Monthly Publication of the Chicagoland MG Club P.O. Box 455, Addison Il 60101 visit us at DRIVELINE November 2018 2018 Halloween Rally October 28, 2018 ~ Costume Winners ~ Steve Sparks was the winner of best male costume and Jody Simons took best female costume honors. Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley won first place for couples’ costume as a Prince and his Royal Queen. 1 Natter ‘n’ Noggin: Come and enjoy a British tradition of "talking and drinking” on the second Tuesday of each month, starting about 7:00 p.m. at alternating locations: ODD numbered months: EVEN numbered months: Finn McCool's Irish Pub Anyway’s Pub NEW SITE! 1941 E Algonquin Road 5 E Roosevelt Road Schaumburg, IL 601732 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 Monthly Club Meeting: is held on the third Monday of each month (except no meeting in December). The meetings are from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at MACK’S GOLDEN PHEASANT just West of Route 83 on Route 64 (North Avenue) in Elmhurst. (come early for dinner, drinks or chat). President—Dean Hickenlooper 630-607-2690
[email protected] EDITOR’S CORNER Vice-President— Jim Compton 847-741-4934
[email protected] “Rain, rain go away…” This was Secretary / Membership the mantra at the last few driving events. Victor L’Heureux It may have dampened the roads but not 847-533-3916 (cell) our enthusiasm for the events. Members
[email protected] came out in force to participate in the outdoor events despite the precipitation. Treasurer—Philip Wydra What a club! 847-639-5739
[email protected] With the coming club elections, I hope you all consider a position on the Driveline Editor—Victor L’Heureux staff or one of the many ancillary functions of the club or at least take on a role 847-533-3916 (cell) in organizing a future driving event or activity.