Enrollment Greatest Since Huge GI Classes After World War II Marketing Club Will Hear WJAR-TV Executive " Station Manager Sludent Body Again Made up of ' Joseph Sinclair and Women From Many Slales, Speaks Tonight Foreign Countries Oil Thursdal. September 25 the; By Santo Sottl1ar. Marketing Association wUl tonduct Wednesday. September S, 1958. saw Bryant Conege In­ itS lirat mf:etinl". Thl. mutin, will its 96th year. Thia year the freshman clasa, which ijC; tbe 6tst guut .peaker me.e.tiDr of 709 members, is the largest since World War n . .. f the ..emester. the class are representatives of 26 etates and 9 foreign Mr. Jo•• SInclair, the peet including CAnada, Costa Rico, El Salvador, France • .peak., it tlte ltadoo mana,.r Mexico. Nicaragua, Venezuela, and the BrlUJlih of WJAR.TV. H1a lOPk will be "'Providence, a TV Teat ell;,.­ i;;di;':'. Campus population now exceed, 1400 studenli Mr, SiDclaJr. a a-rMluate 01 AA· in the day division. Aher-. whirlwind of aplilud~ tests. two weeks the froth are hard al U. MPCUa, bu bun with WJAR dantU, , j,htJC!drc tours. booIc$. aAt~paliqg tnat fiN' ron'" ., linea it wall lint orpnind. H. panlel and rent-ral confusiol1, the new exams. biLl lectured at m&n1 .cboo18 On (rahmen Kttled down ill order to ad· A. were .11 the other pt.1t he-­ tha topic. of TV and it. mfluen.ce VohUIle XX. No. 1 September 25, 1958 jut to their full Khedules. Now after gianing classes, this One hat kca. OD society. RdrNhmcr:tt. will be subject 10 the $tudent moaitors a.1I """'" at the conchaloa of the m.. _ the school vi~antu . Bf:anle " .u.. A program hu betn let up by Zeta ,Sigma lations have been IlriCtly enforotd the executive committee; (or the and vigilante coul. haY«:. doled Ollt st"me;ater ahead. A lection of the Accepted as punirhment to oRenders. Thc frc.1 libruy is now rUl'.lYed Eor Ihe as· men have taken this ,ood nuurelh,.. sociation to file and display new and hut Siturday durin, Ot. ew Sorority Liberation Da, Dance, they wel"l' materiaf In the mat1ceun8" Mid. By Ron.!. Onl'VHOn Field trip' to loul indUStries Ite ano~d, lor the first time. to doll Zeta Sisma Omicron, originally their aps on Bryant'. groua.d.., in Ihe planninK ,llgC. Olle trip will functioninR".' a club of Bryant Col­ ~ 10 Br~y N"ow the frosh rna, appear be a visit the Old TIp leKe, W&I officially 'tceptcd .. " 10 Fall RiftT, ),fan. headed at will wltbout Ihe fear i.tf Bryant . orority at the September rf:pri ..t. All prospective mernben In in· 131h muting of Ihe Greek Letter ,/ted to attend the fillt ,petku Pledge week is doe to .tarl all., Coundl. Alpha Omieron fraternity mid-semester. The frtlhrnan .,01 ",eeung whicb it going to be held hu acttptcd leta Sigma Omicron In the facult) dini"''' room of the begin thell th~ ,rind leadln,. 10 a.o­ as their .i. ter sororiey. ceplante in fraternity and aororlt, new Rdectory. leta Sig hal b«n organizt;d since acuvitiCi. 0110« th. Initiation' In; the lall~r part of 1951. The rirls, oftr, the frosh wiU be. 0 11 the 10., .ane i •• havc worked endles.ly n. (or .hort) road tn th,.... · fi)y,lc4 10 become reeogni.zf:d and accepted degreu. ", the colle Ie. Last semester they pve an Ealter plrly ror the under­ privileged children of St. Joseph's patidl alo"&, with helping Alpha Adopted Son of AOX Qm,UOIt . hb their dMker and "r.~t Invites Brolhers lell. Sipu 0 m'r:roa d.,..." lip lheir OWl! '1iStitUtion and by-iorw l Illd has adopted an OAth which de­ To Visit in Pusan nOla the faithfulness and sincerity By Edlar Can oE the member. of the organization. Alpha Theta Chi's tenln. ann., .. The leaden of Zeta Si&:ma OmI· .,---- sary dal!ce will be held at OlUrrlllii uon att prwdent, Joyce Aldrich; Prep.ariJl, to nellur af'fl 10m. or tu more lbaD 1.'400 atudel)b ill the Bryant CoHe,_ da,. d1vWoo. Howe, 1.56 Aqell Sl~ on Friday, Oe vica-pruJd.nt; Rom Gravuon; I~;::=:-;;;;:-:-____-,; ______~ ____":" __:- ______IlObe, i. llU8. Dancin, will be fr ."" lCIc:retary, N aney Vechl!Moq: and Many Changes on Campus 8-11 p.m. Mruic will be by Lou CW· tr6llautel', Marcia Watt. Other rone, featurins .Sandy Palumbo, " t- membeR tncNde Kam. Csy ... B ryant Student Union Become8 A Reality Bryant Grads alb" E"'Y'~ " ;n,;'od ,. I , Laurel C&rboni. Glenke Oasnon, B, Janltb Brett and Tury Leonard the brot,htn celobrate thb mil ..tOl .. ~ Jaanlne Eberlin,.. and Gail Hoe. 've CPA Bryant CoDe,e baa a n." Student Union bnildlq aDd a lMW Recel the Fraternity's lire. Tbdr adYi80r it M.iu Gtlm~ The Fraternily's bl one, campaTa. Faculty HouK. Alumni H8ll tau DOW be folmd in • new location. and B7 RUM Paooe.. a Thil; u~utu 'the g)rl. I'" mak- ..-as a IUCttU. Complde cnYV"J,e of Gardner- Hall. Sto_U aod Scott KOUNe aU have had their tint ftoon On ]uly U .i. 9rY.11I graduatu Miss r.. , hcshmeu at the orirntati~ wU 1M Burrill N anud bow"." ,.d • reno.... te4,. ______Iwere Mmed cpA',. 11w examination ttlm alon& with .. arioul JIOSs;ble; tnrrcfone, In 1 frcslu.o Placement Director I~~~~'! art This u tbe first unte that. Bryant was administered to over 8.000 candi- worb. The, abo plu- wUhina: a (rtm Ihr Prl!llident: Pmyidt!J11per off.· e al­ •~ , .• Clr."' are sure t"-° enj ..... ,L.;",,,r oew lnK room i, now used {or a new liI·lnl New AdVl"sor Named AU Secretarial Students un. p . ...! en itl. e1t ""au .. !:oUIlIT an.1 _II ,pf. ,,'\ \, '1'" lUI dreuint room, study toon". room. F B Ch"" Friday, Seplember 26-9 a.m. 11'1''' 11 dlXN' c1Ofets, and lile b;i\h.'II. Q ardner Hall'. aRt Roor hu or ryant rlstian • "tl'tP1lUlh't I~ ~t"~. "Tips to Ihe Shorthand WritC1"· .... ldr. Chatln E. Z. IIl.k. IN !ivinc room hu been moved to an Idded briSht It:rborIpMra with "ation CItIII .. ah, , . ASSOCl Shorthand Editor, Greaa: ...... convenient comer. and the.hoase itil Otl" cay Iirin.. room. which l7'I"'"'t luis I ntw cheerful rOOm. iftcludtl COfttemporuy furnitur.. At 'l-n .Exeeutive CommillU Fricby, Oetobcr 17-9 a.m. "'IMI.,. changu have t.kell place at a plano, a La,... finplace., and m~etinr pr~sided over by Mill "Building Speed and Accuracy ill TTPina" .. Dr. AlIn C. UOJ'd, t\oli158 Burrill ~At tr'ttue for the boy.. It has &uilt.in bookeaHa. Tbe~ an Ill.., Barbara Leclerc. Mr•. Nila Nelaon T~writini' Ediror, Grea. Iwnttnl1ed {rom Pa'i U lJallt~ ,....'-- nine. ','lore .,..~ .. s ~II"h tel new oJ ee pina qurten f or the Cedergren was named advitor to U======;=====~ I lit the past, nlet many B'l~nl r:oa. IJft.a "1'''' tbe !tvln, room, klt<:htn. prll and a home, room fol' th. the Bryant Chritliaa Assoclalion. "Ic students Ilid J pl\,,)" .·Iou .04 nortion' of the dinin, room used bou.. mcnher. ' The lint meeling of the B. C. A. Glee Club to Be Directed by Mr. Handy lOuahl part-time ar.d rlln..tim~ ..... , ______-:--:--::-=--:---:--::-==-:- ______, 1will be held September 29 al 7:15 ployment, Shr It&t ttkctJ ana.,. P. Y. All Bryant litudenls are ia- By B. J. Du~uett. DIa. P~':JPlII 11. .., ~se 01 be:.:tlr men and wom"n 01 "tTlAI Col .." CHINO PANTS vited 10 attend. FirlY pr05pcctive memben of Ihe a tnit.·I' I'MIIt!I1a'I.,.. In Offi OR; penOltftflll"d ",ill f1UIllnue. Wuhed. Starched. Ironed" 40t Eaett Glee Oub attended the linl meeting Itt.. H-oJId,t &t ... e(Q\l""ih14 ,hal l..eI in her DO.ltt,. ,u rl.li~.111 Di~ Shirts Expertly Finished J. 5--$1.00 Officer. of the Bryant Chrittian of the semetlf.r heJd Oft September 1$. Hu-.t'. .UI ... It. .".. Irnt dil'ldnr redat. I•• ,." ...ublJCl: 10 ,11 CAMPUS CLEANTNb SPEefALS Anocialion Ire Barbara Leelerr. The president, Paal Dion, intfOoo of tlat ~ C!ti\ fur tlUo ....Utt n"."1 tlW1lbta; W1I~ raq... ' It; 8""2AT8RR. J '\CKETS. PANTS _ 'tSf:.llLA It fI; _ NOW «; Pruidentj Sally Johns. Vice Pres;' ductd loh. Handy, Ihe new fllt1llty ad· LurNDRY - WASHED. DR1ED. FOLDBD - 10; LB. dent; and Gail Frank, Secret.ry. vilM of the Oub. Mr Handy brielly HOPE STREET WEE .. W ASl{~TT Adviaors are Dean Elmer C. WiI- outlliard 1M plans for !Itt 'I:OU1in, year Ttl. e.ltld "U1" ,111 til an autocnc, "'~I ... II1lfd 't.u. ran .....n LAUNDRY ANn CLEANERS bur, Mr. Robert l&eek. },frl. Nila This ,emesler the Glee Qub will be ... lUodin. Inn, The ehitf ,up­ ..IIFlt,. I !b11 IUlfPb,. ~f In., 11 Hop' Stre.t., Providence, R. I. GAaltee 1 .. 6403 Ceder,tett, Rev. William Wilson, dIvide:! into a chofUl, a chorale., and port of a deznonlot, La an educated bullinua thu doesn't m .... "'11', .nd Min Lela Glid4c1l. a If!'lllble QUUtd.. ". aftr'lUal Qtbl. people -LotUI D Cauffman -(H,oan t. Wen,it_ Tn. AaClrWAY Lincoln Woods Scene of Newman Club Outing TQU Party From Where I Sit 17 Ita, 1d~ormidc. ------~-Ilfe£oollile~ Frosh T.t..e Newman \club "0 pen By Robert OurS.iII 8,.11" lKEJDY held on Monday nt,:hl, The brOlhus of Kappa Tau held Il YCJm" reporter would like to tab lbla opportanu, .. .welcom. all bU I S ..',mb" 8 wal a hU(l: I UCCtl ' , tet~uainttd . plrty on S.turd." .-ond"l1leeam.: fan. back for Inothu ytU aftd abo to invite aU tke l lart ,he meetillg, Sylva Btr- ft~ ,tudentl to try tbIir Iudl; It I.lllna blm. bfUr the event hu hap- President, read the opening Seplefttber lS, to w.t the Jt""~ ,..rd) that h' .bould baH p1dr:id the victor the other way. He introduud Ihe officers c:ould ,be familiarised with ,t. ouUt Fw .~e 01 70.1 who may not club, MOIUienor Geoghegan activities on campu' and tlit brow' , Dadcntan4 wbat this 11 IU Ed T,ylor, Viu-Prui- responsib\e Inr thue &(tiv iutS T~ About. Jut year ttu. reportlr Omicron ma, ~vo;: §Ome Cltrisline Pilon, Secretary; party Wh a ,feat .ut'C.(M: 1",1 I t. rued qui .. often Into I .ome- Illenli ill the bal. This will Ray Rdalowi«., Trcalurer. .mat buy cry.tal blU. It Mtm*CI their linl year of competition in we1c:orned the lreahmen and IUDtl of Kappa. Tall had I "', ,_-krf uf ..., Hel'}' tim. hoe pr.a!c.. d that fall ' POrl, Ind they hne told nerYOJle to puticipate in IInlii curfew timc for !I,e , !fit a team or aft Individual would . corner that a nUl1iber of their fUlure Newman Cl ub Icti"ities. .so w,n. that team or individual I :;::~:.:;: have had c OI\~def1lble eX4 Yonsi«nor Geo«hta:m mentioned very Jlrowt 10 ue Ihal large number ..... Mlddml1 pc'll.oned with the in rootball. picnic and welcomed the rrosh, freshmen attended their party aJlIJ ..... of death... . Another myatery learn is Phi said that the Newma~ <;:Iub to their «ltdial ,rm.;I'1 Wt: journeyed to Pltnlan Nu. They wauld nat cam- run I square dance thl! night the second week~"'" ct• • '. ,. l'»II1'Ia, afternoon where themJ.Clvti ill any way. Thanlugi¥1ng vacation. Fur· _ r.. ra li nd Kappa Tau were Ddending championa Tau Ep- detail. will be publltbed Iller. Ilteir vidiroo ,ladialOn aUon bas levera. men retumin&'. On Sunday a picnic W&I held at The new oftken al ]i;3P,* Talt CIt- Ibeir paces.. A, usual, Prank Del R()(;co and Wei Unco~ Wood.. E.,eryone had I M.cmben of the NewlDlll Club ItInd by at annllill plcalc. .t ,.""O"I;,u;;;"',,,;,,,,,;;ce on $eplembu 11 _heu die Wricht lCenU 10 be the Adamot are baU: with the poui_ time Co2.lin, hot do.. and ul1fd far u. !ir, t I""""'. Wooda u Phil MadeI.rot feed. dotb. .. the lUpP1l Tau squ.d. blUt,. that Jimmy Altllo ma,. ba marshmallow•. The boys 11tcse new officers ...--. ~ d! Chuck Klin. hu more arowtd.. While on the aubjeet af au ell.citing game of aohball, William Yusko : Pruident Ind ~( C we thlll last yeaI', Jimmy, tblI reporter would lll:e Kve~ memben wtnt horte-'iF;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;ill lst Vice Prnidtlll : Cba.rlea Klf:.!D t.hc1 ..,. dOl'd tome leaml to concntulate him ea taking the ridin,.. · Ind Via/Pruidenl: Paul PahMt .-.mf' """ .. all. nlC"Jt'i. bit' .tcp thiIt eum.mw," Tba bett Newman Club', first rerul" $ecrcllf)': Robert GlICI'laIn Chi G.nl ..em . I, kave 01 .nrytbina to· 10U and your will be held 011 September Treuu~r: Norman Habib abundance of both apeed and bride, Jlmm7. 3 P. Jl.' Not!ce of Ih, time Bryant College Dining Service H'lItOrian : Mike DUllan 'Dd should be aroQlld In The onl7 prediction tbat we will pl.ce will be on the bulletin Athletie Director : Nick Sanan, double elimination IlIru' for mike II Ihit time it tha.t Tlu boards. Weleome Bryant student&. We are hen to serve you and Chaplain: ROIIIld Kan.iewsld while. have a tougher time .,,~i"i~j, 1 make your stay a pleasant OIle_ Alumni Secl'lury: Tony Sil.,. The Westerly Communun, undefeated alall .thi. yea" m c Mitl'n! Treasurer : Gene Fisher ""defeatcd champ. of the 0_•••• 1.,._ did Ialt year. S on ampU8 Scrgeant-J.t·Anns : Budd, Wriattt "uketball couru, are .oing to die Meo's By JI&II Potvta CAFETERIA HOURS-7 A.M. to 1 :30 P.M. Monday Ihru ,heir hud ~t tht piS.ldn gt,mt undu 1n, SIB Pruidcnl. Donna KI, Ftiday. CommuLers ean pUl'thaee their Jftornlnr breaktast 1.11. They will be ted by the Providt'nce. The Athletic 0.'"''./''''' has b

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