NATIONAL NATIONAL MoHS officials inspect broadcast media, MoALI organizes 98th International Day sample film shooting to enforce healthcare of Cooperatives in Nay Pyi Taw guidelines PAGE-2 PAGE-3

Vol. VII, No. 80, 1st Waning of First Waso 1382 ME Sunday, 5 July 2020

Peace negotiators continue discussions on work INSIDE TODAY plans for Union Peace Conference next month NATIONAL Asia-Pacific YMCA Executive Committee holds meeting online PAGE-3

NATIONAL Phakant landslide investigation body gives assistance to victims PAGE-4

NATIONAL 41 Myanmar migrant workers enter into facility quarantine in Kawthoung

Peace negotiators discuss fourth session of Union Peace Conference scheduled for second week of August after the sixth coordination meeting in PAGE-4 last week of July. PHOTO: PHOE HTAUNG

EPRESENTATIVES Road in Yangon yesterday. U Pyone Cho (a) U Htay Win ordinator U Myo Win, and mem- LOCAL NEWS of the government and Present on the govern- Aung, members of the Peace bers of negotiation team U Hla Fake Thanaka from RNCA-S EAOs continued ment’s side at the meeting were Commission Advisory Board U Htay, Saw Mya Yar Zar Lin, Dr neighbouring country discussions on the work plans the NRPC Vice-Chairman and Hla Maung Shwe, U Moe Zaw Salai Lian Hmon Sakhong, Salai impacts local genuine for holding the fourth session Attorney-General of the Union Oo and Director-General of the Htarlar Hay, Saw Sein Win, Pado Thanaka growers of Union Peace Conference-21st U Tun Tun Oo, Lt-Gen Yar Pyae Office of the State Counsellor U Saw Tar Do Hmu, Pado Saw L Century Panglong scheduled for of the Office of the Command- Zaw Htay. Klu Sae, Kya Salmon, Saw Kyaw second week of August. er-in-Chief (Army), Lt-Gen Min The NCA-S EAOs were rep- Nyunt, Nai Aung Ma Ngae, Dr The second day of fifth co- Naung and Lt-Gen Tin Maung resented by the coordination Sai Oo and Khun Myint Tun, ordination meeting was held at Win, Secretary of Peace Com- of NCA implementation frame- and other representatives on the National Reconciliation and mission retired Lt-Gen Khin work negotiation committee videoconference. Peace Centre (NRPC) on Shweli Zaw Oo, Pyithu Hluttaw MP leader Pado Sao Sai Ngin, co- SEE PAGE-7 PAGE-6

COVID-19 figure in Myanmar reaches 313 as 7 new cases reported on 4 July

Updated at 8 pm, 4 July 2020 New Persons under Investigation from the Total Case Total Death past 24 hours to 12 noon of 4 July 2020 313 New Case 7 Tally 6

Recovery Update on 4 July 2020 after two consecutive tests New PUI 33 Total New Discharged Recovery 240 Recovery 3 from Hospital 226


MoHS officials inspect broadcast media, sample film shooting to enforce healthcare guidelines

OFFICIALS from the Ministry Myothit (North). Health said, “We conducted in- of Health and Sports inspected The officials also looked into spection according to the guide- facilities of Forever Group media sample shootings at the Film De- lines of the ministry. We mainly company and sample shootings velopment Centre and for Bogy- scrutinize this industry in two at the Film Development Centre oke Aung San biopic in Bogyoke sectors. The first one is to work in and at Bogyoke Park for Bogy- Park in Bahan Township. of six feet apart oke Aung San biopic in Yangon U Pyae Phyo Han, General from each other and the next one yesterday. Manager of Forever Group said: is to set a time limit not more than The health officials suggest- “We follow COVID-19 guidelines 15 miniutes in continuous physi- ed guidelines for prevention of such as social distancing of the cal contact as the actors will not Dr Thandar Lwin, Deputy Director-General of Public Health, inspects COVID-19 in media and film pro- Ministry of Health and Sports wear personal protective equip- studio (1) of Film Development Centre in Bahan Township on 4 duction processes as they arrived in the works. We also spray dis- ment during their performance.” July. PHOTO: HLA MOE at the makeup room, studios, ed- infectants on production equip- Film teams will also need to iting room, staff canteen, indoor ment and assign lesser numbers work far from the fans during the Information, Ministry of Religious ducers and cinema owners to set and outdoor places of Forever of staff.” shootings. Affairs and Culture, Ministry of up COVID-19 preventive plans in Group Company in Mayangon Dr Thandar Lwin, the Dep- The Union Ministers for Min- Health and Sports discussed with their businesses.—Yi Yi Myint Township, and the company’s uty Director-General (Disease istry of Investment and Foreign the officials of Myanmar Motion (Translated by Khine Thaz- broadcast facilities in Dagon Control) Department of Public Economic Relations, Ministry of Picture Organization, film pro- in Han)

Dr Thandar Lwin and party look into sample shooting of Forever Group in Dagon Myothit Deputy Director-General Dr Thandar Lwin and health officials view preparations for (North) on 4 July. PHOTO: HLA MOE shooting at Yegu broadcast facility in Mayangon Township on 4 July. PHOTO: HLA MOE

COVID-19 figure in Myanmar reaches 313 as 7 new cases reported on 4 July FROM PAGE-1 Seven more COVID-19 cases on 4 July 2020: updated at 8 pm Contact with Oversea travel Hospital for medical Case No Age Gender Address Lab result Remark positive patient history treatment Held under Hline Township, Yangon Defence Services Liver 307 24 Male No Yes, India Positive quarantine Region Specialist Hospital (Hline Township) Thingangyun Township, South Okkalapa 308 32 Male No Yes, Bangladesh Positive Yangon Region Specialist Hospital Thingangyun Township, South Okkalapa 309 24 Male No Yes, Bangladesh Positive Yangon Region Specialist Hospital Held under quarantine Insein Township, Yangon South Okkalapa 310 34 Male No Yes, Bangladesh Positive (Kamayut Township) Region Specialist Hospital Taikkyi Township, Yangon South Okkalapa 311 43 Male No Yes, Laos Positive Region Specialist Hospital Taikkyi Township, Yangon South Okkalapa 312 39 Male No Yes, Thailand Positive Region Specialist Hospital Held under South Okkalapa Township, South Okkalapa quarantine 313 55 Female No Yes, Singagore Positive Yangon Region Specialist Hospital (Mayangon Township) Ministry of Health and Sports 5 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3

MoALI organizes 98th International Day of Cooperatives in Nay Pyi Taw

THE 2020 International Day of Afterwards, president of the Cooperatives that falls on 4 July Central Cooperative Society U was celebrated at the Ministry of Khin Maung Aye made a speech Agriculture, Livestock and Irri- to honour the International Day gation in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday of Cooperatives, and Dr Toe Nan- morning. dar Tin, the member of Executive Union Minister for Agricul- Committee of the Central Coop- ture, Livestock and Irrigation eratives Society read the formal Dr Aung Thu made an opening message from the International remark at the meeting that the Cooperative Alliance (ICA). International Cooperative Alli- The event was closed by ance (ICA) had urged the coop- showing the video clip of the eratives to give special consid- cooperative actions in honour eration to work for addressing of the 98th International Day of climate change through coop- Cooperatives. eration among the members The event was attended by of the cooperatives as per the the Nay Pyi Taw Council member theme “Cooperatives for Climate Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr Aung Thu speaks during a ceremony of 2020 U Aye Maung Sein, the repre- Action” and to cooperate with International Day of Cooperatives at the ministry in Nay Pyi Taw on 4 July 2020. PHOTO: MNA sentatives of the parliament U the cooperative communities Yan Lin and Dr Sein Mya Aye, in building the prosperous and He said that there was a poli- buy the farming machineries by the agricultural cooperatives by Nay Pyi Taw Development Com- more united economy. cy for climate change called “Na- hire purchase system, promoting spending US$35 million from $200 mittee member Daw Sabai Ht- He added that people nowa- tional Policy for Climate Change farming and assisting the farm- million of the loan from World way, the permanent secretary, days are suffering from the dis- (2017-2030) in Myanmar and they ing services, producing the seed, Bank for the National Food and the directors and respective of- asters such as insufficient foods, were doing the best to provide supporting the input, and pro- Agriculture System Project. ficials and the professors from environmental degradation and resettlement and relief as well moting the development of the He concluded that the coop- the Universities of the cooper- natural disasters as well as the as to reduce the natural disaster. cooperative in order to form the erative works have developed atives, the principal from the plagues. Myanmar cooperative sector standard cooperative regions. across the world, in helping for Colleges of the cooperatives and The Union Minister also is being operated by 4.2 million of He also said that there were the socio-economic sector of the the presidents of the respective said that the cooperative com- members and 39,929 cooperative impacts on Myanmar’s agricul- people, and that it needs to work states and regions’ cooperative munities will have to perform to departments providing finan- tural sector due to COVID-19 more in agriculture, livestock and communities took part by video reduce inequality, disputes and cial support to the cooperative and they were planning to per- manufacturing sectors of the co- conferencing. — MNA challenges. member farmers, the ability to form three projects to develop operatives in Myanmar. (Translated by Ei Phyu Phyu Aung) Asia-Pacific YMCA Executive Committee holds meeting online

THE Asia & Pacific Alliance of from partner organizations deliv- YMCAs held its executive com- ered speeches. mittee meeting on 2 and 3 July, The meeting discussed fi- and it was attended by 104 com- nancial and budget, strategy pro- mittee members. grammes, effects of COVID-19, YMCA Myanmar’s President and ongoing producers of World U Tha Sein, General Secretary U Alliance of YMCAs. Maung Maung Win, Executive YMCA representatives from Committee Secretary U Htay Australia, Bangladesh, Cambo- Win Shwe, and Youth Assistant dia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Secretary Nan Yoon Pyae Sone Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, also joined the online meeting Nepal, the Philippines, Singa- from the YMCA Myanmar’s head pore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and office in Yangon. Timor-Leste also participated President of APAY Prof Chen in the meeting online from their Chin-Seng made an opening re- countries. — MNA (Translated Representatives from YMCA Myanmar parcicipate in the Asia & Pacific Alliance of YMCA Excutive Committee mark at the meeting, and officials by Kyaw Zin Tun) Meeting on 2 and 3 July from Yangon. PHOTO: MNA 5 JULY 2020 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Phakant landslide investigation body gives assistance to victims

THE investigation body into ceiving treatments at the hos- mining landslide in Lone Khin, pital. Phakant provided cash assis- They also provided the pa- tance to the landslide victims tients with cash assistance from who were receiving treatments the National Disaster Manage- at the Phakant Township Hos- ment Committee, the Ministry pital in Phakant, Kachin State of Social Welfare, Relief and yesterday. Resettlement, and Kachin State The investigation body’s government. chairman Union Minister for Officials from Myanmar Natural Resources and Envi- Gems and Jewellery Entrepre- ronmental Conservation U Ohn neurs Association and Myanmar Win and members Union Minis- Thura Gems Company also gave ter for Home Affairs Lieutenant the victims cash assistance. General Soe Htut, Union Minis- At the Phakant Township ter for Social Welfare, Relief and Administrator’s Office, the in- Resettlement Dr Win Myat Aye, vestigation body discussed their and Kachin State Chief Minister works with Kachin State govern- Dr Khet Aung arrived in Phakant ment’s ministers, Hluttaw rep- via Myitkyina. resentatives, and in-charges of The chairman and members departments and organizations visited the Phakant Township concerned.—MNA Hospital, and encouraged 14 Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye (Second R) gives cash assistance to a landslide victim at the Phakant landslide victims who were re- (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun) Township Hospital in Phakant, Kachin State on 4 July 2020. PHOTO: MNA 144 Myanmar nationals return 41 Myanmar migrant workers enter home from China via Lashio into facility quarantine in Kawthoung on 4 July

LOCAL authorities in Lashio from Bago, 22 from Magway, 12 of northern Shan State helped from Mandalay, 2 from Mon, 24 the returnees back from China from Rakhine, 30 from Yangon through Muse, Kokang Self-ad- and 6 from Ayeyawady. ministered Zone and Chinshwe- A total of 12,033 persons have haw border town by transporting returned to Myanmar from China them to the respective regions by through border crossings from trains. Among 144 people yes- 6 May to date.—Nan Thanda Oo terday, 7 persons from Kachin, (IPRD) (Translated by Khine 2 from Chin, 27 from Sagaing, 12 Thazin Han)

Myanmar migrant workers are seen at Kawthoung border crossing as they arrived back from Thailand on 3 July. PHOTO: KYAW SOE (KAWTHOUNG)

A total of 41 Myanmar nationals for the quarantine of these 14 ment of National Health. arrived back to Kawthoung bor- males and 27 females in Kaw- The Kawthoung border has der town in Taninthayi Region thoung. They will spend 21-day accepted 979 Myanmar migrant from Ranong province of Thai- facility quarantine and 7- day workers until now.—Kyaw Soe Myanmar nationals returned from China are seen on a train on 4 July land on 3 July afternoon. home quarantine while their (Kawthoung) 2020. PHOTO: NAN THANDA OO (IPRD) Local authorities arranged swabs are taken to the Depart- (Translated by Aung Khin)

19 Myanmar seafarers quarantined at Kawthoung

A total of 19 Myanmar seafar- at Kawthoung Myoma Jetty in farers handed over their ers who signed off their job 3 July evening. duties to other 18 seafarers from MT Theresa Jiangsu ship The local officials of jetty who will join that the cargo docked in Andaman Sea near and health department helped vessel of M/S Raffless Ship Kawthoung Township arrived them with medical tests and Management Service Pte Lts, other supplies and put under from Singapore, and anchored 21-day hotel quarantine, while near waters of Kawthoung via Myanmar seafarers walk across the Kawthoung Myoma Jetty on their swabs will be sent to the Hong Kong.—Kyaw Soe (Kaw- 4 July 2020. PHOTO: KYAW National Health Laboratory thoung) SOE (KAWTHOUNG) of Yangon. (Translated by Khine These 19 Myanmar sea- Thazin Han) 5 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5 Myanmar engineers share knowledge with foreign counterparts in Yangon

sulting from building collapses Afterwards, Former Pres- and occupational accidents are ident Dr Marlene Kanga of the coming up day after day, he said, World Federation of Engineer- adding, the improvement of the ing Organizations(WFEO) gave standards of quality control is the talks on The Latest Changes in best way to regulate the industry. Australia, and Secretary General Designing, tender invita- Ir. Dr Tan Yean Chin of the Feder- tions, erection, and testing which ation of Engineering Institutions are the different stages of the of Asia and Pacific(FEIAP) on development projects must be Responsibility & Accountability under proper regulation and of Stakeholders in Construction control. Standard norms and Industry in Malaysia. detailed guidelines for quality The president and the joint designs and FIDIC directives secretary of MEC acted as mod- must be observed, the Union erators at the Webinar, where Minister said. papers on development under- MEC is improving the qual- takings, engineering bodies, ifications of professionals and high-rise building and public Union Minister U Han Zaw (L) participates in the online seminar on the responsibility and accountability junior engineers, and at the building projects, Present In- of the bodies and technicians of the construction industry on 4 June 2020. PHOTO: MNA same time, the relevant govern- spection System for High-rise THE Myanmar Engineering of Engineering Institutions of in Yangon yesterday afternoon. ment bodies are focusing on skill and Public Building Projects, Council (MEC) with the in- Asia and Pacific (FEIAP) held In his speech, Union Min- improvement and standardiza- and Challenges ahead for Myan- volvement of the Federation of a seminar conducted over the ister for Construction U Han tion. Moreover, the Government mar Construction Industry were Myanmar Engineering Societies Internet on the responsibility Zaw categorized the discus- involvement in promoting the presented. Other participants (FMES), the World Federation and accountability of the bodies sion into two parts – safety and responsible behavior and ac- also took part in the discussions of Engineering Organizations and technicians of the construc- improvement. More and more countability will help develop the and shared knowledge.—MNA (WFEO), and the Federation tion industry at the MEC Office news about the casualties re- construction industry, he noted. (Translated by TMT) ‘‘We have already reached a number of agreements on the NCA Implementation Framework,’’ says U Myo Win

U Myo Win, NCA-S EAOs was on the Union Accord that the ways to include the agreed ence-21st Century Panglong. representative will be reached at the fourth points of the proposals in the First, we will set the provision- Interviewed by Ye Gaung meeting of the coming Union Union Accord will be sought. al dates for the meetings, and Nyunt Peace Conference-21st Century As regards the basic con- the Government, the Tatmadaw Panglong. Another part con- sensuses which are important and the EAOs will be informed. HE government rep- cerned with the Union Peace agreements of the part three So, we can set appropriate resentatives group Conference-21st Century Pan- of the Union Accord, we are dates and topics for the coming involving the repre- glong. getting closer in coordinating Conference and the meetings Tsentatives of the Gov- Q: Well, as regards the the compiled points based on before it. ernment, the Tatmadaw, and part three of the Union Accord, the proposals of both sides. We Q: So, you have confirmed the Hluttaw (the parliament) which has three parts, which have compiled the points that the final dates? and the representatives of ones have been agreed and are agreeable for both sides, A: It’s still too early to Ethnic Armed Organizations— which ones remain unsettled? and they will be discussed by announce the dates. We can Signatories of the Nationwide A: We have already the relevant groups. All in all, confirm the dates only after U Myo Win, NCA-S EAOs Ceasefire Agreement (NCA-S reached a number of agree- we have the agreements as well acknowledging the relevant representative. PHOTO: PHOE HTAY EAOs) held their fifth coordi- ments on the NCA Implemen- as disagreements in the bilat- leaders. What we need is the nation meeting of at National tation Framework, the first part eral discussions, and we will preparation for the part three the second week of August. Reconciliation and Peace Cen- of the three-part Union Accord. cement the agreed ones and of the Union Accord through Q: Well, you said “We all tre (NRPC) on 2 and 4 July to Precisely, we have 13 agree- hold a continuous dialogue on coordination. Then only will the will meet again”, so it means sign the part three of the Union ments, and they include two the disagreed ones. They are all Union Accord be systematic the representatives previously Accord at the Union Peace Con- framework agreements and 11 concerned with the part three and politically approved. We are taking part in the Online Video ference-21st Century Panglong. other agreements. The remain- of the Union Accord. taking coordinated measures Conferencing will attend the The Myanmar News Agen- ing four points will be discussed Q: Well, what about your in advance in formulating the meeting in person this time? cy (MNA) interviewed U Myo again at the coming meetings. response on the Union Peace Union Accord that will shape A: Right! We are now coor- Win, the representative of the The table (1) indicates the Conference-21st Century Pan- the Union through political di- dinating with the Government NCA-S EAOs and the NCA Im- stage-wise work programmes glong, which is the remaining alogues held after 2020. for the inclusive participation of plementation Framework Co- and implementations of the section? Q: What will be date and all EAOs representatives in the ordinator, about the topics and part two of the Union Accord A: This section is the hold- the topics of the sixth coordi- coming meetings. As the EAOs results of the 5th coordination after 2020, and the table was ing of the Union Peace Confer- nation meeting? representatives will come from meeting and the latest devel- agreed at the previous coordi- ence-21st Century Panglong. It A: We all will meet again different places, we will coor- opments on the holding of the nation meeting. Further discus- is a common knowledge that on 25, 26 and 27 of this month dinate with the Government Union Peace Conference-21st sions will continue, and today’s the estimated date of the Con- in Yangon, and our represent- for their timely arrival at the Century Panglong. meeting will focus on how the ference was set in the second atives meeting will be followed meeting that will be held for Q: What were the topics of table 2 will be discussed, how week of August 2020. Besides, by pre-JICM meeting of both three days from 25 to 27 July the fifth coordination meeting? the agreement will be reached there are the JICM meeting sides in Nay Pyi Taw. After- 2020 under the Covid-19 pre- A: Not so much different at the conference and how the and the UPDJC meeting which wards, the JICM and UPDJC ventive measures. from the previous meeting. Union Accord will be signed. are related with the Confer- meetings will be held in Nay This time, the meeting was in Both the Government and the ence, and after those meetings Pyi Taw. We are now focusing (Translated by TMT) two sections, and the first one EAOs have the proposals, and comes the Union Peace Confer- on holding the Conference in 5 JULY 2020 6 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Fake Thanaka from neighbouring country impacts CHIEF EDITOR local genuine Thanaka growers Aungthu Ya [email protected] ed in Myanmar Thanaka. If the Thanaka contains chemicals DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR or other fragrant substances, Aye Min Soe it will damage the image of both [email protected] Myanmar Thanaka Association SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT and the government,” he added. Kyaw Myaing “We wish to see in the market the Thanaka products EXECUTIVE EDITOR Aung Khin made from genuine Thanaka raw materials. The government LOCAL & INTERNATIONAL NEWS should monitor effectively the EDITORS production and sale of Thanaka Ye Htut Tin cosmetics. We don’t want the [email protected] Aung Htein image of Myanmar Thanaka Tun Tun Naing adversely effected as our tra- [email protected] ditional Thanaka has been in use for more than 2,000 years. SENIOR TRANSLATOR Zaw Htet Oo We hate it to end up in an era of chemicals,” said U Kyaw Moe. TRANSLATORS There are more than 300,000 Hay Mar Tin Win, Ei Myat Mon, Central Myanmar townships are the main areas that grow Thanaka plants since a long time ago. acres of Thanaka plantations in Kyaw Zin Lin, Kyaw Zin Tun PHOTO: MYO WIN TUN Monywa, Budalin, Myaing, Pauk

REPORTER MYANMAR Thanaka growers ulently sell their products. their livelihoods, said Chairman and Pakokku. With the increase Nyein Nyein Ei, suffer as some cosmetics are Many products in the name of U Kyaw Moe from Myanmar of the foreign make-up brands in [email protected] being sold in the market in the Thanaka are imported from a Thanaka Growers and Produc- Myanmar market, the Thanaka name of Thanaka when they are neighbouring country especially ers Association. market has declined and there- PHOTOGRAPHER Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar imported from the neighbouring from Thailand. They are selling “A proposal for Myanmar by the local people are grow- Kyaw Zeya countries, it is learnt. the fake Thanaka in the market Thanaka was submitted to UN- ing other crops such as mango, “The genuine Thanaka by adding the colour and odour ESCO in March. If Myanmar drumstick and Tragacanth Gum COMPUTER TEAM growers and producers are of Thanaka. This has a large Thanaka is listed in UNESCO’s Herb (locally called Say Kala- Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung, Kay Khaing Win, really in great trouble. It is impact on those people who are intangible cultural heritage ma).—Myo Win Tun (Monywa) Sanda Hnin, Zu Zin Hnin, unethical of those who fraud- relying on Thanaka business for list, the world will be interest- (Translated by Hay Mar) Thein Htwe, Nyi Lin Thu

EDITORIAL SECTION Myanmar-Bangladesh border trade increases by $730 mln in 2019-2020FY Q3 (+95) (01)8604529, Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 BILATERAL border trade stood Between 1 October and 26 June, wood, knitwear and beverages. traded through Maungtaw bor- CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION at over US$ 747.63 million as of Myanmar exported $443.4 mil- The trading through Sit- der, according to the traders. San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, 26 June in the current 2019-2020 lion worth domestic products to tway land border has been sus- Currently, cargo boatmen, Hotline - 09 974424114 fiscal year which saw an increase Bangladesh and imported goods pended temporarily after the who came back from Bangladesh ADVERTISING & MARKETING of $730 million from the corre- valued over $304.2 million. coronavirus positive patient through Maungtaw border, are ( +95) (01) 8604530, sponding period of last year, Myanmar exports goods to 292 was found in Sittway check- restricted from travelling, thus Hotline - 09 974424848 according to the Ministry of Bangladesh through both mar- point. However, bilateral through they have to stay at the private [email protected] Commerce. itime and land routes. Bilateral Maungtaw border crossing is buildings in the jetty. The im- [email protected] At this time last FY, Myan- border trade is conducted mainly still being conducted regularly. ported cargos from Bangladesh Printed and published at the Global New mar-Bangladesh trade through through the Sittway and Maung- During the pandemic period, are also sprayed before being Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at two borders hit $17.26 million, taw points of entry. the trade is still being conduct- allowed to load onto the jetty. No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan with exports worth $15.98 million The products traded be- ed through Maungtaw border For prevention of the spread Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. and imports amounting to $1.27 tween the two countries include although the crossing has been of coronavirus disease, the fire 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. million. bamboo, ginger, peanuts, saltwa- suspended for people to cross. services personnel from Maung- When compared with last ter prawns and fish, dried plums, At present, the bilateral trading taw Township sprayed all-cargo [email protected] FY, this FY saw a significant in- garlic, rice, mung beans, blan- was suspended for a temporary boats in Maungtaw border with crease in the value of exports by kets, candy, plum jams, footwear, period though Sittway land bor- the disinfectants at 10:30 am on $427.42 million while the bilateral frozen foods, chemicals, leather, der. So, the cargoes which have 1 July.—Zwe imports rose by $302.96 million. jute products, tobacco, plastics, been prepared to export will be (Translated by Hay Mar)

35 deaths in Yangon-Mandalay highway accidents in first half of 2020

THIRTY-five people died while same period of last year. In the ries in 34 accidents in May and Myanmar in a normal situation, 202 were injured in the traffic first six months of 2019, a total of six deaths and 33 injuries in 41 killing 14 people and injuring 73 accidents that occurred on Yan- 258 collisions on Yangon-Manda- accidents in June. others. Write for us gon-Mandalay highway from lay expressway left 50 dead and Among them, March saw the To reduce road mishaps,

We appreciate your feedback and January through June, accord- 472 injured. highest number of deaths while the traffic police are conducting contributions. If you have any comments ing to the highway traffic police. There were three deaths April saw the lowest number of regular awareness talks and or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email There were a total of 183 and 15 injuries in 25 accidents road accidents and deaths be- distributing educational pam- [email protected] with your road accidents in the first half of in January, five deaths and 26 in- cause the highway was closed phlets. The traffic police have name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only 2020, according to the highway juries in 27 accidents in February, temporarily because of the coro- filed charges against suspected able to publish “Letter to the Editor” traffic police. nine deaths and 48 injuries in 36 navirus pandemic, said an official reckless drivers under Sections that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words However, there were fewer accidents in March, two deaths from the highway traffic police. 279, 337, 338, and 304 (A) of the please be aware that your letter will be deaths and injuries in the first and 47 injuries in 20 accidents However, there is an aver- Penal Code.—Aye Maung edited. half of 2020 compared with the in April, six deaths and 33 inju- age of 48 traffic accidents daily in (Translated by Hay Mar) 5 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL / WORLD 7

Peace negotiators continue discussions on work plans for Union Peace Conference next month

FROM PAGE-1 tion of a team to draw a draft accord in developing a format The participants continued for the part 3 of Union Accord. to discuss the NCA framework Results from meeting will also agreement to implement deci- be presented to political group sions at the 8th Joint Imple- of Union Peace Dialogue Joint menting Coordination Meeting Committee. (JICM), phase-by-phase peace The 6th coordination meet- process beyond 2020, fundamen- ing was also scheduled in the tal agreements and schedules last week of July. for 4th session of Union Peace Attorney-General of the Un- Conference-21st Century Pan- ion U Tun Tun Oo remarked the glong. meeting reached more agree- In his concluding remark ments than the previous ones on the meeting, the negotiation and the remaining issues will be committee leader, Pado Sao discussed in the next meetings. Sai Ngin, said that the meeting Peace Commission Adviso- reached some agreements on ry Board member U Hla Maung the remaining issues in the part Shwe said the meeting mainly Representatives of governmment and NCA-S EAOs hold meeting with members of UPDJC in political group on 4 July afternoon. PHOTO: YE GAUNG NYUNT 3 of Union Accord , and made focussed on holding the next plans for the upcoming peace round of Union Peace Confer- the Union Peace Conference for preparatory meetings for JICM, members of UPDJC in polit- conference under the guide- ence in the second week of Au- the parts of Union Accord and UPDJC secretary meeting and ical group in the afternoon. lines of COVID-19 prevention gust. the requirements for holding the conference. —Ye Gaung Nyunt measures. He added they discussed the conference. The decisions of meet- They also agreed on forma- the three topics to be signed at The meeting also talked on ing were presented to the (Translated by Aung Khin) 813 Myanmar nationals come One member of Defence Services back home via Myawady confirmed COVID-19 positive border bridge on 4 July ONE of the members of De- completing course on 26 June, (PCR) at the 1,000-bedded De- fence Services who recently and 7 out of 48 soldiers who fence Services Hospital (2) in A total of 813 Myanmar nationals The number of migrant returned back from India has were quarantined at Yangon Mingaladon and one soldier was returned home from Thailand workers who returned home tested COVID-19 positive, ac- Region Command area tested confirmed positive. through No. 2 border bridge in from abroad through this border cording to the statement of Tat- positive. This confirmed case is now Myawady Town, Kayin State, on has been 40,360 until now. madaw True News Information On 3 July, 68 soldiers who taking medical treatment at De- 4 July. The latest group of return- Team. had contacts with the two fence Services Liver Specialist Kayin State Hluttaw MP ees included 457males and 356 The statement released on COVID-19 positive soldiers Hospital (Mingaladon) and is in U Thant Zin Aung, Myawady females from different regions 27 and 28 June said that the mil- were under quarantine and good health condition.—MNA District Administrative Office and states.—Htein Lin Aung itary personnel returned from their specimens were tested (Translated by Ei Phyu U Tay Zar Aung and local offi- (IPRD) India via military flight after by Polymerase Chain Reaction Phyu Aung) cials helped the returnees with (Translated by Khine medical tests and other supplies. Thazin Han) ‘A PATRIOTIC PRESIDENT’ Bolsonaro fans applaud his maverick virus response

As the number of dead from country that is second only to the Brazil set for a record recession coronavirus shot up in Bra- United States in terms of total this year, many have been deep- zil, the popularity of far right cases and deaths from the virus. ly resistant to the lockdown. President Jair Bolsonaro has Yet a poll by Datafolha at However, today the people remained unchanged. the end of June found that 32 supporting Bolsonaro are not For his supporters, the per cent of Brazilians thought the same as those before the president has done nothing Bolsonaro’s government was pandemic, said Valle, the co-au- wrong despite more than 63,000 “good or very good,” a number thor of a study on Bolsonarism deaths and 1.5 million infections. that hasn’t dropped since the published in June. Bolsonaro originally dis- start of the health crisis. “He’s lost some points missed the coronavirus as a “People are suffering a lot amongst those that supported Myanmar nationals returned from Thailand queue for immigration “little flu” and his opposition to financially, and when Bolson- him since the election. The faith- processes at the Myawady border checkpoint on 4 July 2020. PHOTO: HTEIN LIN AUNG (IPRD) lockdowns and flouting of meas- aro says: ‘We can’t stop Brazil ful make up only 22 per cent,” ures aimed at stifling the spread from working,’ he’s speaking he said. On the flip side, “he’s have provoked a hail of criticism to people’s despair,” said Vin- gained some amongst the lower from some. icius Valle, a political science social classes thanks to the 600 Local epidemiologists and researcher. reais ($112) emergency support” the World Health Organization He says most of the pres- given to almost 60 million Bra- have expressed concern about ident’s supporters recognize zilians. Thin Thin May, 09251022355,09974424848 Call the president’s approach in a there’s a health risk -- but with SOURCE: AFP 5 JULY 2020 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

A NEW CHRONOLOGY So this is a WHO says it was first alerted to must coronavirus by its office, not China

HE World Health Organi- munications, partly in response to report had been sent by Chinese IFFERENT countries have different situations con- zation has updated its ac- criticism of its early response to authorities or another source. cerning the worldwide pathogen outbreak and spread. Tcount of the early stages of the outbreak that has now claimed But a new chronology, pub- Governments have been containing viral infections in the COVID-19 crisis, saying it was more than 521,000 lives worldwide. lished this week by the Gene- Dtheir respective countries with many and varied but alerted by its own office in China, In that chronology, the WHO va-based institution, offers a more similar preventative measures systematically according to the and not by China itself, to the first had said only that the Wuhan mu- detailed version of events. guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). pneumonia cases in Wuhan. nicipal health commission in the It indicates that it was the International news stories are telling us that the coronavirus The U.N. health body has province of Hubei had on Dec. 31 WHO office in China that on Dec. pandemic has not stopped yet. been accused by U.S. President reported cases of pneumonia. The 31 notified its regional point of con- The second wave can appear Donald Trump of failing to provide U.N. health agency did not, how- tact of a case of “viral pneumonia” In Myanmar, we at any time in the coming days the information needed to stem ever, specify who had notified it. after having found a declaration and months. Even some coun- the pandemic and of being com- WHO director Tedros for the media on a Wuhan health have a total of 313 tries start suffering from it. placent towards Beijing, charges Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a commission website on the issue. reported cases They have to spare no effort it denies. press conference on April 20 the The same day, WHO’s epi- once again in combatting the On April 9, the WHO pub- first report had come from China, demic information service picked to date. Most of second blow of the pandemic lished an initial timeline of its com- without specifying whether the up another news report transmit- them are imported upon the world countries. Some countries even have ones rather than to roll back the relaxation of MANAGING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH DURING COVID-19 home-grown a set of restrictions -- stay-at- home, no crowded gathering, transmissions. Our and frequent handwashing country has to fight etc. Reopening of schools How to control your mind during COVID-19 period has to be closed again in some against the COVID countries. A few countries can the news about COV- out of control. If a person has a Finding credible sources we with the Union resume their commercial AS ID-19 Pandemic domi- history with anxiety and depres- can trust is important to avoid flights except for entries from nates the headlines all over the sion, it can intensify preexisting the fear and panic that can be Government taking selected countries. world, people are getting panic mental illness. The followings are caused by misinformation. We the leading role. The In Myanmar, we have a and feeling out of control. With some ways to control our mind should analyze and check the in- total of 313 reported cases more than 11 million coronavirus during the COVID-19 Period. formation we receive on reliable Ministry of Health to date. Most of them are cases up to 3rd July, 2020 accord- sources like World Health Organ- and Sports and imported ones rather than ing to the worldometer, more and Limit the amount of informa- ization(WHO) website or here in home-grown transmissions. more people are getting in the tion you consume Myanmar, the Ministry of Health relevant ministries Our country has to fight middle of mental crisis. It is nor- To keep fear and panic at and Sports’ official website. are practically against the COVID with the mal feeling stressed, anxious and bay, it is recommended limiting Union Government taking the frustrated during the pandemic. the news consumption to about Keep things in perspective preventing, leading role. The Ministry of But you need to remind yourself five to ten minutes per day and As it is said above, this is controlling and Health and Sports and rele- that you are not the only one who setting a similar time limit for the situation we are all in. In a vant ministries are practical- is suffering as we are all in this checking our social media ac- situation that is uncertain, we treating the COVID- ly preventing, controlling and together. counts. Constantly reading, need to focus on things which related patients. treating the COVID-related One of the challenges we are watching, or listening to upset- are within our control. patients. facing during the pandemic is ting media coverage can un- The most important thing Here, we do want to quote physical distancing which adds necessarily intensify worry and we can do to help ourselves and the State Counsellor writing on her Facebook page the other day: to the feelings of loneliness, fear agitation. our loved ones is to take all the “Let’s come up with determined efforts to win the war against and anxiety. When fear takes con- precautions including wearing COVID, once and for all with the participation of everyone.” trol, we cannot think of normally Get information from only masks, washing hands and prac- Once again, we do want to urge all Myanmar people to very which leads to panic and feeling reliable sources ticing physical distancing. strictly follow health protocols such as frequent handwashing, keeping themselves off from crowded gatherings, physical or social Stay connected with your distancing, and wearing of facemasks etc. family and friends Let’s be aware of the second wave and prepare for the worst As physical distancing does while hoping for the best. not need to mean social discon- nection, there are many ways we can use technology to stay con- nected. Receiving support and care from others has a powerful effect on helping us cope with challenges. Spending time with supportive family and friends can Call bring a sense of comfort and sta- Thin Thin May, bility. Talking through our con- 09251022355 cerns, thoughts, and feelings with others can also help us find 09974424848 Exercise can give your life a sense of normality and rhythm during helpful ways of thinking about or lockdown. PHOTO: AFP dealing with a stressful situation. 5 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ARTICLE 9


WHO says it was first alerted to Myanmar Daily Weather Report (Issued at 7:00 pm Saturday 4th July, 2020) coronavirus by its office, not China BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is strong over the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

ted by the international epidemi- FORECAST VALID UNTIL NOON OF THE 5thJuly, 2020: ological surveillance network Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Lower Sagaing and ProMed – based in the United Magway Region, fairly widespread in Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay States — about the same group Regions and Kayah State and widespread in the remaining of cases of pneumonia from un- Regions and States with likelihood of regionally heavy falls in known causes in Wuhan. Rakhine State and isolated heavy falls in Upper Sagaing and After which, the WHO asked Ayeyawady Regions, Kachin, Chin and Mon States. Degree of the Chinese authorities on two with additional information about WHO, will cut its bridges with the certainty is (80%). occasions, on Jan. 1 and Jan. 2, the nature or cause of an event. institution, which he accuses of for information about these cases, Ryan added that the Chinese being too close to China and of STATE OF THE SEA: Squalls with rough seas are likely at which they provided on Jan. 3. authorities immediately contacted having poorly managed the pan- times off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind speed in WHO emergencies director the WHO as soon as the agency demic. squalls may reach (35-40)m.p.h. Wave height will be about (9 Michael Ryan told a press con- asked to verify the report. The WHO denies any compla- -12) feet off and along Myanmar Coasts. ference on Friday that countries U.S. President Donald Trump cency toward China. had 24-48 hours to officially verify has announced that his country, OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Moderate an event and provide the agency the main financial contributor to SOURCE: AFP monsoon.

FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING MANAGING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH DURING COVID-19 AREA FOR 5th July, 2020: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree of certainty is (100%).

FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA How to control your mind during COVID-19 period th FOR 5 July, 2020: Some rain or thundershowers. Degree of certainty is (100%). Keep active manners By Dr.Than Lwin Tun, May Thazin, Honey Soe This is a tactic for keeping FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING anxiety under control. We should AREA FOR 5th July, 2020: Isolated rain or thundershowers. focus on our daily obligations and mary stress hormone. There are from COVID. We have to keep Degree of certainty is (100%). add in fun activities to our days so many courses of Yoga on on- reminding people not to worry to keep anxiety to a minimum. line teaching us how to practice too much while at the same time It is said that engaging in activ- Yoga. So we can practice Yoga we have to urge them not to be ities that distract us from cur- when we are staying at home. careless.” She reminded us to rent events can also be helpful. refrain from extremes that we Invitation to young We can do a lot of things to have Meditation should not be scared out of our our mind occupied like reading, Meditation is something wits or not to stay unheeded to writers for Sunday writing, and painting, dancing, everyone can do to improve their the danger of COVID-19. Special singing, doing physical exercises mental and emotional health. During this time of change, or watch our favorite movies and Mindfulness meditation exercis- it’s natural for our minds to feel The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting the TV shows, pick up a new hobby, es can help us stay grounded in stressed and anxious as we are submission of poetries, opinions, articles, essays and or do something creative. the midst of an emotional storm. not able to do all the usual activi- short stories from young people for its weekly Sunday We can learn how to witness ties which we used to. As mental Next Generation Platform. Interested candidates can Acknowledge your feelings and let thoughts and feelings health is no less important than send their work to the Global New Light of Myanmar Whatever we are feeling come and go in their own time, physical wellbeing, it is neces- at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, in person, or by email to dce@ right now, it is important that without getting overwhelmed sary to adapt or focus on the ac- with the following we know it is okay to feel that way. by them. There are also many tivities we are still able to do in information: (1) Sector you wish to be included in It is necessary to make time to science-based benefits of med- order to keep stress and anxiety (poetry, opinion, etc.), (2) Own name and (if different) notice and express what we are itation like reduces stress, con- at bay. your penname, (3) Your level of education, (4) Name feeling. This could be through trols anxiety, promotes emotional of your School/College/University, (5) A written note of declaration that the submitted piece is your journalling, talking with others, health. We can achieve emotional References: original work and has not been sent to any other news or channelling our emotions and mental well-being even if we 1. or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color photo of into something creative (e.g., only have a few minutes to do it au>counsel>resources the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card, (8) Contact drawing, painting, poetry, mu- each day. 2. https//www.healthline. information (email address, mobile number, etc.).— sic). While acknowledging our State Counsellor Daw com>nutrition>13-bene- Editorial Department, The Global New Light of Myanmar feelings, we should motivate our- Aung San Suu Kyi wrote on her fits-of-yoga selves to do what is needed to do facebook page on 17th June, 3.How to Protect Your Mental in our daily life. Understanding 2020,”When we say the Mijima Health during the Coronavirus and developing our self-motiva- or the middle path we might Pandemic, According To Psy- tion can help us to take control of think this is the easiest path. In chologists by Noma Nazish on many other aspects of life. reality, we are finding that this is 24th March, 2020, ForbesLife not easy. Treading the path with 4.How to fight depression and Yoga stability, without losing balance anxiety during the coronavirus Yoga is known for its ability and without going towards the pandemic by Amanda Capritto to ease stress and promote re- extreme seems to be more dif- on 28th April, 2020 on laxation. In fact, multiple studies ficult. Here I am talking about have shown that it can decrease the path we have to tread with the secretion of cortisol, the pri- regard to protecting ourselves 5 JULY 2020 10 ASIA & PACIFIC THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

NEWS Malaysia’s ruling coalition wins first IN BRIEF by-election since coming to power China’s major internet firms KUALA LUMPUR — Malay- log higher sia’s ruling Perikatan Nasion- al (PN) coalition won its first revenue by-election by a landslide on Saturday since coming to pow- BEIJING — China’s internet and er in March. related services sectors have The candidate from United maintained expansion in the Malay National Organization first five months, displaying (UMNO) that representing PN enhanced profitability despite defended its Chini state-as- the COVID-19 epidemic, official sembly seat in Pahang state, data showed. drawing 13,872 votes while two Major internet companies competing independent can- raked in 471.9 billion yuan didates obtained 1,222 and 137 (about 66.8 billion U.S. dollars) votes respectively, the Election in the January-May period, up Commission said. 14.9 per cent year on year, 10 The by-election was per centage points higher than held following the death of the growth rate registered in the UMNO assemblyman Abu January-April period, according Bakar Harun from a heart at- to the Ministry of Industry and tack in May. Information Technology (MIIT). The opposition Pakatan PM Muhyiddin Yassin cobbled together Perikatan Nasional in March after the sudden collapse of the previous During the first five months Harapan (PH) fielded no can- administration. PHOTO: AFP/MALAYSIA’S DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION/NAZRI RAPAAI of the year, the operating profit didate but former prime min- of the industry rose 3.1 per cent ister Mahathir Mohamad en- candidates. ter Muhyiddin Yassin, who was the resignation of Mahathir. year on year to 53.3 billion yuan. dorsed one of the independent PN is led by Prime Minis- sworn in in March following —Xinhua Meanwhile, the sector’s spending on research and development neared 23.7 billion Australia locks down high-rise apartments as virus cases spike yuan, increasing by 10 per cent over the same period in the pre- MELBOURNE — Thousands Australia’s second biggest city. cases in months. Diemen said a number of cases vious year. The internet sector of residents in several high-rise Hundreds of police were de- The rise is driven almost had been detected in the towers, has become a key component apartments in Melbourne went ployed to enforce the lockdown entirely by 108 new cases in the possibly exposing a highly vul- of China’s “new economy” as into lockdown for at least five of nine public housing towers, as southeast state of Victoria. nerable community with under- the country undergoes a shift to days Saturday, as officials strug- the country recorded its biggest “There are many, many lying health conditions. growth driven more by technol- gle to control a virus outbreak in daily increase of coronavirus vulnerable people who live in “The first priority here is to ogy and consumption. these towers,” Victorian Pre- find every case in those towers, — Xinhua mier Daniel Andrews told media so that we don’t have an explo- on Saturday. sion of infections,” van Diemen “Some of them will be re- said. Afghanistan turning home in the latter part Victoria has ramped up President’s cousin of today, knowing that they will testing and restrictions since a not be able to leave their home flare-up of cases last week. shot dead in Kabul for a further five days.” Another two Melbourne The immediate lockdown in neighbourhoods were also told KABUL — A relative of Afghan- Melbourne’s north would be a to stay at home from midnight istan President Ashraf Ghani “massive logistical task” that in- Saturday, adding to the nearly was shot dead in Kabul, Afghan cludes supplying food to around 300,000 people put under restric- media reported on Saturday. 3,000 residents and deploying tions on Tuesday. The measures As per the reports, Police on at least 500 police officers per allow residents to leave their Saturday said cousin of Ghani shift, he added. homes for essential reasons was found shot dead inside his Hundreds of police enforce the lockdown of nine public housing towers Victoria’s Deputy Chief only, including for work and to home in Kabul. Further details in the Australian city of Melbourne. PHOTO: AFP Health Officer Annaliese van buy food.— AFP are awaited.—ANI

14 feared dead in nursing home as heavy rain lashes western Japan

TOKYO — Fourteen people flooded after a nearby river broke were suffering from hypother- were feared dead. gency level in Kumamoto and were feared dead at a nursing its banks, governor Ikuo Kabashi- mia. Elsewhere in Kumamoto, nearby Kagoshima, but Prime home in western Japan Saturday ma from the western region of Some 60 to 70 people were in one person was seriously injured Minister Shinzo Abe urged local as record rainfall triggered mas- Kumamoto told reporters. the home as water rushed in to and nine others were missing people to be “on maximum alert”. sive floods and landslides, forcing Authorities in Japan often the second floor Saturday morn- while about 100 people were Abe ordered 10,000 troops on authorities to issue evacuation use that term before a doctor ing, public broadcaster NHK said. stranded as roads were cut off stand-by for immediate deploy- advisories for more than 200,000 officially certifies death. Local officials separately by floods and landslides, NHK ment to join rescue and recovery residents. “The Self-Defence Forces said another person was also reported. operations, pledging the central The victims were found “in have launched rescue opera- found in cardio-respiratory ar- The nation’s weather agency government would “do its best to cardio-respiratory arrest” at the tions,” Kabashima said, adding rest in landslides in Kumamoto. downgraded rain warnings by take emergency measures, prior- facility for elderly people that was that three others at the home They had previously said two one notch from the highest emer- itising people’s lives”. — AFP 5 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR WORLD 11 Amid US virus struggle, Trump visits Rushmore and bemoans racial protests

WASHINGTON — US Presi- are carved into a granite cliff in dent Donald Trump bemoaned South Dakota’s Black Hills -- the protests demanding racial president called on supporters justice as “violent mayhem” to defend America’s “integrity”. Friday, but said little about an He accused protesters alarming resurgence of coro- calling for racial justice of “a navirus cases as he attended merciless campaign to wipe out a crowded, fireworks-studded our history, defame our heroes, Independence Day celebration erase our values, and indoctri- beneath majestic Mount Rush- nate our children.” more. “The violent mayhem we Trump, under fire for his have seen in the streets and response to America’s spiral- cities... is the predictable results ing coronavirus caseload four of years of extreme indoctri- months before the presidential nation and bias in education, election, spoke on the eve of journalism and other cultural the July 4th celebrations before institutions,” he added. thousands of closely-packed he US has been engulfed by people -- many of whom chanted a once-in-a-generation reckon- “Four more years;” few of whom ing on racism and police bru- were wearing masks. tality since George Floyd, an In the shadow of four no- African American man, was US President Donald Trump, shown here with First Lady Melania Trump, said little about the coronavirus table predecessors -- George killed by a white police officer during his remarks at Mount Rushmore. PHOTO: AFP Washington, Thomas Jefferson, in Minneapolis on May 25. Theodore Roosevelt and Abra- That has included a rethink bols of the pro-slavery Civil War of Confederate generals to re- which featured the Confederate ham Lincoln, whose likenesses of how America venerates sym- South, from removing statues tiring the Mississippi state flag, emblem.— AFP

Dominican Republic vote goes ahead despite virus threat Suicide attempts, fights aboard SANTO DOMINGO — Voters rule by the center-left Domini- abandon his campaign after he years,” Castillo told a crowd of rescue boat in the Dominican Republic are can Liberation Party. tested positive for COVID-19. his supporters in the town of set to defy rising coronavirus Opposition candidate Luis Abinader, a 52-year-old Monte Plata. carrying 180 infections on Sunday to choose a Abinader is favorite, having tak- businessman, had recovered Odebrecht cloud migrants new president in an election that en a commanding lead in opin- sufficiently to close out his cam- Corruption has been a key could end 16 years of unbroken ion polls despite being forced to paign at a rally on Wednesday. issue after protests in recent ABOARD THE OCEAN VIKING “Change is coming and years over the involvement of IN THE MEDITERRANEAN the PLD is going,” he prom- local officials in the Latin Amer- — After suicide attempts, fights ised a crowd of hundreds of his ica-wide Odebrecht graft scan- erupting on board, and migrants supporters, allowed to gather dal. The Brazilian construction jumping into the sea, charity after the government eased a giant has admitted to doling out SOS Mediterranee launched lockdown. $92 million in bribes in the Re- an emergency alert on Friday, A Gallup poll gives Abinad- public in exchange for winning demanding to be allowed to im- er, from the opposition Modern public works contracts. mediately disembark at a safe Revolutionary Party (PRM) Castillo, a former public port. more than 53 per cent of voter works minister, is standing The humanitarian group, intentions, 20 points ahead of for the PLD because outgoing whose vessel the Ocean Viking the ruling PLD party’s Gonza- president Danilo Medina cannot has been at sea for over a week lo Castillo. Another poll gives seek another term under the with 180 migrants aboard, said Abinader a slimmer 12 point Republic’s constitution. it could no longer guarantee the margin. The Republic has a poor safety of the migrants or crew “The Dominican people record on corruption, ranking and called a state of emergency Ruling Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) candidate Gonzalo Castillo should remember that a pres- 137th out of 180 countries on in an unprecedented step. shakes hands with supporters in San Pedro de Macoris ahead vote / at ident is elected in one day, but Transparency International’s The boat, which has been Gonzalo Castillo’s press office. PHOTO: AFP the consequences last for four corruption index.— AFP in limbo in the Mediterranean south of Sicily, has been waiting for over a week for permission Spain locks down 200,000 as US gears up for July 4 crowds from Italy or Malta to offload the migrants at a safe port. Tensions BARCELONA — Spain put rules even though his coun- COVID-19 infections,” Catalo- ‘I’m no killjoy’ have risen in the past week, as 200,000 people back in confine- try’s death rate is the world’s nia’s regional president Quim Nations are now rethinking witnessed by an AFP reporter ment and England reopened second-highest and steadily Torra said. how their cities can function and aboard the boat, as migrants its beloved pubs on Saturday rising. Gatherings of more than 10 economies survive in the face have become increasingly des- as Europe stuttered its way out The announcement from people would be banned -- a rel- of an illness that has infected perate to reach land. Others of lockdown while the United Spain’s northeastern Catalo- atively light lockdown similar to at least 11 million and killed have become distraught not States braced for large crowds nia region came as Europeans one Britain imposed this week 526,000 globally. being able to telephone their hitting the streets to celebrate began converging on their fa- in the city of Leicester. But some hints of the families to let them know they Independence Day. vourite holiday spots thanks to A virus that has touched old way of life are returning were safe. A member of the The death toll in Russia sur- an easing of border restrictions almost every country since -- none less so than in Eng- crew, Ludovic, told AFP he had passed 10,000 and Brazil’s right- put in place to stop the spread. emerging in China late last year land, where drinkers trooped never witnessed such violence wing President Jair Bolsonaro, “We have decided to con- is making an uneven retreat back to their local pubs for the on board a rescue vessel, after a who once called the coronavirus fine the Segria zone following after forcing billions to spend first time since late March. spate of fights between migrants a “little flu”, diluted facemask data confirming a sharp rise in months confined to their homes. — AFP and threats of suicide.— AFP 5 JULY 2020 12 ECON THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR China goods, services trade surplus tops 420 bln yuan NEWS IN BRIEF BEIJING — China’s interna- tional goods and services trade S.Korea’s foreign surplus stood at 424 billion yuan (about 60 billion U.S. dollars) in reserves grow to May, official data showed. 410.75 bln USD Trade income amounted to 1.59 trillion yuan while expend- in June iture stood at 1.17 trillion yuan, according to data from the State SEOUL — South Korea’s foreign Administration of Foreign Ex- reserves grew for the third change. consecutive month to June as In breakdown, China’s the weak U.S. dollar raised the goods trade income stood at 1.46 conversion value of non-dol- trillion yuan with an expenditure lar assets, central bank data of 965 billion yuan, leading to a showed Friday. 494.2-billion-yuan surplus, the Foreign currency reserves data showed. amounted to 410.75 billion U.S. Meanwhile, services trade dollars as of the end of June, saw a 70.2-billion-yuan deficit, up 3.44 billion dollars from a as services income and expend- month earlier, according to the iture stood at 130.2 billion yuan Bank of Korea (BOK). and 200.4 billion yuan, respec- The reserves increased by A container dock at Yangshan Port in Shanghai, east China. PHOTO: (XINHUA/DING TING) tively. —Xinhua 3.77 billion dollars in April and 3.33 billion dollars in May each amid the weak dollar that ex- Portugal announces plan to raise stake in national airline TAP panded the conversion value of non-dollar assets. LISBON — The Portuguese be managed with a sense of re- area.” Since 2016, the state has cent of the carrier’s capital. The Amid the COVID-19 government on Thursday an- sponsibility and rigour,” Leao held 50 per cent of TAP, a result of remaining 5 per cent is in the outbreak across the world, the nounced its decision to increase said. negotiations by the government hands of the workers. foreign exchange market saw a its stake in the national airliner Meanwhile, Minister of In- with the Gateway consortium (of TAP has been virtually para- rise in volatility. Air Portugal (TAP) from 50 per frastructure and Housing Pe- Humberto Pedrosa and David lyzed since the onset of the COV- The country’s foreign cent to 72.5 per cent to retain dro Nuno Santos said that after Neeleman), which took 45 per ID-19 pandemic.— Xinhua reserves were composed of the company’s financial control. weeks of negotiations, “the state 372.58 billion dollars of secu- “In order to avoid the col- will have the conditions that will rities, 26.04 billion dollars of lapse of the company, the gov- allow it to assist TAP.” deposits, 4.79 billion dollars of ernment opted to reach an agree- The current CEO of TAP An- gold bullion, 3.08 billion dol- ment with private shareholders tonoaldo Neves will be replaced lars of special drawing rights to buy part of its position for 55 “immediately,” Santos said, (SDR) and 4.25 billion dollars of million euros (61.84 million U.S. adding that the government will IMF positions.— Xinhua dollars),” Finance Minister Joao choose a company to find “a qual- Leao said at a press conference. ified team to manage TAP in the The European Commis- international market.” Philippines to sion’s approval of a lending in “It was a good solution for open another the amount of 1.2 billion euros TAP, that was always our goal and (1.36 billion U.S. dollars) to TAP now we will start a more chal- air terminal to is “to unblock financial aid for lenging phase for the airline,” international TAP and avoid the bankruptcy Santos added. of an essential company for the According to the minister, flights The Portuguese government on Thursday announced its decision to country,” he said. TAP needs “qualified manage- increase its stake in the national airliner Air Portugal (TAP) from 50 per “This is a very important in- ment” and “qualified managers cent to 72.5 per cent to retain the company’s financial control. AFP/ MANILA — The Philippines vestment for TAP,” which “must with competence in the aviation FILE PHOTO said Saturday it will reopen one more terminal at its main airport in the capital for Port sector to witness cargo volume contraction, project delays: ICRA international travel, expanding service operations to airliners NEW DELHI — Although the leum, oil and lubricant (POL), ment has also been building up ICRA expects that while from Japan and other countries port sector has been classified thermal coal and container momentum which could also be general cargo throughput may beginning next week. under essential services and re- segments witnessed significant a headwind for the trade growth. witness five to eight per cent Ninoy Aquino Internation- mained operational during the contraction, it said. The full year outlook for the contraction for full year 2020- al Airport in Manila said it will lockdown, the adverse impact “The recovery in port sector sector remains negative with 21, the container segment may restart international flight oper- on domestic economic activity will be contingent on the pace volume contraction expected in witness a decline of 12 to 15 per ations at Terminal 3 beginning as well as a slowdown in glob- of recovery of the domestic in- FY2021, said Patel. cent during the same period. July 8. al trade has resulted in a steep dustrial activity and the global The recovery among the K Ravichandran, Sen- Arrival and departure contraction in cargo volumes at economy,” said Ankit Patel, Vice cargo segments should be rela- ior Vice President and Group flights of All Nippon Airways, the major ports. President and Co-Head of ICRA tively better for essential prod- Head of ICRA Ratings, said the along with seven other airline Similar to the 22 per cent de- Ratings. ucts like POL and thermal coal, credit profile of port sector com- carriers, will be allowed to cline in April, May also saw a 22 “Further, factors like chang- which should be in line with lock- panies is expected to witness resume at the terminal, airport per cent decline in throughput, es in global supply chain pattern down relaxations and the pickup pressure in the near to medi- authorities said. Japan Airlines according to a research report during the recovery phase will in domestic economic activity, um term due to the impact of and JetStar Japan, as well as by rating agency ICRA. also have an impact on the cargo while for segments like coking Covid-19 outbreak and the sub- other foreign carriers permitted While the decline was across profile.” coal and containers the recovery sequent lockdown imposed. to operate, will continue flying major cargo categories, petro- Of late, anti-China senti- may be long drawn. —ANI out of Terminal 1.— Kyodo 5 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR BIZ / AD 13 UK, Indian firm salvage satellite operator Oneweb

LONDON — The UK bility,” the statement said. nificant” equity share in the government and Indian Oneweb, which is company, while Bharti will telecoms giant Bharti are headquartered in London, provide commercial and to take control of the col- will now seek to complete operational leadership for lapsed satellite firm One- the construction of a con- the venture. Prime Minis- web, they said Friday, as stellation of low earth ter Boris Johnson’s spokes- Britain seeks to expand orbit satellites providing man declared that Britain its post-Brexit space ca- enhanced broadband and could now become a “pio- pabilility. other services to countries neer” in new satellite tech- Britain and Bharti will around the world. nology that enables it to each invest $500 million “The move signals the also develop better broad- into Oneweb, the govern- government’s ambition for band and telecommunica- ment said in a statement the UK to be a pioneer in tions services. “The deal after it quit the European the research, development, will support the UK to be Union’s Galileo satellite manufacturing, and ex- a pioneer in the research, programme with its exit ploitation of novel satellite development, manufac- from the bloc on January technologies through the turing, and exploitation of 31. ownership of a fleet of Low novel satellite technologies, The deal is aimed at Earth orbit satellites,” the whilst boosting UK manu- delivering Britain’s “first statement said. facturing,” the spokesman The UK government and Indian telecoms giant Bharti are to take control of the collapsed UK sovereign space capa- Britain will take a “sig- said.—AFP satellite firm Oneweb. IMAGE CREDIT: ONEWEB Wireless carriers start disaster Philippine officials faked data showing ex-Wirecard info service for foreign tourists exec in country

TOKYO — Major Japa- mation via mobile phone service operators -- NTT The introduction of MANILA — Philippine fired -- and left for China nese wireless carriers re- short message service in Docomo Inc., KDDI Corp. the new service comes at immigration officers fal- on June 24. cently launched a service the event of an earthquake and SoftBank Corp -- began a time when the estimated sified records to show But CCTV footage, to provide foreign tourists or typhoon. the service last Wednesday number of foreign visitors ex-Wirecard executive airline manifests and oth- with disaster relief infor- Three mobile phone and will send information to Japan plunged to just Jan Marsalek briefly vis- er records prove Marsal- such as the number of a 1,700 in May, an all-time ited the country after he ek was not in the country visitor hotline run by the low for the second consec- was sacked from the col- on those dates, minister Japan National Tourism utive month, due to travel lapsed German payments Menardo Guevarra said Organization and the web restrictions imposed by Ja- processor, the justice min- in a statement. address of NHK World-Ja- pan and many other coun- ister said Saturday. “The investigation pan, the multilingual broad- tries to curb the spread of German and Philip- has now turned to the per- casting service, when a dis- the novel coronavirus. The pine authorities want to sons who made the false aster occurs. three companies said they question the former chief entries in the database, Messages will be writ- began preparations for the operating officer as part of their motives, and their ten in English, Korean and multilingual disaster infor- their separate investiga- cohorts,” Guevarra said. simplified or traditional mation service after many tions into the Wirecard ac- The immigration em- Chinese characters accord- foreign visitors were una- counting scandal, but his ployees have been stood ing to the user’s domestic ble to receive emergency whereabouts are unclear. down and face punish- wireless carrier. Travellers information when a magni- Entries in the Bureau ment. Investigators were will have to use a roaming tude 6.7 quake hit Japan’s of Immigration database also looking into “possible File photo taken Nov. 7, 2018, in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward shows the logos of Japan’s three major mobile phone service provided by one of northernmost main island show Marsalek arrived in criminal responsibility” companies -- NTT Docomo Inc., KDDI Corp., the operator of the three Japanese carri- Hokkaido in September the Philippines on June for the fake entries, he “au” services, and SoftBank Corp. PHOTO: (KYODO) ers to receive them. 2018.— Kyodo 23 -- the day after he was said.—AFP


Consignees of cargo carried on M.V PACAO VOY. Consignees of cargo carried on M.V BLPL Consignees of cargo carried on M.V NINOS VOY. NO. (093N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel will be TRUST VOY. NO. (2012S) are hereby notified that the NO. (1122 S/N) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 5-7-2020 and cargo will be discharged into vessel will be arriving on 5-7-2020 and cargo will be arriving on 5-7-2020 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will lie at the consignee’s discharged into the premises of AIPT where it will lie at the premises of HPT where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. the Claims Day. the Claims Day. Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority Agent For: Agent For: Agent For:


By Swe Oo Wai

UBLIC health and green- one with larger green areas, quot- ing natural environments ed the speech by Yangon Chief Pwith hygienic conditions Minister U Phyo Min Thein, add- have to be taken into consider- ing that conservative measures ation to make joint efforts in the are required to keep up the green implementation as the global areas in Yangon that has emerged nations of nowadays are doing as the world-class city with accel- their utmost to undertake all- erated momentum. round development. The green Measures to maintain green areas gradually becoming smaller areas in Yangon in size can be seen in the major Constant measures are being cities in the international commu- taken to keep up green areas in nity once the urban areas make Yangon such as Maha Bandoola more progress. With this notion Park, Thakhin Mya Park, Peo- that the green areas should not ple’s Square and Park, Kandaw- shrink slowly by slowly, Yangon, gyi Garden and Lake, Inya Lake. the most economic developing In addition, efforts to green in city, is being transformed to the their environs are being made one with larger green areas. for ensuring that the areas will Inya Lake. PHOTO: TIN SOE to be taken not to have effect on We are putting more efforts be covered with trees and plants existing green areas as modern in transforming Yangon into the as well as grass. But actions have buildings are under construction near the environs of Kandawgyi Garden and Inya Lake. The experts point out that a city must have at least 30 per- cent of green area so that it can contribute to the public health. The increased construction of new buildings brings the trees to be cut down in Yangon, thereby leading to the biggest challenge to the conservation of green areas. The green areas of Yangon The renowned parks and lakes of Yangon like Kandawgyi and Inya are the eye-catching sites in the modern urban life- style. In these environs, a series of high-rise buildings remain to emerge. Only if this condition is well dealt with can the green ar- eas of Yangon be conserved. It is necessary to create more parks in Yangon for the public to spend relaxation hours and also to conserve the existing ones to continue for a long time. There are 63 parks and 112 playgrounds under the control of Yangon City The photo shows Kandawgyi Garden and Lake, one of the designated green areas in Yangon. PHOTO: TIN SOE Development Committee. Out of 5 JULY 2020 5 JULY 2020 14 DEVELOPMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR DEVELOPMENT 15 Positive views of technology signify opportunities for tech companies in Myanmar

ECHNOLOGY companies more than half (53 per cent) be- Tare finding growth oppor- lieve that social media carries tunities and revenue during the fake news. The latter statistic COVID-19 pandemic, and they is particularly relevant in the are poised to gain reputation- context of Facebook CEO Mark al strength from their perfor- Zuckerberg’s recent statements mance as more people depend that the site will not fact-check on technology while in social political speech or ads. isolation. “While Myanmar people ap- A consumer survey report preciate technology now more of people across several Myan- than ever, fears about the poten- mar cities that was conducted tial harm caused by technology prior to the outbreak indicates persist, and people want to know overall positive sentiment to- that technology companies are wards the technology sector and doing their best to address some high expectations among the of these negative consequences Myanmar public for technolo- such as cybercrime, data priva- gy companies to improve many cy, and false information. We are facets of life. confident that most technology The survey, conducted by companies recognize the need research firm InsightAsia and to address these threats and will public relations and digital mar- step up their efforts to protect keting agency Vero, found that their users,” “said Skylar, Vero’s over 80 per cent of respondents Myanmar Account Director.” say the growth of technology in As a result of the gener- the country makes information ation gap in tech adoption in easily available, while 2 in 3 con- Myanmar, the age of a brand’s sumers believe tech improves target audience has a major the quality of education and 64 impact on how it handles com- per cent say it improves quality munications. Younger people of life. who have grown up in a world of “Technology has enabled ubiquitous mobile devices and business continuity during internet access have a different them, some are being upgraded government’s move should be must be created in Yangon and forced social distancing, and perspective from older gener- with the growing of more trees welcomed as it is of importance. shady trees must be grown on tech companies have stepped ations. One example from the and plants and conservative If the buildings emerged from vacant lands as many as possi- up to deliver innovative solu- report shows that 40 per cent efforts. these areas, there would be pop- ble. The collective growing of the tions as only they can,” said Vero of Gen Z compare tech products The green areas of a town ulation growth, environmental trees and plants must be under- Asean Managing Director Bri- online, while only 5 per cent of can retain its atmosphere and pollution, loss of natural resourc- taken. It is necessary to get the an Griffin. “After Covid-19, we Gen X do so. temperature and water sources es, and reduction of green areas. habit of small-scale growing of will see technology playing an “From scheduling meetings can be also conserved. More- For these reasons, the ban had plants at the apartments. The enhanced role in everyday life, to delivering meals, technology over, it can prevent from natu- to be imposed. modern buildings are construct- with the potential to reshape companies have embraced their ral disasters and it can protect The municipal workers ed in conjunction with gardens business conduct and consumer power to connect people. During underground water resources have to tackle the pollution on in the international major cities behavior.” the COVID-19 crisis, these ser- from shrinking. As a result of the water surface of Kandaw- such as New York, Sidney, Tokyo The survey shows that 61 vices have become the bedrock these advantages, the YCDC gyi Lake brought about by the and Singapore. Gardens are ear- per cent of Myanmar people of our new reality,” said Barkha launches monsoon tree planting restaurants and remove the pol- lier designed in the construction believe that the growth of tech- Narula, Research Manager of programmes in the townships lutants from the water with the of high-rise buildings these days. nology creates more business InsightAsia Thailand. “After the every year during which more help of heavy machinery. In the international cities, opportunities, which has proven pandemic, we expect to see My- than 600,000 saplings are grown. In a bid to carry out con- secondary students have to grow true during the crisis period, as anmar’s homegrown tech indus- In addition to parks, play- servative measures to com- 10 trees each. They are being individuals and organizations try becoming more competitive, grounds and gardens of the pete with modern cities from nurtured to have the good habit now rely on digital technology fueled by innovations like IoT, YCDC, flowers, plants and shady neighboring countries, Yangon of nursing the trees since the more than ever before. Seven- while effective market commu- trees are grown on the rounda- Zoological Garden, Kawdawgyi age of the student and they are ty per cent of respondents re- nication and flexible customer bouts, triangle islands and traffic Garden and Lake, Inya Lake, awarded at the end of every year. ported overall positive feelings support service will be the key islands and constant conserva- Hlawga National Park are de- This knowledge convinces them about tech products, while only differentiators that set compa- tive measures are being taken signed as green areas in Yan- that the trees and plants bring 3 per cent said their overall feel- nies here apart.” by municipal workers almost all gon. Conservative measures are benefits not only to the people ings are negative. InsightAsia and Vero’s full the time in Yangon. being constantly carried out in but also their environment. Despite the benefits of Tech Consumer Reports for Prevention against the de- these green areas along with technological advancement, Thailand, Viet Nam, and My- cline of green areas the further growing of plants Translated by people in Myanmar also have anmar are free download avail- The authorities imposed a and trees. Htut Htut (Twantay) concerns about its dark side: able at ban on further construction of Shady trees grown as many 81 per cent of respondents said vero-insightasia-tech-consum- the buildings on the green are- as possible ******* that some people use tech for er-report/ as and environs in Yangon. The Ever-beautiful sceneries evil and criminal behavior, while ******* 5 JULY 2020 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

FIFA opens online Thiem to donate prize money from refereeing course 2020 Djokovic’s event: report

The Fédération Internationale Shamsuri taught the class. de Football Association (FIFA), MFF’s general secretary an international federation of U Ko Ko Thein made one of football associations, was con- the opening remarks at online ducting an online refereeing course. course 2020 from 4 to 8 July. A total of 35 persons under On 4 July, FIFA instructor the Myanmar Football Feder- Mr Mohamad Rodzali Yacob ation (MFF) -- referee instruc- (FIFA Refereeing Develop- tors, two referees’ supervisors, ment Officer), Singaporean 20 male referees, and ten fe- Mr John Chia Eng Wah, and male referees -- joined the ref- Malaysian Widiya Habibah ereeing course.— Kyaw Khin

Gabriel Martinelli signs new long-term contract with Arsenal

LONDON — Gabriel Martinelli “I am very happy that Gabi has signed a new long-term con- has signed a new contract with tract with Arsenal. us. He is a very talented young The 19-year-old Brazilian player and he has impressed us Storm in Belgrade: pictured with . (AFP PHOTO/ANDREJ ISAKOVIC) forward put pen to paper on his with his performances, attitude new deal exactly one year after and work-rate,” said Mikel Ar- he joined the Gunners. teta, Head coach in an official VIENNA — World number defended Djokovic, telling Aus- The 33-year-old Djokovic The Arsenal youngster has statement. three Dominic Thiem will do- tria’s Presse daily that the world donated more than 40,000 euros scored 10 goals in 26 appearanc- “We are looking forward to nate the prize money that he number one had not broken ($45,000) to the Serbian town of es for the Gunners this season getting him back to full fitness won in Belgrade during the any of Serbia’s and Croatia’s Novi Pazar, badly affected by since joining from Ituano last and to watching his development ill-fated Adria Tour, where No- coronavirus rules and the tour the pandemic to help it fight summer. at our club,” he added. —ANI vak Djokovic and three other had aimed to collect money for a growing outbreak of the dis- participants tested positive charity. ease, Serbian media reported for coronavirus, his father was “Of course the dancing in Wednesday. quoted by Austrian media on the nightclub (during the tour) Thiem has acknowledged Friday. was not ideal, but Djokovic did tennis players at the Adria Thiem took part in the Bel- nothing bad in principle,” he Tour made “a mistake” after grade leg of the exhibition event was quoted as saying. Djokovic, , Bor- organised by Djokovic, where “....a few thousand euros na Coric and all social distancing was minimal (dollars) are collected for a tested positive to COVID-19. and matches were played in clinic treating children with Djokovic and his wife Je- front of thousands of fans, earn- cancer.” lena, who had been self isolat- ing a storm of criticism. He did not say to who ing since returning from the Thiem’s father, Wolfgang, Thiem would donate his prize tour, have now tested negative. Arsenal’s Brazilian striker Gabriel Martinelli. (PHOTO | AFP) who also trains the 26-year-old, money. — AFP Lampard, Ancelotti call for VAR ‘reflection’

LONDON — Frank Lampard VAR at the end of the season cident involving the technology a player at Stamford Bridge, get it closer to where we want called for a “big reflection” on after another controversial in- in the midweek Premier League said the goal should have stood. to get it to.” fixtures. “It was certainly one where Everton boss Carlo Ance- Tottenham were contro- common sense could have been lotti also called for a review of versially denied an equaliser involved but if the rule book the rules. against Sheffield United on states something, then the “It was a really, really com- Thursday when Harry Kane’s handball is given,” he told re- plicated and difficult decision,” goal was chalked off for a du- porters on Friday. he said. bious handball against Lucas “We need a big reflection at “I think the decision they Moura. the end of the season. have made comes from the In a Premier League sea- “VAR has improved us in rules that there are in place son marred by debatable calls, ways but there are ways to im- in this moment and so may- Spurs boss Jose Mourinho, prove it and I think a collective be at the end of this season whose side lost 3-1, said he sit-down at the end of the season we can think if it’s possible to feared for the future of football if with everybody - referees, man- change this type of rule but in the system were not addressed. agers, players, anybody involved this moment it’s like this and Tottenham striker Harry Kane reacts after having a goal disallowed by Chelsea boss Lampard, in football that loves the game we have to respect the rules.” VAR. (AFP/MICHAEL REGAN) who played under Mourinho as can have an input to try and — AFP The Global New Light of Myanmar


INCE I was ten, I have, so far, heard the sound of the recitation of the PaHtan from the one and only monastery of my quarters every year. In that monastery, 3-day non-stop recitation ceremony of Pahtana Pali is By Myat Lay Ayeyar always held in the middle of May. Therefore, I was used to that Pali sound S BA (English) even though I had never seen the Pali text before. When I was fifteen, I could East Yangon University recite some of the text by heart because I intensively listened to that sound of rec- itation. I was very pleasant in my mind whenever the time came to hold PaHtan recitation ceremony. We, Buddhists, all know that PaHtan is a very great sermon which was preached to all spiritual Nats by our Lord Buddha during three-month of Lent in heaven. There may be a question “Why did Lord Buddha preach it in heaven?” _ the reason is that Abidhamma(another name of PaHtan) is so wide, deep and difficult to understand for ordinary people. But, we have been listening to it because of the gratitude of Venerable Sariputra, who was the first Buddha’s two chief male disciples. Gradually, I got an idea to recite by myself, but I had no text in my hand. One day, I saw a group which shared the texts of PaHtan on Facebook and some donors offered the texts in that group. Fortunately, I received these books through post office. PaHtan has texts in five series. The first book has 464 pages, the second 493 pages, the third 605 pages, the fourth 636 pages and the last 442 pages. As the total pages of five books are 2,640, it is impossible to recite at one sitting. Even the monks have to recite it in turn in 3-day or 5-day non- stop recitation ceremony of PaHtan. I decided to start reciting it on my eighteenth birthday. You must not miss to recite it in at the right time every day if you start to pay obeisance to Lord Buddha with PaHtan. Here, I would like to share some effective rules that should be obeyed when you recite PaHtan. Firstly, wash your face, hands and clean your body because no Spiritual Nats come to listen to the sound of PaHtan if your body smells dirty. Secondly, recite it at the right time and do it every day. Thirdly, recite loudly and clearly so that Spiritual Nats could hear the Dhamma sound. The last one is to share your merits with various kinds of Spiritual Nats. To be exact, you do not forget to recite Metta Paritta first because some evil Nats do not want to hear such kind of Dhamma sound and they can be angry with you. At that time, they can get you in trouble with their power if your luck is very low coincidentally. So, you should share your loving-kindness with both good srpritaul nats and the evil ones before you recite PaHtan. As for me, I successfully accomplished my first mission by reciting all pages from the first book to the last book two times. Here, you can ask me the question “ Is reciting Dhamma important?”_ In fact, Dhamma is for practice, not for recitation. But, Recitation Dhamma makes you feel peaceful and pleasure of mind even you cannot practise Dhamma. Therefore, I suggest that you can recite PaHtan to pay obeisance to our Lord Buddha if you want to enjoy peace of mind in your life. 5 JULY 2020 2 NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

By Yar Zar Myint Zan

HIS summer was not enjoyable. It was invisible virus could be found on the body of any ing had been taken the summer when no cuckoos sang, other person, on my hands or yours, on his or her seriously, the world when no.Gum-kino flowers or Cas- clothes, on his or her lips, or in the breath exhaled would not have en- T sia flowers bloomed. The days of our by any other person. It could be hiding anywhere countered a situation like this. In the renowned water festival came to an end dry and in our organs. The food we often eat, the place we present, the world has been flung tasteless. often haunt, the song we often sing, all have been into a situation worse than those of It was in Wuhan, China, during December under a large drape of Death. Factories, workplac- two World Wars. 2019 that the problem started. Dr. Li Wenliang, an es, public transportation, all have got frozen. The The folly of human beings is ophthalmologist, warned that it could be a kind of whole mechanism of the society that had been that they take things seriously when peculiar virus, but his warning was rejected. The running without a break has now stopped. Has the they are in danger. But when things are authorities concerned even threatened his life, and world come to the Doomsday? over, they are once again igno- made him unsay his words.. When the Wuhanites, One of my friends said, “When a disaster rant as ever. It is due to those infected by the virus, fell down on the busy streets strikes, there can take place good values, reflecting who did not take a lesson from one after another, the problem could not be con- the sunny side of the human nature, for some peo- the mistakes that the record cealed any longer. Ironically, Dr. Li had already died ple would even sacrifice their lives and properties” book of history has got thicker of that virus infection. Then, the viruses had gone I agree with him. What is more, when humans and thicker. God forbid it! A at large everywhere in the world. It spread up to meet a kind of disaster or pandemic, when death pandemic might once again 185 nations while The U.S, Italy, Spain, Britain, and is knocking at your door, the meaning of existence break out in the future. Then, Iran suffered a serious set-back. becomes more serious. For even ordinary people, humans will get it over or be Taking measures to cope with the health crisis when death is close at hand, their selfishness and overcome. During the pandem- of those countries, our motherland had stayed safe ego get faded, replaced by sympathy and loving ic, there would be many losses for some time. We did not know when the time kindness. It is the light shining through the dark- of human lives. It is uncertain would come for our turn. Nor did we know how ness, roses among the mud, a water lily amid the for you and me to survive, and when it would enter into our body and blood. fire. but the earth will surely be in Nor did we know when it had already got into our COVID 19 has shaken the earth. Our daily func- existence. The earth will still blood, body, and flesh. tions have stopped. Our lifestyles have changed. be beautiful with trees, birds, Up to the time when Boris Johnson, the Prime How long will this pandemic continue to confine rivers, mountains, ocean, and a Minister of The U.K, and Prince Charles were and threaten us? Therefore, we cannot help think- new blue sky. harmed by the virus, Myanmar had still been in ing to ourselves: “Is the world almost ruined? And What has obsessed my the list of two countries in Asia, that had stayed who will survive?”. mind these days is my worries safe. No sooner did Myanmar confirm its first case In fact, this pandemic disease cannot be both that the new world would be ruled, on the 23rd of March, 2020 than Laos also had a the first and the last for the Mother Earth has once again, by the foolish, greedy, confirmed case on the following day. already gone through many pandemic diseases irresponsible hands. A Myanmar well-known poem composed by such as smallpox, plague, cholera, influenza, AIDS, Poetess Kay Thi Hlaing goes: MERS, SARS, tolling thousands of lives in Asia, Eu- “…In spite of seeing clear water rope, Africa, and I do not dare to drink America. Lest it should contain poison…” If That is right. Our situations are that we do Dr. Li’s not dare to drink clear water; nor do we dare to warn- inhale fresh air; nor do we dare to kiss the fragrance of the flower; though lovers, we do not dare to embrace each other; nor do we dare to do shaking hands with our intimate friends; nor do we dare to open our mouths wide to speak. The 5 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM 3

HERE would be different definitions of success for everyone. Some prefer iden- tifying success with happiness to accept- T ing it through what they have conquered their overall professional goals. To me, success would not be based on how much money I have, how many friends I have al- ready made, how broad my professional and com- municative network is and how I have overcome the obstacles for my accomplishments. Pursuing my further studies for serving my country, on one hand, and on the other hand, fulfilling my profes- sional aspiration in line with the proverb, “The future of the world is in my classroom.”, I regard my success with the success of my pupils. As a prospective teacher with a passion about teaching, sharing what I know with my students, the future leaders, I always feel enthusiastic to get them motivatied for the sake of their life and professional skills so that they could lead themselves towards a better, brighter life. Thus, I give credit to myself as a successful person when I observe that their eyes sparkle with excitement when I explain lectures or share my experiences for the guidance of their life skills. At such times, I feel peaceful and blissful over what I have performed. At present, while making efforts, I have been upgrading my academic knowledge so that I could get such fruits of success, which is not necessary for my By Htoo Cin Aung life, and with which, however, I would live my Final Year, English, life. The brighter their eyes, looking athirst for Yangon University of learning, the more efforts I put into my career. Education While explaining every key word of the target lesson interestingly, in the bilingual approach, I continuously make eye-contact with my pupils. When I observe their eyes sparkling with excitement, I feel flattered, saying to myself, “I did it! I am successful today”. I really follow the saying, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”. Each and every word in this truism, being meaningful to me, en- courages me so much: I prepare my lessons before going to classroom so that I would appear to my students as an effective, efficient and guiding teacher in the lively pedagogic atmosphere. As all teachers know, different children have different passions in different subjects. Besides, they are also dynamic in their own philosophy of prosper- ity of life. In fact, they do not want to learn all the subjects prescribed for their respective levels by the Ministry of Education. In fact, some children feel bored during the periods of learning science subjects, while others feel absorbed in lerning English as a foreign language. At such times, I strongly believe that a teacher is responsibile for dealing with the situation by creating an inclusive educational atmosphere for all students. I am convined that language teaching should integrate content with language so as to equip the learners both with the language skills and the knowledge of the current trends. So the day I could create an interesting classroom period and inspire my stu- dents to learn more is my successful day. To sum up, my favourite proverb goes: “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” Accordingly, I am determined to make the most of my life in my humble profes- sion by nurturing the little children of different mindsets like nurturing the plants with different potentials, which would determine my success or measure my success. 5 JULY 2020 5 JULY 2020 4 FEATURE THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR FEATURE 5 Traditional weaving on manageable scale in rural areas sees profits amidst COVID-19

By Thet Oo (Thaton)

YANMAR'S markets and bazaars teem with a remarkable variety of native handicrafts, with stalls “Seik Pa De”: M displaying lacquerware, metalwork, brass and marble sculpture, woodcarvings, em- broidered textiles and more. Another great place to hunt for souvenirs are the shops which line the stairways leading into Buddhist Prayer Beads the many Buddhist pagodas. These specialise in quintessentially religious paraphernalia, from in- cense to mini Buddhas and prayer beads. Most of the hand-made souvenirs and reli- gious paraphernalia come from rural areas of the country. Made of materials as diverse as wood, crystal, and precious gems, and strung together in varying sizes and quantities, The beads themselves can be made from RADITIONAL weaving businesses on a dents are being forced to turn to other sources wood, depending on the focus of the birthday of T manageable scale in Thaphanchaung Vil- for their livelihoods as the businesses have been the prayer. For example, one who born in Monday lage in Minhla Township, Magway Region, have declining. is advised by astrologers to use a string of beads Myan- made from palm wood. mar’s weaving businesses were Prayer beads made of rattan fruits in Thaton, passed down Mon State through gener- Making prayer beads from fruits of rattan ations as family trees is a traditional domestic business for the folk businesses. But people in the Village of Zayitchaung in Thaton now, weaving Township, Mon State. The prayer beads is a single point. businesses are The bead making process begins with collect- symbol of living a virtuous It is strictly considered only surviving ing rattan fruits from nearby regions in the rainy life style. Looking at the his- as Samatha(Concentration) on a manageable season (in May) when the trees produce fruits. tory of Prayer beads –Seik Pu Practice and is not a Vipassa- scale in rural To turn the fruits to beads, they are dried Ta– meaning restraining one’s na practice. areas. under the sun and boiled, and turn them into balls mind using the beads could Prayer beads are a tra- There are with a machine. A maker can produce about 20 achieve concentration of a ditional tool in Buddhism many steps in- garlands of prayer beads with 108 number of balls. and are especially common volved in weav- After stringing the balls, the makers put them among Buddhists. The beads ing, from the on finishing touches. are commonly used to count stage of cotton, The customers are from the souvenir shops the recitation of the Nine to weaving, to from pagodas in other regions. Supreme Qualifications of the producing a va- Buddha. riety of designs. Prayer Beads Construction Buddhist prayer beads Normally, the The standard construction of Buddhist prayer can be as beautiful as they seen profits amidst COVID-19. steps followed are dye, sew, create designs, and bead consists of 108 number of beads with each are powerful. Symbolizing During the pandemic, the clothes and blan- weaving. Nowadays, weavers have become rare, string in like a garland. The material of the bead important Buddhist concepts, kets made of natural products from the village’s and youths are unwilling to take up weaving. may vary according to one’s preference. The num- these beads not only serve a domestic traditional looming businesses have Myanmar’s traditional weaving, from which ber of beads can also vary from 18 to 9. role in rituals, but also feature attracted customers from other regions. many rural people relied upon for their liveli- Some decades back in time, many Buddhist prominently in paintings and The silver lining of the traditional weaving hoods in the past, is facing extinction as it can Monks in Myanmar and lay persons carry their sculptures of Buddhist teach- businesses, which are facing a decline in rural not compete with machine-operated weaving.— “Prayer Beads” called in Burmese “Seik Pa De”– ers and deities. areas, came amidst COVID-19. Ahtet Min Hla IPRD when they are on pilgrimage or visiting monastery. Jobs for weavers drying up and rural resi- (Translated by GNLM) 5 JULY 2020 6 COMICS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR 5 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM 7

By San Shwe Baw

G 412 – one of Assump- refuse to go to Tanyin with me to for such taunts from Thu Ta, show meant for entertaining Thu Ta seemed to be giving tion Uiversity’s language see U Dar Na? I know you don’t and was therefore ready with a people, not a reality show. Now, the matter some thought before classrooms at Suvarnab- have any belief in the afterlife counter punch.“Thu Ta, why do let’s make a compromise. Let’s go he replied, “I don’t actually care Shumi Campus. A lecture at all. But what’s there to lose in people often say ‘Seeing is believ- and see U Dar Na for a session. It if you follow my way of thinking was in progress, the lecturer’s accompanying me to a medium ing?’ I am sure you would come will take only ten minutes or so. or not,” he said at last. “Yet, I am calm and clear voice dominating who is renowned for making to believe in the hereafter if U Dar If you still stick to your original curious to find out how he will in- the whole classroom. contact with the dead?” A voice Na could arrange a brief meeting belief that there is no more life doctrinate me to make me accept In the first stanza, the poet echoed in his ears. with one of your close relatives once we die even after meeting that fallacy”, evidently shifting is telling her loved ones what she The debate on the exist- who has already passed over?” the mental medium U Dar Na, I, his tone from being totally igno- does not want them to do after ence of life after death had been To Thu Ta, no topic could too, will change my way of think- rant to somewhat noncommittal. her death, asking them not to raging between Thu Ta and his be more boring than that of life ing – I mean if you can convince Sensing a change of tone in mark her death in the usual way childhood friend Chit Tin ever after death. However, this time, me otherwise. How’ that?” his friend’s voice, Chit Tin felt that the dead are mourned. Dur- since they left their high school Chit Tin looked determined to that there was no better time ing the second stanza, the poet is in Yangon. So when Thu Ta came discuss it - or rather, to argue than now to press him hard with addressing what she thinks death back to Yangon from Bangkok to about it nonstop throughout the topic and said, “It is nothing will be like for her. She does not spend his October holidays with the holiday period. Unless I shut to do with indoctrination, Boy! want sad songs or flowers at her his mother, Chit Tin - who had this man’s mouth with some It is a matter of providing you grave. She does not want a tree chosen to remain in Yangon to logical explanation, I won’t be planted in her memory and she study dentistry - decided not to able to get any peace, he thought. SEE PAGE-S-8 does not even mind if her loved let the time pass in vain. Inces- “The cliché you’ve just quoted ones forget her. She is saying that santly he kept persuading Thu Ta is questionable, Chit Tin. Once, she doesn't want to be a burden to visit U Dar Na, whose physic we both watched a magic show to those who she would leave, powers he found so overwhelm- together, where the magician cut and wants to let them move on. ing. At the same time, Chit Tin a man into two parts. Remember? All she wants from her loved knew only too well it would take We saw the man’s torso on the ones is ……………..” a gargantuan effort on his part table and the other half on the The students in Ajarn Mark’s to make Thu Ta give the matter floor with our own eyes. Did we English class seemed to be for- even a passing thought. believe then that the magician getting even to breathe, listening “The problem with people really killed the man there?” to his interpretation of Christina here is that they place too much Chit Tin saw the cleverness Georgina Rossetti’s poem ‘Song’. faith on the witch doctors,” in the defense of his friend, but However, the effects of his cap- retorted Thu Ta as always. “ You was not ready to give up yet. tivating words were fading fast are scientific-minded, Chit Tin. “Thu Ta, you’d one day thank me from Thu Ta’s mind as a different How come you, too, seem to be as someone very special for pre- scenario began to unfold inside as superstitious as most other venting you from becoming an his mind. people here? Grow up, Man!” atheist. Remember, what we both “Thu Ta, why do you always Chit Tin was well-prepared watched at that time was a magic 5 JULY 2020 8 NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

FROM PAGE-S-7 and affectionate, could be with the best afterlife heard coming out of U Dar evidence by the most promi- Na’s mouth, but sounding nent medium in our country. nothing like him. Did you read last week’s ‘Pyi “Maung Lay (Little Myanmar Journal’. There brother), can you and Mum was an interview conducted forgive me for what I had by the Journal’s reporter done?” with three well-known Still,Thu Ta said Russian physicists, all of nothing.This was it, he whom agreed that U Dar Na thought:Impersonating was able to prove them life voices must be U Dar Na’s after death very convinc- way of making the gullible ingly. Why don’t you let him believe in the so-called prove it to you as well if you afterlife. With the sky after the rain He always told me lies ‘I'm fine' are such a non-believer? I Then U Dar Na said, in can drive you there in my his own voice,“Your sister The death finally came Just to make us smile own car and you can make has already left this place Even before he was about to die contact with your sister?” because she cannot stay Calling out my dad's name That unexpected men- here long. But she left a And took him without pain He left without saying ‘Bye' tion of his only sister, who message to tell you that had died suddenly a few she had left home secretly months before, was enough to start her life as a nun, Reflecting what he said To a new world unseen to prompt Thu Ta to think knowing that both you and about Chit Tin’s proposal in your mother would not I started calling ‘Dad!’ From the old world he had been a more reasonable manner. allow her to do so. She also In fact, her death had been said that she had explained Though I couldn't get him back Now he has left like a king. shrouded in mystery as no why she had decided to Nor could I stop doing that. one in his family were able be a nun in a letter that to explain why she had she left in a drawer in your By Htet Wai Yan disappeared from home for mother’s bedroom.” Second year English two days before she was At these words, Thu Ta found dead in a car acci- felt a strong shake on his specialization, dent near Mont Popa, over shoulder. EYU 450 kilometers from her And then, abruptly, he hometown Yangon. More was back in his classroom, inexplicable was the fact back at the university that she had died as a nun, far from home, back to not as a laywoman that she discussing the poem with used to be. Yes, what’s there Ajarn Mark. His seatmate to lose in seeing U Dar Na - next to him had poked him the medium Chit Tin almost to get his attention. worships? he reasoned. “Thu Ta, the lecturer They made the trip the was saying, “what do you next day. understand by the last two U Dar Na, as Thu Ta lines of this poem?” observed, was a hermit. He Thu Ta quickly asked Thu Ta for some per- scanned across and down sonal information about his to the bottom of the poem sister, then began speaking and read the lines: ‘Haply I in a loud clear voice, as if to may remember, And haply summon her spirit. may forget.’ “The guardian spirit of His answer, which the Popa cemetery, help me caused some reaction in contact the spirit of the 20- the classroom afterward, year old Pann Taw Win, who came to him without think- was buried in your cemetery ing.. on the eighth of July, 2013.” “Maybe my sister will No sooner were those remember me from her words uttered by the hermit spiritual-world; Maybe not! than another voice – a young woman’s voice - so gentle

Invitation to young writers for Sunday Special The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting submissions of poetry, opinion, articles, essays and short stories from young people for its weekly Sunday Next Generation Platform. Interested candidates can send their work to the Global New Light of Myanmar at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, or by email to [email protected] with the following information: (1) Sector you wish to be included in (poetry, opinion, etc.), (2) Own name and (if different) your penname, (3) Your level of education, (4) Name of your School/College/ University, (5) A written note of declaration that the submitted piece is your original work and has not been submitted to any other news or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color photo of the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card, (8) Contact information (email address, mobile number, etc.).— Editorial Department, The Global New Light of Myanmar