YOUR Committee have pleasure in presenting herewith the Annual Report for 1946. As was foreshadowed in the last Annual Report, this, the first complete year of peace, has seen a satisfactory increase in the general activities of the Society. The cessation of hostilities throughout the world has naturally not resulted in a return to pre­ war conditions. An upheaval of such magnitude, disrupting as it has the whole fabric of society, has introduced in the space of a few years changes as profound as would taken as many generations under settled conditions. Moreover, tht return to ,peace has by no means removed at a bound the limitations and restrictions incurred during the war; it is becoming, indeed, ever more apparent that many of these difficulties will persist lor an indefinite period. Your Committee and its Sub-Committees have accordingly given a great deal of thought to the problem of how best to forward the interests of the Society in the changed conditions now prevailing. In the event, a great deal of useful work has been accomplished and it may safely be said that the end of the year finds the Society in a flourishing and active state. During the period under review several lectures were arranged. After the annual meeting in May Mr. Frank Cottrill conducted mem­ bers round the Anglo-Saxon Exhibition at the Museum and discoursed in the most able manner upon the numerous exhibits~ To facilitate this lecture the Museum authorities kindly placed their council room at the Society's disposal, and your Committee particu­ larly wish to express their gratitude. Later in the year Dr. W. G. Hoskins gave another of his greatly appreciated lectures. The subject was "Local Architecture and Local History'', and numerous slides illustrating buildings of interest were shewn. It was found possible during the summer to arrange two excursions. The first of these, taken in June, was fo a number of the more important Leicester churches, and was conducted by that XVI, LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY great authority Professor Hamilton Thompson, D.Litt., F.S.A., who talked in his usual delightful manner, condensing the most astonishing amount of detailed information into. a series of ex­ tremely entertaining addresses. .Tea was taken during the tour. The second excursion, made in September, was to Oakham and Langham. Mr. Albert Herbert, F.S.A., conducted members round Oakham Castle and later the Church, and delivered in each a short and authoritative address. The Vicar, the Rev. C. 0. R. Wormald, also spoke at the church, and later exhibited certain manuscripts of historical interest. After tea, members visited Langham church, where Mr. Herbert again acted as guide. Both the lectures and the excursions were well attended, and your Committee wish to thank the speakers whose erudition and researches were so happily placed at the disposal of members. It is also recognised that the organisation of these excursions involves a great deal of painstaking work and the Excursions Sub-Committee are to be congratulated upon the success with which their endeavours were attended. The fourth and concluding part of Volume XXII of Transactions was published during the early part of the year. The principal contents were: - The Deserted Villages of Leicestershire, by Dr. W. G. Hoskins, M.Sc. (Econ.), Ph.D. Beaumanor and its Lords and their Connexions, by Mr. S. H. Skillington, F.S.A., with a preface by Sir Robert Martin, C.M.G., M.A., and a hitherto unpublished plan, with an interesting note, on the Premonstratensian Abbey of Croxton, by Mr. Albert Herbert, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A., based upon a communication sent to him by Sir Alfred Clapham, C.B.E., F.B.A., F.S.A. Your Committee feel that this publication worthily upholds the high standard of the rest of the volume, and wish to express their thanks to the contributors and to Sir Alfred Clapham for permission to make use of his material. Your Committee are watching with care the effect of the city's planning proposals, so far as they are at present known, upon ancient Leicester. Certain of these proposals give rise to some anxiety as to the fate of notable buildings or landmarks, and repre­ sentations have been made in the appropriate quarters in cases REPORT XVll, where it is felt that the circumstances demand it. In particular, · concern is felt at the possibility that No. 18 Highcross Street may be threatened by the inner ring road scheme. Not only does this building possess an unusually pleasant and well proportioned 18th­ century front, one of the very few now left to the city, but behind this exists a unique 16th-century building. The whole of the notable painted* glass from this part of the building is preserved at Leicester Museum and forms the subject of an authoritative and interesting paper by Mr. Rushforth. The house is believed, on what seems good evidence, to have been the dwelling of Roger Wigston, three times mayor, a near relative of Leicester's great benefactor, to whom we owe the Wyggeston Hospital and the Wyggeston School. Wigston and Wyggeston are the same name, which was formerly spelt, as other names were, in a great variety of ways. Your Committee feel that it is of the utmost importance that the attention of the thinking public should be directed to this matter, and joint action has been concerted with the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society towards ensuring that so im­ portant a heritage shall be preserved. Many members may have noted that in Dr. Hoskins's book The Heritage of Leicestershire, published towards the end of the year, there was a small advertisement of the Society. A good deal of interest has been aroused thereby amongst readers who were unaware of the existence of the Society, and it s~ems probable that a number of new members may be forthcoming. Yohr Committee wish to express their thanks to the publisher, Mr. Edgar Backus, who kindly placed the space in Dr. Hoskins's book at the Society's disposal. With the object of adding to the convenience of the Library, your Committee have appointed Miss Ludlam to act as assistant librarian and secretary, and as a result members can now use the Library every Monday between 2 and 4 p.m., instead of only before meetings or by appointment with the hon. librarian as before. In view of the large amount of valuable material in the Society's collection of books it is felt that this arrangement will be greatly appreciated by students.

*It may be of interest to members to know that The Society's Transactions, Vol. IV, parts 2 and 3 {1869775), contain a paper by T. North, F .S.A., on this painted glass ; the paper is illustrated by 26 coloured lithographs. XVlll. LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

During the year the following new members were elected : - Bentley, Mrs. W., 46 Lutterworth Road, Leicester Birmingham University Library, Edmund Street, Birmingham Bown, T. 0., Esq., High Leas, Lane, Leicester Bradshaw, D., Esq., 8 Sudeley Avenue, Leicester Bray, D. C., Esq., 13 Eastcourt Avenue, Leicester Brown, Miss Annie, 40 Stanfell Road, Leicester Carson, S. H., Esq., 38 Evington Park Road, Leicester Cartwright, the Rev. S. H., Kegworth Rectory, Leicestershire Carvell, J. P., Esq., 78 Linden Drive, Evington, Leicester Coates, J. W., Esq., Knox Leather Co., Ltd., 87 Welford Road, Leicester Collin, H. A. V., Esq., Ivy House, Farm, Rearsby, Leicester Crooks, John, Esq., 36 Spinney Rise, Birstall Duncan, Mrs., 21 Knighton Grange Road, Leicester Gray, A. S., Esq., Weir Lodge, Kibworth Beauchamp Ingle, the Rev. F. T., M.A., B.D., All Saints' Vicarage, Leicester Kirby, W. H., Esq., Glenford Grange, Kirkpatrick, Lieut.-Col.' A. W. E., Lowesby Hall Mason, John, Esq,·, 43 Conaglen Road, Pateman, H., Esq., 41 Kirby Lane, Pegge, P. W., Esq., Sunnyside, Rotten Row, Lewes, Sussex Roberts, A. K. B., Miss, University College, Leicester Sawday, Hugh, Esq·., Evington House, Evington, Leicester Vice, Mrs. C. ; Enderby Road, Blaby · Victoria & Albert Museum, South Kensington, London, S.W.7 Wells, A. J., Esq;, 129 Hinckley Road, Leicester Willis, Mrs. B. M., The Uplands, Market Harborough . Wykes, Mrs. L., Hampton Lodge, 322 London Road, Leicester

Hon. Librarian's Report

YOUR library has been maintained in good order during the year, and a rather larger number of members has made use of it both for consultation and for taking out books. The welcome appointment of Miss Ludlam as Assistant Librarian has increased its accessibility by her presence at-the Guildhall each Monday afternoon from 2 to 4. We have thus renewed the arrangement which lapsed during the war when Miss Binns retired. Members wishing to consult books in the library will find Miss Ludlam most helpful. REPORT XIX.

The accretions to the library during the year have been chiefly the publications of Societies with whom your Society has an exchange arrangement or to whom it subscribes. Some of these have, like your Society, carried on amid the stresses of War, but others found it necessary to suspend their activities; these are now once more co'ming to life and producing printed work, in spite of the con­ tinuing paper shortage and expense of printing, which still cause delay and prevent publication as early as could be wished. Amongst 'the works received is Volume Cl of the Archaeological Journal, for 1944, published in May, 1946. It contains articles on the Technique of Air Archaeology, by D. N. Riley, D.F.C.; Comish Bronze Age Pottery; a Roman Walled Cemetery at Col­ chester; Sidelights on Kenilworth Castle, and other papers, besides reviews, etc. The Antiquaries Journal, Volume XXVI, deals with an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Westbere, Kent; Denmark and Early England; Some Italian Renaissance Caskets; "Bastard Feudalism" and the Later Castles; Linear Earthworks; Methods of Field Survey; and other subjects. The English Place-Name Society has published the .Place Names of Cambridgeshire; the Essex Archaeological Society has produced two Occasional Publications, Cartularium Prioratus de Colne, and Guide to the Essex Quarter Sessions and other Official Records. The North-Staffordshire Field Club, Volume LXXX, deals with Round-Shafted Pre-Norman Crosses of the North Staffordshire Area. Kent sends us Archaeologia . Cantiana, Volume LVIII, with some interesting discoveries in the Archives of Canterbury Cathedral. Volume XLIX of the Thornton Society of Nottinghamshire has interesting articles on The Stapleford Cross Shaft, by Mr. J. Holland Walker, and on the Borough of Nottingham 1066-1284, by Pro­ fessor Owen; and the Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, LXV, on the Enclosure Acts and Awards relating to Derbyshire, by W. E. Tate, F.R.Hist.S. This does not pretend to be a full catalogue, but it should suffice to illustrate the scope which the new publications received offer. The number of Transactions which should have been in the hands of members in December, has unfortunately been delayed by difficulties of paper and the power crisis, but will be found quite up to the high standard expected, when it does appear. XX. , LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

One gift to the library has been received, a print of "Okeham" Castle, as in 1730, kindly presented by Mr. H. G. Williams. Members are reminded that only a limited number of copies of each issue of Transactions is printed, and this gives them a certain value, perhaps in some cases even above that of their contents. The fact that £25 has been received by the Society for back numbers during 1946 indicates a demand which cannot easily be satisfied on all occasions. Rather should Transactions be retained on the shelf and other more ephemeral material be consigned to salvage or used for lighting cigarettes and such utilitarian purposes.

THE HERITAGE OF LEICESTERSHIRE by W. G. Hoskins IT was a happy moment for the future of the study of archaeology in Leicestershire when Dr. Hoskins came to teach economic history in the University College. The members of the Archaeological Society have had this fact borne in upon them through his contri­ butions to Transactions, the latest of which deals with the history of some of the older yeoman families of the county, and this impression will be deepened and confirmed for everyone who reads the book now under review. It is probably true to say that in the past Leicestershire has not been generalty regarded as among the areas most distinguished for their archaeological interest. The county does not possess any such centre of prehistoric industry as the chalk downlands of the south­ west, nor can it display such memorials of medieval architecture as the East Anglian churches. Dr. Hoskins' book shows, however, that there is no lack of objects of prehistoric interest in the county for those who follow his lead, while from the middle of the twelfth to the second quarter of the nineteenth centuries a wealth of buildings.-bridges, churches and houses, large and small-came into being as the result of the growth and change of the economic life of its people. One of the most striking and attractive features of the book is, indeed, the way in which the author traces and makes clear the connexion between the things which he describes and the develop­ ment of industry and commerce through the centuries. One instance out of many is the note, on page 42, on the cessation of church building during the second quarter of the thirteenth century. REPORT XXl.

The subjects comprised in Dr. Hoskins' survey include some not commonly noticed in books of the kind. The fascinating chapter on prehistoric tracks and Roman and medieval roads breaks much new ground. It also bears evidence of the many long days of personal reconnaissance on foot which must have gone in the collection of such detailed information as that about Sewstem Lane, the old route between Stamford and Leicester by Withcote and Tilton/ or the last few miles of the Roman road from Mancetter to Leicester, and in tracing the connexion often to be found between the old tracks and the present-day parish boundaries. Of the many other attractive features of the book, mention must be made of the chapter on the smaller houses, with its most interesting analysis of the changes in materials and methods of construction from period to period; and of the clear and decisive testimony to the beauty and interest of many of the churches of the county. The admirable photographs contributed by Mr. Attenborough have added greatly to what would in any case be a valuable book. It is difficult to choose any for special mention where all are so good, but the fine church towers of Melton Mowbray and Market Har­ borough and the intricate detail of some of the interiors rem:ci-in particularly clear in the memory; while the balance is delightfully maintained by pictures taken from such rural solitudes as Ratcliffe Culey, Potter's Marston and the Old Fosse. The book is published by Mr. Edgar Backus, who has thus added another to the succession of volumes on Leicester and Leicestershire in the launching of which he has so happily col­ laborated. This latest partnership shows the promise of fruitful­ ness of no ordinary kind. The Society will look forward with con­ fident anticipation to further joint activities from its two members. . R. E. M.

ANGLO-SAXON LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND City of Leicester Museum and Art Gallery ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, PRICE 1/­ ExHIBITION catalogues, il, like this one, they are attractively got up and fully illustrated, are not thrown away at once. They are brought home in an overcoat pocket, glanced through once more, and laid on a table beside the current magazines. But few survive the XXJl. LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY housewife's inevitable enquiry: "Do you really want to keep all these?'' This is the exceptional case in which the answer must be: "Yes, I really do". What is more, it is a catalogue which should be bought and kept-fortunately copies are still available at the Leicester Museum-even by those who did not see the exhibition for which it was prepared. · Mr. Frank Cottrill, keeper of the Museum's Department of Archaeology, has compressed into a small space a record of a very complete survey of the sites in ·Leicestershire and Rutland where objects indicating cemeteries or habitations of the pagan period (500-650 A.D.) have been found. A large proportion of the avail­ able material was brought into the exhibition and is concisely described : excellent photographs of some of the more notable objects are included. Quantitatively, the material in our counties is not quite so im­ pressive as that which some other areas could show. Rutland and East Leicestershire seem to have been closely settled but there are very few known sites west of the Soar Valley. This unequal distri­ bution, however, gives an added interest to Leicestershire finds. They will provide an important part of the data from which the history of the Dark Ages will, as we hope, eventually be written. It is fairly clear already that the upper part of the Soar Valley formed the limit of an incursion of Angles who had worked their way from the Wash, up the Welland Valley and over the narrow watershed that divides it from the Trent Basin. Qualitatively, the material ranks high, as can be judged from the illustration opposite page 13 of a wrist-clasp from North Luffenham and 'an enormous and highly decorated brooch from Rothley. By contrast with the pagan grave-furniture, finds from inhabited sites and articles from the Christian and Danish periods are rather surprisingly scarce. As Mr. Cottrill points out, in Leicester (and he 'might have added, in Leicestershire villages) subsequent occupa­ tion has been continuous for many centuries and Saxon material has had less chance of escaping disturbance than any underlying Roman deposits. Moreover it must be remembered that this publication is, after all, primarily the catalogue of an exhibition in which only small moveable objects could be actually shown. To quote from Mr. Cottrill's introduction:- REPORT XXlll.

For the story of the Christian Anglo-Saxon and Viking periods we have to turn to our oldest surviving churches, to crosses and other monuments of carved stone, to place-names, to written records. Of objects that can be accommodated in museum cases there is now only a trickle; the few that have been found in Leicester-forerunners, we may hope, of more to come-are included in this Exhibition. The carved stone friezes and panels built into the church at Breedon-on-the­ Hill in Leicestershire, are among the finest remains of Christian Anglo-Saxon art, and with other local monuments of the kind they are represented here l?Y photographs. We must share Mr. Cottrill's hope that more findS-their place and manner of discovery fully recorded-may find their way to the Museum, and we may add the hope that the full monograph on the later periods at which he hints may be undertaken and published. Mr. Cottrill is leaving Leicester to take up an important post at , Winchester, where he will find a congenial field of work. We must add to our congratulations and good wishes our sincere regrets that he cannot continue his good work in Leicestershire. He has laid us in his debt not only by the publication at present under notice but by his careful examination and recording of much other material which has been newly discovered or which, as has happened in some cases, his pertinacious enquiries have brought to light again after its whereabouts had been forgotten. We shall be glad if he can, even after he has left Leicester, publish more of the results of his Leicester researches, and we hope that in any case the Leicester Museum will be able to give us more publications of the same standard as this one, and as attractively presented. C. D. B. E. XXlV, THE LEICESTERSHIRE RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT

RECEIPTS £ s. d. To Balance in Hand 32 13 1 ,, Subscriptions and Donations 225 13 0 ,, Interest on £101 5s. 4d. Leicester 3 per cent. Stock less Tax 1 11 10 ,, Interest on £150 Os. Od. 3½per cent. Conversion Stock 1961, less Tax 2 15 2 ,, Interest on £700 3½ per cent. War Loan Gross ... 24 10 0 .£ s. d. ,, Income Tax reclaimed 1945 / 46 4 2 10 ,, Income Tax reclaimed on Covenanted Subscriptions 28 0 0 32 2 10 ,, Sale of Transactions 25 1 3

£344 7 2 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY XXV. for the Year ending 31st December, 1946

PAYMENTS £ s. d. £ s. d. By Subscriptions : Canterbury and York Society 1 1 0 English Place Name Society 0 15 0 British Record Society 1 11 6 Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings 1 1 0 Council for the Preservation of Rural England 1 1 0 Lincoln Record Society 1 1 0 6 10 6 ,, Printing and Issuing of Transactions : Balance 1945 70 2 2 On Account, 1946 125 o. 0 195 2 2 ,, Printing and Stationery 22 11 6 ,, Rent 10 0 0 , , Postages and Sundry Expenses 19 1 4 ,, Fire Insurance 117 6 , , Bank Charges 2 12 6 ,, Library Additions, Binding and Honorarium 16 5 0 ,, Balance at Bank 70 6 8


£ s. d. £ s. d, General Reserve Fund Balance brought forward 987 1 2 Add: Excess of Receipts over Payments, 1946 37 13 7 (Value £1,102) 1024 14 9 Excursion Secretary's Account 9 18 3

£1,034 13 0

SELWYN PARKINSON, F.C.A. Honorary Treasurer



£ s. d. £101 5s. 4d. Leicester Corporation 3 per cent. Mortgage (Value £107) 101 5 4 £150 3½ per cent. Conversion Stock 1961 (Value £171) 121 4 9 £700 3½ per cent. War Loan (Value £754) 73118 0 Cash at Bank : Excursion Account 9 18 3 Society's Account 70 6 8

£1,034 13 0

I have examined the Funds Account dated 31st December, 1946, and the Receipts and Payments Account for the year ending 31st December, 1946, and certify such accounts to be in accordance with the Books and Vouchers of the Society. I have satisfied myself that the Scrip of the above Investments is in the possession of the Bank. PERCY RUSSELL Chartered Accountant, Honorary Auditor xxviii. THE LEICESTERSHIRE RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT

£ s. d . .

To Balance in Bank 106 5 9 ,, Interest on £1,750 3½ per cent. War Loan Gross 61 5 0 ,, Interest on £325 3 per cent. Defence Bonds Gross 9 15 0

£177 5 9


£ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward ... 2248 14 2 Add: Income for the Year 71 0 0 (Value (£2,387) 2319 14 2

£2,319 14 2


£ s. d.

By Balance in Hand 177 5 9

£177 5 9

31st December, 1946

£ s. d. By £1,750 3½ per cent. War Loan (Value £1,885) ... 1817 8 5 ,, £325 3 per cent. Defence Bonds (Value £325) ... 325 0 0 ,, Cash at Bank 177 5 9

£2,319 14 2

I have examined the Funds Account dated 31st December, 1946, and the Receipts and Payments Account for the year ending 31st December, 1946, and certify such accounts to be in accordance with the Books and Vouchers of the Trustees of the Research Fund. I have satisfied myself that the Scrip of the above Investments is in the possession of the Bank. PERCY RUSSELL Chartered Accountant Honorary Auditor



PRESIDENT Professor A. HAMILTON THOMPSON, C.B. E., M.A., D .Litt., F.B.A., F.S.A.


COMMITTEE (Corrected to 31st March, 1948) The HoN. SECRETARIES A. H . LEAVESLEY, Esq. The HON. LOCAL SECRETARIES The Very Rev. the PROVOST OF The HoN. LIBRARIAN LEICESTER, B .Sc. The HoN. TREASURER Lt.-Col. Sir RoBERT MARTIN, C.M.G., WALTER BRAND, Esq., F.R.I.B.A. D.L. CouN D. B. ELLIS, Esq., M.C. M.A., Major T . G. F . PAGET F.S.A. Lt.-Col. J. F. A. PITCAIRN, M.C., D .L. G. A. COPE, Esq., M.C., A.R.I.B.A. T . G. E . PowELL, Esq. Mrs. PERCY GEE W . H . RIPPIN, Esq., A . HERBERT, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A. Professor J . SIMMONS W. G. HosKINS, Esq., M.Sc. (Econ.) Dr. C. H. THOMPSON Ph.D. E. J . WILLIAMS, Esq., J.P., W. KEAY, Esq., M.Inst.C.E. F.R.I.B.A. The Rev. W. A. KING, M.A. SUB-COMMITTEES (1) Publications and General Purposes H. J. FRANCIS, Esq., A.C.A. W. G. HosKINS, Esq., M.Sc. (Econ.), A. HERBERT, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., F .S.A. Ph.D. ANTHONY HERBERT, Esq., A.R.I.B.A. Lt.-Col. Sir ROBERT MARTIN, C.M.G., S. H . SKILLINGTON, Esq., F.S.A. D.L. (2) Excursion W. BRAND, Esq., F.R.I.B.A. W . G. HosKINS, Esq., M.S. (Econ.), Mrs. s. H . SKILLINGTON Ph.D. XXXII, LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

HON. LOCAL SECRETARIES Ashby-de-la-Zouch District Castle Donington District Dr. D. J. BEDFORD, Kegworth, Derby

Hinckley District Loughborough District H.J. FRANCIS, Esq., A.C.A., J. BRUCE GALLOWAY, Esq., Brown 17 Sfoneygate Road, Leicester Hill, Rothley, Lutterworth District Melton Mowbray District HUGH GEORGE GOODACRE, Esq., The Rev. D. A. ADAMS, St. Michael 19 Oakholme Avenue, Worksop, and All Angels', Vicarage, Notis. Leicester

HON. SECRETARIES S. H . SKILLINGTON, Esq., F.S.A., ANTHONY :f:IERBERT, Esq., 20 Victoria Park Road., f.. .R.I.B.A., 18 Friar Lane, Leicester Leicester HON. LIBRARIAN L. H. IRVINE, Esq., M.B.E., M.A., County Club; Leicester

HON. TREASURER S. PARKINSON, Esq., F.C.A., 14 Millstone Lane, Leicest:er





HONORARY MEMBERS Miss KATHLEEN M. KENYON, M.A., Professor A. HAMILTON THOMPSON, F.S.A., Kirkstead, Godstone, C.B.E., M.A., D.Litt., F.B.A., Surrey F.S.A., 3 Beaufort Mansions, London, S.W.3 LIS'f OF M,~MBER~ xx:ipn.

SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS Adams, Rev. D. A., St. Michael and Bown, Mrs. Arthur, The Homestead, All Angels' Vicarage, Houghton-on-the-Hill, · Leicester Nr. Leicester Allen & Son Ltd., E. G., 12 and 14 Bown, Thomas Owen, Esq., Grape Street, Shaftesbury High Leas, Avenue, London, W.C.2 Evington Lane, Leicester Ashwell, F. A: Ellis, Esq., Bradshaw, D ., Esq. · · 348 London Road, Leicester tl Sudeley Avenue, Leicester Atkins, Mrs. Dorothy, Brand, W., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., The Manor House, Burbage 170 Upper New Walk, Leicester Austin, W., Esq., Bray, Donald C., Esq., 5 Springfield Road, Leicester 13 Eastcourt Road, Leicester Briggs, F. H ., Esq., Rocklands, Glebe Road, Leicester Backus, Edgar, Esq., Brockington, Sir William, C.B.E., 46 Cank Street, Leicester M.A., 507 Loughborough Road, Bailey, C. F., Esq., Birstall . . . 20 Highcross Street, Leicester Brown, Miss Annie, Beardsley, W. F. Bent, Esq., 40 Stanfell Road, Leicester New Quom House, BryaI1, A. F., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Quom, Loughborough 8 New Street, Leicester Beardsley, Mrs., Burbidge, W. F., Esq., New Quorn House, 114 Coventry Road, Quom, Loughborough Market Harborough Bedford, Dr. D. J., Kegworth, Derby Burford, Rev. J. W., (Hon. Local Secretary) St. Matthew's Vicarage, Bedingfield, W . K. , Esq., F.R.I.B.A., 150 Upper Brunswick Street, Museum Square, Leicester Leicester Belgrave, Col. H ., Bums-Hartopp, Lt.-Col. J ., D .L. Netherhill Cottage, Burton Lazars, Melton Mowbray North Kilworth, Rugby Burton, H. H., Esq., Bell, Lemuel, Esq., Stone House, Market Harborough Guildhall Lane, Leicester Belson, Arthur, Esq., 67 Newport Street, Cable, George, Esq., Newfoundpool, Leicester Beach Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea Bennett, Miss Rhoda, Capers, A. W., Esq., 112a Regent Road, Leicester 16 Hall Walk, Enderby, Leicester Bennion, Claud, Esq., Carryer, Mrs. C. B., Sandowri, Billesdon Copl,ow, Leicester Ashfield Road, Leicester Bentley, William, Esq., Carson, S. H., Esq., 46 Lutlerworth Road, Leicester 38 Evington Park Road, Bentley, Mrs. William, Leicester 46 Lutterworth Road, Leicester Cartwright, The Rev. S. H., Berridge, Miss M . .M., Kegworth Rectory, Leicester 130 New Walk, Leicester Carvell, John Philip, Esq., Billings, W. K., Esq., 78 Linden Drive, Evington 32 St. James's Road, Leicester Leicester Birch, W . Allan, Esq., · Casson, The Rev. Hugh, M.A., 27 Guildhall Lane, Leicester 132 Coleman Road, Leicester Birkett, T., Esq., Casson, Rev. Canon J ., M.A., Old Hall, Wigston Havelock Cottage, Seathwaite, Birmingham · Public Libraries Broughton-in-Furness (Reference Department), Chapman, J ., Esq., Junr., Per H . M. Cashmore, Esq. Yew Lodge, Chapel Lane, Black, J.W., Esq. Knighton, Leicester 18 St. Philip's Road, Leicester Charman, Derek, Esq.; Bouskell-Wade, G. E., Esq., lY.LB.E., 39 Shanklin Drive, Leicester The Manor House, Chicago University Library, Beeby, Leicester Chicago, U.S.A. XXX\V. LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

Choice, Leopold, Esq., Ellis, Colin D. B., Esq., M.C., M.A., Stafford's Hotel, Benscliffe House, Ulverscroft, Swellendam, Cape Province, Markfield South Africa Ellis, G. E., Esq., Peckleton Rise, Clarke, Bernard A., Esq., Leicester Forest West, 483 Loughborough Road, Desford, Leicester Leicester Ellis, Kenneth Pearce, Esq., Cleveland Public Library, Farrier's, Lye Green Road, 325 Superior Avenue, Crowborough, Sussex N .E. Cleveland, Ohio, U .S.A. Ellis, Shirley R., Esq., ~oates, J. W., Esq., The Spinneys, Knox Leather Co., Ltd., Rothley, Leicester 87 Welford Road, Leicester Evans, Miss Rosa, Mansfield Lodge, Coleman, W ., Esq., The Lindens, Quorn, Loughborough Stoughton Road, Oadby, Everard, Bernard, Esq., B.A., Leicester Bardon House, Collin, H. A. V., Esq., Bardon Hill, Leicester Ivy House Farm, Everard, Mrs. Bernard·, Rearsby, Leicestershire Bardon House, Connell, Rev. R. J., B .A., B.D., Bardon Hill, Leicester 34 Park Road, Everard, Sir W . Lindsay, Birstall, Leicester Ratcliffe Hall, Leicester Cope, G. A., Esq., M.C., A.R.I.B.A., 51 Knighton Drive, Leicester F eaks, Chas. E ., Esq., Corah, J. H., Esq., 44 StreHon Road, Leicester St. Margaret's Works, Leicester Fisher, Miss Edith M., Corah, Reginald J., Esq., 42 Gopsall Street, Leicester The Cleeve, Fisher, H. D ., E sq., Knighton Grange Road, Belmont Hotel, Leicester De Montfort Street, Leicester Cottrill, F., Esq., Fisher, P., Esq. 3 The Square, Winchester 80 Laurel Road, Leicester Crooks, John, Esq., 36 Spinney Rise, Flack, G. Ellis, Esq., Librarian, Birstall, Nr. Leicester University College, Nottingham Ford, T. H., Esq., The Gables, Salisbury Road, Leicester Davenport, Percy, Esq., Chesney, Fox, Levi, Esq., M.A., Oaktree Close, Stanmore 14 H enley Street, Death, A. W., Esq. (Junr.), A.C.A., Stratford-upon-Avon 14 Millstone Lane, Leicester Francis, H . J., Esq., Dicker, Rev. C. S. H., 17 Road, Leicester St. Bartholomew's Clergy House, Freer, Edward, Esq., Brighton 10 New Street, Leicester Dickson, Mrs. E. M., Woodville, Frost, C. L ., Esq., Station Road, Desford 26 J ermyn Street, Leicester Dransfield, J . H., Esq., The Hall Farm, Swithland Galloway, J. B ., Esq., Brown Hill, Driver, James F., Esq., M.I.E.E., Rothley, Leicester 117 Herrick Road, Loughborough Gee, C. H ., Esq., Chalfonts, Duncan, Mrs., Westminster Road, Leicester 21 Knighton Grange Road, Gee, H . Percy, Esq., Birnam House,· Leicester Ratcliffe Road, Leicester Gee, Mrs. H. Percy, Birnam House, Ratcliffe Road, Leicester Elgood, Miss Jane 0. S., Gemmell, Major A. S., 29 Stretton Road, Leicester Ingarsby Old Hall, Leicester Elliott, Mi,s. C. A. B., Genealogical Society of Utah, The Orchards, Joseph H . Smith Memorial Oadby, Leicester Buildings, 80 North Main Street, Ellis, Mrs. Beatrice Ellen, Salt Lake City, Utah, U .S.A. Peckleton Rise, Gimson, Basil L ., Esq., Stoneywell, Desford, Leicester Markfield, Nr. Leicester LIST OF MEMBERS XXXV.

Gimson, Christopher, Esq., Hibbert, Rev. H. V., Gleneagles, Knighton Grange Enderby Vicarage, Leicester Road, Leicester Holly, D ., Esq., Gimson, Harry H ., Esq., Brendon, 95 Romilly Road, Canton, Rothley Plain, Leicester Cardiff Goadby, Miss Flora S., Hoskins, Rev. J. P., 45 Springfield Road, Leicester St. Mary's Vicarage, Stamford Goodacre, Hugh G., Esq., Hoskins, W . G., Esq., M.Sc. (Econ), 19 Oakholme Avenue, Ph.D., University College, Worksop, Notts. Leicester Goodacre, J. F. J., Esq., Houston; K. E., Esq., St. Bemards, 41 George Street, Rothley, Leicester Worksop, Notts. Houston, Mrs., St. Bemards, Graham, J. R., Esq., Rothley, Leicester Glentworth Grange, Howlett, J. F., Esq., Nr. Gainsborough, Lines. c / o Mrs. Maddock, Gray, A. S., Esq., Weir Lodge, , Nr. Leicester Kibworth Beauchamp Hunt, G. Harold, Esq., Green, G. E., Esq., B.A., White Chimney, Cheveney Road, Famdon, Toller Road, Leicester Quorn, Loughborough Green, G. H., Esq., Hurrell, The Ven, Archdeacon W. P., Midland Agricultural College, M.A., St. Hellier, Sutton Bonington, Knighton Rise, Leicester Nr. Loughborough Greene, Miss, The Vicarage, Inglesant, Harold E., Esq., Great Easton, Leicestershire The Old Vicarage, Greville-Heygate, R. L., Esq., Scraptoft, Nr. Leicester Market Harborough, Institute of Archaeology, Leicestershire Inner Circle, Regents Park London, N.W.1 Irvine, Capt. L . H., M.B.E ., M.A., County Club, Bishop Street, Hadfield, C. N ., Esq., Leicester 14 Friar Lane, Leicester Haines, Mrs. M. R., Jacobs, A. D., Esq., 2 College Street, Leicester 108 Holt Drive, Loughborough Halford, A. L ., Esq., Jarrom, F. D ., Esq., Lochay, 40 Coventry Road, Narborough 48 Spencefield Lane, Hall, Mrs. E. L., Leicester 57 Severn Street, Leicester Jellis, T. Montagu, Esq., Harrison, J. L., Esq., Stamford House, Syston J 40 Queen's Road, Leicester Jones, The Very Rev. H . A., B.Sc. Harrison, Shirley, E sq., A.R.I.B.A., Provost of Leicester Cathedral, St. Martin's East, Leicester 263 London Road, Leicester Haslegrave, E., Esq., Estate Office, Newtown Linford Keay, Wm., Esq., M.Inst.C.E., Hazlerigg, The Right Hon. Lord, 6 Millstone Lane, Leicester N oseley Hall, Leicestershire Keene, C. R., Esq., Henry, Dr. J. R ., M.B., B.Ch., Gaulby, Leicestershire The Limes, Blaby Kelland, J. F ., Esq., Henry E. Huntington Library, Borough Surveyor's Office, San Marino, California, U .S.A. Loughborough Herbert, Mrs. Albert, King, Edward, Esq., The Tower House, 32 Canning Street, Hinckley Rothley, Leicester King, Rev. W . A., Herbert, Albert, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Garats Hay, Loughborough F.S.A., 18 Friar Lane, Leicester Kingdom, Thomas, Esq., M.A., Herbert, Anthony, Esq., A.R.I.B.A., 7 Wimborne Road, Leicester 18 Friar Lane, Leicester Kirby, W . H., Esq., Herbert, Sydney F., Esq., Glenfield Grange, Millstone Lane, Leicester Blaby, Leicestershire Herbert, Mrs. S., Kirkpatrick, Lt.-Col. A. W . E., 111 Princess Road, Leicester Lowesby Hall, Leicestershire XXXVI. LEICESTERSHIR!l: ARCliAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

Leavesley, A. H., Esq_., O'Connor, Mrs. M., 19 Soqthernhay Road, Leicester Ma~or Cottage, Leavesley, Miss Mary E., Station Road, Desford 19 Southernhay Road, Leicester Oliyer, Laqy, The Firs, · Leicester Museum and Art Galley, 223 London Road, Leicester The Curator Oliver, Miss Maud, . . . Leicester Society of Architects, 1!>2 London ~oa .D ., Pateman, H., Esq., 41 Kirby Lane, 10 Springfield Road, Leicester Kirby Muxloe, Leicestershire Lovell, Percy W., Esq., Patterson, A. T ., Esq., M.A., 25 East Avenue, Leicester University College, Leicester Payne, Rev. Canon F. R. C., O.B.E., M.A., Market Bosworth, · · Nuneaton Martin, Mrs. Charles, Pegge, P . W., Esq., Sunnyside, Kinchley Bouse, Rotten Row, Lewes, Sussex Rothley, Leicester Pick, Capt. A. B ., Greendale; Martin, Lt.-Col. Sir Robert, C.M.G., Kirby Muxloe, Leicestershire D.L., The Brand, · Pickard, J . G. , Esq .. Aigburth, Loughborough Manor Road, Leicester Martin, TJ:ie rfqn. Lady, Pickard, J. :rformari, Esq., The Brand, Loughborough Peatling House, Mason, John, Esq., Peatling Macna, Leicester 43 Conaglen Road, Pickering, A. J ., Esq., F .G.S., Aylestone Road, Leicester Abbey Craig, Hinckley Milburn, Frederick N., Esq., Pitcairn, Lt.-Col. J . F. A., M.C., f .A.S.I., Town Planning Dept., D .L., J.P., The Firs, Town Hall, Leicester Great Glen, Leicester Miller, Claud Moulton, Esq., Plummer, A. Bertram, Esq. , Smeeton Westerby, 3 Granby Street, Leicester Leicestershire Pochin, Eric, E sq., Stanway, Milne, John, Esq., Croft, Leicester 12 Stoneygate Avenue, Leicester Pochin, 'Mrs. G. E ., Three Ways, Morley, Frederick H ., Esq., Ashfield Road, Leicester 154 New Walk, Leicester Pochin, Victor, Esq., Musson, Miss F. K., Barkby Hall, Leicester Rooftree Cottage, Hoby, Powell, T. G. E ., Esq., N r. Leicester The Museum, New Walk, Leicester Price, D. Alan, Esq., The Home Farm, , Noel, Mrs. H ., Earl Shilton Elaby Bill, Leicester Nottingham Public Libraries, Duncan Gray, Esq., F.L.A., Read, A. W ., Esq., City Librarian, Nottingham 10 Drive, Leicester Nutt, Harold, Esq., Reed, Rev. A: T ., The Vicarage, 3 Nedhapi Street, Leicester Little Claybrooke, Rugby LIST OF MEMBERS XXXVll,

Rimington, Thomas, Esq., Thornley, Arthur; Esq., 8 Hbrsefair Street, Leicester 29 Bowling Green Street, Rippin, W. H., Esq., Leicester · The Newarke, Leicester Thwaites, H., Esq., Roberts, Miss A. K. B., Lloyds Bank Ltd., University College, Leicester Granby Street, Leicester Rowley, J. W., Esq., Tipping, R., Esq., Charrlwood, Kirby Muxloe 23 Melton Street, Russell, P., Esq., Belgrave Gate, Leicester 8 New Street, Leicester Toplis, Rev. H. F., Bitteswell Vicarage, Nr. Rugby Tyler, A. E., Esq., Field Fares, Cotes Road, Barrow-on-Soar Sawday, Hugh, Esq., Evington House, Evington, Leicester University Library, The, Schofield, H ., Esq., Ph.D. (Land.), Edmund Street, Birmingham Technical College, Loughborough Seal, Mrs. B., . UHesthorpe House, Nr. Rugby Vke, Mrs., Enderby Road, Seal, Harry, Esq., Blaby, Leicester Ullesthorpe House, Nr. Rugby Sharman, A. M., Esq., 69 Church Gate, Leicester Walker, G. 0., Esq., Shorthose-Smith, A. T., Esq., 132 Leicester Road, Blaby Roundhill Lodge, Wall, Rev. H. E., The Rectory, Syston, Leicester Pickwell, Nr. Melton Mowbray Simmons, Professor J., Walters, T. M. LI., Esq., University College, Leicester 31 Fairmount Drive, Skillington, H. W ., Esq., Loughborough 2 New Street, Leicester 9 Westernhay Road, Leicester Skillington, S. H., Esq., F.S.A., Ward, George, Esq., . (Hon. Secretarv), 9 Western Hay Road, Leicester 20 Victoria Park Road; Leicester Warner, Dr. A., The Cottage, Skillington, Mrs .. S. H., Desford, Leicester 20 Victoria Park Road, Leicester Waudby, J. W., Esq., Sloane, Miss Mary, Littlethorpe Iiouse, Townsend Road, Ende:tby Littlethorpe, Leicestershire Sloane, Miss S. Kate, Webster:, Mrs. V. M. P ., 8 University' Road, Leicester . 1 Church Street, Grantham Smith, Rev. Canon B . A., M.C., M.A., Wells, E. E., Esq., The Rectory, Blaby, Kegworth, Derby Nr. Leicester WhaU, T. J., Esq., Smith, W. Roy, Esq., Old Manor House; Syston 6 Waterloo Street, Leicester White, A. T ., Esq., Snow, 0 . W., Esq., 8 Garendon Street, Leicester 15 Spinney Hill Road, Leicester Wilford, W . E ., Esq., Spriggs, Dr. N . I., 28 Charles Street, Leicester 16 Meadowcourt Road, Oadby Williams, E. J., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., 13 New Street, Leicester Williams, H. G., Esq., 14 Friar Lane, Leicester Taylor, E. Denison, Esq., Willis, Mrs., The Uplands, Buckland, Market Harborough Burton Walks, Loughborough Wilshere, Miss, Guillet Close, Taylor, H. M., Esq., Kirby Muxloe, Leicester 64 Brockhurst Road, Wilshere, H. 0 ., Esq., Greenways, Ward End, Birmingham 8 Kirby Muxloe, Leicester Taylor, Stephen Oliver, Esq., Wilson, Charles, Esq., Fernleigh, 34 Nelson Street, Leicester Mountsorrel, Loughborough Thompson, Dr. C. H., Windley, Miss Ethel, B.A., County Council Offices, 12 Guilford Road, Leicester Grey Friars, Leicester Wood, The Rev. J. E. H., XXXVJll. LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

Knipton Rectory, Nr. Grantham Wykes, Mrs. Lewis, Woodhouse, V. M., Esq., 322 London Road, Leicester Wycliffe Street, Leicester Wykes, Miss Veronica, Woolley, John, Esq., Grange Farm, Town End Close, Rothley, Leicester Ratcliffe Road, Leicester Woodrow, S. M., Esq., 17 Bowling Green Street, Young, Mrs. W. G. R., Leicester Kimcote Rectory, Lutterworth

Except when notice is given to the contrary, General Meetings are held at the Church House, St. Martin's East, Leicester, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The Committee meet, at the same time of the day, in the Society's room at the Guildhall (Old Town Hall), Leicester. The Society's room is open for the convenience of members who wish to consult or borrow books in the Library from 2 to 4 on Mondays.


Birmingham Archreological Society, Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Derbyshire Archreological and Natural History Society, Kent Archreo­ l0gical Society, Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Shropshire Archreological Society, Suffolk Institute of Archreology and Natural History, Surrey Archreological Society, The Society of Antiquaries, The North Staffordshire Field Club, The Thoresby Society, The Thoroton Society (Notts.), Yorkshire Archreological Society, Essex Archreological Society, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Archreological Society, Lmcolnshire Archreological Society. XXXIX.

RULES 1.-The Society shall be called "THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCH2EOLOGICAL SOCIETY." 2.-The objects of the Society shall be, to promote the study of Ecclesiastical Architecture, General Antiquities, and the Restoration of Mutilated Architectural Remains within the County; and to furnish suggestions, so far as may be within its province, for improving the character of Ecclesiastical Edifices, and for preserving all ancient remains which the Committee may consider of value and importance. 3.-The Society shall be composed of a Patron, a President, Vice­ Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurer, Auditor, and Honorary and Ordinary Members. 4.-The Patron, President .and Vice-Presidents shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Society, and their election shall be subject to their payment of the Annual Subscription. 5. The Members of the Society shall be entitled to propose new Members, either by letter or personally, to be elected at the Committee Meetings; the Honorary Members shall be ladies or gentlemen who have either rendered signal service to the Society, or are specially learned in the subjects the study of which it is formed to encourage, and shall be nominated by the Committee at one of their Meetings, and proposed for election only at the Annual General Meeting of the Members to be held in March of each year. 6.-Each Member shall pay an annual subscription of One Pound, to be due in advance on the 1st of January every year. No Member whose subscription is more than two months overdue shall be entitled to vote until every subscription has been paid. Any Member wishing to resign must give one month's notice of his intention, and this notice should be sent to one of the Society's Secretaries before the end of November. If any subscribing Member is found to be more than two years in arrear, his or her name shall, after due warning, be removed from the list of Members of the Society. 7. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee composed of the Secretaries, Local Secretaries, Treasurer, and twenty Members, all of whom shall be elected annually; :five Members of the Committee to form a quorum. 8.-The Meetings of the Members shall be held on the last Monday of every alternate month; one of such Meetings to be held in the month of March to be considered the Annual General Meeting, at which the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts be presented and the Officers and Committee for the year be elected, and such new Rules or alterations in the Rules proposed and made as may be thought necessary : provided always that due notice of such new Rules or alterations in Rules be given by circular to each Member of the Society at least seven days before the Annual Meeting. In addition to the Bi-Monthly Meetings-so including the Annual Meeting-Public Meetings for the reading of Papers, &c., may be held as provided for under Rule 12. 9.-The Committee shall have power to fill up vacancies in their number, and ~!so in the vacancies of officers of the Society. xl. LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

10.-The Committee shall elect each year a Chairman, at the first meeting after the Annual Meeting, and shall have power to appoint from year to year such Sub-Committees as appear to be advisable. 11.-The Members of the Committee in any neighbourhood may associate other Members of the Society with themselves, and form Committees for Local Purposes in communication with the Central Committee. 12.-The Public Meetings 'of the Society shall be holden at such times and places as shall be appointed by the Committee. 18.-The Committee meet at the times and places which they may themselves appoint.

14.-The Secretaries shall be required, on the requisition of five Members of the Committee, to call a Special Meeting of the Society.

15.-Donations of Architectural and Antiquarian Books, Plans, &c., may be received. The Committee shall be empowered to make purchases and procure casts and drawings, which shall be under the charge of the Secretaries. 16.-When the Committee shall consider any Paper, not including accounts of Excursions, which may have been read before the Society, worthy of its being printed at its expense, they shall request the author to furnish a copy, and shall decide upon the number of copies to be printed, provided always that the number be sufficient to supply each Member with one copy, and the author with twenty-five copies. All other questions relating to the publishing Plans and Papers and illustrating them with engravings, shall be decided by the Editorial Secretary, subject to the approval of the Committee. 17.-The Committee may every year publish, or join with other Architectural and Archreological Societies in publishing, for circulation among the Members, Transactions to contain descriptions and Papers connected with the objects of the Society. 18.-0n application being made to any Member of the Committee, or to the Committee collectively, for the advice of the Society in the restoration of any Church, a Sub-Committee shall be appointed (of which the Incumbent or Resident Minister shall be one) to visit the Church and submit a report in writing to the General Committee. 19.-All Plans for the building, enlargement, or restoration of churches, schools, or ancient buildings, &c., sent for inspection of the Committee, be placed in the hands of one of the Secretaries of the Society, at least fourteen days before tht Committee Meeting, for the Secretary to prepare .a special report thereon. 20.-The Committee shall have power at any Meeting to make grants towards the objects of the Society, provided that if such grant-other than that for carrying out the objects contemplated in Rules 16 and 17- exceed £5, notice to be given in the circular or advertisement calling the _Meeting.