C o n t e n t s I n t ro d u c t i o n . .1 Belhar Confession . .3 Notes to Discussion Leaders . .7 Using This Study Guide . .9 G round Rules for Constructive Communication . .1 0 Session 1: Introduction to the Study Guide . .1 1 Session 2: All Creation Gro a n s . .1 3 Session 3: One God, One Churc h . .1 7 Session 4: The Belhar Speaks to Us . .2 3 Session 5: The Belhar Speaks of Justice . .2 9 Session 6: The Belhar Speaks of Reconciliation . .3 5 Session 7: The Belhar As a Call to Action . .4 1 Session 8: The Belhar As an Aff i rmation of Hope . .4 7 Session 9: What Shall We Do with This Gift? . .5 1 Appendix A: Readings . .5 5 Appendix B: Songs . .7 7 Appendix C: Worship Materials . .8 7 Appendix D: Dictionary of Relevant Te rm s . .9 1 Appendix E: Welcoming Diversity Inventory . .9 3 Appendix F: World Recipes . .9 7 To order, contact Faith Alive Christian Resources at (800) 333-8300 or
[email protected]. REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA FOLLOWING CHRIST IN MISSION rca.org © 2006 REFORMED CHURCH PRESS Unity, Reconciliation, and Justice Introduction The Belhar Confession was first drafted in 1982 by the Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa. It was adopted in 1986, and later it would become one of the standards of unity (along with the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and the Heidelberg Catechism) for the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa, a merger denomination of two South African Reformed churches.