Volume 41, July 2008 IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section Newsletter Don’t Die Wondering… Just Do It! Editor Stephen Marvin from Sue McKnight, Chair
[email protected] ‘Lead by Example’ is a phrase I have awards and titles committee, the Inside this tried to live and work by. ‘Don’t die University Awards & Titles wondering’ is another of my pet sayings. Committee, and finally Academic issue: ‘Just do it’ is another maxim. Board, I have been awarded a Rewriting these three rules to live and personal chair and the title Successful 2- work by could be presented as: ‘Have a ‘professor’ and will become a Essay Con- 3 go; if it doesn’t work out at least you will member of a select band of uni- test Winners have tried; and if it does work out, what a versity staff in the UK who are bonus!’ not ‘academic staff’ but who National Li- 4 I feel these sayings, which I firmly be- have been awarded this title brary of China lieve in, have helped me to gain three representing the highest aca- Translationum acknowledgements in the past month and, demic esteem. I was encouraged hopefully, will encourage others, espe- by academic colleagues to apply ARL Program 5 Schedule — cially my colleagues in IFLA, to aspire to and I am so pleased I had a go. wish us Success! achieve what is important to you. Unlike the Desire2Excel Award, First, at the forthcoming Desire2Learn putting my professional life story User Conference, I will be presented with together took many hours of soul PERSÉE Portal 6 the Desire2Excel Community Award for searching, composing, re- Explore Quebec City with Chicago Tribune’s Alan for Periodicals leading the consultative process under- drafting, and re-drafting again.