

Brodie | 499 pages | 01 Jun 1996 | Random House USA Inc | 9780679730545 | English | New York, United States No Man Knows My History PDF Book

Also interesting was how when Smith couldn't "translate" i. The book is well-researched, although the author herself admits that there exists an abundance of contradictory source material about and the origins of -- an admission which, by its very nature, suggests that she may have been less than objective in deciding which of those sources she herself would use. Regardless, documentation in the early s or so is extremely hard to come by, particularly from rural areas, so summarizing dozens affidavits of eye-witnesses and court testimony and building a case around them doesn't seem imprudent to me. God damn him! His death is a very sad chapter in American history, and that violence bore bad fruit in that it brought forth even more fanaticism. The prose is excellent. If you see a Google Drive link instead of source url, means that the file witch you will get after approval is just a summary of original book or the file has been already removed. Some of the chapters I like best included her documentation of the "Great Revival" and how that influenced Smith as a child; her portrait of the young Joseph Smith is amazingly interesting; and her documentation between the establishment of the temple ritual and Smith's fascination and free masonry. How the first pages of the were stolen by Martin Harris' wife and then challenged to reproduce them from the originals. This hubris, as well as many political missteps, led Smith and his anointed inner circle down paths that outraged the non-Mormons around them. Perhaps it was something of a control thing, to have so many women pin their hopes on being tied to Smith in the hereafter. He never would have been able to pull the same stunts if he were my contemporary. My ancestors fell for the lies of this con man and the consequence This is a very well written, carefully documented book by a well respected professor of history at U. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chapter 13 Smith's vision was very earthly, concerned with matters of physical wives and money, including not really being able to avoid continuing his search for treasure, which the another revelation had promised to lead him to yet failed. Cell Press. Fawn Brodie, whose name was known only vaguely to me, had a gr Under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't have sought out a biography of Joseph Smith, first prophet of the Mormon church and reputed discoverer of the reputed gold tablets from which the Book of Morman supposedly came. Under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't have sought out a biography of Joseph Smith, first prophet of the Mormon church and reputed discoverer of the reputed gold tablets from which the Book of Morman supposedly came. He used this power in some awful ways, but hey, power corrupts, right? I enjoyed comparing them. Fawn Brodie tried to tell it as if she were a disinterested third party, but I could sense quite a bit of derision in her tone in many places. No Man Knows My History Writer

Chapter Epilogue Interesting that many viewed him not as a false, but as a fallen prophet, believing his earlier prophecies even if they rejected things like his eventual views of marriage. This would have gotten 5 stars because of the stunning amount of research included, except she frequently used phrases like, " In reviewing No Man Knows My History , Vardis Fisher himself a prolific novelist—and atheist—who remained unconvinced by Brodie's theory of Smith's motivations incorrectly speculated that Brodie would "turn novelist in her next book. This is also a great read for anyone that loves history and just wants to learn what the Mormon religion is all about. Time and time again, Smith and his followers alienated themselves from the normal people around them to such a degree that they had to move to avoid violence - or in response to it. Any work is in some way a reflection of the author, and in writing this book Brodie convinced me that she was a sensitive, intelligent person possessed with academic integrity. What a coincidence! Smith really must have been quite the leader to again control this mob the group had become and bring them back to peacefulness, more or less. Better parts. However, she does so in a manner that allows the reader the liberty to draw inferences in accordance with their own conscience. I mean she seems to genuinely like him. I have sort of mixed feelings about this book. The book has been awarded with , and many others. That it did not is a testament to Brigham Young, who wrested control of the church after its founder was martyred. I hasten to note at the outset of my review that this book had only a negligible impact on my religious faith and that I disagree with the author's main thesis, which is that Mormonism is essentially the product of Joseph Smith's supposedly feverish and overwrought imagination. The timeline, vignettes, and narrative that appear as common threads in these books all appeared in No Man Knows my History first. Nevertheless, avoidance of thorny issues does not eliminate those areas from historical existence. Apparently recent DNA testing has ruled out almost all of these children of his wives as fathered by Smith, but it is hard to imagine that so many particularly young women didn't have relations with him, especially given the testimony of many, including his own bodyguards. The author did a wonderful job on this biography, and she gave all her references that I will be looking further into. Brodie's research was enlarged and critiqued by other students of Mormonism, most notably Dale L. To then use this access and publish uncomfortable information regarding Joseph Smith justified her excommunication in the eyes of many Mormons. View all 9 comments. No Man Knows My History Reviews

The book has been awarded with , and many others. Related Searches. There was no terror in them, but whether the calmness was from resignation or unconsciousness one cannot know. Return to Book Page. There's hardly a paragraph in the book that, if opened to at random, wouldn't seize the reader's attention, and then hold it. View 2 comments. Chapter 6 Brodie makes a fair case that Joseph Smith may have started out to make money by creating a history of the Indians, but that as his following grew and people started to see visions that he may very well have started to believe that he really was a prophet in a new movement. But that's another story, one which Brodie hints at but does not tell. Chapters 21, 22 The rise of polygamy, or perhaps spiritual marriage. Well, I'm not a scholar on Mormonism, nor a Mormon, so I think my perspective is a little different then the detailed reviews below. In addition, although an apostate Mormon herself, the author does have several good things to say about the church and its lifestyle; for instance, she writes favorably of the emigration system created by Brigham Young, and generally gives Mormons credit for being a decent, clean-living, and civilized people. Speaking for myself, I wish it were not part of our history at all, and I want nothing to do with it, either in this life or the next. . In the supplement it was fascinating to see that many of the characters and events in his book of Mormon parallel his own life and familial relations. Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator. It's always fun to read Fawn M. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. And how he eventually came up with the solution that he was forbidden to re-translate it because the devil would see to it that the stolen version was published in altered form that's logic for ya! Chapter 4 A story I'm familiar with is related in greater detail. Jul 29, Logan rated it it was amazing. Was he a genuine prophet, or a gifted fabulist who became enthralled by the products of his imagination and ended up being martyred for them? Yes, of course. But when he began endangering the lives of his followers and covering up and denying his polygamous marriages I realized how sociopathic he really was. Educate yourself a This is an older book, and still very relevant! Jul 16, Vernon rated it liked it. One of my ggg grandfathers signed the deed of the family farm over to him, and one of my ggg grandmothers hid him in her flour bin to save him from the vengeful mob. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking respite from the endless hero-worshipping propaganda spewed from over the pulpits of the LDS Church, as this biography is of yet the only fair and honest account, showing the tyranny of Joseph equally to the violence and hatred he received from his enemies, that I have ever read.

No Man Knows My History Read Online Finances caused the church to leave Kirtland, and Joseph and the church were constantly in debt. Far too many people spend too much of their time feeling unworthy of such things. So I started by reading some of the reviews here on Goodreads. Some of my take-away points: 1. Amazing book. It is for me a huge stretch to believe that God sanctioned the secrecy, heartache, dishonesty, lying, and weirdness that went on in Nauvoo. Mar 28, Kim rated it really liked it Shelves: library. Any Mormon who doesn't read this book is denying themselves a genuinely balanced view of the founder and founding of their religion. But then, who ever will? It read quickly and fluidly and often I didn't want to put it down. This enabled him to print notes and pay off his debts. For me as a nonbeliever reading this, I thought Brodie seemed surprisingly sympathetic toward Joseph. Lists with This Book. I hope this book is not totally out of favor with believing Latter-day Saints, because Brodie's look at the life and person of Joseph Smith is as good as it gets. Polygamy was seriously messed up, at least the way it was introduced and practiced. Well, I'm not a scholar on Mormonism, nor a Mormon, so I think my perspective is a little different then the detailed reviews below. You want the real skinny? She was the niece of Church President David O. The Lord, therefore, adds to His own revelations whenever he thinks proper. In reviewing No Man Knows My History , Vardis Fisher himself a prolific novelist—and atheist—who remained unconvinced by Brodie's theory of Smith's motivations incorrectly speculated that Brodie would "turn novelist in her next book. Chapter 14 The banking scheme that according to several testimonies, sounds suspiciously like the proof for the : to prove they had lots of silver and were able to print bank notes, Smith made boxed filled with sand and other material, covered with a layer of silver coins to give the impression that there was a large amount of capital in his bank. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Machine Man. Add to this that people theorized and talked about them regularly, and that some including none other than Jonathan Edwards believed some of the Indian languages to be derived from Hebrew, and ALSO the reported discovery of some brass plates detailing the history of this ancient civilization From these, she extracts a life history that has often been distorted by Mormonism's advocates and opponents. This is really all you could ask for in a biography, and it is really deserving of the five stars. I will be to this generation a second Mohammed, whose moddo in treating for peace was 'the Alcoran or the Sword. At that moment the storm clouds parted and the setting June sun blazed full upon the scene. The production of the Book of Mormon is covered, but in my estimation, fails to account for it adequately. But that's another story, one which Brodie hints at but does not tell. I really feel like both authors tried their best to present the facts of Joseph's life and then they both explained them through their own shades of glasses. Most Mormons I've spoken to know very little about the founder of their faith, most of which has been hidden from them by the leaders of the church out of a fear I suspect that the truth would undermine the foundation of their faith. I think the less interesting and likely less historically accurate information comes during her coverage of the Nauvoo fights over polygamy and exocommunication. Very helpful to members of that church who cannot bridge the gap between "True" and "reality". All in all, I found the book fascinating.

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