T his artic le is downloaded from www.malls tuffs .c om

In , many gods are often shown blue in colour. For ex: Lord , Lord , Lord all are shown blue in color. When I was young I remember askig my parents the reason behind this gods shown blue in colour. Although they did answer me but somehow i was not satisfied with their answer. So after attaining adolescence, I decided to found it out by myself and surfing in this twenteeth century IT world, I found many reasons behind it and so, i thought it is worth sharing with all of you. Among all the gods, one gods is often shon blue in colour. if you have any knowledge about hinduism, then you can know very easily that i am talking about lord krishna. Well, meaning of krishna in sanskrit is black. So, he was not blue in color but was bluish- black in color. Most of the times, he was seen only in light blue color. Now, there are many theories behind why Lord Krishna is shown blue in color. some of the reasons are: When demon putana(kansa step mother) tried to kill Krishna by her poisoned milk, baby krishna didn't die instead his skin became blue in color due to the poisoning effect Now, since Krishna power in killing demon putana was seen in blue color, he is often depicted blue in color.

Putana trying to poison lord Krishna 2)Adjoining vrindavan(residence of lord krishna), there was a river yamuna inside which a five headed snake created grave havoc and killed many villagers. Krishna defeated this T his artic le is downloaded from www.malls tuffs .c om

massive snake and outcasted him from entering vrindan thus saving his villagers from the poison of the dangerous snake. While fighting, Some of the poison entered krishna body because of which his skin turned blue in colour. That's the reason why lord is depicted bluish black in color.

Krishna with five-headed snake 3) It is said blue is the color of the gods and so, all the gods are shown blue in color. Also, this gods are shown without a moustache reflecting their divine identity. That's why Vishnu, , krishna and even shiva are shown blue in color without a moustache. T his artic le is downloaded from www.malls tuffs .c om

Lord Vishnu depicted bluish in color

4)For persons specially farmers whose livelihood is dependant on good rain irrigating their crops, there can be nothing more enlivening,refreshing and joyous than a bluish black rain cloud nourishing the fields, filling the streams, and green mountains.Since no other color other than blue is refreshing and joyous to human, blue color is considered as greatest color gifted by gods because of which gods are shown blue in color 5) Sky is blue in color which seems to have no beginning, nor end. Sky limit is beyond one's imagination. So, assuming the symbol of god's supreme creation as blue, god is shown in blue color reflecting the creation of the supreme god. Similarly, Black is not evil. after travelling few killometers in space, one realise that sky is not blue in color but black ih shining stars and moon. This blackness is infinite beyond human comprehension. That's the reason hy god is bluish black in color. 5)Hinduism is full of symbolisms and blue is the symbol of the gods. Lord Krishna is blue because blue gives the sense of tranquiliy and peace to serious onlookers. T his artic le is downloaded from www.malls tuffs .c om

Lord Krishna shown blue in color

7) Lord Krishna wear yellow clothers and has skin blue in color. Both blue and black represents infinity. Both sky and ocean appear blue in color at daytime and appears black in color at night time. So, lord krishna is shown in bluish black in color(dark and dusky) likes clouds laden with water thus, symbolising his divine identity. T his artic le is downloaded from www.malls tuffs .c om

Lord Krishna shown blue in color with yellow clothes

8) Swami Chinmayananda speaking at the audience said that whatever immeasurable appears to eye only blue or black; So, the summer hot sky seems blue to us because the eternal endless distance is interpreted by physical eye as blue in color. This blue color symbolise that the fact that Lord Vishnu, shiva and Krishna are the all-pervading reality. 9) Creator has created the maximum of his creation in nature as blue in colour i.e the oceans, rivers, lakes , sky etc. The person who is brave and have other qualities like determination, manliness, ability to handle tough situations, onw with stable mind and character is depicted as blue colored. Since, Lord Krishna spent his whole life destryoing T his artic le is downloaded from www.malls tuffs .c om

evil and protecting humanity he is shown blue in color. 10) Lord Shiva, the Destroyer, is called neela kantha(blue-throated) owing to the fact that he swallowed poison to save the world from destructive poison emanated from the churning of th ocean and in an attempt to help the dieties in their battle against the demons. T his artic le is downloaded from www.malls tuffs .c om

Lord Shiva consuming poison release from churning of the ocean T his artic le is downloaded from www.malls tuffs .c om

12) Clouds in rainy season are black which appears soothing and beautiful to eye just like nectar. Similarly, Lord Krishna blessings ar like NECTAR and he shower this nectar on all the sincere and purest devotees. Hence the bluish black lord krishna is praised as 'NEELA MEGHA SYAAMALA VARNA' 13)Krishna is believed to be the incarnation of lord Vishnu also known as Narayana (born of water). Krishna is shown blue because of his association to narayana. Color blue thus represent water preserving this life and mother earth. So krishna means the giver of life, upholder of life which strengthens and nourishes life.