Special note to the particitpants: The following feature films are now distributed by Sony Pictures Classics COCO AVANT CHANEL COCO BEFORE CHANEL ENTRE LES MURS THE CLASS IL Y A LONGTEMPS QUE JE T'AIME I’VE LOVED YOU SO LONG PERSEPOLIS LE SILENCE DE LORNA THE SILENCE OF LORNA Sony Pictures Classics 10202 W. Washington Blvd., SPP 613 Culver City, CA 90232 T 310 244 8570
[email protected] [email protected] The Tournées Festival NEW FRENCH FILMS ON CAMPUS SEASON 2010 / 2011 THE TOURNéES FESTIVAL The Tournées Festival is a program of FACE (French American Cultural Exchange) which aims to bring contemporary French cinema to American college and university campuses. The program distributes over $200,000 in grants annually to encourage schools to begin their own self-sustaining French film festivals. Now in its 15th year, The Tournées Festival has partnered with more than 300 universities, making it possible for more than 450,000 students to discover French-language films. We are pleased to offer a wide variety of films that represent the best of contemporary French cinema. The films span generational and geographic borders, offer a range of genres and subjects, and showcase innovations in both style and storytelling. There are films by first-time directors alongside those from respected and revered fixtures in French cinema. In this brochure you will find application information and guidelines, descriptions of the films selected for this year’s program, as well as a list of films from previous years that are alternative options for your festival. Please note that we have made changes to the program requirements.