A Adaptive Red–Blue-Ratio Threshold Detector, 590 Aedes (Stegomyia) Aegypti, Yellow Fever Mosquito Chemical Cues, Breeding
Index A urodeles and gymnophiones, 250 Adaptive red–blue-ratio threshold detector, visual hunters, 250 590 Analysers, polarization Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti, yellow fever in Drosophila, 6–7 mosquito electric (E-) vector, 5 chemical cues, breeding habitats, 114, 135 extraretinal polarization analysers, 8 dengue and yellow fever, transmission, 135 in invertebrates, 9 dual-choice experiment, 135, 137 photoreceptor cell (R8), 8 imaging polarimetry, 135, 138 polarization sensitivities, 6 masked polarisation sensitivity, 139 rhabdomeric photoreceptors, 5–6 mosquito ecology, 139 rhodopsin molecules, 7 oviposition sites, 140, 521 twisted photoreceptors, 7–8 polarisation sensitivity in eyes, 139 Anterior optic tubercle (AOTu), insect brains rinsed and non-rinsed choice experiments, degree of polarization, 86 139 E-vector tuning, 85–86 skylight-polarisation compass, 140 intertubercle neurons, 83 All Sky Imager (ASI), 587–589 lateral accessory lobes (LALs), 82 Amphibians, PS locust (LoTu1 and TuTu1 cells), 83–84 breeding sites, 250–251 polarization-sensitive neurons, 82–83 brightness pattern, polarized light, 256 polarized-light responses, 84 celestial cues, 255 stimulus intensity, 85 colour vs. polarization vision, butterflies, TuLAL neurons, 83 257 unpolarized skylight cues, 87–88 emigration orientations, 254 Anthropogenic polarization magnetoreception, 258–260 animal movement, 444 Notophthalmus viridescens, 255–256 aquatic insects associated with water, photoreception, 251–253 445, 447, 448 pineal complex, 253–254 artificial surfaces, 451–452 prey organisms, 256 asphalt surfaces (see Asphalt surfaces) Rana arvalis, 250, 251 astronomical light pollution, 444 Rana pipiens and Rhinella arenarum, 254 attraction/repulsion, animals, 444 ‘redundant-multisensory system’, 254 black burnt-up stubble fields, 503–505 reproductive strategies, eggs, 250 bridges (see Bridges (optical barriers), vs.
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