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November 6, 1969 Volume 1, Number 5 Published by Students of New College, Sarasota, Florida Fees, Enrolment Increase Black Studies Necessary for Financial Stability Proposal by Bob Beaird & Mary Trimble yearly per student. This expenditure is &tch prominence has been achieved New E::ollege must expand to 500 stu­ expected to decrease to about $6000 next only through spending large amotmts of by Charles Kinney dents, retain the same number of faculty, year, but which is still, well above a nat­ money. But each year the college has and increase tuition and room charges next ional average of about $3, 500 for private failed to raise all needed ftm.ds; each year institutions. year. These immediate effects of New the college has Qp~ated under deficit However, faculty salaries, which are Rationale College's attempt to break out of a finan­ spending. Barcroft explained this as oc­ currently below a national average, will cial rut were discussed at several meetings curring in a 5-5-3 pattern: Presently six blacks are enrolled at New held this week, led by President John El­ be raised slightly, entailing total expen­ --The college must annually raise a­ College: Allan Richards, Wilbur Moore, mendorf, Provost JohnBarcroft. Vice Pres­ diture of about $40, 000. bout $1. 3 million to finance its budget Due to expansion some 70 students will George Mosley, first year students; Monte ident Robert Norwine and Dr. Arthur Mil­ (set this year at $2. 83 million). Knight, Marguerite Bryan, and Ira Piercy, notliveoncampusnext year. This should ler. Directorof the Student Policv Office. be met three ways: area students can -- Three hundred thousand dollars are upper class students. A fourth first year The result of strict necessity, these commute; two co-ops, which may expand, usually assured from pledges from the col­ student, Joseph Kendrieks, left because measures come as the school has exhausted lege Associates. there were "JUst not enough black students should provide additional space; and, if one particular line of financing, liquida­ needed, arrangements will be made with --Five hundred thousand dollars are here. 11 tion of specific assets such as real estate on raised annually from varying sources. Enrollment of another black has been motels within walking distance to house Longboat Key. Past plans for New College) students at nominal or cost-based rates. --Each year the school acquires a deferred until January, pending comple­ !tav~ . \. anticioated expanded ebl'9ll.tn ent deficit of about $500, 000 ($417, 000 this tion of admissions requirements. and increased costs to students and the Almost certainly, current procedures dealing with scholarships and off-campus year). As revealed in individual statements present situation demands that such plans This pattern is neither good financially by five of the students, the propG>sals sub­ be adhered to. living will be reviewed. All available ftm.ds will continue to be applied to stu­ norconducive to good education and must mitted to the SEC were arrived at by a Approximately students will 225 - 230 dent scholarships. be broken. In the past, rough arrange­ process of general discussion and agreed be admitted next year. With projected Tacitly acknowledging that running an ments were made to meet immediate fi­ upon by consensus. attrition rates enrollment is expected to institution of the New College type will nancial :el'5'blems, such as scrambling to Each contributed significant points con­ increase by about 100 as originally plan­ meet October and Novemoer payrolls. always be expensive, Barcroft briefly out­ tained in the reasoning behind the propo­ ned. Student payed costs will in ere ase Now that negotiable assets have been sold sals: by $350 per year, split between room lined the history of the school to d:plain the immediate acts of increased enroll­ MONTE KNIGHT: As presented by ($160) and tuition ($190). the need for new financial policies. ment, a "freeze"onf:culty, and·increased Knight, the statements below represent the Essentially the same budget as last year New College, he said, has achieved student fees are necessitated. ma~ points or views outlined by the blacks will be in effect for the next. Measures fantastic, dramatic success within the short Such "sacrifices" are necessary to pre­ twhich show the need and desirability of taken now will allow a period of finan­ time since its inception. Within 5 years serve the nature of New College as an in­ minority admissions and studies: cial C??Solidation. It was stresseq though, the school has gained national recognition ovative institution. Unless the committ­ Faculty and Program that the quality of education will not be based upon innovative educational processes ment to origin a ideals and goals is main­ 1. We see the cultural heritage of black sacrificed. and superior quality of faculty, students, tained the commtm.ity must face possible people worth preserving and perpetuating. This school1>resently spends about $7000 and progi .. tlJ<>. dissolution and close its doors to students. 2. It is the responsibility of the black intellectual to continue and perpetuate it. 3. As members of the black intellectual U.ite, we .. t. New College recognize our duty and accept it. Faculty Defers 4- year Option Issue 4. In order for us to perform this duty we with the EPC proposal to restructure the must make the study of black culture an The faculty resolvea some- mi.JD;u' poi~ts option program. Mike Smith, brmdishing term and weak student support for the Oc­ essential part of our college education. at a brief meeting yesterday. The main the petition signed by 260 students opposed tober 15 activities as factors. item of business, ERO's I!l.emo on four­ 5. We cannot give this study the priority ~o the ERO plan on his hip looked disap­ Lichtenstein also betrayed the contents it deserves bee a use there is no one here to year option was put off tm.til the Educa­ pointed when the matter was temporarily of a confidential phone call he received lead us in such study. tional Policy Committee could hold open dropped. from the White House yestef!:l;v afternoon. 6. Therefore, we demand faculty who hearings on the matter Wednesday, time Pressed by Alan Lichtenstein, the fac­ "No, Spiro won't come," he crowed: "J:Ie can teach us what we wish to learn. and place to be annotm.ced. ultyvolted to endorse the November 13-15 sends his regrets." Well, there 1s thiS ?:-"Furthermore, we insist that a heritage Jim Feeney clarified that the ERO re­ moratorium. Several members hedged on consolation if Spiro won't come to the is not merely abstract and impersonal but commendation was only one way to deal :::losing the school, citing the end of th,e motm.tain. New College will go to him. involves a way of life that can be trans­ mitted effectively only through personal contact; and we stress that a tradition can EDUCATIONAL be acquired andcommtmicated in its full­ ness only through a sympathetic --more exactly, an empathetic --understanding CONFERENCE PLANNED of it. 8. Therefore, we demand black faculty to teach us our heritage. After reviewing the school's current financial status President Elmendorf, Vice Minority Admissions President Norwine, and Provost Barcroft 1. New College is an institution of higher introduced SEC Chairman Michael Smith learning in a troubled society. and the January Educational Conference. 2. We deem it self-evident that such an Mildly reprimanding those present at institution has a duty to that society; and the town meeting, Smith declared that that that duty is to contribute to the bet­ New College's problems are not all finan­ terment of the society. cial in nature. Pointing out that, in a.i.s 3. It is our belief that education brings opinion, the school has never used its re­ about a liberation of the spirit: that is to sourses to its or their best ability, Smith say, knowledge is freedom. proposed that the Educational Conterence 4. A college thus has a tmique contribution can deal with the total status, direction, to make to society, to mankind, and to and goals of the New College community. the cause of freedom. Earlier, Elmendorf had praised New 5. Moreover, a college that claims to be College as "something special ... which experimental has an even more tm.ique has grown out of the nature of the com­ contribution to make to the oppressed and munity ... (which) can .>e preserved and thus, an even greater responsibility. strengthened, reinforced and t>uilt upon, 6. For these reasons we demand that New even in a crisis. . . " College institute a minority admissions Referring to the Southern Association _p~gram. of Schools and Colleges' requested self­ study, which New College is about to be­ ALLAN RICHARDS: The blacks' re­ gin, Barcroft stated that the school is "af­ quests are intended to allow, within an ac­ ter a future, not an exercise" and called tive educational process, countering of for the students to set the direction in the feelings that "blackness is not always nat- forthcoming January conference. ural." After Smith named the eleven mem­ Pointing to a seeming dichotomy of bers of the steering committee the meet­ "good white middle class values" and ac­ in~ broke up into small discussion groups ceptance of a black culture, Allan ex­ led by the eleven: Professors Hallin, Car­ plained that because of a great inclina­ son, Culbertson, and Dykstra, studentsMtm.­ tion to accept such "white" values "to ger, Carter, Pini, Herman, Ra .>inowitz, make it is to se,p,arate,yourself from vour 1 and Smith, and Richardson Wood repre­ community' ; conflicts in finding yourself senting the administration. lead to a "den.al of the past. " Any program wh1ch is instituted shoul< aim to give an understanding of a black culture and perspective, through which lECTURE common "good" human values can be gained along with a unique black heri­ D. Sesto Prete, Professor of Classics at tage. the University of Kansas, will lecture on WILBUR MOORE: The SEC is empow­ "Humanism in 15th Century Florence" at ered to make recommendations only, but Florida Presbyterian College, on Sunday, such recommendations do carry some November9 at 7:30 in the Music Building. weight. In any case the specifics of the Prete is a research scholar at the Vat­ Halloween Po rty - a series of photographs by original proposals can be met. ican Library. David Rottman & Richard Neff New College students and faculty will (continued on page tw9) be welcome. Page 2 Captain Jack November 6, 1969

Parking Regu Ia tion$ East Campus:

You are encouraged to park in the rear Editor's Note: (east side) of Hamilton Center; however, October 30, 1969 parking is allowed only on the west side of Mr. David Rottman Mr. Silverman's letter was the road leading to the Reception Center. Editor Visitors only are to park in the space mar­ received last week too late for Captain Jack ked "visitors. " New College public at ion a-t that time. All motorcycles must be parked on the Sarasota, Florida 33578 concrete pad provided at the south end of the parking lot behind Hamilton Center or Dear David: Dear Captain Jack, on the plywood platform inside the ''cir­ Alt incjdent occurred at yesterday's cle" in front of Hamilton Center. All bi­ Perhaps you are already aware that I SEC ~neeting that probably will not ~~;et cycles must be placed in the rack in front have declared this week as College Press enough attention .in your coverage of that of Hamilton Center. No vehicles may be Week. I realize the important part you meeting. Chairman Mike Smith had a operated or parked in or immediately ad­ play on the New College campus and want motion made (He can not do this as chair­ Jacent to the Residence Halls or court you to know tJlat we in State government man.) thatrequested the SECtovote itself yards. appreciate the demands and responsibil­ the power to grant ~nore students exten­ Faculty and staff members will be re­ ities of your position, The students' right sions to their guest privileges which pre­ quested to register their vehicles with the to know is of basic importance of our way sently extend only for a week night or two Office of Student Policy if their vehicles of life • and I commend you for your work. weekend nights. At present this power is are to be parked on campus overnight. If my office can be of any assistance granted only to the Office of Student Pol­ Unregistered autos parked on campus to you, please let us know. icy. In addition to being practical, the forseveral nights may be towed off at the Sincerely, Chairman felt that there was an over-rid­ owner's expense.. Claude R. Kirk ing principle supporting his motion. He Governor indicated that the creation of the students' West Cam pus: ( Not this w e e k , C. K. , the B r e a d environment was their own right. Once I got over my shock at what some would Automobiles and motorcycles must be Board came across. --Ed.) considerthe Chairman of SEC's entertain­ parked in the area provided north of the lllent of an anti-acade~nic thought, I won­ residence halls. No parking is allowed on dered if a big-time University hassle had or alongside walkways or streets. Motor­ cometoNC. My suspicion was confirmed cyclesmaynotdriveonwalkways. A con­ KICK THE HABIT by the anti-strophe of Dr. Miller, SPO crete pad will be provided for motorcycle chief. Heseemedtofeelthat as the school parking close to the present parking lot. is responsible for what happens at the Dear Captain Jack, The parking space west of Building A school it should decide who can stay here is reserved for faculty and staff residents not oniy in an academic capacity, but as Zero Population Growth, Inc. is a non­ of that building, namely the families of visitors. I am particularly saddened to profit volunteer group which advocates John Doyle and Frank Kress. Up to three hear :n administrator reply to a suggestion that all measures be taken immediately to other autos may be parked in this area, stem the tide of population growth. of the Chairman of the student body by perpendicular to the axis of the driveway. saying, in effect, "it's our responsibility. 11 Bicycles, but not motorcycles, may be We advocate: It is extremely true that if the presupposi­ parked next to the West Campus residence 1. Thatnoresponsible family should have tion that the SEC will extend the quest halls. Bike racks will soon be provided morethantwochildren. Any family wan­ priviledge to some notorious father raper, for each building. ting to care for more than two children or even worse, a coed raper, is correct should adopt further children. Adopting and he does his thing, the school will get Fine System: children does not increase the population. it in the neck. If thiS supposition is cor­ rect you, the students, are asses for elec­ A parking fine system, identical to that 2. All methods of birth control, including ting us. The motion seems intended to of A/Y 67 - 68, is now in effect. For each legalized abortion, should be freely avail­ give the students the right to overturn what student violation, the Business Office will able -- and at no cost in poverty cases. may be in the future, the ~litically mo- - withdraw $2 from the Contingency fee. tivated disappearance of what the admin­ 3. Irresponsible ~ople- who have more isration thinks is an undesirable element black students have bee1. contacted by per­ than two children should be taxed to the on campus. sonal communication. hilt for the privilege of irresP.Onsible breed­ Another reason given for maintaining SC Dismisses Cases Securing black faculty is probably the ing. Since it will cost the taxpayer aoout the status quo was something to the effect single most important proposal. There is $15 000 to educate each child being born of "there may be no real problem now but a great demand for qu!.lified black faculty tod~y there should be a special education ne,.a year when we will probably have 70 On Monday night at 7 o'clock the in- today, but two sources may be graduate tax ~ parents for the third, fourth, etc. more students than we can house, problems famous Student Court met to deliberate on schools or faculty shared with other insti- child. Of course, in cases of poverty, it may arise, 11 etc. the fate of Sal Lee Anderson, Patrice tutions. will not be possible for the parents to pay I repeat, if the school becomes too Thornton, and Roger Klurfeld. After an ProJeCt Real has already drawn the at- enough tax to cover the education of the large for the students even to control this all-out search to find enough judges to tention of educators from black cone e• excess children, and provisions will have one small area of their environment then make a quorum the court convened prom- intheAtlantaarea. Programscan be de"'v'""-"'---.._.. to be made. It is not our intention to pun­ it hasnobusiness getting any bigger. This, ptly at 8:10. An anonymous lawyer with eloped in which faculty and resources are ish children already born by making their incidentally, is one more argument against a reddish-brown beard, reputed to have shared. Learning would involve active families poorer, since this would not sel"Ve the insane expansion which this school is defended Eichman, asked in a poorly dis- service proJects, which would reach into any purpose. Rather, we wish to give the presently undergoing (No, Virginia, ARC guised German accent that the cases be underprivileged minority communities parents an incentive to have fewer chil­ is not the answer). dismissed on the grounds that no new evi- and apply knowledge as it is acquired dren. We do not advoca1J! tbat a special Afterthismotion was discussed a while dence had been submitted. The courtroom The group of black students wants to education tax ~imposed on parents who a member of the SEC, who frequently was cleared to consider the cases and, af- construct a successful minorities studies already have more than two children -­ seemstomake this a means of rending un­ ter brief deliberation, the court came to program and hopes to communicate with only on parents who have a third or later pleasant debate, motioned the tabling of the decision to release the defendants us- schools such as Harvard, Howard Univer- child nine months after the law establish­ Chairman Smith's proposal, At present it ing the David Adams case as precedent sity, and Florida State University, which ing·tlfe·newtax ·il .passed. We wish to give lies dying, some committee deciding for acquittal. have existing programs. people an incentive to have not more tlian whetherthe SEC has the right to even pass Halfanhourbeforethe court metPros- GEORGE MOSLEY: "Thepurposeofthe ecutor Steve Romero wisely resigned. black students is not to finish an education two children. J ..... the motion should it desire to, or some­ ZPG has been in existence for only a thing. There was no replacement appointed. and be mere intellecutals, but be able to few months, and already we have over Though the impact of spontanaeity There is a petition circulating tore- gatheraknowledgewheretheymaybemore 700 members. Funds collected from mem­ is lost, this motion should be passed. It place SEC with the College Council as helpful to their black community. This ... ership dues will be, ~d are being used to would strengthen lour student government the appellate court in all SC decisions. needed information can only come through to promoting ZPG's goal. and your rights. encourage you to con­ J a very good black studies program. This vince your SEC representatives to vote for ••••••••••••••••••••l school doesn't fulfill the purpose of a black See Sylvia Greenwald, room 232, for this first stop. student because of the absence of a black more information. 8 I a c k s (co n t ·d) studies program." Sincerely, ZERO POPULATION GROWTH, INC. Fred Silverman "If you have a special kind of talent Also queried was Dean of *dmissions, in an area, you can make it ~ • . Earl Helgeson, who presents some of the whereas (a student) might have a difficult factors which guide any New College ac­ time in a regular school. " The flexibil­ tion: ity in the New College program would al­ EARL HELGESON, Dean of Admissions: low expression of potential which may not Students are "never sought on a basis or be revealed in high test scores. Such ar­ race, religion, ethnic origin or any such guments pre a_pplicable to anyone, but factors. 11 New College has been making particularly to black students.~ VALUE HOUSE ; Included in the motion are academic definite efforts to identify those black Division of areas in which black points-of-view exist. students who can qualify for admission, For examp\e it;. is unrealistic to teach though. National Merit Corporation has SMITH SPECIALTY CO. common bacKgrounds1 and perspec1tves in on its qualifying test a category for spec­ humanities subJects; "philosophy, sociol­ ial black scholarships and New College 2044 47TH ST. ogy, economics, history have a black cul­ admissions officials examine the NMSC ture which few people realize. . . some­ evaluations clos.ely. Each year between what different than people realize. " 3000 and 4000 black students are contacted SARASOTA, FLA. PHONE 335-1116 I Admission of 75 blacks is based upon by New College. 1970 - 1971 first year enrollment of 225 students. (continued on page four) MARGUERITE BRYAN: A black studies ~------g programhasadualpurpose: (1) communi­ cation of cultural perspecitves -- studies in any area may be valu~ble and Justified order your Nevv College academically, and (2) treatment of real­ itiesthat exist in America today, i.e., a staff myriad of social, economic, historic con­ siderations of minorities' status. Strictly speaking, a black students as­ ClASS II GS sociation may not be needed in such a small school. Within existing structures and Droxran.s mucll can be accomplished. by individuals. But office space WQuld be no1M necessary to allow coordination of paper­ work and investigations resulting from such a large endeavor. Lee Harrison Exemplifying what can be done indi­ for Christmas delivery vidually, Marguerite received authorization last year to inaugurate a readings tutorial Zelia Ellshoff in a black studies area, such as ghetto Jose Perez economics. Simila,rly, an ISP or regular Charles KiaJaey term seminar on black studies led by stu­ Bob Beaird dents is envisioned. THE CAMPUS BOOK SHOP Mary Trimble Past efforts have been made to work with the Admissions office and several j November 6, 1969 ':aptain Jack Page 3 Poor Jon LAMENT FOR THE TYROLEAN MOL LIES by Doug Muxphy by Tom Yori (our own expatriated provincial)

Poor Jon. Even people of moderate education, the constant, namely, whether it Be Linear Lo and all that, who should be at the Flam, like my tmcle, have a grasp of the Sys­ or Exponential. Among them, the differ­ famous for count~es arotmd for not giving As if it makes any difference, in a time tem1sintricacies. Hestartedout as a line­ ences in lifestyle seem great, characterized a daiQn· abo\% their custo~er's age, but when throwing rocks at traffic lights is rev­ man, then went to work in the Steelton by indices of education, patriotism, socio­ se..eral old female high school classmates. olutionary. Everybody wants to get into Pennsylvania mills, where he worked tmtil economic standing, and so on; and they Sandy) 1 -~ at laSt n!pot't at about one­ the act. Today we have SDS: students the big steel strikes back there in the fif­ bj.cker over political matters as though thirty but her old man didn't believe in wandering arotmd murmuring dire threats ties some where and a ruined back drove there were real substance to"tlie differences. women's liberation or that kind of crap so at some intangible Power Structure that is him o~ for good, so he got a franchise of The ide a of stopping it all is left to the­ she went to the local extension of Penn keeping them from freedom (relax, grass some sort in his late thirties and now drives fanatics of both fringes, who in tum shoot State (PLEASE don't call it Penn) two years will be legal soon), repressing them, kil­ a Mercedes, to his enonnous satisfaction; u one another: the children of the rich spent at the old Markle estate thence o~ ling their Asian "brothers, " and throwing he had no knowledge, as far· as I know, of and the children of the most stupid. In to t~ Main Campus, she went there des­ them in jail for jay-walking tmtil their business, but he made it, and he dislikes the meantime, the obscene chant like a pite graduating from the top fiftieth of her :mommies and daddies can truck on down ,niggers and liberals. Some of his best fr:ttemity1 s ~wdi.est cheer given at twelve­ high school class and worked in a cigar fac· and post bail. Cash, of course. Today we !friends, albeit, are black, thirty on a Saturday night goes on. "Let tory summers because her old man didn't have White Panthers who dig on dropping The last time I saw my tmcle since I di~~: brains lmd she ~as silly anyway. Sandy don't know when, it might have been a them read Hoffer!" Yup. some acid, snorting some speed, picking So twelve years or so ago, under the and two or three friends were there. It was up a twenty-two pistol (POP!) and going year or two, it might have been several linear general, my home town was enjoy­ so good to see them I splurged the fifty out to shoot some pigs, if they manage to years (these things are hard to keep track ing an unemployment rate of some say cents a beer to get half-crocked. see any. Today there is Progressive Labor of) it might have been only eight months -­ Naturally, all good things like that twelve per cent --others say seventeen-- come to an end, so Buddy and I left when stumblingthrough the murky depths of ar­ was at the wedding of my brother and the chaic ideology. daughter of a used car salesman who loaded itls just a detail, the coal mines had been the botmcer lost patience at about one hour As if it makes any difference. You sit empty bottles in joyous inebriation into his raped of all they had to offer and Capital­ after closing time. We chugged away down in front of tanks and they roll right trunk after the reception, A Ukranian Lu­ ism lost its interest to look for purer hills from Main Street in his '53 Chevy with a over you, dig? What good does that do theran, of all things. to blacken, people were o..~urning oil any­ cracked piston and no high gear (you go up anyone? Doesitfeedyour"brothers"? No, "WhatabouttheDefense Department?" way already on the Terrace, and it got so a mountain sometime in seconcl)That he but it sure makes yuh feel GOOD, doesn't I said, with a copy of One-Dimensional that we needed money to stay alive, the had foolishly paid $75 for (but you see, it it? Because that proves that you're right, Man feverishly near. "Last year they got town, and real bad, Aha. We made it; was a convertible); we chugged away, I somehow. Proves itto you, anyway. Why eighty billion dollars; they spend it for the last decade-and-a-half has seen the say, while the bugger alarm at o"ne of are all those niggers laughing? weapons systems that cost billions of dol­ birth of Hazelton's first three shopping cen­ Main Street's favorite banks hammered a­ As if it makes any difference. Sud­ lars to build and that are no good in a ters, giant chain franchises spanning three way into the yawning night. We drove a­ denly everyone was raised in a ·ghetto. couple of yearsi then spend billions more .:>r maybe as many as four counties fu North­ rotmd to the back to see if we could get Ghettos are cool. Maybe West Side Story to junk and rep ace them. And there are easte:rn Peeay, a new Dunkin' Donuts, a some action, then around the front again, is the new thing, complete with the danc• millions of poor people in this country: new vocational school for the cannon fod­ but no one was there and the alann was a ing on the rooftops and the chains swing­ why should we put millions into roads -­ der, lights!, camera!, etceteras. to;:>k. goddamned liar. Like baroque wanderers mg b~ no one getting hurt. Folding movie a million a mile -- for things that have to look, said Look: an All-America c1ty, we headed home, passing the Diamond­ knives and Hollywood blood. BANG! goes be replaced every four or five years?" I The billboa.rCISWe'nt up: Welcome~ and Altar intersection, the light arrogantly Chico's • 38. Down goes the All-American was remembering the point a philosophy so on, right near the interstates \OU and ordering us to Have Caution, goddammit, Ghetto Hero, in his brownsldnned chick's prof had once made in the ordered class­ 81) also brand new --never mind that they though no one needed to have caution for arms. Natalie Wood as the Greasy Angel room, the chairs all bolted into place fac­ ruined a sacred mountain for the concrete at least a decade, and it was near two of Mercy. ing his raised altar: "You can tell what a strips. I was an All-American coal crac­ o'clock, Jesus. The car trailed a smoke Tell me, would Kathleen fall in love society's values are by looking at what it ker an.d sixteen years old. Envy me, you screen. with Alioto after he killed Eldridge? spends its money for, " he said, "Why all bastards. The system was grinding its way "You know, Buddy," I said, "I've al­ into Hazleton, the home town of my un­ 11 As if it makes any difference. This is this money for things that wear out?" I ways wanted to knock out the f. light, cle, my father, my brother, and me, the revolution: drugs, sex, and Do Your said to my uncle. remembering that Ihadnot felt good enough Own Thing. The commune sotmds like 11 (You don't care.) 'to feel like busting the place up for too Maggie's fann, and -Maggie's Daddy out "Well, he shrugged. "That's pro­ gress. 11 Don't you think he'd make a good Never mind, The System is like this: many moons. Why else get crocked af­ on Wall ~reet provides the cash. Yet we president? for the hell of it I'll tell this in the first ter. all? must not ho1d the students completely at person, though, obviously enough to all 11 TI wanna? 11 he said, calling my brag. Never mind. In case the logic missed 11 fault. White students from a suburban you, spending means profit means work those who know me well enough, it could "Well, sure, I said, half a block from back_groun~ CELUOt be expec~ed to engage means payroll means spending, meaning not possibly be me: again, the light and half a block from my own .in a class struggl~ (jeopardize the allow­ that hosts of other, smaller businesses and After I was home long enough to get house; so Buddy htmg a ralph instead of a ance? Never!) and hence become involved peoples are supported by prosperity, what­ sick of it I decided to leave. In Hazleton, louie and we went for rocks. We came in a neo-existential rebellion tending to­ everthe cost. We are all Keynesians now, at the intersection of Altar and Diamond, backfrom the same direction and he hung ward abstractions and at times ridiculous and the social upheavals of the last.gen­ there is an intersection. Imagine it. An a louie (le~, you square) onto Altar. He idealism. Butweforget --you all grewup er.ation are now taken for grantea, as a intersection. Nevermind. lt is a "T" in­ waited \'lit the motor burping while I in ghettoes, didn 1t you? Since when is that fixed constant, We learn to accept change, tersection, Diamond being the horizontal staggeredouttodo battle with the bureau­ something to brag about? part of the t, Altar being the downstroke. cratic light, a chestful of concrete frag­ whether it oe linear or exponential, as 1 As if it makes any difference. Bobby •something that is never absent from a so­ Now, at this intersection, there was a traf­ ments in my arm. The throwin arm was Seale makes a short speech saying good­ cioeconomic formula carrying forward to­ fic light, and Altar Street was one way damn weak; four days before my Army bye, kiddies, to SDS. PL attacks him as ward we-don't-give-a--damn-what, and going.doWilr- so obviously there was no use physical...l bad "done. battle with a tree an a lackey of the ruling class. Then the FBI for the traffic light. lt had been there lost11 on a borrowed motorcycle, paralys­ picks him up for murdering another Pan­ anyone suggesting it be stopped implies at­ since I was at least eleven, and it stopped ing the arm and ruining the better knee. ther. Oh my. Why did he murder the avistic values of the middle ages, total dr~regularly, day and night, to no end Butmy aim was still good. The first rock other Panther? Because the other cat sup­ destruction of life as we know it, stagna­ at all: Ever since I got my driver's lice~ hit the glass, square. h cracked; the rock posedlytoldthe New York P?-g Department tion -- perhaps life after birth, though I wanted to knock out that damned thmg botmced off. The throwin' arm came up the Panthers were going to ·blow up a·po­ only meretriciouslyto people like my un­ wondering why in God's name they didn't five more times -- just barely -- swinging cle, Anarchy! The Red Death~ or, lice station, five department stores!. and 1 take it out or something does the city get more by inertia than neural order, and the Bronx Botanical Gardens• The Bronx Creeping'Socialism: that swhat it 1s, not a different kind of conservatism, not a money or something for every light they finally the one light was out. But a stop Botanical Gardens? Abbie Hoffman, yes~ have in town? But I was sick enough of light is red, yellow, and green, and they The Black Panther Patty no. Seems a conservatism yeaming for another frontier, 1 a frontierofthe individual rather than one home and wanted to leave just six s>-r se~ face in four directions. little strange, doesn't it? Eldridge says weeks ago. To celebrate, Buddy and I I staggered back to the car. "We need he wants to come home. Bobby attacks of economic opportunity. Everyone in the middle these days is a conservative: the went the rotmd of the bars winding up in more stones, " 1 said, SDS. PL attacks the Panthers. Seale gets the Flamingo because the Warmup had "Crazy 11 Buddysaid, He wanted more picked up for murder. And Progressive La­ liberals and moderates as well as the Con­ servatives, because they all want to main­ been busted again for serving to minors stoning h~self, but I think the distinction bor declares itself the onliest revolutionary (notice: not miners. They all went to was fading even for him. What the hell, party in America. Defeat Soviet Imper­ tain this status_~ this formula of con­ work in Dunkin' Donuts or someplace,). stant change,nly prolong The Game, Reach out and take it, but remember that If you take it alone and run off into your mind to hide Leather Jacket• - Levi '• that the rest of us will pass you by. You Bell Bottoms (continued on page four) . ' Page 4 Captain Jack November 6 , 1969

.!h cord Review ...LA..M. .E NT ( cont 'd) BI a c k s (c o n t 'd ) 'had been fW-filled, and I said to Buddy, Thoughtl:iis ha.s been done for a number GAWDAWFUL & IRREVERENT "Walk. Be proud. " But somehow he went of years there has been a "very minimal ahead anyway, though I thought he was return. " Funds have been sought specific - right with me, swaggering along. What Blind Fuller Brush an' LS ally for admissions of black students, but the hell, it was late. But when I turned the school does not have a full-time offi­ around to look, what the hell should I see cial dealing with minorities admissions. In addition, vocal mi~g is. interesting but this f. ing cheny top sitting right in The students who are sought are highly re­ The Band: Capitol; ST AO -- 132 throughout. Ill "Rocking Chair" the &11 the intersection, one fuzz looking right at cruited by such schools as Yale, Harvard, I had anticipated this release with some verse is answered by voices singing the me. It really didn't occur to me until Princeton which can more easily attract misgivings for I didn't see how it coul't chorus. Andthe words actually fit! ''Whis­ several days later that, by the book, I these qualified students than can New Col­ comJ_>are with MUSIC FROM pering Pines" features voices starting a shouldn't have been able to run on ac­ lege. verse at different times, and the result counta the motorcycle accident, but by (Capitol SKAO 2955); the Band's first al­ Jesus I ran then and I turned to Buddy as I f\dmission of great numbers of blacks or bum. I can now say without reservations works wonders. other minority group students raises impli­ The Band creates a perfect mood with ran past First Street yelling "Fuzz, Buddy, that it compares favorably and can stand 11 !lations in educational policy, institutional their instruments. Witness the desperate clear out! him just seeing me as I ran alone as a collection of drawn to­ past ass already parked in the seat the de or goals and direction, but economic con­ gether by an underlying sentiment and feeling conveyed by the tight playing on 11 open eyecomer just seeing me and I ran siderations are paramount: such a program deep feeling for all people. "King Harvest. 's drumming would be "staggering economic undertak­ is impeccable throughout the record and past the street, thinking, Chr~ ! I'm ~oo On this record, the Band re-establishes old for this kind of crap! but still runnmg ing for an institution in an economic sit­ itself as the best rock group in a medium his tom -tom is ttmed extra low so it sotmds uation where it's fighting for survival right like a punch in the gut. 's up two or three houses and running in be­ characterized by maudlin lyrics, pseudo­ tweenthem because the fuzz couldn' ~have now." work on bass is always spare and im agina­ Due to nation disparity in income be­ emotional singing and repetitious instru­ tive. Listen to "" and been far behind. There was an alley be­ tween "normal white middle class" and mentation. Furthermore, to refute fin­ "King Harvest" for some of the most as­ hind the yard. I looked through the two­ minority groups it would be expected that footwide tunnel between the houses, seeing ally all skeptics who say that Dy Ian is the toundingly percussive bass on record. Rob­ were 75 blacks admitted, their need for bie Robertson 1 s guitar playing is always that goddamned fuzz buzzing up and down pervasive influence on the Band, not a sin­ the street at least thirty dozen times, I financial aid would be substantially above right whether on acoustic or electric gui­ the norm. gle was written by him; nor do the wa1 five or six blocks from home, What tar. His fast plectrum break at the end of Presently, approximately $387, 000 are songs sound as if they were -- their lyx:ics could I do? "The Unfaithful Servant" practically sounds dis~ibuted in scholarships to the 66 per cent . are more human and less mystical than like a mandolin. and Rick That's just what I did, I went home of the students receiving aid: for the t otal Dylan's Manuel are superb throughout on the key­ through backyards the bwn knee the crip­ student body the average scholarship is What struck me about MUSIC FROM boards and particularly shine on the bar­ pleshoulder and all catching on fences BIG PINK was the unique song material relhouse pianofor "." The slipping on dogturds, and it was only for­ slightly less than $1000. .md lyrics. This is just as good. use of extra-instruments is very sensitive. ty-five degrees, hacking down the air and If 75 black students were admitted No other group would sing about the Civil Rick Manuel's amplified Jews-harp adds hacking it up the next morning oyster hling yearly and '"are expected to remain four War, an aging sailor, a hurricane, a thief, the final touch to "Up on Cripple Creek" in the throat, hoppin fences wipin off the years, aid at a magnitude of about $2000 and the hardships of farmers. The Band and Garth Hudson's accordian adds a real turd, finally gettin home. Laying in the per capita would project an additional sings of people and their lives. The songs sea-chantey feel to "Rockin' Chair." bed still halfcrocked waitin for a knock at yearly cost of approximately $300, 000 for reveal a strong undercurrent of empathy What can I say in final analysis? I the door. students alone. and love for the people they sing about. love this record. It's the best since "Big But f. The system had met its match, Unless substantial resources were found "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" Pink" which was the best when it was and I almost felt like sneaking out before for this pu1pose a balancing process woulc effectively captures the predicament of made. The B:nd is decent. sunup to hang up a sign there at the light, make less financial aid available to othe a Confederate veteran in the aftermath of a courtesy of Mean T {just another aver­ students. the Civil War. "King Harvest" illustrate~ Blind Fuller Brush age guy): would you believe it felt good Further, hiring of 7 faculty and 2 ad­ thehopelessnessof a farmerwho is trapped to bust something up again. But of course, by draught. And some of the lyrics are ir­ ministrators could well mean additional I finally fell a>leep satisfied that ~e Iin-: restibly raunchy and humorous as in "Up If any of you are disappointed in your 1 salary outlay of over $100, 000. And un­ ABBEY ROAD (quiver), which are ear general's stupid decade had been put less such hiring were fit into current ex­ on Cripple Creek": to rest. I wonder what happened to Buddy, Me and mv mate were back at the shack gradually being adjusted price-wise to pansion plans it could mean dropping of sanity, after you played them three or whether they caught him. And I wonder. current faculty members. We had Spike Jones on the box four times and haven't listened to them But f. We were the people, and the power The cost pf the programs requested is He says "I can't take the way he sing since, there is a review in The Saturday finall'y came to us.- The light was ott:. not so easily forseeable, but along with But I love to he:u- him talk! 11 Review that ought to cheer you up. In it But I had been home long enough to be student and faculty costs, total costs im­ Or "Jemina Surrender": you will find that ABBEY ROAD is a perfect sick of it, and I was to fly away the next plied in implementation of the black'. Jemina Surrender album, andthatthree days after John Len­ morning. It was three o'clock before I pooposals run in terms of :e'>t!ral hmdreds o> That's all you have to do non dies, he shall arise from the grave. fell asleep. But guess what. Mommy was driving thousands of dollars, a significant addi­ I'll bring over my fender tional burden on the Board of Trustees, wh And play all night for you. LS me past that same godamned intersection at eight -thirty the next morning out to the already have to raise tremendous amount. airporttocatch the Allehgeny out down to o~ money. Philly and the next out of there to this Probably the most feasible route for cesspool of retirees, and there at that same .New Cdlege to i.mestigate is shar~ of ooth intersection at eight-thirty after the whole faculty and programs with other institu­ decade and all, there were the System 1 s tions. But working alone, New Coll~ge lackeys repairing the light. It could not must closely and realistically examine At Sounds of Stero the have been out five hours. needs, desires, and capabilities before gadgets are in the Twenty minutes later, flying over the any decisions can be made about radical pimpled hills in a twin-engined Cessna changes in admissions or studies. background. The looking down on the black rubbish with important product is the light probably in order again and I music and our haven't heard from Buddy yet, I wanted to. The opinions and facts presented above demanding love of it. shed a tear for the Revolution. do not reflect a complete discussion of all W.e don't care if the the factors "Which-may be involved in a New POO R JON ( co nt'd) College decision to embark upon increased final product is programs in black or minority admissions achieved by a pair of come very close to being the oppressors. and studry areas. Other questions are merely And there is only one end reserved for those twisted rubber bands, presented below: whofallintothatbag. They end up alone, Would a form of reveae racis:m devel- if the sound is natural. and perhaps that is far worse than a oullet. Try our pair of rubber Freedom does not imply solitude. Join op? Separate programs and organizations bands, their simpJicity those who are free JY taking your freedom for students or faculty because tney. are is belied by their and sharing it. Take everyone along with black is a kind of racism. On a national respect for your mustc. you, beyondTheGame, veyond~mag ­ level there !!.1-e-vast programs designed to azine' s perspective of liberal life, and cre­ ameliorate conditions which have resulted ate revolution. from prejudices and inJustices over a long As if it makes any difference, Put up period of years, and most will admit this \ or shut up, once and for all, You talk to be necessary,_ even wise. At the same good revolution, and you play the songs time it seems a bit illogical to foster in­ over and over on your fivehundreddollar creased separatism as past social ills are stereos, spinning songs of a magic that corrected. died with the &ods who could steer the Is the formation of a black organization ss 4 p course of our lives. The only magic is with specifically delegated powers or res­ thatwhichyoucreate, with your hands first ponsibilities desirable? Would this foster and mind second, once there is a physical a real and undesirable soGial and 1ntellec­ SD....NDS OF STEREO framework for your dreams to live in. In "" tual polarization along racial lines? other words, feed people first, and talk of How does an extensive program of black love second. There are no absolutes any­ admissions or black studies fit into overall more -- you must reject Marx, Mao, and New College educational philosophy and Marcuse. Theirworldisnotyours. Create goals? yours, not in the hysteria of the games of­ fered to you to get trapped in, but by breakingfrom the limitations and confines of those games and creating revolution as you destroy what holds you back. A rev­ Palm Bea ch Ro ck Fe stiva l olution creates by definition, and hence there is no revolution as yet. You criti­ cize Jon, and yet Jon made a greater at­ tempt than most. He tried to break from Ten groups have been added to the ros­ Stones. Also appearing are the Jefferson The Game, but hesitated, turned around, ter already slated to appear at the Palm Airplane, Iron Butterfly, Janis Joplin, Sly and was caught. He had no strength, and Beach International Music and Arts Fes­ and the Family Stone, Chambers Brothers, might be trapped fortwentyyears in a cage and Pacific Gas and Electric. tical over the Tha:!ksgiving weekend. of steel instead of a cage of fe~ and hys­ Tickets for the three day festival are Johnny Winter, Grand Funk Railroad, teria. But he tried, and how many of you fhe last issue (No.4) Rotary Connection, Country Joe and the $20. They may be obtained through the who speak of r~vol~ion, freedom, and a of Captain Jack mail by sending a check or money order to .''better" world, can really say the same? Fish, King Crimson, the Rugbys, the Byrds, the First Annua Palm Beach International Steppenwolf, Spirit and Sweetwater have You criticize Monte Knight behind his back has been mailed to MUsic and Arts Festival, Box 2968, Palm but he is indeed black, and as such his added to the list headed by the Rolling n~ .... ~l.. '&'l ...... ;,.J.., back is against the proverbial wall already, the parents of whether he knows it or not, He is in the every current process of breaking loose, and he hasn't so far to go as we who are blessed with our New College student. white skin. Either drop your rhetoric, you who call yourselves "Radical" and "Revo­ lutionary, "you self-styled communists and Aren't you glad? anarchists -- eitherdi"Qp your rhetoric and back off into your lonely comers or break from The Game and make it all come .. true. You will not be allowed to float ' ., l ,.. r,.. around much longer, even if it is easier , . ... _. : ""\,.• - ' . ... - than being a football hero. Look around and wonder if you will continue to follow .. an Abbie Hoffman (better ·Richard Nixon) St. Armands Key Sarasota, Rorida 33577 or a Huey Newton. Look carefully, and see t hat. Huey is closer than you think.