14A bus time schedule & line map

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The 14A bus line (Beaumont Leys) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Beaumont Leys: 6:31 AM - 10:45 PM (2) : 6:33 AM - 10:13 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 14A bus station near you and nd out when is the next 14A bus arriving.

Direction: Beaumont Leys 14A bus Time Schedule 29 stops Beaumont Leys Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:30 AM - 10:45 PM

Monday 6:31 AM - 10:45 PM Haymarket Bus Station, Leicester Charles Street, Leicester Tuesday 6:31 AM - 10:45 PM

Abbey Street, Leicester Wednesday 6:31 AM - 10:45 PM Abbey Street, Leicester Thursday 6:31 AM - 10:45 PM Pasture Lane, Frog Island Friday 6:31 AM - 10:45 PM 42 Sanvey Gate, Leicester Saturday 6:45 AM - 10:45 PM The New Joiners, Frog Island Sanvey Gate, Leicester

Slater Street, Frog Island 6 Frog Island, Leicester 14A bus Info Direction: Beaumont Leys Dunton Street, Frog Island Stops: 29 Trip Duration: 30 min Central Road, Line Summary: Haymarket Bus Station, Leicester, Abbey Street, Leicester, Pasture Lane, Frog Island, Beatrice Road, Newfoundpool The New Joiners, Frog Island, Slater Street, Frog Island, Dunton Street, Frog Island, Central Road, Pool Road, Newfoundpool Newfoundpool, Beatrice Road, Newfoundpool, Pool Road, Newfoundpool, Fosse Road North, Fosse Road North, Newfoundpool Newfoundpool, Henley Road, , Sandhurst Henley Road, Leicester Road, Dane Hills, Crawford Road, Dane Hills, Mossgate, , Adcock Road, New Parks, Henley Road, Dane Hills Coates Avenue, New Parks, Aikman Close, New Petworth Drive, Leicester Parks, Pindar Road, New Parks, Pindar Road, New Parks, The Good Neighbours, New Parks, Fire Sandhurst Road, Dane Hills Station, New Parks, Aikman Avenue, New Parks, Kemp Road, New Parks, Gleneld Hospital, Leicester, Crawford Road, Dane Hills Hallgate Drive, Leicester, Glenfrith Way, Leicester Plymstock Close, Leicester Frith, Boston Road, Beaumont Leys, Beaumont Way, Beaumont Leys, Beaumont Centre, Beaumont Leys Mossgate, New Parks

Adcock Road, New Parks

Coates Avenue, New Parks Aikman Close, New Parks

Pindar Road, New Parks

Pindar Road, New Parks

The Good Neighbours, New Parks

Fire Station, New Parks

Aikman Avenue, New Parks

Kemp Road, New Parks

Gleneld Hospital, Leicester

Hallgate Drive, Leicester Glenfrith Way, England

Glenfrith Way, Leicester Frith Anstey Lane, Leicester

Boston Road, Beaumont Leys

Beaumont Way, Beaumont Leys Bennion Road, Leicester

Beaumont Centre, Beaumont Leys Rutherford Road, Leicester Direction: Leicester 14A bus Time Schedule 27 stops Leicester Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:58 AM - 10:13 PM

Monday 6:33 AM - 10:13 PM Beaumont Centre, Beaumont Leys Rutherford Road, Leicester Tuesday 6:33 AM - 10:13 PM

Amadis Road, Beaumont Leys Wednesday 6:33 AM - 10:13 PM Orwell Drive, Leicester Thursday 6:33 AM - 10:13 PM Hallgate Drive, Leicester Friday 6:33 AM - 10:13 PM

Gleneld Hospital, Leicester Saturday 6:48 AM - 10:13 PM

Gleneld Hospital, Leicester

Gleneld Hospital, Leicester 14A bus Info Kemp Road, New Parks Direction: Leicester Stops: 27 Aikman Avenue, New Parks Trip Duration: 31 min Line Summary: Beaumont Centre, Beaumont Leys, Fire Station, New Parks Amadis Road, Beaumont Leys, Hallgate Drive, Leicester, Gleneld Hospital, Leicester, Gleneld Hospital, Leicester, Gleneld Hospital, Leicester, Kay Road, New Parks Kemp Road, New Parks, Aikman Avenue, New Parks, Fire Station, New Parks, Kay Road, New Parks, Pindar Road, New Parks Pindar Road, New Parks, Aikman Close, New Parks, Coates Avenue, New Parks, Mossgate, New Parks, Aikman Close, New Parks Crawford Road, Dane Hills, Sandhurst Road, Dane Aikman Close, Leicester Hills, Henley Road, Dane Hills, Fosse Road North, Newfoundpool, Pool Road, Newfoundpool, Beatrice Coates Avenue, New Parks Road, Newfoundpool, Central Road, Newfoundpool, Dunton Street, Frog Island, Abbey Gate, Leicester, Mossgate, New Parks Slater Street, Frog Island, Pasture Lane, Frog Island, Gravel Street, Leicester, Haymarket Bus Station, Crawford Road, Dane Hills Leicester

Sandhurst Road, Dane Hills

Henley Road, Dane Hills Petworth Drive, Leicester

Fosse Road North, Newfoundpool

Pool Road, Newfoundpool

Beatrice Road, Newfoundpool

Central Road, Newfoundpool

Dunton Street, Frog Island

Abbey Gate, Leicester Woodgate, Leicester

Slater Street, Frog Island 17 Frog Island, Leicester

Pasture Lane, Frog Island

Gravel Street, Leicester New Road, Leicester

Haymarket Bus Station, Leicester Charles Street, Leicester 14A bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in East Midlands. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved