8 February 1994 Conten

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8 February 1994 Conten ~'* '~TqQ'AY: KUJ1.0JF,IGHTJNG)'SP,READS ~ PRESIDEN'F wiLf~ ,PAY fOR AGRICUb'T:URAL SERVICES'*·.ECONOMIC , U~[)AtE W~\~U.i ,.(.11 .;) ....... 2 ... 1 'c 3:_ 23 _ ...... S _ S@ _ S ,SgS ..., . -- - . '-- • - . -- -- - : --- t "--~ Inc.) Tuesday F~bruary 8 1994 e alVlS ea oc -: Portnet demands N$64m for harbour.but Nam won't pay GRAHAM HOPWOOD THE ASSETS at Walvis Bay har­ bour are still the main bone of contention in negotiations about the handover of the port town be- tween Namibia and South Africa. I~---';" _______________________ Three weeks before the re-integration of the en­ clave into Namibfa the two governments are still arguing over whether Namibia should pay for assets at the harbour presently controlled by the SA state company Portnet. A senior Foreign Affairs official told The Na­ mibian yesterday that the issue of the port facilities remained unresolved. He said a meeting between the Transport Ministers of the two countries was likely this week. possibly on Wednesday. to try to break the logjam. Meanwhile progress has been made on the issue t of the Paratus power station in the enclave with agreement being reached after a meeting between Swawek, Eskom. the Namibian Ministry of Mines and the Walvis Municipality, the Foreign Affairs official said. He added that Foreign Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab would have another meeting with his SA counter­ part Pik Botha to wrap up agreements that have been made before the official re-integration of the port WE'LL MEET AGAIN ••• Namibian Foreign town. Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab and his South Discussions over the port facilities were described African counterpart Pik Botha will meet to wrap yesterday as "highly sensitive" and "difficult". up agreements before the re-integration ofWalvis at the end of this month. Cont on page 2 I Pidico gets green light for a free. trade zone' ration that Pidico is to fund celebrations !'".-----------i TOMMINNEY for the return ofWalvis Bay. Pidico has meanwhile stopped plough­ FOREIGN investor, the Projects, ing and planting on its new 60 000 Industrial Development Investment hectare Caprivi project But work should Company (Pidico), plans to develop resume with the next season in Mayor a giant free trade zone in Walvis June, according to local agriculture of­ Bay once the enclave returns to ficer Kenneth Sibolile, and staff are Namibia on March 1. working on improving roads to the Lake Cabinet has approved the proposal in Liambezi site. principle, although more details need to Trade and Industry permanent secre­ be worked out tary Tsudao Gurirab yesterday said a Recently Trade and Industry deputy proposal on the Walvis Bay free trade minister Wilfried Emvula was reported zone had been forwarded to Cabinet, as saying the Governmenthad approved but said it did not at this stage contain the scheme and negotiated details with much detail. the town council. The project is set to lie Gurirab said Cabinet had approved between Rooikop airport and the town. the idea in principle but more needed to Yesterday Pidico spokesperson be don.e. Wahid Daoud said they had "no com­ According to reported statements from ment" on the proposal. The response Emvula, the plan would be to fence off was the same to questions about reports on the Namibian Broadcasting Corpo- Cont. on page 2 :. #::lgJ!!~~y':·r..~l~'~~~t~.J,.l~~~. l~ubatBiU1 Kf PS found guilty ~ ;~U}0t. ~ !.,r..);' . t #'( > "'."""""'•."."" • · •. t. "i • " .•.... f ~IJ IC" ;::::;::::t:· -~ '. ome)(I .. : ,-.~ . - - ;. or From page 1 ~ This w~ not properly --.J protected m 1990/91 and Act (1980) on Decem- local people and officials ber 8, managed to strip it of tf:ie ~ peopl.e ... The case has been equipment and even passed to the Public some huts and building far as per capita assist- Service Commission to materials, causing mil- , OSWALD SHIVUTE AT OKAHAO ance was concerned, Na- recommend to Cabinet lions of dollars of dam- 'i.·.l , .' ., mibia was ,top among the what actioq if any it age. ". '.:t" .•(.;,.. COMMUNICA nON ID the North r .."!ved partnm wuh whom"Ge<' should take, Chair Willie Hiveluah was bnefly . '. , .' a major b oost on.Sa turday when President many co-o~ra.ted. This .' '. ': d d I' , 'th . ... • .... , •. -' - - Rurtel Project IS the first Bntz saId the commls- suspen e a ong WI '. ',' . ... .. Sam Nuioma offiCIa lly maugurated a Rural ' . , ' 111 k other top 'officials but Ill . ", ' capital aid proJect assisted slonerswI 00 atarec- . • .. TelecommunicationSystem for theOm usati, by Germany," he added, ommel'lda'tion on punish- wasthenrelnstatedpend-,. • . • _ be f d d to ing the results of inves ti- ~~.. · O sh a na and Ohangwena reglo{lS. Schumacher thanked men.t , to. orwar e, "'~.:I ." Telecom, the German- Cab met m the next few gatto~ , . , " . Thousandsofresidents Heinrich SchiJmacher, . bas'ed company SELl "Misconduct" IS qUite d ay~. " _ from the area gathered at Also present were ALCATEL and consult- , Hlveluah also has th.e a Wide term, covenng a ).. Okahao "to see with our Elcin Bishop Kleophas ant DEDECON for their nght to ask for the eV I- ran~e of offences fro~ . '.' own eyes" the opening of Dumeni, the King of co-operation in h avi~g dence and tapes of the senous to not very sen , . the direct telephone sys- O ngandjera J afet made Rurtel a success m investigation and to ous. tern. Munkundi and his coun- the Oshana, Ohangwena lodge her apppeal within The PSC must inform ! The President was ac- cil of headmen as well as and Omusati regions. 14 days. But the PSC Hi~eluah .of ~efindings compan iedbytheM in i~- the King of Residents were also decides whether to al- of mvestlgatmg officer ter of Works, Transport Uukwaluudhi, Josia happy to hear t.hat the low the appeal or not. Myburgh. If she asks for and Communication Shikongo Taapopi, and Ogongo-O~ h akatl Water Details of the miscon- them, details of the case Marco Hausiku and his his council of headmen, Supply Project would start r duct were unclear, but and the tapes must be deputy Kla.us Dierks, Telecom'sEkloffsaid soon-withtheassistance the investigation may forwarded to her. She deputy ministeroflnfor- the ruraltelecommunica- of the German govern- have been ordered after then has 14daystolodge IT'S A DOG'S LIFE ••• Seoul, South Korea - A mationandBroadcasting tion system wasTelecom ment. , evidence was brought to an appeal, and if this is woman lovingly brushes ber dog. Animal Daniel Tjongarero, Namibia's first major , Before o ~fic lall y ~pen ­ the Frank Commisison allowed the case could protection groups bere bope for more dog-lovers Telecom Managing Di- project since its incorpo- mg,the proJ~c t , :,res lde~ ~ of inquiry on the former continue for some tban dog-eaters this year as it's tbe Year oftbe rector BoEkloffand Ger- ration and had been sup- N%O~a ma e ~ .. r~tca f Buffalo Army base in months before it is re- Dog according to the lunar calendar. Pboto: many's Ambassador to ported through funding Eet0 e e~aCn IntStet~ O , , I d via N N 'b ' D H f th G d onomlc o-opera Ion _c;;;;a;pr;;;;lv;;;;I;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;s;o;v;e;.;;;;;;;;;;;;~R=eu__ ~_rs ______ am~pa~ ____________________1-~a:m~I_I~a~~r~_a_n_s-,- rom e erman an . B 'th th d' _ Swedish Governments. In onn ":1 e au 1- -me "Th' ,. th tart fence watchmg eagerly. Comrades do it Free trade zone Party t. ISISJUSt es 0 "Hallo, Honourable a ne~ .era for !elecom Minister, I want to wish with condoms Cecil Davis said the chal­ From page 1 Naml~la ... PT?je~ ts are you and your Govemment lenge would be to de­ now ID the plpelme t? a very happy new year. """"=============41~ I From page. 1 1 an area, mark off plots velop a unique package vate sector include a de~el~p a telecommuDl- We have good rains at the and put in infrastructure and to market it heavily State Banquet for 300 catlonmfrastructurefrom moment, its raining and the Orange River in the we are happy. before leasing or selling to attract investors from dignitaries. Quotations south to Katima in the On behalf of land to would-be inves­ around the world. are also invited for the tors. Walvis Bay is well­ east and Ruacana in the Namibians, I would like organisation of Free trade zones are suited as it is relatively far north." to thank the govermentof ~ ~::::::;::~s;;:""""'-- ~"'-.,#,;;;;;;;;;;....... entertainnment 'from z== similartoexportp-ocess­ cloae t9 European and Ekloff added that Gennany for the support ing zones in that they US markets compared to February 26 until Tues­ Telecom expected to in- they gave us. Thank you' 1 V.. , have special rules and other successful zones - day March 1 to include vestN$250millioninthe very much ... hope to see tax incentives which ap­ about a quarter of the sporting activites, music next three years "and you there or here in Na­ N$SOO million befoper mibia. t-----NAMIBlA---­ ply only to that area and world's 290 zones are shows with Namibanand maybe only for manu­ believed to be success­ international stars, a the end of the decade". I wi11 be in Oennany R70 "R13D The farming commu- during May this year to R270 R525 facturina or for exports. ful. beauty contest and a fare­ So far the experience Namibia is part of a nity north of the Orange tighten economic devel­ work display. River would get an auto- opment co-operation be­ AFRICA Ii witb the EPZ in Arandis Lom6 Convention treaty 1be sports events are malic telephone service tween the two countries," A75 A140 has not been very strong, ,iving its better aoods expected to include at byMaytbisyc.r,Rundu were the President's A300 A850 with only a few compa­ IDdcbeaperaccess toEu­ least one major clasb by the end of .1994 and wonls to the Minister in nies setting up there af­ ropean markets than KatimaMuli10 before the Boon.
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