A3 + PLUS >> Fort White man, 79, dies in crash, Story below LOCAL BASEBALL Writing picnic Indians fall to at Westside Keystone Heights See Page 2A See Page 1B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 2018 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM EUGENE MCCRAY AIRPORT 1947-1967 COLOR RUN TREES, FENCE Grave College marker will ask next for court to lost vet stop city Had been buried here in unmarked grave 51 years. Plans to seek injunction to halt revamped project. By COREY ARWOOD By CARL MCKINNEY
[email protected] [email protected] A Lake City man who died After the city inched at the height of the Vietnam closer toward a project that conflict and whose remains Florida Gateway College have been in asserts will endanger its an unmarked campus, FGC President local grave Lawrence Barrett said an for 51 years Altrusa of Lake City, in partner- amicable solution is no has spurred a ship with the CHS cross country longer likely in a dispute great amount team, hosted the “Get Fit Lake over the removal of large of interest City Color Run” on Saturday at swaths of trees on airport CHS. “With 130 registered partic- McCray recently. property. Last week ipants, the day was a fun-filled The college will talk with Private First Class Eugene color explosion!” said an organiz- attorneys about obtain- McCray’s photograph was er. “Get Fit Lake City” was creat- ing an injunction against found and now the first steps ed to encourage improvement the city, Barrett said, have been taken with the local in overall health and fitness in after the Airport Advisory Veteran’s Affairs Claims office Columbia County by challenging Committee on Tuesday to have a headstone placed on residents to participate in events voted to send a $220,555 his grave.