The WonderGrove Wizard of Oz

Based on “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum

Screenplay by

Tye Lombardi and Ryan Cannon

Songs by

Molly Cannon Audrianna Cole Ryan Cannon Sandra Brace

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 1 Sequence 1: Song “I’m Not Worried” School Bus Stop and Bus

EXT. ELEMENTARY IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL - DAY ​ ​ ​ ​ Bell rings! VANIA stands at the bus stop with the rest of her friends, BRANDI, RYAN and GERALD, waiting for the bus to take them home.

Ryan dances around, bursting with excitement.

RYAN Summer! Summer! Summer!

Brandi cringes slightly whenever Ryan gets too close.

BRANDI Ryan! You need to be careful! You’re going to run into me!

GERALD (to Vania) Wow, Vania! Can you believe that was the very last day of Elementary school?

He puffs out his chest and looks at Vania with a strange look on his face.

VANIA What are you doing?

GERALD Practicing my middle school look.

VANIA Your middle school look?

GERALD Yeah! Now that we’re in middle school, I need to be ready.

INSERT SONG HERE - NOTE: As kids imagine the next school year, the background becomes 2D paintings showing their various locations.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 2 SONG -- “I’m Not Worried”

VANIA It’s the last day of school The last day of elementary The last ride home as an official kid Feeling wary, cuz its kinda scary

GERALD A final sentence in this chapter of our lives It will be full of surprises, when it comes and mystifies us

RYAN (running by like a madman) It’s the last day of normal!

BRANDI (weirded out by Ryan) He’s normal?

GERALD Next year Everything’s new, but…

GERALD/BRANDI/RYAN I’m not worried, not a bit worried I’m not worried, not a bit worried (to Vania) I’m not worried. I’m not worried, are you?


Ryan stops dancing and mimics Gerald’s middle school pose.

RYAN Middle school is gonna be awesome!

Vania looks sadly back at her old elementary school building.

VANIA You guys aren’t going to miss our old school at all?

RYAN Well, of course! But middle school is gonna be awesome!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 3 BRANDI (exasperated) You already said that, Ryan.

VANIA What makes middle school so much better?

RYAN Everything!

He starts dancing again. SINGING CONTINUES ​

RYAN Next year in middle school We dissect frogs in biology

BRANDI We get cute lockers like a big kid

RYAN (pointing to upper lip) We might get hairy

BRANDI Ew. That’s kinda scary

GERALD A fun adventure. A new chapter of our lives We’ll go up a few sizes, after doing exercises

BRANDI IN A GOWN (spins past in a formal gown) We’ll get dressed up for the formal

RYAN IN A SUIT (nervous gulp) A formal?

VANIA It’s so exciting and new. Yeah…

EVERYONE I’m not worried, not a bit worried I’m not worried, not a bit worried I’m not worried. I’m not worried at all.

Ryan spins as he dances and trips. Brandi leaps back in fear as he falls in front of her.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 4 BRANDI Ryan! Ugh, use your brain!

He gets up and brushes off.

RYAN Oh, Brandi, you scaredy cat.

The school bus pulls up and the doors open.

VANIA Thanks Gerald

Gerald exits frame to get on the bus. Brandi and Ryan leave too. Vania hangs back for a beat, looking at her old school.

VANIA (to herself) I’m not worried at all.

She smiles and heads towards the bus. ​ ​



The bus is a mix of students of all ages and from different schools.

Behind MORT the BUS DRIVER, sit a group of 8th grade MIDDLE SCHOOL students. They all wear headphones and listen to loud music.

VANIA (to 8th graders) Uh, excuse me. I’m starting middle school next fall and I was wondering...

The 8th graders ignore her, unable to hear her over their music.

KIARA They can’t hear you, kid. Their music is too loud.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 5 KIARA, an outgoing and friendly high school student, sits in the back of the bus surrounded by her friends AMANDA, TREVOR and HECTOR.

Vania takes a seat next to Brandi and turns around to talk to Kiara.

KIARA (CONT’D) I can tell you about middle school if you want.

Ryan pops up in his seat.

RYAN Is it true we get to dissect frogs in biology class?

GERALD And that P.E. class is about real sports?

BRANDI And you get to decorate your own locker?

Kiara laughs. KIARA Middle school is a lot different from elementary school. And you’ll get to do a ton of new and fun things. I liked middle school!

TREVOR (morosely) Glad somebody did. I hated middle school.

Trevor rolls his eyes and groans.

TREVOR (CONT’D) Leaving there was the best thing that ever happened to me.

VANIA Why didn’t you like middle school?

TREVOR I’m in band which apparently wasn’t ‘cool.’ I was too nerdy to ever be part of the cool group. They never let me in.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 6 BRANDI That’s awful! But at least you got to decorate your own locker, right?

TREVOR Yeah, real fun, until you get shoved into one.

Brandi shrinks back in terror.

TREVOR (CONT’D) You wanna hear good stories about middle school? Talk to Hector. He was one of the cool kids.

Trevor jerks a thumb towards his friend Hector who grins at them and shakes his head.

HECTOR I was only pretending to be someone I’m not. I was afraid people wouldn’t like the real me, so I spent the whole time making up a new person.

He sighs dramatically.

HECTOR (CONT’D) It was exhausting.

TREVOR But it worked! You were one of the cool kids.

HECTOR Because I tricked everyone! But it wasn’t the real me. And I never knew if my friends were real friends, or if they just liked the fake me.

KIARA Well, I like the real you, Trevor.

HECTOR Me too.

AMANDA, another fellow high school student, leans over her bus seat and stares at Vania intently with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 7 AMANDA Personally, I loved middle school.

VANIA You did?

AMANDA Do you want to know why I loved middle school so much?

Vania and Brandi nod silently, more than a little scared.

AMANDA (CONT’D) Because all the new incoming kids would do exactly what I told them to whenever I told them to do it.

VANIA That doesn’t sound like much fun.

AMANDA Maybe not for you, but for me, it was perfect!

KIARA Leave them alone, Amanda.

Amanda sits back in her seat and laughs to herself.

KIARA (CONT’D) Don’t listen to her, guys. Middle school is gonna be different but you’ll be fine. It’ adventure. But it’ll be a good learning experience. You’ll see.

Vania turns back in her seat and sadly looks out the window.

BRANDI It’ll be fine, Vania.

VANIA I guess.

She sighs sadly and sits quietly for the rest of the ride.


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 8 Sequence 2: Dorothy at the Farm


The school bus pulls away, leaving Vania at the end of the road that leads to her farm house.

On either side of the road are vast corn fields.

A lone SCARECROW flutters in the wind.

Vania’s dog, TOTO, runs up to her and greets her.

VANIA Hey, Toto! Did you have a good day today?

TOTO Woof! Woof.

VANIA My day? Ah, it was okay. Last day of elementary school, which means after summer I start middle school. (fakes excitement)Yay.

Vania sighs and starts walking to her house.

VANIA (CONT’D) I’m not worried. It’s gonna be fine. (she’s worried) It’s gonna be fine. It’s just like elementary school...but not.


A CLANG and some MUTTERING catches her attention. She turns to see UNCLE HENRY working under a TRACTOR near the house.

VANIA (CONT’D) Hi, Uncle Henry!

UNCLE HENRY Hey there, Little Blue

Behind him, dark storm clouds grow on the horizon.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 9 VANIA (CONT’D) Those clouds don’t look good, Toto. It looks like a storm is coming. ​ ​


AUNTIE EM stands on the porch, staring at the clouds behind Vania.

AUNTIE EM There’s a big storm coming. Glad you’re home now.

VANIA Me too.

AUNTIE EM Come on inside. I just made cookies. You can tell me all about your last day of elementary school.

Vania and Toto follow Auntie Em into the house.


Auntie Em bustles around the kitchen while Vania sits at the kitchen table. She picks at a plate of cookies in front of her.

AUNTIE EM Vania, honey, are you ok?

VANIA I’m fine.

AUNTIE EM You sure? You don’t seem fine.

VANIA Auntie Em, I was thinking, with all the work you and Uncle Henry have around here, it would probably be best if I dropped out of school and just stayed home everyday to help out.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 10 AUNTIE EM And miss school? Not a chance! Your Uncle and I are just fine with the way things are. Besides, don’t you like school? You’re off on a whole new adventure next fall! I’d think you’d be excited to go to middle school.

VANIA (flatly) I guess.

AUNTIE EM Middle school is going to be so exciting!

VANIA It’s not exciting! It’s hard and scary and different and I don’t want to go.

Uncle Henry walks into the kitchen. He’s covered in grease and dirt from trying to fix the tractor.

UNCLE HENRY (to Auntie Em) Almost done with that tractor. Figured I’d stop before that storm comes in. If I had just one more set of hands to help hold things while I work I’d be done already, but...

VANIA (to Auntie Em) See! I could help Uncle Henry. You guys need me to stay home!

UNCLE HENRY (To Vania) What’s this all about, Little blue?

AUNTIE EM (to Henry) Vania doesn’t want to go to middle school. She wants to stay here and help out on the farm.

UNCLE HENRY And end up as dumb as one of those scarecrows out in the field? No way!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 11

VANIA But what if middle school is too hard and I fail all my tests? What if nobody likes me for who I am. And I can’t make any friends unless I pretend to be someone I’m not. And then I forget who the real me is and I’m this fake me for forever?

Auntie Em and Uncle Henry smile at each other.

VANIA (CONT’D) Or what if I get lost in the school and can’t find my way out, or worse, what if someone shoves me in my locker and the door gets stuck and I end up locked in there for forever?

Uncle Henry chuckles.

UNCLE HENRY You’re being dramatic, Vania. All you need is an open mind, a friendly heart, and a little courage! Middle school will be different, but you’ll be fine.

Vania gets mad.

VANIA No, I won’t be fine! You guys just don’t understand!

She gets up and runs to her bedroom, slamming the door shut in anger.


Vania throws herself across her bed, sobbing. Toto, sensing her distress, jumps into her room through her open window and climbs onto the bed with her.

VANIA Oh, Toto. I know Auntie Em and Uncle Henry are trying to be helpful, but they just don’t get it.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 12 VANIA (CONT’D) They weren’t on the bus today. Everything they said is true. And Amanda! What if I end up with someone like Amanda telling me what to do all the time?

She cries even harder. Toto whines and scoots closer.

VANIA (CONT’D) I just want things to be the way they were before.

She closes her eyes and hugs Toto, covering a huge yawn.

VANIA (CONT’D) Why does everything have to change?

She snuggles down in her pillow. Toto closes his eyes and cuddles up next to her.

VANIA (CONT’D) Why can’t it all just stay the same?

She sighs and falls asleep.


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 13 Sequence 3: Tornado


BANG! BANG! BANG! Auntie Em pounds on Vania’s closed door, waking her up.

AUNTIE EM (through door) Vania! There’s a twister coming! Get up! We need to get to the storm cellar!

Vania, instantly awakes, jumps up in bed and looks from the door to the window.

The sky is green and black with thick storm clouds. In the distance a TORNADO snakes to the ground, heading directly towards the farm!

VANIA Come on, Toto!

Vania and Toto run out of the room.


Uncle Henry and Auntie Em stand next to the open storm cellar doors as Vania and Toto run towards them.


A flash of LIGHT as a fork of LIGHTNING strikes close to the farm, followed quickly by a huge CRASH of THUNDER.

Toto and Vania react to the lightning in horror. Toto YELPS in fear and reverses course, turning tail and heading back to the farm house.


She dashes after him.

AUNTIE EM Vania! No!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 14 Vania runs into the house, chasing Toto.


Toto cowers under the bed. Vania bursts into the room. Through the window we can see the twister getting closer and closer.

VANIA Toto! Come on, we have to go!

Toto WHINES and shivers under the bed.

Vania crouches down, trying to coax him out but he refuses to budge.

VANIA (CONT’D) Come on, Toto! It’s not safe in here. We have to go to the storm cellar.

She looks up, the twister is almost upon them. The entire room starts to shake.

VANIA (CONT’D) Oh, Toto! It’s too late!

She crawls under the bed with him and stares at the window and the twister in fear.


The wind howls, hurling farm equipment through the air. The farmhouse shakes and shimmies in the wind and is eventually torn loose, levitating up in the air and spinning into the heart of the twister.


Under the bed, Vania and Toto watch through wide eyes as the farm house is lifted into the tornado.

VANIA Oh Toto, we’re inside the tornado!

Various objects spin through the storm, passing by her window: Uncle Henry’s broken tractor, the school bus she was on earlier, a school locker, the scarecrow from the field she passed earlier...

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 15

Vania, terrified, squeezes her eyes shut.


The farmhouse, caught up in the tornado, spins in the dust and wind, climbing up to the top of the funnel cloud before starting to drift back down.


Vania and Toto squeezing eyes closed.

VANIA (yelling) I think we’re coming back down!


The farmhouse drifts back down through the clouds.

Vania screams.


The farmhouse lands with a CRASH, cutting off Vania’s scream.

She and Toto huddle under the bed in silent shock.

Carefully Vania cracks one eye open, followed by her other eye, then looks around her room cautiously. Everything seems to be in its place.

She looks towards the window, stunned to see clear blue skies.

VANIA Well, Toto. Now what? Do we just stay here forever?

Toto whines and climbs out from under the bed.

VANIA (CONT’D) No, you’re right. Let’s go make sure Auntie Em and Uncle Henry are okay.

She crawls out from under the bed and goes to the window to look out.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 16 Sequence 4: The Munchkins & Glinda


Gone are the fields and landscape Vania’s familiar with. They’ve been replaced by a strange and colorful land of swirly mountains and blue trees.

The farmhouse has landed on top of a small hill in the center of a tiny and colorful village full of bright and crooked houses.

VANIA Oh Toto, I have a feeling we’re not home anymore.


Vania/Dorothy walks out the door of the farmhouse and steps into the world of Munchkin land.

VANIA/DOROTHY Where do you think we are, Toto?

MUNCHKIN You’re in Munchkin land!

Dorothy turns to see a MUNCHKIN smiling up at her.


He is a little person, no taller than her waist. But he looks like an adult in a swirly blue hat and blue suit and curly blue boots.

DOROTHY Wait, w-w-what are you?

MUNCHKIN Why, I am a Munchkin, here to welcome you officially to Munchkin Land!

He indicates all the area around him and then gives her a suspicious look.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 17 MUNCHKIN (CONT’D) So, are you a good witch or a bad witch?

DOROTHY What? I’m not a witch at all!

MUNCHKIN Is that a witch?

He points to Toto who BARKS.

DOROTHY Toto? He’s not a witch, he’s my dog!

GLINDA (O.C.) He’s just worried because you’re new and we didn’t know if you were going to be a good witch or a bad witch.

Dorothy turns to see KIARA/GLINDA join them.

DOROTHY But I’m not a witch and neither is Toto. Are you a witch?

GLINDA I am, but I’m a good witch. I’m Glinda.

DOROTHY Hello, Glinda. If you’re a witch, then perhaps you know magic And could help me get back home.

Glinda laughs.

GLINDA Oh, I’m afraid I can’t help you with that. You’ll need to see the Wizard for that sort of magic.

DOROTHY The wizard?

GLINDA Yes. The Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City. He’s the most powerful magician in all the land. He can help you get back home.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 18 DOROTHY Well, then, let’s go!

GLINDA It’s a long journey, and you’ll face many new things, but if you stick with it, you’ll be just fine.

Dorothy nods.

DOROTHY I can do that.

GLINDA You’ll need a little extra help.

She waves her magic wand, turning Dorothy’s sneakers into sparkling silver shoes.

DOROTHY Ooh, they’re beautiful! Thank you!

GLINDA They’ll help you stay on the right path.

Dorothy looks around Munchkin land.

DOROTHY But which is the right path.

MUNCHKIN The yellow brick road! Follow the yellow brick road!


Dorothy looks down to discover she’s already on the yellow brick road with Toto.

DOROTHY Well, Toto, here is the yellow brick road and we’re on it. Shall we go to the Emerald City and see the Wizard of Oz?

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 19 TOTO Bark!

DOROTHY Then we’re off to see the Wizard!

She and Toto walk off down the Yellow Brick Road, the Munchkin and Glinda waving as they go.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 20 Sequence 5: Meeting Wicked Witch


Dorothy and Toto walk down the Yellow Brick Road, traveling through Munchkin Land on their way to the Emerald City. All around them the land is wild and colorful and amazing, with blue trees, and blue grass.

A flock of GOLDFISH swim through the trees. Helium Balloon bushes dot the landscape.

DOROTHY Look Toto, flying fish!

POOF! A puff of magical green smoke blocks their path, revealing AMANDA/THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST.

AMANDA/WICKED WITCH Well, off to the Emerald City to see the Wizard are we?

DOROTHY Who are you? What do you want?

AMANDA/WICKED WITCH All you need to know is, I’m in charge and I want those shoes!

She points to Dorothy’s silver sneakers.

DOROTHY Why? I just got these shoes as a gift. And I need them.

WICKED WITCH You’re not from around here, are you? Because if you were, you’d know that around here, when I tell you to do something, you do it.

DOROTHY Well, that doesn’t sound like much fun.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 21 WICKED WITCH Maybe not for you, but for me, it’s perfect! Now give me those shoes!

The Wicked Witch advances on Dorothy, ready to take her shoes. Dorothy looks at the Wicked Witch in fear.

TOTO Bark!

Toto puts himself between Dorothy and The Wicked Witch.

TOTO (CONT’D) Bark! Bark!

Dorothy looks from Toto to the Wicked Witch and gets and idea.

DOROTHY (scared) Come on, Toto! Let’s get out of here. She is a bully!

Toto GROWLS at the Wicked Witch as Dorothy walks away from her.

WICKED WITCH You can’t avoid me forever! Eventually you’ll do exactly what I say, including giving me those shoes!

She CACKLES and another POOF of green smoke swallows her up and she disappears.

DOROTHY Well, she wasn’t very nice. I certainly hope we don’t run into her again. I’d much rather just walk away and enjoy this lovely day.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 22 Sequence 6: Song - “On Our Way”


Toto barks at a nearby bush made of balloons. One balloon pops and scares Toto up yellow brick road on the top of the nearby hill.

Dorothy follows after. She reaches the summit and sees a vast expanse of beautiful land before her. It’s enchanting. Dorothy and Toto look at each other, smile, and start down the road.

SONG -- “On Our Way”

LYRICS We’re on our way - - we’ll get there you’ll see Beauty’s all around us. Goldfish in the breeze. Our path is clear and the sky is bright Just follow the road and we’ll be alright.

CHORUS One step then two then three Our feet will take us where we need to be One step then two then three Our feet will take us where we need to be Our feet will take us where we need to be

Guitar Solo

CHORUS One step then two then three Our feet will take us where we need to be One step then two then three Our feet will take us where we need to be Our feet will take us where we need to be


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 23

Sequence 7: Scarecrow


Dorothy’s POV: Dorothy and Toto have come to a crossroad where the yellow brick road divides into two parts, one side going to the right and one going to the left. In the center of the crossroads, at the very edge of a field of corn stands a SCARECROW.

DOROTHY (CONT’D) Well, Toto, now what? Do we go to the left? Or do we go to the right?

DOROTHY’S POV: Both roads look exactly the same. She looks at the Scarecrow standing between the two roads and sighs.

DOROTHY (CONT’D) If only that Scarecrow could talk, I’m sure he’d be able to tell which way to go.

SCARECROW I’d be happy to talk, but I’m not sure I’ll be of much help.

Dorothy looks at the Scarecrow, surprised.

DOROTHY You can talk?!

SCARECROW Of course! But where are my manners? Hello, I’m a Scarecrow. How do you do?

DOROTHY (hesitantly) Hello, Mr. Scarecrow. I’m Dorothy and I’m doing quite well. How do you do?

SCARECROW I’m doing well enough, but I’m sure I’d do better if I wasn’t stuck here. Could you help me down?

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 24

DOROTHY Sure! I think I can help you down.


Scarecrow, now on the ground and free to move around, sighs in relief and drops his arms down by his sides.

SCARECROW Ahh, I can’t tell you how good that feels!

DOROTHY Well, then, Mr. Scarecrow. Which way should we go to Oz? The right road or the left road?

SCARECROW I’m stuffed with straw, so to be honest, I don’t know much at all. I know there’s a right and a wrong, and a right and a left, but just when I think I’ve got it all right, it turns out I’m all wrong. (confused) Or left. I can’t remember which is which.

Dorothy looks crestfallen.

DOROTHY Then how am I supposed to figure out which road is the right road?

SCARECROW (points to the right) Well, you could go to the right, which could be the right road.

SCARECROW but what if the right road is the wrong road? SCARECROW (CONT’D) (looking left) In that case you’ll want to take the left road. which would make the left road the right road and the right road the wrong road.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 25

As he talks, the Scarecrow points with his arms, eventually ending up with them crossed across his chest.

DOROTHY Now I’m confused!

SCARECROW (sadly) If only I could help you. The one thing I wish I had more than anything else in the world are brains instead of just straw.

He points to his head.

SCARECROW Just think, then I’d be able to answer all sorts of questions! But instead, I just stand here and watch all the people go by.

Dorothy thinks for a second.

DOROTHY Hang on, you might still be able to help!

SCARECROW I could? How?!

DOROTHY You said you watch people go by ...can you describe them?

SCARECROW Well, the ones that go this way... (points to the left) ...always carry baskets and bags full of fruits and vegetables. And the ones that go that way… (points right) ...don’t carry anything with them at all.

DOROTHY And when they come back?

SCARECROW The ones from the left

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 26 don’t come back with anything but the ones on the right come back with all the things the ones on the left were carrying.

DOROTHY Hmm...I think the people on the left are taking things to the market. And the ones on the right are buying things from the market. Which means both roads lead to Oz!

Toto wags his tail happily.

DOROTHY So there is a right road and a left road, But there isn’t a right road or a wrong road because they’re both right, even though one is left.

The Scarecrow grins and nods.

SCARECROW Well, I think that makes perfect sense! Or it would, if I could think at all.

DOROTHY If the Wizard of Oz can help me get back home, maybe he’ll be able to give you brains. Why don’t you come with me and we’ll see?

SCARECROW I’m not sure what a Wizard is, or even what an Oz is, but I like the sound of brains instead of straw!

DOROTHY Well then, we’re off to see the Wizard of Oz! And now, thanks to you, we know which road to take!

Dorothy, Toto and the Scarecrow head off together towards Oz down the right branch of the Yellow Brick Road.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 27

Sequence 8: Song “No Brainer”


As they walk, Dorothy and the Scarecrow sing about how wonderful it is to have brains and how much easier the world around you is when you can think and reason and find solutions to life’s problems. We see the scope of the landscape as they approach the woods.

SONG-- “It’s a No Brainer”

VERSE I have a path to choose And I don’t want to lose But I don’t know Where to go Or How to find my way

VERSE I found you hanging there I couldn’t help but care because I knew, That helping you Would point us on our way

CHORUS With all these twists and turns, I don’t know what to do. But it’s a no brainer When I’m with you

Ba da ba ba da ba Ba da ba ba da ba

A no brainer with you.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 28

Sequence 9: Witch Spying on Dorothy


The Wicked Witch stands in her castle tower, watching Dorothy and the Scarecrow in her magic mirror. One of her henchmen, A FLYING MONKEY hovers in the corner looking out the window.

WICKED WITCH Ooh, she thinks she’s so clever, figuring out which road to take all by herself. Well, we’ll see how clever she is once I whip up a magical rain storm! She’ll get so wet and cold, she’ll have to take those shoes off and when she does...

The Wicked Witch CACKLES, startling a FLYING MONKEY who stands in the corner.

WICKED WITCH (CONT’D) Monkey! What are you doing over there?

FLYING MONKEY (stuttering) N..nothing.

WICKED WITCH Exactly! Nothing! And what I just said was funny, so instead of doing nothing, you should be laughing! Like this!

She CACKLES again and the Flying Monkey half-heartedly joins in.

WICKED WITCH (CONT’D) That’s better.

While the Flying Monkey laughs, The Wicked Witch starts waving her hands over the magic mirror, calling up her storm.


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 29 Sequence 10: Dorothy helps Tin Man


Dorothy, Toto and the Scarecrow have left the farmlands of Oz behind and have moved into the woods. The big, dense trees are dark green and mossy. The grass is also a bright green.

Above them the sky darkens, the storm from the Wicked Witch’s spell growing.

DOROTHY I think it might rain!

The Scarecrow looks up at the clouds and frowns.

SCARECROW If I could think, I’d say I think you’re right! Those clouds look pretty dark.

A fat raindrop lands on the ground in front of them, followed by more.

DOROTHY We can take shelter under those trees! Come on!


They wait while the rain storm passes.

DOROTHY (CONT’D) Whew! We got here just in time. Any longer in that rain and we would have been soaked.

SCARECROW It certainly wasn’t a big storm. Look, it’s already over!

The storm rolls through, and the trio step back onto the Yellow Brick Road.

Toto starts barking at something.

DOROTHY What is it, Toto?

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 30 SCARECROW Look! He sees something.

To the side of the road stands a TIN WOODMAN.

DOROTHY Something? You mean, someone!

They investigate.


DOROTHY (CONT’D) It looks like he’s rusted solid.

TIN MAN Mmmmmmm!

DOROTHY Can you hear that?

SCARECROW It sounded like Mmmmmmmmm.

DOROTHY I think it’s the Tin Man! He’s trying to speak.

The Tin Man speaks without moving his mouth.

TIN MAN (muffled) Ruuuuussttteeed.

DOROTHY I think he’s saying rusted.

SCARECROW Rusted? What’s that mean?

DOROTHY I bet he was caught in the rain storm and rusted!

TIN MAN (affirmative) Mmmmmmm!

Dorothy thinks for a second.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 31

DOROTHY You know, whenever I’m stiff, I’ve found the best way to loosen back up is to do some stretching.

SCARECROW Stretching?

DOROTHY Sure! Like this!

She bends over and touches her knees. The Scarecrow and Tin Man do the same.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 32 Sequence 11: Song “Move Your Body”

SONG -- “Move Your Body”

Over the music of the song, Dorothy continues her stretching. As the song plays, the characters move along, doing the stretches. The characters do not need to sing this. The song is playing in the background of the scene.

LYRICS: Jump out of bed, Into your shoes, First you stretch, Then start to move, C’mon lets go, Don’t sit or stand, It’s time to run fast as you can, As you can, As you caaan!

We all like to move, move our bodies, Move, move our bodies, Move, move your body, We all like to move, move our bodies, Move, move your body, Run, run, run around

With each stretch, the Tin Man becomes more and more limber until...

LYRICS Feel your heatbeat, Feel it pound, Feel your feet down on the ground, It’s good to run every day 1, 2, 3, Come on let’s play Let’s play Let’s plaaay!

We all like to move, move our bodies, Move, move our bodies, Move, move your body, We all like to move, move our bodies, Move, move your body, Run, run, run now..

We all like to move, move our bodies, Move, move our bodies, Move, move your body, We all like to move, move our bodies, Move, move your body, Run, run, run around. © copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 33 SONG ENDS.

TIN MAN Whew! Thank you! I was worried I was going to be stuck there forever!

DOROTHY I’m always happy to help.

TIN MAN Well, I certainly appreciate it. Not everyone has a big heart and would be willing to stop to help someone they don’t know.

DOROTHY I like helping. It makes me feel good.

TIN MAN I can only imagine.

He sighs sadly.

DOROTHY What’s wrong?

TIN MAN It’s just, I wish I had a heart so I could help others as well.

DOROTHY You don’t have a heart?


He thumps his chest which echoes with a metallic clang.

TIN MAN (CONT’D) Nothing but sprockets and springs inside of me.

DOROTHY Oh, I’m so sorry.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 34 TIN MAN All I want in life is a heart. Do you know what it’s like to go through life without a heart?

Dorothy and the Scarecrow shake their heads no.

TIN MAN (CONT’D) It’s hard. You miss out on so many things. I can never have a heart to heart conversation. I’ll never be able to give someone my heartfelt congratulations for anything. I’ll never experience heartache, or heartbreak...

SCARECROW (bright side) Then again, you’ll never have to worry about a heart attack.

DOROTHY Well, you’re welcome to come join us. We’re on our way to the Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz.

SCARECROW I’m asking for a brain so I can speak before I think. I mean, think before I speak.

DOROTHY And I need his help getting back home.

TIN MAN Do you think he’ll really help me?

DOROTHY Well, even if he doesn’t, you’re no worse off than you are right now, right?

TIN MAN Think of all the things I could do with a new heart! I could have a change of heart! I could eat my heart out.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 35 Dorothy laughs.

TIN MAN Ooh, do you think the Wizard will let me choose what sort of heart I get? I think I’d like a heart of gold.

They set off down the Yellow Brick Road towards Oz together.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 36 Sequence 12: Witch Spying Again


The Wicked Witch watches the group’s progress in her magic mirror, furious they’ve made it this far.

WICKED WITCH No! It’s impossible! That rainstorm should have soaked her to the bone. And that meddling Tin Man! Aargh!

She roars in frustration and then turns to glare at her Flying Monkey.

FLYING MONKEY What? Am I supposed to roar along with you in frustration the same way I’m supposed to laugh when you laugh?

WICKED WITCH No. Roars of frustration are all me. But a little support during this difficult time would be nice.

FLYING MONKEY I’m not sure what you mean. (awkwardly) Do you want a hug?

WICKED WITCH (angrily) No! I don’t want a hug. (pause, thinking) But cocoa would be nice. You should make me cocoa.

FLYING MONKEY Fine. I’ll make you cocoa.

The Flying Monkey sighs and walks out of the room, muttering. The Wicked Witch turns back to her mirror.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 37 WICKED WITCH As for you, Dorothy, you’ve made it this far, but there’s no way you’ll make it through the Deep Dark Forest! Those wild beasts will get you and then all I have to do is pick out the shoes from whatever is left after they’re done. Muahahahaha!

She cackles, and then pauses, listening. Nothing.

WICKED WITCH (CONT’D) (loudly) I said: Muahahahahahahaa!

FLYING MONKEY (O.S., MUFFLED) Oh, yeah, right. Evil laughter. Muahahahahahahaaa.

The Wicked Witch turns back to her mirror to watch.


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 38 Sequence 13: Dorothy Helps the Lion


Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man find themselves following the Yellow Brick Road deep into the heart of a thick and spooky rainforest.

All around them the strange and twisted trees of Oz pen them in and from the exotic and lush pink and orange bushes peer the unblinking eyes of wild animals.

The sounds of wild beasts WHOOPING and HOWLING echo through the air.

TIN MAN Stay behind me. This area is notorious for the wild beasts that roam through here.

DOROTHY What sort of wild beasts do you think are here?

TIN MAN Oh all of the worst ones.


TIN MAN Of course.


TIN MAN Absolutely. And bears.

SCARECROW Lions and tigers and bears?


SCARECROW Dorothy, if I were a thinking man, I would think now

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 39 would be the time to be scared.

Dorothy nods and the group creep forward cautiously.


Suddenly there is a ROAR and a fierce looking LIONESS leaps in front of them, claws extended and teeth bared.


The group fall back in fear, all except Toto who rushes forward bravely, ready to defend his friends to the death.

TOTO Bark! Bark! Bark!

DOROTHY Toto, no!


The Lioness peers out at Toto with wide eyes. She cowers and covers her eyes.

LIONESS (CONT’D) Oh, don’t hurt me! I didn’t mean any harm!

Dorothy peeks from behind the Tin Man and takes in the scene: Toto standing guard as the Lioness cowers in the middle of the road.

DOROTHY Why, she’s not fierce at all!

Dorothy carefully approaches the Lioness, her hands out to show she means no harm.

TIN MAN Oh, Dorothy! Be careful!

SCARECROW I would think, if I could, that you might not want to get too close!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 40

DOROTHY (to the Lioness) We won’t hurt you!

LIONESS (meekly) Do you promise?

DOROTHY Of course! (to Toto) Toto, be nice!

Toto stops barking and wags his tail.

DOROTHY (CONT’D) See, even Toto won’t hurt you if you promise not to hurt us!

The Lioness slowly approaches Dorothy.

LIONESS I promise, I won’t hurt you. To be honest, I wasn’t going to anyway. I just wanted to scare you.

DOROTHY But why did you want to scare us?

LIONESS Isn’t that what lions are supposed to do?

DOROTHY Is it what you want to do?

The Lioness sighs and shrugs.

LIONESS Not particularly, but it’s what my lion family and friends say I have to do. Or at least they did, before they left me behind.

By now the Tin Man and Scarecrow have joined Dorothy and the Lioness.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 41

TIN MAN They left you? Why, that’s heartless!

The Lioness nods sadly.

LIONESS They told me I wasn’t brave enough to be a real lion.

SCARECROW I would think, if I could, that that’s not a very nice thing to say.

DOROTHY (to Tin Man and Scarecrow) You’re both right! (to the Lioness) If you’d like, we’re headed to the Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz and ask him for help. ​

TIN MAN I’m asking for a heart of gold.

SCARECROW I need noodles for my noggin!

DOROTHY And I’m asking for help to get back home.

LIONESS Do you think he’d give me courage?

DOROTHY I don’t see why not!

LIONESS It is awfully lonely in these woods all by myself. ..but going to Oz is scary too!

DOROTHY Trying anything new can be scary, but if you let that fear hold you back, you might miss out on all sorts of amazing things.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 42 LIONESS Have you ever been scared of new things?

DOROTHY Of course! Everyone is. But being brave about trying new things can open you up to an entire world of adventures.

LIONESS Adventure sounds scary... but fun?

DOROTHY It is! Would you like to join us on our adventure?

The Lioness nods slowly.

DOROTHY (CONT’D) Then let’s go! We’re off to see the Wizard.

LIONESS And try new things!

The four friends (and Toto) head off down the Yellow Brick Road towards the Emerald City together.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 43 Sequence 14: Song “Just Be Brave”, Wicked Witch Plots


Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and now the Lioness all walk down the Yellow Brick Road together.

As they walk, they sing a song about how being brave doesn’t mean being fearless, but learning how to manage that fear and still charging forward.

SONG -- “Just Be Brave”

LYRICS I know your scared. But it’s easy to try new things It’s easy discovering what you like. You are here with me. We’re not playing hide and seek Come and see the world that’s just outside

CHORUS Just be brave and try new things Or you’ll never know the joy it brings Friends to meet and crazy things to eat

Just be brave and try new things New Sounds to hear, new sights to see share the joy that trying brings to you and to me.

LYRICS So give it a go Take a chance and you’ll know How wonderful new discoveries are...

Lioness lights up with joy after trying something new!



The Wicked Witch spying on the friends through her magic mirror as they walk down the road together. Her face twists in anger and frustration.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 44 WICKED WITCH You may think you’re brave for making it this far, Dorothy, but we’ll see how brave you are when you hear MY music And can’t remember where you are or where you’re going.

The Wicked Witch disappears in a puff of green smoke!!


Song continues:

NEW CHORUS I’m not afraid to try new things Now I know the joy it brings Like climbing trees or dancing to the beat

I’m not afraid to try new things New Sounds to hear, new sights to see share the joy that trying brings to you and to me.


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 45 Sequence 15: Poppy Field/Pizza Party


The group exit the fringes of the spooky rainforest and find themselves at the edge of a massive poppy field. Far off in the distance are the spires and towers of the Emerald City.

DOROTHY Ooh, look! I bet that’s the Emerald City!

SCARECROW I would think you might be right!

TIN MAN Shh, do you hear something?

The group pauses and listens. In the distance is a strange, rhythmic THUMPING SOUND.

As they listen, it gets louder and the strains of fun, upbeat POP music can be heard.

Dorothy starts bouncing up and down in time to the sound.

DOROTHY It sounds like music!

SCARECROW And I’m not sure, but I would think, if I could, that I see lights up ahead?

Bright flashes of colorful light sparkle just over the rise of a hill.

DOROTHY You’re right! I see them too.

The Lioness sniffs the air.

LIONESS Mmm...I smell something delicious!

Dorothy takes a deep breath and breaks into a wide grin.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 46

DOROTHY I smell…

She runs off to...


There’s a huge pop up party tent in the middle of the vast poppy fields. Bright lights blink off and on and speakers flood the area with fun music.

A red neon sign reads: POPPY’S PIZZA PARTY - FREE FOR ALL!

Inside the party tent is a huge spread of food.


The rest of the group catch up with Dorothy who is excitedly dancing at the party.

DOROTHY (CONT’D) Guys, it’s a pizza party!

TIN MAN A pizza party?

DOROTHY We have these back home all the time! ​ ​ They’re the best!

The Lioness and Toto are equally excited.

LIONESS Ooh, I love pizza! Do you think they have sushi pizza? I want to try sushi pizza!

Dorothy runs up to the Scarecrow.

DOROTHY It smells delicious! Come on, let’s have some!

SCARECROW No, thank you. I’m stuffed!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 47 He pats his straw belly.

Dorothy turns to the Tin Man.

DOROTHY This music is great! Come on, let’s dance!

The Tin Man shakes his head.

TIN MAN No, thank you. It’s not my favorite. I only listen to Heavy Metal.

The Lioness, Toto and Dorothy dash off to enjoy the party, leaving the Scarecrow and the Tin Man behind.


Dorothy and the Lioness are showing off all the latest dance moves to heavy dance music. The Wicked Witch is there secretly watching from behind the DJ podium. She turns up her music with an evil grin.

Dorothy dances crazier and runs into ALICE from WONDERLAND on the dance floor. Dorothy stops dancing and sees Alice dances while THE CHESHIRE CAT floats in the air smiling.

DOROTHY (screaming over the music) Hey, wait a minute! You guys are in the wrong movie!

Alice and The Cheshire Cat just keep dancing. Dorothy laughs it off and goes back to dancing! The witch smiles big.


The scarecrow sees the DJ Witch and realizes something is weird.

SCARECROW I would think, if I could, that this party awfully suspicious.

TIN MAN I would agree. Who throws a party in the middle of a poppy field?

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 48 TIN MAN (to Dorothy, over the loud music) We should keep going. We’re almost to the Emerald City.


TIN MAN The Emerald City! We’re going to see the Wizard to ask him for help.

DOROTHY We don’t need help! Everything we need is right here!

The Tin Man looks at the Scarecrow and shrugs.

From the shadows, the Wicked Witch watches, happy her spell is working. She then disappears in her signature puff of green ​ ​ smoke.

SCARECROW ...very suspicious!

TIN MAN (to Lioness) Come on, Lioness! Don’t you want to ask the Wizard for courage?

LIONESS Who needs courage? I’ve got pizza!

DOROTHY Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

The Scarecrow looks around the party and notices an extension cord running along the ground. He follows it around the back of a tree and straight to a power box.

SCARECROW Very suspicious!

He tugs on the cord, unplugging it.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 49 The music and lights grind to a stop and all the magical food and party decorations suddenly disappear, leaving the group standing awkwardly in the middle of the poppy field.

Dorothy and the Lioness look around in confusion.

DOROTHY Wait, where did the party go?

LIONESS (equally confused) What party?

DOROTHY I...I don’t know. I just thought...

SCARECROW ...that we were on our way to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard for help?

DOROTHY Exactly! Yes! What are you waiting for? Let’s go!

They get back onto the Yellow Brick Road and head off towards the Emerald City.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 50 Sequence 16: Emerald City Gate


The group has finally made it to the Emerald City! They stand outside right at the Great Emerald Gate. We see how big it is and how small the characters are down below.

The Tin Man examines the door carefully.

TIN MAN It’s locked!

LIONESS Well, this was quite an adventure, but if the door is locked, we should probably go.

She turns to walk off.

DOROTHY A locked door doesn’t mean we give up! It just means we ring the bell.

She rings the doorbell.

An even smaller door slides open and a GATE GUARD sticks his head out.

GATE GUARD We’re closed for the day!

LIONESS Welp, you heard the man...

She turns to leave again but stops when Dorothy starts pleading with the gate guard.

DOROTHY Oh, please, sir. We’ve all come such a long way and we’re here to see the Wizard and ask him...

GATE GUARD You’re here to see the Wizard?

DOROTHY Of course! Glinda the Good sent us.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 51 GATE GUARD Glinda? Why didn’t you say so in the first place?! She’s got fabulous taste in shoes.

DOROTHY I know! Look!

She shows him her sparkly silver shoes.

GATE GUARD Ooh, I love those! I knew she was working in new materials. But her choice in athletic footwear this season is bold and exciting! Come in, come in!

He disappears and shuts the small door.

The group waits a beat before the larger door is opened for them.

GATE GUARD (CONT’D) Welcome to the Emerald City!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 52 Sequence 17: Song - “Little Blue”


Led by the Gate Guard, Dorothy and her friends walk through the Emerald City. We see vistas of the city. Beautiful buildings and emerald skyscrapers.

The Gate guard takes them to the Wizard’s palace.

GATE GUARD Unfortunately, as it’s getting late, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see the Wizard, but until then, please, be our guest!


He opens the door and everyone goes in.

GATE GUARD (CONT’D) We’ve got rooms for you all. Get some sleep and we’ll see you all tomorrow morning!


Each of our characters are in bed, getting ready to go to sleep, or not able to sleep.

INSERT SONG #7 “LITTLE BLUE” HERE— NOTE: Auntie Em Sings this in Dream

LYRICS Counting sheep like 123 Try to drift off into a deep sleep I wonder if she’s safe and warm. I pray her feet will guide her home. Oh Little Blue, where are you?

I wonder why she had to go. So far from home and the friends she knows. I hope she’s brave. I hope she’s smart. I hope she learns to trust her heart. Oh Little Blue, I miss you.


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 53 Sequence 18: Meeting The Wizard, The Capture of Dorothy


The group approach the throne.

Above it, floating magically, is a massive head; the WIZARD OF OZ.

WIZARD OF OZ I am the great and powerful Oz! Why are you here?

His voice is massive and fills the room. The group cowers in fear.

LIONESS You know what, courage is overrated. I think I’ll just wait for you guys outside.

DOROTHY No! We came this far for help. We’re not giving up now!

WIZARD OF OZ You’ve come to ask me for help?

DOROTHY We were told you could help us, Mister, uh, Sir, uh, Wizard?

WIZARD OF OZ Who sent you?!

DOROTHY Glinda the Good Witch.

WIZARD OF OZ Hmm. What sort of help are you asking for?

DOROTHY Well, sir, my friend (indicating the Scarecrow) would like brains.

Scarecrow waves hello, the Wizard frowns.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 54 DOROTHY And my friend here (Tin Man) would very much like a heart.

Tin Man waves.

DOROTHY And my friend there (Lioness) would like courage.

WIZARD OF OZ And you? What are you asking for?

DOROTHY I just want to go home.

The Wizard thinks for a moment, looking at each member of the group thoughtfully.

DOROTHY (CONT’D) Can you help us?


The group perks up.

WIZARD OF OZ (CONT’D) But for a price.

The group deflates.

TIN MAN I am afraid I’ve left my wallet at home.

SCARECROW If only I were stuffed with money instead of straw.

WIZARD OF OZ Not money. My price is a favor. The Wicked Witch -- do you know of her?

The group all nod. Yes.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 55 WIZARD OF OZ (CONT’D) Bring me her broom!

DOROTHY Her broom? But that means we’ll have to –

WIZARD OF OZ I don’t care what you have to do. Just bring me her broom! Now, go!

The group turns and runs through the long dark hall.



The group find themselves outside Emerald City in the heart of the deadlands. Charred landscapes and trees. The witches Castles looms in the distance.

SCARECROW That meeting did not quite go as I had thought it would. Just another reason I need brains!

LIONESS (scared) And now we’re somewhere I’ve ever been before!

All around them the sound of wild beasts grow louder and LOUDER until...

FLYING MONKEY (O.S.) (flatly) Ummm, Excuse me. Boo.

The Wicked Witch’s Flying Monkey floats directing behind them.

Behind him are other Flying Monkeys. The friends all GASP!

FLYING MONKEY (CONT’D) The Wicked Witch knows you’re looking for her. So she sent us to come get you.

The Lioness, clearly terrified but doing her best, steps between Dorothy and the Flying Monkey.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 56 LIONESS (nervous) If you take her, you have to take me too.

FLYING MONKEY Suit yourself.

We cut over to the faces of the Tin Man and the Scarecrow. DOROTHY SCREAMS. There’s the sound of BEATING WINGS and BLOWING WIND. We pull back to reveal that the Lioness and Dorothy are gone!

TIN MAN Oh no, now what?

SCARECROW We’ve got to follow them!

TIN MAN They’re too fast -- and they’re flying! We’ll never be able to find where they’re going.

Toto barks at them.

SCARECROW Toto! Toto can follow their scent!

Toto barks. Yes!

TIN MAN That’s a brilliant idea! Toto, follow Dorothy!

Toto barks and dashes off towards the castle. The Tin Man and the Scarecrow follow.


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 57 Sequence 19: Dorothy at Witch’s Castle


Dorothy and the Lioness are trapped in a cage in the Wicked Witch’s castle. The Wicked Witch and her Flying Monkey stand outside the cage.

WICKED WITCH All you have to do is give me your shoes, and I’ll let you go.

DOROTHY Why? They’re my shoes and I don’t want to give them to you.

The Wicked Witch stomps her foot angrily.

WICKED WITCH It doesn’t work that way! When I say do something, you do it! Now give me your shoes!

LIONESS She said no! You can’t just take things that don’t belong to you, and just because you tell someone to do something doesn’t mean they have to do it. Besides, you never said please, and that’s just bad behavior.

WICKED WITCH That’s it! If you won’t give me your shoes, I’ll cast a spell on you and force you to give them to me!

She pulls back her arm, ready to cast a spell - she stops

There’s a bark from Toto. Toto, Tin Man and the Scarecrow are in the room.

TIN MAN Whew! We found you!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 58 WICKED WITCH What are you doing here?

SCARECROW Stopping you!

WICKED WITCH It’s too late! I’m going to take those shoes whether or not you like it!

She winds up for her spell again but stops when she sees the Scarecrow reaching for a bucket of water.

WICKED WITCH (CONT’D) Ha! You fool! You’ve seen too many movies. Water doesn’t scare witches!

TIN MAN Water might not scare you, but I know what does!

LIONESS Spiders? Is it spiders? I’ll be honest, not a fan of spiders.

TIN MAN No. I think she’s afraid of being alone.

WICKED WITCH What are you talking about?

SCARECROW I think you don’t know how to make friends the right way, because you don’t know how to be nice - like Dorothy.

WICKED WITCH I don’t need to be nice. Everyone does what I tell them to.

LIONESS They do what you tell them to because they’re afraid of you.

The Wicked Witch looks around, confused.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 59

WICKED WITCH (to the Flying Monkey) Monkey, are you afraid of me?

FLYING MONKEY Yeah. You can be really mean, and you’re always bossing us around.

The Wicked Witch looks stunned.


FLYING MONKEY You’re always telling us what to do, but you never ask us what WE want to do.

WICKED WITCH Well, what do you want to do?

FLYING MONKEY To be honest, I really like cooking and baking but all you ever have me make is cocoa.

WICKED WITCH I thought you liked making me cocoa?

FLYING MONKEY I do, but I like making a lot of other things too... (smiles) lasagna.

WICKED WITCH I love lasagna! And if we’re being honest, I really like cooking and baking too, but I’m not really good at it.

FLYING MONKEY I’d be happy to show you how. My Nana taught me everything she knows, including her super secret banana bread recipe.

WICKED WITCH I love banana bread!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 60

TIN MAN See! You were so busy bossing people around that you never took the opportunity to really get to know them.

DOROTHY Being a friend means listening to each other and doing what you both enjoy doing and taking turns.

WICKED WITCH Is that all I have to do to be a good friend? Listen to them?

DOROTHY There are lots of things you should do to be a good friend.


DOROTHY It never hurts to be polite. Using kind words lets friends know you really care about them.

WICKED WITCH Interesting. What else?


WICKED WITCH Huh, who’da thought?

TIN MAN Say please and thank you.

FLYING MONKEY And don’t forget to show that beautiful smile...


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 61 Sequence 20: Song “Be Polite”


SONG -- “Be Polite”

CHORUS Be polite Don't forget to be kind Say please and thank you And don't forget to Show that beautiful smile

VERSE When I go to speak I think about what I say It's not right to be mean It's not okay

CHORUS So be polite Don't forget to be kind Say please and thank you And don't forget to Show that beautiful smile

Bum ba dum, bum ba dum

Be polite Don't forget to be kind Say please and thank you And don't forget to Show that beautiful smile.

We see a funny montage of The Witch and The Flying Monkey baking together. Or going on friend dates. The Witch starts by being mean to the Flying Monkey, but Dorothy and friends show her how to wave, smile, and ask questions.

Eventually the Witch ends up smiling awkwardly because she is new at this. But she ends up having a lot of fun with Flying Monkey.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 62 Sequence 21: They leave the Witch


Dorothy and Lion stand outside the cage with their friends. The Wicked Witch and Flying Monkey are next to each other.

WICKED WITCH Thank you, guys! It sounds like being a friend is a whole lot more fun than being mean.


The Wicked Witch points to her broom in the corner of the room.

WICKED WITCH I know you guys need my broom. And as my friends, I’d like you to have it.

DOROTHY Thank you! But I have to ask, why do you want my shoes so badly?

WICKED WITCH You really aren’t from around here, are you? Glinda is the most famous shoe designer around! And those aren’t just any pair of shoes she gave you, those are one of a kind originals!

DOROTHY I had no idea!

WICKED WITCH Seriously, take good care of those. They’re worth a fortune.

DOROTHY Thank you, I will!

Dorothy and the group leave the room.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 63 WICKED WITCH (calling after them) And if you ever decide you want to get rid of the shoes, just let me know. I’d happily take them for you!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 64 Sequence 22: Meeting the Real Wizard


The group is back in the Wizard’s throne room.

WIZARD OF OZ I see you brought me the broom! Very good.

DOROTHY But why did you need her broom?

WIZARD OF OZ Have you looked around this room? It’s so dusty! That broom actually belonged to me first and I let the Wicked Witch borrow it, but she never gave it back. It’s been ages since this place has been swept!

He sneezes to emphasize his point.

DOROTHY Now will you help us?

WIZARD OF OZ I would be happy to, but first, I need you to do one more favor for me.

As they talk, Toto sniffs around the room, following his nose to a large panel just to the side of the Wizard’s floating head throne.

DOROTHY But we already did what you asked us to do!

WIZARD OF OZ You guys are asking me for four favors, so it’s only fair I ask you for four favors first.

Toto takes a deep breath, snorting up some of the dust the Wizard was complaining about.

DOROTHY But that’s not fair! You didn’t say four favors for four favors.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 65 Toto sneezes, bumping into the panel which rocks back and forth dangerously.

WIZARD OF OZ I am the all powerful Wizard of Oz. I make up the rules and I say ...hey, hang out!

The panel falls over, revealing HECTOR/THE TRUE WIZARD hiding behind it, standing in front of an intricate machine.

The floating wizard head blinks in and out, glitching, before disappearing all together.

HECTOR/WIZARD OF OZ Oh. Well, that wasn’t supposed to happen.

Dorothy approaches him.

DOROTHY Are you the real Wizard of Oz?

The Wizard hangs his head in shame.

WIZARD OF OZ I didn’t think you guys would like me if you saw me for who I really was.

DOROTHY But that’s silly! I’d rather know who you really are than deal with something you’re not.


SCARECROW It’s not so much how you look that impresses us, but how you act.

TIN MAN It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

He thumps his metal chest for emphasis.

DOROTHY Does this mean…’re not really a Wizard?

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 66

He shakes his head sadly.

WIZARD OF OZ To be honest, I’m not. I came to Oz in a giant tornado long ago.

DOROTHY (gasping) Me too!

SCARECROW I would think, in light of this new information, that because he’s not a real wizard, that he won’t be able to actually help us.

The group looks crestfallen and defeated.

WIZARD OF OZ I don’t need to give you anything. Everything you’ve been looking for is inside you already.

The group looks confused.

WIZARD OF OZ (CONT’D) Scarecrow, you wanted brains, right?


WIZARD OF OZ Well, when Dorothy and the Lioness were under the Witch’s spell at the enchanted pizza party, who figured out how to shut it down and break the spell?

SCARECROW I was all very suspicious. ​ ​

WIZARD OF OZ And when the Flying Monkeys took Dorothy and the Lioness, who thought about asking Toto to follow them?

SCARECROW You’re right, I did!

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 67

WIZARD OF OZ (turning to Tin Man) And you, Tin Man. Who always put himself in front of everyone else in the spooky woods?

TIN MAN I did.

WIZARD OF OZ That takes heart! And when confronted by the Wicked Witch, who saw through her act and knew why she was really being mean?


The Wizard turns to the Lioness.

WIZARD OF OZ And Lioness, who claims she’s as cowardly as a kitten—


WIZARD OF OZ Why, I’ve never seen so many acts of true bravery by a lioness before!


WIZARD OF OZ Who stepped between danger and Dorothy not once, but twice?


WIZARD OF OZ When the Flying Monkeys came for Dorothy, who refused to let her go alone?

LIONESS I thought she’d like company...

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 68

WIZARD OF OZ And when the Wicked Witch tried to take Dorothy’s shoes, who told her that wasn’t right?

LIONESS She didn’t even say the magic word!

WIZARD OF OZ (to the three) You three all used the very qualities you’re asking me for without even knowing you had them in you! (to Scarecrow) You used your brains-- (to Tin Man) You showed heart- (to Lioness) And you were so brave!

LIONESS (proudly) I was, wasn’t I!

DOROTHY But what about me? Can you help me get home?

WIZARD OF OZ It just so happens that I’ve constructed a hot air balloon that will fly me high over the rainbow and take me back home and there’s room for you if you’d like to come along!

DOROTHY Oh, yes, please! But when do we leave?

WIZARD OF OZ Right now!

Dorothy smiles big. She can’t believe it.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 69 Sequence 23: The Wizard Leaves


In the center of the city square is a massive hot air balloon. Emerald City folk all dressed in green suits and dresses surround it, making final preparations for the Wizard's journey.

The Wizard stands inside the basket.

WIZARD OF OZ Before I go, there are some things I need to take care of. Because of his kind heart, I declare the Tin Man to be the new ruler of the Emerald City.

The Emerald City folk cheer.

WIZARD OF OZ (CONT’D) And to provide your new ruler with the wisdom and insight it takes to do this job, I declare the Scarecrow to be his advisor!

The Emerald City Folk cheer again.

WIZARD OF OZ (CONT’D) And finally, to keep you all safe, I declare the Lioness to be the head of the Royal Guard!

The crowd goes WILD and the three friends wave and smile.

WIZARD OF OZ (CONT’D) Climb in, we’re ready to go!

GATE GUARD Get ready to loosen the ropes!

Toto sees the Gate Guard approaching the ropes and starts to growl. He takes off after the Gate Guard who drops the rope, releasing the balloon.


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Dorothy yells after Toto as the balloon rises into the air without her.


DOROTHY Oh, no! Come back!

WIZARD OF OZ I can’t! I’m so sorry! Goodbye, Dorothy!

The balloon drifts away, leaving Dorothy behind. She starts to cry.


DOROTHY Oh, now I’ll never get back home.

GLINDA (V. O.) Don’t be silly! Of course you will.

Dorothy sniffing back tears, looks at Glinda, now by her side.

DOROTHY But the Wizard has left and I’m still here.

GLINDA The power for you to go home has been inside you all this time.

DOROTHY It has? But why didn’t you tell me that before? Why did I have to come all the way to the Emerald City to find the Wizard?

GLINDA If I had told you from the first minute I met you that you had the power to get yourself home, would you have believed me?

Dorothy sniffs.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 71 DOROTHY No. Probably not.

GLINDA You helped each of your friends discover that what they wanted most was within them all along, and you’re exactly the same.


GLINDA In order for you to be able to take yourself home, you had to discover your own hidden talents. GLINDA (CONT’D) You’re smart, kind, and courageous.

Dorothy smiles. A little embarrassed.

GLINDA (CONT’D) Everything you need to get back home, and then some. All you needed was a good dose of self-confidence to bring it all together.

DOROTHY I am smart.

SCARECROW You sure are.

DOROTHY And kind.

TIN MAN The kindest.

DOROTHY And brave!

LIONESS Like a lion!

GLINDA And now you know that no matter what challenge you face, you can overcome it.

DOROTHY Like middle school?

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 72

GLINDA Exactly.

Dorothy looks down at Toto. Toto smiles back. But she is suddenly worried.

DOROTHY Before I go home, may I say goodbye to my friends?

GLINDA Of course!


Dorothy runs over to her three new friends.

DOROTHY Thank you all so much for everything.

TIN MAN (sniffing) We will miss you.

DOROTHY Oh, don’t cry! You’ll rust yourself again.

SCARECROW I think you’re going to do just fine back home.

DOROTHY I think you’re right.

LIONESS Be brave, my friend. We’ll always be with you—

TIN MAN (touching his chest over his heart) --here—

SCARECROW (touching his temple) --and here—

Dorothy smiles at her three new friends.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 73 Sequence 24: There’s No Place Like Home


The Emerald City folk all cheer and applaud.

GLINDA If you’re truly ready to go home, close your eyes and think of all the things about home that you love and miss.

Dorothy closes her eyes.

DOROTHY I miss Auntie Em and Uncle Henry. And my friends. And even the stinky old school bus.

GLINDA Very good! Now, click your heels three times and say, “There’s no place like [INSERT HOME TOWN HERE].”

DOROTHY (clicking heels) There’s no place like [INSERT HOME TOWN HERE]

SCARECROW Goodbye, Dorothy!

DOROTHY There’s no place like [INSERT HOME TOWN HERE]

TIN MAN Be safe, Dorothy.

DOROTHY There’s no place like [INSERT HOME TOWN HERE]

LIONESS We’ll miss you, Dorothy!

There’s a huge rush of air and then everything goes white.


© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 74 Sequence 25: Dorothy Back Home


Vania opens her eyes to find herself back in her own bedroom. She’s laying in bed surrounded by Auntie Em, Uncle Henry, Gerald, Brandi and Ryan.

UNCLE HENRY Welcome back, Vania!

AUNTIE EM You had us so worried!

VANIA What happened?

GERALD You tripped and bumped your head.

BRANDI You’ve been asleep for hours!

VANIA I have? But, what about the twister?

She looks out the window. The sky is blue and clear.

GERALD What twister?

VANIA There was a twister! And I hid under the bed with Toto and the farmhouse got sucked up and carried off to the land of Oz where I had to find the Wizard to help me get back home. And everyone kept calling me Dorothy!

AUNTIE EM Sounds like quite a dream!

VANIA It wasn’t a dream! I swear! (she looks at Ryan) There was a brilliant Scarecrow

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 75 VANIA (she looks at Gerald) and a kind Tin Man (she looks at Brandi) oh, and a brave Lioness. And my shoes!

Vania looks at her shoes. But her normal shoes are back.

VANIA Glinda the Good Witch gave them to me and they were silver and beautiful and amazing!

UNCLE HENRY What’s amazing is how long you slept! It’s almost dinner time.

BRANDI I should get home before my mom misses me.

GERALD Me too!

AUNTIE EM Why don’t you kids all stay for dinner? Uncle Henry, go wash up.

Everyone but Auntie Em and Vania leave the room.

AUNTIE EM (CONT’D) Are you really feeling okay, Vania?

Vania thinks for a second and then smiles.

VANIA I’m feeling better than okay. I’m feeling great! In fact, I think I’m finally ready for middle school and all the other adventures.

AUNTIE EM I’m glad. I love you, Vania.

VANIA Love you too, Auntie Em. CUT TO:

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 76 Sequence 26: Song “We’re Not Worried”


It’s the first day of middle school and Vania, Gerald, Ryan and Brandi have all just arrived.

VANIA This is it guys! The very first day of middle school.

BRANDI (to Vania) Do you think our lockers will be next to each other?

VANIA Even if they’re not, I know we’ll see each other all the time!

GERALD You’re a whole lot more excited about middle school than you were before summer, Vania.

VANIA That’s because I know no matter what, all I have to do is look at middle school as a new adventure. And one I don’t have to go on alone. I have you guys with me. And I know we can do anything together!

Vania sings to her friends about how this is a new chapter in their lives and that no matter what, as long as they stick together, they can overcome anything.

LYRICS I’m not worried, not a bit worried I’m not worried, not a bit worried I’m not worried, not a bit worried I’m not worried at all!

BRANDI You’re right, Vania! I know I can do this! I just need a little courage.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 77 GERALD I can’t wait to make new friends.

RYAN And learn all the things! ​ ​

The bell RINGS and the friends head towards the door. Vania pauses, noticing another GIRL about her age hanging back by the playground, looking sad.

VANIA (to her friends) You guys go ahead, I’ll be right there.

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 78 Sequence 27: Dorothy Makes A New Friend


Vania approaches the sad girl.

VANIA Are you okay?

The girl’s obviously been crying.

GIRL Yeah, I’m okay.

VANIA You don’t look okay. Aren’t you excited for the first day of school?

GIRL I don’t want to go to class. My family just moved here and I don’t have any friends. I really want to go home and never come back.

VANIA My name’s Vania. A few months ago I was just like you.

The girl smiles weakly at Vania.

GIRL/EMILY I’m Emily. You were scared too?

VANIA Yup. I didn’t want to go to middle school either.

EMILY But you look so happy to be here now!

VANIA Well, I learned that even though things are going to be different here, It doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun at the same time.

EMILY Really?

© copyright 2018. Wonder Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 79 VANIA All you need to conquer any new adventure is a little self-confidence and good friends by your side.

EMILY But I don’t have any friends here.

VANIA You do now! I’ll be your friend!

EMILY Oh, that would be awesome!

VANIA Come on! I’ll introduce you to my other friends too! There’s always room in our group for new friends.

Dorothy turns to go, but Emily stops her.


Dorothy, concerned, sees Emily as she looks at Gerald, Brandi and Ryan laughing to themselves.

EMILY (CONT’D) I’m worried that they won’t like me.

Dorothy reassures Emily with a smile.

VANIA I’m not worried at all.

Vania and Emily smile at each other and head towards the front doors of their new middle school together.

Ahead of them Brandi, Gerald and Ryan wait, ready to meet Emily and start their new adventure together.

Above them all a huge rainbow stretches across the sky. In the distance, the Wizard’s balloon floats away.


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