Study-trip to Lyon and

A project within the BoschAlumniNetwork (November 4th – November 9th 2018)


Sunday, November 4th

Part 1 – Lyon

Arrival of the participants to Lyon

17:00 – 19:00 Welcome and introduction

Frank BAASNER Lucie MENZ Magdalena PRZEDMOJSKA (Meeting room of the hotel)


______Implementation by: Supported by:

Monday, November 5th

08:15 Meeting at the hall of the hotel

09:00 - 10:30 Meeting with Cendra MOTIN, Députée (LRM) Isère “The role of Europe in the strategy of La République en Marche” (Goethe Institut Lyon)

11:00 - 12:30 Meeting with Sylvie GUILLAUME, European deputy for the Parti Socialiste “The situation of the Socialist Party in the EU-Parliament” (Goethe Institut Lyon)


14:30 – 16:00 Meeting with Yann DREVET, Councillor of the President of the Region “Auvergne Rhône-Alpes”

17:00 – 19:00 Meeting with journalists from Euronews Lyon Confluence


______Implementation by: Supported by:

Tuesday, November 6th

08:15 Meeting at the hall of the hotel

09:00 – 10:30 Meeting with Karine DOGNIN-SAUZE, Adjointe au maire de Lyon en charge des relations internationales et vice-présidente de la Métropole chargé des politiques d’innovation (Hôtel de Ville, Lyon)

11:00 – 12:00 Meeting with Pascale JOANNIN, Director Robert Schuman Foundation “Europe in the programs of the relevant French parties” (Goethe Institut Lyon)


14:00 – 16:00 Meeting with André BLANDIN, Président Cellule diocésaine Migrants - ACLAAM (Association Catholique pour l’Accueil et l’Accompagnement des Migrants)

Transfer by bus to Irigny

17:00 – 18:30 Meeting with Muriel COATIVY, Conseillère régionale of Rassemblement National


______Implementation by: Supported by:

Wednesday, November 7th

08:00 Meeting at the Entrance Hall of the hotel

08:31 – 13:50 Lyon Part-Dieu to Milan P Garibaldi by train

Part 2 - Milan

Arrival of the participants to Milan

15:00 – 16:30 Eleonora BIANCHINI, Journalist at il fatto quotidiano “Are the media a driving force for populism in or a resistant actor?“ (Meeting room of the hotel)

17:00 – 18:30 Meeting with Dario VIOLI, Movimento 5 Stelle, Speaker in Regional Council (Consiglio Regionale Torre Pirelli Milano)


______Implementation by: Supported by:

Thursday, November 8th

Meeting room on 8th Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Sala Caccia Dominioni

9:00 – 10:30 Meeting with Alessia MOSCA, Partito Democratico Member of the European Parliament

11:00 – 12:30 Visit of the Refugee Center NAGA


14:00 – 16:00 Meeting with Ruggero INVERNIZZI andAngelo PALUMBO, Representatives of the Regional Council

17:00 – 18:30 Meeting with Cristiano VEZZONI, Professor for Political Sciences “Europe in the Public Opinion in Italy”


Friday, November 9th

Meeting room on 9th Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Sala Caccia Dominioni

9:30 – 10:30 Meeting with Emmanuele FIANO, Partito Democratico Member of the Chamber of Deputies

11:00 – 12:30 Meeting with Alessandro MORELLI, Head of the Lega-Group in the City Council of Milan


______Implementation by: Supported by:

Organization Deutsch-Französisches Institut Asperger Str. 34 D - 71634 Ludwigsburg Tel.: + 49 7141 / 93 03 0 Fax: + 49 7141 / 93 03 50

Prof. Dr. Frank BAASNER Susanne BINDER Till RACZEK

In cooperation with

Bosch Alumni Network International Alumni Center gGmbH Linienstr. 65a D - 10119 Berlin

Lucie MENZ, iac

Stiftung für Deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit SdpZ ul. Zielna 37 PL – 00-108 Warszawa


Benoît CLIQUET, interpreter, Lyon

Lorena ROSSI, interpreter, Milan

______Implementation by: Supported by: