Peak District Biodiversity Action Plan Review 2001-2010
AA LIVINGLIVING LANDSCAPELANDSCAPE PeakPeak DistrictDistrict BiodiversityBiodiversity ActionAction PlanPlan ReviewReview 20012001 -- 20102010 The Peak District Biodiversity Partnership - people working together to conserve, enhance and promote the special wildlife, habitats and landscapes of the Peak District Conserving biodiversity in the Peak District is about looking after the wildlife we have today and planning for the future. The environment of soil, water and air needs to be kept healthy if it is to provide the natural home for plants such as oak trees and Jacob’s ladder, animals such as lapwing and water vole, and the landscapes that people love to visit. Looking after wildlife is good for people and local business, for health and well-being, and is strongly linked to adapting to, and preparing for, the effects of climate change. By working together, small changes can make a big difference. Introduction 1 Target Progress 4 SSSI Condition 5 25 Key Actions 6 Woodlands 12 Grasslands 16 Wetlands 20 Moorlands 24 Species 28 Partnerships & Projects 32 UK BAP Habitats & Species 33 This report was produced by Karen Shelley-Jones, LBAP coordinator for the Peak District With thanks to the following for their input: PDNPA, Natural England, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, National Trust, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Moors for the Future, Tarmac, United Utilities, BTCV, Friends of the Peak District, and all others who contributed. All photographic credits to PDNPA except: Karen Shelley-Jones: front cover,
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