RSS Schema

This document summarizes the schema of the RSS feed generated by AudienceView’s RSS search feed. AudienceView is a highly configurable platform. There are a large number of elements that may contain data that is specific to your instance of the AudienceView application. To make things a easier, the common elements that are most frequently applicable to listings have been identified (if you find yourself using an element that is not marked as common, you might want to look for a common element that contains equivalent information).

Channel Level Elements

Name Format Value Notes title TEXT Channel/Feed Name Configurable in the Registry description TEXT Feed description Configurable in the Registry pubDate DATE date the file was generated ttl NUM time to live, in minutes Configurable in the Registry av-sri:count NUM search result count

Listing Items The following table outlines the various items that are available:

Code Label P Performance/Event B Bundle O Organization M Miscellaneous Item S Stored Value Item G Gift A Article

Performance/Event Options The following table outlines the purchase flow options that can be set against specific performances/events:

Code Label 1 Disable Scalper Prevention 2 Enable 'Pick A Seat' 3 Enable Scanning 4 Enable Add This 5 Enable Reservations 6 Enable Alternative Online Best Available

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Status Codes

Status Code Description C On calendar C* On calendar through a promotion S On sale S* On sale through a promotion R Reloads (stored value items) R* Reloads (stored value items) through a promotion SR On sale and reloads (stored value items) SR* On sale and reloads through a promotion (stored value items)

AudienceView RSS Search Feed Schema AudienceView Ticketing Corporation © 2015. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 6 RSS Schema Item Level Elements Notes:  “Common” column indicates elements most commonly used (marked ‘Yes’)  “Optional” column indicates elements that may be blank (marked “OPT”)

Common Name Format Value Optional Notes title TEXT av-sr:short_description

Yes link URL URL for of the listing Item.

RICH Yes description Text description of the listing Item. TEXT av-sr:id GUID Internal system ID of the listing item

A single letter code identifying the listing av-sr:object_type CODE Refer to Listing Items item type Comma separated text names of av-sr:category CSV TEXT OPT assigned categories Internal system name of the listing Item av-sr:name (not consumer facing) RICH Same as 'description' Yes av-sr:description Text description of the listing Item. TEXT element The consumer facing name or title of the Yes av-sr:short_description TEXT listing Item Yes av-sr:start_date ISO 8601 The start date and time for the listing item av-sr:end_date ISO 8601 The end date and time for the listing item OPT The on-sale date and time for the listing Yes av-sr:on_sale_date ISO 8601 OPT item av-sr:sales_status CODE OPT Refer to Status Codes. Yes av-sr:availability_status CODE OPT Refer to Status Codes. av-sr:availability_num NUM OPT Comma separated text names of av-sr:keywords CSV TEXT OPT assigned keywords An optional link to secondary information Yes av-sr:additional_info URL OPT about the listing items Optional label used for grouping listing av-sr:group TEXT OPT items Yes av-sr:image1 URI Primary image associated with the listing OPT

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Common Name Format Value Optional Notes item Secondary image associated with the av-sr:image2 URI OPT listing item Customizable data field associated with av-sr:data1 TEXT OPT Based on the Listing Items the listing item Customizable data field associated with av-sr:data2 TEXT OPT Based on the Listing Items the listing item Customizable data field associated with av-sr:data3 TEXT OPT Based on the Listing Items the listing item Customizable data field associated with av-sr:data4 TEXT OPT Based on the Listing Items the listing item Customizable data field associated with av-sr:data5 TEXT OPT Based on the Listing Items the listing item Customizable data field associated with av-sr:data6 TEXT OPT Based on the Listing Items the listing item Customizable data field associated with av-sr:data7 TEXT OPT Based on the Listing Items the listing item Customizable data field associated with av-sr:data8 TEXT OPT Based on the Listing Items the listing item av-sr:filter1 TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:filter2 TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:filter3 TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:filter4 TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:filter_parent1 TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:filter_child2 TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:filter_parent2 TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:filter_child1 TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:multifilter1 CSV TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av-sr:multifilter2 CSV TEXT Customizable performance/event filter OPT av- Consumer facing name/title of the event Yes TEXT sr:organization_short_description host (‘Name’ on Event Host Profile) av-sr:sales_type TEXT Primary, Add-On or Upsell OPT Enumerated sales flow options for Refer to Performance/Event av-sr:options CSV NUM OPT performances/event Options. Street address of the performance/event's Yes av-sr:street TEXT OPT location

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Common Name Format Value Optional Notes av-sr:city TEXT City of the performance/event's location OPT Province/state of the performance/event's av-sr:state TEXT OPT location Postal/ZIP code of the av-sr:zip TEXT OPT performance/event's location Country of the performance/event's av-sr:country TEXT OPT location DEC Longitude coordinate of the Yes av-sr:longitude OPT LONG performance/event's location Latitude coordinate of the Yes av-sr:latitude DEC LAT OPT performance/event's location Internal name for performance/event's av-sr:venue_name TEXT OPT location Yes av-sr:venue_description TEXT Text description of venue/location OPT Consumer facing name of Yes av-sr:venue_short_description TEXT performance/event's location Optional label used for grouping av-sr:venue_group TEXT OPT performance/event locations Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data1 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data2 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data3 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data4 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data5 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data6 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data7 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data8 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data9 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location

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Common Name Format Value Optional Notes Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data10 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data11 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Customizable data field associated with av-sr:venue_data12 TEXT OPT the performance/event's location Optional label used for grouping av-sr:series_name TEXT OPT performance/events Minimum price for the performance/event av-sr:min_price NUM OPT based on the model pricing. Maximum price for the performance/event av-sr:max_price NUM OPT based on the model pricing. Internal system ID for upsell articles av-sr:upsell_article_id GUID OPT associated with the listing item. Internal system ID for add-on articles av-sr:addon_article_id GUID OPT associated with the listing item. Consumer facing email address for the av-sr:email STRING event host organization/profile URL to associated with the av-sr:e_address1 STRING OPT organization/profile account associated with the av-sr:e_address2 STRING OPT organization/profile account associated with the av-sr:e_address3 STRING OPT organization/profile Internal system ID of the av-sr:customer_id GUID organization/profile customer av-sr:tracking_code STRING Google Analytics tracking code OPT Twitter hash associated with the av-sr:twitter_search_term OPT performance/event. Event ID for the Facebook event av-sr:external_reference_code OPT associated with the performance/event. Public or private access to the av-sr:access STRING organization/profile av-sr:organization_id GUID Internal system ID of the listing item OPT av-sr:meta_description STRING Meta tags assigned to an article OPT

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