Keeping Watch

I. H. EVANS HE second advent occupied no minor place in the instruction imparted by the Saviour Himself, and this great theme was taken up and carried on by the writers of the New Testament. With them all the second coming of Christ is the culminating event in the plan of salvation. When Christ spoke concerning His second coming, He almost invariably closed His discourse with the admonition : " Watch." This charge follows His great discourse on the signs of His coming ; it follows the parable of the ten virgins ; and it is the climax of other lessons on being prepared to meet Him with joy when He comes. Watching is, not easy. Perhaps of all things that try the temper and break the spirit of man, to watch for an expected event is the most difficult. An army can march and prepare for battle with spirits high and banners flying ; but to camp, and wait, and keep watching, with nothing happening, requires unusual will power and a high degree of discipline. Often at such a time well-organized armies disintegrate, dissatisfaction smoulders, quarrels break out, and the morale is broken. So it is with the watchmen on the walls of Zion ; the most strenuous demands are not in active field work, however hard, but in waiting and watching for the coming of the Lord. Watching implies readiness. One can not be said to be watching for the Lord's return unless he is ready for that event. Christ draws two pictures — readiness and unreadiness. Had the good man of the house known at what hour the thief would come, he would have been on the watch. The faithful servant gives the household of God meat in due season ; but the unfaithful servant says in his heart, " My. Lord delayeth His coming," and entangles himself with the affairs of this life. Watching implies being wide awake. to one can watch who is sleeping on his job, and will not arouse himself. The danger lies in the hour when the watchman is asleep. No menace is so great to an army as a drowsy guard. The lives of all are endangered by one indifferent, sleepy watchman. In the army, to sleep on guard is a capital offense, and costs the life of the sleeper. But with the church the sleepy, drowsy watchman may bring ruin to all under his influence, and none save the Lord can punish. Surely such will come to judgment with blood on their garments. If heaven and the church appoint men to be watchmen, what an accounting they must give for a church unprepared for the coming of the Master ! The faith of the people is the product of the watchman. Every preacher produces his own kind. A fruitful watchman will have a people ready for the Lord's return. The Master's command is, " Be ye also ready." If the cry should be sounded to-day, " Behold the Bridegroom cometh !" would we be ready to go forth to meet Him ? The charge is to all : " Watch therefore : for ye know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of man cometh." FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK

The Far Eastern Academy for the Girls' School at Singapore children of missionaries has had a good year, with' an enrollment of 32. The girls' school at Singapore had Training Our Youth The students are from Japan, Korea, an enrollment during 1928 of 70 Manchuria, Sumatra, and several parts pupils, 20 of whom were in the of China. dormitory. The government is allow- The Educational Department of the With the closing down of several ing the girls' school to become a part of our higher schools in China be- of the Malayan Union Seminary, and Far Eastern Division cause of political unrest, the Fireside be under the same management; ac- Correspondence School took on a cordingly, the principal of the semin- S. L. FROST new impetus. The enrollment to date ary, Professor Hendershot, has been is almost 900, and the active list in- placed in charge of all our school (Synopsis of some outstanding cludes 574 students. This is the high- work at Singapore. paragraphs taken from the annual est enrollment of any school m, the report rendered by Professor S. L. Far East. Frost, Division secretary of the In Harbin a mission school has been High Ideals of Character Educational Department for the Far conducted for our Russian young East, during the April Committee people, the enrollment having been 39. V. J. MALONEY Council held in Shanghai. This re- Some from among these have earned port covers the year 1928). a portion of their expenses. Five THERE is one thing that new China THE early part of 1928 was almost were baptized during the year. needs,—a need realized by every one as perplexing a time for our educators In the Philippines, Brother Am- who has made a thoughtful study and leaders in the field as was the mundsen, the principal, and his as- of conditions. She needs a new year 1927, when in the China field sociates, have worked earnestly to emphasis placed on the teaching of many of our mission educational in- make the past school year the best in righteous virtues and uprightness stitutions were closed. In instances the history of the Philippine Junior of character. China needs these not a few, it was 'impossible to open College. The enrollment was 260. exalted principles in order that her Christian schools throughout the year Four students earned full scholarships citizens and her students, who will 1928. At present, however, all, our and two earned half scholarships. become the future officials and lead- higher-grade schools in China have The industries of the school include ing men, may have those high been reopened, although the enrollment carpentry, gardening, laundry, sewing, qualifications of character that will in most of them is still comparatively and embroidery. The Jaro Middle harmonize with the excellent ideals low. The Junior Middle Schools for School (Iloilo, in the West Visayan of the new government. China are located in Mukden, Tsinan, Mission), enrollment was 104 stu- In no place are these virtures Yencheng, Hankow, Changsha, Ying dents. In Artacho, 99 were in at- more strongly emphasized than in Shang Hsien, Shanghai, Wenchow, tendance from various portions of the the Christian schools. Foochow, Amoy, Canton, and Chung- Northern Luzon Mission. A school Not only do the Christian schools king. building has been erected in Cebu, endeavor to instil righteous virtues In Chosen twenty-six schools have and this places the East Visayan Mis- and high ideals and those things been in operation. One of these is sion on vantage ground educationally. that make for strength of character the training school at Soonan. Our The total number of schools in the in students, but they teach a strong teachers throughout Chosen number Philippines is nineteen, with 1,171 course of study in the different sixty-eight, and the enrollment of students in attendance. branches of useful learning,— his- students is reported as 1,479. Seventy- tory, geography, mathematics, lan- The department has spent consider- guages, physiology, etc. eight of the students have been able time in making the China Chris- baptized during the year. In the tian Educator In the larger schools the students a help to teachers and are taught some useful industry. training school, there have been 328 students throughout the China field. students enrolled; 209 of these are This not only aids them in earning This paper carries programs for the a portion of their tuition expense, either Seventh-day Adventist church young peoples' and home missionary members, or children of Seventh-day but teaches them the usefulness and departments, as well as ministerial as- the honorableness of labor. Adventists; 120 worked for their sociation material. school expenses in whole or in part- In our middle school at Foochow, Various steps have been taken in we endeavor to carry out these 40 doing full work, 20 half work, and the preparation and issuance of text 70 less than half. Farming, carpentry, ideals faithfully. books in certain Far Eastern verna- Could a business man, official, health food manufacturing, and sew- culars for use in our schools. ing are the chief industries. or any citizen who desires to see A considerable portion of the bud- these virtures taught the people, In Malaya, 33 schools were in get of various fields is used in con- operation during 1928, with a total nection with our educational advance. make any better investment than of 2,050 students. In the Malayan We would appeal to boards and other by helping an institution that is Union Seminary, in charge of Pro- responsible committees to give close emphasizing and exalting these ideals fessor Hendershot, the complete enroll- study to the ideal of having every before students and people? ment, including the girls' school, was Seventh-day boy and girl in our own 328. About 30 students were baptized schools, where they will be receiving in this school during the year. that which tends toward holiness and In Japan only three schools have a love for the cause of God. Erratum been conducted,—one for Japanese boys, one for Japanese girls, and a IN the July issue a short note small church school for the children concerning the splendid membership of our missionaries in Tokyo. The 3€0300,000 Children Without attained by the Kiangsu Mission was combined enrollment of all three Schooling inadvertently inserted twice, the type schools was 69. Industries have There are, according to an estimate made having been set in two different been introduced. These include agri- by the educational authorities of the country offices. A report of this sort will culture, building, health food pro- more than 36,000,000 children in China to-day bear repetition, although an apology ducts, and sewing. Thirty-four stu- without any schooling. It will require at least is due the readers of the OUTLOOK dents worked full time, fourteen half $250,000,000 annually to enforce compulsory for having been given the report twice education in. China, and at least 1,200,000 in the one number. time, and thirteen less than half. Two teacherswokr. will be necessary to take care of the students earned scholarships. C. FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK 3

not at all impossible, and we could do General Articles it, by the help of the Lord, if we really interested by teaching them healthful set ourselves to the task. cookery. Visiting in the homes and We believe there is no other depart- showing a personal interest is also a Home Missionary Work ment in our work which has any -good way to gain their friendship. greater possibilities before it than the Fourth: In the giving of Bible studies C. C. MORRIS home missionary. May the Lord add we must first have mastered the sub- His blessing to our united efforts for ject ourselves, so that we can give "BUT ye shall receive power, after the future. these in so interesting a manner as that the Holy Ghost is come upon you Hongkong. will awaken in our readers a desire to and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both come again. in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in • I do not think that one can follow a Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts Working For the set rule for the giving of Bible studies. of the-earth." Acts 1:8. Higher Classes of Women We must study our readers, and with Witnessing for the Master is the MRS. B. MILLER much prayer and faith in God'work for great work which our home mission- IN Romans the fifteenth chapter and them. try department endeavors to do. This the fourth verse we read these words: Unless the higher classes become work of witnessing may be done "For whatsoever things were written truly converted, they are unwilling to through kind words spoken, kind acts aforetime were written for our learn- give up the pleasures of this life; but performed, by giving Bible readings, ing." Paul, in 1 Cor. 9:20-22, says, if they experience a real conversion, helping the poor, ministering to the "And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, they will give up everything and follow sick, and in many other ways. that I might gain the Jews; to them that Jesus. I have seen them willing to work It is not the Lord's plan that this work are under the law, as under the law, for God at a sacrifice of position and of witnessing be assigned to the minis- that I might gain them that are under name, and like Moses, "when he was try alone. This is clear from a state- the law; to them that are without law, come to years, refused to be called the ment in Acts 8:1: "And Saul was con- as without law (being not without law son of Pharaoh's daughter; esteeming senting unto his death. And at that time to God, but under the law to Christ,) the reproach of Christ greater riches there was a great persecution against that I might gain them that are without than the treasures in Egypt." the church which was at Jerusalem; and law. To the weak became I as weak, It is surely time for God's people to they were all scattered abroad through- that I might gain the weak: I am made take up the work among the higher out the regions of Judaea and Samaria all things to all men, that I might by all classes. There are many jewels among except the apostles." Perhaps the great means save some." these. Many will accept the gospel success which attended the first efforts The Spirit of prophecy tells us; "The message if it is brought to them; and of the apostles at Jerusalem made the Lord has a work for women as well as God will hold us responsible. We learn early church think its work was about men to do. Women may take their through the Spirit of prophecy that the finished. It was then that the Lord per: places in the work at this crisis, and medical work is to be an "entering mitted persecution to visit them, and the Lord will work through them. If wedge" to this work, and truly it is to scatter them into the fields beyond. imbued with a sense of duty, and the the higher classes of people. Now that The record says they were all scattered Spirit of God, they will have just the our sanitarium work is getting so well except the apostles;" and verse four self-possession required at this time. established here in the Far East, and says, "Therefore they that were scat- "The Saviour will reflect upon these the official and educated classes are tered abroad went everywhere preach. self-sacrificing women the light of His going there for treatment and are ing the word." So we see that the laity countenance, and this will give them a showing such an interest in our work had much to do with this work of wit- power which will exceed that of men. nessing in the early church. we can use this as means of getting They can do in families a work that into the homes of the people. May the It must needs be the same in the men can not do, a work that reaches the Lord help us at this time to improve closing period of the work of the church inner life. They can come close to the the opportunity, and save many pre- on earth. The laity can do far more hearts of those whom men can not cious souls for the kingdom, is my than the ministry in witnessing for the reach."— "Testimonies," VI:117 prayer. truth. If fifty lay members were to wit. In working for the higher classes of • ness of the love of God to them, to one women there are many things that one Miscellany—Far East or two individuals each day, that would must do; and I shall here enumerate THE secretary of the National be more than their pastor could do, and some of them. Bible Society of Scotland estimated it would be more effective. For after First: We must plan to spend a great that of the 1,849,500,000 making up all, many people sort of believe that deal of time with them in order to gain the population of the world to-day, the pastor is being paid for what he their confidence and later win them. there are still 1,000,000,000 who have does, and it is his job; so his efforts Second: We need to practise the in- as yet never heard that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. may not always be understood or ap. struction given by Paul to study our While this estimate may be larger preciated. readers. than some might make, it is never- If we could organize our lay mem- Third: The use of health principles. theless appalling to think of the bers more fully into working societies, Many times one may get people inter- many millions, who are yet to be and encourage each member to win one ested by giving treatments to the sick, given the gospel message. Surely with so many to be warned, it be- soul a year, think of what a wonderful thus showing forth the character of the hooves us to distribute "specials" work -that would be. Such a thing is Master. Sometimes we may get others hereafter by the million. 4 FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK

Foochow Annual Meeting and workers enjoyed sharing the responsibilities of planning for the General Reports from D. E. REBOK work as evidenced by the enthusiastic way in which they discussed the plans the Field THE regular annual meetings held and methods in the "conference" hour. by our various missions are great Six new believers were baptized in factors to bind together the workers the ocean just in front of the school and believers of the fields. Without The Philippines' Sanitarium Building property. This service was conducted doubt, these gatherings do much to by Elder B. L. Anderson, who has maintain the unity of our work, to Fund just recently returned from a furlough foster a world-wide vision of this in Europe and America. Advent movement, and to promote Brethren C. C. Morris, R. M. Milne, NOTABLE in the annals of sacrificial the plans and methods for carrying endeavor in the Philippines, is an and the writer took part in the on the work of the church. Between devotional, departmental, and Bible action on the part of many colporteurs seventy and eighty attended the in subscribing to the sanitarium build- study hours. With renewed consecra- North Fukien Mission meeting tion - ing fund one or two pesos a month regularly, while on Sabbath about our workers went out from the for a period of twelve months. While one hundred thirty were present to meeting to do a more aggressive the amount each month is small, yet enjoy the celebration of the ordi- 'evangelistic work than in the past. the aggregate is considerable, and nances, and to witness the baptism We desire the prayers of all our helps swell the general fund, which of twenty-one brethren and sisters believers in China, that the work in we understand is now within 10,000 C. this field may make greater progress as administered by Pastor C. this year. pesos ($5,000 gold) of the entire Morris, the union superintendent, amount desired. A special drive for in the baptistry of our Foochow We were sorry to see Brother Carman and family leave the field raising the remainder is on for the church. latter part of August. The meeting began on the even- the day before the meeting opened. ing of July 2 and continued until Sister Carman has been suffering the evening of July 6. Pastor V. from spree, and hopes by returning home to regain her health. This The Chihli (Hopei) Provincial J. Maloney, the director of the mission, carried through a good leaves Pastor B. L. Anderson alone in Mission program, and conducted the first the work there at present. In spite of the disturbed conditions in the Geo. J. APPEL regular business sessions of the mission. The committees appointed interior, our workers are doing good work, and the Lord is blessing them (Synopsis of report of Director, did their work very well, and many in many ways. at the Peiping (Peking) biennial excellent plans were presented and meeting, May, 1929). discussed by the delegates. Every- LAST year we were thankful our one enjoyed the reports from the work had not been interrupted as various departments and stations. East China Y. P. M. V. Department it had in other parts of China; but Fifty-two were baptized last year, this year we have been in the midst and good increases were made in W. A. SCHARFFENBERG of conditions that come as the result some lines of offerings. Several were in attendance who; (Synopsis of report rendered at of war. However, we feel grateful the East China Union biennial ses- to God that while in other fields because of having bought the five ). our workers have been persecuted, dollar package of the Signs of the Times Press publications, were-readino- sionORU first departmental institute with chapels occupied and looted; found thirty-five in attendance. we have been spared from these themselves into the truth. The workers are planning a campaign Three such institutes have been trials. We regret our report of conducted during the biennial period. progress cannot be greater than it to distribute 80,000 tracts this year in an effort to carry out every- Goals are fixed during these times, is. and thus each society, each mission, Aside from the Peiping center, member evangelistic work with the goal of each member bringing at and the union as a whole, knows our work is developing chiefly in at what to aim during the coming villages near Shenchow and also at least one to Christ during this year. Brother R. M. Milne and the local year. Goal charts aid in keeping Tientsin. These places along the these activities before the youth. railway are easy of access. In Chinese department secretaries emphasized their work in a strong The score card and an honor pen- Peiping there are four centers, in- nant add to the interest. cludine, the headquarters at Ta Fang way and met a hearty response to the plans suggested. The East China Union missionary Chia Hutung. volunteers, in addition to local mis- The women's work has progressed May the Lord bless the work in this mission, and bring about the sion work, are planning to open remarkably well ,thus far., The up one new station in China each attendance of women at meetings conditions necessary for the out- pouring of the latter rain. year. Our present plan ?s to pur- was formerly small. Now it is chase land to build a chapel and almost equal to that of the men. to furnish it. One such chapel was The membership of the Hopei equipped during,-1928. The goal for Mission at the end of the first South Fukien AUnual Meeting quarter of 1929, was two hundred 1929 is to purchase land and erect and equip a chapel in the village thirty-two baptized believers. Of D. E. REBOK these, seventy-six were baptized of Chiao Tou Dien. during the past two years. The IT was good after an absence of If the young people earnestly net gain in membership has been nine years to be privileged to visit evangelize, the Lord will use- them seventy-one. the South Fukien Mission for its to do a mighty work. There are It is the hope of those connecttd annual meeting July 9-13, 1929. many- Daniels among the youth of with the Hopei Mission, to see the East China to-day; and while not membership doubled within the next About 50 workers and delegates were two years. The prospects before us in daily attendance at the chapel of all these are as yet recognized, yet are as bright as the promises of the Bee-Hwa Bible Training School the Lord understands, and in His God. Let us keep our needs before at Kulangsu. More than a hundred own time and way will cause some Him; seek Him as never before, were present for the Sabbath services. to step forward to the front and and receive of His Spirit for soul- A good spirit prevailed throughout do a mighty work for Him in saving endeavor. the meeting, and our Chinese members China. FAR. EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK 5

The Chosen Union Mission were most glad to welcome Doctor The Tokyo Sanitarium-Hospital and Mrs. George Rue a few weeks H. A. ()BERG ago. Although just recently reach- ing our field, Dr, Rue has already H. J. PERKINS (Synopsis of report rendered by rendered valuable service in assisting Pastor H. A. Oberg, superintendent the sick. A new atmosphere is THE Tokyo Sanitarium-Hospital of the Chosen Mission of Seventh-day noticeable at the Soonan Hospital; opened its doors for business May 1, Adventists, on the opening day of the and we can assure the doctor of 1929. Now, after only about three biennial session held" an Seoul, June plenty of hard work, with the ac- months, we can already feel a dif- 20-29, 1929). companying joy of service. All are ference in the attitude of the people IT is with thankful hearts that we made happy to see our medical work in our community. For over fifteen recount God's providences in opening reorganized for wider service. years our mission headquarters have the doors of Korea to the procla- Brother R. S. Watts has been been here in a suburb of Tokyo, and mation of the third angels' message chosen to carry the work of the while no untoward actions against us just twenty-five years ago. This home missionary department. We have taken place, yet we have been biennial session of the Chosen Union hope, with a strong campaign launch- looked upon somewhat as strangers. should take the form of a silver ed this fall, we may perfect the Now this is changing. Surely the jubilee, in commemoration of God's organization of our lay membership medical work is the right arm of stately leading of His people. Think in soul-winning activity. the message. of those two Koreans noticing a God has richly blessed our work Inasmuch as Japan is quite modern strange sign on a street in Kobe, in Korea the past two years, and in all respects, including the practice Japan, indicating that preaching we ascribe to Him all the praise. of scientifie medicine, we do not have services were held within the hall; However, there is one feature of the same classes of patients that some of their going in and becoming in- the work which should receive other missionary institutions have. terested; of the manner in which special attention at this time; for Yet we are having wonderful results. the message reached Korea; and it represents the one object of our Dr. Getzlaff, our medical superinten- later how the Macedonian call was existing as a people, and that is dent, remarked to me one day that sent to Japan asking for some one the winning of souls. As I glance he was unable to see how some of to come over and instruct them over our statistical report covering the patients made so much improve- more fully. From that small begin- the twenty-five years of work in ment. Some who have come to us, ning we find Seventh-day Adventists Korea, I notice that in 1923 ,our are almost beyond relief ; for it is to-day in every province of Korea, baptisms for the first time went as a last resort they come to learn with 24 organized churches, 113 over the two hundred mark in a whether the foreign doctor has some Sabbath-schools, a well organized year. During the 1923-24 biennial "wonderful" remedy to alleviate their publishing house providing ample term total baptisms reached 552; ailment. literature, a training school develop- the next term 514 were baptized; A few days ago Dr. Getzlaff was ing a strong corps of workers, and and the last term just closed showed called to a home in the community our entire plan of church organiza- a total of 596. It seems to me we to visit a man who had pneumonia. tion being carried out in fullest should begin thinking in larger Later the doctor told the man that detail. terms. Cannot we get away from one lung was fully congested and that At the close of 1926 our baptized the 500-group during the new bien- the other was badly involved. The membership in Korea totaled 1,752; nial term, and launch out on a great patient was brought to our institution at the close of 1928 the number was soul-winning campaign, which will at once. In ten days he was able to 1,936, or a gain of 184 for the biennial increase our baptisms in a material leave, a well man. Prior to his period. Our Sabbath-school member- manner? We see indications of an departure he told the doctor, "If I ship stood at 4.467 at the close of increase with baptisms of 333 last had not come to this hospital, I would 1926, and at 5,292 at the beginning of year. Let us sound a ringing call have been sleeping by this time"— 1929, making a gain of 852 during the to all our evangelistic workers, as meaning that he would have been biennial period. Native tithe totaled well as lay members, urging a fuller dead. He said also that our doctor Yen 20,063.94 during this period, and consecration to God for service and was Yen 18,127.82 during the previous always smiling and making his for the finishing of the work. May patients feel that they were going to term, showing a gain of Yen 1,936.12. we all as individuals so relate our- get well. Sabbath-school offerings show a gain selves to God that He can bestow of Yen 1,632.08 during the last I was translating for the doctor as a special outpouring of His Holy this patient was expressing biennial period, bringing the total Spirit upon us, is my prayer. his offerings for this term up to Yen gratitude; and I told him that in 13,642.10. Literature sales during the addition to the doctor's being a good previous term were Yen 55,123.58; physician and having good equipment, for the past two years they totaled he prayed every morning to his God Yen 64,420.34, or a gain of Yen From Pastor J. W. Rowland to give him success in healing the 8,896.76. One interesting feature of sick that came to him. The man had our literature work is the increased WRITING from Jesselton, British never thought of this, and remained quiet subscription list, which is mounting North Borneo, under date of April for a minute or two thinking month by month, the July issue just 23, Pastor J. W. Rowland, director about it. Then he said: "I am surely going through the press being 21,500 of the British North Borneo Mission, going to inform all my friends and copies. Truly God is richly blessing reports having baptized nine more neighbors about this place, and tell this feature of our work, and we from the Dustin tribe, which brings them that if they ever get sick, this ascribe praise and glory to Him. is the very best place to come to get the total number who have been relief." A Although there has been a curtail- baptized from that tribe, up to thirty. few days later he brought ment in the number of church Brother Rowland recognizes to us two patients from quite a that these distance. schools, bringing our list from 33 people have no knowledge of letters at the close of 1926 to 27 in 1928, in the modern sense of the term, nor We ask an interest in the prayers the student-body has increased from have they any schools as yet, but of our believers everywhere in behalf 1,130 to 1,436—a gain of 306. The there are many among then who are of the Tokyo Sanitarium and Hospital, enrollment in the Soonan Training longing for a better way, and our that it may prove the entering wedge School stands at 328. workers are doing everything possible in many hearts in this Land of the Long have we waited for a doctor to extend among the Dusuns a know- Rising Sun, where souls are very dif- to head up our medical' work. We ledge of Bible truth. ficult to win to the Lord. 6 FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK

South Chosen Mission Women's Work—North China It is a well known fact that by far the larger proportion of worship- H. J. BASS LUCY ANDRUS ers in the templeS, are women. Now, (Synopsis of report rendered . by ALTHOUGH this, is in no way a when idols are being thrown out on report of the women's work in the to the streets, and priestesses are Pastor H. J. Bass during the bien- being sold, and placards are posted nial session held June 20-29, 1929). North China Union during the past biennial period, I am glad to say in every province and city advising LOOKING at things from a human people against heathen worship,—just standpoint, it would be easy to give a few words in regard to our efforts for the Chinese women. now is our day of opportunity to give as discouraging a report as that the warning message. May the "Lord of the ten spies who went to spy The North China Union has only of the harvest" send forth faithful, out Canaan; for there are many three Chinese Bible women. All self-sacrificing workers to gather large cities and innumerable smaller three are in the province of Hopei. in the sheaves. villages, with their conditions of At the close of the year 1925 Hopei prejudice, indifference, ignorance, had twenty-nine Chinese women superstition, and want, to be taken members; at the close of 1928, fifty- for God in South Chosen. Before nine. Of these, some have come the giants of the land, our handful from other Protestant churches, from Central Chosen Mission of workers seem to our physical Cathiilicism, from Mdhammedism; CHEI -TA HEUN eyes little better than so many grass- and some had formerly no form of hoppers attacking a herd of ele- worship. (Synopsis of report rendered by phants. But when one puts on his Of the first-fruits in Shansi, two Brother Chei Ta Heun, director of spiritual magnifying glasses, he of the six baptized are women. In the Central Union Mission, during the beholds each worker as a David Shantung one-third of the new biennial session, June 20-29, 1929). going out with stone and sling to members are women. Two years ago I was called to the meet Goliath, and confident of From the opening of the term leadership of the Central Chosen success because he goes forth in last fall the girls of the middle Mission, and I wish to thank the the name of the Lord. school at Tsinan have conducted Lord for His keeping power, and, When I open my eyes to this fact women's meetings 'iach Sabbath for the help and kindly interest and remember also the earnest souls afternoon, thus gaining some train- shown by the brethren. who have already been won in the ing in gospel work as well as A decided effort to strengthen South, I have faith to believe that affording the women of the neigh- some of the weaker places in the we are well able to fully possess borhood an opportunity to hear the field has resulted ill- building up the land for God. In fact, I am gospel. Sister White and Sister real strong work in several places. glad to be able to report a decided Davies have superintended the work. Three companies have become or- advance toward that end during the ganized churches, and three family past year. We are building up At the annual meeting of Hopei Sabbath schools have become or- strong companies in many of the and Shansi held in January, 1929, ganized Sabbath schools. Besides larger cities. it was recommended:— this, we have established organized The gathering momentum of our (a) That the North China Union Sabbath schools in seven new places, work gives promise of results to establish a women's training school. two of which are regular out-sta- (b) That a Bible worker be invit- tions. Five new family Sabbath come that will surprise us. What ed to visit at least twice a year we need most is that each worker every chapel that is without such schools have been established. Thus and colporteur consecrate his every help. a total of twelve new places have power to God. If; in the words (c) been entered and claimed for Christ. of Wesley, the twenty-five workers That each evangelist endeavor Recognizing that the newly created and twenty colporteurs of the South to bring to the faith of this message interests are our most promising feared nothing but sin, and knew the wives and daughters of all men fields for advance, and yet knowing who are members of his church. that only as we gather tithes from nothing but Jesus Christ and Him (d) That in every church the crucified, we could soon set the women who can read be encouraged our own people can we hope for South of Chosen on fire with this to help the illiterate, that all who additional workers, we are making message. May God inspire our are willing to learn may complete every effort to increase the tithe hearts as He did Moody's, till we, the "Gospel Primer" by the end of the field. We believe that our too, resolve that by God's grace we of this year at the latest, following brethren, in realizing these possi- will show the world what God can it up with other suitable reading. bilities, will be more faithful in do through the labors of a few (e) That each chapel arrange for tithe-paying. We already see evi- dozen consecrated men and women a woman's meeting once a week; dences of a forward move in this in Korea. and where there is no woman Bible matter. "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul: and worker, that the evangelist's wife Because of a shortage of funds all that is within me, bless His assume the responsibility of inviting and workers, there are five large holy name. Bless the Lord, 0 my and welcoming the women, and that cities in our field in which as yet soul, and forget not all His benefits." we have no established work. We —Psalm ciii. 1, 2. the evangelist conduct the meeting have several standing calls for help "It is a good thing to give thanks Since the first of January, 1929, to which we have thus far been unto the Lord, and to sing praises Bible workers in Peiping have made unable to respond. We need addi- unto Thy name, 0 most High. to 759 visits, held 274 Bible studies, tional laborers, in order to carry show forth Thy lovingkindness in conducted 34 meetings, besides as- forward the Lord's work in Central the morning, 'and Thy faithfulness sisting with special efforts street Chosen in a strong way. every night."—Psalm xcii, 1, 2. chapel meetings, baptismal classes, "Thus will I bless Thee while and other serViceS. Twenty-eight I five: I will lift up my hands in women have either completed. or Thy name. My soul shall be satis- are now reading, the books suggested BY the Treaty of Shimonoseki, fied as with marrow and fatness; in the recommendations. At present April, 1895, the Pescadores, a group and my mouth shall praise Thee a woman's meeting is conducted at of thirty-six islands with seventy- with joyful lips."—Psalm lxiii, 4, 5. each of the three meeting-places in two villages to the westward Of "Because Thou halt been my help, Peiping once each week. There the Formosa, were ceded to Japan in therefore in the shadow of Thy gospel is given to them in a simple perpetuity at the same time that wings will I rejoice."—Psalm form, and they learn to sing and Formosa (Taiwan) was made a part 7. pray. of the Japanese realm.

HARVEST INGATHERING SPECIAL Jar *astern /Division Outlook


' "- -','-,' ""b*A"- %"*A.,,,, /". ,.." 1,n•-•"--'-.",", -7.""/-1V -,-, , ,,,,A,P-',-,74Wr , INN--.7,AU \-7"'/..." N"' A1Ppyoe/.0)v, Cr177„R,16 , g7A4;A""-Wid*P41( •""7-1V,V7"\-7",-. •-•'/,' .7,2WWY-Z,".."`." -Ar",,, sl, P_sikV(t 4- 1g..7.4:, tiPak'%34%.?4,1'1' 1S0.fts:04U44iP1 ,04c1 4a410,4j11.AJIcAti„1. .0/Aitigilefi ''-'4`1.--'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'w-L'"''''44` 4`4"7-"b"z"'"---1-''''''''"-'7;''N''''''''''''i ll`"'"'"'"'`'"""-'`"'-'4-%'."\'''' '-&-% kW gkV: ,5,R Instruction that has come to OS: ,_47.,,.1) (liq , _ it . ..,2.,,i,k% "Arise, Shine; ' . Lift up thine eyes round about, "The Lord has placed His goods in the hands of N 04-- -...-2A and see ... Then thou shalt see and be radiant, and unbelievers as well as in the hands of believers; all , OA4,1, 4.). A may return to Him 3-lis own for the doing of the Afi thy heart shall thrill and be enlarged: because the .st.4 work that must be done for a fallen world. As long liYA L abundance of the sea shall be turned unto thee, the as we are in this world, as long as the Spirit of God tfc. 's Ve g.4:**.'..,1 wealth of the nations shall come unto thee." strives with fallen men; so long are we to receive iit)T4 favors as well as to impart them,. We are to give to 3 -.Jai 04 )7,,,o Is. 60:1,4,5, (R. V.) the world the light of truth as revealed in the 'scrip. totes; and we are: to receive from the world that q-A "The God of Heaven, He will prosper"us; there- 104 4 which God prompts them to give in behalf of His A .p fore we His servants will arise and build."'. .:.4 ---1 cause." . ' 40 4.1 Neh. 2:20 MRS. E. G. WHITE; ,411A tilgi V.,...‘.,1 ekfil, Wit' --Ps'-' --,--,--,.7.-1v,-" -,-1,-"-7.- 7,-Ar,--,-A-7""t - Is-vv.-Amp..1, v.--,,,,,,,r,, ,,,vp---,74vx,,,,PAtnre••-',-,74UNT/C.It",•-7-wr-v-:,C.7 . ,Ar.",;..., W-,IN.?)4til,tVq....47A!tW".1,47',.Y.1/74%`,!AsiWA,Z4t(1=11PAP34:11-0AV:il*747VAIS100 frATAT/4"Nif""e„*Vs"A- 0 raight6r.Acii;,-.321.M.A.ft,--,;,A5A,!1*....sisf, ix..).52144&Av2/44:,..*n.s2..WAsciEl.g.(05-eNV0414;.71SAtlAtzko.:`Ve 4,12 ,s47CAISI.kit.z1;94crak‘4.S‘J't4:31iszif,0544,...kasP47)A.474-4ibsirakialillzka\"f'SA ';'44‘44..w11 % 6FA sr 1-Auvri--7(7,-.6,"&zoRcemrenwl-wAr,4 c,- c,f4)''':-zv-f•snzz-rz'.-t'afrzmICYzv-v:tc-r2Y7''-z'scr-"gr'Pikru-m'VV-19zvgIFZ- tttaglf45±45,tKKglg5gittratgg.:Sir.Va.ttgt•6aV.Mbge-lttt45SACZ•Wgt0_t4k- 4-3 HARVEST INGATHERING , tel kg, FAR 'EASTERN DIVISION r k:ap 14-.1 0 CAMPAIGN DATE:' SEPT.1. TO OCT. 12, 1929 su41' nycpc'rnt7%V*Te.i.Rrg4P-WKL/-Wvq/----grpow-**(c•Fv-,Au:svrTi. -oxe,:mz-,-47- ycvtc0z 157;g6A.,41,-A,112kA- ,A2to.a.n.%14.1,- -_kiaaebygigit4).iliatilezig-tataM 10(5AlazAlizZarA v„, vir figh:-s17.,13A =w-V-5 ^,7, P7 ,14 '7'-•"''"'" ;Scl .4W1/1.7 ig .(11g"`C160W 71zif,"164,7*111-14C'll'rTe.t‘147/43.;;:vrili'-2fgra.49;Al 17‘wmftylg0-40(Qko4a4,4*fr;vi's5.1,510s;:reglw-NA.,04?-47,m, Denominational Goal: Remember: $ 1,250,000 For Missions Sept. 1 to Oct. 12 is the Date. If You Have Not Ordered Your Papers, Do 900,000 From America So Without Delay. 350,000 From Other Lands gVi.1 Shanghai is-Publishing in Chinese. Europe, Africa, India, Australia, South 41 0 Organize Your Forces Early. America, the Islands of the Sea, have joined w.5, Set A Good Liberal Personal Goal. the procession of Ingathering lands. The 03 RI Do Not Hesitate t o Request Liberal Far East is doubtless the largest single Donations. recipient from the funds raised in this cam. Personal Influence and Example Count Big. eir%Viz`l= paign. We have done something in raising Keep Your Field Informed as to the money in this campaign. But in view of the F-zu Progress of the Campaign. great needs, have we done our full duty? t4-1 Pray for a Large Ingathering of both Souls What will our response be in September-October? and means,- 59isga9.S37/1"TargIvAlCM,ArgaeRgagi3PIS u/- 4flaARIsrai?-9- -4114`AW.4,- 1%. "4-nla"*.riv://1:511451,\IWOIZS:" SP/% r ESISINITOMENSIEMIRMI HARVEST INGATHERING CAMPAIGN-1929 In view of the setting apart of Sept. 1 to Oct. 12, 1929, as the time when all workers in the Far Eastern Division are to take part in a Harvest Ingathering Campaign, the announcements and articles that follow will be given careful study.—Editor.

The Call to Action The Harvest Ingathering AT the spring meeting of the Far Eastern Division Com- mittee, the following action was unanimously passed: I. H. EVANS THE HARVEST INGATHERING is one agency by which the Harvest Ingathering General Conference has been able to gather together from Whereas, Great blessings, both spiritual, and financial, have those not of our faith a large sum of money for mission work. attended the Harvest Ingathering work; and,— It means much to our cause and especially to the mission Whereas, We have been told through the Spirit of prophecy fields, to have this ingathering fund, and our brethren this that we should go, to those not of our faith for means for the yeai are planning to put forth the biggest effort in the higtory prosecution of our work, even in hethen lands; therefore,— of our work that this fund be greatly increased over any We recommend, That each mission so plan the regular amount derived from it during the past. work of all mission employees that they may be assigned a The Far Eastern Division Committee have considered, this definite parr in the Harvest Ingathering campaign for a period quegtion and have recommended that in our fields we un- of at least two consecutive weeks ; this united effort of dertake to raise a large amount of money through the Harvest workers and laity being directed to the achievement of the. Ingathering this year. There is being prepared in Shanghai a Ingathering goal within the official six-week campaign period special number of the Signs Magazine for distribution among We further recommend, That the date for our 1929 cam- the Chinese. Other parts of the field will bring out special paign be September 1 to ,October 12, and that the goal for numbers of their papers to some extent, and we hope our 1929 be $ 50,000 gold. churches, our ministry, and our workers will give themselves to a large ingathering this year. The General Conference is unable to give us all the money they desire. World conditions and especially conditions in the United States, threaten to greatly reduce the amount of funds that our people will be able to contribute for mission work. It is our desire, and it seems to the Committee that, it should be the purpose of every worker, to do his best in gathering a goodly sum for field work. Some will want to appropriate this for their school work, others for literature work, others for church building, and gill others for 'other enterprises; but whatever the objective, the true purpose and aim will be to advance the cause of God. I hope our workers and people will rally to this cause. May the blessing of the Lord be with all who take part in this program. We believe many thousands of dollars will accrue to the cause as the results of personal, hard work.

Peiping church building and students of church school. Home Missionary Program victorious campaign Elder 1. A. Stevens: power in every field throughout the September 7, 1929 "In the history of our work there was world. It is becoming more successful Harvest Ingathering Rally Day Program never a more successful Ingathering every year; so we can there fore con- campaign than the one we had a year fidently expect 1929 to witness the 1. Opening : "Stretch Every Nerve." ago." Evidence of this was true in our greatest victory yet attending ,the cam- P. 793. own field as well as in other parts of paign in the Far Eastern Division. 2. Scripture Reading: Matt. 13: 24-43. the world. Not only has this, been true Let us then unite our prayers, our 3. A few Short Sentence Prayers. in funds raised, but in souls influenced hearts, our service; and let us all toge. 4. Announcements. and won to the truth. ther make the present campaign 'not 5. Special Music. It is of interest to know tnat during only a victorious one, insofar as fund 6. Readings: 1928 the sum of $55, 445.18 (gold) was raised are concerned, but a mighty "A Victorious Campaign" raised in Harvest Ingathering cam- power in 'the hands or God in helping "The Inward Preparation" paigns here in the Far Eastern Division. to advance into new territory, and in "Lord, What wilt Thou Have Me this way quickly finish the work God to Do?" - This is indeed a most inspiring achieve- has committed to our charge. 7. Discussion of Harvest Ingathering ment. It reveals what can be accom- Plans. plished with strong faith under the 8., Home Missionary Offering. blessing of God. 9. Secretary's Report. Now we face the Havest Ingathering The Inward Preparation 10. Closing Song: "What Hest Thou campaign for 1929. Will it be as suc- L. V. FINSTER Done?" P. 96. cessful in its achievements as was the ' THE Harvest Ingathering campaign 11. Benediction. 1928' endeavor? Most decidedly it must is a two-edged Sword. One edge Of be; we feel it must surpass any past Note to Leader: The secret of success in this sword is silently cutting away the achievements. The time of our Lord's this campaign lies in efficient leadership. It misrepresentations of the enemy. It is reiurn is drawing nearer, and our needs is easy to contribute success to numbers and God's ordained means of educating are growing greater. This missage is to ability. However, in the Lord's work these the, people of the far East concerning grow into the "loud cry." are secondary. Gideon's army of three hun- the principles, aims, and activities of Right in this connection, we would dred volunteers were not selected because suggest a few reasons as to why we Seventh-day Adventists. Multitudes are of physical or intellectual qualifications, feel the 1929 campaign will exceed any thus being prepared to study and ac- nor was it the, number that brotight confusion previous one: cept this message. Pentecost and the to the enemy. God simply used a consecrated 1. The Harvest ingathering plan kingdom of God alone will reveal the leader with a few willing workers to accom- is heaven-born; hence when properly mighty preparatory and educational plish His work. Regardless of the size of conducted it receives the support of work of the Harvest Ingathering mag- your company. you should organize well. ,both the angels and the Holy Spirit. azines. We are to-day setting the stage Then inspire your members with courage, 2. This phase of our work is a for that mighty revival and " loud cry " confidence, and enthusiasm for the task soul-winning agency, both in scattering that is to lighten the earth with the before them. Decide to reach your goal it: the truth and in raising funds to carry glory of this message. at least six weeks, Discourage them from the light to other souls. With the other edge'of our Ingath- dragging it into several months. Provide 3. T he papers are being prepared ering sword we cleave the darkness of each authorized solicitor with a suitable map this year, with the aim of setting our heathenism and cause the light of God's or outline, of his or her territory. See that all work and our needs clearly before, the last message to shine into the heart of have solicitors' cards or letters, and a supply mind of the inquiring public. Satan's kingdom. We gather in the of papers, or other material. Do not expect 4. The people are becoming more means; we go from door to door with the members to look after their own supplies, and more interested in the work con- our eyes fixed upon the whitening har- because it invariably leads to procrastination. ducted by our society; hence their vest fields. Money in itself is not our Warn your members against criticizing those liberal supuort. objective. We need a spiritual vision who come short of doing their part. It is 5. Each year a number of our and faith which sees upon Ingathering better to invite them to go along with god to people are rallying to the activities of coins the image of souls' saved. It is learn, how to proceed. the Ingathering work, rendering un- love for those in darkness that ever stinted service; and this is proving a impels us onward. The knowledge deep spiritual blessing. that our work in this campaign will A Victorious Campaign 6. Our native workers and lay save a soul for eternity should thrill us L. V. FINSTER members now find it possible to share through and through. :For that one soul The 1928 Harvest Ingathering end. with us in the blessings of the Ingather- Jesus would have died. eavor throughout the world according ing activities; thus their added strength What is our inward preparation? In to thrilling reports, facts, and figures and co-operation will help yield returns. vital essential, it is a passion for,souls. received by the General Conference 7. The Harvest Ingathering cam- But you say, How will this burden for Home Missionary Department was a paign is increasing in influence and souls come? Tarry long in Gethsemane, at the cross and by the altar, and God real to them that they too longed for ing the entire year. And this money has will kindle this flame of passion upon the baptism of blood. When the trans- sent workers into fields to carry the light your altar-heart. As your own yearning formed Peter was to be crucified he did of truth to those in darkness. Souls and longing of souls finds the dear not shrink, but said he was not worthy have been won, and they in turn are Saviour, He will enthuse you, He will to be crucified as was his Master; and winning other souls. Harvest Ingather- set you into activity for others, that they he asked to be nailed to the cross with ing results are accumulative. Indeed, too may find Jesus. Our greatest need his head downward. not until the time when the time when to-day is for that flame of spiritual love This Sabbath morning, dear brethren the redeemed stand before God, and which alone can set us on fire for God and sisters, we find ourselves sur- precious souls respond to their names, and for men. rounded by the closing scenes of earth's who are there because of the faithful, Do we believe that the coming of history. Many outstanding fulfillments patient efforts put forth to raise Harvest Jesus is near? Do we know that we of prophecy have taken place since our Ingathering funds, will we know how have the last message of God for man- last Harvest Ingathering campaign. large a number have been saved by the kind? Do we realize that the call of fulfillments for which we as a people means thus provided. God is upon us, and that we are made have looked for many years. Blind To.day church elders and leaders responsible for this generation? Let us indeed, must be that soul who can not - should present local plans for the organi- determine to enter into the joy of the read the handwriting on the wall! Hard zation of the church for Harvest ln. Lord in personally working for the indeed, must be that heart which does gathering work, in order that all may be salvation of souls. In working for not say, "Lord, what wilt Thou have in readiness to begin the campaign at others our own souls are blessed, while me to do?" the appointed time. in withholding the light from others the The Harvest Ingathering campaign In every church attention should be curse enters our own souls. The trump- for 1929 gives to you and to me an. called to faithfulness in reporting mis- et is sounding- in Israel to-day. Who other opportunity of revealing our confi- sionary work done during the Harvest will step forward to wield the Harvest dence in this advent message--.bur Ingathering campaign period. Undoub. Ingathering sword? Should not every loyalty to Christ and our love for the tedly more missionary work is done by Seventh-day Adventist come up to the salvation of others. Listen, and you our members at this time than at any help. of the Lord in this campaign? will hear the still small voice this other season of the year. But, strange Sabbath morning speaking to your to say, missionary reports are usually heart in no uncertain tone, saying, fewer in number than at any other "Lord What Wilt Thou "Arise and go;" "Arise and shine; for time. Do not fail to report. Oftentimes Have Me to Do?" thy light is come, and the glory of the a Bible study is given with a Harvest Lord has risen upon thee." We do re. L. V. FINSTER Ingathering canvass, some one ill is joice that the Lord has revealed His OUR minds are carried back this found and treatment administered, or a saving message to, us. What a blessed Sabbath morning to the experiences missionary visit made. Report, report, privilege it is for us to endeavor to save of the early Christian church. Its report! And let others know of the good others. We are told by the servant of members, and particularly its leaders, work you are doing. It will encourage the Lord that "God could have reached all enjoyed the even, unruffled influ- greater activity throughout the entire His object in saving sinners 'without ence emanating from their Lord. The field. our aid; but in order for us to develop sunshine of His presence had subdued a character like Christ's, we must share their characters. His love for the lost in His work. In order to enter into His had changed their selfish, self-centered'' joy—the joy of seeking souls redeemed lives until their all-absorbing ambition by His sacrifice---we must participate Words Of Appreciation was the salvation of others. They had in His labors for their redemption." W. A. SPICER been bathed in the showers, of the Let us one and all resolve to do our "early rain," and the Holy Spirit had IT is splendid the way in which the part as' the believers did in the early enriched their lives. Its constraining medical centers are developing over Christian church, until this advent power had urgedthem on and on with message has resounded to earth's the East. we continually get good news the message of the hour against the from the world field. Rumania reports remotest bounds. strongest fortresses of heathen super. 39 new churches received into one stition, and they were undaunted as conference..-the Transylvania Confer- they faced the traditions of the Jewish ence. Their meeting covered a two-year ceremonies. The rising tide of perse A Few Suggestions term, but it seems almost impossible cution which finally ended in the J. A. STEVENS that regular work could have so in- martyrdom of the Dark Ages was no DURING the 1928 Harvest Ingathering creased their churches 'in two years. serious obstacle to those, who had but campaign, $818, 335. 57 gold *as raised Brother H. E,Rugers tells us that his recently seen their, Lord and Master in this effort by'our people throughout new report shows fifty-five languages suffer upon the cross. In fact, the North America, thus furnishing 28. 93 added last year. That is a marvelous memories of that tragic scene were so percent. of the mission funds raised dur record. Our total is 335. now. FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK 7

The Sabbath School Department Far Eastern Division

Notes From the Sabbath Schools Mexican from the Investment fund Sabbath school offerings have been in 1929," writes Mrs. Wood. "If we Yen 63,387 can do this, it will help on our per IVIas. I. H. EVANS capita." North China Over The Top "I Ara glad that I can report eigh- Chosen teen live, growing Sabbath schools in At the recent biennial meeting for BERTHA SHANKS CHANEY the North China Union," writes Chosen, held in Seoul during the Brother H. N. Broderson, the union latter part of June, Mrs. Theodora THE Sabbath school of the Philip- Sabbath school secretary. They are Wangerin, union Sabbath school pine Junior College, which is located working to increase the home divi- secretary; gave an excellent report. in a suburb of anila, set their sion members, seeing in this plan an Following are a few outstanding items Thirteenth Sabbath offering goal for opportunity for missionary work for from it: the second quarter at Pesos 92. There the neighbors and friends of the are 185 students enrolled, and they isolated believers. When the work It is now twenty-five years since rather thought that if they gave an was started in Shansi, a Sabbath the third angel's message entered offering which would average fifty school was immediately organized at Chosen. As we review the wonderful centavos a piece, that would be about Taiyuanfu; and from the reports that way in which God has led us, we all they could do. come of the work being done it can only exclaim, "What hath God Their energetic young Filipino is hoped that other schools will soon wrought!" Our organized Sabbath superintendent kept the. goal before be organized. Faithful departmental schools now number 121, a gain of them by putting placards up in the secretaries are carrying on the work 17 for the two-year period; and our chapel, and in other ways. A field in Shantung and Hopei. They are membership stands at 5,633, a gain day was organized, and twenty-seven working hard; 'but in the Sabbath of 1,025. We are sorry that we can went out to sell booklets and mag- school work we can not leave all not report a membership of 6,000, but azines. Pesos 23 was cleared in this responsibility to the secretaries. Every we hope and pray that our member- way in a few hours on the Sunday church menber has a duty to perform ship may reach this mark before the before the offering was given. A toward the Sabbath school.' " year- ends. Though our church mem- number of young men who work in bers are more faithful in attending the woodworking department of the Sabbath school than they have ever East China college and cannot well leave their been, there is still a large number work, volunteered to give what they "We need another Sabbath school of missing members every Sabbath, would earn on field day, or half what card in Chinese," wrote Mrs. K. H. and we must work for greater faith- they would earn. Wood recently. This need was for fulness. During the period covered, Even the children entered into the a "Trans f er of Membership" slip, there were 2,353 members who were effort. The leader of their division which is being stocked in Chinese present every Sabbath, and 1,251 who suggested that they make the week by the Press. This card will make it studied the lesson every day. To 161 a week of sacrifice, since they were easy for those who attend a summer persons who had maintained a perfect too young to go out and sell papers school, for instance, to transfer their record in attendance and daily study or to work; and they saved their membership without loss of credits in for three years, a little leather case centavos instead of buying the sweets attendance and daily study. to hold the lesson pamphlet was given; they are so fond of. At the time of the Investment Fund and 1,314 persons received a book- The spirit of helping forward the offering at the close of the second mark as a reward for a year of great missionary movement which is quarter, $224 Mexican was taken up perfect attendance and daily study. being carried, on by the Seventh-day by the three churches in Shanghai, For the two-year period the Sabbath Adventist Church, swept into the as follows: Range Road, $127; school offering amounted to Yen school, and, to the great joy of all, Sanitarium, $67; and East Shanghai, 14,450; and it may be noted that for when the offering was counted it $30. "I hope we may receive $1,000 the twenty-five year period the total summed up Pesos 138.11.

General view of faculty and students, China Theological Seminary. The Sabbath school at this place is of special interest 8 FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK

A Prince and a Great Man Has sold many books, and then came on to Seoul to get more territory in Literature Ministry Fallen which to work. Four days after he came to Seoul, he died unexpectedly THEODORA WAN GERIN of double pneumonia. What a sad Colporteur Work—Chosen Union SOME months ago, when on my experience it was for the old father way home from a trip to the far to come to Seoul to get the remains R. W. PEARSON north, I stopped at one of our oldest of his beloved son! churches in the Central Mission of Every evening while at that place, (Synopsis of report rendered by the brethren would gather in this home R. W. Pearson, field secretary of Chosen, and learned with sadness of the Chosen Union, during the biennial the death of a devoted member, and try to comfort the family by session held June 20-29, 1929). Brother Whang-Young-Ill. It was singing of Zion, by reading IT is with thankfulness and praise said that our brother had indeed been precious promises, and by relating ex- in our hearts that we report to you one of the pillars of that church. periences of our brother while fight- concerning the literature ministry in May I narrate a few circumstances ing the battles of the Lord; and then the Chosen Union for the biennial connected with his Christian exper- they would all pray together. Al- period under review. Many books ience. Brother Whang-Young-Ill ac- though the few days spent at this have been sold, but no doubt the cepted present truth about eighteen church were days of sadness, yet they thing which has caused the most or nineteen years ago. As he was brought joy to my heart. It was a interest is the growth of our Signs the only one in the family to accept pleasure to see our brethren com- subscription list. The five months in of Christianity, his relatives were forting each other in this manner. the year 1929 have witnessed a very very bitter. For twelve long years We believe that althoUgh our brother healthy increase, averaging a thou- the persecution from his father and is resting from his labors, his works sand a month, until now 21,000 are other relatives was great. Not being will follow him, and that many more going out monthly. permitted to worship in his home, he will accept of present truth as the Our desire is not only to sell lots went out to the hills to pray. It was result of his work of love and of books, but we want our literature said that for six years, every morning sacrifice. to lead souls to Christ. We see he went without fail to a certain evidences of advance in several parts grove a short distance from his home. of our field, due to the literature During these seasons of seeking the ministry. A company of over twen- Siam's Railways: Shortening the ty members has been raised up in Lord, he prayed much for the con- the Central Mission as the result of version of his father and relatives. Distance to Europe one young man who read the Signs About eight years ago the family magazine. We believe firmly in the moved to another house. Ten large WHILE the development of air motto, "More Signs, More Souls." "crocks" in which the idols were kept, passenger traffic is being watched We believe that before Jesus were also moved. Thinking that he with some interest in Siam and comes the literature work will be must do something to arouse.in some Malaya the railways are steadily one of the greatest movements in way his father so that he would see shortening the distances between the Chosen. Our prospects are bright; the utter futility of spirit worship, Far East and Europe. we are full of hope and courage; he broke all ten of these crocks! The linking up with the Burma we believe the Lord has great The father became very angry, and and the Siamese lines by the trans- things in store for us here in the after giving his son a severe beating, peninsular line joining the Siamese future. May we each realize the he forbade our brother to come system at Prachuab Krikan, will put importance of the printed page, and home either to sleep or to eat. But Bangkok 36 hours by rail from consecrate our lives to the Lord the son continued to pray much for Moulmein, as against thirty-four by for greater service. Thus the work his father, and two months later he rail to Penang. The respective dis- will quickly be finished, and we was rewarded by seeing his father tances will be to Moulmein 1,298 shall hear those beautiful words, turn towards Christianity. Ions. and to Penang 1,158 kms. "Well done, good and faithful ser- During the past five or six years all Work is now proceeding on the vant," said to each of us. of the family have come into the Burma side, and Mergui is expected faith. As, the result of the earnest to be reached in 1932, and from prayer and faithful work of our Moulmein to Akyab, the fashionable brother, four families of relatives place for aviators from the west, have accepted the truth—about thirty bound for the Far East to alight, a North China Union members in all. Half of the church line is being built which will enable members are related to this canvasser. the rail journey between the two A. A. ESTEB The father, a lovely old gentleman points to be made inside 24 hours. ONE of our Hopei colporteurs has who at one time so bitterly persecuted From Akyab to Calcutta it is 20 won several men to the truth. He his son, became the elder of that hours by a good steamer. In other writes me now of two more who church four years ago! And it is words in five years' time if con- have promised to pay tithe. Only indeed a miracle to see what progress struction is continued at the present yesterday a letter came from him he has made in his spiritual life. He pace, it will be possible utilising telling of another man who has prom- has developed into a stanch Christian. boat and rail services, travelling at ised to pay five dollars Mex. a Our brother comes from a wealthy ordinary speeds, to make London month tithe. This colporteur is Mr. home. Three years ago he decided from Bangkok in 16 days, as com- Han, who came to our institute a to give his entire time to the col- pared with the 24- or 25 days now few months ago, and told us he felt porteur work. He closed his shop and taken journeying by train to Penang began to go from place to place. It and thence Home by mail steamer he had been especially "called" to the . colporteur work. I believe that when was while out selling our literature, and across France by train. men feel a "call" to work for the that he died. On this trip he had This new route would be: Train Lord; they manifest a faith and cour- been away from home for about Bangkok to Akyab; boat to Cal- age that God can bless. Truly the forty days. Before leaving his home cutta; train to Karachi; boat to Lord works through His chosen in- he had told his father that this time Basra; thence train to Calais, if, as struments. This man is working in he would be away from home for a seems not unlikely, an understand- villages and small towns, yet he sold long, long time. He had made pre- ing is about to be reached between over $210 Mex. worth of our literature parations to stay out and canvass for Britain and Turkey regarding rail- in March. some time. While on this trip, he way building.—"Straits Times." FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK 9

to the meeting with the fifty cents, Results of Big Week in Philippines and returned with new clothes. I Note and Comment believe when we trust in the Lord M. F. WIEDEMANN it is hard for Him to refuse to DURING 1926 some one sold a copy answer our prayers. of the Big Week booklet to a dentist West China Union "I met an old Miao farmer who in a certain town. Both he and wanted to repeat verses the same his wife were greatly stirred up SOME most interesting stories were over what they read. They were told by Pastor M. C. Warren during as the little children had done. This the Spring Council of 1929 in old gentleman couldn't read a Protestants, and were much agitated character two years ago. He was by the contents of the book. Finally Shanghai. very coarse featured. He repeated When passing from West Kwei- they met one of our workers who chow to West Szechwan, Brother the whole book of Ephesians, and was able to explain more of the Warren found two places in the then started on the five-star truth to them, and as a result both latter field where a number were 'memory set, but I. asked him to the dentist and his wife are now interested in present truth. These wait until the next morning, as it loyal, baptized members of our interests were followed up by Pastor was very late and cold. The next church in their town. Hughes, and now about thirty are morning he was around early to During 1927 a home missionary keeping the Sabbath as a result. At repeat the rest of the verses. He worker sold one of the booklets, another place twenty were found would have gone with us to the "The Story of Jesus," to a man keeping holy the seventh-day SO: annual meeting, but could not leave on the Island of Romblon. His bath. One member of this newly his wife, who was down with typhus. interest was aroused, and as a result formed organization was a subscriber "You will agree with me that he and his whole family have been to the Shepherd, and had induced only the blessing of God has made baptized. Word has recently come several others to send in subcrip- possible the opening of two new to us of another family who have tions. provincial missions—East Kweichow found the way to life as a result In the West Kweichow Mission, and Yunnan—the past year; for when of the 1927 Big Week book. Do under the directorship of Pastor we think of the conditions that you think it pays, brethren, to take Ho I Deng, with headquarters at prevailed during 1927, we can only part in this campaign? It takes Pichieh, we have one hundred thirty- give God the thanks for these two only a few hours of our time, and four baptized believers. During a new missions. Surely angels have the results are bound to be gratify- recent annual meetinc, held in been holding the winds of strife." ing. Pichieh, the spirit of' the Lord touched many a heart, including Chosen Union Training School 1927-28 members of the Nosu and the Miao Progress in Northern Luzon tribes, and souls are being won as H. M. LEE a result. (Synopsis of report rendered at the BERTHA SHANKS CHANEY Pastor Warren reported that "on biennial session of Chosen Union IN February and March I spent the way to the Pichieh meeting we Mission, June 20-29, 1929, by Pastor stopped one night at the home of five weeks in Northern Luzon, in H. M. Lee, principal of Chosen Union company with Pastor Roda, visiting a poor Miao believer. There were Traininig 'School). a number gathered in that evening, THE two-year period under review churches and Sabbath schools right and a little girl and a little boy has brought us many privileges and down the coastal plain from Laoag, were brought forward. They said blessings. In 1927, when Professor Ilocos Norte, to Burgos, Pangasian. the children wanted to repeat some Frederick Griggs was with us for According to our custom when verses. The little girl and little a short period, a number of students holding Sabbath school conventions, boy repeated the whole of the first were baptized. On a later 'visit, the new mission map was frequently chapter. They kept repeating until during 1928, when he could stay hung up during our trip, and used when they finished they had repeated with us a full ten days, sixty of as a basis from which to present the whole book of Ephesians without the students were baptized. During the great missionary program car- any assistance. Then they repeated the present year Pastor C. W. Lee ried on by our church throughout the five-star memory verse set, met with teachers and students, and the world. In later meetings the without any help. The little boy as a result a baptismal class has map was frequently referred to and seemed to follow along when they been formed. there could be no doubt of the were repeating Ephesians, but when The school enrollment includes absorbing interest our people had repeating the memory verses Esther, one hundred in the primary grades, in it. the little girl, had to follow him one hundred sixteen in the higher While in this northern territory, a bit. grades, eleven in the ministerial I took occasion to make a three-days' "You will be interested to know department, and twelve in the wo- trip to Bontoc, in between conven- that it is a Nosu worker who has men's training course—a total of tions. It surely seems the message been helping them with this memory two hundred eighty-nine. One of for these last days must be estab- work. She riot only works in this the leading features the past year lished soon among the sturdy, self- district, but walks back and forth has been a ministerial training reliant mountain people of the in- over a distance of fifteen stages. class, under the auspices of Pastor terior of Northern Luzon. She doesn't known what it is to C. W. Lee. Eleven have been in ride, and yet she has time to train attendance. children like that. Our training course for women A Spray for Destroying Insects. "This little girl had fifty cents, Bible workers numbers twelve. and wanted to know if that would Our industrial department, while To KILL mosquitoes, flies, moths, be enough to take her to the annual bringing considerable help, has not etc., in the house, the following meeting at Pichieh and back home. yet become fully self-supporting, nor mixture, freely sprayed by means I told her I thought it would be have we sufficient labor of certain of an atomiser pump, will be found enough. It was. She went to the sorts to meet the growing demand. useful: 1 gallon Kerosene, 2 ounces meeting and enjoyed it. It was cold We are giving study to this and Oil of Citronella, 1 ounce Oil of weather. She was a poor orphan, other problems, and are working Camphor, ounce Old of Winter- having no relatives. The only toward the end that our youth may green. clothes she had were some dis- be "as plants grown up" and "as While spraying, and for half air carded clothes that-some of the corner-stones polished after the hour afterwards; keep the doors arid friends•had given her; but she went similitude of a palace." windows closed. 10 FAR EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK

Women's Bible Institute the other day she took me to this Among the Dusuns of 'Borneo home. The old lady's eyes have in Hangchow been healed in answer to prayer Brother Rowland reports that there and the son and daughter-in-law are six different places among the MRS. B. MILLER are favorable to the gospel. I could Dustin tribe where workers should not but praise the Lord for the be immediately placed. The Dusuns WE opened our Bible institutes at power of a life that is hid with live over a scattered area in the Hangchow the sixth of March, with God in Christ. I realize more than north of Borneo, and besides this an enrollment of twelve regular ever before that the progress of tribe there are many other tribes, attendants—six men and six women. our work depends upon our churches chiefly Dyaks, who gladly receive There were several others attending uniting with us in soul-winning. instruction in matters spiritual. part of the time. Our daily program May God give us who lead out follows: Class work from Brother Rowland writes further: was, as - in this closing work, the true spirit "On one of my recent trips I walked 8.30 a.m. until 12 m; 1 p.m. until of soul-winning is my earnest prayer. 2:30 p.m. The rest of the afternoon twenty-three miles in order to visit two villages where an interest has we spent in personal work. We. used five hundred sets of been awakened among these people. broadsides during these two months, From one of the villages there are six who make the trip of twenty miles se 'crating by twos to visit the every Sabbath, coming and going, to homes around the ~territory near From Pastor M. C. Warren our chapel. At the close of our attend Sabbath school. As I went to institute we had fourteen new in- this village, I was surprised, when quirers, and had begun giving Bible UNDER date of July 18, Brother we called them together, to meet readings to these interested parties. Warren writes of various features of thirty men and women who had come Report has come to us that several the work in the West China Union. to hear. When asked how many more have come to our chapel who He has spent several weeks in Chung- wanted a home in the better world are interested through the influence king, inasmuch as many difficulties (which has been pictured -to them), of these fourteen. We plan to gather have been arising requiring his pre- there were about twenty who held up the same class for Bible study next sence at headquarters. their hands. The Lord has been mov- year, and thus prepare a few for He writes: "It seems that one ing on the hearts of these heathen, service. trouble follows another in swift suc- and they are coming to the light. Following our institute, we visited cession. One of our best Chinese We need much of the Holy Spirit's fifteen of our stations. Everywhere workers, the district leader of the power; for He alone can change the we go, we find that God is working district, is in the third class jail heart. We want to be so consecrated on the hearts of our people. At in —, and every effort of ours has to the service of God that the Spirit Oe Toong we found a very interest- failed thus far to secure his release. may use us to accomplish His will ing case. An old lady living with among the people. Remember Borneo The man is guilty of no wrong. He at the throne of grace." her family of more than one hundred built a structure on our mission lot members could read her Bible, and in that city; and, though the house she, had a good understanding of is two feet within the line set in our our message. She is lame and can deed as our boundary, he is accused hardly walk. The rain poured of having encroached on the neighbor's down; but she was brave, and was land. It is only an attempt on the Tithe-Paying Stories baptized. Several women in this part of the officals in the place to BERTHA SHANKS CHANEY large family are interested in the crush our work and extort money gospel. from us. A telegram states that our AMONG the many interesting fea- At another place we have one brother is very sick,—and little tures which marked the annual meet- family where eleven people are wonder, when he is confined in that ing of the Northern Luzon Mission united in the gospel. A wonderful foul place during this very hot weather. in May, 1929, were the impromptu miracle has been wrought in this "Our chapel at — was wrecked testimonies given one afternoon in family. A child formerly deformed and looted by soldiers who had turned the conference session. Here and and unable to walk, has been healed against constituted 'authority and had there arose a brother or a sister to by, prayer. The child can walk, and become a law unto themselves. The tell of special deliverances or bless- seems perfectly all right. At this workers barely escaped with their ings. One man told of how the place we have three faithful sisters• lives. In fact, the Bible woman died fields of neighbors had been trampled who do home missionary work, and a few days later. and badly damaged by carabaos at they have won more souls to God "Pastor — was called from — night, while his own fields, lying than the Bible women. We find next the road along which the huge that when our people get the spirit to assist in getting — out of prison. He writes me that he made the trip gray creatures had passed, were un- of labor for others our work makes touched. He felt that this protection rapid progress. to —, though when he left home his wife had been sick with dysentery had been given because of his faith- Here itShanghai 'one of our_ . fulness in tithe-paying. - - faithful sisters goes out every day -for _ two weeks ,and was -having a temperature of 104. He was doing Another had seven cocoanut trees, to work 'for souls, unlegs home one of which was dedicated to the conditions prevent. She wanted me all he could to help Brother — out, but did not know whether his own Lord. to go, with her the other, day to Sister Afenir, the director's wife, give Bible studies to some of her wife was still alive or not. He tried to call on the magistrate, but the man told of material blessings coming converts, and I found that she has from carefully counting and tithing six women who can be prepared would not meet him. Our only hope of help is in the Lord. the eggs. There was some sort of for baptism. Last winter this sister epidemic that went through the came to our women's prayer meet- "The evangelist and his wife at Philippines a few months ago, killing ing, one Thursday :afternoon and another station- near — were al- off chickens like flies. Sister. Afenir wept. I asked her what the trouble most beaten to death, and were caused lost none, and her neighbors came was. She said she had been work- to flee.... to her to ask what kind of medicine with one old lady who is "Conditions seem better in Kweiyang she gave them to keep them all so practically blind, and her daug-hter- just now. I hear there is trouble in healthy. She has four exceedingly in-law had kicked her out of the Yunnan. No mail has come through energetic little boys who take a very bouse. continued to go, and for, some time." lively interest in -all this. GENERAL PROGRAM — SPRING MUSICAL RECITAL Given by the Students of the Far Eastern Academy On the Lawn, 7 p. m., May 13, 1929 Part I Part II

Piano Trio: " La Belle Francaise " Clarence Miller, Songs: (1)"Before All Lands" Helen Warren, Henry Kuhn (2) "[Chiming Bells " Advanced Singing Class Song: "The Invitation " Advanced Singing Class PianoiSolos : a. " Souvenir " Frederic Strahle Solos : a. (1) " The Zoo " b. " Spring Song " Eleanor Warren (2) "The Muffin7Man " Gilbert Sissons c. " Rondino7In:G " Vernon Mountain b. " Little Boy Blue " Bernice Gillis

OK d.:," Hungarian Dance " Kenneth Wood c. "The Waltzing Doll " Mary Lou Lee e. "Traumerei " Helen Warren TLO d. (1) "The Sandmans Song"

OU (2) " Laughing Waters " Kathryn White f. "-Morning Prayer " Ruby Wang e. " Fairy Boat " Valerie Mountain g. " TrailingiMoonflowers " Mrs. W. E. Eberhardt ON f. " Holiday's Rejoicings " Irene Barrows ISI Piano Duets : a. "The Burial of a Doll " Dorothy Lee and Piano Duets : a. " The First Violet of Spring" Alice Kuhn, and DIV Kenneth Wood

Eleanor Warren b. " Snowdrops " Milton Lee and C. Miller b. (1) " Jack and Jill " ERN Song: "The Violet" Primary Room (2) " Little Bo-Peep " Carlton Gjording and

AST Maude Miller E Piano Duets : a. " In the Forest " Lillian Anderson and ,' R Songs: (1) " Smile and Be Cheery Maude Miller

FA (2) " Clock Song " Primary Room Piano Solos : a. " Roses For You " Eunice Cossentine b. " Young Volunteers " Ethel Miller and b. " Flower Song " Walter Barrows Maude Miller c. " A Parade " Barbara Kime d. " The Roses Dream " Dorothy Lee Piano Solos: a. " Menuet " Henry Kuhn e. "Irish Melody " Allan Cossentine b. " Song of the Troubadour " Janet Wood f. " The Moon Glade " Spencer Kime c. " Skirt Dance " Clarence Miller Trio : " Young Hearts " Eleanor Warren, Frederic Strahle, Barbara Kime Song : " Sunshine and Rain" Singing Classes 1928-29 MUSICAL INSTRUCTORS : Voice, Mrs. S. L. Frost Piano, Miss Maude Miller 12 FAR 'EASTERN DIVISION OUTLOOK

ARRIVALS THE SHANGHAI SANITARIUM par Waottrn Pirioion (Outlook Brother and Sister Ithiel E. Gillis, EXTENSION CLINIC from the States, for service in the Chosen Union, where Brother Gillis has been Unusual providences are still accom- Published monthly by the Far Eastern Division of the panying the efforts of Brethren Miller, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 25 appointed secretary-treasurer, with head- quarters at Seoul (address c/o S. D. A. Mis- Strahle, and associates in the effort to se- Niglio° Road, Shanghai, China. Subscription, seventy- cure sufficient to warrant the completion five cents golds year. EditedIrtheDivision Secretary. sion, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen). of Registered at the Chinese Post-Oa:0e as a Newspaper, This family of recruits come not as strang- the entire building project outlined by ers inasmuch as Brother Ithiel has spent controlling committees in behalf of the nearly twenty years of his life in the Far Shanghai Sanitarium Extension Clinic at ec *St rAgt East; and when he returned from college 35 Range Road — in the very heart of this for service, he came direct to Shanghai in city. Almost daily new friends are appear- In harmony with our usual custom we order to have a visit with his parents, ng to assist materially in the consummation have combined two issues of the summer Pastor and Mrs. W. E. Gillis, prior to tak- of the project which now seems to be as. months, bearing date of August and ing up work in Korea. Thus another has ured of success in every wa y. September, 1929. been added to our growing list of Workers of the second generation of our entry into the Far East. THE WEEK OF SACRIFICE .. Pastor and Mrs. L. B. Mershon, from RETURN TO BATAKLAND For five consecutive years our work- furlough, in Australasia and the States, Pastor D. S. Kime sailed from Shanghai ers and many of our brethren and sisters for a third term of service in Malayan August 20 for Batakland. It will be re- thicnighout the world have united in dedi- Union. called that after many years of service in cating to God during a Week of Sacrifice Pastor and Mrs. E. R. Thiele and son work that could be done without a permit, appointed each year, the equivalent of a Lorwin, from Washington, D. C., U. S. A., Brother Kime has been given permission to week's wage or average income. for another term of service; Brother labor freely in a large district of Batakland - We are about to come to the Week of Thiele resuming his work as a member of in Central Sumatra. The prayers of all go Sacrifice for 1929, and the Far Eastern the editorial staff at the Shanghai Signs of with Brother Kime as he returns to that DiVision has fixed upon the date for the the Time Publishing House. great mission field, now being conducted China field, as October 6-12 This week Mrs. L. V. Finster, from the United under the auspices of the Central Euro- includes October 10, a memorable day States and South Africa, for another term pean Division. His address is Sipogoe, via indeed for China, and suggesting noble of service in the Far East. Sister Finster Sipirok, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. sacrifice. Let us all take part, and show will teach in Far Eastern Academy, and honor to God and to His holy word by her address is No. 25, Ningkuo Road, dedicating to Him the wages or other in- Shanghai, China. come we usually receive for one week. Brother and Sister H. A. Anderson WITH THE SICK AT THE The funds should be gathered up in all our and daughter Dorothy, from Seoul, for SANITARIUM service in Shanghai, where Brother Ander- churches in China on Sabbath, October 12, Among, son has been appointed manager of the the patients at the Shanghai 1929, and forwarded to the provincial Sanitarium and Hospital of late have been treasury. Signs ,of the Times Publishing House. stated Brother and Sister E. J. Kraft, from a number of workers from various parts of The Division brethren have the Far East. The benefits of this institu- the plan in a resolution reading as follows : furlough in the States, for another term of in Japan. Their address, as for- tion are being felt more and more as our " Whereas, The Week of Sacrifice is service workers learn of advantages offered. designed not only as a means of gathering merly, is Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan, Brother Kraft again resuming Several have made only a brief stay, funds for our mission endeavors, but also for minor ailments ; others have remained to teach our people the meaning of person- charge of the book work in Japan Union. al; s'acrifice- as a fundamental element in For upwards of a year Brother A. Koch has longer; some have undergone serious made excellent records as leader of litera- operations. All have happily recovered, or our character and Christian experience; else are convalescing. and,— ture distribution, and has endeavored to spiritualize the work and to secure sub- Among those to come in from the " Whereas, There is an increasing fields, are Mrs. D. S. Williams from Chiao need of more funds to carry the rapid stantial returns in the winning of souls. Miss Ruby Barnett, from North Tou Djen, Mrs. R. M. Milne from Canton, advancement of our message into unwork- Professor and Mrs. G. G. Hamp from ed fields therefore,— Pacific Union, arrived in Shanghai per " Resolved, ' That we endeavor to s. s. " Empress of Asia," and is to go on to Changsha, Professor F. A. Landis from the Philippine Union September 19 to Chiao Tou Djen, Pastor W. E. Gillis from thoroughly acquaint each worker with the East China Union. Purposes and blessings of the Week of serve as nurse in the Sanitarium at Manila. Shanghai workers have included Pastor Sacrifice, and urge every one to take his I. H. Evans, who for a time was seriously full part in it." ill The Chosen Union have been author- and suffered much following an opera- BIRTHS tion for appendicitis, but who has now re- ized to have their Week of Sacrifice Sep- * Born, in Shanghai, August 29, to Mr, turned to his home on Ningkuo Road and tember 21-28, 1929. The world date. and Mrs. Z. H. Coberley of the Central is daily gaining strength. Fortunately, he followed in ,several of the Unions in the China Union, a daughter, Lois Faye. had completed the round of union sessions Far Eastern Division, is November 23-30. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Buzzell, of in various fields prior to,this time of ill- The offering given at the time named Kweiyang, Kweichow, a son, Master Alex- ness ; and present prospects are that he is not one that is enforced upon our work- ander. can meet appointments made for autumn ers-and laymen, but is a free-will offering. Born, June 24, to Pastor and Mrs. W. B. and winter. All are most cordially invited to partici- Riffel, of the Southern Luzon Mission, P.I., Others who have recently been in the pate. And may Heaven's blessing rest a son, Gordon William. Sanitarium as patients, are Miss Bessie upon every giver. Mount, who has made good recovery; DEPARTURES Mrs. J. G. Gjording, who later went on to TRANSFERS August 24, per s. s. `Empress of Rus- Singapore ; Mrs. Dr. Griggs ; Professor C. Miss Ida E. Thompson, from the Central sia, " Brother and Sister H. W. Barrows A. Carter of Kiukiang ; Mrs. A. A. Esteb China Union (Hankow) to the Shanghai and their children, H. Walter, Jr., and Miss of Peiping, Pastor and Mrs. V. J. Maloney Sanitarium, to serve as preceptress of the Irene, on furloug. Brother Barrows goes and children of Foochow ; Professor Lin Nurses' Dormitory at No. 150, Rubicon at this time as the representative for of Foochow ; Professor Chiang of Wen- Road. the Far Eastern Division at the coming chow ; Pastor Ang and family of Swatow. Miss Hwang Mo Hsin, from the South Autumn Council of the General Confer- Of guests other than members of our China Union, to Chiao Tou Djen, to serve ence Committee, appointed for Columbus, mission there have been many of all ranks as preceptress at China Theological Semi- Ohio, where Pastor S. E. Jackson also is to and classes, including His Excellency, the be in attendance. nary, President of the Republic of China, and brother and Sister W. P. Henderson and Mr. H. J. Bass and family left Korea the Madame Chiang, several members of the son Milton, from division headquarters, to 4th of July, returning from Keizan, South cabinet and of the army and navy, the Mukden, Manchuria, where Brother Hen- Chosen Mission, to the States on furlough. head of the national legislature ; and many Mrs. L. I. Bowers and children, of Korea, from business and professional ranks; derson is to be field missionary secretary left for the States on furlough, per s. s. of the Manchurian Union. physicians, bishops, missionaries. The "Siberia Marti," sailing from Kobe about rooms have been full to overflowing all the Pastor and Mrs. L. B. Mershon, former- the 31st of July. ly of British North Borneo, now to serve while. It will be a boon to the Sanitarium Mrs. J. G. Gjording and children left when the Extension Clinic can be com- in Malay States Mission, with headquarters Shanghai August 7 for Singapore, accom- at Kuala-Lumpur. Brother Mershon is pleted. The prospects are that the Clinic panying Pastor Gjording, who has charge will be ready for occupancy by mid-year, director of the mission in that important of the work in the Malayan Union. yet difficult field, largely Moslem. 4,,, t-fitek of 1930.