

CONTENTS introduction: questions about fate & destiny

questions about entitlement

the fate & destiny chart question

reasons for choosing archetypes

the stories your archetypes tell

the -long journey Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny introduction: questions about fate & destiny

1. What do you think destiny would be for you?

2. What can you imagine as the difference between your fate and your destiny?

3. If you look at your life, what difference would you see between living it from fate or from destiny?

4. Do you think your destiny is an occupation?

5. Do you think of destiny as a life where your security is increased?

6. Do you think of destiny as a life where your security is not even on the drawing board?

7. What areas of your life have you relinquished control of? List the areas of your life that seem to be fated because you have never taken charge of them or acted on them directly as you really could have…

2 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny questions about entitlement

1. What do you personally feel entitled to? List the things you feel you are entitled to.

2. What in your system makes you think you are entitled to these things and why? As you think about the entitlements you have listed above, what illusions have you been living under that led you to believe in these entitlements and why?

3. How and by whom do you think your perceived entitlements should be fulfilled? As you think about the entitlements you have listed above, write down how and by whom you think these entitlements should be fulfilled.

4. When you do not get your own way, what do you do to punish those around you? When you feel entitled and you do not get your own way, list the ways in which you punish those around you.

5. What perceived entitlement always gets you into trouble and needs to be transformed? Name the key entitlement that always gets you into trouble and that you feel now needs to be transformed.

3 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the fate & destiny chart question

Name the issue that has been fating you and that you are choosing to release. Language a question in a manner that identifies what you want to release and what you want to invoke.

4 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny reasons for choosing kairos archetypes

Write down your impressions in your journal, what that world felt like and what led you to consciously choose your Kairos archetypes. These insights be of great value to you over the course of the next twelve months as you work with your Fate and Destiny Chart.

houses kairos archetype why i chose this archetype


2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

10 11


5 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the stories your chronos archetypes tell

The first step in the interpretation process is to begin by writing an essay on what you tell yourself that is not true, what you know is not true. Go through the chart, one house at a and whichever of your archetypes lands on the Chronos, write a story about a fiction you tell yourself in that portion of your life. By the time you are done, you are going to have twelve chapters - twelve functioning, fictional chapters of the life you live - this is your book. Record the pertinent points of your story for each house. Always keep the issue that has been fating you and that you want to release and what you want to invoke at the forefront of your mind as your write the story for each house. You will constantly refer to this as the next twelve months unfold. house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 1 who am i?

What story do you tell yourself about who you are and how you yourself to the outside world? What stories do you tell yourself about your personality, about your ego and how your ego rules your life? What do you tell yourself that you know at the soul level is not true? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 2 what resources do i have?

What story do you tell yourself about the resources, gifts or talents you have? What stories do you tell yourself about what you have that you can offer the world? What stories do you tell yourself about your values and your relationship to earthly power? What do you tell yourself that you know at the soul level is not true? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

6 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the stories your chronos archetypes tell (cont’d)

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 3 what is this and what does it have to do with me?

What story do you tell yourself about how you interpret the world and how you communicate with those in the world? What fictional / make believe stories do you tell yourself about the choices you make and why you make them? What stories do you tell yourself about your siblings? What do you tell yourself that you know at the soul level is not true? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 4 “am i at home in the world? where is home? what do I need to do to feel at home? what do I need to experience, to feel at home?” What story do you tell yourself about all that represents home to you? What stories do you tell yourself about unfinished business of your childhood that prevents you from establishing a healthy home for yourself as an adult? What fictional stories do you tell yourself about where you come from and where you belong, where you are centered on earth and in yourself? What stories do you tell yourself about your physical tribe and your “soul” tribe? What do you tell yourself that you know at the soul level is not true? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

7 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the stories your chronos archetypes tell (cont’d)

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 5 “hey world, here i am!” this is the house where you offer yourself to the world with open arms, sharing creativity as you give your light to the world. What story do you tell yourself about what you have to offer the world? What stories do you tell yourself about the creative gifts you have to share? What stories do you tell yourself about your ability to fall in love with the world and create out of what you love? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 6 “what is it that needs to be done?” what is it I serve? what does the situation need? What story do you tell yourself about responsibility in terms of what you can do on earth to support your physical survival? What stories do you tell yourself that distract you from your spiritual journey? What stories do you tell yourself relating to health issues or physical ailments? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

8 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the stories your chronos archetypes tell (cont’d)

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 7 “who are thou”—it is about recognizing the other as fully as you recognize yourself. What story do you tell yourself about the one-to-one relationships you form? What do you tell yourself about your interaction with others, about your business and personal partnerships, about marriage? What stories do you tell yourself about your enemies or opponents? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 8 “what have you got that i want, and how can i get it?”

What story do you tell yourself about what you are willing to give away in order to get something you think you need? What stories do you tell yourself about how you give your power away to other people and why you do it? What stories do you tell yourself about your fears, challenges and strengths in dealing with money, inheritance and sexuality? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

9 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the stories your chronos archetypes tell (cont’d)

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 9 “how do i encounter god?” “what do i bring to my relationship with god, with the divine?” “what do i believe is most important?” “what is my highest spiritual and ethical value?”

What story do you tell yourself about spirituality, , travel and wisdom? What stories do you tell yourself about the aspiration towards that which is highest within yourself - whatever you value most highly, including your ethics, morals, , religion or spirituality? What stories do you tell yourself about what leads you to the Divine or to truth, anything that opens your horizons, the super conscious mind, hope, optimism, and success? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 10 “what has authority over my life?”

What stories do you tell yourself about what you give authority to in your life? About the choices that are open to you and the quality of your motivations? About your ability, or lack thereof to be a compassionate, generous person? What stories do you tell yourself about your ability to, or not to, empower another person? What stories do you tell yourself about the highest potential you can strive for with your talent? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of from destiny?

10 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the stories your chronos archetypes tell (cont’d)

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 11 “how do i view the power of my spirit in relation to my place in the world?”

What story do you tell yourself about your hopes, dreams, fantasies, wishes and goals? What stories do you tell yourself about how you view the power of your spirit in relation to the whole of life? About how you see your place in the world and how you measure your sense of power? What stories do you tell yourself about your style in a group? About the need to be special and the ability to contribute to the group? What stories do you tell yourself about what awakening or expansion has come to you through groups? What have you told yourself about humanitarianism and giving? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of destiny?

house # chronos archetype what fictional/make believe stories do you tell yourself? 12 the 12th house is mystery & miracles. this can be a place where you live through suffering and loss, and it can be a place of the greatest miracles. It is a place of fluidity & grace.

What story do you tell yourself about the dreams and illusions you have? About the prisons you create for yourself? What stories do you tell yourself about your belief, or lack thereof in inner guidance and your intuitive abilities? About how you block yourself off from inner guidance, or from tapping into the unconscious? What stories do you tell yourself about the soul? What fiction about yourself do you believe? What about this house has kept you living your life from fate instead of destiny?

11 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the yearlong journey

Devote each month to interpreting one house and its archetypes.

house 1 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 2 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 3 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 4 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

12 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the yearlong journey (cont’d)

house 5 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 6 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 7 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 8 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

13 Your Online Journal: Class Three Fate & Destiny the yearlong journey (cont’d)

house 9 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 10 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 11 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype

house 12 + archetypes chronos archetype kairos archetype cosmic archetype