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Procedia CIRP 34 ( 2015 ) 112 – 118

9th International Conference on Axiomatic – ICAD 2015 Axiomatic Design based Guidelines for the Design of a Lean Product Development Process

Erwin Rauch a,*, Patrick Dallasega a,b, Dominik T. Matt a,b

aFaculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza Università 5, Bolzano, 39100 Italy bFraunhofer Italia Research s.c.a.r.l., Innovation Center (IEC), Schlachthofstrasse 57, Bolzano, 39100 Bozen Italy

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-0471-017110; fax: +39-0471-017009. E-mail address: [email protected]


After the application of Lean Management in production, the Lean philosophy has been successfully implemented in many other areas. Through lean methods, processes in manufacturing were designed free of waste and through Lean Construction on-site installation follows the customer pace. Actually the Lean approach swaps also increasingly on indirect areas such as Engineering and Product Development. A rising cost sensitivity in product development, even shorter product life cycles and partly unsynchronized processes between R&D and manufacturing made Lean Product Development (LPD) interesting. This research shows an Axiomatic Design based approach to deduce a catalogue of design guidelines for the design of Lean Product Development processes. Based on these guidelines, generally applicable process templates for LPD should be elaborated for lean product development processes.

© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (©http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. ). Peer-review under under responsibility responsibility of of the the organizing organizing committee committe ofe of9th 9th International International Conference Conference on Axiomaticon Axiomatic Design Design.

Keywords: Axiomatic Design; Lean Product Development; Lean Engineering; Lean Manufacturing

1. Introduction the scientific literature and is currently in its early stages [4]. The product development area is rich in opportunities for Based on actual trends towards shorter product life cycles improvement: the length of time it takes to develop a new we can identify a great need to accelerate the time for product product; the degree to which the product satisfies the development. At the same time product development is requirements of the customer; and the ease with which new increasingly under pressure to reduce costs on the product and products can be produced are all areas in which most the product development process. It is therefore important to companies can make dramatic improvements when compared configure and design the product development process as to the most successful commercial companies [5]. Lean efficient as possible. In the area of production so called Lean Product Development (LPD) is the application of lean principles, or Lean methods, are applied for many years for principles to product development, aiming to develop new or the design of lean production processes [1]. By using these improved products that are successful in the market. It is a methods (for example Value Stream Mapping, 5S, Kaizen,...) cross-functional activity, which seeks to uncover product waste in operative production processes can be detected and knowledge hidden within the end-to-end production flow, reduced or eliminated. In addition, the process quality and typically in the hand-over points between functional units. customer satisfaction can be improved through the LPD deals with the complete process from gathering and introduction of Lean Management principles. Lean methods generating ideas, through assessing potential success, to are currently used not only in production but for some years developing concepts, evaluating them to create a best concept, also in other areas such as healthcare, construction or in detailing the product, testing/developing it and handing over administration [2, 3]. The use of Lean methods in engineering to manufacture. LPD is performed against a background of and product development has been treated only marginally in continuously assessing and reducing risk of market failure [6].

2212-8271 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of 9th International Conference on Axiomatic Design doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.07.005 Erwin Rauch et al. / Procedia CIRP 34 ( 2015 ) 112 – 118 113

Today there are known only single methods and instruments the company such as Lean Logistics or Lean Administration. usually taken from Lean Manufacturing and adapted at the Outside the industrial company Lean Management principles requirements of Product or Service Development. There are were used in Construction and in Healthcare [2, 3, 11, 12]. still missing templates or design-guidelines for the design of Lean Product/Service Development processes. This research 2.2. Lean Product Development (LPD) aims to develop a universally applicable catalogue of design guidelines for LPD-processes using the methodology of However, the of implementation and education in Axiomatic Design (AD). AD has been used for many different other areas, like product development, is very low. issues like Product Development, Manufacturing Systems There is currently a lack in research contributions dealing Design and Organizational Design [7, 8, 9]. By using the AD with Lean Product Development. Lean Product Development decomposition and mapping process, Functional Requirements (LPD) is the application of lean principles to product (FR) and the related Design Parameters (DP) will be development, aiming to develop new or improved products developed for a lean design of Product Development that are successful in the market. It is a cross-functional processes. The result is a catalogue of generally applicable activity that seeks to uncover product knowledge hidden design guidelines for Lean Product Development. within the end-to-end production flow, typically in the hand- over points between functional units. LPD deals with the 2. Theoretical Background complete process from gathering and generating ideas, through assessing potential success, to developing concepts, 2.1. Lean principles and Lean Production (LP) evaluating them to create a best concept, detailing the product, testing/ developing it and handing over to manufacture [9]. Lean Management is the management of the company LPD was formally nominated for the first time in the through the implementation of Lean principles with the target chapter “Technique for Lean Design” in the book “The to obtain products/services faster and with fewer costs for the Machine that Changed the World” [13]. customer. Lean Management defines 5 Lean Principles [1]: Morgan and Liker [13, 14] proposed 13 principles of LPD categorized in three groups: process, people, and technology. • Value “Process”-oriented principles focus on tasks and sequence of • Value stream tasks needed for product design. “People”-oriented principles • Flow are dealing with organizational culture. “Technology”- • Pull oriented principles handle tools for product design and • Perfection methodical tools for LPD. Main purpose of Morgan and Lickers LPD concept is to improve market responsiveness and The value is determined by the customer and refers to customer satisfaction while reducing costs and shorten NPD everything he is willing to pay for. The opposite of value is lead-time [15]. the definition of waste (Japanese "Muda"): waste are all Hoppman et al. show a model for Lean Product activities and processes that add no value to the customer. We Development [16] consisting of 11 elements that are linked distinguish two main categories of Muda: there are some not together: value adding activities that are necessary to generate output and there are other activities creating waste that can be • Strong Project Manager eliminated immediately. The Lean philosophy aims to • Specialist Career Path maximize the value and minimize waste [1]. One of the • Workload leveling individuals at the forefront of lean, Taiichi Ohno, enumerated • Responsibility-based Planning and Control seven forms of waste found in physical production [5, 10]: • Cross-project Knowledge Transfer overproduction, waiting, transportation, incorrect processing, • Simultaneous Engineering excess inventory, unnecessary movement and defects. • Supplier Integration The essence of lean is very simple, but from a research and • Product Variety Management implementation point of view overwhelming. Lean is the • Rapid Prototyping, Simulation and Testing search for perfection through the elimination of waste and the • Process Standardization insertion of practices that contribute to reduction in cost and • Set-based engineering. schedule while improving performance of products. This concept of lean has wide applicability to a large range of Influenced by the seven wastes in LP WZL and Fraunhofer processes, people and organizations, from concept design to IPT defined six forms of waste in Engineering [17]: the factory floor, from the laborer to the upper management, from the customer to the developer [5]. The principles of lean • Lack of customer orientation (over-engineering, management have proved successful in many practical complexity not proportional to customer value, unclear examples and in other areas. Primarily, these principles were objectives, "moving targets", inaccurate information) used in the production (Lean Production - LP). Lean principles • Interrupted value stream (queues on the critical path, were firstly applied in the Toyota Production System (TPS), changes and iterations, waiting times, “dormant” projects, which is often used as a synonym for lean production [10]. lack in synchronization of time and capacity) Later Lean principles were extended also to other functions in 114 Erwin Rauch et al. / Procedia CIRP 34 ( 2015 ) 112 – 118

• Unused resources (lack of employee motivation, unsuitable (CAs; Customer Attributes), the Function Domain contains the distribution / use of existing skills, short-sighted concept deduced Functional Requirements (FRs), the Design Domain development, insufficient skills, communication culture) provides Design Parameters (DPs) for the consequent • Insufficient standards (none or unfavorable goals and rules implementation of the FRs, whose transformation into for common parts, unnecessary or unmatched detailing of processes shall be regulated by the Process Variables (PVs) in procedures, difficult to find information, unsuitable the Process Domain [20]. The AD approach was firstly interfaces and media breaks) introduced in product development. Later the AD • Unused economies of scale (unused options for common methodology was applied also in other fields and shows today parts, product design without thinking at volumes) an established instrument for the design of complex systems. • Defects and rework (consequences of inadequate testing, The is guided by two fundamental axioms moving calculations, etc., unreliable products, product recalls). between the domains. The axioms helps for evaluating and selecting in order to produce a robust design [20, 21]: Robert Slack [18] found the value principle to be pertinent Axiom 1: The Independence Axiom. Maintain the in the product development context and a specific definition of independence of Functional Requirements. The Independence value was developed which facilitates an understanding of Axiom states that when there are two or more FRs, the design customer value in the product development arena, and assists solution must be such that each one of the FRs can be satisfied in creating a customer focus in the lean transition process. without affecting the other FRs. Axiom 2: The Information Axiom. Minimize the information content of the design. The Information Axiom is defined in terms of the probability of successfully achieving FRs or DPs. It states that the design with the least amount of information is the best to achieve the functional requirements of the design. The FRs and DPs are described in AD mathematically as a vector. The Design Matrix [DM] describes the relationship between FRs and DPs in a mathematical equation [20]:

{}FR = []DM {}DP (1)

An ideal and robust design solution is given by a diagonal and uncoupled Design Matrix (see (2)) when the number of FRs and DPs is equal (Axiom 1) and the information content is zero (Axiom 2) [20].

­FR1½ ªx 0º­DP1½ ® ¾ = « »® ¾ (2) ¯FR2¿ ¬0 x¼¯DP2¿

When the matrix is triangular, the independence of FRs can Fig. 1. Decomposition of value in PD [18] be achieved only if the DPs are determined by a certain sequence. In this case the Design Matrix is called decoupled. 3. Axiomatic Design methodology for the derivation of Any other form of the design matrix is called a full matrix and LPD guidelines results in a coupled design [19, 20]. First, in this section will be given a short introduction in 3.2. Identification of Functional Requirements (FR) in the Axiomatic Design (AD). Later will be shown the AD based Design of a Lean Product Development Process approach to identify the Functional Requirements and Design Parameters for the design of a LPD process. As mentioned before AD begins with the identification of customer attributes. In case of the product development 3.1. Principles of Axiomatic Design process the customer can be interpreted as final user of the product, as well as the producing enterprise. Both stakeholders The Axiomatic Design methodology was developed by of the product development process are interested to achieve Nam P. Suh in the mid-1970s with the aim to create a the highest customer value combined with low costs. scientific, generalized, codified, and systematic procedure for Thus the main Customer attribute can be described as design. In order to systematize the thought process and to follows: create demarcation lines between various design activities, four domains represent the foundation of Axiomatic Design CA0 Realization a product with high quality in a short procedure: the customer domain, the functional domain, the time for lowest cost and thus gaining the highest physical domain and the process domain [19]. The Customer value for all stakeholders in the development Domain contains the so called customer-benefit attributes process. Erwin Rauch et al. / Procedia CIRP 34 ( 2015 ) 112 – 118 115

In a next step this customer need has to be translated into and path-dependent “good” or useful design) we have to Functional Requirements and Design Parameters for the follow a certain sequence in the implementation of DPs to design of the product development process. The related FR reduce the system complexity and to prevent loops in the and DP, on the highest level, can be described as follows: design. Improved processing technologies (DP2) have an impact on Knowledge Management (FR4) as well as transport FR0 Improve Customer Value in Product Development of information (FR6). Reduction of overproduction (DP3) DP0 Lean Product Development Process. means also a less complex Knowledge Management (FR4). DP4 (reduced information inventory) implies less failure Value can be described as the sum of activities that are possibility (FR5), less transport of information (FR6) and focused to be value-adding and therefore to reduce waste in all shorter lead times (FR7). Also DP6 (reduction of transport) his different forms and ways. This statement shows the leads to shorter lead times. The DPs shown in the design fundamentals for the definition of FRs on the next AD level in matrix (equation 3) are not concrete enough to define a lean the product development process. If the customer/stakeholder product development process. Thus, in a next step the deduced request is to increase value adding activities and to reduce first level DPs have to be decomposed on a second waste in product development processes it is necessary for the hierarchical level. AD-approach to know what kind of waste should be treated. DP1 (Reduction of unnecessary movement in PD) can be Thus, the FRs are based on the well-known seven types of further decomposed as follows in table 1: waste [22]: Table 1. Decomposition DP1 - level 2. FR1 Avoid not target-oriented movement Avoid information Clear addressee and FR2 Avoid non suitable instruments or technologies FR11 pushed to wrong DP11 Collaboration Stream FR3 Avoid unnecessary output in PD destination Mapping (CSM) Standardized Interfaces FR4 Avoid complex Knowledge Management Avoid not connected FR DP and common platform FR5 Avoid errors-failures in PD 12 users 12 FR6 Avoid unnecessary transport of goods or (e.g. Sharepoint) information FR7 Avoid waiting times and therefore long LT. The design matrix shows again a decoupled matrix because clear addressee (DP11) avoid not connected users (FR12). 3.3. Decomposition and mapping process of Functional Requirements (FR) and Design Parameters (DP) ­FR11½ ªX 0 º­DP11½ ® ¾ = « »® ¾ (4) ¯FR12¿ ¬X X ¼¯DP12¿ Following the identified FRs need to be translated into practical design solutions or Design Parameters (DP). Based DP2 (Improved processing in PD) can be further on the above mentioned seven types of waste the FRs on the decomposed as follows in table 2: first decomposition level were defined as follows: Table 2. Decomposition DP2 - level 2. DP1 Reduction of unnecessary movement in PD Virtual Mock-up Ensure suitable Mock- DP2 Improved processing in PD FR DP software and Rapid 21 up technologies 21 DP3 Reduction of overproduction in PD Prototyping DP4 Reduction of information inventory in PD Ensure suitable PD Modern PLM software FR DP DP5 Reduction of failures 22 software 22 tools DP6 Reduction of transportation in PD Ensure quick and Modern Hardware and FR DP DP7 Reduction of waiting in PD. 23 reliable data processing 23 Internet connection

The design matrix on the first hierarchical level describes The design matrix shows a triangular decoupled matrix. the dependencies of FRs and DPs: Virtual Mock-up software (DP21) requires suitable PD software (FR22) and quick data processing (FR23). ­ FR1½ ªX 0 0 0 0 0 0 º­DP1½ ° ° « »° ° °FR2° « 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 »°DP2° ­FR21½ ªX 0 0 º­DP21½ ° ° « »° ° ° ° = « »° ° FR3 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 DP3 ®FR22¾ «X X 0 »®DP22¾ (5) ° ° = « »° ° ° ° ° ° ®FR4¾ « 0 X X X 0 0 0 »®DP4¾ (3) ¯FR23¿ ¬«X X X ¼»¯DP23¿ °FR5° « 0 0 0 X X 0 0 »°Dp5° ° ° « »° ° °FR6° « 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 »°DP6° DP3 (Reduction of overproduction in PD) can be further ° ° « »° ° ¯FR7¿ ¬ 0 0 0 X 0 X X ¼¯DP7¿ decomposed as follows in table 3. A clear definition of PD output (DP31) avoids redundancy in the development phase The design matrix shows a decoupled design. This means (FR32). Also regular meetings and the division of that FRs are not distinguishable in any case from each other. If responsibilities helps to avoid redundant work in the product we have to deal with a decoupled design (triangular matrix development. 116 Erwin Rauch et al. / Procedia CIRP 34 ( 2015 ) 112 – 118

Table 3. Decomposition DP3 - level 2. The design matrix shows an uncoupled matrix. Avoid too much detail Definition of PD output FR DP 31 and over-engineering 31 (QFD) ­FR61½ ªX 0 º­DP61½ ® ¾ = « »® ¾ (9) Regular project FR X DP Avoid redundant ¯ 62¿ ¬ 0 ¼¯ 62¿ FR DP meetings and division of 32 development 32 responsibilities DP7 (Reduction of waiting in PD) can be further decomposed as follows in table 7: The design matrix shows a decoupled matrix. Table 7. Decomposition DP7 - level 2. FR31 X 0 DP31 ­ ½ = ª º­ ½ Ensure availability of Data and Document ® ¾ « »® ¾ (6) FR71 DP71 ¯FR32¿ ¬X X ¼¯DP32¿ information Management Systems Analyze Lead Time and FR72 DP72 Value Stream Analysis DP4 (Reduction of information inventory in PD) can be process flow Ensure transfer of Automatic workflows in further decomposed as follows in table 4: FR DP 73 information 73 PD Table 4. Decomposition DP4 - level 2. Avoid to create Milestones and Time FR74 DP74 Avoid incomplete Project Manager and information too early Planning FR DP 41 information 41 Status Review Avoid obsolete The design matrix shows a decoupled matrix. Document FR DP 5S and archiving tools 42 information 42 Management Systems (DP71) ensure the transfer of Avoid too much Standardization and information (FR73) and Values Stream Analysis (DP72) as FR DP 43 information 43 rules well as automatic workflows (DP73) avoid to create information too early than needed (FR73). The design matrix shows again a decoupled matrix. Regular status reviews through the project manager (DP41) ­FR71½ ªX 0 0 0 º­DP71½ ° ° « »° ° help to avoid inefficiency in information management. 5S °FR72° 0 X 0 0 °DP72° ® ¾ = « »® ¾ (10) reduces high buffer stocks of information (FR43). FR73 «X 0 X 0 » DP73 ° ° « »° ° ¯°FR74¿° ¬« 0 X X X ¼»¯°DP74¿° ­FR41½ ªX 0 0 º­DP41½ ° ° = « »° ° ®FR42¾ «X X 0 »®DP42¾ (7) Fig 2 illustrates the final design matrix on the second ° ° ° ° ¯FR43¿ ¬«X X X ¼»¯DP43¿ hierarchical level. The axiomatic design matrix has been analyzed using the software Acclaro DFSS. This software DP5 (Reduction of failures) can be further decomposed: supports the system designer to structure the FRs and DPs and allows different visualizations such as design matrix, a FR- Table 5. Decomposition DP5 - level 2. DP-tree diagram as well as a flow chart. Avoid failures just from Design and Process FR DP 51 the beginning 51 FMEA As a result of the iterated decomposition process the FR- Identify and fix failures DP tree (Fig. 3) illustrates the various design levels of the Regular Design FR52 before they reach the DP52 mapping and “Zig-Zagging” process. The entire FR-DP tree in Reviews customer this paper consists of two hierarchy levels. FR-DP pairs Continuous Avoid that failures marked with blue and the blue lines between DPs and FRs FR DP Improvement and 53 happen again 53 represent a path-dependent decoupled design. If we have to Standardization deal with such a decoupled design (triangular matrix and path- dependent “good” or useful design) we have to follow a The design matrix shows a decoupled matrix. certain sequence in the DPs. The FR-DP tree has to be read always from left to right. Therefore the AD-based sequence in ­FR51½ ªX 0 0 º­DP51½ the FR-DP tree is also a recommendation for the sequencing ° ° = « »° ° ®FR52¾ «X X 0 »®DP52¾ (8) of design parameters. At decomposition level 1 we can find ° ° ° ° the seven types of waste in PD. At level 2 the single waste ¯FR53¿ ¬«X 0 X ¼»¯DP53¿ typologies were analyzed in the AD-matrix if they satisfy the first independence axiom. Continuing the decomposition DP6 (Reduction of transportation in PD) can be further matrix on level 3 and further more and more concrete design decomposed as follows in table 6: parameters can be deduced in a very structured, systematical Table 6. Decomposition DP6 - level 2. top-down approach. Through the check of AD-axioms on every design level complexity can be reduced at a minimum. Avoid manual data Compatible software FR DP 61 exchange 61 and database Avoid physical transport Digitalization of PD FR DP 62 of data 62 processes Erwin Rauch et al. / Procedia CIRP 34 ( 2015 ) 112 – 118 117

Fig. 2. Axiomatic Design Matrix in Acclaro DFSS

Fig. 3. of the top-down decomposition in the FR-DP-tree and zoomed screenshot FR3-DP3 (Acclaro DFSS) 118 Erwin Rauch et al. / Procedia CIRP 34 ( 2015 ) 112 – 118

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