- Another GCN species, Bachman's Sparrow Josh Landrum, Chris O'Brien, Ashley Peters, Billy (Priority 2), has been banded one time during Pope, Collin Roberts, Scott Rose, Scott Rush, station operation. Although open pine habitat is Nicholas Sharp, Amy Silvano, Jennifer Soehren, only peripherally covered by the station, it is locally Erika Taketa, Michelle Tacconelli, Karen Tenaglia, common throughout the property and is regularly and Jennifer Wang. detected during banding sessions. Overall, the open pine community is the dominant habitat on the This MAPS banding station would not have been property and is managed regularly with prescribed possible were it not for the Forever Wild Program fire to maintain the structural conditions required and the significant lands it has protected in by Bachman's Sparrow and other wildlife Alabama through acquisition. Additionally, grati dependent upon this ecosystem. tude is extended to the late Robert G. Wehle for the legacy he created in the tract. The Wehle MAPS banding station is operated by Eric Soehren and John Trent of the Alabama Eric C. Soehren (23423) Department of Conservation and Natural Re Alabama Department of Conservation sources, State Lands Division. Appreciation is and Natural Resources extended to the following volunteers for their State Lands Division, Natural Heritage Section assistance over the years: Paige Aplin, Mark 64 North Union Street, Suite 464 Bailey, Caroline Causey, Liz Crandall, Michael Montgomery, AL 36104 Gagin, Eddie Hackett, Max Harman, Emily Horton,
[email protected] bama.gov Carrie Johnson, Eve Kendrick, Donald Lampley, Recent Liter-.;a1111t.;;u.;.:re~--~--------- BANDING HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHIES In memoriam Ernie Kuyt.