Separator Dollars Saved! Scott & Wlnogar
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LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3. 1903 FITE CENTS. EARl JOHNSON SHOT WILLIAMS WELL WED Buy Your Drafts . BY SPECIAL POLICE MACK BUT DIDN'T PATRONIZE Cash Your Checks THIS MORNING. HOME INDUSTRY. LOOK'S Deposit Your Funds * He and David Rice Kicked up a Went to take Odessa to Buy Row at Cramer's Saloon. His Bride. Earl Juhnson, of Beldlng, wan shot The marriage of our popular School Opening Day, by Special Police Jl. Mack at three young townsman, Uriah Brooks Williams and Miss Jessie Marguerite ... a/ the... o'clock this morning and lies at Hotel Central, where he wan attend- Cogswell was consummated at the ^.4 ed by Dr. Eaton. home of the bride's parents, at Lake Monday, Sept. 7,1903 The trouble started about nine Odessa. Wednesday evening, Aug. o'clock laHt nlghtatCrunier'sHaloon, 20, in the presence of a few near rela- City Bank and according to reports, Johnson tives aad friends. and David Rice, who claims Grand The ceremony was performed at Our stock of School Books and School supplies is enorm- ous In size and complete In every detail. RespoaBlbllity $180,000.00 Rapids as his home and Beldlng as a 7:80 by Rev. S. T. Morris of Grand prior residence, were the main offend- Rapids and the impressive ring ser- We waat you to kaotv about our 3 Per Cent Paid on Deposits. ers. They were accompanied by two vice was used. The bride and Rebouad aad Second hand other Beldlng men, who tried to groom entered the prettily decorated School Books. keep the i>eace but were unable to parlor attended by the bridesmaid These books have been thoroughly overhauled and some control Rice and Johnson. and groomsman. Miss Nina Hiler rebound so that for all practical purposes they are good as and Earl Hunter, respectively. new and you make a notable saving in cost. We can supply The last two had been noisy for any books used in city or country schools both in new and some time, although Mr. Cramer After the ceremony and congratu- second hand. Bring in your orders early and get the best says they had not spent to exceed lations the company sat down to a selections. Everything In school supplies. fifty cents In his place. They were sumptuous wedding supper and then Tablets. Slates, Peaclls, Peas, thrust out doors several times, but the bridal party started for Lowell, lak. Erasers, Crayoa, Etc. kept returning and trying to have a amidst plenteous showers of rice row with the others and C. M. Hlgby and old shoes, and the din of cow who were playing pool. Several bells and tin pans. They arrived at times they dared Cramer and his bar late hour, at the home of the tender to go out doors, but were Ig- groom's mother, which had been re- nored until one of them smashed a cently vacated by her and was in LOOK'S glass sign, when Rice wax captured readiness to receive the newly wed- and pushed Into the saloon until ded pair. On their arrival they Drug and Book Store Night Watch Lane came and landed found the Pickle Bachelor club al- him In the village jail. Officer Lane ready there, and they spent the time then asked the assistance of Special until the "wee sum" hours" in mak- Police R. Mack and they began a ing night hideous for the neighbors. search for Johnson, who had es- In their endeavors to entertain the caped. young couple. Whea you buy a At three o'clock. Mack found his Mr. and Mrs. Williams received a man near the Pere Marquette depot, large number of useful and beautiful evidently waiting for the night gifts. freight for Beldlng, and covering him It is unnecessary to introduce Mr. Sowing Tlfachine Separator with a revolver at a distance of six Williams to the people of Lowell, as feet, told Johnson to consider him- he Is well known here as one of self under arrest. The latter wheeled Lowell's most enterprising and and ran and Mack saw that he was highly esteemed young men. The You had better buy of a reliable going to escat>e him, and firing near bride has been a teacher in Ionia dealer, one that you know, one who Leads them all. his heels told him to halt. Johnson and is knowk there and in Lake carries repairs, one whose guarantee is Odessa as a^young lady of finest and good becaose he stays here to make it For Sale by continued to run while Mack fired four shots, Ignoring the repeated or- purest qualities and one who will bo. Buy of a fly-by nit;ht peddler or a ders to halt. Near the Taft house make an ideal home. cheap-John department honse and you he jumped from the sidewalk Into They will be at home to their have no redress or no remedy or re- the ditch, and received the fifth shot friends after September 15. pairs when the olap-trap goes back on R.B.BOYLAN from a :i'2 calibre gun in the back. yon. Buy rigbl and you'll buy of W. C. T. V. He was able to walk as far as the The Lowell W. C. T.U. will meet on Hatch house before he collapsed the Island Friday afternoon, Sept. 4 Then help was secured and"he was for a picnic tea. If the weather Is fav- carried to Hotel Central orable. If not It will meet with Mrs. where Dr. Eaton probed for Geo. McKee. Music, Jewelry, Watches, and Sporting the ball and found it just under The Central W. C. T. U. will hold R. D. STOCKING Goods. the skin on the left front side. He Its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Jno. White. Tuesday , Sept. 8. thinks the ball' passed around the A full attendance Is requested. rib, and that the Internal organs are not Injured. The wound bleeds HEARD ABOUT TOWN. freely, but It Is thought to be caused Just take a look at our cakes and get our prices and you by the brokeu rib, and not by the You are sure Your Summer Vacation Mrs. Minnie Benson is visiting In won't bother to bake any to enjoy an... ball. Detroit. more this hot weather. Rice was taken before Justice Per- A. W. Covert made a trip to Chi- ry this morning and fined $10 and cago last week. f2.50 costs or 20 days In the county WiT "nave an add M. Hunt of St. Johns was the See Cream Soda... jail. As he did not have the money uast of Miss Lynne Crawford Sun- ed value and one he will probably go to jail. When ay. that will give pleas- he gets out he wlfl have to face a Miss Kittle Mason returned Mon- If you get It at ure to you and charge of smashing an $80 plate glass day from a month's visit with lonla our fountain. -our friends for a friends. We make our own front for McGann of the Town Pump ice cream. fifelime, if you saloon of Grand Rapids. The latter Harold Oliver returned Saturday take with you one Identifies Rice as the man who threw from an extended visit In Grand Rapids. of our a spltoou through his window about WELDON SMITH, a year ago. Archie Lewis returned yesterday to Beldlng, somewhat 'improved In health. Good work horse for sale, or will KODAKS FUUIFTEARS. exchange for good cow. Enquire of Charles McCarty. B0WNE LOSES AN HONORED Miss Edith Smith and Frank Hyatt Simple in opetation, but effective in resultB. Easy to of Hastings si)ent Sunday with Mr. PIONEER CITIZEN and Mrs. L. T. M. Foster. buy, eaay io carry, easy to use. Buy one. you'll never regret it. The band boys serenaded Mr. and In John S. Walton, Dead at Mrs. U. B. Williams at their home Eighty-Six. last evening' and were hospitably entertained. The death of John S* Walton oc- curred at his home In Bowue, Fri- Mrs. Margaret Jones dled-Aug. 28, Dollars Saved! A. D. OLIVER. day, Aug. 28. Funeral services were at her home In Ada township, at the age of 83 years. She was burled JEWELER, WATCHMAKER held at Bowne Center church, Sun- Monday at Parnell. day afternoon, conducted by Rev. Prompt and reliable repairs a specialty. anq OPTICIAN. The pupils and teachers of the Mr. Freeman. kindergarten department of the M. By buying a GaBoline or Wickless Blue Flame Oil Mr. Walton was bom In the town- E. Sunday school enjoyed a pfculc Stove We are going to cloie out ship of Bath, Stuben county, N. Y., on the Island yesterday. every gasoline and oil stove some way. We most July 19,1817. At the age of 14 years Mrs. J. D. Harvey returned Satur- have the room for the he moved to Washtenaw county, day from a ten days' visit at Sun- field, with Judge F. H. Bacon and AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAA AAAftAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAMichigan fl , and from there to balnes family and other friends. 2^mrTWmf?TfTTnmmmfmfTm^ township in 1838. In 1862 he settled Finest Line of Heating on his farm in Bowne, where he re- Claude Lane and wife are In town. Mr. Lane has resigned his position Stoves Ever Shown in At Weyrick's mained until his death. at Harbor Springs and will start a Mr. Walton was an Intelligent and new drug store here.