francisco (2006 – present); Clinical Professor, University of California, San Francisco (1996 – present); Director of Dermatologic Surgery and Laser Unit, University of California, San Francisco (1986 – present); Clinical Professor, Dermatology University of California San Francisco. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan BS with High Distinction 1973; Medical School: University of Michigan MD 1977. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan School of Medicine Department of Dermatology 1979-1981. Other Training: St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Internship 1977-1978; University of Michigan Medical School Basic Research 1981-1983; University of Michigan Medical School Fellowship Mohs Surgery and Advanced Dermatologic Surgery 1983. Academic Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School Department of Dermatology: Instructor 1983- 1984, Assistant Professor 1984-1986; University of California San Francisco School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: Assistant Clinical Professor 1986-1990, Director of Dermatologic Surgery and Laser Unit

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 371 1986-present, Associate Clinical Professor 1990-1996, Clinical Professor 1996-present, Vice-Chairman 2006-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Task Force on Dermatologic Surgery 1986- 1988, Liaison to American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Standards Workgroup 2012-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Task Force on ASDS Exhibits, Co-chair annual meeting 1988, Board of Directors 1991-1994; American Medical Association 1979-1994; Society for Investigative Dermatology 1981-1997; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology: Scientific Program Committee 1996; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery 1983; California Society of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery 1986; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Board of Directors 1988- 1991, Secretary-Treasurer 1991-1994, President-Elect 1994-1995, President 1995-1996; Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care: Board of Directors 1993-2011, Chairman of Accreditation Committee 2004-2005, Medical Director 2007-2010, President 2007; San Francisco Medical Association; California Medical Association. Awards and Honors: Teacher of the Year, Department of Dermatology, University of California San Francisco 2003; Stegman Award, American Society of Dermatologic Surgery 2011. Outside Interests: Skiing, boating, spectator sports, grandchildren, single malt scotch.

Ronald C. Hansen 2001 Born: November 18, 1928, Hollywood, California. Current Position: Mayo Clinic, Arizona. Division Chief, Dermatology, Phoenix Children’s Hospital Education: University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine MD 1968. Training in Dermatology: University of Arizona 1978-80. Other Training: Pediatrics, Stanford University 1970-1972 and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles 1968-1970. Academic Appointments: Professor of Dermatology, University Arizona College of Medicine Professional Societies: Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Certified by the American Board of Dermatology and the American Board of Pediatrics. Vascular Birthmarks Foundation. Awards and Honors: 66 peer reviewed publications; Initiated Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship (2006); Pediatric Dermatology, Editor

Arthur C. Huntley 2001 Born: August 14, 1944, Sacramento California. Current Position: Emeritus Professor, Department of Dermatology University of California Davis. Education: Undergraduate: University of California Davis Bachelor of Arts, 1966; Medical School: University of California Irvine Doctor of Medicine 1970. Training in Dermatology: New York University 1979. Other Training: Internal Medicine University of California Davis 1976 Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor to Professor 1979-2007. Emeritus Professor 2007-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: member 1979-present. Awards and Honors: Honorary Member American Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Founder Dermatology Online Journal, RxDerm-L.

372 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Moise L. Levy 2001 Born: March 28, 1951; Houston, Texas. Current Practice: Pediatric/Adolescent Dermatology, Dell Children’s Medical Group, Dell Children’s Medical Center; Inaugural (former) Chief of Service and (former) Physician- in-Chief, Dell Children’s Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas at Austin, B.A. 1973; Medical School: McGovern/University of Texas, Houston, M.D. 1979. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, Baylor College of Medicine and Affiliated Hospitals, Houston, Texas 1983-1986. Other Training: Pediatric Internship and Residency, University of Texas Medical School and Affiliated Hospitals, Houston, Texas 1979-1982; Pediatric Chief Resident, University of Texas Medical School and Affiliated Hospitals, Houston, Texas 1982-1983; Certificate in Medical and Health Management: Rice University, January-May 2006. Academic Appointments: Baylor College of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Chief, Pediatric Dermatology 1986-1994; Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Chief, Pediatric Dermatology March 1994-September 1998; Program Director, Transitional Residency Program, Baylor College of Medicine, January 1996-2002; Professor (Tenured) of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Chief, Pediatric Dermatology September 1998-February 2008; Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics February 2008-present; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, June 2010-September 2016; Professor of Pediatrics; September 2016-present and Medicine (Dermatology); January, 2017-present, Dell Medical School, University of Texas, Austin. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2001-present; Texas Dermatological Society; American Academy of Dermatology, Patient Advocacy Task Force, President, Telemedicine Task Force (past), Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Chairman, Teledermatology Committee (past), Chairman, Meetings Committee (past), President (past), Mentoring Committee (past); International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies; Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types (F.I.R.S.T.), Vice-President, Board (past), Chairman, Medical Scientific Advisory Board; Travis County Medical Society, Communications Committee (past); American Telemedicine Association; American Board of Dermatology, Director 2014-present. Outside Interests: Camp Discovery/Camp Dermadillo-Texas; Reach Out and Read (past); The Briar Club, Houston; Casa de Esperanza (Houston) Board of Directors (past); Family Centered Care Council, Dell Children’s Medical Center; McGovern/University of Texas at Houston Medical School Alumni Association Board of Trustees.

Harvey Lui 2001 Born: 1961, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Current Position: Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Skin Science, University of British Columbia. Education: Undergraduate: University of British Columbia, B. Sc. 1983; Medical School: University of British Columbia, MD 1986. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, University of British Columbia 1988-1991. Other: Internship, Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, BC, 1986-1987; Internal Medicine Resident, University of British Columbia 1987-1988. Other Training: Harvard Medical School, Photomedicine and Laser Fellowship, 1991-1993. Academic Appointments: University of British Columbia: Assistant Professor, 1992; Associate Professor 1997, Professor 2002. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2001-present; Canadian Dermatology Association, President 2005-2006; International League of Dermatological Societies, President 2015-2019; Secretary-General, 23rd World Congress of Dermatology, Vancouver, BC, June, 2015. Outside Interests: Photography, history, swimming, cycling.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 373 Oliver Fred Miller, III 2001 Current Position: Associate and Director Emeritus, Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Medical Center, Geisinger Health System, Danville, PA. Education: University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine 1963. Training in Dermatology: Geisinger Medical Center (1968) Other Training: Internship, Misericordia Division -Mercy Catholic Medical Ctr (1964); Geisinger Medical Center (1965) Academic Appointments: Department Director, Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Medical Center, Geisinger Health System, Danville, PA after serving as program director (1978) Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology. Awards and Honors: National expert in wound care and melanoma. Recipient of the Dermatology Foundation’s Lifetime Career Educator Award (2010). Dermatologist of the Year in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (2008) Outside Interests: 12-years on the Danville, PA school board and longstanding participation on the board of directors of the local Head Start program.

Suzanne Olbricht 2001 Born: August 20, 1952, Iowa City, Iowa. Current Position: Chair of Dermatology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Indiana University, A.B.(Science) 1972; Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine, MD 1976. Training in Dermatology: Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1980-1983. Other Training: Boston City Hospital, Internal Medicine residency 1975-1979; Massachusetts General Hospital ACMS Mohs surgery fellowship 1990-1991. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Instructor 1984-1987, Assistant Professor 1999-2007-Associate Professor 2007., Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Secretary-Treasurer 2010-2016, President 2018- 2019, Sciebntific Assembly Committee Chair 2012; Women’s Dermatological Society, Treasurer 2008-2011; American College of Mohs Surgery, Board of Directors 2009-2012; ITSCC, Board of Directors 2008-2011; NEDS, Secretary 1994-1999, Vice-President 1999-2000, President 2000-2001, Council Member 2001-2004; Boston Dermatology Club: Secretary 1986-1991, President 1991-1994; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; Marlboro College, Board. Awards and Honors: Distinguished Service Award of the American College of Mohs Surgery in 2011 and 2015. WDS President’s Award 2011; International League of Dermatology Society Certificate of Merit 2019; European Academy of Dermatology and Venererology International Service Award 2019, WDS Rose Hirshler Award 2020. Honored at the National Zoo by the Zoo, Senator Angus King, Senator Susan Collins and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, as well as the AAD, for her energetic facilitation and financial contributions toward a major shade structure at the National Zoo protecting the seating in front of the sea lion exhibit. Outside Interests: Children, gardening, entertaining, church activities.

Terry L. Barrett 2002 Born: August 20, 1953, Charleston West Virginia. Current Practice: Retired from clinical practice. Education: Undergraduate: Concord College, Athens West Virginia 1974; Medical School: West Virginia University School of Medicine, M.D. 1978. Training in Dermatology: Naval Medical Center, San Diego, 1991 – 1994.

374 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Internal Medicine Intern, National Naval Medical Center 1978 – 1979; Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Resident, National Naval Medical Center 1979 – 1983; Dermatopathology Fellowship, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1985 – 1986. Certifications:Dermatology, Dermatopathology, Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Military Service: U.S. Navy, 1975-2000, Retired, Captain (O-6), Medical Corps. Academic Appointments: Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) and Pathology. University of California San Diego School of Medicine 1997-1999; Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pathology. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. 2000 – 2004; Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Pathology. University of Texas Southwestern Medical School 2005 – present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2002-present; American Academy of Dermatology Fellow 1994 to present; American Board of Dermatology: Director 2005-2013, President 2013; American Society of Dermatopathology: Fellow 1986-present, President 2007-2008; College of American Pathologists, Fellow 1983-present; International Society of Dermatopathology, fellow 2012-2016. Outside Interests: Classical music, Opera, Sailing. Collecting Art.

Marc D. Brown 2002 Born: October 22, Watertown New York. Current Position/Practice: Professor of Dermatology and Oncology; Director, Division of Mohs Surgery University of Rochester. Education: Undergraduate: LeMoyne College, Syracuse, New York Biology B.S. 1975; Medical School: Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Medicine M.D. 1979. Training in Dermatology: Residency, Dermatology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1984-87; Mohs, Cutaneous Surgery & Oncology Fellow, Dermatology Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1987-89. Other Training: Internship, Internal Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, New York 1979-80; Residency, Internal Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, New York 1980-82; Academic Appointments: Lecturer, Dermatology Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1987-89; Assistant Professor, Departments of Dermatology and Otolaryngology, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, New York 9/89-9/95; Associate Professor, Departments of Dermatology and Otolaryngology, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, New York 9/95-10/00; Professor of Dermatology, Oncology and Otolaryngology, University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York 10/00-present. Professional Societies American College of Mohs Surgery: Board of Director, 1998 -2001, Secretary Treasurer 2010 – 2011, President, 2012 – 2013; New York State Society of Dermatology and President, Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons 2003-2005; Dermatology Foundation Board of Trustees 2003 – 2009; International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative President 2010 – 2012; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 2012 – 2013, President-Elect, 2018 -2019, President, 2019-Present; American Academy of Dermatology Board of Directors 2015 – 2019. Outside Interests: Tennis, skiing, hiking, and Grandkids!

Charles Camisa 2002 Born: May 30, 1951 Brooklyn, NY Current Position: Director, Psoriasis Treatment Center and Phototherapy Dept, Riverchase Dermatology, Naples and Ft Myers, FL. Education: Undergraduate: Cornell University BS 1973; Medical School: Mt Sinai School of Medicine MD 1977.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 375 Training in Dermatology: NYU Skin and Cancer Dermatology Residency 1978-1981. Academic Positions: Ohio State University, Division of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 1981, Director, Dermatology Residency Program, Associate Professor 1986-87; Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Head of Clinical Section of Dermatology Department 1988- 2001, Director, Dermatology Residency Program, Vice-Chair 1990-2001; University of South Florida Tampa, Dermatology Department Affiliate Associate Professor, 2002-Present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, American Academy of Dermatology, Society for Investigative Dermatology, Florida Society of Dermatology, Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgery, Noah Worcester Dermatological Society. Outside Interests: Travel, Cycling, Reading, Family.

James O. Ertle 2002 Born: November 30, 1937, Harvey, Illinois. Current Position: Assistant Professor Rush Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: Dartmouth College AB 959; Medical School: University of Basel, Switzerland MD 1968. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency University of Chicago 1969-1972. Other Training: Internship St. Louis University 1969; USPHS Fellow in Immunology University of Chicago, La Rabida Institute 1971-72. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor Rush Medical School 1974-Present, Lecturer in Dermatology, Cook County Graduate School of Medicine, Chicago, IL 1974-85, Instructor in Dermatology, Hinsdale Family Practice Program, Hinsdale, IL 1974-2015. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2002-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Advisory Board 1993-2000 Executive Committee, Chairman, Reference Committee 1994-1999, Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on Governance 1994-99, Quality of Care Committee, Member 1990-94, Chairman 1994-99; Health Policy Council 1994-99, Committee For International Affairs: Member 1996-2000, Chairman 2000-2004, Council on Foreign Relations 2000-01, Council on Member Education 2001-2004, Sustaining Member 1998-2014, Vice Chair, Skin Care in Developing Countries Task Force 2003-2004, Board of Directors 2003-2008, Volunteerism Task Force 2004-2005, Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Task Force 2005-2009, Nominating Committee 2011-2013; Chicago Dermatological Society: Multiple Committees and offices held including: President 1989-1990, Treasurer 1986-1989, Finance Committee Chairman 1986-1989, By-Laws Committee Chairman 1986-1989; DuPage County Medical Society; Great Lakes Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer 2001-2003, Vice-President 2003-2005, President 2005-2007; Illinois Dermatological Society: President, 1992-93, Vice-President, 1991-92, Board of Directors, 1992-2015; Illinois State Medical Society; Dermatology Foundation: Board of Trustees, 1994-present, Illinois Leader’s Society Vice Chairman 1989-1992, Chairman 1992-1999, Annenberg Circle 1996; Sustaining member 2003-2013, Leader’s Society Committee Member 1998-2000, Vice-Chairman 2000-2004, Nominating Committee 2002-2004, Chairman 2005, Annenberg Circle Committee Vice Chairman 2002-2012, Chairman 2012-present; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Membership Committee 1997, Scientific Program Committee 2001, Board of Trustees 2003-2005, Chair, Legal and Ethics Committee 2009-2013, President 2014-2015; International Society of Dermatology: Board of Directors: 2003-2015, Vice-President 2005-2009. Outside Interests: Scuba Diving, Travel, Opera, Symphony and Baseball.

Lynn Fredericks From 2002 Born: November 6, 1938, Toronto, Canada. Education: Trinity College at the University of Toronto; University of Toronto School of Medicine; London’s

376 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin; Melanoma fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard Medical School. Training in Dermatology: University of Toronto 1971. Other Training: Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Canada. University of Toronto, Anatomic Pathology 1972. Academic Appointments: Sunnybrook Medical Centre, Departments of dermatology and pathology 1972-1981; Women’s College Hospital, Chief of Pathology 1982-1992; Professor in both Medicine and Pathology, University of Toronto 1984; Head of Dermatology at Women’s College 1993-2000. Society Memberships: Women’s College Hospital Board of Directors, the Women’s College Hospital Foundation Board of Directors, and as the President of the Women’s College Hospital Medical Staff Association during the amalgamation of Sunnybrook and Women’s College Hospitals. President of the Canadian Dermatology Association 2000-2001 and 2006. Awards and Honors: Award of Merit from the Canadian Dermatology Association in recognition of her excellence in leadership, dermatology education, and public health, International lecturer in the area of Melanoma. Outside Interests: Known for her vigorous energy and enthusiasm, her wit and intellect, her huge smile, and the joy of the laugh that filled the hallways of Women’s College. Lynn raised four children with her husband George. Love of all things gardening: Flowers! Plants! Composting! Vases! Even, for a while, dried flowers! And drying flowers. Travelling the globe. Marathon running. Deceased April 19, 2020.

Algin B. Garrett 2002 Born: July 12, 1952 Ranson, West Virginia. Current Practice: Private Practice and Staff Physician, McGuire VA Medical Center, Richmond, VA. Education: Undergraduate: Bucknell University B.S. 1974; Medical School: Penn State College of Medicine M.D. 1978. Training in Dermatology: Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center 1980-1983. Other Training: Washington DC VA Medical Center, Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine 1978-1980. Cleveland Clinic Mohs Surgery Fellowship 1987-1988. Academic Appointments: Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 1983-1988, Associate Professor 1988-1992, Director, Dermatology Residency Program 1989-1997, Professor and Chairman 1992-2018, Director of Mohs Surgery Fellowship 2005 -2018; Geisinger Health System: Division of Dermatology Associate 2018-2019. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology member 1983-present; American College of Mohs Surgery Member 1988-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology Member 1992-2018; American Dermatological Association Member 1995-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Member 1985-present. Outside Interests: Golf, Skiing, Travel,

Lawrence E. Gibson 2002 Current Position: Consultant in Dermatology and Dermatopathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; Professor of Dermatology, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Carson Newman University, Jefferson City, Tennessee BA 1976; Medical School: University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, MD 1980. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, 1982-1985; Dermatopathology 1985-1986; Immunodermatology 1986.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 377 Other Training: Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic 1980-1982. Academic Appointments: Mayo Clinic College of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1986-1991; Associate Professor of Dermatology 1991-1996; Professor of Dermatology 1996; Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, 2014. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2002-present, International Honorary Committee 2013-2018, chair 2018; American Academy of Dermatology 1986-present; American Society of Dermatopathology 1987-present; International Society of Dermatology 1990-prfesent; Noah Worcester Society 2010-present; Editor-in- chief, International Journal of Dermatology 2001-2013; Associate Editor, International Journal of Dermatology 2013-present; International Society of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2013-present, Chair of Education Committee, 2013-2017; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Program Committee 2009-2013, Chair 2013; Board of Directors 2013-2018; Executive Committee 2015-2018; President, 2016-2017, Chair Nominations Committee 2017-2018. Outside Interests: Family, travel, woodworking, various water sports.

Alice B. Gottlieb 2002 Born: July 24, 1952, New York City. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, New York Medical College, Metropolitan Hospital, New York, New York. Education: Undergraduate: Brandeis University BA 1973; Rockefeller Cornell MD-PhD Program: PhD in Immunology 1979; 1980; Medical School: Cornell University Medical College MD 1980. Training in Dermatology: The New York Hospital 1990-1993. Other Training: Rheumatology Fellowship, Hospital for Special Surgery 1982-84; Internal Medicine, The New York Hospital 1980-82. Academic Appointments: December 21, 2017-present Professor of Dermatology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY; October 31, 2006-May 11, 2016 Professor of Dermatology, Clinical Research, Sackler School of Graduate Medical Sciences at Tufts University School of Medicine Boston, MA; October 1, 2011-May 11, 2016 Professor, Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Boston, MA; March 13, 2006-May 11, 2016 Harvey B Ansell Professor of Dermatology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; March 13, 2006- May 11, 2016 Chair of Dermatology and Dermatologist-in-Chief at Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA; Sept. 1997-Jan. 31, 2006 Division Chief of Clinical Pharmacology, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ; July 1995-Jan. 31, 2006 Director, Psoriasis Center of Excellence, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ; July, 1999-Jan. 31, 2006 Professor of Medicine, UMDNJ- Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ; Sept. 1997-Nov. 2005 WH Conzen Chair in Clinical Pharmacology and Director of the Clinical Research Center at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; July 1995-July, 1999, Associate Professor of Medicine, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School July1995-Nov 1999 Chief of the Division of Dermatology in the Department of Medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Chief of Dermatology July 1989-June 1993 Associate Professor, The Rockefeller University, NY, NY; July, 1982-July, 1989 Assistant Professor, The Rockefeller University NY, NY. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, member 2002 to present; International Dermatology Outcome Measures (IDEOM) group, founder and president 2013-present; National Psoriasis Foundation, March, 2014-present Elected as Member, Medical Advisory Board, Editor in Chief, Journal of the Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis, April, 2018; GRAPPA Member, Steering Committee 2004-present, Member, Executive Committee 2013-president; American Academy of Dermatology: member 1993 to present, Chair Professionalism and Ethics Committee 2017 to present, Psoriasis Guidelines Committee member 2017, Vice Chair Professionalism and Ethics Committee 2015-2017, Board of Directors 2011-2015, member Ad Hoc Task Force on Perceptions of Dermatology (AHTF); member Research Agenda Committee, member,

378 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Poster Review Task Force term ended 2016, member, Ad Hoc Nominating Committee, member, Workgroup on CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies of the AAD; Workforce Task Group, Ad Hoc Task Force on Data Collection Platform and Registries 2014; The Henry Kunkel Society 1993 to present; American College of Rheumatology 1984 to present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 1993 to present; Association of Professors of Dermatology 1995 to present; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 1993 to present, Board of Directors 2000-2003, Chairman, Networking Committee 1997-2000; International Psoriasis Council, Counselor 2004 – present. Outside Interests: Danbury Symphony and Community Orchestras, cellist 2016-present, Chamber Music Intensive Program at the Danbury Music Centre, cellist 2016-present. Volunteer cello duet performances for persons with serious health issues 2016-present.

Paul A. Khavari 2002 Born: January 21, 1962. Current Position: Carl J. Herzog Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford CA USA. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University, Bachelor of Science, 1983; Medical School: Yale University, MD, 1988; Graduate studies: Stanford University, PhD, 1994. Training in Dermatology: Yale University, 1993. Academic Appointments: Stanford University: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1993-1998, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1998-2003, Professor of Dermatology, 2003-present. Society Memberships: National Academy of Medicine, American Association of Physicians, American Society of Clinical Investigation, Society of Investigative Dermatology (Board of Directors 2003-2008; Executive Committee 2004-2005), American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association Awards and Honors: Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University; Alpha Omega Alpha, Yale School of Medicine; Parker Prize, Yale School of Medicine; Shannon Award, National Institutes of Health; U.S. Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers; V.A. Young Investigator Award, V.A. Palo Alto Health Care System; HHMI Junior Faculty Scholar Award; Young Leadership Award, American Dermatological Association; Marion B. Sulzberger Award, American Academy of Dermatology; William Montagna Award, Society for Investigative Dermatology; Tanioku Kihei Memorial Award, Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology; C.E.R.I.E.S. Award in Skin Biology; American Skin Association 25th Anniversary Lifetime Scientific Achievement Award; Lila & Murray Gruber Cancer Research Award, American Academy of Dermatology; Kligman-Frost Leadership Award, Society for Investigative Dermatology. Outside Interests: Hiking, running, bicycling, planting/growing trees, reading, religious community service activities.

Rhoda S. Narins 2002 Born: New York City, New York. Current Practice: Medical Director, Rhoda S. Narins, MD, PC. Education: Undergraduate: Barnard College 1962; Medical School: New York University School of Medicine 1965. Other: Internship: Maimonides Hospital 1965-66. Training in Dermatology: Resident New York University Skin & Cancer Department of Dermatology 1966-1969; Chief Resident New York University Department of Dermatology 1968-1969. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology New York University Medical Center; Director of Dermatology Surgery and Laser Center in Manhattan & White Plains, NY; Chief of Dermatology Emeritus at

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 379 White Plains Hospital Medical Center; Senior Attending Physician at White Plains Hospital Medical Center; Attending Physician at Tisch Hospital-New York University Medical Center. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS): President 2004-2005, Recipient -ASDS Samuel J. Stegman, MD, Award for Distinguished Service 2012, Industry Advisory Council (IAC), IAC Forefront Opinion Leaders Meeting May 2019, Chair Awards Committee 2018-2022, Historian/Parliamentarian 2019-2022, Board of Directors, Mentor – Future Leaders Network, Current Member ASDS Task Force, Immediate Past President 2005-2006, President-elect 2003-2004, Vice-President 2002-2003; American Academy of Dermatology; Member American Dermatological Association; Fellow International Society of Dermatologic Surgery; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons; Noah Worchester Society; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Task Force of Women Dermatologic Surgeons 2014, Task Force of Women Dermatologic Surgeons 2003, Women Derm Surgeons Joint Committee ASDS/WDS 2003-2006, Women Dermatologic Surgeons Committee 2010-2011; Dermatology Foundation Member; Leaders Society of the Dermatology Foundation 1991-present; Skin Cancer Society Member; Presidents Council Skin Cancer Society 1991-present; Fellow American Society of Liposuction Surgery; New York State Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Theater, travel, ballet, spending time with family.

Mark F. Naylor 2002 Born: November 11, 1954; Lubbock, Texas. Current Practice: Dermatologist; Baylor Scott & White Healthcare, Waco, Texas. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas of the Permian Basin B.S. Chemistry 1977; Medical School: Texas Tech University School of Medicine M.D. 1981. Academic Appointments: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Lubbock, TX Chief Resident, Dermatology 1986-1987, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Internal Medicine 1987-1988; University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Oklahoma City: Associate Professor, Dermatology 1991-2001, Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology 2003, Associate Professor, Dermatology 2005-2008. Training in Dermatology: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 1984-1987. Other Training: Basic Cancer Research Fellowship MD Anderson Cancer Center Research Division, Smithville, TX 1989-1991. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2002-present; American Academy of Dermatology; Associate Member, American College of Physicians; Alpha Omega Alpha. Outside Interests: Travel, Motorcycles, Rock Climbing, Photography, Cycling.

David M. Pariser 2002 Born: September 8, 1946, Norfolk, Virginia. Current Practice/Position: Private Practice; Professor of Dermatology, Eastern Virginia Medical School and Virginia Clinical Research, Inc., Norfolk, Virginia. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, BA 1968; Medical School: Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, MD 1972. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami 1973-1976. Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship, Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 1972-1973. Academic Appointments: Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia: Instructor, Department of Internal Medicine 1976-1977, Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine 1977-1984, Associate Professor, Division of Dermatology 1984-1990, Chief, Division of Dermatology 1984 to 2002, Professor, Division of Dermatology, Department of Internal Medicine 1990 to 2002, Professor, Department of Dermatology 2003 to present.

380 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Member 2002-present, President 2011-2012, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and Secretary-Treasurer 2005-2011, Historian 2012 to present, Co-chair Bylaws committee 2014-2018; American Academy of Dermatology (Partial List): Member 1976 to present, President 2009-2010, Secretary-Treasurer and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 2001-2007, Board of Directors 1996 to 2011, Chair Council on Community, Corporate and Philanthropic Relations 2015-2019, Advisory Board Vice- Chairman 1995-1998, Chair Committee on Organizational Structure 1999-2003, Member Scientific Assembly Committee 2001-2006, Chair Priorities Committee 2009-2010, over 130 other councils, committees, task forces and work groups 1981 to present; Women’s Dermatological Society: Member 2005 to present, Board of Directors 2015-2018, Historian 2015-2018, Chair Bylaws committee 2015-2018; American College of Physicians: Fellow 1983 to present; American Medical Association: Member 1977 to present; Dermatology Foundation: Member 1985 to present, Scholar’s Circle 1985, 1993, Century Club 1992, Leaders Society 2000 to 2004, Annenberg Circle 2004-present; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: member 2005 to present; American Society for Dermatopathology: Fellow 1982 to present; International Hyperhidrosis Society: Founding President 2003, Secretary 2008 to present; International League of Dermatologic Societies: Board of Directors 2011-2019. Awards and Honors: Gold Medal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2017; Walter B. Shelley MD Leadership Award of the Women’s Dermatologic Society 2017; 10 Presidential Citations from the American Academy of Dermatology 2000-2006; Honorary Membership from the American Academy of Dermatology in 2014; Fellowship in the American College of Physicians 1983; Clinical Educator of the Year (highest rated speaker by participants) Winter Clinical Dermatology Conference 2010 and Fall Clinical Dermatology Conference 2012; author of this volume. Outside Interests: Family, good food and wine, puttering around the house and yard, history of dermatology, clinical research.

Henry W. Randle 2002 Born: Claremore, Oklahoma. Current Position: Consultant and Head of Mohs Surgery, Department of Dermatology Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Florida 1987-present; Professor of Dermatology Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Westminster College BA Biology 1966; Medical School: Arizona College of Medicine MD/PhD 1975. Other: University of Oklahoma, Norman, MS Physiology 1968. Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology Mayo Clinic, Rochester,1978-1980. Other Training: Fellow in Mohs Micrographic Surgery Mayo Clinic. Academic Appointments: Texas A&M University College of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1981-1984, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs 1983-1986, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1984-1986; Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science: Instructor in Dermatology 1987-1990, Assistant Professor in Dermatology 1990-1991, Associate Professor in Dermatology 1991-1998, Professor in Dermatology 1998 to present. Professional Societies (Partial List): American Academy of Dermatology; American College of Cryosurgery; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Board of Directors 2002-2004; American Dermatological Association; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; Dermatologic Therapy Association: Vice President 1987-1990, Board of Directors 1985-1988; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Vice-President 2010, Board of Directors 2001-2005; Association of Surgical Professors; Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgery; Skin Cancer Foundation. Awards and Honors: Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society, Sigma Xi, Paul O’Leary Award for excellence in Clinical Dermatology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, Mayo Foundation Scholar. Outside Interests: Hiking, canoeing, reading and travel.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 381 Gary S. Rogers 2002 Born: June 19, 1956, New York City. Current Position: Chief, Dermatology Service Beverly Hospital, Beth Israel Lahey Health System; Research Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine; President, University Skin Oncologists, Inc. Education: Undergraduate: University of Rochester BA with honors 1978: Medical School: New York University MD 1982. Training in Dermatology: New York University Department of Dermatology 1983-1986. Other Training: Internship, Internal Medicine University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers; Fellowship, Dermatologic Surgery and Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Duke University Hospital 1986-1987. Academic Appointments: Professor, Dermatology, Tufts University School of Medicine. Affiliation with Beverly Hospital Corporation and North Shore Medical Center. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: Fellow; American College of Mohs Surgery: Chair, Software Development Task Force; Beth Israel Lahey Health Systems Clinical Physician Liaison (CLP), Committee on Cancer 2016-present Chair, Universal Protocol Committee 2015-2018; Tufts Medical Center: Chair, Melanoma and Skin Oncology Tumor Board 2006-2013, Cancer Center Clinical Operations Committee 2003-2013. Awards and Honors: Top Doctors, Boston Magazine 2013. Outside Interests: Horseback riding, chasing my grandchildren, walking the dogs and staying out of trouble.

Diane M. Thiboutot 2002 Born: October 25, 1956 Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: The Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, BS 1978; Medical School: The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, MD 1988. Training in Dermatology: The Pennsylvania State University Department of Dermatology 1989-1992. Academic Apointments: The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine 1992-present: Assistant Professor through Professor and Vice Chair of Research, the Department of Dermatology, Vice Dean for Clinical and Translational Research Education. Society Memberships: The American Dermatological Association; The Society of Investigative Dermatology; The American Academy of Dermatology; The Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; The American Acne and Rosacea Society, President 2011-2013. Professional Societies: The American Dermatological Association; The Society of Investigative Dermatology; The American Academy of Dermatology; The Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; The American Acne and Rosacea Society, President 2011-2013; Founding member, Acne Core Outcomes Research Network (ACORN); Acne work group co-leader, The International Dermatology Outcome Measures group (IDEOM). Outside Interests: Family, friends, furniture refinishing, yoga.

Guy F. Webster 2002 Born: September 19, 1955, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology Sidney Kimmel Med College of Jefferson University. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania, AB 1977; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania, MD 1985; University of Pennsylvania PhD 1981.

382 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Training in Dermatology: New York University 1986-1989 Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor to Professor and Vice Chair, Jefferson Medical College Department of Dermatology 1989-2005 Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2002-present; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Masters Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Trout and Golf.

Susan Weinkle 2002 Born: Hackensack, New Jersey. Current Practice: Private Practice, Susan Weinkle, MD. Education: Undergraduate: University of Florida Bachelor of Science 1975; Medical School: University of Florida College of Medicine MD 1978. Training in Dermatology: Stanford University Medical Center 1979-1982. Other Training: Mohs Fellowship at University of Wisconsin. Academic Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor University of South Florida College of Medicine 2005-present; Assistant Clinical Instructor Stanford University Hospital 1983-present; Assistant Clinical Instructor University of California Irvine Medical Center 1982-1983. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2002-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Chair, Youth Education Committee 2003-2011, SKINnovations Committe, 2010, Board of Directors 2005-2008, Chair, Women’s Health Task Force 2004-2008, Health Care Delivery Committee 2008, Work Force Study Group, SCRIPT Committee, Reimbursement Committee, Program for Dermatology for the 21st Century, Industry Relations Committee, President, Dermatology Services, Inc. 2004, Council on Communications, Board of Director Liaison, Core Competence in Procedural Skills Task Force Committee. Academy Efforts/Industry Relations Committee; American College of Mohs Surgery: Public Relations Task Force, Communication Committee, Awards Committee, Membership Committee; American Medical Association; American Medical Women’s Association; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Immediate Past President 2012-2013, President 2011-2012, President-Elect 2010-2011, Mentorship 2006-2011, Chair, Fundraising Committee 2006-2011, Board of Directors 2006-2010, Chair, Annual Planning Committee 2008, Founder, Stegman’s Circle, Chair Preceptor Task Force 2003, Scientific Assembly Committee Chair, Development Committee 2015-2016, Public Service Committee; Dermatology Foundation: Annenberg Circle Member, Board of Trustees, Development Committee, Board of Directors 2002-2005,Vice Chairperson 2001-2005; Florida Dermatology Society; Florida Medical Association 1984; Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons, Treasurer 2014-2015; Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Board of Directors; Florida West Coast Dermatology Society; Manatee County Medical Society; Manatee County Women Physicians; Orlando Dermatology Aesthetic and Clinical Conference: Advisory Board 2011, Organizing Committee 2007, Co-Chair-ODAC Meeting 2015-2016; Skin Cancer Foundation: Amonette Circle Member, Vice President; Women’s Dermatological Society: Chair, Legacy Council 2011-2012, Women Dermatologic Surgeons Committee 2003-2011, Chair, Communications Committee 2007-2010, Chair, President’s Advisory Committee 2002-2009, Networking Committee 2005-2008, Secretary/Treasurer 1997-2008, Chair, Nominating Committee 2004-2007, Chair, Fundraising Committee 2002-2007, Task Force 2007 on Leadership Development Retreat Committee Board of Directors 1993-2003, President 2001-2002, Long Range Planning Committee 2000-2001, Vice President 2000; Women’s Dermatologic Foundation Secretary/Treasurer 2004- 2011.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 383 Martin A. Weinstock 2002 Born: Queens, New York City. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Epidemiology, Brown University; Co- Director, National VA Teledermatology Program, U S Department of Veterans Affairs. Education: Undergraduate: BA Summa Cum Laude with Highest Honors in Mathematics, Williams College, Williamstown Massachusetts 1977; Medical School: Columbia University, New York City: MD, College of Physicians and Surgeons 1983. Other: Columbia University, New York City: PhD (Epidemiology), Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 1982. Training in Dermatology: Harvard University 1984-1987. Other Training: Andrew W Mellon Foundation Fellowship in Clinical Epidemiology, Harvard Medical School 1987-1988. Academic Appointments: Brown University: Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 1988-1994, Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 1994-1996, Director of Research, Division of Dermatology 1995-1996, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1996-1998, Director of Research, Department of Dermatology 1996-2013, Professor of Dermatology 1998-2003, Professor of Dermatology and Community Health 2003-2011, Professor of Dermatology and Epidemiology 2011-present. Awards and Honors: Department of Veteran’s Affairs Special Contribution Award-1990; Disabled American Veterans Department of Rhode Island Annual Outstanding Physician Award-1993; Federal Employee of the Year, Professional Category 1993; Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award-2001,2003,2004; American Academy of Dermatology Astellas Award (for contributions to public health in dermatology through scientific research, first to receive this award)-2007; Medical All-Star (chosen by Boston Red Sox to honor medical research)-2007; American Academy of Dermatology Presidential Citation-2010, 2015,2017; American Skin Association Achievement Award-2010; Letter of Recognition, Brown University (for teaching)-2012; Lila and Murray Gruber Memorial Cancer Research Award and Lectureship-2013; Engaged Work Team Recognition Award, Veterans Integrated Service Network 1 – New England, Veterans Health Administration-2015; Founders Award, American DermatoEpidemiology Network (ADEN) (first to receive this award)-2015; Top 100, Employee Innovation Competition, Department of Veterans Affairs-2016; Service Award, Department of Veterans Affairs-2018; Leadership Achievement Award, Alpert Medical School, Brown University 2020. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2001-present; American Academy of Dermatology: 1988-present, Epidemiology Committee 1996-2000, Environment Council 1995-1998, Computer Technology/Computer and Informatics Committee 1996-2000, Database Development Task Force Task Force on Computers in Education and Research 1996-2000, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee 2002- 2006, Council on Science and Research 2007-2009, Basic Science Core Curriculum Subcommittee 2007- 2009, Intersociety Liaison Committee 2008-2010, Research Agenda Committee 2011-2012, Teledermatology Committee 2011-2015, Cochair, Cutaneous Oncology Working Group 2011-2017, Ad hoc Task Force on Skin Cancer Screening 2015-2016; Society for Epidemiologic Research 1980-2009; Pennsylvania Medical Society 1893-1984; Massachusetts Medical Society; Middlesex South District Medical Society; American Federation for Clinical Research; New England Dermatological Society: Nominating Committee 1993-1996, Chair, Nominating Committee 1995-1996; National Association of V. A. Dermatologists: 1988-present, Vice-President 1991-1992, President 1992-1993, Nominating Committee 1993-1997, Chair, Nominating Committee 1996-1997; Society for Investigative Dermatology: 1989-present; Committees: Committee on Scientific Programs, Abstract Reviewer, Chair, ad hoc Committee to review NIH guidelines, Committee on Government and Public Relations 1995-1996 Chair, ad hoc Committee on the Quantification of the Impact of Skin Diseases, Steering Committee to Update Research Needs, Committee on Scientific Programs, Abstract Reviewer, Committee on Long-Range Planning and Priorities, Burden of Disease Task Group, Project Advisory Committee on Burden of Skin Disease Co-Morbidities, Board of Directors 2011, Vice-President Elect 2015- 2016, Vice-President 2016-2017; Rhode Island Dermatological Society; American Public Health Association; Founder and Coordinator, Dermatoepidemiology Interest Group, Founder and Charter Member, International DermatoEpidemiology Association, President 1996-1998, Membership and Nominations Committee 1998- 2000 (this group became the International DermatoEpidemiology Association in 1996); Founder and charter

384 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association member, American DermatoEpidemiology Network, President 2002-2003,Board of Directors 2003-2004, Steering Committee 2006-2008; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas; Rhode Island Medical Society; Colegio Ibero-Latinoamericano de Dermatología; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Medical Dermatology Society: Board of Directors 2004-2006, Mentorship Program Committee 2004-2005, President- elect 2006-2008, President 2008-2018; American Association for Cancer Research. Publications: 600. Invited lectures: 323. Outside Interests: Family, Cycling, Hiking, Community engagement.

Robert A. Weiss 2002 Born: January 31, 1953 New York, New York. Current Practice: Maryland Laser Skin and Vein, Medical Director. Education: Undergraduate B.A, Columbia University, New York City 1974; Medical School: M.D, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 1978. Other: 1983-85 Clinical Research Fellow, NIH, Dr. Tom Lawley preceptor. Training in Dermatology: Resident and Fellow, Department of Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1980-1982; Chief Resident, Department of Dermatology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 1982-1983 Academic Appointments: Instructor, Department of Dermatology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD: 1984-1986, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 2004-2007; Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 2013-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2002-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1985-present, Board of Directors 2018-2021, Annual Meeting Evaluation Task Force 2011, Telemedicine Task Force 1999-2000, Education Slide Series Task Force 2003-2005; Member, Maryland Dermatologic Society; Member, The Maryland State Medical Society; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 1996-1999, Treasurer 2000-2003, Vice President 2006-2007, President-Elect 2007-2008, President 2009-2009, Immediate Past President 2009-2010; American College of Phlebology: member 1988-, Fellow 2010-Present, President 1997-1999; North American Society of Phlebology: Secretary 1993-1994, Board of Directors 1991-present, Board of Directors 1995-1996, President-Elect 1996-1996; American Society Laser Medicine and Surgery: Fellow 1995-present Member, Investment Committee 2011-Present, Chair, Audit Committee 2011-2012, Chair, Funding Task Force 2012-2013, Member, Constitution and Bylaws Committee 2012-present; Dermatology Foundation, Leaders Society Co-Chair 1993- 1994; American Board of Dermatology Examination Committee, Part II 2002-2007. Outside Interests: Bike riding.

Diane S. Berson 2003 Born: April 1, 1958. Brooklyn, New York. Current Practice: Private Practice, New York, New York. Education: Undergraduate: Cornell University, College of Arts and Sciences B.A. 1980; Medical School: New York University School of Medicine 1984. Other: Bellevue Hospital Internal Medicine Intern 1984-1985. Training in Dermatology: Downstate 1985-1988, Chief Resident 1987-1988. Academic Appointments: NYU School of Medicine 1988-2002; Weill Cornell Medical College-NY Presbyterian Hospital 2002-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2003 to present; Women’s Dermatologic Society: President 2012, Sports Committee, Pamphlets Committee, Fundraising, Awards Committee, Legacy, Survey Committee, Ethics Committee; American Academy of Dermatology Board of Directors 2018-2022; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Board of Directors 2013-2017; Dermatology Foundation; Acne and Rosacea

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 385 Society (Founding member); Skin Cancer Foundation. Outside Interests: Swimming, bicycling, skiing, dancing, paddle boarding, boating, spending time with family and friends.

Ronald R. Brancaccio 2003 Born: February 10, 1947, New York City. Current Practice: Private group practice Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York City. Education: Undergraduate: Fairfield University BS 1968; Medical School: George Washington University MD 1972. Training in Dermatology: University of Oregon Health Sciences Center 1973-1976. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology Ronald O Perlman Department of Dermatology New York University School of Medicine 1976-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2003-present; American Academy of Dermatology; New York Dermatological Society (President); American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American Contact Dermatitis Society: President, Board of Directors; Dermatology Society of Greater NY, President, Board of Directors; New York State Society of Dermatology, Board of Directors; Bay Ridge Medical Society (President) Atlantic Dermatological Society. Outside Interests: Fishing, theater, gardening.

Bernard A. Cohen 2003 Born: April 2, 1951, Baltimore, Maryland. Current Position: Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: BA University of Pennsylvania; Medical School: MD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Training in Dermatology: Johns Hopkins University. Other Training: Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. Chief Resident in Pediatrics, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. Academic Appointments: Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Director of Pediatric Dermatology University of Pittsburgh 1984-1991, Director of Pediatric Dermatology Johns Hopkins 1991-2014, Interim Chairman of Dermatology Johns Hopkins 2005-2007. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Dermatology Chairman 2010-2015; Society Pediatric Dermatology President 2002; Maryland Dermatology Society, Johns Hopkins Medical and Surgical Society. Outside Interests: Pediatric Dermatology, Author of Pediatric Dermatology, 5th edition pending, Laser Surgery, Horticulture.

Lynn A. Cornelius 2003 Current Position: Professor and Chief, Division of Dermatology, Washington University School of Medicine. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, Washington University Other Training: Internship: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1985; Fellowship Immunodermatology University of North Carolina 1985-86; Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Dermatology, Emory University 1989-1992. Academic Appointments: Instructor Department of Dermatology Emory University School of Medicine Grady

386 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Hospital 1989-1992; Assistant Professor of Dermatology Washington University School of Medicine 1993-2000; Chief of Dermatology John Cochran VA Hospital 1996-1997; Washington University School of Medicine: Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs 1998- 2000, Associate Professor of Dermatology 2000-2010, Chief, Division of Dermatology Department of Medicine 2000-present, Professor of Dermatology Department of Medicine 2010-present, Winfred A. & Emma R. Showman Professor of Dermatology Washington University School of Medicine 2012-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2003-present; Society of Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 2003-2009, Finance Committee 2005- 2009, Vice-President 2013-2014; Dermatology Foundation: Trustee 2000-2008, Vice Chairman, Missouri Chapter; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2002-2011, Secretary-Treasurer 2006-2011, President-elect 2016-present; American Skin Association: Medical Scientific Policy Committee; American Academy of Dermatology: Leadership Advisory Board 2010-present, Diversity Task Force, APD representative 2017-present; American Association of Medical Colleges; Missouri Dermatological Society; St. Louis Dermatological Society.

Alan B. Fleischer, Jr. 2003 Born: June 6, 1961, St. Louis Missouri. Current Position: Professor and Residency Program Director, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati. Education: Undergraduate: University of Missouri-Columbia, A.B. 1982; Medical School: University of Missouri-Columbia, M.D. 1987. Training in Dermatology: University of North Carolina Hospitals 1987-1991. Academic Appointments: Wake Forest University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor 1991-1996, Associate Professor 1996-2001, Professor 2001-2003, and 2011-2015 Professor and Chair 2003-2011; University of Kentucky: Professor 2015-2016; University of Cincinnati: Professor 2018-present. Other: Executive Director Dermatology Merz North America 2011-2015; AbbVie Medical Director 2016-2018. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2003-present; American Academy of Dermatology 1991-present; International Forum for the Study of Itch Founding member 2005 to present, treasurer and board member 2007-present; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 1995-present. Outside Interests: Bicycling, travel, family.

Ilona J. Frieden 2003 Current Position: Professor Emeritus with Recall, Dermatology and Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco (UCSF). Education: Undergraduate: Boston University BA 1973, Medical School: University of California San Francisco School of Medicine MD 1977. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Resident, UCSF 1980-1982; Pediatric Dermatology Training Elective, Children’s Memorial Hospital Chicago 1983. Other Training: Pediatric Intern and Resident, UCSF 1977-1980. Academic Appointments: Clinical Instructor Pediatrics and Dermatology, UCSF; 1983-1988 Staff Dermatologist, Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, Oakland, California; 1983-present; Director, Pediatric Dermatology Clinic, San Francisco General Hospital 1985-1988; Chief of Dermatology Department, Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, Oakland 1985-1992; Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics and Dermatology, UCSF; 1989- 2004; Chief, Pediatric Dermatology Clinics, UCSF 1989-2001; Assistant Director, Pediatric Dermatology,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 387 UCSF 1992-1997; Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatrics and Dermatology, UCSF 1997-2006; Clinical Professor, Pediatrics and Dermatology, UCSF; 2002-present Chief, Division of Pediatric Dermatology, UCSF; 2003-present Consultant, Oakland Children’s Hospital, Tuberous Sclerosis Clinic; 2006 –present Professor, Pediatrics and Dermatology, UCSF; 2011-presdentVice-Chair, UCSF Department of Dermatology. Professional Societies: 2003-present American Dermatological Association; 1983-present Society for Pediatric Dermatology: 1989-1991 Member, Awards & Goals Committee, 1990-1993 Board of Directors, 1999 President-Elect, 1998-2006 Editorial Board, Pediatric Dermatology, 1994-1998 Nominating Committee, 1996-1997 Chair, Nominating Committee, 2003-2006 Chair, meetings committee, 2001-2002 President; 1984-present American Academy of Dermatology, 1985-1988 Member, Task Force on Pediatric Dermatology, 1999-2003 Editorial Board, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1993-1994 Member, Task Force on Pediatric Dermatology, 1995 Chairman, Task Force on Guidelines for Care: Hemangiomas, 2003-2006 Member, Intersociety Liaison Committee, 2010-2013 of Directors, 2011- Scientific Assemblies Committee (SAC), 2005 Designated Mentor, American Academy of Dermatology Academic Dermatology Leadership Program; American Academy of Pediatrics, 1994-1999 Executive Committee, Section of Dermatology 1994-Member, Task Force on Youth Education; 1985-present Women’s Dermatologic Society: 1999-2003 Board of Directors, 1995-1997 Chair, Mentorship Committee, 1993- Mentoring Committee 1996; International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies: 2010-2014 Secretary, 2014-Vice President, 2016 President-Elect, 2018 President, 2020-2022 Past President; 1983-present San Francisco Dermatologic Society; 2018-2022 Pediaa\tric Research Alliance; Founding member, Executive Board, 2018-2022-Co-President. Outside Interests: Hiking, reading, travelling.

Jane M. Grant-Kels 2003 Born: January 29, 1950, New York City, New York. Current Position: University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut: Founding Chair and Chair Emeritus, Department of Dermatology, Presently Vice-Chair, Department of Dermatology, Professor of Dermatology, Pathology and Pediatrics, Dermatology Residency Founding Director Emeritus and presently Associate Residency Director, Dermatopathology Founding Director Emeritus; Founding Director of the Cutaneous On,cology Center and Melanoma Program; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Department of Dermatology, Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Education: Undergraduate: Smith College 1971; Medical School: Cornell University Medical College 1974. Other: Dartmouth Medical College 1970-1971 in lieu of fourth year of college. Training in Dermatology: The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center 1975-1978. Other Training: Pediatrics The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center: 1973-1975 (Internship in lieu of fourth year of medical school; Fellowship in Dermatopathology with A. Bernard Ackerman at NYU Dermatology Department: July 1978 through December 1979 (18 months). Academic Appointments: July 1978 to December 1979 Instructor in Clinical Dermatology, New York University Medical Center Skin and Cancer Hospital, New York City, NY; January 1980 to 1986 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Pathology and Pediatrics, University of Connecticut Health Center and School of Medicine, Farmington, CT; 1986 to 1993 Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center and School of Medicine, Farmington, CT; 1980 to 2013 Assistant Professor of Pathology and Pediatrics, University of Connecticut Health Center and School of Medicine, Farmington, CT; 1993 to 1997, Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine (Division of Dermatology), University of Connecticut Health Center and School of Medicine, Farmington, CT; 1983 to present, Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, Yale University, Department of Dermatology; 1997 to present, Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, University of Connecticut Health Center and School of Medicine, Farmington, CT (2001 – Awarded Tenure); 2004 to present: Director, Melanoma Program within the University of CT Neag Cancer Center; 2006 to present: Director of Dermatology Residency Program, University of CT Health Center, Dermatology Department; 2007 to present: Director, Cutaneous Oncology Center within the Neag Cancer Center, University of CT Health Center; 2010 to present: Director of Dermatoethics Curriculum for University of CT Dermatology Residency

388 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Program; 2013 to present: Promoted to Professor of Pathology and Pediatrics in addition to Professor of Dermatology, University of CT Health Center and Medical School. Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2003-present; New England Dermatological Society 1980-2015; Women’s Dermatology Society since ~1980: WDS Board of Directors 2012 – 2016, Founding Co-editor of the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology 2014-2018; American Academy of Dermatology since 1980-present: , Scientific Assembly Council 2004-2010; Academic Dermatology Leadership Program (ADLP) 2007-present; AAD Board of Directors 2014-2018; AAD VP 2019-2020; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Deputy Editor 2018-present; International Society of Dermatopathology Executive Committee 1994-2001; American Journal of Dermatopathology: section editor 2002-present, editorial board 1992-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology, 1985-present, Board of Directors 1999-2002; President CT Dermatology Society 2003-2004. Outside Interests: Family and friends; needlepoint, exercise, biking, walking, guitar and ukulele, music, theater.

Allan C. Halpern 2003 Born: November 6, 1955. Current Position: Chief, Dermatology Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 1997-present. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania BA 1977; Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine MD 1981; University of Pennsylvania MSc 1991. Training in Dermatology: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 1985-1987. Other Training: Internship and Residency Internal Medicine, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center Bronx, NY 1981-1984; Chief Residency Internal Medicine, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center, Bronx, NY 1984-1985; Mellon Scholar Clinical Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 1987-1988. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Assistant Professor 1989-1997; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, New York Associate Member 1997-2003, Member 2004-present; Weill Medical College of Cornell University Department of Dermatology New York, New York; Associate Professor (Academic Clinical Track) 1997-2003, Professor of Dermatology (Academic Clinical Track) 2004-present. Society Memberships: Member American Dermatological Association 2003-Present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member, Melanoma Skin Cancer Committee 1992-2004, Chairman, Skin Cancer Screening Task Force 1994-1997, Vice Chairman, Melanoma Skin Cancer Committee 1998-2001, Member, Melanoma Guidelines Committee 1996-present, Chair, Melanoma Guidelines Committee 2008-2010, 2015-2017; American Cancer Society: Member, Vice Chairman, Skin Cancer Advisory Group 1997-2015; American Society for Photobiology Member 2000 – Present; International Dermoscopy Society Executive Board 2010-Present; President International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin 2003-Present; Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatology Society Member 1998-Present; Vice-President 1999-2000; President 2000 – 2001; Member, Melanoma National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines Committee 1998-2018; Member, Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Guidelines Committee, National Comprehensive Cancer Network 1998-2006; Co-chairman National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention 2000 – 2008; Member, Technical Advisory Panel National Quality Forum 2006 – 2010; New York Academy of Medicine, Dermatology Section: Member 1998-Present, Secretary 2000 – 2001; New York Dermatological Society: Member 2001-Present, President 2008 – 2009, Secretary-Treasurer 2013-2017; Skin Cancer Foundation Member, Melanoma Education Committee 1995-2005, Member, Scientific Advisory Board 1996-Present, Vice President, Executive Committee 2002-Present; Society of Investigative Dermatology Member 1988 – Present; Member Society for Melanoma Research 2003-Present; Society for Melanoma Research Member, Steering Committee 2010-Present. Awards and Honors: Microbiology Honors Award 1977; Outstanding House Officer of the Year Award 1984;

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 389 Mellon Scholar, University of Pennsylvania 1987; Paul Schaeffer Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center 1988, Gold Award, Original Research, American Academy of Dermatology 1989; Wings of Hope Award, Melanoma Research Foundation, 2003. Career Achievement Award, American Skin Association 2019.

Timothy M. Johnson 2003 Born: May 12, 1958, Midland Texas Current Position: Lewis and Lillian Becker Professor of Dermatology, Professor, Departments of Dermatology, Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, and Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (B.A., Biology) 1980; Medical School: The University of Texas at Houston Medical School, Houston, Texas (Doctorate of Medicine) 1984. Training in Dermatology: Resident, Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas 1988. Other Training: Fellow, American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology (Training Director: Neil A. Swanson, M.D.) 1988-1989; University of Oregon, Department of Dermatology (Training Director: Neil A. Swanson, M.D.) 1989-1990 Academic Appointments: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Department of Dermatology: Lecturer 1988-1989; University of Oregon Health Science Center, Portland, Oregon, Department of Dermatology: Lecturer 1989-1990, Assistant Professor 1990-1996, Associate Professor (with tenure) 1996-2003, Professor 2003-present; William B. Taylor Collegiate Professor of Dermatology, University of Michigan 1999-2005; University of Michigan, Lewis and Lillian Becker Professor of Dermatology 2005-present; Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan Medical Group, Executive Director 2016–2018 Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, 2016–2018. Society Memberships: Dermatology Foundation (Annenberg Circle): member 1997–present, 2000-2002 Nominating Committee (Chair 2002), Trustee 2002, Grant Review Section-Medical and Scientific Committee Clinical and Surgical Panel 2001-2005, Medical and Scientific Committee (Surgery Chair 2002-2005); American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC): 2006-present, AJCC Staging Committee 2006-present, Melanoma Expert Panel Chair 8th Edition AJCC Non-Melanoma-Merkel Cell Carcinoma Skin Panel 2013- 2016, 8th Edition AJCC Member 2013-2016; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery (ACMS): Member 1990-present, Board of Directors 1998-2000, Public Relations and Marketing Committee 1994- 1996, Communications and Public Relations Committee 1995-1998, Task Force on Information Systems and Tumor Registry 1996, Fellowship Training Committee 1996-1998, Task Force on Coding and Reimbursement 1998-2001, Member Nomination Committee 2012-2015, Member Name Change Task Force 2012-2013, National Registry and Outcomes Committee 2014-2016, Fellowship Training Committee Vice Chair 2015- 2017; American Society of Mohs Histotechnologists Board of Directors 1998-2000; Michigan Dermatological Society: 1996–present, President-Elect 2006, President 2007; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: 1991, Board of Directors 1998-2000, Residency Training Committee 1996-1997, Journal Committee 1997- 2000, Dermatologic Surgery (Contributing Editor) 1997 – 2005; American College of Surgeons, Commission on Cancer: ACS Cancer Liaison Physician 1998-2004, Melanoma Patient Care Evaluation Committee 1998; National Comprehensive Cancer Network: Founding Member 1995-present, NCCN Guidelines Melanoma Panel 1996-2006, NCCN Guidelines Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Panel 1997-2006; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Member 1991-present, President-Elect 2007-2008, President 2008-2009; American Academy of Dermatology: member 1990–present, Melanoma Guidelines Task Force 1998-2002, Melanoma/ Skin Cancer Committee 1996-2005 (Chair 2002-2005), Council on Communications 2002-2005, Ad Hoc Task Force on the ABCD’s of Melanoma 2003-2004, Seventh Annual Gold Triangle Awards Judging Panel 2003- 2005, Co-Chair Melanoma Guidelines Committee 2010-2011, Melanoma Guidelines Committee 2017, EPA/ HIEHS Liaison Committee 1993-1995, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Associate Editor) 2005 – 2008, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Editorial Board) 1998 – 2005, Participant, AAD Annual Skin Cancer Detection Day Free Screening Clinic 1990-2016, Local Director/Coordinator of Annual Skin Cancer Detection Day Screening Clinic 1997-2016.

390 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Awards and Honors: Endowed Professorship: William B. Taylor Collegiate Professor of Dermatology, University of Michigan 1999-2005, Lewis and Lillian Becker Professor of Dermatology University of Michigan 2005-present; University of Michigan Dean’s Award Recipient for Clinical Award for the Specialist of the Year 2002; Inaugural Rhoda Martel Honorary Memorial Lectureship “Excellence in Oncology 2002; American Cancer Society Regional Recognition Honor Award: The Hope. Progress. Answers. Award. 2002; Inducted into the League of Clinical Excellence, University of Michigan Medical School 2012; Presidential Citation from the American Head and Neck Society 2012; UM Medical School Token of Appreciation from Medical Students Award 2007 and 2014; William B. Taylor Resident Teaching Award Department of Dermatology University of Michigan 1994; Listed in Hour Detroit magazine Metro Detroit’s Best Doctors, Guide to Top Doctors, Guide to America’s Top Physicians, Best Doctors, America’s Top Doctors for Cancer, Top Doctors U.S. News and World Report; Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Outside Interests: Family, sports, travel, dogs.

Naomi Lawrence 2003 Born: New Orleans, Louisiana. Current Practice: Private Practice, Marlton New Jersey. Education: Undergraduate: Tulane BA 1983; Medical School: Tulane 1987. Training in Dermatology: Tulane. Other Training: Southwestern University, Parkland Hospital Dermatopathology Fellowship; Private practice Mohs fellowship Will Cottel. Academic Appointments: 1993 to present Cooper Hospital, Rowan University. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2003-present; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: President 2015 to 2016, Secretary 7 years, Board 3 years, Director Surgical Directors forum, Chair of Public Relations committee. Outside Interests: Vocal performer, swimming.

Susan Bayliss Mallory 2003 Born: May 12, 1948; San Antonio Texas. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology (Internal Medicine) and Pediatrics Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas, Austin B.A. (Zoology) 1970; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston M.D 1974. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency Geisinger Medical Center Danville, Pennsylvania, 1978-1980 Other Training: Pediatric Internship St. Louis Children›s Hospital St. Louis, MO. 1974-1975; Pediatric Residency Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh 1975-1977. Academic Appointments: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics 1981-1984; University of Arkansas 1984-1987 Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics 1988 1990, Director, Division of Pediatric Dermatology 1990-1996; Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis MO Associate Professor of Internal Medicine (Dermatology) and Associate Professor of Pediatrics Professor of Internal Medicine (Dermatology) and Professor of Pediatrics 1996-present; Dermatology Residency Director 2006-2013. Professional Societies: American Academy of Pediatrics, Subsection Pediatric Dermatology 1980-2007; American Academy of Dermatology, member 1982-present; Joint AAD/Pediatric Dermatology Liaison Committee 1999-2005; Society for Investigative Dermatology, member 1982-Present; Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD): member 1982-Present, President 1996-1997, Archivist 1985-2010; Missouri Dermatologic Society: member 1990-present, Board of Directors 1995-1999; Christian Medical and Dental

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 391 Association, member 1983-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society, member 1984-2000; Academic Women’s Network Washington University: member 1990-present, secretary 1996-2001; International Society of Dermatology member1991-present; Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America Scientific Advisory Board Member 1992-2013; F.I.R.S.T. (Ichthyosis Foundation) Medical Advisory Board 1999-present; American Dermatological Association 2004-present. Outside Interests: Traveling, Mission Trips, Needlework, Gardening, Cooking.

Victor J. Marks 2003 Born: Danville, Pennsylvania, April 2, 1952. Current Position: Associate, Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Health System. Education: Undergraduate: Bucknell University BS Biology 1974; Medical School: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine 1978. Training in Dermatology: University of North Carolina 1981-1983. Other Training: Mayo Internal Medicine 1978-1981. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2003 – present; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, Executive Committee; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology: Treasurer and President; American College of Mohs Surgery: Board of Directors; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.

David A. Mehregen 2003 Born: August 20, 1960, Detroit, Michigan. Current Position: Department of Pathology, Inermountain Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan 1982; Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine 1986. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota Dermatology 1990 and Dermatopathology 1991. Academic Appointments: 2012-Present Professor, Dermatology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI; 2006-2012 Associate Professor, Dermatology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI; 2012-present Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Michigan, State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, East Lansing, Michigan; 2003-Present Clinical Associate Professor, Pathology, Medical University of Ohio, Toledo, OH. Professional Societies: 2003-Present American Dermatological Association; 2007-present, Association of Professors of Dermatology; 1995-present European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology; 1991-present American Society of Dermatopathology; 1991-present American Academy of Dermatology; 1991-present International Society of Dermatopathology; 1991-present Michigan Dermatological Society; 1991-present Michigan State Medical Society; 1991-present American Medical Association. Outside Interests: Skiing, fishing, travel.

Gary D. Monheit 2003 Born: April 10, 1944 Ossining, New York. Current Position: Private Practice, Total Skin and Beauty Dermatology Center, Birmingham, Alabama; Clinical Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Dermatology and Ophthalmology, Birmingham, Alabama Education: Undergraduate: University of Arizona 1966; Medical School: University of Colorado,1970. Training in Dermatology: University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1977.

392 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Military Service: 1971-73 United States Public Health Service, Indian Division assigned to the Internal Medicine service of the Phoenix Indian Medical Center; 1971 Served for three months as medical officer on U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Pontchartrain. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital, Birmingham, AL, Chairman, 1985-present; Total Skin and Beauty Dermatology Center, Program Director, ACGME Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Fellowship 2006-present; University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical School, Department of Dermatology Birmingham, AL, 2017-present: Clinical Professor, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology 1985-1997: Associate Professor 1998-2017; Clinical Professor 2018-present. Professional Societies: International Peeling Society: Founding member 2012-present, Secretary 2015-current; Dermatology Foundation: 1989-current, Leader’s Society 1990-present; Association of Surgical Faculty: Program Chairman 1986-present; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member 1981-present; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery: Member 1982, Fellow 1985, President: 2001, President-elect 2000; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member 1978-present, Awards Work Group 2017-current; Skin Healthy Cycle Task Force Co-Chair 2017-current, President 2005-2006 President-elect, 2004-2005, Vice President 2003-2004. Professional Conduct Committee 2012-2015 Chair 2015; American College of Mohs Surgery Fellow 1988-present; American Academy of Dermatology Fellow1978-current; Alabama Dermatologic Society 1974-current; American Medical Association 1974-current. Awards and Honors: Best Doctors in America (Selected by peers for inclusion in Best Doctors in America®)1994-2020; University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor of the Year 2019 -for instruction to Dermatology Residents; Samuel J. Stegman Award for Distinguished Service (American Society for Dermatologic Surgery) 2014; U.S. Coast Guard service award for a medical sea rescue at Ocean Station Victor September 1971. Outside Interests: History, travel, biking, and photography. The Gary D. Monheit, MD Endowed Professorship Position was recently established in the UAB Department of Dermatology.

Kathryn Schwarzenberger 2003 Born: Dallas T​exas May 24, 1960. Current Position: ​Oregon Health and Science University, Professor of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas at Arlington, 1983, BA in Philosophy​; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston MD 1987​. Training in Dermatology: Duke University Medical Center dermatology residency 1990-92. Other Training: Duke University Medical Center internal medicine residency 1987-1990; Immunodermatology fellowship, National Institutes of Health, NCI, Dermatology Branch 1993-1995. Academic Appointments: 2017 to present Professor of Dermatology Oregon Health & Science University; 2013-2016 Amonette-Rosenberg Endowed Chair of Excellence in Dermatology, Professor of Dermatology, Kaplan-Amonette Department of Dermatology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; 2011- 2013 Professor of Medicine Division of Dermatology University of Vermont College of Medicine; 2008-2013 Associate Chief Division of Dermatology Fletcher Allen Health Care; 2006-2013, Residency Program Director Division of Dermatology University of Vermont College of Medicine; 2006-2011 Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Dermatology University of Vermont College of Medicine; 2003-2006 Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) Dartmouth Medical School Hanover, NH; 2002-2003 Visiting Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) and Instructor in Medicine Dartmouth Medical School Hanover, NH; 1999-2002 Associate Professor of Dermatology and Medicine Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC; 1996-1999 Assistant Professor of Medicine Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC; 1995-1999 Assistant Professor of Dermatology Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: 2003-present Nominating Committee, member,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 393 2009 First Five Year Committee, chair; 2005-2010 First Five Year Committee member; American Academy of Dermatology: 2016-present; Council on Community, Corporate and Philanthropic Relations, adviser, 2015- 2016 Ad hoc Nominating Committee, member, 2014-2016 Council on Government Affairs, Health Policy and Practice, adviser, 2012-2016 of Directors, 2012-2016 Council on Member Services, board liaison, 2012-2013 Guidelines on Atopic Dermatitis Workgroup, member, 2011-present Workgroup on Innovation in Payment and Delivery, member and chair, 2010-2014 Taskforce on ACOs, member, 2010-2013 Access to Dermatologic Care Task Force, chair, 2009-2013 Council on Government Affairs, Health Policy & Practice, member, 2009- 2013 Health Care Delivery Committee, chair, 2008-2011 Women’s Health Task Force, chair, 2005-2007 Women’s Health Task Force, member, 2002-2005 Regulatory Text Editorial Team, member, 1999-2004Needs Assessment Committee, member, 1998-2002 Occupational Dermatology Committee, member, 1998 Task Force on Latex Allergy, member; American Board of Dermatology: 2011-2013 General medical dermatology test writing committee; Association of Professors of Dermatology: 2014-2017 Board of Directors, 2014- 2017 Program committee, member and chair (2017): Women’s Dermatologic Society: 2016-present Awards Committee, member 2012-2016, Nominating Committee, member and chair, 2007-2010 Secretary and Member of Executive Committee, 2008-2010 Academic Interest Group, co-chair, 2006-2007, Awards Committee, member, 2005-2007 Website Committee, member, 2003-2006 Editorial Committee chairman and editor of WDS newsletter, 2003-2006 Executive Committee, member ex officio, 2001-2005 Membership Committee, member, 2001-2002 Membership Committee Co-chair, 2000-2005 Long Range Planning Committee, member, 1998-2002 Board of Directors, 1997-1999 Membership Committee, chair 1999; American Contact Dermatitis Society:1998-2001 Board of Directors, 1998-2000 Committee to review resident publications, chair, 1999 & 2001 Nominating Committee, member; Dermatology Foundation 2008-2013 State Leader for Vermont, Maine, 2004-2007 State Leader for New Hampshire and Maine; Medical Dermatology Society: 2005-2008 Finance Committee, member; Vermont Dermatologic Society: 2008-2011 President 2006-2013; South Carolina Dermatological Society: 1995-2002 member; New Hampshire Medical Society: 2002-2006 member; Tennessee Medical Society 2015-present member; American Medical Association: 2015—present member; Oregon Dermatology Society: 2017-present member. Outside Interests: Cycling, gardening, raising too many pets! ​

Patricia S. Walker 2003 Born: June 6, 1959. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Current Position: President and Founder of Walker Consulting and Walker Dermatology, Carpinteria and Santa Barbara, California. Education: Undergraduate: 1982 BS General Science, minor in Math and Chemistry minors, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; Medical School: 1990 MD PhD University of Iowa. PhD in physiology and biophysics. Other: Internal Medicine internship, University of Minnesota 1990-91. Training in Dermatology: University of Iowa 1991-1993. Other Training: Fellowship, 1993-1997 National Institute of Health, Dermatology Branch, Bethesda, Maryland. Academic Appointments: University of California, Irvine; Clinical faculty, 1997-2004. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2003-present; American Academy of Dermatology, Society for Investigative Dermatology; Women’s Dermatologic Society, Tricounty Dermatology Society. Outside Interests: Snow skiing, hiking, stand up paddle boarding, knitting, music, traveling, spending time in Montana with my family.

394 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Jonathan K. Wilkin 2003 Born: October 8, 1945, Columbus, Ohio Current Practice: Fully Retired. Education: Undergraduate: Ohio State University BA 1967; Graduate: Ohio State University MS 1971; Medical School: Ohio State University MD 1974. Military Service: US Army Airmobile Artillery Sergeant 1968-1970; Service in Vietnam February 1969-February 1970. Training in Dermatology: University of Tennessee Health Sciences (Memphis) 1975-1978. Other Training: University of Louisville, Obstetrics/Gynecology 1974-1975; Diplomate American Board of Dermatology; Diplomate American Board of Clinical Pharmacology. Academic Appointments: University of Texas Medical School (Houston) Assistant Professor 1978-1982; Medical College of Virginia Associate and Full Professor 1982-1988; Ohio State University Full Professor and Director 1988-1994; FDA Dermatology Drugs Division Director 1994-2005; Pharmaceutical Consulting 2005-2017. Society Memberships: AAD, ADA, SID, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Outside Interests: Japanese, Chinese and Korean painting and calligraphy; Japanese language and literature.

Brian D. Zelickson 2003 Current Position: Dermatologist, United Skin Specialists, Ltd; Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Univesity of Minnesota. Education: Undergraduate: University of Colorado, Boulder 1978; Medical School: Mayo Medical School MD 1982. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Graduate School of Medicine 1987-1990. Academic Appointments: University of Minnesota Medical School, Department of Dermatology 1990-present. 1998-2008 Abbott Northwestern Hospital Laser Center, Director; 1998-2001 Allina Teledermatology Program, Director; 1996 -1997 Minneapolis Academy of Medicine, President; 1995-1996 Minneapolis Academy of Medicine, Vice President; 1995-1998 Telemedicine Committee Board Member, Allina Health Care; 1992-1997 Institute for Minimally Invasive Technology, Abbott; Northwestern Hospital, Research Committee and Board of Directors; 1991 IRB Committee Methodist Hospital; 1988-1989 Mayo Clinic Department of Dermatology, Research Committee Society Memberships: 2012-2013 American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery: 1999-2001 Nominating Committee Chairman, Executive Committee Member, Board Member, 1997-2001, Government Liaison/ Blue Ribbon Committee, 1997-1998 International Affairs Committee, 2011-2012 American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, President Elect; 1998 -2008 Abbott Northwestern Hospital Laser Center, Director; 1998 -2001 Allina Teledermatology Program, Director; 1996-1997 Minneapolis Academy of Medicine, President; 1995-1996 Minneapolis Academy of Medicine, Vice President; 1995 -1998 Telemedicine Committee Board Member, Allina Health Care; 1992-1997 Institute for Minimally Invasive Technology, Abbott; Northwestern Hospital, Research Committee and Board of Directors; 1991 IRB Committee Methodist Hospital; 1988 -1989 Mayo Clinic Department of Dermatology, Research Committee.

Tina Alster 2004 Born: December 30, 1959, Washington, DC. Current Practice: Director, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Georgetown University Medical Center Washington, DC. Education: Undergraduate: Duke University, BSN 1981; Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine, MD 1986.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 395 Academic Appointments: 1991-present, Clinical Professor, Medicine, Dermatology, Georgetown University; 2008-present, Consulting Associate, Duke University. Training in Dermatology: Yale University, Department of Dermatology, Resident in Dermatology 1987-1989. Other Training: Fellowship in Dermatologic Laser Surgery, Boston University Department of Dermatology 1989-1990. Professional Societies: Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2004-present; American Academy of Dermatology: 1990-present, International Affairs Committee, Pamphlets Task Force, Task Force on Appropriate Utilization of Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners; American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery: 1992-present Board of Directors 2000-2003, Government Liaison/Blue Ribbon Committee, Electronic Communications Committee; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 1994-present: Board of Directors 2002-2005, Public Service/ Pro Bono Committee, Member Recruitment/Retention Committee, Preservation of Dermatologic Surgery Committee, Preceptorship Program Committee; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: State Legislative Liaison, Council on Communications and Public Relations, Public Service Committee, Silent Auction Committee, Task Force on Branding (Chairperson), Committee on Media and Public Relations, Cutting Edge Research Grant Program Task Force, Industry Advisory Committee, Industry Liaison Work Group, Media and Public Relations Work Group; International Society for Cosmetic Laser Surgeons; American Medical Association 1986-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society; Medical Society of the District of Columbia 1990-present: 1993-1994 Representative & Alternate AMA Delegate, 1993-1997 Board of Credentials, Medical Society of DC, Membership Committee; Dermatology Foundation: Board of Trustees 1996-2005, Annenberg Circle Founder, Dermatology Foundation Leaders Society, New York Regional Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Honorary Member, Brazilian Laser Society; Founding Member, International Academy of Laser Medicine & Surgery; Honorary Member, Canadian Laser Aesthetic Surgery Society; International Advisory Board, World Congress of International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology; Atlantic Dermatologic Society Steering Committee; Medical Advisory Board, Sturge-Weber Foundation; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors 2004-2007, Annual Meeting Planning Committee Chair, 2003, Awards Committee, Mentorship Committee Chairperson, Long Range Planning Committee Chairperson, Vice President, Women’s Dermatologic Society, Chair, Annual Meeting & Luncheon Program; Duke University Board of Visitors 2003-2008. Awards and Honors: ASLMS Leon Goldman Lectureship Award (2001), Samuel Zakon Memorial Lectureship Award (2001), Castle & Connolly’s America’s Top Doctors List (2001-present), Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare (2002-present), ASLMS Best Clinical Paper Award (2002),Two Thousand Notable American Women (2002), More Magazine Best Dermatologist (2003), Allure Influencer of the Year (2003), Sturge-Weber Foundation tribute recipient (2004), Who’s Who of American Women (2005), ASDS Public Service Award (2005), AAD Member Making a Difference Award (2007), Women’s Dermatologic Society (WDS) Mentor of the Year Award (2007), U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award (2010), US News & World Report Top Doctors (2011-2016), America’s Top Doctors (2011-present), WDS Legacy Award (2014), AAD Presidential Citation Award (2017), ASDS Excellence in Education Award (2017), ASLMS Leadership, Mentorship & Public Advocacy for Women in Medical Science Award (2018), Dermatology Foundation Practitioner of the Year Award (2019), ASDS Samuel Stegman Award for Distinguished Service (2019) Outside Interests: Travel, Visual & Decorative Arts, Architecture, Fashion.

Rodney Basler 2004 Born: January 8, 1946, West Point, Nebraska. Current Practice: Private Practice: South Lincoln Dermatology Clinic, Fremont Dermatology Clinic, Skin P.C. Education: University of Nebraska BA-BS English-Chemistry 1967; Medical School: University of Nebraska College of Medicine MD 1971. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan Department of Dermatology 1972-1975. Academic Appointments: University of Arizona Medical School Clinical Associate in Internal Medicine Division

396 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association of Dermatology 1975-1977; University of Nebraska Clinical Assistant Professor 1978- 1986; Chief, Section of Dermatology Veterans Administration Hospital Lincoln Nebraska. Professional Societies (selected): American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology: Advisory Council representative, Taskforce on State and Federal Issues, Vice-Chair of the Advisory Board, Taskforce on Special Olympics, Committee for Sports medicine, Committee on third-party reimbursement, Organizational Structure Committee, Investments Committee, Chair of Advisory Board, Council on Health Policy and Practice, Board of Directors, Candidate for Vice-President; Society for Investigative Dermatology, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Women’s Dermatological Association; Dermatology Foundation: Annenberg Circle Committee Chair. Awards and Honors: Phi Beta Kappa University of Nebraska, Faculty Recognition Award University of Nebraska. Outside Interests: Travelling with family, stamp collecting, fishing and golf. University of Nebraska Board of Trustees.

Brian Berman 2004 Born: December 6, 1948 New York, New York. Current Position/Practice: Emeritus Professor of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL; Co-Director Center for Clinical and Cosmetic Research, Aventura, FL. Education: Undergraduate: Brooklyn College, City College of New York BS 1970; Medical School: New York University School of Medicine MD 1976. Other: New York University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences M.S., Ph.D. 1976; Institut Curie, Section de Biologie, Institut National pour la Santé et de Réchérche Médicale, Unité 196, Paris, France: Visiting Professor 3/89 -8/89, Member Étranger 1990-1993. Training in Dermatology: Resident New York University School of Medicine 1976-1979. Other: N.I.H. Fellow in Dermatology and Immunology, Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine (July 1977 June 1979). Academic Appointments: Emeritus Professor of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami 2012; Professor of Dermatology and Internal Medicine, University of Miami 1992-2012; Chairman, Department of Dermatology Mt. Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach FL 1992-1994; Chief Dermatology Service, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Martinez CA 1983-1992; Vice-Chairman, Department of Dermatology, University of California, Davis 1983-1992; Professor of Dermatology, University of California, Davis 1989-1992; Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of California, Davis 1983-1989; Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 1980-3. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2008-2012 and 2017-2018, Vice-President 2017-2018; American Dermatological Association: Director 2017-2021, Vice-President 2017- 2018, President 2019-2020; American Cutaneous Oncology Society: Secretary 2014-present; National Association of Veterans Affairs Dermatologists: Founder 1986, President 1986-1988, Board of Directors 1986- 1994, Chairman 1988-1989; Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education Board of Trustees 1988-2002. Outside Interests: Art history, Oenology, Travel, Basketball.

Michael Bigby 2004 Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. Education: Undergraduate: Princeton University BA 1971; Medical School: Harvard Medical School MD 1975. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School 1982-1985.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 397 Other Training: Internal Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital 1975-1978. Academic Appointments: 07/79-06/80 Clinical Instructor, Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle; 07/80-06/81 Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle; 07/88-06/91 Instructor Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston; 07/91-06/03 Assistant Professor, Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston; 07/03-present, Associate Professor, Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Professional Societies: 1988-1990, American Federation for Clinical Research, Member; 1979-1982, American college of Physicians, Member; 1983-1985, Massachusetts Medical society, Member; 1984-1996, American Association for the advancement of Science, Member; 1985-Present, American Academy of Dermatology: 1988-1992 Task Force of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology, 2000-2004 Epidemiology Committee, 2001-2004 Quality of Care Task Force, 2005-2010 Clinical Guidelines Task Force; 1985-Present, Society of Investigative Dermatology, Member; 1987-Present, New England Dermatology Society, Member; 1987-1990, American Occupational Medical Association, Member; 2007-2008, Massachusetts Medical Society, Member. Outside Interests: Fishing, Cooking, Running.

David Brodland 2004 Born: April 5, 1959, Canton South Dakota. Current Practice/Position: Private practice, Z & B Skin Cancer Center, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania; Assistant Professor Departments of Dermatology, ENT and Plastic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh. Education: Undergraduate: Southern Illinois University BA Physiology 1981; Medical School: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine MD 1985. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic, Rochester 1986-1989. Other Training: Mohs and Reconstructive Surgery 1989-90, Director: John A. Zitelli MD. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology Mayo Clinic, 1990-97. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2004-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Guidelines Committee; American College of Mohs Surgery, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Annual Meeting Planning Committee, Masters Dermatologic Association, Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, Pittsburgh Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Cutaneous Oncology Research Cooperative (CORC), Family Grandkids, Golf, Skiing

David Cohen 2004 Born: February 14, 1965, Brooklyn, New York. Current Practice: Charles C. and Dorothea E. Harris Professor and Vice Chairman for Clinical Affairs; Director of Allergic, Occupational, and Environmental Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine. Education Undergraduate: CUNY City College BS 1987 [7 year BS/MD program]; Medical School: SUNY Stony Brook MD 1989. Other: Columbia School of Public Health MPH 1992. Training in Dermatology: NYU 1990-1993. Other Training: Resident in Occupational Medicine. Columbia University School of Public health 1994. Academic Appointments: Assistant, Associate, Professor and Harris Professor of Dermatology 1993-present; Master Clinician New York University Medical Center 2016. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: President 2016-2017; American Acne and

398 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Rosacea Society: 2005-2009 Founding Board Member; American Contact Dermatitis Society: President 2003-2004; New York Dermatological Association: President 2013-2014; New York Academy of Medicine: Dermatology Section President 2006-2007; AAD, New York Dermatological Association, American Contact Dermatitis Society.

Zoe Diana Draelos 2004 Born: October 13, 1958, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Current Practice: President, Dermatology Consulting Services, PLLC, High Point, NC. Education: Undergraduate: University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineer (BSME) 1979; Medical School: University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; MD; 1983. Training in Dermatology: University of Arizona, Dermatology Residency 1984-1987. Other Training: Internship in Internal Medicine, University of Arizona 1983-1984. Academic Appointments: Consulting Professor, Department of Dermatology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, 2009-present; Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, 1997-2007; Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, 1988-1997, Clinical Instructor, Department of Dermatology, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, 1987-1988. Professional Societies: Women’s Dermatologic Society, Secretary 1992, 1988-present; Sigma Xi Research Honorary 1983-present; Alpha Omega Alpha, Wake Forest Chapter 1983-present; American Contact Dermatitis Society, Board of Directors 1995-1998.American Dermatological Association 2005-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President 2012, Vice-President Elect, 2011, Board of Directors 2011, Liaison to the American Medical Association Patient Advisory Board 2008-2011, Chair, Council on Communications, 2010-2014, Editorial Mentor, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD), 2014-present, Dermatology Research Council 2012, Dermatology Delegate, American Medical Association 2012, Legislative Delegate, Washington, DC, 2011-2012, Member, AAD Executive Search Committee 2012- 2013, Member, Advisory Board 2012-2013, Deputy Chair, Communications Council 2009-2010, Chairman, Pamphlets Committee 2006-2014, Council on Communications 2006-2010, Task Force on Disclosure of Interest 2003,Task Force to Examine the Review Process for Public Relation Campaigns 2003, Industry Liaison Committee 2003-2005, Council on Communications 2004-2005, Executive Director Search Committee 2004, Task Force for Leadership Mentoring 2004, Task Force on Sunscreen Seal of Approval 2004,Task Force for the Dermatologic Surgery Journal 2005, Task Force to Examine the Nominating and Election Process 2005; North Carolina Dermatology Association: Vice President 1999, President, 2000; International Society of Cosmetic Dermatology 1996-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society Secretary 1992, 1988-present; Sigma Xi Research Honorary 1983-present; Alpha Omega Alpha, Wake Forest Chapter 1983-present; American Contact Dermatitis Society, Board of Directors 1995-1998. Outside Interests: Clarinet and Saxophone; Audiophile; Swimming, Stained Glass, Aviation.

Steven Feldman 2004 Born: July 9, Washington, DC. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Pathology and Social Sciences & Health Policy, Wake Forest School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: University of Chicago AB 1980; Medical School: Duke University MD, PhD 1985. Training in Dermatology: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 1987-90. Other Training: Dermatopathology, Medical University of South Carolina 1990-91. Academic Appointments: Wake Forest School of Medicine: 1991-1996 Assistant

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 399 Professor 1996-2001 Associate Professor, 2001-present Professor Departments of Dermatology and Pathology. Outside Interests: Magic tongue depressors, Curator, Jewish Museum of the Palestinian Experience (

Philip Fleckman 2004 Born: April 27, 1946, Port Arthur, Texas. Current Position: Professor of Medicine (dermatology) University of Washington School of Medicine; Chief, dermatology section Veterans Administration Puget Sound health care system. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas, Austin, BA chemistry 1968; Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine 1973. Training in Dermatology: Yale University 1978-1980. Other Training: Intern Medicine Barnes Hospital 1973-74; research associate, lab of neurochemistry, NIMH, NIH 1974-76; medical officer, research, lab of neurochemistry, NIMH, NIH 1976-78. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, Yale University School of Medicine: instructor 1980-81, associate professor 1981-82; University of Washington school of medicine: assistant professor, division of Dermatology 1982-88, associate professor, division Dermatology 1988-01, professor 2001- Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 1978-present, resident-fellow committee 1987-91, ad hoc committee research fellowships 1994-96, scientific program committee 1905-10; American Academy of Dermatology Member 1980-present; Council for Nail Disorders: Member 1995-present, First Vice President 1999-2001, President 2001-2003, board of trustees 1995-, research grant committee 1995.

Sheila Fallon Friedlander 2004 Born: 07/29/53 Current Position/Practice: Professor Pediatrics & Dermatology. University of California San Diego. Education: Undergraduate: University of Chicago BA; Medical School: Pritzker University of Chicago Training in Dermatology: University of California Los Angeles 87-91 Other Training: Pediatric residency. 79-82. Einstein Chief Res 82-83; Infectious Diseases fellowship 84-86. Academic Appointments: UCLA, then UCSD. Professional Societies: Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Women’s Dermatologic Society, Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society American Academy of Dermatology. Many committees Outside Interests: My family!

Anita C. Gilliam 2004 Born: June 19, 1943, Texas. Education: Undergraduate: Duke University; Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern 1988. Other: M.S and Ph.D. University of Texas Dallas, Mollecular Biology. Training in Dermatology: Yale New Haven Hospital 1989-1992 Other Training: University of Texas Health Science Center Dallas, Immunology fellowship 1979-1984; University of Pennsylvania, Dermatopathology Fellowship 1993-1995.

400 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Academic Appointments: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: Assistant Professor of Dermatopathology 1995, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 2002, Professor of Dermatology 2005; Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto California: Dermatopathologst 2007. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2004; American Academy of Dermatology: Basic Dermatopathology faculty 2001-2007, Dermatopathology CPC director 2007, Advanced Dermatopathology director 2008; American Society of Dermatopathology, Mentorship Chairman 2007; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Membership Chairman 1999, Board of Directors 2001-2005; American Board of Pathology, Test Committee Dermatopathology section 2001-2005; NIH grand reviewer 1999-2007. Awards and Honors: Southwestern Medical School: Iatros Award; Palo Alto Medical Foundation: Excellence in Teaching. Outside Interests: Family, art. Deceased 2015.

Warren Heymann 2004 Born: Queens, New York. Current Position: Head, Division of Dermatology, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: New York University BA 1975; Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine MD 1979. Training in Dermatology: Albert Einstein Affiliated Hospitals (Bronx, NY): 1980-1983. Other Training: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (Dermatopathology): 1984-1985. Academic Appointments: Too many to list. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Society of Investigative Dermatology; Society of Pediatric Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology (former President, 1994); Philadelphia Dermatological Society (former President, 2000); Dermatology Foundation. Outside Interests: Reading, Travel, Baseball.

Sewon Kang 2004 Born: Seoul, Korea. Current Position: Noxell Professor & Chairman Johns Hopkins University. Education: Undergraduate: Williams College BA 1980; Medical School: University of Michigan. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital 1988-1992. Academic Appointments: University of Michigan Medical School 1992-2008; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 2008-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, 2004-present; Audit committee 2009-2012; Honorary Membership committee 2016-2020 American Acne & Rosacea Society: President 2015 -2017; Founding Director 2005 – 2008; American Skin Association: Medical Advisory Board 2011-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2012-2015; Dermatology Foundation: Vice President 2020 -present, Executive Committee 2015 -present, Board of Trustees 2005-present, Chair, Medical & Scientific Committee 2005, Chair, Nominating

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 401 Committee 2006; Photomedicine Society: President 2012-2016; Board of Directors 2003 – 2011;Skin of Color Society: Founding Member of the Board of Directors 2002-2007; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Vice President-Elect 2020-2021, Board of Directors 2005-2010, Executive Committee 2008-2010. Outside Interests: Golf & travel.

Clark Otley 2004 Born: August 14, 1964 Montclair, New Jersey. Current Position: Professor and Consultant, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Medical Director, Department of Business Development, Mayo Clinic. Education: Undergraduate: Williams College BA 1986; Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine MD 1991. Other: Internship in Internal Medicine; Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA 1991-1992. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Combined Dermatology Program; 1992-1995; Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Mayo Clinic, 1995-1996. Academic Appointments: Professor of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, 2006. Professional Societies (Partial List): Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education: Procedural Dermatology Milestones Group- Workgroup Member-11/2013 – 10/2015; Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Member-01/1989 – Present; American Academy of Dermatology (Partial list): Member-01/1992 – Present, CME Program Review Committee/Task Force- Member-01/1998 – 01/2002, Xeroderma Pigmentosum Expert Resource Group- Member-01/2001 – 01/2002; American Board of Dermatology (Partial list):, BASIC Examination Development Committee- Committee Member-2017 – Present, CORE Examination Development Committee-Committee Member-2017 – Present, Board of Directors- 01/2010 – 12/2017, Communications Committee-Member-01/2013 – 12/2015,Examination Innovation Task Force- Member-01/2012 – Present, Examination of the Future Committee-Co-Chair-2016 – Present, Executive Committee-Member-2016 – Present, Vice President-2018 – Present, Finance & Audit Committee- Member-01/2014 – Present, Nominating & Board Development Committee-Member-2016 – 2017, Vice Chair-2018, Surgical Dermatology Content Development Committee-Chair-01/2014 – 12/2016 Vice Chair-01/2017 – Present; American College of Mohs Surgery: Member-01/1997 – Present, Frederick E. Mohs Award Committee Member-01/2007 – 01/2011 and 01/2013 -04/2015 Chair-2017 – 2019, Procedural Dermatology Name Change Task Force-Participant-2012 – Present; American Dermatological Association- Member-01/2005 – Present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member-01/1997 – Present, Board of Directors- Member-01/2007 – 12/2009, Bylaws Committee- Member-01/1998 – 01/2001, Chair-01/2001 – 01/2003, Evidence-Based Medicine Task Force-Member-09/2010 – 08/2013, Research Committee- Member-01/2001 – 01/2003, Subcommittee on Skin Cancer- Member-01/2003 – 01/2005; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery: Member-01/1995 – 01/2002; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Member-01/1999 -12/2008, Secretary/Treasurer-01/2006 – 12/2008, Board of Directors- Member-01/2002 – 01/2005; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Member-01/2008 – Present, Nominating Committee-Member-01/2008 – 11/2011 Procedural Dermatology Section-Steering Committee- Member-01/2009 – 12/2009;, American College of Mohs Surgery Board of Directors - 01/2003 – 01/2006. Outside Interests: Family time; outdoor sports and activities.

George Stricklin 2004 Born: July 11, 1949. Current Position: Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Director, Division of Dermatology Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; Chief, Section of Dermatology, Tennessee Valley Healthcare System Nashville Campus (Retired). Education: Undergraduate: David Lipscomb College, B.A., Nashville, TN, 1971; Medical School: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, M.D., Ph.D. 1977.

402 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Training in Dermatology: Washington University/Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, MO, 1979-1982. Other Training: Internship: Shands Teaching Hospital & Clinics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 1978-79. Academic Appointments: Instructor in Medicine (Dermatology), Washington University, St. Louis, MO 1981-82; Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Washington University,1982 – 1984; Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN, 1984-1987; Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 1988-1997; Chief, Dermatology Section, Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Nashville, TN, 1988-2015; Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 1997-2015; Director, Division of Dermatology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 2002-2015. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Southern Society for Clinical Investigation; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 1997-2002, Vice President 2009-2010; Dermatology Foundation: Medical & Scientific Review Committee, 1997 – 2000, Chair, 2000; Tennessee Dermatology Society; Nashville Dermatology Society; National Association of VA Dermatologists: Board of Directors 1984-1988, Secretary-Treasurer 1996-1999, President, 2001-2002. Outside Interests: Photography, Ballroom Dance, Boating & Fishing.

Robert Swerlick 2004 Born: Buffalo, New York. Current Position: Professor and Alicia Leizman Stonecipher Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: College of William and Mary BS 1975: Medical School: University of Virginia School of Medicine MD 1979. Other: Internship: Baltimore City Hospital 1979-80. Training in Dermatology: University of Virginia 1980-83. Other Training: Immunodermatology Fellowship, National Institutes of Health, NCI, Dermatology Branch, 1985-88. Academic Appointments: 1983-85 Assistant Professor, Dermatology, University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, OK, 1988-94 Assistant Professor, Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, 1994-2010 Associate Professor, Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, 2007-2008 Interim Chair, Department of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine, 2008-present Chair, Department of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine, 2010-present Alicia Leizman Stonecipher Chair, 2010-present Professor, Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Membership Committee, 2010-2014 2008-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: President-Elect 2017-2018, Resident & Fellow Committee 1995-1998, Finance Committee 2001-2004, Education Committee, Ex Officio Member, 2004- 2011; American Academy of Dermatology: NIAID Liaison Committee 1995-1998, Environmental Council, 1997-2000, Therapeutics/FDA Committee 1997-2000, Coding and Reimbursement Committee 2001-2007, Science and Research Council 2008-2012, Safety Task Force 2008-2014, Task Force on Medical Errors Chair, 2008-2014, Mohs Appropriate Use Committee Ad Hoc Task Force Reviewer 2011, Adverse Drug Reaction Guideline Work Group 2011-2014, Council on Science and Research Agenda Work Group 2011-2014, Ad Hoc Workgroup on Innovations in Payment and Delivery 2011-present, Co-Chair, Ad Hoc Workgroup on Data Collection, 2016-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Tennis, Golf, Hiking, Reading, Blogging, Ballroom dancing.

Stan Taylor 2004 Born: May 8, 1959, Tyler, Texas. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology at University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 403 Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas Austin/Plan II (Honors Liberal Arts) 1981; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch MD 1985. Other: Internship: University of Oklahoma Rotating Internship 1986. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan 1989. Other Training: Fellowship: University of Michigan Immunodermatolgy 1990; Fellowship: Oregon Health Sciences University Mohs Surgery 1991. Academic Appointments: University of Texas Southwestern: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1991, 1997 Associate Professor of Dermatology 2002, Professor of Dermatology, Associate Vice President and Chief Medical Officer 2011, Associate Vice President of Ambulatory Space Planning 2015. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2004-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member, 1986-present, Member Government Affairs Committee 2001-04, Member Task Force on Core Competencies in Procedural Skills 2003-06, Member Joint AAD/ASDS Procedural Credentialing Task Force 2004-06; Texas Dermatological Society: Member 1991-present; Dallas Dermatological Society: Member 1991-present; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: Member 1991-present, Chair, Council on Education and Research Activities 1996-2000 Reviewer, Cutting Edge Research Grant Review Committee 2000-2003, Member, Bylaws Committee 2003-2007; American College of Mohs Surgery: Member 1992-present; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Member 1992-2008, Chair, Curriculum Committee 1996-1998, Member, Database Subcommittee 1997-1998, Member, Board of Directors 1997-2000, Secretary/Treasurer 2000-2003, Chair Bylaws Committee 2002, Chair Curriculum Review Committee 2002-2005, President-Elect 2003-2005, President 2005-2007; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Member 2008-2013, Member Program Planning Committee 2011; Dallas County Medical Society: Member 1991-present; Texas Medical Association: Member 1991-present; American Medical Association: Member, 1985-present; Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education: Member, Procedural Dermatology Work Group, Residency Review Committee for Dermatology 2003-2006, 2008-2013, Chair, Residency Review Committee for Procedural Dermatology 2010-2012; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology: Member, Task Force on Information Systems and Tumor Registry 1996-2002, Member, Bylaws Committee 1997-1998, Member, Board of Directors 1998-2001, Member, Database Committee 1999-2002, Member Mohs Award Selection Committee 2004; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; Dermatology Foundation: Reviewer, Grant Review Committee 2000-2008, Chair Grant Review Committee 2007-2008, Regional Organizer, Fund Raising 2005; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Resident Member, Board of Directors 1989-1991. Outside Interests: Clinic space design, interiors, renovations and new construction; Agriculture: orchard management; Wood and metal working: furniture design and construction.

Abel Torres 2004 Born: New York, New York. Current Position: Professor and Chairman Department of Dermatology University of Florida at Gainesville, Gainesville, Florida. Education: Undergraduate/Medical School: 6 Yr BS-MD at The Sophie Davis Center for Biomedical Education, City College of New York of CUNY BS-1977/Mount Sinai School of Medicine 1979; Loyola Marymount University of Los Angeles School of Law JD 1991; Case Western Reserve University – Weatherhead School of Management MBA 2016. Training in Dermatology: New York University Dermatology Residency 1982-1985. Other Training: University of Seville, Spain: Robbins International Fellowship In Dermatologic Surgery-1985, University of California San Francisco: Dermatologic Surgery/Mohs Fellowship 1986. Academic Appointments: Loma Linda University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor, Professor of Dermatology & Director of Mohs Surgery and Dermatology Residency 1986-1998; Harvard Department of Department of Dermatology Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Associate Professor of Dermatology, Associate Chief of Dermatology BWH Dermatology, Director of Mohs Surgery –DFCI/BWH, Director of Dermatology

404 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Residency MGH/DFCI/DFCI/BIMC/BCH -1998-2001; Loma Linda University School of Medicine – Professor & Founding Chairman Department of Dermatology & Director of Mohs Surgery 2001 – 2014; Case Western Reserve University – Professor and Chairman Department of Dermatology/Metrohealth System 2014-2016; Loma Linda University School of Medicine Professor & Chairman Department of Dermatology & Director of Mohs Surgery 2016 – 2018; University of Florida at Gainesville Professor and Chairman Department of Dermatology – 2018 – Present. Other Training: University of Seville, Spain: Robbins International Fellowship In Dermatologic Surgery-1985, University of California San Francisco: Dermatologic Surgery/Mohs Fellowship 1986. Academic Appointments: Loma Linda University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor, Professor of Dermatology & Director of Mohs Surgery and Dermatology Residency 1986-1998; Harvard Department of Department of Dermatology Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Associate Professor of Dermatology, Associate Chief of Dermatology BWH Dermatology, Director of Mohs Surgery –DFCI/BWH, Director of Dermatology Residency MGH/DFCI/DFCI/BIMC/BCH -1998-2001; Loma Linda University School of Medicine – Professor & Founding Chairman Department of Dermatology & Director of Mohs Surgery 2001 – 2014; Case Western Reserve University – Professor and Chairman Department of Dermatology in the Metrohealth System 2014- 2016; Loma Linda University School of Medicine Professor & Chairman Department of Dermatology & Director of Mohs Surgery 2016 – 2018; University of Florida at Gainesville Professor and Chairman Department of Dermatology – 2018 – Present. Society Memberships: American Dermatologic Association 2004-present, American College of Mohs Surgery BOD 1999-2001; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: BOD 2009-2012, Treasurer-2012-2015; American Academy of Dermatology BOD 2011-2014, President Elect -President 2015-2017; Residency Review Committee in Dermatology 1999-2001. Society Committees: Multiple. Outside Interests: Boy Scouts of America – Eagle Scout – 4 Palms, Snow and Water Skiing, Boating, Water Power-Jetting, Paragliding, Scuba Diving, Hiking, Mountain/Rock Climbing, Skeet Shooting, Archery, Traveling, Radio Show Host.

Erin Boh 2005 Born: March 24, 1953 New Orleans Louisiana. Current Position: Chairman Department of Dermatology Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans Louisiana. Education: Undergraduate: Auburn University BS, 1971-1974; Medical School: Tulane University Medical School MD 1981-1985. Other: Tulane University PhD Biochemistry 1977-1980. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Southwestern 1986-1989. Academic Appointments: Tulane University Health Sciences Center: Assistant Professor 1990-1996, Associate Professor 1996-2002, Professor 2007-present, Section Chief 2006-2007, Chair 2007-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2005 to present; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2015-2020, Academic Dermatologists Leadership Program, Mentor Program 2007-present; Women’s Dermatology Society 1990-present; National Psoriasis Foundation: member 1997-present, Medical Board 2009-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Society for Investigative Dermatology, Louisiana Society of Dermatology Executive Committee, President 2010 International Society of Cosmetic Dermatology. Outside Interests: Gardening, biking.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 405 Daryl Bronson 2005 Born: 1950 Current Position: At the time of his death he was attending physician at North Shore University Hospitals (Dermatology and Pathology) and Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital (Dermatology/Dermatopathology. Education: Medical School: University of Illinois MD 1976 James Scholar in Independent Study Other: University of Illinois MD MPH 1976. Training in Dermatology: Residency in Dermatology, Cook County Hospital Other Training: Internship in Internal Medicine, Cook County Hospital, Fellowship in Dermatopathology, University of Chicago and New York University. Academic Appointments: Past Chairman and Residency Program Director, Division of Dermatology of Cook County Hospital. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President-Elect of the at the time of his passing, AAD board of directors, Dermatopathology Task Force, Teaching Slide Task Force, Computer Technology Committee, Membership Committee, advisory board, Health Care Finance Committee; American Society of Dermatopathology: Audit Committee Chair, Managed Care Task Force; Chicago Dermatological Society President,; Illinois Dermatological Society President,; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society President; Sulzberger Institute for Medical Education board member; Laboratory Director of Dermatopathology, Rush Medical Center; Dermatology Foundation; State Vice-Chair, Leader’s Society; International Society of Dermatopathology; Women’s Dermatologic Society; Academic Appointment: Instructor in Dermatology, University of Illinois College of Medicine; Awards and Honors: Top Doctors: Chicago Metro Area 2000-2005 and Top Doctors in America. Outside Interests: Prize winning golfer and avid foodie. Deceased 2012.

Thomas Cropley 2005 Born: April 18, 1958, Charleston, West Virginia. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, University of Virginia Department of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: University of Virginia 1980; Medical School: University of Virginia School of Medicine 1984. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Combined Dermatology Residency program Massachusetts General Hospital 1985 – 1988. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School Department of Dermatology Instructor 1988; University of Massachusetts Medical School: Assistant Professor, Medicine (Dermatology) 1990, Associate Professor 1996, Professor 2006; University of Virginia School of Medicine Professor of Dermatology 2008. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1988; American Dermatological Association 2005. Outside Interests: Cycling, jazz guitar, highland bagpipe.

Andrzej Dlugosz 2005 Born: May 10, 1957, Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Current Position: Professor, University of Michigan Department of Dermatology; Professor, Department of Cell & Developmental Biology.

406 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Education: Undergraduate: Franklin & Marshall College BA 1979; Medical School: Penn State College of Medicine MD 1984. Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania 1985-88. Other Training: National Cancer Institute 1988-97. Academic Appointments: University of Michigan Department of Dermatology: Associate Professor 1997, Professor 2004, Associate Chair for Research 2017-; Department of Cell & Developmental Biology, Professor 2009; Rogel Cancer Center, Co-director, Cancer Biology Program 2009-19, Associate Director for Basic Science Research 2018-. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Society for Clinical Investigation; Association of American Physicians; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology; American Association for Cancer Research. Outside Interests: Travel, cooking, running.

Timothy Flynn 2005 Born: August 24, 1956 Columbia Missouri. Current Position/Practice: Medical Director, Cary Skin Center, Cary, NC and Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Education: Undergraduate: University of Missouri Columbia, BA Chemistry 1978; Medical School: University of Missouri Columbia MD 1982. Training in Dermatology: Stanford University 1989-1993. Other Training: Fellow in Dermatologic Surgery and Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine 1992-1993; 7/86 -7/88 Research Fellow in Dermatology University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 7/83 -7/86 Resident in Internal Medicine, North Carolina Memorial Hospital, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 1/83 -7/83 Research Fellow in Dermatopathology Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital; 7/80 -6/81 Post- Sophomore Fellow in Pathology University of Missouri-Columbia. Academic Appointments: 2002-present Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 1999-2001 Associate Professor of Dermatology & Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Tulane University Medical School; 1993-1999 Assistant Professor of Dermatology & Otolaryngology –Head & Neck Surgery, Tulane University Medical School; 1992-1993 Instructor, Department of Medicine (Dermatology), Washington University School of Medicine. Professional Societies: 2005 to present, American Dermatological Association; 2001-present North Carolina Medical Society; 2001-North Carolina Dermatologic Society; 2001-present American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery; 1998-present Fellow -American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery & Cutaneous Oncology: 1998-present International Society of Dermatology; 1997-present European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; 1996-present International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology; 1995-present International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; 1995-1998 Associate-American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology (ACMMSCO) 2013 Elected to Board of Directors; 1994-present American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, President, 2012; 1994-2001 Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons; 1994-present South Central Dermatologic Congress and Southeastern Dermatologic Association; 1993-present American Academy of Dermatology; 1993-2001 Louisiana Dermatologic Society; 1993-2001 New Orleans Medical Society;1982 ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA; 1999 Elected Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; 1999 Dermatology Foundation Vice Chairman, State of Louisiana; 1998-1999 President-South Central Dermatologic Congress Southeastern. Outside Interests: Bicycling, exercising at the gym, cooking, wine tasting, being an audiophile with diverse musical interests, spending time with my wife and two boys and our yellow mutt Nala.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 407 Richard Gallo 2005 Born: December 9, 1958 New York. Current Position: Professor and Chief of Dermatology University of California, San Diego. Education: Undergraduate: University of Chicago 1980 AB; Medical School: University of Rochester 1986 MD PhD. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School 1987-1991. Other Training: Johns Hopkins Hospital Intern 1986-87; Harvard Medical School, Postdoctoral fellow 1991-1994. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School Instructor 1991-1995, Assistant Professor 1995-1999; University of California, San Diego Associate Professor 1999-2004, Professor 2004-present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: 1990 Board of Directors 2011-2014, Secretary- Treasurer 2014-present; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology 1991; Society of Pediatric Dermatology 1991; American Society of Cell Biology 1992; Wound Healing Society 1994; American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2001; American Association for Immunology 2003; American Society of Clinical Investigation 2003; American Dermatological Association 2004; Association of Professors of Dermatology 2004; Board of Directors, APD 2007-2010; SAB, Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation 2009; Association of American Physicians 2010; American Association for the Advancement of Science 2012; Fellow, American Society of Microbiology 2014; Honorary Member, Japanese Dermatology Society 2014. Outside Interests: Family, Friends, Food, Travel, Construction, Cycling.

Christopher Harmon 2005 Born: September 27, 1964 Tulsa, Oklahoma. Current Practice: Surgical Dermatology Group, Birmingham, AL, March, 2009-present; Program Director, ACGME Procedural Dermatology Fellowship, July 2010- present. Education: Undergraduate: Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi BA 1986, Special Distinction; Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana M.D. June 1990. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota July 1991-June 1994. Other Training: Transitional Internship, Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana July 1990-June 1991; Mohs’ Surgery Fellowship, University of Alabama at Birmingham July 1997-June 1998. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, 2005-present; American College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), Masters Derm 2015-present, Procedural Dermatology Fellowship Program Director 2009-present, Procedural Dermatology Fellowship Co-Director 2000-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member 1997-present, Professional Conduct Committee – 2010-2011, Board of Directors, 2003-2006, Scientific Chairman, 2004 Annual Meeting, Annual Meeting Committee 2001-2004, Research and Development Committee 2001-2005; National Director for S.C.O.R.E.S. (Skin Care Outreach Empowers Survivors) 1998-2002; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Board of Directors 2010-present, Member 1998-present, Communications and Public Relations Committee 2001-2002; Alabama Dermatology Society, Member 1998-present, President 2001-2002, Secretary/ Treasurer 2000-2001; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1997-present, Course Director, Annual Meetings 2003-2011; Public Awareness Committee 1998-2002, Leader’s Society 1998-present; Journal of Dermatologic Surgery Editorial Review Board 2002-present; Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Editorial Advisory Board 2005-2006; NOAH Worcester Dermatological Society Member 1998-present, Scientific Meeting Committee 2009-2010, Membership Committee 2002-2003, New Member Orientation Committee 2002-2003, Board Member – 2008-2009; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery: Member 1997-present, Standards of Training Committee 1997-1998, Travel Grant/Research and Development Committee July 2000-2005, Research and Development Committee 1999-2002.

408 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Awards and Honors: Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary Leadership Society; Mortar Board; Dean’s List of Honor; Alpha Chi National Scholastic Honor Society; Who’s Who of American College and University Students; United States Air Force Health Professions. Scholarship Program, AMSA, AMA, AMPAC, Honor Board Committee Member; Distinguished Service Award, May 1998, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Gold Triangle Awards American Academy of Dermatology 1999, 2001, 2002.

Rivkah (Roslyn) Isseroff 2005 Born: Brooklyn New York. Current Position: Distinguished Professor of Dermatology University of California, Davis. Education: Undergraduate: City University of New York, Brooklyn College BS; Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine MD. Other: New York University, Postdoctoral Cell Biology. Training in Dermatology: New York University, Residency in Dermatology. Academic Appointments: 2019-present: Distinguished Professor of Dermatology, University of California, Davis; Prior to that: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of California Davis; Assistant Professor of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine. Professional Societies: Society Investigative Dermatology; Wound Healing Society Board of Directors; Associate Editor, Wound Repair and Regeneration.

Arnold William Klein 2005 Born: February 27, 1945, Mount Clemens, Michigan. Practice: Private, until death. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania BA 1967; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1971. Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania and the University of California at Los Angeles; Chief resident in dermatology UCLA 1975. Other Training: Internship Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2005-2016; American Academy of Dermatology; Professional Positions: Los Angeles-based National AIDS Research Foundation; Advisory Board of the AIDS Services Foundation Orange County; Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation; Art for AIDS in Orange County; founder of the Elizabeth Taylor Endowment for the UCLA CARE Center, a facility that focuses on advancing HIV/AIDS research and treatment; trustee to various boards of directors, some of which included the Jennifer Jones-Simon Foundation and The Hereditary Disease Foundation; co-founder of the Rose Tarlow-Arnold W. Klein Breast Cancer Foundation at UCLA which provides breast cancer treatment for individuals who are unable to afford it. Awards and Honors: Who’s Who in the World; Best Doctors in America; Men of Achievement, AIDS Services Foundation of Orange County; Award of Merit, Los Angeles Magazine; 10 Masters of Medicine in Los Angeles; Haney Scholar, University of Pennsylvania; Inaugural Visiting Professor in Cosmetic Dermatology, Harvard School of Medicine; Inaugural Visiting Professor in Cosmetic Dermatology, University of Vermont; Top Doctors of America; National AIDS Research Foundation; Elizabeth Taylor Endowment for UCLA CARE, founder 2007; Rose-Tarlow-Arnold W. Klein Breast Cancer Foundation at UCLA, Co-founder; University of Pennsylvania, Haney Scholar. Deceased October 22, 2015.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 409 Neil Korman 2005 Born: October 20, 1955, Bronx, New York. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, OH. Education: Undergraduate: B.E. State University of New York at Stony Brook 1976; Medical School: Case Western Reserve University 1984. Other: M.S. Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook 1977; Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University 1982. Training in Dermatology: University Hospitals of Cleveland 1985-1987; Immunodermatology Fellowship, Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health 1987 – 1990. Other Training: Medical Internship – University Hospitals of Cleveland 1984 -1985 Academic Appointments: Case Western Reserve University Assistant Professor 1990 – 1998; Case Western Reserve University Associate Professor 1998 – 2006, Professor 2006 – Present. Society Memberships: Society for Investigative Dermatology 1985 – Present; Central Society for Investigative Dermatology, Member 1990 – 1998, Cochairman 1994, 1995; American Academy of Dermatology, Member, 1990 – Present, Member, Psoriasis Expert Work Group, 2003 – Present. Member, Self-Assessment Task Force 2004 – 2009, Member, Industry Training Workgroup 2015 – Present; Ohio Dermatological Association, 1990 – Present, Board of Trustees Member, 2003 – 2009; Cleveland Dermatological Society 1990 – Present, Board Member 2004 – 2009; Dermatology Foundation 1991 – Present, Member, Leaders Society 2002 – 2010, Member, Annenberg Circle 2010 – Present, Vice Chair, Ohio Dermatology Foundation Leaders Society Campaign 2017 – Present; Association for Proficiency in Skin Immunopathology Member 1995 – Present; Vice-President, 2000; President, 2001 – 2003; International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation Member 1997 – Present. Medical Advisory Board Member 2004 – Present; National Psoriasis Foundation Member 1999 – Present, Medical Advisory Board Member 2004 – 2010, Director, Outreach Committee. 2004 – 2010; Ohio State Chair, President’s Council; 2006 – Present; Group For Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis 2004 – Present; International Bullous Diseases Consensus Group 2008 – Present. Outside Interests: Music, Reading, Coin Collecting, Sports.

Kristin Leiferman 2005 Born: March 19, 1952 Minneapolis, Minnesota. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Co-Director Immunodermatology Laboratory, Department of Dermatology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Education: Undergraduate: University of Minnesota Bachelor of Science summa cum laude Biology 1973; Medical School: Mayo Medical School, Rochester, Minnesota, M.D. 1978. Training in Dermatology: Mayo College of Medicine, 1978-1983 included Dermatology and Research. Other Training: Dermatological Immunology/Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology Board 1989. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, Mayo Medical School, Rochester, Minnesota: Assistant Professor 1983 -1990, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1990 – 1995, Professor of Dermatology, 1995 – 2001, Professor of Dermatology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 2001 – Present; Administrative Positions: Vice Chair, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 1993-2000, Director of Immunodermatology Laboratory, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 1994-2001, Director of Immunodermatology Fellowship Program, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 1994-2001, Co-Director Immunodermatology Laboratory, Department of Dermatology, University of Utah 2002-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: Fellow 1995 – Present, Member, Dermatologic Diseases Interest Section 1995-1998, Symposia

410 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Subcommittee for Annual Meetings 2001-2004; American Academy of Dermatology (Fellow); Dermatology Foundation; Intermountain Dermatology Society; Utah Medical Association; Utah Society of Dermatologic Medicine and Surgery; Member, Association of American Medical Colleges, Professional Education Program, Professional Development course, Senior Women in Medicine 2001 – 2004.

Mary Massa 2005 Born: December 22,1951, Jersey City, New Jersey. Current Position: Physicians Laser and Dermatology Institute. Education: Undergraduate: St Peters College BS Biology 1973; Medical School: Loyola Stritch School of Medicine. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic 1979 – 1982. Other Training: Internal Medicine Loyola 1976 – 1979; University of Chicago Dermatopathoilogy 1982-1983. Academic Appointments: Loyola Stritch School of Medicine 1983-1998; Rush University Medical Center 1998-2018; Physicians Laser and Dermatology Institute 2006-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, American Academy of Dermatology, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Chicago Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Family.

Diya Mutasim 2005 Born: March 20, 1953, Beirut, Lebanon. Current Position: /Practice: Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Cincinnati. Education: Undergraduate: American University of Beirut, BS 1974; Medical School: American University of Beirut, MD 1979. Training in Dermatology: Johns Hopkins University 1986-1989. Other Training: Immunodermatology, Dermatopathology. Academic Appointments: University of Cincinnati: Assistant professor 1990, Associate professor 1996, Professor and Chairman 1998-2012, Professor 2013-present.

Marcelle Neuburg 2005 Born: Portland, Oregon. Current Position: Retired. Education: Undergraduate: Wesleyan university, BA 1977; Medical School: Oregon Health Sciences University MD 1982. Training in Dermatology: Residency: Boston University/tufts 1985-88. Other Training: Mohs fellowship Tufts 1988-90; Internal Medicine Georgetown 1982-85. Academic Appointments: Medical College of Wisconsin: Appointments in dermatology, plastic surgery and ENT. 1990-2017 full time academic achieving rank of full professor. Outside Interests: Yachting, Fly fishing, Travel.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 411 Sandra I. Reed 2005 Born: Fort Still, Oklahoma. Practice: Private Practice, Washington, DC. Education: Medical School: Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University MD 1975. Training in Dermatology: Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University 1976-1979, Chief Resident 1979. Other Training: Internship: St. Louis University Hosptals 1975-1976 Internal Medicine. Military Service: Assistant Chief, Dermatology, Major USAR, WRAMC 1979-1982. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: SkinPAC Chair 2009-2011; Board of Directors 2006-2010, Multiple AAD committees including: International Affairs, Youth Education, Pamphlets, Patient Advocacy, Women’s Health, Carrier Policy, Medical Liability, FDA Relations, Industry Liaison, Workforce; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Past President, Past Chair of Ethics, Past Chair of International Committee, Past Editor of Newsletter, Past Chair of Leadership Retreat, Past Chair of Audit Committee, Current Chair of Finance Committee; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society; Washington DC Dermatology Society: President 2005-2006, Chair Scholarship/Grants Program 2006-2012, Secretary-Treasurer 2003-2004; Atlantic Dermatologic Conference: Scientific Co-Chair 2013, Chair 2006. Awards: President’s Award from the Women’s Dermatologic Society 1999 and 2001; 3 Presidential Citations from the American Academy of Dermatology. Resigned.

Arthur Rhodes 2005 Born: February 2, 1943, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Education: Undergraduate: Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, Bachelor of Arts (Chemistry) 1965; Medical School: College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University, New York, NY, M.D. 1969 Other: Harvard University, School of Public Health, Boston, MA; Master’s Degree in Public Health (Infectious Diseases) 1973. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Dermatology Training Program, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 1975-1978, Chief Resident 1978. Other Training: Externship in Medicine and Pediatrics, Phoebe Hospital, Phoebe, Liberia, March thru May 1969; Internship, Department of Internal Medicine, Columbia Division of , New York, NY 1969-1970; Residency, Department of Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA 1970-1972. Military Service: Major, U.S. Army Health Services Command, Alaska; Chief Preventive Medicine Officer, U.S. Army Health Services Command, Alaska (1973-1975); and General Internist (1973-1974), and Officer-in- Charge (1974-1975), U.S. Army Health Clinic, Fort Richardson, Anchorage, Alaska. Academic Appointments: 1969-1970: Clinical Fellow in Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons; 1970-1972 Clinical Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; 1978- 1979: Instructor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; 1978-1987: Chief, Division of Dermatology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; 1978-1989: Attending Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; 1979-1988: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; 1989: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; 1989-1991: Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 1989-1999: Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 1991-1999: Professor of Dermatology, University of

412 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 1999-2019: Professor of Dermatology, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois1999-2019: Senior Attending, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Pediatric Dermatology; International Pigment Cell Society; Pan American Society for Pigment Cell Research; American Federation for Clinical/Medical Research; American Society for Dermatopathology; International Dermatoepidemiology Association; International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin; New England Dermatologic Society; Pittsburgh Academy of Dermatology; Pennsylvania Medical Society; Allegheny County Medical Society; Chicago Medical Society; Chicago Dermatologic Society; American Venereal Disease Association; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Society for Melanoma Research; Women’s Dermatologic Society; American Dermatological Association; International Dermoscopy Society; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society. Society Committees, Major Committee Assignments: 1973-1975: Alaska Governor’s Advisory Committee on Sexually Transmitted Diseases; 1979-1987: Massachusetts Health Care Committee for Tuberous Sclerosis Legislation; 1980-1983: Task Force on Pediatric Dermatology, American Academy of Dermatology; 1984: Medical Malpractice Tribunal, Suffolk County Superior Court, Boston, MA; 1985-1995: Medical Advisory Committee, The Skin Cancer Foundation, New York, NY; 1985-1995: Medical Advisor Board, National Pediculosis Association, Newton, MA; 1987-present: Expert Resource Group, Xeroderma Pigmentosum, American Academy of Dermatology; 1988-1989: Skin Cancer Task Force, American Cancer Society, Massachusetts Division, Boston, MA; 1989-1992: Committee on Federal Environmental Protection Agency Liaison, American Academy of Dermatology; 1989-1999: Professional Medical Education Subcommittee, American Cancer Society, Western Pennsylvania Division, Pittsburgh, PA; 1990-1993: Public Education Subcommittee, American Cancer Society, Western Pennsylvania Division, Pittsburgh, PA; 1990-1999: State Vice Chairman (Pennsylvania), Leaders’ Society Annual Fund-Raising Campaign for Research, Dermatology Foundation; 1991-1999: Chairman, Skin Cancer Awareness Campaign, American Cancer Society, Western Pennsylvania Division, Pittsburgh, PA; 1992-1997: Commission on Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers, American Academy of Dermatology; 1995-2000: Committee on Melanoma, The Skin Cancer Foundation; 1998-2001: Board of Directors, International Dermatoepidemiology Association; 1999-2001: Subcommittee, Program for Dermatology for the 21st Century: Academy Efforts–Melanoma/Skin Cancer, American Academy of Dermatology; 1999-2004: Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee, American Academy of Dermatology; 2003- 2008: Skin Cancer Screening/Public Awareness Committee, Chicago Dermatological Society, Chicago, IL.; 2003-present: Skin Cancer Work Group, Illinois Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Illinois Department of Public Health; 2004: Melanoma Study Group, Special Workgroup Session, American Academy of Dermatology, Chicago, IL, September 10; 2004-2006: Speakers Committee, Chicago Dermatological Society, Chicago, IL; 2006-2010: Diversity Task Force, American Academy of Dermatology; 2010-present: Expert Resource Group, Dermatoepidemiology, American Academy of Dermatology; 2014-present: Expert Resource Group for Quality and Patient Safety, American Academy of Dermatology. Awards and Honors: 1965: Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Sehlinger Book Award for Excellence in Study of Basic Sciences, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 1975: U.S. Army Commendation Medal, U.S. Army Health Services Command, Fort Richardson, Alaska; 2006-2020: Best Doctors in America (Castle Connolly); 2012-2020: Chicago Top Doctors (Chicago Magazine); 2013-2020: Best Doctors in America (Castle Connolly); 2013: Teacher of the Year, Department of Dermatology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois; 2013: Founder’s Award, Chicago Dermatological Society, Chicago, Illinois; 2016: Distinguished Doctor Designation, Expert Network; 2018: Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award; 2018: Humanitarian Award, Melanoma Research Foundation.

Theodore Rosen 2005 Born: September 20,1949; Chicago, Illinois. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Baylor College of Medicine; Chief of Dermatology, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Michigan State University (National Merit Scholar) 1967-70; Medical School: University of Michigan 1970-1974; MD cum laude.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 413 Training in Dermatology: Baylor College of Medicine, 1975-78. Other Training: Medicine in the Tropics; US Navy Course, Gorgas Memorial Hospital, Panama Canal Zone 1976 (6 months). Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology; University of Texas Medical School at Houston 1978-1982; Assistant Professor of Medicine; MD Anderson Hospital 1978-82; Associate Professor of Dermatology; Baylor College of Medicine 1982-1991; Professor of Dermatology; Baylor College of Medicine 1991-to date; Chief of Dermatology, Houston VA Medical Center; 1982-to date; Voluntary Staff Physician, University of Houston Student Health Center 1980-1994; Voluntary Supervisory Physician, City of Houston STD Clinic 1981-2000. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2005 – present; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2007-2011; Vice-President 2018-2019, Advisory Council (1991-2005, representing SMA, and then Houston Derm Society); Committee on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (1982- 1986); Committee on Public Information (1986-1990); Committee on Self-Assessment (1990-1995); STD Task Force (1997-2000, Co-Chair); Poster Exhibits Task Force (2003-2006, Chair 2004-06); Committee on Government Medicine (2002-2005); Ethics Committee (2008-2012); Audit Committee (2012-2018;Chair 2015-18); Texas Dermatological Association 1978-to date (Media Representative 1987-1988, Vice-President 2007-2008); Southern Medical Association, Dermatology Section ( Vice-Chairman 1992-93, Sec-Treasurer 1993-96, Chairman 1997-98); Southern Medical Association 1978-date (Associate Councilor, Texas 1994- 2000); Houston Dermatological Society 1978-to date (Sec-Treasurer 1989-1991; President 1992-1993); Noah Worcester Derm Society 2000-date (Board of Trustees 2010-2013). Outside Interests: Numismatics, local politics.

Elaine Siegfried 2005 Born: Saulte St. Marie, MI. Current Position: Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology; Saint Louis University. Education: Undergraduate: Pomona College, (Claremont, CA) BA, class of 1977; Medical School: University of Missouri-Columbia, class of 1985. Training in Dermatology: University of Iowa, Dermatology residency completed June 1991. Other Training: University of Iowa, Pediatrics residency completed June 1988. Academic Appointments: July 2007 – present Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology Director, Division of Pediatric Dermatology Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center, St. Louis, MO; November 2001 – June 2007 Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center, St. Louis, MO; July 1997 – November 2001 Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology, Director, Pediatric Dermatology and Director, Clinical Trials Unit Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center, St. Louis, MO; July 1992 – June 1997 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology and Director, Pediatric Dermatology Unit Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center, St. Louis, MO; July 1991 – April 1992 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology Children’s Memorial Hospital, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; July 1991 – July 1992 Assistant Professor of Dermatology University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA. Professional Societies: 2005-present Member, American Dermatological Association; American Board of Dermatology: 2010 president, 2009 president-elect, 2008 2010 Executive Committee 2007-2010, Chair Pediatrics Curriculum Committee 2001-2010, Member, Board of Directors 1998-2001, Member, Test Committee for the Written Examination (Part I) 1995 -1999, Member, Recertification Examination and Test Committee; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology 1989-present: Clinical Guidelines and Research Committee 2006-2009: Chair, Environment and Drugs Committee 2005-2006: Vice Chair, Environment and Drugs Committee 2007: Member, Council on Government Affairs Health Policy and Practice 2004-2009, Member, Environment and Drugs Committee 2001-2006: Acne Clinical Guidelines Task Force 2002-04: Member, Regulatory Issues Committee 1996-98: Member, Ad Hoc Post Residency Committee 1989-91,

414 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Member, Task Force on Pediatric Dermatology 1996-97: Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Postgraduate Credentialing 1999: Member, Pediatric Dermatology Study Group 1999-2004: Member, Joint AAD/AAP Subcommittee on Acne 2010-present, Member, AAD Atopic Dermatitis Expert Resource Group, 2017, Member, Emerging Practice Models Committee, Member, Women’s Dermatologic Society; Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2000-01: Chair, Hemangioma Policy Statement group 1998, Task Force on the Future of Pediatric Education II Project 1991-96: Member, Section on Dermatology Executive Committee; Missouri Dermatologic Society: 2007-present Board of Directors; Member, St. Louis Dermatologic Society; Member, Society for Pediatric Dermatology 1995-2012, Executive Committee, 1996-2000, Chair, Committee for Subspecialty Certification, 2007, Co-Chair, Residency and Training, Strategic Planning Committee, 2012 Chair, Workforce Task Force; Member, Iowa Dermatological Society; 2003: Honorary Lifetime Member; Founding member, Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA) 2012, 2014: Member, Nominating Committee; 2015 chair of an initiative jointly sponsored the PeDRA, National Eczema Association and International Eczema Council to develop a Guidance Document for Industry on New Drug Development.

Frances Storrs 2005 Current Position: Emerita Professor, Oregon Health and Science University. Education: Undergraduate: Carleton College BA 1960; Medical School: Cornell Medical College MD 1964. Training in Dermatology: University of Oregon Medical School Residency 1965-1968. Other Training: Sabbatical with Etain Cronin and Charles Calnan at St. John’s Hospital in London England and Niels Hjorth in Copenhagen Denmark, 4 months in 1975. Academic Appointments: Oregon Health and Science University Department of Dermatology: Instructor in 1968 to Professor in 1981 and Professor Emerita 1997 to present. Society Memberships: American Contact Dermatitis Society: Board of Directors and President 1995-1996, honorary member; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors and Executive Committee 1984- 1987, honorary member; Oregon Dermatology Society: member 1958-present, President 1980-1981; North American Contact Dermatitis Group: member 1983 to present, emerita member 2017; Women’s Dermatological Society: Member 1968 to present, Board of Directors 1984-1990; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Occupational Medical Association; Dermatology Foundation; Oregon State and County Medical Societies. Awards and Honors: Frances J. Storrs MD Medical Dermatology Fellowship in Dermatology at Oregon Health Sciences University 2019; Lifetime Career Educator Award, Dermatology Foundation 2012; Everett C. Fox Memorial Lecturer, American Academy of Dermatology 2009; Gold Medal Award American Academy of Dermatology 2008; Alliance for Humane Dermatology Humanities Award 2006; Women’s Dermatology Society First Mentorship Award 2006; Master in Dermatology Award American Academy of Dermatology 2003; Alexander Fisher Lectureship American Contact Dermatitis Society 1992; Rose Hirschler Award from Women’s Dermatological Society 1991; Multiple regional, national and international presentations and visiting professorships and named lectureships too numerous to count 1972-2009. Outside Interests: Family and friends, gardening, involvement in civic organizations such as Portland City Club, organizations devoted to health care such as planned parenthood, ACLU, physicians for social responsibility, Portland baroque orchestra, local library board, Foundation for Medical Excellence and Women’s Issues.

Stephen Tyring 2005 Born: August 22, 1949, Oakland City, Indiana. Current Position: Clinical Professor University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX. Education: Undergraduate: Indiana State University BA 1971; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch MD 1983; Abilene Christian University MS 1973; Texas Tech University PhD 1979; Rice University MBA 2003.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 415 Training in Dermatology: University of Alabama 1984-1987. Academic Appointments: University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX: 2004 – present. Professional Societies: Houston Derm Society: President 2004; Texas Derm Society: President 2009-2010; American Dermatological Association; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Sigma Xi Research Society, Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine; American Federation for Clinical Research; American Association for Cancer Research; Infectious Disease Society of America (Fellow); Harris County Medical Society; Texas Medical Association; Southern Medical Association; American Society for Microbiology; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Medical Association; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Association of University Professors; Dermatology Foundation (member of Medical and Scientific Committee 1997-2000); Dermatology Foundation, Annenberg Circle, Vice-Chair Leaders Society, Board of Trustees; International Society of Dermatology; International Society for Interferon Research; International Society for Antiviral Research; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Outside Interests: photography, travel.

Alan Wirtzer 2005 Born: New York. Education: Undergraduate: Queens College; Medical School: State University of NY. Training in Dermatology: University of California at Los Angeles/ Wadsworth Veterans Administration Hospital. Practice: Private, Van Nuys and Sherman Oaks, California. Academic Appointments: University of California at Los Angeles: Clinical professor of medicine and dermatology. Society Memberships: American Dermatologic Association 2005; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors; American Academy of Dermatology: Multiple committees, twice candidate for President; California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery: Vice-President and President; Congress of California Dermatologic Societies: Vice-President and President. Outside Interests: reading, piano, golf, ceramics, museums and travel. Deceased, 2017.

Michael Zanolli 2005 Born: January 4, 1954; New York, New York. Current Practice: Private Practice, multispecialty group. Education: Undergraduate: Memphis University BS 1977; Medical School: University of Tennessee Health Science Center MD 1981. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency at UTHSC 1983-86. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Methodist Hospital 1981-83. Academic Appointments: Wake Forest University Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1986-92; Vanderbilt University Dept of Medicine (Dermatology Division) Associate Professor 1992-1998. Society Memberships: American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology: Congressional Policy Committee 2011-2015; North Carolina Medical Society; Pacific Dermatologic Society (honorary member); Nashville Dermatologic Society; Tennessee Medical Association: BOD 2010-2012; National Psoriasis Foundation: Scientific Advisory Board; Tennessee Dermatology Society: President 2002-2003, Chairman 2003-2005; Photomedicine Society: President 2007-2014, American Dermatological Association inducted

416 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 2005; Nashville Academy of Medicine: President 2008, Chairman 2009; Chair of SkinPAC of the AADA 2009- 2011; Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners: 2004-2019, President 2012-2017; Federation of State Medical Boards: Board of Directors 2013-2019; Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education: Board of Directors 2015-2021, Vice Chair followed by Chair of BOD 2019-2020.

Jack Arbiser 2006 Born: Atlanta, Georgia April 18, 1962. Current Position: Thomas Lawley Endowed Professor of Dermatology, Emory University, Winsship Cancer Institute, Atlanta VAMC. Education: Undergraduate: Emory University BS, MS in chemistry 1983; Medical School: Harvard Medical School, MD/PhD 1991. Other: Howard Hughes Postdoctoral Fellowship, laboratory of Judah Folkman. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Combined Program, 1992-1995. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School, Instructor, 1995-1998; Emory University Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 1998-2003, Associate Professor 2003-2008, Full Professor 2008-to date, Lawley Endowed Professorship 2014 to date. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology Sulzberger Education Committee, 2015 to present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: resident/fellow representative, Chairman membership committee, Scientific Committee co-chair; American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Entrepreneurship; cofounder of Accuitis, a company that has developed the first topical proteasome inhibitor for rosacea, and ABBYMed, a company developing a lead NADPH oxidase inhibitor for glioblastoma. Developing a partnership between Emory University and Ben Gurion University in Beersheva, Israel; Rock and mineral collecting.

Christopher Arpey 2006 Born: January 29, 1961. Saratoga Springs, New York Current Position: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota: Professor of Dermatology Mohs Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology 2010-present; Chair, Division of Dermatologic Surgery 2017-present. Education: Undergraduate: Colgate University, B.A. 1982; Medical School: University of Rochester, MD 1986. Other: University of Iowa, Internal Medicine 1986-1989. Training in Dermatology: University Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western University, 1989-1992. Other Training: University of Iowa Hospitals, Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery, 1992-1994 Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical Center 1994-1995; University of Iowa: Assistant, Associate and full Professor, 1995-2010; Professor of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic 2010-present. Professional Societies: American College of Mohs Surgery, Board of Directors 2001-2004 and 2013-2016; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Board of Directors 2002-2005, Treasurer 2006-2009; American Board of Dermatology Director 2006-2014, President 2013-2014; Iowa Dermatological Society, Secretary- Treasurer and President 1990’s and 2000’s; American Medical Association; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons, Director Outside Interests: Cycling, golf, travel.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 417 Anne Burdick 2006 Born: January 11, 1952, New York City. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Director of Teledermatology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami Florida. Education: Undergraduate: Oberlin College AB 1972; Medical School: New York University 1980 MD. Other: Columbia University School of Public Health 1980 MPH. Training in Dermatology: Columbia University 1980-1983; University of California San Francisco 1983-1984. Practice: Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Martinez, CA, 1984-1992, Chief of Dermatology 1990-1992. Medical Director, University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hansen’s Disease Program 1993-2018. Academic Appointments: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami Florida, Professor of Dermatology 2002, Associate Professor of Dermatology 1997, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1992. Associate Dean for TeleHealth and Clinical Outreach 2007-2018. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2006; American Academy of Dermatology: Telemedicine Task Force Chair 1999-2001, Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education Secretary- Treasurer 1997-2000; American Telemedicine Association: Member, Board of Directors 1994, College of Fellows 2011, Founding Chair, Teledermatology Special Interest Group 1995; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors 2001-2005; Florida Telehealth Advisory Council 2016-2017. Outside Interests: Hiking, contradancing, piano.

George Cotsarelis 2006 Born: November 24, 1961, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Milton B. Hartzell Professor & Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania, Bio Basis of Behavior 1983; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania, Medicine 1987. Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 1989-1992. Other Training: Intern in Internal Medicine, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA 1987-1988; Research Fellow, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1988-1989; Dermatology Foundation Research Fellow, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1992-1993; Howard Hughes Medical Institute Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for Physicians, Department of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1993-1995. Academic Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine: Instructor Dermatology 1993-1995, Assistant Professor 1996-2005, Albert M. Kligman Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 2005-2009, Albert M. Kligman Professor of Dermatology 2009-present, Milton Bixler Hartzell Professor and Chair of Dermatology 2010-present, Faculty, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology; Director, Program on Epithelial Regeneration and Stem Cells, Penn Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Professional Societies: North American Hair Research Society: Member, Board of Directors 1999-2001; Program Committee Chair 2000; President 2005-2008; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 1992-Present, Member, Committee on Government and Public Relations 2006-2011; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1998, Member, Committee on Research 2007-2009; Dermatology Foundation: 1990-Present; Executive Committee 2016-Present, American Association for the Advancement of Science 1992-2002; National Alopecia Areata Foundation 1999-2001; American Society for Gene Therapy 2006-Present; American Dermatological Association Member 2006-present; American Society for Clinical

418 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Investigation Member 1992-present; Association of American Physicians 2012; New York Academy of Sciences Member 1992-2000; Philadelphia Dermatological Society Member 2010-Present; Pennsylvania Medical Society and Philadelphia County Medical Society 2013-Present. Outside Interests: Family, Greece, Golf.

Rokea el-Azahry 2006 Current Practice: Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota Education: Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine MD 1987; University of Minnesota PhD Pharmacology 1978 Other: University of Texas Medical Branch Post-doctoral fellowship in pathology/ toxicology. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology resident Mayo Graduate School of Medicine 1991. Other Training: Internal Medicine resident Mayo Graduate School of Medicine 1988. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; International Society of Dermatology; Egyptian Women’s Dermatological Society; Association for Women in Science; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Florida Dermatology Society; International Photodynamic Association; New York Academy of Sciences; Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society; Multiple Mayo Clinic committees. Awards and Honors: Egyptian Women Dermatology Society (EWDS) appreciation award 2007; Multiple Excellence in Teaching Awards Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration; Paul O’Leary Award for clinical excellence in Dermatology 1991.

Richard E. Fitzpatrick 2006 Born: July 21, 1944 Atlanta Georgia. Practice: Private La Jolla AND Encinitas California 36 years. Education: Undergraduate: Princeton University 1966; Medical School: Emory University Military Service: US Navy general medical officer 1971-1974 Training in Dermatology: University of California Los Angeles 1975-1978 Professional Societies: American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery President from 2000–2001; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Board of Directors; American Cancer Society Board of Directors and President 1991. Awards and Honors: Alpha Omega Alpha; Leon Goldman Award, the Elliot Drake Lectureship Award and the Caroline and William Mark Award from the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. He was co-founder and President of SkinMedica and was instrumental in the development of multiple laser and light-based procedures for the treatment of photoaging and skin cancer. Deceased, 2014.

Mitchel Goldman 2006 Born: April 5, 1955 Miami Beach, Florida. Current Position/Practice: Medical Director, West Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Dermatology; Volunteer Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of California, San Diego. Education: Undergraduate: Boston University BA 1977; Medical School: Stanford University 1982. Training in Dermatology: University of California, Los Angeles 1983-1986. Other Training: Medical Internship University of California, San Diego, 1982-83.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 419 Academic Appointment: Volunteer Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of California, San Diego. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2006-present; California Medical Association Member 1978 – present; American Medical Association Member, 1978 -present; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, 1986 -present, Task Force on Dermatologic Surgery 1991-1993, Chairman, Task Force on Guidelines of Care for Sclerotherapy 1992-1995, Joint AAD/ASDS Liaison Committee 2000-2004; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Fellow 1987 – present, Board of Directors 1995-1998; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Fellow 1986 – present; American College of Phlebology (formerly North American Society of Phlebology): Founding Member 1986 – present, Secretary 1986-1989, Vice-President 1980-1991, President 1991-1993; San Diego County Dermatological Society: Member 1986 – present, Secretary 1992, President 1993; Society for Investigative Dermatology Member 1983 – 2000; International Society of Dermatology Member 1986-1994; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery Member 1986 – 2010; Dermatology Foundation: Annenberg Circle 1994, Board of Trustees 1999-2002; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery: Member 1986 -1997, Fellow 1997-present; Pacific Dermatologic Association: Member 1988 – 2010, Program Chairman 1992; California Society of Dermatology Member 2001; Many others. Outside Interests: Cycling, SCUBA, Hiking, Grandparenting.

Youn Kim 2006 Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Director of Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Lymphoma Program, Stanford Cancer Center and Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA. Education Institution: Undergraduate: Wellesley College, BS, 1980; Medical School: Stanford University School of Medicine, MD, 1984. Training in Dermatology: Stanford University Hospital & Clinics and Stanford University School of Medicine, combined dermatology fellowship and residency 1985-1989. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Kaiser Hospital, San Francisco 1984-1985. Academic Appointments: Stanford University Department of Dermatology, Stanford California: Assistant Professor 1993-1996, Associate Processor 1998-2004, Professor 2004-present, Director Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Lymphoma Program 1992-present; Co-Director, Lymphoma Research Program Stanford Cancer Institute 2013-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2006-present; National Comprehensive Cancer Network Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Panel 2006-present’ Medical Dermatology Society Board of Directors 2007-2012; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas Board of Directors 2007-2013; US Cutaneous Lymphomas Consortium 2009-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 2013-present; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas President 2013-present; American Medical Association; American Federation for Clinical Research; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology, San Francisco Dermatologic Society; Women’s Dermatologic Society; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Medical Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: US leader for the newly established international research alliance, Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium. 45 international centers of CL experts; Finding quality time with my daughter and spouse! Sad that I can’t list anything else interesting! Love dancing!

Kenneth Kraemer 2006 Born: August 22, 1943, Newark, New Jersey. Current Position: Chief, DNA Repair Section, Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.

420 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Education: Undergraduate: Brown University ScB (Biology) 1985; Medical School: Tufts University, M.D., 1969. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami 1974-1976. Other Training: Harlem Hospital, Internal Medicine 1969-1971; National Cancer Institute, Clinical Associate, Dermatology 1971-1974. Military Service: US Public Health Service, Commissioned Corps 1971-2003. Academic Appointments: National Cancer Institute: Laboratory of Molecular Carcinogenesis 1976 – 1999, Basic Research Laboratory 2000-2009, Dermatology Branch 2009-2017, Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics 2017-present. Professional Societies: American Society for Clinical Investigation 1987; American Dermatological Association 2006-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 1971-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1976-present, Expert resource group on Xeroderma Pigmentosum Co-Chair; American Society of Photobiology 1976-present.

Kathi Madison 2006 Born: April 18, 1953 Stamford, Connecticut. Current Position: Emeritus Professor, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University Sc.B. 1975; Medical School: Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University M.D. 1978. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Resident, University of Michigan, 1980-1983. Other Training: Medical Intern, Roger Williams General Hospital, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 1978-1979; Postdoctoral Fellow, Cell Biology, Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan, 1979-1980, 1983-1984. Academic Appointments: University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine: Assistant Professor, Dermatology 1984; Associate Professor, Dermatology 1989; Professor, Dermatology 1999-2015; Robert F. Godwin Professor of Dermatology 2008-2015; Emeritus Professor, Dermatology 2015-present; Section Chief, Dermatology, Iowa City, IA Veteran’s Administration Hospital, 2004-2015; University of Iowa College of Dentistry (Oral Pathology, Radiology and Medicine) Associate Professor 1996, Professor 1999-2015. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2006-present; Iowa Dermatological Society: Secretary/Treasurer 1993-1995, President 1995-1996; American Academy of Dermatology: Photobiology Task Force 1994-1998; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Abstract Review Committee 1992-2001, Committee on Resident/Fellow Programs 6/97-5/01, Chair 6/00-5/01, Co-chair Committee on Scientific Programs 7/00- 5/01; NIH/NIAMS GMA1 study section, member, 1996-2000. Outside Interests: Reading, cooking, travel, restaurants, wine, jewelry design and fabrication, collaborating with colleagues who are working to address the national opioid crisis.

Amy McMichael 2006 Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Chair, Department of Dermatology, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC. Education: Undergraduate: Swarthmore College BA in Biology 1986; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania MD 1990. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan Department of Dermatology, 1991-1994. Academic Appointments: Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC. Instructor 1994-1995, Assistant Professor 1995-2001, Associate Professor 2001-2010, Professor 2010-present, Professor and Chair 2013-present.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 421 Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1994-present, Diversity Task Force 1996- 2000 and 2005-2008, Epidemiology Committee 1998-2000 Young Physicians Committee 2013-2015, Nominating Committee 2013-2015, Board of Directors 2020-2024; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Member 1994-present, Board of Directors 2005-2009, Vice-President 2009-2010; Career Advancement Scholarship Committee 2010-2011; North Carolina Medical Society; 1995-present; North American Hair Research Society: Board of Directors 2005-2007. Secretary-Treasurer 2008-2011; Association of Professors of Dermatology 2002-present; National Medical Association: 2004-present, Secretary-Treasurer Dermatology Section 2006- 2007, Vice-Chair Dermatology Section 2007-2009, Chair Dermatology Section 2009-2011; National Alopecia Areata Foundation: 2004-present, Scientific Guild Member 2007-present; Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation, Scientific Advisor 2010-present; Skin of Color Society Secretary/Treasurer 2013-2015, President 2015-2017. Outside Interests: Reading, family hikes, travel

James W. Patterson 2006 Born: December 29, 1946, Takoma Park, Maryland. Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Pathology, University of Virginia Health System. Education: Undergraduate: Johns Hopkins University, B.A., 1968; Medical School Medical College of Virginia (Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine) M.D., 1972. Other: Rotating Intern in Medicine, Medical College of Virginia, 1972-1973. Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology, Medical College of Virginia, 1973-1976. Other Training: Fellow in Dermatopathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1979-1980. Academic Appointments: University of Colorado Medical Center: Instructor in Dermatology, 1980-82 (during military service at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center); Medical College of Virginia: Associate Professor of Pathology and Dermatology, Director of Dermatopathology 1982-89, Professor of Pathology and Dermatology, Director of Dermatopathology 1989-92, Clinical Professor of Pathology 1992 – 2016; University of Virginia Health System: Professor of Pathology and Dermatology 1996 – 2016; Director of Dermatopathology 1996-2014. Professional Societies: American Board of Dermatology: 2008-2015, President 2015; American Academy of Dermatology: fellow; American Society of Dermatopathology: fellow, Secretary-Treasurer 2001-1005, President-Elect 2005-2006, President 2006-2007, Board of Directors 2007-2010, Honorary Lifetime Membership; Journal of Cutaneous Pathology: Editor-in-Chief 2005-2009; Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education: Residency Review Committees for Dermatology and Dermatopathology 2009-2015; Virginia Dermatological Society: Secretary-Treasurer 1984-88, Vice President 1988-89, President 1989-90. Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha, 2016; Walter R. Nickel Award for excellence in teaching, 2009; Elson B. Helwig Memorial Lectureship, 2018; Founders Award, 2018 from the American Society of Dermatopathology. Author: 236 journal articles, 47 abstracts, and 60 book chapters; authored, co-authored, or co-edited 7 books, including Weedon’s Skin Pathology, 4th and 5th editions. Outside Interests: Golf, baseball, history (especially American history), film.

Melanie D. Pratt 2006 Born: June 11, 1953 Manitoba, Canada. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, University of Ottawa; Director, Contact Dermatitis, The Ottawa Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: Biology, University of Ottawa 1973; Medical School: University of Ottawa Cum Laude 1977. Training in Dermatology: Residency Training Dermatology, University of Ottawa, The Ottawa Hospital; Elective

422 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Dermatology -St. John’s Hospital for Disease of the Skin, London, England, studying under Dr. Elaine Cronn and Dr. Charles Calnan; Elective Dermatology, University of Minnesota, University Hospital, Minneapolis studying under Dr. Goltz. Other Training: Internship, St. Joseph’s Hospital, University of Toronto; Internal Medicine, Wellesley Hospital, University of Toronto; Hands On Certified Training Course -Laser Therapy, Harvard Medical School, Department Continuing Education, and Boston, Mass., 1991. Academic Appointments: Full Clinical Professor Medicine (Dermatology) University of Ottawa, 2005-present; Associate Professor Medicine (Dermatology) University of Ottawa, 1998-2005; Assistant Professor Medicine (Dermatology) University of Ottawa, 1988- 1998; Clinical Lecturer, Medicine, 1988, (Dermatology). Professional Societies: American Contact Dermatitis Society: Past President, presently on Membership Committee; Canadian Contact Dermatitis Society: Co-founder, with Dr. Denis Sasseville, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal; North American Contact Dermatitis Research Group: Invited member; International Contact Dermatitis Research Group: Invited member; Director Contact Dermatitis Clinic at The Ottawa Hospital (Civic); Member of the Occupational Disease Specialty Program, St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto; University of Ottawa of Division of Dermatology,: Resident Curriculum Committee (35 years), Chair Resident Selection Committee for (5 years), Past Research Director; American Contact Dermatitis Society; European Contact Dermatitis Society; North American Contact Dermatitis Research Group; International Contact Dermatitis Research Group; Canadian Dermatology Association; Ottawa Dermatology Society; Ontario Medical Association; Atlantic Dermatology Association; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology. Awards and Honors: Guardian Angel award The Ottawa Hospital, 2018; Nominated for CDA Lifetime Achievement award, 2018; Nominated for “Jeff Turnbull Health Care Advocacy Award, Department of Medicine, 2017; Guardian Angel award at The Ottawa Hospital, 2017; Canadian Dermatology Association RFS Clinical Teaching Award, 2012; Fisher Lectureship -At American Contact Dermatitis Society Meeting, New Orleans Mentorship on Contact Dermatitis, 2005; Nominated for the May Cohen Award, 2012 Outside Interests: Children and grandchildren.

Phoebe Rich 2006 Born: Pennsylvania. Current Practice: Oregon Dermatology and Research Center. Education: Undergraduate: Dickinson College 1973; Medical School: Oregon Health and Science Center 1984. Training in Dermatology: Oregon Health Sciences University 1989 Academic Appointments: Adjunct Professor Dermatology 2006. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2006; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors; Oregon Dermatology Society. Outside Interests: Beekeeping, fishing, PickleBall, hiking.

Jerry Shapiro 2006 Current Position: Professor, The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York. Education: Undergraduate: McGill University B.Sc. 1976; Medical School: McGill University MD, CM, 1981. Training in Dermatology: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 1982-1985. Other Training: Internship 1981-1982 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 423 Academic Appointments University of British Columbia Division Department of Dermatology: Clinical Instructor 1986-1991, Clinical Assistant Professor 1991-1995 Clinical Associate Professor 1995-2001 Clinical Professor 2001-2015, Adjunct Professor 2015-present; Adjunct Professor, NYU Langone Medical Center, Ronald O Perlman Department of Dermatology 2007-2015, Professor NYU Langone Health, Ronald O. Perlman Department of Dermatology and Director of Hair and Scalp Disorders 2015-present. Professional Societies: British Columbia Dermatology Society Secretary Treasurer 1990; 1995-2001 North American Hair Research Society: Secretary Treasurer 1995-2001, President 2001-2004; President of the World Congress of Hair Vancouver Canada 2007, Editorial Board, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2007-2011; National Alopecia Areata Foundation Vice Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board 2004-2014 and 2015 – present, Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation: Chair of the Research Advisory Council, Board member 2007-2014, International League of Dermatologic Societies Board Member 2011-2019; President of the World Congress of Dermatology, Vancouver, Canada 2015.

Daniel M. Siegel 2006 Born: May 3, 1957, Brooklyn New York. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, SUNY Downstate Education: Undergraduate: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, Bachelor of Science, Biology, Magna Cum Laude; Medical School: Albany Medical College, Albany, New York 1981. Business degree: W. Averell Harriman School for Management and Policy, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY. Master of Science, Management and Policy, 1995; New York State Advanced Certificate in Labor/Management Studies, 1996. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Resident, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Texas 1982-1985; Chief Resident, Dermatology, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Texas, 1984-1985; Fellow, Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 1985-1986. Other Training: Stuyvesant High School, New York City, New York, 1975. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Director of Cutaneous Surgery, 1986-1988; State University of New York at Stony Brook: Director of Dermatologic Surgery, Assistant Professor, Departments of Dermatology and Surgery, 1990-1993, Associate Professor Department of Dermatology Head, Division of Dermatologic Surgery, Department of Dermatology, Director, Fellowship Training Program in Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Surgery, Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology, 1993-2002. State University of New York Health Sciences Center at Brooklyn: Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology 2002-2004, Clinical Professor of Dermatology,2002 – present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1985-present; President 2012-2013; Honorary Member 2016-present, Representative to the AMA Practice Expense Advisory Committee, a sub- Committee of the AMA/Specialty Society RVS Update Committee (RUC) 1998-2004; Member of RUC 2003- 2010; RUC Advisor 2010-present, AAD Board of Directors 2006-2010, Nominating committee chair 2017- 2018; Corporate Relations Committee Chair 2017-2019; Council on Community, Corporate & Philanthropic Relations Chair 2019-2021. Women’s Dermatologic Society; Member 1984 to present. Website Committee Chair 2008-2010. Board of Directors,2008-2012; Executive Committee 2010-2011; American College of Mohs Surgery: 1990-present; Board of Directors 2007-2010, Distinguished Service Award 2008; Suffolk County Dermatology Society 1991-present; President 1994-1995; American Society for Mohs Surgery: Fellow 1994-present, 1998-present. DebRA (Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America, Inc.: Scientific Advisory Board 1998-present, Trustee 2007-2017, Secretary 2015-2017, DebRA International, Founding Board Member 2008-2010; Board Secretary, 2008-2009; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, member 2002-present; President 2019-2020; International Society for Dermatology: Member 2002-present,

424 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Board of Directors 2017-2021; American Dermatological Association: member 2006-present, Supreme Commander of Audiovisual Technology Activities (SCATA) Outside Interests: Hiking, gardening, photography, computer technology, tinkering, travel, servant to cats in household 2007-present, ADA AV Boy 2007-present.

James Spencer 2006 Born: September 24, 1958, St Louis Missouri. Current Practice: Spencer Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center. Education: Undergraduate: Pitzer College BA 1980; Medical School: Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons 1988. Other: Stanford University MSc 1982. Training in Dermatology: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center 1989-1992. Other Training: Mohs Surgery fellowship with Rex Amonette 1993-1994. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor University of Miami, Director of Mohs and Cosmetic Surgery 1994-1998, Associate Professor Mt Sinai School of Medicine. Director of Mohs & Dermatologic Surgery 1998-2004. Professor of Clinical Dermatology Mt Sinai School of Medicine 2004-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: AAD/ASDS Liaison Committee, 3/99-3/01, Task Force on Core Competencies in Procedural Skills, 3/00-3/05, Environment Committee 3/01-3/05, Bylaws Committee, 2/05-3/09, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee 2/08-3/13, Deputy Chair, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee 11/07-3/09, Board of Directors 2/10-3/15, Chair, Seal of Approval Application Work Group 12/06- 6/10, Chair, Skin Cancer Committee 3/09-3/13; American Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Awards Committee 10/02-10/05, Council on Dermatologic Surgery Practice 9/03- 9/05, Chairman Guidelines Committee 9/03-9/04, Chair Research Work Group 9/05-9/06, Annual Meeting Work Group 9/06-9/09 International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons; American Board of Dermatology: Recertification Exam, Dermatologic Surgery Module 10/94- 12/99; Skin Cancer Foundation Executive Committee of the Medical Council 9/99-present; Florida Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 4/05-4/10 President 5/08-5/09 VicePresident, 4/12- 4/13 ; Florida Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Secretary-Treasurer 12/11-12/12, President 12/12-12/13;, American Society for Cosmetic Dermatology & Aesthetic Surgery: Board of Directors 12/05-12/12; American Society for Cosmetic Dermatology & Aesthetic Surgery President 11/09-10/10. Editorial Boards: Cosmetic Dermatology 1/01-5/02, Editor in Chief 5/02-5/08, Book Review Co-Editor, Clinics in Dermatology 1/01-1/05, Contemporary Dermatology 10/02-present, Drugs in Dermatology 1/03-present, Dermatologia Cosmetica, Medica y Quirurgica, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology; Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Editor in Chief 2/06-8/08 and 7/08-7/14, The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology Editorial Board 5/08-present; Outside Interests: Skiing, cooking, golf.

Susan Taylor 2006 Born: October 7, 1957, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Sandra Lazarus Professor of Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Department of Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania; Medical School: Harvard. Academic Appointments: : Sandra Lazarus Professor of Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 425 Training in Dermatology: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York Other Training: Internal Medicine: Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President 2020-2021; Board of Directors 2006-2010; Women’s Dermatology Society, Board Member 2014-2017; Skin of Color Society: Founder, President, Board of Directors 2004-2009; American Dermatological Association, Member 2006-present, American Medical Association; National Medical Association; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Travel, Art, Physical Fitness.

Erin Warshaw 2006 Born: June 8, 1965 Tachikawa Air Base, Japan. Current Position: Professor, Clinical Scholar Track, Department of Dermatology University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Division of Dermatology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Co-director, Park Nicollet Contact Dermatitis Clinic Minneapolis, Minnesota. Education: Undergraduate: Newcomb College, Tulane University; 1983-1985, 1986-1987 New Orleans, LA; B.S. Biology. Medical School: Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine; 1988-1992. Other: St. Catherine’s College Oxford University, Oxford, England; 1985-1986; Master’s Program in Clinical Research University of Minnesota 2000 – 2004. Internship: Medicine/ Pediatrics Emory University School of Medicine 1992-1993. Training in Dermatology: Emory University School of Medicine; 1993 -1996 Atlanta, GA. Academic Appointments: University of Minnesota: Assistant Professor Department of Dermatology 1996 – 2003, Associate Professor, Clinical Scholar Track 2003 – 2011, Professor, Clinical Scholar Track 2011 – present. Professional Societies: North American Contact Dermatitis Group (2004-present); Associate Editor Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 6/2008-9/2011; Associate Editor for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Dermatitis 2003 – present; Editorial Board Contact Dermatitis 2014-present; VA National Dermatology Field Advisory Committee Member 2010 – 2014; NIOSH National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Workgroup, Contact Dermatitis Expert Member 2010-2014; American Academy of Dermatology: member 1996-present, Guidelines / Outcomes Task Force of Health Care Delivery Committee, Member 2001 – 2003, Contact Dermatitis Committee Member 1997 – 2001, Latex Allergy Taskforce, Member 1997 – 2001; American Contact Dermatitis Society: member 1997-present, President 2007-09, Bylaws and Administrative Regulations Committee, Member 1999, Chair 2000-01, Board of Directors 2001 – 04, Nominating Committee 2003- 2011, 2015-2016, Alexander Fisher Lectureship Committee, Member 2001-03, Chair 2003-04, Education Committee, Member 2004-present, Chair 2005-06, President’s Award for Outstanding Service 2006, Editorial and Publications Committee, Chair 2011-present, Bylaws and Administrative Regulations Committee Member 2013-14; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 1996-present, Membership Committee, 1999 – 05, Membership Committee Chair 2002 – 03, Board of Directors 2006-10, Mentoring Committee 2010-13; American Dermatological Association 2006-present; National Association of VA Dermatologists: 1996-present, Board of Directors 2000-01; American Telemedicine Association: 2002-present, Teledermatology Special Interest Group Secretary 2002-04, Resident Award Coordinator 2003-present; Minnesota Dermatologic Society 1997-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology 2000-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 1998-present; Council for Nail Disorders (1998-present); International Dermatoepidemiology Association 1996-present; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2004-present; International Society of Teledermatology 2005-present; European Society of Contact Dermatitis 2005 –present. Outside Interests: Running (ultramarathons), Triathlon, Rescue Dogs, Yoga.

426 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association R. Rox Anderson 2007 Current Position: Wellman Center for Photomedicine; Department of Dermatology Harvard Medical School; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Education: Undergraduate Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Medical School: Joint MIT-Harvard Health Sciences and Technology. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School residency in dermatology. Other Training: Harvard Medical School NIH research fellowship. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School Professor, Department of Dermatology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Adjunct Professor of Health Sciences and Technology.

Leslie Baumann 2007 Born: April 29, 1967, Lubbock Texas. Current Practice: Private Practice, Miami Florida Bauman Cosmetic and Research Institute; CEO Skin Type Solutions Franchise Systems, LLC. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas – Austin BA Biology 1989; Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine, MD 1993. Other: Internship, pediatrics, Baylor 1993-1994. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami 1994-1997. Other Training: Association of Clinical Research Professionals, certification 2004. Academic Appointments: Director, Division of Cosmetic Dermatology, University of Miami 1997-2009; Professor of Dermatology, University of Miami 2006-2009. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, American Academy of Dermatology, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Outside Interests: Yoga, reading, golf, French literature, art history, collecting vintage cosmetic advertisements and products, reading biographies, taking on-line classes on random topics.

Anthony V. Benedetto 2007 Born: April 11, 1948, Philadelphia. Current Practice: Private Practice 1978-present; Medical Director, Dermatologic SurgiCenter, Philadelphia and Drexel Hill, PA 1983-present; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 2013-present. Education: Undergraduate: St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, B.S. Biology 1966-70; Medical School: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine DO 1970-74. Training in Dermatology: The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio 1975-78 Other Training: Rotating Internship, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio 1974-75; Fellowship in Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio 1978. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1978 Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Hahnemann University 1978-79; Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Medical College of Pennsylvania 1980-93; Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine 1992-present; Clinical Associate, Department of Dermatology, Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University 1995-2004; Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Drexel University College of Medicine 1995-2005; The Johns Hopkins

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 427 University School of Medicine: Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology 2002-05; Clinical Associate 2000-03, Clinical Assistant Professor 2003-07; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Department of Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor 2007-13. Professional Societies: American Medical Association: Member 1978-present; American Society for Dermatology Surgery: Member 1978-present , Committee on Office-based Surgery 1988-93, Cost Containment Task Force 1997, Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee 2002-05, Sounding Board 2007-08, Preceptorship Program, 2008-, Professional Conduct Committee 2009-present, Chair of Professional Conduct Committee 2011-present, Partners in Professional Development Committee 2011-present, International Traveling Mentorship Program, 2012-; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology: Member and Fellow 1978-present, Manpower Committee 1984-86, Publications Committee 1986-88;Task Force on Coding and Reimbursement Issues 1989; American Osteopathic Association 1978-present; American Osteopathic College of Dermatology 1978-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1979-present, Investments Committee 1993-98, Advisory Board Executive Committee 2000-05, Public Awareness Committee 2001-05, Communications Network 2001-04, Nominations Committee 2004-08, Chairman of Nominations Committee 2007-08, Preceptorship Workgroup Committee 2007-08, AHTF on Election Oversight Committee 2007-08, Education and Volunteers Abroad Committee 2008-12, History Committee 2008-12, Chair of History Committee 2013-14, Member Recognition Committee 2014-17, Chair of Member Recognition Committee 2017-2020; The Space Dermatology Foundation, Founding Member 1987; Secretary 1990-1991, Program Chairman 1991-1992, President Elect 1992-1993, President 1993-1995; History of Dermatology Society: Member 1990-present, Secretary/ Treasurer 2000-present; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Member 1995 and Fellow 2007; North American Clinical Dermatology Society: Member 2001, Board of Directors 2005-present, Scientific Program Chair 2009-15, Secretary General 2015-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society 2006-present; American Dermatological Association: Member 2007 and Meeting Site Committee Member 2014-2018, Honorary Membership Committee 2018-present; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society 2009-present; Pennsylvania Medical Society 1978-present; Philadelphia Dermatological Society: Member 1978-present, Executive Board Member 1990-92, Scientific Chairman 1993-95, Secretary/Treasurer 1995-97, President Elect 1996-97, President 1997-98; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology: Member 1979-present, Executive Committee 1983-85, Secretary 1985-87, Vice President 1987-88, President 1988-89, Chair of Surgical Symposium 1995- 2005, Chair of Site Selection Committee 2002-present and member of different committees; The College of Physicians of Philadelphia: Fellow 1980-present, Section on Dermatology: Member 1982, Clerk 1988-90 and Chairman 1990-93; Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association: Member 1978-present, Chair of Committee on Dermatology 1984-94, Committee on Dermatology 2014-present. International Societies: International Society of Dermatology: Member 1992-present, Executive Committee Member 1995-99, Board Member 1995-99, Special Advisor on Marketing 1997-99, Meeting Arrangements Chairman 1998-2000, Maria Duran Committee 2009-14, Historian 2014-present, Mentorship Program 2015-present; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member 1993-present, Board of Directors 2005, Secretary 2010-11, Scientific Program Co-Chairman, Annual Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany 2011, Treasurer 2011-12, Vice-President 2012-13, President Elect 2013, President 2014-15; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: Member 1994-present; European Society for Micrographic Surgery: Member 1996-present; International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology: Founding Member 1996, Treasurer General 1998, Executive Vice President, North American office 1999-present, Secretary General, 8th World Congress, Cancun, Mexico 2012; European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology: Member 1997-present, Inter-Society Liaison 2002-03. Awards, Honors, and Membership in Honorary Societies: The Peskind Medical Fellowship Award, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation for studies in Porphyria Cutanea Tarda 1977; The Andres Bello Award, Ministry of Education of Venezuela, IV Inter-Continental Congress of Dermatology, Caracas, Venezuela 1989;Teaching Award, Department of Dermatology, The John Hopkins University School of Medicine 2003-2004; Resident Teaching Award, Department of Dermatology University of Pennsylvania 2004; Honorary Fellow, Philippine Academy of Dermatologic Surgery Foundation, Inc., Manila, Philippines 2005; Dermatologist of the Year, Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery 2009; Humanitarian Award, Filitalia International 2009; Società Cavalieri d’Italia of Philadelphia, Associate 2017 ; American College of Physicians, Fellow 1982. Outside Interests: Family, travel, languages, history, arts, opera, antiques.

428 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Andrew Blauvelt 2007 Born: February 12, 1962, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Current Position/Practice: President, Oregon Medical Research Center. Education: Undergraduate: Purdue University, BS Electrical Engineering, 1984; Medical School: Michigan State University, MD, 1988. Other: Oregon Health & Science University/Portland State University, Healthcare MBA, 2013. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami, 1989-1992. Other Training: Clinical and Laboratory Dermatological Immunology, Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 1992-1996. Academic Appointments: 1996-2003 Investigator (Tenure-Track) and Head, Viral Pathogenesis Section Dermatology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD; 2003- 2004 Senior Investigator (Tenured) and Head, Viral Pathogenesis Section, Dermatology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD; 2004-2011 Professor, Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR; 2004-2011 Professor, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR; 2004-2011 Chief, Dermatology Service, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Portland, OR; 2011-present Affiliate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1990-present, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Task Force 1994-1995, Invited Speaker, Stephen Rothman Club 1998, 2003, Study Group on Medical Dermatology 1999, Psoriasis Task Force/Expert Resource Group 2000-2004, HIV/STD Task Force/ Expert Resource Group 2000-2004, Forum for Future Leaders in Dermatology 2002, chairperson, Residents & Fellows Symposium, Annual Meeting 2002-2005, participant, Psoriasis Therapies Educational Summit 2002, member, Research Committee 2007-2009, member, Congressional Policy Committee 2009-2010, Invited member, Camp Discovery Committee 2011-2013; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 1994-present, Investigator/Fellow Dinner Program 1997-2007, Education for Students Program 1999-2007, Committee on Albert M. Kligman Fellowships 2000-2004, Committee on Clinical Scholars Program 2001- 2004, chairperson, minisymposia at annual meetings 2001, 2003-2004, 2007-2008, 2010, Invited speaker, retreat to recruit physician-scientists 2001, 2003, Chairperson, Committee on Resident and Fellow Programs 2002-2005, abstract reviewer for annual meetings 2003-2005, 2010; Washington D.C. Dermatological Society 1996-2004; American Association for the Advancement of Science 1996-2010; Dermatology Foundation: Medical and Scientific Committee 2004-2007, Invited chairperson, Medical and Scientific Committee 2007, Vice Chairman for the State of Oregon 2006-2007, Leader’s Society 2006-2011; National Psoriasis Foundation 1998-present, Medical Advisory Board 2001-2004, 2007-2013, Invited member, Board of Trustees Research Committee 2004, Selected Honorary Medical Chair, Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Portland 2007-2010, member, Scientific Advisory Board 2009-2014, Member, President’s Council 2009-present, Invited member, Scientific Advisory Committee 2010-2011, 2016-present, Translational Grant Review Committee 2011, Emeritus Medical Board 2015-present; American Society for Clinical Investigation 2004-2012; Oregon Dermatology Society: Member 2004-present, Board of Directors 2010-2013, President-elect 2010-2011, President 2011- 2012, Immediate Past President 2012-2013; Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis 2006-present; American Dermatological Association: 2007-present, Meeting Site Committee 2008- 2011; Councilor, International Psoriasis Council 2011-present, · Chair, Biosimilars Working Group 2013-2016, Member, Patient Care Committee 2017-present, Member, Moderate Psoriasis Committee 2017-present; Member, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2017-present. Outside Interests: Travel, wine, fine dining, hiking, basketball, puzzles.

Robert T. Brodell 2007 Born: November 24, 1953, Rochester, New York. Current Position: Chairman, Department of Dermatology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 429 Education: Undergraduate: Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania BA 1975; Medical School: University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, New York MD 1979. Training in Dermatology: Barnes Hospital/Washington University, St Louis, Missouri, Dermatology Residency 1981-84. Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship and PGY2 Residency: Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, New York; Barnes Hospital/Washington University, St Louis, Missouri, Dermatopathology Fellowship (1984-85). Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Chief of Dermatology Division, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (Renamed: Northeast Ohio Medical University), Rootstown, Ohio 1985-2012; Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York 2006-present; Tenured Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, and Professor of Pathology, University of Mississippi Medical Center; Interim Chair, Department of Pathology (2013-16); Program Director, Dermatopathology Fellowship, University of Mississippi Medical Center (2018-present). Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Member 2007 to present, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer and Secretary-Treasurer 2016-202; President-Elect 2020; American Academy of Dermatology: 1982-present, Board of Directors, 2013-16; The Dermatology Foundation, Leaders Society, 2002-present; Annenberg Circle-2002-present; American Board of Dermatology, Board of Directors 2003-12; President 2011-12; American Society of Dermatopathology 1985 to present; Ohio Dermatological Association, President 2001-02; Trumbull County Medical Society, President 1993; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society: Member 2002-Present; Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education, 1998-2002; Ohio Dermatological Association (1985-2012) President (2001-2002); American Dermatological Association, Secretary-Treasurer (2016-21); Women’s Dermatologic Society (2015-present). Awards, Honors and Service: Phi Beta Kappa (1975); Alpha Omega Alpha (1979); Harding High School Distinguished Hall of Fame, Warren, Ohio (1995); Liebelt-Wheeler Award for Faculty Excellence, NEOMED (1995); AAMC Humanism in Medicine Award (1999); Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education (1998- 2002); Dermatology Residency Review Committee (2013-2016); Senior Representative for University of Mississippi to Clinical Faculty/Academic Societies (CFAS) to Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) (2020-21); Skin PAC (2008-present); AAD Thomas Pearson, EdD Memorial Education Award (2018); AAD Presidential Citation (2016 and 2019); Associate Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2020-present); Cleveland Cavaliers Fan of the Year (1997); Editor-in-Chief, Practice Update Dermatology (Elsevier) (2012-present). Author of 380 peer-reviewed articles, over 1800 invited lectures; and 3 textbooks. Outside Interests: American Cancer Society (ACS) Ohio Board of Directors (1999-2010), Ohio President (2002- 2003), ACS East-Central Board of Directors (2010-2012), ACS National St George Award (2003), ACS Relay for Life Hall of Fame (2005), ACS National Board of Directors (2009-2010); Family, travel, snow skiing, outdoor activities.

Brett Coldiron 2007 Born: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Current Position/Practice: Director Skin Cancer Center Cincinnati Ohio; Clinical Assistant Professor University of Cincinnati. Education: Undergraduate: Wabash College 1978; Medical School: University of Kentucky 1982. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Southwestern 1985-1988. Other Training: University Hospital, Cincinnati: Internal medicine residency 1982-1985 (Board Certified); Northwestern University Mohs and Dermatological Surgery fellowship. Academic Appointments: University of Cincinnati: Clinical Associate Professor 1994 to present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: member 2007-present; American Academy

430 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association of Dermatology: President 2014, Multiple Committees; American College Mohs Surgery: President 2012; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 2008; American Medical Association: Delegate from Ohio; Ohio Dermatologic Society, Noah Webster Dermatologic Society, Ohio State Medical Society; American College of Physicians; American Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; Cincinnati Academy of Medicine; Dermatology Foundation Leaders Society; Kentucky Medical Association; Masters of Dermatology Association; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Northern Kentucky Medical Society; Skin PAC; Women’s Dermatology Society; Awards and Honors: JDD Leaders of Distinction Award for Outstanding Leadership in Promoting the Field of Dermatology (2016); International Training Mentorship Program Outstanding Contribution Award (2014); Clinical Educator of the Year (2014); American Society of Dermatologic Surgery President’s Award for leadership and promoting safety of office-based surgery (2013); Distinguished Service Award, American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology (2007); Dermatologist of the Year – Ohio Dermatologic Association (2001); Clarence A. Jackson Service Award for outstanding achievement, National Association of Wabash College Men (2000); Distinguished lecturer: University of Cincinnati, Cleveland Clinic, Harvard Medical School, Mayo Clinic, New York University, Wake Forest University, University of Arkansas; Distinguished international lecturer: Canada, Indonesia, South Africa, Dubai, India.

Mark D. P. Davis 2007 Born: October 12, 1962; Limerick, Ireland. Current Position: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA. Education: Medical School: Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 1981-1987. Other: Internal Medicine Residency: Dublin, Ireland (1987-1991) and Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN (1991-1993). Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN (1993-1997). Other Training: National University of Ireland – Medical Doctorate Degrees, 1996 – 2000. Academic Appointments: Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 07/01/1998 -09/30/2002, Associate Professor 10/01/2002 -09/30/2005, Professor 10/01/2005 to present. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association: member 20087 – present; American Academy of Dermatology: Council of Communications 01/1999 – 2008, Member Services Committee 01/2002 – 2008, Pamphlet Committee 01/1999 – 2008; American Board of Dermatology: 05/2012 -05/2016; American Contact Dermatitis Society: Alexander Fisher Award Committee Chair 2014, Alexander Fisher Lectureship Committee: Member 07/2009 – Present, Chair 07/2011 – 07/2014, Board of Directors 2009 – 2012; Clinical Research Studies Committee Chair 02/2008 -01/2009, Editorial and Publications Committee 02/2008 – 2010, Education Committee Member 2013 – 2016,Long-range Planning Committee Member 2013, Nominating Committee Chair 07/2009 -07/2010, Member 07/2011 -07/2014; American Medical Association; Association for the Advancement of Wound Care; Dermatology Foundation; Erythromelalgia Association Member 01/2001 – Present; European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology: Member 2000 – Present, Chair Global Dermatology European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, 12th Congress, Barcelona, Spain; International Society of Dermatology: Vice President 05/2009 – Present, Communications Committee 01/2000 – Present, Membership Committee Member 01/2000 – Present, Chair 01/2001 – 05/2009; Minnesota Dermatological Society: Vice President 01/2006 – 01/2007, President-Elect 01/2007 – 01/2008, President 01/2008 – 01/2009; Minnesota Medical Association; Zumbro Valley Medical Society; Rheumatologic Dermatology Society; Royal College of Physicians of Ireland; Society for Dermatology Hospitalists; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Wound Care Society. Outside Interests: Music, Theater, Gym, Travel.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 431 James E. Fitzpatrick 2007 Born: June 12, 1948 Regensburg, Germany. Current Position: Retired. Education: Undergraduate: Arkansas State University BS 1970; Medical School: University of Arkansas MD 1976. Other: Arkansas State University MS 1972. Training in Dermatology: Fitzsimons Army Medical Center Dermatology Residency 1978-1981. Other Training: Internship Fitzsimons Army Medical Center 1976-1977; Dermatopathology Fellowship University of Colorado School of Medicine 1985. Academic Appointments: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Department of Dermatology: Professor, Vice Chair, Director of Dermatopathology, Residency Director (July 1997 to June 2005), Co-Director, Dermatopathology Fellowship (July 2000 to retirement). Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha; American Academy of Dermatology: multiple committees; American Society of Dermatopathology; Alpha Omega Alpha; Association of Military Dermatologists; Colorado Dermatologic Society; International Society of Dermatopathology; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Society of Investigative Dermatology; Society of Pediatric Dermatology.

Lisa A. Garner 2007 Born: May 31,1955 Dallas, Texas. Current Practice: Private practice Garland, TX and St. Petersburg, FL Education: Undergraduate: University of Houston, BS Pharmacy 1977; Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine 1983. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Affiliated Programs 1984-1988. Other Training: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Affiliated Programs, Internal Medicine 1983-1984. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor UT Southwestern Medical School, Dept. of Dermatology, Dallas, TX Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Vice President 2013-2014, Board of Directors 2008-2012, Communications Council 2010-2012, Work Group for Advisory Board Reforms 2003-2004, Chair Ad Hoc Task Force Perceptions of Dermatology in the House of Medicine 2012-2014, Bylaws Committee 2015-2017 and Chair 2015-2017, member of multiple committees and task forces and work groups 1997-2021; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Immediate Past President 2011-2012, President 2010-2011, Committee Chair Annual Luncheon Meeting 2002, Committee Co-Chair Annual Luncheon Meeting 2008, Newsletter Editor 2006-2009, Board of Directors 2004-2008; Texas Dermatological Society: President May 2004-2005, Board of Directors 2005-2007 Program Chairman 1998 – 2001, Secretary – Treasurer May 2001 to 2004, Advisory Board Representative 1996-2004; Dallas Dermatological Society: President 1994, Secretary 1993, Representative to the Advisory Board of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1995-1996; Dermatology Foundation: Leader’s Society Texas D/FW State Chair, 1998-2008, Leader’s Society Committee 2003-2012, Board of Directors 2003-2020; American Contact Dermatitis Society: Board of Directors 2000- 2002, Vice President 2002-2003, 2004-2005; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; International Society of Dermatology; European Society of Contact Dermatitis; Dallas County Medical Society; Texas Medical Association; American Medical Association. Awards and Honors: American Academy of Dermatology Presidential Citations 2006 and 2010. Outside Interests: Scuba diving, gardening, cooking and sewing.

432 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Ernesto Gonzalez 2007 Born: Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology Harvard Medical School; Dermatologist Massachusetts General Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: University of Puerto Rico-1960; Medical School: University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine 1966. Training in Dermatology: University of Puerto Rico 1969-1971; Harvard Medical School 1971-1972. Other Training: Fellowship in Photomedicine 1976-1977. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor of Dermatology University of Puerto Rico Medical School 1972-76; Professor of Dermatology Harvard Medical School 2008. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Committee on Education, Chairman Self- Assessment Committee, Multicultural Committee, Membership Committee. Outside Interests: Community in-service with Boston Health Care for the Homeless, Developing Teledermatology Services for underserved communities in Puerto Rico and Honduras.

Richard S. Kalish 2007 Last Position: Alan R. Shalita Distinguished Teacher and Chairman Department of Dermatology, State University of New York Downstate. Education: Medical School: State University of New York Downstate MD 1981. Other: State University of New York Downstate PhD Immunology 1981. Training in Dermatology: State University of New York Downstate 1982-1984 Other Training: Montifiore Medical Center Internal Medicine 1981-1982; Harvard Medical School Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 1984-1987-2007. Academic Appointments: University of Minnesota; from 1991 State University of New York at Stony Brook: director of residency program, Interim Chair 2002-2007; State University of New York Downstate: Posthumous Award: Richard S. Kalish Memorial Lectureship established in his honor at SUNY Downstate Department of Dermatology. Deceased November 2007.

Robert Kirsner 2007 Born: October 25, 1962 Brooklyn, New York. Current Position: Chair and Harvey Blank Professor Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: 1980 1981 Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois; 1981-1984 Texas A & M University College Station, Texas Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry. Medical School: 1984-1988 University of Miami School of Medicine Miami, Florida, Doctor of Medicine. Other: 1996 – 2004 University of Miami School of Medicine Department of Epidemiology Public Health Doctor of Philosophy Training in Dermatology: University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery Resident 1992-1994, Chief Resident 1995-1995. Other Training: University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital Internship, 1988-1989, Department of Internal Medicine Resident 1989-1990, Department of Dermatology Fellow in Wound Healing 1990-1992.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 433 Academic Appointments: University of Miami School of Medicine Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery: Instructor 1995, Assistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology 1995-2001, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine 2001-2006, Vice Chairman 2006-2014, Professor (Tenured) of Dermatology 2006-present, Endowed Chair Stiefel Laboratories Professor of Dermatology, Interim Chairman and Harvey Blank Professor 2014-2016, Chairman and Harvey Blank Professor Endowed Chair 2016-present; University of Miami School of Medicine Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Tenured Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health. Professional Societies: American Medical Association 1984; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology: Membre 1995, Board of Directors 2016-present, Cost-Effectiveness Task Force 1996-2001, Quality of Care Committee 1997-2004, Fair Valuation Sub Group, Program for Dermatology for the 21st Century 1999-2000, Guidelines Committee 2000-2005, Chair Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Task Force 2004-2009, Chair Practice Management Task Force 2005-2009, Chairperson Maintenance of Certification Committee 2009-2011, Chair Council on Education and Maintenance of Certification 2011-2016; Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery: Member 1995, Board of Directors 2003-2008, Vice-President 2004- 2005, President-Eect 2005-2006, President 2007-2008; International DermatoEpidemiology Association 1996; Medical Dermatology Society 1996; Association for the Advancement of Wound Care: member1996, Treasurer 1998-2000, President-Elect 2000-2002, President 2002-2004, Immediate Past President 2004-2006; Society of Investigative Dermatology 1996; La Sociaedad Chilena De Dermatologia Y Venereologia 1996; Residency Curriculum Exchange Group 1996; Wound Healing Society: Member 1998, Board of Directors 2006-2009; European Society for Tissue Repair 1998; Miami Dermatological Society; member 1999, membership chairperson 2000-2003; Argentinian Medical Association 2000; Association of Professors of Dermatology 2014; French Sociery of Dermatology 2017. Outside Interests: Running, travel, father of 3, watching professional cycling.

J. Ramsey Mellette 2007 Born: South Carolina Current Practice: Retired. Education: Undergraduate: Wofford College AB 1961 Medical School: Medical University of South Carolina MD 1969 Training in Dermatology: Fitzsimons Army Medical Center 1973-1976. Other Training: Aerospace Medical Service, Fort Rucker, Alabama; Fellowship in Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology University of Tennessee 1981. Academic Appointments: Chief of Dermatology and Dermatology residency program director at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center 1982 to 1990; Professor of Dermatology and Director of Dermatologic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology University of Colorado School of Medicine 1990-retirement.

Margaret Parsons 2007 Born: Sacramento, California September 28, 1965. Current Practice: Private Practice: Partner, Dermatology Consultants of Sacramento. Education: Undergraduate: University of California, Berkeley: B.A. in Physiology and German, 1988; Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine, 1992 Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency Tulane University School of Medicine-1993-1996, chief resident 1995-96. Other Training: Tulane University School of Medicine-Medicine Internship 1992-93. Academic Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor, UCDavis, Dept of Dermatology 1996-2010, Associate Clinical Professor, UCDavis, Dept of Dermatology (2011-current). Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2007-2011, Executive Committee 2009-2011, Leadership Development Steering Committee 2010-2017, Chair 2014-2017,

434 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Deputy Chair 2012-2014, Chair Annual Meeting Courses for Leadership Institute 2010-2013, State Society Development TF 2014-2016, Priorities Committee 2007-2012 and 2014-2016, Nominating Committee Ad-Hoc Work Group 2012, 2014, 2015, Ad Hoc TF on Honoraria 2011, Blue Ribbon Panel on Disclosure of Interest 2010-2011, Ad Hoc Committee Board Nominee selection 2009, 2010, Ad Hoc Committee Secretary-Treasurer selection 2008-2009, Ad Hoc TF on Leadership 2007-2010 Strategy Committee 2005- 2014, Council on Member Services, Chair 2008-2012, Council on Government Affairs and Health Policy and Practice, Chair 2004-2008, Leadership Development Committee 2004-2009, Vice-Chair 2005, Chair 2006, Immediate Past Chair 2007, Organizational Structure Committee 2004-2009, Coding and Reimbursement TF 2004-2007, Leadership in Volunteerism TF 2003-2005, Ad Hoc Election and Nominating Committee 2004, Government Affairs Committee Chair 2001-2003, Council on Government Affairs and Research 2001-2004, Chair 2003-2004, Legislative Advocacy TF 2001-2002, Election Oversight Committee 2001-2002, Young Physicians’ Committee 1998-2001, Chair 1998-2001, Key Contact Committee 1998-2000, Committee on Physician Practice 1996-2001, Chair 2000-2001, State and Federal Issues TF 1996-2000, Futures Committee 1996-1997, Resident Physicians’ Committee, Past Chair 1996-1997, Chair and Board Observer 1995-1996, Advisory Board Delegate 1997-2002, Advisory Board Executive Committee 1998-2001, Schneiderman Lectureship Committee Chair, 1999-2004 President’s Citation Award 2000 Recognition for work in fostering young physician involvement and leadership, President’s Citation Award 2005. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Editorial Board 2000-2003, SkinPAC : Board of Directors 2000-2002, Acting Chair 2000-2001, Chair 2002-2003; American Dermatological Association: Member 2007-current; Women’s Dermatological Society: Board of Directors 2003-07, Membership Committee 2000-2003, Parliamentarian 1999-2001, 2002-2003, Bylaws Committee 1999-2010, Chair 2004-2007, Audit Committee 2008-2010, Finance Committee 2010-2011, Resident Representative 1995-1996; American Society for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery: State Advocacy representative 2008-2013, Journal Work Group 2006-2007, Government and Private Sector Relations Work Group 2005-2007, Delegate, AMA Young Physicians Section 1997-2002, Strategic Planning Meeting 2001, Legislative and Media Strike Task Force Chair 2000-2001, Membership Committee 1999-2002; American Medical Association-Young Physicians Section: ASDS Delegate, Served on Dermatology Section Council. Reference Committee (I-1998) and Late Resolutions Committee (I-2000, A-2001, Chair I-2001, Chair A-2002); California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 1997-2007, Treasurer 2003-2007, Public Relations Committee Chair 2001-2004, Delegate, California Medical Association Council of Legislation 2001-2003, President 2000-2001, President- Elect 1999-2000, Legislative Committee 1997-2007, Chair 1999-2000, Delegate, CMA-Young Physicians Section 1999-2001, CalDERM-PAC 1997-2007, 2013-2015 Chair: 2016-2017, Bylaws Committee 1998- 1999; California Medical Association: Council of Scientific Affairs-Dermatology Committee 2002-2006, Council of Legislation 2001-2003, Young Physicians Section, 1999-2002, Alternate Delegate-House of Delegates, District 11 2005-2012, Delegate-House of Delegate, District 11 2013-current, Board of Trustees 2015-current, Finance Committee 2018, Audit Committee 2018, 2020, Wellness Committee-Board Liaison 2020, Reopening Health Care Corona Pandemic TF 2020;Sacramento Sierra Valley Medical Society: Immediate Past-President 2009, President 2008, President-Elect 2007, Treasurer 2004-2007, Board Member 2002-2009, Scholarship and Awards Comm1999-current, Vice-Chair 2009-2010, Chair 2011-current, Solo and Small Group Physicians Work Group 2014-2015; Sutter Independent Physicians–IPA: Board of Directors 2013-current, Chair-Search Committee 2015, Finance Committee 2016-current, Executive Committee 2016-current, Co- Chair Dermatology, Sutter Physicians Alliance 2015-current, Sutter Valley Credentials Committee 2018-current. Outside Interests: Gardening, knitting, baking, sewing/quilting and time with family and friends.

Desiree Ratner 2007 Born: July 10, 1964/ Augusta, Georgia. Current Practice: Private practice New York City; Clinical Professor of Dermatology NYU Langone Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University A.B. magna cum laude 1984; Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan, 1990-1993.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 435 Other Training: Fellowship in Mohs micrographic surgery and dermatologic surgery, New England Medical Center, July 1993 –September 1994; Lahey Clinic Medical Center, October 1994 to June 1995. Other: Zilkha Foundation Scholarship through the Fulbright Fellowship Program, 1984-5. Academic Appointments: July 2018 -Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System Jan. 2014-June 2018, Professor, Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System; Dec 2008-December 2013; Professor of Clinical Dermatology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University,Desai New York, December 2001-December 2008; George Henry Fox Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, Apr. 97-present George Henry Fox Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York; Oct 95-Oct 96 Instructor; Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Jun 96-Oct 96 Volunteer Faculty, Dermatology, University of Maryland at Baltimore. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association: Member 2007, Board of Directors 2017-present; Chair, Program Committee 2017; Association of Professors of Dermatology Chair Procedural Dermatology Section 2011-2013; American Academy of Dermatology: Chair Sulzberger Institute 2002-2004, Board of Directors 1999-2002, Professionalism and Ethics Committee 2017-2020, Chair SkinCancerNet Committee 2005-2007, Task Force on Core Curriculum for Procedural Competencies, 2004-2006, Council on Education 2002-2004, Melanoma /Skin Cancer Screening Programs Task Force Member 1999-2001, Advisory Board Member 1995-1996, Associate Editor, Dialogues in Dermatology Editorial Board 2015-2017; International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative Group Board member 2007-2008; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Board of Directors 2004-2007 At Large Member Nominating Committee 2015-2017, Member, Fellowship Training Committee 2015-2018, Newsletter Committee 2008- 2012, Software Development Committee 2005-2006, American Society for Mohs Surgery Liaison Committee 2005-2006, Tromovitch Award Committee 2003-2007, Fellowship Training Committee 2015-2018, Liaison to Women’s Dermatologic Society Dermatologic Surgery Committee 2009-2011; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons Board of Directors 2001-2004, Membership Committee 2002-2004, Subcommittee on Flaps, Curriculum Committee 2002-2003, Website Surgical Pearls Editor 1996-1999; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Patient Education Work Group 2017-present, Preceptorship Program Work Group 2009-2011, Subcommittee on Skin Cancer 2003-2005, Residency Training Committee 1997-1999, Journal Committee 2002-2005; Dermatology Foundation Annenberg Circle 2008, Member, Clinical, Medical, Surgical and Dermatopathology Panel of the Medical and Scientific Committee 2015-2017, Member, Surgical Content Development Committee, American Board of Dermatology 2014-2017; Editorial Board Member, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2008-present, Associate Editor 2018-present, Co-Editor, Dermatologic Surgery Journal 2007-present; Associate Editor, Journal of Dermatologic Treatment 2004-2007; New York Dermatologic Society President 2019-2020; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York; Women’s Dermatologic Society; American Medical Association; American Council on Graduate Medical Eduction Residency Review Committee for Dermatology 2018-present. Outside Interests: Antiquarian books, French literature and culture, literary fiction and nonfiction, fitness training.

Tor Shwayder 2007 Born: Detroit Michigan August 1953. Current Position: Director, Pediatric Dermatology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard University 1975, B.A. cum laude in Biology; Medical School: University of Michigan, 1980, M.D. Other: Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music, London, England (L.R.A.M.) 1975. Training in Dermatology: Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester NY 1984-1987. Other Training: University of Michigan Pediatric Residency 1980-1983, Private Practice Pediatrics, Ann Arbor MI 1983-1984. Professional Societies: Society for Pediatric Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Michigan Dermatological Society (President 2012-2013), Wayne County Medical Association; Michigan Medical Association. AMA.

436 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Outside Interests: Semi-professional violinist with lifelong participation in community orchestras and chamber music groups. Licensed private pilot with certificates for instrument rating, retractable gear and complex engines. Rose and peony gardening. Most notable achievement: Played both the Mozart and the Brahms clarinet quintets with members of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

Robert A. Silverman 2007 Born: April 11, 1951, Washington, D.C. Current Practice: Private Practice, large dermatology group: Clinical Associate Professor Georgetown University Department of Pediatrics. Education: Undergraduate: Washington & Lee 1973; Medical School: University of Virginia, Charlottesville 1977. Training in Dermatology: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio1984. Other Training: Boston Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship 1980-1982. Academic Appointments: Assistant then Associate Professor, Dermatology & Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University; Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics Georgetown University. Society Memberships: Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Member 1980-present, President 2005-2006; Washington, DC Dermatological Society: Memberm1989-present, President 2002-2003; American Academy of Dermatology; American Board of Dermatology: 2008-2017, Vice President 2016-2017.

Sabra Sullivan 2007 Born: Jackson, Mississippi, May 4, 1957. Current Practice: CEO and Medical Director, Dermatology Associates and the Cutaneous Laser Center, LLC; Affiliate Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, University of Mississippi Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas at Dallas BS Molecular Biology 1978; Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School MD 1988. Other: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School PhD Immunology 1986; Internship, Internal Medicine Parkland Memorial Hospital 1988. Training in Dermatology: Stanford University Department of Dermatology 1989-1992. Academic Appointments: University of Mississippi Department of Dermatology: Affiliate Professor Current, Founding Chief 1997-2001, Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 1995-1998, Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 1998-2005; Founder and Director, Cutaneous Laser Center, University of Mississippi Medical Center 1997-2008. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Chair Grassroots Committee, Chair Scope of Practice Committee, Chair State Policy Committee Chair Congressional Policy Committee, Chair Council on Government and Healthcare Policy, AMA Alternate Delegate, First USP Delegate AAD/A, Service on numerous other committees and task forces AAD/A, 7 Presidential Citations AAD/A, AAD/A Advocate of the Year 2016; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society: Member 1998, Board of Directors. American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Member, American Dermatological Association: Member 2007, Board of Directors 2019; Mississippi Dermatology Association: Vice President 1999 -2016, President 1997-1999, 2019-2021; Women’s Dermatology Association: Executive Committee, Parliamentarian 2010-2012, Board of Directors; Mississippi State Medical Association: Member, Chair Scope of Practice Partnership Committee and Campaign; American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Dermatology Foundation Annenberg Circle 2007. Outside Interests: Healthcare Policy and Advocacy, Healthcare Development in the Global South, Travel, Family, and Friends.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 437 Allison T. Vidimos 2007 Born: August 23, 1958, Miller Indiana. Current Position: Chairman Department of Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic. Education: Undergraduate: Purdue BS Pharmacy 1981: Medical School: Indiana University 1985 Training in Dermatology: Cleveland Clinic 1985-1989. Other Training: Mohs Surgery Fellowship 1989-1991 Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Academic Appointments: Professor of Medicine Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University 2011. Professional Societies: American College of Mohs Surgery: Fellowship Training Committee Member 2010- 2018, Board of Directors 2012-2014, Membership Committee 2012-17, Site and Slide Review Committee 2012-2018, Secretary-Treasurer 2015-2016, Vice President 2016-2017, President 2017-2018, Fellows in Training Case Competition 2012-2020; American Academy of Dermatology: Chair, Task Force for the Summer AAD meeting 2017, Ad Hoc Task Force – Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) for Mohs Surgery 2011-2012, Scientific Assembly Committee 2012-2017, Program Chair Summer Meeting 2014, Annual Meeting 2017, Membership Committee 2012-2017, Editorial Board Member JAAD 2008-2012, Editorial Board Member MOC-D 2007-2008, Continuing Medical Education Committee Member 1994-2006 (Vice Chairman 2002- 2006), Media Relations Committee Member 2001-2004; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: Special Interest Group (SIG) – Skin Cancer Co-chairman 2015-2016, Office Based Surgery Committee Member 2003-2008, Media Committee Member 2006-2008, Public Service Committee Member 2003-2006, Online CME Task Force Member 1999-2002, Applicant Review Committee Chairman 1999-2001; American Board of Dermatology: Board Question Writing Committee 2012-2014, Milestones Committee for Procedural Dermatology for ACGME/ABD 2014, Board of Directors 2018-2026; American Medical Association: Coding Advisor to AMA 2000-2002; International Transplant Skin Cancer Cooperative: Website Committee 2002, Board of Directors 2007-2010; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Nominating Committee Member 2002, Board of Directors 2005-2007; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Co-chair, Women’s Dermatologic Surgery Committee 2014-2016; United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), Expert Consultant to Office Compounding Committee 2017-2020; Dermatology Foundation Annenberg Circle; Several State and Local Societies. Outside Interests: Reading, swimming, golf, water sports, traveling.

Carl Washington 2007 Born: July 1, 1958, Detroit, Michigan Current Practice: Dermatology Associates of Georgia, Adjunct Associate Professor of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan 1980; Medical School: University of Michigan 1984; Internship: Henry Ford Hospital (transitional). Training in Dermatology: Henry Ford Hospital 1985-1988 Other Training: Mohs surgery fellowship: Duke University School of Medicine 1988-1989 Academic Appointments: Emory University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor 1989-1997, Associate Professor 1997-2012, Adjunct Associate Professor 2012-present Professional Societies: American Board Dermatology, American Academy of Dermatology, American College of Mohs Surgery: Board of Directors 2001-2004; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American Dermatological Association; Georgia Society of Dermatology past president); Atlanta Society of Dermatology (past president). Outside Interests: Travelling, golf, hiking.

438 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association William Abramovits 2008 Born: October 5, 1949, Caracas Venezuela. Current Position: Medical Director, Dermatology Treatment and Research Center, Assistant Clinical Professor (Dermatology), Department of Medicine, Baylor Scott and White University Hospital. Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical School, Dallas, Texas Education: Undergraduate: Colegio Santiago de Leon de Caracas, Bachelor of Sciences, 1966; Medical School: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Physician and Surgeon (MD) 1972. Training in Dermatology: Residency at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) 1976-1979, Other Training: Residency in Internal Medicine at The University of Texas Medical School in Houston, Texas. Academic Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor (Dermatology), Department of Family Practice, The University of Texas Medical School, San Antonio, Texas. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Texas Dermatologic Society; Dallas Dermatologic Society; American Dermatologic Association; Noah Worcester Dermatological Association; Israeli and Venezuelan Medical Societies; Latin-American College of Dermatology and other.

Richard G. Bennett 2008 Born: September 17, 1944 Buffalo, New York. Current Practice: Bennett Surgery Center (Santa Monica/Pasadena, CA); Fellowship Director, Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology. Education: Undergraduate: Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota Classical Greek/ Biology, 1965/66; Medical School: Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio 1970. Training in Dermatology: Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1971 – 1974. Military Service: US Navy, LCDR 1974 – 1976, Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia. Academic Appointments: Department of Medicine (Dermatology), UCLA Clinical Professor 1993-Present; Department of Dermatology, USC School of Medicine Clinical Professor 1988-Present; Department of Medicine (Dermatology) UCLA Adjunct Associate Professor 1986 – 1988; Department of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine Assistant Professor 1978 – 1983; New York University Clinical Instructor of Dermatology 1976 – 1978. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 1993-1997, Task Force on Classification/Coding Systems 1989-1992; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology: Board of Directors 1989-1990; 2006-2010, Committee on Membership 1981-1983, Medical and Public Affairs; Committee on Mohs Surgery Facilities 1986; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: President 2010-2011, Vice President 2008-2010, Committee on Research (Chairman) 1983-1984, Task Force on Privileges and Liability 1987-1989, Task Force on Dermatologic Surgery Fellowships 1987-1989, Fellowship Training Committee 1995-2007, Slide Review Committee (Chairman) 2006-2009, Nominating Committee 2011-2014, Physician Engagement Council 2015-Present; Los Angeles Metropolitan Dermatologic Society President 2003-2004; Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation Treasurer 2013-Present; American Medical Association; California Medical Association; California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Los Angeles County Medical Association; Los Angeles Metropolitan Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Swimming, Reading, Studying Languages (Currently Modern Greek).

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 439 Jonathan L. Cook 2008 Born: May 20, 1966, Grundy, VA. Current Position: Professor of Medicine and Assistant Professor of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: BA in German, The College of Charleston, 1988; Medical School: MD, Medical University of South Carolina, 1992. Training in Dermatology: Internship in Medicine: Harvard Medical School 1992-1993, Residency in Dermatology: Emory University, 1993-1996, Other Training: Fellowship in Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery: The University of Pennsylvania, 1996-1997. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, The University of Pennsylvania, 1997-1999; Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Duke University Medical Center, 1999-2001; Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Duke University Medical Center, 2001-2007; Professor of Medicine/ Dermatology, Duke University Medical Center, 2007-present; Assistant Professor of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, 1999-present. Professional Societies: American College of Mohs Surgery, Board of Directors, 2006-2009; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Board of Directors, 2011-2014. Outside Interests: Music, reading.

Dirk M. Elston 2008 Born: May 11, 1959, Philadelphia. Current Position: Professor and Chairman Department of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery and President, MUSC Physicians, Medical University of South Carolina. Education: The Pennsylvania State University 19771980 B.S., With Highest Distinction; Medical School: Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, PA 19781982 M.D., Cum Laude. Training in Dermatology: Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, D.C. 19831986. Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship: Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, D.C. 19821983; Dermatopathology Fellowship: The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Cleveland, OH 19911992. Academic Appointments: Honorary Professor, China Medical University, Shenyang, China; Guest Professor, Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, Changsha, China 2013 – 2018; Honorary Professor, Junkang Hospital, Pudong, ShanShan Healthcare, Shanghai, China; Clinical Professor of Dermatology Robert Wood Johnson Medical School of Rutgers University 2013 – 2015; Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) New York College of Osteopathic Medicine 2012 – 2015; Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) Tuoro College of Osteopathic Medicine 2012 – 2015; Senior Clinician Mount Sinai -St Lukes- Roosevelt Medical Center 2012 – 2015;Director, Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology July 5, 2011 – June 30, 2015; Director, Department of Dermatology, Associate in Dermatology and Dermatopathologst Geisinger Medical Center Danville, PA. July 2002 – June 2011; Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Brooke Army Medical Center and Wilford Hall Medical Center July 2000-June 2002. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: President March 2013-March 2014, Board of Directors, 2009 – 2015, Chair 2013 -2014 (Executive Committee 2011-2013, Chair 2013 -2014), Organizational Structure Committee, Deputy Chair 2010-2011, Chair 2011-2015; Strategy Committee, 2010- 2015 (Chair 2012-2013); Scientific Assembly Committee, 2012-2014; Bylaws Committee 2017 – 2019; Priorities Committee, 2010-2015, Quality Measures Workgroup, Founding Chair, 2008 – 2009; Patient Safety Task Force, 2008 – 2009; Coding and Reimbursement Committee March 2018-March 2021; Many Others; American Board of Dermatology: Board of Directors (2011 – 2019), Executive Committee (2016 – 2019), Nominations and Development Committee (2016-2019), Certifying Exam Committee 2011 – 2019 (Chair

440 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 2012 – 2018), Applied Exam Committee Vice Chair (2016-2019), General Curriculum Committee 2007 – 2019 (Vice-chair 2012, Chair 2013 – 2018), Exam Innovation Committee Chair 2012 – 2015, Examination of the Future Committee Chair 2016 – 2016, MOC Committee 2015 – 2019, Communications Committee 2016 – 2019,Applied Exam Committee (Vice Chair 2017 – 2019); American Society of Dermatopathology: President 2015 – 2016,Board of Directors, 2008-2009, 2010 – 2012 (member at large), Appropriate Use Criteria Ratings Panel, 2015 – 2017, Maintenance of Certification Committee, Chair 2009-present, Membership Committee, 2004-present (Chair 2008-2009), Program Committee, 2007 – 2011 (Chair 2010-2011), Website Committee, 2007-2009, Organizational Structure Task Force, 2009; International Society of Dermatopathology: Executive Committee, 2010-2016; National Academy of Medicine/Institute of Medicine Institute of Medicine of the National Academies: Best Practices Innovation Collaborative, IOM Roundtable on Evidence-based Medicine, Care Coordination (AAD representative) 2009, Best Practices Innovation Collaborative, IOM Roundtable on Evidence-based Medicine, The Healthcare Imperative: the Policy Agenda. (AAD representative) 2009. American Board of Pathology: Test Development and Advisory Committee on Dermatopathology, 2008- 2013; American Medical Association: CPT Advisory Committee (Academy of Dermatology Representative), 2005 – 2012, Work groups: Soft tissue, Excision and Debridement, Dermal Substitute Work Groups 1 and 2, Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement, AAD alternate representative, 2008 – present; American Hair Research Society: Board of Directors, 2017 – 2020, Mentorship Task Force, 2002 – present, Chair 2010-present; Women’s Dermatological Society: Awards Committee, 2011 – 2014; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Editor 2019-2029; Many others. Outside Interests: bicycling, gardening.

James M. Grichnik 2008 Born: Memphis Tennessee. Current Position: Director, Scully-Welsh Cancer Center. Education: Undergraduate: Washington University (St Louis, MO) Chemistry & Biology A.B. 1982; Medical School: Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA) M.D. 1990. Other: Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX) Cell Biology Ph.D. 1988. Training in Dermatology: Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, 07/01/91 – 06/30/94. Other Training: Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, Intern, Medicine Preliminary, Department of Medicine, 06/1990 -06/1991. Academic Appointments: Indian River Medical Center, Vero Beach, FL 01/01/16 – current; Director, Scully- Welsh Cancer Center (Duke Affiliate); University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida 02/13/13 – 12/31/15; Chief, Frankel Family Division of Melanocytic Tumors, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous surgery University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida 03/14/12 – 12/31/15; Member, Sheila and David Fuente Graduate Program in Cancer Biology University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida 03/01/12 – 12/31/15;Associate Institute Member, Hussman Institute for Human Genomics University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida 09/01/08 – 12/31/15; Member, Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida 09/01/08 – 12/31/15; Melanoma Program Director, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida 09/01/08 – 12/31/15; Professor (with tenure), Department of Dermatology Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 05/01/04 -08/31/08; Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Medicine Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 09/01/00 – 04/30/04; Associate Professor, Department of Medicine Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 1996 -08/31/08; Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology (secondary appointment) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 02/06/96 -08/31/08; Mentor, Cancer Biology Study Program Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 1995 -08/31/08; Member, Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center Veterans Administration Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 08/10/94 – 2007; Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 07/01/94 -08/31/08. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1992 – present; American Association for the

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 441 Advancement of Science 1987 –1999; American Association for Cancer Research 2001 – present; American Chemical Society 2005 – 2015; American Society for Clinical Oncology 2012 – present; American Medical Association 1991 – 1997; American Society for Microbiology 1987 – 2001; Dermatology Foundation; Florida Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery 05/30/2010 – 2015; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Several Others. Outside Interests: Photography and other forms of imaging, Travel, collecting (fossils, rocks, shells, coins etc.

Marc E. Grossman 2008 Born: March 3, 1949, New York City. Current Position: Visiting Professor and Lecturer Department of Dermatology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven CT; Private Practice New York City and White Plains New York. Education: Undergraduate: SUNY at Buffalo BA 1970; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1974. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology resident and chief resident, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, 1976-1979. Other Training: Intern and resident, Internal Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 1974-1976. Academic Appointments: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, NYNY: Assistant Clinical Professor 1979-83, Associate Clinical Professor 1983-86, Clinical Prof 1986-2000, Professor of Clinical Dermatology 2000-2017. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association, American Academy of Dermatology, American College of Physicians, American Medical Association, British Association of Dermatologists. Awards and Honors: Outstanding teacher award Department of Dermatology 1991-1992, 2003-2004 and Department of Internal Medicine 2011-2012, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center; Outside Interests: Tennis, golf, art, gardening.

Harley A. Haynes 2008 Born: Akron, Ohio. Current Position: Vice Chairman of Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: Princeton, A.B., 1959; Medical School: Harvard Medical School, M.D., 1963. Training in Dermatology: 6/1963-6/1964 Medical House Officer, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston; 7/1964-6/1965 Assistant Resident Physician, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston; 7/1968-6/1969 Acting Resident in Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital; 7/1969-6/1970 Acting Chief Resident in Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital; 1965-1968 Clinical Associate, Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland; 1968-1970 Research Fellow in Dermatology, Harvard Medical School. Academic Appointments: 1970-1976 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School; 1976- 1996 Associate Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School; 1987-1996 Associate Professor of Health Sciences and Technology, M.I.T.; Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School; 1996-2014 Professor of Dermatology and Member of the Affiliated Faculty of the Harvard – MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology; 2002-present Scholar, The Academy at Harvard Medical School. Professional Societies: 1966-present American Federation for Clinical Research; 1970-present American Academy of Dermatology; 1970-present New England Dermatological Society; 1970-present Boston Dermatological Club (Membership Committee 1978-1980, President 1985-1986); 1971-present American

442 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Medical Association; 1971-present; Massachusetts Medical Society; 1971-present Society for Investigative Dermatology; 1975-1987 American Venereal Disease Association; 1979-1984 Society. Outside Interests: Fine art, antiques, history, genealogy, serving as deacon in local church, and family.

Alexandra B. Kimball 2008 Born: October 21, 1968 Boston. Current Position: President and CEO, Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Inc; Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School Education: Undergraduate: Princeton University AB Molecular Biology and Public and International Affairs (Woodrow Wilson School) 1990; Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine 1994. Other: Johns Hopkins: MPH 2001 Training in Dermatology: Stanford University 1995-1998. Other Training: Intern, Internal Medicine Beth Israel Hospital Boston Academic Appointments: Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA Assistant Professor of Dermatology May 2000-October 2004; Harvard Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology 2004-2005, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 2005-2007, Associate Professor 2007-2013, Professor 2013-present. Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2008 – present, Member, Education Committee 2010-2014, Chair, Education Committee 2014; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1996-present, 1996-1998; Member, Health Industry Liaison Committee 1996-1998, Vice Chair Resident Physicians Committee, 1997-1998; Resident Observer, Board of Directors, 1997-1998 Chair, Resident Physicians Committee, 1999-2001, Member, Workforce Task Force, 1999-2004 Student Mentor, Minority Student Mentorship Program; 1999-2003 Member, Young Physicians Committee; 2000-2002 Young Physician Delegate from Dermatology to the American Medical Association, 2001-2003 Chair, Young Physicians Committee, Many Others; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 1997-present, 2006-2008 Career Development Committee, 2009-2012 Finance Committee, 2009-2010, Regional Director Networking Committee, 2009-2013 Board of Directors, 2013-2016 Awards Committee; Society for Investigative Dermatology: member 2000-present, 1999-2001; Education for Students Program 2004-2009, Organizing Committee, Annual Resident Retreat for Future Physician Scientists 2004, Committee on Government and Public Relations 2007, Chair, Committee on External Relations 2008-2013, Board of Directors 2013-2014, Education Committee 2013-2014, Audit Committee 201-2016; International Psoriasis Council 2006: Councilor 2006-present, Board of Directors and Vice-President 2012-2013, President-Elect 2013-2016, President 2016; Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis, (GRAPPA); Member 2006-present; American Acne and Rosacea Society: Member 2006-present, Board of Directors 2007-2009; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Member 2010-present; Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation -Secretary-Treasurer, Harvard Dermatology House Officers’ Association; Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology; 2009-present, Member, Association of Professors of Dermatology; 2012-2014 President, Medical Dermatology Society Board of Directors 2013-present, Chair, Research Committee; Others. Outside Interests: Tennis, skiing, travel.

Pui-Yan Kwok 2008 Born: January 6, 1956, Hong Kong. Current Position: Henry Bachrach Distinguished Professor University of California, San Francisco; Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwan. Education: Undergraduate: University of Chicago AB 1979, MS 1981, PhD (Organic Chemistry)1985. Medical School: University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine MD 1987.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 443 Other: Intern in Internal Medicine Rush Medical Center Chicago 1987-1988. Training in Dermatology: Washington University Medical Center, St. Louis, MO Dermatology Residency 1988-1990, Chief Resident 1990-1991. Other Training: Washington University, St. Louis/Postdoctoral Fellow in Genetics 1990-1992; University of Washington, Seattle/Visiting Scientist in Molecular Biotechnology 1992-1993. Academic Appointments: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Genetics, 1993-1999, Associate Professor, 1999-2002; University of California, San Francisco: Henry Bachrach Distinguished Professor 2002-present; Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 2017-present. Professional Societies: President, Taiwanese Society of Investigative Dermatology (TSID), 2018-present; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology (AAD); Member, Society of Investigative Dermatology (SID); American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS); American Dermatological Association (ADA); American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). Awards and Honors: Phi Beta Kappa, 1979; U of Chicago Medical Alumni Prize for an Outstanding Oral Presentation of Research Performed During Medical School, 1987; Merck/AFCR MD-PhD Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, 1992; Henry Christian Award for Excellence in Research, 1993; Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004; U of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Distinguished Service Award, 2017; Academician, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; HUGO Chen Award for Distinguished Academic Achievement in Human Genetic and Genomic Research, 2020.

Ethan A. Lerner 2008 Born: Portland, Oregon. Current Position: Director, Itch Program, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania BA 1976; Medical School: Yale, MD PhD, 1982. Training in Dermatology: Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Combined Dermatology Program, 1984-1987. Academic Appointments: Harvard University: Assistant Professor 1991, Associate Professor 1998. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology – 1987; New England Dermatological Society – 1988, President 2004; Society for Neuroscience – 2007; International Forum for the Study of Itch -2007 Outside Interests: Swimming, chess.

Boris D. Lushniak 2008 Born: June 19, 1959, Chicago Illinois. Current Position: Dean and Professor, School of Public Health, University of Maryland; Rear Admiral (Retired), U.S. Public Health Service: U.S. Deputy Surgeon General (2010-2015), U.S. Acting Surgeon General (2013-2014). Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University, Evanston IL 1977-81 BS in Medical Sciences (Honors Program in Medical Education); Medical School: Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL 1979-83 MD (Honors Program in Medical Education). Other: Harvard University School of Public Health, Boston, MA 1983-84; Master of Public Health (MPH). Training in Dermatology: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 1990-1993.

444 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Family Medicine, Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago, IL 1984-87; Preventive Medicine, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA 1989-1990. Academic Appointments: Dean and Tenured Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Maryland School of Public Health, College Park, MD, 2017-present; Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, 2019-present; Professor of Medicine, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Division, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, 2019-present; Adjunct Professor of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Bethesda MD, 2017-present; Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Bethesda MD, 2017-present; Adjunct Professor, National Defense University, Washington DC, 2017-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Task Force on Bioterrorism 2001-2009, Epidemiology Committee 1995-1999, Occupational Dermatology Committee 1993-2001; American Contact Dermatitis Society: Occupational Dermatology Session leader at Annual Meeting 1999-2005, Government Liaison Committee 1997-2002, Board of Directors 1999-2002; 2004-2007; American Dermatological Association; International Dermatoepidemiology Association: Scientific Program Committee 1996-1998, Treasurer 1998-2000; Federal Council on Skin Cancer Prevention Co-Chair 2002-2004; Experimental Contact Dermatitis Research Group: Founding member and steering committee 1999-2007; American Medical Association: House of Delegates Uniformed Services 2014; American College of Preventive Medicine: Board of Regents 2019-present; Fellow 2017; Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health; American Public Health Association; Association of Military Surgeons of the United States: Member Executive Committee 2010-2014; Northwestern University Medical School Alumni Association Alumni Board 1999-2005; Commissioned Officers’ Association of the USPHS: Co-Chair Scientific Planning Committee for Scientific Symposium 2008-2011; Commissioned Officers Foundation for the Advancement of Public Health Board of Trustees 2016-present; Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society; Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health; Military Officers Association of America; Ukrainian Medical Association of North America; Shevchenko Scientific Society; Union of Concerned Scientists. Outside Interests: Bicycling, Backpacking, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Tennis, Photography, Sailing.

Darius Mehregan 2008 Born: 12/10/61 Shiraz Iran Current Position: Chairman of Dermatology, Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan; Dermatopathologist Pinkus Laboratory: Aurora Diagnostics. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan B.S. Biology 1984; Medical School: University of Michigan M.D. 1988. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic Department of Dermatology 1989-92 Other Training: University of Michigan Internal Medicine 1988-89; New York University Dermatopathology fellowship 1992-93. Academic Appointments: John Dingell VAMC staff Dermatologist 1994-present; Clinical Assistant Professor, Pathology, University of Toledo 2004-Present; Professor – Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 2006-Present; Hermann Pinkus Chairman of Dermatology, Wayne State University Detroit, MI 2006-Present; Clinical Associate Professor, Michigan State University, Department of OMS 2012-Present. Society Memberships: Fellow American Academy of Dermatology 1993-Present; American Society of Dermatopathology 1993-Present; International Society of Dermatopathology 1994-Present; Monroe County Medical Society 1994-Present; American Medical Association 1994-Present; Society of Investigative Dermatology 1995-Present; Western Lake Erie Dermatologic Society 2000-Present; International Society of Dermatology 2001-Present; Michigan Dermatology Society 1994-present, President Michigan Dermatology Society 2016-17. Outside Interests: Skiing, Running, Biking, Triathlons, Dancing.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 445 Mark S. Nestor 2008 Born: June 2, 1955 – New York, New York. Current Practice: Dermatology Private Practice Skin and Cancer Associates; Director: Center for Clinical and Cosmetic Research, Skin and Cancer Associates, Center for Cosmetic Enhancement Aventura, FL; Managing Member, Mark S. Nestor, MD, Ph.D, P.A. Education: Undergraduate: 1973-1977 B.A. State University of New York Cellular Biology; 1979-1985; Medical School: 1982-1987 M.D. UCLA School of Medicine. Other: Ph.D. UCLA School of Medicine Immunopathology/Experimental Pathology Training in Dermatology: 1988-1991 New York University Medical Center Dermatology. Other Training:1987-1988 Internship: Wadsworth V.A./UCLA Medical Center Internal Medicine Preliminary Year. Academic Appointments: University of Miami School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: 9/93-5/95 Clinical Instructor, 6/95-5/02 Voluntary Assistant Professor, 6/02-2/19 Voluntary Associate Professor; 2/15- 2/19 Voluntary Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 2/19-Present Voluntary Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 2/19-Present Voluntary Professor Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Professional Societies: 6/05-6/11 Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; 3/99-6/10 Board of Directors /Trustees International Society of Cosmetic and Laser Surgeons; 6/01-6/05 Board of Directors Florida Society of Dermatology; 6/01-6/02 Vice President Florida Society of Dermatology; 6/02-6/03 President; 9/03-9/05 Treasurer International Society of Cosmetic and Laser Surgeons; 9/06-9/07 President International Society of Cosmetic and Laser Surgeons; 6/04-6/08 President American Society for Photodynamic Therapy; 6/04-6/08 Governing Board of Directors American Society for Photodynamic Therapy; 2/05-6/07 Chairman, South Florida Dermatology Foundation (Leaders Society); 3/14-Present Founding Board of Directors and President American Cutaneous Oncology Society. Outside Interests: Traveling, Biking, Business Investment, Consulting

Alain H. Rook 2008 Born: New York City. 1949. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Director of Cutaneous Lymphoma Program, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Brandeis University BA 1971; Medical School: University of Michigan 1975. Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania 1986-89. Other Training: Internal Medicine McGill University, Montreal, 1975-1977; Nephrology, McGill University, Montreal, 1977-1979; Virology, Center for Biologics, FDA, Bethesda, MD, 1979-84; Immunology; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1984-9186. Academic Appointments: Senior Investigator, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIH 1984- 1985; Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania 1989-1994; First Albert M. Kligman Professor of Dermatology 1989-1997; Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, 1994-Present. Outside Interests: My Children, Reading history, Cooking, Swimming, The lives of my patients.

Robert A. Schwartz 2008 Born: June 30, 1947. Current Position: Professor & Head, Dermatology, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: 1965-1969 University of California, Berkeley — B.A. (Political Science); Medical School: 1970-1974 New York Medical College — M.D.

446 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other: 1969-1970 University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health — Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) in Medical Administration (Advisor: Henrik L. Blum MD, MPH, the legendary Father of Health Planning and Administration) Training in Dermatology: 1975-1977 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Dermatology Resident; 1977-1978 Roswell Park Memorial Institute, State University of New York at Buffalo — Chief Resident, Dermatology. Other Training: 1974-1975 St. Mary’s Hospital, San Francisco, First Year House Officer, Medicine; 1989-1990 Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Dermatopathology Fellow. Academic Appointments: 1978-1980 University of Arizona College of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Dermatology; 1980-1983 University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology; 1983-1988 Associate Professor and Head, Dermatology, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School; 1988-present Professor and Head, Dermatology; Professor of Medicine; 1992 -present, Professor of Pediatrics; 1995 – present Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health (until 2016, when department closed), Rutgers New Jersey Medical School; 2012-present Honorary Professor, China Medical University, Shenyang, China; 2014-2015 Visiting Scholar, Rutgers University School of Public Affairs and Administration; 2015-2017 Visiting Professor, Rutgers University School of Public Affairs and Administration. Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha National Honor Medical Society (elected 1973); Chapter Counselor, NJMS, 2004-present; Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society (President multiple times); Fellow, American College of Physicians; Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh; Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology; Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine, American Dermatological Association; Honorary membership or fellowship: Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; Societas Dermatologica Polona (elected 1993); Lithuanian Society of Dermatovenereology (1998); Yugoslavian Society of Dermatovenereology (elected 2001); Ukrainian Association of Dermatology and Venereology (elected 2002); Latvian Association of Dermatology and Venereology (elected 2002); Slovenian Association of Dermatology & Venereology (2003); Società Italiana di Dermatologia medica e chirurgica e Malattie Sessualmente Trasmesse (2005); Associazione Dermatologi Ospedalieri Italiani (2005); Czech Dermatologic Society (2005); Assocatio Medicorum Bohemicorum J.E. Purkyn , Societas Dermatovenerologica Bohemica; Slovak Dermatovenereologic Society (2006); Honorary Member, Korean Dermatological Association (2007); Societâtii Române de Dermatologie and Stefan G. Nicolau Medal (2008 with second honorary membership diploma awarded in 2014); Iranian Society of Dermatology (2008); Societas Dermatologica Bulgariae (2008); Asociación Bolivarense de Dermatología, Colombia (2008); Macedonian Dermatovenerologic Society (2009);Cosmetic Dermatology Society of India (2011); Montenegrin Dermatologic Society (2011); Serbian Association of Dermatologists (2011); Society of Dermato-venereologists of Georgia (2012); Tbilisi Dermato-venereologists Association, Georgia (2012); Member, Georgian Association of Photodermatology and Skin Cancer (2012); Kuwait Society of Dermatology (2012); German Dermatology Society (Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft) (2013); Jordanian Society of Dermatology, Venereology, Dermatosurgery (2013); Iraqi Society of Dermatology and Venereology (2015); Venezuelan Society of Medical Surgical and Aesthetic Dermatology (2017); Vietnamese Society of Dermatology and Venereology (2017). Awards and Honors: Academia Medica Wratislaviensis Polonia Medal, Awarded by University Rector Magnificus, Medical University of Wroclaw; Jubilee Medal, Societâtii Române de Dermatologie (2008). Outside Interests: Publications 5 books, 900 book chapters and articles, 250 abstracts and other publications.

Kenneth J. Tomecki 2008 Born: February 19, 1947 / Brooklyn, NY Current Position: Staff physician, Department of Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH Education: Undergraduate: Columbia College, New York, NY, BA 1968; Medical School: Columbia College Physicians & Surgeons, New York, NY, MD 1972. Training in Dermatology: SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 1973-1976.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 447 Other Training: Fellowship, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1976-1978. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor Medicine (Dermatology), University Florida 1978-1980; Staff physician, Dept Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, 1980-present. Professional Societies: American Academy Dermatology: member 1976 – present, Board of Directors 2009-2013, Vice President 2016-2017, President-elect 2020-2021, President 2021-2022, many committees; American Dermatological Association: member 2008 – present, program committee 2011-2015 (chair, 2014), Board of Directors 2015-2019, Vice-President 2018-2019; Cleveland Academy of Medicine: member 1980-present; Cleveland Dermatology Society: member 1980 - present, treasurer, 2003-2004; Dermatology Foundation, member 1980-present; International Society Dermatology: member 1980 – present, Board of Directors, 2012-2017, Vice-President, 2017-present; Noah Worcester Dermatology Society: member 2000 – present, Board of Directors 2010-1014, program committee 2008-2010; Ohio Dermatological Association: member 1983 – present, Board of Directors 1992-1995 and 2007-2010, secretary, 1995-1998, annual meeting program director 1991, 1994, 2003; Society of Investigative Dermatology: member 1976 – present, finance committee 2008-1013. Outside Interests: Family, theater, New York City.

Hensin Tsao 2008 Born: March 6, 1965, Taipei, Taiwan. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School; Director MGH Melanoma and Pigmented Lesion Center; Director MGH Melanoma Genetics Program; Head, Skin Cancer Genetics Laboratory, Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Associate Member, Broad Institute. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University BA in Biochemistry and English Literature 1986; Medical School: Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons MD 1993. Other: Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences PhD 1993; Harvard Medical School MA (Hon) 2014. Training in Dermatology: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Intern in Medicine 1993-1994; Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School 1994-1997. Other Training: Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital 1997-2001. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Assistant Professor 2000-2007, Associate Professor 2007- 2014, Professor 2014 – present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2008-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1997 – present; American Association for Cancer Research 2001-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 2000-present; American Board of Dermatology: Director 2012-present. Outside Interests: Hanging out with Sandy (Wife) and kids (Sebastian and Hunter), running, hiking, music.

Karen Wiss 2008 Born: July 18, 1958, Houston, Texas. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Program Director for Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology, Director of Pediatric Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas, Austin, BA, 1980; Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch, MD, 1985. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Medical Branch, 1986-1989.

448 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Pediatric Internship – University of Texas Medical Branch, 1985-1986. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Instructor, Pediatric Dermatologist, Children’s Hospital Boston, 1992 – 1997, Assistant Professor, 1997-2006 -Associate Professor, 2006: University of Massachusetts Medical School: Professor, current. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, 1989-present, Camp Discovery Committee, 2013-2015, Community Outreach Programs Committee 2015 – present, Deputy Chair 2015 – 2017 Chair, 2017-2019, Council on Community, Corporate & Philanthropic Relations, ExOfficio member, 2017-2019, Leadership Development Steering Committee, 2016 -2019; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: member, 1989-present, Chairman Membership Committee 1991-1994, Co-Director of Annual Meeting Manchester Village VT 1996, Executive Board Member at Large 2012-2013, Co-Director of Annual Meeting, Boston, MA 2015, Vice President for Education and Career Development, 2013-2015, President-Elect 2015 – 2016, President 2016-2017, Past President 2017-2018, Chairman Nominations and Leadership Development Committee 2017 -2020; New England Dermatologic Society: Member 1991-present, Nominating Committee Member, 2016-2017; Quinsigamond Dermatologic Society 1992-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society 1992-present; Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology, 1996-present; DEBRA Advisory Board, 2006 – 2011; Association of Professors of Dermatology, 2008-present; American Dermatological Association: Member 2008 – present Other Professional Activities: Associate Editor, JAAD, 1998-2003, Deputy Editor, JAAD, 2004-2008 Outside Interests: Baking, hiking, Zumba, travel.

Stephen E. Wolverton 2008 Born: Tachikawa, Japan (USAFB) February 18, 1953. Current Position: Theodore Arlook Professor of Clinical Dermatology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Ball State University B.S., Pre-Med major 1975; Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine M.D. 1979. Training in Dermatology: Wright State University Dayton, Ohio 1985. Other Training: Family Practice Residency -St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio.1982. Academic Appointments: Wright State University (Fellow Instructor 1986-1987), Ohio State University (1987-1990), and Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology (1990-date). Society Memberships: Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology; Founding member Dermatology Teachers Exchange Group 1991; American Dermatology Association in 2010. Awards and Honors: 5 Five books published concerning Dermatologic drug therapy: Systemic Drugs for Skin Diseases (published in 1991) and Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy (CDDT; initially published in 2001, 2nd edition published in February 2007, with the 3rd edition of this title published late Fall 2012). CDDT 4th edition was released in February 2020; Course Director for 24 consecutive years for the “Introduction to Cutaneous Biology” course for Dermatology residents throughout the US and Canada that is sponsored by the Indiana University Department of Dermatology. Awards: Four Outstanding Teacher Awards from Indiana University School of Medicine. Outside Interests: Avid musician with primary focus in classical piano music as well as improvised popular music; historically significant interest in both acoustic and classical guitar. Hiking in US National Park system and bicycling on the country roads of Indiana.

Kathryn A. Zug 2008 Born: May 31, 1962, Indiana. Current Position: Dermatology Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 449 Education: Undergraduate: Dartmouth B.A. 1984; Medical School: Dartmouth Medical School, years 1-2, Brown University Program in Medicine, MD. Other: Internship: Roger Williams Hospital, Brown Program, General Internal Medicine. Training in Dermatology: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dermatology Residency 1989-1992. Chief Resident, Dermatology, 1991-1992. Academic Appointments: Emory University Clinical Faculty 1993-1995; Dartmouth Medical School Assistant Professor 1995-1999, Associate Professor 1999-2008, Professor 2009-present, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Dermatology Residency Program Director 2000-2004, 2010-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Member, 1992-present; American Contact Dermatitis Society, Member, President 2007-2009; North American Contact Dermatitis Group, Member, Secretary-Treasurer 2002-2019; European Society for Contact Dermatitis, Member 2009-present; American Dermatological Association, 2008. Outside Interests: Photography, Art, Reading biographies, Sports, Physical fitness.

Murad Alam 2009 Born: Sept 10, 1967, Karachi, Pakistan. Current Position: Professor and Vice Chair, Dept of Dermatology, Northwestern University. Education: Undergraduate: Yale University BA 1989; Medical School: Yale University MD 1996. Other: MSCI, Northwestern 2006; MBA Kellogg School of Management, 2015. Training in Dermatology: Columbia University, 1997-2000. Other Training: Laser and Cosmetic Surgery, SkinCare Physicians, Chestnut Hill, MA, 2000-2001; Mohs Surgery, Dermsurgery Associates, Houston TX, 2001-2002. Academic Appointments: Northwestern University: Assistant Professor of Dermatology Otolaryngology and Surgery 2002-2007, Associate Professor 2007-2011, Professor 2011-present, Vice Chair 2015-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; American College of Mohs Surgery; American College of Mohs Surgery; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Secretary, Vice President, President Elect; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society; Illinois Dermatologic Society; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Treasurer.

Zsolt B. Argenyi 2009 Born: May 16. 1953, Budapest, Hungary. Current Position: Emeritus Professor, Departments of Dermatology and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle. Education: Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest, Hungary, summa cum laude. Training in Dermatology: University of Iowa 1993. Other Training: Pathology, NEDH, Harvard Medical School 1984; Dermatopathology, Cleveland Clinic 1985. Academic Appointments: University of Iowa, Professor, Director of Dermatopathology 1993-1997; Oregon Health Sciences University Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1997-2001; University of Washington, Professor of Pathology and Dermatology, Director of Dermatopathology, 2001-2019, Professor Emeritus 2019 to present. Society Memberships: ASDP: Secretary of Treasure, 2006-2009, President Elect 2009-2010., President 2010-2011; ISDP: Board member 2016-present; AAD Fellow; USCAP Fellow-present. Awards and Honors: The Best Teacher of the Year Awards, University of Iowa, 1994/1995; The Best Teacher

450 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association of the Year Awards, University of Washington, 2003/2004; Leadership and Caring Award, University of Washington, 2011; Fulbright Specialist Award, Dermatopathology 2017. Outside Interests: Travel, outdoor sports, languages.

Claude S. Burton, III 2009 Born: September 28, 1953, Greensboro, North Carolina. Current Position: Professor of Medicine and Dermatology Duke University School of Medicine Education: Undergraduate: Davidson College BS 1975; Medical School: Duke University MD 1979. Training in Dermatology: Duke University 1979-1984 (internal medicine/Dermatology Outside Interests: Gentleman Farmer, Adventure Travel, Music, Photography

Valerie D. Callender 2009 Born: October 1, 1960, Portchester, New York. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC; Medical Director, Callender Dermatology & Cosmetic Center, Glenn Dale, MD. Education: Undergraduate: Bennett College for Women, Greensboro, NC B.S 1982; Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC M.D. 1986. Training in Dermatology: Howard University 1987-1990. Other Training: Internal Medicine – Categorical, Howard University, Washington, DC; 1986-1987: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Dermatopathology Department, Washington, DC 1990. Academic Appointments: Howard University College of Medicine: Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1999-2010, Associate Professor of Dermatology 2010-2016, Professor of Dermatology 2016-Present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2017-2021, Executive Committee 2019-2021, Budget Committee 2019-2021, Advisory Board Work Group 2020-2021, Council on Practice Management 2020-2021, Council on Education 2019-2021, Council of Community Corporate and Philanthropic Relations, Core Curriculum Work Group Task Force, Coding and Reimbursement Task Force, Diversity in Dermatology Task Force, International Affairs Committee 2015-2018, Diversity Task Force 2003-2011; Skin of Color Society: Treasurer 2005-2011, President 2011-2013, Diversity in Action Task Force, Development Committee, Nominating Committee; National Medical Association Dermatology Section: Secretary/Treasurer 1997-1999, Vice-Chairman 1999-2001, Chairman 2001-2003; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors 2006-2010, Secretary 2010-2013, President-Elect 2013-2014, President 2014- 2015, Immediate Past President 2015-2016, Executive Committee 2006-2016, Nominating Committee, Legacy Council; American Dermatologic Association: Membership Committee; American Hair Research Society; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; Dermatologic and Aesthetic Surgery International League; Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society; Dermatology Foundation Annenberg Circle; District of Columbia Dermatological Society; Maryland Dermatologic Society; International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Benefactors Committee; American Medical Association; Howard University Medical Alumni Association Awards and Honors: Dermatology Foundation’s Clark W. Finnerud Award 2019; Women’s Dermatologic Society’s Mentor of the Year 2019; Women’s Dermatologic Society’s President Award 2014 Outside Interests: travel, wine tasting and Italian cooking.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 451 Suephy C. Chen 2009 Born: Sept 1st/Evanston, Illinois Current Position: Full Professor and Vice Chair/Emory University and Atlanta VAMC; Clinical Director of TeleDermatology, Regional TeleHealth Service, VISN 7. Education: Undergraduate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology S.B. 1989; Medical School: Johns Hopkins University MD 1993. Other: Stanford University MS 2000. Training in Dermatology: Emory University 1993-1997. Academic Appointments: Emory University and Atlanta VAMC: Assistant Professor 2000, Associate Professor, 2008, Full Professor and Director of Teledermatology, 2017. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: AAD Cost-effectiveness Task Force Member 2000- 2001 Guest 1999, Expert Resource Group Dermato-Epidemiology Member 2000-present, Needs Assessment Task Force Member 2000-2007 Chair 2004-2007, Accutane Task Force 2003, Needs Assessment and Education Program Evaluation Committee Deputy Chair 2007-2008 Chair 2008-2012,Pruritus Work Group, 2013-present, Ad Hock Task Force on Data Collection Platform and Registries 2014-present, Telemedicine Task Force 2015-present, Patient-reported outcome measures workgroup 2015-present, Inflammatory Skin Disease/Itch Measures workgroup, 2015-present; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 2017-present; American DermatoEpidemiology Network Steering committee, 2005-2009; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Resident Retreat for Future Physician-Scientists, Database Manager 2001-2005, Task Group of the Organizing Committee, 2001-2004 Committee Chair, 2004-2005, Panelist 2011 2012 2014 2015, Task Group to characterize the burden of skin disease 2003-2004, Task Group on Annual Meeting Content/Configuration 2011-2014, Committee of Education Member 2011-2016 Chair 2014-2015; American Board of Dermatology Basic Science Content Development Committee, 2013-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Academic Dermatologic Task Force steering committee 2005-2006, Service Committee, 2007-2009, Panelist for SID WDS Luncheon for Academic Dermatology 2009 2015; International Forum for the Study of Itch: Special Interest Group Scoring Itch in Clinical Trials 2014-present; Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance, Guidance Document Initiative, Endpoints and Duration Working Group 2016; ; Pigmented Lesion Group of Melanoma Prevention Working Group; International Society of Teledermatology. Outside Interests: Cooking, traveling, hanging with family.

Joel Cook 2009 Born: May 20, 1966 Buchanan County Virginia. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery. Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston SC. Education: Undergraduate: College of Charleston BS Biology 1988; Medical School: Med. Univ. of S.C. Training in Dermatology: MUSC 1993-1996. Other Training: Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery. John Zitelli MD 1996-1997. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology MUSC 1997-2001; Associate Professor 2001-2008. Professor 2008-current Professional Societies: ACMS Board of Directors 2007-2010. Outside Interests: Long distance running. Reading. Music.

452 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Beth Drolet 2009 Born: Livonia Michigan. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Medical College of Wisconsin. Education: Undergraduate: Michigan State University; Medical School: Loyola Stritch School of Medicine

Rosalie Elenitsas 2009 Born: September 9, 1959, Monessen, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pathology. Director, Dermatopathology Fellowship Program, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Director, Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services Education: Undergraduate: Washington and Jefferson College (Chemistry), B.A., 1981; Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, M.D., 1985. Training in Dermatology: Resident and Chief Resident, Dermatology, University Health Center of Pittsburgh, 1986-1989. Other Training: Intern, Internal Medicine, Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, 1985-1986; Fellow, Dermatopathology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 1989-1991. Academic Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine: Lecturer 1991-1998, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1991-1998, Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (secondary) 1992-2004; Sandra Lazarus Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1998 – 2000, Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (secondary) 2004-2007, Herman Beerman Associate Professor 2005- 2011, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2011 – present, Herman Beerman Professor of Dermatology 2011-present. Professional Societies: International Society of Dermatopathology Member 1991-Present; International Society of Dermatopathology Executive Committee 1997-2003; American Academy of Dermatology member 1989-Present; American Society of Dermatopathology: member 1991-Present, membership committee 2008-2012 and Chairman 2011-2012; Maintenance of Certification Committee and Chairman 2013-2018; Board of Directors, 2015-Present; President 2018-2019; Chairman, Nominations Committee 2019-2020; North American Melanoma Study Group member 1992-2002; Dermatology Foundation: Leaders Society 2002-Present Vice Chair 2009-2011; American Dermatological Association 2009-Present; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology: member 1990-present, Board of Directors 2010-present, Treasurer 2014-2016, Vice President 2016-2017, President 2017-2018. Outside Interests: Golf, Tennis, Greek Church activities, and Greek cooking.

George Elgart 2009 Born: January 8,1958 Buffalo, New York Current Position: Professor and Vice Chair for Education, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Program Director for Dermatology Jackson Memorial Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: Carnegie-Mellon University BS Physics 1980; Medical School: Medical College of Virginia MD 1984. Training in Dermatology: Case Western Reserve University Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital 1986-1989. Other Training: Internal Medicine Case Western Reserve University Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital 1984-1986; Dermatopathology Medical College of Virginia 1989-90; Immunodermatology, Dermatology

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 453 Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD, 1990-1993. Academic Appointments: University of Miami Assistant/Associate/Professor 1993-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology.

Roselyn E. Epps 2009 Born: Washington, D.C. Current Position: Physician; Division of Dermatology and Dentistry, Office of New Drugs, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University, Providence, RI, Bachelors of Science, cum laude, 1984; Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC, 1988. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 1991-1994. Other Training: Pediatric Residency, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC, 1988-1991 Academic Appointments: Associate Clinical Professor of the Departments of Dermatology and of Pediatrics and Child Health, Howard University College of Medicine; Associate Clinical Professor of the Departments of Dermatology and of Pediatrics, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Chief, Division of Pediatric Dermatology, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC, 1997-2011. Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha, 1987-present; American Medical Women’s Association 1985-present: American Medical Association 1986-present; American Academy of Pediatrics: Fellow 1989-present, Executive Committee Member, Section on Dermatology, 1999-2005; National Medical Association 1992-present; The Society for Pediatric Dermatology 1994-present; Mayo Clinic Alumni Association 1994-present; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology 1995-present; American Academy of Pediatrics, D.C. Chapter 1995: At-Large Member, Board of Directors, 1997-2002; Montgomery County Medical Society (MD) 1995-2015; Washington, D.C. Dermatological Society: member 1996-present, Secretary-Treasurer 2006-2007, Vice President 2007-2008, President, 2008-2009; Medical Society of the District of Columbia: Member 1999-present, Nominating Committee, 2002-2003; Medical Society and Alliance Foundation: Member 1999-present, Board of Directors, 2000; President, 2012-present; Medico-Chirurgical Society of the District of Columbia 1999-present; President, AMWA Branch 1, 2013-present; American Dermatological Association 2009-present. Awards and Honors: Outstanding Young Women of America, 1985; Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 1988; Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation/National Medical Fellowships, Inc. Merit Scholar, 1988; Advisory Committee Service Award, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2005; Medical Society of the District of Columbia Distinguished Service Award. Outside Interests: The Links, Incorporated; Girls, Inc.; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated; Zonta Club of Washington, DC.

David Goldberg 2009 Born: July 21, 1954; Scranton, Pennsylvania Current Position: Medical Director, Skin Laser & Surgery Specialists of New York and New Jersey. Education: Undergraduate: Yeshiva University BA 1976; Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine MD 1980. Other: Law School: Fordham University of School of Law JD 1996. Training in Dermatology: New York University 1981-1984.

454 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Mohs Fellowship New York University 1984-1985. Academic Appointments: Rutgers Medical School: 1985-present; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1990-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: former Board of Directors; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: former Board of Directors; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery: former Board of Directors. Outside Interests: Sports, Vineyards, Books.

George J. Hruza 2009 Born: April 26, 1956 Prague, Czech Republic. Current Position: Adjunct Professor of Dermatology and Otolaryngology, St. Louis University; Medical Director, Laser & Dermatologic Surgery Center, Chesterfield, MO. Education: Undergraduate: New York University BA Physics 1978; Medical School: New York University MD 1982. Other: Washington University, St. Louis, MO/ MBA/ 1998. Training in Dermatology: New York University Medical Center Skin and Cancer Unit 1983-86. Other Training: New York Hospital-Cornell University Internal Medicine Internship 1982-83; Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard University Laser Surgery Fellowship 1986-7; University of Wisconsin-Madison Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship 1987-88. Academic Appointments: 1985-86 Teaching Assistant, Dermatology, New York University; 1988-95 Assistant Professor, Medicine (Dermatology); 1988-99 Assistant Professor, Surgery, Washington University; 1988- 99 Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology, Washington University; 1995-99 Associate Professor, Medicine (Dermatology), Washington University; 1999-2009 Clinical Associate Professor, Dermatology, St. Louis University; 1999-2014 Clinical Associate Professor, Otolaryngology, St. Louis University; 2009-15 Clinical Professor, Dermatology, St. Louis University; 2009-15 Clinical Professor, Otolaryngology, St. Louis University; 2015-present Adjunct Professor, Dermatology, St. Louis University; 2015-present Adjunct Professor, Otolaryngology, St. Louis University. Professional Societies: 1981 American Medical Association: Alternate Delegate 2019-20, Specialty Service Society Representative 2019-present; 1986 American Academy of Dermatology: Advisory Board 1993- 2012, Advisory Board Executive Committee 2001-08; Board of Directors 2013-17; Executive Committee 2015-20, President-Elect 2018-19, President 2019-20, Immediate Past President 2020-21, Presidential Citations 2010, 2014, 2018; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery: Board of Directors 2003-04, 2006-08, Treasurer-elect 2007-08, Treasurer 2008-10, 2015-16, Vice President 2010-11, President-Elect 2011-12, President 2012-13, Leon Goldman Circle Founding Member 2013, Immediate Past President 2013-14, Advocacy Director 2013-present, Presidential Citations 2014, 2019; 1988 Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Board of Directors,1995-98; 1988 St. Louis Dermatological Society; 1988 Missouri Dermatological Society; 1989 American College of Mohs Surgery: Board of Directors 1998-2001; 1989 St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society: Councilor 2003-05, Vice President 2006; President-Elect 2007, President 2008, Immediate Past President 2009, President’s Award 2015, Alliance Physician of the Year 2016; 1989 Missouri State Medical Association: Vice Councilor 2004-07, Councilor 2007-10, 2016-19, Treasurer 2010-16, Council Vice-Chair 2017-18, Council Chair 2018-19, President-Elect 2019-20, President 2020-21, Immediate Past President 2021-22; 1989 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Stegman Circle Founding Member 2006, Board of Directors 2006-09, Vice President 2012-13, President-Elect 2013-14, President 2014-15, Immediate Past President 2015-16, Presidential Award 2017; 1989 American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery: Fellow; 2010 Eliot Society, Olin School of Business, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, MBA Alumni Board of Directors 2013-14; 2009 American Dermatological Association; 2011 Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care: Board of Directors 2015-18; 2017 Noah Worcester Society. Awards and Honors: New York State Regents College and Medical Scholarships 1974-82; New York University: Sigma Pi Sigma Prize (top physics major) 1976, Caducean Society 1977, Wortis Prize (top biology student)

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 455 1978, McTavish Prize (top pre-med student) 1978, Founders Day Award (top 2% of graduates) 1978, Phi Beta Kappa 1978, Hippolyte-Wertheim Award (top medical student after 2 years) 1980, Alpha Omega Alpha 1982, Glover C. Arnold Prize (top medical student in surgery) 1982, Alpha Omega Alpha Prize (top medical student after 4 years) 1982; Washington University, St. Louis, MO: Beta Gamma Sigma (MBA honorary society). Outside Interests: Snow skiing, snowboarding, water skiing and wakeboarding, windsurfing, sailing, yoga, spinning, hiking, Bridge, crosswords, investing, politics, travel, family (Carrie, spouse; Stephanie, Paul, Hope, Rose).

Jenny Kim 2009 Born: June 11, 1963, South Korea. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Medicine and Clinical Nutrition UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: University of California Berkeley 1986; Medical School: University of California Los Angeles 1991. Other: Ph.D. Microbiology and Immunology University of California Los Angeles 2001. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency-University of California Los Angeles 1995-1999. Other Training: University of California Los Angeles – STAR research program – Department of Medicine 1995- 1999; Mohs micrographic surgery fellowship -University of California Los Angeles 1999-2000; Harbor-UCLA Medical Center -Transitional/General Department of Surgery 1991 – 1992 and General Surgery 1992 – 1993. Academic Appointments: Director, Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Fellowship/Dermatology – UCLA / 2018-present; Professor, Department of Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Dermatology and Clinical Nutrition, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine 2014 – present; Vice Chair, Admissions Policy & Oversight Committee David Geffen School of Medicine 2014 – 2017; Associate Director, Dermatology Scientist Training Program NIH T32 – UCLA 2012 – 2014; Director, Cosmetic Dermatology – UCLA 2011 to present; Associate Director, Procedural Dermatology Fellowship Program – UCLA 2009 – 2018; Associate Professor, Department of Medicine Clinical Medicine/Dermatology – UCLA 2008 – 2018; Associate Professor, Department of Medicine / Clinical Medicine – UCLA 2008 – 2014; Chief, Dermatology – Greater LA Healthcare Services VA 2006 – 2015; Co-Director, Department of Medicine Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Laser – Fellowship Dermatology – UCLA 2006 – 2009; Assistant Professor-in-Residence, Department of Medicine – UCLA 2004 – 2008; Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine – UCLA 2002 – 2004; Clinical Instructor/ Dermatology, Department of Medicine – UCLA 2000 – 2002. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2009 – present; American Acne and Rosacea Society: member 2006 – present, Board of Directors, 2006 -2008; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 2005 – present, Board of Directors 2011 – 2014, Fund Raising Committee, 2011 – 2014, Service Committee, 2008 – 2011, Editorial Board, 2008 -2011; Dermatology Foundation 2000 – present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member 2000 – present, Research Committee 2004 – 2007, Research Workgroup 2005-2006, Committee Member of Task Force on Academic Cosmetic Practice, 2017 – present, Membership Committee, 2009 – 2012 Public Work Committee, 2009 -2012; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology: Member 2000 – present, Committee on Industry Relations, 2006 -2009; American Academy of Dermatology: member 2000 – present, SKIN Faculty Member, 2010 – present, Congressional Committee, 2009 – 2011, Research Committee, 2007 – 2009, Medical and Scientific Committee, 2011 – 2013 : Nanodermatology Society Board of Directors, 2010 – 2012; Acne Global Alliance Group, 2009 – present; American Board of Dermatology Examination Committee, 2007 – 2012; Society for Investigative Dermatology: member 2000 – present, Committee on Membership, 2005 – 2007, Advances in Acne Research Committee, 2003-2008; International Investigative Dermatology Travel Fellowship Committee 2002 – 2003. Outside Interests: Camp Wonder – camp for children with dermatologic disorders. Co-founder, Medical Director and Chair of Medical Board, 2001 – present; music; art.

456 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Ken Lee 2009 Born: 1964, Seoul, South Korea. Current Practice: The Oregon Clinic Portland Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Johns Hopkins University 1986; Medical School: Cornell University 1990. Training in Dermatology: Oregon Health & Science University Residency1995-1998, Other Training: Internal Medicine Residency Stanford University 1990-1993; Oregon Health & Science University Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship 1998 -1989. Academic Appointments: Clinical Associate Professor, current OHSU. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 2012-15, Co-Chair, Annual Meeting 2011, American College of Mohs Surgery: Board of Directors 2009-2012, Chair Scientific Assembly 2009. Outside Interests: Golf.

Mary P. Lupo 2009 Born: September 9, 1954, New Orleans, Louisiana. Current Position: Private practice in New Orleans. Volunteer faculty, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Tulane. Education: Undergraduate: Newcomb College of Tulane University Bachelor of science with highest honors 1976; Medical School: Tulane Medical School 1980. Training in Dermatology: Tulane 1984. Other Training: Categorical Internal Medicine, Ochsner Foundation Hospital, 1981. Academic Appointments: Tulane Medical School, Clinical Professor of Dermatology Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology 1984-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: 1984-present, Board of directors 2008-11; Women’s Dermatological Society: 1984-present, Board of directors 2003-07, President 2007; American Dermatological Association 2009-present. Awards and Honors: Castle Connolly Top Doctors Award 2012-2019; Tulane Medical Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award 2018; Doctors’ Choice Awards – New Orleans Dermatology 2014-2018; Gambit’s Best of New Orleans Award – Top Dermatologist 2009-2016; Women’s Dermatologic Society – Mentor of the Year 2014; ASDS Excellence in Education Award 2013; New Orleans CityBusiness – Health Care Hero Award 2012; Women’s Dermatologic Society President’s Award 2010; New Orleans Magazine Top Ten Female Achievers 2010; The President’s Volunteer Service Award 2009; YWCA Role Model Award; 1993. Outside Interests: Cooking, hiking, travel, and family (husband Robert 1980-present and 2 children Tom (Abby) and Francesca (Alex Bieker) and 2 grandchildren, Thomas and Julia.

Stephen Mandy 2009 Born: January 6, 1943. Current Practice: Private Practice Owner, South Beach Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: George Washington University BA 1962; Medical School: George Washington University MD 1966. Training in Dermatology: 1968-1969 Johns Hopkins University Baltimore Maryland 1968-1969, University of Miami, Miami FL 1969-1971. Academic Appointments: Volunteer Professor University of Miami Department of Dermatology 1984-present.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 457 Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology Board of Directors 2005-2011; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 1996-2006, President 2001-2002. Outside Interests: Photography, Painting, Food and Wine, travel, sports.

Seth L Matarasso 2009 Born: New York City. Current Position/Practice: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of California San Francisco School of Medicine; Dermatology Medical Group of San Francisco. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania BA 1979; Medical School: State University of New York School of Medicine, Buffalo NY, 1984. Training in Dermatology: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX 1985-1988 Other Training: University of California School of Medicine, SF, CA, Dermatologic Surgery and Mohs Micrographic Surgery 1989-1990. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, UCSF School of Medicine. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Public Education Web Content Work Group 2018- 2021, Public Education committee 2018-2021, Judicial Panel 2016-2019, Aging Skin Network (2005-2007), Organizational Structure Committee (2000-2004), Interdisciplinary and Postgraduate Education Task Force (Chair) (2004-2008), Distance Learning and Enduring Materials Committee (Chair) (2004-2008), Manpower Committee, Annual Meeting Evaluation Committee (1998-2002), Postgraduate Education Committee, Work Force Committee; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (Board of Directors and Treasurer); California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery (Board of Directors and President); Women’s Dermatology Society; SF Dermatology Society; Dermatology Foundation (Chair, Trustee) (1999-2005).

Marta J. Petersen 2009 Born: February 13, 1953; Spokane, WA. Current Position: Professor, Department of Dermatology University of Utah and Section Chief, Dermatology, Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Education: Undergraduate: University of Minnesota BA 1975; Medical School: University of Utah MD,1979. Training in Dermatology: University of North Carolina 1984-87. Other Training: Internal Medicine (internship) Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester New York 1979-80; Internal Medicine (residency), University of Utah, Salt Lake City Utah 1980-82. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC 1987 – 1989; Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT 1989 – 1995; Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT 1995 – 2002; Professor of Dermatology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT 2002 – Present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Secretary & Treasurer Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education 1994 – 1997, Member Regulations Subcommittee of the Telemedicine Task Force 1997 – 1998; Dermatology Foundation, Member Medical and Scientific Committee 1998 – 2001; National Association of VA Dermatologists: 1998 – Present. President 2002 – 2003; Medical Dermatology Society: Secretary/Treasurer, 2004 – 2007; American Board of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2008, President 2016; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2008 – 2011, Secretary-Treasurer 2018-present. Outside Interests: Dogs, reading, travel, puzzles.

458 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Nestor Sanchez 2009 Born: June 30, 1949 Aibonito Puerto Rico. Current Position: Menonita Hospital Dermatologist/Dermatopatology 1981 – 2005; University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine Chairman Department of Dermatology 2004 – Present. Education: Undergraduate: University of Puerto Rico – Piedras Campus Pre-Med 1970; Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine and University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus MD 1971 – 1975. Training in Dermatology: New York University Center Skin Cancer Unit 1976 – 1978; Dermatology Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital 1978 – 1979 Other Training: Dermatopathology, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital 1979 – 1980; Research Fellow Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital 1979 – 1980; Dermatopathology Fellow Mayo Graduate School of Medicine. Academic Appointments: University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine: Assistant Professor (Ad-Honorem) 1981 – 2004, Associate Professor 2004, Professor and Chairman 2004 – Present. Professional Societies: American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Harvard House Staff Alumni; American Society of Dermatopathology; Mayo Clinic Alumni Association; International Society of Dermatopathology; Secretary General of the Iberoamerican Congress of Dermatology; Founder Puerto Rico Southern Dermatological Society; American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology; Founder Puerto Rico Society of Cosmetic and Surgical Dermatology; Voluntary Program Salud para Vieques (Monthly Derm Clinic). Outside Interests: Founder Hogar Divino Niño Jesús (Home for HIV (+) Children of Puerto Rico); Founder Fondita Divino Niño Jesús (Soup Kitchen – Provides Food and Technical help to homeless of Central of Puerto Rico); Founder Circulo Cultural Luis Pio Sánchez and more available upon request.

David N. Silvers 2009 Born: August 20, 1942. Current Position: Clinical Professor Dermatology and Pathology Columbia University Medical Center, Director of Dermatopathology. Education: Undergraduate: Haverford College 1964; Medical School: Duke University 1968 Training in Dermatology: New York University 1969-1971 Other Training: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Skin Branch 1971-1973. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor Dermatology and Pathology New York University 1973-1975; Associate Clinical Professor Dermatology and Pathology; Clinical Professor Columbia University Medical Center – current. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Member, Greater New York Dermatologic Society; New York Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Whirligigs, old cars.

Thomas Stasko 2009 Born: August 17, 1951, San Antonio, Texas Current Position: Professor and Chair University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Rice University BA 1973; Medical School: University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio MD 1977. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, dermatology residency, 1980-1983.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 459 Other Training: New England Medical Center, Boston MA, fellowship in cutaneous and microscopically controlled surgery 1986-1987. Academic Appointments: July1988-June1989: Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine(Dermatology), Tulane University Medical School, New Orleans, LA; June1989-Sept1989: Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine (Dermatology) & Surgery, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH; Oct1989-June1992: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; July1992-June2001; Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Vanderbilt Univ. School of Medicine, Nashville, TN; July2001-June2009: Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Vanderbilt Univ. School of Medicine, Nashville, TN; July2009-Dec2012: Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Vanderbilt Univ. School of Medicine, Nashville, TN; Jan2013-present: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: Manpower Committee 1995-1999, DERMCAC, Tennessee Representative1998-2003, SkinCancerNet Work Group 2003-2005, Leadership Advisory Board (ACMS representative) 2010-2015, Organizational Structure Committee 2015-2017, Advisory Board Representative from Oklahoma 2017-present; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology: Board of Directors 2005-2008, Historian 2018-2023, Immediate Past President 2017- 2018, President 2016-2017, Vice-President 2015-2016, Secretary-Treasurer 2014-2015, Board Liaison to the Fellowship Training Committee 2006-2008, Fellowship Training Committee 2009-2013, Membership Committee 2009-2011, Chair of Centers of Excellence Task Force, Chair of Review of Fellowship Policies and Procedures Guidelines; American Dermatological Association; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Nominating Committee 1997-1999, Board of Directors 2003-2006;Dermatology Foundation: Leaders Society, State Vice-Chairman 1995-2001, Annenberg Circle, Sustaining Member; International Transplant-Skin Cancer Collaborative: Immediate Past President 2008-2010, President 2006-2008, Vice- President 2004-2006, Secretary 2002-2004, Chair, Guidelines Committee; Nashville Dermatology Society; Oklahoma State Dermatological Society: Trustee 2013-2016; Tennessee Dermatology Society: Board of Directors 2007-2008, Secretary-Treasurer 2007-2008, Executive Committee 2005-2007, President 2004- 2005, President Elect 2003-2004, Secretary-Treasurer 2001-2003.

Lawrence Chan 2010 Born: December 10, 1949; Hong Kong, China. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology University of Illinois College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology BS in Chemical Engineering and BS in Life Sciences, 1981; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania MD 1985. Other: University of Illinois School of Public Health MHA 2016. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan, residency in Dermatology 1987-1990. Other Training: University of Michigan, fellowship in Immuno-dermatology 1990-1991. Certified: American Board of Dermatology 1991, Immunodermatology 1993. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology Wayne State University 1991-1993; Assistant Professor of Dermatology Northwestern University 1993-2002; Associate Professor of Dermatology University of Illinois/2002-2005; Professor of Dermatology University of Illinois 2005-present; Department Head/University of Illinois/2005-present. Department Head, University of Illinois 2005-2016; Director of Residency, University of Illinois 2005-2014. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Fellow, 1993-present; Society of Investigative Dermatology; Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association, Member, 2010-present; Microcirculatory Society; American Medical Association, Member, 2005-present; Chicago Dermatologic Society, President 2014-2015. Awards and Honors: Alpha Omega Alpha, faculty inductee 1995; Dr. Orville J. Stone Endowed Professor, inducted 2008.

460 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Author: 115 biomedical articles; 6 medical textbooks: Animal Models of Human Inflammatory Skin Diseases; Blistering Skin Diseases; Pemphigus Vulgaris; Engineering-Medicine; Atopic Dermatitis; New Technologies in Dermatological Science and Practice. Outside Interests: Woodworking (favorite projects cedar closet and small furniture); Oil painting (favorite subject flowers and birds); Swimming (favorite exercise without joint damage); Visiting UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Machu Picchu of Peru; Galapagos Islands of Ecuador; Terracotta Warriors and the Great Wall of China; Stonehenge of UK; Notre-Dame de Paris of France; Sydney Opera House, Ayers Rock, and Great Barrier Reef of Australia; Pompei archaeological areas of Italy; Mt. Fuji of Japan; Jeronimos Monastery of Portugal; Chichen-Itza of Mexico; La Sagrada Familia of Spain; Ayutthaya of Thailand; and Ha Long Bay of Vietnam).

Mary-Margaret Chren 2010 Born: November 28, 1952, Wilmington, Delaware. Current Position: Professor and Inaugural Chair, Department of Dermatology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Robert N. and Rachelle Buchanan and A.H. and Lucile Lancaster Chair in Dermatology, Nashville, TN Education: Undergraduate: Smith College AB 1974; Medical School: Yale University MD 1978. Training in Dermatology: Case Western Reserve University 1986-1989. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Stanford University 1981-1982; Clinical Epidemiology, University Hospitals of Cleveland 1989-1991. Academic Appointments: Case Western Reserve University 1989-1997; University of California San Francisco 1998-2018; Vanderbilt University Medical Center 2018-Present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Ad hoc task force on data collection platform registries, Performance measures task force; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Women’s Dermatologic Society; Medical Dermatology Society; Standing member, NIH Study Sections; American DermatoEpidemiology Network. Outside Interests: Reading, swimming, museums.

Marie France Demierre 2010 Born: March 6, 1967, Montreal, Canada Position at time of death: Professor of Dermatology and Medicine and director of the Skin Oncology Program, Boston University School of Medicine Education: Undergraduate: John Abbott College, Quebec, Canada, Science Health Degree, 1986; Medical School: McGill University, Canada, M.D.C.M., 1991. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, McGill University, Montreal General Hospital, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal Childrens Hospital, Jewish General Hospital 1995. Other Training: Skin Oncology Fellow, Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, 1996 Academic Appointments: Boston University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1997- 2000, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Medicine 2000-2003, Professor of Dermatology and Medicine from 2008. Professional Societies: Southwest Oncology Group Melanoma Committee Liaison to the Cancer Control Research Committee; Women’s Dermatologic Society Retreat Task Force; Melanoma Prevention Working Group; American Academy of Dermatology Association Indoor Tanning Working Group; Women’s Dermatologic Society Networking Committee; US Consortium for Cutaneous lymphomas; Women’s Dermatological Society Long Range Planning Committee; Women’s Dermatological Society Service Committee; Chair, Data Monitoring Committee for the Department of Veterans Affairs Keratinocyte

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 461 Chemoprevention Trial CSP #562; American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Cancer Education Committee Planning; United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium, Chair, Patient Advocacy Committee. Awards and Honors: 1986 Salutatorian, John Abbott College; Psychology Award, John Abbott College; Sir William MacDonald Scholarship, McGill University; Summer Research Bursary, McGill Cancer Center;Scarlet Key Award, McGill University; 1990 Lange Medical Publication Award, McGill University; 2000 Life Member, National Registry of Strathmore’s Who’s Who, published in 2001 edition; 2000 Women’s Dermatologic Society Mentorship Grant; 2001 Diplomate, Principles and Practice of Cancer Prevention and Control Course, National Cancer Institute; 2006 La Roche Posay North American Foundation Research Grant; 2009 Women’s Dermatologic Society Presidential Award 2010 Outside Interests: Boston Red Sox Medical All Star. Elected into the ADA in 2009, Dr. Demierre passed away expectantly before her formal induction. By unanimous vote of the Association she was posthumously inducted in 2010.

Jacqueline M. Junkins-Hopkins 2010 Born: May 11, 1961 Fort Sam Houston, TX USA Current Position/Practice: Dermatopathologist/Dermatologist/Cutaneuos Lymphoma Consultant, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA. Education: Undergraduate: University of Notre Dame BA 1983; Medical School: Johns Hopkins Medical School MD 1987. Other: Internal Medicine Residency Johns Hopkins Hospital 1987-90. Training in Dermatology: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Other Training: Dermatopathology Fellowship Harvard Medical School. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor University of Pennsylvania Department of Dermatology 1997-2008; Associate Professor Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology 2008-2011; Director Dermatopathology Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology 2008-2011; Dermatopathologist and Cutaneous Lymphoma Consultant Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology 2012-2018; Geisinger Medical Center, Dermatology, Dermatopathologist, Cutaneous Lymphoma Consultant 2018-present. Professional Societies: American College of Physician 1991-2009; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1997-present, Dialogues in Dermatology Editor in Chief 2008-10; American Society of Dermatopathology: Fellow, 1996-present; Membership Committee, 2002 – 2007, Membership Committee, Chairman, 2007, Representative to the International Committee for Dermatopathology (ICDP), Faculty Essentials of Dermatopathology Board Review and MOC Course; International Society of Dermatopathology Member 2005-present, Executive Committee 2016-present, International Society for Cutaneous Lymphoma, Member 2004-present, International Committee for Dermatopathology, Member 2007-present, International Society of Dermatology, Member 2006-present, Maria Duran Committee 2017-present, United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium (USCLC), 2007-present, Pathology Membership Committee (Chairman): 2008-present, Pathology Committee: 2008-Present; American Dermatological Association, 2010-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society, 2008-present. Outside Interests: Running, singing.

Christen M. Mowad 2010 Born: July 9, 1965 Baltimore, MD Current Position: Chair Division of Dermatology Geisinger Medical Center and Clinical Professor of Dermatology Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine Education: Undergraduate: Bucknell University BA Biology 1987 Phi Beta Kappa; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania MD 1991 AOA. Other: Internship: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 1991-1992.

462 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Training in Dermatology: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 1992-1995, Chief Resident 1994-1995. Academic Appointments: 1995 -1996 Instructor, Director of Occupational and Contact Dermatology and Satellite Practices Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology 1996 – 1998; Assistant Professor, Director of Occupational and Contact Dermatology and Satellite Practices Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology; 1998 -2005 Assistant Professor Geisinger Medical Center; 2005-2012 Associate Professor Geisinger Medical Center; 2012-present Clinical Professor Geisinger Medical Center. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: State Development Task Force 2014-2019, Leadership Advisory Committee 2012-2016, Mohs Micrographic Surgery Committee 2013-2017, Chair 2013- 2017, Ad hoc Task Force on State Society Relationships 2013-2015; Council on Government Affairs and Health Policy 2013-2017, Chair, Advanced Leadership Forum Work Group 2020-present, Editorial Advisory Work Group Dermatology World, 2011-present, Appropriate Use Criteria Committee 2017-present. American Contact Dermatitis Society: Fisher Award Selection Committee 1997 – 2000, Annual Meeting Committee 1997 – 2000, Clinical Research Fellowship Award Committee 1998 – 2004, Bylaws Committee 2001 – 2020, chair 2005, Board of Directors 2002 – 2005, Public Relation Committee 2003 – 2005, Chair 2005, Education Committee 2004-present, Secretary Treasurer 2005-2009, President – Elect 2009-2011, President 2011- 2013; Pennsylvania Medical Society: Specialty Leadership Committee 2009, Board of Directors 2010-2013; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology: Executive Committee 2002-present, Scientific Committee Co-Chair 2002-present, Treasurer 2006-2008, President 2009; Noah Worcester Society 2004-present. Awards and Honors: Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, Dermatologist of the Year 2017. Outside Interests: Family, travel, reading, tennis.

Anthony E. Oro 2010 Born: November 17 1963 San Francisco. Current Position: Eugene and Gloria Bauer Professor of Dermatology, Associate Director Center for Definitive and Curative Medicine, Co-Director Child Health Research Institute, Co-Founder Program in Epithelial Biology Stanford University, School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University, 1985; Medical School: MD/PhD University of California San Diego, 1993. Training in Dermatology: Stanford University 1994-1998. Academic Appointments: Stanford University: Assistant Professor 1999-2006, Associate Professor 2006-2011, Professor 2011-2017, Eugene and Gloria Bauer Professor 2017-present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 2012-2017; American Academy of Dermatology; North American Hair Research Society; American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2008; American Dermatological Association, 2010.

Howard Pride 2010 Born: May 3, 1958, Providence RI Current Position: Practice: Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Health System. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University ScB 1980; Medical School: University of Vermont, 1986. Training in Dermatology: Geisinger 1990-1993. Other Training: Internal Medicine/Pediatrics, Geisinger 1986-1990. Professional Societies: Society of Pediatric Dermatology: President 2008, Secretary-Treasurer 2013-2017. Outside Interests: Triathlon, open water swimming, scuba, photography.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 463 Jack S. Resneck, Jr. 2010 Born: October 16, 1970, Shreveport, Louisiana. Father is a member of the Association. Current Position: Professor and Vice Chair of Dermatology, UCSF School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University BA 1992; Medical School: UCSF School of Medicine MD 1997. Training in Dermatology: UCSF Department of Dermatology, Residency, 1998-2001. Other Training: UCSF Internal Medicine Internship, 1997-1998; UCSF Institute for Health Policy Studies, Health Policy Fellowship, 2001-2003. Academic Appointments: University of California San Francisco School of Medicine: 2001-2003 Clinical Instructor Dermatology, 2003-2008 Assistant Professor Dermatology, 2008-2014 Associate, Professor Dermatology 2014, Professor Dermatology; 2004-now Core Faculty Health Policy. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology (Board of Directors, 2012-2016); American Medical Association (Board of Trustees, 2014-present); California Society for Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery (President, 2005-2006).

Thomas E. Rohrer 2010 Born: April 5, 1963. Current Practice: SkinCare Physicians, Chestnut Hill, MA. Education: Undergraduate: Georgetown University BS 1895; Medical School: Georgetown University MD 1989. Training in Dermatology: Boston University / Tufts University 1991 – 1993. Other Training: Yale University Internal Medicine 1990; University of Pennsylvania, Mohs Fellowship with Dr. Leonard Dzubow, 1994. Academic Appointments: Boston University, Director of Dermatologic Surgery 1994 – 2002; Boston University, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1997 – 2009; Brown University, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology 2009 – present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association 2010-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2010 – 2015, Executive Board of Directors 2013 – 2015; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 2007 – 2010, Secretary, 2010 – 2013, Vice President, 2014, President elect, 2015, President, 2016; American Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine Board of Directors, 2013 – 2016; Vice President, 2018, President elect, 2019, President 2020; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons, Board of Directors, 2002 – 2005; American College of Mohs Surgery, Board of Directors, 2000 -2003. Outside Interests: Family, skiing, wakeboarding, windsurfing, mountain biking, piano and guitar.

Paul I. Schneiderman 2010 Born: March 9, 1947 Current Practice: Private Practice in Syosset, New York; Clinical Professor of Dermatology New York Presbyterian Medical Center Education: Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, Bachelor of Science in Zoology 1967; Medical School: State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center Syracuse, New York, Doctor of Medicine, Cum Laude, 1971. Training in Dermatology: Clinical Associate, Dermatology Branch of National Institutes of Health, 1974-1975, Bethesda, Maryland; Resident and Chief Resident in Dermatology, University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1975-1978, Charlottesville, Virginia.

464 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1971- 1973, Charlottesville, Virginia Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, Columbia University, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York; Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; Visiting Lecturer, Department of Dermatology, University of Virginia Department of Dermatology, Charlottesville, Virginia. Author: 3 Chapters of the Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking “The Health Consequences of Smoking” 1974. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; New York State Dermatologic Society; Long Island Dermatologic Society; National Clearinghouse for Smoking 1973-1974 Assistant Editor “The Health Consequences of Smoking 1974”; United States Public Health Service Clinical Associate National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute Dermatology Branch 1974-1975. Awards and Honors: Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society 1971; The John Hinchman Stokes Prize, Research Award of Society of Investigative Dermatology, 1975; The James E Kindred Memorial Housestaff Teaching Award, University of Virginia 1978; Certificate of Appreciation Presented by the Dermatology Residents of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, 1988; Elected Fellow of the Nassau County Academy of Medicine 2002; Teacher of the Year Award, Volunteer Staff, Presented by the Dermatology Residents of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2016; Clark W. Finnerud Award, Outstanding Clinician Award, Dermatology Foundation, 20017. Outside Interests: New York Rotary Club, husband, father, family member, golf, tennis, Met, Giants, Rangers fan.

Erik J. Stratman 2010 Born: April 5, 1972 Sikeston, Missouri. Current Practice: Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Program Director, Dermatology Residency Program Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield WI. Education: Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, summa cum laude and with Honors, 1994 University of Missouri – Columbia; Medical School: Doctor of Medicine, magna cum laude, 1998. University of Missouri – Columbia. Training in Dermatology: University of Wisconsin – Marshfield track 1999-2000; University of Wisconsin – Madison 2000-2002. Other Training: Transitional Year Internship – Marshfield Clinic / St Joseph Hospital 1998-1999. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor – University of Wisconsin 2016-present; Clinical Assistant Professor – University of Wisconsin – Madison 2002-20015; Clinical Associate Professor – University of Wisconsin – Madison 2007 to present; Fellow, Teaching Academy – University of Wisconsin – Madison 2006 to present. Professional Societies: American Board of Dermatology 2012 – 2020, President 2019, Vice President 2020; Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education: Dermatology Review Committee 2014-2020, Vice Chairman 2016, Chairman 2017-2020; American Academy of Dermatology: member 1999 – present, Chairman, Council on Education 2007-2011; Association of Professors of Dermatology member 2003 to present, Board of Directors 2011-2013; Wisconsin Dermatological Society 1998 – present. American Dermatological Association, Program Committee 2012-2015, Program Chairman, San Juan, Puerto Rico 2015. Outside Interests: Coaching high school football, basketball and track; cooking; rock-n-roll band lead singer; sculpting, sketching, painting.

Abby S. Van Voorhees 2010 Born: February 25, 1957, New York, New York. Current Position: Chair and Professor of Dermatology, Eastern Virginia Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University RI 1979; Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine, 1983.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 465 Training in Dermatology: Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, 1985-1988. Other Training: Research fellowship, NYU, New York, NY, 1984-1985; Internship, Internal Medicine, Temple University Hospitals, Philadelphia, PA, 1983-1984. Academic Appointments: University of Connecticut 1988-1990; University of Pennsylvania, 1999-2016. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: member, Board of Directors (2018-present), many other committees and task forces including GOC, Council of Communication; National Psoriasis Foundation, Chair, Medical Board (2015-2020); Women’s Dermatology Society, member Outside Interests: Dancing, speed skating, music, reading, walking.

Susan J. Walker 2010 Born: January 25, 1952, Mount Albert, New Zealand. Current Position: Retired. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Bachelor of Science 1973; Medical School: Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda MD 1981. Training in Dermatology: Naval Hospital San Diego, University of California San Diego 1981. Other Training: US Food and Drug Administration Regulatory Science. Academic Appointments: Clinical Instructor University of California SF 1991-93; University of California at Davis Assistant Professor Dermatology 1993-96; Society Memberships: Fellow American Academy of Dermatology 1990-present. Awards and Honors: FDA Honor Awards (multiple) including FDA Scientific Achievement Award for Outstanding Inter-center Scientific Collaboration; US Navy Sharpshooter Ribbon (M-16 rifle and 45mm pistol). Outside Interests: Regulatory science related to drugs and devices; boating, beekeeping.

Phillip Williford 2010 Born: Sept 7, 1955 Fayetteville North Carolina. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology Wake Forest Baptist Health. Education: Undergraduate: UNC Chapel Hill BA Chemistry and Political Science with Honors 1977; Medical School UNC Chapel Hill MD 1981. Training in Dermatology: Wake Forest University 1990 – 1993. Other Training: Internal Medicine 1981 to 1984 Wake Forest University; . Mohs Fellowship 1998 Barry Leshin at Wake Forest University. Academic Appointment: Wake Forest University Assistant Professor 1993 through current appointment Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American College of Mohs Surgery; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; North Carolina Dermatology Association; American College of Physicians; Association of Professors in Dermatology; American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Non Medical literature. Economics and Public Policy. Live on a farm and enjoy the land, crops, and animals.

466 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Cynthia Yag-Howard 2010 Born: November 6, 1963. Current Practice: Owner, Yag-Howard Dermatology and Aesthetic Center, Naples, FL; Associate Clinical Professor, University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL Education: Undergraduate: Duke University BS 1986; Medical School: University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine MD 1993 Training in Dermatology: University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL 1993-1997; Chief Resident 1996-1997 Academic Appointments: Associate Clinical Professor, University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology (AAD): 2020-23 Board of Directors Executive Committee, 2019-23 Board of Directors, 2019-Current Editorial Board Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2018 Strategic Planning Committee, 2018 Election Oversight Committee, 2014-18 Editorial Board Dialogues in Dermatology, 2014 Centers for Creative Leadership Selectee, 2013 Camp Discovery Volunteer, 2007-11 Chair Organizational Structure Committee, 2016-19 Advisory Board Executive Committee Ex-Officio, 2015-Current Government Affairs and Health Policy Council, 2010-11 Chair Nominating Committee, 2003-4 Council on Health Policy and Practice, 2002- 4 Chair Leadership Training Committee, 1997-2004 Co-Creator Young Physicians Committee, multiple other committees and task forces; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS): Contributing Editor of Dermatologic Surgery, multiple workgroups; Women’s Dermatologic Society: 2014-18 and 1996-2001 Board of Directors, multiple task forces and committees; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society: Nominating Committee; Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery: 2018-Current and 2002-4 Board of Directors, 2019-2020 Treasurer, 2020-21 Vice President; American Medical Association: 2002-Current Chair AMA Dermatology Section Council, 2019 Chair Reference Committee on Legislation, 2014-15 Chair Council on Constitution and Bylaws, 2009-10 Chair Specialty and Service Society (SSS), 2005-10 SSS Governing Council, 2009-10 Chair House Compensation Committee, 2006 Chair Rules and Credentials Committee, 2005 Chair Reference Committee on Legislation, 1996-7 Vice Chair Resident Physician Section, 1993 Chair Reference Committee of the Medical Student Section House of Delegates, multiple other committees and appointments; Florida Medical Association: 2019 Delegate representing Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, 1995-7 Board of Governors, 1994-5 Chair Resident Physician Section, multiple other committees and task forces; Hillsborough County Medical Society: 1994-7 Executive Committee. Awards and Honors: 2020 Castle Connolly Top Doctor, 2020 Naples Illustrated Top Doctor, 2019 Castle Connolly Top Doctor, 2019 AAD Presidential Citation for Leadership, 2019 Fan Favorite in Naples Dancing with the Local Stars, 2018 ASDS Presidential Citation for Leadership in Advocacy, 2018 Naples Illustrated Top Doctor, 2017 America’s Best Physicians Award, 2016 AMA Inspirational Leadership Award, 2015 Trademark Who’s Who Membership, 2015 and 2014 AAD Presidential Citation for Leadership, 2013-16 Consumer’s Research Council of America Top Dermatologist, 2011 Cambridge Who’s Who Lifetime Membership, 2011 AAD Presidential Citation for Leadership, 1993 Outstanding Student in Dermatology. Outside Interests: Painting, crafts, biking, hiking, drawing, traveling, playing games and enjoying time outside with my family.

Albert Yan 2010 Born: January 15, 1968 Current Position: Practice: Chief Emeritus, Section of Dermatology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: Princeton University AB in Philosophy 1989; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania MD 1993.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 467 Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 1996-1999 (Chief Resident, 1998-1999) Other Training: Categorical Pediatrics, University of Washington and Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle, Washington 1993-1996. Academic Appointments: 1999 Boston University, Instructor; 2000 Harvard Medical School, Instructor; 2001 University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor; 2007: University of Pennsylvania, Associate Professor; 2014 University of Pennsylvania, Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Pediatrics: 1993-present, Chair of the Executive Committee of the Section of Dermatology from 2014-2018; American Academy of Dermatology: 1996-present; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: 1994-present, President 2010- 2011. Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA): 2013-present, Treasurer 2016-2019; International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Women’s Dermatology Society; American Acne and Rosacea Society. Outside Interests: Technology innovation, piano improvisation, running.

Rhoda M. Alani 2011 Born: October 2, 1964; Roslyn, New York. Current Position: Herbert Mescon Endowed Professor and Chair of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine/Boston Medical Center; Dermatologist-in-Chief, Boston Medical Center; President and CEO, BU Dermatology, Inc.; Director, Laboratory of Cutaneous Oncology/Director, Program in Melanoma Biology Boston University School of Medicine; Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine/Profession of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine; Adjunct Professor in Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Binghamton University BS 1986; Medical School: University of Michigan MD 1991. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital 1992-1995. Other Training: Postdoctoral Fellow: Harvard Medical School; Postdoctoral Fellow: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Howard Hughes Medical Institute-NIH Research Scholar, National Cancer Institute; Internship in Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine Academic Appointments: Instructor in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School; Instructor in Dermatology: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Oncology/Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Awards and Honors: 2005 American Society for Clinical Investigation; Finalist, NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (2006); Zeligman Lecturer in Melanoma Biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Stewart Scholar Award in Cancer Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Member, American Dermatological Association (2011); Melanoma Research Alliance, Established Investigator Award (2019). Society Memberships: American Dermatological Association 2011 – present; Society for Investigative Dermatology (1999-present), Annual Resident Retreat for Future Physician Scientists 2004; American Academy of Dermatology, Fellow (1992-present), 1994-1995: Recertification Education Committee of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1995-1999: AAD National Cancer Institute (NCI) Liaison Committee, 2002-2008: Member, Lila Gruber Lectureship Award Task Force (AAD), 2013-present: Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee; American Society for Clinical Investigation (2005-present), Institutional Representative-Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2005-2009), Institutional Representative-Boston University School of Medicine (2010-present); Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 1995 – present; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Member 2010 – present; Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology; 2009-present; Melanoma Research Alliance (2019-present), Society for Melanoma Research (2002-present); American Association for Cancer Research (2006-present); New England Dermatologic Society (2010-present). Outside Interests: Family, Music/singing/karaoke, tennis, biking, hiking, kayaking, SUP, reading.

468 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Joan Guitart 2011 Born: July 24, 1960 Barcelona, Spain Current Position: Chief of dermatopathology and cutaneous lymphoma clinic at Northwestern University. Education: Medical School: University of Barcelona 1983. Training in Dermatology: University of Illinois 1990-1993. Other Training: Cleveland Clinic Dermatopathology 1988-90; UIC Pathology 1984-1988. Academic Appointments: Professor of Dermatology and pathology Northwestern University since 2002. Professional Societies: Melanoma Committee, National Comprehensive Cancer Network 1998-2004; Executive ommittee, International Society of Dermatopathology 2000-4; Board of Directors, American Society of Dermatopathology 2003-7; Audit Committee, American Society of Dermatopathology 2004; Liaison to the international league of dermatological societies for the American Society of Dermatopathology, 2003- 08; Chair, Pathology committee, International Society of Cutaneous Lymphomas 2003-08; Member, Plans and policies committee Chicago Dermatological Society 2003-present; Treasurer, Chicago Dermatological Society 2004-7; Member, American Academy Dermatology World Congress Fund Review Task Force 2005-9; Member, American Board of Pathology, Development and Advisory committee 2006-11; President. Chicago Dermatological Society 2007-08; American Board of Pathology, Dermatopathology task force 2007-2011; Board of Directors, International Society of Cutaneous Lymphomas, 2007-2011; Executive committee, United States Consortium for Cutaneous Lymphomas; Delegate, International League of Dermatological Societies, 2006-12; American Academy of Dermatology Dermatopathology task force committee (2008-12), Scientific Assembly Committee (2010-2015), Chair, Scientific Assembly Committee (2015), Council of Education and MOC (2014-6); Secretary, International Society of Cutaneous Lymphomas 2016-1018; President International Society of Cutaneous Lymphomas 2018-2020; Member, peripheral T cell lymphoma Committee, National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2018-presdent. Outside Interests: Music (piano jazz and classical) and all art forms in general. Sailing, hiking, downhill ski and biking.

Janet Gratner Hickman 2011 Born: July 31, 1946 Mankato, Minnesota. Current Position: Principal Investigator and Consultant, The Education & Research Foundation, Inc. Lynchburg, VA Education: Undergraduate: Michigan State University BS 1967; Medical School: Harvard Medical School MD 1971. Training in Dermatology: Duke University Medical Center 1976-1979. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Duke University Medical Center 1971-1973. Academic Appointments: Lynchburg Family Medicine Residency, Visiting Volunteer Faculty 1979-2018; University of Virginia Dermatology Department, Visiting Volunteer 1979. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors 2015-2019; Women’s Dermatologic Society, President 2012-13; Women’s Dermatologic Society Foundation, Founding President, 2003; Women’s Dermatologic Society, Legacy Council, Chair 2010, Financial Vice Chair 2016-2019; Lynchburg Academy of Medicine, President 2005-2006; Virginia Dermatologic Society, President 1995; Medical Society of Virginia. Outside Interests: Daffodils (Daffodil Chair Garden Club of Virginia, Second Vice President of the American Daffodil Society) St. John’s Church choir, cooking, reading, gardening.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 469 Suzanne L. Kilmer 2011 Born: Miami Beach Florida. Current Practice: Practice owner & Medical Director of Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California. Education: Undergraduate: UCLA BS 1980; Medical School: UC Davis MD 1987. Other: UCLA+UCD/Masters of Science in Neuromuscular Regeneration 1983. Training in Dermatology: University of California Davis 1987-1991. Other Training: Fellowship: Harvard Medical School Wellman Labs of Photomedicine 1992. Academic Appointments: 1992-4 Instructor, Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital; UC Davis Clinical Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: fellow; American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery: Board of Directors; President 2003, current Secretary; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors; American Dermatological Association; Noah Worchester Dermatological Association; Sacramento Valley Dermatology Society 1992 to present; American Medical Association; California Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Skiing, biking, ocean sports (was surfing now SUP, kayak) yoga, travel, games, puzzles, reading.

Stuart R. Lessin 2011 Born: September 2, 1955 Philadelphia. Current Position: Medical Director, KGL Skin Study Center Education: Undergraduate: Penn State University B.S. Biology 1977; Medical School: Temple University School of Medicine M.D. 1982. Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania 1983-1986 Other Training: Wistar Institute 1986-1987 Fellowship in Molecular Biology. Academic Appointments: 1987-1995 Assistant Professor University of Pennsylvania; 1995-2000 Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania 1995-2000; 2000-2010 Professor & Director of Dermatology, Fox Chase Cancer Center Temple University; 2011 – Professor Emeritus, Fox Chase Cancer Center. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, Society for Investigative Dermatology, Philadelphia Dermatology Society President 2004, Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology, ISCL, USCLC, American Contact Dermatitis Society, Philadelphia College of Physicians. Outside Interests: Golf, skiing, fishing.

Fu-Tong Liu 2011 Born: July 16, 1948 Taipei, Taiwan. Current Position: Vice President Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; Distinguished Professor Emeritus UC Davis School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: National Taiwan University BS in Chemistry 1970; Medical School: University of Miami 1985-1987;University of Chicago PhD in Chemistry 1976. Training in Dermatology: UC San Diego 1990-1993. Academic Appointments: Assistant Member, Department of Cellular and Developmental Immunology, Research Institute of Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, California, 1979-1982; Associate Member 1982-1987, Member 1987-1990; Medical Biology Institute, La Jolla,

470 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association California; Associate Member/Head, Allergy Research Section, Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute La Jolla, California, 1990-1996; Member, Division of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, Scripps Clinic Medical Group, La Jolla, California, 1993-2001; Member/Head, Division of Allergy, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, San Diego, California, 1996-2001; Professor and Chair 2001-2010, Distinguished Professor 2011-2012, Professor Emeritus 2012-present; Department of Dermatology, University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, Sacramento, California; Distinguished Research Fellow and Director 2010-2017, Distinguished Research Fellow 2017-2018, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan: Professor (joint appointment), National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Graduate Institute of Immunology and Division of Microbiology, Taiwan, 2011-present; Vice President, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Professional Societies: Member, American Skin Association Medical/Scientific Advisory Committee 2004-present; American Academy of Dermatology; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Association of Immunologists; American Chemical Society; American Dermatologic Association; American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Society for Investigative Pathology; Association of American Physicians; Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology Board of Directors; Chinese Society of Immunology President; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Taiwanese Dermatological Association (Honorary); Taiwanese Society for Investigative Dermatology President.

Ashfaq Marghoob 2011 Born: April 21, 1961, Chittagong, East Pakistan. Current Position: Attending Physician, Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Education: Undergraduate: New York University, New York, Bachelor of Arts, 1983; Medical School: SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 1987. Training in Dermatology: SUNY Stony Brook 1995. Other Training: Family Medicine, 1991 Academic Appointments: Attending Physician, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Professor, SUNY Stony Brook. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology; International Dermoscopy Society; American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Photography, hiking, being in touch with nature, writing, reading, seeking knowledge, windsurfing.

Barbara M. Mathes 2011 Born: January 9, 1950, Detroit, Michigan. Current Position: Clinical Associate, University of Pennsylvania; Resident attending (volunteer) at Philadelphia Veterans Administration Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Macomb County College, AAS Nursing, 1973; Michigan State University, BS, 1978; Medical School: College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, 1981. Other: Doctor of Medical Humanities (C), Drew University, 2015. Training in Dermatology: Henry Ford Hospital 1983-1986; chief resident 1986. Other Training: Emergency medicine, Butterworth Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI 1981-1983. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Medicine, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University 1986-1995; Assistant Professor, Medicine (Dermatology), University of Florida College of Medicine, 1995- 1998; Clinical Associate, Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 2008-2018;

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 471 Professor, Medicine (Dermatology), Fox Chase Cancer Center/Temple University 2012-2014. Other professional roles: Private practice in Lansing/Okemos, Michigan (1986-1995) and Sellersville, PA (2008-2010); Director, Medical Affairs at Merck & Co, Inc 1998-2000; Sr. Director, Clinical Research, Dermatology and Immunology, Bristol Myers Squibb 2000-02; Sr. Director, Clinical Research, Immunology, Biogen 2002-2008: Consultant and reviewer for NBME and the USMLE 1996 – 2017, Chair of Step One Test Committee 2003-2006, USMLE Board representative to NBME Board 2003-2006. Professional Societies: Academy of Dermatology: Fellow since 1987, Honorary Member 2019, Secretary- Treasurer 2016-2019, Assistant Secretary Treasurer 2012-2016, served on numerous councils, committees and task forces; American Dermatological Association since 2011; American College of Physicians: member 1981-1995, Fellow since 1995; Women’s Dermatologic Society: President 2019-2020, member since 1987, Treasurer 2000-2003, Corresponding Secretary 1997-1999, chaired numerous committees; Society for Investigative Dermatology since 1998; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, member since 1988; Alpha Omega Alpha, since 1992; College of Physicians, Dermatology Division since 2012; Dermatology Foundation since 1988; European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, since 1989; American Medical Association, since 1980; International Society of Dermatology 1992-2020; Society for the Arts in Health Care, since 2000; American Society for Bioethics and Humanities since 2010; American Association of University Women since 2012; Alachua County Medical Society 1995-1998; American Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians 1998- 2005; Bucks County Medical Society since 2000; Florida Medical Association 1995-1999; Florida Society of Dermatology 1995-1999; Gainesville Dermatology Society 1995-1999; Ingham County Dermatology Society 1986-1995; Ingham County Medical Society 1986-1995; Michigan Dermatological Society 1986-1995 and 2020-pesent, Treasurer 1994-1995; Michigan State Medical Society: 1986-1995, 2020-; Pennsylvania Chapter ACP 1998-2019; Pennsylvania Medical Society, 2001-2019; Philadelphia Dermatology Society 2007- 2019. Outside Interests: A variety of activities with family and friends including traveling, books, movies, music, board games, kayaking, cross-country and downhill skiing, snowshoeing.

Stanley Miller 2011 Born: December 26, 1956, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Current Practice: Mohs Surgeon in Private Practice. Education: Undergraduate: Williams College B.A. 1978; Medical School: University of Vermont M.D. 1984. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency University of California San Diego 1986-89. Other Training: Mohs Fellowship University of Pennsylvania 1989-91; Johns Hopkins School of Professional Studies M.B.A.1996-2000. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Otolaryngology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1993-2001; Associate Professor of Dermatology and Otolaryngology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 2001-2002; Founder and Director, Johns Hopkins multidisciplinary Melanoma and Cutaneous Oncology Group, 1995-2002. Professional Societies: Johns Hopkins representative, National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Melanoma Panel, Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology, 1996 to 2002; Johns Hopkins representative and chair, National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Panel, Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology, 1998-2012. Society Memberships: Board of Directors, Dermatology Foundation, 2007-2011; Chair in Maryland, Dermatology Foundation, 2006-2011; Director, American Board of Dermatology, 2009-2017; Director, American Board of Medical Specialties, 2012-2015; Panel member, AAD NMSC Guideline Workgroup, 2015-16; ACMS delegate to AAD Mohs Committee 2016-present; President, American Board of Dermatology, 2016-2017; ACMS Foundation Development Task Force, 2017-present; Special Projects Consultant, American Board of Dermatology, 2017-present.

472 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Arthur Papier 2011 Born: July 18, 1956, New York, New York. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Education: Undergraduate: Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, Bachelor of Fine Arts 1979; Columbia University, New York, NY, Biology, 1983; Medical School: University of Vermont, Burlington Vermont, MD 1988. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology residency, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 1990-1993. Other Training: Research Fellowship in Neurobiochemistry, John Hildebrand, Columbia University, New York, New York 1983; Research project, Computer Applications in Ambulatory Care, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 1985-1986; Internship, Internal Medicine, Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield, Massachusetts 1988-1990. Academic Appointments: Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 1993-1998; Clinical Dermatologist (Private Practice), Batavia, New York 1993-2000; Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 1998-2004. Society Memberships: American Medical Association, American Academy of Dermatology, Fellow Monroe County Medical Society, New York State Medical Society, Society to Improve Diagnosis. Awards and Honors: Macy Research scholar in neuroscience 1983; Sulzberger Educational Grant, Multimedia Teaching Disc 1992; Dermatology Foundation, Health Care Policy Award 2000; Award of Excellence in Interactive Media. Association of Medical Illustrators 2006; Health Care Achievement Award in Health Care Innovation – Rochester Business Journal 2007. Outside Interests: Our children, our dog, hiking, skiing, x-c skiing, drawing, art.

George Reizner 2011 Born: September 9, 1954 Lawton, Oklahoma Current Position/Practice: Professor of Dermatology/academic and clinical dermatology Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan BS 1976; Medical School: George Washington MD 1980 Training in Dermatology: University of Wisconsin 1981-1984 Other Training: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 1985-1986 Dermatopathology Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Medicine 1986-1991, Associate Professor of Medicine 1991-1997, Professor of Medicine 1997-2002, Professor of Dermatology 2002 to present. Professional Societies: Mayo Alumni Association; American Academy of Dermatology, (Fellow); American Society of Dermatopathology (Fellow); International Society of Dermatology, Treasurer General 2009 to present; Wisconsin Dermatological Society, Treasurer 1996-1998, Vice President 1998-1999, President 1999-2000; Association of Professors of Dermatology; European Academy of Dermatology; Foundation for International Dermatological Education; American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Travel, biking, music.

Christopher R. Shea 2011 Born: May 3, 1952 New York City, New York. Current Position: Eugene J. Van Scott Professor in Dermatology, University of Chicago Medicine Education: Undergraduate: Brown University B.A. in Biology 1976; Medical School: Georgetown University M.D. 1983.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 473 Training in Dermatology: Clinical Research Fellow & Resident (Dermatology), Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School 1984-1989 Other Training: Fellow (Anatomic Pathology), Georgetown University Medical Center/1980-1981; Internship (Medicine), Alameda County Medical Center/1983-1984; Fellow (Dermatopathology), NY Hospital-Cornell Medical Center 1990-1992. Academic Appointments: 1987-1990 Instructor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 1992-1995 Assistant Professor of Medicine/Dermatology & Pathology, Cornell University, New York, NY; 1995-2001 Associate Professor of Pathology & Medicine (Dermatology), Duke University, Durham, NC;1998 Tenure, Duke University, Durham, NC; 2001 Professor of Pathology & Medicine (Dermatology), Duke University, Durham, NC; 2001-Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2013-Eugene J. Van Scott Professor in Dermatology (inaugural holder of this endowed professorship), University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2014-present Professor of Pathology (secondary appointment), University of Chicago, Chicago, IL Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honors Society; Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Clinical Pathology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Chicago Dermatological Society; Dermatology Foundation; Illinois Dermatological Society; International Society of Dermatology; International Society of Dermatopathology; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Outside Interests: Playing guitar & keyboard, bird watching, traveling (domestic and international).

Mary Seabury Stone 2011 Born: Atlanta, Georgia. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pathology University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Baylor University 1978; Medical School: 1981 Baylor College of Medicine. Training in Dermatology: Baylor College of Medicine 1983-1986. Other Training: Dermatopathology University of Iowa 1989-1990. Academic Appointment: University of Iowa 1986-present. Professional Societies: Dermatology Residency Review Committee 2011-2017 Chair 2015-2017; American Board of Dermatology 2014 – present; Iowa Dermatological Society; Women’s Dermatological Society; American Society of Dermatopathology.

Susan M. Swetter 2011 Born: May 3, 1964; Fort Yates, North Dakota. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Director, Pigmented Lesion & Melanoma Program; Physician Leader, Cancer Care Program in Cutaneous Oncology, Stanford University Medical Center and Cancer Institute; Assistant Chief, Dermatology Service, VA Palo Alto Health Care System. Education: Undergraduate: University of Virginia, BA with Distinction– Echols Interdisciplinary Studies Biology and English, 1982; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine MD 1990. Other: Internship in Internal Medicine, University of California, San Francisco 1991. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Resident, Stanford University School of Medicine 1991-1994, Chief Resident, Stanford Dermatology 1993-1994.

474 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Academic Appointments: 1994-present Assistant Chief, Dermatology Service, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA; Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA Department of Dermatology: 1994-1996 Clinical Instructor, 1996-2004 Assistant Professor (MCL), 2004-2009 Associate Professor (MCL), 2009-present Professor (MCL). Professional Societies: American Medical Association, 1986-present; American Academy of Dermatology, 1994-present; National Association of VA Dermatologists, 1994-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society, 1996-present; San Francisco Dermatological Society, 1996-present; Pacific Dermatologic Association, 1997-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology, 1998-1999; Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2001-present; Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, Melanoma Committee, 2002-present; Melanoma Prevention Working Group (Intergroup ECOG-CRIN/SWOG/NCTN), Co-Founder and Co-Director, 2002-present; Society for Melanoma Research, 2003-present; American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2005-present; National Comprehensive Cancer Network Melanoma Panel, 2007-present; American Dermatologic Association, 2011-present; Melanoma Research Alliance, 2012-present. Outside Interests: Hiking, snorkeling, sailing, fitness boot camp, yoga, travel, spending time with friends and family

Jeffrey B. Travers 2011 Born: March, 1962, Lima, Ohio Current Position: Professor and Chair of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Professor of Dermatology Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Education: Undergraduate: Ohio State University BS Chemistry: Medical School: Ohio State University Other: PhD, Pharmacology, Ohio State University. Training in Dermatology: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology Indiana University School of Medicine: 1995 Assistant Professor, 2001 Associate Professor, 2002-2009 Chair, 2006 Professor of Dermatology; 2015-Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Professor of Dermatology, Wright State University. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1995-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: 1995-present, Scientific Committee 2002-2007, Finance Committee 2010-2013. American Society for Clinical Investigation 2007-present; American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2003-present; Indiana Academy of Dermatology 1996-2015; Ohio Dermatological Association 2016-present. Outside Interests: Water sports.

Marta J. Van Beek 2011 Born: October 6, 1970, Le Mars, Iowa. Current Position: Chief of Staff University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics; C. William Hanke Clinical Professor; Director, Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. Education: Undergraduate: Gustavus Adolphus College 1993; Medical School: University of Iowa 1997. Other: Master of Public Health 2003. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency: University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics 1998-2001. Other Training: Fellowship in Mohs Surgery & Cutaneous Oncology, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics 2007; Dermato-Epidemiology NIH-Herzog F32 / 2003. Academic Appointments: University of Iowa: 2017 Clinical Professor, 2016 Chief of Staff, 2013 Program Director/ACGME Dermatologic Surgery Procedural Fellowship, 2013 C. William Hanke Professor Dermatology,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 475 2010 Director, Division of Dermatologic Surgery, 2010 Clinical Associate Professor, 2009 Associate Fellowship Program Director, 2007 Fellow Associate and Clinical Instructor/Surgical Oncology; 2005 ACGME Associate Residency Program Director, 2003 Clinical Trials Unit Director, 2003 Assistant Professor, 2002 Consultant Dermatology, Veterans Affairs Medical Director; 2001 Director/Dermatology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center; 2001 Fellow Associate and Clinical Instructor/Public Health-Dermatoepidemiology. Society Memberships: Iowa Dermatological Society, 1998 – Present, Secretary Treasurer 2003-2006; American Medical Association, 2001 – Present; Women’s Dermatologic Society, 2001 – Present Mentorship Committee 2016-2018, Bylaws Committee 2007-2009; American Academy of Dermatology, 200,1 – Present: Secretary-Treasurer 2019-2022, Assistant Secretary Treasurer 2016-2019 International Committee, member 1998-2001, Task Force for Skin Care in Developing Countries, member 2003,Young Physicians Committee, member 2003-2007, Patient Advocacy Task Force, member 2003-2010, Education & Volunteers Abroad Committee, member 2005-2010, Grassroots Advocacy Committee, member 2005-2009; Health Volunteers Oversees Steering Committee, member 2009-2012, Leadership Development Steering Committee, member 2009-2013, Leadership Steering Committee, member 2010-2014, Research Agenda Committee, member 2011-2015, Workgroup in Innovations in Payment & Delivery, member 2011-present, Outcomes in Dermatology Workgroup, member 2012, Congressional Policy Committee, Chair 2009-2012, Council on Government Affairs, Health Policy and Practice—Chair 2012-2016, Data Collection Workgroup, member 2012-2014, Strategic Alliance Liaison Committee, member 2013-2015, Resource-Based Relative Value Scale Committee, member 2013-2016, Executive Committee, member 2016-present, Audit Committee, 2016-present, Investments Committee, member 2016-present, Scientific Assembly Committee, member 2016-2019, Budget Committee, member 2016-present, Priorities Committee, member 2012-present, Ad Hoc Task Force on Data Collection Platform & Registries, Chair 2014-present, Council on Community, Corporate & Philanthropic Relations, member/2016-2019; Iowa Medical Society, 2002 – Present; Association of Professors of Dermatology, 2005 – Present; American College of Mohs Surgery, 2008 – Present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 2008 – Present; American Dermatological Association, 2011-Present;American College of Mohs Surgery: Ethics Committee, member 2009-2012, Data Collections Committee, member 2012-2016; American Medical Association: Dermatology Section Council, member 2007-present, House of Delegate Alternate Representative for AAD, member 2004-2012, House of Delegates Representative for AAD, member 2008-present, Council on Legislation, member 2018-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Strategic Plan Work Group, member 2011, Procedural Dermatology Steering Committee, member 2009-2013; Iowa Dermatological Society: Program Committee, member 2002 2003, Curriculum Committee, member 2002-2007, Executive Committee, member 2003-2007, Nominations Committee, member 2008-09, Legislative Committee, member 2012-present. Outside Interests: Travel, Cooking, Refurbishing vintage items.

Jonathan S. Weiss 2011 Born: January 3, 1958, Detroit, Michigan. Current Position: Managing Partner, Georgia Dermatology Partners and Gwinnett Clinical Research Center, Inc., Snellville, Braselton, Brookhaven and Loganville GA. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, BS in Economics, 1980; Medical School: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MD, 1984. Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1985-1988 Other Training: Internship University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Internal Medicine,1984-1985. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 1988-1990; Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Emory University Medical School, Atlanta, GA, 1991 – Present Society Memberships: American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology: Therapeutics/FDA Liaison Task Force 1998-2002; American Acne and Rosacea Society 2008 – Present: Board of Directors 2014 – Present; Dermatology Foundation: Leader’s Society, 1995 – 2004. Vice Chair, Leader’s Society Campaign, 2002 – 2006. Annenberg Circle, Sustaining Member, 2004 – Present, Corporate Development Committee,

476 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 2006 – Present; Board of Trustees, 2008 – Present, Executive Committee 2013 – Present; Phi Delta Epsilon Medical Fraternity; Georgia Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; President, 2003-2004; Atlanta Dermatological Association: Executive Committee, 1994 – 1996, President, 1998, Co-Chairman Skin Cancer Screening committee, 1989 – 2005, Annual Meeting Program Committee, 2017 – Present; Medical Association of Georgia; Gwinnett/Forsyth County Medical Society. Outside Interests: Tennis, hiking, skiing, yoga.

Jag Bhawan 2012 Born: July 7, 1945, Delhi, India. Current Position: Guido Majno Professor of Dermatology and Pathology Head, Dermatopathology Section; Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology Boston University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Kirorimal College, University of Delhi, India, July 1961 to May 1963 (Degree – Pre-Medical); Medical School: Maulana Azad Medical College, University of Delhi, India, July 1963 to May 1968. Other: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, January 1970 to December 1972 (Degree M.D. – Doctor of Medicine in Pathology). Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine and Tufts University, Boston, MA, from July 1981 to December 31, 1983. Other Training: Third year resident in Pathology (and fellow in Dermatopathology) St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA, from July 1, 1973, to June 30, 1974; Chief Resident in Pathology (and fellow in Dermatopathology) St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA, from July 1, 1974, to June 30, 1975. Academic Appointments: Tutor (Instructor) in Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, May 1971 to May 1973; Assistant in Pathology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, December 1973 to December 1974; University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, January 1975 to June 1975; Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, July 1975 to June 1978; Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, July 1978 to June 1984; Visiting Associate Professor of Pathology (Dermatopathology). Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA (On sabbatical leave and leave of absence from the University of Massachusetts), July 1, 1981, to December 31, 1983; Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, July 1983 to June 1984; Professor of Pathology and Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, July 1, 1984, to December 31, 1985; Professor of Dermatology and Pathology; Head, Dermatopathology Section, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, January 1, 1986, to 2015; Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, January 1, 1995, to present; Guido Majno Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, Head, Dermatopathology Section, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, July 1, 2015-present. Professional Societies: Fellow, American Society of Dermatopathology: Member, Audit Committee, (1995- 1998), Chairman, Audit Committee Board of Directors, (2000-2005); Fellow, International Society of Dermatopathology; Fellow, International Pigment Cell Society; Member, Society of Investigative Dermatology; Member, New England Dermatological Society; Member, American Academy of Dermatology, Ethics Committee 2003-2007; Member, New England Society of Pathologists; Member, International Academy of Pathology; Fellow, College of American Pathologists; Member, Hair Research Society; Member, Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology; Member, Annenberg Circle, Leader’s Society (Dermatology Foundation); Member, International Society of Dermatology; Member, American Dermatological Association; Medical Advisory Council, Global Fibrosis Foundation (2010-current). Awards and Honors (selected): 2015: Certificate of appreciation, from the International League of Dermatological Societies; 2012: Teacher of the Year award from the dermatology residents and International trainees; 2009: Member of The Chester S. Keefer, MD Society at Boston University School of Medicine for

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 477 recognition of his generous contributions and commitment to the institution; 2008: Founders award, American Society of Dermatopathology; 2006: Walter Nickel award for Excellence in teaching of Dermatopathology, American Society of Dermatopathology; 2001-2: President, American Society of Dermatopathology; 1998: Teacher of the Year award from the dermatology residents of the combined Boston-Tufts Universities Dermatology program.

Elizabeth Magill Billingsley 2012 Born: November 20, 1962 Danville, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology Director of Mohs Micrographic Surgery Pennsylvania State Hershey Medical Center Hershey, Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: Cornell University BS 1984; Medical School: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine MD 1989. Training in Dermatology: Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA Department of Dermatology 1990-1993 Dermatology Residency. Other Training: Penn State University Milton S. Hershey Medical Center 1993-1994 Mohs Surgery Fellowship. Academic Appointments: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine 1994-2000 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 2000-2008 Associate Professor of Dermatology, 2008-present Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: American College of Mohs Surgery President 2019-2020, Board of Directors 2013- 2016, Secretary Treasurer, Vice President, Executive Council 2017-2021, American Academy of Dermatology 1993-present; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology 1993-2012, President 2004-2005, Executive Committee 1996-2004, Secretary, Vice President, Board of Directors; International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative 2002-present, President 2012-2014, Board of Directors, Executive Board, Vice president. Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Council for Nail Disorders Outside Interests: skiing, kayaking, hiking, cooking, biking, fishing, Labrador retrievers.

Kimberly Butterwick 2012 Born: N. Hollywood, California. Current Practice: Dermatologist, Cosmetic Surgeon, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: 1973-1977 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA B.S., Biology, June 1977, with distinction; Medical School: 1977-1981 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, Doctor of Medicine, May 1981 Training in Dermatology: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986-1989 Other Training: Rotating Internship, Mercy Hospital and Medical Center San Diego, CA, 1981-1982 Academic Appointments: 1989-Present Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, CA, 1989-2003, Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, CA, 1989-2003 Scripps Memorial Hospital, Encinitas, CA. Professional Societies (selected): American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, Board of Directors, 2016 – 2020, Joint AAD/Advisory Board Work Group -2017 – 2020, Council on Community, Corporate and Philanthropic Relations – 2017 – Present, Ad Hoc Nominating Committee – 2017 – 2018, Council on Member Services – 2016 -2017; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Fellow, Board of Directors, 2003-2006, Annual Meeting Committee Chair 2014, Co-Chair 2013, Nominating Committee (elected position) 2014 – 2018, Media Relations Work Group, Chair 2011-2014, Preceptorship Program 2006-Present; Future Leaders Network 2011 – 2012, Stegman’s Circle Founder; American Dermatological Association: Member 2012 – present; Women’s Dermatological Society: Board of Directors, 2010-2014, Chair, US Western Regional Committee 2014 – 2017, Fundraising Committee 2011-Present, Annual Meeting Committee 2011-2014, Mentorship Committee 2008- 2011, Dermatologic Surgeons Committee 2007 – Present, Networking Committee 2004-2007; American

478 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Academy of Cosmetic Surgery: Fellow, Task Force, Award for Excellence in Continuing Medical Education, 2002-2003, Reference Committee: Advocacy, Young Cosmetic Surgeons, 2002-2003, Liposuction Task Force 1999-2002; American Board of Dermatology: Diplomate; American Board of Cosmetic Surgery: Diplomate; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery: Fellow; American Society of Liposuction Surgery; American Medical Association Outside Interests: Family, running, hiking, reading, travel.

Edward W. Cowen 2012 Born: October 20, 1972 Madison, WI Current Position: Chief, Dermatology Consultation Service, NIAMS, NIH Education: Undergraduate: Cornell, BS, 1994; Medical School: Penn State, MD, 1998. Training in Dermatology: University of Rochester 1999-2002. Other Training: Clinical Research Fellowship, Dermatology Branch, NIH 2004; MHSc clinical research, Duke University 2006. Academic Appointments: Staff Clinician, Dermatology Branch, NCI, NIH 2004-13; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 2007- 12; Head, Dermatology Consultation Service 2009-present; Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 2012-present; Professor, Department of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center 2019-present; Senior Clinician, Dermatology Branch, NCI, NIH 2013-17; Acting Chief, Dermatology Branch, NIAMS, NIH 2017-present. Professional Societies: Director, American Board of Dermatology (2013-21); Medical Dermatology Society; Society for Investigative Dermatology; DC Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Tennis, Volleyball.

Andrew G. Franks, Jr. 2012 Born: March 15, 1946, New York City. Current Practice: Private, Gramercy Park Dermatology, founded by his father; Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Medicine (Rheumatology) and the Director of the Skin Lupus & Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disease Service at New York University Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: New York University, B.A 1967; Medical School: New York Medical College MD 1971. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency: 1973-1975, Dermatology Fellowship Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center 1975-1976. Board certified in Dermatology 1977. Other Training: Internal Medicine Residency New York Medical College 1972-1973; Board certified in Internal Medicine 1975; Rheumatology Fellowship Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center 1975-1978; Board certified in Rheumatology 1978. Academic Appointments: 1975-1978 —Assistant Attending Physician, Dermatology, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center; 1977-1978 —Assistant Attending Physician, Medicine (Rheumatology), Columbia Presbyterian MC; 1978-2006 —Senior Attending Physician, Rheumatology, Lenox Hill Hospital; 1978-Present —Attending Physician, Tisch Hospital, New York University Langone Medical Center; 1978-Present —Consulting Physician, Lupus Section, Bellevue Hospital; 1978-1984 —Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine; 1980-2006 —Attending Rheumatologist, Hospital for Joint Diseases; 1984- 1995 —Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine; 1995-Present — Clinical Professor of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine; 2008-Present —Clinical Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology), New York University School of Medicine; 1978-Present —Director, Skin Lupus

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 479 and Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disease Service, The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University Langone Medical Center. Professional Societies: 1978-Present Founding Member, The Arthritis Foundation; 1978-Present Member, Society of Investigative Dermatology; 1978-Present Member, American Academy of Dermatology; 1978-Present Member, American College of Physicians; 1978-Present Member, Dermatologic Society of Greater New York; 1978-Present Member, New York Academy of Medicine; 1978-Present Member, New York County Medical Society; 1982-PresentMember, The S.L.E. Foundation of New York; 1988-2001 Member, Faculty Council, New York University Langone Medical Center; 1990-1993 Interdisciplinary and Post-Graduate Education Task Force, AAD; 1995-2006 Medical Advisory Board, New York SLE Lupus Foundation of New York; 2002-Present Member, The Lupus Foundation of America; 2008-Present Scientific Medical Advisory Board, Lupus Foundation of America; 2003-Present Member, IMACS (International Muscle Assessment and Clinical Studies Group); 2005-Present Invited Member, New York Dermatologic Society; 2006-Present Founding Member, North American Rheumatologic Dermatology Society; 2004-Present Scientific Advisory Board, Lupus Foundation of America; 2012-Present Invited Member, American Dermatologic Association. Awards and Honors: 1983 Nitroglycerin Research Prize/ Raynaud’s Disease, University of Hamburg, Germany; 1988 Teaching Attending of the Year, Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine; 1998 Teaching Attending of the Year, Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine; 1999 – Present Castle Connelly Best Doctors in New York & America; 2002 Alpha Omega Alpha, New York University School of Medicine, Clinical Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award; 2009 – Present Best Doctors in America . Outside Interests: Skiing, outdoors, American history, being with my wife Linda, our daughters and grandchildren.

Maria C. Garzon 2012 Born: New Jersey. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (VP&S) and the Director of the Division of Pediatric Dermatology at NY Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard University AB, magna cum laude in Fine Arts 1984; Medical School: Columbia University NY, College of Physicians and Surgeons MD 1988. Training in Dermatology: Columbia University 1992-95; Dermatology Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship 1995 Children’s Memorial Hospital Northwestern University. Other Training: General Pediatrics Residency NY Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital (formerly Babies Hospital of NY) Columbia University 1988-1991 Academic Appointments: Columbia University, College of Physicians & Surgeons: 1995-Present 1995-1997 Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, 1997-2003 J. Lowry Miller Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, 2003-2008 Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Clinical Pediatrics, 2009-2013 Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Clinical Pediatrics, 2013-present Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at CUMC. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Academy of Pediatrics; American Dermatological Association; Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society; Association of Professors of Dermatology, Greater New York Dermatologic Society; Hemangioma Investigator Group: Founding Member, President 2007-2010, Executive Committee; International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies Scientific Committee 2012-present; New York Dermatological Society: 2009-present, President 2014-2015; Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance: Founding Member 2012-present, Bylaws Committee Chair 2013-16, Science Committee 2012-2019, Studies Committee 2019-present, Development Committee 2018-present; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: President 2011-2012, Mentorship Committee Chair 2013-16; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Women’s Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Travel, Art History, Not for profit educational boards.

480 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Frank L. Glass 2012 Born: Atlanta, Georgia. Current Position: Professor in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery University of South Florida College of Medicine; Staff Physician, Dermatology Service Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Oncology Program and Director of the Inpatient Program H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center;George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences: Professor, Department of Dermatology, Professor, Department of Pathology, Director, Cutaneous Lymphoma Program The GW Cancer Center. Education: Undergraduate: Georgia Institute of Technology B.S. Chemistry 1977; Medical School: Louisiana State University MD. 1985. Training in Dermatology: University of California, Davis Campus Residency, Dermatology 1989. Other Training: Fellowship in Dermatopathology: Medical University of South Carolina 1990.

Nathaniel Jellinek 2012 Born: February 22, 1973 Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Current Position: Fellowship Director, Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology, Dermatology Professionals, Inc. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University BA 1995 Medical School: University of Massachusetts MD 2000. Training in Dermatology: University of Massachusetts2001-2004. Other Training: Mohs surgery University f Massachusetts2004-2005. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University 2005-2009; Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University 2009-present; Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology University of Massachusetts Medical School 2009-present. Professional Societies: Massachusetts Medical Society 1999-2005; Worcester Medical Society 2000-2005; New England Dermatological Society 2001-present; American Academy of Dermatology 2001-present; Council for Nail Disorders: 2004-present Secretary/Treasurer2005-2009, President 2018-2019; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2004-2015; Rhode Island Dermatology Society 2005-present: Board of Directors 2013-2017; American College of Mohs Surgery (formerly American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology): Associate, Fellow 2009-present, Board of Directors 2017-present; American Dermatological Association 2012-present; American Academy of Dermatology Member, Bioterrorism/Disaster Preparedness Task Force 2/2007-11/ 08. Member, Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Ed. Committee 2007-2/2011, Member, Annual Meeting Evaluation Task Force 3/09-3/12 Outside Interests: Spending time with my children, my family and friends, exercise, exploring and travel, mountain biking, listening to music, cooking, drinking wine, playing with cats.

Ellen J. Kim 2012 Born: May 8, 1969, Brooklyn, NY Current Position: Sandra J. Lazarus Professor of Dermatology, Assistant Director, Penn Cutaneous Lymphoma Program, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard A.B 1991; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania M.D. 1996. Training in Dermatology: Boston University/Tufts University Departments of Dermatology 1997-2000.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 481 Other Training: Postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine 2000-2002. Academic Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 2003, Associate Professor 2011, Professor 2018. Society Memberships: International Society of Cutaneous Lymphoma; American Academy of Dermatology; US Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium: Board of Directors 2017-2020, Chair, Medical Advisory Council 2017 – present; Medical Dermatology Society; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology Board Member; Philadelphia Dermatological Society President 2015-2016; Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation: Board Member 2017-2020, Medical Advisory Council 2017-present. Outside Interests: Classical music (piano, flute), dogs, scuba diving, cooking, travel, reading.

Sancy A. Leachman 2012 Born: February 19, 1963. Current Position: John D. Gray Endowed Chair in Melanoma Research; Professor & Chair, Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health & Science University. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas at Austin Plan II Liberal Arts Honors Program, 1982 -1985 B.A.; Medical School: University of Texas M.D., Ph.D 1985 -1993 . Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology, Yale New Haven Hospital 1994 – 1997. Other Training: Intern in Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School 1993 – 1994; Fellow in Cutaneous Oncology, Yale University School of Medicine 1997 – 1998. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, University of Utah: 1998 – 2013 Physician in Dermatology, 1998-2003; NIH Fellow-to-Faculty Transition Program through Molecular Genetics Training Program 1998-2006; University of Utah: Assistant Professor in Dermatology 2000 – 2013, Director and Principal Investigator, Endowed Tom C. Matthews Familial Melanoma Research Program, Huntsman Cancer Institute 2003 – 2007; Co-Leader, Melanoma and Cutaneous Oncology Program, Huntsman Cancer Institute 2004 – 2010, Medical Director 2007 – 2013, Director, Melanoma and Cutaneous Oncology Program, Huntsman Cancer Institute 2006 – 2011, Associate Professor in Dermatology, 2011-2013 Professor in Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, 2013-present, Adjunct Professor in Dermatology, Department of Dermatology 2013-present; Oregon Health & Science University; Professor and Chair of Dermatology and Director of the Skin Cancer Program at Knight Cancer Institute 2013 – present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member 2003 – 2006, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee; American Association for Cancer Research; American Board of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; American Society of Clinical Oncology; American Society of Human Genetics; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation: Member, Medical & Scientific Committee Advisory Board; Intermountain Dermatology Society; Medical Dermatology Society; National Vitiligo Foundation; Oregon Dermatology Society; Pacific Dermatologic Association; Pan American Society for Pigment Cell Research; Society for Investigative Dermatology: 2003 -2011 Member Committee 2006 -2010 Member Translational Task Group, 2009 – 2010, Chair, Committee on Education; Society for Melanoma Research; Southwest Oncology Group; Utah Medical Association; Utah Society of Dermatologic Medicine and Surgery; Vitiligo Society. Outside Interests: Hanging out with family, travel adventures, reading, hiking, gardening, and supporting important causes (i.e. being an unruly “activist”).

Craig L. Leonardi 2012 Born: July 3, 1954 Springfield, Massachusetts. Current Position/Practice: President, Central Dermatology, St Louis, MO; Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine.

482 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Education: Undergraduate: Amherst College 1977; Medical School: U. Miami School of Medicine 1985. Training in Dermatology: Residency University of Miami School of Medicine / Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL 1986 -1989. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of Miami School of Medicine; Assistant Chief of Dermatology VA Medical Center Miami, FL; Saint Louis University School of Medicine: Assistant Prof of Dermatology, Dept of Internal Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology, Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Adjunct Professor of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Founder, International Psoriasis Council. Outside Interests: Cars, Cardigan Welsch Corgis.

Mary Gail Mercurio 2012 Born: Utica, New York. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Rochester School of Medicine; Program Director of Dermatology Residency Program, 2010 -present. Education: Undergraduate: Cornell University, 1985, Mechanical Engineering; Medical School: University of Rochester School of Medicine, 1990 (Alpha Omega Alpha) Training in Dermatology: Case Western Reserve University, 1991-1994 — Chief Resident, 1993-1994. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Columbia University 1994-1997; Assistant Professor, University of Rochester 1997-2002; Associate Professor, University of Rochester 2002-2010; Professor, University of Rochester 2010 – present. Professional Societies: Women’s Dermatologic Society; Association of Professors of Dermatology; International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Diseases; American Academy of Dermatology, American Dermatological Association.

Eliot Mostow 2012 Born: April 8, 1958, Fort Bragg, North Carolina Current Position: Professor and Chair, Northeast Ohio Medical University; Associate Professor, Clinical Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, BS Human Nutrition 1981; Medical School: Ohio State University College of Medicine, MD, 1985. Other: Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, MPH, 1987; United States Public Health Service, Epidemiology Training Program, 1986-1989 Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1989-1992 Academic Appointments: University of Pittsburgh as Assistant Professor, Dermatology, 1992-3; Professor and Chair, Northeast Ohio Medical University; Associate Professor, Clinical Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University, present. Professional Societies: AAD, ODA (Ohio Dermatological Society), CDS (Cleveland Dermatologic Society), AAWC (Association for the Advancement of Wound Care), Dorner Dermatologic Society (local journal club named after Dr. William Dorner). Outside Interests: Travel, philosophy/ethics, music.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 483 Keyvan Nouri 2012 Current Position: Tenured Professor of Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology & Surgery; Chairman of University of Miami Medical Group; Director of Mohs Micrographic Surgery; Director of Surgical Training; Director of Graduate Education Specialty Training Program for the University of Miami Department of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery; Louis C. Skinner, Jr. M.D. Endowed Chair of Dermatology; Richard Helfman Professor of Dermatologic Surgery. Education: Undergraduate: Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Bachelor of Arts in Biology May 1989; Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, Medical Doctorate May 1993. Health MBA, Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami December 2019 Training in Dermatology: Dermatology residency Jackson Memorial Hospital, University of Miami, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, Miami, Florida. Dermatology June 1994-1997. Other Training: Harvard Business School: Program for Leadership Development Module 5 Alumni Status July 2017; New York University The Ronald O. Perelman School of Medicine: July 1997-Jan.1999 Department of Dermatology, New York, New York: Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Dermatologic, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship; Boston University Medical Center, Department of Medicine, July 1993 -June 1994 Boston, Massachusetts. Internship in Medicine. Academic Appointments: Chairman, University of Miami Medical Group, Miami, Florida 2019-Present; Vice-Chairman, University of Miami Medical Group, Miami, Florida 2012-2019; Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine: Director, Graduate Education Specialty Training (GEST) Program in Dermatology for International Doctor, Chief of Dermatology Services, University of Miami Hospital 1999-October 2017; Director, Surgical Training, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery 1999-Present, Director, Mohs, Dermatologic and Laser Surgery 1999-Present, Tenure Professor, 2009-Present; Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery 2006-2009, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Otolaryngology 2003-2006, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery 1999-2003. Society Memberships: (Selected): Member, Beta Gamma Sigma International Business Honor Society 2020; Member, International Association of Dermatologists May 2014; Member, American Dermatological Association September 2013; Member, International Society of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons, Inc. 2003; Fellow, American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery & Cutaneous Oncology 2002-present; Member, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2002-present; Member, International Society of Dermatology 2001-present, Vice President 2014 – Present, Program Committee for the Continental Meetings 2014 -Present; Member, Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons 2000-present; Member, Dermatology Foundation, Florida Chapter 1999; Member, Iranian American Medical Association 1999-present; Member, Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons 1999-present; Associate Member, American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology 1999-present; Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 1999-present; Fellow, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 1999-present; Fellow, International Society for Dermatologic Surgery 1998-present; Member, American Board of Dermatology, October 1997-present; Member, American Academy of Dermatology 1994-present; Member, American Medical Association 1989-1993; Member, American Medical Student Association 1989-1993. Outside Interests: Traveling, learning about other cultures, sports such as swimming, running, squash, horseback riding, spinning among others.

Jeffrey S. Orringer 2012 Born: December 7, 1967, Baltimore, Maryland. Current Position: Professor, Service Chief, and Division Chief, Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University Honors AB 1990; Medical School: Harvard Medical School M.D. 1994.

484 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Training in Dermatology: University of Michigan, 1997-2000. Other Training: University of Michigan Fellowship in Cutaneous Oncology, Mohs Micrographic Surgery, and Cosmetic Dermatology, 2000-2002; Surgical Internship and two additional years of residency in Surgery and Integrated Plastic Surgery, 1994-1997. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical School: July 2000-June 2002 Clinical Lecturer, July 2002-Sept 2007 Assistant Professor, Clinical Track, Sept 2007-present Associate Professor, Clinical Track, Department of Dermatology, July 2002-present Director, Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Center, 2011-present Service Chief, Department of Dermatology, 2013-present Professor, Clinical Track. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Fellow; Dermatology Foundation; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Surgery Research Work Group, Member 2009-2012, Representative to the American Academy of Dermatology’s Specialty-Wide Research Initiative 2011-2012, Dermatologic Surgery Lexicon Task Force – Chair of the Non-ablative, Ablative, and Fractionated Laser Subcommittee 2012-2014, Journal Work Group, Member 2012-2014; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology; American Dermatological Association; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology: Assistant Editor2006-2008, Editorial Board Member, 2008-2013; Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member 2008-2009, Senior Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member 2009-2014. Outside Interests: Exercise (swimming, running, weight training), Reading (historical fiction), Dogs (I have 3!), Michigan Wolverines sports.

Jack Resneck Sr. 2012 Born: January 29, 1944, Clarksdale Mississippi. Son is a member of the Association. Current Position: Private Practice Shreveport, Louisiana 1975-2017, now retired. Education: Undergraduate: Tulane University, 1962-1965. No degree; Medical School: University of Tennessee, 1965-December 1968 MD. Other: Internship in Surgery, Parkland Memorial Hospital, 1969-70, USAF Barksdale AFB 1970-1972…luckily appointed base dermatologist without training. Training in Dermatology: UCSF Dermatology 1972-1975, Chief Resident 1974-1975. Academic Appointments: Lecturer UCSF 1975-1985, LSU Shreveport, 1975-2017, Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology Ethics Committee; American Dermatologic Association, Louisiana Derm Society since 1975, Past President. Outside Interests: Skiing, Hiking, Bike Riding.

Neil S. Sadick 2012 Born: Bronx, NY Current Practice: Dermatologist/Sadick Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: SUNY Binghamton BA Science 1973; Medical School: SUNY Upstate Medical Center MD 1977. Training in Dermatology: NY Hospital-Cornell Medical Center Resident1980-1982 Dermatology; Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Center Resident 1980-1982 Dermatology; NY Hospital-Cornell Medical Center Chief Resident 1982-1983 Dermatology. Other Training: SUNY Downstate Medical Center Internship 1977-1978-Internal Medicine; North Shore University Hospital Resident 1978-1980 Internal Medicine; Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Center Resident 1978-1980 Internal Medicine.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 485 Academic Appointments: 5/83 – Present – Consultant at Hospital for Special Surgery; 7/83 – 6/86 – Clinical Instructor in Medicine – Voluntary Faculty – Weill Cornell Medical College/Cornell University; 6/86 – 7/96 – Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics – Voluntary Faculty – Weill Cornell Medical College/Cornell University; 7/86 – 6/93 – Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Voluntary Faculty – Weill Cornell Medical College/Cornell University;7/86 – 12/99 – Clinical Affiliate, Dermatology – Hospital Medical Staff – New York Presbyterian Hospital; 7/93 – 6/96 – Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Voluntary Faculty – Weill Cornell Medical College/Cornell University; 7/96 – 6/97 – Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Voluntary Faculty – Weill Cornell Medical College/Cornell University; 7/97 – 6/02 – Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology – Voluntary Faculty – Weill Cornell Medical College/Cornell University; 1/00 – Present – Assistant Attending Dermatology – Hospital Medical Staff – New York Presbyterian Hospital; 7/02 – Present – Clinical Professor of Dermatology – Voluntary Faculty – Weill Cornell Medical College/Cornell University; 10/17 – Present – Adjunct Professor – Department of Dermatology – University of Minnesota. Professional Societies (selected): 1981 American College of Physicians – Fellow 1983; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery 1990 2017 – 2018 President Elect – International Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2018 – 2019 President -International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: Chairman Committee of Infection and AIDS Control in Dermatologic Surgery; 1984; American Academy of Dermatology: Practice Management Task Force,1984 Fellow 1990, Committee on Sclerotherapy and Vascular Disease 1990, Task Force on Phlebology, 1992 Committee on Guidelines of Care, 1992 Membership Committee, 1998 Organizational Structure Committee; Quality of Care Task Force, 2005; 2016– 2020 Board of Directors – American Academy of Dermatology, 2016-2020 Board Liaison to Finance Committee; American Society of Internal Medicine; 1984 American Society of Cosmetic Surgery—Fellow; 1984 American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: 1994 Membership Committee; 1986 Society of Investigative Dermatology; 1986 Society of Pediatric Dermatology; 1988 American Medical Association; 1994 Dermatology Foundation; 1994 American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery – Fellow; 1996 Women’s Dermatologic Society: 2013 – 2015 Finance Committee, 2014 -2016 Chair, Fundraising Committee – Women’s Dermatologic Society, 2015 – 2017 WDS Journal Task Force, 2013 – 2016 Media Relations Committee, 2013 – 2016 Industry Visioning Work Group, 2016 – 2019 Chair, Finance Committee, 2016 – 2019 Chair, Audit Committee; 2014-2017 Treasurer – Women’s Dermatologic Society Board of Directors 2011-2015;1999 Noah Worcester Dermatological Society, Member, 2015 Secretary/Treasurer Elect Noah Worcester Dermatological Society 2017 Secretary Treasurer – Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; 2020 President – Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; 2002 American Society of Facial Plastic Surgery; 2007 Dermatology Foundation: 2008 Vice Chairman, 2008 Member of Amonette Circle; 2016 – 2019 Board of Directors – Dermatologic Society of Greater New York; 2020 – 2023 Board of Directors – American Hair Research Society

Julie Votava Schaffer 2012 Born: October 26, 1972; Grand Forks, North Dakota. Current Position: Associate Professor of Pediatric Dermatology, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University. Education: Undergraduate: Yale University BS summa cum laude 1995; Medical School: Yale School of Medicine/MD, cum laude/2000 Training in Dermatology: Yale School of Medicine, Dermatology Residency 2001-2004; NYU School of Medicine, Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship/2004-2005. Other Training: Yale School of Medicine, Pediatric Internship 2000-2001. Academic Appointments: New York University School of Medicine: 2005-2010 Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, 2005-2015 Director of Dermatology Resident Education, 2007-2015 Director of Pediatric & Adolescent Dermatology, 2010-2015 Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics;, Hackensack University Medical Center: 2015-present Attending Pediatric Dermatologist, 2016-present Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship Director, 2017-present Associate Professor of Pediatric Dermatology Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University. Professional Societies: Society for Pediatric Dermatology 2009-13 Awards and Goals Committee; American Academy of Dermatology: 2005-9 Poster Exhibits Task Force, 2010-14 DermLex Task Force, 2010-14

486 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Self-Assessment Task Force, 2012 Strategic Planning Committee, 2104-15 Atopic Dermatitis PI CME Workgroup, 2015 Workgroup on Trainee Access to DataDerm, 2016-20 Core Curriculum Task Force Deputy Chai, 2017-18; Chair 2018-20, 2017-20 Education Research Committee; Women’s Dermatologic Society: 2005-8 Mentorship Committee, 2005-8 Website Committee, 2008-11 Ethics Committee, 2011-14 Audit Committee; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York 2014-Board of Directors; Dermatology Foundation: 2012-17, Clinical/Medical/Surgical/Dermatopathology Review Panel, 2013-Board of Trustees; American Board of Dermatology: 2007-10 General Curriculum Committee, 2011-13 Pediatric Dermatology Curriculum Committee, 2011-14 Dermatology Milestone Working Group ACGME, 2012-20 Board of Directors; 2012-20, Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship Review Committee Chair 2016-20, 2012-15 Examination Innovation Committee, 2013-20 Vice Chair, Certifying Examination Committee, 2013-15 General Dermatology Committee, 2013-15 Pediatric Dermatology Education Task Force; 2013-20 Chair, Bylaws Committee, 2014-15 Chair Pediatric Applied Examination Committee, 2015-17Co-Chair Examination of the Future Committee, 2015-20 Chair Pediatric Subspecialty Exam Committee, 2015-20 Chair Pediatric Dermatology Content Committee, Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA; 2013-present); 2013-18 Editorial board, Archives of Dermatology/JAMA Dermatology; 2018-23 Associate Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Tennis, golf, soccer, and other outdoor activities with my five children and two dogs.

Eric L. Simpson 2012 Born: June 27, 1971 El Paso, Texas. Current Position: Professor, Dermatology, Oregon Health& Science University. Education: Undergraduate: U.C. Berkeley B.A. 1993; Medical School: UT Southwestern MD 1998 Training in Dermatology: Oregon Health& Science University, 1998-2002 Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health & Science University Portland, Oregon Assistant Professor of Dermatology 2002 to 2009 Associate Professor of Dermatology, 2009 to 2015, Professor of Dermatology 2015 to present. Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha; American Academy of Dermatology (since 2002); American Contact Dermatitis Society (since 2002); American Dermatological Association; Dermatology Foundation Leaders Society; International Society of Atopic Dermatitis (ISAD) (Board of Directors); National Eczema Association (since 2004); National Psoriasis Foundation (since 2003); Oregon Dermatology Society (since 1998; Secretary/Treasurer 2007-2008); Oregon Medical Association;· Society for Investigative Dermatology (since 2002); Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (2015). Outside Interests: Spending time with wife and children, playing squash, camping, hiking, fishing, and biking.

Bruce Strober 2012 Born: September 27, 1967, Washington, DC. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Yale University, New Haven, CT and Central Connecticut Dermatology, Cromwell, Connecticut. Education: Undergraduate: Vassar College AB 1988; Medical School: Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons MD 1998. Other: Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences PhD 1996. Training in Dermatology: New York University, 1999-2002. Academic Appointments: New York University Assistant Professor 2002-2010; University of Connecticut Health Center Associate Professor 2011-2015, Professor and Chair 2015-2018, Clinical Professor 2019-present; Yale University: Clinical Professor 2020-present Professional Societies: International Psoriasis Council, Board of Directors; Corrona Psoriasis Registry Co-Scientific Director; Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis, Editor-in-Chief.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 487 Heidi A. Waldorf 2012 Born: January 11, 1965; Bethesda, Maryland. Current Practice: President, Waldorf Dermatology Aesthetics, Nanuet, New York. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard College BA 1986; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine MD 1990. Other: Internship: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Department of Internal Medicine Internship 1990-1991. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School Department of Dermatology/MGH 1991-1994 Clinical Fellow in Dermatology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA1991-1994. Other Training: Laser & Mohs Micrographic Surgery Fellowship, Laser & Skin Surgery Center of NY/Roy Geronemus 1994-1995. Academic Appointments: 1996-2004 Assistant Clinical Professor, Icahn School of Medicine of Mount Sinai, New York, NY; 2004-present Associate Clinical Professor, Icahn School of Medicine of Mount Sinai, New York, NY. Professional Societies (Selected): 1986-2015 American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology:1991-present member and Fellow, 2003-2006, Public Awareness Committee, 2006-2010 Interdisciplinary & Postgraduate Education Task Force;1993-1994 Massachusetts Medical Association; 1993- 1995 Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: Fellow, 2006-2009 Public Service Work Group; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Fellow, 2000-2001 Publication Committee; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Member 1995-present, 2000-2003 Membership Committee, 2009-2015 Fundraising Committee, 2009-2012 Communications Committee, 2011-2013 Co-Chairperson, Fundraising Committee, 2011-2013 Membership Renewal Forum Task Force, 2011-2015 Board of Directors and Executive Committee;m1996-2000 American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; 1996 American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Fellow (inactive since 2007)1; 997 -1999 Greater New York Dermatologic Society; 1999 Leader’s Society, Dermatology Foundation; 2010-2012 Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; 2011 Annenberg Society, Dermatology Foundation; 2011 Stegman Society, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; 2012 American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: International travel, food/wine, cultural history, arts & crafts, design.

Timothy S. Wang 2012 Born: March 9, 1964, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Current Practice: Private Practice, Lakeshore Dermatology, Norton Shores, Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor BS Microbiology 1987; Medical School: Wayne State University, Detroit MD 1993. Training in Dermatology: Residency in Dermatology: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1993-1996. Other Training: Fellowship in Dermatologic Surgery, Cutaneous Oncology Ann Arbor 1997-1999. Academic Appointments: University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology 1997-2009, Rank achieved, Associate Professor; Johns Hopkins Medical School Department of Dermatology 2009-2016, Rank achieved, Associate Professor. Society Memberships: American Medical Association; American College of Mohs Surgery; Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Others.

488 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Mathew Avram 2013 Born: Brooklyn, New York Current Position: Harvard Medical School Associate Professor, Dermatology Education: Undergraduate: Princeton University BA 1989; Medical School: Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University 2000 Other: Cornell University JD 1992. Training in Dermatology: Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Combined Dermatology Residency Training Program. Other Training: Lenox Hill Hospital Intern Internal Medicine 2000-2001; UCLA Medical Center Fellow in Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Laser and Cosmetic Dermatology 2004-2005. Academic Appointments: UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine: Clinical Instructor in Division of Dermatology 2004-2005; Harvard Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology 2005-2007, Assistant Professor in Dermatology 2008-2016, Associate Professor in Dermatology 2016-present. Professional Societies: American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: President-Elect 2019-2020, Vice President 2019, Executive Board 2015-2018, Treasurer 2015-2018, multiple committees and work groups; International Society of Cosmetic and Laser Surgery: Secretary 2009-2010, program chair of several meetings; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery: President 2017-2018, President-Elect 2016-2017, Vice-President 2016-2017, Board of Directors 2010-2014, multiple committees; American Academy of Dermatology; Massachusetts Medical Society; New England Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American Dermatological Association; New York State Bar Association. Awards and Honors (Partial List): American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Resident Scholarship; Massachusetts General Hospital Partners in Excellence Award; American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery: Leon Goldman Award, Ellet Drake Award.

Jeremy Bordeaux 2013 Born: May 16, 1976, Wilmington, North Carolina. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Director-Dermatologic Surgery, Director-Melanoma Program University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University. Education: Undergraduate: North Carolina State University, B.S. Chemical Engineering, 1998; Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine, M.D. 2002. Other: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M.P.H. 2002. Training in Dermatology: University of Massachusetts Medical School/UMass Memorial 2003-2006. Other Training: Fellowship in Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. University of Massachusetts Medical School/UMass Memorial 2006-2007. Academic Appointments: 2006-2007Clinical Instructor, Director of Transplant Oncology Clinic, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA; 2007 –2013 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Director of Melanoma Program, Director of Mohs Micrographic and Dermatologic Surgery, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH; 2013-Present Associate Professor of Dermatology, Director of Melanoma Program, Director of Mohs Micrographic and Dermatologic Surgery, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Professional Societies: 2006-Present International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative Treasurer 2008- 2011; 2006-2009 Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons; 2006-Present American Academy of Dermatology; 2006-Present American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; 2009-Present American Medical Association; 2006-2007 Massachusetts Medical Society; 2007-Present American College of Mohs MicCleveland Dermatologic Society; 2007-Present Merkel Cell Multicenter Interest Group; 2007-Present

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 489 Society of Investigative Dermatology; 2009-Present Association of Professors of Dermatology, Board of Directors, 2012-2015; 2011-Present American Dermato-Epidemiology Network; 2012-Present JAMA Dermatology, Board of Directors; 2012-Present Dermatologic Surgery Journal, Assistant Editor. Outside Interests: I enjoy spending time with my wife and two sons. I also enjoy exercising.

Cheryl M. Burgess 2013 Born: Eudora, Arkansas. Current Practice: Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Washington, DC. Education: Undergraduate: University of Washington; Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine MD 1984. Training in Dermatology: Howard University Hospital 1985-1988. Academic Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology Georgetown University; George Washington University. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2020-2024, Board of DIrectors Liaison to the Council on Community, Corporate and Philanthropic Relations 2020-2024; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Board of Directors 2012-2015; Women’s Dermatologic Society Board of Directors 2007-2011, Executive Committee 2008-2010; Society of Skin of Color Board of Directors 2007-2009 and 2018-2021; National Capital Reciprocal Insurance Company, Inc. Board of Directors 2000-2003; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; Dermatology Foundation: Annenberg Circle 2000; Medical Societry of the District of Columbia; Dermatological Society of the District of Columbia; National Medical Association; American Medical Association, MedAesthetic and AAD Editorial Board. Outside Interests: Mentoring young girls, Volunteering at no kill animal shelters.

Rachael Clark 2013 Born: Bellevue, Washington. Current Position: Vice Chair for Research, Department of Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Shing Yu Yip and Cecelia B. Hepp Associate Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School; Associate Dermatologist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Research Faculty, Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: California Institute of Technology, BS (Honors) Biology and Chemistry, 1989; Medical School: Harvard Medical School, MD, 1998. Other: Harvard University, PhD Immunology, 1998. Training in Dermatology: Resident, Dermatology, Harvard Combined Dermatology Program, 1999-2002; Research Fellow, Dermatology/Cutaneous Immunology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2001-2003. Academic Appointments: Instructor in Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, 2003-2006; Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, 2007-2013; Associate Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, 2013-2017; Shing Yu Yip and Cecilia B. Hepp Associate Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, 2017-present. Society Memberships: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 2001-present, Committee on Education Member 2009-present, Chair 2012-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 2009-present; Federation of Clinical Immunological Societies: Member 2012-present; American Society for Clinical Investigation: Elected member 2011-present; American Dermatologic Association: Elected member 2013-present; Henry Kunkel Society: Elected member 2014-present; National Psoriasis Foundation: Research member 2015-present; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas: Member 2017-present; United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium: Member 2018-present. Awards and Honors: The Seidman Prize for Outstanding Research Mentorship of an HST Medical Student, Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology, 2012; The Young Leadership Award, American Dermatologic

490 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Association, 2012; The Rising Star Lectureship, International Investigative Dermatology; The Arthur Rook Oration, British Association of Dermatology, 2014; Brigham and Women’s Hospital Pillar Award in Research Leadership, 2019. Outside Interests: Taking care of two Maine coon cats, two parrots, a horse, and quite a few children.

Thomas Noel Darling 2013 Born: December 21, 1960, Rantoul Illinois. Current Position: Professor and Chair of Dermatology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), Bethesda, Maryland. Education: Undergraduate: Houghton College, Houghton, New York BS in Biology 1983; Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC MD 1990. Other: Duke Graduate School PhD in Cell Biology 1990. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, Duke University Medical Center 1991-1994. Other Training: Medicine Internship, UNC Hospitals 1990-1991; Dermatology Research Fellowship, Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health 1994-1998. Academic Appointments: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Physiology, and Genetics (secondary) 1999-2005, Assistant Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology (secondary) 2002-2005, Associate Professor of Dermatology (tenured), Associate Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics (secondary), Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology (secondary), 2005-2012; Professor of Dermatology, Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics (secondary), Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology (secondary), 2012-present; Chair of Dermatology, 2014-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1998-present, Computer and Informatics Committee, AAD, 1997-2000; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 1998-present, Committee on Education 2003-2007; Co-chair, Resident Symposium for Annual Meeting 2005, Co-chair (2006-2007) and Member Organizing Committee for Resident Retreat for Future Physician Scientists, 2003-2008; Member, American Dermatological Association, 2013-present; Member, Association of Military Dermatologists, 2015-present; Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance: Chair of Dermatology Working Group for Consensus Conferences, 2012 and 2018 and member of Physician Advisory Board 2020; Member, Proteus Syndrome Foundation Clinical Advisory Board, 2002-2004; Chair (2016) and Member, Grant Review Committee, Dermatology Foundation, 2013-2016; Associate Editor (2012-2016) and Editorial Consultant (2017-present), Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Outside Interests: family and friends, church activities, hiking, biking, rock climbing, and tennis.

Jan Peter Dutz 2013 Born: April 10, 1960. Current Position: Professor and Head, Department of Dermatology and Skin Science, University of British Columbia. Education: Undergraduate: University of Ottawa 1976-1978; Medical School: Queen’s University at Kingston 1978-1983 Training in Dermatology: University of British Columbia 1994-1997 Other Training: Rotating internship 1983-1984; Internal medicine 1984-1987; Rheumatology 1987-1989 -University of Toronto; Postdoctoral fellowship in cellular immunology -Centre for Cancer Research -MIT 1989-1992; Department of Microbiology and Immunology UBC 1992-1994. Academic Appointments: Research Scientist: BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute -1997 – present; Associate Member Division of Rheumatology, UBC Department of Medicine 1997 – present; Assistant

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 491 Professor Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology 1997-2002; Associate Professor Department of Dermatology and Skin Science 2002-2010; Professor, Department of Dermatology and Skin Science 2010-present; Head, Department of Dermatology and Skin Science 2017-present. Society Memberships: Member, Canadian Society of Investigative Dermatology 1997-Ongoing; President, Canadian Society of Investigative Dermatology, 2010 – Ongoing; Examiner, RCPSC Dermatology Section, 2010 – Ongoing; Vice-Chair, Examination Committee, RCPSC Dermatology Section: Examination development and administration, 2011 – 2016; Chair, Examination Committee, RCPSC Dermatology Section: Examination development and administration, 2017-ongoing; Member – Canios – Canadian Network of Investigations and Outcomes in SLE; Member, American Academy of Dermatology, 1997-ongoing; Member, Society of Investigative Dermatology 1997-2001; North American Rheumatic Diseases of the Skin; Organizing committee 2007-2008 North American Rheumatic Diseases of the Skin; Membership chair 2009-2010 Medical Dermatology Society (AAD), 2000-2006, 2010; Rheumatic Diseases of the Skin: President 2016-2017; Member, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 1988-Member, The Canadian Rheumatology Association 1994-2004; 2010-Member, Canadian Dermatology Foundation, 1997; Member, CSPA (Canadian Skin Patient Alliance) Steering Committee – 2007; Member Canadian Dermatology Foundation Executive, 2003-ongoing; Member, Canadian Dermatology Association 1994 – Ongoing. Outside Interests: Music (Accordion, recorder performance); photography; languages and literature (German, French, Spanish); Sports (Running, competitive swimming, tennis, squash, hiking.

Joel M. Gelfand 2013 Born: 1970, New York. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Medical Director, Dermatology Clinical Studies Unit, Senior Scholar, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. Education: Tufts University BS 1993; Medical School. Harvard MD 1998. Other: University of Pennsylvania MSCE 2003. Training in Dermatology: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 1999-2002. Academic Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine:2002-2003 Instructor, Department of Dermatology, 2003-2012 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 2010-2012 Assistant Professor of Epidemiology in Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (Secondary); 2012-present Associate Professor of Dermatology, 2012-present Associate Professor of Epidemiology in Biostatistics and Epidemiology (Secondary). Professional Societies: 2006-Present Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: Steering Committee Member (Re-Elected 2013) ; 2006-Present International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology; 2011-Present International Psoriasis Council (Councilor); Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 1999, Strategic Planning Committee 2002, Board of Directors 2002-2003, Committee of Resident/Fellows Programs 2002-2003, Committee on Albert M. Kligman Fellowship 2004, Resident Retreat Organizing Committee 2012-14; Chair of the 2014/15 Resident Retreat Task Group; 2001-Present American Academy of Dermatology: Resident Fellow Committee 2001-2002, Chair, Resident Fellow Committee 2002, Elected Member, Board of Directors (Resident Observer) 2002, Guidelines/Outcome Task Force 2004-2009, Young Physicians Committee 2004-2008, Workgroup on Pay for Performance Evidence Based Purchasing 2006-2007, Diplomat 2002, Environment and Drugs Committee 2009-2011, Adverse Event and Medical Errors Reporting Workgroup 2009, FDA Liason Task Force 2009-2011, Selection Committee, Young Investigators in Dermatology Award; 2011-2012, Outcomes Work Group Member 2013, Data Collection Work Group Member 2013, Research Committee Member 2014; 2013-Present American Dermatological Association; 2013-Present American Society for Clinical Investigation. Outside Interests: Family, my standard, make that exceptional, poodle named Jeter, travel, Yoga inversions, reading, bourbon.

492 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Sharon Albers Glick 2013 Born: Cleveland, Ohio. Current Position: Professor, Clinical Dermatology and Pediatrics, Vice-Chair and Program Director, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Director, Pediatric Dermatology, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, King’s County Hospital Center, and Maimonides Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Purdue University, B.S., 1978; Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, M.D., 1988 Other: Sarah Lawrence College, M.S., Human Genetics, 1981. Training in Dermatology: Yale New Haven Hospital 1991 – 1994. Other Training: Yale New Haven Hospital, Pediatric residency 1988 – 1991. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor, Clinical Dermatology and Pediatrics, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, 2007; Assistant Professor, Clinical Dermatology and Pediatrics, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, 2001. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1991; Society for Pediatric Dermatology 1993; American Academy of Pediatrics 2000; Woman’s Dermatologic Society 2003; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York; Association of Professors of Dermatology 2010; Society for Investigative Dermatology 2013; American Dermatologic Association 2013; PeDRA (Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance) 2014; International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies 2017. Outside Interests: Ballet, art history, exercise, travel.

Daniel H. Kaplan 2013 Born: 1967 Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Immunology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: Yale University, BS Molecular biophysics and biochemistry 1991; Medical School: MD/PhD in Immunology, Washington University in St. Louis, 1998. Training in Dermatology: Yale University 1999-2002. Other Training: Beth Israel, Boston Internship 1998-1999. Academic Appointments: 2018-present University of Pittsburgh Professor Department of Dermatology, Secondary Appointment Department of Immunology, Director, Cutaneous Biology Research Center. Director, Dermatology Medical Student Research, 2015-2018 University of Pittsburgh Visiting Associate Professor Department of Dermatology, Secondary Appointment Department of Immunology, Director, Cutaneous Biology Research Center, Director, Dermatology Medical Student Research 2012-2015; University of Minnesota Associate Professor with Tenure Department of Dermatology, University of Minnesota Assistant Professor Department of Dermatology; 2005-2007 Yale University School of Medicine Assistant Professor Department of Dermatology, 2004-2005 Yale University School of Medicine Instructor Department of Dermatology. Society Memberships: American Society for Clinical Investigation.

Theodora Mauro 2013 Born: Syracuse, NY, December 19, 1956. Current Position: Professor in Residence, University of California; Chief, Mission Bay Laboratories, SFVAHCS; Deputy Chief of Staff, San Francisco Veteran’s Hospital; Member, Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, UCSF; Member, UCSF/Mt Zion Cancer Center; UCSF Wound Healing Clinic Attending for 25 years; SFVAMC Dermatology Skin Cancer Surgery Clinic for 18 years; Attending, SFVAMC Dermatology Service: 4-6 months of the year on this service, supervising house staff and medical students.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 493 Education: Undergraduate: Bryn Mawr College, AB 1974-79; Medical School: Medical College of Pennsylvania 1979-198. Training in Dermatology: University of California, Davis 1985-87 Chief Resident 1987-88. Other Training: Internship, Internal Medicine Hahnemann Medical College of Pennsylvania 1983-84; NIH Medical Sciences Training Grant 1984-85. Academic Appointments: University of Pittsburgh: Instructor Department of Dermatology 1988-1989; University of California, Davis Assistant Professor in Residence 1991- 1992; San Francisco Veterans Hospital: Assistant Service Chief and Assistant Professor University of California, San Francisco, Dept of Dermatology 1992-97; Assistant Professor in Residence 1994-97; California College of Podiatric Medicine: Adjunct Assistant Professor 1994-2003; SFVHC Interim Service Chief, Dermatology 1997-99; Vice-Chair Dermatology, Associate Professor in Residence of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco and SFVHC Service Chief 1999-present; Chief, Mission Bay Laboratories 2012-present; SFVHC Interim Chief of Staff 2017-18; Director, SFVHC Virtual Health Office System and Enterprise Project Management Clinical Director of Planning and Development 2018-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1998-present; Society of Investigative Dermatology 1988-present; American Association for the Advancement of Science 1988-present; Dermatology Foundation 2003-present; National Association of VA Dermatologists 2005-present; Women’s Dermatology Society 2006-present; AMA 1989-present; AMWA 1989-present; Society of General Physiologists 2004-present; American Dermatologic Association 2013-present; Scientific Board of Directors, Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types 2005-present; Chair, Scientific Review Board, Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types 2006; Vice-Chair Gordon Research Conference, Mammalian Barrier of The Skin 2009-10; Chair Gordon Research Conference, Mammalian Barrier of The Skin 2012-13. Awards and Honors: VA Unsung Hero Award (1997); Teacher of the Year UCSF 1998; Member, NIH’s Arthritis, Connective Tissue and Skin (ACTS) Study Section 2010-16; Chair, Barrier Function of Mammalian Skin, Gordon Research Conference 2011-13; Ad Hoc Member, NIH/SREA NCATS study section 2017; Ad Hoc Member, NIH/2019/01 ZRG1 MOSS-K (02) M study section 2018; Over 120 peer-reviewed publications and 10 book chapters. Invited Presentations at scores of National and Regional meetings. Outside Interests: Fencing, reading (fiction and history).

David Polsky 2013 Born: December 19, 1958 New York City. Current Position: Alfred W. Kopf, MD Professor of Cutaneous Oncology, The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Bucknell University, BA, 1981; Columbia University Post- Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Studies, 1984; Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MD, PhD, 1993. Training in Dermatology: New York University, 1994-1997. Other Training: Research Fellow, Division of Molecular Pathology, Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center 1996 – 2000. Academic Appointments: New York University 2000 -2008 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 2009 – 2013 Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, 2013 – present Professor of Dermatology and Pathology. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, 1997; American Association for Cancer Research, 1997; Society for Melanoma Research (Founding Member) 2003; Association of the Professors of Dermatology, 2005-2016, Program Chair 2013; American Dermatological Association, 2013; The New York Dermatological Society, 2017. Outside Interests: Sailboat racing, Skiing.

494 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Jason Rivers 2013 Born: April 8, 1956, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Current Position: Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology and Skin Science University of British Columbia, Canada; Director/Owner: Pacific Derm Vancouver, BC. Education: Undergraduate: University of Toronto, B.Sc., Cum Laude 1977; Medical School: University of Ottawa, MD Cum Laude, 1981. Training in Dermatology: University of Ottowa 1983-1985; London University/St. John’s Hospital, London, UK, 1985-1986. Other Training: Dalhousie University Internship 1982; Fellowship, New York University Skin and Cancer 1987-1988; Sydney Melanoma Unit, Sydney, Australia, 1988-1990. Academic Appointments: University of British Columbia: Professor 1997-2007; Clinical Professor 2007-present. Professional Societies: Canadian Dermatological Association President 2020-2021; Canadian Society for Dermatologic Surgery, President 2013-2015; American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery; Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada President 2015-present; Editor in Chief Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 2006-2015; Founder and Medical Director Riversol Skin Care Solutions, Inc. Outside Interests: Cycling, equestrian, music, skiing, hiking, reading, movies.

Wendy Eileen Roberts 2013 Born: September 27, 1958, New Jersey. Current Practice: Generational and Cosmetic Dermatology Solo Private Practice. Education: Undergraduate: Sarah Lawrence College BA 1980; Medical School: Stanford University Medical School MD 1984. Training in Dermatology: King-Drew Medical Center 1991. Other Training: Surgery Residency PGYII-Highland General Hospital; Dermatopathology Fellowship New York University 1992. Academic Appointments: Founding Director of Dermatopathology Loma Linda University Medical Center; Associate Professor of Medicine, Loma Linda University. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow; American Society Dermatologic Surgery; Women’s Dermatologic Society: President 2009-2010; California Society of Dermatology: President 2005- 2007; American Cancer Society: Past President Desert Palms 2005; Generational Dermatology Symposium Founder; Inventor of Roberts Skin Type Classification System; Founder, Women’s Dermatologic Society Play Safe in the Sun Skin Safety Awareness Campaign 2004. Awards and Honors: Voted “Top Doctor” Palm Springs Life 16 consecutive years since inaugural award. Cover of The Dermatologist October 2019; TNT/TBS Dermatologist Expert for Season 1 Chasing the Cure Live with Anne Curry; Several TV Appearances including, Steve Harvey, The Doctors, The Real, Today Show; Featured in O Magazine; Named “Rock-Star Dermatologist” by Glamour Magazine; Featured in Essence Magazine; Honored with 2 American Academy of Dermatology Presidential Citations; Loma Linda University Children’s Health Big Hearts for Little Hearts Desert Guild Lifetime Member; Inducted into Hall of Fame at High School South Plainfield High School. Over 50 Publications Including: Author of Chemical Peels A Global Perspective, Textbook Editor Cosmetic Boot Camp.

Leslie Robinson-Bostom 2013 Born: October 12, 1963, New York. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Director of Dermatopathology, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 495 Education: Undergraduate: State University of New York at Binghamton Binghamton, New York 1981-1985 B.A., Psychology, National Honor Society in Psychology Graduated in Academic Excellence; Medical School: State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn Brooklyn, New York 1986-1990 M.D. Summa Cum Laude. Training in Dermatology: 1991-1992 Dermatology Resident State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn Brooklyn, New York; 1992-1994 Dermatology Resident PGY 3 and 4 Brown University Dermatology Residency Program Providence, Rhode Island. Other Training: 1994-1995 Dermatopathology Fellow Roger Williams Medical Center Department of Pathology, Brown University Providence, Rhode Island; 1990-1991 Intern-Medicine Rhode Island Hospital Brown University Program in Medicine Providence, Rhode Island. Academic Appointments: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island Department of Dermatology: 1995 – 2005 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1997 – Present Director Division of Dermatopathology, 2005 – Present Associate Professor of Dermatology, 2013-Present Professor of Dermatology Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Department of Dermatology. Professional Societies: Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology; New England Dermatological Society, Former President; Rhode Island Dermatologic Society; International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative Group; Dermatology Foundation Board of Trustees, Leadership Society, State Chair; Dermatology Foundation Deratmopathology, Campaign Co-Chair; Dermatology Foundation Board of Trustees; American Dermatological Association; 95thAtlantic Dermatological Conference Co-Chair; American Board of Dermatology, Dermatopathology Content Development Committee, Test Development and Advisory Committee Outside Interests: Hiking, walking, kayaking, baking, biking, reading and spending time with friends and family.

Dana Lynn Sachs 2013 Born: April 12, 1968; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: Duke University, BA 1990; Post-Baccalaureate: 1991 University of Pennsylvania; Medical School: 1995 Boston University, MD Training in Dermatology: 07/1998-06/1999 Residency in Dermatology (Chief Resident 07/1998-06/1999) University of Michigan, Department of Dermatology, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Other Training: 06/1995-06/1996 Internship in Internal Medicine at Beth Israel Hospital; Fellowship in Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Unoiversity of Michigan 2019-2020. Academic Appointments:07/1999-08/2004 Instructor, Division of Dermatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell, New York, New York; 07/1999-08/2004 Clinical Assistant Physician, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York; 11/2004-08/2014 Clinical Associate Professor in Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 09/2014-Present Clinical Professor in Dermatology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Professional Societies: 1999-Present Member, American Academy of Dermatology; 2004-2012 Member, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; 2007-Present Member, Canadian Dermatology Association; 2011-Present Member, Association of Professors of Dermatology; 2012-Present Member, Society for Investigative Dermatology; 2013-Present Member, American Dermatological Association; 2013-Present Member, Michigan State Medical Society; 2013-Present Member, Washtenaw County Medical Society; 2013-2012President-Elect, Michigan Dermatological Society; 2014-2015 President, Michigan Dermatological Society. Outside Interests: Swimming, reading, travel, and tennis.

496 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Linda Stein Gold 2013 Born: March 9, 1963 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Director of Clinical Research, Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania BS Economics 1985; Medical School: The University of Pennsylvania 1989. Training in Dermatology: Henry Ford Hospital 1993. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor Wayne State School of Medicine, 2012. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors 2016- 2020, Exeutive Committee 2018-2020, Vice-President-Elect 2021; National Psoriasis Foundation: Medical Board; National Acne and Rosacea Society Medical Board.

Barbara B. Wilson 2013 Born: Elmira New York Current Position: /Practice: Department of Dermatology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville Virginia. Education: Undergraduate: Mount Holyoke College, BA 1972; Medical School: University of Virginia MD, 1978. Training in Dermatology: University of Virginia Dermatology Residency 1979-1982. Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship University of Virginia 1978-79 Academic Appointments: Instructor Dermatology Johns Hopkins Baltimore Maryland 1982-84; Assistant Professor of Dermatology Johns Hopkins 1984-1987; Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of Virginia 1984-1987, Associate Professor 1987-1991; Edward P. Cawley Associate Professor 1991-present. Professional Societies: Albemarle County Medical Society; American Academy of Dermatology; Women’s Dermatologic Society; International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease; American Dermatologic Association; Association of Professors of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Grandchildren, pugs, birdwatching and following my sons’ bands, Sons of Bill (Sam, Abe and James) and Gallatin Canyon(Luke).

John Alan Zic 2013 Born: June 25, 1965, Chicago, Illinois. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Vice-chair Strategic Development, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Department of Dermatology. Staff Dermatologist, Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Nashville Veterans Affairs Campus. Education: Undergraduate: University of Notre Dame, BS, Pre-Professional Science 1987; Medical School: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, MD, 1991. Other: Vanderbilt University Owen School of Management, Masters Management Health Care, 2017. Training in Dermatology: University of Illinois at Chicago Hospitals, 1992-1995. Other Training: University of Chicago Hospitals, Internship, 1991-1992. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society of Investigative Dermatology; United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium: Founding member, Secretary-Treasurer 2013-2017, President 2016-2019; International Society of Cutaneous Lymphoma: Board of Directors 2012-2017; American Council of Extracorporeal Photopheresis: Founding member 2017; American Association of Medical Colleges; former

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 497 Associate Dean for Admissions Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 2006-2014. Outside Interests: Photography, percussion.

Andrew Alexis 2014 Born: September 24, 1973, Toronto, Canada. Current Position: Chairman, and ; Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai. Education: Undergraduate: McGill University, Montreal, Canada; BSc 1995; Medical School: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, MD, 1999. Training in Dermatology: Cornell 2000-2003. Other Training: Fellowship in Dermatopharmacology, New York University 2004. Academic Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor, Columbia University; Associate Clinical Professor, Columbia University; Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Professional Societies: New York Dermatological Society; Noah Worcester Dermatologic Society; Women’s Dermatologic Society Membership Committee; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; American Academy of Dermatology chair, diversity task force, 2013-2015. Outside Interests: Travel, music, family.

Frederick C. Beddingfield 2014 Born: July 28, 1964, Hendersonville, North Carolina. Current Position/Practice: CEO and Board if Directors Kira Pharmaceuticals; UCLA Division of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: North Carolina State University BA 1986; Medical School: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill MD with Honors 1991. Other: PhD, RAND Graduate School, UCLA STAR Physician Scientist Program 1998- 2003. Training in Dermatology: UCLA Dermatology Residency, 1998-2002. Other Training: UCLA Dermatologic Surgery/Procedural Fellowship, 2002-2003; Emergency Medicine Residency 1991-1994, Harbor-UCLA; Emergency Medicine Chief Resident fellowship 1994-1995. Academic Appointments: UCLA Faculty member 1996-1998 in Emergency Medicine; 2002-Present Dermatology (Full-time, part-time, and volunteer). Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American Academy of Dermatology, American Society for Laser Medicine and surgery, Board of Directors 2019-2020; Medical Advisory Board Member -Children’s Skin Disease Foundation and Camp Wonder; Founder and Board Member Advancing Innovation in Dermatology, Dermatology Summit and Dermatology Innovation Forum; Board of Directors, Cytrellis Biosytems; Board of Directors and Chairman Marble Therapeutics. Outside Interests: Travel, music, food and wine, running, cycling.

Eric F. Bernstein 2014 Born: Washington, D.C., June 3, 1959. Current Practice: Main Line Center for Laser Surgery, Ardmore, PA; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: Duke University BS 1981; Medical School: MD Yale University School of Medicine MD 1986

498 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other: MS (Eng) University of Pennsylvania, 2003. Training in Dermatology: Hahnemann University 1989-1992. Other Training: Medical Staff Fellow, Radiation Biology Branch, NIH, 1987-1989. Academic Appointments: Thomas Jefferson University, Associate Professor of Dermatology, 1992-1998; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania (volunteer faculty) 1998-present. Professional Societies: American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery member, board members (current); Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Academy of Dermatology, American Society of Pathology, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Outside Interests: family, friends, Duke basketball, biking, learning golf and tennis.

Jerry D. Brewer 2014 Born: April 25, 1974 Vernal, Utah. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology, Mayo Clinic. Education: Undergraduate: Brigham Young University; Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine, MD (2000-2004); Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, MS (2014 – 2016). Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic 2005-2008. Other Training: Yale University, Internship in Internal Medicine (2004-2005), Mayo Clinic, Dermatology (2005-2008), Mayo Clinic, Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology (2008-2009). Academic Appointments: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota Department of Dermatology: Consultant 06/20/2012 – Present, Associate Professor of Dermatology 11/2012 – 02/2017, Professor of Dermatology 02/2017 – Present, Chair -Division of Dermatologic Surgery, 01/2013 – 10/2017, Associated Fellowship Program Director Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology 10/2017 – 09/2018, Fellowship Program Director Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology 09/2018 – present. Professional Societies: Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Member 04/2002 – Present; American Medical Association: Member 08/2000 – Present, Political Action Committee Member 04/2004 – Present; American Medical Student Association Member 08/2008 – Present; American Psychiatric Association Member 04/2004 – Present; Minnesota Medical Association Committee on Ethics and Medical-Legal Affairs Committee Member 01/2013 – Present; Wayne State University School of Medicine: Executive Committee (Student Body) Treasurer 07/2002 – 06/2003, Executive Committee (Student Body) President 07/2003 – 06/2004, Cass Clinic Volunteer 07/2001 -05/2002; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 06/2005 – Present, Ad Hoc Task Force on the ABCDEs of Melanoma Member 2013, International Affairs Committee Member 01/2007 -01/2009, JAAD Editorial Mentorship Program Mentor 01/2013 – 06/2014; Leadership Forum Work Group 04/2012 – 04/2016; Melanoma/Skin Cancer Committee Member 02/2011 -02/2014, Appropriate Use Criteria Committee 03/2016 -03/2019, Dermatology Foundation Medical and Scientific Committee & Panel 2016 – 2019, The Professionalism and Ethics Committee 03/2016 -03/2019; American College of Mohs Surgery: Member 2010 – Present, Regional Meeting Scientific Program Committee Chair, San Diego, California 2013, Scientific Program Committee for the Annual Meeting Member 2013, Board of Directors Member 2016 -2019; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member 2009 – Present; International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative: Member 2011 – 2014, Meeting Director, Miami Beach, Florida 02/28/2013, Board of Directors Member 2011 – 2014; Minnesota Dermatological Society: Member 01/2010 – Present, Vice-President/ President Elect 2015 – 2016, President 2016 -2017. Outside Interests: Running (4 marathons), cooking (avid fan of Bon Appetite Magazine), medical missions (3 to Guatemala so far), traveling (been to over 20 countries in the last 15 years) taekwondo (currently 2nd degree black belt), spending quality time with my wife and 7 children, human psychology and self-actualization, and sports of all kinds.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 499 Karen Elizabeth Burke 2014 Born: December 31, 1945 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position/Practice: Clinical Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, NY; Private Practice Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: B.A. (1967) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY: Chemistry Major, Physics and French Minor; Medical School: M.D. (1978) New York University Medical College, New York, NY. Other: M.A. (1969) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Biophysics and Chemistry; Ph.D. (1973) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Biophysics. Training in Dermatology: 1979-1980 N.I.H. Training Grant, Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y; 1980-1983Resident, Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y Other Training: 1972 N.I.H. Predoctoral Fellowship, Department of Biophysical Research The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; 1972-1973 N.I.H. Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Biochemistry, Cornell University Medical College, New York, N.Y.; 1973-1974 N.I.H. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Cellular Immunology The Rockefeller University, New York, N.Y.; 1978-1979 Internship in Internal Medicine, Montefiore Hospital, Bronx, N.Y. Academic Appointments: 1985-1993 Clinical Research Director, Wilson Dermatology Clinic, Wilson, N.C.; 1986-1989 Clinical Investigator and Research Associate, Department of Orthopedics Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, N.Y.; 1987-1997 Clinical Research Director, Greensboro Specialty Surgical Center Greensboro, N.C.; 1989-1990 Visiting Investigator, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Foundation, New York, N.Y.; 1991-1996 Clinical Member, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA; 1998-2001 Scientific Research Consultant, Helena Rubinstein, L’Oréal, Paris, France; 2012-2015 Scientific Research Consultant, Klox Technologies, Laval, Quebec, Canada; 2016-2017 Scientific Research Consultant, THEVAX Genetics Vaccine USA, Inc., Cape Canaveral, FL; 2004-Present Department of Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, N.Y:2004-2008 Clinical Investigator, 2008-2015 Assistant Clinical Professor, 2015-2018 Associate Clinical Professor, 2018-Present Clinical Professor. Professional Societies: 2009-Present-Board of Directors, New York Stem Cell Foundation; 1983-Present- Member, American Academy of Dermatology; 1999-2003-Committee of International Affairs, American Academy of Dermatology; 1986-Present-Member, Women’s Dermatologic Society; 2005-2013-Nominating Committee, Women’s Dermatologic Society; 2005-2008-Board of Directors, Women’s Dermatologic Society; 1999-2009-Board of Governors of the New York Academy of Sciences; 2009-Present-Honorary Life Governor, New York Academy of Sciences; 2000-2006-President’s Council, New York Academy of Sciences; 1995-2014-Committee of Human Rights, New York Academy of Sciences; 2014-Present- Member, American Dermatological Association; 2016-2018-Board of Directors, American Dermatological Association; 1994-Present-The Dermatology Foundation; 2004-Present-Antoinette Circle, The Skin Cancer Foundation; 2014-Present-Melanoma Research Alliance Dermatology Council; 2007-Present-General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel Advisory Committee, FDA; 2013-Present-New York County Medical Society; 1988-Present-American Medical Association; 1992-2014-American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1987-Present-American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; 1983-2014-Society of Investigative Dermatology; 2007-2014-International Society of Dermatology; 2016-Present-Bellevue Alumni Society; 1997-2017-Board of Directors, Parkinson’s Disease Foundation; 2017-Present Board of Directors, Parkinson’s Foundation; 2018-Present-President’s Council, New York Hall of Science; 1998-Present Editorial Board, Cutis; 2007-Present Associate Editor, Journal of Drugs in Dermatology; President, The Karen E. Burke Research Foundation, Inc; Founder and President, Longévité, Ltd. Outside Interests: 1989-2000 Medical and Science Editor of the Diplomatic World Bulletin (United Nations, New York) and author of “Health Update” column and other articles; 1995-Present-Women’s International Forum of the United Nations; 2016-Present-Board of Directors of the UN Delegates Welcoming Committee; 2011-Present, UN Women for Peace; Participation with Mrs. Ban Soon-Taek (the wife of the United Nations Secretary General) in initiatives for the Elimination of Violence against Women; Sponsor of the Balsam Project (which provides health and educational support to Syrian refugee women and children living in six villages on

500 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association the Syrian/Turkish border); 2015-Present Sponsor of Vienna ACUNS (Academic Council on the United Nations System) which focuses on issues related to human rights (especially prevention of violence toward women (including femicide) and equal opportunities for women and youth); 2011-2012 Served in medical brigade: Nestros Pequenos Hermanos, Honduras; 2002-2017 Trustee, Poly Prep County Day School; 2017-Present Trustee Emertus, Poly Prep Country Day School; 2010-2015, President’s Council of Cornell Women (PCCW); 2005-Present Volunteer to Police Athletic League (PAL) in New York City.

Julide T. Celebi 2014 Current Position: Professor and Vice-Chair, Department of Dermatology and Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Education: Medical School: Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine. Training in Dermatology: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Other Training: Internship: Shands Jacksonville Medical Center. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Association for Cancer Research; Society for Melanoma Research; New York Dermatologic Society. Awards and Honors: Women’s Dermatologic Society Mentorship Program Award; Dermatology Foundation’s Clinical Career Development Award; Irving Scholarship from Columbia University. In addition, Dr. Celebi is the recipient of the Skin Cancer Foundation’s Frederick E. Mohs Memorial Award, NIH Mentored Clinical Scientist Award.

Scott A. B. Collins 2014 Born: Las Vegas, Nevada. Current Position: Practice: private practice with Dermatology Associates in Tigard, Oregon. Owner of this group; Adjunct assistant clinical professor of Dermatology at Oregon Health and Science University. Education: Undergraduate: University of California, San Diego, BA Biochemistry, BA Sociology, Magna Cum Laude 1983; Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine, With Honors 1987. Training in Dermatology: Baylor College of Medicine, Dermatology residency, 1988-1991. Other Training: Oregon Health and Science University, Mohs Micrographic Surgery fellowship, 1991-1993. Academic Appointments: Adjunct assistant clinical professor of Dermatology at Oregon Health and Science University. Professional Societies: Present: Oregon Medical Association: Member, Legislative Affairs Committee; Oregon Dermatology Society: Member, Legislative Affairs Director; American Medical Association: Member; American Academy of Dermatology: Member, Dermatology Member of the American Medical Association Resource- based Relative Value Update Committee (AMA RUC), American Dermatology Association: Member; American College of Mohs Micrographic surgery: Member, MohsAIC Data Use Subcommittee Member, Mohs Surgery AUC Update Oversight Workgroup Member,, Member CMS Merit-based Incentive Payment System Cost Episode Groups Wave 3; AMA RUC: Dermatology Member, Anesthesia Workgroup Member, Workgroup on E/M Services Member, Chair Multispecialty Points of Comparison Workgroup; Previous Positions (abbreviated): Oregon Dermatology Society: Secretary/Treasurer 1997, President 1999, Board of Directors; American College of Mohs Surgery: Board of Directors 2015-2018, Member CMS Merit-based Incentive Payment System Cost Episode Groups Wave 1 and 2; American Academy of Dermatology: Chair, State Society Development Task Force, Member, Burden of Skin Disease Workgroup, Member, Dermatology Carrier Advisory Committee, Member, Workgroup on Innovations in Payment and Delivery; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: RUC advisor; AMA RUC: Chair, Research Subcommittee, Chair, Time and Intensity Workgroup, Chair, Relativity Assessment Workgroup; FDA/CDRH Medical Devices Advisory Committee, General and Plastic Surgery

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 501 Devices Panel: Consultant; Division of Dermatology, Legacy System Hospital: Chief; American Board of Dermatology: Clinical Recertification Committee. Awards and Honors (abbreviated): Alpha Omega Alpha member; Model State Award as President Oregon Dermatology Society; Gold Medal American Academy of Dermatology Leadership Circle for Volunterism (3 awards); Presidential Citation American Academy of Dermatology (10 awards); Scott A. B. Collins Service Award Oregon Dermatology Society (inaugural recipient); Distinguished Service Award American College of Mohs Surgery; “Who you gonna call” Medal, American College of Mohs Surgery (unique award); Members Making a Difference Award, American Academy of Dermatology; “Above and Beyond” Award, American Academy of Dermatology (unique award); Best Reviewer Award, American Medical Association (inaugural recipient); President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, Volunteer Service Award. Outside Interests: Shooting and reloading; mountain, gravel, and road biking; running, weightlifting, off road driving, birding, hiking, fly fishing, woodworking, automotive maintenance, classic vehicles, high performance driving.

Noah Craft 2014 Born: September 22, 1971 New Hampshire Current Position: Cofounder and Co-CEO, People Science Education: Undergraduate: Brown University ScB 1993; Medical School: UCLA: MD 2000. Other: UCLA: PhD 2000; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: DTMH 2005. Training in Dermatology: UCLA Dermatology Residency 2001-2005. Other Training: UCLA STAR Program and postdoctoral fellowship 2001-2005. Academic and Professional Appointments: Assistant Professor Harbor-UCLA 2005-2011; Associate Professor Harbor-UCLA 2011-2012; Associate Clinical Professor Olive-View UCLA 2012-2018; Chief Scientific Officer: Direct Dermatology 2011-2012; Chief Medical Officer: VisualDx 2012-2014; Co-Founder and CEO: Science 37 2014-2019; Co-founder and President: Good Dermatology 2015-present; Co-founder and Co-CEO: People Science 2019-present. Outside Interests: pottery and backcountry camping in the High Sierras.

DeeAnna Glaser 2014 Born: Salina, Kansas Current Position: Saint Louis University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: Interim Chairman, Professor of Dermatology, Director Cosmetic and Laser Surgery, Director Clinical Research, Vice Chairman. Education: Undergraduate: University of Missouri-Kansas City BA with distinction 1987; Medical School: University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicien Six-year combined program MD 1987. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency Cook County Hospital 1990-1993. Other Training: New York University and Bellevue Hospital: Internship 1997-1988, Residency in Internal Medicine 1988-1990. Academic Appointments: 1993-1999-Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University; 1993-6/09-Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University; 1996-2001-Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Saint Louis University; 1996-present Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University; 1999-2005-Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University; 1999-present Tenured, Saint Louis University School of Medicine; 1999-2000-Acting Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University; 2002-2010-Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, St Louis University; 2005-present Professor, Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis

502 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association University; 2009-present Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University; 2011-present Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University; 2011-present Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Saint Louis University; 2015-present Interim Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: 2006-2010-Annual Meeting Evaluation Task Force; 2009-present Member Professional expert evaluation review program; 2009-2012-Member Quality Assurance/ Quality Improvement Task Force, 2010-2014-AAD Board of Directors, 2010-AAD Ad Hoc Task Force Non- Physician Clinicians, 2012-AAD Ad Hoc Nominating committee, 2012-15-AAD Corporate Relations Task Force Committee, 2014--AHTF election oversight, 2016-2019-Mohs Micrographic Surgery Committee-ASDSA representative; American Board of Dermatology: 2006 Member of the Procedural Dermatology Curriculum Committee, 2008-2011Surgical and Procedural Dermatology test committee; American Dermatological Association: 2014 Inducted member, 2014-15 Bylaws review task force; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: 1998 Participant, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence in the S.C.O.R.E.S program; 2004- 2007 Board of Directors, 2005-2008 Preceptorship faculty for resident surgical education, 2005-2006 Committee Co-Chair, Body of Knowledge Implementation Team, 2005-2008 Committee Chairman, Consumer Perception Work Group, 2005-2008 Committee Chairman, Media & Public Relations Work Group; 2006- 2007 Committee, Resident Education Work Group, 2007-2009 Committee Chairman Resident Education Work Group, 2008-2011Committee Annual Meeting Work Group, 2010 ASDS Public Recognition Task Force; 2010-2011Co-Chair, 2011 Annual meeting, 2011-2014 Nominating committee, 2014 Task Force to evaluate uncontested elections, 2014-17 Maintenance of Certification Work Group, 2015-16 Future leaders network mentor, 2015-2016 Chair, task force Cosmetic dermatologic surgery and academic Centers; 2018- 2021 Treasurer, 2018-Audit Committee, Ex-officio member; American Society of Lipo-Suction Surgery 2001- 2003 Advisory council; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery: 1998-2000-Committee/Task force Practice Relations, 1999-Co-Chairman for the Third Annual Laser & Live Surgery workshop at the 15th annual scientific meeting of the AACS, Los Angeles, January -1999, 1999-Finance Committee, 1999-2000-Legislative Task Force, 2000-Co-chairman for the World Congress of Liposuction, 2002-Liaison officer to American Medical Association Women Physicians Congress, 2004-Board of Trustees, 2004-Co-chairman for the World Congress of liposuction, 2005-Nominating Committee, 2007-Chairman, education committee; 2007-2008-Secretary; American Board of Cosmetic Surgery: 2001-Ad-hoc committee chairman, 2002-Examiner for Board exam, 2003-Examiner for board exam, 2003-2005-Board of Trustees, 2005-2008-Board of Trustees, 2nd term, 2005-Secretary, 2006-Test Credential Committee, 2007-2009-Written exam chairman; Cosmetic Surgery Foundation: 2003-2005 Board of Directors, 2006-2007 Secretary, 2008-2010 President; Association Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: 2003 ad Hoc committee, developing resident curriculum; Association of Professors of Dermatology: 2009-Procedural Dermatology section steering committee; International Society of Cosmetic and Laser Surgeons: 2000-2002 Board of Trustees, 2003-2005Board of Trustees; International Hyperhidrosis Society: 2003 Founding Board Member, 2005-2007 Secretary 2006-Chairman of medical education, 2008-present President; Missouri State Dermatology Society: 1999 Board of Trustees, 2002- 2003Se cretary-Treasurer, 2003-2004President; Neurotoxin Institute: 2006 Advisory Council member, 2007 International conference on neurotoxins, committee of innovative uses of neurotoxins; University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Medicine: 2011-National Board of Alumni and Community Partners Advisory board for Dean; Women’s Dermatology Society, 2009 Women’s Dermatologic Surgery committee; American Medical Women’s Association; New York State Medical Society;, Illinois State Medical Society; Chicago Medical Society; American College of Physicians; Phi Beta Kappa; Dermatology Foundation Leaders Society. Awards and Honors: 1983-1986-Fulbright Scholar; 1985-1992-Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society; 1986-Founding Deans Award for Medical Excellence; 1986-Baumhardt Trust Scholarship; 1996-1997-Who’s Who of Executives and Professionals; 1997-Outstanding Young Women of America; 2000- Top Young Physician, Saint Louis Magazine; 2001-2002-Golden Apple Teaching Award, SLUH Dermatology; 2001-2003-Women helping women Award, Soroptomist International; 2007-Clinical Educator of the Year, Fall clinical Dermatology Conference; 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Best Doctors in America® and Top Doctors in St. Louis; 2015-Presidential Citation for dedication to education, American Society Dermatologic Surgery; 2016-Presidential Citation American Academy of Dermatology.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 503 Lynne J. Goldberg 2014 Born: November 7, 1960 New York New York. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Boston University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Harper college, SUNY Binghamton BS 1982; Medical School: SUNY Downstate MD 1986 Training in Dermatology: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 1989-1992. Other Training: Internship and residency in internal medicine NYU 1986-1989. Academic Appointments: Boson University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor Dermatology, Pathology and laboratory medicine 1994, Associate Professor 2000, Professor 2010. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Society of Dermatopathology, International Society of Dermatopathology, American Hair Research Society, Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation, Women’s Dermatologic Society, New England Dermatologic Society, Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Hiking, birding, kayaking, fitness, crossfit, spinning.

Glenn Goldman 2014 Born: 08/07/1965. Current Position: Professor and Chief of Dermatology University of Vermont College of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: BA, Chemistry, Dartmouth College, 1987; Medical School: Cornell University Medical College 1991 Training in Dermatology: Yale, 1992-1995 Other Training: Internship, New York Hospital Sloan Kettering 1991-1992; Mohs Surgery, 1995-1996. Academic Appointments: Faculty, Division of Dermatology, University of Vermont College of Medicine 1996-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Board; American College of Mohs Surgery Executive Committee and Secretary-Treasurer, President-Elect; New England Dermatological Society; American Medical Association. Outside Interests: Fishing, Skiing, Hiking.

Tissa Hata 2014 Born: February 1, 1961 Fresno, CA. Current Position: University of California San Diego Clinical Professor of Dermatology, UCSD School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: UCLA BS Biochemistry 1983; Medical School: USC School of Medicine, MD, 1987. Training in Dermatology: Harvard Medical School Department of Dermatology 1991-1994. Other Training: UCLA/Wadsworth VA Medical Center, Internal Medicine 1987-1990; UCLA Dermatology Research Fellowship 1990-1991. Academic Appointments: University of Utah Clinical Instructor 2/95-8/97; University of Utah Assistant Professor 9/97-8/01; University of California San Diego Assistant Professor 9/01-6/05; University of California San Diego Associate Professor 7/5-6/11; University of California San Diego Professor 7/11-present.

504 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1994 – present; UCSD Compliance Committee Member(CQI) 7/01-12/07; Member, UCSD Dermatology Residency Selection Committee 7/01-present; Director, UCSD Dermatology Clinical Trials Unit 2002 – present; Member, UCSD Dermatology Chairman Search Committee 2004; National Institutes of Health Atopic Dermatitis Vaccinia Network Clinical Steering Committee member (UCSD) 2003-2011; UCSD Dermatology Clinical Service Chief 2005-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 2006-present; University of California San Diego Vice Chairman Clinical Operations Search Committee member 2008; UCSD Dermatology Faculty Search Committee Chair 2011-2013; University of California San Diego Department of Medicine Academic Review Committee Member(DOMCAP) 2008 to present; UCSD Division of Dermatology Liaison to Clinical Practice Management Access Team 2009-present; UCSD Clinical Translational Research Institute.

Sharon Hymes 2014 Born: April 29, 1952, New York City. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Associate Medical Director Melanoma and Skin Center MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Texas. Education: Undergraduate: Cornell University BS 1973; Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine MD 1976. Training in Dermatology: University of Washington 1979-1980, Johns Hopkins Hospital 1980-1982. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital 1976-1979; Dermatopathology 1982-1983. Academic Appointments: Professor of Dermatology MD Anderson Cancer Center. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Dermatological Association.

Gary P. Lask 2014 Born: July 14, 1950, Chicago, Illinois. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Medicine, Level IV, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA; Private Practice Education: Undergraduate: USC Psychology 1973; Medical School: Autonomous University of Guadalajara School of Medicine M.D. 1977. Fifth Pathway: SUNY Downstate Brooklyn School of Medicine, 1978. Training in Dermatology: Division of Dermatology, Los Angeles, County King/Drew Medical Center 1980-83. Other Training: Los Angeles County King/Drew Medical Center Internship, Medicine 1979-80; Accredited Fellowship under the supervision of Leo Indianer, M.D. and Jeffrey Marmelzat, M.D., American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology 1982-83; Thomas E. Brittingham Fellow in Chemosurgery under the supervision of Fredric Mohs, M.D., Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin 1983 Dermatologic Plastic Surgery Fellowship under the supervision of Ajaib Chhabra, M.D., Chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery, and A. Paul Kelly, M.D., Chief of the Division of Dermatology, Los Angeles County King/Drew Medical Center 1983-84. Academic Appointments: Clinical Instructor of Medicine UCLA School of Medicine, July 1984 – June 1985; Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine UCLA School of Medicine, July 1985 – December 1986; Director of Dermatology Wilmington VA Medical Center Wilmington, Delaware, July 1987 – June 1988; Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology Chief of Cutaneous Surgery Clinical Program Director Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 1987 – June 1989; Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine UCLA School of Medicine, July 1989 – December 1995; Director, Dermatologic Laser Surgery Division of Dermatology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, March 1993 – December 2018; Clinical Professor of Medicine Director,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 505 Mohs Surgery, Dermatologic Surgery and The Dermatology Laser Center Division of Dermatology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, January 1996 – December 2018; Clinical Professor of Medicine, Level IV, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 2018 – Present. Professional Societies: Los Angeles Metropolitan Dermatological Society, President 2003 – 2004; The International Society of Laser and Cosmetic Surgeons, President; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Board of Directors; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Board of Directors; California Society for Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery, President; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; International Society of Dermatology.

Lynn McKinley-Grant 2014 Born: New York New York. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington DC. Education: Undergraduate: Fisk University Nashville Tennessee, Colby College 1969 Waterville Maine; Medical School: Harvard Medical School 1980. Other: Columbia University Teachers college. Training in Dermatology: New York University 1983-1986. Other Training: Internal Medicine Boston City Hospital 1980-1983; Fellowship NIH Dermatology branch 1986 1988. Academic Appointments: Instructor City University of New York; Assistant Professor George Washington 1988. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology Chair Diversity Mentoring Committee, Health Volunteers Abroad; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Skin of Color Society, President; National Medical Association Dermatology Section Outside Interests: Family, Arts, Music, Global Health, Travel, Reading for Pleasure.

Amit G. Pandya 2014 Born: September 7, 1959 Mumbai, India. Current Position: Staff Dermatologist, Palo Alto Foundation Medical Group, Mountain View, California; Clinical Professor, Dept. of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. Education: Undergraduate: University of Houston BS 1981; Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center MD 1985. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 1988-1991. Other Training: Internal Medicine Residency-Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas 1985-1988. Academic Appointments: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center: Assistant Professor 1991-1996, Associate Professor 1996-2004, Professor 2004-2019, Clinical Professor 2019-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Chair of Volunteerism Committee, Diversity Task Force and Membership Committee; Skin of Color Society: President 2009-2011, Board of Directors 2002-2014; Global Vitiligo Foundation: Board of Directors 2017-present; Texas Dermatological Society: Vice President 2001-2002); Dallas/Ft. Worth Dermatological Society: President 1999 – 2000, Secretary- Treasurer, 1997– 1998; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; Women’s Dermatologic Society; International Society of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Traveling, Latin dancing, scuba diving, bicycling and hiking.

506 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association James E. Sligh, Jr. 2014 Born: June 28, 1965 Atlanta, GA. Current Position: Dermatology Division Chief, University of Arizona. Education: Undergraduate: A.B. Washington University 1986; Medical School: M.D. Baylor College of Medicine, 1995. Other: Ph.D. in Human and Molecular Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, 1993. Training in Dermatology: Residency-Emory University 1996-2000. Other Training: Fellowship-Center for Molecular Medicine at Emory University, 1998-2000. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Dermatology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center 2000-2008; Associate Professor and Division Chief, Dermatology, University of Arizona 2008-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Dermatological Association, Society for Investigative Dermatology. Outside Interests: hiking, wildlife photography.

Julian Trevino 2014 Born: Columbus, Ohio. Current Position: Chair and Program Director, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dept of Dermatology, Dayton, Ohio; Dermatology Section Chief, Dayton (Ohio) VA Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Trinity University BA, Chemistry 1983; Medical School: Wright State University School of Medicine MD 1987. Training in Dermatology: Wright State University 1991-94. Other Training: Internal Medicine residency, Cleveland Clinic Foundation 1987-1990. Academic Appointments: Professor of Dermatology, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University. Professional Societies: Ohio Dermatological Association (twice President 2002-03 and 2010-11; multiple terms on Board of Trustees), American Academy of Dermatology (State Society Relationships Committee 2015- 19, Self-assessment Committee 1999-2003; 2006-10), Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Association of Professors in Dermatology, American Dermatological Association, Dermatology Foundation (Leaders Society member and Chair for Southern Ohio, Annenberg Circle Sustaining member). Awards and Honors: American Academy of Dermatology Model State Award for Ohio 2003-04; VA VISN 10 Shining Star Award for excellence in patient care 2007; Dayton VA Medical Center Teaching Award 2008; American Cancer Society Community Outreach Award 2009; Ohio Dermatological Association Distinguished Service Award 2014. Outside Interests: reading, running, traveling, gardening, music, classic cars, community and church activities.

Rebecca Clare Tung 2014 Born: June 12, 1971 Akron. Ohio. Current Practice: Mohs and Dermatologic Surgeon, Florida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers. Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University, BA, 1993; Medical School: Northwestern University -Feinberg School of Medicine, MD-Doctor of Medicine 1996. Training in Dermatology: Cleveland Clinic: Internship 1996-1997; Dermatology residency 1997-2000. Other Training: Cleveland Clinic-Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship 2001-2003.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 507 Academic Appointments: Cleveland Clinic 2003-2009; Case Western Reserve University 2009-2011; Loyola University Chicago 2011-2019. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: President 2017-2018, board member 2011- 2019; Blade and Light Society: board member 2015-present; International Peeling Society: board member 2017-current; International Chinese Dermatological Association: board member 2016-2019; Women’s Dermatologic Society; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American College of Mohs Surgery; American Medical Association; American Academy of Dermatology: Patient Education Committee Chair 2015-2017; Cutaneous Oncology Workgroup Co-Director 2015-2017; Women’s Dermatological Society: Deputy Chair -Media Relations 2018-2020, Co-Chair -Service Committee 2015-2017, Board of Directors 2012-2016; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Public Service Committee 2018-2020; Public Relations 2015-2017. Outside Interests: Family, Gardening, Travel.

Fiona O’Reilly Zwald 2014 Born: June 13, 1967. Current Practice: O›Reilly Comprehensive Dermatology, INC. Piedmont Cancer, Piedmont Atlanta, Atlanta, GA 30328. Education: Medical School: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, N.U.I. MD 1990 MRCPI 1993. Training in Dermatology: Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland 1993-1996, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 1997-2001. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Beaumont Hospital 1990-1993. Intern Internal Medicine, Transitional, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 1996-1997. Academic Appointments: July 2002-2003 Clinical Instructor, Dept Dermatology, Emory University. July 2003- 2005, Assist Prof, Dept Dermatology, Emory University. May 2009-2013, Assist Prof, Dept Dermatology and Division of Transplantation, Emory University. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1999-present; ITSCC: member 2002-present, Board of Directors 2009-2012, President 2014-2016; American College of Mohs Surgery: member 2005-present, E -newsletter committee 2009-2012, Chair Scientific Committee, 2013-2014, Board of Directors 2014-2017; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: member 2005-present, Educational Exchange Working Group 2015-2017, Scientific Committee 2017-present; Atlanta Dermatology Association 2005-present, American Dermatological Association 2014-present. Outside Interests: spending time with my husband and two daughters, running, Pure Barre and practicing on my piano!

Neal Bhatia 2015 Born: May 5, 1967, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Current Position: Director, Clinical Dermatology Therapeutics Clinical Research Education: Undergraduate: 1989 University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI B.S. Bacteriology, B.S. Genetics; Medical School: 1993University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, Madison, WI. Training in Dermatology: Jul 1995 -Jun 1998 Dermatology Resident Department of Dermatology; Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Other Training: Jul 1993 -Jun 1995 Medical Resident, Department of Internal Medicine; Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI Academic Appointments: Jul 2011 – July 2016 Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA.

508 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Program Director 10/2012 to 10/2014; Mar 2004 -Dec 2010 Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology; University of Wisconsin, Madison WI; Mar 2001-Feb 2004 Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Dermatology; University of California, San Diego, CA. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatolog: Vice President 2021-22, Vice President-elect 2020-21, Board of Directors 2011-2018; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society: Secretary/Treasurer 2019-2024; Scientific Chairman and Program Director 2012-2014, 2019, Benefactor Chairman 2015-2018, Board of Trustees 2017-2020; Pacific Dermatological Association: President, 2019-21; Scientific Chairman 2016, 2018, 202, Vice President 2017-2018, President-elect 2018-2019; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; Women’s Dermatological Society. Outside Interests: Volleyball, chasing my two sons around, wine, sanity.

Kimberly Bohjanen 2015 Born: Feb 7, 1967 Colorado Springs, Colorado. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology University of Minnesota. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan, BS, 1989; Medical School: University of Michigan, MD, 1993. Training in Dermatology: Duke University Medical Center, 1993 to 1997. Academic Appointments: University of Minnesota 2000 to present. Professional Societies: Minnesota Dermatological Society: Member 2000 to present, President 2006-2007, President elect 2005 -2006, Vice President 2004 -2005, Secretary/Treasurer 2002-2004; American Academy of Dermatology 1997 to present; Medical Dermatology Society 2004 to present; Association of Professors of Dermatology 2004 to present; International Society of Cutaneous Lymphomas 2004 to present; United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium 2009 to present; American Dermatological Association 2015 to present. Outside Interests: Skiing, reading, and spending time with family.

John A. Carucci 2015 Born: Lyndhurst, New Jersey. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Chief Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery, Program Director, Fellowship in Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology New York University-Langone Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Columbia University, BA, 1985; Medical School: SUNY-Health Science Center at Brooklyn, MD, PhD, 1994. Other: New York University, MS, 1987. Training in Dermatology: Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, NYU 1995-98. Other Training: Fellowship in Mohs Micrographic and Advanced Dermatologic Surgery Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1999-2000; Internship in Internal Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, 1994- 95; Postdoctoral Fellow Rockefeller University, New York, NY, 7/98-7/99; Sulzberger Fellowship, Rockefeller University, New York, NY, 7/97-7/98 Academic Appointments: 2015 Professor of Dermatology 2011 Associate Professor of Dermatology New York University School of Medicine; 2007 Associate Professor of Dermatology Weill Medical College of Cornell University 2001; Assistant Professor of Dermatology Weill Medical College of Cornell University; 2000 Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology Yale University School of Medicine; 1999 Clinical Instructor in Dermatology Yale University School of Medicine; 1998 Clinical Instructor in Dermatology New York University School of Medicine. Professional Societies: American College of Mohs Surgery: Member, 2000-present, Education Committee (2013-2015), Board of Directors (2012-15), Chair, Annual Meeting of the American College of Mohs Surgery

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 509 (Chicago, 2018); American Academy of Dermatology: Member -1996-present, Health Industry Liaison Committee (1998-2001), Bioterrorism Task Force (2001-4), Melanoma/Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Committee (member, 2002-4); Melanoma/Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Committee (Committee Chairman 2005-9); National Quality Measures Development Committee (2013-present); International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative: Member, 2002-present, Chair, Research Committee (2004-7), Secretary-Treasurer (2007-2010), Member, Board of Directors (2011-16), President, 2018; American Board of Dermatology: Recertification Committee, Dermatologic Surgery Module (2002-6), Surgical Dermatology Committee 2018-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member, 2000-present, Preceptorship Program Committee (2006-9), ASDS Preceptor 2009-present, Research Committee 2017-present; American Medical Association: Member, 2011-present. Outside Interests: Music -Voting member of National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (Grammy Awards); Running, weight training, hiking, rock scrambling.

Clara Curiel-Lewandowski 2015 Born: May 5,1967 in Caracas, Venezuela. Current Position: Chief of Dermatology, Professor of Medicine and Dermatology University of Arizona. Education: Medical School: Central University of Venezuela, MD 985-1992. Training in Dermatology: Tufts/Boston University Residency 07/1997-06/2000. Other Training: Boston University School of Medicine Cutaneous Oncology Fellowship 09/2000-08/2001; Boston University, Internship in Internal Medicine 1996-1997; Ludwig Boltzman Institute and Immunobiology of the Skin Department of Dermatology/ Hautklinik, Muenster, Germany Research Fellowship 1995-1996; Wellman Laboratory of Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Research Fellowship 1994-1995. Academic Appointments: 08/2000 -08/2001 Instructor in Dermatology -Department of Dermatology Boston University; 09/2001 -10/2004 Instructor in Dermatology, Department of Dermatology Harvard Medical School; 08/2004 – 05/2011 Assistant Professor of Medicine-Tenure Track, Department of Medicine/Section of Dermatology, College of Medicine University of Arizona; 06/2011-05/2018 Associate Professor of Medicine/ Tenure Department of Medicine/Section of Dermatology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, 2018 – Present Tenure Professor of Medicine College of Medicine University of Arizona; 07/2012 –03/2020 Vice Chief, Division of Dermatology College of Medicine University of Arizona; 10/2004 – present Co-Director, Cutaneous Oncology Program, Department of Medicine/Division of Dermatology, University of Arizona; 09/2004 – present Director, Pigmented Lesion Clinic Department of Medicine/Division of Dermatology University of Arizona; 2005 – present Clinical of Arizona; 2005 – present Co-Director, Skin Cancer Institute, Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona; 07/2012 – present Member/Skin Cancer Team Co-leader Arizona Cancer Center; 03/2020 –present Chief, Division of Dermatology College of Medicine University of Arizona. Professional Societies: 2005 – Present Member, Tucson Dermatological Society; 2012 – Present Founding member, Arizona Melanoma Task Force. Specific focus on: Melanoma underreporting and banning indoor tanning for minors; 2000 – Present Member, Women Dermatological Society; 2000 – Present Member, American Academy of Dermatology; 2001 – Present Member, Society Investigative of Dermatology (SID); 2002 – Present Founding member, Melanoma Prevention Working Group (MPWG); 2002 – Present MPWG Melanoma Chemoprevention Initiative Leader; 2004 -Present Member, Southwest Oncology Cooperative Group; 2005 – Present Member, Melanoma Care Coalition Faculty 2008 – Present Member, Best Doctors Consulting Group; 2009 –2015 Founding member/ Ex-Officio Advisor. WDS Academic Dermatology Interest Group; 2011 -Present Member. International Society of Dermatological Imaging; 2012 -Present; Co-Chair Technique Working Group. International Skin Imaging Collaboration; 2012 -Present Member/ Arizona Melanoma Task Force; 2014 -Present Leader/Consensus on Imaging Acquisition Metric Standards. International Skin Imaging Collaboration 2015 -Present Member/Steering Committee. Melanoma Research Foundation (3-year term) 2015 -Present American Dermatological Association. Outside Interests: Languages (Fluent in English, Spanish, and German), travel, hiking, photography, reading, swimming, running, and dancing.

510 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Alison Ehrlich 2015 Current Position: Foxhall Dermatology and Metro derm Private Practice, Washington DC; Probity Medical Research, Principal Investigator. Education: Undergraduate: Smith College BA biology 1990; Medical School: George Washington University School of Medicine MD 1996. Other: Duke/NIH Clinical Research Training Program Masters in Clinical Research 2002. Training in Dermatology: University f Kansas Medical Center 1997-2000. Other Training: George Washington University Medical Center Internship Internal Medicine 1996-1997; National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute Dermatology Clinical Research Fellow 2000-2002. Academic Appointments: George Washington University Medical Center: Director of Clinical Research and Clinical Professor of Dermatology 2002, Chair, MFA/GWU, Department of Dermatology and Professor of Dermatology 2012-2019. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Women’s Dermatologic Society; American Contact Dermatitis Society; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; GRAPPA; Noah Worchester Society; American Dermatological Association. Professional Committees: AAD Managed Care Committee; AAD Quality of Care Committee; Coalition for Skin Cancer Prevention in Maryland, advisory member; ACDS Public Relations Committee, (chairman 2003- 4); Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan-Skin Cancer; ACDS Nominating Committee; Scientific Committee Co-Chair, Atlantic Dermatology 2005; ACDS Fischer Award Committee Chair; ACDS Long Range Planning Committee Chair; ACDS Board of Directors; AAD inter-liaison Committee; Meeting Program Committee; Secretary/Treasurer Washington DC Dermatological Society; ACDS Research Grant Committee; Vice-President Washington DC Dermatological Society; President DC Dermatological Society; Program Chair for Atlantic Dermatological Meeting, D.C; 2011-2012 ACDS Research Grant Committee Chair; member, ACDS Education Committee; AAD Access to Dermatologic Care Committee; ACDS Education Committee Chair; WDS Academic Committee; Scientific Advisory Board Asthma and Allergy Foundation; NPF Washington DC Medical Advisory Committee; Deputy Chair, AAD Access to Care Committee; AAD Legislative Curriculum Task Force; Board of Directors of Women’s Dermatology Society; Chair, AAD Access to Care Committee; Chair, ACDS mid-year meeting; AAD Specialty positioning workgroup; WDS Annual Meeting and Meld Committee; WDS Financial Committee; ACDS Research Committee; Co-Chair, WDS Diversity Committee; Chair, ACDS Research Committee.

Emma Guttman-Yassky 2015 Born: Iasi, Romania Current Position: Professor and Vice-Chair, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Education: Medical School: Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel. Other: PhD at Bar Ilan University, Israel. Training in Dermatology: Double boarded in Dermatology in Israel and the US — Rambam, Haifa, Israel and Weill Cornell, NY, US Other Training: Rockefeller University, post-doctoral fellowship. Academic Appointments: Professor and Vice-Chair, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology; American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI);, International Eczema Society, president; Board member, ASA. Outside Interests: Reading, Musicals, gator rides, hiking, and running.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 511 Daniela Kroshinsky 2015 Born: New York, NY Current Position: Director of Inpatient Dermatology, Director of Pediatric Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School Education: Undergraduate: BA 1999; Medical School: MD 2003 Other: Harvard School of Public Health: MPH 2010 Training in Dermatology: SUNY Downstate Medical Center, 2003-2007 Academic Appointments: Associate Professor of Dermatology Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, Member 2004-present, Medicare Relative Value Update Committee, Practice Management Task Force, Dermatology Curriculum Committee, Bylaws Committee Task Force, Young Physicians Committee, Organizational Structure Committee, Expert Resource Group, Chair, Young Physicians Committee, Telemedicine Task Force, Adverse Events Workgroup, Leadership Development Steering Committee, Academic Dermatology Leadership Program, Clinical Guidelines Committee; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Resident Retreat Organizing Committee; Dermatology Foundation Member Leaders Society Vice Chair, Massachusetts Chapter; Women’s Dermatology Society: Young Physicians Committee, Ethics Committee, Mentorship Program, Industry Visioning Work Group; Medical Society of the State of New York; Medical Dermatology Society; Society of Investigative Dermatology; New England Dermatological Society; Society for Pediatric Dermatology; Massachusetts State Medical Society: present; Society of Dermatology Hospitalists; Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association: Membership Committee. Outside Interests: Travel, cooking, reading, beach activities, spending time with family and friends.

Roger S. Lo 2015 Born: May, 1972, Taipei, Taiwan Current Position: Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA: Associate Chief of Dermatology, Professor of Medicine, Professor of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, Director, Melanoma Clinic in Dermatology, Director, STAR Residency Program in Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University 1995; Medical School: Tri-Institutional Cornell-MKSKCC_Rockefeller MD-PhD Program 1995-2002. Other: Inrternship (Medicine) St. Vincent’s Hospital 2002-2003; Postdoctoral Fellowship UCLA 2006-2008. Training in Dermatology: UCLA 2013-2017. Academic Appointments: Division of Dermatology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA: Associate Chief, Division of Dermatology January 2018-present; Program Director, Dermatology STAR Residency January 2018-present; Professor with Tenure (FTE) July 2016-present Associate Professor with Tenure (FTE) Feb 2014-present; Associate Professor-in-Residence 2013-Jan 2014; Associate Professor (secondary) 2013-Present Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology; Assistant Professor (secondary) 2011-2013 Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology; Assistant Professor-in-Residence 2010-2013;Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor 2008-2010; Health Sciences Clinical Instructor 2007- 2008 Division of Dermatology & Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA; Member, UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Nov. 2007; Director, Melanoma Clinic in Dermatology, UCLA May 2007. Professional Societies: Steering Committee, Society for Melanoma Research 2016-2019; AACR Science Education and Career Advancement Committee 2018-2021. Awards and Honors: Firestone Medal for Excellence in Research, Stanford University, 1994; Julian R. Rachele Prize, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 2001; Physician-Scientist Career Award,

512 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Dermatology Foundation, 2007; Career Award for Medical Scientists, Burroughs Welcome Fund, 2007; Research Development Award, STOP CANCER Foundation, 2008; V Scholar Award, V Foundation for Cancer Research, 2009; Milstein Research Scholar Award, American Skin Association, 2010; Juniornvestigator Award, Melanoma Research Foundation, 2010; Team Science Awards, Melanoma Research Alliance, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2020; Featured on the front page of the NY Times, Dec. 2010; Researcher of the Year, Melanoma International Foundation, 2011; Young Investigator Award, Melanoma Research Alliance, 2011; Sidney Kimmel Translational Scholar, Sidney Kimmel Foundation, 2011; Bud Selig Innovative Research Grant, Stand Up To Cancer, 2011; Election to the American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2012; Top 10 Cancer Research Publication 2010-2012 (Nazarian et al, Nature 2010), Reproducibility Project 2013; 33th Annual Award for Outstanding Achievement in Cancer Research, American Association for Cancer Research, 2013; Young Investigator Award, Society for Melanoma Research, 2013; Phillip A. Sharp Innovator Award, Stand Up To Cancer, 2014; UCLA Diana Gordon Jonsson Cancer Center Award for Research Excellence, 2014; Election to the American Dermatological Association, 2015; Most cited research article of Cancer Discovery (Shi, Hugo et al, 2014), 2016; Best of Cell 2016 (Hugo et al, Cell 2016), Special Issue, Cell Press, 2017; Inaugural AACR-Waun Ki Hong Award for Outstanding Achievement in Cancer Research, 2017; Milstein Innovation Award, American Skin Association, 2018; UCLA Science, Technology and Research (STAR) Program Alumni Achievement Award, 2018; V Foundation Translational Award, V Foundation for Cancer Research, 2018; Highly Cited Researcher (HCR) (for papers published 2008-2018), Clarivate Analytics, 2019. Outside Interests: Family, dogs, tennis, art, history, travel.

Julia R. Nunley 2015 Born: August 22, 1957; Cleveland Ohio. Current Position: Professor, Dermatology at Virginia Commonwealth University. Education: Undergraduate: BS in Zoology, Purdue University 1979; Medical School: CWRU 1983. Training in Dermatology: Resident in dermatology 1993-1996 (Chief Resident) Other Training: Internal Medicine Residency 1983-1986; Nephrology Fellowship 1986-1989. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology Director, 2014-2023 (planned); Medical Dermatology Society; Women Dermatologic Society; Richmond Dermatological Society; Alpha Omega Alpha; American College of Physicians; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; American Dermatological Association; Leader’s Society – Dermatology Foundation; Society for Dermatology Hospitalists Outside Interests: Travel, plays and musicals.

Richard J. Antaya 2016 Born: Hartford, Connecticut. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Pediatrics and Nursing, Yale University. Director, Pediatric Dermatology, Yale New Haven Hospital. Medical Director, Yale Dermatology – New Haven. Education: Undergraduate: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, BS (Chemistry) 1985; Medical School: Tufts 1989. Training in Dermatology: Duke 1995-98. Other Training: Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu HI 1989-1992. Pediatrics Residency. Academic Appointments: All at Yale since 1998. Professional Societies: Society for Pediatric Dermatology: past president and numerous committees; AAD: Work Force Task Force, Camp Discovery Committee and founder and co-director of Camp Discovery CT; AAP: Executive Committee, Section on Dermatology; PeDRA: founding member 2012 and membership committee since 2013; American Academy of Pediatrics: Fellow since 1989, Walter Tunnessen Visiting

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 513 Professor program 2008-14 Executive Committee, Section on Dermatology; Dermatology Foundation; member 2003, Vice Chair, Connecticut2005 and 2006, Leaders Society; Connecticut Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Society since 1999, Speakers Committee2006-09. Outside Interests: Yoga, bicycle riding, drumming, swimming, time with family.

April W. Armstrong 2016 Born: January 29, 1978, Shanghai, China Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Associate Dean for Clinical Research, Keck School of Medicine; Director of Clinical Research, Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute; Vice Chair, Director of Clinical Trials and Outcomes Research, Director of Psoriasis Program, Department of Dermatology University of Southern California. Education: Undergraduate: Lewis & Clark College B.A. Biochemistry and Communication 1998; Medical School: Harvard Medical School M.D. 2004. Other: Harvard School of Public Health M.P.H. 2010 Training in Dermatology: Harvard Dermatology Residency Program, Massachusetts General Hospital: Harvard Medical School 2005-2008. Other Training: Internship in Internal Medicine, Harvard-Massachusetts General Hospital 2004-2005. Academic Appointments: Keck School of Medicine of USC, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA: 2018-Present Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, 2017-Present Director of Clinical Trials Unit, Southern California Clinical and Translation Science Institute (SC CTSI), 2015-Present Associate Dean for Clinical Research, 2015-Present Director of Clinical Research, Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute (SC CTSI), 2015-Present Vice Chair of Clinical Research, Department of Dermatology, 2015-Present Associate Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, 2015-Present Director of Clinical Trials and Outcomes Research, Department of Dermatology, 2015-Present Director of Psoriasis Program; University of Colorado, Aurora, CO: 2013-2015 Vice Chair of Clinical Research, Department of Dermatology, 2013-2015 Tenured Associate Professor of Dermatology, 2013-2015 Director, Clinical Trials and Outcomes Research, Department of Dermatology, 2013-2015 Director, Psoriasis Program, Department of Dermatology; Department of Dermatology, University of California Davis, Sacramento, CA: 2013 Vice Chair of Clinical Research, 2013 Associate Professor of Dermatology (Associate Professor Step II of III), 2009-2013 Director, Dermatology Clinical Research Unit. Department of Dermatology, 2008-2013 Director, Teledermatology Program, Department of Dermatology and Center for Health and Technology, 2008-2013 Director, Psoriasis Clinic. Department of Dermatology, 2008-2012 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 2007-2008. Society Memberships: Member, Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA), 2008-Present; Member, American Dermatoepidemiology Network (ADEN), Society of Investigative Dermatology, 2008-Present; Member, Sacramento Valley Dermatologic Society, 2008-Present; Member, American Academy of Dermatology: member 2005-present, Telemedicine Task Force, 2008-Present, Clinical Guidelines Committee 2015-Present Chair, Workforce Committee 2014-Present, Practice Management Taskforce 2014-Present, Access Committee 2014-Present, Ad Hoc Task Force on Data Collection Platform and Registries 2014, Organizational Structure Committee, 2013-Present; Member, Society of Investigative Dermatology, 2008-Present; Member, American Telemedicine Association, 2007-Presen Chair, Teledermatology Special Interest Group, 2014-Present; Member, American Telemedicine Association Teledermatology SIG, 2007-Present; Member, New England Dermatologic Society, 2005-2008; President, Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA), Harvard Chapter, 2002-2003; Member, Massachusetts Medical Society, 1999-2005; Councilor, International Psoriasis Council (IPC), 2014-Present; Board Member, International Dermatology Outcome Measures (IDEOM), 2013-Present; Strategic Planning Committee, National Psoriasis Foundation, 2013-Present; Career Development Committee, Women’s Dermatology Society, 2013-Present; Leaders Society, Dermatology Foundation, 2013-Present; Medical Board Member, National Psoriasis Foundation, 2012-Present; Association of Professors in Dermatology,

514 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 2011-Present; Steering Committee, Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA), 2010-Present; President, Sacramento Valley Dermatologic Society, 2010-2011; President’s Council, National Psoriasis Foundation, 2009-Present. Outside Interests: Spending time with my family and friends, dancing, watch comedy, sushi, ramen, Chinese dumplings.

Karen E. Edison 2016 Born: April 23, 1964, Heidelberg, Germany. Current Position: Emeritus Professor of Dermatology, Senior Medical Director of the Missouri Telehealth Network and Show-Me ECHO program, Senior Medical Director of the Missouri Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri Health Care. Education: Undergraduate: William Jewell College, BA in Biology and English 1985; Medical School: University of Missouri-Columbia 1989. Training in Dermatology: University of Missouri, Department of Dermatology 1993. Other Training: Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellowship, U.S. Senate, 1999-2001. Academic Appointments: University of Missouri Department of Dermatology: Clinical Instructor 1993-1994, Assistant Professor 1994-2000, Associate Professor (2000-2013), Professor 2013-2019. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Access to Dermatologic Care Committee member 2012-present, Chair 2017-2018, Specialty Positioning Work Group Chair 2014-present, Teledermatology Taskforce, member 2000-present, Chair 2017-2018, Council on Communications, member 2014-present, Council on Government Affairs, Health Policy and Practice, member 2014-present; Women’s Dermatological Society: member 2000-present, Mentorship Committee 2018-present;American Telemedicine Association: member 2000-present, Board member 2001-2006;Center for Telehealth & eHealth Law: member 2000-2017, Board member 2006-2012;Missouri Health Connection: Board member 2010-present, Executive Board member 2016-present; American Dermatological Association: member 2016-present; American Medical Association: member 1989-present. Outside interests: Grandkids, Biking, Hiking, Reading, Cooking, Traveling, Health Policy & Politics.

Lindy Peta Fox 2016 Born: June 26, 1972 Johannesburg, South Africa. Current Position: Professor of Clinical Dermatology, University of California Los Angeles. Education: Undergraduate: University of California Los Angeles 1996; Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern, 2000. Other: Internship in Internal Medicine-Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NYC 2000-2001. Training in Dermatology: Columbia University Medical Center, NYC 2001-2004. Academic Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine: Instructor 2004-2005; Clinical Instructor 2005-2006, Assistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology 2006-2011, Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology 2011-2017, Professor of Clinical Dermatology 2017-present. Professional Societies: 2009-2015 Medical Dermatology Society Secretary-Treasurer; 2008, President 2018-2020; Society of Dermatology Hospitalists Founding member; 2010-2013, President 2014-present; Dermatology Foundation Board of Directors, 2014-2015 American Board of Dermatology, Medical Applied Knowledge Group; 2015-2016 Pacific Dermatologic Association Co-Program Chair; 2016 2018 Medical Dermatology Society President-elect; 2016-2019 Pacific Dermatologic Association Secretary-Treasurer 2018-2020 Medical Dermatology Society President. Outside Interests: hula hooping, running, puzzling, Mah-Jongg.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 515 Michael Girardi 2016 Born: January 6, 1966 Far Rockaway, New York. Current Position: Professor, Vice Chair, and Program Director, Department of Dermatology, Yale School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University, BS (Biology) & BA (Computer Science), 1988; Medical School: Yale School of Medicine, 1992. Training in Dermatology: Yale School of Medicine, 1994-1997. Other Training: Medicine Internship, Yale-New Haven Hospital, 1992-1993; Research Fellowship, Immunobiology, Yale University, 1993-1994. Academic Appointments: Yale School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: 1998-2004 Assistant Professor, 2000-pres. Residency Program Director, 2003-present, Medical Director, Photopheresis & Phototherapy Unit, 2003-2010 Co-Director, Immunology & Immunotherapy Program, Yale Comprehensive Cancer Center, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, 2004-2011 Associate Professor, 2011-pres, 2012-2015 Senior Faculty Allotment/Promotions Committee, 2013-pres. Vice Chair, 2015-pres. Director, T32 Yale Investigative Dermatology Training Grant (NIAMS), Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. Professional Societies: American Skin Association (ASA): 2016-present Member, Medical Advisory Committee; Dermatology Foundation (DF): 2013-2014 Vice Chair, Connecticut, Leaders Society, 2006-present, Annenberg Circle, 2006-2010 Ad Hoc Board Member, 2006-2010 Member of Medical and Scientific Committee, 2003-2006 Leaders Society, Connecticut Vice Chair, 1999-2003 Leaders Society; Society of Investigative Dermatology (SID): 2011 Co-Director, 2011 SID Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2006-11 Committee on Scientific Programs, 2005 SID/NIH Resident Retreat, Warrington, VA, 1997-present Member; American Academy of Dermatology (AAD): 2010-present Committee on Distance Learning, 2005 Synergy Summit Meeting, 2004 Solutions Summit Meeting, 2004 Leadership Program, 1997-present Fellow; International Society of Cutaneous Lymphoma (ISCL): 2004-present Member, 2004-2007 Committee on Staging, 2004- 2007 Committee on Therapeutics, 2004 Cutaneous Lymphoma Masters Program; United States Consortium for Cutaneous Lymphomas (USCCL): 2009-present Member, 2018-present Board of Directors, 2009-2012 Curriculum Committee, Biomarkers Committee; Association of Professors in Dermatology (APD): 2006-present Member; American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI). Outside Interests: Hiking, Avid Sports Fan (Football/Baseball/Coaching), Biotechnology/Entrepeneurship, Skiing/Snow-Shoeing, Tennis, Theater.

Thomas Helm 2016 Born: January 19, 1964, Buffalo, New York. Current Position: Chair, Buffalo Medical Group Department of Dermatology; Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, Jacobs School of Medicine, Buffalo, New York; Director, Buffalo Medical Group Dermatopathology Laboratory. Education: Undergraduate: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute BS 1985; Medical School: Albany Medical College 1987 (part of the 6 year BS/MD Physician Scientist Program). Training in Dermatology: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1991. Other Training: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Internal Medicine Internship, 1987-1988; Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Dermatopathology fellowship, 1993. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Pathology; Jacobs School of Medicine Buffalo NY, 2007. Professional Societies: American Society of Dermatopathology: President 2013-2014; American Dermatological Association; Assistant Secretary Treasurer 2020; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Dermatological Surgery 1993-2020, Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society Lifetime Member; International Society of Dermatopathology; Christian Medical Dental Association: Buffalo Chapter 2011 Board Member, New York State Dermatologic Society Board of Directors 1998; Buffalo-Rochester Dermatologic Society President 1998; Western New York Dermatologists Association Vice President 1996-2004.

516 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Honors and Awards: Harold Perry Visiting Professor Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN November 10, 2016; Upstate Medical University AOA Volunteer Faculty of the Year Award 2015; Recipient of SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Commendation for Teaching Excellence; Best Doctors US; SUNY at Buffalo Dermatology Department Faculty Appreciation Award; SUNY Dermatology Award for Resident Teaching; SUNY Dermatology Volunteer Faculty of the Year; Sidney Hurwitz Teaching Award of Sisters Hospital of Buffalo 1996; Upjohn Award of Excellence in recognition of original dermatological research 1991; Recipient of the British Association of Dermatology Fellowship from the British Association of Dermatologists July 18-21, 1990. Outside Interests: Medical missions, hiking, skiing, biking with my grandson.

J. Mark Jackson 2016 Born: February 13, 1969 Houston, Texas. Current Position/Practice: Clinical Professor of Medicine and Dermatology University of Louisville Division of Dermatology; Forefront Dermatology Louisville, KY. Education: Undergraduate: Baylor University BS Biology 1990; Medical School: Texas A & M University College of Medicine M.D. 1994. Other: Internship in Internal Medicine Scott and White Hospital Texas A&M University Health Science Center 1995. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency University of Louisville 1995-98. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor of Medicine and Dermatology University of Louisville Division of Dermatology. Professional Societies: AAD, Medical Derm Society, JAAD Editorial board, President Elect American Acne and Rosacea Society, Rheumatologic Dermatology Society. Outside Interests: Family, Travel, Golf, Wine.

Carrie L. Kovarik 2016 Born: March 12, 1974, Temple, Texas. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Education: Undergraduate: Texas A&M University, 1997; Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine 2001. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX 2005 Other Training: Fellowship in Dermatopathology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 2006 Academic Appointments: Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 2013-present; Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease (Secondary appointment), University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Philadelphia, PA, 2013-present; Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 2006-2013; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease (Secondary appointment), University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Philadelphia, PA, 2006-2013; Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology (AAD): Chair, AAD Telemedicine Task Force, 2011-2015; Member of the Access to Dermatologic Care Committee, 2012-2015; Member of Electronic Health Records Implementation Task Force, 2012-2015; Board of Directors, 2015-6; Deputy Chair, Council on Communications, 2015-2018; Advisor, AAD Telemedicine Task Force, 2015 – 2020; JAAD Editorial Mentorship Program (JEMP) – Mentor, 2016-2017; Chair, Council on Communications, 2018 – present; Ex-Officio Member, Priorities Committee, 2018 – present; Ad Hoc Task Force for Strategic Corporate Positioning, Member, 2018 – present; Ad Hoc Task Force on Augmented Intelligence, Member, Co-Author

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 517 Position Paper, 2018 – present; Medical Dermatology Society: MDS Annual Meeting Abstract reviewer, 2009; Member of the MDS Education and Program Committee, 2009-2017; MDS Education and Program Committee Co-Chair, 2012-2017; Member of the Board of Directors, 2012-2017; MDS Mentorship Award, 2012/14/15/18; Society of Investigative Dermatology: Member/Participant of Resident’s Annual Retreat Organizing Committee, 2010-2017; Dermatology Foundation: Leaders Society Member, 2010-2017; Member of the Board of Trustees, 2012-present; Leaders Society Committee, 2015-present, Annenberg Circle Member, 2017-present; Dermatopathology Leaders Society Campaign Chair, 2018-present; American Society of Dermatopathology (ASDP): Member, 2005-present; ASDP Annual Meeting Abstract Session Moderator, 2017; ASDP Informatics Committee, 2016 – 2018; Communications Committee, Vice Chair, 2018 – present. Awards and Honors: 2010 International League of Dermatology Societies (ILDS) Young Dermatologist International Achievement Award; 2010 UPenn Provost’s Office Funding for International Initiatives; 2011 American Academy of Dermatology Presidential Citation for Leadership; 2011 Verizon Foundation Grant for Teledermatology for Underserved in Philadelphia; 2011 UPenn Provost’s Interdisciplinary Seminar Fund Grant for Information & Communication Technologies for Development Seminar Series; 2011-4 PEPFAR Grant for Interdisciplinary Seminar Fund Grant for the Monitoring and Evaluation in Global Development Seminar Series; 2012 UPenn Provost’s Grant for the African Regional Working Group; 2012-3Med Derm Society Mentorship Program (Monica Rani, U Minnesota); 2013 Penn Medicine’s CAREs Foundation Grant for Community Health and Education; 2013 University of Pennsylvania Provost’s Interdisciplinary Seminar Fund Grant for conference on: MOOCs4D: Potential at the Bottom of the Pyramid (Co-Director); 2013 Mentor: FOCUS Med Student Research Fellowship’s Bertha Dagan Berman Award; 2013 University of Pennsylvania Innovation Grant; 2014 Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Video Contest Winner; 2014-5 Medical Dermatology Society Mentorship Program (Iris, Ahronowitz, UCSF); 2015 Investigator on R25 (Ilene Rosen PI) for incorporating mobile learning into sleep medicine curriculum; 2015 PI on TAPITMAT IBTS Pilot Grant for skin cancer screening application; 2015-6 Medical Dermatology Society Mentorship Program (Alison Spiker, Geisinger); 2016 Mentor of Medical Student winning Rose Meadow Levinson Memorial Prize for Research Paper (Olaf Rodriguez); 2016 Mentor of Medical Student winning Award in Community Engagement & Health Equity Research (Yoonhee Ha); 2016 Election to membership in the American Dermatological Association; 2016 Co-investigator on Penn CFAR Pilot Grant Program in HIV/AIDS with Michelle Johnson, Ph.D.: Robot Assisted Rehabilitation After HIV-Associated Stroke; 2016 PEEK/Botswana Health National Vision Care Rollout Grant; 2016-7 ASDP Mentorship Award (Cuong Nguyen, U Minnesota); 2017 American Academy of Dermatology Clarence S. Livingood, MD, Award; 2017 Arnold P Gold Foundation Student Fellowship with Christina Bax, Penn MS3; 2017 HealthX Student Internship Award for work in Botswana: Christina Bax, MS3; 2017 National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute (NHLBI) (NIH)-funded Short Term Student Training Grant with Olaf Rodriguez, Penn MS3; 2017 President Gutmann Leadership Award Mentor (Olaf Rodriguez); 2018-9 Medical Dermatology Society Mentorship Program (Caroline Leggis, U Utah); 2019 American Academy of Dermatology Patient Care Hero; 2019 Philadelphia Inquirer’s Influencers of Healthcare: Excellence in Volunteerism. Outside Interests: Playing tennis, yoga, spending time with my family.

James G. Krueger 2016 Born: November 1, 1956 San Antonio, Texas. Current Position: Professor and Senior Physician, Laboratory Head, Investigative Dermatology, Director, the Milstein Research Program, The Rockefeller University. Education: Undergraduate: 1979 Princeton University AB, Biochemistry; 1984 The Rockefeller University PhD, Virology-Cell Biology; Medical School: 1985 Cornell University Medical College MD, Medicine. Fellowships: 1978-80 Graduate Fellow, The Rockefeller University; 1980-85 Biomedical Fellow, The Rockefeller University-Cornell Medical College. Training in Dermatology: 1986-90 Cornell University Medical College, Division of Dermatology. Other Training: 1985-86 Cornell University Medical College, Department of Internal Medicine.

518 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Academic Appointments & Research Positions: 1985-88 Guest Investigator, Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY; 1988-89 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY; 1989-90 Research Associate, Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY; 1990-95 Assistant Professor, Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY; 1995-2003 Associate Professor and Laboratory Head, Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY; 2003-Present D. Martin Carter Professor in Clinical Investigation, Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY. Medical and Hospital Appointments: 1989-95 Associate Physician, The Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, NY; 1995-2003 Physician, The Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, NY; 1996-2008 Medical Director, The Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, NY; 1996-2006 Program Director, General Clinical Research Center, The Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, NY 2003-Present Senior Physician, The Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, NY; 2006-Present Co-director, Center for Clinical and Translational Science, The Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, NY; 2008-Present Chief Executive Officer, The Rockefeller University Hospital, New York, NY. Awards & Honors: 1991-92 Thomas B. Fitzpatrick Research Award. Molecular controls of epidermal growth and differentiation. First recipient of this award; 2001 Distinguished Achievement Award – American Skin Association; 2006 APOR, Ahrens Award for Clinical Research; 2008 R.K. Schachter Lectureship Award. In recognition of important contributions in improving the life of patients with psoriasis; 2010 Astellas Award in Public Health – American Academy of Dermatology; 2010 Farber Award and Lecture – Society of Investigative Dermatology; 2015 Van Scott Award for Innovative Therapy of the Skin and Frost Leadership Lecture – American Academy of Dermatology; 2018 ACTS Distinguished Investigator: Translation from Early Clinical Use to Applicability for Widespread Clinical Practice Award.

M. Peter Marinkovich 2016 Born: September 4, 1958, Los Angeles, California. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Stanford University. Director, Bullous Disease Clinic, Stanford University; Co-Founder, Program in Epithelial Biology, Stanford University; Staff Physician, Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Attending Physician, Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: BS in Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz 1984; Medical School: Saint Louis University School of Medicine MD 1988. Training in Dermatology: Oregon Health Sciences University Department of Dermatology 1991-1994. Other Training: Active Duty US Army Medic, 7th Infantry Division, Ft. Ord, CA 1977-1980. University of California San Francisco Internal Medicine Residency 1988-1989. Research Fellowship: Portland Shriners Hospital 1989-1994. Academic Appointments: all at Stanford since 1994 Professional Societies: Member, Society for Investigative Dermatology; Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology; Member, Scientific Advisory Board; International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation; Member, Skin of Color Society. Outside Interests: Backpacking, Cycling, Swimming, Weightlifting, Flute/jazz improvisation, Biotechnology/ Entrepreneurship.

Jeffrey J. Miller 2016 Born: April 3, 1967, Danville, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Chair, Dermatology, Penn State Health. Education: Undergraduate: University of Notre Dame, MA, 1985-1989; Jefferson Medical College, MD, 1989-1993; Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University, Executive MBA, 2008-2010.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 519 Training in Dermatology: 1994-1997 Resident in Dermatology, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Other Training: 1993-1994, Intern in Medicine, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 1997-1998 Fellow, Clinician Educator Fellowship, Department of Dermatology, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Academic Appointments: The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine: Professor of Dermatology, 2010 – Present; Associate Professor of Dermatology, 2004 – 2010; Assistant Professor of Dermatology, 1998 – 2003; Instructor, Department of Dermatology, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, 1997-1998 Professional Societies: 2002-present, Association of Professors of Dermatology; 2000-present, North American Hair Research Society; 1998-present, Dermatology Teacher Exchange Group;; 2004-2007, American Board of Dermatology, Part II A & B Test Writing Committee; 2002-2003 American Academy of Dermatology: member 1998-present, American Academy of Dermatology Hair Loss Advisory Group, 2000- 2002 Selection Panel for the Awards for Young Investigators in Dermatology, 1996-2000 American Academy of Dermatology, Resident Physician Committee Awards and Honors: 2016 Inducted into American Dermatological Association; 2012 The Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching; 2010 Valedictorian, Class of 2010, Executive Masters of Business; 2008-present Patient Satisfaction Award 90-99th percentile – Press Ganey; 2006 Nominee, Family Physician of the Year Award of Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians; 2005 Student Clinician Ceremony (White Coat) Key Note Speaker. Outside Interests: Reading historical nonfiction, spending time with family and friends, playing a variety of sports, most recently taking up Padel.

Paul Nghiem 2016 Born: November 14, 1963, Washington, D.C. Current Position: Professor & Head, University of Washington Dermatology; George F. Odland Endowed Chair in Dermatology; Affiliate Investigator, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; Professor, Adjunct, of Pathology and Oral Health Sciences; Clinical Director, Skin Oncology, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard University Bachelor of Biological Sciences, 1986; Medical School: Stanford University M.D., 1994; Graduate School: Stanford University PhD in Cancer Biology, 1994. Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital 1998. Other Training: Howard Hughes Post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University Chemistry & Chemical Biology; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (2007-2012). Academic Appointments: University of Washington, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine: Division Head 2015-Present, Professor 2012-Present, Associate Professor 2007-2012, Assistant Professor 2006- 2007. Department of Pathology: Professor (Adjunct) 2012-Present, Associate Professor (Adjunct) 2007-2012, Assistant Professor (Adjunct) 2007. Michael Piepkorn Endowed Chair in Dermatology Research 2011-2015. Harvard Medical School: Assistant professor of Dermatology 2002-2005, Instructor in Dermatology 1998- 2002. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 2002-2005. Harvard University: Research Associate in Chemistry & Chemical Biology 1998-2002. Society Memberships: Society for Investigative Dermatology, Committee on Scientific Programs (2012-17), Board of Directors (2018-23); American Academy of Dermatology, Fellow, 1998-present; Co-Chair & Charter Member NIH Cancer Etiology Study Section (2008-12). Awards and Honors: 2014 American Society for Clinical Investigation; 2015 Alfred Marchionini Research Prize (a single international prize awarded to a dermatologist every four years at the World Congress of Dermatology); 2018 Eugene J. Van Scott Award for Significant Contributions Toward Innovative Therapy of the Skin and Phillip Frost Leadership Lecture awarded by the American Academy of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Violin, chamber music with my two boys (who also play violin).

520 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association David Peng 2013 Born: Los Angeles, California. Current Position: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology, Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California. Education: Undergraduate: University of California, Berkley; Medical School: University of California, Dan Diego, MD 1999. Other: University of California Los Angeles, M.P.H., 2000. Training in Dermatology: University of California, San Diego 2000-2003. Academic Appointments: University of Southern California, Assistant Professor 2004; Stanford University, Associate Professor, 2008; Professor, University of Southern California 2016. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Dermatological Association, Association of Professors of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Children, Spouse, National League Baseball, cycling, carpentry.

Adam Ian Rubin 2016 Born: New York City. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Pediatrics, and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department of Dermatology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Education: Undergraduate: The Johns Hopkins University (BA, Biology, Honors) 1997; Medical School: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, (MD), 2001. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, Columbia University Medical Center, 2002 – 2005. Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship, Columbia University Medical Center, 2001 – 2002; Dermatopathology Fellowship, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 2006 – 2008; Medical Dermatology Fellowship, St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia, 2005 – 2006. Academic Appointments: 2008 – 2017, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania; 2010 – 2017, Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Society Memberships: Council for Nail Disorders: Member, 2008 – present, Secretary-Treasurer 2018 – present, Elected Member, Board of Trustees (2016 – present; European Nail Society: Member, 2008 – present, Elected Member, Board of Trustees 2016 – present; International Pachyonychia Congenita Consortium (IPCC): Member 2010 -present, Clinical Studies Working Group Team 2010 – 2013; Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA) Member, 2011 – present; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Member 2010-present, Nominations/Leadership Development Committee 2013 – present; International Society for Dermatopathology: Member 2012 – present, Elected Member, Executive Committee, November 2016 – present; European Society for Pediatric Dermatology Member 2016 – present; American Academy of Dermatology: Alternate Delegate, House of Delegates, American Medical Association 2011 – present, Delegate to the American Medical Association Young Physicians Section 2008– 2010, Delegate to the American Medical Association Resident and Fellows Section 2003 – 2008,Member, American Medical Association House of Delegates – Dermatology Section Council 2003 – present, AMA/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) team, 2015 – present, Member, In-Vivo Microscopy of the Skin Work Group 2017 – present, Member, Ad Hoc Task Force on Skin Cancer Screenings 2015-2016, Member, Investments Committee 2015-2019,Member, Mohs Micrographic Surgery Committee 2015 – 2018, Chair, Regulatory Policy Committee 2014 – 2018, Member, Council on Government Affairs, Health Policy and Practice 2014 – 2018, Member, Leadership Forum Workgroup 2011-2014, Member, CME Program Review/ Evaluation Task Force 2010-2012, Member, Poster Exhibits Task Force 2009-13, Vice Chair, Resident and Fellows Committee 2004-2005,Member, Resident and Fellows Committee 2003-2005; American Medical

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 521 Association: Elected to Governing Council, as Member at Large, 2017 – 2019, Nominating Committee 2014 – 2015, Rules Committee 2015 – 2016, Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) Member, Administrative Subcommittee 2017 – 2019, Advisor from the American Society of Dermatopathology 2016 – present, Reference Committee on Constitution and Bylaws Member, Academic Physicians Section Member 2015 – present, Resident and Fellow Section Committee on Long Range Planning 2007-2008, Member, 2003 – present; The American Society of Dermatopathology Fellow, 2007 – present), Advisor to the American Medical Association Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) 2016 – present, Member, Finance Committee 2016 – present, Member, Work Value and Health Policy Committee 2016 – present, Member, Organizational Structure Committee 2018 – present; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society Elected, Member 2016 – present; North American Clinical Dermatologic Society Elected, Member 2016 – present; College of American Pathologists Fellow, 2013 – present; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Member, 2006 – present, Member, Investment Committee (2018 – present). Outside Interests: American Art History, WWII history, Travel.

Chrysalyne D. Schmults 2016 Born: January 8, 1969, Price, Utah. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School; Director, Brigham and Women’s Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery Center, Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: 1987-91B.A. (cum laude) Psychology Yale University; Medical School: 1993-98 M.D. Yale University. Other: 2006-09 M.S.C.E Epidemiology/Clinical Research University of Pennsylvania. Training in Dermatology: Institution(s)/years: 1999-02 Resident, Dermatology, New York University. Other Training: 1998-99 Intern Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center2002-03; Fellowship Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Skin Laser and Surgery Specialists of NY/NJ. Academic Appointments: 2000-2002 Clinical Instructor Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine; 2002-03 Clinical Instructor, Dermatology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; 2003-07 Assistant Professor Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; 2007 Instructor Dermatology Harvard Medical School; 2007-16 Assistant Professor, Dermatology, Harvard Medical School; 2016-present Associate Professor, Dermatology, Harvard Medical School. Professional Societies: 2013-2016 Dermatologic Surgery Society of New England: Board of Directors, 2002-present American Academy of Dermatology: SKIN museum exhibit committee 2008-2011; 2003-present American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: Educational Exchange Work Group 2010-2013, Research Work Group 2017-2020, Recognition Committee for International Fellowship Programs 2016-present; 2003-present Association of Professors of Dermatology: Dermatologic Surgery Section Steering Committee; 2013-2016 International Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Chair of the Council of National Dermatologic Surgical Societies 2013-2014, Board of Directors 2014-2019, Annual Meeting Program Committee 2018; 2004-present International Immunosuppression and Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative: Board of Directors, 2007-2009 Scientific Program Director for Annual Meeting 2008; Treasurer 2011-2014; Vice President 2014- 2016; President 2016-2018; 2005-present American College of Mohs Surgery: Quality Control and Teaching Committee 2005-2008, Communications & Public Relations Committee 2005-2008, Membership Committee 2008-2010, CME Committee 2010-2013, National Registry and Outcome Committee, Performance Measures Subcommittee 2014-2016, Board of Directors 2014-2017; 2006-present Society for Investigative Dermatology: Dermatologic Surgery Abstract Review Committee for Annual Meeting 2006-2013; 2016-present Society of Clinical Oncology. Outside Interests: Raising my 2 daughters, developing dermatologic training programs abroad, and also working for the SCOUT (Skin Cancer OUTcomes) consortium, an international clinical trials consortium for non-melanoma skin cancer.

522 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Kanade Shinkai 2016 Born: July 22, 1973, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Education: Undergraduate: Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pennsylvania,1995 BA Biology (with Distinction); Medical School: University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine MD 2004; University of California, San Francisco, Graduate Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, PhD 2002. Training in Dermatology: 2005-2008 University of California, San Francisco. Department of Dermatology, Chief resident, 2007-2008. Other Training: Internship: Internal Medicine preliminary year 2004-2005 University of California, San Francisco Department of Internal Medicine. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology University of California, San Francisco: 2008-present (100% academic faculty appointment since 2008), Full Professor of Clinical Dermatology (current position), Residency Program Director (2014 – present), Clinical Performance Exam Director (2014 – 2018), Vice Chair of Education (current position). Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: 2008-present, member of AAD Retinoids Task Force (2013 – present), Academic Dermatology Leadership Program, Executive Task Force and mentor (2014 – present); Society for Dermatology Hospitalists: Founding member, Board of Directors (2013 – present); American Board of Dermatology: examination item writing committee (2014 – present), new basic exam test-writing committee (2016-present); Medical Dermatology Society: Executive Committee for Membership (2013 – 2016), Executive Committee for Education (2016-2019); San Francisco Dermatology Society: Board Member (2009 – 2014); Women’s Dermatology Society: member 2008 – present; Association for Professors of Dermatology: member 2011-present, Board of Directors 2016-2019; JAMA Dermatology: Editor 2020-present. Outside Interests: surfing, photography, music, gardening.

Maryam Asgari 2017 Born: September 13, 1971, Tehran Iran Current Position: Professor, Department of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University AB and BS 1992; Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT MD 1997 Other: University of Washington Seattle, WA MPH Public Health and Community Medicine 2003. Training in Dermatology: Yale University, New Haven, CT 06/98-06/99; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 07/04-06/05. Other Training: Postdoctoral Training, NIH Postdoctoral Fellow (1997-1998); Intern Internal Medicine Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA (1998-1999); Procedural Dermatology (Mohs) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX (2004-2005). Academic Appointments: Academic Appointments: Acting Instructor Dermatology University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2002-2003); Acting Assistant Professor Dermatology University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2003-2005); Research Scientist Division of Research Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Oakland, CA (2005-2015); Associate Professor of Dermatology Harvard Medical School (6/15-3/20) Associate Professor of Population Medicine Harvard Medical School; Professor of Dermatology and Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School (2020-). Society Memberships: American Medical Association 2000-present; American Academy of Dermatology: 2000 Member, Resident and Fellows Committee, 2004-2006 Member, Education and Volunteers Abroad Committee, 2005 Chair, Work Group on Volunteer Grant Program, 2007-2010 Member, Melanoma and Skin Cancer Committee, 2008-2010 Member, Environment and Drugs Committee, 2009-2010 Member, FDA

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 523 Liaison Task Force, 2010-2012 Member, Regulatory Policy Committee, 2011-2012 Member, Ad Hoc Task Force Mohs Appropriate Use Criteria Indication Reviewer, 2013-2017 Member, Coding and Reimbursement Committee, 2015-2017 Member, Patient Safety & Quality Committee, 2015-2018,Deputy Chair (2018) and Member (2015-2018), Task Force on Drug Pricing and Transparency, 2017-2020 Member, Appropriate Use Criteria Committee, 2017-2018 Chair, Epidemiology Expert Resource Group, 2018-2021 Member, Bylaws Committee; Women’s Dermatological Society Member, 2003-2005 Member, Communications Committee, 2005 Member, Joint Committee for Women Dermatologic Surgeons, 2007-2010 Member, Annual Meeting Committee, 2009,Co-Chair, Annual Meeting Committee, 2012-2013 Chair, Task Force for Volunteerism Abroad, 2016-2019 Member, Awards Committee; Society for Investigative Dermatology: 2009-2010 Member, Resident Retreat Organizing Committee, 2011-2012 Chair, Resident Retreat Organizing Committee, 2013- 2015.Member, Committee on Membership, 2014-2015 Chair, Committee on Membership, 2015-2016 Co- Chair, Committee on Education, 2018-2022 Board of Directors; Association of Professors of Dermatology; American Dermatologic Association; American Society for Clinical Investigation Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine. Outside Interests: music (classical singing, violin), cooking, finding the best cabernet in Napa, spending time with family and friends.

Lisa A. Beck 2017 Born: June 15, 1959, Buffalo, NY Current Position: Deans Professor, Department of Dermatology, Medicine (Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology – Division) and Pathology, University of Rochester Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Mt Holyoke College (BA Chemistry; So. Hadley, Mass) 1977; SUNY Stony Brook Medical School (MD; Stony Brook, NY), 1985. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology, Duke University 1990. Other Training: Intern and 1 yr Residency in Internal Medicine (Strong Memorial Hospital, URMC), 1987; Immunology Research Fellowship (Johns Hopkins Asthma & Allergy Center, JHU; Baltimore, MD), 1994. Academic Appointments: Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology and Medicine (Division of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology): Clinical Instructor 1990-1992, Assistant Professor 1994-2002, Associate Professor 2002-2006; University of Rochester Medical Center Department of Dermatology, Medicine (Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology – Division) and Pathology: Associate Professor 2006-2010, Deans Professor 2014-Present. Society Memberships: AAAAI member 1992-present, SID member 1990-present, Dermatology Foundation member 1992-present, SID Board member 2008-2013, SID Vice President 2017-8, JID Section editor 2010-2014, International Eczema Council – Secretary 2014-present, National Eczema Association Scientific Advisory Board 2002 -present. Awards and Honors: JHU Dermatology Teaching Award -1992, Director of Dermatology (Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center – 1998-2002), Irwin Blank Forum, SID, 1999, 1st Paul Cook Visiting Professorship 2001, Elliot F. Ellis Lectureship, AAAAI, 2001, Director of Translational Research (URMC -2006), Montagna Symposium Invited Speaker 2007, Hermann Pinkus Memorial Lectureship (ASDP Meeting 2009), Director of URMC Dermatology Clinical Trials Unit (2016), Gail Shapiro Lectureship, AAAAI, 2012, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, 2014, Swineford Conf, 2015, Donald Leung Lectureship, AAAAI 2019. Outside Interests: jogging, X-country and alpine skiing, bicycling, traveling, cooking.

Lionel Bercovitch 2017 Born: Montreal, Canada September 12, 1946. Current Position: Director of Pediatric Dermatology, Brown Dermatology and Hasbro Children’s Hospital; Professor of Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

524 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Education: Undergraduate: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada; Medical School: Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Training in Dermatology: Brown University Affiliated Hospitals, Providence, RI 1977-1979. Other Training: Manitoba Health Sciences Center (PGY-1); Massachusetts General Hospital 1970-1973 (Medicine); University of Toronto and Tufts University 1974-1977 (Ophthalmology). Academic Appointments: Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Department of Dermatology: Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1981-1993, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1993-2003, Clinical Professor of Dermatology 2003-2011, Professor of Dermatology 2011-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Ethics Committee 2012-2015, Contact Dermatitis Committee 1990-1993, Therapeutics FDA Liaison Committee 1995-2000; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Associate Editor Pediatric Dermatology 2014-2018, Co-Editor-in-Chief Pediatric Dermatology 2019-; Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance: Chair, Ethics Committee 2015-2018, Rhode Island Dermatology Society President, 2011-2017); Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology: 1980-2008, President 1991-1992; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, FRCPC 1979, FRCSC 1980; PXE International: Medical Director 1995-present, ex-officio board member; American Contact Dermatitis Society; Rhode Island Medical Society. Outside Interests: Bioethics in Dermatology, family, Boston Red Sox, Winnipeg Jets.

Ashish Bhatia 2017 Born: December 26, 1971 -Dayton, Ohio. Current Position/Practice: Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University - Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, IL; Director of Dermatologic & Cosmetic Surgery - Oak Dermatology, Itasca, IL; Director of Clinical Research - Oak Dermatology, Itasca, IL. Education: Undergraduate: Illinois Wesleyan University, BA 1993; Medical School: Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine (NEOUCOM), Rootstown, OH Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) 1999 Training in Dermatology: Medical College of Virginia Hospitals, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 2000-2003 Resident Physician – Dermatology, Chief Resident 2002-2003. Other Training: 7/1999-6/2000 Northeastern Ohio Univ. College of Medicine Affiliate Hospitals, Canton, OH Transitional Internship; 7/2003-6/2004 SkinCare Physicians of Chestnut Hill, Chestnut Hill, MA, Fellow -Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Cutaneous Oncology, Reconstruction, Laser & Cosmetic Surgery. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology Department of Dermatology Northwestern University -Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, IL Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: 2009 – present, Sports Committee Board Member and committee Member, 2010 – present Public Service Work Group; American College of Mohs Surgery: 2013 – present Communications, Public Relations, and Website Committee 2014 – present National Registry and Outcomes Committee, 2014 – present Mohs Registry Implementation and Management Subcommittee 2015 – 2017 National Registry and Outcomes Committee; American Dermatological Association; American Medical Association; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: 2010 – 2013 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery – Member Engagement Work Group, 2013 – present American Society for Dermatologic Surgery -Annual Meeting Work Group, 2014 – 2015 Photographic Standards Task Force, 2014 – present American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Board Member; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Chicago Dermatological Society; Illinois Dermatological Society; Noah Worchester Dermatological Society: 2011 –Scientific Committee; 2013 – present American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery – Web Strategy Task Force 2014 – present, New Beginnings-Radiation Mark Removal Program, 2015 – present Media Relations Work Group

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 525 Committee Member, 2015, Annual Conference Work Group Program Co-Chairman, 2015 Marketing and Public Relations Committee, 2015 Education, Standards and Innovations Committee, 2016 – present Board of Directors. Outside Interests: Clinical Research, Innovation, Aviation.

Christopher K. Bichakjian 2017 Born: January 20, 1970 Cambridge, Massachusetts. Current Position: University of Michigan: Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology. Education: Medical School: Radboud University, MD, 1988-1995. Training in Dermatology: 07/1998-06/2001 Residency, Dermatology, University of Michigan. Other Training: 02/1995-06/1997 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dermatology, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor; 06/1997-06/1998 Internship, Transitional, Henry Ford Hospital; 07/1999-06/2001 07/2001-06/2003 Fellowship, American College of Mohs Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Academic Appointments: 07/2001-06/2003 Clinical Lecturer in Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI; 12/2003-05/2004 Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Weill Medical College -Cornell University, New York, NY; 06/2004-08/2011 Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical School; 09/2011-08/2016 Clinical Associate Professor of Department, University of Michigan Medical School; 09/2016-08/2018 Clinical Professor in Dermatology, University of Michigan; 09/2016-present Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical School 11/2018-03/2020 Interim Chair, Department of Dermatology; 04/2020-present Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan. Professional Societies:1998-present Member, American Academy of Dermatology; 1998-present Member, American Medical Association; 2002-present Member, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; 2003-present Member, American College of Mohs Surgery; 2008-present Member, Southwest Oncology Group; 2011-present Honorary Member, Iowa Dermatological Society; 2006-2012 Member, 2012-2018 Chair, National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer; 2006-2018 Member, National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), Melanoma, Member; 2018-2026 American Board of Dermatology, Director. Outside Interests: Family, travelling, cooking, running.

Kristina Callis Duffin 2017 Born: July 1966, Pasadena California. Current Position: Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of Utah. Education: Undergraduate: Montana State University 1989 biomedical sciences; Medical School: University of Washington 1993. Training in Dermatology: University of Utah 2002-2005. Other Training: Residency, Internal medicine, Maine Medical Center 1993-1997. Academic Appointments: University of Utah: Visiting Professor 2005-2006; assistant professor 2006- 2014, associate professor 2014-2020, Professor 2020-present, Co-chair July 1, 2018-2020, Chair July 2020-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Investigative Dermatology, Women’s Dermatological Society, Pacific Dermatologic Society, American Medical Association, Utah Dermatological Society, Intermountain Dermatological Society; National Psoriasis Foundation, Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and psoriatic Arthritis. Outside Interests: watercolor, filmmaking, mountain biking, gymnastics mom.

526 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Keith Adam Choate 2017 Born: Rochester, New York. Current Position: Professor and Director of Research, Yale University Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University BS 1995; Medical School: Yale University MD-PhD 2004. Training in Dermatology: Yale University 2005-2008. Other Training: 2004-2005 Intern, Internal Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT; 2006-2008 Post-Doctoral Fellow in Dermatology and Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. Academic Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT: 2008-2009 Instructor, Department of Dermatology, 2009-2013 Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, 2014-2017 Associate Professor, Departments of Dermatology, Pathology, and Genetics, 2015 present Co-chief of Dermatology, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Saint Raphael Campus, 2015 present Member, Yale Cancer Center: Program in Cancer Genetics and Genomics, 2015-present Associate Director, Medical Scientist Training Program; 2016-present Director of Research, Department of Dermatology, 2017-present Professor, Departments of Dermatology, Pathology, and Genetics. Professional Societies: 2016 Elected Member of The American Society for Clinical Investigation; 2018 Director, American Board of Dermatology.

Kelly M. Cordoro 2017 Born: November 22, 1972, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco; Division Chief and Fellowship Director, Pediatric Dermatology, UCSF. Education Institution: Undergraduate: Saint Francis College, Loretto, PA BS Biology 2005; Medical School: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA MD 2001. Training in Dermatology: University of Virginia 2002-2005. Other Training: Internship, Internal Medicine, University of Virginia, 2001-2002; Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship, UCSF 2007-2008. Academic Appointments: University of Virginia 2005-2007; University of California, San Francisco 2008-current. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Leadership Development Steering Committee 2015-18 Deputy Chair 2019-2022; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Chair, Fellowship Directors Committee. Outside Interests: Hiking, backpacking, cycling, mountain biking, sports and athletics, travel, cooking, reading.

Lisa Donofrio 2017 Born: February 28, 1962. Current Practice: Owner Aria Dermspa, Madison Connecticut and Etre Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Center, New Orleans, Louisiana. Education: Institution/degree/ Undergraduate: Quinnipiac University 1979-83; Medical School: Tulane University 1986-90. Training in Dermatology: Tulane University 1991-94. Other Training: Tulane University Internal Medicine 1990-91. Professional Societies: American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member 1996-present, Board of Directors 2005-2008, Vice President 2015-2016, President-Elect 2016-2017, President 2017-2018, Multiple Committees; American Academy of Dermatology 1994-present; American Dermatological Association 2017-present. Outside Interests: Cooking, costume designing, boating, musical theater.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 527 Jonathan Dyer 2017 Born: July 31, 1972, Montgomery, Alabama. Current Position: Chair – Department of Dermatology; Professor of Dermatology and Child Health, University of Missouri. Education: Undergraduate: University of Missouri BS Biochemistry 1994; Medical School: University of Missouri MD 1998. Training in Dermatology: University of Missouri 1998-2002. Other Training: Pediatric Dermatology Northwestern University 2002-2004. Academic Appointments: University of Missouri, Departments of Dermatology and Child Health 2017-Present Professor, 2012-2017 Associate Professor, 2004-2012 Assistant Professor. Professional Societies: 2002-Member, Society for Pediatric Dermatology; 2005-Member, American Academy of Dermatology; 2012-Member, Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance; 2016-2019 Board Member, Missouri Dermatological Society; 2018-Present, Editorial Board Pediatric Dermatology; 2017-Member, European Society for Pediatric Dermatology; 2014 -2017, Section Editor Up To Date Genodermatoses; 2016 -2018 Cerner Physician Advisory Council University of Missouri Healthcare; 2017 – 2019 Section Editor, American Academy of Dermatology Board Prep Plus; 2017 -2019, Departmental representative-Faculty Affair Council, MU School of Medicine; 2018 -present, International Planning Committee, World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology. Outside Interests: Playing guitar, Growing Apples/Pears, Traveling.

Scott W. Fosko 2017 Born: May 3, 1960, Fairfield, California Current Position: Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville, Florida. Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. Mohs Surgeon, The Skin Surgery Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Education: Undergraduate: University of Notre Dame B.S. Microbiology 1982; Medical School: University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1986. Training in Dermatology: Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 1989 – 1992. Other Training: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia -Residency, Internal Medicine 1986 – 1989; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Fellowship, Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery 1992 – 1993. Academic Appointments: Instructor, Dermatology -Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 1991 – 1992; Assistant Professor of Dermatology-Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 1993 – 1999; Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine -Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, Secondary Appointment 1993 – 2010; Director, Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology and Dermatologic Surgery Unit -Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri 07/1993 -11/2015; Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology -Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, Secondary Appointment 1995 – 2015; Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology -Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, Secondary Appointment 1996 – 2002; Director, Saint Louis University Multidisciplinary Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers Conference -Saint Louis University Cancer Center, St. Louis, Missouri 1998 – 2015; Associate Professor of Dermatology with Tenure -Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 1999 – 2004; Acting Chairman -Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 2001 – 2002; Dermatology Residency Program Director -Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri 2002 – 2012; Chairman -Department of Dermatology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 2002 – 2015; Associate Professor of Otolaryngology -Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, Secondary Appointment 2002 – 2015; Director, Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Fellowship -Department of Dermatology,

528 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri; 07/2003 -06/2015; Professor of Dermatology with Tenure -Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 2004 – 2015; Professor of Internal Medicine -Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri Secondary Appointment 2010 – 2015; Interim Director -Cancer Center, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 02/2015 -11/2015; Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, 11/2015-current. Consultant, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida 11/2015-06/2019; Chair -Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida 11/2015 -01/2018. Professor of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, 11/2017-6/2019; Mohs surgeon, The Skin Surgery Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1/2020-current. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 1989 – present; American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology: Fellow 1993 – present, American College of Mohs Surgery: Board of Directors 2002 – 2005, Treasurer 2011 – 2012, Vice President 2012 – 2013, President 2013 – 2014 Immediate Past President, 2014, Fellowship Training Program Site Investigator, 1997-2000, Public Policy Committee 2013-16, Task Force on Information Systems and Tumor Registry 1998-99, ACMS Foundation Development Committee 2017-present; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery: Member 1996 – 1997; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: Fellow 1993 – 2015; Association of Academic Dermatologic Surgeons: Member 1993 – 2014, Board of Directors 2001 – 2005, Curriculum Committee Member 1996 – 1998; Quality Assurance Committee Chair 1998 – 1999, Task Force on Membership Member 1998 – 2000, Task Force on Recommended Training for Verifying Competency in New Procedures Curriculum Committee; Dermatology Foundation; Missouri Dermatologic Society: Member 1997 – 2015; New England Dermatologic Society: Member 1989 – 1992; O’Leary Dermatologic Society: Member 11/2016 – present; Philadelphia Dermatologic Society: Member 1992 – 1993; St. Louis Dermatologic Society: Member 1993 – 2015; St. Louis Facial and Plastic Reconstruction Society: Member 1993 – 1995; Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC): Surveyor; 1997 – 2002; American Board of Dermatology: Recertification Examination Text Committee Dermatologic Surgery Module Member 2001 – 2005; Dermatology Foundation: Trustee 2003 – 2008, Clinical/Medical/Surgical Panel Grant Review Panel Member 2004 – 2010; Chair 2010 – 2013; Leaders Society Campaign Vice President Missouri State 2008 – 2011; Missouri Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors 1997 – 1998, Member 1997 – 2015, Secretary/Treasurer 1998 – 1999, President-Elect 1999 – 2000, President 2000 – 2001. Awards and Honors: Alpha Epsilon Delta 1980, Alpha Omega Alpha 1986, Saint Luke’s Award Saint Louis University Hospital 2001, White Coat Society Saint Louis University School of Medicine 2002, Best Doctors in America 2003-2018, Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals 2004, Best Doctors in St. Louis 2005-2016, Missouri, America’s Top Doctor’s Guide, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. 2014-2015, Newsweek Health Top Cancer Doctors 2015, Best Doctors in America, Jacksonville, Florida 2017-2019, Top Doctor in Scottsdale International Association of Healthcare Professionals, Arizona 2018 Outside Interests: Family, music, cooking, playing the guitar, exercising with my wife Patty, and beach life.

Kenneth B. Gordon 2017 Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Chair of Dermatology, Medical College of Wisconsin. Education: Undergraduate: Amherst College, BA, 1986; Medical School: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons MD 1990. Training in Dermatology: Northwestern University, 1993-1997 (did 2 year research post-doc). Other Training: Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital Boston, 1990-1993.

Samuel T. Hwang 2017 Born: October 26, 1961 Taipei Taiwan. Current Position: Chair, Dermatology, UC Davis Sacramento.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 529 Education: Undergraduate: Harvard College AB 1984; Medical School: Harvard Medical School MD 1991. Other: University of Basel PhD 1989. Training in Dermatology: UC San Francisco, 1992-1995. Other Training: Research Fellow, Department of Anatomy, UCSF, 1995-1997. Academic Appointments: 1997, NIH Investigator, Dermatology Branch, NCI; 2004, NIH Senior Investigator, Dermatology Branch, NCI; 2008, Chair, Dermatology, Medical College of Wisconsin; 2016, Chair, Dermatology, UC Davis Sacramento Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Science and Research Committee; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Scientific Program Committee, Board of Directors, Finance Committee; Association of Professors of Dermatology; Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Outside Interests: Golf, tennis and family.

Mark D. Kaufmann 2017 Born: June 17, 1962, New York, NY. Current Position: Chief Medical Officer, Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery. Education: Undergraduate: New York University BA 1984; Medical School: NYU School of Medicine MD 1988. Training in Dermatology: Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1989-1992. Other Training: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 1988-1989 (Internal Medicine). Academic Appointments: Montefiore Medical Center, Attending Department of Dermatology 1993-1994. Metropolitan Hospital Center, Director of Dermatologic Surgery 1994-1996. Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Attending Department of Dermatology 1997-2006. St Barnabas Hospital, Attending Department of Dermatology 2007-Present. Associate Clinical Professor, Dept of Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1995-Present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: President 2022-2023, Board of Directors 2015- 2019, AAD BOD Executive Committee; Advisor to AMA-RUC Relative Value Scale Update Committee; American Dermatological Association; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, President’s Award 2015; Noah Worcester Dermatological Association; Women’s Dermatological Society; New York State Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York: Board of Directors 2018-Present; Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatological Society: Treasurer 2018-2020; Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology, Dermatology Criteria Workgroup: Co-Chair 2009-2014. Outside Interests: Swimming, Travel.

Kishwer Sultana Nehal 2017 Born: September 4, 1968; Karachi, Pakistan. Current Position: Director of Mohs & Dermatologic Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY 1998-present; Attending Physician, Dermatology Service, Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases; Program Director, MSKCC ACGME Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Fellowship, Co-Director, Multidisciplinary Skin Cancer Management Program. Education: Undergraduate: Boston University, College of Liberal Arts, Boston, B.A. 1992; Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, M.D. 1992. Training in Dermatology: New York University Medical Center 1993-1995; Chief Resident in Dermatology, New York University Medical Center 1995-1996. Other Training: Intern in Surgery, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston 1992-1993; Fellow in Mohs & Dermatologic Surgery, New York University Medical Center 1996-1998.

530 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York 1998-2005; Associate Professor of Dermatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University 2005-2014; Professor of Dermatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University 2014-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatological Association; National Comprehensive Cancer Network: Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Clinical Practice Guidelines Panel 1999-present; American Joint Committee on Cancer: Non-melanoma skin Cancer task force 2006-2010, Head and Neck Expert Panel 2014-2017; American Board of Dermatology: Surgical Dermatology Content Development 2014-2017, Surgical Dermatology Test Committee, Applied Knowledge Test Committee; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Dermatologic Surgery Curriculum Review Committee 2001-2003, Committee on Nominations 2003-2005, Board of Directors 2006-2008 Procedural Dermatology Section Steering Committee 2010-2013, Vice Chair, Dermatologic Surgery Section 2013-2015, Chair, Dermatologic Surgery Section 2015-2017, Immediate past chair 2017-2019, Board of Directors 2019-Present; American College of Mohs Surgery: Frederick E. Mohs Award Committee 2010-2013, Membership Committee 2013-2015, Scientific Advisory Committee 2015-present, Fellowship Training Committee 2015-present, Vice-Chair 2017-2019, Chair 2019-Present, AMA CPT Advisor 2019-Present; Dermatology Foundation Vice-Chair Leader’s Society Campaign, New York Downstate 2007-2009; 2011, State Chair, New York Downstate 2012-2017, Board of Trustees 2012-present, Leader’s Society Committee 2013-2017, Vice Chair, Annenberg Circle Committee 2018-present, Executive Committee 2018-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Program Director, NYC Melanoma/Skin Cancer Screening Program 2004-2009, Sulzberger Institute for Dermatologic Education, Board of Trustees 2005-2009, Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Guideline Work group 2014-2017; Manhattan-Metropolitan Dermatologic Society: Secretary 2007-present; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York Board of Directors 2017-2019; American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 1998-Present; Skin Cancer Foundation 1998-Present; Dermatologic Society of Greater New York 1998-Present; New York State Dermatologic Society; Women’s Dermatologic Society; ASDS Annual Meeting Work Group – Chair, MDS Exam Review Work Group 2019-Present; British Journal of Dermatology Specialist Associate Editor 2015-Present; Archives of Dermatological Research 2019-Present. Outside Interests: Travel, hiking, tennis.

Bethanee Jean Schlosser 2017 Born: September 23, 1974 Erie, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Associate Professor Departments of Dermatology and Obstetrics/ Gynecology Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, IL. Education: Undergraduate: Bucknell University, B.S. Biology 1996; Medical School: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, MD/PhD, 2003; Other: PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology. Training in Dermatology: Emory University, 2004-2007. Other Training: Transitional Year Internship, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL; 2003-2004. Academic Appointments: 2007-2016 Assistant Professor, Dermatology and Obstetrics/Gynecology; 2016-present Associate Professor, Dermatology and Obstetrics/Gynecology Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member 2007-present, 2007-2008, Member, Leadership and Mentorship Committee, 2010-2012, Member, Self-Assessment Task Force, 2009-2011 Member, Editorial Board for MOCmd, 2010-2012 Mentor, Residents and Fellows Mentoring Program, 2008- 2017 Member, Young Physicians Committee, 2012-2013 Deputy Chair Young Physicians Committee, 2103- 2017 Chair, Young Physicians Committee, 2010-2015 Member, Mentoring Work Group, 2011-2015 Member, Academic Dermatology Leadership Program Work Group, 2014 Chair, Academic Dermatology Leadership Program Work Group, 2012-2015 Member, Youth Education Committee, 2014-2015 Deputy Chair, Youth Education Committee, 2012-2013 Member, Ad Hoc Task Force on Perceptions of Dermatology,2013-2015 Young Physician Board Observer, Board of Directors, 2013 Young Physician Representative, American Academy of Dermatology/Corporate Circle Industry Summit, 2013-2017 Member, Council on Member Services, 2013-present, Member, Dermatology Care Team Implementation Work Group, 2013-2015

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 531 Member, Acne Guidelines Work Group, 2013-2014 Co-chair, Acne Guidelines Work Group, 2015 Member, Specialty Positioning Work Group; American Acne and Rosacea Society: Member 2008-present, Secretary 2014-present; American Dermatological Association: Member 2017-present; American Medical Association: Member 2018-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Member 2007-present; Atlanta Dermatology Association: Member 2004-2007; Chicago Dermatological Society-Member 2007-present; -Dermatology Foundation: Member 2012-present, International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease: Member 2010-present; Medical Dermatology Society: Member 2004-2015; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 2011-2015; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Member 2005-present, Board of Directors 2014-2018; Association of Professors of Dermatology: 2007-2010 Member Membership Committee, 2009- 2010 Chair, Membership Committee, 2011-2012 Member Work Group on Communication and Visibility; Women’s Dermatologic Society: 2008-2011 Member, Mentorship Committee, 2011 Member, Member Renewal Forum Task Force, 2011-2017 Member, Academic Dermatologists Committee; 2013-2017 Co-chair, Academic Dermatologists Committee, 2013 Co-chair, Member Enrichment and Leadership Development Task Force, 2014-2017 Member, Membership Committee, 2014-2018 Director, Board of Directors, 2016- 2017 Member, Committee Review Task Force, 2017-2018 Chair, Awards Council, 2017-present Member, Organizational Structure Committee; 2018-present Chair, Organizational Structure Committee, 2018-present Member, Finance Committee. Outside Interests: Spending time with family; Reading; Children’s literature; Knitting; Big Ten Women’s Basketball, Soccer and Softball.

Robert Sidbury 2017 Born: Durham NC Current Position: Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Chief, Division of Dermatology Seattle Children’s Hospital University of Washington School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Duke BS Psychology 1985; Medical School: Duke MD 1993. Other: MPH, Harvard, 2008. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency Oregon Health Sciences University 1995-98; Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship, Northwestern University, 1998-2000. Other Training: Pediatric Health Services Fellowship 2007-8, Harvard Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s Hospital (SCH), University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM) 2000-2005; Instructor, Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School (HMS), 2006-2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, HMS, 2008- 9; Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, SCH, UWSOM, 2009-2016; Professor, Department of Pediatrics, SCH, UWSOM, 2017-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Vice President Finance; Washington State Dermatology Association: Past President. Outside Interests: Being a dad to my 14-year-old daughter Claire, Tennis, Politics, Reading, Travel, Duke basketball.

Andrea L. Zaenglein 2017 Born: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Penn State College of Medicine, Penn State/Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA. Education: Undergraduate: Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 1990; Medical School: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA 1996. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Resident, Department of Dermatology, MCP Hahnemann University Hospitals, Philadelphia, PA, 1997 – 2001

532 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship, George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC, 1996-1997; Pediatric Dermatology fellowship, New York University, New York, NY, 1999-2000. Academic Appointments: 2001 -2007 Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Department of Dermatology Penn State College of Medicine/Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey PA; 2007-2013 Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics Department of Dermatology, Penn State College of Medicine/Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey PA; 2013 – present Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics (tenured), Department of Dermatology Penn State College of Medicine/Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey PA. Professional Societies: Society for Pediatric Dermatology: (President, 20017-2018), 2014-2016 Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance, Society for Pediatric Dermatology Publications Committee 2007-2009, Vice President for Marketing and Communications -Society for Pediatric Dermatology, 2012-present; Society for Pediatric Dermatology International Outreach & Global Alliances Committee, 2013-2014, Chair -Society for Pediatric Dermatology Certification & MOC Committee 2011-2014; American Academy of Dermatology: 2016-2018 Chair Education and Volunteers Abroad Committee, 2016-2018 Council on Community, Corporate and Philanthropic Relations, 2016-2018 International Relations Committee, 2015-present Camp Discovery Workgroup, 2009-2012 Isotretinoin Task Force, 2008-2010, AcneNet Committee Chair, 2007-2009, Camp Discovery Committee, 2012-present, Education and Volunteers Abroad Committee; The American Acne and Rosacea Society (Secretary, 2011-2014); International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies; American Dermatological Association (inducted July 2017) Outside Interests: National Parks, epic hikes around the world, road trips with my family, jigsaw puzzles.

David Adelson 2018 Born: January 21 1958, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Oregon Health and Science University. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University BAS 1980; Medical School: Emory University MD 1986. Other: Dartmouth College; Masters in healthcare delivery science 2013. Training in Dermatology: Emory University 1986-1989 Academic Appointments: University of Oklahoma 1989-2004 Clinical Associate Professor, 2004-2014 Associate Professor, Vice Chairman; 2014 to present Associate Professor: Oregon Health and Science University. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Performance measurement task force; American Dermatological Association; Society for Investigative Dermatology; Society for Pediatric Dermatology. Outside Interests: Travel, hiking, fishing tennis, running, biking.

Macrene Alexiades 2018 Born: New York, New York. Current Position: Associate Clinical Professor, Yale University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology; Adjunct Clinical Professor, University of Athens Sygros Hospital, Athens, Greece; Director & Founder, Dermatology and Laser Surgery Center of New York. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard University AB 1988; Medical School: Harvard Medical School MD 1997. Other: Harvard University Ph.D. in Genetics 1997. Training in Dermatology: New York Univeristy, resident 1998-2001, Chief resident 2000-2001. Other Training: Fulbright Bioengineering 1989-90.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 533 Academic Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine 2003-Present; University of Athens Sygros Hospital, Athens, Greece 2007-Present. Professional Societies: American Medical Association, American Academy of Dermatology, The Laser Institute of America, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, American Dermatological Association, Yale Physicians Association, Premier Aesthetic Solutions, Personal Care Products Council, Pan-American Photodynamic Therapy Association, Cosmetic Executive Women, DASIL, Women’s Dermatologic Society, Hellenic Medical Society. Outside Interests: Plant and laboratory sciences, agriculture (organic farming), art (Portrai art and sculpture), sailing, yoga.

Milan J. Anadkat 2018 Born: May 30, 1977 Columbus, Ohio. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Director of Clinical Trials, Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis); Deputy Editor, JAAD Case Reports, 2016-2024. Education: Undergraduate: B.S. Natural Sciences; University of Akron, 1998; Medical School: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown, OH 2001. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, 2007, Washington University School of Medicine. Other Training: Clinical Trials Research Fellowship July 2002-June 2004, Washington University School of Medicine; Internship, Preliminary Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital 2002. Academic Appointments: Washington University St. Louis: Assistant Professor, Dermatology, 2007-2013, Associate Professor, Dermatology, 2013-2019, Residency Program Director, 2013-2020, Directotr of Clinical Trials 2018-present. Professional Societies: Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), Skin Toxicity Study Group; American Academy of Dermatology: Member – Performance Measures Task Force, February 2011- 2016; Member at Large – Performance Measures Task Force, 2016-present, Faculty – Maintenance of Certification Prep Course, 2012-2019, Chair, Inflammatory Skin Disease/Pruritus Workgroup, April 2015-2019, Member – DataDerm, Program Directors Workgroup, 2015, Member – Leadership Program Workgroup, August 2015-present, Member – Poster Exhibits Task Force, 2016-2019, Member – Sports Committee, 2017- 2020, Member – Enduring Materials Committee, 2017-2020, Editor-in-Chief – AAD Self-Assessment Question Bank, 2017-present; Chair, Academic Dermatology Leadership Program, 2018-2020; Medical Dermatology Society: Educational Committee, 2012-2015, Finance Committee, 2014-2017, Board of Directors, 2017-2022, Co-Chair, Educational Committee, 2017-2022; Association of Professors in Dermatology: Communications Committee, 2013-2018, Chair, Communications Committee, 2018; Missouri Dermatologic Society Board of Directors, September 2016-present. Outside Interests: Sports, Food, Wine, Travel, Conversation.

Victoria Holloway Barbosa 2018 Born: October 1, 1968, White Plains, New York. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard College A.B. Biology 1990; Yale University School of Medicine M.D. 1994; Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health M.P.H. 2000; Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University M.B.A. 2006. Training in Dermatology: Yale University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology Resident 1995-98, Chief 1997-98. Other Training: Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 1998-2000.

534 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Academic Appointments: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: Instructor 1999- 2001; Howard University Department of Dermatology: Instructor 2001-2006; Rush University Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 2006-2019; University of Chicago Section of Dermatology: Associate Professor 2019-Present. Professional Societies: Chicago Dermatological Society: Member at Large, Vice President 2014-2015, Secretary 2015-2018, President 2018-2019, Immediate Past President 2019-2920; Illinois Dermatological Society: Secretary Treasurer 2020-present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1995-2016 and 2018-Present, Patient Advocacy Task Force 2009-2011, Young Physicians Section Representative to the AMA 2003, Young Physicians Section Representative 2002-2003, Guidelines/Outcomes Committee 1999- 2000, Young Member Development Study Group 1999, Quality of Care Committee 1998-1999; Chicago Dermatological Society: President 2018-Present, President-elect 2017-2018, Secretary 2015-2018, Vice President 2012-2013, Plans and Policies Committee Member 2011-present, Member, 2008-Present; Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation: Scientific Advisor 2006-present, Chair, 5th Biannual Patient-Doctor Conference Chicago IL 2014; Dermatology Foundation: Board of Trustees 2001-2006; Skin of Color Society: Founding Board Member Secretary 2003-2006. Outside Interests: Family time, travel, music, reading.

Bruce A. Brod 2018 Born: August 26, 1961 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania, BA 1983; Medical School: University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, MD 1987. Other: University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Certificate in Health Care Innovation 2018. Training in Dermatology: University of Pittsburgh Residency in Dermatology 1988-1991. Other Training: Internship in Internal Medicine Rhode Island Hospital Brown University 1987. Academic Appointments: 1991-1994 Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Dermatology Hahnemann University; 1998-2001 Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; 2001-2013 Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; 2013-present Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Co-Director Contact and Occupational Dermatology Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Professional Societies: Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery: 2002President, 2001Vice-president, 1999/2000Treasurer, 2003-Present, Legislative Coordinator; Philadelphia Dermatological Society: 2013 President; American Contact Dermatitis Society: 2014-2016 President, 2009-2012Vice- President, 2006-2008 Board member; Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME): 2018-present Accreditation Review Committee;American Academy of Dermatology: 2017-present Deputy Chair Government Affairs and Health Policy, 2016 Chair Congressional Policy Committee, 2015 Chair Drug Pricing and Transparency Task Force. 2014 Deputy Chair Congressional Policy Committee, 2014-present, Member, SkinPAC Board, 2014-present Member Patient Safety and Quality Committee, 2012-present, Member Congressional Policy Committee 2014-present, AHTF on State Society Relations 2013-present, Advisor State Policy Committee, 2009-2013 Chair State Policy Committee, 2010 Chair Medical Spa Workgroup, 2010 Member Leadership in Advocacy Workgroup, 2010-2013 Member Membership Committee, 2003-2012 State Society Development Task Force (Chair 2006 -2012), 2005 Model State Society Review Committee/SSDTF, 2005 Dermatologist in Government Workgroup, 2002 Tattoo and Body Piercing Workgroup; American Contact Dermatitis Society; Society of Pediatric Dermatology; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology; Pennsylvania Medical Society; American Medical Association. Outside Interests: Biking, Sailing, Golf, Reading.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 535 Susan Burgin 2018 Born: Johannesburg, South Africa Current Position: Assistant Professor, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. Education: Undergraduate and Medical School: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Training in Dermatology: Resident in Dermatology, University of Witwatersrand 08/96- 06/97; Visiting Senior Resident in Dermatology, New York University 07/97-06/98; Resident in Dermatology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Other Training: Intern, Medicine and Surgery, University of Witwatersrand 03/92-06/92; Fellow, Rheumatology, University of Witwatersrand 07/92-06/93; Resident, Internal Medicine, University of Witwatersrand 07/93-06/96; Intern Internal Medicine, New York University 07/98-06/02 Academic Appointments: 2001-2002 Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine; 2002-2005 Assistant Professor Dermatology New York University School of Medicine; 2005-2007 Instructor Dermatology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; 2007-present Assistant Professor Dermatology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member 2001-present, Member, Medical Student Curriculum Group, Member, Council on Education; 2002-2007 Medical Dermatology Society Member; 2008-Association of the Professors of Dermatology, 2014 Program Committee, Annual Meeting, 2015 Program Chair, Annual Meeting; 2018-present American Dermatological Association Member​. Outside Interests: Family, reading, music, travel.

Oscar R. Colegio 2018 Born: August 7, 1972, McAllen, Texas. Last Position: Chair of Dermatology & Professor of Oncology, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas at Austin, BS Pharmacy, 1995; Graduate School: Yale University, PhD Cell Biology, 2003; Medical School: Yale University, MD, 2004. Training in Dermatology: Yale New Haven Hospital, 2008. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, Yale University, New Haven, CT: Postdoctoral Fellow, 07/2008 – 06/2009; Clinical Instructor of Dermatology, 07/2008 – 06/2009, Instructor of Dermatology 07/2009 – 06/2010, Assistant Professor of Dermatology 07/2010 – 06/2016, Assistant Professor of Pathology 07/2015 – 06/2016, Associate Professor of Dermatology 07/2016 – 11/2018, Associate Professor of Pathology, Yale University, New Haven, CT-07/2016 – 11/2018, Associate Professor of Surgery, Yale University, New Haven, CT-07/2016 – 11/2018; Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY: Professor of Oncology, 11/2018 – Death, Chair of Dermatology 11/2018 – Death. Professional Societies: International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative (ITSCC): President: 2020-2022, Vice President and President-Elect 2018-2020, Treasurer 2017-2018, Secretary of the Board of Directors 2013- 2016, Chair Research Committee 2010-2017, Board of Directors 2009-present, Member, Communications Committee 2008-2009; American Academy of Dermatology (AAD): Member, Mentoring Task Force 2015-present, Member, Melanoma Advisory Task Force 2015-2017, Chair, Transplant Skin Cancer Network Research Committee 2014-2016; Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID): Charter Member, Committee on Diversity & Inclusion 2017-present, Chair, Translational Research Task Force 2013-2015, Chair, Resident Task Force Subcommittee 2009-2010, Resident Representative, Committee on Education 2008-2009, Member, Resident Retreat for Future Academicians 2006,Member, Advocacy Training Program for Residents 2006- 2008; Association of Professors of Dermatology (APD): Member, Program Committee 2019-present. Awards and Honors: Lawrence P. & Joan Castellani Family Endowed Chair in Dermatology-2018; Société

536 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Française de Dermatologie – Honorary Member-2018; American Academy of Dermatology – Young Investigator Award-2017; Yale Dermatology – 12th Annual Jeffrey Schechner Memorial Lecture-2017; American Dermatological Association – Elected Member-2017; Vanderbilt University – Mary Jane and Albert Werthan Visiting Lectureship in Dermatology-2017; Tulane University – Vincent J. Derbes Memorial Lecture-2016; American Society for Clinical Investigation – Young Physician-Scientist Award-2015; New York Academy of Medicine – Emerging Leader in Dermatology-2012; Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society-2004; Rho Chi National Pharmacy Honor Society – Chapter President-1994-1995; Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society – Graduate Fellowship-1993-1995; Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honor Society – Chapter Class President-1993.. Outside Interests: Classical Music, Running, Baking, Football, Kayaking. Deceased June, 2020.

Jonathan Cotliar 2018 Born: Lexington, Kentucky January 11, 1971. Current Position: Faculty Physician, Harbor-UCLA Division of Dermatology, Chief Medical Officer, Science 37. Education: Undergraduate: Trinity College, BA 1993; Medical School: University of Kentucky, MD 1999. Training in Dermatology: David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA 2000-2004. Other Training: Internal Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA 2000-2003. Academic Appointments: UCLA 2004-2009, Northwestern University 2010-2014, City of Hope 2015-2017, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center-2017-current. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Dermatological Association; American College of Physicians; Medical Dermatology Society Board of Directors; Society of Dermatology Hospitalists Board of Directors, American Society of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Hematology, American Telemedicine Association, American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy.

Terrence A. Cronin, Jr. 2018 Born: 1964, New Jersey. Current Practice: Cronin Skin Cancer Center Melbourne, Florida. Education: Undergraduate: 1986 BS Biology Wake Forest University 1988 BS Microbiology University of Florida; Medical School:1992 MD Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Training in Dermatology: University of Miami Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery 1993-1996. Other Training: Internship North Carolina Baptist Hospital 1992-1993. Academic Appointments: Assistant Voluntary Professor University of Miami Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery 1996-present; Consultant, Hopital Sacre Couer, Milot, Haiti 2014-present. Professional Societies: Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery President 2016-2017; Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons President 2002-2003; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, Board of Directors 2014-2018; American Society for Mohs Surgery, President 2006; American Academy of Dermatology, Board of Directors 2016-2020, AAD Advisory Board Chair 2016-2020; Dermatology Advocacy Network (DAN), chair 2008-2011;Women’s Dermatologic Society, Regional networking committee. Awards and Honors: Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons “Surgeon of the Year” 2007, Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery “Practitioner of the Year” 2019, AAD Presidential Citation 2010, 2018. AAD Presidential Service Award 2010, ASMS Distinguished Service Award 2013 Outside Interests: filmmaking, creative writing.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 537 Dawn Davis 2018 Born: August 10, 1974, Kansas City, Missouri Current Position: Mayo Clinic Department of Dermatology, Rochester, Minnesota; Pediatric Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: The University of Missouri, 1996; Medical School: The University of Missouri, 2000. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Rochester, Minnesota; 2003-2006. Chief Resident, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, 2005-2006. Other Training: Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Rochester, Minnesota, 2000-2003; Mayo Foundation Scholar in Pediatric Dermatology, 2006. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Clinical Guidelines Committee for Atopic Dermatitis (and author) 2011-2012, Clinical Guidelines Committee for Psoriasis (and author) 2017-2018, Dialogues in Dermatology board member 2017-2020, Essentials of Pediatric Dermatology workgroup 2016-2018, Practice Management Committee member 2016-2019, Annual Meeting Evaluation Task Force member 2009-2011, World Congress Committee member 2004-2006; Minnesota Dermatologic Society: Annual meeting director 2009, Executive Committee, resident member 2006; National Eczema Association: Coalition United for Better Eczema Care Co-Chair for Derm 2015-Present; Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance: Nominations Committee member 2015-2019; Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Executive Council member 2012, Vice President (two terms) 2013-2017, President-Elect 2017, Annual meeting Co-chair 2016, Junior Faculty and Fellows Committee Co-Chair 2010-2013; World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology meeting Scientific Committee member 2016. Outside Interests: Spending time with family and friends, dance, yoga, hiking, baking, interior design, piano.

Julie C. Harper 2018 Born: April 24, 1969 Sikeston, Missouri. Current Practice: Private Practice: Dermatology and Skin Care Center of Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama. Education: Undergraduate: Southeast Missouri State University BS Interdisciplinary Studies 1991; Medical School: University of Missouri School of Medicine 1996. Training in Dermatology: University of Missouri M.D. 2000. Academic Appointments: University of Alabama-Birmingham 2000-2007 Associate Professor. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology Acne Work Group; Women’s Dermatologic Society; American Acne and Rosacea Society-President 2017-2019, Alabama Dermatology Society President 2009-2010. Outside Interests: Boating/Lake Activities, Travel, Teaching Sunday School.

Jeffrey Alan Klein 2018 Born: Los Angeles, CA. Current Position: Clinical Professor, Dermatology, University of California, Irvine; Clinical Research, Chief R&D, HK Surgical, Inc.; Private Practice, Dermatology, San Juan Capistrano, CA. Education: Undergraduate: University of California, Riverside, BA Mathematics, 1967. Medical School: University of California, San Francisco, MD, 1976 Other: University of California, San Diego, MA Mathematics, 1970; University of California, Berkeley, MPH Biostatistics, 1977.

538 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Training in Dermatology: University of California, Irvine, Dermatology Residency, 1981-1984. Other Training: University of California, Los Angeles, Internal Medicine Residency, 1977-1980; NIH Research Fellowship, University of California, San Francisco, Clinical Pharmacology 1980-1981. Academic Appointments: Clinical Professor, Dermatology, University of California, Irvine; Adjunct Professor, Statistics, University of California, Riverside 2009-2014. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Board of Directors 2009-2012; American Society of Anesthesiologists; International Anesthesiology Research Society; International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis; Surgical Infection Society; International Association for the Study of Pain. Outside Interests: Family Life (Happy Wife, Five Children + “Adopted” two Nephews and one Niece), Travel, Exercise with Trainer daily, Reading. President HK Surgical, Inc. (Anesthesia & Surgical Device Company).

Jo-Ann Latkowski 2018 Born: New Haven, CT. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Residency Program Director, New York University School of Medicine, Chief of Dermatology Manhattan VA Hospital. Education: Undergraduate: University of Puget Sound, Bachelor of Science, 1986; Medical School: New York University School of Medicine, MD, 1995. Training in Dermatology: New York University School of Medicine 1996-1999 Other Training: Internal Medicine Internship, Beth Israel Hospital Boston 1995-1996. Academic Appointments: 1999-2002 Clinical Instructor, Department of Dermatology, NYU School of Medicine, 2002-2016 Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, NYU School of Medicine, 2016-present Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, NYU School of Medicine. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member 1999-present, Resident Physician Committee 1997-1999, Self-assessment Committee 1999-2003; Women’s Dermatological Society 1999-present; The Dermatological Society of Greater New York 2004-present; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphoma 2005-present; Medical Dermatology Society 2005-present; International Cutaneous Lymphoma Society 2006-present; Manhattan Metropolitan Dermatological Society 2007-present President 2015-16; Association of Professors of Dermatology 2008-present, Communication Committee 2017-present, American Dermatological Association 2018-present; Co-founder, Scientific Committee, New York Consortium for Cutaneous Lymphoma 2017-present.

Markham C. Luke 2018 Born: August 27, 1966, New York City, NY. Current Position: Director, Division of Therapeutic Performance, Office of Generic Drugs, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Education: Undergraduate: New York University BA in Biochemistry 1987: Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 1994. Other: Johns Hopkins University PhD in Pharmacology 1994. Training in Dermatology: Washington University Barnes/Jewish/Christian Hospitals, St. Louis, MO 1995-1997. Other Training: National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute Fellowship 1997-1998; Council for Excellence in Government Fellow and Co-Coach 2004-2007. Academic Appointments: Washington University, St. Louis -1995-1997; Howard University, Washington DC -1999-2006; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences -2008-present, Adjunct Associate Professor; U.S. Food and Drug Administration – 1998-2008, Medical Reviewer and Lead Medical Officer for

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 539 Dermatology Drug Products; 2008-present, Supervisory Physician in the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (Office of Device Evaluation), Center for Food Safety and Nutrition (Office of Cosmetics and Colors), and Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (Office of Generic Drugs). Awards: FDA Commissioner’s Award for Excellence 2003, FDA Outstanding Service Award 2006, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Special Recognition Award 2008, FDA Special Center for Devices and Radiological Health Leveraging and Collaboration Award 2012, American Academy of Dermatology Stars of the Academy Award 2016, FDA Excellence in Communication Award 2018. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Food and Drug Law Institute. Outside Interests: Photography, Music (Banjo, Guitar).

Aimee S. Payne 2018 Born: Oregon USA. Current Position: Professor with tenure, 2006-present University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA. Education: Undergraduate: Stanford University, BS in Biology, 1993; Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine, MD/PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2001. Training in Dermatology: University of Pennsylvania, 2002-2005. Other Training: Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 2004-2006; Internal Medicine Internship, Pennsylvania Hospital, 2001-2002. Academic Appointments: University of Pennsylvania: Assistant Professor, 2006-2015, Associate Professor with tenure, 2015-2020, Professor with tenure 2020-present, Associate Director Penn Medical Scientist Trainint Program 2010-present, Director Penn Clinical Autoimmunity Center of Excellence 2019-present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors, Committee on Finance; Dermatology Foundation: Medical and Scientific Committee; American Society for Clinical Investigation 2016-present; Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation Medical Advisory Concil 2019-present; Cabaletta Bio co-founder and co-chair of Scientific Advisory Board; NIAMS Board of Scientific Counselors 2017-present.

Roberta D. Sengelmann 2018 Born: September 30, 1966, New York, New York. Current Practice: Owner, Santa Barbara Skin Institute, Dermatologic Surgeon, Cosmetic Surgeon. Education: Undergraduate: Middlebury College Bachelor of Arts 1988; Medical School: New York Medical College Doctor of Medicine 1993. Other: Internal Medicine Internship 1993-1994. Training in Dermatology: The University of Texas Health Science Center MD Anderson 1994-1997. Other Training: Fellowship in Mohs/Advanced Dermatologic Surgery University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 1997-1998. Academic Appointments: Clinical Instructor, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 1997-1998; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dermatology and Otolaryngology, Washington University School of Medicine, 1998-2006; Associate Professor of Medicine, Dermatology and Otolaryngology, Washington University School of Medicine 2006-2007; Associate Clinical Professor, Dermatology, University of Irvine, 2013-Present. Professional Societies (Selected list): American Medical Association (Member); American Academy of Dermatology: AAD, Media Expert Team (Member) 2007-Present; Future of Mohs Surgery Workgroup (Member) 2005, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Member) 2004-Present, Office-Based Medicine

540 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Task Force (Member) 2002-2004, Poster Exhibits Task Force (Member) 2003-2004, Surgical Dermatology Study Group, Program for “Dermatology in the 21st Century (Member) 1999-2000; American College of Mohs Surgery: Fellow 2002-Present, ACMS/ACMMSCO, Fellowship Training Committee of the Site Inspection and Slide Review Board (Member) 2005-2009, ACMS/ACMMSCO, ACGME Application Task Force for SISRB Fellowship Training Committee 2006-Present; ACMS/ACMMSCO Frederic E. Mohs Award Selection Committee Member 2004-2006; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Fellow, Post Graduate Education Work Group, Body of Knowledge Implementation Team (Member) 2005-2007, Leadership Development Task Force (Member) 2007, Advanced Dermatologic Surgery Education Committee (Member) 2003-2006, Research Committee (Member) 2003-2005, Cutting Edge Research Grant Committee (Member) 2001-2004, Public Service Committee (Member) 2000-2003, Women Derm Surgeons Committee (Co-Founder and Co- Chair) 2002-2006; American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (Fellow); American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (Fellow); Pacific Dermatologic Association (Member); Central Coast Medical Association (Member); Tri-County Dermatologic Society (Member); Missouri Dermatological Society (Member); International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative: Secretary 2004-2007, Clinical Guidelines Committee (Member) 2002-2005, Liaison Committee (Member) 2002-Present, Board of Directors 2002-2004; Woman’s Dermatologic Societ:, Executive Committee, Mentorship Committee (Member) 2002-Present; American Board of Dermatology, Test Committee 2005-2008. Outside Interests: Family, raising my four young children, team building, mentoring, athletics: swimming, running, volleyball, hiking, The Great Outdoors.

Jeffrey Sugarman 2018 Born: January 13, 1965, Washington DC. Current Position/Practice: Medical Director Redwood Family Dermatology; Clinical Professor-vol in Dermatology and Family Medicine University of California, San Francisco. Education: Undergraduate: UC Berkeley BA Neurobiology 1987; Medical School: UC San Diego 1996. Other: PhD Biomedical Science UC San Diego 1995. Training in Dermatology: UC San Francisco 1999-2002. Other Training: Pediatric Residency University of Washington 1996-1999 Academic Appointments: 2002-2003 Clinical Instructor, University of California, San Francisco, Department of Dermatology; 2003-2009 Assistant Clinical Professor-Vol, University of California, San Francisco, Departments of Dermatology, Family and Community Medicine 2009- 2019; Associate Clinical Professor-Vol, University of California, San Francisco, Departments of Dermatology, Family and Community Medicine2019-present full Clinical Professor-Vol, University of California, San Francisco, Departments of Dermatology, Family and Community Medicine, Professional Societies: (Selected) 1996-present American Academy of Pediatrics; 1999-present American Academy of Dermatology; 2000-present Society for Pediatric Dermatology; 2002-present California Medical Association; 2002-present Sonoma County Medical Association; 2002-2009 Sonoma County Dermatology Society; 2005-present American Contact Dermatitis Society; 2009-present Northern California Dermatology Society; 2009-present California Society for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; 2014-present Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance; 2015-2018 Executive Board Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA). Outside Interests: Ceramics, grape growing.

Jean Yuh Tang 2018 Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: 1995 Biochemistry UC Berkeley; Medical School: Stanford University School of Medicine 2003. Other: 2003-04 Internship, Transitional Program, Santa Clara Valley Hospital; San Jose, CA; 2006-09 Fellowship, CTSA K12 Scholar Program, UC San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 541 Training in Dermatology: 2004-07 Residency, Dermatology, Stanford University; Stanford, CA. Academic Appointments: 2008-09 Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology University of California San Francisco, 2009-2013 Assistant Professor of Dermatology Stanford University Medical Center, 2014-2018 Associate Professor of Dermatology Stanford University Medical Center, 2018-Professor of Dermatology, Stanford University Medical Center. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Society of Investigative Dermatology; American Association of Cancer Research; Women’s Dermatology Society; American Dermatological Association; 2014- present Clinical Scholars Director, Department of Dermatology; 10/2017 Study section, NIAMS AMSC Clinical trial Study section (external reviewer);2012-13 Vice-President, American Dermato-Epidemiology Network; 2014-15 President, American Dermato-Epidemiology Network; 2015-present Co-Director, AACR Molecular Biology for Clinical Oncology.

Sarah Tuttleton Arron 2019 Born: September 3, 1974, New York, New York. Current Position: Medical Director, Rakuten Medical. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard College, Bachelor of Science, 1996; Graduate School: The Rockefeller University, Doctor of Philosophy, 2002; Medical School: Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Doctor of Medicine, 2003. Training in Dermatology: Residency in Dermatology, University of California San Francisco, 2008. Fellowship in Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology, University of California San Francisco, 2007. Other Training: Master of Science in Clinical Research, University of California San Francisco, 2012. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, University of California San Francisco: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 2008-2014, Associate Professor of Dermatology 2014-2020. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology, member 2005-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology, member 2006-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, member 2006-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society, member 2007-present, Career Development Committee 2013-2016; International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative, member 2008-present, Board of Directors 2010-2013, Scientific Program Director 2012, Treasurer 2014-2017; American College of Mohs Surgery, member 2011-present, Board of Directors 2017-2020, Chair, Annual Meeting Scientific Committee 2019, Registry and Outcomes Committee 2014-present, Newsletter Committee 2013-2016, Public Relations Committee 2014-2017; Association of Professors of Dermatology, member 2013-present; NCI Keratinocyte Carcinoma Consortium (KeraCon), member 2014-present, Steering Committee 2014-present; American Medical Informatics Association, member 2018-present. Awards and Honors: American College of Mohs Surgery Distinguished Service Award, 2016; UCSF Department of Dermatology Teacher of the Year, 2013. Outside Interests: Textile arts, science fiction, and travel.

Daniel D. Bennett 2019 Born: October 2, 1972; Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Current Position: Vice Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Wisconsin – Madison. Education: Undergraduate: Rice University, Houston, TX, BA 1994; Medical School: Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, MD 1999. Training in Dermatology: Residency, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 2004; Dermatopathology Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 2011.

542 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Scholars Program, Bethesda, MD 1996-1997; University of Texas Southwestern Physician-Scientist T raining Program, Dallas, TX 2003-2004. Academic Appointments: Texas A&M Health Science Center – College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (Dermatology): Assistant Professor 2005-2010; University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 2011-2015, Associate Professor 2015-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology/Association: Fellow, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 2019-present, Chair, Mohs Micrographic Surgery Committee 2017-2019, Co-chair Expert Resource Group for Quality and Patient Safety Officers 2014-present; Deputy Chair Regulatory Policy Committee, 2018-2019, Chair Leadership Forum Workgroup 2016-2018, Member (current or past): Government Affairs and Health Policy Council, Council of Community, Corporate and Philanthropic Relations, Leadership Development Steering Committee, Scientific Assembly Committee, Health Care Finance Committee; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Delegate 2014-present, Alternate Delegate (2009-2013), AMA House of Delegates; American Society for Dermatopathology: Fellow, Membership Committee 2016-2017, Quality Task Force 2017-2018, AUC Rating Panel Member (AAD representative) 2019-present; Wisconsin Medical Society: Member 2015-2019, Executive Committee at-large member 2016-2018, Board of Directors, Vice Chair 2017-present, member (2015-present), WISMedPAC Board of Directors, Vice Chair (2014-2016), member (2013-2016), Council on Healthcare Access; Dane County Medical Society: President 2014-2015, Secretary-Treasurer 2012-2013; American Medical Association; College of American Pathologists, Fellow; Wisconsin Dermatological Society. Awards and Honors: Madison Magazine “Top Doctors” 2018; UW Health Patient Experience Physician Champion Award 2015; American Academy of Dermatology Association Presidential Citation 2014. Outside Interests: Time with family, travel, bicycling.

Alina Grzybowski Bridges 2019 Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Education: Undergraduate: Rutgers University BA, Zoology 1981-1985; Medical School: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine 1990-1994. Other: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 1985-1988; University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, PGY-1, 1994 – 1995. Training in Dermatology: University of Cincinnati Medical Center 1995-1998. Other Training: Dermatopathology fellowship, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, 1999-2000; Immunodermatology fellowship, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, 2000-2001. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology and Department of laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota, 2001-2016; Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology and Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota, 2017-present. Professional Societies: American Medical Association Relative Value Scale (RVS) Update Committee (RUC);; American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology: Maintenance of Certification Committee, Health Policy and Work Value; International Society of Dermatopathology; American Dermatological Association; Minnesota Medical Association; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Society for Dermatology Hospitalists; Women’s Dermatologic Society; Editorial member of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology; Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services MACRA Hospital Medicine Clinical Subcommittee; FDA and AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) led team for the development of a standard / technical information report TIR42 titled, “Particulate Limits for Intravascular Medical Devices”.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 543 Outside Interests: Bodybuilding, rowing, biking, dancing, shopping, fashion, gourmet cooking, wine, dance mom and hockey mom.

Isaac Brownell 2019 Born: July 29, 1969, Chicago, Illinois. Current Position: Investigator and Head, Cutaneous Development and Carcinogenesis Section. Dermatology Branch, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH. Bethesda, MD. Education: Undergraduate: University of Maryland at College Park, Maryland. Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Science Mathematics. 1992; Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. 2003. Other: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. PhD Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2002; Internship Christus St Joseph Hospital. Houston, TX. 2004. Training in Dermatology: New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY. 2007. Other Training: Sloan-Kettering Institute, New York, NY. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship with Dr. Alexandra Joyner. 2010; U.S. Peace Corps volunteer. Information Technology Instructor, School of Business Studies, Seychelles Polytechnic, Republic of Seychelles, Africa. 1992-1994. Academic Appointments: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY. Dermatology Service Attending Physician/Instructor 2007-2010; Investigator and Head, Cutaneous Development and Carcinogenesis Section Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, NIH. Bethesda MD 2011-2017; Investigator and Head, Cutaneous Development and Carcinogenesis Section. Dermatology Branch, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH. Bethesda, MD 2017-present; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD. 2015-present; Adjunct investigator, Genitourinary Malignancies Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD. 2017-present. Professional Societies: Member, Society for Investigative Dermatology; Member, Society for Developmental Biology; Member, Dermatology Foundation; Member, American Hair Research Society; Member, American Association for Cancer Research; Member, American Society for Clinical Investigation; Member, European Society for Dermatological Research. Outside Interests: Hiking and camping. Foreign travel.

Jennifer Nam Choi 2019 Born: Salem, Massachusetts. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard University BA 1998; Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine MD 2003. Other: Internship: Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine 2003-2004. Training in Dermatology: Resident: Yale University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology 2004-2007; Chief Resident: Yale University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology 2006-2007. Academic Appointments: 7/2007-6/2008 Instructor, Department of Dermatology, Yale University School of Medicine, 7/2008-8/2015Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Yale University School of Medicine, 7/2010-8/2015 Director/Founder, Yale Oncodermatology Clinic, Smilow Cancer Center, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Yale University School of Medicine, 9/2015-present Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL; 9/2015-present Chief, Division of Oncodermatology, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chicago, IL.

544 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: Association of Professors of Dermatology (APD) Member,2018-present; Medical Dermatology Society: Member 2009-present, Committee on Finance 2018-present, Mentor, 2011-present; Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC): Chair, Oncodermatology Working Group 2017-present, Vice-Chair, Skin Toxicity Working Group 2015-2017; American Academy of Dermatology: Member, Working Group, Academic Dermatology Leadership Program (ADLP) 2016-present, Poster Exhibits Task Force Member 2015-2017; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Member 2007-present, Regional Group Committee 2015-present Member, Communications Committee 2015-present;, New England Dermatological Society Member 2013-2015. Awards and Honors: American Academy of Dermatology Academic Dermatology Leadership Program​ participant, 2012; Top Docs of Connecticut: 2012-2015; American Academy of Dermatology Academic Dermatology Advanced Leadership Forum participant, 2017; Mentor of the Year Award, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Department of Dermatology, 2017; Compassionate Care Award, Melanoma Research Foundation, 2018; Teacher of the Year Award, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Department of Dermatology, 2019; Outstanding Teacher Award, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2019. Outside Interests: Hiking, travel, reading, spending time with family.

Tammie Ferringer 2019 Born: May 2, 1972, Kittanning, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Section Head and Fellowship Director of Dermatopathology, Geisinger Medical Center Education: Undergraduate: Pennsylvania State University, New Kensington, 1990-1992, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Bachelor of Science, 1992-1993; Medical School: Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1998. Training in Dermatology: Geisinger Medical Center, 2002. Other Training: Dermatopathology, Medical University of South Carolina, 2004. Academic Appointments: Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine; Clinical Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Department of Pathology, Temple University School of Medicine. Society Memberships: American Society of Dermatopathology: Secretary-Treasurer Elect, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Program Committee, Program Committee Chair, Organizational Structure Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Appropriate Use Committee, Online Interactive Case Study Director, Maintenance of Certification Committee Chair, Quality Assurance Work Group Director, Fellowship In-Training Self-Assessment Director; American Academy of Dermatology: Leadership and Development Steering Committee, Chair, Scientific Assembly Committee, 2020 Summer Meeting Planning Workgroup Chair, Dermatopathology Rapid Response Committee, Leadership Forum Chair, Mentoring Work Group Chair, Poster Exhibits Task Force Chair, Academic Dermatology Leadership Program Work Group, MOCmd(DSAP) Work Group, Priorities Committee; American Board of Dermatology: Board of Directors, Finance and Audit Committee, Examination of the Future Committee, Maintenance of Certification Committee, Certifying Examination Committee, BASIC Examination Committee, Dermatopathology Content Development Committee (vice-chair), Dermatopathology Curriculum Committee, Joint Policy Committee for Dermatopathology (vice- chair); American Board of Medical Specialties: Committee on Continuing Certification; Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education: Dermatology Residency Review Committee and Dermatopathology Milestone Work Group; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Mentorship Committee; American Board of Pathology Test Development and Advisory Committee on Dermatology (vice-chair); International Society of Dermatopathology: Executive Committee, Visiting Scholar Committee Chair; Association of Professors of Dermatology: member. Awards and Honors: American Society of Dermatopathology Walter R. Nickel Award for Excellence in Teaching of Dermatopathology 2019, American Academy of Dermatology Academic Dermatology Leadership Program 2007, Alpha Omega Alpha 1998. Outside Interests: Travel, reading, cooking, yoga.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 545 Laura Korb Ferris 2019 Born: September 30, 1971, Allentown Pennsylvania. Current Position: University of Pittsburgh, Department of Dermatology. Education Institution: Undergraduate: Marquette University BA Biology 1993; Medical School: University of Maryland MD 2002. Other: Johns Hopkins University PhD Immunology 1999. Training in Dermatology: University of Pittsburgh 2003-2006. Academic Appointments: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine: Assistant Professor Department of Dermatology 2006 – 2013, Director Clinical Trials Office Department of Dermatology 2007 – present; Assistant Professor Clinical and Translational Science Institute 2009 – 2013 Associate Professor of Dermatology and Clinical and Translational Science 2013 – present; Chief of Dermatology, UPMC St. Margaret Hospital 2018 – present. Professional Societies: Dermatology Foundation, Associate Member 2006-2007; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 2006-present, Leadership program 2006, media expert team 2013 – present, advanced leadership program 2016; Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology: Member 2014-present, scientific committee 2014-present, board of directors 2017-present, secretary 2019-present; Dermatology Foundation, Co-chair for Western PA 2008-2009; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Editorial Board. Outside Interests: Cooking, running.

Stephen Helms 2019 Born: December 19, 1948 Altoona, Pennsylvania. Current Position: Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Mississippi Medical Center. Education: Undergraduate: Youngstown State University AB 1970; Medical School: The Ohio State University College of Medicine MD 1973. Training in Dermatology: University of Pittsburgh 1975-1978. Academic Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor Northeast Ohio University College of Medicine 1985-2003; Associate Professor Northeast Ohio University College of Medicine 2003-2013; Assistant Clinical Professor Case Western Reserve College of Medicine 1985-2013; Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Mississippi Medical Center. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1978-2019: Postgraduate Courses Committee 1997-2001, FDA Liaison Task Force March 2000-2002, Environment and Drugs Committee 2003-2004, Physician Quality Reporting Initiative/Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement, Melanoma Work Group 2007-2014, Annual Meeting Evaluation Task Force 2011, Annual Meeting Evaluation Task Force (Teaching Performance and Recognition Subcommittee---chairperson) 2011, Professional Expert Evaluation Review (PEER) Program 2012 to present, Electronic Medical Record Implementation Task Force (Co-Chair) 2014, (Chairman) 2015-2016, Practice Management/Operations Committee –2014—2017, 2015 (Deputy Chair), 2016 -17 (Chairman), Needs Assessment and Outcomes Committee –2015, 2016, 2017, GAHPP- Council on Government Affairs, Health Policy & Practice 2016-2017, Council on Practice Management 2017, 2018, Education Research Committee 2018; American Contact Dermatitis Society 1992-2019; NOAH Worchester Society 2017-2019; American Medical Association 1978-2019; Ohio Dermatological Association 1979-2013: Chairman Pharmacy Committee 1995 to 2008, Secretary 2002-2004. Ohio State Medical Association 1978-2019; Cleveland Dermatological Society 1979-2013; Mississippi State Medical Association 2013-2019; The Dermatology Foundation, Leader’s Society. Awards: AAD Leadership Circle for Volunteerism 2006; Department of Dermatology Nomination: Quality and Patient Safety Award 2014; Q Award for Patient Safety UMMC, October 2015; 2018-2019 Faculty Teaching Award—UMMC Department of Dermatology. Outside Interests: Traveling, reading, old movies, cars.

546 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Whitney High 2019 Born: Boulder, Colorado Current Position: Professor and Vice-Chair, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Refining 1995. Medical School: Mayo School of Medicine, Rochester, MN -Doctor of Medicine, 2000. Other: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO – Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Refining 1996; University of Denver Sturm School of Law, Denver, CO – Juris Doctorate, 2009. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas – 2001-2004. Other Training: Certification in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Gorgas Institute, Lima, Peru – 2005. Academic Appointments: University of Colorado School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pathology – 2005-2008, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pathology – 2008-2018, Full Professor of Dermatology and Pathology 2018 to present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society of Dermatopathology. Outside Interests: Family, Outdoors.

Eva A. Hurst 2019 Born: February 1, 1976 Yellville, Arkansas. Current Position: Director, Dermatologic Surgery, Distinctive Dermatology, Fairview Heights, Illinois. Education: Undergraduate: Hendrix College; Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry 1998; Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine MD 2002 Training in Dermatology: 2003-2006 Dermatology Residency; University of California, San Francisco. Other Training: Mohs and Procedural Dermatology Fellowship 2006-2007 University of California, San Francisco. Academic Appointments: Washington University in St. Louis: Associate Professor 2007-2020, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine 2020-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Dermatological Association, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American College of Mohs Surgery, Women’s Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Cooking, reading, wine collecting/tasting.

Leslie Potter Lawley 2019 Born: Atlanta Georgia. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Vanderbilt University BA 1995; Medical School: Emory University MD 2001. Training in Dermatology: Emory University 2002-2005. Other Training: Northwestern University (Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship) 2005-2007. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology Emory University 2007-2015, Secondary appointment in Pediatrics starting in 2010, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Emory

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 547 University 2017-present. Professional Societies: Society for Pediatric Dermatology: Member 2004-present, Membership Chair 2009- 2014, Vice President of Membership Practice Management Patient and Practice Advocacy 2014-2016, Nominations committee 2017-present, Strategic Planning Committee 2013 and 2016; Pediatric Dermatology Research Allianc, member 2014-present, assistant treasurer 2018-2019, treasurer 2019-present; American Academy of Dermatology: resident member 2002-2005, Fellow member 2005-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology 2003-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society 2004-present; International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies 2017-present; American Dermatological Association 2019-present; Georgia Society of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery 2007-present; Atlanta Association for Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery 2007-present. Outside Interests: Playing Tennis, running, traveling with my family, working with Camp Juliette Low.

Eve Lowenstein 2019 Born: May 25, 1967 New York. Current Position: Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Director of Medical Dermatology, SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn SUNY-HSCB; Director of Medical Dermatology, Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn NY; Associate, South Nassau Dermatology PC, Oceanside and Long Beach, NY. Education: Undergraduate: Queens College BA 1984-1988; Medical School: New York University MSTP/ MS MD PhD program 1988-1995; Internship, Internal Medicine, Long Island Jewish Hospital, New Hyde Park, NY 1995-1996. Training in Dermatology: Residency in Dermatology, Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC 1996- 1999; Chief Resident in Dermatology, Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC 1998-1999. Academic Appointments: 1/19-present Clinical Professor of Dermatology, SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn SUNY-HSCB; 9/14-present Director of Medical Dermatology, SUNY HSC Brooklyn Downstate, Brooklyn NY; 9/14-presentDirector of Medical Dermatology, Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn NY; 6/06-present Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology, State University of New York-Health Science Center at Brooklyn (SUNY-HSCB) 7/07-10/13; Chief of Dermatology, Brookdale University Hospital, Brooklyn, NY; 7/99-5/06 Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology SUNY-HSCB; 7/99-present Associate, South Nassau Dermatology, PC. single specialty group private practice; 4/30/01-present Attending physician, South Nassau Community Hospital (Oceanside, NY); 4/10/00-present Attending physician, Kings County Hospital Center (Brooklyn, NY); 1/13/00-presentAttending physician, SUNY HSCB (Brooklyn, NY); 7/01/07-10/13 Attending physician, Brookdale Hospital Medical Center (Brooklyn, NY); 9/26/02-9/06Attending physician, Long Beach Hospital (Long Beach, NY); 1/00-9/07 Attending physician, Mercy Medical Center (Garden City, NY). Professional Societies: 2019-present American Dermatological Association; 2017-present Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine; 2010-present American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery; 2008-present International Hyperhidrosis Society; 2014-present International pemphigus and pemphigoid foundation; 2002 Dermatology Foundation Scholar’s circle; 2000-present American Contact Dermatitis Society; 1999-present American Society of Dermatologic Surgery; American Academy of Dermatology: 1998-presdent Fellow, 2012-present Volunteer IDEA panel, 2012-16 Corporate Relations Task Force Workgroup, 2012-16 Patient Advocate Task Force, 2012-16 Core Curriculum Task Force, 3/10-3/13Annual Meeting Evaluation Task Force, 2/08-2/12 Member History Committee, 2003-07 CME task force, 3/1/04- 3/1/08 Poster exhibit task force; 1998-2019 Society for Investigative Dermatology; 1997-presdent Women’s Dermatologic Society. Outside Interests: Family, forensics, history, paleopathology, literature (religion, philosophy, biography), yoga, kickboxing, cycling, downhill and cross country skiing, hiking.

548 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Patricia L. Myskowski 2019 Born: August 30, 1950, Washington, D.C. Current Position: Attending Physician, Dermatology Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer, New York. Education: Undergraduate: Brown University, A.B. Biology, 1972; Medical School: Brown University: Sc.M. Biology, 1974; M.D. 1975. Training in Dermatology: New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center, New York, NY, 1977-1980. Other Training: Fellow: Dermatology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, 1980-1981. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medical College: Assistant Professor of Medicine,1981-1988; Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine, 1989-1995; Associate Professor, Dermatology, 1995-2007; Professor of Dermatology 2007-present Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, 1981-present; American Medical Association: member, 1990-present; Manhattan/Metropolitan Dermatologic Society: member, 1990-present, President, 1991-1992, Treasurer, 1997-2018; Physicians Scientific Society: member, 2006-present; New York Dermatological Society: member, 2009-present, President, 2013-2014; American Dermatological Association: member, 2019-present Awards and Honors: Alfred Noyes Foundation Fellowship, Summer, 1971; American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Clinical Fellow, July 1982 -June 1985; Howard Fox Lectureship, NY Academy of Medicine, Dermatology Section, March 2, 2010 Outside Interests: Fishing, opera and family.

Beth S. Ruben 2019 Born: September 18, 1962; Rochester, Minnesota. Current Position: Director of Dermatopathology, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, California; Professor (volunteer), Dermatopathology, UC San Francisco. Education: Undergraduate: University of California, San Diego (Revelle College), La Jolla, CA BA 1985; Medical School: Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA MD 1989. Other: Internship Internal medicine California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA 1989-90. Training in Dermatology: Resident; University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA 1990-93. Other Training: Dermatopathology Fellowship; University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 1996-97. Academic Appointments: University of California, Davis, Sacramento: 1993-2001 Assistant professor, Residency Program Director 1999-2001; Vice-Chair 2001; University of California, San Francisco: 2004-2015; Assistant Professor 2004-2007’ Associate Professor 2007-2013, Professor, 2013-15; Dermatopathology Fellowship; Associate Program Director 2007-2010, Program Director 2010-15. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology member 1992-present; American Society of Dermatopathology: member 1997-present, Board of Directors 2011-2014; International Society of Dermatopathology: member 1997-present, Executive committee 2010-16; Council for Nail Disorders: member 2006-present; President 2012-2014; Women’s Dermatologic Society member 1998-present; International Nail Society; founding member, 2019; San Francisco Dermatological Society: member 2004-present, President 2008-2009; Sacramento Valley Dermatologic Society: member 1990-2004, President 1999-2000, Noah Worcester Dermatological Society member 2018-present. Awards and Honors: Phi Beta Kappa; Teacher of the Year, UCSF Dermatology; Outstanding Teacher Award in Pathology, UC Berkeley/UCSF Joint Medical Program.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 549 Outside Interests: Spending time with my husband Mark, our twins Hannah and Sam and our three Goldens, gardening, knitting, cooking, music, peloton, travel.

Dawn Siegel 2019 Born: Pennsylvania 1969. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology Medical College of Wisconsin. Education: Undergraduate: Northwestern University B.S. 1992; Medical School: University of Wisconsin, Madison, M.D., 1998 Training in Dermatology: Residency: 2003-2006 University of California, San Francisco. Other Training: 1998-2000: Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin; 2006-2007: Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship, University of California, San Francisco. Academic Appointments: 2007-2010 Oregon Health and Sciences University Portland Oregon; 2010-present: Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. Professional Societies: Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA): 2012 -2015 Member Executive Steering Committee, 2016 -2020 President; 2016 -Present Executive Board Member, PHACE Syndrome Community; 2000 -Present Society for Pediatric Dermatology; 2003 -Present American Academy of Dermatology; 2008 -Present International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies; 2010 -Present Society for Investigative Dermatology; 2019 -Present American Dermatological Association; 2009 -Present Member, Costello Syndrome Family Support Network (CSFN) Professional Advisory Board; 2013 -Present Medical Advisory Board, Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types (FIRST); 2014 -Present Advisory Board Member, PHACE Syndrome Community Medical Advisory Board. Outside Interests: Spending time with family, hiking, and traveling.

Jennifer A. Stein 2019 Born: February 21, 1974, New York, New York Current Position: Professor of Dermatology, NYU School of Medicine Education: Undergraduate: Yale University 1996; Medical School: NYU School of Medicine 2004. Other: PhD NYU School of Medicine 2002. Training in Dermatology: NYU School of Medicine 2008. Academic Appointments: New York University School of Medicine: Assistant Professor 2009 – 2015; Associate Professor 2015 – 2019; Professor 2019 – present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: member, 2008 – present, Performance Measurement Committee, Patient-Related Outcomes Workgroup Co-Chair 2015-16, Performance Measurement Committee, Melanoma Workgroup Co-Chair 2016-present, Performance Measurement Committee, Needs Assessment Workgroup 2018 – present; Women’s Dermatology Society 2007 – present; International Dermoscopy Society 2007 – present, Resident Dermoscopy Bowl Co-Chair 2017 – present; International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative 2009 – present; Association of Professors of Dermatology -2018 – present; New York Dermatological Society 2019 – present. Outside Interests: Musical theater, yoga, going to restaurants, and spending time with my husband and our two sons.

Nancy E. Thomas 2019 Born: March 27, 1958, Chicago Heights, Illinois. Current Position: Chair and Irene and Robert Alan Briggaman Distinguished Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

550 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Education: Undergraduate: University of Chicago, Chicago, Bachelor of Arts, 1980; Graduate School: Rockefeller University, New York, Doctor of Philosophy, 1986; Medical School: Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, Doctor of Medicine, 1987. Training in Dermatology: University of Rochester, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY 1992; Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Dermatology, University of Rochester, Rochester 1988-1989 Other Training: Surgical Internship, Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, Rochester 1987-1988 Academic Appointments: Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2017-present; Vice Chair, Department of Dermatology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2016- 2017; Irene and Robert Alan Briggaman Distinguished Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2011-present; Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2010- 2011; Associate Professor (tenured 2008), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2004-2010; Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Director of the Dermatology Clinic, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2000-2040; Clinical Assistant Professor (adjunct faculty), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1992- 2000; Dermatologist (Titles: Senior Physician, Lead Dermatologist, Specialty Module Leader), The Carolina Permanente Medical Group, Chapel Hill, NC 1992-1999. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: fellow 1992-present; Society of Investigative Dermatology: member 2003-present; North Carolina Dermatology Association: member 2005-present, President 2008, Vice-President 2007, Secretary-Treasurer 2006; Woman’s Dermatology Association: member 2018-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology: member 2016-present; Society for Melanoma Research 2004-present; member, PanAmerican Society for Pigment Cell Research (PASPCR) and International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies: member 2017-present. Awards and Honors: UNC Health Care and UNC Faculty Physicians Award for Carolina Care Excellence 2015, 16, 17, 18; Graduate of the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® (ELAM) Program for Women 2012; The Best Doctors in America 2009-present; Top Doctors -Business North Carolina 2014-present. Outside Interests: Traveling, art.

Amber Reck Atwater 2020 Born: October 3, 1976, Sterling, Illinois. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology; Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Allergy & Immunology; Residency Program Director; Duke Dermatology. Education: High School: Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Aurora, IL, 1994; Undergraduate: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Bachelor of Science, 1998; Medical School: University of Illinois – Chicago College of Medicine, 2002. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, University of Wisconsin Hospitals & Clinics, Madison, WI, 2008. Other Training: Internal Medicine Residency, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, 2005 Academic Appointments: Duke Dermatology: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Track IV, 2008-2013; Associate Professor of Dermatology, Track IV, 2013-2017; Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Allergy & Immunology, Track IV, 2017-present; Associate Professor of Dermatology, with Tenure Track I, 2018-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: member 2005-present, Corporate Relations Committee 2017-20, Education Research Committee 2019-present, Sulzberger Committee 2017-20; American Contact Dermatitis Society: member 2007-present, Annual Meeting Committee 2013-18 and Chair 2016-17, CAMP QA Committee 2014-16, Board of Directors 2014-17, Task Forces Business Policy & Academic Positioning 2017-18, Mid-Year Meeting Committee 2-17-18, Fundraising Committee Chair 2017-19, Investment Committee 2017-present, President-Elect 2017-19, President 2019-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 2008-present, Mentorship Committee 2014-17, Membership Committee

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 551 2018-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology: member 2010-present; Dermatology Teachers Exchange Group: member 2010-present; European Society of Contact Dermatitis: member 2014-present; North American Contact Dermatitis Group: member 2017-present. Awards and Honors: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Phi Beta Kappa 1998, Magna cum laude 1998; University of Illinois – Chicago College of Medicine: Alpha Omega Alpha 2001, Graduation with Honors 2002; Duke University Health System: Strength, Hope and Caring Award 2018; PDC Safety and Quality Committee, Duke University Health System: Good Catch Award 2018; American Contact Dermatitis Society: President’s Citation 2017 and 2019. Outside Interests: Travel, history, reading.

Christian Lee Baum 2020 Born: June 18, 1976; Ames, Iowa. Current Position: Mayo Clinic College of Medicine: Consultant and Vice Chair, Department of Dermatology, Associate Professor of Dermatology. Education: Undergraduate: Iowa State University Bachelor of Science 1998; Medical School: University of Iowa Doctor of Medicine 2005. Other: Iowa State University Master of Science 2001. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 2006-2009; Chief Resident 2008-2009. Other Training: Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology Fellowship, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 2009-2010. Academic Appointments: Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic: Assistant Professor 2010-2016, Associate Professor 2016-2020, Professor 2020-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Member,2006-Present, Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Guidelines Taskforce 2014-2015, Resident and Fellow Committee 2008-2010; American College of Mohs Surgery: Member 2010-Present, Board of Directors 2018-Present, National Registry and Outcomes Committee 2015-Present, Data Use Subcommittee Chair 2016-2018, Tromovitch Committee 2013-2016; American Medical Association: Member 2011-Present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Member 2006-Present, Young Dermatologic Surgeons Workgroup Chair 2009-2012 Co-chair, 2012-2013, Policy and Research Priorities Workgroup 2015-2017, Education Workgroup 2013-2016, Board of Directors Resident Representative 2008-2009, Audit Committee 2015-2017, Skin Cancer Patient Experience Task Force 2017-2018; Association of Professors of Dermatology: Member 2014-Present; Iowa Dermatologic Society: Member 2006-Present; Minnesota Dermatologic Society Member 2011-Present; O’Leary Society, Member 2011-Present. Outside Interests: Spending time with family, traveling, hiking, fly fishing, mountain biking, cooking,

Jaehyuk Choi 2020 Born: September 17, 1976. Seoul, South Korea. Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: Harvard University, Bachelor of Arts, Biochemistry, 1998; Medical School: Yale School of Medicine 2006. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology, Yale School of Medicine 2010. Other Training: Genetics, Yale School of Medicine 2010. Academic Appointments: Yale School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology: Instructor 2010-2012, Assistant Professor 2012-2015. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Department of Dermatology 2015-Present

552 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Professional Societies: JAAD Case Reports: Editorial Board 2015-Present; Leukemia and Lymphoma: Editorial Board 2015-Present; Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation: Research Advisory Board 2018-Present; American Academy of Dermatology: Member 2010-Present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: Member 2010-Present; Merkel Cell Carcinoma Forum: Member 2012-Present; United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium: Member 2010-Present; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas: Member 2019-Present; Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer: Member 2019-Present Awards and Honors: National Science Scholar 1998; summa cum laude Harvard University 1998; MD/PhD Thesis Prize for Most Outstanding Thesis of Class of 2006; Yale School of Medicine cum laude 2006; Alpha Omega Alpha Yale School of Medicine 2006; New Investigator Award Leukemia Research Foundation2016; Clinical Investigator Award Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation 2016; Clinical Scientist Award Doris Duke Charitable Foundation 2016; New Innovator Award NIH 2017; Young Leadership Award, American Dermatological Association 2018; Compassionate Care Award Melanoma Research Foundation 2018; Young Investigator Award National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2019; Scholar Leukemia and Lymphoma Society 2020; Research Scholar Award American Cancer Society 2020.. Outside Interests: Hiking, National Parks, Biographies, Scandinavian crime fiction.

Martha Laurin Council 2020 Born: Lake Charles, Louisiana. Current Position/Practice: Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology)/Center for Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgery. Education: Undergraduate: Louisiana State University B.S. 2000; Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis M.D. 2004. Training in Dermatology: Washington University in St. Louis 2007-2010. Other Training: Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology, St. Louis University 2010-2012. Academic Appointments: 2010 Instructor St. Louis University; 2012 Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) Washington University in St. Louis, 2018, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Washington University in St. Louis. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology (Partial List): Dialogues in Dermatology Editor in Chief 2019-202,1Individual Giving Committee 2020-2023, Learning Resources Committee, Ex-Officio Member 2019-2021, President’s Ambassadors Society 2018. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Mentorship Program, Editor of Surgical Dermatology section AAD Self-Assessment Question Bank 2017- 2020, Mohs Committee ACMS Representative 2018-2021, Emerging Practice Models Committee 2016-2020, Public Education Web Content Work Group 2016-2021, Professional Expert Evaluation Review Program 2016-2018, Council on Science and Research 2016-2019, Scientific Assembly Committee 2015-2017, Young Physicians Committee 2015-2017; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (Partial List): Board of Directors 2019-2022, Dermatologic Surgery Contributing Editor 2015-2017, Assistant Editor 2017-present, State Affairs Work Group 2018-2021, Annual Meeting Work Group 2015-2021, Co-Chair 2019-2020, Federal Affairs Work Group 2017-2021, Co-chair, 2018-2021, State-based Advocacy Network for Dermatologic Surgeons (SANDS) Representative, Missouri, 2020-present, Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery Exam Review Work Group, 2019-present, Policy Research and Priorities Work Group 2015-2020, Maintenance of Certification Work Group 2015-2018, Journal Work Group 2013-2020, Chair 2017-2020, ASDS Representative to the Alliance of Specialty Medicine Annual Meeting 2018, ASDSA Young Physician Section Representative to the AMA 2018-2019, ASDS Alternate Delegate to AMA 2019-present, ASDS Alternate Delegate Representative to the Federation of Specialty Plastic Surgery Societies, 2019-present; Association of Professors of Dermatology Dermatologic Surgery Section: Surgical Section Steering Committee, 2019-2021; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors 2018-2022, Associate Editor International Journal of Women’s Dermatology 2018-2021, Annual Awards Committee 2019-2022, Host WDS Regional Meeting, 2018, Disaster Support Committee 2017-2019, Service Committee 2015-2021, Dermatologic Surgery Committee 2014-2017, Membership Drive Leader Missouri 2014-2015; Dermatology Foundation: Dermatologic Surgery Leaders

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 553 Society Campaign Chair, 2018-present, Dermatologic Surgery Leaders Society Campaign Vice Chair, 2015, 2016, 2017, Board of Trustees 2017-2018 and 2018-2021, Leaders Society Member, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018; Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education: Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Milestones 2.0 Work Group; American Medical Association: ASDSA Young Physician Section Representative 2018-2020, ASDSA Alternate Delegate, 2019-present; Vice President Washington University Medical Student Section of the AMA, 2001-2002; St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society: SLMMS Council 2019-2022, Membership Committee, 2020-2021, President 2019-2021, Vice-President 2017-2019, Treasurer 2015-2017, Secretary 2013-2015; Missouri State Medical Association, Vice-President 2020-2021 Outside Interests: LSU football, Cajun cooking, cake decorating, guinea pig breeding, raising 5-6 kids.

Robert Dellavalle 2020 Born: November 1963, California. Current Position: Professor, University of Colorado Department of Dermatology Education: Undergraduate: University of California, Los Angeles, Bachelor and Master of Arts, Philosophy, 1986; Medical School: University of Chicago 1996. Training in Dermatology: University of Colorado School of Medicine 2001. Other Training: University of Chicago, PhD, Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, 1993; University of Colorado School of Medicine, Masters of Science in Public Health, 2004. Academic Appointments: University of Colorado School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 2001-2005, Associate Professor of Dermatology 2005-2016, Professor of Dermatology 2016-present. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: member 1996-present, Co-chair education committee 2020-present; National Association of VA Dermatologists (NAVAD): member 2001-present, President 2008-2010; American Academy of Dermatology: member 1997-present, Chair, Guidelines Committee 2015-2017, Methodologist AK Guidelines Work Group 2018-present, DataDerm Governance Work Group member 2018-present; Colorado Dermatologic Society: member 1997-present, President 2004; American Dermatoepidemiology Network: member 2006-present, President 2006-2007; Dermatology Foundation Leaders Society: member 2011-present; American Acne and Rosacea Society: member 2017-present; Cochrane: member 2017-present, Founding director US Cochrane University of Colorado Anschutz Campus Affiliate, 2019-present, Cochrane Council Co-ordinating editors representative, 2019- 2022, Joint Co-ordinating Editor, Cochrane Skin 2018-present; Melanoma Research Foundation: member 2018-present; Guidelines International Network: North American Steering committee member 2020-present Awards and Honors: Melanoma Research Foundation Excellence in Prevention, 2020; Chicago Dermatology Society Alan Lorincz lectureship, 2013;University of Colorado School of Medicine Preventive Medicine Residency Program Award (awarded by vote of the residents) 2012;University of Colorado School of Medicine Clinical Science Graduate Program Outstanding Research Mentor Award for 2011; Albert M. Kligman Fellowship recipient, 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, Chicago, IL, May 10, 2000; AAD representative, 74th Annual Italian Society of Dermatology Meeting, Siena, Italy, 1999 Outside Interests: Gardening, skiing, swimming, singing, and all things Italian.

Seemal R. Desai 2020 Born: Birmingham, Alabama April 22. Current Position/Practice: Founder & Medical Director, Innovative Dermatology; -Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. Education: Undergraduate: Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia Bachelor of Arts (double major in Chemistry & French); Medical School: Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia Doctor of Medicine, Magna Cum Laude. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Residency, Department of Dermatology, The

554 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association University of Alabama at Birmingham; Chief Residency, Department of Dermatology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Other Training: Internal Medicine, Internship, Grady Memorial Hospital, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. Academic Appointments: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, 2009-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Chair, Compounding Workgroup, Past Chair, Leadership Development Steering Committee, Deputy Chair, Healthcare Finance Committee, past member, SkinPAC Board of Advisors; Skin of Color Society: Immediate Past President, President 2017-2019, Secretary/Treasurer 2015-2017; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Federal Affairs Workgroup, Priorities Workgroup, Annual Meeting Planning Workgroup; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Board of Directors, Legacy Council Member; American Medical Association: AAD Alternate Delegate; Texas Dermatological Society: Past President; DFW Dermatological Society: Past President; United States Food & Drug Administration: Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee Appointee. Awards and Honors: American Academy of Dermatology President’s Citation (4 time awardee); NYU Department of Dermatology Visiting Professorship; Charles Crutchfield Lecturer in Skin of Color, Department of Dermatology, The University of Minnesota; Clinical Educator of the Year, Winter Clinical Dermatology 2017; Clinical Educator of the Year, Fall Clinical Dermatology 2018; Mentorship Award, DCMS; International Keynote Lectureship, Saudi Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; Alpha Omega Alpha; Pfizer Minority Medical Scholar; ASDS President’s Award; International Visiting Professor, IADVL Dermacon. Outside Interests: Travel, spending time with daughter, son and wife, Aviation enthusiast working on pilot’s license, Cooking brunch foods, Running.

Adam Friedman 2020 Born: April 24, 1980, NYC, NY. Current Position: Professor and Interim Chair of Dermatology, Residency Program Director, Director of Translational Research, Director of the Supportive Oncodermatology Program, George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. Education: Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania, Bachelor of Fine Arts, 2002; Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 2006 Training in Dermatology: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 2010. Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Director of Research, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 2010-2015 Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Annual Meeting Poster Task Force Chair 2018-Present, Public Education Committee 2017-2020, Sulzberger Education Committee 2011-2014; Association of Professors in Dermatology; DC Dermatology Society; New York Academy of Medicine, Dermatology Section President 2011-2015. Awards and Honors: Folio Eddie and Ozzie Award, Single Article Category, Honorable Mention; Annual Stuart Madden Memorial Lectureship, Fall Update Conference 2019; International Awards for Social Responsibility in Dermatology, Finalist 2019; Annual Michael Fisher Lectureship Albert Einstein College of Medicine 2018; Innovations in Resident Training Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 2018; Elle 2017 Beauty Genius Award; Teacher of the Year Department of Dermatology, George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences 2015-2016; John R. Pearson Named Lectureship, Department of Dermatology University of Massachusetts Medical School 2016; Nanoscience Research Leaders Award 2015; American Dermatologic Association Young Leader Award 2014. Outside Interests: Who’s got time for that?

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 555 Pedram Gerami 2020 Born: December 18, 1974, Tehran, Iran. Current Position: Professor of dermatology, pathology and pediatrics, Northwestern University and the Feinberg School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: University of Chicago, Bachelor of Science, 1997; Medical School: Rosalind Franklin Medical School, MD, 2001. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology, University of Iowa 2005. Other Training: Dermatopathology Fellowship, University of Chicago 2006. Academic Appointments: Professor of Dermatology, Pathology and Pediatrics Northwestern University 2016. Director of Skin Cancer Institute and Director of the Melanoma Program in The Skin Cancer Institute and the Dermatology Department. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; International Melanoma Pathology Group; International Society of Dermatopathology; American Society of Dermatopathology; Pediatric dermatologic research association; Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society; Chicago Dermatologic Awards and Honors: 2000 Member of National Medical School Honors Society, Junior AOA; 2001 Chicago Medical School Board of Trustees Scholarship for Academic Achievement/For Class Rank of Number 1; 2010- 2014 Six Peer Reviewed Articles Selected to Faculty of 1000 Medicine, Placing These Articles in the Top 2% of Published Articles in Biology and Medicine in Their Medical Library; 2012 Northwestern University Department of Dermatology Teaching Faculty of the Year Award; 2019 Best Doctors in America; 2020 Humanitarian Award from the Melanoma Research Foundation. Outside Interests: Family, playing guitar, singing, sports

Lawrence J. Green 2020 Born: November 30, 1963. Current Position: Owner, private practice dermatology office The Aesthetic & Dermatology Center Rockville, MD. Education: Undergraduate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Bachelor of Arts, 1985; Medical School: New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY 1989. Training in Dermatology: University of California, Irvine 1995. Academic Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington DC 2002-2014; Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington DC 2014-2018; Clinical Professor of Dermatology, George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington DC 2018-present. Society Memberships: National Psoriasis Foundation: member 1991-present, medical advisor Orange County, CA network 1992-1995, Professional Member 1992-present, Member Board of Trustees 2005-2014, Chair, Research Committee 2005-2014, Member Medical Advisory Board 2016-present, Chair Research committee 2020-present; American Academy of Dermatology: 1992-present, Member Health Care Finance Committee 2002-2007, Member Coding and Reimbursement Committee 2009-2012, Member State Policy Committee 2013-2020, Chair 2018-2020, Member SkinPAC Board of Advisors 2008-2017 Vice-Chair 2014-2015, Chair 2015-2017, Member GAHPP council 2015-2020, Member MOHS workgroup 2014-2016, Member Drug Pricing and Transparency Task Force 2016-2018, Member Dermatopathology Rapid Response Committee 2018-2020, Member State Society Relationships Committee 2019-2020, Member Board of Directors 2019-present;DC Dermatology Society: Member 1996-present; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: 2000-present, Member Task Force on Branding 2003-2006, Member Public Relations Committee 2004-2007, Member Scope of Practice Committee 2008-2010 Chair 2008-2010, Chair Policy Priorities Committee 2011- 2017, Member Board of Directors 2016-2019; Montgomery County Medical Society: 1998-present, Chair Legislative Committee 2010-2017, Member Board of Directors 2010-present, Treasurer 2014-2017, Vice President 2018-2019, President 2019-2020; Med Chi (Maryland Medical Society): 1998-present, Member

556 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Legislative Council 2010-present; Congressional Award Charity: 2012-present Member Board of Directors; Women’s Dermatology Society 2016-present; Noah Worcester Dermatology Society 2016-present; Friends of the IDF Charity: 2017-present Member Board of Directors Mid-Atlantic Region Awards and Honors: President’s Award American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 2009; President’s Council on Volunteerism and Civil Service, 2010; Senatorial Citation for Advancing Patient Safety, Senate of France 2011; Presidential Citation, American Academy of Dermatology 2011; Patient Safety Hero Award, American Society of Dermatologic Surgery 2015; Presidential Citation, American Academy of Dermatology 2017; Advocate of the Year Award, American Academy of Dermatology 2018; Outstanding Clinician of the Year Award, National Psoriasis Foundation 2019 Outside Interests: Canoeing, whiskey, University of Michigan sports.

Larisa Geskin 2020 Born: November 9, 1969, Riga, Latvia. Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Columbia University. Education: Undergraduate: Riga Medical Institute, Riga, Latvia; Lehman College, CUNY, Bronx, NY, Bachelor of Arts 1993. Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine 1998. Training in Dermatology: UPMC Dermatology Department, Pittsburgh, PA, Dermatology Residency 2001. Other Training: University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute: Cutaneous Oncology Fellowship, Department of Dermatology and Division of Hematology-Oncology. Academic Appointments: Columbia University Irving Medical Center: Associate Professor of Department of Dermatology and Medicine 12/2013-present, Dermatology Residency Program Director 2020-present; CUIMC, Director Comprehensive Cutaneous Oncology Center 2014-present; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine: Associate Professor of Department of Dermatology, 2008 – 2013; University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Director, Dermatology Residency Program 2002 – 2013; UPCI Melanoma Center: Dermatological Branch Director, 2001 – 2013; University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Director, Cutaneous Oncology and Photophoresis Center 2002 –2013. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 1999 – Present; International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas: member 2002 – Present, Treasurer 2012 – 2016, Board of Directors 2011 – present. President 2019 – present: New York Consortium for Cutaneous Lymphomas 2015 – Present, Founder and President 2015 – present; New York State Department of Health Cancer Consortium: 2014 – Present; Greater New York Dermatology Society 2013 – Present; New York Academy of Sciences 2003 – Present; Melanoma Prevention Working Group 2011 – Present; Association of Professors in Dermatology 2008 – Present; United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Society 2007 – Present; Leaders Society, Dermatology Foundation 2005 – Present; Society for Investigative Dermatology. Awards and Honors: Teacher of the Year Award Columbia Residency Dermatology Program 2015; The Leading Physicians of the World (International Association of Dermatologists) 2013-2014; Sheldon Adler Award for Innovation in Medica Education (UPSoM Committee) 2012; Best Doctors in Pennsylvania 2009-2013; Physician Scientist Career Development Award (Dermatology Foundation) 2005-2008; Young Investigator’s Award (Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation) 2005; ACES – UPMC Award for Commitment and Excellence in Service 2003; Bernard Goldbaumm Award in Dermatology, University of Pittsburgh 1998; Alpha Omega Alpha Scholarship, University of Pittsburgh 1997; Harris Foundation Scholarship for Academic Achievements 1997; Dermatology Department Research Fellowship Award, University of Pittsburgh 1996-1997; Jonas E. Salk Award, for Originality in Scientific Pursuits 1993; Beta, Beta, Beta, Chi Psi Chapter, Biological Honor Society 1993; Summa Cum Laude Diploma, B.A., Lehman College, CUNY 1993. Outside Interests: Spending time with my family, traveling the world, especially when my children can join, going to opera, theaters, concerts, museums, skiing, designing, building and renovating houses, photography.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 557 Ruby Ghadially 2020 Born: April 20, 1958, Sheffield, England. Current Position: Professor of Dermatology University of California San Francisco. Education: Medical School: University of Sheffield, England 1976-1982 M.B. ChB. (MD) Training in Dermatology: University of Toronto, Resident, Department of Dermatology 1985-1987, University of Toronto, Chief Resident, Department of Dermatology 1987-1988; University of Toronto, Department of Dermatology F.R.C.P (C) 1988. Other Training: Houseman (Intern) Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, England 1982- 1983; University Hospital Saskatoon, Sasketchewan Resident in Medicine 1984-1984; Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto, Intern 1984-1985. Academic Appointments: University of California San Francisco: Professor of Dermatology 1996-present, Co-director of the Epithelial Pipeline of the Eli and Edythe Board Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research 2007-present. Professional Societies: American Dermatologic Association 2020-present; Ontario Medical Association 1988 – present; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario ;1988 – present; Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Canada) 1988 – present; Society of Investigative Dermatology 1990 – present; American Academy of Dermatology 1990 – present; Dermatology Foundation 1995 –present; UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center Member 2001-present; UCSF Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Group Member 2002 – present. Awards and Honors: The Robert A. Chesebrough Gold Medal for Research 1990. Most Promising Young Scientist Award Ortho Pharmaceuticals 1993. Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (JSID) Award 2000. Outside Interests: Flute playing – chamber music and performer with semi-professional San Francisco Golden Gate Symphony. Elite runner for the Impala Racing Team – an Elite women’s running team. Skiing.

Johann E. Gudjonsson 2020 Born: February 27th, 1972, Reykjavik, Iceland Current Position: Arthur C. Curtis Professor of Skin Molecular Immunology, Associate Professor, Dept. of Dermatology, University of Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: Menntaskolinn i Reykjavik 1992. Medical School: University of Iceland 1998 (MD), 2003 (PhD) Training in Dermatology: Dermatology, University of Michigan. Other Training: Immunology, Genetics Academic Appointments: Clinical Lecturer 2008-2010, Assistant Professor 2010-2017, Associate Professor (Endowed) 2017-present Professional Societies: Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2008-present; Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 2018-present; American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2020-present; Dermatology Foundation, 2004-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2006-present; International Society of Dermatology 2006 – present; European Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2007-present; International Cytokine & Interferon Society 2019 – present; Director of University of Michigan Skin Biology and Disease Resource-based Center (NIH P30) – 2019-present; American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2020-present; American Dermatology Association, 2020-present. Awards and Honors: Young Investigator Award, American Academy of Dermatology 2007; Frances and Kenneth Eisenberg Emerging Scholar, A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute; Doris Duke Foundation Clinical Scientist Award 2013; ASPIRE Rheumatology and Dermatology Research Award, 2014; Rising Star Lecture, Society for Investigative Dermatology/ International Investigative Dermatology, 2018; University of Michigan Dean’s Frontier Seminar 2018; Dermatology Foundation SunPharma Award 2020; Elected member of the American Dermatology Association, 2020. Outside Interests: Nature, Hiking, History, and Reading.

558 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Deirdre O’Boyle Hooper 2020 Born: May 21, 1974 Columbus, Ohio. Current Position: Co-Founder, Audubon Dermatology, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Education: Undergraduate: Louisiana Tech University, Bachelor of Science, Biology, Cum Laude 1994; Medical School: Louisiana State University School of Medicine 1998, Honors Program. Training in Dermatology: Internal Medicine Internship, Louisiana State University Department of Internal Medicine July 1998 -June 1999; Dermatology Residency, Louisiana State University Department of Dermatology July 1999 – June 2002; Women’s Dermatologic Society Mentorship, Dr. Pearl Grimes, Los Angeles, CA August 2002. Academic Appointments: Louisiana State University Department of Dermatology: Clinical Assistant Professor; Tulane University Department of Dermatology: Clinical Assistant Professor. Society Memberships: American Society of Dermatologic Surgery: Fellow, Board of Directors 2018 – 2021, Chair of Digital Community Work Group 2019 – 2022, Annual Meeting Work Group 2017 – 2020; FDA Stem Cell Task Force 2019 – 2021; Quest Engagement Work Group 2016 – 2019; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Legacy Council Chair 2015 – 2020. Legacy Council Financial Vice Chair 2012 – 2013 Legacy Council Member 2007 – 2021, Secretary of the Executive Committee 2013 – 2016; Literature Task Force Committee Member 2002 – 2003, Annual Meeting Committee Member 2002 – 2006, Annual Meeting Committee Chair 2005 and 2011, Young Physicians Board Representative 2006 – 2007; American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, Council on Communications Committee 2017 – 2021, Youth Education Committee 2003 – 2006; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; American Acne and Rosacea Society; Louisiana Dermatological Society: President 2016, Executive Committee 2015 – 2018, Advocacy Committee, 2017 – 2021; Louisiana State Medical Society; New Orleans Women’s Dermatologic Journal Club; Louisiana Dermatological Society: President 2016, Executive Committee 2015-2018, Advocacy Committee 2017-2021. Awards and Honors: American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Association Top Advocate Award 2019; Women’s Dermatologic Society Mentorship Award 2002; Touro Hospital Volunteer Award 2018; New Orleans Business Leader Award 2015. Outside Interests: Travel, Reading, Horseback Riding.

Heidi Jacobe 2020 Born: Berea, Ohio . Current Position: Professor, Department of Dermatology UTSW Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. Education: Undergraduate: University of Texas at Austin, BA cum laude Plan II Honors Program 1992; .Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas, MD with Honors 1996. Other: UTSW Medical Center, Dallas, Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; Masters of Clinical Science with Distinction 2008. Training in Dermatology: UTSW Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 1997-2000. Other Training: Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas Preliminary Year Internship Internal Medicine 1996-1997. Academic Appointments: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Department of Dermatology 2000-2003; UTSW Medical Center, Dallas: Assistant Professor 2003, Associate Professor 2012, Professor 2020. Professional Societies: Society for Investigative Dermatology: Board of Directors 2017-2022; Photomedicine Society President 2015-2019; American Dermatological Society 2020-current; American Academy of Dermatology -Guidelines Committee; American College of Rheumatology Outside Interests: Reading, art history, travel.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 559 Brett A. King 2020 Born: June 24, 1970, Lynwood, California. Current Position: Associate Professor of Dermatology, Yale School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: University of Southern California, Santa Cruz Bachelor of Arts, 1992; Medical School: Yale University School of Medicine 2005. Other Education: Stanford University Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, 2001. Training in Dermatology: Department of Dermatology, Yale School of Medicine, 2009. Academic Appointments: Yale University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: Assistant Professor 2011-2017, Associate Professor 2011-present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: member 2006-present; New England Dermatological Society: member 2009 – present, Treasurer 2011-2018. Outside Interests: There used to be so many but now my interests are work and family.

Richard Langley 2020 Born: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Current Position: /Practice: Professor of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University. Education: Undergraduate: Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Economics, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Bachelor of Arts (Honors) 1985; Medical School: Doctor of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1990. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Resident, Dalhousie University, Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 7/1/1992-6/28/1995 Other Training: Comprehensive Medicine Internship, University of Toronto Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1990-1991; Anatomical Pathology Resident, University of Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital 1/1/1992-6/28/1992; Melanoma Research Fellow, Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, 1995-1996 (Under Dr. Arthur J Sober MD); Dermatology Surgery Fellowship, University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre and Women’s College Hospital, 1996- 1997. Academic Appointments: Harvard Medical School: Instructor in Dermatology 199-2001; Dalhousie University: Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 2000-2005, Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 2005-2009, Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 2009-present. Professional Societies: International Psoriasis Council 2010-present; American Academy of Dermatology – Fellow 1995-present; Canadian Medical Protective Association; Canadian Dermatology Association 1992-present; Medical Society of Nova Scotia 1986-present; Canadian Medical Association 1986-present; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 1995-present; Canadian Dermatologic Surgery Society: Member 2000-present, Board of Directors 2001-2003; Canadian Dermatology Association: Sun Awareness Committee, member2000-present, President 2013-14, President-elect 2012-13, Vice President 2011-12, Chair, Ethics Committee 7/2008-06/2009, Membership and Awards Committee, 07/2006-06/2008 Planning Committee, 3/02005-7/2007; Canadian Dermatology Foundation: Grant Reviewer 12/2000 –3/ 2005, Board of Directors 6/2001 – 7/2004; Canadian Professors of Dermatology 12/2004-present; Editorial Board: Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 2/2005-2014; Canadian Dermatologic Surgery Society Board of Directors 6/2001 – 6/2003.

Delphine J. Lee 2020 Born: November 1, 1970, Chicago, Illinois. Current Position: Chief and Residency Program Director, Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine,

560 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Harbor-UCLA Medical Center; Director of Dermatology, Department of Health Services, Los Angeles County; Director, Cancer Biology and Immunotherapeutics, Lundquist Institute. Education: Undergraduate: University California, San Diego, Bachelor of Science, 1992; Medical School: University California, San Diego School of Medicine MD 2001. Training in Dermatology: Dermatology Specialty Training and Advanced Research Residency Program, University California, Los Angeles 2005. Other Training: University California, San Diego Biomedical Sciences PhD 1999. Academic Appointments: University California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine: Clinical Instructor 2006-2008, Assistant Professor-in-Residence 2008-2011, Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor 2016-2020, Health Sciences Clinical Professor 2020-present Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: member 2002-present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: member 2002-present; Dermatology Foundation Leader’s Society: member 2006, 2012-present; Women’s Dermatological Society, member 2011-present; Medical Dermatological Society 2007-present; Pacific Dermatology Association, member 2003-2006 and 2017-present; Los Angeles Metropolitan Dermatological Society member 2007-present; board member holding each leadership position 2009-2015; NIH/NIAMS AMS Special Grants Review Committee Study Section, ad hoc (2011)/standing member 2012-2019, Chair (2016-2019). Awards and Honors: Tulsa’s Junior Miss 1988; Oklahoma’s Junior Miss 1988; 2nd runner up America’s Junior Miss 1988; Phi Beta Kappa 1992; Victor D. Newcomer Award 2010; John Wayne Cancer Institute Auxiliary Angel Award 2015; County of Los Angeles Commendation 2018. Outside Interests: Tandem Bicycling, Martial Arts.

Lori Lowe 2020 Born: December 18, 1959, Inglewood, California. Current Position/Practice: Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, Senior Dermatopathologst, University of Michigan. Education: Undergraduate: Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA, Bachelor of Arts Biology 1981; Medical School: University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Doctor of Medicine 1985. Training in Dermatology: University of Texas Medical School at Houston 1990. Other Training: Dermatopathology Fellowship, University of Colorado 1991. Academic Appointments: Clinical Instructor University of Texas Medical School at Houston 1990; Senior Staff Physician and Director of Dermatopathology, Henry Ford Hospital 1991-1996; Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pathology University of Michigan 1996-1998; Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pathology, University of Michigan 1998-2004; Professor of Dermatology and Pathology University of Michigan 2004-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: member 1990-present; American Society of Dermatopathology: member 1990-present; Michigan Dermatologic Society: member 1994-present; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 1998-present; Dermatology Foundation: member 1998-2019; International Melanoma Pathology Study Group: member 2009-present; Society for Melanoma Research: member 2011-present: American Board of Dermatology, Dermatopathology Test Committee, member 1995-2000; American Academy of Dermatology, Melanoma Performance Improvement CME Workgroup, member 2011; Dermatology Foundation, Leaders Society Career Development Award in Dermatopathology, Vice Chair 2012-2013; American Society of Dermatopathology, Non-Dues Revenue Workgroup, member 2016-2018; American Society of Dermatopathology, Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC), member 2016-present. Awards and Honors: Summa Cum Laude, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA 1981; Selle Award (Outstanding Achievement in Biological Science), Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA 1981; Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation in scholastic achievement, University of Texas Medical School at

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 561 Houston, Houston, TX 1985; Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (elected Junior year) 1985; William B. Taylor Resident Teaching Award, Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan 1999 and 2005; Outstanding Clinician of the Year Award, University of Michigan Medical School Faculty & Staff Award 2013; Walter Nickel Teaching Award, American Society of Dermatopathology 2013; Inducted in The League of Clinical Excellence, University of Michigan Hospital and Health Systems 2015. Outside Interests: Family, yoga, movies, reading, travel.

Michel A. McDonald 2020 Born: May 2, 1968, Louisville, Kentucky. Current Position: Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Education: Undergraduate: Duke University, Durham NC, BA 1989; Medical School: University of Louisville, Louisville KY, MD 1993. Training in Dermatology: Residency: Vanderbilt University Medical Center 1994-1997; Fellowship, Mohs Micrographic Surgery Vanderbilt University Medical Center 1997-1998. Other Training: MBA, University of Tennessee 2005 Academic Appointments: Vanderbilt University Medical Center: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 1998-present Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: member 1997-present, Chair Council on Practice Management 2017-2021, Assistant Editor JAAD Editorial Board 2018-2023, Chair Grassroots Advocacy Workgroup 2018-2019, Health Care Finance Committee 2019-2021, State Policy Committee 2018-2020, SkinPAC Board 2012-2014, Congressional Policy Committee 2010-2012, Volunteerism Committee 2008- 2012, Education and Volunteers Abroad Committee 2006-2008, Non-Physician Provider Committee 2005-2007; American College of Mohs Surgery: member 1998-present, Board of Directors 2019-2021, Chair Scientific Program Committee 2017, Deputy Chair Scientific Program Committee 2016, Delegate to the American Medical Association 2010-present; American Medical Association: member 2007-present, Representative to the Specialty and Service Society 2007-2010; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 1997-present, Board of Directors 2011-2015, Co-Chair, Service Committee 2008-2010, Dermatologic Surgeons Committee 2011-2014, Career Development Committee 2010-2012, International Affairs Committee 2006-2009, Volunteerism and Service Task Force Member 2005-2007, Nominating Committee 2007-2009; Tennessee Dermatology Society: member 1997-present, President 2008, President Elect 2007, Secretary Treasurer 2001-2006; Tennessee Medical Association: member 1998-present, Chairman 2014-2015, Vice Chairman 2013-2014, Board of Directors 2012-2014; Nashville Academy of Medicine: member 2009-present, Foundation Board 2018-2020, Board Chair 2013, President 2012, Board of Directors 2009-2013. Awards and Honors: Distinguished Service Award, Tennessee Medical Association 2016. Nashville Emerging Leader Award in Healthcare July 2008. Dermatology Education and Mentorship Award Vanderbilt Dermatology June 2002 and June 2006. Outside Interests: Reading and book clubs including a mother daughter book club that I love as well as yoga, pilates, travel and spending time with my husband Ward and children Max and Genevieve.

Brent Moody 2020 Born: September 05, 1969. Louisville, Kentucky. Current Position: Private Practice. Nashville, Tennessee. Education: Undergraduate: The College of William & Mary, Bachelor of Business Administration, 1992; Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine, MD, 1996. Training in Dermatology: Washington University School of Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Saint Louis, Missouri 1999-2002; Mohs Micrographic Surgery Fellowship, Laser & Dermatologic Surgery Center, Saint Louis, Missouri 2002-2003.

562 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Other Training: Washington University School of Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Saint Louis, Missouri Internal Medicine Residency 1999-2002. Board Certified in Internal Medicine 1999-2009. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow, Chair Patient Access & Payer Relations Committee, SkinPAC Board of Advisors, Chair Resource Based Relative Value System Committee, AMA RUC Advisor, Health Care Finance Committee, Government Affairs and Health Policy Council, Coding and Reimbursement Taskforce, Workgroup on Innovation in Payment Development, Mohs Micrographic Surgery Committee, Dermatopathology Rapid Response Committee, Workgroup on AK payment model development;American College of Mohs Surgery: Fellow, Chair & founding member Public Policy Committee, Board of Directors, Registry Data Use Committee, RUC advisor; Tennessee Medical Association: PAC Board President and Treasurer; Tennessee Dermatology Society: Board Chair; Nashville Dermatology Society Treasurer; American Medical Association Campaign School, Candidate School. Awards and Honors: AAD Presidential Citation; ACMS: Distinguished Service Award. Outside Interests: Oil Painting, Candidate for public office in state of Tennessee.

Amy Christine Morris Musiek 2020 Born: March 8, 1977, Hinsdale, Illinois, Current Position/Practice: Associate Professor, Department of Medicine (Dermatology), Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine. Education: Undergraduate: The College of William and Mary, Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, 1999; Medical School: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine 2004. Training in Dermatology: Vanderbilt University Medical Center 2008 Other Training: Cutaneous Lymphoma Fellowship: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 2011. Academic Appointments: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine: Instructor of Dermatology 2008-2011; Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 2011 2016, Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) 2017-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology 2004-present; United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium 2008-present, Board of Directors 2020-2023; International Society of Cutaneous Lymphoma 2008-present; Society for Dermatology Hospitalists 2016-present; Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation, Medical Advisory Council 2017-present. Outside Interests: Coaching youth soccer and basketball.

Melissa Piliang 2020 Born: December 17, Lafayette, Indiana. Current Position: Co-Director Dermatopathology Section, Vice Chair Education, Associate Program Director Dermatology Residency and Dermatopathology Fellowship at Cleveland Clinic. Education: Undergraduate: Purdue University BS Biochemistry 1997; Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine MD 2001. Training in Dermatology: Cleveland Clinic 2001-2005. Other Training: Dermatopathology Fellowship Cleveland Clinic 2005-2006. Academic Appointments: Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine: Associate Professor, Dermatology 2010-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology; Healthcare Finance Committee 2015 – 2017, Vice Chair 2017 – 2019, Chair 2019-2021, Dermatopathology Rapid Response Committee 2010 – 2015, Emerging Practice Models Committee, 2019 – 2021, Resource-Based Relative Value Score Committee,

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 563 Ex-Officio Member 2019 – 2021, Council on GAHP, Ex-Officio Member 2019 – 2021; American Society of Dermatopathology: Young Physician Committee, Co-Chair 2009 – 2011; Dermatopathology Training Directors Ad Hoc Committee 2009 – Present; Continuing Education and Research Committee 2009 – 2014 (Chair 2013 – 2014), Delegate to the Specialty and Service Society and Representative to the AMA 2013 – 2016 Advocacy Team Ad Hoc Committee 2015 – 2016, Strategic Planning Team 2015 – 2017; 2019,Delegate to the AMA House of Delegates 2016-present, Board of Directors, Member-At-Large 2018-present, Program Committee 2016 – 2021; Ohio Dermatologic Association: Board of Trustees 2015 – 2021, Assistant Treasurer 2016 – 2018, Secretary 2018 – 2019, Treasurer 2018 – 2019, President Elect 2019 – 2020; Women’s Dermatologic Society: Media Relations Committee 2010 – 2015;, Board of Directors 2017-2021 Communication Council, Chair 2020-2021; American Hair Research Society; Noah Worcester Dermatological Society; Cleveland Dermatologic Society; American Medical Association; International Society of Dermatology; Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation. Outside Interests: Spending time with my husband and two daughters. Doing yoga and HIIT training.

Howard W. Rogers 2020 Born: August 23, 1967, San Turce, Puerto Rico. Current Position: Owner Private Practice, Shoreline Mohs Surgery Guilford, CT and Advanced Dermatology LLC, Norwich, CT Education: Undergraduate: Harvard University, Cambridge; Bachelor of Science, 1989; Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, M.D.-Ph.D. Combined Degree Program, Ph.D. in Immunology 1996. Training in Dermatology: Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, MO, Dermatology Residency 2000. Other Training: Skin Cancer Center, Cincinnati, OH, Surgical Fellowship in Mohs Micrographic Surgery 2008 Academic Appointments: N/A Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: Fellow 2000-present, Chair Patient Access and Payer Relations Committee 2014-2018, advisor 2018-present, Chair Physician Payment Reform Workgroup 2011-2012, Performance Measures Committee 2013-2018, Workgroup on Innovation in Payment and Delivery 2013-present, Governmental Affairs and Healthcare Policy Council 2017-2019; American College of Mohs Surgery: Fellow 2008-present Chair, AMCS Private Sector Task Force 2013-present, Scientific Program Committee Co-chair 2012, Chair 2013, Ex Officio 2014, ACMS representative to AMA Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) 2014 –present, ACMS National Registry and Outcomes Committee, Member, Vice Chair and Chair 2013-present,ACMS representative and Chair to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services MACRA Resource Use Measure Clinical Committee 2016-present; American Society of Dermatologic Surgery 2003-present; Masters Dermatologic Association 2018-present; American Medical Association 2007-present; Connecticut Dermatology Society 2010-present Awards and Honors: 2017 American Academy of Dermatology – Presidential Citation for service in insurer and regulatory advocacy; 2017 American Academy of Dermatology – Presidential Citation for service as advisor to AMA RUC; 2017 American Academy of Dermatology – Performance Measures Pioneer Award; 2014Distinguished Service Award, American College of Mohs Surgery. Outside Interests: Golf, Electric Guitar, Cycling, Paleontology.

Aleksandar Sekulic 2020 Born: December 9, 1966, Sisak, Croatia. Current Position: Vice Chair, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Arizona (2014-present); Chair, Cutaneous Oncology Disease Working Group, Mayo Clinic, Arizona (2012 – present); Associate Director, Center for Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic (2016 – present); Deputy Director, Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (2017 – present)

564 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Education: University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia: Doctor of Medicine, 1991; Mayo Graduate School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota: Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences-Immunology, 1999. Training in Dermatology: Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine: Dermatology, Clinician Investigator Training Program, 2006. Other Training: Department of Dermatology Post Doctoral Fellowship, 2000. Academic Appointments: Associate Professor, Department Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Arizona (2015 – present); Associate professor, Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), 2015 – present. Society Memberships: American Academy of Dermatology: fellow 2006 – present, Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Guideline Panel, member 2016 – present; American Society of Clinical Oncology: member 2006 – present; National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN): Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Guideline Panel member2014 – present; Phoenix Dermatological Society: member 2006 – present; Society for Investigative Dermatology: member 2004 – present; Society for Melanoma Research: member 2006 – present; International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative: member 2015 – present. Awards and Honors: Kligman Fellowship -Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2003; Excellence in Teaching Recognition -Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, 2004; Richard K. Winkelmann Research Award in Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, 2006; Excellence in Translational Oncology Award -The Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Research Unit, Mayo Clinic Arizona, 2011; Honorary Member Serbian Association of Dermatovenerology, 2017; Investigator of the Year – Mayo Clinic Arizona, 2018. Outside Interests: Cycling, skiing, mountain biking, hiking, music, traveling.

Elizabeth Tanzi 2020 Born: January 1, 1970, West Islip, New York. Current Position: Founder and Director, Capital Laser & Skin Care, Chevy Chase, MD. Education: Undergraduate: Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY, Bachelor of Science 1992; Medical School: SUNY Health Science Center, Doctor of Medicine, Syracuse, NY 1996. Training in Dermatology: St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, Columbia University 2001. Additional Training: Cutaneous Laser and Cosmetic Fellowship, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, 2002 Academic Appointment: Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology 2005-2011; Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, George Washington School of Medicine, Washington DC 2013-present Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: fellow 1999-present, Resident member of Environmental Council 2000-2001, Discovery Committee 2005-2008; American Society for Dermatologic Laser Surgery: member 2000-present, Fundraising Committee 2005-2011, Silent Auction Committee 2004-2013, Public Relations and Development Task Force 2015-2018, Development and Industry Relations Committee 2009-present, Your Skin Task Force 2017-present, Awards Work Group 2019-present, Stegman Circle Founding Member; American Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine: member 2001-present: Board of Directors (2009-2012) and Secretary (2011-2014), Chairperson ASLMS Annual Meeting, Dermatology- Plastic Surgery Section, 2006 and 2012, Standards of Training Committee 2005-2006, Marketing and Public Relations Committee 2005-2006, Research and Development Committee 2005-2006, Fundraising/ Silent Auction Committee 2009-present, Awards Work Group 2020-present, Leon Goldman Circle Founding Member; Women’s Dermatologic Society: member 2000-present, WDS Preceptor Grant Committee 2004- 2006 and 2009-2012; Vascular Birthmarks Foundation 2002-present; American Medical Association member 1997-present; Maryland State Medical Society 2015-present; Maryland Dermatologic Society 2015-present; Dermatology Foundation, Annenberg Circle member; Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society 1996-present.

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 565 Outside Interests: Watching sporting events with family and friends, visiting art museums, and hiking in national parks.

Margaret Weiss 2020 Born: November 6, 1964. Current Practice: Maryland Dermatology, Laser, Skin and Vein Institute. Education: Undergraduate: Princeton University 1971-1973; Johns Hopkins University B.A. 1975; Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine MD 1978. Training in Dermatology: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 1979-1982. Other Training: Medicine internship Albany Medical Center 1978-1979 Academic Appointments: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology: Instructor 1982-1993, Assistant Professor1993-2014; University of Maryland School of Medicine: Assistant Professor of Dermatology 2013-present. Professional Societies: American Academy of Dermatology: Nominating Committee chair 2000-2001, Regulatory Affairs Chair 1997-1999, Dermatologic Practice Council1996-1997; Maryland Dermatological Society: President 1994-1995; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Board of Directors 2017-2019;American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; American Vein and Lymphatic Society, Med-Chi Society of Maryland; Women’s Dermatologic Society. Outside interests: Bicycling, travel, family.

566 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Current and Past International Honorary Members

International Honorary Members shall be dermatologists of distinction residing outside the United States, its possessions, and Canada who are individuals of exceptional stature in their own country and in international dermatology.

ADA By-Laws Article II, Section 3(f)

A Besnier, Ernest Braun-Falco, Otto Paris, France Munich, Germany Adams, Walter B. Beirut, Lebanon Bazex, Andre Jean Bravo, Francisco Toulouse, France Lima, Peru Adamson, H. G. London, UK Belisario, John C Brocq, Louis, Sydney, Australia Paris, France Almqvist, Johan R Stockholm, Sweden Bertarelli. Ambrogio Brodthagen, Holger Milan, Italy Gentofte, Denmark Amagi, Masa Tokyo, Japan Bettley, F. Ray Bruusgaard, Emil Winchester, United Kingdom Oslo, Norway Amoretti, Aguiles Montevideo, Uruguay Bizzozero, Enzo Bunker, Christopher Torino, Italy London, United Kingdom Anderson, T. McCall Glasgow, Scotland Black, Martin Burg, Gunter London, UK Zurich, Switzerland Andreev, Vladimir C. Sofia, Bulgaria Bloch, Bruno Burge, Susan Zurich, Switzerland Headingon, UK Arzt, Leopold Vienna, Austria Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike Burrows, Desmond Berlin, Germany Belfast, United Kingdom Asboe-Hansen, Gustav Copenhagen, Denmark Boeck, Caesar Butler, James Christiana, Norway Richmond, Australia Azulay, Rubem David Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Bolgert, Marc C Paris, France B Calnan, C.D. Bopp, Clovis London, United Kingdom Balina, Pedro I. Porto Alegre, Brazil Buenos Aires, Argentina Campana, R. Borda, Julio M Rome, Italy Baran, Robert Buenos Aires, Argentina Cannes, , France Caputo, Ruggero Borradori, Luca Milano, Italy Barba Rubio, Jose Berne, Switzerland Guadalajara, Mexico Cerroni, Lorenzo Bosellini, P. L. Graz, Austria Barber, H. W. Rome, Italy London, United Kingdom Cestari, Tania Brain, R. T. Porto Allegra, Brazil Baselga, Eulalia London, United Kingdom Barcelona, Spain

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 567 International Honorary Members

Chalmers, Robert James Danbolt, Niels C. El-Zawahry, Mohammed Manchester, UK Oslo, Norway Cairo, Egypt Chan, Henry Hin Lee DeAmicis, T. Esteves, Juvenal A. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Naples, Italy Lisbon, Portugal Chan, Roy Degos, Robert Eun, Hee Chul Singapore, Singapore Paris, France Seoul, Korea Charpy, Jacques De Graciansky, P. F Marseilles, France Paris, France Falabella, Rafael Chen, Hong-Duo Degreef, Hugo Cali, Columbia Liaoning, China Leuven, Belgium Feiwel, Michael Chorzelski, Tadeusz P. deMoragas, Jose M. Bournemouth, United Kingdom Warsaw, Poland Barcelona, Spain Fernandez, Jose M. M Christophers, Enno Desai, Sharat C. Rosario, Argentina Kiel, Germany Mumbai, India Fidanza, Enrique P. Chung, Jin-Ho Desaux. Alfred Rosario, Argentina Seoul, Korea Paris, France Fornier, Alfred Civatte, Achille Dlova, Ncoza Paris, France Paris, France Durban, South Africa Findlay, George H Civatte, Jean Dohi, Keizo Pretoria, South Africa Paris, France Tokyo, Japan Finger, Ernest Columbini, Pio Dominguez-Cherit, Judith Vienna, Austria Modena, Italy Mexico City, Mexico Flarer, Franco Convit, Jacinto Dominguez-Soto, Luciano Padua, Italy Caracas, Venezuela Mexico City, Mexico Foldvari, Ferenc Cooper, Alan Dostrovsky, Aryeh Budapest, Hungary Gosford, Australia Jerusalem, Israel Forman, Louis Cordero, Alejandro Dowd, Pauline London, United Kingdom Buenos Aires, Argentina London, United Kingdom Fox, T. Colcott Corrnane, Rudi H, Dowling, Geoffrey Barrow London, United Kingdom Amsterdam, Netherlands London, United Kingdom Fraga, Sylvio Cottino, Gian Battista Dubertret, Louis Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Catania, Italy Paris , France Frazier, Chester N. Crocker, H. Radcliffe Duperrat, Bernard Beijing, China London, United Kingdom Paris, France French, Lars Cunliffe, William E Zurich, Switzerland Leeds, United Kingdom Ehlers, Edward Frieboes, W. D Copenhagen, Denmark Berlin, Germany Da Fonseca, Jr., Olympio El-Mofty, Abdel M. Fritsch, Peter Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Cairo, Egypt Innsbruck, Austria Darier, Ferdinand-Jean El-Mofty, Abdel Fujinami, Tokuji Paris, France Cairo, Egypt Osaka, Japan

568 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association International Honorary Members

Fuller, Claire Gray, Sir A. M. H. Hellerstrom, Sven London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom Ronninge, Sweden Furtado, Tancredo A Greaves, Malcom Hermans, Sr., E. H. Belo Horizonte, Brazil Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia Rotterdam, Netherlands G Griffiths, Christopher Herrmann, Franz Panaque City, Philippines Frankfurt, Germany Gans, Oscar Tirina, Switzerland Grinspan, David Higuchi, Kentaro Buenos Aires, Argentina Fukouka, Japan Gate, Jean Lyon, France Grupper, Charles Hintner, Helmut Paris, France Salzburg, Austria Gaucher, E. Paris, France H Hjorth, Niels Copenhagen, Denmark Gay-Prieto, J. Haber, Henry Madrid, Spain London, United Kingdom Hoffmann, Erich Bonn, Germany Gebhart, Walter G. Hagerman, Gosta Vienna, Austria Malmo, Sweden Hojyo-Tomoka, Maria Theresa Mexico City, Mexico Gelmetti , Carlo Hallopeau, F. H. Milano, Italy Paris, France Holubar, Karl Vienne, Austria Goetz, Hans Handog, Evangeline Essen, Germany Munich, Germany Honeyman, Juan Santiago, Chile Goldsmith, William N. Haneke, Eckhart London, United Kingdom Marburg, Germany Honigsmann, Hebert Vienna, Austria Gontijo, Bernardo Hansen, Amaur Belo-Horizonte, Brazil Bergen., Norway Hori, Yoshiaki Tokyo, Japan Gonzalez, Juventino Happle , Rudolph Nuevo Léon, Mexico Freiburg, Germany Hunter, John East Lothian, Scotland Gonzalez, Salvador Hardy, A. C. Madrid , Spain Paris, France Huriez. Claude Paris, France Gonzalez-Herrejon, Salvador Harrison, L. W. Mexico City, Mexico London, United Kingdom Hutchinson, Johnathan London, United Kingdom Gonzalez-Ochoa, Antonio Hawk, John Mexico City, Mexico Dublin, Ireland I Gonzalez-Urena, Jesus Haxthausen, H. Imamura, Sadao Mexico City, Mexico Copenhagen, Denmark Kyoto, Japan Gottron, Heinrich Hay, Roderick Imamura, Sadao Tubingen, Germany Belfast, Ireland Tokyo, Japan Gougerot, Henri Hebra, Ferdinand von Ingram, John T Paris, France Vienna, Austria Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Graham-Brown, Robin Hellier, Frank Ishibashi, Yasumasa Leicester, United Kingdom Leeds, United Kingdom Tokyo, Japan Graham-Little, Sir Ernest Hercogova, Jana Ishihara, Masaru London, United Kingdom Prague, Czech Republic Tokyo, Japan

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 569 International Honorary Members

J Krutmann, Jean Lyell, Alan Dusseldorf, Germany Ayrshire, Scotland Jablonska, Stefania Warsaw, Poland Kubba, Raj M New Delhi, India Jadassohn, Joseph MacCormac, Henry Breslau, Germany Kukita, Atsushi London, United Kingdom Tokyo, Japan Jadassohn, Werner F MacKenna, Robert M. B. Geneva, Switzerland Kullavanijaya, Preya Surrey, United Kingdom Bangkok, Thailand Jones. Edward Mackie,, Rona M. London, United Kingdom L Glasgow, Scotland Juhlin, Lennart A Lapierre, Charles M. Macleod, J. M. H. Uppsala, Sweden Liege, Belgium London, United Kingdom Jui-Wu Mu Larralde, Margarita Marchionni, Alfred Beijing, China Buenos Aires, Argentina Munchen, Germany K Latapi, Fernando Marcussen, Paul 0 Tlaxcala, Mexico Copenhagen, Denmark Kaminsky, Ana Buenos Aires, Argentina Lee Sungnack Marinovic, Branka Suwon, Korea Zagreb, Croatia Kaposi, Moritz Vienna, Austria Leigh, Irene Martinotti, Leonardo Scotland, United Kingdom Bologna, Italy Katsambas, Andreas Athens, Greece Leloir, Henri Marks, Robin Lille, France Fitzroy, Australia Kawamura, Taro Tokyo, Japan Lesser, Edmund Mascaro, Jose M. Berlin, Germany Barcelona, Spain Kerdel-Vegas, Francisco Caracas, Venezuela Leszczynski, Roman Mashkilleison, L. N. Lvov, Poland Moscow, Russia Kerl, Helmut Graz, Austria Landenberg, Adolpho Matsumoto, Shinichi Sao Paulo, Brazil Kyoto, Japan Kimmig. Josef Hamburg, Germany Linser, Karl May, Jose Berlin, Germany Montevideo, Uruguay Kinmont, Patrick D.C. Lincolnshire, United Kingdom Li, Hung-Chiung Mazzini, Miguel Angel Beijing, China Buenos Aires, Argentina Kitamura, Kanehiko Tokyo, Japan Loewenthal, L J. A. McGrath, John Cape Town, South Africa London , United Kingdom Kobori, Tatsuji Tokyo, Japan Lomholt, Svend McKinster, Carola Duran Copenhagen, Denmark Mexico City, Mexico Kocsard, Emery Sydney, Australia Lotti, Torello Meischer, Guido Rome, Italy Zurich, Switzerland Kren, Otto Vienna, Austria Luger, Thomas Memmesheimer, Alois M. Muenster, Germany Essen, Germany Krieg , Thomas Cologne, Germany Lutz, Wilhelm Menzies, Scott Basel, Switzerland Sydney, Australia

570 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association International Honorary Members

Merk, Hans F. Nilzen, Ake Philipson, Luigi Muelheim, Germany Stockholm, Sweden Palermo, Italy Messenger, Andrew Nishikawa, Takeji Photinos, G. Th. Sheffield, UK Tokyo, Japan Athens, Greece Mibelli, Vittorio O Pick, Filip J. Parma, Italy Prague, Czech Republic Oakley ,Amanda Micali, Giuseppe Hamilton, New Zealand Pierini, Luis E. Catania, Italy Buenos Aires, Argentina Ocampo-Candiani, Jorge Midana, Alberto Monterrey, Mexico Plewig, Gerd Torino, Italy Munich, Germany Ofuji, Shigeo Miranda, Jose Lisboa Osaka, Japan Poiano, M.K Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Laren, Netherlands Ogawa, Hideoki Mishima, Yutaka Tokyo, Japan Powell, Frank Kobe, Japan Dublin, Ireland Ohkawara, Akira Mitchell-Heggs, Gordon B. Ebetsu, Japan Prakken, Jan R London, United Kingdom Amsterdam, Netherlands Okiado, Muneo Miura, Yusho Kanagawa, Japan Prunieras, Michela Hokkaido, Japan Clinchy Caudex, France Okoro, Anezionwu Montes, Leopoldo Enugu, Nigeria Puente, Jose Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina Orfanos, Constantin Morris, Sir Malcolm Berlin, Germany Putkoen, Tauno J. London, United Kingdom Helsinki, Finland Ortonne, Jean Paul Murphy, Gillian Nice, France Q Dublin, Ireland P Quiroga. Marcial I. Murrell, Deedee Buenos Aires, Argentina Sydney, Australia Padiha-Goncalves, Antar Rio de Janiero, Brazil R N Panconesi, Emiliano Rabello, Francisco E. Naseman, Theodor R. K. Sieci, Italy Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Bernried/Obb, Germany Pautrier, Lucien-Marie Rachmanov, V. A. Nazzaro, Paolo Strasbourg, France Moscow, Russia Rome, Italy Pellacani, Giovanni Raman, M. Neisser, Albert L. S. Modena, Italy India Breslau, Poland Percival, George H Ramose Silva. J. Nekam, Louis Edinburgh, Scotland Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Budapest, Hungary Perez-Atamoros, Francisco Ramos-E-Silva, Marcia Neuber, Eduard Mexico City, Mexico Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Budapest, Hungary Peterkin, G. A. Grant Rasch, Carl E. F. Neumann, Isador Edinburgh, Scotland Copenhagen, Denmark Vienna, Austria Petges, G. Rees, Jonathan Nicolau, S Bordeaux, France Edinburgh, Scotland Bucharest, Romania Peyri, Jaime Revuz, Jean Barcelona, Spain Creteil, France

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 571 International Honorary Members

Riehl, Gustav Schaumann, Jorgen N. Storck, Hans Vienna Austria Stockholm, Sweden Zurich, Switzerland Rigopoulos, Dimitrios Schnyder, U.W. Strandberg, James B. Athens, Greece Zurich, Switzerland Stockholm, Sweden Rivitti, Evandro Schonfeld, Walter H. P. Stratigos, Alexander Sao Paulo, Brazil Heidelberg, Germany Athens, Greece Rook, Arthur Scolari, Enea Giuseppe Stuttgen, Gunter Cambridge, United Kingdom Florence, Italy Berlin, Germany Rorsman, Hans Seiji, Makoto T Lund, Sweden Sendai, Japan Tan, Suat Hoon Rothenborg, Hans W. Serri, Ferdinando Singapore, Singapore Hellerup, Denmark Rome, Italy Tappeiner, Josef Rudnicka, Lidia Sezary, A. Vienna, Austria Warsaw, Poland Paris, France Thibierge, Georges Ruiter, M Shemer, Avner Paris, France Groningen, Netherlands Netanya, Israel Thivolet, Jean Ruiz-Maldonado, Ramon Shimada, Shinji Lyon, France Mexico City, Mexico Yamanashi, Japan Thyresson, Nils Russell, Brian F. Shimizu, Hiroshi Uppsala, Sweden Essex, United Kingdom Sapporo, Japan Tiplica, George-Sorin Ryan, Terrence Shuster, Sam Bucharest, Romania Oxford, UK Suffolk, UK Tommasi, Lodovico S Sidi. Edwin Rome, Italy Paris, France Sabouraud, Raymond J. A. Torok, Ludwig Paris, France Siemens, Herman Werner Budapest, Hungary Leiden, Holland Salavastru, Carmen Torrelo, Antonio Bucharest, Romania Sinclair, Rodney Madrid, Spain Victoria, Australia Salazar Leite, Augusto Tosti, Antonella Lisbon, Portugal Sneddon, I. B. Bolognia, Italy Sheffield, United Kingdom Samberger, Frantisek Touraine, Rene Prague, Czech Republic Stander, Sonja Paris, France Munster, Germany Sampaio, Sebastiao A. P. Toyama. Ikuzo Sao Paulo, Brazil Steigleder, Gerd K. Tokyo, Japan Koln, Germany Sanchez-Covisa, Jose Truffi, Marlo Caracas, Venezuela Stengel, Fernando Pavia, Italy Buenos Aires, Argentina Sarkany, Imrich Tschachler, Erwin London, United Kingdom Sterry, Wolfram Vienna , Austria Vienna, Austria Saurat, Jean-Hilaire Twiston Davies, John H. Geneva, Switzerland Stingl, Georg Wales, United Kingdom Vienna, Austria Scannone, Francisco Caracas, Venezuela

572 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association International Honorary Members

U W Wilson Jones, E. London, United Kingdom Urabe, Harukuni Walker, Sir Norman Fukuoka, Japan Edinburgh, Scotland Wojnarowska, Fenella Oxford, UK Unna, Paul G. Wang, Kuang-Chao Hamburg, Germany Beijing, China Wolff, Klaus Vienna, Austria V Weedon, David Brisbane, Australia Y Vasku, Vladimir Prague, Czech Republic Welsh, Oliverio Yasuda, Toshiaki Garza Garcia, Mexico Tokyo, Japan Vegas., Martin Caracas, Venezuela Wiest, Luitgard Z Munich, Germany Veiel, Theodor Zachariae, Hugh Cannstatt, Germany Wilkinson, D.S. Arhus, Denmark Buckinghamshire, UK Verallo-Rowell, Vermen Zhang, Xuejun Manila, Philippines Williams, David Hefi City, China London, United Kingdom Vickers, Christopher Zhu, Xue-Jun Gwynedd, Wales, UK Williams, Hywel Beijing, China Nottingham, UK Vidal, Emile Zilliken, Detlef Paris, France Wilson, Erasmus Lubeck, Germany London, United Kingdom Vilanova, Xavier Barcelona, Spain

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 573 Associate Members

Physician Associate Members shall be allopathic or osteopathic physicians who are not certified by the American Board of Dermatology, or who have not passed the Fellowship Examination in Dermatology given by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and who have made significant contributions to dermatology or to related fields.

Non- Physician Associate Members shall be non-physicians who are residents of the United States (including its possessions) or Canada who have made significant contributions to dermatology or to related fields

ADA By-Laws Sections 3(d) and 3(e).

Ernst (Ernie) Beutner Karen Holbrook Dennis Roop Alastair Carruthers Robert Lavker Thomas Ruenger Jean Carruthers Philip Leboit Glynis Scott Wallace H. Clark, Jr. Scott McNutt John Seykora Bradford Claxton Frederic E. Mohs Kurt Stenn James Del Rosso William Montagna Tong-Tien (Henry) Sun Kimie Fukuyama Douglas Parker Gil Yosipovitch Elson B. Helwig Walter Quevedo Christopher Zachary

Note: ADA Records of Associate Members may not be complete.

574 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

First Meeting: Cataract House, Niagara Falls, New York, September 4-6, 1877. President ...... James C. White Vice Presidents ...... Louis A Duhring Robert W. Taylor Secretary ...... L Duncan Bulkley Treasurer ...... James N. Hyde

Second Meeting: Grand Union Hotel, Saratoga Springs, New York, August 27-29, 1878. President ...... James C. White Vice Presidents ...... Carl Heitzmann L Duncan Bulkley Secretary ...... Robert W.Taylor Treasurer ...... Isaac E. Atkinson

Third Meeting: Park Avenue Hotel, New York, New York, August 26-28, 1879. President ...... Louis A Duhring Vice Presidents ...... James S.Hyde Samuel Sherwell Secretary ...... Robert W.Taylor Treasurer ...... Isaac E. Atkinson

Fourth Meeting: Ocean House, Newport, Rhode Island, August 31-September 2, 1880. President ...... Louis A Duhring Vice Presidents ...... Edward Wigglesworth William A Hardaway Secretary ...... Arthur Van Harlingen Treasurer ...... Isaac E. Atkinson

Fifth Meeting: Ocean House, Newport, Rhode Island, August 30-September 1, 1881. President ...... James N. Hyde Vice Presidents ...... Edward Wigglesworth Carl Heitzmann Secretary ...... Arthur Van Harlingen Treasurer ...... Isaac E. Atkinson

Sixth Meeting: Ocean House, Newport, Rhode Island, August 30-Sept. 1, 1882. President ...... James N. Hyde Vice Presidents ...... George H. Fox William A Hardaway Secretary ...... Arthur Van Harlingen Treasurer ...... Isaac E. Atkinson

Seventh Meeting: Sagamore Hotel, Lake George, New York, August 29-Aug. 31, 1883. President ...... Robert W. Taylor Vice Presidents ...... Isaac E.Atkinson Andrew R Robinson Secretary ...... Arthur Van Harlingen Treasurer ...... George H. Rohe

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 575 Annual Meetings and Officers

Eighth Meeting: Highland Villa, West Point, New Yorf, August 27-29, 1884. President ...... Robert W. Taylor Vice Presidents ...... James E. Graham Arthur Van Harlingen Secretary ...... Welcome T. Alexander Treasurer ...... George H. Rohe

Ninth Meeting: Indian Harbor Hotel, Greenwich, Connecticut, August 26-28, 1885. President ...... William A Hardaway Vice Presidents ...... James E. Graham Arthur Van Harlingen Secretary ...... Welcome T. Alexander Treasurer ...... George H. Rohe

Tenth Meeting: Indian Harbor Hotel, Greenwich, Connecticut, August 25-27, 1886. President ...... Edward Wigglesworth Vice Presidents ...... Isaac E. Atkinson Andrew R. Robinson Secretary ...... George H. Tilden Treasurer ...... Henry W. Stelwagon

Eleventh Meeting: Hall of the State Medical and Chirurgical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, August 31-Sept. 2, 1887. President ...... Henry G. Piffard Vice Presidents ...... Francis G. Greenough Robert B. Morrison Secretary ...... George H. Tilden Treasurer ...... LeGrand N. Denslow

Twelfth Meeting: Willard’s Hotel, Washington, DC, September 18-20, 1888. President ...... Isaac E. Atkinson Vice President ...... Prince A Morrow Secretary-Treasurer ...... George H. Tilden

Thirteenth Meeting: 19 Boylston Place, Boston, Massachusetts, September 19-21, 1889. President ...... James E. Graham Vice President ...... Samuel Sherwell Secretary-Treasurer ...... George H. Tilden

Fourteenth Meeting: New Bath House, Richfield Springs, New York, September2-4, 1890. President ...... Prince A Morrow Vice President ...... George H. Tilden Secretary-Treasurer ...... George T. Jackson

Fifteenth Meeting: Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC, September 22-25, 1891. President ...... Francis B. Greenough Vice President ...... LeGrand N. Denslow Secretary-Treasurer ...... George T. Jackson

576 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

Sixteenth Meeting: Pequot House, New London, Connecticut, September 13-15, 1892. President ...... Edward B. Bronson Vice President ...... Francis J. Shepherd Secretary-Treasurer ...... George T. Jackson

Seventeenth Meeting: Hotel Pfister, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sept. 5-7. 1893. President ...... George H. Fox Vice President ...... Henry W. Stelwagon Secretary-Treasurer ...... George T. Jackson of

Eighteenth Meeting: Arlington Hotel, Washington, DC, May 29-31, 1894. President ...... Robert B. Morrison Vice President ...... George T. Jackson Secretary-Treasurer ...... Charles W. Allen

Nineteenth Meeting: Windsor Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, September 17-19, 1895. President ...... Samuel Sherwell Vice President ...... John A Fordyce Secretary-Treasurer ...... Charles W. Allen

Twentieth Meeting: The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia, September 8-10, 1896. President ...... Andrew R Robinson Vice President ...... Francis J. Shepherd Secretary-Treasurer ...... Charles W. Allen

Twenty-first Meeting: Opposite the Arlington Hotel, Washington, DC, May 4-6, 1897. President ...... James C. White Vice President ...... Louis A Duhring Secretary-Treasurer ...... John T. Bowen

Twenty-second Meeting: Princeton Inn, Princeton, New Jersey, May 31-June 2, 1898. President ...... James N. Hyde Vice President ...... Edward B. Bronson Secretary-Treasurer ...... John T. Bowen

Twenty-third Meeting: College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 30-June 1, 1899. President ...... John A Fordyce Vice President ...... T. Bowen Secretary-Treasurer ...... George T. Jackson

Twenty-fourth Meeting: Hotel Gordon, Washington, DC, May 1-3, 1900. President ...... Henry W. Stelwagon Vice President ...... George T. Jackson Secretary-Treasurer ...... Frank H. Montgomery

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 577 Annual Meetings and Officers

Twenty-fifth Meeting: Chicago Beach Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, May 30-June 1, 1901. President ...... Francis Shepherd Vice President ...... Douglass W. Montgomery Secretary-Treasurer ...... Frank H. Montgomery

Twenty-sixth Meeting: Hotel Bellevue, Boston, Massachusetts, September 18-20, 1902. President ...... George T. Jackson Vice President ...... Joseph Zeisler Secretary-Treasurer ...... Frank H. Montgomery

Twenty-seventh Meeting: New Willard Hotel, Washington, DC, May 12-14, 1903. President ...... John T. Bowen Vice President ...... George W. Wende Secretary-Treasurer ...... Charles J.White

Twenty-eighth Meeting: International Hotel, Niagara Falls, New York, June 2-3, 1904. President ...... Joseph Zeisler Vice President ...... Milton B. Hartzell Secretary-Treasurer ...... Charles J. White

Twenty-ninth Meeting: New York Academy of Medicine, New York, December 28-29, 1905. President ...... William T. Corlett Vice President ...... Frank H. Montgomery Secretary-Treasurer ...... Charles J. White

Thirtieth Meeting: Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, May 31-June 2, 1906. President ...... Milton B. Hartzell Vice President ...... Thomas C. Gilchrist Secretary-Treasurer ...... Grover W. Wende

Thirty-first Meeting: New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York, September 7, 1907. President ...... Arthur Van Harlingen Vice President ...... William A. Pusey Secretary-Treasurer ...... Grover W. Wende

Thirty-second Meeting: -State Capitol Building Annapolis, Maryland, September 24-25; Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, September 26. 1908. President ...... Arthur Van Harlingen of Philadelphia, PA Vice President ...... William A. Pusey Secretary-Treasurer ...... Grover W. Wende

Thirty-third Meeting: Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 3-4; University Hospital Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 5, 1909. President ...... Thomas C. Gilchrist Vice President ...... William A. Pusey Secretary-Treasurer ...... Grover W. Wende

578 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

Thirty-fourth Meeting: Arlington Hotel, Washington, DC, May 3-5, 1910. President ...... William A. Pusey Vice President ...... Grover W. Wende Secretary-Treasurer ...... James H. Winfield

Thirty-fifth Meeting: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, May 25-26, 1911. President ...... Douglas W. Montgomery Vice President ...... Martin F. Engman Secretary-Treasurer ...... James M. Winfield

Thirty-sixth Meeting: Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri, May 23-25, 1912. President ...... Grover W. Wende Vice President ...... James S. Howe Secretary-Treasurer ...... James M. Winfield

Thirty-seventh Meeting: Hotel Shoreham, Washington, DC, May 5-7, 1913. President ...... Isadore Dyer Vice President ...... Howard Morrow Secretary-Treasurer ...... James M. Winfield

Thirty-eighth Meeting: Hotel LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois, May 14-16, 1914. President ...... James M. Winfield Vice President ...... Sigmund Pollitzer Secretary-Treasurer ...... Oliver S. Ormsby

Thirty-ninth Meeting: New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York, May 13-15, 1915. President ...... Sigmund Pollitzer Vice President ...... Martin F. Engman Secretary-Treasurer ...... Oliver S. Ormsby

Fortieth Meeting: Hotel Powhatan, Washington, DC, May 8-10, 1916. President ...... Charles J. White Vice President ...... Howard Fox Secretary-Treasurer ...... Oliver S. Ormsby Historian ...... George T. Jackson

Forty-first Meeting: Hotel Sinton, Cincinnati, Ohio, May, 24-26, 1917. President ...... Augustus Ravogli Vice President ...... Ernest L McEwen Secretary-Treasurer ...... Oliver S. Ormsby Historian ...... Howard Fox

Philadelphia was chosen for the 1918 meeting but it was cancelled due to wartime restrictions.

Forty-second Meeting: Hotel Dennis, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 16-18, 1919. President ...... Abner-Post Vice President ...... Jay F. Schamberg Secretary-Treasurer ...... Oliver S. Ormsby Historian ...... Howard Fox

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 579 Annual Meetings and Officers

Forty-third Meeting: Grove Park Inn, Asheville, North Carolina, April 22-24, 1920. President ...... Martin F. Engman Vice President ...... George M. MacKee Secretary-Treasurer ...... Oliver S. Ormsby Historian ...... Howard Fox

Forty-fourth Meeting: New Ocean House, Swampscott Massachusetts, June 2-3; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, June 4, 1921. President ...... Jay F. Scharnberg Vice President ...... Oliver S. Ormsby Secretary-Treasurer ...... Udo J. Wile Historian ...... Howard Fox

Forty-fifth Meeting: Hotel Washington, Washington, DC, May 2-4, 1922. President ...... Oliver S. Ormsby Vice President ...... David King-Smith Secretary-Treasurer ...... Udo J. Wile Historian ...... Howard Fox

Forty-sixth Meeting: Michigan Union, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 7-9, 1923. President ...... Howard Morrow Vice President ...... John F. Lane Secretary-Treasurer ...... Udo J. Wile Historian ...... Howard Fox

Forty-seventh Meeting: Lafayette Club, Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota, June 5-7, 1924. President ...... Harvey P. Towle Vice President ...... Ernest L McEwen Secretary-Treasurer ...... Udo J. Wile Historian ...... Howard Fox

Forty-eighth Meeting: Hotel Powhatan, Washington, DC, May 4-6, 1925. President ...... Howard Fox Vice President ...... Andrew P. Biddle Secretary-Treasurer ...... Udo J. Wile Historian ...... Howard Fox

Forty-ninth Meeting: GOLDEN (FIFTIETH) ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASSOCATION: Hotel Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 27-29, 1926. Honorary President ...... George H. Fox President ...... Andrew P. Biddle Vice President ...... Otto H. Foerster Secretary-Treasurer ...... C. Guy Lane Historian ...... Howard Fox

580 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

Fiftieth Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland, and aboard the S.S. Alabama in Chesapeake Bay, May 12-14, 1927. President ...... George M. MackKee Vice President ...... Otto H. Foerster Secretary-Treasurer ...... C. Guy Lane Historian ...... Howard Fox

Fifty-first Meeting: Hotel Mayflower, Washington, DC, April 30-May 2, 1928. President ...... Otto H Foerster Vice President ...... Lloyd W. King Secretary-Treasurer ...... C. Guy Lane Historian ...... Howard Fox

Fifty-second Meeting: San Francisco and Del Monte, California, July 1-3, 1929. President ...... Joseph Grindon Vice President ...... Fred Wise Secretary-Treasurer ...... C. Guy Lane Historian ...... Howard Fox

Fifty-third Meeting: Wade Park Manor, Cleveland, Ohio, June 19-21, 1930. President ...... Udo J. Wile Vice President ...... Ernest D. Chipman Secretary-Treasurer ...... C. Guy Lane Historian ...... Howard Fox

Fifty-fourth Meeting: Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Canada, June 15-17, 1931. President ...... C. Morton Smith Vice President ...... William H. Mook Secretary ...... William H. Guy Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Fifty-fifth Meeting: Hotel Nacional, Havana, Cuba, May 3-5, 1932. President ...... William H. Mook Vice President ...... Joseph V. Klauder Secretary ...... William H. Guy Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Fifty-sixth Meeting: Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, June 8-10, 1933. President ...... Fred Wise Vice President ...... Vincente Pardo-Castello Secretary ...... William H. Guy Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

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Fifty-seventh Meeting: Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, New York, June 7-9, 1934. President ...... Harold N. Cole Vice President ...... Frederick D. Weidman Secretary ...... William H. Guy Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Fifty-eighth Meeting: The Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, May 2-4, 1935. President ...... Charles M. Williams Vice President ...... Frank C. Knwles Secretary ...... William H. Guy Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Fifty-ninth Meeting: New Ocean House, Swampscott, Massachusetts, June 4-6, 1936. President ...... C. Guy Lane Vice President ...... Dudley C. Smith Secretary ...... Frederick D. Weidman Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Sixtieth Meeting: Skytop Lodge, Cresco, Pennsylvania, June 3-5, 1937. President ...... John H. Stokes Vice President ...... E. Lawrence Oliver Secretary ...... Frederick D. Weidman Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Sixty-first Meeting: Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte, California, June 9-11, 1938. President ...... James H. Mitchel Vice President ...... Arthur J. Markely Secretary ...... Frederick D. Weidman Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Sixty-second Meeting: Seigniory Club, Montebello, Quebec, Canada, June 1-3, 1939. President ...... Francis F. Senear Vice President ...... Hiram E. Miller Secretary ...... Frederick D. Weidman Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Sixty-third Meeting: The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 30-June 1, 1940. President ...... Frank C. Knowles Vice President ...... James F. Burgess Secretary ...... Frederick D. Weidman Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

582 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

Sixty-fourth Meeting: Hotel Roosevelt, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 7-10, 1941. President ...... William H. Guy Vice President ...... Kendal P. Frost Secretary ...... Harry R. Foerster Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

No meetings were held in 1942 and 1943 due to wartime restrictions.

Sixty-fifth Meeting: Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, June 19-21, 1944. President ...... Joseph V. Klauder Vice President ...... Ralph Hopkinson Secretary ...... Harry R. Foerster Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

No meeting was held in 1945 due to wartime restrictions.

Sixty-sixth Meeting: The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia, June 10-13, 1946. President ...... Frederick D. Weidman Vice President ...... Samuel E. Sweitzer Secretary ...... Harry R. Foerster Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Sixty-seventh Meeting: Manoir Richelieu, Murray Bay, Quebec, Canada, June 3-6, 1947. President ...... Paul O’Leary Vice President ...... Samuel E. Sweitzer Secretary ...... Harry R. Foerster Treasurer ...... George M. MacKee Historian ...... Howard Fox

Sixty-eighth Meeting: Hotel del Coronado, Coronado, California, April 26-29, 1948. President ...... J. Gardner Hopkins Vice President ...... Emerson Trow Secretary ...... Harry R. Foerster Treasurer ...... Eugene F. Traub Historian ...... Howard Fox

Sixty-ninth Meeting: The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia, May 25-28, 1949. President ...... Harry R. Foerster Vice President ...... Samuel Ayers, Jr. Secretary ...... Louis A. Brunsting Treasurer ...... Eugene F. Traub Historian ...... Paul E. Bechet

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 583 Annual Meetings and Officers

Seventieth Meeting: Jasper Park Lodge, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada, June 18-22, 1950. President ...... Charles C. Dennis Vice President ...... Richard S. Weiss Secretary ...... Louis A. Brunsting Treasurer ...... Eugene F. Traub Historian ...... Paul E. Bechet

Seventy-first Meeting: The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia May 23-26, 1951. President ...... Henry E. Michelson Vice President ...... Lyle B. Kingery Secretary ...... Louis A. Brunsting Treasurer ...... Eugene F. Traub Historian ...... Paul E. Bechet

Seventy-second Meeting: The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 23-26, 1952. President ...... Edward A. Oliver Vice President ...... Fred M. Jacob Secretary ...... Louis A. Brunsting Treasurer ...... Eugene F. Traub Historian ...... Paul E. Bechet

Seventy-third Meeting: The Lake Placid Club, Essex County, New York, June 10-13, 1953. President ...... Earl D. Osborne Vice President ...... Paul E. Behcet Secretary ...... Louis A. Brunsting Treasurer ...... Frank C. Combes Historian ...... Paul E. Bechet

Seventy-fourth Meeting: The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, April 14-17, 1954. President ...... Louis A. Brunsting Vice President ...... George C. Andrews Secretary ...... J. Lamar Callaway Treasurer ...... Frank C. Combes

Seventy-fifth Meeting: The Belleview-Biltmore, Belleair, Florida, April 17-21, 1955. President ...... Richard S. Weiss Vice President ...... Clark W. Finnerud Secretary ...... J. Lamar Callaway Treasurer ...... Frank C. Combes Historian ...... Herbert Rattner

Seventy-sixth Meeting: Santa Barbara Biltmore, Santa Barbara, California, June 18-21, 1956. President ...... Vincente Pardo-Castello Vice President ...... C. Ferd Lehmann Secretary ...... J. Lamar Callaway Treasurer ...... Frank C. Combes Historian ...... Herbert Rattner

584 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

Seventy-seventh Meeting: The Belleview-Biltmore, Belleair, Florida, April 12-16, 1957. President ...... Carroll S. Wright Vice President ...... Earl W. Netherton Secretary ...... J. Lamar Callaway Treasurer ...... Frank C. Combes Historian ...... Herbert Rattner

Seventy-eighth Meeting: The Challenger Inn, Sun Valley, Idaho, June 4-7, 1958. President ...... Clark W. Finnerud Vice President ...... Hamilton Montgomery Secretary ...... J. Lamar Callaway Treasurer ...... Carl T. Nelson Historian ...... Herbert Rattner

Seventy-ninth Meeting: The Claridge, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 1-4, 1959. President ...... J. Lamar Callaway Vice President ...... Anthony C. Cipollaro Secretary ...... Wiley M. Sams Treasurer ...... Carl T. Nelson Historian ...... Herbert Rattner

Eightieth Meeting: Boca Raton Hotel and Club, Boca Raton, Florida, April 8-12, 1960. President ...... Marion B. Sulzberger Vice President ...... Lawrence G. Beinhauer Secretary ...... Wiley M. Sams Treasurer ...... Carl T. Nelson Historian ...... Herbert Rattner

Eighty-first Meeting: The Castle Harbour Hotel, Tucker’s Town, Bermuda, June 16-20, 1961. President ...... George C. Andrews Vice President ...... John G. Downing Secretary ...... Wiley M. Sams Treasurer ...... Carl T. Nelson Historian ...... Marcus R. Caro

Eighty-second Meeting: The San Marcos Hotel, Chandler, Arizona, March 28-31, 1962. President ...... Donald M. Pilsbury Vice President ...... Norman N. Epstein Secretary ...... Wiley M. Sams Treasurer ...... Carl T. Nelson Historian ...... Marcus R. Caro

Eighty-third Meeting: The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia April 15-19, 1963. President ...... George M. Lewis Vice President ...... Samuel W. Becker, Sr. Secretary ...... Wiley M. Sams Treasurer ...... J. Lowry Miller

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 585 Annual Meetings and Officers

Eighty-fourth Meeting: Sheraton Maui at Kaanapali, Maui, Hawaii, June 29-30, July 1-2, 1964. President ...... Wiley M. Sams Vice-President ...... Francesco Ronchese Secretary ...... Robert R. Kierland Treasurer ...... J. Lowry Miller Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Eighty-fifth Meeting: Boca Raton Hotel and Club, Boca Raton, Florida, February 25-March 2, 1965. President ...... Francis W. Lynch Vice-President ...... Everett C. Fox Secretary ...... Robert R. Kierland Treasurer ...... J. Lowry Miller Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Eighty-sixth Meeting: The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia, April 14-19, 1966. President ...... Anthony C. Cipollaro Vice President ...... Francis A. Ellis Secretary ...... Robert R. Kierland Treasurer ...... J. Lowry Miller Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Eighty-seventh Meeting: The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 28-June 1, 1967. President ...... Clinton W. Lane Vice President ...... A. Fletcher Hall Secretary ...... Robert R. Kierland Treasurer ...... J. Lowry Miller Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Eighty-eighth Meeting: Dorado Beach Hotel, Dorado, Puerto Rico, April 4-9, 1968. President ...... Herman Beerman Vice President ...... Norman M. Wrong Secretary ...... R Kierland Treasurer ...... Anthony N. Domonkos Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Eighty-ninth Meeting: Camelback Inn, Scottsdale, Arizona, April 17-22, 1969. President ...... Robert R Kierland Vice President ...... Louis A. Winer Secretary ...... C. Barrett Kennedy Treasurer ...... Anthony N. Domonkos Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Ninetieth Meeting: Boca Raton Hotel and Club, Boca Raton, Florida, March 19-24, 1970. President ...... Clarence S. Livingood Vice President ...... Richard L. Sutton, Jr. Secretary ...... C. Barrett Kennedy Treasurer ...... Anthony N. Domonkos Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

586 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

Ninety-first Meeting: Skytop Lodge, Skytop, Pennsylvania, May 16-20, 1971. President ...... Harry L. Arnold,Jr. Vice President ...... Adolph Rostenberg,Jr. Secretary ...... C. Barrett Kennedy Treasurer ...... Anthony N. Domonkos Historian ...... FrederickJ.Szymanski

Ninety-second Meeting: Dorado Beach Hotel, Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico, April 13-18, 1972. President ...... Carl T. Nelson Vice President ...... Ervin Epstein Secretary ...... Thomas W.Murrell, Jr. Treasurer ...... Anthony N. Domonkos Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Ninety-third Meeting: Pierre Marques Hotel, Acapulco, Mexico, April 6-11, 1973. President ...... Walter C. Lobitz, Jr. Vice President ...... Frederick G. Novy, Jr. Secretary ...... Thomas W. Murrell, Jr. Treasurer ...... Alfred W. Kopf Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Ninety-fourth Meeting: Kona Surf Hotel, Kona, Hawaii, March 29-Apri 3, 1974. President ...... Edward P. Cawley Vice President ...... J. Lowry Miller Secretary ...... Thomas W. Murrell, Jr. Treasurer ...... Alfred W. Kopf Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Ninety-fifth Meeting: The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Florida, March 16-20, 1975. President ...... Rees B. Rees Vice President ...... J. Lewis Pipkin Secretary ...... Thomas W. Murrell, Jr. Treasurer ...... Alfred W. Kopf Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Ninety-sixth Meeting: CENTENNIAL ANIVERSARY OF THE ASSOCIATION: The Williamsburg Inn and Lodge, Williamsburg, Virginia, May 8-13, 1976. President ...... Walter B. Shelley Vice President ...... Harry M. Robinson, Jr. Secretary ...... Thomas W. Murrell, Jr. Treasurer ...... Alfred W. Kopf Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Ninety-seventh Meeting: Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona, March 19-24, 1977. President ...... R Thomas W. Murrell, Jr. Vice President ...... Harold M. Johnson Secretary ...... J. Graham Smith Treasurer ...... Alfred W. Kopf Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 587 Annual Meetings and Officers

Ninety-eighth Meeting: The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Florida, March 19-23, 1978. President ...... Rudolf Baer Vice President ...... Hermann Pinkus Secretary ...... J. Graham Smith, Jr. Treasurer ...... Richard L Dobson Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

Ninety-ninth Meeting: Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado, California, April 6-11, 1979. President ...... Anthony Domonkos Vice President ...... J. B. Howell Secretary ...... J. Graham Smith, Jr. Treasurer ...... Richard L Dobson Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

One Hundredth Meeting: Hilton head Inn, Sea Pines Plantation, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, May 23-28, 1980. President ...... Ray O. Noojin (Died while in office) Thomas Butterworth Vice Presidents ...... Thomas Butterworth Stanley E. Huff Secretary ...... J. Graham Smith, Jr. Treasurer ...... Richard L Dobson Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

One Hundred First Meeting: Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 26-July 1, 1981. President ...... Robert N. Buchanan Vice President ...... Otis F. Jilson Secretary ...... J. Graham Smith, Jr. Assistant Secretary ...... Joseph A. Elliott, Jr. Treasurer ...... Richard L Dobson Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

One Hundred Second Meeting: The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia, May 2-6, 1982. President ...... J. Graham Smith, Jr. Vice President ...... Morris Waisman Secretary ...... Joseph A. Elliott, Jr. Treasurer ...... Richard L Dobson Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

One Hundred Third Meeting: Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, March 18-23, 1983. President ...... Clayton E. Wheeler, Jr. Vice President ...... Victor D. Newcomer Secretary ...... Joseph A Elliott, Jr. Treasurer ...... Donald C. Abele Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

588 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

One Hundred Fourth Meeting: The Cloister, Sea Island, Georgia, March 11-15, 1984. President ...... Harry J. Hurley Vice President ...... Donald J. Birmingham Secretary ...... Joseph A Elliott, Jr. Treasurer ...... Donald C. Abele Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

One Hundred Fifth Meeting: Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, California, March 29-April 3, 1985. President ...... Richard B. Stoughton Vice President ...... W. Stuart Maddin Secretary ...... Joseph A Elliott, Jr. Treasurer ...... Donald C. Abele Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

One Hundred Sixth Meeting: The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, May 23-28, 1986. President ...... Robert W. Goltz Vice President ...... John A. Kenny, Jr. Secretary ...... Joseph A Elliott, Jr. Assistant Secretary ...... John S. Strauss Treasurer ...... Donald C. Abele Historian ...... Frederick J. Szymanski

One Hundred Seventh Meeting: Stouffer Wailea Beach Resort, Maui, Hawaii, February 27-March 4, 1987. President ...... Joseph A. Elliott, Jr. Vice President ...... James H. Graham Secretary ...... John S. Strauss. Treasurer ...... Donald C. Abele (until December 31, 1986) Treasurer ...... Irwin M. Freedberg (from January 1, 1987) Historian ...... J. Graham Smith

One Hundred Eighth Meeting: Badrutt’s Palace Hotel, St. Moritz Switzerland, June 28-July 2, 1988. President ...... John M. Knox. (died while in office) Henry W. Jolly, Jr. Vice President ...... Henry W. Jolly, Jr. Robert J. Morgan Secretary ...... John S. Strauss. Treasurer ...... Irwin M. Freedberg Historian ...... J. Graham Smith

One Hundred Ninth Meeting: Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona, Feb. 24-March 1, 1989. President ...... Alfred W. Kopf Vice-President ...... William D. Stewart Secretary ...... John S. Strauss. Treasurer ...... Irwin M. Freedberg Historian ...... J. Graham Smith

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 589 Annual Meetings and Officers

One Hundred Tenth Meeting: The Cloister, Sea Island, Georgia, May 11-16, 1990. President ...... Harold O. Perry Vice-President ...... Eugene P. Schoch, Jr. Secretary ...... John S. Strauss. Treasurer ...... Irwin M. Freedberg Historian ...... J. Graham Smith

One Hundred Eleventh Meeting: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Laguna Niguel, California, February 21-28, 1991. President ...... John H. Epstein Vice-President ...... J. Richard Allison Secretary ...... John S. Strauss Assistant Secretary ...... Donald C. Abele Treasurer ...... Irwin M. Freedberg Historian ...... J. Graham Smith

One Hundred Twelfth Meeting: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Naples, Florida, February 21-26, 1992. President ...... John S. Strauss Vice-President ...... Marie-Louise T. Johnson Secretary ...... Donald C. Abele Treasurer ...... Irwin M. Freedberg Historian ...... Robert B. Pittlekow

One Hundred Thirteenth Meeting: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Rancho Mirage, California, March 5-10, 1993. President ...... Peyton E. Weary Vice-President ...... Richard M. Caplan Secretary ...... Donald C. Abele Treasurer ...... Irvin H. Epstein Historian ...... Robert B. Pittlekow

One Hundred Fourteenth Meeting: The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, May 27-June 1, 1994. President ...... Thomas G. Jansen Vice-President ...... Milton Orkin Secretary ...... Donald C. Abele Historian ...... Robert B. Pittlekow

One Hundred Fifteenth Meeting: Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, 1995. President ...... Edward Krull Vice-President ...... Frederick A. J. Kingery Secretary ...... Donald C. Abele (died while in office) Alan R. Shalita Treasurer ...... Ervin Epstein, Jr. Historian ...... Robert B. Pittlekow

590 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

One Hundred Sixteenth Meeting: Ritz-Carlton Kempinski Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1996 President ...... Mark Allen Everett Vice-President ...... Denny L. Tufanelli Secretary-Treasurer ...... Alan R. Shalita Historian ...... Robert B. Pittlekow

One Hundred Seventeenth Meeting: The Cloisters, Sea Island, Georgia, 1997. President ...... Stephen B. Webster Vice-President ...... Paul Lazar Secretary-Treasurer ...... Alan R. Shalita Historian ...... Robert B. Pittlekow

One Hundred Eighteenth Meeting: Eldorado Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1998. President ...... Irwin M. Freedberg Vie-President ...... A. Paul Kelly Secretary-Treasurer ...... Alan R. Shalita Historian ...... Robert B. Pitlekow

One Hundred Nineteenth Meeting: ANA Grand Hotel, Vienna, Austria, 1999. President ...... A. Paul Kelly President-Elect ...... Paul S. Russell Vice-President ...... Lawrence A. Norton Secretary-Treasurer ...... Alan R. Shalita Historian ...... Robert B. Pittlekow

One Hundred Twentieth Meeting: Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California, 2000 President ...... Paul S. Russell President-Elect ...... Marie-Louise Johnson Vice-President ...... Robert Jackson Secretary-Treasurer ...... Alan R. Shalita Historian ...... Robert B. Pitlekow

One Hundred Twenty-first Meeting: The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida, 2001 President ...... Marie-Louise Johnson President-Elect: ...... Alan R. Shalita Vice President ...... Diane R. Baker Secretary-Treasurer: . . . . . Alan R. Shalita Assistant Secretary-Treasurer . .Darrell Rigel Historian ...... Robert B. Pittlekow

One Hundred Twenty-second Meeting: Four Seasons Resort and Club at Las Colinas, Irving Texas, 2002. President ...... Alan R. Shalita President-Elect ...... Lowell Goldsmith Vice-President ...... Marshall Blankenship Secretary-Treasurer ...... Darrell Rigel Historian ...... Robert Jackson

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 591 Annual Meetings and Officers

One Hundred Twenty-third Meeting: Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, December 3-7 2003. President ...... Lowell Goldsmith President-Elect ...... Charles J. McDonald Vice-President ...... Roy S. Rogers, III Secretary-Treasurer ...... Darrell Rigel Historian ...... Robert Jackson

One Hundred Twenty-fourth Meeting: Silverado Resort, Napa, California, October 20-24, 2004 President ...... Charles J. McDonald President-Elect ...... Evan Farmer Vice-President ...... Nicholas Soter Secretary-Treasurer: . . . . . Darrell Rigel Historian ...... Robert Jackson

One Hundred Twenty-fifth Meeting: Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation Lake Oconee, Greensboro, Georgia, September 14-18, 2005. President ...... Evan Farmer President-Elect ...... Lee T. Nesbitt, Jr. Vice-President ...... William Caro Secretary-Treasurer ...... Darrell S. Rigel Historian ...... John E. Wolf, Jr.

One Hundred Twenty-sixth Meeting: Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, Half Moon Bay, California, July 12-16, 2006. President ...... Lee T. Nesbitt, Jr. President-Elect ...... Darrell Rigel Vice-President ...... W. Christopher Duncan Secretary-Treasurer ...... Darrell Rigel Assistant Secretary-Treasurer . .David M. Pariser Historian ...... John E. Wolf, Jr.

One Hundred Twenty-seventh Meeting: Ritz-Carlton, Bachelor Gulch, Beaver Creek, Colorado, August 15-19, 2007 President ...... Darrell Rigel President-Elect ...... Elizabeth I. McBurney Vice-President ...... James S. Taylor Secretary-Treasurer ...... David M. Pariser Historian ...... John E. Wolf, Jr.

One Hundred Twenty-eighth Meeting: The Grove Park Inn, Asheville, North Carolina, August 13-17, 2008. President ...... Elizabeth I. McBurney President-Elect ...... John J. Voorhees Vice-President ...... Marianne O’Donoghue Secretary-Treasurer ...... David M. Pariser Historian ...... John E. Wolf

592 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Annual Meetings and Officers

One Hundred Twenty-ninth Meeting: The Stein Eriksen Lodge, Park City, Utah, August 19-23, 2009. President ...... John J. Voorhees President-Elect ...... Nicholas A. Soter Vice-President ...... Eugene Bauer Secretary-treasurer ...... David M. Pariser Historian ...... John E. Wolf, Jr.

One Hundred Thirtieth Meeting: The Ritz-Carlton Battery Park, New York, New York, 2010 President ...... Nicholas A. Soter President-Elect ...... Marianne O’Donoghue Vice-President ...... Jean Bolognia Secretary-Treasurer ...... David M. Pariser Historian ...... John E. Wolf, Jr.

One Hundred Thirty-first Meeting: Silverado Resort, Napa, California, September 14-18, 2011. President ...... Marianne O’Donoghue President-Elect ...... David M. Pariser Vice-President ...... Rex Amonette Secretary-Treasurer ...... David M. Pariser Assistant Secretary-Treasurer . .Eugene Bauer Historian ...... John E. Wolf, Jr.

One Hundred Thirty-second Meeting: Four Seasons Hotel, Washington, DC, October 24-28, 2012. President ...... David M. Pariser President-Elect ...... Rex Amonette Vice-President ...... Gloria Graham Secretary-Treasurer ...... Eugene Bauer Historian ...... John E. Wolf, Jr.

One Hundred Thirty-third Meeting: The Four Seasons Scottsdale at Troon North, Scottsdale, Arizona, September 18-22, 2013. President ...... Rex Amonette President-Elect ...... Jean Bologna Vice-President ...... John E. Wolf, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer ...... Eugene Bauer Historian ...... David M. Pariser

One Hundred Thirty-fourth Meeting: Williamsburg Inn and Lodge. Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, October 8-12, 2014. President ...... Jean Bologna President-Elect ...... Henry Lim Vice-President ...... Thomas Kupper Secretary-Treasurer ...... Eugene Bauer Historian ...... David M. Pariser

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 593 Annual Meetings and Officers

One Hundred Thirty-fifth Meeting: Ritz-Carlton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 7-11, 2015. President ...... Henry Lim President-Elect ...... Antoinette Hood Vice-President ...... James Zalla Secretary-Treasurer ...... Eugene Bauer Historian ...... David M. Pariser

One Hundred Thirty-sixth Meeting: The Bacara Resort, Santa Barbara, California, October 19-23, 2016. President ...... Antoinette Hood President-Elect ...... David Cohen Vice-President ...... Robert Modlin Secretary-Treasurer ...... Eugene Bauer Assistant Secretary-Treasurer . .Robert Brodell Historian ...... David M. Pariser

One Hundred Thirty-seventh Meeting: Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, July 19-23, 2017. President ...... David Cohen President-Elect ...... Eugene Bauer Vice President ...... Brian Berman Secretary-Treasurer ...... Robert Brodell Historian ...... David M. Pariser

One Hundred Thirty-eighth Meeting: Silverado Resort, Napa California, November 7-11, 2018. President ...... Eugene Bauer President-Elect ...... Wilma Bergfeld Vice-President ...... Joyce Rico Secretary-Treasurer ...... Robert Brodell Historian ...... David M. Pariser

One Hundred Thirty-ninth Meeting: Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Sarasota, Florida, August 14-18, 2019. President ...... Wilma Bergfeld President-Elect ...... Brian Berman Vice-President ...... Kenneth Tomecki Secretary-Treasurer ...... Robert Brodell Historian ...... David M. Pariser

One Hundred Fortieth Meeting: Scheduled for the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, Half Moon Bay, California, but cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Business meeting only held virtually on October 17, 2020. President ...... Brian Berman President-Elect ...... Jeffrey Callen Vice-President ...... Janet Fairley Secretary-Treasurer ...... Robert Brodell Historian ...... David M. Pariser

594 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Index Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

A Bailin, Philip Lawrence...... 1984 ...... 271 Abele, Donald C ...... 1969 ...... 203 Baker, Diane R ...... 1990 ...... 293 Abramovits, William ...... 2008...... 439 Baldwin, Hillary P ...... 2001 ...... 369 Abramowitz, Elias W ...... 1933 ...... 103 Balina, Pedro I ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Ackerman, Albert Bernard. . . . . 1976 ...... 236 Baran, Robert ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Adams, Walter B ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Barba Rubio, Jose ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Adamson, H . G ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Barber, H . W ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Adelson, David ...... 2018 ...... 533 Barbosa, Victoria Holloway. . . . . 2018 ...... 534 Alam, Murad ...... 2009...... 450 Barker, Leslie P ...... 1951...... 141 Alani, Rhoda M ...... 2011...... 468 Barney, Robert E ...... 1931 ...... 97 Alden, Herbert S ...... 1944 ...... 122 Barr, Ronald J ...... 1988 ...... 284 Alderson, Harry E ...... 1911...... 66 Barrett, Terry L ...... 2002...... 374 Alexander, Welcome T ...... 1882 ...... 46 Baselga, Eulalia ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Alexiades, Macrene ...... 2018 ...... 533 Basler, Rodney ...... 2004...... 396 Alexis, Andrew ...... 2014 ...... 498 Bauer, Eugene ...... 1983 ...... 266 Allen, Charles W ...... 1889 ...... 50 Baughman, Richard ...... 1983 ...... 267 Allington, Herman V ...... 1949 ...... 134 Baum, Christian Lee...... 2020 ...... 552 Allison, Jr., James Richard. . . . . 1964 ...... 186 Baumann, Leslie ...... 2007 ...... 427 Almqvist, Johan R...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Bazex, Andre Jean...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Alster, Tina ...... 2004...... 395 Bean, Samuel Franklin ...... 1978 ...... 246 Amagi, Masa ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Bechet, Paul E ...... 1929 ...... 92 Amonette, Rex A ...... 1992 ...... 304 Beck, Lisa A ...... 2017 ...... 524 Amoretti, Aguiles ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Becker, Frederic T ...... 1951...... 141 Anadkat, Milan J ...... 2018 ...... 534 Becker, Samuel W ...... 1937 ...... 111 Anderson, Nelson Paul...... 1935 ...... 107 Becker, Jr., Samuel W ...... 1959 ...... 170 Anderson, Philip C ...... 1970 ...... 208 Beddingfield, Frederick C . . . . . 2014 ...... 498 Anderson, R . Rox...... 2007 ...... 427 Beerman, Herman ...... 1946 ...... 126 Anderson, T . McCall...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Beinhauer, Lawrence G ...... 1936 ...... 110 Anderson, Thomas F ...... 1987 ...... 280 Belisario, John C...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Andreev, Vladimir C ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Belote, George H ...... 1931 ...... 97 Andrews, George C ...... 1936 ...... 109 Belsito, Donald Vincent...... 1993 ...... 312 Anhalt, Grant James...... 1991 ...... 299 Benedetto, Anthony V ...... 2007 ...... 427 Ansel, John ...... 1995 ...... 325 Bennett, Daniel D ...... 2019 ...... 542 Antaya, Richard J ...... 2016 ...... 513 Bennett, Richard G ...... 2008...... 439 Anthony, Henry G ...... 1903 ...... 61 Bercovitch, Lionel ...... 2017 ...... 524 Arbiser, Jack ...... 2006...... 417 Berger, Timothy George ...... 1993 ...... 312 Argenyi, Zsolt B ...... 2009...... 450 Bergfeld, Wilma Fowler ...... 1980 ...... 252 Armstrong, April W ...... 2016 ...... 514 Bergstresser, Paul R ...... 1986 ...... 276 Arndt, Kenneth A ...... 1974...... 227 Berman, Brian ...... 2004...... 397 Arnold, Jr, Harry L ...... 1947 ...... 128 Bernhard, Jeffrey D ...... 1998 ...... 349 Arpey, Christopher ...... 2006...... 417 Bernstein, Eric F ...... 2014 ...... 498 Arron, Sarah Tuttleton...... 2019 ...... 542 Berson, Diane S ...... 2003...... 385 Arundell, Faye D ...... 1987 ...... 280 Bertarelli., Ambrogio ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Arzt, Leopold ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Besnier, Ernest ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Asboe-Hansen, Gustav ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Bettley, F . Ray ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Asgari, Maryam ...... 2017 ...... 523 Beutner, Ernst (Ernie)...... Assoc Member...... 574 Atkinson, Isaac E ...... Founder ...... 34 Bhatia, Ashish ...... 2017 ...... 525 Atwater, Amber Reck...... 2020 ...... 551 Bhatia, Neal ...... 2015 ...... 508 Avram, Mathew ...... 2013 ...... 489 Bhawan, Jag ...... 2012 ...... 477 Ayres, III, Samuel ...... 1957 ...... 163 Bichakjian, Christopher K ...... 2017 ...... 526 Ayres, Jr., Samuel ...... 1928 ...... 90 Bickers, David R ...... 1982 ...... 262 Azulay, Rubem David...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Biddle, Andrew P ...... 1902 ...... 60 Bigby, Michael ...... 2004...... 397 B Billingsley, Elizabeth Magill. . . . . 2012 ...... 478 Baden, Howard P ...... 1971 ...... 213 Binkley, George W ...... 1949 ...... 135 Baer, Rudolf L ...... 1956 ...... 161 Birmingham, Donald J ...... 1959 ...... 171

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 595 Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Birt, Arthur R ...... 1966 ...... 192 Burgess, James Fred...... 1930 ...... 95 Bizzozero, Enzo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Burgin, Susan ...... 2018 ...... 536 Black, Martin ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Burgoon, Jr., Carroll F ...... 1961 ...... 177 Blaisdell, Harper ...... 1930 ...... 94 Burke, Karen Elizabeth...... 2014 ...... 500 Blank, Harvey ...... 1955 ...... 158 Burket, John M ...... 1988 ...... 285 Blankenship, Marshall L ...... 1980 ...... 253 Burks, Jr., James W ...... 1962 ...... 180 Blauvelt, Andrew ...... 2007 ...... 429 Burnett, Joseph W ...... 1972 ...... 218 Blaylock, W . Kenneth...... 1973 ...... 223 Burnham, Thomas K ...... 1971 ...... 213 Bloch, Bruno ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Burns, Frederick S ...... 1912...... 68 Bluefarb, Samuel M ...... 1954 ...... 154 Burns, Robert E ...... 1965 ...... 189 Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Burrows, Desmond ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Boeck, Caesar ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Burton, III, Claude S ...... 2009...... 451 Boh, Erin ...... 2005...... 405 Busey, Samuel C ...... Founder ...... 35 Bohjanen, Kimberly ...... 2015 ...... 509 Butler, James ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Bolgert, Marc ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Butler, John ...... 1919...... 77 Bolognia, Jean L ...... 1996 ...... 335 Butterwick, Kimberly ...... 2012 ...... 478 Bopp, Clovis ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Butterworth, Thomas ...... 1953 ...... 149 Borda, Julio M...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Bystryn, Jean-Claude ...... 1984 ...... 271 Bordeaux, Jeremy ...... 2013 ...... 489 Borradori, Luca ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 C Bosellini, P . L ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Callaway, Jasper Lamar...... 1944 ...... 123 Bowen, John T ...... 1889 ...... 51 Callen, Jeffrey P ...... 1986 ...... 276 Brain, R . T ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Callender, Valerie D ...... 2009...... 451 Brancaccio, Ronald R ...... 2003...... 386 Calnan, C .D ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Braun-Falco, Otto ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Camisa, Charles ...... 2002...... 375 Braverman, Irwin M ...... 1969 ...... 204 Campana, R ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Bravo, Francisco ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Campbell, Ralph R ...... 1905 ...... 62 Brayton, Alembert W ...... 1911...... 66 Campbell, Robert ...... Charter Member...... 40 Breakey, William F ...... 1902 ...... 60 Canizares, Orlando ...... 1950 ...... 137 Brewer, Jerry D ...... 2014 ...... 499 Cannon, A . Benson...... 1932 ...... 101 Bridges, Alina Grzybowski. . . . . 2019 ...... 543 Cantrell, John A ...... 1893 ...... 53 Briggaman, Robert Alan...... 1974...... 228 Caplan, Richard M ...... 1968 ...... 199 Brocq, Louis, ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Caputo, Ruggero ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Brod, Bruce A ...... 2018 ...... 535 Carmichael, Randolph B ...... 1899 ...... 57 Brodell, Robert T ...... 2007 ...... 429 Carney, Robert G ...... 1954 ...... 154 Brodie, William ...... Charter Member...... 39 Caro, Marcus Rayner...... 1941 ...... 121 Brodland, David ...... 2004...... 398 Caro, William A ...... 1973 ...... 224 Brodthagen, Holger ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Carpenter, Jr., Carlton L ...... 1977 ...... 241 Brody, Harold J ...... 1999 ...... 354 Carrion, Arturo L ...... 1948 ...... 130 Bronson, Daryl ...... 2005...... 406 Carruthers, Alastair ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Bronson, Edward B ...... 1878 ...... 45 Carruthers, Jean ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Brooks, Almon P ...... Charter Member...... 40 Carter, D . Martin...... 1975 ...... 231 Brown, Marc D ...... 2002...... 375 Carucci, John A ...... 2015 ...... 509 Brown, Stuart M ...... 1998 ...... 350 Castrow, II, Fred F ...... 1982 ...... 263 Brown, Thomas R ...... Founder ...... 34 Caughman, Stewart Wright. . . . . 1993 ...... 312 Brownell, Isaac ...... 2019 ...... 544 Cawley, Edward P ...... 1950 ...... 138 Brunsting, Henry A ...... 1950 ...... 137 Ceilley, Roger I ...... 1989 ...... 289 Brunsting, Louis A ...... 1935 ...... 108 Celebi, Julide T ...... 2014 ...... 501 Bruusgaard, Emil ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Cerroni, Lorenzo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Buchanan, Jr., Robert N ...... 1959 ...... 171 Cestari, Tania ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Bulkley, L . Duncan...... Founder ...... 34 Chalker, Daniel K ...... 2001 ...... 370 Bunker, Christopher ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Chalmers, Robert James ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Burdick, Anne ...... 2006...... 418 Chan, Henry Hin Lee...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Burg, Gunter ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Chan, Lawrence ...... 2010 ...... 460 Burgdorf, Walter H . C ...... 1989 ...... 288 Chan, Roy ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Burge, Susan ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 567 Chargin, Louis ...... 1940 ...... 118 Burgess, Cheryl M ...... 2013 ...... 490 Charpy, Jacques ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568

596 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Chen, Hong-Duo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cregor, Frank W ...... 1929 ...... 92 Chen, Suephy C ...... 2009...... 452 Crissey, John Thorne...... 1988 ...... 285 Chernosky, Marvin E ...... 1969 ...... 204 Crocker, H . Radcliffe...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Chipman, Ernest D ...... 1914...... 72 Cronin, Jr., Terrence A ...... 2018 ...... 537 Choate, Keith Adam...... 2017 ...... 527 Cropley, Thomas ...... 2005...... 406 Choi, Jaehyuk ...... 2020 ...... 552 Crossland, Paul M ...... 1961 ...... 178 Choi, Jennifer Nam...... 2019 ...... 544 Crounse, Robert G ...... 1968 ...... 200 Chorzelski, Tadeusz P ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Crutchfield, Earl D ...... 1926 ...... 86 Chren, Mary-Margaret ...... 2010 ...... 461 Cruz, Jr., Ponciano D ...... 1996 ...... 336 Christianson, Herbert B ...... 1968 ...... 200 Culver, George D ...... 1913...... 69 Christophers, Enno ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cummer, Clyde L ...... 1930 ...... 95 Chung, Jin-Ho ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cunliffe, William ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cipollaro, Anthony C ...... 1938 ...... 114 Curiel-Lewandowski, Clara . . . . 2015 ...... 510 Civatte, Achille ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Curtis, Arthur C ...... 1947 ...... 128 Civatte, Jean ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Curtis, F . C ...... 1884 ...... 47 Clark, Rachael ...... 2013 ...... 490 Curtis, George H ...... 1950 ...... 138 Clark, Richard ...... 1993 ...... 313 Cutler, Condict W ...... 1890 ...... 51 Clark, Jr., Wallace H ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Claxton, Bradford ...... Assoc Member...... 574 D Clendenning, William E ...... 1972 ...... 219 Da Fonseca, Jr., Olympio . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cockerell, Clay J ...... 1995 ...... 326 Dahl, Mark V ...... 1982 ...... 263 Cohen, Bernard A ...... 2003...... 386 Dalton, John E ...... 1951...... 142 Cohen, David ...... 2004...... 398 Damon, Howard F ...... Charter Member...... 40 Cohen, Stephen R ...... 1999 ...... 354 Danbolt, Niels C ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Coldiron, Brett ...... 2007 ...... 430 Daniel, C . Ralph...... 2000...... 362 Cole, Jr., Harold N ...... 1953 ...... 150 Daniels, Jr., Farrington ...... 1966 ...... 192 Cole, Sr., Harold N ...... 1917...... 75 Darier, Ferdinand-Jean ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Colegio, Oscar R ...... 2018 ...... 536 Darling, Thomas Noel...... 2013 ...... 491 Coleman, III, William P ...... 1997 ...... 343 Davidson, Andrew M ...... 1936 ...... 110 Collins, Scott A . B ...... 2014 ...... 501 Davis, Charles N ...... 1914...... 72 Columbini, Pio ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Davis, Dawn ...... 2018 ...... 538 Combes, Frank Charles...... 1941 ...... 121 Davis, Mark D . P ...... 2007 ...... 431 Conant, Marcus A ...... 1976 ...... 237 Davis, Robert H ...... 1916...... 74 Connolly, Suzanne M ...... 1995 ...... 326 De Graciansky, P ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Convit, Jacinto ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 De Oreo, Gerard A ...... 1960 ...... 174 Cook, Joel ...... 2009...... 452 DeAmicis, T ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cook, Jonathan L ...... 2008...... 440 DeFeo, Jr., Charles P ...... 1965 ...... 189 Cooper, Alan ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Degos, Robert ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cooper, Kevin D ...... 1990 ...... 293 Degreef, Hugo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cordero, Alejandro ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Del Rosso, James ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Cordoro, Kelly M ...... 2017 ...... 527 DeLeo, Vincent A ...... 1992 ...... 306 Corlett, William T ...... 1888 ...... 48 Dellavalle, Robert ...... 2020 ...... 554 Cormia, Frank E ...... 1948 ...... 131 Demierre, Marie France...... 2010 ...... 461 Cornelison, Raymond L ...... 1990 ...... 294 Demis, D . Joseph...... 1968 ...... 201 Cornelius, Lynn A ...... 2003...... 386 deMoragas, Jose M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Corrnane, Rudi H...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Dennie, Charles C ...... 1921 ...... 80 Corson, Edward F ...... 1939 ...... 116 Denslow, LeGrand N ...... 1884 ...... 47 Costello, Maurice J ...... 1946 ...... 126 Derbes, Vincent J ...... 1960 ...... 175 Cotliar, Jonathan ...... 2018 ...... 537 Desai, Seemal R ...... 2020 ...... 554 Cotsarelis, George ...... 2006...... 418 Desai, Sharat C ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Cottino, Gian Battista...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Desaux., Alfred ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Council, Martha Laurin...... 2020 ...... 553 Diaz, Luis A ...... 1985 ...... 273 Cowen, Edward W ...... 2012 ...... 479 Diehl, Alfred E ...... 1914...... 72 Craft, Noah ...... 2014 ...... 502 DiGiovanna, John J ...... 1995 ...... 327 Cram, David L ...... 1977 ...... 242 Dillaha, Calvin J ...... 1963 ...... 183 Crawford, G . Marshall ...... 1948 ...... 131 Dinehart, Scott M ...... 1997 ...... 343 Crawford, Stanley ...... 1934 ...... 105 Dixon, Hamnett A ...... 1937 ...... 112

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 597 Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Dlova, Ncoza ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Ellis, Francis A ...... 1944 ...... 123 Dlugosz, Andrzej ...... 2005...... 406 Elmets, Craig A ...... 1997 ...... 344 Dobes, William L ...... 1954 ...... 154 Elston, Dirk M ...... 2008...... 440 Dobes, Jr., William L ...... 1994 ...... 319 Engasser, Patricia G ...... 1993 ...... 314 Dobson, Richard L ...... 1966 ...... 193 Engman, Martin F ...... 1902 ...... 60 Dohi, Keizo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Engman, Jr., Martin F ...... 1935 ...... 108 Dominguez-Cherit, Judith . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Epps, Roselyn E ...... 2009...... 454 Dominguez-Soto, Luciano . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Epstein, John H ...... 1964 ...... 187 Domonkos, Anthony N ...... 1958 ...... 166 Epstein, Norman N ...... 1936 ...... 111 Donofrio, Lisa ...... 2017 ...... 527 Epstein, Stephan ...... 1954 ...... 155 Dostrovsky, Aryeh ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Epstein, William L ...... 1963 ...... 183 Dover, Jeffrey S ...... 2001 ...... 370 Epstein, Jr., Ervin H ...... 1979 ...... 249 Dowd, Pauline ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Epstein, Sr., Ervin H ...... 1953 ...... 150 Dowling, Geoffrey Barrow. . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Ereaux, Lemuel P ...... 1953 ...... 151 Downing, John G ...... 1937 ...... 112 Ertle, James O ...... 2002...... 376 Draelos, Zoe Diana...... 2004...... 399 Esterly, Nancy Burton...... 1981 ...... 257 Drake, Lynn A ...... 1991 ...... 299 Esteves, Juvenal A ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Draper, William H ...... Charter Member...... 40 Eun, Hee Chul...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Driver, James R ...... 1929 ...... 93 Everett, Mark Allen...... 1964 ...... 188 Drolet, Beth ...... 2009...... 453 Dubertret, Louis ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 F Dubin, Howard V ...... 1993 ...... 314 Fairley, Janet A ...... 1995 ...... 329 Duemling, Werner W ...... 1934 ...... 105 Falabella, Rafael ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Duffin, Kristina Callis ...... 2017 ...... 526 Falanga, Vincent ...... 1998 ...... 350 Duhring, Louis A ...... Founder ...... 35 Farber, Eugene M ...... 1957 ...... 164 Duncan, W . Christopher...... 1980 ...... 253 Farmer, Evan Ragland...... 1987 ...... 281 Duperrat, Bernard ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Farris, Patricia ...... 2000...... 363 Durkee, Silas H ...... 1877 ...... 43 Feiwel, Michael ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Dutz, Jan Peter...... 2013 ...... 491 Feldman, Steven ...... 2004...... 399 Duvic, Madeleine ...... 1995 ...... 328 Fenske, Neil Alan...... 1992 ...... 306 Dyer, Gary ...... 1995 ...... 328 Fernandez, Jose M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Dyer, Isadore ...... 1895 ...... 54 Ferringer, Tammie ...... 2019 ...... 545 Dyer, Jonathan ...... 2017 ...... 528 Ferris, Laura Korb...... 2019 ...... 546 Fidanza, Enrique P ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 E Findlay, George H...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Eaglstein, William Howard . . . . . 1983 ...... 267 Fine, Jo-David ...... 1996 ...... 336 Ebert, Michael H ...... 1931 ...... 97 Fine, Robert M ...... 1974...... 228 Edelson, Richard L ...... 1987 ...... 281 Finger, Ernest ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Edison, Karen E ...... 2016 ...... 515 Finnerud, Clark W ...... 1928 ...... 90 Ehlers, Edward ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Fisher, Isadore ...... 1975 ...... 232 Ehrlich, Alison ...... 2015 ...... 511 Fisher, Jerome K ...... 1965 ...... 190 Eichenfield, Lawrence F ...... 2000...... 362 Fitzpatrick, James E ...... 2007 ...... 432 Eichenlaub, Frank J ...... 1931 ...... 98 Fitzpatrick, Richard E ...... 2006...... 419 Eisen, Arthur Z ...... 1970 ...... 209 Fitzpatrick, Thomas B ...... 1957 ...... 164 el-Azahry, Rokea ...... 2006...... 419 Flarer, Franco ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 El-Mofty, Abdel M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Fleckman, Philip ...... 2004...... 400 El-Mofty, Abdel ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Fleischer, Jr., Alan B ...... 2003...... 387 El-Zawahry, Mohammed ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Fleischmajer, Raul ...... 1983 ...... 268 Elder, James T ...... 2001 ...... 371 Flynn, Timothy ...... 2005...... 407 Elenitsas, Rosalie ...... 2009...... 453 Foerster, Harry R ...... 1926 ...... 87 Elewski, Boni E ...... 1994 ...... 320 Foerster, Otto H ...... 1911...... 67 Elgart, George ...... 2009...... 453 Foldvari, Ferenc ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Eller, Joseph Jordan...... 1929 ...... 93 Fordyce, John A ...... 1890 ...... 51 Elliott, George T ...... 1891 ...... 52 Forman, Louis ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Elliott, Joseph A ...... 1922 ...... 81 Fornier, Alfred ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Elliott, Jr., Joseph A ...... 1957 ...... 163 Forsey, R . Roy...... 1963 ...... 183 Ellis, Charles N ...... 1989 ...... 289 Fosko, Scott W ...... 2017 ...... 528

598 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Foster, Burnside ...... 1905 ...... 62 Gigli, Irma ...... 1987 ...... 282 Foster, Frank P ...... 1877 ...... 44 Gilchrest, Barbara A ...... 1988 ...... 285 Fowler, Jr., Joseph F ...... 2001 ...... 371 Gilchrist, T . Caspar ...... 1896 ...... 55 Fowlkes, Richard W ...... 1949 ...... 135 Gilliam, Anita C ...... 2004...... 400 Fox, Everett C ...... 1938 ...... 115 Gilman, Robert L ...... 1935 ...... 108 Fox, George H ...... Founder ...... 35 Girardi, Michael ...... 2016 ...... 516 Fox, Howard ...... 1908 ...... 64 Giroux, Jean-Mario ...... 1980 ...... 254 Fox, Lindy Peta...... 2016 ...... 515 Glaser, DeeAnna ...... 2014 ...... 502 Fox, T . Colcott...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Glass, Frank L ...... 2012 ...... 481 Fraga, Sylvio ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Glick, Sharon Albers...... 2013 ...... 493 Franks, Jr., Andrew G ...... 2012 ...... 479 Glogau, Richard G ...... 1995 ...... 329 Franzblau, Michael J ...... 1996 ...... 337 Goeckerman, William H ...... 1927 ...... 89 Fraser, J . Frank ...... 1927 ...... 89 Goetz, Hans ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Frazier, Chester N ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Gold, Linda Stein...... 2013 ...... 497 Freedberg, Irwin M ...... 1970 ...... 209 Goldberg, David ...... 2009...... 454 Freeman, Charles D ...... 1923 ...... 83 Goldberg, Lynne J ...... 2014 ...... 504 Freeman, Robert G ...... 1969 ...... 205 Goldenberg, Herman ...... 1901 ...... 59 Freinkel, Ruth K ...... 1972 ...... 219 Goldman, Glenn ...... 2014 ...... 504 French, Lars ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Goldman, Leon ...... 1955 ...... 159 Frieboes, W ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Goldman, Mitchel ...... 2006...... 419 Frieden, Ilona J ...... 2003...... 387 Goldschmidt, Herbert ...... 1976 ...... 237 Friedlander, Sheila Fallon...... 2004...... 400 Goldsmith, Lowell A ...... 1980 ...... 254 Friedman, Adam ...... 2020 ...... 555 Goldsmith, William N ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Friedman-Kien, Alvin E ...... 1994 ...... 320 Golitz, Loren E ...... 1983 ...... 268 Fritsch, Peter ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Goltz, Robert W ...... 1959 ...... 172 From, Lynn Fredericks...... 2002...... 376 Gontijo, Bernardo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Fromer, John L ...... 1961 ...... 178 Gonzalez, Ernesto ...... 2007 ...... 433 Frost, Kendal P ...... 1924...... 84 Gonzalez, Juventino ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Frost, Phillip ...... 1974...... 229 Gonzalez, Salvador ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Fujinami, Tokuji ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Gonzalez-Herrejon, Salvador . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Fukuyama, Kimie ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Gonzalez-Ochoa, Antonio . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Fuller, Claire ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Gonzalez-Urena, Jesus . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Furtado, Tancredo A...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 568 Gordon, Kenneth B ...... 2017 ...... 529 Gottheil, William S ...... 1908 ...... 64 G Gottlieb, Alice B ...... 2002...... 378 Gallo, Richard ...... 2005...... 408 Gottron, Heinrich ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Gammel, John A ...... 1932 ...... 101 Gougerot, Henri ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Gammon, Walter Ray...... 1989 ...... 290 Graham, Gloria Flippin ...... 1992 ...... 307 Gans, Oscar ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Graham, James E ...... 1879 ...... 46 Garner, Lisa A ...... 2007 ...... 432 Graham, James Herbert...... 1967 ...... 195 Garrett, Algin B ...... 2002...... 377 Graham-Brown, Robin ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Garzon, Maria C ...... 2012 ...... 480 Graham-Little, Sir Ernest...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Gaskill, Henry K ...... 1916...... 75 Granstein, Richard D ...... 1995 ...... 330 Gaspari, Anthony A ...... 2000...... 363 Grant-Kels, Jane M ...... 2003...... 388 Gate, Jean ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Grauer, Franklin H ...... 1951...... 142 Gaucher, E ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Gray, Sir A . M . H ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Gay-Prieto, J ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Greaves, Malcom ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Gebhart, Walter G ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Green, Lawrence J ...... 2020 ...... 556 Geddings, William Henry...... 1877 ...... 44 Greenbaum, Charles H ...... 1983 ...... 268 Gelfand, Joel M ...... 2013 ...... 492 Greenberg, Robert D ...... 2000...... 364 Gelmetti, Carlo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Greenough, Francis B ...... 1878 ...... 45 Gentry, Jr., William C ...... 1985 ...... 274 Greenway, Hubert Thornton. . . . . 1993 ...... 315 Gerami, Pedram ...... 2020 ...... 556 Greenwood, Arthur M ...... 1928 ...... 91 Geronemus, Roy G ...... 2000...... 364 Greer, Kenneth E ...... 1981 ...... 258 Geskin, Larisa ...... 2020 ...... 557 Grekin, Roy C ...... 2001 ...... 371 Ghadially, Ruby ...... 2020 ...... 558 Grichnik, James M ...... 2008...... 441 Gibson, Lawrence E ...... 2002...... 377 Griffiths, Christopher ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569

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Grimes, Pearl Evelyn...... 1993 ...... 315 Hebra, Ferdinand von...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Grindon, Joseph ...... 1890 ...... 52 Heitzman, Carl ...... Founder ...... 36 Grinspan, David ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Heitzman, Louis ...... 1891 ...... 53 Grossman, Marc E ...... 2008...... 442 Hellerstrom, Sven ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Grupper, Charles ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hellier, Frank ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Gudjonsson, Johann E ...... 2020 ...... 558 Helm, Thomas ...... 2016 ...... 516 Guitart, Joan ...... 2011...... 469 Helms, Stephen ...... 2019 ...... 546 Guttman-Yassky, Emma ...... 2015 ...... 511 Helwig, Elson B ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Guy, William B ...... 1953 ...... 151 Henington, Vernon M ...... 1956 ...... 161 Guy, William H ...... 1922 ...... 82 Hercogova, Jana ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hermans, Sr., E . H ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 H Herrmann, Franz ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Haase, Marcus ...... 1912...... 68 Heymann, Warren ...... 2004...... 401 Haber, Henry ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hickman, Janet Gratner...... 2011...... 469 Hackney, Victor C ...... 1974...... 229 High, Whitney ...... 2019 ...... 547 Haeberlin, Jr., John B ...... 1958 ...... 167 Highman, Walter J ...... 1914...... 72 Hagerman, Gosta ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Higuchi, Kentaro ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hailey, W . Howard ...... 1940 ...... 119 Hintner, Helmut ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Halder, Rebat M ...... 1995 ...... 331 Hitch, Joseph M ...... 1951...... 143 Hall, A . Fletcher ...... 1948 ...... 131 Hjorth, Niels ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hall, III, Russell P ...... 1991 ...... 300 Hoffmann, Erich ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hallopeau, F . H ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hojyo-Tomoka, Maria Theresa. . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Halpern, Allan C ...... 2003...... 389 Holbrook, Karen ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Halprin, Kenneth M ...... 1971 ...... 214 Holder, O . H ...... 1900 ...... 58 Hambrick, Jr., George W...... 1960 ...... 175 Holubar, Karl ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hand, Daniel W ...... Charter Member...... 41 Honeycutt, W . Mage ...... 1972 ...... 220 Handog, Evangeline ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Honeyman, Juan ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Haneke, Eckhart ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Honigsmann, Hebert ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hanifin, Jon M ...... 1981 ...... 258 Hood, Antoinette F ...... 1990 ...... 294 Hanke, C . William...... 1991 ...... 301 Hooper, Deirdre O’Boyle...... 2020 ...... 559 Hansen, Amaur ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hopkins, J . Gardner...... 1932 ...... 101 Hansen, Ronald C ...... 2001 ...... 372 Hopkins, Ralph ...... 1928 ...... 91 Happle, Rudolph ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hordinsky, Maria K ...... 1999 ...... 355 Harber, Leonard C ...... 1966 ...... 193 Hori, Yoshiaki ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hardaway, William A ...... Charter Member...... 41 Horn, Thomas D ...... 1998 ...... 351 Harding, George F ...... 1901 ...... 59 Horvath, Peter N ...... 1973 ...... 224 Hardy, A . C ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Howe, James S ...... 1888 ...... 49 Harlingen, Arthur Van...... Founder ...... 36 Howell, James B ...... 1953 ...... 151 Harman, Jr., Louis E ...... 1975 ...... 232 Howles, James K ...... 1952 ...... 146 Harmon, Christopher ...... 2005...... 408 Hruza, George J ...... 2009...... 455 Harper, Julie C ...... 2018 ...... 538 Huff, Stanley E ...... 1962 ...... 180 Harrell, E . Richard ...... 1956 ...... 162 Hunter, John ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Harris, Frederick G ...... 1913...... 69 Huntley, Arthur C ...... 2001 ...... 372 Harrison, L . W ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Huriez., Claude ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hartzell, Milton B ...... 1890 ...... 52 Hurley, Harry J ...... 1963 ...... 184 Haserick, John R ...... 1952 ...... 145 Hurst, Eva A ...... 2019 ...... 547 Hashimoto, Ken ...... 1976 ...... 238 Hutchins, Miller B ...... 1897 ...... 55 Hata, Tissa ...... 2014 ...... 504 Hutchinson, Johnathan ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hawk, John ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hwang, Samuel T ...... 2017 ...... 529 Haxthausen, H ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hyde, James N ...... Charter Member...... 41 Hay, Roderick ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hymes, Sharon ...... 2014 ...... 505 Haynes, Harley A ...... 2008...... 442 Hazel, Onis G ...... 1948 ...... 132 I Hazen, Henry H ...... 1913...... 69 Imamura, Sadao ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Headington, John T ...... 1982 ...... 264 Imamura, Sadao ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Heaton, Charles L ...... 1977 ...... 242 Ingram, John T...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Hebert, Adelaide A ...... 2000...... 365 Irvine, Harry G ...... 1917...... 76

600 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Index

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Ishibashi, Yasumasa ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Kellum, Robert E ...... 1971 ...... 214 Ishihara, Masaru ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 569 Kelly, A . Paul...... 1984 ...... 272 Isseroff, Rivkah (Roslyn)...... 2005...... 409 Kennedy, C . Barrett...... 1955 ...... 160 Izumi, Allan K ...... 1983 ...... 269 Kenney, Jr., John A ...... 1970 ...... 210 Kerdel, Francisco ...... 1997 ...... 344 J Kerdel-Vegas, Francisco ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Jablonska, Stefania ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kerl, Helmut ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Jackson, George T ...... 1888 ...... 49 Kersting, David W ...... 1961 ...... 179 Jackson, J . Mark...... 2016 ...... 517 Kesten, Beatrice M ...... 1951...... 143 Jackson, Robert ...... 1973 ...... 224 Ketron, Lloyd W ...... 1919...... 77 Jacob, Frederick M ...... 1931 ...... 98 Keyes, Edward L ...... Founder ...... 36 Jacobe, Heidi ...... 2020 ...... 559 Khavari, Paul A ...... 2002...... 379 Jacobs, Paul H ...... 1978 ...... 246 Kierland, Robert R ...... 1948 ...... 132 Jacobson, Coleman ...... 1975 ...... 233 Kile, Roy L ...... 1948 ...... 133 Jadassohn, Joseph ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kilmer, Suzanne L ...... 2011...... 470 Jadassohn, Werner F...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kilroy, Philip ...... 1919...... 78 James, William D ...... 1991 ...... 301 Kim, Ellen J ...... 2012 ...... 481 Jamieson, Robert C ...... 1920 ...... 78 Kim, Jenny ...... 2009...... 456 Jansen, G . Thomas ...... 1966 ...... 194 Kim, Youn ...... 2006...... 420 Jeffries, Benjamin Joy...... Charter Member...... 42 Kimball, Alexandra B ...... 2008...... 443 Jegasothy, Brian V ...... 1982 ...... 264 Kimmig., Josef ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Jellinek, Nathaniel ...... 2012 ...... 481 King, Brett A ...... 2020 ...... 560 Jillson, Otis F ...... 1958 ...... 167 King-Smith, David ...... 1910...... 65 Johnson, Bernett L ...... 1991 ...... 302 King, Jr., Lloyd E ...... 1981 ...... 259 Johnson, Harold M ...... 1952 ...... 146 Kingery, Frederick A . J ...... 1968 ...... 201 Johnson, Marie-Louise T ...... 1973 ...... 225 Kingery, Lyle B ...... 1923 ...... 83 Johnson, Sture A . M ...... 1952 ...... 146 Kingsbury, Jerome ...... 1913...... 70 Johnson, Timothy M ...... 2003...... 390 Kinmont, Patrick D C...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Johnson, Waine C ...... 1972 ...... 220 Kirsner, Robert ...... 2007 ...... 433 Johnson, Jr., Herbert H ...... 1954 ...... 155 Kitamura, Kanehiko ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Johnston, James C ...... 1897 ...... 56 Klauder, Joseph V ...... 1922 ...... 82 Jolly, Jr., Henry W ...... 1970 ...... 210 Klaus, Sidney N ...... 1972 ...... 220 Jones, Edward ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Klein, Arnold William...... 2005...... 409 Jones, Henry Earl...... 1979 ...... 249 Klein, Jeffrey Alan ...... 2018 ...... 538 Jones, Jack W ...... 1934 ...... 106 Kligman, Albert M ...... 1977 ...... 243 Jordan, James Wallace...... 1941 ...... 122 Klotz, Herman G ...... 1888 ...... 49 Jordan, Jr., William P ...... 1979 ...... 250 Knowles, Frank C ...... 1910...... 65 Jordon, Robert E ...... 1978 ...... 246 Knox, John M ...... 1961 ...... 179 Jorizzo, Joseph L ...... 1990 ...... 295 Kobori, Tatsuji ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Juhlin, Lennart A...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kocsard, Emery ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Jui-Wu, Mu ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kopf, Alfred W ...... 1963 ...... 185 Junkins-Hopkins, Jacqueline M . . . 2010 ...... 462 Korman, Neil ...... 2005...... 410 Kovarik, Carrie L ...... 2016 ...... 517 K Kraemer, Kenneth ...... 2006...... 420 Kakita, Lenore S ...... 1996 ...... 337 Krafchik, Bernice R ...... 1999 ...... 356 Kalish, Richard S ...... 2007 ...... 433 Kren, Otto ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kaminsky, Ana ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Krieg, Thomas ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kang, Sewon ...... 2004...... 401 Kroshinsky, Daniela ...... 2015 ...... 512 Kaplan, Daniel H ...... 2013 ...... 493 Krueger, Gerald G ...... 1983 ...... 269 Kaposi, Moritz ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Krueger, James G ...... 2016 ...... 518 Katsambas, Andreas ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Krull, Edward Alexander ...... 1977 ...... 243 Katz, Robert ...... 1999 ...... 355 Krutmann, Jean ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Katz, Stephen I ...... 1981 ...... 258 Kubba, Raj ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kaufmann, Mark D ...... 2017 ...... 530 Kukita, Atsushi ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kawamura, Taro ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Kullavanijaya, Preya ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Keidel, Albert ...... 1929 ...... 94 Kupper, Thomas Seth...... 1996 ...... 338 Keim, Harther L ...... 1926 ...... 87 Kwok, Pui-Yan ...... 2008...... 443

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 601 Index

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L Lo, Roger S ...... 2015 ...... 512 Lain, Everett S ...... 1938 ...... 116 Lober, Clifford W ...... 1997 ...... 345 Lamb, John H ...... 1946 ...... 127 Lobitz, Jr., Walter C ...... 1951...... 144 Lambert, W . Clark...... 1993 ...... 316 Loewenthal, L J . A ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Landenberg, Adolpho ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lomholt, Svend ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lane, Alfred T ...... 1991 ...... 302 Lookingbill, Donald P ...... 1992 ...... 308 Lane, C . Guy...... 1922 ...... 82 Lord, Jere W ...... 1920 ...... 79 Lane, Clinton W ...... 1937 ...... 112 Lorincz, Allan Levente ...... 1960 ...... 176 Lane, John E ...... 1917...... 76 Lotti, Torello ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lang, Jr., Pearon G ...... 1984 ...... 272 Lovejoy, Edward D ...... 1916...... 75 Langley, Richard ...... 2020 ...... 560 Lowe, Lori ...... 2020 ...... 561 Lapierre, Charles M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lowe, Nicholas J ...... 1988 ...... 286 Larralde, Margarita ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lowenstein, Eve ...... 2019 ...... 548 Larsen, Walter G ...... 1975 ...... 233 Lowy, Douglas R ...... 1987 ...... 282 Lask, Gary P ...... 2014 ...... 505 Luger, Thomas ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Latapi, Fernando ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lui, Harvey ...... 2001 ...... 373 Latkowski, Jo-Ann ...... 2018 ...... 539 Luke, Markham C ...... 2018 ...... 539 Lavker, Robert ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Lunsford, Charles J ...... 1947 ...... 130 Lawley, Leslie Potter...... 2019 ...... 547 Lupo, Mary P ...... 2009...... 457 Lawley, Thomas J ...... 1985 ...... 274 Lupton, George P ...... 1992 ...... 308 Lawrence, Naomi ...... 2003...... 391 Lushniak, Boris D ...... 2008...... 444 Laymon, Carl W ...... 1939 ...... 117 Lustgarten, Sigmund ...... 1894 ...... 53 Lazar, Andrew P ...... 1997 ...... 345 Lutz, Wilhelm ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lazar, Paul ...... 1970 ...... 211 Lyell, Alan ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lazarus, Gerald S ...... 1979 ...... 250 Lynch, Francis W ...... 1939 ...... 117 Leachman, Sancy A ...... 2012 ...... 482 Lynch, Peter J ...... 1971 ...... 215 Leboit, Philip ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Lebwohl, Mark G ...... 1995 ...... 331 M Lee, Delphine J ...... 2020 ...... 560 Maberry, James D ...... 1993 ...... 317 Lee, Ken ...... 2009...... 457 MacCormac, Henry ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lee, Lela A ...... 1993 ...... 316 MacKee, George Miller...... 1911...... 67 Lee, Sungnack ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 MacKenna, Robert M . B ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Leffell, David J ...... 1999 ...... 356 Mackie, Rona M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lehmann, C . Ferd ...... 1932 ...... 102 Macleod, J . M . H ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Leiferman, Kristin ...... 2005...... 410 Madden, John F ...... 1940 ...... 119 Leigh, Irene ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Maddin, W . Stuart ...... 1975 ...... 234 Leloir, Henri ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Madison, Kathi ...... 2006...... 421 Leonardi, Craig L ...... 2012 ...... 482 Maibach, Howard I ...... 1969 ...... 205 Lerner, Aaron B ...... 1957 ...... 165 Maize, John C ...... 1981 ...... 260 Lerner, Ethan A ...... 2008...... 444 Malkinson, Frederick D ...... 1962 ...... 181 Lesher, Jr., Jack L ...... 1996 ...... 338 Mallory, Susan Bayliss...... 2003...... 391 Leshin, Barry ...... 1998 ...... 351 Maloney, Edward R ...... 1928 ...... 91 Lesser, Edmund ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Maloney, Mary E ...... 1997 ...... 346 Lessin, Stuart R ...... 2011...... 470 Mandy, Stephen ...... 2009...... 457 Leszczynski, Roman ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Marchionni, Alfred ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Levan, Norman E ...... 1970 ...... 212 Marcoux, Danielle A ...... 1997 ...... 347 Lever, Walter F ...... 1953 ...... 152 Marcussen, Paul O ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Leviseur, Frederick J ...... 1901 ...... 59 Marghoob, Ashfaq ...... 2011...... 471 Levy, Moise L ...... 2001 ...... 373 Marinkovich, M . Peter...... 2016 ...... 519 Lewis, George M ...... 1937 ...... 113 Marinovic, Branka ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Leyden, James J ...... 1988 ...... 286 Markley, Arthur J ...... 1917...... 76 Li, Hung-Chiung ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Marks, Robin ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Lieberthal, David ...... 1915...... 73 Marks, Victor J ...... 2003...... 392 Lim, Henry ...... 1992 ...... 307 Martinotti, Leonardo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Linser, Karl ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Mascaro, Jose M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Liu, Fu-Tong ...... 2011...... 470 Mashkilleison, L . N ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Livingood, Clarence S ...... 1947 ...... 129 Massa, Mary ...... 2005...... 411

602 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Index

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Matarasso, Seth L...... 2009...... 458 Mishima, Yutaka ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Mathes, Barbara M ...... 2011...... 471 Mitchell, James H ...... 1920 ...... 79 Matsumoto, Shinichi ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Mitchell-Heggs, Gordon B ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Mauro, Theodora ...... 2013 ...... 493 Miura, Yusho ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Maury, Francis F ...... Charter Member...... 42 Modlin, Robert L ...... 1994 ...... 321 May, Jose ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Mohs, Frederic E ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Mazzini, Miguel Angel ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Monheit, Gary D ...... 2003...... 392 McBride, William L ...... 1913...... 70 Montagna, William ...... Assoc Member...... 574 McBurney, Elizabeth Innes. . . . . 1993 ...... 317 Montes, Leopoldo E...... 1972 ...... 222 McCarthy, Charles Lee...... 1931 ...... 98 Montes, Leopoldo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 McCarthy, John T ...... 1974...... 230 Montgomery, Douglass W . . . . . 1895 ...... 54 McCleary, Jack E ...... 1979 ...... 251 Montgomery, Frank H ...... 1897 ...... 56 McDonald, Charles J ...... 1972 ...... 221 Montgomery, Hamilton ...... 1931 ...... 99 McDonald, Michel A ...... 2020 ...... 562 Moody, Brent ...... 2020 ...... 562 McDonnell, Ralph A ...... 1914...... 73 Mook, William H ...... 1910...... 65 McEwen, Ernest L ...... 1912...... 68 Moore, Joseph E ...... 1929 ...... 94 McFarland, Albert Rankin...... 1933 ...... 103 Morgan, Robert J ...... 1967 ...... 196 McGlasson, Irvy L ...... 1924...... 84 Morris, Sir Malcolm ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 McGrath, John ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Morris Musiek, Amy Christine. . . . 2020 ...... 563 McGuire, Jr., Joseph S ...... 1968 ...... 202 Morrison, Robert B ...... 1884 ...... 48 McKay, Marilynne ...... 1997 ...... 347 Morrow, Howard ...... 1904 ...... 61 McKinley-Grant, Lynn ...... 2014 ...... 506 Morrow, Prince A ...... 1882 ...... 46 McKinster, Carola Duran ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Moschella, Samuel L ...... 1974...... 230 McLean, David I ...... 1994 ...... 320 Moshell, Alan N ...... 1989 ...... 290 McMichael, Amy ...... 2006...... 421 Mostow, Eliot ...... 2012 ...... 483 McNamara, Robert J ...... 1980 ...... 255 Mount, Louis B ...... 1919...... 78 McNutt, Scott ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Mowad, Christen M ...... 2010 ...... 462 Mehregan, Amir H ...... 1973 ...... 226 Moy, Ronald L ...... 1999 ...... 357 Mehregan, Darius ...... 2008...... 445 Muller, Sigfrid A ...... 1966 ...... 194 Mehregen, David A ...... 2003...... 392 Mullins, J . Frederic...... 1958 ...... 168 Meischer, Guido ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Murphy, Gillian ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Mellette, J . Ramsey...... 2007 ...... 434 Murrell, Deedee ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Memmesheimer, Alois M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Murrell, Thomas W ...... 1937 ...... 113 Menter, M . Alan...... 1999 ...... 356 Murrell, Jr., Thomas W ...... 1957 ...... 165 Menzies, Scott ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 570 Mutasim, Diya ...... 2005...... 411 Mercurio, Mary Gail...... 2012 ...... 483 Myskowski, Patricia L ...... 2019 ...... 549 Merk, Hans F ...... Int’l Honorary Member...... Mescon, Herbert ...... 1958 ...... 168 N Messenger, Andrew ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Narins, Rhoda S ...... 2002...... 379 Mewborn, A .D ...... 1904 ...... 61 Narva, William M ...... 1980 ...... 255 Mibelli, Vittorio ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Naseman, Theodor R . K . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Micali, Giuseppe ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Naylor, Mark F ...... 2002...... 380 Michael, Jeffrey C ...... 1926 ...... 87 Nazzaro, Paolo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Michel, Beno ...... 1977 ...... 244 Nehal, Kishwer Sultana...... 2017 ...... 530 Michelson, Henry E ...... 1925 ...... 85 Neisser, Albert L . S ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Midana, Alberto ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Nekam, Louis ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Mihm, Martin Charles...... 1978 ...... 247 Neldner, Kenneth Herbert...... 1994 ...... 321 Mikhail, George R ...... 1975 ...... 234 Nelson, Carl T ...... 1954 ...... 156 Miller, Hiram E ...... 1926 ...... 88 Nelson, Lawrence M ...... 1954 ...... 156 Miller, J . Lowry...... 1948 ...... 133 Nesbitt, Jr., Lee T ...... 1984 ...... 273 Miller, Jeffrey J ...... 2016 ...... 519 Nestor, Mark S ...... 2008...... 446 Miller, Laurence H ...... 1976 ...... 238 Netherton, Earl W ...... 1931 ...... 99 Miller, Stanley ...... 2011...... 472 Neuber, Eduard ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Miller, III, Oliver Fred ...... 2001 ...... 374 Neuburg, Marcelle ...... 2005...... 411 Millikan, Larry E ...... 1979 ...... 251 Neumann, Isador ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Milstone, Leonard M ...... 1999 ...... 357 Newcomer, Victor D ...... 1959 ...... 172 Miranda, Jose Lisboa...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Nghiem, Paul ...... 2016 ...... 520

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 603 Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Nickel, Walter R ...... 1956 ...... 162 Panconesi, Emiliano ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Nicolau, S ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Pandya, Amit G ...... 2014 ...... 506 Niles, Henry D ...... 1938 ...... 116 Papier, Arthur ...... 2011...... 473 Nilzen, Ake ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Pardee, Lucius C ...... 1901 ...... 59 Nishikawa, Takeji ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Pardo-Castello, Vincente . . . . . 1921 ...... 80 Nomland, Ruben ...... 1934 ...... 106 Pariser, David M ...... 2002...... 380 Noojin, Ray O ...... 1949 ...... 135 Parish, Lawrence Charles...... 1981 ...... 261 Nordlund, James J ...... 1983 ...... 270 Parker, Douglas ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Norins, Arthur L ...... 1981 ...... 260 Parker, Frank ...... 1974...... 231 Norris, David Albert ...... 1989 ...... 290 Parkhurst, Howard J ...... 1930 ...... 95 Norton, Lawrence A ...... 1982 ...... 265 Parrish, John A ...... 1985 ...... 275 Nouri, Keyvan ...... 2012 ...... 484 Parsons, Margaret ...... 2007 ...... 434 Novy, Frederick G ...... 1946 ...... 127 Patterson, James W ...... 2006...... 422 Nunley, Julia R ...... 2015 ...... 513 Pautrier, Lucien-Marie ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Payne, Aimee S ...... 2018 ...... 540 O Pearson, Roger W ...... 1970 ...... 212 O’Donoghue, Marianne N ...... 1987 ...... 283 Peck, Samuel M ...... 1935 ...... 109 O’Keefe, Edward J ...... 1992 ...... 308 Pellacani, Giovanni ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 O’Leary, Paul A ...... 1924...... 84 Pels, Isaac R ...... 1926 ...... 88 O’Quinn, Silas E ...... 1967 ...... 197 Peng, David ...... 2013 ...... 521 Oakley, ,Amanda ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Penneys, Neal S ...... 1988 ...... 287 Obermayer, Maximilian E ...... 1950 ...... 139 Pentland, Alice P ...... 1997 ...... 348 Ocampo-Candiani, Jorge . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Percival, George H...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Octerlony, John A ...... Founder ...... 37 Perez-Atamoros, Francisco ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Odland, George F ...... 1968 ...... 202 Perry, Harold O ...... 1959 ...... 173 Odom, Richard ...... 1977 ...... 244 Peterkin, G . A . Grant...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Ofuji, Shigeo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Petersen, Marta J ...... 2009...... 458 Ogawa, Hideoki ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Petges, G ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Ohkawara, Akira ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Peyri, Jaime ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Okiado, Muneo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Philipson, Luigi ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Okoro, Anezionwu ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Philpott, Jr., James A ...... 1965 ...... 190 Olansky, Sidney ...... 1958 ...... 169 Photinos, G . Th ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Olbricht, Suzanne ...... 2001 ...... 374 Pick, Filip J ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Olerud, John E ...... 1995 ...... 332 Piepkorn, Michael W ...... 1998 ...... 352 Oliver, Edward A ...... 1924...... 85 Pierini, Luis E ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Oliver, Everard L ...... 1921 ...... 80 Piette, Warren W ...... 1997 ...... 349 Olsen, Elise A ...... 1994 ...... 322 Piffard, Henry G ...... Founder ...... 37 Olsen, Thomas George...... 1998 ...... 351 Piliang, Melissa ...... 2020 ...... 563 Olson, Robert L ...... 1975 ...... 235 Pillsbury, Donald M ...... 1937 ...... 113 Orfanos, Constantin ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Pincus, Stephanie H ...... 1994 ...... 322 Orkin, Milton ...... 1968 ...... 203 Pinkus, Hermann K . B ...... 1952 ...... 147 Orlow, Seth ...... 2000...... 365 Pinnell, Sheldon R ...... 1980 ...... 255 Ormsby, Oliver S ...... 1908 ...... 64 Piper, Jr., William N ...... 1954 ...... 157 Oro, Anthony E ...... 2010 ...... 463 Pipkin, James L ...... 1950 ...... 140 Orr, Harold ...... 1949 ...... 136 Pittelkow, Mark R ...... 1993 ...... 317 Orringer, Jeffrey S ...... 2012 ...... 484 Pittelkow, Robert B ...... 1976 ...... 239 Ortonne, Jean Paul...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Plewig, Gerd ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Osborne, Earl D ...... 1926 ...... 88 Plotnick, Harold ...... 1992 ...... 309 Oseroff, Allan ...... 2000...... 366 Poiano, M .K ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Osment, Lamar S ...... 1965 ...... 190 Pollitzer, Sigmund ...... 1896 ...... 55 Otley, Clark ...... 2004...... 402 Polsky, David ...... 2013 ...... 494 Owens, Donald W...... 1975 ...... 235 Pomeranz, Jerome R ...... 1975 ...... 235 Pommerening, Robert A ...... 1965 ...... 191 P Post, Abner ...... 1892 ...... 53 Padiha-Goncalves, Antar . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Powell, Frank ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Padilla, R . Steven...... 2000...... 366 Prakken, Jan R ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Paller, Amy S ...... 1995 ...... 332 Pratt, Melanie D ...... 2006...... 422

604 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Price, Vera H ...... 1985 ...... 275 Robinson, June K ...... 1991 ...... 303 Pride, Howard ...... 2010 ...... 463 Robinson, Raymond C . V ...... 1967 ...... 197 Prose, Neil ...... 1996 ...... 339 Robinson-Bostom, Leslie . . . . . 2013 ...... 495 Provost, Thomas T ...... 1978 ...... 248 Robinson, Jr., Harry M ...... 1953 ...... 153 Prunieras, Michela ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Rodman, Orlando Gilbert. . . . . 1990 ...... 295 Puente, Jose ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Roenigk, Randall K ...... 1996 ...... 339 Pusey, William A ...... 1899 ...... 57 Roenigk, Jr., Henry H ...... 1973 ...... 226 Putkoen, Tauno J ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Rogers, Gary S ...... 2002...... 382 Rogers, Howard W ...... 2020 ...... 564 Q Rogers, lll, Roy Steele ...... 1982 ...... 265 Quevedo, Walter ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Rohe, George H ...... 1878 ...... 45 Quiroga., Marcial I ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Rohrer, Thomas E ...... 2010 ...... 464 Ronchese, Francesco ...... 1949 ...... 136 R Rook, Alain H ...... 2008...... 446 Rabello, Francisco E ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Rook, Arthur ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Rachmanov, V . A ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Roop, Dennis ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Raimer, Sharon A . Smith...... 1998 ...... 352 Rorsman, Hans ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Raman, M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Rosen, Isadore ...... 1920 ...... 79 Ramos-E-Silva, Marcia ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Rosen, Theodore ...... 2005...... 413 Ramose, Silva . J ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Rosenberg, E . William ...... 1971 ...... 216 Ramsay, Colin A ...... 1985 ...... 275 Rostenberg, Adolph, Jr ...... 1952 ...... 147 Ramsay, David L ...... 1989 ...... 291 Rothenborg, Hans W ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Randle, Henry W ...... 2002...... 381 Rothman, Stephen ...... 1949 ...... 137 Rapini, Ronald P ...... 1995 ...... 333 Ruben, Beth S ...... 2019 ...... 549 Rasch, Carl E . F ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Rubin, Adam Ian...... 2016 ...... 521 Rasmussen, James Earnest. . . . . 1984 ...... 273 Rudnicka, Lidia ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Ratner, Desiree ...... 2007 ...... 435 Rudolph, Andrew H ...... 1981 ...... 261 Rattner, Herbert ...... 1944 ...... 124 Ruenger, Thomas ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Raushkolb, John E ...... 1932 ...... 102 Ruggles, E . Wood...... 1906 ...... 63 Ravogli, Augustus ...... 1899 ...... 57 Ruiter, M ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Ray, Thomas L ...... 1986 ...... 278 Ruiz-Maldonado, Ramon . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Rea, Thomas H ...... 1987 ...... 283 Russell, Brian F ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Reed, Barbara R ...... 1998 ...... 353 Russell, Paul S ...... 1982 ...... 265 Reed, Sandra I ...... 2005...... 412 Russell, Thomas J ...... 1986 ...... 278 Reed, William B ...... 1971 ...... 215 Rutledge, Winston U ...... 1939 ...... 118 Rees, Jonathan ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Ryan, Terrence ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Rees, Rees B ...... 1954 ...... 157 Rein, Charles R ...... 1946 ...... 127 S Reisner, Ronald M ...... 1972 ...... 222 Sabouraud, Raymond J . A . . . . . Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Reizner, George ...... 2011...... 473 Sachs, Dana Lynn...... 2013 ...... 496 Resneck, Jr., Jack S ...... 2010 ...... 464 Sadick, Neil S ...... 2012 ...... 485 Resneck, Sr., Jack ...... 2012 ...... 485 Saenz, Braulio ...... 1933 ...... 103 Reuter, Maurice Jerome...... 1941 ...... 122 Salasche, Stuart J ...... 1992 ...... 310 Revuz, Jean ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 571 Salavastru, Carmen ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Rhodes, Arthur ...... 2005...... 412 Salazar, Leite, Augusto...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Rich, Phoebe ...... 2006...... 423 Samberger, Frantisek ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Rico, M . Joyce...... 1998 ...... 353 Sampaio, Sebastiao A . P ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Riehl, Gustav ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sams, Wiley M ...... 1940 ...... 119 Rietschel, Robert L ...... 1997 ...... 349 Sams, Jr., W . Mitchell...... 1969 ...... 206 Rigel, Darrell S ...... 1992 ...... 309 Sanchez, Nestor ...... 2009...... 459 Rigopoulos, Dimitrios ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sanchez-Covisa, Jose ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Rivers, Jason ...... 2013 ...... 495 Sanders, Beverly Barksdale . . . . . 1999 ...... 358 Rivitti, Evandro ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sarkany, Imrich ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Roberts, Wendy Eileen...... 2013 ...... 495 Satenstein, David L ...... 1928 ...... 92 Robin, Milton ...... 1969 ...... 206 Sauder, Daniel N ...... 1988 ...... 287 Robinson, Andrew R ...... Charter Member...... 42 Sauer, Gordon C ...... 1966 ...... 195 Robinson, Daisy Orleman...... 1913...... 70 Saunders, Thomas S ...... 1960 ...... 176

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 605 Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Saurat, Jean-Hilaire ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Siegfried, Elaine ...... 2005...... 414 Scannone, Francisco ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Siemens, Herman Werner...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Schachner, Lawrence A ...... 1999 ...... 358 Silverman, Robert A ...... 2007 ...... 437 Schaffer, Julie Votava...... 2012 ...... 486 Silvers, David N ...... 2009...... 459 Schalek, Alfred ...... 1905 ...... 63 Simpson, Eric L ...... 2012 ...... 487 Schamberg, Jay F ...... 1903 ...... 61 Sinclair, Rodney ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Schaumann, Jorgen N ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Slepyan, Albert H ...... 1965 ...... 191 Scher, Richard K ...... 1987 ...... 284 Sligh, Jr., James E ...... 2014 ...... 507 Schlosser, Bethanee Jean . . . . . 2017 ...... 531 Smith, C . Morton...... 1913...... 71 Schmidt, Frederick R ...... 1939 ...... 118 Smith, Charles C ...... Charter Member ...... 43 Schmults, Chrysalyne D ...... 2016 ...... 522 Smith, Dudley C ...... 1930 ...... 96 Schneiderman, Paul I ...... 2010 ...... 464 Smith, Edgar Benton...... 1975 ...... 236 Schnyder, U W...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Smith, Leslie McKnight...... 1940 ...... 120 Schoch, Arthur G ...... 1939 ...... 118 Smith, Jr., J . Graham...... 1962 ...... 182 Schoch, Jr., Eugene P ...... 1962 ...... 181 Sneddon, I . B ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Schonfeld, Walter H . P ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sober, Arthur J ...... 1990 ...... 296 Schorr, William E ...... 1971 ...... 216 Solomon, Lawrence M ...... 1977 ...... 244 Schroeter, Arnold ...... 1980 ...... 256 Sontheimer, Richard D ...... 1990 ...... 297 Schwartz, Hans J ...... 1912...... 69 Soter, Nicholas A ...... 1983 ...... 270 Schwartz, Robert A ...... 2008...... 446 Spencer, James ...... 2006...... 425 Schwarzenberger, Kathryn . . . . . 2003...... 393 Spielvogel, Richard L ...... 1994 ...... 323 Scolari, Enea Giuseppe...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Spraker, Mary K ...... 1996 ...... 340 Scott, Glynis ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Stander, Sonja ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Seale, Everett R ...... 1951...... 144 Stanley, John R ...... 1989 ...... 291 Seiji, Makoto ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Stasko, Thomas ...... 2009...... 459 Sekulic, Aleksandar ...... 2020 ...... 564 Stegmaier, Otto C ...... 1963 ...... 185 Senear, Francis E ...... 1921 ...... 81 Steigleder, Gerd K ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sengelmann, Roberta D ...... 2018 ...... 540 Stein, Jennifer A ...... 2019 ...... 550 Serri, Ferdinando ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Stelwagon, Henry W ...... 1882 ...... 47 Seykora, John ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Stengel, Fernando ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sezary, A ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Stenn, Kurt ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Shafer, June Carol...... 1954 ...... 157 Stern, Robert S ...... 1991 ...... 304 Shaffer, Bertram ...... 1954 ...... 158 Sternberg, Thomas H ...... 1950 ...... 140 Shaffer, Loren W ...... 1929 ...... 94 Sterry, Wolfram ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Shalita, Alan R ...... 1979 ...... 252 Stewart, William D ...... 1971 ...... 217 Shapiro, Jerry ...... 2006...... 423 Stillians, Arthur W ...... 1917...... 76 Shapiro, Lewis ...... 1972 ...... 223 Stingl, Georg ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sharlit, Herman ...... 1933 ...... 104 Stokes, John H ...... 1919...... 78 Shaw, John M ...... 1970 ...... 212 Stone, Mary Seabury ...... 2011...... 474 Shea, Christopher R ...... 2011...... 473 Stone, Stephen P ...... 1999 ...... 359 Shear, Neil H ...... 1995 ...... 334 Storck, Hans ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Shelley, E . Dorinda...... 1992 ...... 310 Storkan, Margaret Ann...... 1973 ...... 226 Shelley, Walter B ...... 1952 ...... 148 Storrs, Frances ...... 2005...... 415 Shelmire, Bedford, Jr ...... 1930 ...... 96 Stoughton, Richard B ...... 1959 ...... 174 Shelmire, Jesse B ...... 1924...... 85 Strandberg, James B ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Shemer, Avner ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Stratigos, Alexander ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Shepherd, Francis J ...... 1888 ...... 50 Stratman, Erik J ...... 2010 ...... 465 Sherwell, Samuel ...... 1877 ...... 44 Strauss, John S ...... 1964 ...... 188 Shimada, Shinji ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Stricklin, George ...... 2004...... 402 Shimizu, Hiroshi ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Strobel, Edgar ...... 1917...... 77 Shinkai, Kanade ...... 2016 ...... 523 Strober, Bruce ...... 2012 ...... 487 Shuster, Sam ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sturm, Hiram M ...... 1992 ...... 311 Shwayder, Tor ...... 2007 ...... 436 Stuttgen, Gunter ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sidbury, Robert ...... 2017 ...... 532 Su, W . P . Daniel...... 1995 ...... 335 Sidi., Edwin ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Sugarman, Jeffrey ...... 2018 ...... 541 Siegel, Daniel M ...... 2006...... 424 Sullivan, Maurice ...... 1944 ...... 124 Siegel, Dawn ...... 2019 ...... 550 Sullivan, Sabra ...... 2007 ...... 437

606 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Sulzberger, Marion B ...... 1934 ...... 106 Tsao, Hensin ...... 2008...... 448 Sun, Tong-Tien (Henry)...... Assoc Member...... 574 Tschachler, Erwin ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Suskind, Raymond R ...... 1967 ...... 197 Tuffanelli, Denny L ...... 1969 ...... 207 Sutton, Jr., Richard L ...... 1940 ...... 120 Tung, Rebecca Clare...... 2014 ...... 507 Sutton, Sr., Richard L ...... 1915...... 74 Turner, Maria L . Chanco...... 1992 ...... 311 Swanson, Neil A ...... 1988 ...... 287 Twiston Davies, John H ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Swartz, Jacob H ...... 1934 ...... 107 Tyring, Stephen ...... 2005...... 415 Sweitzer, Samuel E ...... 1921 ...... 81 Swerlick, Robert ...... 2004...... 403 U Swetter, Susan M ...... 2011...... 474 Udey, Mark C ...... 2000...... 368 Swinyer, Leonard J ...... 2000...... 367 Uitto, Jouni J ...... 1989 ...... 292 Szymanski, Frederick J ...... 1957 ...... 165 Unna, Paul G ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Urabe, Harukuni ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 T Urbach, Frederick ...... 1969 ...... 208 Tan, Suat Hoon...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Tang, Jean Yuh...... 2018 ...... 541 V Tanzi, Elizabeth ...... 2020 ...... 565 Van, Eugene J ...... Scott...... 1959 Tappeiner, Josef ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Van, Martin T ...... Studdiford...... 1933 Tauber, Elmore B ...... 1931 ...... 100 Van Beek, Marta J ...... 2011...... 475 Taussig, Lawrence R ...... 1931 ...... 100 Van Voorhees, Abby S ...... 2010 ...... 465 Taylor, James S ...... 1986 ...... 278 Vander, Darl E ...... Ploeg ...... 1982 Taylor, Robert W ...... Founder ...... 38 Varney, Henry R ...... 1910...... 66 Taylor, Stan ...... 2004...... 403 Vasku, Vladimir ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Taylor, Susan ...... 2006...... 425 Vegas., Martin ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Taylor, William B ...... 1963 ...... 186 Veiel, Theodor ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Templeton, Henry J ...... 1931 ...... 100 Verallo-Rowell, Vermen ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Terezakis, Nia K ...... 1994 ...... 323 Vickers, Christopher ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Tharp, Michael D ...... 1996 ...... 340 Vidal, Emile ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Thibierge, Georges ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Vidimos, Allison T ...... 2007 ...... 438 Thiboutot, Diane M ...... 2002...... 382 Vilanova, Xavier ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Thiers, Bruce H ...... 1987 ...... 284 Voorhees, John J ...... 1976 ...... 239 Thivolet, Jean ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Thomas, Nancy E ...... 2019 ...... 550 W Thyresson, Nils ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Waisman, Morris ...... 1958 ...... 169 Tigelaar, Robert E ...... 1994 ...... 324 Waldorf, Heidi A ...... 2012 ...... 488 Tilden, George H ...... 1884 ...... 48 Walker, Patricia S ...... 2003...... 394 Tindall, John P ...... 1971 ...... 217 Walker, Sheldon A ...... 1976 ...... 240 Tiplica, George-Sorin ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Walker, Sir Norman...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Tomecki, Kenneth J ...... 2008...... 447 Walker, Susan J ...... 2010 ...... 466 Tomlinson, Charles C ...... 1937 ...... 114 Wallhauser, Henry J . F ...... 1914...... 73 Tommasi, Lodovico ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Wang, Kuang-Chao ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Tonnesen, Marcia G ...... 1996 ...... 341 Wang, Timothy S ...... 2012 ...... 488 Torok, Ludwig ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Warshaw, Erin ...... 2006...... 426 Torre, Douglas P ...... 1969 ...... 207 Washington, Carl ...... 2007 ...... 438 Torrelo, Antonio ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Way, Stuart C ...... 1944 ...... 125 Torres, Abel ...... 2004...... 404 Weary, Peyton E ...... 1967 ...... 198 Torres, Victor M ...... 1971 ...... 218 Weber, Leonard F ...... 1951...... 145 Tosti, Antonella ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Webster, Guy F ...... 2002...... 382 Touraine, Rene ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Webster, James R ...... 1950 ...... 141 Towle, Harvey P ...... 1908 ...... 63 Webster, Stephan ...... 1976 ...... 241 Toyama., Ikuzo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Wechsler, Harry L ...... 1980 ...... 256 Traub, Eugene F ...... 1933 ...... 104 Weedon, David ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Travers, Jeffrey B ...... 2011...... 475 Weidman, Frederick D ...... 1923 ...... 83 Trevino, Julian ...... 2014 ...... 507 Weigand, Dennis A ...... 1977 ...... 245 Trimble, William B ...... 1910...... 66 Weinkle, Susan ...... 2002...... 383 Trow, Emerson James...... 1931 ...... 100 Weinstein, Gerald D ...... 1973 ...... 227 Truffi, Marlo ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 572 Weinstock, Martin A ...... 2002...... 384

Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association 607 Index

Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page # Member ...... Year Inducted ...... Page #

Weir, Robert F ...... Charter Member...... 43 Wintroub, Bruce U ...... 1989 ...... 292 Weiss, Jonathan S ...... 2011...... 476 Wirtzer, Alan ...... 2005...... 416 Weiss, Ludwig ...... 1914...... 73 Wise, Fred ...... 1915...... 74 Weiss, Margaret ...... 2020 ...... 566 Wiss, Karen ...... 2008...... 448 Weiss, Richard S ...... 1925 ...... 86 Witten, Victor H ...... 1958 ...... 170 Weiss, Robert A ...... 2002...... 385 Wojnarowska, Fenella ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Weisse, Faneuil D ...... Founder ...... 38 Wolf, Jr., John E ...... 1988 ...... 288 Welgus, Howard G ...... 1993 ...... 318 Wolff, Klaus ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Welsh, Ashton L ...... 1948 ...... 134 Wolverton, Stephen E ...... 2008...... 449 Welsh, Oliverio ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Wood, Gary S ...... 1999 ...... 360 Welton, David G ...... 1967 ...... 198 Woodburne, Arthur R ...... 1944 ...... 125 Wende, Ernest ...... 1904 ...... 62 Woodley, David T ...... 1992 ...... 311 Wende, Grover W ...... 1899 ...... 58 Wright, Carroll S ...... 1927 ...... 89 Werth, Victoria P ...... 2000...... 368 Wrong, Norman M ...... 1953 ...... 153 Wheeland, Ronald G ...... 1993 ...... 319 Wuepper, Kirk D ...... 1977 ...... 245 Wheeler, Jr., Clayton E ...... 1955 ...... 160 Whitaker, Duane C ...... 1995 ...... 335 Y White, Charles J ...... 1900 ...... 58 Yag-Howard, Cynthia ...... 2010 ...... 467 White, James Clarke...... Founder ...... 38 Yan, Albert ...... 2010 ...... 467 White, Jr., Clifton R ...... 1990 ...... 298 Yancey, Kim B ...... 1990 ...... 298 Whitehouse, Henry H ...... 1899 ...... 58 Yandell, Lunsford P ...... Founder ...... 39 Whiting, David A ...... 1994 ...... 324 Yarborough, John Marion...... 1986 ...... 279 Wieder, Lester M ...... 1933 ...... 105 Yasuda, Toshiaki ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Wiest, Luitgard ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Yosipovitch, Gil ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Wigglesworth, Edward ...... Founder ...... 39 Wile, Udo J ...... 1913...... 71 Z Wilkin, Jonathan K ...... 2003...... 395 Zachariae, Hugh ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Wilkinson, D .S ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Zachary, Christopher ...... Assoc Member...... 574 Wilkinson, Ralph D ...... 1978 ...... 248 Zaenglein, Andrea L ...... 2017 ...... 532 Williams, Carmen M ...... 1999 ...... 360 Zalla, James A ...... 1999 ...... 361 Williams, Charles Mallory...... 1917...... 77 Zanolli, Michael ...... 2005...... 416 Williams, David ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Zeisler, Erwin P ...... 1925 ...... 86 Williams, Donald H ...... 1947 ...... 130 Zeisler, Joseph ...... 1888 ...... 50 Williams, Hywel ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Zelickson, Alvin S ...... 1967 ...... 199 Williford, Phillip ...... 2010 ...... 466 Zelickson, Brian D ...... 2003...... 395 Willis, Isaac ...... 1978 ...... 248 Zeligman, Israel ...... 1962 ...... 182 Wilson, Barbara B ...... 2013 ...... 497 Zhang, Xuejun ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Wilson, Erasmus ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Zhu, Xue-Jun ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Wilson, J . Walter ...... 1952 ...... 149 Zic, John Alan...... 2013 ...... 497 Wilson, John F ...... 1963 ...... 186 Zilliken, Detlef ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Wilson Jones, E ...... Int’l Honorary Member. . . . . 573 Zitelli, John A ...... 1996 ...... 342 Windhorst, Dorothy ...... 1976 ...... 241 Zone, John Joseph...... 1991 ...... 304 Winer, Louis A ...... 1944 ...... 125 Zug, Kathryn A ...... 2008...... 449 Winfield, James M ...... 1895 ...... 54 Zwald, Fiona O’Reilly...... 2014 ...... 508 Winkelmann, Richard K . . . . . 1960 ...... 177 Zwick, Karl ...... 1930 ...... 97

608 Illustrated History of the American Dermatological Association