A Monthly Insight into WELLNESS THERAPY Knot’s News Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

What is Craniosacral Therapy? Craniosacral Therpy, also called CST, or cranial , it is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body and performance.

As decribed by the Cranial Therapy Center, CST theory and practice is based on understanding the continuous subtle movements of the cranial bones, which result in a rhythm of approximately six to twelve cycles per minute. This rhythm is understood as a response to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fluctuations within the spinal cord and brain environment. The subtle movement extends outward to the entire body, in response to the fluid pressure changes around the Central Nervous System.

A therapist gently works with the whole body including the spine and the , and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia. By using the hands as fine discriminating tools, Craniosacral therapists are able to detect disturbances in the cranial sacral rhythm to help them identify areas of dysfunction, such as cranial, sutural, membrane and other soft tissue restrictions in the body. Patients remain clothed during a treatment and treatments generally are one hour long.

A treatment works in the following ways: Craniosacral Therapy is beneficial for all ages and can help: • Helps restore normal cranial mobility; • Recurrent ear infections; • Releases abnormal myofascial restrictions and • Facial asymmetries and eye motor problems; tensions in the body; • Learning disabilities, A.D.D., A.D.H.D, Autism • Releases abnormal restrictions in the head; • Gross and fine motor problems; • Eases restrictions of nerves; • Developmental delays, autism; • Optimizes cerebrospinal fluid movement • Headaches and Migraines through the central nervous system; and • Concussion, and post concussion symptoms; • Helps restore misaligned bones to their proper • Tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo; positions (assisting troubles associated with the • TMJ syndrome; head, back, neck, hips, shoulders, arms, hands, • Stress disorders and insomnia; knees and feet) • PTSD • Muscle and joint pain or injury; • Chronic neck and back pain • Motor coordination Impairments • Many neurological conditions and pain syndromes.

Interested in trying Craniosacral Therapy (CST)? Book an appointment with our Manual Osteopath Jeannie, or Registered Therapist Anik! 905-425-7000

Now Offering & We are now offering Reflexology & Reiki. Both services are offered by Certified Reflexologist and Reiki Practitioner, Sarah Szwakob. Sarah is a certified Reflexologist with the Reflexology Registration Council of Ontario and completed her certification through Centennial College in July 2018. Sarah is also a level II Reiki practitioner and has been certified since April 2017. To see Sarah’s full bio, visit our website –

Reflexology Reiki Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to specific points on the feet Reiki is a holistic, light touch - based healing modality that is the most and hands to influence the health of corresponding parts of the body. Pressure popularized form of energy healing in the world. Reiki is a Japanese technique sensors on the hands and feet connect with all major organs, glands and parts for stress reduction and relaxation that establishes normal energy-flow in the of the body as reflexology techniques stimulate these sensors. Reflexology is a body, enhancing the body’s innate healing ability through accessing the holistic treatment to treat the whole person body, mind and spirit. parasympathetic nervous system. Reiki is given to the client by the placement of the practitioner's hands on the Reflexolgy helps provide relief from: body along the 7 main energy centers or chakras of the body. This allows energy • Migraines and Sinus pain blockages to begin to move more freely and bring balance within. • Muscloskeletal pain • Insomnia Benefits of Reiki • Anxiety/tension/stress • Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, • Depression body and spirit • Hormonal and digestive problems • Increases energy levels • Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension Benefits of Reflexology • Reduces blood pressure • Induces a state of relaxation , balance and harmony which will • It accelerates the bodies’ self-healing abilities encourage the natural ability of the body to heal itself. • Aids in better sleep • Improves Circulation • Helps relieve pain • Helps to balance the nervous system • Supports the immune system • Boost immune system • Reduces stress and induces deep relaxation • Revitalizes energy • Stimulates productivity and creativity • Cleanses body of toxins and impurities

Fall Planting & Raking Safety Tips

Fall is here, which means it is time to rake leaves and turn your garden’s soil to prepare for the cold winter months ahead. Gardening is a great outdoor activity in the spring, summer, and fall. But it’s also a place where injuries can occur. Here are some tips on how to keep your back safe and garden in bloom this fall! 1) Warm-up before you Start: Take a brisk 10-minute walk around the block or on the spot. This improves muscle dynamics to reduce injury and helps prepare the body for the stresses of exercise.

Local Remembrance Day Services 2) Stretch: Following your warm-up, repeat each stretch, 5-times per side for 15-seconds. You Brooklin Legion Memorial want to relax, don’t overextend and take frequent stretch breaks. Friday, November 9th @ 1pm • Sides: extend your right-arm over your head, and bend towards the left from Luther Vipond Memorial Arena your waist. Repeat this stretch with the left side. • Wrists: starting with your arm in front, with your palm facing down, bend your 67 Winchester Road East wrist until your fingers point down. Hold this position with your opposite hand. Repeat for each hand. DON’T WAIT UNTIL DECEMBER! o Hold your arm in front, with your palm in a “STOP” position. Use the BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENTS opposite hand to push your fingers back. Repeat for each hand. o Place hands in a “prayer” position, and press the palms together. NOW BEFORE YOUR BENEFITS RESET! 3) Bend your knees when you lift: Before lifting, position yourself close to the object. Keep your back straight and bend your knees. Use your legs and arms to slowly lift the load. Call us or book online to make your Keep the load close to the body and pivot to turn, don’t twist. appointment today! 4) Take frequent breaks: 905-425-7000 Rest when you’re tired, and take time out for stretching to loosen tense muscles.