V10 N12 • Apr 26 - May 16 Senior Scope • 204-467-9000 •
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[email protected] V10-N12 Apr 26 -May16/12 of Birds Hill, Middlechurch, Lockport, Selkirk, Lockport, of Birds Hill, Middlechurch, In print, online and by email subscription. Wpg & Rural MB SENIORS PAY NO TAX (mention Senior Scope) Upright Headstones $949.00 For Seniors of All Ages $ (and those who don’t feel like one but are.) Flat Granite Grass Markers 449.00 $ Read Senior Scope online at www.seniorscope.com Cremation Urns 125.00 For advertising call 204-467-9000 SENIOR SCOPE SPOTLIGHT - AB McDONALD Original Jets Captain ulon, Gimli, Winnipeg Beach, Petersfield, Beausejour, Oak Bank, Dugald, Anola, Pine Falls, Victoria Beach, Oak Bank, Dugald, Anola, Pine Falls, Victoria Beausejour, Petersfield, Beach, ulon, Gimli, Winnipeg lso read online at www.seniorscope.com. To receive Senior Scope To lso read online at www.seniorscope.com. vailable in Winnipeg and the rural communities ortage la Prairie, Holland, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Killarney, Neepawa. Brandon. ortage la Prairie, Holland, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Killarney, A A by email, call 204-467-9000 or email
[email protected] Te Ashern, Pinawa, Lac du Bonnet, Woodlands, Stony Mountain, Stonewall, Balmoral, Argyle, Marquette, Warren, St. Anne, Ile des Chenes, Lorette, Niverville, New Bothwell, Pas., Steinbach, Blumenort, St. Adolphe, Roblin, The Starbuck, Elie, St. Francois Xavier, La Salle, Headingley, Roseau River, Baptiste, Morris, Morden, Winkler, St-Jean P is Still a Big Hockey Fan By Scott Taylor t’s springtime in Manitoba and for Ab McDonald, the original I captain of the original Winnipeg Jets that means two things – golf and the Stanley Cup playoffs.