Annual Report 1992
THE EVERTON FOOTBAll CLUB COMPANY LIMITED ~~~~.lAA\~,ES HOLtS! o5oct 1992 " 1 ANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OfACCOUNTS ~~.:t:<-~ ~.~ _=- ........""",, ~ ~ ~ ~,JSE AT MA}~ 1992 0' .i- " • ,.. rJ . sts: f<~ I ,,\~ <-. __ ~ - :~JI!'_' -"-'~ ', __::==,;~_-44=;;;.J .. -.-.__...:....-.L. •. _ ,THE EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE OF MEET1NG NOTICEISHEREBY GIVEN thattheone hundred&thirteenth Directors Annual GeneralMeeting of the Companywill be heldat the Dr.D. M. Marsh, C. halrman offices of The Everton Football Club Company Limited, Sir Desmond H. Pitcher, DeputyChairman Goodlson Park, Liverpool L44EL, on Thursday the 13th Day A. W. Waterworth D.L. of August, 1992, at 6.00 p.rn. to receive and consider the K. M. Tamlin Reportof the Directors, and the Accounts for the Year ended Sir Philip D. CarterC.B.E. 31stMay,1992, toelect Directors, to appoint Auditorsfor the D. A. B.Newton ensuing year, andtofix their remuneration, andtotransact any w. Kenwright otherbusiness which maybetransacted attheAnnua I General Meeting of the Company. TheTransfer Books of theCompanywiU becloseduntil 14th August, 1992. Secretary and RegisteredOffice J. Greenwood, By Order of the Board. Goodison Park, Liverpool L44EL J.GREEN'vVOOD, Secretary, Goodison Park, liverpool L4 4EL, Manager 14thJuly, 1992 H. Kendall Admission on Presentationof Annual Report NoticeisalsogiventhataMemberof theCompany entitled to Bankers attend and vote at the above Annual General Meeting is TSB Bank pte entitled toappoint a proxytoattend andvote Instead ofhim, and that the proxy need not be a memberof the Company. Proxies must be fodged ilt the Regi!ltcred Office of the Company, not Jess than 48 hours before the time of the Auditors Meeting. Rogers, Bowler & Co.
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