E1412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 16, 2014 are ruled over by a government should be the IN RECOGNITION OF MR. JOHN tral . As Governmental Affairs Director ones to choose that government. Self-deter- HEUBERGER, DEPUTY COM- for the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce mination is a natural right. MANDER OF THE DEFENSE LO- of Central Florida, he worked to promote the GISTICS AGENCY DISTRIBUTION Scotland will have that peaceful choice this region’s economic development. CENTER IN TOBYHANNA, PA A former Legislative Assistant to a Florida week, and do what is best for ‘‘Scotland the State Senator, Mr. Balasquide has remained Brave.’’ HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT politically active. He served as the Florida And that’s just the way it is. OF PENNSYLVANIA State Director of the Mi Familia Vota Edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cational Fund (MVEF), where he led cam- f Tuesday, September 16, 2014 paigns to help increase civic engagement in the Latino community and build a new, influen- TRIBUTE TO HONOR THE LIFE OF Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise tial community of voters. He has also directed RYLAND KELLEY today in honor of Mr. John Heuberger, who Latino civic engagement efforts, and mobilized will retire on Friday, October 3, 2014 from his over 75,000 Latinos in Florida during the 2012 position as the Deputy Commander of DLA elections. HON. ANNA G. ESHOO Distribution in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania. Mr. Balasquide is also a Member-at-Large Mr. Heuberger is a Vietnam Era Veteran, OF for the Executive Board of the Central Florida having served in the from Redistricting Council. In this capacity, he has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1971–1974 as a Hospital Corpsman 3rd been battling for the fair redistricting of the Class. He later spent three years in the Naval Tuesday, September 16, 2014 state of Florida. Reserve and began his career as a federal Mr. Balasquide served as the Director of the Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to employee, where he continued to proudly Latino Civic Engagement Working Group, a serve our country. honor the life of an extraordinary American, platform for Latino civic organizations to de- As a federal employee, Mr. Heuberger Richard Ryland Kelley, who was born on Oc- velop a regional and state progressive civic worked at a wide range of facilities across tober 2, 1925, in Palo Alto, California, and engagement plan. In 2013, he served as the New York and Pennsylvania. His assignments President of the Florida Democratic Hispanic died on August 30, 2014. He was an ener- included the Veterans Administration Extended getic, creative, generous and poetic man, and Caucus and he is currently the President for Care Center in St. Albans, New York, the Vet- its Osceola County Chapter. He is also a Part- was a central figure in the development of Sil- erans Administration Medical Center in Brook- icon Valley. ner at Business Entities Advisors LLC., a con- lyn, New York, the Veterans Administration sulting company, and a Consultant with Bea- Ryland Kelley was a graduate of Stanford Center in Northport, New York, and as a Gen- con Solutions, LLC. University and served his country in the Army eral Supply Officer at Tobyhanna Army Depot A graduate of the Interamerican University Air Corps during World War II. He joined his in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania. of Puerto Rico, College of Business Adminis- Since 1992, Mr. Heuberger has served as father in forming a real estate firm that be- tration, Mr. Balasquide is a licensed insurance Distribution Facilities Manager, DLA Distribu- came known as Hare, Brewer and Kelley adjuster and a financial advisor. (HBK). The firm developed many San Fran- tion at Tobyhanna Army Depot. I am happy to recognize Jose R. Mr. Heuberger is the recipient of the Army cisco Peninsula communities, including Balasquide, during Hispanic Heritage Month, Award for Civilian Service, the Department of Ladera, Lindenwood, Atherton Heights and for his contributions to the Central Florida the Army Certificate of Appreciation, numerous Hidden Valley in Woodside. HBK also built the community. other awards, and has been honored by Vice- Palo Alto Office Center, Mayfield Mall, Web- f ster House, a retirement community in Palo President Al Gore with the National Partner- Alto, and the Pajaro Dunes resort in ship for Reinventing Government Award. INTRODUCTION OF THE UNITED Mr. Heuberger is a role model in the work- Watsonville. STATES-CARIBBEAN PARTNER- place—truly an individual other federal em- SHIP ACT OF 2014 Ryland Kelley was a writer and a poet, who ployees should seek to emulate. His hard at the time of his death was planning to work and dedication to all facets of our making produce six one-act plays. He wrote seven our military the best it can be are overly com- HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL plays and published three books of poetry. He mendable. During his Tobyhanna years, he OF NEW YORK was deeply involved in athletics since his days drew on past experiences and relationships to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the Stanford football and basketball teams, hone his leadership skills, consistently sought Tuesday, September 16, 2014 and tasted politics while helping Paul N. to promote positive thinking, and provided in- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, today, I am ‘‘Pete’’ McCloskey in his successful campaign valuable guidance to his colleagues and fellow pleased to introduce the United States-Carib- against Black for an open seat employees. The role Mr. Heuberger played in bean Partnership Act of 2014. in Congress. He was a true renaissance man. his years of service at DLA is an integral part I ask my colleagues to imagine countries Realizing that he was near death, he held a of the critical mission to supply and equip our where tens of thousands of American citizens poetry reading for his closest friends at his military. I am honored to recognize out- travel for pleasure or business; where thou- son’s home in June. standing individuals engaged in this mission. sands of American citizens go to school; I extend my congratulations to Mr. Ryland Kelley leaves his devoted wife of 65 where there is a constant concern about drug Heuberger for a job well done in service to our trafficking to the United States; but where the years and my precious friend, Shirley Sneath nation. The Department of Defense and every- Kelley; his son Rich and his wife Gina of United States has no U.S. embassies. Surpris- one at Tobyhanna will miss him, I’m sure, but ingly, there are five countries in the Carib- Woodside; his son Tom of ; and I wish him well in retirement. his son Bruce and his wife Susan, of West bean—only a few hundred miles from the f Hartford, Connecticut; and four grandchildren. United States—where we have no physical RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- diplomatic presence. My legislation will correct I had the privilege of knowing Ry for over TIONS OF JOSE R. BALASQUIDE this problem by establishing U.S. embassies in three decades. His friendship, sage advice the five countries in the Caribbean with which and counsel, and keen observations enriched HON. ALAN GRAYSON the United States has diplomatic relations but my life immeasurably. Mr. Speaker, I ask the no permanent diplomatic presence: Antigua OF FLORIDA entire House of Representatives to join me in and Barbuda, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES expressing our deepest condolences to St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Ryland Kelley’s family and to all those who Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Currently, all diplomatic relations with these knew, respected and loved him. I consider it a Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, in countries are run out of the U.S. embassy in great blessing to have called him my friend, honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, to recog- Barbados. and his countless contributions to our commu- nize Jose Balasquide. Born in Puerto Rico, While these countries are small, they must nity are eloquent statements about this Mr. Balasquide has been residing in Central not be taken for granted. They are key voting uniquely gifted and giving man. Our country Florida since 1993. members of the United Nations and other and our community were blessed by his life, Mr. Balasquide has been active in the polit- international organizations. As members of the and we are bettered having known him. ical, civic, and business communities in Cen- Organization of American States (OAS), their

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